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The Aarhus warm EBIS storage ring injection program


作者: Ulrik V. Pedersen,   Niels Hertel,   Preben Hvelplund,   So&slash;ren P. Mo&slash;ller,   Leif Liljeby,   Henning T. Schmidt,   Dehong Yu,  


期刊: AIP Conference Proceedings  (AIP Available online 1901)
卷期: Volume 572, issue 1  

页码: 32-42




年代: 1901




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



A warm electron beam ion source (EBIS) for the production of multiply charged ions for injection into the heavy-ion storage ring ASTRID (Arhus STorage RIng Denmark) at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus, has now become operational. The aim is to produce moderately charged ions in amounts which match the requirements of ASTRID. For elements lighter than oxygen, ions of all charge states can be produced with sufficient intensity for injection. The same is true for heavier ions with charge states up to ∼15. ©2001 American Institute of Physics.


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