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Facilitation through Hyperventilation of Therapeutic Effect of Pyrithioxin in Cerebral Infarct Patients


作者: E. Stoica,   O. Enulescu,   M. Gheorghiu,  


期刊: European Neurology  (Karger Available online 1975)
卷期: Volume 13, issue 4  

页码: 285-303




年代: 1975




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Cerebral infarction;Pyrithioxin;Hyperventilation;Hemiplegia;Motor recovery;Catecholamine release;Blood-brain barrier


数据来源: Karger



A method of treatment consisting in administration of a neurodynamic drug, pyrithioxin, combined with a short period of hyperventilation (HV) was applied in cerebral infarct patients with hemiplegia. The combination was superior to pyrithioxin alone for the motor recovery of these patients. In some cases, it induced immediately a partial restoration of motility. The combination constantly brought about an increase in urinary excretion of norepinephrine and vanilmandelic acid, which failed to occur after pyrithioxin or HV alone. HV appears to facilitate the neural effects of the drug by promoting its transfer into the CNS.


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