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High‐power individually addressable monolithic array of constricted double heterojunction large‐optical‐cavity lasers


作者: D. Botez,   J. C. Connolly,   D. B. Gilbert,   M. G. Harvey,   M. Ettenberg,  


期刊: Applied Physics Letters  (AIP Available online 1982)
卷期: Volume 41, issue 11  

页码: 1040-1042




年代: 1982




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Ten‐unit individually addressable arrays of constricted double heterojunction large‐optical‐cavity (CDH‐LOC) diode lasers have been realized by one‐step liquid phase epitaxy over channeled substrates, and by bonding to ten‐electrode BeO submounts. Maximum overall powers of 320 mW in cw operation and 3.6 W in pulsed operation (100 ns, 1 kHz) have been achieved. Device interspacing is 150 &mgr;m and thermal crosstalk is of little significance. The devices’ lasing thresholds, near‐field patterns, and power capabilities are highly uniform across the array. This is the first report of a monolithic diode laser array capable of use in multichannel optical recording.


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