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The ethical and legal implications of hospice careAn International overview


作者: Catherine Musgrave,  


期刊: Cancer Nursing  (OVID Available online 1987)
卷期: Volume 10, issue 4  

页码: 183-189




年代: 1987


出版商: OVID


数据来源: OVID



Ethical and legal considerations play a major role in nursing the terminally ill. It is, therefore, important before setting up a hospice program to examine the legal rights of a patient in that particular culture, and how the predominant religious belief influences those rights. This article will first analyze the basic rights of a dying patient. This is followed by a discussion of the Christian and Jewish religious beliefs and of how these beliefs may influence terminal care. The article concludes with a survey of the law in three different countries, as it pertains to terminal care: the United States, Great Britain, and Israel.


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