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Rapid degradation of InGaAsP/InP double heterostructure lasers due to ⟨110⟩ dark line defect formation


作者: K. Endo,   S. Matsumoto,   H. Kawano,   I. Sakuma,   T. Kamejima,  


期刊: Applied Physics Letters  (AIP Available online 1982)
卷期: Volume 40, issue 11  

页码: 921-923




年代: 1982




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Rapid degradation has been observed for InGaAsP/InP double heterostructure lasers. It has been found that the rapid degradation is due to ⟨110⟩ dark line defects generated parallel to the stripe and its occurrence depends on the thickness of the InGaAsP contact layer. It has been shown that formation of a InGaAsP contact layer of more than 0.5‐&mgr;m thickness is necessary in order to realize high reliability of the lasers.


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