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Proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1951)
卷期: Volume 76, issue 902  

页码: 249-250




年代: 1951




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



MAY, 195 THE ANALYST Vol. 76, No. 902 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS AND OTHER ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TI-IE seventy-seventh Annual General Meeting of the Society was held at 3.15 p.m. on Friday, March 16th, 1951, in the meeting room of the Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W.l. The Chair was taken by the President, Mr. George Taylor, O.B.E., F.R.I.C. The financial statement for 1950 was presented by the Honorary Treasurer and approved, and the Auditors for 1951 were appointed. The Report of the Council for the year ending March, 1951 (see pp. 251-260), was presented by the Honorary Secretary and adopted. The Scrutineers, Messrs. J. B. Attrill and G. G. Elkington, reported that the following had been elected Officers for the coming year- President- J.R. Nicholls, C.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. Past Presidents serving on the Council-Lewis Eynon, E. B. Hughes, G. W. Monier- Vice-Presidents-R. C. Chirnside, D. C . Garratt and J. G. A. Griffiths. Honorary Treasarer- J. H. Hamence. Honorary Secretary-K. A. Williams. Other Members of Council-The Scrutineers further reported that 406 valid ballot papers had been received and that votes had been cast in the election of Ordinary Members of Council as follows-H. E. Cox, 278; T. McLachlan, 200; A. J. Amos, 189; E. C. Wood, 178; D. C. M. Adamson, 165; G. H. Osborn, 159; C. G. Daubney, 149; C. H. Manley, 143; H. E. Monk, 139; G. E. Forstner, 134; R. H. Jones, 129; C. H. R. Gentry, 118; H. Wright Hodgson, 78; S. G. Burgess, 74; R. F. Milton, 60. The President declared the following to have been elected Ordinary Members of Council for the ensuing two years-€€.E. Cox, T. McLachlan, A. J. Amos, E. C. Wood, D. C. M. Adamson and G. H. Osborn. A. L. Bacharach, H. H. Bagnall, J. Haslam, D. W. Kent-Jones, A. A. Smales and E. Voelcker, having been elected members of the Council in 1950, will, by the Society’s Articles of Association, remain Ordinary Members of the Council for 1951. A. A. D. Comrie (Chairman of the North of England Section), H. C. Moir (Chairman of the Scottish Section), C. L. Wilson (Chairman of the Microchemistry Group), B. S. Cooper (Chairman of the Physical Methods Group) and N. T. Gridgeman (Chairman of the Biological Methods Group) will be ex-oficio members of the Council for 1951. After the business outlined above had been completed, the meeting was opened to visitors, and the retiring President, Mr.George Taylor, O.B.E., F.R.I.C., delivered his Presidential Address (see pp. 260-275). Williams and George Taylor. CHANGE OF EDITORSHIP OF T H E ANALYST CONSEQUENT on the death of Mr. J. H. Lane, announced briefly last month, the Council has appointed Mr. F. L. Okell as Editor of The Analyst. Mr. Okell has been Assistant Editor since 1946, and has been Acting Editor for some months during Mr. Lane’s illness. SECRETARYSHIP OF THE SOCIETY ON her return from her recent illness, Miss D. V. Wilson has been re-appointed Secretary by the Council. 249250 OBITUARY [Vol. 76 NEW MEMBERS Roger Arnot, BSc. (Lond.), A.R.I.C.; David John Barke, BSc. (Lond.), A.R.I.C.; Roland Gordon Booth, BSc., Ph.D.(Reading) ; Leonard Frederick Burroughs, B.Sc. (Reading), A.R.I.C. ; Wilfred Cassidy, B.Sc., A.M.C.T. ; Edward Alfred Clough, B.Sc. (Liv.) ; David Ian Coutts; Edward Druce, M.Sc. (Manc.), A.R.I.C., A.M.C.T.; Joseph Harold Ewence, B.Sc. (Lond.), A.R.I.C. ; Joyce Eleanor Fildes, B.Sc. (Sydney) ; John Crossfield Hawkes, B.Sc. (Wales) ; Alfred Grenville Hill, F.R.I.C.; Brian Hulme; John Herbert Humphrey, B.A., M.D. (Cantab.); Ethel Muriel Johnson, M.Sc. (Manc.), A.R.I.C.; John Kay, BSc. (Manc.), A.M.C.T., F.R.I.C.; James William Lightbown, .M.Sc., Ph.C., Dip.Bact. (Manc.); Barbara Macauley, B.Sc. (Lond.) ; William Whalley Myddleton, D.Sc. (Belfast), F.R.I.C. ; Walter Laing Macdonald Perry, Ch.B., M.D. (St. And.) ; Winifred Marian Phillips, B.Sc.(Lond.) ; Cyril Alfred Shacklady, B.Sc. (Liv.) ; Ronald Sinar, B.Pharm. (Lond.), Ph.C. ; Frederick Randall Smith, BSc., Ph.D. (Edin.), A.R.I.C. ; Pamela Dorothy Waterhouse, B.Sc. (Reading) ; David Watt, Ph.C. (Edin.) ; Anthony Arthur Robinson Wood. DEATH WE regret to record the death of Harri Heap. PHYSICAL METHODS GROUP THE Thirtieth Ordinary Meeting of the Group was held at 5.30 p.m. on Friday, March 9th, 1951, in the Chemistry Lecture Theatre of the University of Leeds. This was a joint meeting with the Infra-red Discussion Group, and was preceded by a visit to the Wool Industries Research Association Laboratories. Mr. B. S. Cooper was in the Chair and about 48 members and visitors were present. The following papers on “Infra-red Spectroscopy” were read and discussed : “The Scope of Infra-red Analysis,” by Dr. N. Sheppard; “The Applications of Infra-red Spectroscopy to the Analysis of Polymer Composition,” by H. A. Willis, BSc. ; “Infra-red Spectrometry in the Petroleum Industry,” by Dr. H. Powell..


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