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Electron Microscopic Observations of IntravitrealCysticercus cellulosae (Taenia solium)


作者: Alan H. Friedman,   Kathryn S. Pokorny,   Joseph Suhan,   Robert Ritch,   Keith M. Zinn,  


期刊: Ophthalmologica  (Karger Available online 1980)
卷期: Volume 180, issue 5  

页码: 267-273




年代: 1980




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Electron microscopy;Intravitreal cysticercus;Taenia solium;Intraocular cysts


数据来源: Karger



Cysticercus cellulosae, the larval stage of Taenia solium, was studied by light and electron microscopy after its removal from the vitreous. The ultrastructure of the larva is highly organized and displays a superficial tegument and deeper parenchyma. The tegument contains a microvillous surface overlying a syncytial cytoplasm. A deeper muscular layer overlies the parenchyma, within which are highly specialized structures important in water balance, flame cells, and acid-neutralizing calcareous corpuscles.


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