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A Report From Washington


作者: Dwight E. Gray,  


期刊: Physics Today  (AIP Available online 1951)
卷期: Volume 4, issue 1  

页码: 28-29




年代: 1951




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Announcement of the formal establishment in the Library of Congress of a Science Division probably caused any scientist who heard or read it to envision a special science room or wing in the Library. This mind's‐eye area undoubtedly was furnished with large reading tables and comfortable chairs, was enclosed by walls hung with the pictures of famous scientists, was surrounded by stacks containing the Library's total collection of scientific books and periodicals, and was entered by an impressive archway labeled Science Division. To indicate why this is not to be the case and to outline something of what is contemplated for this new unit of the Library is the purpose of this account.


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