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Fluorescence Microscopic Examination of Basidiosporogenesis inBoletus RubinellusandCoprinus Cinereus


作者: YoonKwon S.,   McLaughlinDavid J.,  


期刊: Mycologia  (Taylor Available online 1980)
卷期: Volume 72, issue 6  

页码: 1150-1158




年代: 1980




出版商: Taylor&Francis


数据来源: Taylor



SUMMARYSterigma and basidiospore development inCoprinus cinereusandBoletus rubinellushave been examined using an optical brightener and fluorescence microscopy. Development of the ellipsoid basidiospores ofC. cinereuswas associated with a characteristic series of fluorescence patterns: general, asymmetric, apical and finally subapical fluorescence. In the elongate spores ofB. rubinellus, after the initial asymmetric growth phase, fluorescence was consistently apical until the spore matured. Stage-specific fluorescence patterns were correlated with the changes in spore shape. Their significance is discussed.


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