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Tuboplasty in 130 PatientsImproved Results Due to Stents and Preoperative Endoscopy




期刊: Obstetrics & Gynecology  (OVID Available online 1972)
卷期: Volume 39, issue 1  

页码: 57-64




年代: 1972


出版商: OVID


数据来源: OVID



Tuboplasty was performed in 130 patients during the period 1955–1970. In 98 women treated during the period 1960–1970, preoperative diagnosis was based on endoscopic study, and stents fabricated from polyethylene or Teflon were used postoperatively. Of 32 patients treated with neither preoperative endoscopy nor stents, 18 (56%) had patent tubes as a result of the surgical procedure. Of those in the second group, 84 (86%) had confirmed relief of tubal obstruction postoperatively. The improved results in the more recently treated group reflected primarily the use of stents and improved patient selection enabled by endoscopic examination. A cone-shaped, spiral stent was particularly effective in maintaining patency brought about by reparative procedures and in restoring physiologic conformation of the fimbria. Of 44 patients in whom this prosthesis was used, 42 (95%) subsequently had patent tubes and 11 (25%) conceived.


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