Short notices of books




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1879)
卷期: Volume 4, issue 37  

页码: 71-71




年代: 1879




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE ANALYST. 71 SHORT NOTICES OF BOOKS. OUR DOMESTIC POISONS. By Henry Cwr, H. Inst. C.E.+-This little pamphlet collects within the space of fifty pages a vast number of instances of the poisonous effects of certain dyes and colours used in domestic fabrics. Special attention is, of course, given to arsenical wall papers, arsenical green muslins, and chromic green gloves. The brochzcre is forcibly and concisely written, and worthy of attention by both our Legislature and the general public.Mr. Uarr is evidently in earnest, and we wish his efforts every success. By ‘Am eLoacv70r.t-The original edition of this amusing book was published in 1876, and the second is now before us. It has been extended to 180 most readable pages. Once take it up, and you are certain of a pleasant hour’s entertainment, and not merely that, but also food for deep thought and regret that the noble profession of medicine should be made so often the cloak of incapacity and quackery.I t should certainly be read by every medical man desiroue of maintaining his professional dignity. By J. L. MiZton.$-This shilling pamphlet is the work of the lecturer on skin diseases at St.John’s Hospital. It is designed as offering in a popular form a set of rules for preserving the skin in a high state of health, and assisting the restoration of it to a proper standard when the reader is under treatment for disease affecting this part of the frame.’’ Even with this apology, however, we can scarcely see the necessity for such a work, seeing that any one under treatment would as a matter of course receive his instructions from the medical man who had the case in hand; besides, as a rule, we do not think popular works on medical subjects very desirable.As to its medical merits me are of course dumb ; so we can only say that it appears t o be weil and concisely written, and gives much information as to the necessity of cleanliness, &c. It would be a most excellent matter t o be taken up by some energetic M.P. MEDICAX MEN AND MANNERS. THE HYGIENE OF THE SEIN. We should think that it will prove popular. * London : W. Ridgway, Piccadilly. t London : Baillihre, Tindall, and Cox, King William Street, Slrand. $ London : Chatto and Wiudus, Yiccadilly.


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