THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF THE Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists A MOS’i’HLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALY’t‘iCAL CHEMISTRY Pubticatioii Committee : ribairman: J. R, NXCHOLLS, C.B.E., DSC., F.R.I.C. A. I,. BA4CHARACII, M.X., F.K.T.C. R. C. CHIRSSIDE, F.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER, EL%., F.lnst.P. L. EYNON, BA., F.ru.C:. J. HASLAM, n.sc., mu.c. D. C . GARRATT, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. D. W. KEKT-JOXES, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. S. ERNEST MELLIXG, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. lbon. Sectetarp of tbe 5ocletp: K. A. WLLIAIVS, B.Sc., Ph.D.,F.R.I.C., A. Inst. P. G. H. OSBORN, F.R.I.C., X.M.Inst.M.bl. W. H. SIMMONS, BSc., F.R.I.C. A. A. SIvlALES, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. GEORGE TAYLOR, O.B.E., F.R.I.C. L. S. TI-IEOBALD, M.Sc,, A.R.C.S., ERIC VOELCKER, A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. C. WHALLEY, B.Sc., A.R.I.C.E. C. \VOOD, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., G. H. WYATT, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J . E. PAGE, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. bon. areaeurcr of tbe Socfetp: J . H. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. EbftOr: F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. Heefetant Ebltor : J. B. ATTRILL, M.A. VOL. 76 1 9 5 1 PUBLISHED Fop IEIB Sociatv BY 4 , PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND W. HEWER & SONS LTD.THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF THE Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists A MOS’i’HLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALY’t‘iCAL CHEMISTRY Pubticatioii Committee : ribairman: J. R, NXCHOLLS, C.B.E., DSC., F.R.I.C. A. I,. BA4CHARACII, M.X., F.K.T.C. R. C. CHIRSSIDE, F.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER, EL%., F.lnst.P. L. EYNON, BA., F.ru.C:. J. HASLAM, n.sc., mu.c.D. C . GARRATT, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. D. W. KEKT-JOXES, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. S. ERNEST MELLIXG, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. lbon. Sectetarp of tbe 5ocletp: K. A. WLLIAIVS, B.Sc., Ph.D.,F.R.I.C., A. Inst. P. G. H. OSBORN, F.R.I.C., X.M.Inst.M.bl. W. H. SIMMONS, BSc., F.R.I.C. A. A. SIvlALES, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. GEORGE TAYLOR, O.B.E., F.R.I.C. L. S. TI-IEOBALD, M.Sc,, A.R.C.S., ERIC VOELCKER, A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. C. WHALLEY, B.Sc., A.R.I.C. E. C. \VOOD, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., G. H. WYATT, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J . E. PAGE, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. bon. areaeurcr of tbe Socfetp: J . H. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. EbftOr: F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. Heefetant Ebltor : J. B. ATTRILL, M.A. VOL. 76 1 9 5 1 PUBLISHED Fop IEIB Sociatv BY 4 , PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND W.HEWER & SONS LTD.EitWiTA: \.OL 75, 1960: p 663. p. 869, Tablc 11. Under the heading “43timp” -for “C‘alorex (OX 3)’’ reod ‘’Calorcx (ON 13).” In column 5, opposite 405 mp, fur “0.2” rrud “0.1.’: \‘OL 36, 1951: p. 57. p. 287. p. 433. p. 451, I n the Ministry of Food announcement. fop ”preserves” rcad “preservativcs.” The Paper by de tYhalley, Albon and Gross was presented a t the rnecting of the Society on The liote by Rudra and Choudhllry should bear thc date “Augusl, 1950.’’ Eleventh and tenth lines from foot of page; thc equations should read- Wednesday, December 6th, 1950. x = 2-611 T 2.61 I (2E at 325 m p - E at 310nip - E at 340mp). (XX - EL - E,) 1). 7%. Tht. Paper by Lcytnn shonltl bear the date '‘.[tent:, 1!351.” INDEX TO VOLUME 76 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst.A *Ad- H. W., et al. Preservation of amino-acid partition chromatograms, 563. Adams, 8. Organic Reactions. Vol. VI. (Publica- tion received), 678. - - e t al, Organic Reactions. Vds. I to V. (Ke- vicw), 442. ’’Adamson, D. C. Me, e t al. l’recision of :%point correction spectrophotometrjc assay of vitamin A, 445. *Agiza, A. B;, et al. Detmng. amino-acids colori- mctricdly by ninhydrin reaction, 623. *- Titrimetric detmn. of carbon dioxide liberated in ninhydrin reaction with amino-acids, 619. Ahrens, L, H. Spectrocbernical Analysis. (Pub- lication received), 384. “Albon, N., et al. Applications of paper chromato- graphy in sugar and allied industries, 287; Erratum, this Index, p.iii. -. - Values of Uerget divisor ant1 methods for multiple polari.sation, 438. Alexander, A. E. Surface Chemistry. Intro- duction tu Principles and Applications. (Publica- tion received), 6 17. Colloid Clic-misty, Theoretical and Applied. Vol, Vl I . Theory and Methods. Bio- logy and Medicinc, Technological Applications. (I’ublication received), 184;. Six-Memhcrtxi Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds with 1;our Condensed Rings. (Publication received), 569. Men, J. I<cvicw of Uelaby and Gautier’s Analyse Quulitnlive Minc‘rale Ci E’Aide de Stillzrtactions. 2nd Edn., 122. Allport, N. L. Hevicw of Ndionnl Forntzrlnvy. 9th Edn., 32. - Review of SneH and Snell’s Coloriweivic Jlelliods of Analj~sis. 3rd Edn., 183. Ambler, H. &. Appreciation o f 13. S. Evans, lS9- *Angel, W., e t al.Orsat absorption pipette, 379. Apfelbaum, P. M., e t al. Introclriction to Organic 7th Edn. (I’ulilication rcceived), 678. Alexander, J. Allen, C. F, H., e t al. Chcrnistry. “Armstrong, A. W, Errors in weighing caused by electrical charges developed in silica crucibles on heating, 551. “Mhgton, W., e t at. Estmng. mercury on apple peel, 21 1. *Aschaf!enbnrg, R., et uZ. Collaborative study oi freezing-point clepression (Hortvet) of sucrose solutions, 2, Aston, B. C. Obituary, 619. AttriL1, J. B. Review o f Lyle’s Technology for - - Review of Roman’s Scientist’s Ready Reckoaer, Sugar Refi?iery Wurkcrs. 2nd Edn., 440. 247. B *Babb, A. T. S. liaclio-frequency electronic moisture meter, 12. Bacharach, A. L. Review o f Perry’s Reports OH Rialogical Standards.V I . Ijesagn of ‘I‘oxicity T E S I S , 183. Bachmann, W. E., e t al. Organic Reactions. Vols. I to Ir. (Review), 442. “Baarick, F. E., et d. Assossnicnt of adrenu- corticotrophic hormonc activity, 461. Bailey, A. E. Industrial Oil and Fat Products. 2nd 13dn. {Publication rcc~ived), 5.59; (Review) (5’7 7. MeIting and Solidification of Fats. (Review), 676. “Bain, W. A. 1:valuation of drugs in man, with special rcference to antihistaminics, 573. Bakalor, 8. Investigations into Composition of South African Milk. 11. Composition of Milk supplicd by Producers to (:ity Distributive Trade. (‘Publication received), 61 7 . *Ballard, C. W., e t al. Photomctric detmn. O F ~-intloIylbutyric acid, Citi4. Barnford, F. l’oisons, their Jsolation and Identi- fication.3rd Lcdn. Rcuised by C. P. Stewart. (Publication received), 443. Physiology and Pharmacology for Pharmaceutical Students. 3rd Edn. (Z’ubLica- tion received), 740. Barber, H. H.i v IriDIiX TO *Barnee, E. Colour reaction for nitrates and *- Dctning. zinc by (lithizone, 220. *- ef al. Baron, A. 4. Handbuok of Antibiotics. (Publica- tion received), 324; (Hevie\vi, ti74. Bauer, .&, et al. Handbuch clcr Xnalytischen Chernie. I1 'leil. Qualitative Xaclnveisverfah- ren. Band VJllb/3. Eleiiicntc dcr hchten Nebengruppe. l'art I I. I'latinrnctalle. (I'ubliua- tion received), 618. 'I'tanslator of I.Iagg's ?%heovelischen Gvundlagcu der .4 mtlytische,i Chcrnie. (Review), 442. Ihchemistry of Lz Dctmng. fluorine in organic nitrites, 066. Detmng. nitrites, 5'39.Baumann, H. Bayley, C. W. Obituary, 619. Bserstecher, E., jun., et al. *&]cher, R., et 01, *-- Dctnmg. sniall amounts of h)drcquinone, 45. *- 3 :3'- Lhniethyl -naplithidine for detcng. vana- *- Spot teit.; for zinc, 378. Berl, W. 0. PhJGcal Alcthods in Chemical -4nalysis. Y d . 1 I. (Publication rcccived), 324. 'Bigg, P. H., ef a€, 13lectrostat~ chargcs on glass and other vessicls, 719. Billington, E. E. Ollituary. 2.51. Bird, F. C. J. 'Black, R. 1. 1)ctiiing. lead oxide in prcscncc of Icatl, BOX. 'Blake, G. 0. .Apparatus for rcctilied radio- frequency conductimetric aiialysis, 24 1. - Coiiduciimetric Analysis at Radio-frequencv, (Publication recci\wl). 2-47. Blatt, A. H.. e t af. Organic lierrctions. Vols. I to V. (Keview), 442. +Blay, N. J., ef al. I-Sitro-%naphthol as reagent for estinng.cobalt. 115. *Boggust, W. A,, et af. Sitrosofcrricyanide re- action ; tlctcng. prolinc and hydroxyproline. 667. Bolton, M. E. Aids to Pharmaceutical Calculations. (I)uI)lication reccivcd), ii 17. Booth, N. lp. Obituarv. 251. Bottger, W.. e t aZ. cliemischc Xnafyse. Band XXXl 11. Seeucrc massanalytische hietliodcn. 3rd l<dn. (I'ublicatiou rccei\*cd), 739. Bowden, J. S., e t al. I<quilibriuni Data for 'l'in Allays. (RCVICW], 2-45. *Bradshawl Gi., et af. Photometric detmn. of small amounts o f iron in magnesium and magnesium alloys by thioglycollic acid, 713. 'Brealey, L. 1')ctmng. potassium in fertiliscrs by *- et al. 1:lanir photometers: two instruments. 384. Brennecke, E., et al. Chcmischc Analysc. Thnd XXS 11 I. Scuere massanalytisclic hlcthodcn.3rd Edn. (Publication received), 730. Vitamiiis. (l'ublication recci\.cdj, 186. compollnds, 593. dium, 430. Obituary, 679. . fianie pliotonietry, 340. Briggs, R. V. Obituary, 679. Briscoe, H. V. A., ef al. Inorganic Micro-.Ana!ysis. (Publicat ion recvi\-cd), 56 ; (Keview), 383. *Broomfield, W., et al. 13ctmng. potash by nieasur- ing radio-activity, 355, Burger, A. Xlcdicinal ('hemistry. Vol. I . ( h b l i c a - tion rcceived). 5 0 2 ; (I<eview). G 4 . Burn, J. H., ef al. Hiological Standardisation. 2nd Edn. (Hcvicw), lH1. *Bmtall, F. H., et al. Inorganic chromatography on ccllulosc. 1:. ITse of columns of celliilosu in combinatioii xith organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other metals, 39fi. I'stmng. boron in boroniscd metals, 683.*Bugh, 0. H., et al. VOLUME '76 C CWl, T. J. Appointment as Deputy C>tticial Agri. culturat Analyst to County Borough of Carlisle. 54; as Deputy Public Analyst, 180; as Deputy Public Analyst and Deputy Oflcial Agricultural Analyst to County of Durham, 433. DDT and Newer Persistent Insecticides. 2nd Edn. (I<evic.w), 3-22. Appointment as l'ublic Analyst ant1 Oiftciaf Agricuiturai AnaIvst to County Borough of iValsall, 180; as E)iblic Analyst tn Borough of Sutton Coldfield, 244. Charlot, G., et al. MCtliodes d';\nalyse des RGactions en Solution. (Publication received), 324. *Choudhum, L. Y., et ul. Colorimctric detmn. o f aiethioninc, 432; Erratum, 494. 'Chriritian, W. A., et al. Air current method o i moisture detmti., 19. Clark, F. Rcport5 on the Progress of Appliwl Clicniistry.V C J ~ . S X S l V . (Pulhcation rcceivtd), 2-17. *Clasper, M.. et al. Analysis: of Sylon typc 'Clayton, B. E., et al. -1scorbic acid dcplction method for bio-assay of a~lrenocortizotrophi~ hormoric, and use of inhibition of tisbuc w p i r , 474. L)etni.ng. p m a n i u m . I . Titration of niannito-gcrmanic acid, 51 7 ; 1 I . ilbsorytio- ~netric detrnn. with phenyltluorc~rir, 523; 111. L)etrrin. in fluc (:list, coal and cokc, ,j;li). +Coates, Bd. E., et at. Chick assay of vitamin 1312 and animal protcin factor, 146. Colemtp, H. S. Laboratory Design. (YuLlication received), RW. 'Comrie, A., et at. Evaluation of liming material. for agricultural purposes, 58. *Connolly, J. M., et al. Apparatus for distillation on semi-riiicro scale, 22. *-- Apparatus for steam distillation and cxtractioii on scini-niicro scale, 4!G.Conway, E. J. Jlicrotliffusion Analysis and Y o l ~ i - metric Error. (I'ublication reccivcd), 32.1 ; : h i Edn. (Ih.ic1.v.\.), '738. llodcrn Soa~) and IM.(*rgent Tritlustr)-. 1701. 1. Theory anti Practice of Soap 3IakinX:. 3rd Edn. (Publication receivedj, 123; YoL 11. Manufacture of Spccial Soaps and Detergent Compositions. 324. Coomber, H. E., e t a1 Active principles t i i p!.rcthriim flowers. Report of Standing Su t). Committee on Mcthocls of :lnalysis of V c p ~ a ~ c Insecticides on IVorld -wide Collaborativc :InaIysi> of Pyrcthtum Flowers, 1948-4!8, Ssfi. Cope, A. C. Organic Syntheses. \'oI. 30. (hblic.;i- tion recvived), 186. Coppock, J. B. 1. Pharniaceutical Industry i i i Gcrrnany diirinF: thc period 19W-45.(fieview), s(;. *Corbett, J. A. 13stning. oxygcn in titanium I)!. cldorinntion. 652. Cosbie, A. J- C. Obituary, .1?3. Cox, H. E. Obituary. 679. -- Rcvicw of Conway's :~.ltcta~liflusio,r .4 ,zulysis ( l ~ l ( ( Vnlicrrjc tvic ~ ~ Y Y O Y . . - Rcvie\\* of 7'horpe's nicfiotzury of A4ppIi(-,I C:htwristv?*. 4 t h Edn. 1-01. S : I'Iagioclasc-Sodiurll. 245. Creyghton, J. W., et al. Safety in the C I 1 ~ ' n ~ ~ ~ a l Laboratory. (I'ublication rcceivcyl), I Sci. +Cropper, F. R. I'otcntiometric titrntion of fluoriiie with lead, 370. Campbell, G. A,, ef at. Chalmerq F..a. D. polyn1c1 x1. 'Cluley, H., J. Cooke, E. I. 3rd Etln., 7x8.CMlming, W. M., e t al. Systematic Organic Chemistry. Modern Methods of Prcpn. and Estmn, 4th Edn.(Publication received), 56 ; (Review), 442. Cum- A. E., et al. German Hooks on Chemical and Cognate Subjccts, l'ublished 1 !)39-5U. 2nd Edn. (I'u blication rcceivetl), 739. Cnrtman, L. J. Introduction to Scmi-micro Qualita- tive Chemical Analysis. 2nd Edn. (l<eview), 184. *Cuthbertson, W. F.. J., et al. Assay of vitamiti HI2, I1 I. hlicrobiological cstnin. with Lactolracil1rt.s Zaclis Uorncr by plate method, 133; V. Sub- stances that interfere with response of Eschcvichici coli mutant to vitamin B,,, 540. D Dalley, R. A. Appointment as 1)epul.y l'ublic Analyst to County Borough of Wakcticld, 384. Davies, D. R. A. Appointment as klditional I'ublic Analyst to (:cjunty o f Kirkcudbright, 5-1. Deitz, V. R. Standard tests for perforinance of boncchar and clecolorising carbons, 133. Delabg, R., et al.rlnalyse Qualitative hIin6ralc ri 1'Aicle de Stillir6actions. 2nd Edn. (Review), 122. Dembrey, 1. -4ppointnicnt as Joint Public Analyst to County of Gloucestershre, 615. - .Appointment as Public Anatyst t o County Borough of Hristol and lkpiity Official Xgri- cultural Analyst to County of Glouccster, 7.75, *Deshmukh, G. S. Estning. phosplioriis by ceric sulphatc, tiO4. de WWey, H. C. 5. Colorimetry, nephelometr-y , refkctometry and fluorescence in sugar industry, 438. - . liefractometric solids of sugar syrups containing invert sugar3 436. - - - Speciiications arid tolerances for piire sugar products, 43'7. - Tcsting iilnlasscs iind siigar syrups, 435. 1)etiring. ash contcnt of sugar products, 434. et at. i1l)plications of paper cliromato~rapliy in sug;tr and allictl industries, 337 ; l h a t u m , this Intlcx, p.iij. Values o f (Ierget divisor arid methods for niii 1 ti ple polarisa t ion, 438. Dickinson, D. Chemical Analysis of Watcrs, Boiler- and Feed-Waters, Scwagc anti Effluents. 2nd Kdn. (I'ublication reccivcd), 324. 13entlcy and Driver's Textbook of Pharniaccutical Clicrnistry. 5th L h i . (Publica- tion rcceii.eO), 324. "Dwger, F. P., et af. hlicro-estmn. of iron with tri~~Iic?n~l~iietIlylarsoniurn thiocyanatc:, 5-48. * -- Alicro. estmn. of osmium in organic ccmipoiinds. 104. Dyson, G. M. Short Guidc t o (:hemica1 Literature. jPublication received), 559. Driver, J. E. E Eakin, R. E., et al. Riochcrnistry of T3 Vitamins. (Publication received), 186. Eastman, E. D., e t al.i'hysical Chemistry. (He- view), 1 H 1 . Einsporn, E. Standardisation of quartz control plates, 4 3 t i . ElderAeId, -, R. C. Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. 1. 1 hree-, I:our-, Five- and Six-Jlcniberetl MOIIO- cyclic Compounds containing Onc 0, S and S Atom. (Publication rcccivcd), 56; 1-01. I I. h-ivc*- a n d Six-blemhered Polycyclic Compounds containing One 0 or S .Atom. [Publication rctccivcd), 443. Ellip, B. A. Review of Organic Syyliihcscs. Vols. 27, 28 and 29, 5.5. *Elvidge, W. F., e t d. Precision of S-poiat correction sl)ectrophutomctric assay of vitamin A, 445. *Emery, W. B., et at. Assay of vitamin Elf. 1V. Nicrobnological estmn. with Laclobacillus lcick- munit22 313 by turbidinietric procedure, 141. Etheridge, A. T. E v m , B. S. Appreciation.Ambler, 189; Obitu- ary, 1, 251; Obituary. Evers, N. Heview of Burger's Alcdicirral Clicmistvy, Vol. I, 674. Eynon, L. e t al. Prcpng. stable solution of invert sugar, .- Spcci tications and tolerances for pure sugar Obituary of B. S . Evans, 188. Etheridge, 188. Obituary of J. li. I,ano, 250. -136. products 437. F Fairbrother, T. H. Obituary, 5131; Obituary. Ken t-J ones, 680. Fajam, K., e t al, Cliemischc Xnalysc. Sand XXXI LI. Xcucrc niassanalytiscbe Methodcu. 3rd Edn. (Publication reccived), 739. Farris, E. J. Care and I3rceding of Laboraton- -Animals. (Publication reccived), 559. Fawcett, A. J. Electric Eyes. (Publication rc- Fearnside, K., ef al. Applied Atomic Energy. (Publication received), 678. *Fearon, W. It., et al. Nitrosoferricyanide reaction ; detcng.prolinc and Iiydroxyyrolinc, 667. FieUer, E. C, Problem of combining results oi intlcpendcnt assays. Discussion, 376. Fieser, L. F., et al. Organic Reactions. Vols. 1 to 1'. (lCt:view), 442. --- 'l'estbook of Organic Chemistry. (l'ublication reccivetl), 247. Fieser, M., et at, l'exttmk of Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 247. *We, J. G. Detmng. snialt cluantitics of copp;. in iron, 731. *Fill, 1. A., et al. Thcrniostatically-controlletl he.ating block for sealed-tube reactions, 4!37. Finar, I. It. Organic Chcmistry. (Publication rcccived), 32-4. b e y , D. J., et. al. Biological Standardisation. 2nd Etln. (Keview), 1 H J . FIeck, H. R. Plastics, Scicntific and Technological. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 384. "Folkard, A. R., e t al. Dctmng. nitrites, 59!).'Foster, G. E. Dctrnng. volutnc of injection in containers, 240. Fresenias, W., e t al. Handbuch dcr Analytischeri C,hc rtiic. Elementc der Sietxn ten I.Iaii ptgru ppc. Tcii 1 I I, nrtnd VI 1 Aa. (l'ublication reccivcd) , S f i ; 'l'eil 11. (,)ualitstive Sachwcisverfahrun. Hand VllIbp. 1Clernentc ckr Achten Seben- gruppc. Part 11. J'latinmetallc. (Publication received), 6 18. Frith, E. M., et al. I.incar Polymers. (Pub1icatio:r receivetl), 443 ; (I<cvjew), 675, *ma, C. F. EX., et al. Detmng. moisture in tobacco, 25. Furman, N. H., et al. Chcniische Analyse. Banti SXSTI I . Seucre massanalytische 3lctliodcn. 3rd FAn. (Publication received), 739. *FITneGs, W. Automatic cletizin. o f rntc of rncrcur!. flow Irom dropping electroclc, 118. ceived) , 324.vi IXDEX.1 0 VULUhll' 78 0 Gallair, F. Cliimic Minerale Th&xique et ExpCri- inentale (Chimie Ekctronique) . (Publication re- ceived), 324. "Oardner, E. Pfiotornetric detmn. of sniall amounts of titanium with 8-hydroxyquinoLne, 486. Giardner, W. Textile Laboratory Manual. 2nd Edn. (Publication receivcd) , 740- m a t t , D. C. lievicw of I'harninceutical Indttslry irr Germntiy during the period 1939-45, 5ti. Gauguin, R., e t al. M6thoda d'Analyse cles tikacticins en Solution. {l-'ublicction received), 3 % . Qautier, J. A., e t al. Analysc Qualitative Mint'rale A I'.4ide tie Stillirhctions. 2nd Edn. (Review), 128. Gaydon, A. G., et af. ldcntikation of Molecular Spcctra. 2nd Edn. (Review), 411. *:(+son, N. A., e t af, Micro-cstmn. o f , iron with tri~)licn).lniethyl~irsonium thiocyanate, 548.' ' . -- Micro - estnin. o f osmiiim in organic compounds, 104. "Glover, J. H., e t al, Dctmng. alcohol. ethcr and water in ternary mixtures, 636. * I h y p i n g clcctrodc system, 380. - I - I'olarographic, detmn. of ;iiuminium, zinc and tin in water, 706. Goodwin, L. G., e t . ai. 13iological SLindarclisation. 2nd Edn. (lieview), 181. &ant, J. Quantitative Organic 1Mici.o - analysis based on Methods of Fritz Pregl. 5th English Edn. (Publication received), 443. "Grant, P. E,, e t a2. Modified Milton's method for cstmng. total avaiiable chiorinc in water, 492. (treenfield, L. T., e t al. Equilibrium Data for Tin hlloys. (Review), 24,s. @reeves, W. F. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst and lkputy Oflicial Agricultural Analyst to County Ihorough of Ipswich, 118.Gregg, 8. J. Surface Chemistry of Solids. (Z'ublia- tion received], 618. Oridgeman, N, T. Graphical calculation of crrors of biological assays with graded responses. Uiscussion, 376. *- Spectrophotomctric assay of vitamin A by geomctric correction o f absorption curves, 449; Erraturn, 725. + et a€. Precision of %point correction spcctro- photometric assay of vitamin A, 445. GriBtha, J. (3. A. Ihxiew of Eastman antl Hollefson's Yhysicul Chemistry, 181. "Griflths, J. M., et al. Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. IV. Dctmng. inorganic compounds by papcr-strip separation and polarography . 388. lletmng. hydrogen-ion concentration o f sugar factory ptducts. 438. Applications of paper chromatography in sugar and i~llicd industries, 287 ; Erratum, this Ir,dcx, p.iii. Groves, A. W. Silicata Analysis. 2nd Edn. (I'ubli- cation reccivcd), 50". Gyorgg, P. Vitamiq Methods. Vol. I i . (l'uidica- tion received), ti', 4. Gross* D, * -- et al. H %adfield, I. H., et al. Electrostiitic ciurgcs o n glass antl otlwr vessels, 729. Hagg, G. L>ic T1ic:oretiscllcn (.hmdlagen dcr Analytischcn Chcmict. Tmnslatrd by H-. Hau nian n. (Review), 442. Haler, D. Aids to Clinical Pathology. 2nd 1:dn. (Publication I-eccivcdf , 384. * W e d o n , I.. D. K., et al. Xsscssmcnt of adreno- 'JHalkerston, J. 1. M., e t al. Assessment o f adreno Hall, E. M. Obituary, 187, 2.51. 252. Hallas, C. A. Obituary, 251,252. Hamence, J. H. Appointment as Joint I'iiblic Analyst to Ikirough of Chingford, 54; :is Joint Puldic Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst t o County o f Rutland, 320.*. -. Detmng. availability of nitrogen in nitrogenous fcrtiliscrs. I I , 563. *--.. ef at. Milk soIitls in ice-cream : sorting test. 42!). Hamerglag, F. E. 'I'cchnology and ('hemistry of Hamilton, C. S. Organic Synthcscs. Vol. 29. Hanley, J. Obituary, 251, 255". *Hardwick, P. J., ef af. Identifying ambergris, GAL'. Harrsl, J. C. Appointment as L)t.ptj- 3'ublic Analyst to County I3orough of Ihvsbury ant1 1,'itblic ~lnalyst to Borough of Harmgate, 54 as l)cputy Public Analyst to IYcst: Riding 01 S'orkstiire, 735. *Harris, E. D., e t al. Vibrating elcrtrotles i l l ampcmxnetric titrations. 1 . Detmng. thiosul- p h : i t r a , icxlinc: and tervalciit arsenic, 6-47; 11. 13rornomutric detr1111s.o f antimony and arsc:nic. KiO. *-, F.. J., e t al. Xnalysis of commercial sodiirm triptrosphate, 23,. 'Harrkon, E., et al. Assay of vitnniin HI2. V1. Microbiological csttnn. with mutant of Eschevichirr coli by plate method, 6Ni. *Harrison, G. F., e t d. Chick assay of vitamin B,, and animal protein factor, 146. Harrison, (3. R., ef al. Practical Spectroscopy. (1Ccvicw). 500. *Harrison, J. 8. PvIicrobiological assay of growth factors itfier separation by papcr chromato Hsrrow,. B., e t at, lntroductian to Organic 7th Edn. (Publication rcccived), 67s. *Hart,. G. F. J., ef al. Milk solids in ice-cream : *Hart, H. V. Jxad content o f u-heatcn flour anci '33arvey, H. W. Micro-dctmn. of nitrogen ir1 Hsslam, J. licvicw of Frith and Tuckett's I-inccri- %- e t QZ. Analysis of Kylon type polymers, 33.*-- Dcttrnng. methyl ~-chloro-acrylatc: in atmos Heald, J. A. Obituary, 251. 252. ETeap, H. Obituary, 250. "Heath, P., et af. Wemmings, A. W. "Herbert, V., e t af. Assay of vitamin 13,:. V. Sub. stanccs that interfere with rcspnse o f Esch~richicr roli mutant to vitnmin 540. *Herington, E. F. Q. ciialitativc and quantitative, d o u r reactions of lower homologucs o f ppridin(. serics, 90. Photometric (Ietrnn. of copper in alriminiuln alloys with sodium di eth?.lclithiocarbarna~e, 3 17. cor trcotrophic hormone activity, 445 1 - corticotrophic horirume activity, 46 1. 12lkaloids. (l-'ul)lication rcccivccl) , 3S.I. (Rcvicw) , 65. , graphy, 77. Chemistry. sortmg test, 429. its clctmn., ti92. organic matter without distillation, G7. Polyntevs, 675.plierc, ti%. High-p-essure hydrogcn sulphid(. All-purpose extractor, 1 1 7. gmcrator for microcliemical analysis, .Wi. "Hermon, .S. E., et. at. Heron* N., e t at. Obituary of IV. (1. Williii1ns, 561. Herringshaw, J. F. Re\.it:w of Hiigg's Throvetisrkc~! I- . Rcview of Smith's -4 dvrrm-ed Chemical Cdculn-. G r i ~ n d l ~ g m der A nnljdischcn Chemic, 44%. lit>?? i, 1 81.IN1)E.X '!'O VOLUME 76 vii Heyrovap, J. Congratulations from Society ( J f Riblic Analysts on Sixtieth Uirihtlay, 327. :*Eggs, D. 0.. et al. Istriing. h r o n in boronistxi rnetals, f X 3 . Hildebrand, a. H,, et ~ l . Solubility of Sonclectro- Iytes. 3rd Edn. (Put)lic:;\tion receivcd), 247. '*Hilditch, T. P., ef al. Spcctmgrayhic tletmn. oi linolcic and linolenic acids, H I .Eills, (3. M. Obituary, 251, 252. Hinton, C. L. I'ktmng. hylroxcn-ion conccntratioli o f sugar factory Jx-oducts, 438. :;Hirst, A., e t al. .lpplic;ition of Fischcr reagent tu detmn. of moisture in gases, 10. Hockley, A. R., ef at. lhlogy for PharnraceuticaI Stutlcnts antl Others. 2nd Kdn. (T'ublicatioii reccivedj, 113. -:'Hodgson, H. W., et al. Dttinng. alcohol, cthw antl water i n ternary mixtures, (35. *- -. Orsat absorption pipette, 379. zk . * Yolarographic tlctmn. o f aluminium, zinc antl Hodgson, T. R. Appointment as I'ubIic Analyst Holleman, A. F., e t 01. Lehrbuch der Org;tniselzcn Clicrnie. 27th I 3 i n . (I'iiblication received), f j 1 H. Holness, H. Inorganic Qualitative Analj& : Con- cise Schcmc. (Publication receiv%d), 384. Holt, P. F., et al.Inorganic Micro-Xn:rlvsis. (Puhlication received), 56 ; (Revicw), 383. . F H ~ p k h , E, H., ef at. Precision of :<-point correct ion spectrophotomctric assay of vitamin A, 445. Hopper, 1. V., e t al. Systematic Organic Chemistry. Xcxlern Methods of I?-cpn. and Estinn. 4th Iidn. (Publication receivcd), 56; (Revjcwj, 442. "Howes, H. S. Iktergcnt solution in microscopy, 840. *Halme, A. C., e t al. Detmng. mercury on apple :': . 1)rnpping electrode system, 380. tin in water, 70ti. to 13oroi1gh oi Glossop, 214. peel, 2!11, I Isbell, R. A. C. Review o f Harrison, Lord and I "Jack, K. H. Effusiorncter for measuring gas densities in continuous l h v systems or in closcrl systems, 613. Jacobs, M. B. Chemical Analysis of Food anti I;ocXi Products. 2nd IXn. (I'ublication re- ceived), (38.Jacobson, C. A. J)ncyclopt.dia o f Chemical Rc- actions. Vol. IV. (publication received), 678. J a b , F. W. M. Appointment as Public Analyst to County of West Riding of Yorkshirc, 382. James, G. V. Appointment as I$eputy Ot'ficial Agricultural Analyst to tldministrative County of \Viltshirc, 180; as lAiblic Analyst and Ofl'lcial Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Bath. 320. Jander, G., ot at. Handbiich der Analytischen Chcrnie. Elementc der Siebcntcn Hauptgruppc. Teil 111, Uand VII Aa. (l'ublication received), 56; Teil IT. Qualitative Kachwcisverfahren. Rand 1' 1IIbfl. I<lemente tlcr hchten Kebcn- gruppe. Part 11. I'latinmetallc. (Publication received), ti 1 8. 'Johns, E., e' al. Hspirl tlernn. of sodium and potnssium in rocks antl minerals by flarnc photometry, 4 10.Johnson, A. W., e t al. Acetylcne Indtrstry and .4cctyIcm: Chemistry in Gc:rrnany during 1939-45. M.0.S. Surveys Repc~rt So. 3 0 . (I'ublication received), G I 8. 1 .rmf boui-ow's Practicnl Spxtrc~scofy, 500. "Johnson, E. I.$ ef at. .Approximate particle size *--- 1)ctmng. acidity of milk, 504. Johnson, J. El., ef al. Organic Reactions. Vok. I to V. (Review), 442. '*Johnston, J. P., e t al. Nodilicxtion o f I-llson and Alorgm iricthod of cstmng. glucosaminc, 68. ','Jones, A, Plate assay technique for inositcrl in ycast, 588. *Jones, A. G. I)r:vclopnicnts i n use oi liar[ Fischer rcagcnt, 5. Jones, D. E. Appointment as Public Analyst to Borough o f ?;ca:aih, 54. Jones, E. W., et al. AppliaI Atouiic Energy. (Publication rcceivecl), ti78.Jones, W. E. Appointniont as Ucputy Public Xnslyst to County of LVorccstershirc, 54; as Ikpiity Official Agricultural Analyst, 118; as Ikputy J'ubljc ;\nalyst to City and County Borough of Worcester and Horough of Oldbury ancl as Tluputy Oflicial Agricultiiral Analyst to ('oil ntv hrotigh of Worcester, 180. Methods in Food Analysis Applieci to Plant F>rmlucts. (Pub1ir:ation recciveci), Isti. analysis, ii61. Joslyn, Y. A. K *Kaufman, M., et at. acenaphthylcne, lo!). Keeley, E. C. *Kember, B. F., e t al. gold, 579. Absorptiometric estmn. r)i Obituary, 261, 252. Inorganic chtonistographj on ccllulose. VI. Extraction and detmn. of Kent-Jonea, D. W. Obituary of T. H. Fairbrother, 680. - et al. Practice and Science of Hread-making. 2nd Ecln. (Publication received), 384.'KB, P. R., 4 2 a2. Dctmng. moisture in tobacco, 25. Icing, E. J. Micro-analysis in Medical Bio- chemistry. (Publication received), 247; (Re- view), 677. +King, et al. ;lpprixiniatt: particlc size *- Collaborative study of freezing-point depression *- Dctmng. acidity of milk, 50.1. Kirk, P. L. Quantitative Ijltrarnicroanalysis. (He- vim-), 121. %itchener, J. A+, e t al. Volumetric detmn. of hydrogen sulphide and soliible sulphicles, 609. Knowles, H. I. Evaluation of refining quaiities o! raw cane sugar, 437. Kolthoff, I. M., e t al. 'I'extbook o f Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. Heviserl IXn. (licview) , 440. *KO% S. X,, e2 al. Chick assay of vitamin l?& and animal protein factor, 146. *Koprow&i, W. S. Detning. jelly strength ot' glucs and gelatins by 13ouchcr jelly tester, 732.analysis, 86 1. (Hortvet) of sucrose solutions, 2. L Lane, J. H. 249, "9. - Obituary., 187, 261, 252; Eynon, 250. et al. Preyng. stable solution o f invcrt s:igar, 435. -- SIwcifications and toleranccs for- pure sugar products, 437. h g , R., e t al. C:hemischc .$naly.ie. Banc! XXXl 11. Neuere riiassannlytischc: 3kthoden. 3rd 1Cdn. f Publication received), 739. C'hangc: of Editorship of The Analys,\ ii! INDEX TO VOLUME 76 “Larkin, F. E., e t al. Cup-plate assay o f vitamin B1, using La.cfobacillus lactis Dorner 10697, 160. ‘‘Laws, E. Q., e t at. Identifying ambergris, 062. hwson, G. Obituary, 251, 252. Lees, A. :Ippointmcnt as Deputy I-’ublic Analyst to City of I.ancaster, 433. . *Lees, D. S., ef al. Detrnng. potash by mcasuring radio-activity, 355.“Lees, K. A., et al. Assay of vitamin HI?. IV. Microbiological estrnn. with I.,acf&bacillus leiclr- armtnii 313 hy turbidimetric procedure, 141 ; \‘I. Illicrobio1ogic;tl estmn. with mutant of Eschcrichin coli by platc method. ti%;. bpper, .EL* A. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 7th Edn. (Publication reccived), 247; (Review), 617. ’%ewis, J. A., ef al. Inorganic chromatography of cellulose. IV. Detmng. inorganic compounds by papcr-strip separation and yolarograptiy, 388. Lewis, W. 1. Appointment as Public Analyst and Ilcputy Oificial Agricultural Analyst to County o f Wanvickshire, Deputy Public Analyst and Lkputy Official Agricultural .Analyst to County Borough of Walsall and Deputy Public Analyst to Borough o f Hercford, 382.%&on, L Xmprovd flame photometer, 723; Erraturn, this I I I ~ C X , p. iii. *Libeman, A., e t al. Volumetric detntn. of hydrogen suIphide and solubIe sulphides, ,509. Lickerish, A. 3. C. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of Colchester and I>eputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Parts of Holland, Lincolnshire, 615; as Ileputy Public -1nalyst t o County of P k r b of Holland, Licoln- shire, 735. ’Undsey, A. J., et al. Vibrating dectrodes in ampcrometric titrations. I. Detmng. thiosul- phate, iodine and tcrvalent arsenic, 647; IJ. Hromometric detmns. of antimony and arsenic, 650. ”Lloyd, J. T., e t af. Assay of vitamin HI,. 111. Microbiological estmn. with Laclobacillzis Zactis Dorner by plate method, 133.*Long, J. P. P. Estmng. tantalum in mixtures by neutron activation analysis, 644, Loofbovow. J. R., ef al. Practical Spectroscopy. Lord, R. C., e t 02. Practical Spectroscopy. Lothan, Gc. F. Review of Mellon’s Amdytical -4 bsorptioiz Spccfroscopy, A bsorptimetvy a d Color- melry, 24ti. *Lame, E. J., ef al, Analysis of commercial sodiuni triphosphatc, 230. LaadegArq H. Leaf Analysis. Translated by R . 1,. Mitchell. (Publication rcccivcd). 324. LUptOn, A, W. Aids to Mathematics of I’liarrnacy. Revised as Uolton’s A ids to Pharmacci.tticnZ Culczdatiom. (Publication received), G 17. Lyle, 0. Technology for Sugar Refinery Jf’orkcrs. 2nd Edii. (lievicw), 440. “Lynch, G. R. Identifying /?-p-hydrosy-phenyl- propionic acid in visceral extracts, 6 l ( ~ .Lyne, F. A. Appointment as Public hnalyst to C.ounty Mrough o f Oxford, 118. . ( l ~ e v l ~ w ) , 500. ( l i ~ V i Z W ) , 500. I *McA.Uter, R. A. Semi-quantitative colour re- action for lactic acid, 238. ”McCamley, W., e t al. Detmng. sotlium in aluminium and its alloys by vacuum distillation, 200. McClelIand, J. A. C. Review of Pearce and Gaydoa’s Zrlcnlificntion of Molecular Spctra. 2nd Edn., 441. McIIroy, R. J. Plant Glycosides. (Publication reccived), 678. *Mackereth, F, J. EL Colorimetric routine estrnn. of calcium in natural watcrs, 482. McLachlan, T. Appointmcnt as Additional Public Analyst t o County Borough of Oxford, 118. McRhus, E, S. Obituary, lffi, 251, 253. Maltby, J. 0. b g h a m , 8., e t at. Manley, C. H. Markley, K. 8. Testing molasses and sugar syrups, 435.Biolob?; for Pharmaceutical Students and Other-s. 2nd Edn. {Publication received), 443. Obituary of 1;. I+:. Richardson, 190. Soybeans and Soybean Products. Vul. I. (Publication reccived), 186; ”of. 11. (l’ublicatioti received), 384. ‘Mason, A. C. Photo-electric micro-nephelometcl-. 173. $- fptng. potassium with sodium cobaltinitrirc. 176. ’Wager, A., et. d. Photometric detrnn. oi small amounts of iron in magnesium and magnesium alloys by thioglycollic acid, 715. Meade, G. P. ,\nalysis and evaluation of refined sugars. 438. Yellon, 1. Gc. Analytical Absorption Spectroscopy, (Review), 246. “Miller, 6. A,, e t al. Dctmng. ethylene oside, 226. ”Mills, E. C., e i at. l’hotonictric detmii. of copper in aluminium alloys with sodium dicthyldithio- carbamate, 3 17.*%iIner, G. W. C. Detmng. intliuni in hcryllium compounds, 488. - - e t al. Ilctmng. slurriiniurii in copper-bast. alloys, 421. “Milton, R. F. Forniation of silicomolybdate, 43 1. -- Review o f King’s ~ 1 2 icro-cmcr1ysi.s itt dZcdicai Bioihcmisfvy. 2nd Edn., 677. Mitchell, R. L. lxaf Anall-sis. (I’ublication rc- ceived), 324. Mitchell, W. Review- of West and Campbdl’s D ZIT and Xcwer Prrsistmt Iiascl:ti~-idr~s. 2nd Edn., 392. - et at. Active principlcs of pyrcthrurn flowers. Kcport of Standing Sub-Committee 011 Mcthods o f Xnalysis of Ycgeiable Insecticides on World- wide Collaborative -4nalysis of Pyrethrum I;lowers, *Money, R. W., et at. Air cirrrerit method o i moisturc detmn., 19. *Moore, J. H,, e t al. Detrnng. carbon dioxide- dcrivctl from carbonates in agricultural and biological materials, 300. *Morgan, R.H., e t ~ l . Dctmng. fat in sweetened fo~ds, 1 ti 1. *Morpeth, J. C. Composition or coticentratcd tomato purtics o f non-American. origin, 6 1 I . *Morris, C. J. 0. R. Adrenal ascorbic acid tfeplutivri m t l adrenal repair methods for bio-assay o f atircnoc:orticotro~~hc hormone, 470. *Morris, H. A. L., et at. Modified Milton’s method for cstning. total a\.ailable chlorine in water, 492. Morris, T. N. l’riiiciples of Fruit Preservation : Jam Making. Canning ant1 Drying. 3rd Ecln. t hblication received), 443. Morton, R. A. Tievicw of Cumining, Hopper and Wlieelcr ’s Systenzcriic Orgun ic C h cwisf yy. 4t h Edn., 442. *Mousa, A. A. .k-scnic elcctrotle as pH indicztor. 96. Testing molasses and sugar syrups, 485.A bsorptinietry and Colorinietry. 1948-49, 558,INDEX TO VOLUME 76 ix MWer, 0. H. Poiarograyhic Method of Analysis. 2nd Edn. (I’ublication received), 443; (Kevicw), 616. Xuteham, W. A. Aids to Pharmaceutical Chemistry. (Publication received), 710. Muter, A. H. M. Obituary, 187,281, 253; Obituary. Wootiheatl, 326. N *Nickob, 5, C. Occurrence of 8-p-hydroxy- phenyi-yropionic acid in viscera, 809. *Noakes, F. D. L. Detmng. selenium and tellurium in copper-, 542. “Rorwitz, G. -4nnlysis of manganese bronze, 314. *- Electrolytic cletmn. of large amounts of lead as lead dioxide, 113. *--- Electrolytic separation of copper from arsenic, 236. -Nutten, A. J., ef al. 3 :R’-L)imethslnaphthidine for dctcng. vanadium, 430. *- Spot tcsts for zinc, 378. 0 *Ogston, A.G., ef aZ. Modification of Elson and Morgan mcthod for estmng. glucosamine, 88. Okell, F. L. Change of Editorship of The Analyst, 249, 259. - . Heview o f Greenfield and Howden’s Equilibrium Ilaia for Tin AIloys, 215. -- . lieview of Hopkin and Williams, I,td.’s Organic l?eagen.ts foy Orgmic Analysis. Kevic:n\- o f Offtcial Mefhods of Arzalyszs of Associa- tion o j Official Agviculturnl Chemists. 7th Edn., li17. Apparatus for distillation on semi-micro scale, 52. Apparatus for steam distillation and extraction on semi-micro scale, 495. *Oliver, A, P. Toxicology of anthisan, 730. “Osbom, G. H. Uetmng. zinc oxide in zinc powder, 114. i:- e t al. I<apid dctmn. of sodium and potassium in rocks and minerals by flame photometry, 410. *‘Ovenston, T. C. J., et al.Simple flame photometer for internal-standard operation and notes on new liquid spectrum fitters, 411;. Owens, R., e t al. Acetylene Indiistry and Acety- Ienc (’hciiiisti-y in Germany during 1939-45. U.I.O.S. Surveys Report 90. 30. (Publication received), 0 18. 2nd Edn., 323. “Oldham, G., e t al. P Page, J. E. Review of Miillcr‘s Polarogr@hic 2nd Edn., 6lG. -- lieview of Robinson’s Viiamin B Comfikrx. 558. “Parkes, F. B. BIodified apparatus for detmng. alcohol in blood ant1 urine, 116. Parkes, G. D. hlcllor’s Modern lnorganic Chemistry. 10th Edn. (I’ublication received), 559; (Review), 676. Advanced Treatise un Physical (:hemistry. Vol. 11. I’roperties of Liquids. (Publication received), 559. “Patel. C. B., et aZ: Spectropaphic detmn. of linoleic and linolcnic acids, 81.Payne, G. W. Reduction o f lead error in polarising raw sugars, 439. - Standartl tests for performance of bonechar and dccolorising carbons, 435. Pearce, R. W. B., e t al. Identification of hlolecrilar Spectra. 2nd 1Sdn. (I<cview), 441. Method qf A ~talysis. Partington, J. R. *Pegler, H. F., e2 uZ. Assay of vitamin Bl,. 111. Rlicrobiological estnin. with Lnrtobncillus laclis Dorner by plate method, 1 3 3 ; V. Substances that interfere with response of Eschevichiu coli mutant t o vitamin HI,, 540. Perry, J. W. Scientific Iiussian. (Publication received), 247 ; (Iteview) , 738. Perry, W. L, Bb. i<eports on Biologid Standards. V1. Design of Toxicity Tests. (Review). 183. *Pickford, Y. Hypophyscctomy in p r e p . of mam- mals €or bio-assay of adrenocorticotrophic hormone activity, 681.Pietera, H. A. J., e t at. Safety in the Chemical Laboratory. (Publication received), 186. Powem, H. E. C. Detmng. ash content of sugar products, 434. - Uetmng. hydrogen-ion concentration of sugar factory products. 438. - Specifications for evaluating refining qualities of raw beet sugar, 436. Powney, W. E. F. Obituary, 145. *Presser, R., et al. Chcmical detmn. of magnesium in cast iron, 191. Price, J., et al. Practicc and Science of Bread- making. 2nd Eda. (Publication received), 384. Vritchsrd, H. Microbiological assay of vitamin B,, in analytical and consulting laboratory, 156. *Pmty, F. T. Gi., et al. Ascorbic acid depletion method for bio-assay of adrenocorticotrophic hormone and use o f inhibition o f tissue repair, 474.Q “Quadling, C., ef al. Assay of vitamin h2. V. Substances that interfere with response of Eschcvichin coli mutant to vitamin B,,, 540. R Rae, J. Ethylene and l’ropylene Glycols. (Pub- lication received), fi78. Raghava Rao. See Rao. *R&rick, B., e t al. .jnalysis of commercial Raman, C. V. Sew l’hy-sics. Talks on Aspects of *RBo, Bh. S. V. R., et (11. Estrnn. and separation of *RathemshJmm, E. Colonr test for amphetamine, *Rawings, H. W., e t d. Uctmng. fat in sweetened Bees, W. J. Obituary, 251, 263. *Re@ +M., ef at. Assessment of adrenocortico- trophc hormone activity, 461. Rendle, T. Obituary, 251, 253. Rheinlander, A. H. Reduction of lead error in polarising raw sugars, 439. - Iieport of proceedings of tenth session of Inter- national Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis, 434.Richardson, F. B. Obituary, 879. Richardson, F. W. Obituary, 12ti, 251, 253; Obituary. Manley, J 90. Richter, F., e t al. IA~-bucli der Organischen Clwmie. 25th Etln. (Publication received), 618. *Riley, J, P. Uetmng. acetyl values for use in component fatty acid analyses o f castor oils, 40. *- et aZ. Spectrographic detmn. of linolcic and linolenic acids, 81. *Robinson, A. M., at ai. Sirnplc flame photometer for internal-standard operation and notes on new liquid spectruni filters, 416. sodium triphosphatc, 230. Science. (Publication received), 384. zirconium by fumaric acid, 107. 115. foods, 161.x ISlJEX 10 \‘OLUAlE 76 Robinson, 3’. A. Heview oi I3aron’s Ma-ndbook of . .- Review of Zechmeister’s Propcss zw Chmazuto- -- Vitamin U Cornples.(Publication received), -448 ; (licview), X58. Rollefson, G. K., e t al. Physical Chemistry. (Review), 13 1. Roman, W. Scientist’s Heady Reckoner. (Re- view), 847. et al. Application of Fischer reagent to detmn. o f moisture in gases, 10. *Ross. R. E., e t al. I h n e photometers: two ins t r u ni cn t s, 33 4. *En- 1. N., e f al. Colorimetric detmn. of rnethionine, 1S2 ; Erratum, 4114. Ruthardt, K,, ef a?. Handbuch der Analytischen Chernle. I1 Tell. Qualitative Sachmeisver- lahren. Hand VI 1 Ibp. Elemente dcr Achten Nebengruppe. Part 11. l+tinmctalle. (Pub- lication receive(!), t i 18. *Ryan+ D. E. Colorirnetric dctmn. o f palladium with 2-mcrcapto-4 :5-dinicthylthinzolc, 310. Detcng. palladium, platinum and rhodium with p-nitrosoriiphenylaniine, lfj7, *--- Delmng.small quantities of rhodiuni in presence o f lead and zinc, 731. Bydon, H. N. Review of Ovganic Reactions. Vols. I to v, 442. Bymer, T. E. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames, 118; as Deputy Public Analyst to Rorough of Uarncs, Borough of Mitchatn, Dorough of Surbiton, Urban Ilistrict of Coulsdon and I’urley, Borough of Wimbletfon, Borough of Sutton and Cheam and Urban District of Eshur, 180; as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of Malclcn and Coombe, Borough of Heigate and Urban District of Carshalton, 241; as Deputy Public Analyst to Urban District of Merton and Morden, 320; as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of Guildford. 615. .4ntihzotics, 674. ~ ~ @ h y , 1938-1947, 185.. S *Salt, H. B. Microphotometric detmn.of carboxy- haemoglobin in blood, 344. Sandell, E. B. Chemical Analysis;. Vol. 3. Colori- metric Detmn. of Traces of Metals. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 56. - ef al. Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic hnalysis. Revised Edn. (Rcview), 440. *Savage, D. J. Detmng. hydrogen peroxide in radiation experiments on aqueous soh tions, 224. *Scott, C. G. Detinng. water in opaque petroleum products by Karl Fischer reagcnt, 237. Scott, J. H. FIour MiIling Processes. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 443. Scott, R. L., e t al. Solubility of Nonelectrolytes. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 247. ‘Scott, T. E. L., e t al. Detmng. sodium in alumin- ium antl its alloys by vactiiim distillation, 200. *Sharp, L. K. maw, E. N., ef al. Applicd Atomic Knergy. Shirley, D.A. P r e p . of Organic Intcrnicdiates. Shiv@, W., e t al. Biochemistry of 13 Vitamins. *Short, H. 0. Iletmng. tungsten and molybdenum Shiner, B. L. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 27. Assay of vanillin, 215. (Publication received), fi78. (Puhlication received), fi78. (Publication receivcd), 188. in titanium. 710. (Review), 55. ‘Simpson, K., e i al. Evaluation of liming materials for agricultural purposes, 68. ’%males, A. A. Detning. strontiuni in sea water by combination of flame photometry antl I-adiCJ- chernistry, 348. *Smart, R., e t al. Uetmng. sodium in alurniniuin and its alloys by vacuum distillation, 200. *Smith, A, Y,, e t al. Uetmng. amino-acids colori- metrically by ninhydin reaction, 623. * - - Evaluation of liming materials for agricultural purposes, 58.*- Titrimctric detmn. of carbon dioxide liberatetl in ninhydrin reaction with aniino-acids, 619. smith, Gc. S. Heview of Perry’s Scientzjk Hussiaii, 738. Smith, 5. J. Advanced Chemical Calculations. (Heview), I W . - I ntermcdiate Practical Chemistry. (Publication receivcd), 443. Snell, C. T., e t al. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Heview), 183. Snell, F. D., e t uZ. Colorimetric Methods o f Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Review), 183. Snyder, C. F, Kefractivc indices of solutions of sucrose, dextrose, laevu lose, ra filnose, in vcr t sugar and mixtures, 436. Snyder, H. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 28. (Keview!, 55. Snyder, H. R., e t al. Organic Reactions. Vols. I to V. (Keview), 442. *Soppet, W. W., ef at. Detrnng. methyl a-chloro- acrylate in atmosphere, 628.*Spice, S, ef. at. Photometric detmn. of #l-indtdyl- butync acid, 664. *Sprat& D. A., et al. Volumetric detinu. o f hydrogen sulphide and soluble sulphides, 509. Stamxu, &, ef al. Clieniische Analyse. Band XXXI 1 I. eucre massanalytische Methoden. 3rd Edn. (Publication receivcd), 739. *Stanier, J. E., e t al. M.lodification of Blson and Morgan method for estinng. glucosamine, 88. Stannett, V. C.ellulose Acetate Plastics. (Review), 55. *Stephen, W., L, ef al. Detmng. smal1 amounts of hydroquinone, 46. *-- 3 :8‘-Dimethylnaphthidinc for detcng. vanaiirrni, 430. *-- Spot tests for zinc, 378. Stephens, F. R. *Stevenson, D. G. Stewart, C. P. Obituary, 136, 251, 253. Circulating pump, 669. lCeviser of Barnford’s Poisons, fhpiv Isolation and Ide~rtzficnfion, 3rd Edn.(Publica- tion received), 443. *Stock,. J. T., ef al. High-pressure hydrogen siilphude generator for inicrochemical analysis, 4%. *-- - Thermostatically-controlled heating block for scaletl-tube reactions, 107. Stuart, R. G., e t at. Preservation of amino-acid partition chromatograms, 553. Stubbs, J. &., e t al. Obituary of W. C . Wilkiins, 56 1. *Stuckey, B. E., e t al. Cup-plate assay of vitamin 13,, using LactoDac,ilZus lactis Dorner 10697, 150. *-- Precision of 3-point correction spectr~~photc~- metric assay of vitamin A, 446. T *Tatlow, J. C., e t al. lktinng. fluorine in organic compounds, 593. Taylor, GI. Address of retiring President, 26U: *Analytical chemistry in the service of food and agriculture, 263.INDEX TO 1 Taylor, G. Appointment as Joint Public Analyst to borough of Chngforci, 54.- Review of British Standards Institution Yeav- hook, 1951, 736. - Review of Fijty Yews of British Simdavds, 1901-1961. 736. *Taylor, R. J., et al. Precision of 3-point correction spectropliotoinetric assay of vitariiin A, 445. 'Taytor, T. G., e t al. lktmng. carbon dioxide derived from carbonates in agricultural and biological materials, SOU. Theobald, L. 8. hcview of Kolthof'f and Sandell's Textbook of Qttunlitalicc Inorganic Analysis. Revised Edn., 440. - -- Review of I'arkes' Mcllor's .'C.lodern Inorgunic G'hemisfvy. 10th Edn., tj7ti. Thorn, W. H. Obituary, 128, 251, 253. " W e y , J., et al. Detmng. carbon dioxide derived from carbonates in agricultural and biological tnaterials, 300. Tomi$.ek, 0. Chemical Indicators. (€'ublication received), fils."Tootill, J. P. R., e t d. Assay of vitamin B,,. IV. Microbiological estmn. with 14ctclobucilIus bzchnzu~znzz 313 by turbidimetric procedure, 141. "Townend, J., of al. Uetmng. aluminium i n copper-base alloys, 484. Tribley, H. G. Obituary. 251, 253. *!hinder, P. Rapid detmn. of sodium in serum, 596, Tuckett. R. F., et al. Linear Polymers. (Puhlica- tion received), 443; (Review), 675. Turner, F. M. Condensed Cheniical Dictionary. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 66. Turner, M. E. D. Appointment as Ijeputy Ofticial Agricultural Analyst t o County of Hereford, 64; as Additional I'iiblic Analyst to County I-lorough of Gloucester, 382; as Public Analyst and Deputy Official ilgric~~lturaI Analyst to County Borough of Gloucester, ci 15 : as Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Gloucester, 735.W n , F. Metal Spectroscopy. (Publication received), 2 4 i . V Van Eook, A. 1)etmng. viscosity and surface tension of sugar solutions, 439. Van Ligten, J. W. L., e t a2. Kwalitatieve Chemische hnalyse. 3rd I<dn. (l'ublication received), 739. Van Nieuwenburg, C. J., e t al. Kwalitaticve Chemische Analyse. 3rd 13dn. (l'ublication received), 739. *VenkatsFamaniah, M., e t al. Elstmn. and separa- tion of zirconium by fumaric acid, 107. Vernon, J. JktInng. ash content of sugar products, 434. -- Testing molasses and sugar syrups, 43:'. Vhce, S., e t al. German Hooks on Chemical and 2nd Edn. .Issays of adrenocortical hormones on ('ognatc Subjccts, Publishcd 1939-50. (I-'ublication received), 739.r;mall laboratory animals, 478. *.Vogt, 1. W :F Wade, P. Potcntionietric titration of small Walker, G. H. -Appointtnmt as Piiblic hnalyst to amounts of bromides, 608. City of Tmicaster, 433. V'ULUME 76 xi Wallig, T. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 2nd Ldn. (I'ublicatian receivccl), 740. *Warren, L. A., e t al. 1-Kitro-2-naphthol as reagent for estmng. cobalt, 115. *Watson, J. P, Manganese sulphate as catalyst in ccric sulphatc titrations, 177. *Watson, R. S. Conhrmatory test for ethyl alcohol in blood and urine, 552. Weir, A. R. Translator o f 'I'amiEek's Chemical I7idicators. (Publication received), til8. *Web, R. A., e t ~ l . Inorganic chromatography on cellulosc. V. Use of columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvent extraction for scparating uranium from other metals, 398; V1.Extractic~n arid cletmn. of gold, 679. West, T. F., e t al. DUT and Xewer Persistent Insccticitlcs. 2nd 1:dn. (Review), 322. *Westwood, W., e t al. Chemical detmn. 05 niagnesium in cast iron, 191. Wheeler, T. S., e t al, Systeniatic Organic Chemistry J'lodcrn hlethocls of Frepn. and Estnin. 4th kin. (l'uldication received), 56; (Jieview). 442 'Whettern, S. H. A,, e t al. Uetmng. methyl a-chloroacrylate in atmosphcre, ti98. Wbiteley, I, A. Thorye's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn. Yol. X: Plagioclasc- Sodiuni. (Keview), 245. Whittle, E. G. Appointnicnt as Joint Public .4nalyst to County of Gloucestershire, 615; as Official Agricultural Analyst, 735. Wiberg, E. Cheniische Affmitiit. Einfiihrung in die Lehrc von dcr 'l'riebkraft chcmischer lieactionen.(l'ublication rcccivetl). M!). Wiklund, 0. Colorimetry, ncpliclotnetry, reficcto- mctry and fluorescence in sugar industry, 438. W W q C. R. Obituary, 679. *Williams, A. F., et al. Williams, K. A. Absorptiomctric cstrnn. Review of 13aiIey's Industrial Ui) Review of Thiley's ;If e1fiw.g nrzd Solidijcafiou 0.f Fats, 676. 'Williams, N. E., e t al. Iletmng. ethylene oxide, 2%. Williams, R. J., e t al. Uioclieniistry of L) Vitamins. (l'ublication received), 181;. Williams, W. C. Obituary, 325; Obituary. Stubbs and Hcron, 561. Wilson, C. L. lieview of Curtman's Introduction to Semi-micro Qtcdifativc Chcmical A ? ~ l y s i s . 2nd Edri., 184. Wilson, D. V. Iic-appointment as Secretary o l Society o f I.)ublic Analysts, 249, 869. Wilson, D.W. 13eview of 23riscoc and Holt's Inorganic Alicro-cziialysis, 383. 'Wilson, H. N. Accurate dctmn. of phosphoric anhydride by quinolinc phosphomolybdate, 6b. *-- et al. lktrnng. potash by measuring ratlio- activity, 355. *Whteingham, F. P. W. ICadiometric assay in tracer exycrirncnts, W2. *Wise, W. 8. Chronmtographic estmn. of aqaeow solutions of acids, 3lti. Wood, E. C. Appointment as Puldic Analyst to Count), of East Suffolk, 54. - Estning. error in biological assay. Iliscussion, 376. - -- Review of Burn, Finney and Goodwin's Bio Iogical Standarciisutio*i. 2nd ICdn., 181. *Wood, F., e t al. Assay of vitamin V1. Micro- biological estmn. with mutant of Escherichitc c-oli by plate method, Wfi. o f accnaphthylcne, 109. aid k-ut I'roducls. 2nd Edn., ti77.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 70 Woodhead, J.E. Appointment as Public Analyst Y to Metropolitan ikxough of Lanibeth and Public Analyst and Official .4gricultural Analyst to *Young, R. 8. . Uettnng. gold, palladium and County of the Parts of Holland, Lincolnshire, 382; as Public Analyst to Borough of Colchester and Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Parts of Kcsteven. Lincolnshire, 615. platinum by dIthizone, 49. z - Obituary of A. H. M. Muter, 326. *Wraige, D. R. l’repng. glass-distiiled water, 3 19. ~echmebter, L. Progress in Chrotnatographl., Wyatt, (3. H. Review of Kirk’s Quaialilative Ultvn- 1938-1947. (Review), 185. microanalysis, 1 21. Zerban, F. W. Values of Clerget divisor and - Review of Stannett’s Ceflulosc. Acetate I’~u.sfics, 5.5. methods for multiple polarisation, 438.INDEX ’10 VOLUME 76 x31 i INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst. A Absorptimetry : Analytical Absorption Spectroscopy, -.--_ - and Colorirnctry. Mcllon.(Rcview), 246. *Akorption piyctttc : Scw design for Orsat Ilodgson and Angcl, 37‘3. Spectroscopy : Analytical Absorptitrietry antl Colorimetry. hlellon. (Review), Mi: *Acenaphthylene: Atisorptiometric estmn. of .- -.- -. Kaafrnan and \Villiams, 109. Acetic acid: Chromatographic estmn. of aqucous solutions of acids. Wise, 316. *Amtyl values: Dctrntig. -- for use in component fatty acid analyses of castor oils. Acetylene Industry and Chemistry in Gcrniany during 1 !43‘3-46. Owens and Johnson. (Z’ubli- cation received), 61 8 . *Acid(s) : Chromatographic estmn.of aqueous solutions of ---. Wise, 316. *Detmng. acctyl values for use in component fatty analyses o f castor oils. Kiley, 40. ”Effect of heating sugars with --: Detmng. moisture in tobacco. *Acidity: Detmng. - of milk. Johnson and ACTH: Scc Adrenocorticotrophic hormone. *Adrenocortical hormones: Assays of - on small laboratory animals. Vogt, 478. *Adrenocorticotrophic hormone: Adrenal ascorbic acid depletion and adrenal repair methods for bio-assay of -. Morris, 470. *Ascorbic acid depletion method for bio-assay of -, and observations on use of inhibition of tissue repair. ‘’Asscssrnent of - activity. Rciss, €Talkerston, Badrick, and Halkerston, 461. *Hypophysectom). in p r e p . of mammals for bio-assay of - activity. Aerosol OT: Examination of detcrgcnt prepns.Society of Public A4nalysts, Analytical Metlials Corn mi ttee, Soap less De t ergcnt s Sub- Corn - niittee, 879. Einiiihrung in Lehre von l’riebkraft chcmischer Reactionen. U’iberg. (I’ublication received j , 55‘3. *Agriculture: Analytical chemistry in service of food and .- ----. Taylor, 263. ’Toxic C:hcmicals in .--, licport of Working Party. Ministry of and Fisheries. (Publi- cation received), 502. * j3-Alanine: Microbiological assay of growth factors aftcr separation by paper chromatography, I-Iarrison, 77. *Alcohol: Apparatus for detmng, --- in blood and urine. Parkcs, 1 16. Alkaloids: l’eclmology and Chemistry of --.- . . I-Iame14;ig. (Publication received), 38.1. *Alloys : Annlysis of manganese bronzc. Xorwlti?, 314. 31~ctmr~g. :ilurninium in c:opper-hasc -- .Milncr arid Townend, 451. ’blIctmng. sodium in aluminium and its - by vacuum distillation, hlcCamley, Scott and Smart, 500. I<quilibrjuni Data for Tin -- .. . . (;rccnlit:ld :mi Bowd en. ( 1.3 evi cw ) , 24 5. *I’hotn~nctric detmn. of c o p p r in :tlnniiniurn ... with sodium tl ict hq.ldithic,car~,am;ltc. Kiley, 40. Fryd and ICiff, 25. m g , .xu. Clayton and I’runty, 474. Pickford, 681. Aibitg: C‘heniische -4ffinitiit. blills and I-Icrinon, 3 17. Alloys-continued ‘Photometric detrnn. of small amounts of iron in magnesium and magnesium -- by thio- glycollic acid. *d-Alldos~: Applications of paper chromatographic methods to sugar and allied industries. de Whallcy, Albon and Gross, 287. *Aluminium allays : Yhototnctric rlctrnn. of copper in - with sodium tliethyldithiocarbamate.Milk and Ifernion, 3 1 7. *l)etning. - in copper-base alloys. M i h e r and Towncnd, 424. *Detmng. sodium in -- and its alloys by vacuum distillation. McC:amley, Scott and Smart, 200. *Polarogmphic detrnn. of --, zinc and tin in water. Hodgson and Glover, 706. *Ambergris: Identifying - . Hardwick an(! Laws, G62. *Ambreine: Identifying ambergris. Hardwick and Laws, 062. Amencan Chemical Society: Presentation of Addrcss from Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists, 503. American Pharmaceutical Assoc.: Sational Formu- lary. 9th Etln. (Ikview), 323. *Amino-acid@) : Ijetmng. -- colorimetricall y by ninhydrin reaction. Smith and Xgiza, 623. *I’reservation of _- partition chroniatograms. Adarns and Stuart, 553.*Titrinietric detrnn. of carbon dioxide liberated in ninhydrin reaction with -. Smith an(! ,4giza, 619. *5Armno caproic acid hydrochloride: .4nalysis o! Xjdon type polymers. Haslam and Clasper, 33. *Amphetamine: Colour test for -. Hathenasin- karu, 113. Analysis: Analyse Qualitative Minkale ;i I’Xide’ clc Stillirdactions. Ilelaby and Gautier. 2nd Edn. (Review), 122. 13ibliopaphy of Stanciarcl, Tentative arid He- corrirncncfed or Iiecogniscd Methods of - -. Society of Public Analysts, 125. t‘hemicaI -. Vol. 3. Colorirnctric Dcttnn. oi Traces of Mctals. Sandell. 2nd Edn. (T’ubli- cation received), 66. C.%emical .- - -. of Food and Fond ProducL?. Jacobs. 2nd Kdn. (l’uhlication received), 67s. Uiemicai - of Waters, Iloiler- and Feed-?Yaters. Scwagc and T<ftluents.Dickinson. 2nd Etln. (I’ublicatiun receivcct) , 324. Analyse. 13an<f XNSITT. Neuerc lytischt: Mcthoclcn. Wttger ct d . 3rd Edn. (Yuhlication received), 739. (..c)lorimctric Methods of -. . ---. Snell antl Sneil. 3rd Edn. (lieview), 183. (kncluctimetric - at Radio-frequency. Blake. (Publication received), 947. I.Ianrlbuch der hnalytischen Chernie. Freseuiii5 antl Jander. 11 Teil. Qrralitative Nachwcix- vcrlahrcn. Band Vlllbp: Elernente tler Achtcn Ncbengruppc. I’art I I. I?Iatifimetalk. Hnucr and Ruthardt. (Put)lication rcccivcd). 61%; 111 Teil, Rand V T I Aa. Elcmctltc der Sicbcntcn Muptgriilqw. (k’n t)lic-ation rt- ceived), 5ti. Inorganic hlicro- - . 13riscoe and Holt. (I’r~blication received), 56; (Revien-), 383. Mayer and Bradshaw, 716.xiv LSDEX TO VOLUME 70 AXl&&-CO7ZtilZUCd Inorganic Qualitative - Concisc Scheme, Iiolness.(Publication received), 384. Introduction t o Semi-micro Qualitative Chemical --. Curtman. 2nd Edn. (Review), 184. Kwalitaticvc Chemiscbe Rnalyse. Van Sieuwen- burg and Van Ligten. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 739. Mcthodes d' Analyse ties RCactions en Solution. Charlot and tiauguin. (Publication received), 324. Mcthods in Food -- Applied to Plant Products. Joslvn. (Publication received), 1 Mi. Microdiffusion -- and Volumetric Error. Conway. (Publication rcccived), 324; (lie- view), 73s. Official Methods of - of Rssoc. of Official .4 g r icu 1 t u ral Che ni is ts . 1,ep per, 7 th Ed n. (I'ublication received), 247. Official hlethotis of of Society of Leather Trades' Chernists.2nd Edn. (Publicxtion received), 740. Physical Metliods in Cherni-1 ---. Yol. 11. 19x1. (Publication received), 324. Polarographic Method of Muller. 2nd Edn. (PulJlication rcccivd), 443; (Review), cj 1 (1, Quantitative Organic Micro- - based on Xetliods of Fritz Pregl. Grant. 6th English T3dn. (Publication recciwd). 443. Quantitative Ultramicro- -. Kirk. (Review), 121. Spectrochemical -. Ahrens. (Publication received), 384. Tcxt1)ook of Quantitative Inorganic Iiolthoff and Sandell. (Review), 410. Theoretischen Grundlagen der Analytischen Chemie. FIiigg. Translated into German by 13aumann. (Review), 442. Analyst: Change of Editorship of ---, 249. '!Andytical chemistry in service of food and agr ic ti1 t u rc . Anenrine: Cherriical assay of - in foodstuffs.Societv of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Committee, Sub-Committce on Vitamin Estmns., hrieurine I'anel, 127. Anhgdxone: Specifications for microanalytical re- agents, (i'7 1. Animal(& : Care and Breeding of Laboratory Farris. (I'ublication received), 559. --. Coatcs, Harrison and Kon, 146. facttirc) Order, 1950, 119. Chemical Society. special refcrmcc to antihistaminics. Taylor, 263. *protein factor: Chick assay of Vitaniin B,, arid protein rich substance : I=eeding Stuffs (Rianu- Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1950. (Publication received), 6 17. :.'Antazoline: Evaluating drugs in man, with Wain, 573. ':Anthisan: 'I'oxicology of - - Oliver, 730. Antibjotics: Hancllmok of -.- -. Baron. (Publica- tion reccived), 324; (ltevicw), (E4. ;'Antihistaminics: Evaluation of drugs in man, with special reference t o .- .-. Bain, 573. "Antimony: Inorganic chromatography on ccllulosc. 1V. 1 ktning. inorganic compounds by paper- strip separation and polarography. Lewis and Griffiths. 388; Y. llsc of columns of cellulose in combination wit11 organic sol\wit cxtractioti for separating uraniiirn from other metals. Hurstall arid \Vcll~, 396. *Vibrating electrodes in ampctroinetric: titrationa. 11. Hroinornctric detmns. of and arsenic. Harris and Tindsey, 650. *Apparatus: Air current method of moistunt tletmn. with particular reference to moisture in vihitc. sugars. Money and Christian, l!). "All-purposc cxtractor. I Icmmings, 1 17. *Analysis of Sylon type polymers. I-laslrrm and Clasper, 33. *Application of Karl Fischer reagent in dctmng.moisture in gases. *hpplications of paper clirornatographic method> to sugar and allied industries. rle M'hallel-. AIhn and Cross, 2x7. :'Arsenic electrode as p1-I indicator. Mousa, OB. *Automatic detnin. of rate of mercury Jlow from dropping electrotlc. Furness, 178. *Colorimetric rou tinc estmn. of c.alciiim in natural waters. Mackercth, 482. *l>ctning. alcohol, ether and water i n ternar!. mistures. Hodgson and Glover, ti35. * 1)etrnng. horon in boronised mctals. l3ush an(l Higgs, 683. * 1)ctning. carbon dioxide derived from carbonates in agricultural and biological mxtcrials. 'finsky Taylor and Moore, 300. * Detning. fluorine i n organic conzpunds. 1.kldw and l'atlow, 593. +II>etmrig. jellv strength of glues and gelatins l)!.Ihucher jelly tester. Koprowski, '732. * I)et rnng. methyl rx-c.liloro-acrylate i n atniosphc-rc~. Haslam, Whettem antl Soppet, 828. *Dctmng. moisture in tobacco. 1;ry-d and Kiff, 25. *:L>etning. osygen in titanium hy chlorination. Corbett, 6.52. * Detmng. sodium in aluminiutn antl its alloy3 by vacuum distillation. 3IcCamley, Scott and Sniart, 200. 'Dctmng. tantalurii in mixtures by neutron activation analysis. Long, 641. * Dcttnng. volume of injection in containcrs. Foster, 240. *Developments in use of Karl Fischcr reagent. Jones, 5. *Dropping clcctrode system. lIoclgson atul Clover, 380. * Effusiometer for measuring gas dcnsities ii: continuous flow systems or in closccl system.. Jack, ri13. *l<Iectrostatic charges on glass and other vessel+. Hadfield and Uigg, 72!1."Errors in weighing caused by electric charge, developed in silica crucibles on hcating. :lrmstrong, 56 1. *l%mc photometers. Two instruments. rhealey and Hoss, 334. *for tletning. alcohol in blood and urine. l'arkes. 116. *for distillation on semi-micro scale. CclnnoIl?. and Oldham, 52. *for rectified radio-frequency contluctirnetcit analysis. Thke, 241. *for steam distillation and extraction on semi- micro scale. General purpose tlicrmometers. l3.S.S. 1704 : l!El, 321. *Higli-pr-essure liydrogcn stilphidc gencrator fo:. micro-chemical analysis. Stock and Heath. 4!l(j. *I niproved flame pliotometer. I,e$ton, 72'3. *Inorganic chromatography on cellulost:. VI . 1:xtraction antl dctmn. of gold. Iierrit)er ant! IYelis, 579. 3Ticrochemical --. 13.S.S. 1428: I!350.Part :I I --carbon and hydrogen combustion trait1 (Prcgl type) ; Part DZ-washou t piettcs; Part 1)3-micro-nitronictcr (l'regl type), 5 4. Roman anti 1-Iirst, 11). Connolly and Oldhani, 495.INDEX 1'0 VOLUME 76 xv Apparatus-~-conl2?tued *Micro-tletmn. of nitrogen in organic: niattcr "Kcw dcsign €or Orsat absorption pipette. :sPfioto-clec.tric micro-Iicphelonieter. Mason, 172. *Potmtioriictric titration of small arnounts of "Prcpng. glass-distilled water. \!raige, 319. * Kadio-lrctquency electronic moisturc: meter. * I<atlionietric assay in tracer experiments. Short-range, short-stem thermometers. H.S.S. *Simple circulating punlp. Stevenson, 669. *Siniplct flame photometer for internal-standard operation and notes on liquid spectrum filtcrs. 1Cobinson and Ovenston, 4 16.*l'hermn~tatically-contro~l~~~ heating block fur sc;ilccl-tribe reactions. Titl-imctric detnin. of carbon dioxide liberated in ninhylrin reaction with amino-acids. Sniith ant1 Xgiza, til!). *Vibrating electrodes in amperomctric titrations. I. Iktinng. thiosulphate, iodinc antl ttrvalcnt arsenic. Harris and Lindsey, M 7 ; 11. Bromo- metric detmns. of antimony antl arsenic, (50. :kVVolunictric detmn. of hydrogen sulphitle and sulu1)lc sulphides. Kitchener, Libernim and Spratt, 509. "Apple peel: Kst~nng, mercury on -. Arthington and Hultne, 21 1. Applied Chemistry: Reports on Progress of ---. Lol. XXXlV. Society of Chemical Incliistry. (I.'ublication received), 247. 'I'horpe's Dictionary of -. Vol. X. Ylagioclase- Sodium. 4th Edn. Whiteley.(I<eview), 245. Appointments, official: 54, 118, 180, 320, 382, 433, 615, 735. Appreciation of B. S. Evans. Ambler, 189. :':henic electrode as p1-I indicator. without distillation. Harvey, 657. Hotlgson antl :Ingel, 379. broniities. Wade, 606. Hal)t), 12. IV in t cr i ng liani , 3 62. 1365 : 1 !El I. 32 1 . Stock and k l l , 497. Mousa, 96. *Llectrolytic separation of c.opper from -. Sorx\-itz, 23;. +Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. V. I s e of columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other metals. Burstall and IYells, 396. "Vibrating electrodes in anipcrometric titrations. I . I.)ettrmg. thiosulphatc, iodine and tervalciit . Harris and I..intlscy, 647; 11. I3romo- metric cletmns. of antimony and -, ti50.Asbestos: Specifications for microanalytical reagents, 671. 'Absorbic acid: Adrenal - depletion and adrenal rcpair methocls for bio-assay of atlrenocortico- trophic hormonc. Morris, 470. *deplrtion method for bio-assay of sdrenocortico- trophic hormone and observations on use of inhibition of tissue repair. Clayton ant1 l'mnty, 474. Assoc, of British Cherqical Manufacturers, British Chcniicals and their X1;inufacturers. (Putilica- tiori received), 186. Aseoc, of Official AgriC~ltursl Analysts: Official hlcthocls o f ;\nalysis of Lcpper. 7th Etln. (Publication receivetl), 24T ; (lkview), (517. Aasoc. of Vitamin Chemists, Inc. Methods of \'itamin Assay. 2nd Edn. (F'ublication reccivcd). 324. Atomic Energy: Applied -. E'carnside, Jones *Azobenzene-phenyUiydradrazine imlphonic acid; Semi- and Shaw.(Publication received), 678. weiglits: International - ---. 848. quantitative colour reaction for lactic acid. McAllister, 238. B Bacon: Borax w prcscrvative in --. Ministry of I;ood, 120. Barnes: Appointnient of T. I<. Rynicr as Ucputy l'ublic Analyst t o Borough of --, 1x0. Bath: Appointment of G. V. James as hib€ic AiiaIyst and Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of --, 320. Baths: I'urilication of Water of Swimming -, hIinistry of Health. (I'ublication received), 324. Beef sausages and sausage meat; Meat Products and Canned Meat (Amendment) Order, 1950, 119; (Arnendment) Order, 1951, 320. Beer: Report on copper. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Mctallic Contamination Su b-Conintittee. 564. Bentley and Driver's Textbook of l'harmaceutical Chemistry.Driver. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 324. *Beryllium compounds: Dctmng. indium in --, Milncr, 488. Beverages: Report on copper, Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, rvletallic Con- tamination Sub-Committee, 554. Biochemistry: Micro-analysis in Medical -. King. (l'ublication received), 247; (Review), 677. *Biological assay: Symposium on ----. Society of Public Analysts, Biological Methods Group, and Biometric Society. 37K Standardisation. h r n , E'inney and Goodwin. 2nd Edn. (Heview), 181. Standards: Reports on -- ; VI. Design of Toxicity 'rests. Perry. (Review), 183. Biology for Pharmaceutical Students and Others. Mangham and Hockley. 2nd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 443. Biometric Socieb: Symposium on biological assay.Society of 1,ublic Analysts, Biohgical Methods Group, and -, 376. *Biotin: Microbiological assay of growth factorzj aftcr separation by paper chromatography . Harrison, 277. *Bismuth: lnorganic chromatography OR cellulose. IV. Detmng. inorganic compounds by paper- strip separation and polarography. Lewis and Gritl'iths, 388; V, Use of Columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvent extractiorl for separating uranium from other metals. Burstall and Wells, 396. Blansol: Examination of detergent prepns. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical hlcthods Com- mittee, Soapless Detergents Sub-Committee, "79. Biattsnslyse: Lnndeg&rdh. Transhtcd bv Mitcheli as Leal Analysis. (Publication received), 324. *Blood: Apparatus for dctmng.alcohol in --- and urine. Parkes, 116. *Confirmatory test for ethyl alcohol in and urine. Watson, 552. tlricd : Feeding Stuffs (Manufacture) Ordcr, 1!150, 119. *Nicro-photomctric detmn. of carboxyhaemo- Blue ram, agricultural grade : Approved oxidising Ministry of Foot-l, 735. globin in --. Salt, 344. and preservative agents.Book reviews: Adams, Bachtnann, Hlatt, Fieset, Johnson and Snyder. Organic Reactions, Vols. 1 to Iy, 442. Am erican I’hartnaccu tical Assoc. National Formulary. 9th Edn., 322. Assoc. of Official Agricultural Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis. 7th Edn., 617. Bailey. Industrial Oil and Fat I’roducls. 2nd Edn., 677. Bailey. Melting and Solidification of Fats, ti76. Baron. Handbook of Antibiotics, 074. Briscoc and I Iolt. Jnorganic Micro-analysis, 383.British Standards Institution. Fifty \‘ears of Hritish Standards Institution Yearbook, 1951, Burger. Medicinal Chemistry. Vol. 1, 674. l3utn, Finney and Goodwin. 13iol?gical Stand- Conway. Micro-diff usion Analysis and Volu- Coppock. Pharmaceutical Industry in Germany Cumming, Hopper and Whtder. Systematic Curtman. Introduction to Semi-micro Qualita- Delaby and Gauticr. Analyse Qualitative Min- Eastman and Nollefson. Physical Chemistry, 181. Frith and Tuckett. I-incar Polymers, 675. Greenfield and Bowden. Equilibrium Data f o r Tin Alloys, 245. Hiigg. Theoretisctien GrundIageii dcr AnaIyti- when Chemic, 442. Hamilton. Organic Syntheses. Vol, 28, 66. Harrison, Lord and lmtbourow. Practical llopkin and \Z‘ilIiams. Ltd., Organic Reagents King. hlicro-analysis in Medical Biochemistry.Kirk. Quantitative Tiltramicro-analysis, 12 I . Kolthoff and Sandell. Textbook of Quantitativc Lylc. Teclinologv for Sugar Refinery IJ‘orkers. Mellou. Analytical Absorption Spectroscopy, Dliiller. Polarographic Method of Analysis. 2nd Parkes. Mellor’s Modern Inorganic Chemistry. 10th Edn., li7ti. l’carcc and Gaydon. Ldentification of Molecular Spectra. 2nd Edn., 441. Perry. Rcports on Biological Standards: VI. Ilcsign of Toxicity Tests, 183. Perry. Scientific Russian, 738. Robinson. Vitamin 13’ Complex, 668. Roman. Scientist’s l<cady Reckoner, 217. Shrincr. Organic Synthcses. Vol. 27, 56. Smith. Xdvancod Chemical Calculations, 1 S2. Sncll ancl Snell. Colorinietric Methods of -4naIysis. Snyder. Organic: Syntheses. Vol. 2H, 55.Stannctt. Ccllulose Acetate Plastics, 55. West and Campbell. \+-hi t ele y . TI or pe ’ s Dictionary of ;2pplietl %ec hmcister. Progress in Chromatography, Sec d r o Publications received. Rritish Standards, 1901-19Gl, ’736. 736. ardisation, 1 HI. metric Error. 3rd ]Gin., 738. during 1939-45, 56. Organic Chemistry. 4th Edn., 442. tive Chemical Analysis. 2nd Edn., i86. h a l e h 1’Aide de StillirCactions, 122. Spectroscopy, 500. for Organic Analysis. 2nd Edn., 677. 2nd Rdn., 323. inorganic Analysis, 440. 2nd Edn., 440. Absorptimetry and Colorimetry, 246. Edn., 016. 3rd Edn., 183. UDT and Newer Persistent Insccticidcs. 2nd Edn.. 322. Chcmistry. Vol. X. 4th Edn., 245. 1!)38-194$, 185. Books: German -- on Chemical and Cognatc. Subjects, Published 1939-50. Cummins and Vince.2nd Edn. (Publication received), 739. Borax: Circular MI: 2/51, Ministry of Food. I_- as preservative in bacon, 120. *Boron: Uetmng. -- in boronised metals. Hush and I-liggs, 683. *Boncher jelly tester: Iktning. jelly strength o f glues and gelatins by -. Koprowski, 732. *Bnrsa: Detmug. aluminium in copper-base alloys. Milner and Towncntl, 424. Bread: Practicc and Science of - -Making. Kcat- Jones and Price. 2nd E;dn. (Publication received), 384. Breeze: Examination of detergent prcpns. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Com- mittee, Soapless Detergents Sub-Committee. 279. BMol: Appointment o f I. Dembrey as Public Analyst to County Borough of --, 735. Britieh Chemicals and their Manufacturers. Assoc. of British Chemical Manufacturers. (Yublica- tion received), 18L British Drug Houses, Ltd: B.D.H.Guide t(> Xddendum 1951 to B.P. 1948. (Publication received), 502. Ciotes on Laboratory Use of Ion Exchange Resins. (Publication received), 123. Specifications for micro-analytical reagcnts, 67 1. British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Assoc.: Ihtmng. grade strength o f pcctins. Jam Panel, Pectin Sub-Committee. 536. British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee: Ace- tylene Industry and Acetylene Chemistry in Germany during 1939-45. Owens and Johnson, (Publication received), 618. British Pharmacopoeia: 13.D.H. Guidc t o Addendum 1951 to -- 1948. Ijritish Drug Houses. 1,W. (Pu1)lication received), 502. British Standard Specifications: 577 : 195 1. Hcxacl~loroethane, 434. 57!): 1951. ‘Technical ether, 434.836: 1950. Crude wlrale oil, 245. 997: 1961. Sperm oil, 321. 1365 : 1!f61. Short-range, short-stein thermo- meters, 321. 1425: 1951. Cleanliness of fillings and stuffings for btdding, upholstery, toys and other domestic articks. Mcrnorandum and amend- ment, 670. 1428: 1950. Micro-chemical apparatus. Part A 1 - carbon and hydrogen combustion train (Pregl type); Part D2 - washout pipettes; Part 1.13 micro-nitromcter (Pregl type). 61- 1672: 1950. Methods of testing rubbcr latex, 54. 1697: 1050. Cleanliness of used hessian, 245. 1704 : 195 1. Gcneral purpose thcrmorneters. 32 I .. 1715: 1951. Rlethods for the analysis of soaps, 499. 1711 : 19.51. Methods for the chcmical anaIy4s o f liquid milk, 409. 1742: 1951. Mcthocls for the chemical analysis of condcnsed milk, 199.1743: 1951. Nethods for the chemical analysis of tlricd milk, &I!). British Standards Institution: Fifty Years of Rritisli Standards, 1901-1 951. (Publication received), 61 8 ; (Rcvieu-), 736. Yearhook, 1951. (Publication received), (51s; (Review), 736. Scc also British Standard Specifications. *Bromides: Potcntiornetric titration o f sriiali amounts o f ----. \%’a.de, 606.INDEX TO *Bromine: Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. V. Use of cellulose in combination with organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other metals. Burstall and Wells, 396. "-82 : Radiometric assay in tracer experiments. Winteringham, 362. "Bronze: Analysis of manganese -. Noruitz, 314. *Detmng. aluminium in copper-base alloys. Milner and Townend, 424.Butter: Use of word - in description of con- fectionery. Ministry of Food, 735. *Satyric acid: Chromatographic estmn. of aqueous solutions of acids. Wise, 316. 3y-Prox: Examination of detergent prepns. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Com- mittee, Soapless Detergents Sub-committee, 279. C *'Cadmium: Inorganic chromatography. IV. Detmng. inorganic compounds by paper-strip separation and polarography. Lewis and Griffiths, 388. *Wciurn: Colorimetric routine estmn. of - in natural waters. Makereth, 482. in National compounds: Feeding Stuffs (Manu- facture) Order, 1950, 119. Calculations: Advanced Chemical -. Smith. (Review-), 182. Aids to Pharmaceutical -. Rolton. (Publica- tion received), 617. Mory: Unit of heat. Calsolene Oil IPS: Examination of detergent prepns.Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Committee, Soapless Detergents Sub-Com- mittee, 279. Camphor : Specifications for micro-analytical re- agents, (371. Csnned Meat: Meat Products and - (Amend- ment) Order, 1950, 119; (Amendment) Order, 1951,320; (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1951,498. Wning: Principles of Fruit Preservation. Jam Making, _I and Drying. Morris. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 443. Carbon($), bonechar and decolorising : Report of Proceedings of 10th Session of International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis, 1949, 434. *-14: Radiometric assay for tracer experiments. Winteringham, 362. *Carbon dioxide: Detmng. ~ derived from carbonates in agricultural and biological materials. 'Titrimetric detmn. of ~ liberated in ninhydrin reaction with amino-acids.Smith and Agiza, 619. *Carbonates : Detmng. carbon dioxide derived from - in agricultural and biological materials. "Carboxyhaemoglobin: Microphotometric detmn. of - in blood. Salt, 344. &lisle: Appointment of T. J. Cahill as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of -, 54; as Deputy Public Analyst, 180. Carshalton: Appointment of T. E. Rymer as Deputy Riblic Analyst to Urban District of -, 244. "Cast iron: Chemical detmn. of magnesium in -. Westwood and Presser, 191. "Castor oils: Detmng. acetyl values for use in component fatty acid analyses of -. Riley, 40. $:Cattle cubes : Microbiological assay of vitamin B,, in analytical and consulting laboratory. Prit- chard, 155. Royal Society, 384. Tinsley, Taylor and Moore, 300.Tinsley, Taylor and Moore, 300. VOLUME 76 xvii Food, National : Feeding Stuffs (Manufacture) (Amendment) Order, 1951, 553. food No. 4 : Feeding Stuffs (Manufacture) Order, 1950, 119. *Cellulose: lnorganic chromatography on -. IV. Detmng. inorganic compounds by paper- strip separation and polarography. Lewis and Griffiths, 388; V. Use of columns of - in combination with organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other metals. Burstall and Wells, 396; VI. Extraction and detmn. of gold. Kember and Wells, 579. Cellulose Acetate Plastics. Stannett. (Review), 56. Cereals: Chemical assay of aneurine in foodstuffs. Society of Public Analysts, Analytica€ Methods Committee, Sub-committee on Vitamin Estmns., Aneurine Panel, 127. *Ceric sulphate: Detmng.phosphorus by -. Deshmukh, 604. "Manganese sulphate as catalyst in - titrations. Watson, 1'77. *Cerium : Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. V. Use of columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other metals. Burstall and Wells, 396. Cetavlon: Examination of detergent prepns. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Com- mittee, Soapless Detergents Sub-Committee. 279. Cattle-contanued Chesm: See Suttoa and ---. Chemical Research Laboratory : Chemistry Research, 1950. (Publication received), 740. Chemical Society: Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1950. (Publication received), 617. Chemicals: British ~ and their Manufacturers. Assoc. of British Chemical Manufacturers. (Publication received), 186.Toxic - in Agriculture, Report of Working Party. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. (Publication received), 502. Chemistry: Advanced Treatise on Physical -. Vol. 11. Properties of Liquids. Partington. (Publication received), 559. Aids to Pharmaceutical -. Muteham. (Pub- lication received), 740. *Analytical - in service of food and agri- culture. Taylor, 263. Annual Reports on Progress of -, 1950. Chemical Society. (Publication received), 617. Bentley and Driver's Textbook of Pharmaceutical -. Driver. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 324. Chimie MinCrale ThCoretique et ExpCrimenMe (Chimie Electronique) , Gallais. (Publication received), 324. Colloid -, Theoretical and Applied. VoI. Vlf. Theory and Methods. Biology and Medicine, Technological Applications.Alexander. (Pnb- lication received), 186. Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. I. Three-, Four-, Five- and Six-Membered Monocyclic compounds containing One 0, N and S Atom. Eldeheld. {Publication received), 56; Vol. 11. Five- and Six-Membered Polycyclic Compounds contain- ing One 0 or S Atom. (Publication received), 443. Intermediate Practical -. Smith. (Publica- tion received), 443. Introduction to Organic -. Harrow and Apfelbaum. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 678.sviii IXIJEX TO Chemistry :-mnlinued T,ehrbuch der Organischen Chernie. Hallernan antl Richter. 27th Edn. (Publication received), 618. LXedicinal Burger. Vol. 1. (Publication -received), 506; (I<cview), 674. Mellor’s Modern Inorganic -. Parkes. 10th Ecin, (Publication received), 559 ; (1Ceview) , 676.Organic -. Finar. (Publication receivedj, 324. Ijeports on Progress of Applied -. Vol. XXXIV. Society o f Chemical Industry. (Pub- lication received), 247. Hesearch, I 050. (Publication received), 740. Six-Menibercd Heterocyclic Xitrogen Compounds with Four Condensed Rings. Allen el at. (Publication received), 5514 Surface -. Introduction t o Principles and Applications. Alexander. (Publication re- ceived), 617. Surface - of Solids. Gregg. (Publication received), G it). Systematic Organic ----. Motlern Me thads of Prcpn. and Estmn. Cumining, Hopper and Wheeler. 4th Ekin. (Publication received), 56; (Keview), 442. ‘Textbook of Organic --. Fieser and Fieser. (Publication received), 247. Thorpc’s Iktionary of .Applied -. Vol. X. Ylagioclase-Sodiu ni. 4th Edn. IVhiteley.(IZcviewt), 245. Chicory: Report on copper. Ministry of Foal, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-Committee, 534. Chingford: Appointnient of J. H. Harnence and G. Taylor as Joint Public Analysts to Borough of -, 64. *Chlorcyclizine: Evaluating drugs in man, with special reference t o antihistarninics, Bain, 573. *Chlorine: Modified Milton’s method for estmng. total available in water. Morris and Grant, 492. *Chloro-acrylate: Detmng. methyl r- - in atmosphere. Haslam, Whettern and Soppet, 628. *Chlorprophenpyridamhe: Evaluating , drugs in man, with special reference t o antihistsminics. Hain, 573. *Chromatograms: Preservation o f amino-acid parti- tion -. :\dams and Stuart, 553. *Chromatography: Applications of paper chromato- graphic methods in sugar and allied industries.de Wlialley, Albon and Gross, 287. *Inorganic - on celluIosc. IV. Detmng. inorganic compounds l ~ y paper-strip separation and polarography. Lewis and CriHiths, 388; V. Gsc of columns of celIulosc in combination with organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other metals. Burstall and Cliells, 396; VI. Extraction and cletmn. of gold. Kcmber and Wells, 579. Progress in , 1938-1947. Zcchrneister. Cider: Report on copper. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Mctallic Contamination Sub-Committee, 554. Cirrssol OD: Examination of detergent preps. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methotis Committee, SoapIess Iktergents Sub-corn- mittee, 279. Cleanliness of used hessian. B.S.S. 1697: 1950, f45. Q h h l Pathology: Aids to --.Haler. 2nd Edn. Clotfect : Approved oxidising ancl preservative (Kcview), 1 85. (Publication received), 384, agents. Ministry o f Food, 321. VOLUME 7(i *Coal: Detmng. germanium. 111. Dctmn. in flue dust - and coke. Cluley, 530. *Cobalt: Analytical chemistry in service of food and agriculture. Taylor, 263. *Detmng. boron in boroaised metals. Bush antl High‘s, 683. *Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. IV. Uetmng. inorganic compounds by paper-strip separation and polarography. Lewis and Griffiths, 388. * l-Xitro-2-naphthoI for estmng, --. Dlay and Warren, 115. Cocoa powder: Report on copper. Ministry oi Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-Committee. 554. Cod-liver oil, substitutes : Feeding Stuffs (Manu- facture) Order, 1950, 119.Coffee beans: Heport on copper. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Cornrnittce. Metallic Con- tamination Sub-Committee, 554. *Coke: Oetmng. germanium. 111. Jletmn. in flue dust, coal and -. Cluley, 530. Colchester: Appointment of J . E. Woodhead as Public Analyst and A. J. C . Lickorish as Deputy Public Analyst t o Borough of --, 615, Colloid Chemistry, Theoretical antl Applied. Vol. Vl1. Theory and Methods. BioIogy and Mcdi- cine, Technological Applications. Abxander. (Publication received), 186. Colorimetry: Analytical Absorption Spectroscopy hbsorptimetry and -. hlcllon. (lieviewi, 246. CoIouringa: Report on copper. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Con- tamination Sub-Committee, 554. Combustion train: Carbon and hydrogen (Pregl type).H.S.S. 1428: 1950, Part Al, 54. *Compound 405: Evaluating drugs in man, with special reference t o antihistaminics. Hain, 573. Comprox: Examination of detergent prepns. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Cum- mittee, Soapless Detergents Sub-Committee, 270. Condensed Milk Order, 1951, 498. *Condnc?imetric analysis: Apparatus for rectified a t liadio-Frequency, Blake. (Publication re- Confectionery: Use of word ”butter” in description radio-frequency - BIakc, 241. ceived], 247. of Ministr). of Food, 735. Analytical Chemistry, 1962, 50 1. Congress: Arrangements for lnternational - . o I1 Coombe: Sec Malden and -. *Copper-base alloys : Detning. aluminium in -- .. Alilner and Townend, 124. *I>etmng. boron in boroniscd nietals. Bush anti Iiiggs, 683.*I)etrring. selenium and telluriurii in . -. Soakcs, 542. *I>etmng. small quantities of in iron. Fife, 731. +Electrolytic separation of - - fro111 arsenic. Norwitz, 236. *Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. I \-. lletrnng. inorganic compounds by paper-strip scparation and polarography. 1,cwis and . Griffiths, 388. *F’hotometric detmn. of ~ - i n ;~luminiuni alloys with sodium diethylclithiocarbamatc. Mills and I.Eeri~ion, 317. Report on -.. Ministry of Food, Food Stand- ards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub- Committee, 554.IKDES TO VOLUME 76 xis Copper oxide: Specifications for micro-analytical reagents, G7 1. Copper sulphate: Specifications for micro-analytical reagents, 671. Couladon and Purley: Appointment of T. E. I<yincr as Deputy Public Analyst to Lrban District of --= 180. Cream: Food and I h g s (Milk, Dairies and Artificial I_ 1 Act, 1950, 243.Food Standards (--) Order, 19.51, 382. Order, 1951, 653. *mop protection: Analytical chemistry in wryice of food and agriculture. *Crucibles: Errors in weigliing caused by clectric charyes developed in silica -- on heating. Armstrong, 551. p-CymenP: Specitications for xnicro-analytical w- agents, 671, Taylor, 263. D Dairies: Food and Drugs (Milk, - and Artificial Cream) Act. 1950, 243. Danish Sugar Co. Analysis and evaluation of rctinetl sugars, 438. Evaluation of refining qualities of raw cane sugar, 437. Specifications for evaluation of refining qualitics of raw beet sugar, 436. Specifications for tests for evaluation of crystal- lisirig qualities of beet and cane sugar factory juices, 437.DDT and Sewer Persistent Insecticides. Wcst arid CampbeIl. 2nd Erln. (Review), 322. deca-Hydronaphthalene: Specifications for micro- analytical reagents, 672. Dekalin: Specifications for rnicro-analytical reagents. 671. 'FDemities: Effusiornetcr for measuring gas in conti~iuous flow systems or in closed systvms. Jack, 613. *Desthiobiotin: Microbiological assay of growth factors after separation bv paper chrumnto- graphy. Harrison, 77. Detergent(s) : Examination of --- prepns. Society of Public .4nalysts, Analytical Methods Conl- mittee, Soapless -- Sub-Committee, 27% Modern Soap and -- lndustry. Vol. I. Theory and Practice of Soapmaking. Cooke. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 123; Vol. 11. Manu- positions. {Publication received), 324.*solution in rniscroscopy. Howes, 240. Deoon: Appointment of C . V. Iieynolds as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of --, tj15. Dewsbury: Appointment of J. C. Harral as Deputy Public Analyst to County Borough of --, 54. Dictionary: Condensed Chemical --. Turner. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 56. Thorpe's -- of Applied Chemistry. Vol. X . Plagioclase-Sodium. 4th Edn. Whiteley (Reviewj, 246. and water in ternary mixtures. Hodgson and Glover, fi35. Specifications for rnicro-analytical rcaE:cnts, 67 1. Technical -. -. 13.S.S. 579: 1951. 43-1. *3: 3'-Dimethyi-4: 4'-diamo-l: 1'-dinaphthyl ior dctcng. vanadium. Bclchcr, Xiitten ant1 Stephcn. 430, *Sew spot tests for zinc.. 'Uelchcr, Sutterl and Stcphcn. 378. facture of Special Soaps and - Corn- *Diethy1 ether: Detmng.alcohol, '3: 3'-Dimethylnaphthidine for detcng. vanadium. Belcher, Kutten ancl Rclcher, Xutten and Stephen, 430. Stephen, 378. Diphenylthiocarbazone : See Dithizone. Dispersal L: Examination of detergent prepns. Socicty of Public Analysts, Analytical Metho& Conirnittee, Soapless Detergents Sub-C:om- tilittee, 279. Diapersol T: Examinatioii of detergent prepna. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Committee, Soapless Detergents Sub C'onimittcc, 279. *Distillation: Apparatus for - on scmi-micro scale. (:onnolly and Oldham, 52. anti extraction ON *Apparatus for stcam -- semi-micro scale. Connolly and OltihaIn, 4i1.5. *Distilled water: Prepng. glass- -. Wraige, 319. ''Dithizone : Uetmng. gold, palladium and platinum %eft: Examination of detergent prepns.Societh- of I'ublic AnaIysts, Analvtical Methods Com- mittee, Soapless Dctcrgents Sub-Committec. 279. Drene: Examination of detergent prcpns. Society of Public AnaIysts, Analytical Methods Con1 - mittee, Soapless Detergents Sub-(:onnnittt.i*, 279. D&: Soft - (Xmendnient) Order, 1951, 244. Drop reactions: Analyse Qualitative MinCrale ii I'Aide de StillirGactions. I Ielaby and Gautier. 2nd IXn. (Review), 122. *Drugs: Evaluation of - in man. with special reference t o nntihistaminics. nain, 673. Drying, fruit : Principles o f Fruit Preservation. Jam Making, Canning and . Morris. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 443. Durham: Appointmelit of '1. J. (:ahill as Deputy I'ublic Analyst and Ileyuty Official Agricultural Analyst to Coritity of -, 433.Dnros: Approved ositlising and yreservathe agents. Ministry of Food, 32 1. E *Xew spot te.its for zinc. by -. Yolrng, 49. *L)etmng. zinc by ---. Barnes, 220. East Snffolk: Appointment of E. C. Wood as Pubiic -4nalyst to County of --, 54. Editorship: Change of -- of Amdyst, 24!4. Efluents: Chemical Analysis of Waters, Boiler- and Feed-Waters, Sewage and --. Dickinson. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 324. 'Effnsiorneter for measlfring gas densities in con- tinuous flow systems o r . in closed systems. 'Jack, (i13. *Ele~tric charges : Krrors in weighing caused by -- developed in silica crucibles on heating. :Irnistrong, 551. *Elechode(s) : Arsenic- .. as pH indicator. Mousa, !I(;. *Automatic detmn. of rate of mercury flow from dropping - Fnrness, 178.* I)ropping system. Hodgson and Glover, :HO. * \'ibrating - - in ;miperometric tittationr;. I . rktmng. thiosulphatc, iodine and tervalent :irscnic. Harris and Lindsey, 647 ; I I. Hromo- nrcrtric clctmns. o f antimony and arsenic, ti50. Electronic Chemistry: Chimie Minbrale Thdoretiquc et ICxpCrimen tale (Chirnic Electronique:. Gallais. (Publication rweivcd), 324. *Electrostatic charges on glass and other ve.wls. Hadfield and Bigg, 729. Eycs. Pawcett. (Publication received), 324.s s INDEX TO VOLUME 76 "€hn and Morgan method: Modified for estning. glucosaminc.. Johnston, Ogston and Stanier, 88. Empicol L: Examination of detergent yrepns. Society o f Public Analysts, Analytical Mcthods Committee, Soapless Drtergen ts Sub-Com- niittee, 279. Empicol LQ: Examination of detergent prepns.Society of Public Analysts, Analytical hletliods Committee, Soapless Detcrgcnts Sub-C'om- mittee, 27!). EncycIopedis of Chc m i cii I Rcac ti on 5 , J acohso n . Vol. IV. (Publication received), 678. "Ensilage: Analytical chemistry in service of food and agriculture. Taylor, 263. "'epiCoproStSno1: Identifying ambergris. Hardwick and l,aws, 663. Equilibrium Data for Tin Xloys. Greenfield antl Bowden. (Review), 245, "Errors in weighing caused by electric charges developed in silica crucibles on Iwating. Armstrong, 551. "Escherichia eoli: Assay of vitamin J312. i'. S u b stances that interfere with response of mutant to vitamin Ble. Cuthbertson, Peglcr, Quadling and Herbert, 540. ''Assay of vitamin BIB, V1. hiicrobiological estmn. with mutant of by plate method.Harrison, Lees and Wood, 696. Esher: Appointment of T. E. Rymer as Deputy Ilublic Analyst to Urban l h t r i c t of ---, 180. Essential oils: Detmng. esters. Soc:icty of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Coinmittee, - Sub-Committee. Addendum to Rept. So. 13, 387. Society o f I'ublic Analysts, Analytical Mcthods Committee, Esscntial Oils Sub-Committee. r2ddendirni t o ltept. So. 13, 387. Esters: Uetmng. Mhanol: See Ethyl alcohol. Ether: See Diethyl ether. "Ethyl alcohol: Confirmatory test for in *Detmng. - , ether and watcr iR ternary Bthylene Glycol and I'ropylene Glycol. Rae. "Ethylene oxide: Detmng. --, MilIcr and <<Ehtraction: Modified apparatus for stcam distilla- Connolly *Wactor: All-purpose -- .. Hemmings, 11 7. blood and urinc.Watson, 552. mixturcs. Hodgson and Glover, 635. (Publication received), 678. Williams, 226. tion and -.__ on semi-micro scale. and Oldham, 495. P *Fat(s) : Detmng. - in swwtcned foods. Morgan and Xawlings, 161. Tndustrial Oil and - Products. Bailey. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 569; (licvicw), 65'7. Melting and Solidification of -. Bailcy. (Review), 676. '.Fatty acid: lktrnng. acetpl 1,alues for use ia component - analyses of castor oils. Kilcy, 40. Feeding S t d s (-Manufacture) Order, 1950, 1 19 ; (Amendment) Order, 1951, 553. Fermentation: Symposium on Rccent Advances in ~ Industrics, held a t University of St. Andrews, July, 1949. lioyal Institutt. of ('hemistry. (Publication received), 123. 'Pertilisers: Analytical chemistry in service of *Dctning.availability of nitrogen in nitrogenous * I.)etrnng. potash by measurement of radio- activity. *l)et~nug. potassium in -- by flame pliotometq-. 13realey, 340. Manures and ----. Ministry of Agriculture antl Fisheries. 9th Edn. (Publication received), 502. Fillings: Cleaiilincss of and stuffings for bedding, upholstery, toys and other domestic articles. B.S.S. 1425: 1951. Memorandum and arnendment, 670. 'Filters: Simple flamc photometer for intcrnal- standard operation and notes on liquid spectrum -. Robinson and Ovenston, 416. "Fish liver extract, spray dried : Microbiological assay of vitamin B,, in analytical and con- sulting laboratory. l'ritchard, 155. *liver foots : Microbiological assay o f vitamin J I , , in analytical a ntl consulting laboratory. Pr i t c h arc1 , 1 5 5.'j lilw, raw : Microbiological assay of vitamin Hr2 in analytical and consulting laboratory. Pt-itchard, 155. ::meal : Microbiological assay of vitamin U,, in :malytical and consulting laboratory. I'ritchard. 155. l'astc: Food Standards (--- .) Order, 1951, 616. paste: Meat Products and Canned Meat (Amend- ment St). 2) Order, 1961, 498. "solubles : 3licrobiological assay of vitamin U,, in analytical and consulting laboratory. Pritchartf, 155. Fhsnol. C: 13xamination of detergent prcpns. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Committee, Soapless Iletcrgen ts Sub-Com- niittee, 279. Flavourings: Report on copper. Ministry of Footl, Vcmi Standards I'ornmittce, hlctdlic C.on- tarnination Sub-Committee, 654. Flour: Circular 311: 19/50, composition and labelling of mixtures, withdrawal of. Ministry of l:ood, 54.'kll,cad content of wheaten -- and its dctmn. Hart, 692. Milling Processes. Scott. 2nd Edn. (Publication rcceived), 443. *Flue dust: Detmng. gcrmanium. 111. Detmn. in , coal and coke. *Fluoride: I'otentiometric titration of -- with lead. C.ropper, 370. *Fluorine: Detmng. - in organic compounds. Uelcher and Tatlow, 593. *Food(s): Analytical chemistry in service of -- and agriculture. Taylor, 263. and Drugs (Milk, Dairies and Artificial Cream) Act, 1950, 243. Appointment of Sub-committee to review Public EIealth (Prcservatives, etc. in ---) Hegu- lations, 57; Erratum, 244. Chemical Analysis of __ and - I'roducts. Jacobs. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 678. Chemical assay of aneurinc in --. Society of 131hlic Analysts, ;Inalytical Committcc.Sub- Corninittee on Vitamin Estmns., hneurine I'anel, 127. *I)etmng. fat in swcctened -. Morgan and Rawlings, 16 1. Intlcx to current statutory instruments and statutory riiles and orders relating t u --. Ministrv of -, 400, 755. fowl and agriculture. Taylor, 2fi3. -. Hamence, 6fi3. k-t'ilson, Lees and nroomfield, 356. Cluley, 630.I X I . ~ I ~ X TO ”meal, dried : Microbiological assay o f vitamin R,, in analytical and consuIting laboratory, Pritchard, 156. riictallic contaniinatioii of : Analytical chemistry in scrvict. o f food and agriculture. Taylor, 2 N . Methods in ;\iialysis +yplied to I’lant Products. Joslyri. (Publication received), 186. Keport or1 copper. Ministry of ----, Standards (:ommittc:c, Mctallic Contarnination Siub-(:oriirriiLtec, 555.Standards: Aypointrncnts to Standards Cornmittce. Ministry of L.’cx)tl, 120. Standards ((.*ream) Order, 1051, 382. Stantlards (l<dible gelatin) Order, 1951, 554. Standards (Fish Paste) Ortlcr, 19.5 1, 6 16. Standards (Ice-Cream) Order, 1951, 120; (‘ircular Standards (Meat I’astc) Order, 195 1, 6 1 ti. Standards (Preserves) (Amendment) (Commcnce- ment) Order, 1959, 119. Standards: Report on copper. RZi~iistry of -, Standards (:ommittee, 3Ietallic Con- taniination SnI)-Comrnittcc, 554. ”Formic acid: Chromatogralhic estrnn. o f aqueous solutions of acids. IVisc, 316. Formulary: Eational --. 9th Edn. Xnicrican I’harmaccutical Assoc. (Kevicw), 322. * Freezing-point : (:ollaborativc: study of -- depression (Hortvetj o f siicrosc solir tions.Xschaffenburg and IiiiIig, 2. *Fructose : A ypl ications o f pa1 )cr clirorn a tographic methods t o sugar and allietl industries. de iVlialley, Albon anti Grew;, 287. Fruit I’revervation : l’rinciplcs o f -. jail1 Tilaking, Canning and Drying. Morris. 3r(I Edn. (l’ub- lication reccivetf), 44.3. $:Furnark acid: I.Sstmn. and separation of zirconium by --. Vcnkataramaniah and Rao, 107. Food( t3) --continwed Ml; 1/51, 120. G Wantine: Meat 1’rduc;ts anti (:annet1 3kit (Atncnd- rnent) Order, 1959, 119. Gardinol: Examination of detcrgcnt 1)rq)ns. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Mctliocls Com- mittee, Soapless Detergents Sub-Cornrnittee, 279. Gaacoignt+-l<cd Label : Approved osidising and prcservative agents. hlinistry of 17oot1, 321. *:Gelatinis): Detrnng.jelly strength of glues and - by Uoucher jelly tester. Koprowski, 732. 1:ood Statitlards (Edible f<cport o n copper. Ministry of Fml, Food Standards (‘omnii ttee, Mctallic Contamina tion Sub-Committee, 554. General Medical Council. Addcnciuni 1951 t o British f’liarmacopwia, 1948. (Publication rcceivecl), 384. *‘Generator : High-pressurc hydrogcn sulphide for microcliemical analysis. Stock and Heath, -i!lli. *Genetics: Analytical uheriiistry in service o f iood and agriculture. Taylor, 263. German I3ooks on (:lic:inical and Cognatu Suhjwts, I’uldishad 1!)39-50. hmrnins and Yincc. 2nd l<dn. (T’uldicatiotl rcxeived), i39. ”’Germanium: Iktmng. .. I. Titration of mannito- gurnianic acid. 1 . hb~orptiornetric dctnin. with phcn~-fBnorotic. I1 I. Detrnn.in f u e cinst, coal and coke. - during 1!)3‘3-45. Coppock. I<. T.O.S. Siinvys Ikport 30. 2.1. (Keview), 56. Order, 1951, 551. Cluley, 517, 523, 530. Germany: Pharmnceutical Industry in - . VOLUPIIE 76 X X i Glossop: Appointment of ‘1’. I<. liotlgson as Public Analyst to Borough of (Iloncester: Appointment of hl. E. 1’). Turner as Aciditional l’ublic Analyst t o Ckunty T4orough of .-, 382; as Public Analyst and Lkputy Official Agricultural Analyst t o County 13orough o f ---, 613; Appointment of I. Denibrcy as D e p t y Official Agricultural Analyst and E. G. \Vhittle as Ollicial .Agricultnral Analyst to County of --, and of 31. E. D. Turner as 0ffici:il :\griciiltui~al Analyst to County norough o f -- -, 735. *Gloucestershire: Appointment of I. Ikmbrey and 15.G. jt’hittle as Joint Public Analyst9 t o County of -, 61.5, *Glucosamine: Modification of Elson and Morgan method for estmng. Johnston, Ogstoti and Stanier, 88. ”Glucose: Applications of paper chromatographic. methods to sugar and allied industries. dc \Vhalley, Albon and Gross, 287. ”:cf’fcct o f heating with organic acids: Detrnng. moisture in tobacco. tl (+) : Specifications for rnicro-analytica1 rt:agents, 67 1. *aha: Iletmng. jclly strength of and gelatins by Bouchcr jelly tester. Glycols: Ethylene and Propylcne - Rae- (Publication rctcei\-ed), 676. Glycosides: Plant --. Mcllroy. (I’ublicatioii rc?ccivetl), (i78. *Gold: Detmng. --, palladium and platinum by dithizoric. Young, 49. *Jnorganic chroniatography on cellulose. V. Usc of colunins o f cellulose in combination with organic solvent cstraction for separating uranium froni other metals. 13ur~tiill and \%-ells, 3%; ; \-I.Estraction and dctmn. of . _^.._ , Kember and \Vclls, 579. Government Chemt: lieport upon \Vork o f Dcpt. of -- for Ycar ending 31st March, 19.50. (Publication received), 1rSfj. *Grass in ensilage : Analytical cliemist.ry in scMcc: of fotxl and agriculture. *Growth factors: Microbiological assay of - -- after separation by paper chromatography. Harrison, 77. Guildford: Appointment of ‘1‘. E. liyrner as Deputy Public Analyst to 1Sororrgh oi .-, 244. Fryd and Kiff, 25. Iioprou-ski, 732. l’aylor, 2633. 0 15. H Hamogate: Appointment of J . C. Iiarral as Public Hest: Lnit oi -. +Heating block: ‘I’bermostatically-controllen ~ for scaled-tube reactions.Stock and l;ill, 497. Hereford: AppointIncrit of .M. 13. TI. ’l’urncr as lleputy Official Agricultural Analyst to (lounty of ---, 54; Appointment of M’. 31. Lewis as I)eputy Public Analyst Lo 13orough of -.-, 383. Hessian: Cleanliness o f uscd - - - -. B.S.S. 269’7: 1‘350, 245. Heterocyclic Cornponnds. Vol. 1 . ‘l’hrcc-, Four-, l h c - and Sis-11cmbcrc:d hlonocyclic Com- pounds containing One 0, S and S Atom. I<ltlcrfield. (Publication reccivetl), 5Ci; Yol. TI. Five- a n d Sis-fi1cml~erc.d l’olycyclic (‘ompounds containing Onc 0 or S Atom. (F’ublication rcceivcd), 443. Sitrogen Compounds: Six-Memhcretl with I;our C.ontlensed Rings. Allcri ct al. (Publica- tion rcccivwi), 559. Analyst to Borough of --, 54. lioyal Society, 38-1.xxii IIUDI.:X TO VOLunlE T O Hexachloroethane: I3.S.S.677: 1D;Sl. 434. *Hexamethylene diamine dihydrochloride : Analysis of Nylon type polymers. Haslam and Clasper, 33. Hmov&$, Prof. : Congratulations from Society of Public Analysts 011 attainment of (ioth birthday, 327. Hopkin and Williams, Ltd. Organic Reagents for Organic Analysis. 2nd I;:dn. (Review), 323. ‘*Hormone(s) : Adrenal ascorbic acid depletion and adrenal repair niethods for bio-assay of adrcnocorticotrophic Morris, 470. ”Ascorbic acid depletion rnetliotl for bio-assay of adrenocorticotrophic - and observations on use of inhibition of tissue repair. Clayton antl Prunty, 4i4. *Assays of adrenocortical 011 small laboratory anirnals. Vogt, 478. *Assessment of adrcnocorticotroi?hic -. activity. Reiss, Halkerston, Badrick and Halkerston, 461.*Hypophysjectoniy in prepn. of mammals for bio-assay of adre4ocorticcitrophic - activity. Pickfortl, 881. +Hodvet: Collaborative study of f.pt. depression (-- -) of sucrose solutions. ,Ischaffenburg and King, 2. *mdriodic acid: Inorganic chromatography on celIulose. V. Use of columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvcnt extraction for separating uranium from other metals. 13urstall and Wells, 396. Specifications for micro-analytical reagents, ti7 1. “Hydrobromic acid: Inorganic chromatography on ccllulose. V. Lsc of coluniris of celhilose in combination with organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other metals. I3urstall and Wells, 398. ’::FIydrochloric acid: Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. V. Use of columns o f cellulose in combination with organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other metals.Burstall and Wclls, 396. Specifications for micro-analytical reagents, 67 I. *Hydrogen peroxide: Tletmng. - in radiation esperinients on aqucous solutions. Savagc, 224. Specifications for micro-anal y tical reagents, 67i. *Hydrogen snlphide: High-pressurc - generator for microchemical analysis. Stock and Heath, 496. *Volumetric detmn. of -. and soluble sulphides. Kitchener. Liberman and Spratt, 339. *Hydroquinone: Detmng. small amounts of Iklcfier and Slephen, 45. * $-p - HydroxsPhenyl- propionic acid : Id e 11 ti fi ca t ion of - in visceral extracts. Lynch, 610. *Occurrence of - in viscera. *Hydroxyproline: Applications of nitrosoferricyanide reaction ; detcng.proline and ---. Fearon and Boggust, 667. *&Hydroxyquinoline: l’hotonwttic detmn. of small amounts o f titanium with -. Gardncr, 485. “Hypophysectomy in prepn. of mammals for bio-assay of adrcnocorticotrophic hormone activity. I’ickford, 681. Nickolls, 609. 1 Ice-Cream: I:ood Stantlards (--- 1 Order, I 95 1, (Heat Treatment, ctc.) -4mendmc:nt Jiegulations, 110; Circular h3F 1/31, 120. 1951, 244. Ice-Cream- continued *Milk solids in - -, sorting test. Hamcncc, and Hart, 429. *pow’dcx-: Detmng. fat i n sweetened foocts. Morgan and Rawlitigs, 161. ‘Igamide U: -4nalysis o f Nylon tylx p0lynir.s. Haslani antl Clasper, 3 3 . Igepal: Examination o f detergent prcyns. Societ?. of I’nl)lic Analysts, Xnalyticnl Methods Corn- rnittw, Scia plcss 1 Ictcrgcn t s Sub-C:omini t t w , 279.Igepon A type : Ixamination of detergent prcpw. Socictv of 5’u bhc Xnalysts, Analytical llcthod3 Committee, Soapless I k t t1rgent.s Sub-Conimittw-, 39. Igepon -NA: 1:xamination of detergent prep115. Corriniittce, Soapless Detorgcnts Sub-Coin- mittec, 179. Igepon T type : Examination of detergent p r e p s . Society of IJuhlic Analysts, Aiialytical Method3 Cotiirnittce, Soapless Uettrgcnts Snb-Con1 . mittee, 279. Indicators: Chemical -- . TomiEek. ’l‘r;inslatctl by \Vt.ir. (Publication received), 618. +Indium: I k t m n g . in beryllium cotnpounds. hllilner, -188. * /3-Indolylacetic acid: Photometric detmn. oi ~-indolylbutyrjc acid. 13allard and Spice. f3G-1. * j3-IndoIylbutyric acid: Yliotometric detmn. of Jhllarcl antl Spice, 064. * /?-Indolylpropionic acid: Photometric cletmn.oi j3-indolylhutyric acid. 33aIlartl arid Spicc, W 4 . *Injection: 1)etmng. volume of --- in containers. Foster, 2.10. Inorganic CIeInistry : Mellor’s Modcrn --. l%rkl*s. 10th L l n . (,Publication received), 5 3 ; ( R t s - view), 876. Micro-analysis. nriscoe antl IioIt. (Itcvjcw), 3 8 : ~ Qualitative Analysis, Concisc Schenie. Iiolnc~s. (1’ublic:ition received), 384. *Xnositol: Plate assay tccliniquc. for __ in yeast. Jones, 358. Insecticides: :!ctive principles of pyrethruni flowcrs. Iicport of Standing Sub-C’ommittce on 3’Iethntls of Analysis of Vegetable . on \\orld-U’idc Coliaborativc Analysis o f Pprcthrum Flowers, 1948-49, 5:7tj. DDT and Sewer I’ersistent - --. M’est: anti Canipbell. 2nd Edn. (Review), 332. International Commission for UaiSorm.Methods of Sugar Analysis: lieport of I’roceedings of IOih Scssion, 1949, 434. *lodine: I norgmic chromatography 011 cc:llulow. V. Use ( J f colurnns of cetlulose in cornbination with organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other nwtals. 13urstall antl IVdls, 3!)B. *Vil>rating electrtxles in arnperometric titrations. I . Jktmng. thiosulpliate . antl tcrvaient arsenic. Harris and Ihtlsey, (i47. Ion Exchange Resins: Notes on 1,aborntory f.;st. of .. nritish Urug Idouses, Ltd. (I’uMica- lion received), 123. Ipswich: :\ppointnicnt of LV. 1:. Grcevcs as Ih.?put!. l’ublic Analyst and Iluputy Official Agri- cultural :\naIyst t o County Borough of L . , 11s. Imnopol: Examination of detergent preps. Socier !. of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods (:on)- mittct, Soapless l)vtcr-g:c*nts Sub-Cornmittcc, 279.S O C R ~ ~ of r’u blic L\n;ilysts, .Analytical mtl1txi\*Iron: Chemical detmn. of magnesiuni in cast -* Westwood and Prcsscr, 19 I. *Detmng. boron in horonisetl nietals. Bush ancl Higgs, (i83. :; Uetning. sninll quantities of copper in .--. Fife, 731. !'Inorganic c1rorii:itography on cellulosc. IV. I ktmng. inorganic compounds by paper-strip 5eparation and plarograyhy. 1 ,<:xis and Grifiths, 388. :'Micro-e.-,tmn. of .. I- v*i t I i t r i ~ ~ l i e ~ i ~ l r t ~ c t h y l - nrsonium thiocyanate. Ihvyer xn(1 Gibson, 548. 'tPliotoirietric tletnin. of small ;mounts of in magnesiriiii aiitl niagIicsiuIn dloys thioglycollic ;wid. 3Iayer and 13rr\tl..;linw, 71:). ':Irrigation : Anal!*tical clieniistry in serticr o f food anti agricultirrc.Taylor, 263. by J Jam: Principles of Fruit I'reservation. Making, Canning and Drying. Morris, 3rd ICdn. (Publication receivcd), 443. "Jelly strength: Jktmng. -- of glues and gelatins by I3oucher jelly tester. Koprowski, 732. Jades: Knit of heat. Journal, new: Vacuum. Val. I , So. 1, Jan., 1961. Royal Society, 964. (Pub1ic;ition rcceivcdj, 374. K ":Karl Fischer reagent: :Ipplication of ir. tletmng. moistme in gases. lioriian and Hirst, 10. rr Iktmng. water i l l o p q u c pctrolcnni products by .- - .. Scott, 23'7. *I)evelopnicnts in use of Kingston-upon-Thsmes: .\ppointment of '1. 13. liynier as nq)uty l'iiblic Analyst to Horough of -, 118. Kirkcudbright: Appointiuent of 1). I(. :I. Ihvics as Xclditional I'nblic ;Inalyst t o ('oiinty o f --.54. Jo~ic's. 5. L Laboratory Ilesigii. (.'olcman. (l'u!dicatioii rc- ceivecl), 502. "Lactic acid: Senii-qca n t itative coloiir rcaction for -. nlcXlli;;ter, 298. '::Lactobacillus Lactis: :Issay of vitaniiti 1312. III. 3licrobiologic;l estain. with - Ihrncr by plate method. (:utlibertso~i, Pcglcr ; m i I h y d , 133- ';Cupplate assay o f vitamin using - . - ...- Darner 10697. 1,arkin anti Sttickey, 150. i.i Lactobacillus Zeichmannii: :Issay o l \.itamin B,?. IV. 3lirrobiological (:sinin. with - 3 1 3 by turbirlinictric procedure. Emery, I.ccs ;ind Tootill, 141. ':'LBctose: Applicat ioris o f paper cIirotnatogr;rl,liic methods to hiigar arid allietl iiidiistries. (112 Whalley, Albon and Ciross, 2x7. ":Laevdose, etfrct o f heating with organic: acids: Iktmng.moisture in tdxiccu. I'ryd ant1 I i i f f , 2.5. Lambeth: .Iypointnicnt of J . I<. JYo(i(1 ticad its lluldic Xnalpt. to Mctropolitan I3orougli of --, 382. Lancaster: ApooinLnient o f G. H. ll.-alkcr ;IS Piiblic Latex: Methods of testing rubber --. B.S.S. 1672 : *Lead content of wheaten flour and its detmn. 'Lktmng. lead oxide in prescnce of ---. Black, * Detning. small arnoiints of rhodium in presence *Electrolytic rietmn. of Iarge amounts of as * Inorganic chroniatography on cellulosc. 11:- Dctrnng. inorganic compounds by paper-strip, separation and polarography. Lewis and Grifitlis, 3SS. *I'otentiometric titration of fluoride wit 11 ---.. Cropper, 370. Lead chromate : Specifications for micro-analytical reagents, 67 I .*Lead dioxide: I<lectrolytic: tletmn. of large amounts. of lead as Sorwitz, 113. *Lead oxide: Lktmng. in presence of Icad. IHack, 208. Leaf Analysis. Mitchell. Translated from Lunde- ghrdh's Hlatin~zdyse. (Publication received), 321. "Liming materials: Evaluation of ~ fur agri- cultural purposes. Smith, Comic and Simpson. 58. Liacolnshire: -4ppointnient of J . E. b'oodhead as JJut)lic nnalyst and Official 2\gricultural ;\nalyst t o County 01 Parts of Hollaricl. 382; =\ppointmcnt of -4. J. C . 1,ickorish ah 1)epil t y AgriculturaI Analyst to County of Parts o i Holland, -, fils; as L)eputy Public- Analyst to County of Parts of Holland, - , 5 3 5 ; Appointment o f J . 13. FYoodhcad as CIfiicial Agric.ultural Analyst to County ot Parts of Kcsteven. 615. *Linoleic acid: Spectrographic dctmn. of -- am! linolcnic acid.Hilditch, Patel ancl Riley. 81. *Linolenic acid: Spectrographic detmn. of linoleic. acid and -.-. LiSsapol C: Examination of detergctit prepns. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Committcc, Soaplesa Detergents Sub-Com . mittec, 270. Liasapol LS: Examination o f detergent prepns. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Cornmittcc, Soapless Uetergents Sub-Corn mittec, 279. Lissapol N: Exaniination of detergt:nt prepns. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Committee, Soapless Detergents Sub-Corn- mittce, Ti!). Lissolamine A: 1:xalnination of detergent prepns. Socicty of Piiblic .4nalysts, Analytical hlethocls Committee, Soapless Detergents Sub-Corn- mittee, 27!). Literature: Short Giiide to Chemical -.Dp:on. (l'ublication received), 539. *Liver meal, dried : h1Iicrol)iological assay 01 vitamin B,, in analytical and consultinf: 1;rboratory. Pritchard, I S , sausage : Meat Products and Canned Meal (.-\mcntlment) Order, 1950, 119. Lubrol W: i'xaniination of detergent prepns. Society of I'ublic Analysts, Analytical Methods (.'ornniittce, SoapIess Detergents Suh-Com- mittce, 279. 'Lutidine: Oualitative and onantitative colour 1930, 54. Hart, 692. 208. of - and zinc. liyan, 731. dioxide. Sorwitz, 113. €lilditcli, I'atel and Riley, 87 - -4nalyst 'aid A, T.ees as Deputy Public ilnalyst to City of 433. scrics. Herington, 90. reactions for Ion-cr h~mologues o f pyridincxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 76 M "Basgnesiurn: Chemical detmn. of ~ in cast iron.Westwood and Presser, 191. 'Photometric detmn. of small amounts of iron in - and - alloys by thioglycollic acid. Mayer and Bradshaw, 715. mgnesium perchlorate : Specifications for micro- analytical reagents, 67 1. Balden and Coombe: Appointment of T. E. Rymer as beputy Public Analyst t o Borough of -, 244. Xdt: Chemical assay of aneurine. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Committee, Sub- Committee on Vitamin Estmns., Aneurine Panel, 127. *-ganese bronze: Analysis of -. Norwitz, 314. 'Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. IV. Detmng. inorganic compounds by paper-strip separation and polarography. Lewis . and Griftiths, 388. -*Manganese sulphate as catalyst in ceric sulphate titrations. Watson, 177. * ~ i ~ o - g e m a d o acid Detmng. germanium. I.Titration of ---. Cluley, 517. *Mannose: Applications of paper chromatographic methods t o sugar and allied industries. de W'halley, Albon and Gross, 287. =ufactmrs: British Chemicals and their -. Assoc. of British Chemical -. (Publication received), 186. m w e s and Fertilisers. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. 9th Edn. (Publication received), 502. m a t : Chemical assay of aneurine. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Com- mittee, Sub-committee on Vitamin Estmns., Aneurine Panel, 127. extract: Analysis of -. Society of Public Analysts, Analytical hiethods Committee, - Sub-committee, 329. Paste: Food Standards (-) Order, 1951, 616. paste: Meat Products and Canned Meat (Amend- ment No. 2) Order, 1961, 498. Products and Canned Meat (Amendment) Order, 1950, 119; (Amendment) Order, 1951, 320; (Amendment Xo. 2) Order, 1951, 498..Products : Manufactured ~ Working Party, Ministry of Food, Report of -, 120. Report of Interdepartmental Committee on __ Inspection. (Publication received), 502. roll : Meat Products and Canned Meat (Amend- ment) Order, 1950, 119. Medialan A type: Examination of detergent prepns. Society of Public A4nalysts, Analytical Methods Committee, Soapless Detergents Sub-Com- mittee, 279. Medical Biochemistry : Micro-analysis in --. King. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review) 677. Xedicinal Chemistry. Vol. I. Burger. (Publication received), 502 ; (Reviewj, 674. *Melibiose : Applications of paper chromatographic methods to sugar and allied industries. de Whalley, Albon and Gross, 287. Melting and Solidification of Fats.Bailey. (Review), 676. Wepyranine: Evaluating drugs in man, with special reference t o anti-histaminics. Rain, 573. *S-Mercapto-4: 5-dimethylthiaeole : Colorimetric detnm. of palladium with -. Ryan, 310. *DetmnR. small amounts of rhodium in presence Mercuric sulphate: Specifications for micro-analy- tical reagents, 67 1. *Mercury: Estrnng. - on apple peel. Arthington and Hulme, 211. *flow: Automatic detmn. of rate of - from dropping electrode. Furness, 178. *Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. V- L75t. of columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other metals. Burstall ancl Wells, 396. Mersolst : Examination of detergent prepns. Society of Public Analysts, ,4nalytical Methods Com- mittee, Soapless Detergents Sub Comnlittee, 279.Merton and Morden: Appointment of T. E. Ryme~ as Deputy Public Analyst to Urban District of -, 320. "Metsphosphate: Analysis of commercial sodium triphosphate. Raistrick, Harris and Lowe, 230. *Methacrylate, methyl : Detmng. methyl a-chloro- acrylate in atmosphere. Haslam, Whettern ancl Soppet, 628. *Methacrylic acid: Detmng. small amounts of hydroquinone in presence of -. Belcher and Stephen, 45. *Methionhe: Colorimetric detmn. of -. Kudm and Choudhury, 432; Erratum, 494. $Methyl a-chloro-acrylate: Detmng. ~ in atmos- phere. Haslam, Whettern and Soppet, 628. "Methyl methacrylate: Detmng. methyl a-chloro- acrylate in atmosphere. Haslam, Whettem and Soppet, 628. Micro-analysis in Medical Biochemistry. King. (Publication received), 247 ; (Keview), 677.Microdiffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error. Conway. (Publication received), 324; (Re view), 738. *Microscopy: Detergent solution in ---. Ho~vcs, 240. Elk: Condensed - Order, 1951, 498. *Detmng. acidity of __. Johnson and King, 504. Food and Drugs (-, Dairies and Artificial Cream) Act, 1950, 243. Investigations into Composition of South African -_ . 11. Composition of ~ supplied b!. Producers to City Distributive Trade. Bakalor. (Publication received), 617. Methods for the chemical analysis of condensec 1 ~- . B.S.S. 1742, 1951. 499. Methods for the chemical analysis of dried -- . H.S.S. 1743, 1951. 499. Methods for the chemical analysis of liquid B.S.S. 1741, 1951. 499. powder in sausages: Meat Products and Cannetl Meat (Amendment) Order, 1951, 320; (Anwnd- ment No.2 ) Order, 1951, 498. Report on copper. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contaminatioii Sub-committee, 554. "solids in ice-cream, sorting test. Hamence ant1 Hart, 429. Milling; Flour __- Processes. Scott. 2nd Edii. (Publication received), 443. "Milton's method: Modified - for estmng. total available chlorine in water. Morris and Grant, 492. *Minerals: Rapid detrnn. of sodium and potassium in rocks and by flame photomctry. Osborn and Jchns, 410. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries: Manures and Fertilisers. 9th Edn. (Publication receivtul I , of lea3 and zinc. Ryan, 731. 502.Ministry of Agriculture and F'isheries-c~mti~rtred Toxic Chemicals in Agriculture. Report of Working Party. (Publication received), 502. Ministry of Food: Appointment of Sub-Committee t o rcvicw the Public Health (Prcscrvativcs, etc.) in Focid) Regulations, 57; Erratum, 244.Circular MF 19/50, composition and labelling o f fiour mixtures, withdrawal of, 54. Food Standards Cornmittec. .\ppointmcnts, 120. rndcx to current statutory instruments and statutory rules and orders relating to food, 499, 735. Manufactured Meat Products \\.'orking I'arty, ICeport of --, 120. Keport on copper. - - - -- , Forxl Stantlards C'oni- rn ittcc, hlt.tallic Con tarriina tion S lib-t :omm ittcc, 554. B¶inistry of Food Orden, etc.: Animal protein rich substance, 1 I !I. Hecf sausages, ll!], 320, 498. Blood, dried, 119. Borax as preservative in bacon, 120. T3utter in tlcscriI)tion of confectionery, i32, Calcium in Sational Conipounc!s, 1 19.Canned meat, l I ! i 320. 498. Cattle fowl, ll!), 563. Cod-liver oil substitutes, 1 I!). Coiidenscd milk, 4!48. Cream, 382, 563. Cream, artificial, 243. Dairies, 243. Feeding stulfs, 11 9, 553. Food standards, Il!*, 120, 554, (iIf3. Galantine, 119. Gelatin, 554. Ice-crcaw , 120, 244. Meat pastc. 498, fi16. Meat products, 119, 320, 491). Milk, 243. Oxitlising agents, 321, 735. Parcv, 120, Pate de foie. 498. Polony, 1 ID, 320. 498. Pork sausages. 119, 320, 498. Potted meat, 493. Poultry food, 119. Preservative agents, 331, 735. Prescrvrts, 1 19. Sausages, 119. 320, 498. Soft drinks, 244. Whalemeat, 4!1X. Ministry of Health: Purification of \.tTater of Swim- ming 13aths. (Publication rcccivcd) , 324. Hitcham: Appointment of 7'.F, Kymer as lkpiity Piiblic Analyst to Borongh o f --, 180. *Moisture: Xir current niethorl of tlctrnn. 3lonc:y and Christian, 1 !I. 'Application of Karl Fischcr reagent in clctmng. - -- -- in gases. *L)etrnng. ~ - in tohacco. Fry! and Iiiff, 25. *dctmn. : 1)evelopments i n tisf: of Karl Fisc1ic.r reagent. Jones. 5 . *meter : Ihiio-frequency elcctronic ----. 13abl,, 12. W01889e~: i\pplications of paper chrornatogra1 )hi(: methntls to sugar and allicd indiistries. cltt LVhaHey-. Albon and Gross, 287. *Microbiological assay of growth factors after separation by pqicr c~troniatoi:raphy. I h c i - i s m , 77. testing : l<cport o f lkv.xedings o f 10th Session o f International (hnimission for I:niform 3 1 e t h l s of Sugar Analysis, 1 !U!l. 43.4. Fish paste, 493, 616.Roman and Hirst, 10. Molecular Spectra: Identification of -. Pearcc. and Gaydon. 2nd %In. (l<eview), 441. *Molybdenum: Uetmng. boron in boronisd metal.;. Bush and I-iiggs, ($83. *L)etning. tungsten and - -- in titanium. Short, 710. * I norganic chromatography on cellulose. I\', lktmng. inorganic compounds by paper-strip separation and plarography. 1.ewis and Gritliths, 388; V. Use o f columns of celluIosc. in combination with organic solvent oxtraction to scparate uranium from other metalh. I3urstall and Wells, 396. lorden: See Herton snd --. lKP 1 H!): Exaxaination of detergent prepns. Socict!- oi Public Analysts, ;ltiatytical Metftds Cxm- mittce, Soaplcss Iktttrgcnts Sub-Comrnittm. 279. N Nacconol: Examination o f detergent prepns. Society of I3ublic .Analysts, Analytical Methocis Committee, Soaplcss Detergents Sub-Cmm- rnittcte, 279.Societ.? of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Com- mittee. Soapless Detergents Sub-committee, 279. *Naphthidine: New spot tests for zinc. Belcher, hutten and Stephen, 378. *N(I-napbthyl) ethylenediamine hydrochloride: Coi - our reaction for nitrates and nitrites. Barn-, tififi. Neath: Appointment of I). E. Joncs as Public. Analyst to Borough of -. ---, 54. "Nephelometer: Photo-electric micro- -._ Mason, 1'72. *Neutron activation : Estmng. tantalum in mixture< by analysis. Long, ti44 +Nickel: 13etmng. boron hi boronised metals. Bush and IIiggs, 683. "Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. Ij-. Detrnng. inorganic conipounds by paper-strip separation and polarography. Lewis and (h-iffitfis, 388.Nicotinic acid: Society of Public :\n;llysts, i\nalytical Methods Committee, Sub-Committee on Vita- min E~tmns. Report from Chcmical Panel, 58. "Ninhydrin reaction: Iktmng. amino-acids coIori- metrically by 'l'itrirnetric detrnn. of carbon dioxide liberatcd in .- -.with amino-acids. Smith and Agiza, 619. '3Nitrates: Colour reaction for -- and nitrites. 13arncs, 6tX. Nitric acid: Specifications for micro-analytical reagents, ti7 I . :$Nitrites: Colour reaction for nitrates and . h r n e s , 6fiS. *lIc:tmng. ----. Barnes and :Folkard, 599. Nsnsa: T3xarnination of detergent prepns. Smith am1 Agiza, 683. Nitrogen Conilmiin(1s : Sis-Membered Heterocyclic. u*ith Four (hntlensed Rings. Allen ct a]. (Publication recc:ivc.tl), 559. fertilisers. TI. Hanicnce, 563.in organic matter without riistiIlation. Harvt-y, 657. Nitrometer: Micro- - . . (l'reg1 type). B.S.S. 1428: 19.50, Part IJ3, 54. *l-Nitro-2-naphthol for rxstmng. cobalt. May ,and \V;trrcn, 115. *p -Nitrosodiphenylamine: I )ctcng. palladium, plat I - n u n ) ;ind rhodium with . liyan, 167. *L)utmng. availability of in nitrogmoiis 6 *Micro-tletmn. nf . \xx vi INDEX TO VOLUME 76 "Nitraoferricyanide reaction : Applications of --; dctcng. yroline and hydroxyyrotine. Fearon and Lbggust. 667. -1-litroso-2-naphthol: 1-Kitro-%naphthol for est- mng. cobalt. "Nylon: hnaiysis of type polymers. HasIarn antl Cl;isper, 33. May and Warren, 115. 0 Obituaries : hston, 13. C., 619. T3ayley. C,. W., tjl9. Billington, 1;. I:., 251. Bird, k'. C. J ., 079. Ibuth, x, I'..2.51. Briggs, I<. S., b79. Costlie, A. J . C., 445. cox, 1-1. li., 679. Evans, 13. S., 1, 188, 189, 251. Fairbrotlicr, T. H., 661. 680. Hall. I:. M., 187, 251, 252. Hallas, (1. A., 251, 252. Hanky, J., 261, 252. Healtl, J . X., 251, 252. Heap, H., 230. Hills, G. M., 251, 252. Keeley, E. C.. 251, 252. Lane, J. H., 187, 250, 251, 252. Lawson, c;., 251, 252. McMnnus, I i . S . . 126, 251, 253. Muter, A . 11. hl., 187, 251, 253, 326. Powney, \V. I:. F., 445. Hecs, LV. J., 231, 253. Rendle, T., 251, 253. Richardson, 1;. K, 679. ICicl~;irtlson, 1;. W., 126, 190, 251, 253. Stephens, I:. R., 126, 251, 253. Thorns, IV. M., 126, 251, 253. I'ribley, 13. G., 251, 253. Wilkins, (:. It., 679. IVilIiains, N'. C., 325, 561. Official Appointments: See Appointments,. Ofptcial.O i l ( s 1 : Crude whale -. B.S.S. 836: 1950, 245. *l)etmng. acetyl values for use in component fatty acid analyses of castor -. Riley, 40. Iletmng. csters. Society of l'ublic Analysts, Analytical Methuds Committee, Essential - Sub-Committee. Addendum to Repl. No. 13, 387. Industrial antl F a t Products. Bailey. 2nd l d n , (I'ublication reccived), 559 ; (Review), 677. Spcrin R.S.S. 997: 1951, 321. Oldbury: Appointment of W. E. Jones as Deputy I.'ut)lic Analyst to Borough of ----, 180. &gsnic Chcmistry. Vinar. (Publication received), 524. Chemistry : Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. I. '1-hree-, Four-, Fivc- and Six-Meml>crell Mono- cyclic Compounds containing onc 0, N and S Atom. (Eldcrfield) . (Puhlication received), 56 ; Vol. 1 I . Five- and Six-hlcmberetl I'oIycyclic Compounds containing Onc 0 or S -4tOnl.(Publication rcceivcd), 443. Chemistry : Tntroduction to --. Harrow and Apfelhaum. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 678. Chemistry : 1,ehrbucI.i der Organischen Chernic.. Hollitrnan and liichter. 27th Edn. (I'ublica- tinn rrccivcd). 618. Chemistry : Six-Meml>cred Heterocyclic Ziitrogen Cornpounds with Four Condensed Rings. Allen t t ul. (Publication reccivcd), 5.59. Organic+o nl i 9 i ired Cliemistry : Systematic -. .Modern Methods of Prepn. and Estmn. Cumming, Hopper and Wheeler. 4th Edn. {Publication received), 66 : (Review), 442. Chemistry : Textbook of ----. Fieser and 1.Gcser. (Publication received), 247. Intcrmediates: I'repn. of Shirley. (Publica- tion received), (i78. Reactions. Vols. I to Y. Adanis, Uachrnann, I3latt, Fieser, Johnson and Snydcr.(Review), 449; Vol. 1.1. Aciams. {Publication received), 678. Svntheses. Vols. 27, 28 and 29. S h i n e r ; Snyder; Handton. (Review), 55. Oronite, siilphonaterl : Examination of detergent prepns. Society of Public Analysts, :\nalyticaI Methods Committce, Soayless lktcrgents Sub- Comntittee. 279. .*Orsat absorption pipette: Scw design for Hotigson antl Angel, 879. $:Orthophosphate: Analysis of commercial sodium tripliosphate. Iiaistrick, Harris and Low-e, 230. *Osmium: Micro-estmn. of -- in organic com- pounds. I h y e r and Gibson, 104. Oxford: Appointment of F. A. Lync as Public. Analyst and 1'. McLachlan as Additional Public Analyst to County Borough of --, 118. Oxidising agents: Approved - and preservative agents.hlinistry of l:ood, 321, 735. *Oxygen: Iktrnng. -- in titanium by chlorination. Corbett, ( 5 2 . *Oxyhaemoglobin: Microphotometric detmn. ot' carboxyhacmoglobin in blood. Salt, 344. P *PaiIadium: CoIorimctric detmn. of --- with 2-mercapto-4 : 5-clirxiethylthiazole. Ryan, 310. "1)etcng. , platinurn and rhodium with p-nitrosodiphenylamine. Ryan, i67. *Dctmng. gold. - -- . and platinum by dithizone. Young, 4!1. *Inorganic chromatography on celiuIosc. V. llsc of columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvent extraction for separating uranium from other metals. Hurstall and \Yells. 39(j. 'Pancreas meal, dried : hiicrobiological assay Ol' vitainin BIZ in analytical and consulting laboratory. Pritchard, 155. *Pantothenic acid: Microbiological assay of growth factor3 after separation by paper cliromato- grsphy.Harrison, 77. Parev: Food Standards (Ice-Cream) Order, 1'351, 120. *Particle gize : Approximate ---- analysis. Johnson and King, ti(i1. Pate de foie: Meat Products and Canned Meat (Xrncndnient 30. 2) Order, ] ! E l , 198. Pathology: Aids to Clinical -- ...-. Haler. 2nd Edn. (Publication receivedJ, 384. Pectin(& ; Detmng. grade strmgth of JJritish l:ood Manufacturing lndnstries Research Assoc., Jam L'ancl, ~- Sub-C:ornmittee, 538. lictport on copper. Ministry of Food. Food Stantlards Chnmittcc, Metallic Contamination Sub-('ornmittee, 564. ''Peel, aj)plc: Estmng. mercury on . Arthington an(l Hulnic, % I I . *Perlon: .AnaIysis of S ylon type polymcrs. HasIarn and (Iasper, 33. Perminal BX: Examination of detergent prepns.Society of Puhlic Analysts, Analytical Methods ('omm ittcc. Sonplcss Iktcrgents Sri b-Com- rnittce, 379.*Pest control: Analytical chemistry in scrvice of *Petroleum products: Iletmng. water in opaqw - . . *pH: Arsenic electrode as -- ~ - - - indicator. Monsa, Of;. Pharmaceutical Calculations : .\ids to -. Bolton. (Publication receivcd). 617. ( ’hemistry : I3cntley and Driver’s ‘i’vstbook of . J>river. 5th Edn. (Publication receivvtl), 324. C:heniistry : Aids to . Miiteharn. (Piiblication rcccived), 740. Industry in Germany during 193!1-45. (’oppock. H.I.O.S. Survcys Keport KO. 24. (licvicu), 56. Pharmaceutical Society: Calendar of o f G r w t nritain, 1‘35 1-52. (Publication received), 73!3. Pharmacognosy : Textbook of Wallis. 2nd Edn. (Publication reccivcd), 740.Pharmacology: I’hvsiology and - for Pharmaceu- tical Students. I3arber. (Publication received!, 740. Pharmacopoeia: Adtlentiurn 1951 to British .. - . -, I !)48. Hritisli Mcdical Council. (1’nblic:ation received), 384. 13. I). H. Guide to Addendum 1951 t o British - -- -, 1948. British Drug EIouscs, Ltd. (Putilication reccivcd), 502. Internationalis. Vol. I.. (Publication rcceivetl), 740. *PhenyKiuorone: Detmng. gcr~uanium. I I . -\I)- sorptirnetric detmn. with --. Clulcy, 323. *Phosphoric anhydride: Acciiratc detnm, of - . - - by quinolinc pliosphomolybdate. Wilson, G. *Phosphorus: Detmng. . . - by ceric sulptiatc. Deshln u kh. 1N1. * Tnorganic chromatography on cellulose. V. Use of columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvcnt extraction for separating uranium frorn other metals.BBnrstsll and Wells, 396. Photo-electric cells: Elcctric Eycs. Paw-cett. (Pub- lication received), 344. *Photometer(s) : Flame Two instrumcmts. Breaiey and Ross, 334. *Improved flame -- -. Leyton, 723. *Simple flame for internal-standard opcratim and notcs on liquid spectrum filters. Robinson and Ovenston, 4 16. *Photomthesis: Analytical chemistry in service o f food ancl agriculturc. ‘I’aylor, 263. Physical Chemistry. East man and Iid1efsc)n. (Review), 181. Chemistry: Advanced Treatisc on -. Vol. 11. Properties of 1-iquids. Partington. (Publication received), 5.59. Methods in Chemical Analysis. 1’01. 11. Herl. fhblication received), 324. Physics: New -. Talks on Aspects of Science. Raman. (Publication rcceived).384. Physiology ant1 Pharmacology for I’harmaccutical Stndcnts. Barber. 3rd Edn. (Publication receivcd), 540. ‘Picoline: Qualitative and quantitative colour reactions for lower liorriologues of pyridine series. Herington, 90. Pipettes: Washout .. -. H.S.S. 1428: 1950, ‘[’art D2. 64. Plant Glycusides. Mcllroy. (Publication ntccivcti) , 678. Products : Methods in 1;owl Analysis Applied to - . Joslyn. (I.’ublication received), 1 tit;. Stannett. (l<evic\v.r, 55. Scientific ant1 Techrtological. t;leck. 3rd l<tln. (Publication received), 384. foocl and agriculture. Taylor, 263. by Karl Fischcr reagent. Scott, 237. Plastics: Cellulose Acetate - - ~cPlatinum : I1etcng. p~dladiu~n, and rhodiii ni with ~-nitrosodiphcnyIamine. Ryan, lfi7. Detrnng. gold, palhtliiirn and by dithizoiic..Young, 49. * Inorganic chromatography on ccllulosc:. V. Use: o f columns of* cellulose in combination with organic solvent extraction to separate urariiriiii fi-om other metxls. Burstall and Well, 39ti. ri1et;tls : Hanclbuch tler Analytischen Clieriiic.. 1;rcscnius and J sntIvr. I I Teil. (jualitativi. S~(:li~~~-eisvcrfahrc:n. Hand VI1 I b b : Klementt. der Xchten Sctxngruppc. l’art 11. -. (Publication rcceived), 61 8. Poisons: Isolation and Identification. ‘T3smford. 3rd Edn. (Publication reccivcd), 443. Polarographic Congress, Prajpe, 195 I , Congratu- lations from Society of l’ublic -%nalysts t t i l’rof. I-Ieyrovskv, 327; Heport on --, 328. Method of Analysis. MiIllcr. 2nd Etfn. (Pu1)lica- tioii rcccived), 44.3; (Review), 61 6 . :%Polarography: lnorganic chromatography on cellu- lose.T V . Detmng. inorganic coinpounds by payer-strip scparation and -. Lewis and Criffitiis, 388; V. Lse of columns o f cellu1os;e i n combination with organic solvcnt ex traction for separating uranium from othcr metals. Hurstidl and \\‘ells, 396. Polony: Meat l’roducts and Canned Meat (hmonrl- mcnt) Order, 1950, 119. ‘Polyamides: Analysis o f Sylon type polyincrs. Haslam and Clasper, 33. “Polymer(s) : Analysis of Svlon type -. Ifaslani and Claspcr, 33. Lirierir --. Frith anti Tuckett. (Publication received), 443 ; (Review), 675. ‘K: Analysis of Sylon type polymers. Haslam and Clasper, 33. Pork sausages and sausage meat : Meat I?roducts and Canned Mcat (.\mendmcnt) Order, 1950, 119; (.“\nendment) Ordcr, 1951, 320; (Amend- incnt No.!?) Order, 1951, 498. by rncasurement of radio- activity. Wilson, 1.ces and Broomfield, 356. * Detmng. -- in fertilisers by flamc photometry. Hrcaly, 340. *I’ptng. uith sodinin cobaltinitrite. Mason, 176. ‘Hapid cletnin, of sodium and -- in rocks ancl mincrals by flame photometry. Osborn antl John?, 410. Potassium nitrate: Specifications for micro-analytical reagcnts, ti7 1. Potassium . dphate: Specifications for micro- analytical reagents, 071. Potted meat: Meat Products and Canned Meat (Amendment So. 2) Order, 1951, 498. Poultry Food KO. 3.4 : Feeding Stuffs (Manufacturt:! Clrder. 1950, 119. Practical Chemistry: intermediate -. Smith. (Publication received), 643. Preservation: Principles of I;ruit -. Jam JlakioK, Canning antl Drying. Morris. 3rd Edn.(Pub- licnticii received), d43. Yinistry o f Food, 321, 735. .\pi)ointmcnt of Sub4’ommittcc to review thc I’iihlic Hcalth , etc. in Food) Regulations. Ministry o f Food, 57 : Erratum, 214. R c p ~ r t o f Joint Committee of Society of I’uhlic. .\nalysts and Societv of I’hemical Tndustry o n ._ __ regulations, 27ti. Praserves: Food Standards {-} (Amendment) (Commrnccrncnt) (3rcler. 1950, 119. *Potass:um: Detmng. Preservative(s) agents : -Approved oxidising ands s ~ i i i INDEX TO “Proline: Applications of nitrosoferricyanide re- action; detcng. - -- and hydroxyprolint.. Fearon and Boggust. liti7. :.:Promethanine: Evaluating drugs in man, \\it11 special reference to anti-liistaminics. Uain, 573. Tropionic acid: Chromatographic estrnn. of aqueous solutions o f acids.Wise, 318. Propylene GIycol: Ethylene CJycol and - . Rae. (I’ublication rcccived) , ti78. Publications received : Adanis. Organic Kcactions. Vol. Ti, 07s. Ahrens;. Spectrochemica1 Analysis, 384. Alexand tir. Colloid Chemistry, Theoretid antl Applied. Vol. VII. Thcory antl Methods. Biology and Medicine, Technological Applica- tions, 186. Alexandcr. Surface Chemistry. Introdriction to Principles and Applications, 617. Allen el al. Six-Membered Heterocyclic S itrogen Compounds with Four Condensed Rings, 559. Assoc. of British Chemical Xanufacturers. British Chemicals and their Manufacturers, 186. Assoc. of Official Agricultural Chemists. Official Methcxls of Analysis. 7th Ecln., 247. Assoc. of Vitamin Chemists, Inc. Methotls of Vitaniin Assay, :W. Eailcy.Industrial Oil and Fat Products. 2nd Piln., 659. Ibkalor. Investigations into Composition of South African Nilk. 11. Composition of nlik supplicd by l’rduccrs to City Distributive Trade, 617. Hamforcl. Poisons, Isolation and Identification. 3rd [{dn., 443. Harber. Physiology and Pharmacology for I’har- maceutical Students. 3rd Edn., 740. 13aron. Handbook of hntil)iotics, 324. l3erl. l’hysical Methods in Chemical Analysis. Ird. 11, 324. Blake. Conductimetric Analysis at Kailio-frc- qucncy, 247. Bolton. Aids to l’liar~naceutical C:alc.ulatio~is. 617. Bottger et al. Chemisclie Anaiysc. Hand XXXIII. lieuere massanalytischc Methoden. 3rd Edn., 73!). Briscoe and Holt. Inorganic Micro-AnalJ+sis, 56. British 1)rug Houses, Ltd. J3.D.13. Cluidc t o British Drug I-rouses.JAd. Sotcs on 1-aboratory 15ritish Standards Institution. 1;ifty Years of British Standards Institution. Yearbook, 1951, Burger. Medicinal Chemistry. Vol. I, 502. Charlot and Gauguin. Chemical Society. Coleman. 1.aboratory Design, 502. (.on\c.ay. Microcliffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error, 324. Chke. IkTdern Soap and Iletergent Industry. I’ol. 1, Theory and Practice of Soap-making. 3rd Edn., 123; Vol. 11. Manufacture of Special Soaps and Detergent Chmpwitions. 3rd Edn., 324. Cope. Organic Syntheses, 1’01. 30, 1 Mi. Curnming, I-loppcr and \.Vhuc.ler. Systematic Organic Chemistry. Modern Methods of I’rcpn. and Estmn. 4th E h . , 5(i. (Iummins and Vince. German Books on Chcmical and Cognatc Subjects, Yu1)lishcd 1939-50. 2nd Edn., 739. Atltlendum, 1931 t o E.P., 1948, 508.Lse o f Ion Exchange Resins, 123. British Standards, 1901-1951, 618. 81 8 . kldtllodes d’Analysc tles Annual Reports on Progress lihctions en Solution, 324. of Chernistry for 1960, 617. V0L.UME 76 Publications Received--continued Ilkkinson. Chemical Analysis of Waters, Boiler- and I;eed-Watcrs, Sewage and Effluents. 2nd Kcin., 324. Ihiver. Hentley antl llriver’s Textbook o f Pharmaceutical I:hcmistry. 5th Edn., 324. 1)yson. Short Guide to Chemical Jiterature, 55!). Elderfield. Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. I. Three-, Four-, Five-. and Six-Membered Mono- cyclic Compounds containing One 0, N and S Atom, 58: Vol. 11. Five- ;md Six-Xembercd Polycyclic Compounds containing One 0 or S Atom, 443. Farris. Care and Ihecding of 1.aboratory Animals, 559. l;awcctt.Electric Eyes, 324. I;carnsidc, Jones anti Shaw. hpplieti Atomic Ihergy, 678. Fieser and Fieser. ’I‘estbook of Organic Cheni- istry, 247. 1;inar. Organic Chemistry, 334. Fleck. Plastics, Scientific and Tcchnologicnl. 3rd Edn., 8.94. 1;rescnius and Janclcr. Handbuch der Analy- tisclicn Chemie. Ted I I. Qualitative Xach- wt:isverfahrcn. I9antl V I I I I ) ~ : I*hncnte clcr Xchtcn Sebengruppe. Part I I. l’latinmetalle, 618: ‘14211 I l l , 13ancl V11 Ax, Elemente der Siebenteri Hauytgrupl)e, 5K k;rith and Tnckett. C;allais. Chimic MinCralc Thdoretique et ExyCri- Gardncr. ‘l‘cxtile J..nhorntory Manual. 2nd Edn., General bIedical Council. Addendum 1951 to Grant. Quantitative Organic Micro-AnaIysis 5th English Linear Polyrncrs, 443. rncntale (Chirnie E3lectronic~ue), 334.7.40. British l’liarmacopwia, 19.18. 3x4. bascd on Methods o f 1-ritz 1)rc.gl. Edn., 443. Greg#. Surface Chemistry of Solids, 61 8 . Groves. Silicate Analysis. 2nd Edn., 502. Gyiirgy. Vitamin Methods. VuI. T I , W8. Haler. Aids to Clinical Pathology. 2nd Edn., 384. Hamerslag. Technology and Clicmistry o f Alkaloids. 38-1. Harrow anti Apfelbaum. lntrcitluction to Organic Chemistry. 7th l < h , fi7H. Hildebrand and Scott. Solubility o f Nonclectro- lytes. 3rd Edn., 247. Hollenian and Kichter. Ixhrbuch der Organischen Chcniie. 27th Edn., 618. Holness. lnorganic Qualitative Analysis, Concisr Scheme, 384. Jacobs. Chemical Analysis of Food and Food Products. 2nd Edn., ti78. Jacobson. Encyclopedia of Chemical lieactions. Vol. I\’, 678. Joslyn. Methods in Food -4nalysis Applied t o Plant Products, 186. Kent- Jones and I’ricc.Practice and Science of Bread-making. 2nd Edn., 384. King. Micro-analysis in Medical Biochemistry, 247. Mcllroy. Plant Clycvsides, 678. Mangharn and Hockley. Uiology for I’liarrmceu- tical Students anrl Others. 2nd Ecln., 443. h r k l e y . Soybeans and Soybran l.)roductb, Vol. I, IMi; Vol. 11, 384. ,\Tinistry of Agricnlture and 1;isherics. Manures and 1:ertiliscrs. 9th Edn.. 502. Ministry of Agricu1t111-e anrl Fishcrics. Toxic Chemicals in Agriculture, Report of Working Party, 502.INDEN TO VOLUhll3 56 xsis Publieat ions Received---con ti~z ucd Swimming Baths, 324. Ministry of Health. Purification of fYater of Mitchell. Leaf Analysis, 324. Morris. L’rinciyles o f 1;ruit Preservation. Jam Making, Canning and Llrying.3rd T G I n . , 543. Mullcr. Polarogrnpliic .Method o f Analysis. 2nd Edn., 443. Muteham. Aids to l.’harmaceutical (:hemistry, 740. Owens and Johnson. Xccq-lenc Industry antl Acctylenc Chemistry in (;erman>- during 1939- 45, 618. Rirkes. Meilor’s Modern Inorganic. Cheniistry. 10th IStin., ,559. Parti ngtori. Ad van cctl ‘I’rea tise on Physical Chemistry. Vol. 11. Properties of Ii-pids, 558. Perry. Scientific Ijussian. 247. Pharmaceuticid Society of Great Ilritain. Pickers antl Creyghton. Safety in (liemica1 Rae. Ethylene and I’ropylene (;lycols, ti78. Raman. Sew I)liysics, Talks 011 A4spect., of Robinson. Vitarriin 13 Complex, 443. Roya! InGtitute o f Chemistry. Syniposiunt on ICecent -4dvanccs in Fermcntation hlilstries, 123. Santlell.Chemical An;ilysis. Vol. 111. Colori- metric 1)etmn. of Traces of Metals. 2nd Edn., 5ti. Scicntific Instrument hfanllfacturcrs .lssoc. Dir- ectory and Handbook, lWj, fi78. Scott. Flour Milling Processes. 2nd Edn., 443. Shirley. Yrepn. of Orpnic Intcrniediates, 078. Smith. Intcrmediatc I’ractical Chcmjstry. 443. S’ocictv o f Chemical ’ Industry. Heports on Progress of Applietl Chemistry. Yo!. XSX IV, Sli. Society of T.,eather ’l’radcs‘ Chemists. ( 11Picial Methotls of Analysis. 2nd Ecln., 740. TorniC,elc. Chcmical Indicators, 6 18. Turner. C.ontiensed CIiurnical Dictionary. 4th T v m a n . Metal Spectroscopy, 2-4 7. Van Sicuwenburg and \‘an T-igten. KwaIitatieve Wallis. Tcxtbook of l’l~smiacognos~-. 2nd Edn., Wibcrg. Chcmischc -%tiinitit, Xi!). Williams, Fakin, Heerstccher and Shiv(>.Bio- chemistry of R Vitamins, 1%. Chemistry Kesearch, 1950. 740. Pllarmacopoea 1ntc:rnationalis. Vol. I, 740. Report of 1nt~~rdt.partmental Corniiiittce an Meat Inspcction, 502. Keport upon Cl‘ork of I k p t . of Government C’hemist for Year ending 3Ist Xarcii, L950, 186. Vaciiiiln. Sew Journal, 324. See u!so Book reviews. ‘:fnmp: Sirnplc circulating -. Stevenson, tiG9. Puriflcation of Water o f Sninitning Baths. Ministry Furley: Set Conlsdon and Pyrethrnm flowers : Active principles of Calendar, 1951-52, 739. Laboratorv, I $li. Scimcc, 384. Etin., 56. Chcrnischc Andy..;c. 3rd Edn., 739. 7.40. of I Ic:ilth. (Publication received), 324. liepnrt of Standing Sub-Committee o n Methods o f AnaIysis o f Vcgctablc 1 nsccticide5 nn iVorld- W’icle Collaborative Analysis of .. . .- , 1 !118-49, 556. Tyridine wries : Qualitativr ant1 quantitative coloiir reactions for lower homologucs of - .--. Herington, 90. *Pyridoxal: Microbiological assay of growth factors a iter separation by paper chromatography. Harrison, ’77. ‘Pyridoxamine: hlicrobiological assay of growth factors aftm separation by paper chrornato- graphy. Harrison, 57. *Pyridoxine: Microbiological assay of growth factors after scparation by paper chromatography. Harrison, 57. Pyrophosphste: Arinlysis o f comniercial sodium triphosphate. liaistrick, Harris and l,owe, 280. Q Qualitative Analysis: Inorganic ~- , Concisc- Scheme. Kolness. (Publication rcccivcd), 38-1. Quartz control plates, standardising: lieport of 10th Session of lnternat ional Commission on I!niforni lllrtlioris of Sugar .lnalysis, 1!349.434. *Buboline phosphomolybdate: Accurstr dctmn. of l’hosplioric anhy-driclc hy ---. Wilson, 65. R “Radiation: Uetmng. hyIrogeri peroxide in -- - - - experiments on aqueous solutions. Savage, 224. *R.adio-€ceqnency conductirnetric analysis : Ap- paratus for rect-ifietl -. Hakc, 811. Conciuctimetric ;\nalysis a t ---. Blake. (Pub- cation received), 247. *Radiometric assay in traccr experiments. Winter- ingham, 362. *Raetjnose: Applications o f paper chromatographic methods to siigar and altied industries. de R’hallcy, -\lhon and Gross, 287. Reagents: Organic for Organic Analysis. Hopkin and Williams, I,td. 2nd Kdn. (Review) 323. Specifications for rnicro-an;ilyticaI . - - -, 871. Reckoner: Scientist’s Read?; -- .JCornan. (Review), 247. Refractive indices of sugar solutions: Iicport of Proceedings of 10th Session of Intcrnatianal Commission for I.-niforni Methods of Sugar Analysis, 1949, 434. Reigate: Appointment of ’r. 1.:. Rymer as Ilcputy Public Analyst to I3orough o f Reahs: Xotes on 1,aboratorv IJsc of 1011 Exchange . nritish Drug Houses, Ltd. (Publication Reviews, book : Set? Book reviews. *Rhodium: Uetcng. plladium, platinum and ---. with p-nitrosodiphenvlani~ne. Ryan, 167. *Ilctrnng. small amounts of in presence of lead and zinc. ltvan, i 3 1 . ”Rocks: Rapid dctinn. cd sodium and potassium in and niineraIs by flamc photometry. Osborn and Johns, 4 1 0 . Royal Society: Unit of heat, ,784. Rubber latex: MIethocls of testing - H.S.S. 1072: 1950, 54. Russian: Scicntific .Perry. (Publication received). 247: (Review), 738. +Ruthenium : Inorganic chromatography on cellu- losr. \:. I!sc of columns of cellulosta in combina- tion with organic: solvent extraction for separating nraniurii from other metals. Burstall and Wclls, 39G. Rutland: Aypointment of J . H. Hamence as Joint Piiblic ,\naIvst and as Dcputv Official A?$- cultural i\niIy5t to County of -, 320. 244. received). 123.S Safety in Chemical I..aboratory. l'ieters and Creyghton. (Piiblication recciwd), 186. ;Salicylic acid as suliporting Plectrolytc for polai-o- grayhy : lnorgnnic chrornatograyhy ttn celluiost-. 1V. lictmng. inorganic compounds b y paper- strip separation an( I l)olarography. I xwis and Griiliths, 388. Santomerse : Examination o f detergent p r e p s , Society ol Public Analysts, :\nalq-tic;il Methods Coriimittee, So:ipless 13etcrgents Sub4'om- mittcc, 279.Sausages: Meat 'Prcducts am1 Canned Meat (:Imend- rnent) Order, 1950, 119; (.lmentlrnent) Order, 19.31, 320; (r\me~itlincnt 50. 2) Order, 1951, 498. "Scandium: Inorganic cl~oniatogra~ihy on collulos~. V . 'I 1st. o f coluinns o f cellulosc in combination with organic solvent extraction ior separating uranium from other metals. %3urstall and Ct'c:lls, 396. Science: Sew Physics, Talks on Aspects of . .-- . Haman. (Publication received), 384. Scientific Instrument Manufacturers Aaoc: Directorj. and 1Iandhok of -., 1951, ri78. *&a water: h t r n n g . strontium in - --- by cornbina- tion of flame photometry and radiochemistry. Smales, 348. "Selenium: Jjetmng.and tclluriurn in copper. Koakcs, 543. 'Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. V. Use of columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvent extraction ior separating uranium from other rnetals. Burstall nncl Wells, 3'30. ''Serum: liapid clet~nn. of sodium in ---_ Trinder, 596. Sewage: Chemical Xnalysis of il'aters, 13oiler- and l:eed-CVatcrs, and Efiluents, Ilickinson. 2nd '+An. (Publication rcceivetl), 324. *Silica crucibles: Errors in weighing caused by electric charges developed in - on heating. Armstrong, 651. "Estmng. -- --. Forination o f silicomoIybdate. Milton, 431. Silicate .?nalysis. Groves. 2nd Edn. (l'ublication received), 502. '*Silicomolgb&te: Formation of ----. Nilton, 431. Silver gauze : Specifications for micro-analytical reagents, 67 I .wool : Spxifications for micro-analytical reagents, 6'71. B.S.S. 1715: 1951. 4'39. Vol. 1. Theory and Practice of -- - . -making. ' Cookc. 3rd Etln. (Publication reccivecl) , 123 ; Vol. 11. Manufacture of Spccial . ant1 Iktcrgent Compositions. (Publication received), 324. Society of Chemical Industry: Report of Joint Coriirnittce of Society of Public Analysts and .- on prcservative regulations, 276. Heports on l'rogress of Xpplied Chemistry. 1-01. XXXIV. (Publication receivcdi, 347. Society of Leather Trades' Chemists: Otiicial Iklvthotls of Analysis of 2nd Edn. (T'ublication rcccived), 740. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists : Atldrcss o f retiring J'rwitlent. Analytical Methods Coniniittcc. Hibliography of Standard, Tentative and Recommentfcci or Rccognised Methods o f .\nalysis, 125.Soap(sj: 3ieethds for the analysis of Modern - -- and Detergent Industry. Taylor, 260. Society of Public Analysts and Other An&Iytical Chemists. - coil 1 i ,iued -1nalytical blethods Coinniittce, Sub-Conirnittet, on Esscntial Oils. lkttnng. esters. Addcndurrl to f<ept. so. 1 3 , 3x7. :\nnlytic;il Mcthods Conimittee, Sub-Coinmittcc on N ~ a t 1-stract. Analysis of meat extract, x!:). Andy tical 1 Let11 ocls ('A ) m ini t tee, Sub -Co I nm i t tcta on Soapless I)ctc?rg,yents. Lsarnination t J i clctiqeti t prepas., 279. .-\nalytical ?lIctl~ods ('omniittuc, Sub-Corrmiittc:L. on Vitamin Estnrns., Ancurine Panel. Cherniwl assay of aiicursnc in foodstuffs, 127. :ln;ilytic;il JIetlio(Is Co~nrnittc.!e, Sub-('oniinittc.tz on Yitamin Estmns., t'limiical Pancl I<epi.rrt.lktmn. of nicotinic acicl, 58. .\nnivt:rsary dinner, 2'75. :\.C;.\L, 1952. (hinge: oi 1 l l i l ( ~ ~ , (1at~ and ti!]:(., Annual Report of ('ouncil, P : i l . Hiological hlethtwls Group. Sisth :I.G.M., 1 2 i . 13iological Mcttiorls t;toup. Syinposium 0 1 1 biological assay. - - _ - and Hiolnctric Socir:t!-, 37fi. Corigratulations to 1'rof. Hcyrovskf on attaiairi- riicnt o f tiOtli birthday, 327. hlicrochcniistry Group. (:hangc o f address oi' Hon. Scc:rc.tar)-, 740. Microchemistry Group. Sevcntii A.G.31. 12tj. Nicrochoniistry Group. Specifications for micro- North of ICnglantl Section. 'i'wenty-sixth A.G.Al., Physical Methotls Group. Sixth .A.G.M., 126. Prcscntaticin of Address to ;\mcrican Chemical Society, 503.Ke-appointrncnt of Miss I). J-. ll'ilson as Sccrctary, 24!4. Report of Joint Cornmittec with Socict)- oi C:hrmical 'I miustry on prescrvativt: regulations, 276. Representation on Sul)-(:ominittee appointcd b!. Ministry of I-'ood to review Public liealth (I'rt:servativc.s, ctc. i n 1;oocl) Rcgnlations, ~57 ; Erratuni, 544. 7 !.O. analytical reagents, 071. 187. Scottish Scction. Sixteenth A.G.M., 126. Seventy-seventh :I.(i.hI., 249. Soda asbestos: Spccifications for micro-analytical feagents, 67 1 . *SDdlum: l.)etning. in aluminium and its alloys h y vacuiini distillation. McCaniIq-, Scott and Smart, 300. *Rapid ,lctnin. of -- .. and potassium in 1-0cLi~ and niincrals by flarnc photonietry. Osliorn and Johns, 4 10. Sodium bisulphite solution : Spvcifirations for micro - analytica1 rcagcnts, 671.Sodium carbonate, anhydrous : Specifications f o r rnicro-;lnal~-tical reagents, ii71. *Sodium cobaltinitnte: 1'ptng. pktssiuni with --. >inson, I i(i. *Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate: Photometric tletrnn. o f copper in alriininiuni alloys with Sodium suiphide: Spccificatiorrs for micro-annlyticaI reagents, fi7 I . Sodium thiosulphate: Sl)ccihcxtions for micro. aiial!.tical r-c;igctits, (i7 1 . *sodium triphosphate: Analvsi..; o f coniincrcinl . -. Ttaistxkk, Hnrris arid I,owc, 230. Soft Drinks (hmenrlmcnt) <')rtlcr, 1951, 2-14. *Soil: :\ nalyt icxl chemistry In st:rvice of food a ?I( 1 *Rapid clt>tlnri. of ~- in seruni. 'Trincicr, 396. 3lill and Hermon, 3 17. agriculture. 'I'aylol-, 263.INDEX TO VOLUMTC 76 xxxi Solchlor : Approvcui oxidising and p s c r v a t i v e apcnts.Ministry of I:ootl, 321. Solidification: 3Ielting and --- of l--at-<. Hailey. (l!eview), 676. Solubility of ~ n n - I ~ l c c t r o l ~ t c s . IIiltlebrand and Scott. 3rd Edn. (Publication received}, 247. South African Milk: 1 rivestirrations into Composition o f .. -. ~ 1 1 . Composil%n of Milk sulqilicd by Produccm t o City IXstributive l’ratlc.. I3riltalor. (T’ublication rrceivcd), 617. * Soybean(er and .- I’rcddr~cts. Yol. 1. hlarkley. (1’ul)lication reccivcd), 186 ; 17r)l. I I, 384. Specifications for micro-analytical reagents, 67 I . Spectrochemical Analysis. .2hrcvls, (1.’~ 1 )lication received), 3S4. Spectroscopy: Ana1ytic;il .\!)sorption ----, .lbsorpti- metry atit1 Oh1orinir:tr-y. Mcllon.(lieview), 226, Metal Twymnn. (Publication rtwivcd) , 247. PrnctirA . ---. Harrison, 1,ortl ant1 1,w)hoiirow. (lieview.), 500. “&&Iw~(~J filters: SinipIe flame photornr:tt:r for in ternal-standard operation and notes on liquid -. Kobinson and Occnston, 4 lti. Identification of Molecular --. Pcarce and Gaydon. 2nd Edn. (Review), 441. Sperm oil: U.S.S. 987: 19.51, 321. Spot tats: .4nalysc Qualitati\*e MinEralc h I’;\ide de Stillirdactions. Iklaby and Gaaticr. 2nd Edn. (Review), I 22. Standardisation: .I<iolngical --- . 13urn. Finney and Chodwin. 3atl Kcin. ( Hcview). 18 1. Standards: Xpyointincot~ to Food .. -. -- Committee. Ministry of I:ood, 120. L‘ootl - (Cream) Order, 1951, 382. Food -- (Edible (;elatin) Order, 19.51. 554- I:ood (Fish l’astc) Order, 1951.filR. Food ( M a t I’astc) Order. 1951. 616. I-<)o(l .- (I-’rescrvcs) (:4mcndmcnt) ( C h - rncncernent) Ordcr, 19.50, 1 19. Reports 011 Biologi~~l-- : lr I. Design of Toxicity Tests. l’erry. (Itcvieu-), 183. ‘:Steel: J>etrmg. small quantities o f c o p p r i n iron. f;ife, 731. Sbergene: Examination of detergent prepns. Society o f I’ublic .4nalyst.;, i\nalytical hlcthods (hm- mit tee, Soapless 1 ktergen ts Su1)- Com in it tee, 379. SUrbactions: Analyst Qualita tivc hlin kale ri I’hklc tlc --. 1)claby and Gauticr. 2nd 1:dn. (Review), 122. ”Strontium: Detmng. -- in sea watcr by combina- tion of flame photornctry and radicichemistry. Smalcs, 348. Stumngs: Cleanliness of fillings and -- - for bedding, uptiolstcry, toys and other domestic articles. 13S.S.1425: 1951. Memorandum and amendment, 670. ‘:Sucrose : Applications o f paper chroinatographic metlicxls to sugar ant1 allied industries. de \Vhallcy. Xlbon and Gross, 287. “Co1lal)oratiz-e study of f . pt. depressions (Hortvct) of solutions. Aschaffenburg antl King, 2. Sdolk: Scc East Suffolk. *’Sngar(s\ : Air ciirrent metliotl of moisture detinn. with particular reference to ~iioisturc in white --. * .?pplicntions of yaLpc:r chromatographic methods in antl allied industries. de \l’hallcy, Albori and Gross, 287. Internntion;il (himission for I;niform Mcthods of - Analysis. ‘licpxt: of l+xccdings of 10th Session, I!U!l, 43-1. Money and (.hristian, 19. sugars ( 8 ) --conl iltuecc! Technology for -- Rcfinctry Workers. Lyle. 2nd Edn. (ltcview), 440.Snlphatemolyhdatc reagent : Spccifications f o r micro-analytical reagents, 671. *gulphide@) : I‘ofurnetric tietmn. of hydrogen -- antl soluble . Kitchener, 1,ikrrnan and Syratt, SC10. Sdphuric acid: Specifications for micru-analytical reagents, 67 1 . Sdphuric Control Order, 1950. Supplies o f chemicals used by analysts under 324. Surbiton: Appointment of -1’. E. liymer as Deputy ’Public Analvst to Borough of, ---, 180. 8urface Chemistis. Tntroduction to 1’rixicil)les and App1icat:ons. ;llexandcr. (Publication re- ceived), 6 17. o f Solitls. Gregg. (I’ublication reccivcd), 618. gutton and Cheam: .\ppointIncnt of T. 1’. Itymer as 1)eputy Public Analyst to Horougli of -, 180. gutton Coldtield: ;%ppointrnent of 1:. t;. 11. (:halmers as 1’ul)Iic Analyst to 13OrO~gh of Swimming Baths: Purification of Water of Ministry of Healtli.(Publication received), 324. Synthesis(es): Organic -. Vols. 27. 28 and 29. Shriner; Snyder; Hamilton. (I?eview), 55; Vol. 30. Cope. (Publication received), 186. P r e p . of Organic Intermediates. Shirley. (Publication received), 678. 244. T *Tantalum: Estmng. - in mixtiires b y neutron activation analysis. Long, 644. Tea: Report on copper. Ministry o f l;ood, Fmi Standards Corn mittee. B‘letallic C:cm tam inatioii Sub-(:cmimittee, 5.54. “Teepol: Detergent: wlu tion in microscopy. Howes. 240. Examination of dctergcnt p r o p s . Society 0 1 I’ublic Analysts, Analytical M c t h d s Com- mittee, Soapless Detergents Snt)-Cornmitter.. 2’79. *Tellurium: Uetmg. seleniurn and -- i n copper. Soakcs. 542.Testing: Mcthods of rulher latex. B.S.S. lti72: 1950, 54. Textbook o f Quantitative Inorganic .lnalysis. Kolthoff and Sanrlcll. (Review). 440. Textile Laboratory Manual. Gardnt?r. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), $40. *Thallium: Simple flame photometer for internal - standard operation and notes on liquid spectrum filters. IZobinson and Ovenston, 416 Thermal units: 1:nit of heat. Koyal Society, 384. Thermometers: General purpose ---. J3.S.S. 1701 1951. 321. Short-range short-stem B.S.S. 1365: 1961 321. Thiamine: Scc. Aneurine. *Thioglycollic acid: Photometric detmn. o f small amounts of iron in magnesium and magnesium allovs bv *ThiosuIph8te: Vibrating electrodes in ampero metric titrations. I . Detmng. , iodine and torvnlent arsenic. Harris and T-indsey, 647.‘Thonzylamine: ICvaluating drrtgs in man, wit11 special reference to anti-histaminics. I h i n , 573. *Thorium : Inorganic chromatography ( J I ~ cellulosc. 1:. Use of columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvcnt extraction for separating uranium from other metals. Thrstall and \Veils, 3913. Mayer and Bradshaw, 715.xxxii 1NL)EX TO VOLUME 76 Tin hlloys: Equilibrium Data for -. Greenfield antl I3owden. (Heview), 545. *Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. V. Use oi columns of cellulose in combination with organic solvent cxtraction for separating riraniuni from other metals, Burstall and Wells, 3 ) f i *Polarographic detmn. of aluminium, zinc and -- in water. llodgson and Glover, 708. Tintometer, Ltd. : Electric Eyes. Fawcett. (Publica- tion received), 334.*Titanium: Dctmng. oxygen in by ch1t)rination. Corbctt, 652. *Detmng. tungsten and molybdenum in .- Short, 710. *Inorganic chroniatography on cellulose. 1V. r)etmrig. inorganic compounds by paper-strip separation arid polarography. l'mris and Griffiths, 388. *Photometric detmn. o f sniall itmounts of - with R-liydrosy-qiiinolinc. thrdner, 485. *Tobacco: Lktning. moisture in 1:rytl antl Kiff, 25. 'Toluene dithiol: L)etmng. ii1ngl;tcn and nio1yl)tIeii- 11111 in tit:minrn. Short 71U. p - Toluene-sulphonic acid : Specifications for micro - analytic a1 reagents, 671. Tomato lictc,hi~p : I<cport on copper. 3linistv of l:ood, Food Standards Coniniittcc, Metallic Contamination Sub-Committcc, 55.1. pur& : l i q o r t on coppcr. PIIinistry of Food, Food Standards Cornmittet:, 3it:tallic Contam- ination Sub-Committee, 554.*pur&es : Composition of concentrated of non-:\mc.rican origin. SIoiyeth, 61 1. Toxicity: l<eports on I3ioIogical Standards; \ I . 1)csign of - -- Tests. Perry. (Review), 183. *Tracer: 1i;idiometric assay in -.--- cxpcrinicnts. Winteringham, :His. "2: 3: 7-Trihg~orzy-9-phenyl-6orone : See Phenyl- fluorone. *Trimetaphosphate: Analysis o f cominerciaf sodium tripliospliate. Iiaistrick, Harris antl Lowe, 230. *Triphenylmethylarsonium thiocyanate: Xicro- estnin. of iron with -. . ... .. Lh-ycr and Gibson, 548. *'hiphosphate: Xnalysjs of comniercinl sodium I - -- -. riaistrick, Harris and I.owe, 230. *Triasccharides, new : -4pplications of paper chrom - atographic methods t o sugar and allied intliistriw dc Whalley, Xlbnn and Cross, 287.'Tritium: kttliometric assay for tracer experiments. \Vi ii t cr i n g ha III , 3 t i2. Triton: Esariiination of detergent p r e p s . Society of I'iiblic Analysts, ilnalytical Xethods (..om- rnittcc, Soapless Det(qents Sub-('onimittcc, 2i!). +Tungsten: I?ctmng. - and ~nol~.bdcnurii in titaniuiri. Short, '710. Tnrkeg red oil: Examination of detergent p r e p s . Society of Public Xnalysts, Analytical Methods Committet:, Soal'lcss lktergents Sub-Corn- mittcc, 27!). U Ultramicroandysis: J_)uantitati\-c - Kirk. Univpuri Chlorsol: Approved oxitlising a n d 1 ) ~ - (I<cvicw), 121. scrvative agents. Ministry of Foocl, 321. *Uranium: Inorganic chrornatography on cellulose. 1V. llctrting. inorganic. compounds by paper- strip separation and polarography.Lewis and Griffiths, 388; V. Use of colunins of cellulost~ in combination with organic solvent extraction for separating from other metals. I5urstall and M'ells, 396. *Urine: -Apparatus for tletrnng. alcohol in blood atid - -. I'arkes, 116. *Confiritlatory test for ethyl alcwhol in blood and --. ]Vatson, 552. v * Vacuum. Sew journal. Vol. 1, So. 1, Jan., 1951. (Publication reccivecl) , 3p4. +Vanadium: 3 : U'-T)imetliylna~)hthitfine for cletcng. -. . Iklcher, Suttcri arid Stcplien, 430. *Inorganic chro~natography on cellulosc. I I-. DctInng. inorganic comyounds by pap(:r-strip wpzration arid polsrography. Lewis ancl Griitittis, 388; V. t:se of co!umns of cellirloac in conibinaticjn ~ . i t h organic solvent ex1 rsctioii for scpmlting uranium from otlicr riietal-. Uurstall and ~Vclls, N I j - *Vanillin: :lssay of -.. Sharp, 215. *Vibrating electrodes i n ampcromvtric titration-. 1. Iktning. thiosulphatc, iotlinc and tcrvalcnt arsenic. Harris antl Ihdsey, 6.17; 11. Hromo- mctric tlctrnns. o f antimony ancl arsenic, 650. 'Viscera: Identification ctf ~-~-hqlcIrox~I~hen)-T- propionic acid in visceral extracts. J.yncl1, f i i ( J . *Ckcurrcncc of ~-p-liydro2;4~hcn~l-proi~ionic acicl in -. Sickolls, t;W- Vitainin(s) Mcthods. Gytirgy- \-d. I I . (Publica- tion rweivcclj, (38. hkthods of . Assay. :lssoc. of . I.- Chemists, lnc. 2nd Edn. (I'ublication rcceivcti), 324. *Microbiological assay of growth factors a 1 tei- separation by paper chromatogra1)hy. J larrison, 77. Socicty of I'ublic .lnalysts, .Aoalytical Jlcthoti~ Co m tn i tt ce, S u 1,. - Co m I n i t tcc (1 ri --- Est in n s . , Anciirine ]"anel. Chemical assay of ancurinr in footistuffs;, 127. Society of Public Analyt;ts, Analytical Methods C:c>rrimittoc, Snb-(:oniniittcc on Est1nn.s. lieport from (:tiemica1 I'ancl. 1)ctnm. o f tiicotiriic acid, 58. 'Vitamin A: Prccision of 3-point correction spectro- photometric assay of . --. .4tlamson, I<lvidgc., Gridgtsman, Ilo1)kins, Stirckcy arid Taylor, 44.5. *Spectroi)hotomctric assay of -- . by geometric* correction o f absorption cun'cs. C;riclgeman, 449. Vitamin B: 13iochernistry nf 13 Vitamins. \Villiani>< Eaikin, lkcrstechcr antl Shive. (l'-'ublication rrccivctl) , 186. Coniplcx. ltobinsoii. (I'ublication I-cceivctl I, 443; (Review), 558. Vitamin B,: Sec Aneurine. *Vitamin BV2: Assay o l ..- -.. 111. Xicrobiologica! estmn. t v i t h I-crctobtrcillits hcLis 1)ornt.r I)!- plate method. (:uthhrrtson, Prglcr and Lloyd, 135; 1V. JIicrobiologicaI estmn. with Lartcr- b ~ c i l l i i . ~ Icichvzanwii 3 13 by turbidirnetric: procedure. %:mew, 1,ctcs and Twtill, 14 I : V. Substances that intcrlorc with response of + k - h c k I t i u coli mutant to . (:uthbcrtsnn. Pcglcr, Quadling and Herbert, 540; \'I. Micro- biological estnin. with mutant of JIsrketjchic, coli by plate method. lfiirrison, 1,ecs a n ( ! \VOOd, ti!)ci.INDEX TO VOLUME 76 xxxiii Vitamin B,2--co?ilinzied *Chick assay of - ant1 animal protein factor. Caates, Harrison anti Kon, 146. *Cup-plate assay o f -- using 1-artobucillus lrrctis Dorncr 1Ofi97. l ~ r k i n and Stuckcy, 150. "Experiences with microbiological assay of -- in analytical and consulting laboratory. hitchard, 155. *Volume: Detmng;. -- of injection in containcn. Foster, 2-10. W Wakefield: Appointincut o f It. A. h l l e y as Ucputy Public Xrialyst to County 72orough of -. ., 382. WalsaI1: Appointmcnt of 1;. G. D. Cha1mm-s as I'ublic Analyst and Otficial Agricultural Xnalyst to County 13orough of ., 180; ;\ppointrnent o f W. M. Lewis as Ucpiity Public -4nalyst and I.)cputy Official Agricultural Analyst t o County 13orough o f -, 3H2. Warwickshire: Appointmcnt of W. 11. 1,cwis ;is Public Analyst anrl 1)eputy Of'ficial .lgri- cultural Analyst to County o f *Water(s) : Application o f Karl Fischct' rcagcnt in detrnng. Initistiire in gases. Hornan and I-Iirst, 10. . , Sewage and Elflucnts. Ilickinson. 2nd JStln. (Publication received), 321. "Colorimetric roiltine estmn. of calcium in naturaI Mackercth, 484. Wetinn. : Dcvulopments in use of Karl Fisclicr reagent. Jones, 5. *Detmng. alcohol, cther atid - in t<*rn;irv mixtures. 1 iodgson and Glover. 63.5. *I)etrnng. strontium in sen. - by combination oi flame photometry and radiocheuijstry. Smiilcs, 348. *Detmng. -- - in opsqiie petroleum pt-oducts b>* Karl 1;isclier reagent. Scott, 237. "Moclifictl Milton's nictliotl for c*stIring. total avai1;iblt: chlorine in . -. 3lorris and Grant. 492. *I'olarographic dctmn. of aluminium, zinc ; ~ n t l tin in ----. Flodgson and (;lover, 70C *Pri:png.. glass-distiltctl ---. T'urification o f ~ of Su-imming I h t h s . llinistr). of Health. (PrrbIication r-cceiiml), 324. &Weighing: 1 k o r . s in . . caiised b y clc-rtric chargcs developed in silica cruciblcs on 11t:ating. Armstrong, 55 1. Whale meat: Meat I'roducts :md Canncd Meat (.4mendnient No. 2) Order, 1!15 1, 498. oil: Crude ---. H.S.S. S3G: 1950, 245, *soliiblcs : Microbiological assay o f vitainin 'I<,? in analytical ant1 consulting laboratory. Pritchard, 155. 3x2. Chemical Analysis of . . -, 15oih.r- and 1;tetl- IVraigc, 3 19. Wiltshire: Appointment o f G. V. James as lkputy Official Agricultural Analyst to .4drninistrativc County of - -. 180. Wimbledon: ~\ppointmcnt o f T. E. lcyrner a5 Deputy Public Analyst to 13orough of. -.-, 180. Wines: Report on copper. Ministry of i;ood, I;ood Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-Committee, 554. Worcester: Appointment o f W. E. Jones as Ilcputy Public Analyst t o City and County Borough o f and as L)cputy Official Agricultural Analyst t o County 13orough of --, 180. Worcestershire: Appointinent of 1.t'. 1s. JcJncs 85 L)eputy Public AnaIyst to County of -, 54; as Deputy Official Agricultural Anaiyst, 118. World Health Organisation: Pharmacopoca Inter- nationalis. Vol. I. (Publication receivcd), 7 $0. P Yeast: Chcniical assay of aneurine. Society fJf Thblic Analysts, ~lnalytical Methods Corn- tnittee, Snb-('o~ninittc.o on Vitamin Estmns., r\neurinc: 1 'ancl, 127. cstract: f < c s p r t on c0ppc.r. hlinistry of Food. f;ood Staririards Committee, JIctallic C m - tainin;rtion Sri b-Committee. 554. " P h t c assay technique for inositol in -. .. Joncs, 388. Report on coppcr. Ministry of Foocl, l;ooc? Standards Committec, Metallic Contarnination Sub-Committcc, 554. Yorkshire: Appointment o f 1:. \V. 31. Jaffc ~5 f.)iil)iic Analyst t o County of \Vest Riding of -, 382; .4ppointrnent of J . C. HarraI as Deputy h b l i c .\nalyst to \Vest Riding ( i f , 735. 2 *Zinc: Detmng. small aniounts o f rhocliuni in Imscnce o f lead and -. Ryan, 731. "Detmng. - by (lithizone. Thrncs, 220. *Ihtning. zinc oxictc in *Xm- spot tests for ---. pmvdcr. (:)Sb<JrIl, L 14. Belcher, S u t t e n and Steplien, 378. - -. - ant1 tin in water. Hodgsori and Glover, 706. "Zinc oxide: Tktmng. . . in zinc powdcr. Osborn, 114. ''Zirconium: l-ktmn. and separation of - b\- fumaric acic.1. 1-enkataramaniah and Kao. 107. "Inorganic chroInatography on cellulosc. V. Usc of colurrins of cellulose in combination u-ith organic sol\,ent extraction for separating uranium from other rnctals. Hurstall and \Yells, 396. I-'olxrographic tlctnin. o f nIuminiurri.PRINTED BY w. HEFFER a SONS. LTD. CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAND
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