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Growth and Phenolics Production of Cell Suspension Culture ofLavandula Vera MM




期刊: Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment  (Taylor Available online 1995)
卷期: Volume 9, issue 4  

页码: 69-71




年代: 1995




出版商: Taylor & Francis


数据来源: Taylor



The time course of growth and changes of phenolics formation were examined in Lavandula vera-MM suspension culture. After 9 days of cultivation, 11 g.dm−3of dry biomass was accumulated, which contained a sufficient amount of phenolic compounds (230 mg. dm−3). The HPLC analysis identified rosmarinic and caffeic acids as main components. To our knowledge this is the first report on cell culture from Lavandula vera producing rosmarinic acid.


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