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Student assessment – a cautionary tale


作者: M. G. STASKUN,   D.J. DANIELS,  


期刊: Medical Education  (WILEY Available online 1981)
卷期: Volume 15, issue 2  

页码: 122-123




年代: 1981




出版商: Blackwell Publishing Ltd


关键词: *Educational measurement/methods;Chemistry/educ;Education;medical;undergraduate;Education;nursing;baccalaureate;Occupational therapy/educ;Cognition


数据来源: WILEY



SummaryThis paper outlines part of a course evaluation which involves two objective tests based on prestated behavioural objectives. The mid‐year test gave cause for satisfaction but the end‐of‐year examination showed a gross decline. An analysis of cognitive levels was done using Bloom's taxonomy as a basis, and it became apparent that in the end‐of‐year examination students were required to function at considerably higher cognitive levels.Care must obviously be taken in ensuring that examination papers accurately reflect both the skills and the cognitive levels which students are expected


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