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Some notes on African tardigrades with a description of two new species


作者: M.G. Binda,   G. Pilato,  


期刊: Tropical Zoology  (Taylor Available online 1995)
卷期: Volume 8, issue 2  

页码: 367-372




年代: 1995




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: tardigrades;African fauna;Minibiotus africanusn. sp.;Doryphorihius maranguensisn. sp.


数据来源: Taylor



Eleven species of tardigrades are recorded from the National Park of Kilimanjaro (Tanzania). Two of these species,Minihiotus africanusandDoryphorihius maranguensis, are new to science.Echiniscus scabrospinosusFontoura 1982,Macrobiotus snaresensisHorning et al. 1978, andItaquascon umbellinaeBarros 1939 are new to the African fauna.


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