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Society of Public Analysts




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1877)
卷期: Volume 2, issue 16  

页码: 55-55




年代: 1877




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE A N A L Y S T . SOCIETY O F PUBLIC ANALYSTS. Aft Ordinmy Neetiny was held on the 14th June, 1877, at Burlington Rouse, Piccaddly. THE President, Dr. Dupr6, F.R.S., in the chair. The minutes of the pr:vious meeting were read and confirmed. The scrutineers appointed to examine the ballot papers reported that Dr. James Mitchell Milne, of Glasgom, Public Analyst for Kinning Park and Dunfermline, and Mr.Wm. Xogforde Hamlet, of King’s Lynn, Public Analyst for that Borough, had been unanimously elected members of the Society. Mr. A. H. Allen, F.C.S., read a paper ( ( On some points in the Analysis of Potable Waters,” and a discussion ensued, in which Nr. Heisch, Mr. E. W. T. Jones, Dr. Nuter, and Dr. Dupr6 took part, and Ur. Allen replied. Professor A. H. Church, M.A., read a paper I r o n some recent Butter Cases at Cheltenham,” and copies of correspondence which had appeared in the local newspapers were circulated amongst the members present.A long discussion then took place, in which most of the members joined, and it wa8 ultimately proposed by Dr. Muter, seconded by Mr. E. W . T. Jones, and unanimously resolved ‘‘ That this Society having heard Professor Church’s remarks, and also reviewed the correspondence which has appeared in the Cheltenham ExamiNer and Cheltenham Telegt-aph, considers Professor Church to be perfectly justified in his stated opinion by the figures of his analyses.” A short note by Mr.Carter Bell, ‘‘ On a very hard Water used in the Manufacture of Vinegar,” was also read. Dr. Muter’s paper “On Oleic Acid,” and Mr. Wigner’s paper “On the Sale of Food and Drugs Act,” were again postponed, as was also a paper by Mr. W. Thornson, ‘ I On the incongruity of the mode generally adopted of stating the results of Milk Analyses.” In connection with the above resolution T e arc requested by the Secretaries to state that they have received an intimation from Xr. Horsley that he withdraws from the Society of Public Analysts.


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