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Society of Public Analysts




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1882)
卷期: Volume 7, issue 1  

页码: 1-1




年代: 1882




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



T H E A N A L Y S T . JANUARY, 1882. SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS. A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING was held on the 14th December lase at Burlington House ; the President, Mr. Heisch, in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The ballot papers having been opened, it was reported that the following gentlemen had been duly elected :-as a Member, Mr. C. N. Hake, F.I.C., Analytical Chemist, London ; as Associates, Mr. J. P. Laws, Asgistant to Mr. Bernard Dyer, and Mr. F. T. Strutt, Assistant to Dr. Hodgson Ellis, of Toronto. Mr. Hugh UcCallum, Government AnaIyst, Hong Kong, was proposed as a member. The following paper was read and discussed :-‘< Some Observations on the Perman- ganate Teat,” by A. Duprb, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. The paper, On n New Method of Testing for AIum,” announced to be read by Mr. Wynter Blyth, was postponed, owing to the author’s unavoidable absence. The Annual Meeting will be held at Burlington House on Wednesday, the 18th inst., at 5 o’clock, when the ballot for the Officers and Council €or this year mill take place and the usual address by the President will be given. The paper postponed from the last meeting, On a New Method of Testing for Alum,” by A. Wynter Blyth, M.R.C.S., &c., will be read, and the author will give some experimental illustrations ; and a paper ‘‘ On the Manufacture of Chloride of Sulphur,” by J. Carter Bell, F.C.S., will also be read. After the meeting, the Annual Dinner will be held, of which duo notice will be sent to members.


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