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Laboring for RelevanceExpectant and New Fatherhood




期刊: Nursing Research  (OVID Available online 1990)
卷期: Volume 39, issue 1  

页码: 11-16




年代: 1990


出版商: OVID


数据来源: OVID



The purpose of this study was to describe the experience of expectant and new fatherhood. The grounded theory method was used to gather data from 56 expectant and new fathers. Data were analyzed through the technique of constant comparative analysis. The essence of the experience of expectant and new fatherhood is laboring for relevance which consists of: (a) grappling with the reality of the pregnancy and child; (b) struggling for recognition as a parent from mate, coworkers, friends, family, baby, and society; and (c) plugging away at the role-making of involved fatherhood. Men were not recognized as parents but as helpmates or breadwinners which interfered with validation of the reality of the pregnancy or child. They felt excluded from the childbearing experience by their mates, health care providers, and society. Fathers found themselves without models to assist them in taking on the role of active and involved parent. The findings of this study promote greater understanding of the male experience of expectant and new parenthood and may serve as a beginning for the development of interventions to support and promote paternal behavior.


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