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The Society of Public Analysts




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1877)
卷期: Volume 2, issue 18  

页码: 93-94




年代: 1877




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE ANALYST. 93 THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS. THE country meeting of this Society was held a t Plymouth, on the 17th August, 1877, as usual, during the meeting of the British Association ; the President, Dr. Duprd, F.R.S, in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The names of the following gentlemen were proposed for election as members, to be balloted for at the next meeting : Louis Siebold, F.C.S., Manchester ; Thomas Jamieson, F.C.S., Aberdeen ; Thomas William Drinkwater, F.R.P.S., Edinburgh ; James John Day, P.C.S., Derby.The President delivered a short address, referring chiefly to the question of copper in preserved peas, and taking exception to the views of Dr. Paul and Mr. Kingzett, the authors of a paper on this subject, read at the Pharmaceutical Conference.Dr. Dupr6 cordially endorsed the opinion expressed in that discussion by Dr. Redwood and others, as to the danger of permitting the sale of peas, coloured with copper, unless specially labelled to that effect, when people who might be foolish enough to desire such an article would purchase it with their eyes opeu. Dr. Muter, in moving a vote of thanks to the President for his address, took occasion to refer to a leading case in connexion with the subject in which he had been engaged, and where the magistrate, having convicted for the presence of copper, the defendant appealed to the sessions ; but, when the appeal came on, withdrew it, on the ground that he could not get sufficient weighty evidence in his favour.3-h.W. Thomaon re3d a paper, (( On the Incongruity of the mode generally adopted94 THE ANALYST. of stating results of milk analyses,” and a discussion ensued iii which lh. Nuter, Mr. Allen, and Dr. Duprh joined. Mr. Allen read a paper “ On the Determination of Alcohol in Ether and chloroform,” and Mr. Jarmain, Mr, Fairley, and Dr. Dupr6 took part in the discussion. Mr. Allen also read a paper ‘‘ On the Detection of Strychnine,” in reference to which a few remarks were made by Mr. Thomson and others. The Secretary read a paper by Dr. Wynter Blyth, ‘( On the Washing of Fats,” the discussion on which was postponed, owing to the author’s absence.


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