Index: 1933




期刊: Journal and Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland  (RSC Available online 1933)
卷期: Volume 57, issue 1  

页码: 401-404




年代: 1933




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



Index: 1933. Aberdeen and North of Scotland Section, 12, 109, 174, 234 Accounts (1932), 23 et seq., 86 Administration, Industrial, 5, 7 PLgriculture, 149 “ alchemist,^ in Art and Literature,” 366 American Chemical Society, 105 American Association of Chemists, etc., 380 Analyst (The) in the Witness Box, 40 Animal Nutrition, 237, 300 Annual Chemical Dinner, 345, 384 Annual General Meeting, 85, 224, 289, 350 L4pparatus, Exhibition of, 237, 299 Appointments Register, 4, 20, 75, 397 A.S.L.I.B., 5 Attendances, Council, etc., 400 Auditors, 84, 90 Bakery Exhibition, 5 Bankers, 84 “Beer,” 225, 344, 358 Beet Sugar Industry, 8, 161, 370 Beilby Memorial Awards, 5,75, 242, 396 Beit Fellowships, 384 Belfast and District Section, 12, 35, 176, 360 Benevolent Fund, 4, 10, 98, 171 Benzene Nucleus, The Properties of Groups in the, 301 Bequests, 10, 105 Biological Stains, 5 Birmingham and Midlands Section, 12, 177 Bone, Calcification of, 45 Books and their Contents, 69, 148, 210, 255, 331, 388 Boots Booklovers’ Library, 76, 157, 351, 398 Brewing Industry, Science in the, 297, 362 Bricks, 127 Bristol and South-Western Counties Section, 13, 35, 110, 178,234,294, 365,360 British Association, 6 British Pharmacopoeia, 149 British Standards Institution, 173, 256, 334, 389 Building Research Board, 358 Butterfat Testing, 223 Calcification of Bone, 45 Cancer Problem, Chemical Aspects of the, 35 Cane Sugar, 112 Cape Section, 13, 179, 235, 295 Cellulose and Some of its Uses, 176 Censors, 90 Chartered Chemist, 11, 119 Charter, Supplemental, 11,119 Chemical Research Laboratory, 139 Chemical Society, 5, 19, 172 Chemical Trades Advisory Com-mittee, 5 “Chemist (The) in the Far East,” 107, 121 Chemistry and Fermentation, 185 “Chemistry and the Law,” 40 “Chemistry and Life,” 34, 107 “Chemistry and the Public,” 375 Chemists, Chartered, 11, 119 “Chemist (The) as a Directing Force in Industry,” 344, 358 Cinematograph Films, 231,237, 299 City and Guilds of London Institute, 6, 358 Coal, 130 Coke, 51 Colonial Service, 170 “Colorimetric Methods, The Detec- tion and Determination of small amount’s of Substances by,” 48 ‘‘Colour Measurement,” 360 Coming Events, 261, 340, 393 Committees, 82, 83 Co-operation (Chemical Societies), 99 Copper in Water, Estimation, 115 “Corrosion of Metals in Salt Solu- tions and Sea VCTater,” 52 Council, 81, 222 Council Attendances, 400 Council, Committees and Repre-sentatives, 4 402 Council, District Members of, 81, 345, 396 Council, Nomination of the, 29, 395 Council Proceedings, 29, 104, 161, 221, 271, 355 Council, Report of, 3, 88 Cribb Collection, The, 10 Conference of Local Section Secre- taries, 173, 226 Cyclic Compounds, The Stability of, 185 Deaths, 3, 66, 144, 205, 253, 328, 392 Derris Root, 375 Dinner, Annual Chemical, 346 District Members of Council, 81, 345, 396 “Drikold,” 179, 369 “Dyes in the Photographic Indus- try, The use of,” 297 Edinburgh and East of Scotland Section, 13, 35, 111, 175, 179, 295, 297, 362 Education, 335, 355 Education, Board of, 4 Education, Scottish Dept., 4 “Electrochemical (Electronic) Theory of the Course of Organic Reactions, Outline of an,” 18 “Electrometric Methods in Physicaland Analytical Chemistry,” 225, 299, 373 Examinations, 16, 67, 74, 188, 307, 345, 396 Examiners, Board of, 17, 84, 170, 222 Exhibition of Apparatus, 237, 299 Fats-in Plants and Animals, 239.Federal Council, 5, 105 Fermentation Chemistry, 185 Films, 231, 237, 299 , Finance, 168 Finance and House Committee, 4, 8, 82 Food and Drugs (Adulteration) Act, 1928, 20 Food Law, 223, 274 Foods, 139 Forensic Chemistry, 40 Frankland, Sir Edward, Medal and Prize, 17, 85, 265, 349 Frankland : Lmcaster Chemical Society, 62, 142, 383 Fruit, Chemical Methods of Deter-mining the Maturity and Keeping Quality of,” 295 Fuel Research Board, 139 Fuel, Gaseous, Use of, in S.Wales Industries, 185 Gas, 389 Geochemistry of Mineral Resources, 122 Gifts, 172 Glasgow and West of Scotland Section, 13, 174, 180, 297, 365 Glass, Plate, 125 Glassware, Scientific, G Gluckstein, S. M., Memorid Lec-ture, 19, 34, 225, 344,358 Glue, 142 Gordon Legacy, 105, 355 Harrison Memorial Lecture, 384 Headmasters’ Employment Com-mittee, 5, 65 Honorary Corresponding Secre-taries, 20 Honours, 65, 203 Huddersfield Section, 13.39, Z 12, 182, 297, 369 Income Tax, 9, 10, 30 Industrial Administration, 5, 7, 204, 326 Industrial Management, 96 “Inorganic Chemistry, A Survey of Modern,” 34, 107, 155, 171 “Insecticides and Fiah Poisons of the Derris root and rela.ted com- pounds, The ” 375 Institute, Roll of, 4, 95 Institutions, 17 Irish Free State Section, 13, 115, 183, 370 Laboratory Methods, 48 Lantern Slides, 19, 75, 351, 399 “Leaves from the Diary of a Chemist,” 109 “Lead, Estimation in Water,” 115. “Leather Manufacture, Modern Light,” 182 Leather Trades’ Chemists, 69. Lectures, 107, 170, 356, 358 Lee& Area Section 13, 45, 183,299, 373 Legal and Parliamenta.ry Com-mittee, 4, 11, 98 Legg Bequest, 10.403 Library, The, 19, 76, 150, 157, 350 Library, Boots Booklovers’, 76, 157, 351, 398 Liverpool and North-Western Sec- tion, 14, 48, 118, 299, 374 Local Sections, 12, 34, 35, 98, 109, 173, 174, 226, 234, 294, 360 London and South-Eastern Coun- ties’ Section, 14, 50, 121, 184, 237, 299 London University, 224 Lubricating Oils, Frictional Tests on, 297 Malaya Section, 14, 184, 300 Manchester and District Section, 14, 125, 239, 375 Manchester and District Students’ Section, 14, 50, 129, 241, 301 Medical Prescriptions, 11 1 “Medicine, Some Aspects of,, the application of Chemistry to, 50 Meldola Bequests, 10 Meldola Medal, 17, 85, 264, 348 Metallurgical Problems in Chemical Industry, 53 “Mercury, Purification of Metallic,” 235 Metals, Institute of, 263 Mineral Resources, Geochemistryof, 122 Mining Industry (N.Z.), 121 Millilitre (ml.), 271, 320 National Certificates in Chemistry, 4, 18, 170, 245 “Nature of Simple Molecules and of Elementary Chemical Processes,’’ 18 Newcastle-upon-Tyne and North-East Coast Section, 57, 129, 185, 355, 376 New Zealand Section, 14, 131 New Zealand Mining Industry, 131 Nominations, Examinations and Institutions Committee, 4, 15, 98 Nomination of General Members of Council, 395 Notes, 62, 138, 203, 242, 322, 380 Notice to Associates, 397 Notices, General, 74, 155, 215, 264, 344, 395 Nutrition, Animal, 237, 300 Obituary, 66, 144, 208, 253, 328, 385 Officers and Council, List of, S1 “Official Chemical Appointments,” 359 Oils, Lubricating, Frictional Tests on, 297 Paper, Perishing of, in Indian Libraries, 294 Patents, 5, 11 Pedler Scholarship, 18 Pharmacy and Poisons Act, 11, 105, 162, 257, 333, 357 Petroleum, 130 “Perfumery, The Art and Science Of,” 39 Pharmaceutical Society, 118 “Photographic Industry, the Use of Dyes in,” 297 Physical Chemistry, 56 Pitch, 128 “Plastics and their Application to Friction Fabrics,” 364 Plate Glass, 125 “Poisons,” 236, 357 Poisons Board, 357 Power Conference, World, 5, 172 President, 20, 29, 85, 92, 94 President’s Address, 94 Priestley, 34, 106, 207, 322 Professional Interests, 107, 180 Professional Procedure in the United States of America, 380 Public Appointments Committee, 4, 19, 99, 223 Publications and Library Com-mittee, 4, 18, 99, 272 Publicity, 375 Pupils, Premium, 203 “Purification of Metallic Mercury,” 235 “Quanta, and Chemktry,” 361 Ramsay Chemical Dinner.367 Reagents, 356 Refractometer, 115 Register, 4, 72, 153, 211, 358, 336, 390 Regulations, 17 Relation of Food to Disease, 19 Research Associations, 140 Revision Courses, 18, 366 Roll of the Institute, The, 4, 95 Royal Statistical Society, 326 Rubber in Chemical Engineering, 335 “Rubber Industry, The Early His-tory of,” 105 Rubber Industry Bill, 167 Rubber Latex, 118 Safety in Mines Research Board, 70 Sands, 125, 149 “Science in the Brewing Industry,” 362 “Science and the Community,” 180 Science Museum, 76, 157, 351, 398 Scientific and Industrial Research, Report of Department, 5,138,388 Scrutineers, 29, 90 hi1 Micro-organisms and the Mea- surement of their Activity, 295 “Soil Problems in U.S.S.R.,” 36 Solicitors, 84 South Wales Section, 15, 55, 186 Standards, British, 173,256,334,389 Streatfeild Memorial Lecture, 19, 225, 344, 358 Students’ Section (Manchester), 14, 50, 129, 241,301 Students, Registered, 15 Sugar, 370 Sulphuric Acid and Fertilisers, 110 Surgical Dressings, 389 Therapeutic Substances Act, 5 Thomson, John Millar, 104, 172 Trade Marks, 105, 167 Viscose and Acetate Artificial Silk, 110 Vitamins, 35, 378 Warning, 384 “Water, Estimation of Copper and Lead in,” 115 Water Pollution Research, 139, 335 Water Supply (Edinburgh), 37 Women (University), International Federation of, 5 World Power Conference, 5, 172 ~~ PRINTEDBY W.HEFFERAND SONSLTD., CAMBRIDGE,ENGLAND.


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