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Volume 34,
Issue 1,
Page 001-072
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T H E ANALYST: THE ORGAN OF THE Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTlCAL CHEMISTRY Ebftorlar Gommfttee : R. R. TATLOCK F.I.C. (PRESIDENT). EDWARD J. BEVAN F.I.C. BERTRAM BLOUNT F.I.C. ALFRED C. CHAPMAN F.I.C. CECIL H. CRIBB B.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. THOMAS FAIRLEY F.I.C. OTTO HEHNER F.I.C. J. T. HEWITT D.Sc. PH.D. M.A. ARTHUR R. LING F.I.C. P. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.I.C. E. W. VOELCKER F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER PH.D. F.I.C. ZDttOC JGLIAN L. BAKER F.I.C. VOL. XXXIV. 1909. TRADE AGENTS : SIMPKIN MARSYALL HAMILTON KENT 4 CO. LTD., 1910 2 4 6 S ORANGE STREET LONDON S.W INDEX TO VOLUME XXXTV. INDEX OF NAMES. ABDERHALDEN E. and Funk C. Estimation of the Total Sulphur in Urine 326 Abelous J.E. Estimation of Reducing Substances in Urine 161 Adam S. Analysis of Mercuric Iodide Ointment 589 Adan R. Analysis of Oil of Turpentine and Estimation of Mineral Oil in Rosin Oil, Adeney W. E. An Apparatus for Observing the Rate of Absorption of Oxygen by Xlbahary J. M. Oxalic Acid in Cocoa and Chocolate 396 Albert R. Estimation of the Acidity of Soils 228 Alders H. and Stahler A. Some Rapid Electrolytic Precipitations and Separations, Alefeld E. Simplification of the Gravirnetric Method of Estimating Halogens by Aleixandre J. B. Peset y New Method for the Destruction of Organic Matters in Allan C. and Fagan T. W. The Composition of Brewers’ and Distillers’ Grains 218 - - J. and Radcliffe L. G. Constants of Jasmine Flower Wax 234 Allers R.and Frankel S. A Characteristic Reaction of Adrenaline 361 Allison F. G. Gill F. W. and Grindley €!I. S. Estimation of Urea in Urine 491 Alsberg C. L. Notes on the Guaiacum Test 111 Alvarez P. y Rapid Method for the Estimation of Vanadium in Ores and Technical Amberger C. and Paal C. Metallic Salts of the Volatile Acids Present in Butter Fat Andersen A. C. Bang’s Method of Estimating Sugar and its Use in the Examination Andrewes F. W. Micro-Organisms Present in Sewer Air and in the Air of Drains 297 Andrews L. W. Presence of Iodate in Commercial Potassiuni Iodide 506 and Vdtz W. Composition and Nature of the Membrane surrounding Fat Globules in Milk 322 32 Polluted Waters etc. 42 412 Means of Silver Nitrate 114 Toxicological Analysis 404 Products 546 and Cocoanut Oil and the Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 99 of Urine 60 Volumetric Estimation of Mercuric Salts 293 and Farr H.V. Volumetric Estimation of Sinall Quantities of Archbutt L. The Use of Quartz Combustion Tubes Especially for the Direct Arndt K. Gravimetric Estimation of Boric Acid 412 Arragon C. A Dutch Lard 54 Atenstadt P. and Beythien A, Detection of Savin Oil 63 Auld S. J. M. and Pickles S. S. An Extraction Apparatus for Plant Products etc., Arsenic 292 Determination of Carbon in Steel 96 A New Colour Reaction of Petroleum 113 339 a iv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV, d'Auzay P. T. and Bruno A. -4mount of Arsenic in Bone - Blacks used for Decolorising Wines 539 Bacon C. W. Determination of Halogens in Organic Compounds 111 - R.F. Philippine Terpenes and Essential Oils. Part 11.-Ylang-Ylapg Oil 32 Rapid Clinical Method of Determining the Ammonia-Coefficient of . Part III. 396 --Urine 405 Baier E. and Neumann P. Analysis of Milk or Cream Chocolate 439 Bailey E. G. Accuracy in Sampling Coal 237 -- H. S. Automatic Filter Funnel 549 Balthasar K. Volumetric Estimation of Lime in Presence of Dissolved Silica 37% Bardach B. A Reaction of Acetone 326 Barillk A. Steeping of Haricot Beans their Injurious Properties and tlhe Disguising Barker B. T. P. aizd Russell E. The Composition of Cider 125 Barschall H. Composition of Extract of Crab 153 - and Baur E. Estimation of Fat in Flesh 153 Bassett H. P. Ladd E. F. aizd White H. L. Chemically Treated Flours 216 Baur E. Estimation of Sugar in Flesh 154 - and Barschall H.Estimation of Fat in Flesh 153 Bayer G. Method of Increasing the Sensitiveness of the Reactions for Adrenaline Beck H. Estimation of Water i n Tar 503 Benedict F. G. An Automatic Pipette for Sodiunz Hydroxide Solution 386 S. R. and Gephart F. Estimation of Urea in Urine 27 Bennett A. H. The Determination of Aldehydes in Oil of Lemon 14 - H. G. Method for the Estimation of Nitrogen in Organic Substances and in Particular for the Estimation of Hide-Substance in Leathers, and of Dissolved Hide-Substance in the Soak Liquors and Lime Liquors of the Leather Factory 290 of Poisonous Foreign Varieties 321 and Pyrocatechol 525 --___- The Commercial Contrdl of Tannery Lime Liquors 289 Berotta A. and Oddo B. Volumetric Estimation of Lead and Sulphuric Acid 415 Berg R.Saponification of Cctrnauba Wax 445 Berkhold O. and Kiihling O. Action of Nitrogen on Commercial Barium Carbide,. 115 Bed E. and Innes A. G. Determination of Carbon in Aliphatic Hydroxyl Compounds by Moist Combustion (Estimation of Cellulose in Cuprammonium Solutions) 282 Bertrand G. and Duchahek F. Action of the Bacillus Bulgaricus on Various -_- and Javillier M. Estimation of Nicotine as Nicotine Silicotungstate, Betterton - and Coolbaugh - New Method of Estimating Antimony 504 Bevan E. J. The Analysis of Air 272 -- The New Standards for Sewage Effluents 203 Beyer F. B. and Gooch F. A. Electrolytic Estimation of Lead and Manganese with Beythien A. The Quantity of Fat in Commercial Cocoa Powders 52 - und Atenstadt P.Detection of Savin Oil 63 Bidot - and Richaud A. A New Reaction for Iron in the Ferrous State 239 Biourge P. Polarimetric Estimation of Starch Dissolved in Trichloracetic Acid, Birch W. C. Reduction of Ferric Salts by Copper in Volumetric Analysis 380 Sugars 443 219 the Use of the Gooch Crucible 177 53 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. v Birch W. C. The Estimation of Iron by Permanganate in Presence of Hydrochloric Blackadder T. and Walker J. Combustion Analysis 109 Blake C. R. Analysis of Vibernum Dentatum 538 Blasdale W. C. Quantitative Separation of Calcium from Nagnesium 450 Blount B. Composition of Commercial Petrols 231 - Phosphates in Vinegar 518 Acid 315 - The Analysis of Air 270 and Levy A. G. The Use of Quartz Combustion Tubes especially for the Blumenthal F.and Jacoby E. Atoxyl and its Derivatives 152 Blyth A. W. and Blyth M. W. Foods Their Composition and Analysis Review, -._ M. W. Chemical Control of Disinfectants 357 -_- and Blyth A. W. Foods Their Composition and Analysis Re~iow, Bodmer - The Composition and Analysis of Chocolate 148 Boericke W. F. Assay of Cyanide Solutions for Gold Content 505 Bohrisch P. and Wagner H. Effect of Cold-Storage on Fats 525 Bollenbach H. Volumetric Estimation of Lead by Means of Permanganate 540 -- and Luchmann E. The Oxydimetric Estimation of Chromium by Bolton E. R. Holde’s Test and the Detection of Paraffin Wax etc. in Lard and Bondzynski J. and Hunnicki V. The Behaviour of Salol and Distearylsalicyl Bonner W. D. and Hulett G. A Method of Preparing Standard Hydrochloric Acid Booth N.P. Need for a Definition of Chocolate in England 401 -- Cribb C. H. and Richards P. A. E. The Composition and Analysis of Borchardt L. The Absence of Laevulose in Diabetic Urine 360 Borde E”. Samphire Oil 446 Bosworth R. S. Volumetric Estimation of Silver by Means of Arsenious Acid and and Gooch F. A. Gravimetric and Iodometric Estimation of Silver Bottger W. Detection of Chlorides in Presence of Complex Cyanides and other Boughton E. W. The Examination of Chinese-Wood Oil 362 Bowser L. T. Simple Fat Extraction Apparatus 512 Brand J. Analysis of Brewery Pitcb 499 Brandenburg R. Estimation of Free Lime in Cement 451 Braungard - Method for the Rapid Estimation of Albumin in Urine 491 Breddin H. Fermentation Saccharometer 162 Bremer W.and Sponnagel F. Detection of Artificial Honey by Fiehe’s and Ley’s Brode J. and Lange W. On the Methods of Examining Vinegar 157 Brooks C. J. h Note on Enkabang and Teglan Fats and Katio Oil from Sarawak, Brown J. A. and Cripps R. A. The Determination of Easential Oil and Moisture in Browne F. Estimation of Graphites 533 Direct Determination of Carbon in Steel 88 550 550 Potassium Ferricyanide 70 other Fats 524 The Composition and dnalysis of Chocolate 148 Glyceride in the Body 27 Solutions 239 Chocolate 134 Iodine 544 as Chromate 243 Halogenides 336 Reactions 351 205 Spices and Aromatic Drugs 51 vi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Browning P. E. Introduction to the Rarer Elements 124 - and Flint R. F. Quantitative Precipitation of Tellurium and its - and Palmer H.E. Volumetric and Gravimetric Estimation of Bruno A. and d’Auzay P. T. Amount of Arsenic in Bone-Blacks used for Decolor-Bruylants P. Rapid Electrolytic Estimation of Cobalt 539 Bryan A. H. The Precipitation of Reducing Sugars with Basic Lead Acetate 113 Brynildsen A. Sebelien J. and Haavardsholm O. Some Modifications in the Buchanan G. S. On the Work of Inspectors of Foods 1906-1908 431 -- and Schryver S. B. On the Application of Formaldehyde to Meat, On the Presence of Tin in Certain Canned Budde T. New Method of Estimating Combined Sulphur in Vulcanised Caoutchouc, Bugarszky S. and Horvath B. New Method for the Estimation of Iodides and Free Bull H. and Johannesen J. C. F. The Differentiation of Marine Animal Oils by Bulloch W.and Craw J. A. On the Transmission of Air and Micro-Organisms Bunker S. W. New Method for Determining Melting-Points 246 Bunzel 11. H. aid McCoy H. N. The Speed of Oxidation by Air of Uranous Burgess W. T. The Analysis of Air 271 Biirker K. Chemical Methods for Distinguishing Carbon Monoxide-Haemoglobin Burri R. and Staub W. Apparatus for the Estimation of Catalase in Milk 160 Butterfield W. J. A. The Analysis ol Air 257 Application to the Separation of Tellurium from Selenium 509 Thallium by Means of Potassium Ferricyanide in Alkaline Solution 338 ising Wines 539 Estimation of Nitrogen by Kjeldahl’s Method 418 470 Goods 121 407 Iodine 453 Means of their Bromine Addition Compounds 110 through Berkefeld Filters 490 Solutions with a Note on the Volumetric Determination of Uranium 245 - and Rideal S.The New Standards for Sewage Effluents 193 from Oxyhaemoglobin 161 Cahen E. Little H. F. V. and Morgan G. T. Estimation of Arsenic in Organic Caldwell I(. S. and Hurtley W. H. The Distillation of Butter-Fat Cocoanut Oil, Callies W. and Rupp E. Estimation of Quinine in Quinine Tannate and Ferro-Campo Cerdan A. del Colour Reaction for Zinc Salts 245 Cappenberg H. Cholesterol Content of Eggs as a Means of Estimating the Quantity Carneiro A. Indicators and Stabilising Agents for Smokeless Powders 232 Carrez C. Clarification of Milk for the Estimation of Lactose 400 Carter W. The Determination of the ‘‘ Oxygen Absorbed ” of Sewage and Effluents Cenni G. and Gallo G. The Electrolytic Estimation of Thallium 295 Chamot E.M. Notes on Quantitative Determinations by Means of the Microscope, 459 -- and Pratt D. S. Study of the Phenosuiphonic Acid Method for the Estimation of Nitrates in Water I. Composition of the Reagent and of the Reaction Product 456 Compounds 532 - and Morgan G. T. The Gravimetric Estimation of Antimony and Tin 3 and their Fatty Acids 274 Citrate 275 of Egg-Substance in Pastry 487 by a Modification of Kubel’s Method 20 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. vii Chaplin W. H. and Wherry E. T. Determination of Boric Acid in Insoluble Chapman A. C. Determination of Aldehydes in Oil of Lemon 17 Estimation of the Tannin of Hops Part II. 372 - _- Gravimetric Estimation of Antimony and Tin 9 On Jaffb’s Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Creatinino 475 Rapid Method for the Detection and Estimation of Formaldehyde The Determination of Essential Oil and Moisture in Spices and The Estimation of Iron by Permanganate in Presence of Hydro-Chappel E.J. and Naylor W. A. H. Estimation of Extractive and Glycerin in Chapus A. Estimation of Fat in Faxes 531 Charnas D. The Properties of Urobilin and its Estimation 531 Chauvin - and Girard C. Comparative Analyses of Different Spirits Distilled in Chesneau G. Estimation of Phosphorus in Iron and Steel 381 Chick H. a d Martin C. J. Standardisation of Disinfectants 226 Chick O. and Howard B. F. The Use of Cinchonamine in the Gravimetric Estima Chouchak D. and Pouget J. Colorimetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid 178 Clark A. H. Note on the Periodide Test for Alkaloids 274 Clarke L.a d Jackson C. L. Modification of Scheibler’s Extractor for Large Clayton E. G. A Compendium of Food Microscopy Review 300 Clement J. and Wagner H. Chemical Composition of Soup Tablets (Desiccated Cock G. Molten Hydrated Salts as Solvents for the Freezing-Point Method 39 Coffetti G. A New Method of Estimating Cuprous Oxide in Copper 175 Cofliignier C. The Solubility of Kauri Copal 219 Cohen N. H. Estimation of Quinine in Cinchona Bark 323 Collett E. and Eckardt M. Estimation of Molybdenum in Molybdenum Glance, Constam E. J. Determination of the Amount of Volatile Matter in Solid Fuels, Cook C. F. Factors Which Influence the Estimation of Creatinine 395 Coolbaugh - and Betterton - New Method of Estimating Antimony 504 Coppetti - Analysis of Natural and Artificial Silk Fabrics 171 Coste J.H. Note on Some Commercial Samples of Monobrombenzene 98 Cox A. J. Calorimetry and the Determination of the Calorific Value of Philippine Cram M. P. and Gilpin J. E. Fractionation of Crude Petroleum by Capillary Craw J. A. and Bulloch W. On the Transmission of Air and Micro-Organisms Cribb C. H. Holde’s Test and the Detection of Paraffin Wax etc. in Lard and Silicates 34 in Milk 13 -- The Composition of Cider 133 Aromatic Drugs 522 523 chloric Acid 316 Spirituous Galenicals 440 Air m d under Reduced Pressure 157 tion of Nitrates 165 Quantities of Solid 545 Soups) 490 540 363 - On Jaffb’s Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Creatinine 482 - Note on the Determination of Petroleum in Turpentine 148 and Other Coals froin the Results of Proximate Analysis 494 Diffusion 66 through Berkefeld Filters 490 other Fats 524 Phosphates in Vinegar 517 - Some Analyses of Cream Cheeses 4 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIVe .V l l l Cribb C. H. The Determination of Essential Oil and Moisure in Spices and -- Booth N. P. and Richards P. A. E. The Composition and Analysis Cripps R. A. Phosphates in Vinegar 518 --- and Brown J. A. The Determination of Essential Oil and Moisture in Spices and Aromatic Drugs 519 Curtel G. Adulteration of Mustard 352 Aromatic Drugs 522 of Chocolate 134 Dallimore P. B. Gravimetric Estimation of Copper 453 D'Auzay P. T. and Bruno A. Amount of Arsenic in Bone-Blacks Used for Davies S. H. and McLellan B. G. A Rapid Method for Estimating Carbon Dioxide Davis R.0. E. Estimation of Ammonia without a Condenser 333 Dehn W. M. Analysis of Mixtures of Halogen Acids 376 DelBpine M. New Shape of Boat for Combustions 511 Dendve H. Apparatus for the Automatic Regulation of the Pneumatic Agitation of Ddniges G. Method of Identifying Ally1 Alcohol and its Derivatives 492 Decolorising Wines 539 in the Atmosphere 235 Liquids 419 - Sensitive Reactions for Lactic and Glycolic Acids 369 Use of Methylgloxal as a General Colour Reagent 369 Denis W. and Dunbar P. B. Estimation of Benzaldehyde in Almond Flavouring Extract 318 Dennstedt M. and Hassler F. Simultaneous Estimation of Carbon Hydrogen, Nitrogen etc. in Organic Compounds by the Simplified Method of Combustion Analysis 39 Derrien E. and Ville J. Colour Reactions of Sugars due to the Formation of Methyloxyfurfural 538 Desamari K.and Meyer R. Estimation of Molecular Weights by the Boiling-Point Method 411 Desha L. J. Apparatus for the Purification of Mercury 186 Deuasen E. Estimation of Camphor in Spirit of Camphor 484 Dieterich K. The Chemical Examination of Isinglass 276 Doherty W. M. A New Method for Milk-Testing 18 Dominiklewicz M. Estimation of Fatty Acids in Soap 408 Donath E. Apparatus for Evaporating from Basins in a Vacuum 40 Donovan W. and MacLaurin J. S. Rapid Method of Estimating Iron in Iron Ores, Dowzard E. A Compressed-Air Wash-Bottle 299 -- Estimation of Chloroform in Lozenges 51 ~ - - Pressure-Equalising Attachment for Dessicators 78 Dreger W. Estimation of Diphenylamine 284 Drushel W. A, Volumetric Estimation of Potassium in Liquids of Animal Origin, Duboux M.and Dutoit P. Estimation of Volatile Bases in Wine 222 -~ Simultaneous Estimation of Sulphuric Acid Total Dubovitz H. Rapid Method of Estimating the Total Fatty Acids in Soap 533 Duchhc'ek F. and Bertrand G. Action of the Bacillus Bulgaricus on Various Sugars, Dunbar P. B. and Denis W. Estimatlion of Benzaldehyde in Almond Flavouring Duncan W. Estimation of Quinine in Cinchona Bark 220 454 106 Acidity and Tannin in Wine 56 443 Extracts 31 INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXIV. ix Dunlop H. Holde’s Test and the Detection of Paraffin Wax etc. in Lard and Other Durand L. a d Imbert H. Furfural Reaction for the Detection of Sesame Oil 398 Durham H. E. Sulphite Preservatives in Cider and Perry 485 Duschak L.H. The Mixed Barium-Strontium Chromate Precipitate 68 Dusserre C. awl! Vuilleumier V. Estimation of Sulphur in Alkali Polysulphides 545 Dutoit P. and Duboux M. Estimation of Volatile Bases in Wine 222 - - Simultaneous Estimation of Sulphuric Acid Total Acidity Dyer B. Phosphates in Vinegar 518 -_- The Use of Quartz Combustion Tubes Especially for the Direct Determina-Fats 524 and Tannin in Wine 56 tion of Carbon in Steel 97 Eckardt RI. and Collett E. Estimation of Molybdenum in Molybdenum Glance 540 Edgar G. Estimation of Vanadic and Arsenic Acids or of Vanadic and Antimonic --_ Iodometric Estimation of Vanadic Acid Chromic Acid and Iron in Edlefsen G. Estimation of Creatinine in Urine 227 Ehrenfeld R. and Indra A. The Quantitative Separation of Sulphates and Fluorides, Ellermann V.and Erlandsen A. Detection of Tubercle Bacilli in Sputum 226 Ellis H. R. Silver Cyanamide 537 - uizd Weston F. E. Analysis of “ Sodium Cyanamide ” and Nitrolim,” Elvove E. and Kastle J. H. Fuchsine-S as a Permanent Standard for the Emde H. The Detection of Methylaniline and Dimethylaniline in the Presence of Emerson C. J. The Emerson Fuel Calorimeter 297 Emmett A. D. Estimation of Fatty Matter in animal Faxes by Ether and Carbon -- and Grindley H. S. Chemistry of Animal Faces A Comparison of Endemann H. Estimation of Acids in Hydrogen Peroxide 290 -- Shellac Analysis 289 Engel - Method for the Quantitative Precipitation of the Casein of Human Milk 27 Engeland R. Constitution of the Carnitine Contained in Extract of Meat 395 --_ On the Composition of Liebig’s Meat Extract 54 Ericson E.J. Estimation of Lead and Cadmium in Zinc 414 Erlandsen A. and Ellermann V. Detection of Tubercle Bacilli in Sputum 226 Estes C. Colorimetric Estimation of Phosphates in Presence of Other Salts 179 Ewan T. Estimation of Sulphide in Alkali Cyanide 117 Eynon L. Influence of Clarification with Basic Lead Acetate Solution on the Valuation of Sugar Products and the Relation between the Amount of Lead Added and that Precipitated 349 - Ling A. R. a d Lane J. H. Solution Densities of Dextrose L~vulose, Acids in Presence of Each Other 245 Presence of Each Other 182 295 366 Determination of Nitrites in Sanitary Water Analysis 359 Each Other 168 Tetrachloride 358 the Analysis of Fresh and Air-Dried Fzces 357 and Maltose 351 Fagan T.W. and Allan C. The Composition of Brewers’ and Distillers’ Grains, 218 Fahrion W. A Liquid Resin from Pine-Wood 232 Fairley T. On the Phosphates in Certain Vinegars and in the Materials Used in their Manufacture 515 2 X INDEX TQ VOLUME XXXIV. Falco F. and Gutbier A. Estimation of Chlorine in Presence of Palladium and Quantitative Estimation of Palladium by Reduction with Alcohol in Alkaline Solution 452 Farcy L. Estimation of Small Quantities of Nitric Acid 419 The Influence of Bromides and Iodides on the Estimation of Nitrates in and Perrier G. The Influence of Chlorides on the Estimation of Nitrates, Farnsteiner I<. Detection of Added Alkali in Cocoa 52 Farr H. V. a i d Andrews L. W. Volumetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Feder E.Detection of Added Proteins in Meat Preparations 215 Fenaroli P. and Molinari E. A New Reaction of Petroleum 30 Fendler G. and Frank L. The Estimation of Fatty Acids in Soap 166 - and Kiihn O. Estimation of Dirt in Milk 322 Fernau A. Analysis of Galactose 500 Fettick O. Influence of Salt on the Micro-Organisms of Butter 57 Fiehe J. Detection of Starch Syrup in Honey and Fruit Juices 440 ~ - - The Composition of Certain Wines from the South of France 23 Fincke H. Artificial Means of Increasing the Reichert-Meissl Value and Saponifica-Findlay A. Apparatus for Determining Transport Numbers of Ions 550 Fischer K. and Gruenert O. Detection of Benzoic Acid in Flesh and Fats 394 Fiske A. H. Apparatus for Extracting Liquids with Ether 384 Fitzgerald W.P. Constant Level Reservoir 422 Fleig C. Colour Reactions of Sesame Oil with Aromatic Aldehydes 285 Flint W. R. and Browning P. E. Quantitative Precipitation of Tellurium and its Poerster P, A Colour Reaction of Colophony and Detection of that Resin in Other Fokin S. The ( ( Hydrogen Value ” of Unsaturated Carbon Compounds A New Fontes A. Differentiation of Tubercle from Pseudo-Tubercle Bacilli 404 Forster - Confectionery Containing Spirits 396 Frank L. and Fendler G. The Estimation of Fatty Acids in Soap 166 Frankel S. and Allers R. il Characteristic Reaction of Adrenaline 361 Frankforter G. B. Walker G. W. aid Wilhoit A. D.; Colorimetric Estimation of Franzen H. and Lohmann E. Use of “Nitron” for the Estimation of Nitric Acid, Frerichs K.The Detection of (‘ Sugar-Lime ” in Milk and Cream 54 Frey O. Examination of Plaster-of-Paris 542 Friend J. A. N. Estimation of Iron by Permanganate in the Presence of Hydrogen Fries J. A. Determination of Carbon by Means OF the Bomb Colorimeter 163 Friese W. Improved Allihn’s Tube 419 Fritsch R. New Apparatus for Purification of and Extraction by Ether 421 Fuller H. C. and Warren L. E. The Influence of Acetanilide Glycerin and Other Funk C. and Abderhalden E. Estimation of the Total Sulphur in Urine 326 Furth 0. v. Preparation and Estimation of Pure Urobilin and Urobilinogen 503 Water 335 174 Arsenic 292 tion Value of Butter-Fat 50 Application to the Separation of Tellurium from Selenium 509 Substances 108 Analytical Constant 327 Dissolved Oxygen in Water 116 360 Chloride 413 Substances on the Estimation of Alcohol 162 Gadais J.and Gadais L. A New Method of Analysing Calcium Citrate and Lemon-Juice 21 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. xi Gadais L. and Gadais J. A New Method of Analysing Calcium Citrate and Lemon-Galletly J. C. and Henderson G. G. The Quantitative Separation of Lead and Gallo G. and Cenni G. The Electrolytic Estimation of Thallium 295 Gane E. H. and Webster M. H. Assay of Hyoscyamus Extracts 488 Juice 214 Bismuth 389 - - W. H. Estimation of Iodine in Iodoform and Thymol Iodide 367 Ganghofer A and Paal C. Estimation of Nitric Acid by Means of ‘‘ Nitron,” 456 Garcia C. A. New Mercury Nitrometer 78 Gardner W. M. and Hodgson H. H. The Action of Iodine on Phenols with Special Reference to a Rapid Method for the Estimation of Tannin Materials, 37 1 Garnet H.and Grier,’J. Determination of Gingerol in Ginger 441 Gamier L. A Modification of Halphen’s Reaction 229 Geelmuyden H. C. Estimation of Several Sugars when Present together in Diabetic Geer W. C. Fractional Distillation of Turpentine in a Current of Steam 449 Gephart F. and Benedict S. R. Estimation of Urea in Urine 27 Gerhardt C. New Back-Pressure Valve for Water-Suction Pumps 424 Gherardi G. Estimation of Lead in Copper Alloys 177 Gill A. H. A Short Handbook of Oil Analysis Review 254 Gill F. W. Allison F. G. and Grindley H. S. Estimation of Urea in Urine 491 Gilpin J. E. and Cram M. P. Fractionation of Crude Petroleum by Capillary Girard C. Presence of Oxalic Acid in Cocoa, 396 - and Chauvin - Comparative Analyses of Different Spirits Distilled in Urine 281 - and Grindley H.S. Determination of Total Sulphur in Urine 107 Diffusion 66 Air and under Reduced Pressure 157 Gladding T. S. Analysis of Commercial Acetate of Lime 326 Godet C. and Schulze E. The Quantity of Lime and Magnesia in Various Seeds, Goldbaum J. S. a d Smith E. F. Attempt to Separate the Alkaline Earth Metals Electrolytically 450 --- Separation of the Alkali Metals Electrolytically, 325 34 Golding J. Some Analyses of Cream Cheese 48 Goldsbrough H. A. and Schidrowitz P. Viscosity of Indiarubber and Indiarubber Gonet L. and GuBrin G. A Modification of Buignet’s Method of Estimating Gooch F. A. and Beyer F. B. Electrolytic Estjmation of Lead and Manganese with -- and Bosworth R.S. Gravimetric and Iodometric Estimation of -- a d Perkins C. C. Gravimetric Estimation of Free Iodine by Means - The Composition of Milk 210 Solutions 112 Hydrocyanic Acid 230 The Use of the Gooch Crucible 177 Silver as Chromate 243 of Metallic Silver 506 ___-_- and Ward H. L. Precipitation of Copper as Oxalate 375 Goris - and Perrot - The Detection of Colophony in Tolu Balsam 215 Goutal E. On the Gases Liberated by the Action of Cupric Salts on Steel 381 Grete A. Estimation of Potassium by Means of Phosphomolybdic Acid 543 - Volumetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Acid Solution by Means of Alkaline Molybdate Solution and Glue 541 b xii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Greve G. Quantitative Estimation of Formic Acid 110 Griebel - Detection of Papua Mace 441 - C.Detection of Yohimbi Bark in Preparations 158 Grier J. and Garnet H. Determination of Gingerol in Ginger 441 Griffin M. L. A Mathematical View of Sampling with Reference to the Degree of Grindley H. S. and Emmett A. D. Chemistry of Animal Faxes A Comparison of - and Allison F. G. Estimation of Urea in Urine 491 Grossmann H. 0,nd Heilborn W. Use of Dicyandiamidine for the Estimation of Nickel and its Separation from Cobalt Iron Chromium Zinc, Manganese and Magnesium 455 -- a?zd Holter L. The Volumetric Estimation of Thiocyanic Acid by Gruenert O. and Fischer K. Detection of Benzoic Acid in Flesh and Fats 394 Gruss J. The Separation of Certain Enzymes by Means of Capillary Action 59 Guhin G. and Gonet L.; A Modification of Buignet’s Method of Estimating Hydrocyanic Acid 230 Guichard M.A Mercury-Pump 341 Gutbier A. and Falco F. Estimation of Chlorine in Presence of Palladium and Quantitative Estimation of Palladium by Reduction with Alcohol in Alkaline Solution 452 Haavardsholm O. Sebelien J. axd Brynildsen A. Some Modifications in the Estimation of Nitrogen by Kjeldahl’s Method 418 Haensel E. The Quantity of Phosphorus and Iron in Various Vegetables 155 Hahn A. Improved Laboratory Apparatus 338 Hamill J. M. On the ‘‘ Facing ” and Other Methods of Preparing Rice for Sale 430 Hammarsten O. Colour Reaction of Bile Acids with Hydrochloric Acid 530 Handa M. The Characterisation of Indicators 534 Kansen C. New Form of the Von Babo-Krafft Continuous Mercury Pump 183 Harland Robert Henry Death of 1 Harries C.and Rimpel H. Estimation of Rubber as Tetrabromide 536 Harrison J. B. P. and Howard D. L. Determination of Antimony in its Sulphide Hart E. B. Volumetric Estimation of Casein in Cow’s Milk 526 Hart W. B. Copper as an Impurity in Gelatin 399 Harwood H. F. and Jannasch P. Quantitative Volatilisation of Vanadic Acid from its Compounds by Heating in tt Current of Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour 510 Hassler F. and Dennstedt M. Simultaneous Estimation of Carbon Hydrogen, Nitrogen etc. in Organic Compounds by the Simplified Method of Combustion Analysis 39 Hauser E. New Gas Burette 455 - O. and Wirth F. Separation of Cerium from the Other Cerium Earths 505 Hawkins E. M. Phosphates in Vinegar 518 Hawley 3’. G. Estimation of Copper by Means of Potassium Permanganate 176 Heermann P.Estimation of Weighting in Silk 235 Hehner O. Gravimetric Estimation of Antimony and Tin 9 Heide C. von der mzd Steiner H. Estimation of Malic Acid in Wine 278 Heikel G. Estimation of Vegetable Alkaloids by Means of Potassium-Mercuric Accuracy to be Obtained 181 the Analysis of Fresh and Air-Dried Faxes 357 -- and Gill F. W. Determination of Total Sulphur in Urine 107 -Potassium Perm an gana te 244 On the Use of Preservatives in Cream 471 Preparations 451 Estimation of Succinic Acid in Wine 279 Iodide 2 . INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. X l l l Heikel G. Estimation of Vegetable A.lkaloids by Means of Mercury-Potassium Iodide 49 Heilborn W. and Grossmann H. Use of Dicyandiamidine for the Estimation of Nickel and its Separation from Cobalt Iron Chromium Zinc Manganese and Magnesium 455 Heilmann - and Hillringhaus - Pharmacopeia Tests for the Purity of Milk-Sugar 102 Heintz W.and Matthes H. The Unsaponifiable Substances Contained in Cotton-Seed Oil 362 Henderson G. G. and Galletly J. C. The Quantitative Separation of Lead and Bismuth 389 Herman - A Nitrometer Provided with Means for Correcting the Barometrical Pressure 75 Hes A. Gravimetric Estimation of Nitric Acid 114 Heubner W. and Reeb M. The Distribution of Phosphorus in Certain Foods 103 Heygendorff - von A Heating Device for Rapidly Obtaining Constant Temperatures Hibbert E. On the Volumetric Estimation of Copper and Chromium and of Copper, -- Volumetric Msthod for the Estimation of Titanium and of Titanium and Iron in the Presence of Each Other 182 Hildebrand J.H. Purification of Mercury 459 Hill A. E. New Form of Gas-Burette 77 for Refractometers and Polarisation Apparatus 246 Chromium and Iron in Admixture 174 - and Zink W. A. H. Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Barium, Hillringhaus - n?zd Heilmann - Pharmacopoeia Tests for the Purity of Milk-Hinrichsen F. W. Analysis of Tungsten Steel 381 and Manasse W. Analysis of Vulcanised Caoutchouc Goods 406 Hiorns A. H. and Lamb S. Influence of Small Quantities of Arsenic and Antimony on Copper 334 Hirst S. and Proctor H. R. Detection of Sulphite-Cellulose Liquors in Tanning Extracts 290 Hodgson H. H. and Gardner W. M. The Action of Iodine on Phenols with Special Reference to a Rapid Method for the Estimation of Tannin Materials, 371 -- T.R. The Separation of Mixtures of Some Aliphatic Acids by Means of Holbeman A. F. A Method of Estimating Small Quantities of Impurities in Ortho-Holde - Use of ‘( Standard Benzine ” (Light Petroleum) for the Determination of Asphaltum in Dark Mineral Oils 405 Holdefleiss P. On Laboratory Methods for the Estimation of the Milling and Baking Properties of Wheat from Various Sources 355 Holland E. B. Volumetric Estimation of Copper in Sugar Analysis 375 Holliger M. Estimation of Sulphur in Coal and Coke 238 Holmes E. M. Notes on the Mace of Commerce 21 - M. E. The Use of the Rotating Anode in Electrolytic Separations 68 Holmgreen I. Studies on Capillarity and Absorption and a Method for the Estima-Holter L. and Grossmann H. The Volumetric Estimation of Thiocyanic Acid by Hoogenhuyze C.J. C. van tmd Verploegh H. Excretion of Creatinine in Man 26 Hortvet J. Estimation of Sodium Benzoate in Catsups Sauces etc. 221 114 Sugar 102 Benzene and Toluene 435 toluidine and Ort honitro toluidine 112 tion of Mineral Acids in very Dilute Solution 35 Potassium Permanganate 24 xiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Hortvet J. Estimation of Volatile and Fixed Acids in Wine 222 Horvath B. and Bugarszky S. New Method for the Estimation of Iodides and Houston A. C. The Negative Results of the Examination of Samples of Raw Thaines, Lea and New River Water for the Presence of the Typhoid Bacillus 58 - Vitality of the Cholera Vibrio in Artificially Infected Samples of Raw Thames Lea and New River Water with Special Reference to the Question of Storage 402 Howard B.J. and Chick O. The Use of Cinchonamine in the Graviinetric -- and Veitch F. P. Commercial Sicilian Sumac 24 - D. L. and Harrison J. B. P. Determination of Antimony in its Sulphide Hubener G. Estimation of Caoutchouc in Hot Vulcanised Soft Rubber and Other -_ Methods for the Analysis of Hard Vulcanised Rubbers 170 Hudson C. S. New Method for Measuring the Electrolytic Dissociation of Water, Hugounenq L. nizd Morel A. Use of Hydrofluoric Acid for the Hydrolysis of Hulett G. A. and Bonner W. D. Method of Preparing Standard Hydrochloric Humphries A. E. and Simpson A. G. Gas-making Capacity as a Factor in the Humphreys T. C and Price T. S. Apparatus Used in Rapid Methods of Electro-Hundeshagen F. Technical Analysis of Magnesitd Estimation of Small Quantities Hunnicki V.and Bondzynski J. The Behaviour of Salol and Distearylsalicyl in Huntly G. N. The Analysis of Air 271 Hurtley W. H. and Caldwell I(. S. The Distillation of Butter-Fat Cocoanut Oil, Hutchin H. W. and Tonks F. J. Estimation of Tungstic Acid in Poor Ores 457 Free Iodine 453 Estimation of Nitrates 165 Preparations 451 Investigations on Vulcanised Rubber 365 547 Proteins 66 Acid Solutions 239 Estimation of Strength in Wheaten Flour 354 Analysis Analysis of Brass 173 of Lime in Presence of Large Quantities of Magnesia 240 the Body 27 and their Fatty Acids 274 Igersheimer J. and Rothmann A. Behaviour of Atoxyl in the Body 324 Imbert H. and Durand L. Furfural Reaction for the Detection.of Sesame Oil 398 Indra A.and Ehrenfeld R. The Quantitative Separation of Sulphates and Fluorides 295 Innes A. G. and Berl E. Determination of Carbon in Aliphatic Hydroxyl Com-pounds by Moist Combustion (Estimation of Cellulose in Cuprammonium Solutions) 282 Twine J. C. Polarimetric Method of Identifying Chitin 280 Iwanicki A Estimation of Nickel in Nickel-Steel by Means of Dimethylglyoxime 74 Iwanowslry W. Reversed Filtration and the Determination of Fibre in Foods, etc. 217 .Jackson C. L. and Clarke L. Modification of Scheibler’s Extractor for Large Jacoby E. and Blumenthal F. Atoxyl and its Derivatives 152 Jagerschmid A. Detection of Caramel in Wine Cognac and Beer 215 Jannasch P. and IIarwood B. F. Quantitative Volatilisation of Vanadic Acid from its Compounds by Heating in a Current of Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour 510 Quantities of Solid 54 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV xv Jannasch P.and Jilke W. Quantitative Volatilisation of Phosphoric Acid from Javillier M. aizd Bertrand G. Estimation of Nicotine as Nicotine Silicgtungstate, Jeffers E. H. and Thorne L. T. Note on the Hydrochloric Acid Extraction Method Jeffery J. H. aid Jones G. C. The Estimation of Iron by Permanganate in Presence Jilke W . and Jannasch P Quantitative Volatilisstion of Phosphoric Acid from Jorgensen G. Detection of.Saccharin in Beer 156 - The Estimation of Certain Organic Acids occurring in Fruits 275 Johannesen J. C. F. and Bull H. The Differentiation of Marine 9nimal Oils by John W. E. von Estimation of Tantaluni and Niobium in Xinerals Steel and Johnson C.M, Rapid Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Special Steels SteeI-Johnston J. H. The New Standards for Sewage Effluents 202 Jones E. W. T. Colorimetric Estimation of Formaldehyde in Milk 22 - G. C. Some Analyses of Cream Cheese 48 -- aizd Jeffery J. H. The Estimation of Iron by Permanganate in Presence of Hydrochloric Acid 306 -_ W. J. aizd Orton K. J. P. The Estimation of the Alkalinity of Bleaching-Jong A. W. K. de The Estimation of Alkaloids in Coca Leaves 99 Jorgensen G. Adulteration of Mustard 489 Jouard F. L. Glass-Cutting b$ Means of an Electric Wire 385 Metallic Sulphates 507 219 for the Polarimetric Estimation of Starch 333 of Hydrochloric Acid 306 Metallic Sulphates 507 Means of their Bromine Addition Compounds 110 Alloys 508 Making Alloys and Graphite Review 252 Powder Solutions 317 The Determination of Phosphoric Acid in Mineral Phosphates 392 I h h n M.Simplified Methods for the Estimation of Gaseous Impurities in Factory Kastle J. H. and Elvove E. Fuchsine-S. as a Permanent Standard for the Kayser R. Acids of the Pineapple 438 Keane C. A. a?zd Narracott J. Experiments on the Separation of Mixtures of Keiser K. Fiehe’s Reaction for the Detection of Artificial Honey 399 Kerbosch - The Destruction of Organic Matter in Toxicological Analysis 105 Kickton A. The Detection of Artificial Invert Sugar in Wines by Means of the Kilpi S. and Wegelins H. Estimation of Mercury in Solu&ons containing Iodides, Kissling R. New Constants for the Valuation of Mineral Lubricating Oils 328 Klassert M.Estimation of Essential Oils 168 Kleiber A. The Estimation of Nitrogen in Nitrates by Means of Stannous Chloride Kleine A. New Apparatus for the Estimation of Carbon 297 Klimont J. and Meisels E. The Occurrence of Mixed Glycerides in Natural Fats, Klopstock H. The Active Substance in Chlorates 236 Ihapp A. W. and Shrewsbury H. S. A Rapid Method for the Detection and Knecht E. Docolorising Action of Various Forms of Charcoal 361 Air 67 Determination of Nitrites in Sanitary Water Analysis 359 Some Aliphatic Acids by Means of Benzene 436 Resorcinol Hydrochloric Acid Reaction 23 241 and Iron Filings 294 363 Estimation of Formaldehyde in Milk 1 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Knecht E. Estimation of Indigo in Dyed Cotton 410 Knopfle F. Estimation of Lead in Tin-plate TITessels Alloys etc.377 Knorre G. v. Analysis of Coal Gas and Similar Gaseous Mixtures with Special Kohn-Abrest E. Action of Gaseous Hydrogen Chloride on Aluminium Estimation Kollo K. Estimation of Phenolphthalein in Pharmaceutical Preparations 442 Koninck L. L. de Precipitation of Cobalt by Means of Potassium Nitrite 114 Kosutany J. On the Analysis of Flours with Reference to their Baking Properties, Krauz C. On Schulz’s Colour Reaction for Mineral Oils 286 Krell - aid Nicolardot - Analysis of Antimony Alloys 373 Kreu@ R. Estimation of Fat in Chocolates by Means of Chloral Alcoholate 19 Reference to the Estimation of Nitrogen in the Same 408 of Metallic Aluminium 413 Researches on Aluminium Analysis of Aluminium Powder 67 353 The Theobromine-Content of Cocoa and a New n!kthod for Estimating Theobromine-Content of Cocoa Beans 319 Iirulla A.Adsorption with Special Reference to the Rising of Saline Solutions Krzizan R. The Characteristics of Red-Currant Seed Oil 101 Kiihling O. and Berkold O. Action of Nitrogen on Commercial Barium Carbide, Kuhn O. and Fendler G. Estimation of Dirt in Milk 322 Kuhnke E. A. J. New Steam-Meter 423 Kiing A. and Winterstein E. Occurrence of p-Oxyphenylethylainine in Emmentaler Kuntze W. Observations on Fermented Milk I.-Yoghurt and Mazun 58 the Same 20 in Filter-Paper 382 115 Cheese 325 Laband L. Detection of Certain Animal Fats in Admixture with Other Animal Fats Labat A. Methods for Distinguishing Atoxyl (Sodium p-Aminophenylarsenate) from New Colour Reactions of Hydrastine Hydrastinine and Narcotine, New Reactions of Opianic Acid and their Use in the Detection of Ladd E.F. Bassett H. P. and White H. L. Chemically Treated Flours 216 Lalin L. M. Determination of Starch in Cereals by Means of the Zeiss Immersion Lamb S. and Hiorns A. R. Influence of Small Quantities of Arsenic and Antimony Landecker M. and Weiss L. Separation of Tantalum and Niobium from Other Lane J. H. Ling A. R. and Eynon L. Solution Densities of Dextrose Lavulose, Langbein H. Modified Bomb for Calorimetric and Analytical Purposes 548 Lange W. and Brode J. On the Methods of Examining Vinegar 157 La Wall C. H. Detection of small Quantities of Capsicum in Ginger Preparations, -- The Differentiation of Enzymes in Mill by Means of Tests for Le Chatelier H.Dangers in the Transport of Ferro-Silicon 454 Lemaire P. A New Reaction Distinguishing between Salts of Uranium and of by Means of Polenski’s (‘ Difference Method,” 52 Arsacetin (Sodium p-Acetaminophenylarsenate) 152 409 Hydrastine and Narcotine 409 Refractometer 332 on Copper 334 Metals and from One Another 545 and Maltose 351 321 Hydrogen Peroxide 160 Cadmium 11 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. XVii Lemoult P. Estimation of Phosphorus in Organic Substances by Means of the - Simplified Method for Estimating the Calorific Power of Combustible Lendrich K. and Murdfield R. An Error in the Estimation of Caffeine by Juckenack - The Amount of Caffeine in Coffee and the Loss of Bomb Calorimeter 535 Gases 375 and Hilger’s Method 50 - and Nottbohm E.Estimation of Caffeine in Coft’ee 214 -Caffeine during the Roasting of Coffee 484 Lenz W. Microscopical Distinction between Wheat and Rye Starches 400 Leo K. The Calorimetric Estimation of Pitch in Fuel Briquettes 286 Lessing - The Analysis of Air 272 -. - R. Rapid Method for the Detection and Estimation of Formaldehyde in - and Schryver S. B. A Physico-Chemical Method for Comparing the Levy A. G. and Blount B. The Use of Quartz Combustion-Tubes Especially for LBvy L. and Rocques X. The Composition of Kirsch Liqueurs 977 Lewis S. J. and Wedekind E. Analytical Examination of Metallic Zirconium 296 J. Analysis of Colonial Oats and the Determination of their Phosphorus in Milk 14 Antiseptic Value of Disinfectants 158 the Direct Determination of Carbon in Steel 88 Contents 55 Lewkowitsch J.Oil from ‘‘ Carapa Guyanensis ” (‘‘ Carapa Procera ”) D.C. 10 Leyson L. T. and Moody G. T. Solubility of Lime in Water 72 Lidoft A. P. Qualitative Test for Phosphoric Acid in Rocks 180 Liebermann P. v. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Urine and Alkali Phosphate Liechti P. Grading of Flours by Reference to their Content of Catalase 528 Ling A. R. On JaWs Calorimetric Method for the Estimation of Creatinine 482 Solutions 360 - Eynon L. and Lane J. H. Solution Densities of Dextrose Laevulose, - and Maclaren G, The Analysis of Cane Molasses 350 and Maltose 351 Linnert K. The Absence of Purin Bases in Caviare 356 Lintner C. J. The Chemical Analysis of Hops 53 Litterscheid-Hamm F. M. Estimation of Copper by Means of Potassium Iodide and Little H.F. V. Cahen E. and Morgan G. T. Estimation of Arsenic in Organic Lloyd F. J. The Composition of Cider 133 -_- - Rapid Method for the Detection and Estimation of Formaldehyde in -- Some Analysis of Cream Cheese 48 Lohmann E. and Franzen H. Use of Nitron for the Estimation of Nitric Acid, Loose R. and Rupp E. New Indicator Highly Sensitive to Weak Bases 29 Losanitsch M. S. A New Potash Absorption Apparatus 185 Luchmann E. Volumetric Estimation of Manganese Iron and Chromium 71 -- and Bollenbach H. The Oxydimetric Estimation of Chromium by Lunge G. Technical Methods of Chemical Analysis Review 251 Liining O. Estimation of Acids in Hydrogen Peroxide 449 Arsenious Acid 453 Compounds 532 -- Gravimetric Estimation of Antimony and Tin 9 Milk 13 14 360 Potassium Ferricyanide 70 Maass E.New Form of Three-Necked Flask 549 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. MacConkey A. Observations on the Differentiation of Lactose-Fermenting Bacilli, MacLaren G. and Ling A. R. The Analyses of Cane Molasses 350 MacLaurin J. S. and Donovan W. Method of Estimating Iron in Iron Ores 454 Mai J. Gasometric Estimation of the V. Xeyer Vapour-Density Principle ’36 Maillard P. New Procedure for the Estimation of Sugars by Bonnan’s Method 500 Malfatti H. Estimation of Amino Acids in Urine by Titration in the Presence of Malvezin P. A Xethod of Estimating the Volatile Acids in Wine 279 Manasse W. and Hinrichsen F. W , Analysis of Vulcanized Caoutchouc Goods, Mandelbaum R. Estimation of Boric Acid 374 Marcusson J. Characteristics of Montan Wax 33 --- - Apparatus for the Estimation of Mineral Oil in Marek J.Mercury Joint for Connecting a Combustion-Tube with the Calcium Marino L. The Volumetric Estimation of Selenious Acid 379 Marion F. The Changes Produced in Flour by Age 354 Marle E. R. Estimation of Carbonates in Presence of Nitrites Sulphides or Sulphites by Means of Potassium Bichromate 504 Martin C. J. and Chick H. Standardisation of Disinfectants 226 Matthes H. and Heintz W. The Unsaponifiable Substances Contained in Cotton-Seed Oil 362 Mauthner J. Safety Wash-Bottle 342 Mawrow F. and Mollow G. Quantitative Estimation of Silver 115 McCay L. W. The Separation of Tin and Antimony 244 McCoy H. N. and Bunzel H. H. The Speed of Oxidation by Air of Uranous McGowan J. P.Simple Method of Filling Toluene Thermo-Regulators 341 McLellan B. G. and Davies L. H. A Rapid Method for Estimating Carbon Dioxide Medell W. S. Peroxide Method for the Estimation of Lead 240 Meilldre G. The Separation of Inosite from Natural Wines 489 Meisels E. and Klimont J. The Occurrence of Mixed Glycerides in Natural Fats, MeniBre P. New Method for Estimating Mercury Vapour in Air 38 Mestrezat W. Estiination of Tartaric Acid in Wines 104 - - The Freezing-Point of Wine as a Means of Determining its Alcoholic Metzger F. G. u.lzd Taylor C. E. Rapid Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Niobium in Presence of Tantalum and its Application to the Analysis of Minerals Containing Niobium 378 - F. J. Rapid Volumetric Method for Determining Cerium in Presence of Meyer K.Estimation of Tin in Tin-plate 118 -- R. and Desamari K. Estimation of Molecular Weights by the Boiling-Point Micko K. The Typical Aromatic Substance Present in Jamaica Rum 54 Milbauer J. On the Titration of Sulphites with Permanganate 117 Moerk F. X. Use of the Centrifuge in Assay of Volatile Oils 421 Molinari E. and Fenaroli P. A New Reaction of Petroleum 30 Mollow G. and Mawrow F. Quantitative Estimation of Silver 115 with Special Reference to Those of Intestinal Origin 490 Formaldehyde 529 406 -- and Winterfeld G. Determination of the Acid Value of Resins 331 Oil of Turpentine 510 Chloride Tube 422 Solutions with a Note on the Volumetric Determination of Uranium,. 245 in the Atmosphere 235 363 Strength 221 Other Rare Earths 335 Methods 41 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.xix Monier-Williams - Rapid Method for the Detection and Estimation of Farmalde-Monhaupt M. Estimation of Butter-Fat in Margarine in the Presence of Cocoanut Moody G. T. and Leyson L. T. Solubility of Lime in Water 72 Xoor C. G. A Rapid Method for the Detection and Estimation of Formaldehyde in - - The Composition of Milk 210 - - The New Standards for Sewage Effluents 203 Moork C. W. and Power F. B. Composition of ‘‘ Elaterium ” and the Characters of Worawitz H. Volumetric Estimation of Mercuric Salts 73 Morden G. W. Electrolytic Estimation of Thallium 509 Morel A, and Hugounenq L. Use of Hydrofluoric Acid for the Hydrolysis of Morgan G. T. aizd Cahen E. The Gravimetric Estimation of Antimony and Tin 3 - Cahen E. and Little EL F.V. Estimation of Arsenic in Organic Miiller J. A. Volumetric Estimation of Chromic Acid 70 - of Lead in Minerals 71 -_- W. J. Volumetric Estimation of Thallium 244 Murdfield R. and Lendrich K. An Error in the Estimation of Caffeins by Juckenack hyde in Milk 14 Oil 212 Milk 13 Elaterin 526 Proteins 66 Compounds 532 -and Hilger’s Method 50 Nagels W. Double Measuring Pipette 511 Narracott P. and Keane C. A, Experiments on the Separation of Mixtures of Some Nash 1;. M. A Note on Enkabang and Teglan Fats and Katio Oil from Sarawak, - ~ - Determination of Aldehydes in Oil of Lemon 17 -- Note on the Determination of Petroleum in Turpentine 151 -_ The Composition of Cider 134 - -- of Milk 210 Naylor W. A. H. and Chappel E. J. Estimation of Extractive and Glycerin in Neave G.B. Note on a Proposed Test for Halogens 345 - The Sabatier-Senderens Test for Distinguishing between Primary, Nesm jelow V. On the Simultaneous Estimation of Carbon Monoxide Hydrogen, Neuberg C. The Detection of Bile Acids by Means of Rhamnose 25 Neumann A. Estimation of Phosphorus in Organic Substances 507 Nicolardot - and Krell - Analysis of Antimony Alloys 373 -- New Method of Attacking Ferro-Alloys particularly Ferro-Silicon, Nicolle A. The Analysis of Commercial Metol 285 Nishi M. New Method of Estimating Quinine and Elimination of that Alkaloid in Normann W. Testing the Reaction of Lubricating Greases 328 Nottbohm E. and Lendrich K. Estimation of Caffeine in Coffee 214 Aliphatic Acids by Means of Benzene 436 207 Spirituous Galenicals 440 Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols 346 and Methane by Combustion 283 - P.and Baier E. Analysis of Milk or Cream Chocolate 439 - P. Analysis of Wolfram and Hubnerite 382 176 the Urine 443 - The Amount of Caffeine in Coffee and the Loss of Caffeine during the Roasting of Coffee 484 c XX INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Oddo B. Volumetric Estimation of Mercury in Mercurous Salts 416 Okada H. The Higher Melting-Point Constituents of Japanese Fish Oils 62 Olson G. A. Rapid Method of Starch Hydrolysis 537 Opfermann E. Estimation of Resin in Sulphite Pulp 233 Oppenheim K. Estimation of Lactose in Milk by Means of the ‘‘ Iron Method ” of Orton K. J. P. and Jones W. J. The Estimation of the Alkalinity of Bleaching Osterberg E. and Wolf C. G. L. Determination of Urea in Urine 282 Ostrogovich A.and Petrisov S. Rapid Method of Detecting Stearin and Other Otin C. N. Electrochemical Behaviour of Manganese 415 and Beretta A. volumetric Estimation of Lead and Sulphuric Acid 415 Michaelis and Rona 500 Powder Solutions 317 Glycerides in Beeswax 495 Electrolytic Estimation of Manganese 416 Yaal C. and Amberger C. Metallic Salts of the Volatile Acids Present in Butter-Fat - and Ganghofer A Estimation of Nitric Acid by Means of ‘‘ Nitron,” 456 Paladino R. Composition of the Fat Contained in Egg Yolk 320 Palmer H. E. and Browning P. E. Volumetric and Gravimetric Estimation of Thallium by Means of Potassium Ferricyanide in Alkaline Solution 338 Palmqvist A. G. Estimation of Fat in Feeding-Stuffs 101 Panajotow G. Separation of Antimony from Tin 291 Pannain E.Volumetric Estimation of Silver by Guy-Lussac’s Method 544 Paolini V. Estimation of Iodoform in Iodoform Gauze 528 Parker H. G. The Centrifuge in Quantitative Analysis 382 Parkes A. E. The Analysis of Air 271 Parr S. W. and Wheeler W. F. The Influence of the Ash in the Valuation of Coal, Parry E. J. The Chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial Perfumes Review 190 Partridge W. Rapid Method for the Detection and Estimation of Formaldehyde in Paul A. E. The Examination of Turpentine Oil 171 Perkins C. C. and Gooch F. A. Gravimetric Estimation of Free Iodine by Means of Perrier G. Estimation of Fat in Charcuterie ” and in Other Products Containiug -- and Farcy L. The Influence of Chlorides on the Estimation of Nitrates, Perrin G.Identification of Inosite Natural Wines 324 Perrot - and Goris - The Detection of Colophony in Tolu Balsam 215 Peters E. R. C. and Wilkinson W. P. The Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide in Petrisov S. and Ostrogovich A. Rapid Method of Detecting Stearin and Other Pfenning F. and Rupp E. An Acidimetric Method of Estimating Alkali Iodides 293 Pfyl B. Composition of Washing-Powders Containing Sodium Peroxide 181 Pickering S. U. The Hydration of Precipitates 242 Pickles S. S. and Auld S. J. M. An Extraction Apparatus for Plant Products etc. 339 Pierraerts J. Inversion of Maltose 169 -- Optical Estimation of Mixtures of Sucrose and Hydrated Maltose 233 Pinchbeck G. Separation of Strychnine from Brucine 442 Piorkowsky - Simple Method for Differentiating between Human and Other Blood, and Cocoanut Oils and the Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 99 533 Milk 13 Metallic Salts 506 Water 319 174 Milk 22 Glycerides in Beeswax 495 44 INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXIV.xxi Ponndorf G. Impurities in Commercial Chlorates 69 Pontio - Commercial Analysis of Manufactured Caoutchouc 329 Poppenberg O. and Stephan E. Estimation of Nitrogen in Explosive Powders 496 - Heat of Combustion and Explosion Temperature of Porchet F. and RBgis F. Estimation of Nicotine in Concentrated Tobacco Juices, Pouget J. and Chouchak D. Colorimetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid 178 Power F. B. and Moore C. W. Composition of ‘‘ Elaterium” and the Characters of Pozxi-Escot E. A New Automatic Ureonieter 184 ____-- An Apparatus for Oxidations with Sodium Peroxide 120 ~ - - _ _ - - A Rapid Method of Estimating Fixed Organic and Volatile Acids in Wines and Fermented Liquids 225 --- The Estimation of Succinic Acid in Fermented Liquids 25 Pratt D.S. and Chamot E. M. Study of the Phenosulphonic Acid Method for the Estimation of Nitrates in Water I.-Composition of the Reagent and of the Reaction Product 456 Prettner - Analysis of Calcareous Asphaltum and Asphalt Paving Mixtures 493 Comparison of the Electrolytic Brunck and Grossmann Methods for the Estimation of Nickel in Steel 294 Price T. S. and Humphreys T. C. Apparatus Used in Rapid Methods of Electro-Analysis. Analysis of Brass 173 Pringsheim H. Use of Sodium Peroxide in the Quantitative Analysis of Organic Compounds 65 Proctor H. R. and Hirst S.Detection of Sulphite-Cellulose Liquors in Tanning Extracts 290 Pyhlila E. Caucasian Copal 287 Explosives 497 534 Elaterin 526 Radcliffe L. G. The Examination of Carbon Tetrachloride 229 -- and Allan J. Constants of Jasmine Flower Wax 234 Raffa E. On the Precipitation of Magnesium as Ammonium Magnesium Arsenate, The Precipitation of Magnesium as Ammonium Magnesium Phosphate 73 Rammstedt O. On the Suitability of Carbon Tetrachloride as a Solvent in Fat Ramsay A. A. Formation of Formaldehyde in Cane-Sugar Solutions 28 Raschig F. New Reactions of Hydrazoic Acid 71 Ratcliff F. D. Phosphates in Vinegar 517 519 Rathje A. Characteristics of Ergot and Lycopodium Oils and Areca-Nut Fat 64 Reclaire A. The Nitrophenylhydraxones of the Sugars 31 Record F. An Apparatus for Simultaneously Extracting a Solid and Filtering the Reeb M.and Heubner W. The Distribution of Phosphorus in Certain Foods 103 RQgis F. and Porchet F. Estimation of Nicotine in Concentrated Tobacco Juices, Reich R. Colour Reaction of Some Essential Oils with Special Reference to the Estimation of Essential Oils and of Eugenol in Oil of Cloves 527 1 -177 Extractions 110 Solution so Obtained 119 534 Examination of the Fat Obtained from Flavoured Chocolates 19 - in Spices etc. 20 Reid E. E. An Electrically Controlled Gas Regulator 183 Reiff H. J. Pressure-Regulator for Vacuum Distillation 424 Remington J. S. and Smith C. Analysis of Lithopone 541 Revis C. Examination of Milk for Dirt and ‘( Leucocytes,” 40 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Richards P.A. E, Cribb C. H. and Booth N. P. The Composition and Analysis of - T. W. Modified Form of Gooch Crucible 549 Richardson F. W. Phosphates in Vinegar 517 Richaud A. and Bidot - A New Reaction for Iron in the Ferrous State 239 Richmond H. D. The Composition of Milk 208 Rideal S. Gravimetric Estimation of Antimony and Tin 9 Rigga L. W. Estimation of Iodine in Protein Compounds (Thyroid Glands) 358 Rimpel H. and Harries C. Estimation of Rubber as Tetrabromide 536 Robertson R. The Decomposition of Nitroglycerine 370 Robin L. Detection of Benzoic and Salicylic Acids in Fermented Beverages and Rocasolano A. de G. Use of Lime-Water for the Titration of Acid Solutions 400 Rochaix A. Test for Nitrites in Potable Waters 296 Rocques K. and LQvy L. The Composition of Kirsch Liqueurs 277 RonchBse A.Application of the Gasometric Method to the Exact Estimation of. Rosenheim O. Rapid Method for the Detection and Estimation of Formaldehyde in Rosenthaler L. Detection of Methylpentoses in Presence of Pentoses 169 ROSS F. W. F. Rate of Hydrolysis of Soaps in Aqueous Solution 65 Chocolate 134 -- The Estimation of Iron by Permanganate in Presence of Hydro-chloric Acid 316 - The Analysis of Air 272 - and Burgess W. J. The New Standards for Sewage Effluents 193 Milk 156 The Detection of Benzoic Acid in Fats and especially in Butter 18 Urea 59 Milk 14 R The New Standards for Sewage Effluents. 201-2 Rothe J. Estimation of Vermilion an2 Antimony Sulphide in Caoutchouc Articles, 365 Rothenfusser S. The Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Formaldehyde and Per-Rothmann A.and Igersheimer J. Behaviour of Atoxyl in the Body 324 Rothmund V. The Reduction and Estimation of Perchlorates 294 Riibencamp R. and Zerr G. A Treatise on Colour Manufacture Review 190 Rupp E. Estimation of Zinc by Means of Ferrocyanide 119 Volumetric Estimation of Mercury by the Thiocyanate Iodometric and - and Callies W. Estimation of Quinine in Quinine Tannate and Ferro-- and Loose R. New Indicator Highly Sensitive to Weak Bases 29 __- and Pfenning F. An Acidimetric Method of Estimating Alkali Iodides, Ruppin E. Estimation of Sulphuric Acid as Barium Sulphate 118 Ruesell E. and Barker B. T. P. The Composition of Cider 125 Ruszkowski B. and Schmidt E. Estimation of Wool in Presence of Cotton 538 sulphates 37 Acidimetric Methods 38 Citrate 275 293 Sacher I.F. Estimation of Sulphuric Acid as Barium Sulphate when Chlorides are Sanchez J. A New Method of Estimating Nickel in the Presence of Cobalt 378 Sand H. J. S. Apparatus for the Rapid Electrolytic Separations of Metals 458 Sans J. A Colour Reaction of Colophony 287 Schaffer F. On the Treatment of Wine-Barrels with Formaldehyde and the Detection and Estimation of Formaldehyde in Wine 56 Schaffnit E. Apparntus for the Xxamination of Flour 185 Present 54 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. xxiii Schenke V. Estimation of Total Nitrogen 417 Schern K. Schardinger’s Methylene Blue Test for Milk 352 Schidrowitz P. and Goldsbrough H. A. Viscosity of Indiarubber and Indiarubber Schimpf E. W. A Manual of Volumetric Analysis Review 432 Schindler J.and Svoboda H. Comparative Estimations of Glycerol in Wine by the Schlicht A. Estimation of Potassium as Potassium Phospho-Molybdate 39 Schlichting E. and Winther H. A Criticism of Staining Methods for Determining Schmatolla O. Estimation of Water in Cresol Soap Solutions 221 Schmidt E. and Ruszkowski B. Estimation of Wool in Presence of Cotton 538 Schriider K. Volumetric Estimation of Thiocyanic Acid by Means of Perman-Schroeder J. Apparatus for Determination of Solubilities at the Boiling-Point of the - Simple Apparatus for Extraction in the Cold and for Determination of Schryver S. B. and Buchanan G. S. On the Application of Formaldehyde to Meat 470 --- On the Presence of Tin in Certain Canned Goods 121 and Lessing R. A Physico-Chemical Method for Comparing the Schubert F.Saccharification and Polarimetric Estimation of Starch in Barley 331 Schucht L. Volumetric Estimation of Water-Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Super-Schulte W. The Separation of Antimony from Solutions of Thioantimonates 373 Schulz F. Detection of Nitronaphthalene in “ De-Bloomed ” Oils 535 Schulze E. and Godet C. The Quantity of Lime and Magnesia in Various Seeds 325 Schumm O. Methods for the Detection of Blood-Colouring Matters and Similar Schwarz F. and Weber O. Estimation of Formic Acid in Fruit Juices 217 Scoville W. L. Spurious Gum Tragacanth 284 Seamon W. H. Direct Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Alumina 291 -.-- Volumetric Method of Estimating Mercury 416 Sebelien J. Brynildsen A. and Haavardsholm O. Some Modifications ‘in the Estimation of Nitrogen by Kjeldahl’s Method 418 Seidell A.Methods for the Estimation of Salicylates 536 Sewerin S. A. Observations on the So-called (( Bacillus Bulgaricus ” and on ‘‘ Lacto-Bacilline,” 57 Seyler - The Determination of Essential Oil and Moisture in Spices and Aromatic Drugs 523 Shrewsbury H. S. A Rapid Sorting-Test for the Detection of Paraffin Wax in -- and Knapp A. W. A Rapid Method for the Detection and Shutt F. T. The Relationship of Composition to Bread-Making Value of Flours 353 Siller R. Chemistry of Hops 485 Simpson A. G. and Humphries A. E. Gas-Making Capacity as a Factor in the Singer L. Examination of Paraffin Wax 447 Smetham A. An Abnormal Sample of Butter from a Cheshire Herd of Cows 304 Solutions 112 Iodide and Lime Methods 399 the Dead Cells of Yeast 325 ganate 502 Solvent 342 Solubilities at the Ordinary Temperature 340 Antiseptic Value of Disinfectants 158 phosphatee 74 Substances 104 - The New Standards for Sewage Effluents 202 Lard 348 Estimation of Formaldehyde in Milk 12 Estimation of Strength in Wheaten Flour 35 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXIV.Smith C. and Remington J. S. Analysis of Lithopone 541 Smith E. F. and Goldbaum J. S. Attempt to Separate the Alkaline Earth Metals ~ -_-____-.- Separation of the Alkali Metals Hydrolytically 34 Snelling W. 0 The Munroe Crucible 298 Soden H. von The Composition of African Balsam Oil 286 Sorensen S. P. L, Measurement of the Concentration of Hydrogen Ions 498 Southcombe 3 . E. Composition of Shea Butter 323 Spalteholz W.Estimation of Water in Cresol Soaps Solutions 153 Spencer J. F. A Modification of Hempel’s Gas-Burette 340 Sponnagel F. and Bremer W. Detection of Artificial Honey by Fiehe’s and Ley’s Squire - Companion to the British Pharmacopoeia Review 253 Stahler A, Drying Oven for Temperatures up to 460” C. 457 --? The Alkalimetric Estimation of Hydroxylamine 408 -__ and Alders H. Some Rapid Electrolytic Precipitations and Separa-Starck G. Estimation of Alkalis in Silicates 411 Staub W. and Burri R. Apparatus for the Estimation of Catalsse in Milk 160 Steiner H. and von der Heide C. Estimation of Malic Acid in Wine 278 --Stephan E. and Poppenberg O. Estimation of Nitrogen in Explosive Powders 496 --- Heat of Combustion and Explosion Temperature Stewart A, and Vandevelde A.J. J. Water in Butter 213 - S. Detection and Estimation of Dammar Resin in Kauri Resin 288 Stiepel C. Estimation of Water in Fats Oils and Fatty Acids 33 -_- The Analysis of Soap Stock 30 Stillesen - Horse-Chestnut Oil 330 Stock A, Use of the Mercury Trough in Gas Analysis 37 Stoddart J. T. Rapid Electro-Analysis with Stationary Electrodes 239 Stormer - A New Viscosimeter 387 Suchting H. Estimation of the Acidity of Soil 162 - Stirrer for Use in Vacuum Distillation Flasks 76 Suchy P. A Burette for Use in Bacteriology 226 Sutthoff W. On the Nature of the Cutin which is Contained in ‘( Crude Fibre,” 366 Svoboda H. and Schindler J. Comparative Estimations of Glycerol in Wine by the Swett 0. D. Solvents for Use with the Munroe Crucible 460 Sy A.P. Apparatus for Polarising at 87” C. 41 - Arrangement for Preventing Frothing in Crude Fibre Determinations 40 Syme W. A. The Colorimetric Estimation of Nitrates in Soil Solutions Containing Electrolytically 450 Oil from the Seeds of ‘‘ Symphonia Globulifera,” 333 Reactions 351 tions 412 - Estimation of Succinic Acid in Wine 279 of Explosives 497 Iodide and Lime Methods 399 Organic Matter 241 Tanret G. The Carbohydrates of Asparagus 483 Tatlock C. S. Electrolytic Estimation of Nickel in Ores Steel etc. 417 - R. R. Note on the Determination of,Petroleum in Turpentine 151 - -- The Composition of Cider 133 -__- The Composition and Analysis of Chocolate 148 - The Composition of Milk 211 - The New Standards for Sewage Effluents 203 - a d Thomson R.T. Value of the Polenske Test in the Analysis of Oils and Fats 22 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. xxv Taylor C. E. and Metzger F. D. Rapid Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Niobium in Presence of Tantalum and its Application to the Analysis of Minerals containing Niobium 378 F. O. Scammony Resin 220 Test C. D. Titration of Cobalt 505 Theusner M. Constitution of Blast-Furnace Slags 243 Thomson R. T. and Tatlock R. R. Value of the Polenske Test in the Analysis of Oils and Fats 223 - W. The Composition of Cider 133 Thorne L. T. and Jeffers E. H. Note on the Hydrochloric Acid Extraction Method Thorpe T. E. Detection of White Phosphorus in the Igniting Composition of Lucifer Tollens C. Estimation of Glycuronic Acid in Urine by Means of the Furfural-Tonks F.J. and Hutchin H. W. Estimation of Tungstic Acid in Poor Ores 457 Tortelli - Estimation of the Thermal (Maumenb) Value of Fats and Oils 168 Tbth J. Amount of Free Nicotine (Bases) in Tobacco Smoke 445 -- The Relative Quantities of Organic Acids in Tobacco before and after Traetta-Mosca F. The Use of Silver Salts in the Sterilisation of Water 106 Tschlikin M. Analysis of Sodium Sulphide 457 Turrentine J. W. Acheson Graphite a Substitute for Platinum Electrodes 386 -Ullmann - Gravimetric Molybdate Method for the Determination of Phosphoric Utz I. Estimation of Alkaloids Bitter Principles and Glucosides by Means of for the Polarimetric Estimation of Starch 332 Matches 242 Hydrochloric Acid Distillation Method 444 Fermentation 233 Estimation of Tungsten 295 Graphite Cathode Dish 458 Acid for the International Trade of Raw Phosphates 337 Zeiss’s Immersion Refractometer 108 Valenta E.An Apparatus for Testing Glue 120 Vandam L. The Presence of Fluorine in Wine 356 Vandevelde A. J. J. and Stewart A, Water in Butter 213 Van Laer H. Diastatic Catalysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Applied to Malt Analysis 487 vaubel W. Extraction of Acetone from Urine 404 Veitch F. P. and Howard B. J. Commercial Sicilian Sumac 24 Verploegh H. and Van Hoogenhuyze C. J. C. Excretion of Creatinine in Man 26 Vdzes M. The ‘ I Gemme ” (Crude Turpentine) of the Aleppo Pine 488 Videgren E. V. Simplified and Improved Iodometric Estimation of Copper 453 Vigreux H. An Apparatus for Continuous or Intermittent Extraction 384 Ville J. and Derrien E.9 Colour Reactions of Sugars due to the Formation of Met h ylox y f urf ur al 5 38 Villedieu - Detection of Nitrates in the Presence of Bromides 418 Yirgili J.F. Detection and Colorimetric Estimation of Chlorates and other Oxidising Agents 69 -- Detection and Estimation of Potassium Chlorate in Urine 228 -- Estimation of Chlorates 452 Voltz W. and Abderhalden E. Composition and Nature of the Membrane Surrounding Fat Globules in Milk 322 Von der Heide C. and Steiner H. Estimation of Malic Acid in Wine 278 Von Fiirth O. Preparation and Estimation of Pure Urobilin and Urobilinogen 503 Von John W. E. Estimation of Tantalum and Niobium in Minerals Steel and Estimation of Succinic Acid in Wine 279 Alloys 508 xxv i INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Von Knorre G.Analysis of Coal Gas and Similar Gaseous Mixtures with Special Von Liebermann P. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Urine and Alkali Phosphate Von Wartenberg H. Determication 6f the Specific Gravity of Small Quantities of Vorisek A. Detection of Methyl Alcohol in Ethyl Alcohol 445 Vuaflart L. M. On the Composition of the Ash of Wheats and Flours 354 Vuilleumier V. and Dusserre C. Estimation of Sulphur in Alkali Polysulphides 545 Reference to the Estimation of Nitrogen in the Same 408 Solutions 360 Liquids 298 Wacker L. Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of the Molecular Weights of Carbohydrates-11. Differentiation of Primary from Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols 410 Wagner H. and Bohrisch P. Effect of Cold-Storage on Fats 525 - and Clement J. Chemical Cornposition of Soup Tablets (Desiccated Soups) 490 Walbum L.E. Estimation of Cantharidin 394 Walker G. W. Frankforter G. B. and Wilhoit A. D. Colorimetric Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen in Water 116 - J. and Blackadder T. Combustion Analysis 109 - P. H. and Whitman H. A. Rapid Analysis of Babbitt Metal 374 Waller E. Estimation of Acetanilide in Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions 212 Ward H. L. and Gooch F. A. Precipitation of Copper as Oxalate 375 Warren L. E. and Fuller H. C. The Influence of Acetanilide Glycerin and Other Wartenberg H. von Determination of the Specific Gravity of Small Quantities of Waterfall C. J. The Composition and Analysis of Chocolate 148 Wauters J. Reaction of Saccharin in Beer etc. 356 Weber O. and Schwarz F. Estimation of Formic Acid in Fruit Juices 217 Webster M.H. and Gane E. H. Assay of Hyoscyamus Extracts 488 -- W. H. and Gane E. H. Estimation of Iodine in Iodoform and Thymol Wedekind E. and Lewis S. J. Analytical Examination of Metallic Zirconium 296 Wegelins H. and Kilpi S. Estimation of Mercury in Solutions Containing Iodides, Weil L. Detection of Bleached Flours 102 Weiskopf F. H. Estimation of Carbon Monoxide in Wine Gases 495 Weiss I. M. Estimation of Carbon Disulphide in Benzene 532 - L. and Landecker M. Separation of Tantalum and Niobium from Other Weller H. Estimation of Dirt in Milk 489 Wertogradow S. The Spectroscopical Identification of Blood-Stains on Coloured Wester D. H. Chitin 496 Weston F. E. and Ellis H. R. Analysis of (‘ Sodium Cyanamide ” and ( ( Nitrolim,” Wetzel J.An Apparatus for the Distillation of Mercury 76 Wheeler W. F. and Parr S. W. The Influence of the Ash in the Valuation of Coal, 533 Wherry E. T. and Chaplin W. H. Determination of Boric Acid in Insoluble Sili-cates 34 Whitby G. S. Determination of Traces of Silver and the Solubility of Some 6 4 Insoluble ” Silver Salts 379 Substances on the Estimation of Alcohol 162 Liquids 298 Iodide 367 241 Metals and from One Another 545 Fabrics 26 36 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. xxvii White A. H. Free Lime in Portland Cement 71 -_ H. L. Basset H. P. and Ladd E. F. Chemically Treated Flours 216 -- J. Some Analyses of Cream Cheese 48 Whitman H. A, and Walker P. H. Rapid Analysis of Babbitt Metals 374 Wiese J. New Laboratory Apparatus 420 Wilhoit A. D. Frankforter G.B. and Walker G. W. Colorimetric Estimation of Wilkie J. M. Colorimetric Estimation of Lead in the Presence of Iron with Some Notes on the Preparation of Lead-Free Reagents by Co-precipita-tion with Ferric Hydroxide 414 -__.__ Volumetric Estimation of Phosphorio Acid and Phosphates 179 Wilkinson W. P. and Peters E. R. C. The Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide in Willcox O. Decomposition-Curves of Some Nitrocelluloses of American Manufac-Wilson - Ferrosilicon and its Properties 123 Winogradow J. W. A Method of Determining the Degree of Bacterial Contamina-Winterfeld G. and Marcusson J. Determination of the Acid Value of Resins 331 Apparatus for the Estimation of Mineral Oil in Winterstein E. and Kiing A. Occurrence of p-Oxyphenylethylamine in Emmentaler Winther H.and Schlichting E. A Criticism of Staining Methods for Determining Wirth F. and Hauser O. Separation of Cerium from the Other Cerium Earths, Welwart N. and Wittels F. Detection of Bile Acids Levulose Glycuronic Acid, Wheeler W. F. and Parr S. W. The Influence of the Ash in the Valuation of Coal, Wittels F. and Welwart N. Detection of Bile Acids Laevulose Glycuronic Acid, Wolbling H. A New Absorption Apparatus 339 Wolf C . G. L. and Osterberg E. Determination of Urea in Urine 282 Wolter S. Material for the Generation of Oxygen in a Kipp’s -4pparatus 41 Wood H. C. jun. New Method for the Chemical Assay of Ergot 320 Dissolved Oxygen in Water 116 Milk 22 ture 29 tion in Milk by Means of Indigo Carmine 26 -Oil of Turpentine 510 Cheese 325 the Dead Cells of Yeast 335 505 and Pentoses in Urine 530 533 and Pentoses in Urine 530 Yoshomito S.The Precipitation of Sugars by Means of Cupric Hydroxide 31 Zeller T. Method for Estimating Nitrites and Nitrates in Mixtures and in the Zerr G. and Riibencamp R. A Treatise on Colour Manufacture Review 190 Zink W. A. H. and Hill A. E. Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Barium, Presence of Organic Substances 241 114 tl xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV* INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ABSORPTION and Capillarity Studies on and a Method for the Estimation of - Apparatus A New 339 - of Oxygen by Polluted Waters etc. Rate of an Apparatus for ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN OTHER JOURNALS 18 49 99 152 212 274, Accuracy Degree of to be Obtained A Mathematical View of Sampling with Acetanilide Glycerin and Other Substances The Influence of on the Estimation of - in Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions Estimation of 212 Acetate of Lime Commercial Analysis of 326 Acetone A Reaction of 326 - Extraction of from Urine 404 Acheson Graphite a Substitute for Platinum Electrodes 386 Acid Arsenious and Iodine Volumetric Estimation of Silver by Means of 544 - - - and Flesh Detection of 394 - - in Flesh and Fats Detection of 394 Boric Estimation of 374 9 - Gravimetric Estimation of 412 - - in Insoluble Silicates Determination of 34 Chromic Volumetric Estimation of 70 9 - Vanadic Acid and Iron in Presence of Each Other Iodometric Formic in Fruit Juices Estimation of 217 Glycuronic Bile Acids Lawulose and Pentoses in Urine Detection of 530 Acid Distillation Method 444 Hydrazoic New Reactions of 71 Hydrochloric Colour Reaction of Bile Acids with 530 9 Extraction Method for the Polarimetric Estimation of Starch, Mineral Acids in very Dilute Solution 35 A New Potash 185 0 bserving 42 318 349 394 438 483 525 Reference to 181 - in Sampling Coal 237 Alcohol 162 - and Potassium Iodide Estimation of Copper by Means of 453 Benzoic in Fats and especially in Butter Detection of 18 Estimation of 182 - 9 Quantitative Estimation of 110 - in Urine Estimation of by Means of the Furfural-Hydrochloric - --Note on 332 - The Estimation of Iron by Permanganate in Presenoe of 306 Hydrocyanic Buignet’s Method of Estimating A Modification of 230 Hydrofluoric Use of for the Hydrolysis of Proteins 66 Malic in Wine Estimation of 278 Nitric Estimation of by Means of (‘ Nitron,” 456 - - Gravimetric Estimation of 114 - 7 - Small Quantities of Estimation of 419 7 the Estimation of Use of Nitron for 360 - Opianic New Reactions of and their Use in the Detection of Hydrastine and Narcotine 409 - Oxalic in Cocoa and Chocolate 396 - -_- - Presence of 39 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.xxix Acid Phosphomolybdic Estimation of Potassium by Means of 543 - Phosphoric and Phosphates Volumetric Estimation of 179 - - Colorimetric Estimation of 178 -_ 1 in Acid Solution Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Alkaline in Urine and Alkali Phosphate Solutions Estimation of 360 The Determination of for the International Trade of Raw Phos-__ 7 .___- Water-Soluble in Superphosphates Volumetric Estimation of 74 Molybdate Solution and Glue 541 - 1 ~- in Mineral Phosphates The Determination of 392 -__ 7- in Rocks Qualitative Test for 180 ~ - 1 Quantitative Volatilisation of from Metallic Sulphates 507 3 ___ phates Gravimetric Molybdate Method for 337 ~- - Resorcinol-Hydrochloric Reaction Detection of Artificial Invert Sugar in Wines Selenious The Volumetric Estimation of 379 Solution Phosphoric Acid in Volumetric Estimation of by &leans of Alkaline by Means of 23 Molybdttte Solution and Glue 541 - Solutions Standard Hydrochloric Method of Preparing 239 $ The Titration of Use of Lime-Water for 400 in Wine Estimation of 279 - Estimation of as Barium Sulphate 118 Succinic in Fermented Liquids Estimation of 25 Sulphuric and Lead Volumetric Estimation of 415 7 - -_ 3 9 9 I - when Chlorides are Present 545 - Total Acidity and Tannin in Wine Simultaneous Estimation of 56 Tartaric in Wines Estimation of 104 Thiocyanic Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Permanganate 502 Tungstic in Poor Ores Estimation of 457 Vanadic Chromic Acid and Iron in Presence of Each Other Iodornetric Estimation of 182 9 ~- Quantitative Volatilisation of from its Compounds by Heating in a current of Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour 510 Thiocyanic the Volumetric Estimation of by Potassium Permanganate, Value of Resins Determination of 331 244 -~ Trichloracetic Starch Dissolved in Polarimetric Estimation of 537 Acidimetric Method of Estimating Alkali Iodides 293 -- Thiocyanate and Iodometric Methods Volumetric Estimation of Acidity of Soil Estimation of 162 -- Soils Estimation of 228 Acids Aliphatic Mixtures of Some Experiments on the Separation of by Means of - -__-___ The Separation of by Means of Benzene and - Amino in Urine Estimation of by Titration in the Presence of Formaldehyde, Mercury by 38 Benzene 436 Toluene 435 529 Bile Colour Reaction of with Hydrochloric Acid 530 9 - Lzvulose Glycuronic Acid and Pentoses in Urine Detection of 530 Fatty Fats and Oils Water in Estimation of 33 - in Soap Eatimation of 166 408 > Detection of by Means of Rhamnose 25 - __-- - in Hydrogen Peroxide Estimation of 290 449 - -_ the Distillation of Butter-Fat Cocoanut Oil mid their 27 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Acids Glycolic and Lsctic Sensitive Reactions for 369 - Halogen Mixtures of Analysis of 375 - Mineral in very Dilute Solution a Method for the Estimation of and Studies Lactic and Glycolic Sensitive Reactions for 369 Organic Certain Occurring in Fruits the Estimation of 275 of the Pineapple 438 on Capillarity and Absorption 35 -.9 - in Tobacco before and after Fermentation The Relative Quantities of, - Salicylic and Benzoic in Fermented Beverages and Milk Detection of 156 - Total Fatty in Soap Rapid Method of Estimating the 633 ~- Vanadic and Antimonic or of Vanadic and Arsenic Acids Estimation of in Presence of Each Other 245 Volatile and Fixed in Wine Estimation of 222 - Organic Fixed in Wines and Fermented Liquids Rapid Method 9 Present in Butter Fat and Cocoanut Oil Metallic Salts of and of Estimating 225 -- -- in Wine a Method of Estimating 279 Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 99 Act Food and Drugs 1899 the Margarine Clause of 514 - Pure Food 1908 New South Wales 473 Acts Commercial Feeding-Stuffs and Agricultural Fertilisers Canada 425 Adrenaline a Characteristic Reaction of 361 - -- and Pyrocatechol the Sensitiveness of the Reactions for Method of Adsorption with Special Reference to the Rising of Saline Solutions in Filter-Paper, Adulteration of Mustard 352 Africa British West Copal Resins from 60 African Balsam Oil the Composition of 286 Elemi 49 Fats Certain Characteristics of 166 Food Grains Some 439 - Non-Drying Oils Characteristics of Certain 166 Age the Changes Produced in Flour by 354 Agricultural Fertilisers and Commercial Feeding-Stuffs Acts Canada 425 Air and Micro-Organisms on the Transmission of through Berkefeld Filters 490 - Factory Estimation of Gaseous Impurities in Simplified Methods for 67 - Mercury Vapour in New Method for Estimating 38 -- of Drains and Sewer Air Micro-Organisms Present in 227 - Speed of Oxidation by of Uranous Solutions with a Note on the Volumetric - the Analysis of 257 Albumin in Urine the Rapid Estimation of Method for 491 Alcohol Allyl and its Derivatives Method of Identifying 492 - Estimation of the Influence of Acetanilide Glycerin and Other Substances - Ethyl Detection of Methyl-Alcohol in 445 - in Alkaline Solution Quantitative I Estimation of Palladium by Reduction -__- Methyl Detection of Ethyl Alcohol in 445 Alcoholic Strength Freezing-Point of Wine as a Means of Determining its 221 Alcohols Primary Differentiation of from Secondary and Tertiary H.-Coluri-metric Method for the Estimation of the Molecular Weights of Carbohydrates, 410 Increasing 525 382 Determination of Uranium 245 on 162 with and Estimation of Chlorine in Presence of Palladium 45 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.xxx Alcohols Primary Secondary and Tertiary the Sabatier-Senderens Test for Distin-Aldehydes Aromatic Colour Reactions of Sesame Oil with 285 - in Oil of Lemon Determination of 14 Aleppo Pine the ‘( Gernme ’’ (Crude Turpentine) of the 488 Aliphatic Hydroxyl Compounds Determination of Carbon in by Moist Combustion, Alkali Added in Cocoa Detection of 52 - Cyanide Estimation of Sulphide in 117 - Iodides An Acidimetric Nethod of Estimating 293 -I Metals Separation of Electrolytically 34 - Phosphate Solutions and Urine Phosphoric Acid in Estimation of 360 - Polysulphides Estimation of Sulphur in 545 Alkalimetric Estimation of Hydroxylamine 408 Alkaline Earth Metals Attempt to Separate Electrolytically 450 -- Solution Potassium Ferricyanide in Volumetric and Gravimetric Estima---__ Quantitative Estimation of .Palladium by Reduction with Alcohol Alkalinity of Bleaching Powder Solutions Estimation of 317 Alkalis in Silicates Estimation of 411 Alkaloids Bitter Principles and Glucosides Estimation of by Means of Zeiss’s guishing between 346 Estimation of Cellulose in Cuprammonium Solutions 282 tion of Thallium by Means of 338 in and Estimation of Chlorine in Presence of Palladium 452 Immersion Refractometer 108 in Coca Leaves Estimation of 99 Periodide Test for Note on 274 Vegetable Estimation of by Means of Mercury-Potassium Iodide 49 - 9 9 - Potassium-Mercuric Iodide 27 Allihn’s Gube Improved 419 Alloys Antimony Analysis of 373 -- Copper Estimation of Lead in 177 -- Minerals and Steel Tantalum and Niobium in Estimation of 508 - - Tin-plate Vessels etc.Estimation of Lead in 377 Ally1 Alcohol and its Derivatives Method of Identifying 492 Almond Flavouring Extract Estimation of Benzaldehyde in 318 Alumina Estimation of Direct Volumetric Method for 291 Aluminium Action of Gaseous Hydrogen Chloride on. Estimation of Metallic - Powder Analysis of Researches on Aluminium 67 Amino Acids in Urine Estimation of by Titration in the Presence of Formaldehyde, Ammonia Estimation of without a Condenser 333 Ammonium Magnesium Arsenate On the Precipitation of Magnesium as 177 -Analysis Commercial of Manufactured Caoutchouc 329 - Combustion 109 -- Gas Mercury Trough in Use of 37 -- Quantitative the Centrifuge in 382 -- Sugar Volumetric Estimation of Copper in 375 -- Toxicological Destruction of Organic Matter in 105 -- -- the Destruction of Organic Matters in New Method for 404 -- Volumetric a Manual of Review 432 - - - Reduction of Ferric Salts by Copper in 380 Analytical Constant a New ‘‘ The Hydrogen Value ” of Unsaturated Carbon Com-Aluminium 413 529 - Phosphate The Precipitation of Magnesium as 73 pounds 32 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXIV.Analytical Examination of Metallic Zirconium 296 Animal Faeces Chemistry of A Comparison of the Analysis of Fresh and Air-Dried Faxes.357 -- Estimation of Fatty Matter in by Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride, 358 Fat; Certain in Admixture with other Animal Fats Detection of by Means Oils Marine Differentiation of by Means of their Bromine Addition Com-Origin Liquids of Volumetric Estimation of Potassium in 106 of Polenske's '' Difference Method," 525 pounds 110 Annual Address of the President 82 Anode Rotating Use of in Electrolytic Separations 68 Antimonic and Vanadic Acids or of Vanadic and Arsenic Acids Estimation of in Presence of each Other 245 Antimony Alloys Analysis of 373 - and Arsenic Small Quantities of Influence of on Copper 334 ____ Tin Gravimetric Estimation of 3 __-_-_- The Separation of 244 ~ o m Tin Separation of 291 - in its Sulphide Prepfirations Determination of 451 New Method of Estimating 504 -~ Sulphide and Vermilion in Caoutchouc Articles Estimation of 365 the Separation of from Solutions of Thioantimonates 373 Antiseptic Value of Disinfectants A Physico-Chemical Method for Comparing 158 APPARATUS ABSTRACTS 39 75 119 183 246 297 338 382 419 457 510 548 -.Extraction for Plant Products etc. 339 -- for Continuous or Intermittent Extraction 384 - for Distillation of Mercury 76 ~ _ _ - for Determining Transport Numbers of Ions 550 - ___ _ for Estimation of Catalase in Milk 160 ___-. for Evaporating from Basins in a Vacuum 40 for Extracting Liquids with Ether 384 for Oxidations with Sodium Peroxide 120 - -- for Polarising at 87" C.41 ~ - for Simultaneously Extracting a Solid and Filtering the Solutions SO cI_ for Testing Glue 120 _. ._ for the Automatic Regulation of the Pneumatic Agitation of Liquids 419 ~ _ _ _ - - for the Determination of Solubilities at the Boiling-Point of the Solvent 342 ~ _ _ . - for the Examination of Flour 185 - for the Purification of Mercury 186 -- Kipp's Generation of Oxygen in Material for 41 ~-~ New Absorption 339 - - Laboratory 420 - Simple Fat Extraction 512 - for Observing the Rate of Absorption of Oxygen by Polluted Waters, etc. 42 Obtained 119 - - for the Estimation of Mineral Oil in Oil of Turpentine 510 - for the Rapid Electrolytic Separation of Metals 458 . Laboratory Improved 338 - -_ for the Estimation of Carbon 297 -_- - for Purification of and Exbraction by Ether 421 -- 9- for Extraction in the Cold and for Determination of Solubilities at the Ordinary Temperature 34 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.xxxiii Apparatus Used in Rapid Methods of Electro- Analysis 173 Areca-Nut Fat and Ergot and Lycopodium Oils Characteristics of 64 Aromatic Aldehydes Colour Reactions of Sesame Oil with 285 Aromatic Drugs and Spices Essential Oil and Moisture in the Determination of 519 Aromatic Substance Typical Present in Jamaica Rum 54 Arsacetin (Sodium p-Acetaminophenylarsenate) Methods for Distinguishing Atoxyl Arsenic and Antimony Small Quantities of Influence of on Copper 334 - Vanadic Acids or Vanadic and Antimonic Acids Estimation of in - in Bone-Blacks used for Decolorising Wines Amount of 539 -_ in Organic Compounds Estimation of 532 -_ Small Quantities of Volumetric Estimation of 292 Arsenious Acid and Iodine Volumetric Estimation of Silver by Means of 544 - Potassium Iodide Estimation of Copper by Means of 453 Artificial and Natural Silk Fabrics Analysis of 171 chloric Acid Reaction 23 (Sodium p-Aminophenylarsenate) froin 152 Presence of each Other 245 - Invert Sugar in Wines Detection of by Means of the Resorcinol Hydro-Honey Detection of by Fiehe’s and Ley’s Reactions 351 Perfumes and Essential Oils The Chemistry of Beview 190 --- Fiehe’s Heaction for the Detection of 399 Artificially Infected Samples of Raw Thames Lea and New River Water Vitality Ash in the Valuation of Coal the Influence of the 533 -- of Wheats and Flours on the Composition of 354 Asparagus the Carbohydrates of 483 L4sphaltum Calcareous and Asphalt Paving Mixtures Analysis of 493 -- the Determination of in Dark Mineral Oils Use of ‘‘ Standard Benzine ” Atmosphere Carbon Dioxide in A Rapid Method for Estimating 235 Atoxyl and its Derivatives 152 -- in the Body Behaviour of 324 - (Sodium 21-Arninophenylarsenate) Methods for Djstinguishiug from Arsacetin Attachment Pressure-Equalising for Dessicators 78 Automatic Filter Funnel 549 -- Pipette for Sodium Hydroxide Solution 386 of the Cholera Vibrio in with Special Reference to the Question of Storage 402 (Light Petroleum) for 405 (Sodium p-Acetaminophenylarsenate) 152 - Regulation of the Pneumatic Agitation of Liquids Apparatus for 419 - Ureometer h New 184 Babbitt Metal Rapid Analysis of 374 Bacilli Lactose-Fermenting Observations on the Differentiation of with Special - Pseudo-Tubercle Differentiation of Tubercle from 404 Tubercle Detection of in Sputum 226 Bacillus Bulgaricus Action of on Various Sugars 443 ‘( Bacillus Bulgaricus,” Observations on the So-called and on ‘( Lacto-Bacilline,” 57 Bacillus Typhoid Examination of Samples of Raw Thames Lea and New River Water for the Presence of the Negative Results of 58 Back-Pressure Valve New for Water-Suction Punips 424 Bacterial Contaminatifin in Milk Degree of Method of Determining by Means of’ BACTERIOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGICAL ETC.XBSTHACTS 25 57 104 158 226 280 324, Reference to those of Intestinal Origin 490 Indigo Carmine 26 356 402 443 490 529 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Bacteriology A Burette for Use in 226 Balsam Oil African The Composition of 286 Tolu The Detection of Colophony in 215 Bang’s Method of Estimating Sugar and its Use in the Examination of Urine 60 Barium Carbide Commercial Action of Nitrogen on 115 ~- -Strontium Chromate Precipitate The Mixed 68 - Sulphate Estimation of Sulphuric Acid as 118 - 7 - when Chlorides are Present, Bark Cinchona Quinine in Estimation of 220 323 Barley Starch in Saccharification and Polarimetric Estimation of 331 Barometrical Pressure Means for Correcting the A Nitrometer Provided with 75 (Bases) Free Nicotine Amount of in Tobacco-Smoke 445 Bases Purin in Caviare The Absence of 356 - Volatile in Wine Estimation of 222 Basic Lead Acetate Precipitation of Reducing Sugars with 113 --- Solution Influence of Clarification with on the Valuation of Sugar Products and the Relation between the Amount of Lead Added and that Precipitated 349 Beans Cocoa Theobromine-Content of 319 - - Haricot Steeping of their Injurious Properties and the Disguising of Poisonous Foreign Varieties 321 Beer Saccharin in Detection of 156 - etc.Saccharin in Reaction of 356 - Wine and Cognac Detection of Caramel in 215 Beeswax Stearin and Other Glycerides in Rapid Method of Detecting 495 Benaaldehyde in Almond Flavouring Extract Estimation of 318 Benzene and Toluene The Separation of Mixtures of Some Aliphatic Acids by Moans ___.- Carbon Disulphide in Estimation of 532 --_ The Separation of Mixtures of Some Aliphatic Acids by Moans of Experi-Benzoate Sodium in Catsups Sauces etc.Estimation of 221 Benzoic Acid in Fats and Especially in Butter Detection of 18 - in Flesh and Fats Detection of 394 - and Salicylic Acids in Fermented Beverages and Milk Detection of 156 Berkefeld Filters On the Transinission of Air and Micro-Organisms through 490 Bile Acids Colour Reaction of with Hydrochloric Acid 530 - Detection of by Means of Rhamnose 25 - LiEvulose Glycuronic Acid and Pentoses in Urine Detection of 530 - Estimation of Volumetric Method for 114 545 Yohimbi in Preparations Detection of 158 of 435 ments on 436 Bismuth and Lead the Quantitative Separation of 389 Bitter Principles Alkaloids and Glucosides Estimation of by Means of Zeiss’s Blast-Furnace Slags Constitution of 243 Bleached Flours Detection of 102 Bleaching Powder Solutions The Estimation of the Alkalinity of 317 Blood-Colouring Matters and Similar Substances Detection of Methods for 104 - Human and Others Simple Method for Differentiating between 443 ___- -Stains on Coloured Fabrics The Spectroscopical Identification of 26 Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Report 79 Boat for Combustions New Shape of 511 Immersion Refractometer 108 9 ,461 - INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.xxxv Boiling-Point Method Estimation of Molecular Weights by the 411 -. - of the Solvent Determination of Solubilities at Apparatus for 342 Bomb Calorimeter Determination of Carbon by Means of 163 -- Estimation of Phosphorus in Organic Substances by Means of, - Modified for Calorimetric and Analytical Purposes 548 Bone-Blacks Used for Decolorising Wines Amount of Arsenic in 539 Bonnan’s Method the Estimation of Sugars by New Procedure for 500 Boom NEW 44 124 192 256 343 388 434 512 554 BOOKS REVIEWS OF : 535 Blyth A.W. and Blyth M. W. Foods Their Composition and Analysis, Clayton E. G. A Conipendium of Food Microscopy 300 Gill A. H. A Short Handbook of Oil Analysis 254 Johnson C. M. Rapid Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Special Steels, Lunge G. Technical Methods of Chemical Analysis 251 Parry E. J. The Chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial Perfumes 190 Rubencarnp R. and Zerr G. A Treatise on Colour Manufacture 190 Schimpf H. W. A Manual of Volumetric Analysis 432 Squire’s Companion to the British Pharmacopeia 253 Zerr G.and Riibencamp R. A Treatise on Colour Manufwture 190 550 Steel-Making Alloys and Graphite 252 Boric Acid Estimation of 374 -- Gravimetric Estimation of 412 -- in Insoluble Silicates Determination of 34 Bread-Making Value of Flours The Relationship of Composition to 353 Brewers’ and Distillers’ Grains The Composition of 218 Brewery Pitch Analysis of 499 Briquettes Fuel Colorimetric Estimation of Pitch in 286 British Pharmacopoeia Squire’s Companion to I l e ~ i c z u 253 Bromides and Iodides The Influence of on the Estimation of Nitrates in Water 335 - Detection of Nitrates in the Presence of 418 Bromine Addition Compounds Differentiation of Marine Animal Oils by Means of Brucine Separation of Strychnine from 442 Buignet’s Method of Estimating Hydrocganic Acid A Modification of 230 Burette for Use in Bacteriology 226 - Gas- Hempel’s A Modification of 340 - 9 - New Form of 77 Butter An Abnormal Sample of from a Cheshire Herd of Cows 304 West Africa Copal Resins from 60 their 110 > New 458 - - Detection of Cocoanut Oil in and Metallic Salts of the Volatile Acids -Fat Cocoanut Oil and their Fatty Acids The Distillation of 274 Present in Butter Pat and Cocoanut Oil 99 - in Margarine Estimation of in the Presence of Cocoanut Oil 212 ~- Reichert-Meissl Value and Saponification Vaiue of Artificial Means of Increasing 50 Fats and especially in Benzoic Acid in Detection of 18 Micro-organisms of Icfluence of Salt on 57 Shea Composition of 323 - Water in 213 Cadmium and Lead in Zinc Estimation of 414 e xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Cadmium and IJranium Salts of A Kew Reaction Distinguishing between 118 Caffeine Estimation of by Juckenack and Hilger’s Method An Error in 50 - in Coffee Estimation of 214 -___- The Amount of and the Loss of Caffeine during the Roasting of Calcareous Asphaltum and Asphalt Paving Mixtures Analysis of 493 Calcium Chloride Tube Connecting a Combustion-Tube with Mercury Joint for, - Citrate and Lemon-Juice A New Method of Andysing 214 - Quantitative Separation of from Magnesium 450 Calorific Power of Combustible Gases Simplified Method for Estimating 375 Calorimeter Bomb Determination of Carbon by Means of 163 - -_ Estimation of Phosphorus in Organic Substances by Means of - the Emerson Fuel 297 Calorimetric and Analytical Purposes Modified Bomb for 547 Calorimetry and the Determination of the Calorific Value of Philippine and Other Canipbor in Spirit of Camphor Estimation of 484 - Spirit of Estimation of Camphor in 484 Canada Commercial Feeding-StuBs and Agricultural Fertilisers Acta 425 Cane Molasses The Analysis of 350 Cane-Sugar Solutions Formaldehyde in Formation of 28 Canned Goods Certain On the Presence of Tin in 121 Cantharidin Estimation of 394 Caoutchouc Articles Vermilion and Antimony Sulphide in Estimation of 365 - in Hot Vulcanised Soft Rubber Estimation of and Other Investigations - -__ Manufactured Commercial Analysis of 329 -Capillarity and Absorption Studies on and a Method for the Estimation of Mineral Capillary Action The Separation of Cartain Enzymes by Means of 59 - Diffusion Fractionation of Crude Petroleum by 66 Capsicum in Ginger Preparations Detection of Small Quantities of 321 Caramel in Wine Cognac and Beer Detection of 215 ‘‘ Carapa Guyanensis ” (‘I Carapa Procera,” D.C.) Oil from 10 Carbohydrates the Molecular Weights of Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of, -11.Differentiation of Primary from Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols 410 Coffee 484 422 the 535 Coals from the Results of Proximate Analysis 493 Goods Vulcanised Analysis of 406 on Vulcanised Rubber 365 Vulcanised Combined Sulphur in New Method of Estimating 407 Acids in very Dilute Solution 35 - ~ - the of Asparagus 483 Carbon Compounds Unsaturated the ‘ I Hydrogen Value ” of A New Analytical Conetant 327 -- Determination of by Means of the Bomb Calorimeter 163 - Dioxide in the Atmosphere A Rapid Method for Estimating 235 -- Disulphide in Benzene Estimation of 532 -- Estimation of New Apparatus for 297 - Hydrogen Nitrogen etc.in Organic Compounds Simultaneous Estimation in Aliphatic Hydroxyl Compounds Determination of by Mcist Combustion - in Steel Direct Determination of The Use of Quartz Combustion Tubes of by the Simplified Method of Combustion Analysis 39 (Estimation of Cellulose in Cuprammonium Solutions) 282 Especially for 8 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIIy. xxxvii Carbon Monoxide Hydrogen and Methane On the Simultaneous Estimation of by -- Monoxide-Hzmoglogin Chemical Methods for Distinguishing from Oxy--_ - Tetrachloride and Ether Estimation of Fatty Matter in Animal Faeces by 358 -- the Examination of 2% --- Vapour Quantitative Volatilisation of Vitnadic Acid from its Compounds by Heating in a Current of 510 Carbonates in Presence of Nitrites Sulphides or Sulphites Estitnstion of by Means of Potassium Bichromate 504 Carnauba Wax Saponification of 445 Carnitine Contained in Extract of Meat Constitution of 395 Casein in Cow’s Milk Volumetric Estimation of 526 -_ of Human Milk Method for the Quantitative Precipitation of 27 Catalase Grading of Flours by Reference to their Content of 528 - ___ in Milk Estimation of Apparatus for 160 Cathode Dish Graphite 458 Catsups Sauces etc.Sodium Benzoate in Estimation of 221 Caucasian Copal 287 Caviare Purin Bases in the Absence of 356 Cells Dead of Yeast Staining Methods for Determining A Criticism of 325 (Cellulose in Cuprammonium Solutions) Determination of Carbon in Aliphatic Hydroxl Compounds by Moist Combustion 282 ____- Sulphite Liquors in Tanning Extracts Detection of 290 Cement Free Lime in 13stimation of 451 -_ Portland Free Lime in 71 Centrifuge in Assay of Volatile Oils Use of 421 -- in Quantitative Analysis 382 Cereals Determination of Starch in by Means of the Zeiss Iinmersioii Refractometer, Cerium Earths Separation of Cerium from the Other 505 - - in Presence of Other Rare Earths Hapid Volumetric Method for Determining, Changes Produced in Flour by Age 354 Charcoal Various Forms of Decolorising Action of 361 ‘‘ Charcuterie,” and Other Products Containing Water Estiination of Fat in 319 Cheese Cream Some Analyses of 45 Cheese Emmentaler Occurrence of p-Oxyphenylethylamine in 325 Chemical Analysis of Special Steels Steel-Making Alloys and Graphite Rapid Xethods for Review 252 - Analysis Technical Methods of Review 251 L_- Assay of Ergot New Method for 320 - Control of Disinfectants 357 - Examination of Isinglass 276 Chemically Treated Ir’lours 216 Cheshire Herd of Cows An Abnormal Sample of Butter froin 304 Chestnut Horse- Oil 330 Chinese-Wood Oil the Examination of 362 Chitin 496 -_- Polarimatric Method of Identifying 280 Chloral Alcoholate Estimation of Fat in Chocolates by Means of 19 Chlorate Potassium in Urine Detection and Estimation of 228 Combustion 283 in Mine Gases Estimation of 495 hE moglobin 161 - as a Solvent in Fat Extractions on the Suitability of 110 332 33 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV, Chlorates and Other Oxidising Agents Detection and Colorimetric Estimation of 69 --- Commercial Impurities in 69 --- Estimation of 452 -- The Active Substance in 236 Chloride Stannous and Iron Filings the Ibtirnation of Nitrogen in Nitrates by Chlorides in Presence of Complex Cyanides and Other Halogenides Detection of 33G Chlorine in Presence of Palladium Estimation of and Quantitative Estimation of Chloroform in Lozenges Estimation of 51 Chocolate and Cocoa Oxalic Acid in 396 ~- - in England Need for a Definition of 401 - Milk or Cream Analysis of 439 - The Composition and Analysis of 134 - Flavoured Examination of the Fat Obtained from Colour Reaction of some Essential Oils with Special Reference to 19 Cholera Vibrio in Artificially Infected Samples of Ram Thames Lea and New River Water Vitality of with Special Reference to the Question of Storage 402 Cholesterol Content of Eggs as a Means of Estimating the Quantity of Egg-Substance in Pastry 487 Chromate Gravimetric and Iodometric Estimation of Silver as 243 Chromic Acid Vanadic Acid and Iron in the Presence of Each Other Iodornetric -- Volumetric Estimation of 70 Chromium and Copper On the Volumetric Estimation of and of Copper Chromium, -- Cobalt Iron Zinc Manganese and Magnesium Use of Dicyandiamidine - Copper aud Iron iu Admixture On the Volumetric Estimation of Copper -- Manganese and Iron Volumetric Estimation of 71 Cider and Perry Sulphite Preservatives in 485 - The Composition of 125 Cinchona Bark Quinine in Estimation of 220 323 Cinchonamine The Use of in the Gravimetric Estirnation of Nitrates 165 Clarification of Milk for the Estimation of Lactose 400 -- with Basic Lead Acetate Solution Influence of on the Valuation of Sugar Products and the Relation between the Amount of Lead Added and That Precipitated 349 Means of 294 - The Influence of on the Estimation of Nitrates 174 Palladium by Reduction with Alcohol in Alkaline Solution 452 Chocolates Fat in Estimation of by Means of Chloral Alcoholate 19 Estimation of 182 and Iron in Admixture 174 for the Estimation of Nickel and its Separation from 455 and Chromium and of 174 - Oxydimetric Estimation of by Potassium Perricyanide 70 Clinical Method Rapid for Determining the Ammonia-Coefficient of Urine 405 Cloves Oil of Eugenol in Estimation of Essential Oils and of 527 Coal Accuracy in Sampling 237 and Coke Sulphur in Estimation of 238 Gas and Similar Gaseous Mixtures Analysis of with Special Reference to the Estimation of Nitrogen in the Same 408 The Valuation of the Influence of the Ash in 533 Coals Philippine and Other the Calorific Value of the Determination of from the Results of Proximate Analysis and Calorimetry 494 Cobalt Estimating Nickel in the Presence of New Method of 378 -- Iron Chromium Zinc Manganese and Magnesium Use of Dicyandiamidine for the Estimation of Nickel and its Separation from 45 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.xxxix Cobalt Precipitation of by Means of Potassium Nitrite 114 -_ Rapid Electrolytic Estimation of 539 - -- Titration of 505 Coca-Leaves Alkaloids in Estimation of 99 Cocoa Added Alkali in Detection of 52 -_ and Chocolate Oxalic Acid in 396 - Beans Theobromine Content of 319 - Powders Commercial Quantity of Fat in 52 - The Theobromine Content of and a New Method for Estimating the Same 20 Cocoaiiut Oil and Butter-Fat Volatile Acids Present in RIetallic Salts of and Detec--_- Butter-Fat and Their Fatty Acids The Distillation of 274 -_- Estimation of Butter-Pat iu Margarine in the Presence of 212 --- in Butter Detection of and Metallic Salts of the Volatile Acids Present Coffee Caffeine in Estimation of 214 -- The Amount of Caffeine in and the Loss of CafYeine during the Roasting of Cognac Wine and Beer Detection of Caramel in 215 Coke and Coal Sulphur in Estimation of 238 Cold-Storage Eflect of on Fats 525 Colonial Oats Analyses of and the Determination of Their Phosphorus Contenb 55 Colophony A Colour Reaction of 287 --_ in Tolu Balsam The Detection of 215 Colorimetric Estiination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water 116 _---- Nitrates in Soil Solutions Containing Organic Matter 241 --__ Method for the Estimation of the Molecular Weights of Carbohydrates.Colour Manufacture A Treatise on RevieTo 190 - - Reaction of Bile Acids with Hydrochloric Acid 530 ~- - - New of Petroleum 113 tion of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 99 in Butter-Fat and Cocoanut Oil 99 Coffee 484 - and Detection of that Resin in Other Substances, 108 11.-Differentiation of Primary from Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols 410 for Zinc Salts 245 - of Colophony 287 -- and Detection of that Resin in Other Substances 108 of Some Essential Oils with Special Reference to the Examination of the Fat Obtained from Flavoured Chocolates 19 -_- Schulz's for Mineral Oils 286 - Reactions New of Hydrastine Hydrastinine and Narcotino 409 - of Sesame Oil with Aromatic Aldehydes 285 - of Sugars due to the Formation of Methyloxyfurfural 538 Reagent General Use of Methylglyoxal as a 869 Combustible Gases the Calorific Power of Simplified Method for Estimating 375 Combustion Analysis 109 - Simplified Method of Simdtaneous Estimation of Carbon, Hydrogen Nitrogen etc.in Organic Compounds by 39 - Heat of and Explosion Temperature of Explosives 497 - On the Simultaneous Estimation of Carbon Monoxide Hydrogen and - Tube Mercury Joint for Connecting with the Calcium Chloride Tube, - Tubes Quartz the Use of Especially for the Direct Determination of Methane by 283 422 Carbon in Steel 8 xl INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.~ominercial Acetate of Lime Analysis of 326 - Chlorates Impurities in 69 -- Cocoa Powders Quantity of Fat in 52 Control of Tannery Lime Liquors 289 -- fifetol The Analysis of 285 - Petrels Coinposition of 231 -- Potassium Iodide Presence of Iodate in 506 ~ - _ _ _ Samples of Monobrombenzene Note on Some 98 -- Sicilian Sumac 24 Compounds Bromine Addition Differentiation of Marine Animal Oils by Means of - Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen etc. in Simultaneous Estimation - Analysis of Manufactured Caoutchouc 320 - Barium Carbide Action of Nitrogen on 115 their 110 - Organic Estimation of Arsenic in 532 of by the Simplified Method of Combustion Analysis 39 -_-- Determination of Halogens in 111 - .-_____- Protein (Thyroid Glands) Iodine in Estimation of 358 Quantitative Analysis of Use of Sodium Peroxide in 65 - Unsaturated Carbon the “Hydrogen Value” of A New Analytical Constant 327 Compressed-Air Wash-Bottle 299 Concentrated Tobacco- Juices Nicotine in Estimation of 534 Condenser Estimation of Ammonia without a 333 Confectionery Containing Spirits 386 Congress International Food 388 Constant Level Reservoir 422 Temperatures for Refractoineters and Polarisation Apparatus Heating Device for Rapidly Obtaining 246 Constants New for the Valuation of Mineral Lubricating Oils 328 Constituents Higher Melting-Point of Japanese Fish Oils 62 Contamination Bacterial in Milk Degree of Method of Determining by Means of Continuous Mercury Pump New Form of the Von Babo-BraEt 183 Copal Caucasian 287 __.- Kauri The Solubility of 219 -_ Resins from British West Africa 60 Copper Alloys Lead in Estimation of 1‘77 - and Chromium On the Volumetric Estimatioii of and of Copper Chroinium, - of Jasmine Flower Wax! 234 Indigo Carmine 26 and Iron in Admixture 174 as an Impurity in Gelatin 399 -_- Cuprous Oxide in A New Method of Estimating 175 - Estimation of by Means of Potassium Iodide and Arsenious Acid 453 - Estimation of by Means of Potassium Permanganate 176 - Gravimetric Estimation of 452 -- Influence of Small Quantities of Arsenic and Antimony on 334 - in Sugar Analysis Volumetric Estimation of 375 - in Volumetric Analysis Reduction of Ferric Salts by 380 - Precipitation of as Oxalate 375 - Simplified and Improved Iodometic Estimation of 453 Cotton Dyed Indigo in Estimation of 410 - Estimation of Woo1 in Presence of 538 - Seed Oil the Unsaponifiable Substances Contained in 36 INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXIV.x li Cow’s Milk Casein in Volumetric Estimation of 526 - a Cheshire Herd of An Abnormal Sample of Butter from 304 Crab Extract of Composition of 153 Cream and Milk ( ( Sugar-Lime ” in Detection of 54 - - or Milk Chocolate Analysis of 439 -- Preservatives in on the Use of 471 Cheese Some Analyses of 45 Creatine the Estimation of Factors which Influence 395 Creakinine Jaffb’s Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of 475 in Man Excretion of 26 in Urine Estimation of 227 Cresol Soaps Solutions Water in Estimation of 153 221 Crucible Gooch Electrolytic Estimation of Lead and Manganese with the Use of, -.- - Modified Form of 549 -- the Munroe 298 Crude Fibre Determinations Frothing in Arrangement for Preventing 41 ‘‘ Crude Fibre,” on the Nature of the Cutin which is Contained in 366 Crude Petroleum Fractionation of by Capillary Diffusion 66 (-,- Turpentine) the “ Gemme,” of the Aleppo Pine 488 Cupric Hydroxide Precipitation of Sugars by Means of 31 - Salts the Action of on Steel on the Gases Liberated by 381 Cuprous Oxide in Copper A New Method of Estimating 175 Currant- Red- Seed Oil Characteristics of 101 Cutin which is Contained in ‘‘ Crude Fibre,” on the Nature of 366 Cyanamide Silver 537 ‘ t - Sodium,” and (‘ Nitrolim,” Analysis of 366 Cyanide Alkali Sulphide in Estimation of 117 -- Solutions Assay of for Gold Content 505 Cyanides Complex and other Halogenides Detection of Chlorides in Presence of, 177 - Solvents for Use with 461 336 Dammar Resin Detection and Estimation of in Kauri Resin 288 Dark Mineral Oils the Determination of Asphaltum in Use of “ Standard Benzine ” Dead Cells of Yeast Staining Methods for Determining a Criticism of 325 “ De-bloomed ” Oils Nitro-naphthalene in Detection of 535 Decolorising Action of Various Forms of Charcoal 361 - Wines Bone-Blacks used for Amount of Arsenic in 539 Decomposition-Curves of some Nitro-celluloses of American Manufacture 29 Definition of Chocolate in England Need for 401 Densities Solution of Dextrose Lmulose and Maltose 351 Desiccators Pressure-Equalising Attachment for 78 Dextrose Laevulose and Maltose Solution Densities of 351 Diabetic Urine Estimation of Several Sugars when Present together in 281 Diastatic Catalyeis of Hydrogen Peroxide Applied to Malt Analysis 487 Dicyandiamidine Use of for the Estimation of Nickel and its Separation from Cobalt Iron Chromium Zinc Manganese and Magnesium 455 ‘( Difference Method,” Polenske’s Detection of Certain Animal Fats in Admixture with other Animal Fats by Means of 525 Digestion and Health Influence of Food Preservatives on.V. Formaldehydes 248 (Light Petroleum) for 405 - of Nitro-glycerine 370 - Lsvulose in the Absence of 36 xlii lNDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Dimethylaniline and Methylaniline The Detection of in the Presence of each Dimethylglyoxime Estimation of Nickel in Nickel Steel by Means of 74 Diphenylamine Estimation of 284 Dirt and ‘( Leucocytes,” Examination of Milk for 403 - in Milk Estimation of 322 489 Dish Graphite Cathode 458 Disinfectants Antiseptic Value of A Physico-Chemical Method for Comparing, 158 -__ Chemical Control of 357 Dissociation Electrolytic of Water New Method for Measuring 547 Dissolved Silica Volumetric Estimation of Lime in Presence of 377 Distearylsalicyl Glyceride and Salol Behaviour of in the Body 27 Distillation Flasks Vacuum Stirrer for use in 76 - Fractional of Turpentine in a Current of Steam 449 - of Butter-Fat Cocoanut Oil and their Fatty Acids 274 - Vacuum Pressure-Regulator for 424 Distillers’ and Brewers’ Grains The Composition of 218 Double Measuring Pipette 511 Drains Air of and Sewer Air Micro-Organisms Present in 227 Drugs Aromatic and Spices Essential Oil and Moisture in The Determination Drying Oil from Ricinodendron Heudolitii Seeds 166 Dutch Lard 54 Dyed Cotton Indigo in Estimation of 410 Earth Metals Alkaline Attempt to Separate Electrolytically 450 Earths Cerium in Presence of Other Rare Rapid Volumetric Method for Deter- - Separation of Cerium from the Other 505 Effluents and Sewage the (‘Oxygen Absorbed” of The Determination of by a Eggs Cholesterol Content of as a Means of Estimating the Quantity of Egg-Egg-Yolk the Fat Contained in Composition of 320 Elaterin the Characters of and Composition of (‘ Elaterium,” 526 Electric Wire Glass-Cutting by Means of an 385 Electro-Analysis Rapid Methods of Apparatus Used in li3 Electro-chemical Behaviour of Manganese 415 Electrodes Platinum Acheson Graphite a Substitute for 386 Electrolytic Estimation of Manganese 416 - of Thallium 295 509 -- Rapid of Cobalt 539 -- Precipitations and Separations Some Rapid 412 - ~ - Separation Rapid of Metals Apparatus for 458 -- Separations Use of Rotating Anode in 68 Elements Rarer Introduction to the (New Book) 124 Elemi African 49 Emerson Fuel Calorimeter 297 Emmentaler Cheese Occurrence of p-Oxyphenylethylamine in 325 Other 168 -- Standardisation of 226 of 519 Oven for Temperatures up to 460” C.457 mining 335 Modification of Kubel’s Method 301 Sewage The New Standards for 193 Substance in Pastry 487 - - with Stationary Electrodes 23 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.xliii Enkabang and Teglam Fats and Katio Oil from Sarawak A Note on 205 Enzymes Certain The Separation of by Means of Capillary Action 59 Ergot and Lycopodium Oils and Areca-Nut Fat Characteristics of 64 -_ Chemical Assay of New Method for the 320 Errata 124 348 Essential Oil and Moisture in Spices and Aromatic Drugs The Determination of 519 Essential Oils and Artificial Perfumes The Chemistry of Review 190 - and Philippine Terpenes III. 396 in Milk Differentiation of by Means of Tests for Hydrogen Peroxide 160 -- II. Ylang-Ylang Oil 32 of the Fat Obtained from Flavoured Chocolates 19 -_--__ Colour Reaction of Some with Special Reference to the Examination --_ Estimation of 168 f 9 and of Eugenol in Oil of Cloves 527 in Spices etc.20 ~.~ --- --I_-Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride Estimation of Fatty Matter in Animal Fmes - Extracting Liquids with Apparatus for 384 Purification of and Extraction by New Apparatus for 421 Ethyl Alcohol Detection of Methyl Alcohol in 445 Eugenol in Oil of Cloves Estimation of Essential Oils and of 527 Evaporating from Basins in a Vacuum Apparatus for 40 Explosive Powders Nitrogen in Estimation of 496 Explosives Prescribed by the German Railway Administration Examination of, Extract Almond Flavouring Estimation of Benzaldehyde in 318 - - Liebig’s Meat On the Composition of 54 I-_ of Crab Composition of 153 - of Meat the Carnitine Contained in Constitution of 395 Extraction Apparatus for Plant Products etc.339 -- by and Purification of Ether New Apparatus for 421 by 358 284 - Explosion Temperature and Heat of Combustion of 497 - Continuous or Intermittent An Apparatus for 384 - in the Cold and Determination of Solnbilities at the Ordinary Tempera-ture Simple Apparatus for 340 Extractive and Glycerin in Spirituous Galenicals Estimation of 440 Extractor Scheibler’s for Large Quantities of Solid Modification of 548 Extracts Hyoscyamus Assay of 488 -- Tanning Sulphite-Cellulose Liquors in Detection of 290 Fabrics Coloured Blood-Stains on The Spectroscopical Identification of 26 .- Natural and Artificial Silk Analysis of 171 ‘‘ Facing ” and Other Methods of Preparing Rice for Sale On the 430 Factory Air Gaseous Impurities in Simplified Methods for the Estimation of 67 Faxes Air-Dried and Fresh A Comparison of the Analysis of Chemistry of Animal - - Animal Fatty Matter in Estimation of by Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride, - Fat in Estimation of 531 Fat Areca-Nut and Ergot and Lycopodium Oils Characteristics of 64 - Butter- Reichert-Neissl Value and Saponification Value of Artificial Means of - Extraction Apparatus Simple 512 - Extractions Carbon Tetrachloride as a Solvent in On the Suitability of 110 Faeces 357 358 Increasing 5 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV+ Fat Globules in Milk the Membrane Surrounding Coniposition and Nature of 322 - in “ Charcuterie,” and Other Products Containing Water Estimation of 319 - in Chocolates Estimation of by Means of Chloral Alcoholate 19 - in Commercial Cocoa Powders Quantity of 52 - in Faeces Estimation of 531 - in Feeding-Stuffs Estimation of 101 - in Flesh Estimation of 153 - Obtained from Flavoured Chocolates Colour Reaction of Some Essential Oils Fats and especially Butter Detection of Benzoic Acid in 18 - and Oils Analysis of Value of the Polenske Test in 223 - -- Thermal (Maurnen&) Value of Estimation of 168 - Certain African Characteristics of 164 with Special Reference to the Examination of 19 and Flesh Benzoic Acid in Detection of 394 Certain Animal in Admixture with Other Animal Fats Detection of by Means of Polenske’s “ Difference Method,’’ 525 - Contained in Egg Yolk Composition of 320 - Effect of Cold Storage on 525 - Enkabang and Teglam and Katio Oil from Sarawak A Note on 205 Fatty Acids and Oils Water in Estimation of 33 Natural Mixed Glycerides in The Occurrence of 363 Other and Lard The Detection of Paraffin Wax etc.in and Holde’s Test 524 Fatty Acids Butter-Fat Cocoanut Oil and their The Distillation of 274 -~ Fats and Oils Water in Estimation of 33 - in Soap Estimation of 408 -- The Estimation of 166 - Total in Soap Rapid Method of Estimating the 533 Fatty Matter in Animal Faxes Estimation of by Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride, Feeding-Stuffs Commercial and Agricultural Fertilisers Act Canada 425 Fermentation The Relative Quantities of Organic Acids in Tobacco Before and After, 358 - Fat in Estimation of 101 233 Saccharometer 162 Fermented Beverages and Milk Benzoic and Salicylic Acids in Detection of 156 - Liquids and Wines Fixed Organic and Volatile Acids in A Rapid Method - Milk Observations on I.Yoghurt and Mazun 58 Ferric Hydroxide the Preparation of Lead-Free Reagents by Co-precipitation with same Notes on Colorimetric Estimation of Lead in the Presence of Iron, with 414 - Salts Reduction of by Copper in Volumetric Analysis 380 Ferricyanide Potassium in Alkaline Solution Volumetric and Gravimetric Estimation -- Potassium the Oxydiinetric Estimation of Chromium by 70 Ferro-Alloys particularly Ferro-Silicon New Method of Attacking 176 Ferrocyauide Estimation of Zinc by Means of 119 Ferrosilicon and its Properties 123 - Ferro-Alloys and particularly New Method of Attacking 176 - Dangers in the Transport of 454 Ferrous State Iron in the A New Reaction for 239 Fertilisers Agricultural and Commercial Feeding-Stuffs Acts Canada 425 Fibre Crude Determinations Arrangement for Preventing Frothing in 41 - ‘‘ Crude,” the Cutin which is contained in On the Nature of 366 of Estimating 225 of Thallium by Means of 33 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.xlv Fibre in Foods etc. Determination of and Reversed Filtration 217 Fiehe’s and Ley’s Reactions Detection of Artificial Honey by 351 Reaction for the Detection of Artificial Honey 399 Filings Iron and Stannous Chloride The Estimation of Nitrogen in Nitrates by Filling Toluene Thermb-Regulators Simple Method of 341 Filter Funnel Automatic 549 Filters Berkefeld On the Transmission of Air and Micro-Organisms through 490 Filtration Reversed and the Determination of Fibre in Foods etc. 217 Fish Oils Japanese The Higher Melting-Point Constituents of 62 Fixed and Volatile Acids in Wine Estimation of 222 - Organic and Volatile Acids in Wines and Fermented Liquids A Rapid Method Flask Three-Necked New Form of 549 Flasks Vacuum Distillation Stirrer for Use in 76 Flesh and Fats Benzoic Acid in Detection of 394 - Fat in Estimation of 153 - Sugar in Estimation of 154 Flour Examination of Apparatus for 185 - the Changes Produced in by Age 354 - Wheaten the Estimation of Strength in Gas-Making Capacity as a Factor in, Flours and Wheats the Ash of On the Composition of 354 - Bleached Detection of 102 - Bread-Making Value of The Relationship of Composition to 353 -- Chemically Treated 216 - Grading of by Reference to their Content of Catalase 528 - On the Analysis of with Reference to their Baking Properties 353 Fluorides and Sulphates the Quantitative Separation of 295 Fluorine in Wine The Presence of 356 Food and Drugs Act 1899 The Margarine Clause of 514 Grains Some African 439 - Microscopy A Compendium of Review 300 - Preservatives Influence of on Digestion and Health.V. Formaldehyde 248 Pure Act 1908 New South Wales 473 Foods and Drugs Act New South Wales 250 Means of 294 of Estimating 225 354 FOODS AND DRUGS ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 18 49 99 152 212 274 318 349 394 438, 483 525 - Certain Distribution of Phosphorug in 103 - Infant and Invalid Composition of 275 - Inspectors of On the Work of 1906-08 431 - Their Composition and Analysis Review 550 Formaldehyde Hydrogen Peroxide and Persulphates Detection of 37 - in Cane-Sugar Solutions Formation of 28 - in Milk Colorimetric Estimation of 22 --- in Wine Detection and Estimation of and the Treatment of Wins -- Official Method of Testing in Japan 398 -- On the Application of to Meat 470 Formic Acid in Fruit Juices Estimation of 217 - Quantitative Estimation of 110 - Detection and Estimation of Rapid Method for 12 Barrels with Formaldehyde 56 - Titration in the Presence of Estimation of Amino Acida in Urine by, 52 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Fractional Distillation of Turpentine in a Current of Steam 449 Fractionation of Crude Petroleum by Capillary Diffusion 66 France South of Composition of Certain Wines from the 23 Free Iodine and Iodides the Estimation of New Method for 453 - Gravimetric Estimation of by Means of Metallic Silver 506 - in Portland Cement 71 Freezing-Point Method Solvents for Molten Hydrated Salts as 39 -- of Wine as a Means of Determining its Alcoholic Strength 221 Frothing in Crude Fibre Determinations Arrangement for Preventing 41 Fruits Certain Organic Acids Occurring in The Estimation of 275 Fruit Juices and Honey Starch Syrup in Detection of 440 - Formic Acid in Estimation of 217 Fuchsine-S as a Permanent Standard for the Determination of Nitrites in Sanitary Fuel Briquettes Pitch in The Colorimetric Estimation of 286 - Calorimeter The Emerson 297 Fuels Solid the Amount of Volatile Matter in Determination of 363 Funnel Automatic Filter 549 Furfural Reaction for the Detection of Sesame Oil 398 Furnace Blast- Slags Constitution of 243 Lime in Cement Estimation of 451 Nicotine (Bases) in Tobacco-Smoke Amount of 445 Water Analysis 359 Galactose Analysis of 500 Galenicals Spirituous Extractive and Glycerin in Estimation of 440 Gas Analysis Mercury Trough in Use of 37 -- -Burette Hempel’s A Modification of 340 - New 458 - New Form of 7‘7 -- Coal and Similar Gaseous Mixtures Analysis of with Special Reference to the -- -Making CLpacity as a Factor in the Estimation of Strength in Wheaten Flour, Gaseous Impurities in Factory Air Estimation of Simplified Methods for 67 Gases Combustible the Calorific Power of Simplified Method for Estimating 375 - Mine Carbon Monoxide in Estimation of 495 Gasometric Estimations on the V.Meyer Vapour-Density Principle 36 Gauze Iodoform Estimation of Iodoform in 528 Gelatin Copper as an Impurity in 399 ‘‘ Gemme ” (Crude Turpentine) of the Aleppo Pine 488 General Chemical Company of New York Contributions from the Laboratories of, German Railway Administration Explosives Prescribed by Examination of 284 Ginger Gingerol in Determination of 441 Preparations Small Quantities of Capsicum in Detection of 321 (Glands Thyroid) Protein Compounds Iodine in Estimation of 358 Glass-Gutting by Means of an Electric Wire 385 Globules Fat in Milk the Membrane Surrounding Composition and Nature of 322 Glucosides Alkaloids and Bitter Principles Estimation of by Means of Zeiss’s Immersion Refractometer 108 Glue An Apparatus for Testing 120 Estimation of Nitrogen in the Same 408 354 Regulator An Electrically Controlled 183 Liberated by the Action of Cupric Salts on Steel 381 - Method Application of to the Exact Estimation of Urea 59 37 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.xlvii Glue and Alkaline Molybdate Solution Volumetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Glycerides Other and Stearin in Beeswax Rapid Method of Detecting 495 Glycerin Acetanilide and Other Substances The Influence of on the Estimation of - and Extractive in Spirituous Galenicals Estimation of 440 Glycerol in Wine Comparative Estimations of by the Iodide and Lime Methods 399 Glycolic and Lactic Acids Sensitive Reactions for 369 Glycuronic Acid Bile Acids Lamdose and Pentoses in Urine Detection of 530 - in Urine Estimation of by Means of the Furfural-Hydrochloric Gold Content Assay of Cyanide Solutions for 505 Gooch Crucible Electrolytic Estimation of Lead and Manganese with the Use of 177 Goods Vulcanised Caoutchouc Analysis of 406 Grading of Flours by Reference to their Content of Catalase 528 Grains Brewers’ and Distillers’ The Composition of 218 Graphite Acheson a Substitute for Platinum Electrodes 386 - Cathode Dish 458 Estimation of 533 Greases Lubricating Testing the Reaction of 328 Guaiacum Test Notes on the 111 Gum Tragacanth Spurious 284 Guy-Lussac’s Method Volumetric Estimation of Silver by 544 Acid Solution by Means of 541 Mixed in Natural Fats The Occurrence of 363 Alcohol 162 Acid Distillation Method 444 Modified Form of 549 Food Some African 439 Halogen Acids Mixtures of Analysis of 375 Halogenides Other and Complex Cyanides Detection of Chlorides in Presence of Halogens in Organic Compounds Determination of 111 336 Proposed Test for Note on 345 Simplification of the Gravimetric Method of Estimating by Means of Silver Nitrate 114 Halphen’s Reaction A Modification of 229 Hard-Vulcanised Rubbers Analysis of Methods for 170 Haricot Beans Steeping of their Injurious Properties and the Disguising of Heating Device for Rapidly Obtaining Constant Temperatures for Refractometers in a Current of Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour Quantitative Volatilisation of Poisonous Foreign Varieties 321 and Polarisation Apparatus 246 Vanadic Acid from its Compounds by 510 Hemp Sisal 449 Hempel’s Gas-Burette A Modification of 340 Hide-Substance the Estimation of in Leathers and of Dissolved Hide-Substance in the Soak Liquors and Lime Liquors of the Leather Factory Method for the Estimation of Nitrogen in Organic Substances and in Particular for 290 Eiolde’s Test and the Detection of Paraffin Wax etc.in Lard and Other Fats, 524 Honey and Fruit Juices Starch Syrup in Detection of 440 Artificial Detection of by Fiehe’s and Ley’s Reactions 351 Artificial Fiehe’s Reaction for the Detection of 399 Hops Chemistry of 485 Hops The Chemical Analysis of 5 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Hops The Tannin of Estimation of Part II. 372 Horse-Chestnut Oil 330 Hot-Vulcanised Soft Rubber Estimation of Caoutchouc in and Other Investigations Hubnerite and Wolfram Analysis of 382 Human and Other Blood Simple Method for Differentiating between 443 - Milk Casein of Method for the Quantitative Precipitation of 27 Hydrastine and Narcotine New Reactions of Opianic Acid and their Use in the - Hpdrastinine and Narcotine New Colour Reactions of 409 Hydrated Maltose and Sucrose Mixtures of Optical Estimation of 233 -- Salts Molten as Solvents for the Freezing-Point Method 39 Hydration of Precipitates 242 Eydrazoic Acid New Reactions of 71 Hydrochloric Acid Colour Reaction of Bile Acids with 530 Note on 332 -I___- Solutions Standard Method of Preparing 239 Hydrocyanic Acid Buignet’s Method of Estimating A Modification of 230 Hydrofluoric Acid Use of for the Hydrolysis of Proteins 66 Hydrogen Carbon Monoxide and Methane On the Simultaneous Estimation of by of by the Simplified Method of Combustion Analysis 39 Aluminium 413 on Vulcanised Rubber 365 Detection of 409 Extraction Method for the Polarirnetric Estimation of Starch, The Estimation of Iron by Pernianganate in Presence of 306 Combustion 283 Nitrogen etc.in Organic Compounds Simultaneous Estimation -- -Chloride Estimation of Iron by Permanganate in the Presence of 413 - -- Gaseous Action of on Aluminium. Estimation of Metallic -- Ions the Concentration of Measurement of 498 - Peroxide Acids in Estimation of 290 449 __-- Diastatic Catalysis of Applied to Malt Analysis 487 - The Differentiation of Enzymes in Milk by Means of Tests for, 160 _____ _-- in Milk Detection of 22 -_-- Solutions Acetanilide in Estimation of 212 -c Persulphates and Formaldehyde Detection of 37 L 6 Hydrogtrn Value ” of Unsaturated Carbon Compounds A New Analytical Constant, Hydrolysis of Proteins Use of Hydrofluoric Acid for 66 -_- Soaps in Aqueous Solution Rate of 65 Hydroxide Cupric Precipitation of Sugars by Means of 31 - Sodium Solution An Automatic Pipette for 386 Hydroxylamine The Alkalimetric Estimation of 408 Hyoscyamus Extracts Assay of 488 327 Igniting Composition of Lucifer Matches White Phosphorus in Detection of 242 Impurities Gaseous in Factory Air Estimation of Simplified Methods for 67 - in Commercial Chlorates 69 - in Orthotoluidine and Orthonitrotoluidine A Method of Estimating Small Quantities of 112 Impurity in Gelatin Copper as an 399 India Southern Rubber from 448 Indiarubber and Indiarubber Solutions Viscosity of 112 Indicator New Highly Sensitive to Weak Bases 2 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.xlix Indicators and Stabilising Agents for Smokeless Powders 232 Indigo Carmine Method of Determining the Degree of Bacterial Contamination in INORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 34 67 114 173 235 290 333 373 411 449 504, Inosite in Natural Wines ldentification of 324 - The Separation of from Natural Wines 489 Insoluble Silicates Boric Acid in Determination of 34 INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY 44 80 187 256 387 554 International Food Congress 388 -- Pure Food Congress Paris 1909 515 Iodate Presence of in Commercial Potassium Iodide 506 Iodide and Lime Methods Comparative Estimations of Glycerol in Wine by the 399 - Thymol and Iodoform Iodine in Estimation of 367 Iodides Alkali AJI Acidimetric Method of Estimating 293 - and Bromides the Influence of on the Estimation of Nitrates in Water 335 - and Free Iodine the Estimation of New Method for 453 Solutions Containing Estimation of Mercury in 241 Iodine and Arsenious Acid Volumetric Estimation of Silver by Means of 544 - Free Gravimetric Estimation of by Means of Metallic Silver 506 -_- in Protein Compounds (Thyroid Glands) Estimation of 358 - The Action of on Phenols with Special Reference to a Rapid Method for the Iodoform Gauze Iodoform in Estimation of 528 Iodometric Thiocyanate and Acidimetric Methods Volumetric Estimation of Ions Hydrogen the Concentration of Measurement of 498 - Transport Numbers of Apparatus for Determining 550 Iron and Phosphorus in Various Vegetables Quantity of 155 -- Steel Phosphorous in Estimation of 381 Estimation of Titanium and of 182 - the Characterisation of 534 Milk by Means of 26 in Dyed Cotton Estimation of 410 539 Estimation of Tannin Materials 371 Mercury by 38 Titanium in the Presence of each Other Volumetric Method for the Cobalt Chromium Zinc Manganese and Magnesium Use of Dicyandiamidine for the Estimation of Nickel and its Separation from 455 Colorimetric Estimation of Lead in the Presence of with Some Notes on the Preparation of Lead-Free Reagents by Go-precipitation with Ferric Hydroxide, 414 - Copper and Chromium in Admixture On the Volumetric Estimation of Copper and Chromium and of 174 -_ Estimation of by Permauganate in the Presence of Hydrogen Chloride 413 - in Iron Ores Rapid Method of Estimating 454 - in the Ferrous State A New Reaction for 239 - The Estimation of by Permanganate in Presence of Hydrochloric Acid, - Vanadic Acid and Chromic Acid Iodometric Estimation of in Presence of Each Isinglass the Chemical Examination of 276 Manganese and Chromium Volumetric Estimation of 71 306 Other 182 Jaffb’s Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Creatinine 475 Jamaica Rum The Typical Aromatic Substance Present in 54 Japanese Fish Oils The Higher MeltingPointi Constituents of 6 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Jasmine Flower Wax Constants of 234 Juckenack and Hilger’s Method Estimation of Caffeine by An Error in 50 Juices Fruit Formic ,4cid in Estimation of 217 - - Tobacco Concentrated Nicotine in Estimation of 534 Katio Oil from Sarawak and Enkabang and Teglam Fats A Note on 205 Kauri Copal The Solubility of 219 - Resin Dammar Resin in Detection and Estimation of 288 Kipp’s Apparatus Generation of Oxygen in Material for 41 Kirsch Liqueurs The Composition of 277 Kjeldahl’s Method the Estimation of Nitrogen by Some Modifications in 418 Kubel’s Method A Modification of the Determination of the ‘( Oxygen Absorbed ” of Sewage and Effluents by 301 Laboratory Methods for the Estimation of the Milling and Raking Properties of Lactic and Glycolic Acide Sensitive Reactions for 369 ‘‘ Lacto-Bacilline,” Observations on and on the so-called Bacillus ~zdgaricus 57 Lactose-Fermenting Bacilli Observations on the Differentiation of with Special in Milk Estimation of by Means of the 6‘ Iron Method ” of Michaelis and Wheats from Various Sources 355 Reference to those of Intestinal Origin 490 Rona 500 - the Estimation of Clarification of Milk for 400 Lamdose Absence of in Diabetic Urine 360 Lard A Dutch 54 - and Other Fats the Detection of ParaEn Wax etc.in and Holde’s Test 524 - Detection of Paraffin Wax in A Rapid Sorting-Test for 348 Lead and Bismuth The Quantitative Separation of 389 - and Cadmium in Zinc Estimation of 414 Bile Acids Glycuronic Acid and Pentoses in Urine Detection of 530 Dextrose and Maltose Solution Densities of 351 and Manganese Electrolytic Estimation of with the Use of the Gooch I__- and Sulphuric Acid Volumetric Estimation of 415 - -Free Reagents Some Notes on the Preparation of by Co-precipitation with Ferric Hydroxide Colorimetric Estimation of Lead in the Presence of Iron with 414 - in Copper Alloys Estimation of 177 - in Minerals Volunietric Estimation of 71 - in Tin-plate Vessels Alloys etc.Estimation of 377 - Peroxide Method for the Estimation of 240 - Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Permanganate 540 Leathers Estimation of Hide-Substance in and of Dissolved Hide-Substance in the Soak Liquors and Lime Liquors of the Leather Factory Method for the Estima-tion of Nitrogen in Organic Substances and in Particular for the 290 Leaves Coca Alkaloids in Estimation of 99 Lemon-Juice and Calcium Citrate A New Method of Analysing 214 Lemon Oil of Determination of Aldehydes in 14 I ‘ Leucocytes ” and Dirt Examination of Milk for 403 Ley’s and Fiehe’s Reactions Detection of Artificial Honey by 351 Liebig’s Meat Extract On the Composition of 54 Lime and Iodide Methods Comparative Estimations of Glycerol in Wine by the 399 - Commercial Acetate of Analysis of 326 Crucible 177 - Magnesia in Various Seeds The Quantity of 32 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.li Lime Free in Cement Estimation of 451 - in Portland Cement 71 - in Presence of Dissolved Silica Volumetric Estimation of 377 - in Water Solubility of 72 - Liquors Tannery The Commercial Control of 289 - Small Quantities of Estimation of in Presence of Large Quantities of - -Water Use of for the Titration of Acid Solutions 400 Liqueurs Kirsch The Composition of 277 Liquids Extracting with Ether Apparatus for 384 - Specific Gravity of Small Quantities of Determination of 298 - the Pneumatic Agitation of the Automatic Regulation of Apparatus for 419 Liquors Sulphite-Cellulose in Tanning Extracts Detection of 290 - Tannery Lime The Commercial Control of 289 Litbopone Analysis of 541 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD REPORTS 121 Lophira Alata Seeds of 63 Lozenges Chloroform in Estimation of 51 Lubricating Greases Testing the Reaction of 328 Lycopodium and Ergot Oils and Areca-Nut Fat Characteristics of 64 Magnesia Technical Analysis of Magnesite 240 - Oils Mineral the Valuation of New Constants for 328 Mace of Commerce Notes on 21 - P a p a Detection of 441 Magnesia and Lime in Various Seeds The Quantity of 325 Magnesium as Ammonium Magnesium Arsenate On the Precipitation of 177 Large Quantities of Estimation of Small Quantities of Lime in Presence - Cobalt Iron Chromium Zinc and Manganese Use of Dicyandiamidine of Technical Analysis of Magnesite 240 for the Estimation of Nickel and its Separation from 455 - Precipitation of as Ammonium Magnesium Phosphate 73 -- Quantitative Separation of Calcium from 450 Malic Acid in Wine Estimation of 278 Malt Analysis Diastatic Catalysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Applied to 487 Maltose Hydrated and Sucrose Mixtures of Optical Estimation of 233 - Inversion of 169 - Laevulose and Dextrose Solution Densities of 351 Manganese and Lead Electrolytic Estimation of with the Use of the Gooch Crucible 177 - Cobalt Iron Chromium Zinc and Magnesium Use of Dicyandiamidine for the Estimation of Nickel and its Separation from 455 - Eleotrochemical Behaviour of 415 - Electrolytic Estimation of 416 - ~ - Iron and Chromium Volumetric Estimation of 71 Margarine Clause of the Food and Drugs Act 1899 514 - .- Estimation of Butter-Fat in in the Presence of Cocoanut Oil 212 Matches Lucifer Igniting Composition of Detection of White Phosphorus in 242 Matters Organic the Destruction of in Toxicological Analysis New Method for 404 Measurement of the Concentration of Hydrogen Ions 498 Meat Extract Liebig’s On the Composition of 54 - On the Application of Formaldehyde to 470 Melting-Points New Method for Determining 246 9- of the Carnitine contained in Constitution of 395 Preparations Added Proteins in Detection of 21 lii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Membrane surrounding Fat Globules in Milk Composition and Nature of 322 Mercuric Iodide Ointment Analysis of 529 Salts Volumetric Estimation of 73 293 Mercurous Salts Mercury in Volumetric Estimation of 416 Mercury Apparatus for the Purification of 186 -- Distillation of An Apparatus for 76 - - Estimation of in Solutions containing Iodides 241 -- Joint for Connecting a Combustion-Tube with the Calcium Chloride Tube, 422 - - Nitrometer New 78 - - -Potassium Iodide Estimation of Vegetable Alkaloids by Means of 49 -- Pump 341 - Purification of 459 - Apparatus for 186 - Vapour in Air New Method for Estimating 38 - Volumetric Estimation of by the Thiocyanate Iodometric and Acidimetria -Metallic Salts of the Volatile Acids Present in Butter-Fat and Cocoanut Oil and - Sulphates Quantitative Volatilisation of Phosphoric Acid from 507 Metals Alkali Separation of Electrolytically 34 Meter Steam- New 423 Methane Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen On the Simultaneous Estimation of by Combustion 283 Methyl Alcohol Detection of in Ethyl Alcohol 445 Methylaniline and Dimethylaniline The Detection of in the Presence of Each Other 168 Methylene Blue Test for Milk Schardinger’s 352 Methylglyoxal Use of as a General Colour Reagent 369 Methyloxyfurfural Colour Reactions of Sugars due to the Formation of 538 Methylpentoses in Presence of Pentoses Detection of 169 Metol Commercial The Analysis of 285 Meyer V.Vapour-Density Principle Gasometric Estimations on 36 Michaelis and Rona the (6 Iron Method ” of Estimation of Lactose in Milk by Means Micro-Organisms and Air On the Transmission of through Berkefeld Filters 490 Microscope Quantitative Determinations by Means of the Notes on 459 Microscopical Distinction between Wheat and Rye Starches 400 Microscopy Food a Compendium of Review 300 Milk and Cream “ Sugar-Lime ” in Detection of 54 - and Fermented Beverages Benzoic and Salicylic Acids in Detection of 156 - Catalase in Apparatus for the Estimation of 160 -- Clarification of for the Estimation of Lactose 400 -- Degree of Bacterial Contamination in Method of Determining by Means of - Von Babo-Krafft’s Continuous New Form of 183 Trough in Gas Analysis Use of 37 Methods 38 - Method of Estimating 416 the Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 99 Zirconium Analytical Examination of 296 Alkaline Earth Attempt to separate Electrolytically 450 the Rapid Electrolytic Separation of Apparatus for 458 of 500 -- of Butter Influence of Salt on 57 -- Present in Sewer Air and in the Air of Drains 227 Cow’s Casein in Volumetric Estimation of 526 Indigo Carmine 2 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.liii Milk Dirt in Estimation of 322 489 - Enzymes in Differentiation of by Means of Tests for Hydrogen Peroxide 160 -- Examination of for Dirt and (‘ Leucocytes,” 403 -- Fat Globules in Composition and Nature of the Membrane Surrounding 322 -- Fermented Observations on I. Yoghurt and RIazun 58 -- Formaldehyde in Colorimetric Estimation of 22 -- -_ Detection and Estimation of Rapid Method for 12 -- Human Casein of Method for the Quantitative Precipitation of 27 - Hydrogen Peroxide in Detection of 22 -- Lactose in Estimation of by Means of the ‘( Iron Method ” of Michaelis and -- or Cream Chocolate Analysis of 439 -- Schardinger’s Methylene Blue Test for 352 -_- Sugar Purity of Pharmacopeia Tests for 102 -- Testing New Method for 18 - The Composition of 208 Milling and Baking Properties of Wheats from Various Sources On Laboratory Mine Gases Carbon Monoxide in Estimation of 495 Mineral Acids in very Dilute Solution Method for the Estimation of and Studies in Capillarity and Absorption 35 ~- Lubricating Oils tha Valuation of New Constants for 328 Oil in Oil of Turpentine Apparatus for the Estimation of 510 -_-- in Rosin Oil Estimation of and Analysis of Oil of Turpentine 32 - Oils Dark the Determination of Asphaltum in Use of ‘‘ Standard Benzine ” - - On Schulz’s Colour Reaction for 286 - Phosphates Phosphoric Acid in The Determination of 392 Minerals Alloys and Steel Tantalum and Niobium in Estimation of 508 Rona 500 Methods for the Estimation of 355 (Light Petroleum) for 405 Containing Niobium the Analysis of Rapid Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Niobium in Presence of Tantalum and its Application to, 378 > Lead in Volumetric Estimation of 71 Mixed Glycerides in Natural Fats The Occurrence of 363 Mixtures Method for Estimating Nitrites and Nitrates in and in the Presence of Organic Substances 241 - of Halogen Acids Analysis of 376 - of Sucrose and Hydrated Maltose Optical Estimation of 233 Modification of Buignet’s Method of Estimating Hydrocyanic Acid 230 -- Kubel’s Method The Determination of the (( Oxygen Absorbed ’’ of Sewage and Effluents by 301 - Halphen’s Reaction 229 -- Scheibler’s Extractor for Large Quantities of Solid 548 Modifications in Hempel’s Gas-Burette 340 -- Some in the Estimation of Nitrogen by Kjeldahl’s Method 418 Modified Bomb for Calorimetric and Analytical Purposes 548 Molasses Cane The Analysis of 350 Molecular Weights Estimation of by the Boilin5-Point Method 411 .- of Carbohydrates Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of 11.Molten Hydrated Salts as Solvents for the Freezing-Point Method 39 Molybdate Solution Alkaline and Glue Volumetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid Form of Gooch Crucible 549 Differentiation of Primary from Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols 410 in Acid Solution by Means of 54 liv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Molybdenum Glance Estimation of Molybdenum in 540 Monobrombenzene Some Commercial Samples of Note on 98 Montan Wax Characteristics of 33 Munroe Crucible The 298 Mustard Adulteration of 352 489 - Solvents for Use with the 461 Narcotine and Hydrastine the Detection of New Reactions of Opianic Acid and -- Hydrastine and Hydrastinine New Colour Reactions of 409 Natural and Artificial Silk Fabrics Analysis of 171 - Fats The Occurrence of Mixed Glycerides in 363 - Wines Inosite in Identification of 324 - - The Separation of Inosite from 489 Nickel in Nickel-Steel Estimation of by Means of Dimethylglyoxime 74 - in Ores Steel etc.Electrolytic Estimation of 417 - in Steel the Estimation of Comparison of the Electrolytic Brunck and - New Method of Estimating in the Presence of Cobalt 378 - the Estimation of Use of Dicyandiamidine for and its Separation from Cobalt, Nicotine Estimation of as Nicotine Silicotungstate 219 - Free (Bases) Amount of in Tobacco Smoke 445 - in Concentrated Tobacco Juices Estimation of 534 Niobium and Tantalum in Minerals Steel and Alloys Estimation of 508 their Use in 409 Grossman Methods for 294 Iron Chromium Zinc Manganese and Magnesium 455 -- Separation of from Other Metals and from One Another, Eetimation of in Presence of Tantalum Rapid Volumetric Method for and Nitrate Silver the Gravimetric Method of Estimating Halogens by Means of, Nitrates and Nitrites in Mixtures and in the Presence of Organic Substances, -- Estimation of the Influence of Chlorides on 174 -- Gravimetric Estimation of Use of Cinchonamine in 165 -- in Soil Solutions Containing Organic Matter The Colorimetric Estimation -- in Water the Estimation of The Influence of Bromides and Iodides on 335 -- the Phenosulphonic Acid Method for the Estimation of Study -_- the Estimation of Nitrogen in by Means of Stannous Chloride and Iron Nitric Acid Estimation of by Means of Nitron,” 456 -- Estimation of Small Quantities of 419 Nitrites and Nitrates in Mixtures and in the Presence of Organic Substances, Method for Estimating 241 - jn Potable Waters Test for 296 - in Sanitary Water Analysis the Determination of Fuchsine-S as a Permanent Standard for 359 - Sulphides or Sulphites Estimation of Carbonates in Presence of by Means 545 its Application to the Analysis of Minerals Containing Niobium 378 Simplification of 114 Method for Estimating 241 - Detection of in the Presence of Bromides 418 of 241 of I.Composition of the Reagent and of the Reaction Product 456 Filings 294 Gravimetric Estimation of 114 - the Estimation of Use of Nitron for 360 of Potassium Bichromate 50 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.lv Nitrocelluloses Some of American Manufacture Decomposition-Curves of 29 Nitrogen Action of on Commercial Barium Carbide 115 - Carbon Hydrogen etc. in Organic Compounds Simultaneous Estimation of by the Simplified Method of Combustion Analysis 39 - in Explosive Powders Estimation of 496 -- in Organic Substances Method for the Estimation of and in Particular for the Estimation of Hide-Substance in Leathers and of Dissolved Hide-Substance in the Soak Liquors and Lime Liquors of the Leather Factory 290 -_- in Nitrates The Estimation of by Means of Stannous Chloride and Iron Filings 294 - the Estimation of by Kjeldahl’s Method Some Modifications in 418 - Total Estimation of 417 Nitroglycerine The Decomposition of 370 “ Nitrolim ” and (‘ Sodium Cyanamide,” Analysis of 366 Nitrometer New Mercury 78 “ Nitron,” Estimation of Nitric Acid by Means of 456 Use of for the Estimation of Nitric Acid 360 Nitronaphthalene in “ De-bloomed ” Oils Detection of 535 Nitrophenylhydrazones of the Sugars 31 Non-Drying Oils Certain African Characteristics of 166 - Provided with Means for Correcting the Barometrical Pressure 75 Oats Colonial Analyses of and the Determination OF their Phosphorus Content 55 OBITUARY NOTICE : Harland Robert Henry 1 Official Method of Testing Formaldehyde in Japan 398 Oil Balsam African the Composition of 286 - Chinese-Wood The Examination of 362 - Cocoanut Butter-Fat and their Fatty Acids The Distillation of 274 - Cocoanut Detection of in Butter and Metallic Salts of the Volatile Acids - Cocoanut Estimation of Butter-Fat in Margarine in the Presence of 212 - Cotton-Seed the Unsaponifiable Substances Contained in 362 - Drying from Ricinodendron Hendolitic Seeds 166 - Essential and Moisture in Spices and Aromatic Drugs the Determination of 519 - from “ Carapa Guyanensis ” ( ‘ I Carapa Procera,” D.C.) 10 - from the Seeds of “ Symphonia Globulifera,” 333 - Horse-Chestnut 330 - Katio from Sarawak and Enkabang and Jeglam Fats A Note on 205 - Mineral in Rosin Oil Estimation of and Analysis of Oil of Turpentine 32 - - the Estimation of in Oil of Turpentine Apparatus for 510 -- of Cloves Eugenol in Estimation of Essential Oils and of 527 -- of Lemon Aldehydes in Determination of 14 -- of Turpentine Analysis of and Estimation of Mineral Oil in Rosin Oil 32 - Peppermint 446 - Red-Currant-Seed Characteristics of 101 - Rosin Mineral Oil in Estimation of and Analysis of Oil of Turpentine 32 - Samphire 446 - Savin Detection of 63 - Sesame Detection of Furfural Reaction for 398 - - Colour Reactions of with Aromatic Aldehydes 285 - Turpentine The Examination of 171 Present in Butter-Fat and Cocoanut Oil 99 the Estimation of Mineral Oil in Apparatus for 51 lvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Oil Ylang-Ylang. Oils and Fats Analysis of Value of the Polenzke Test in 223 -- Certain African Non-Drying Characteristics of 166 - Dark Mineral the Determination of Asphaltum in Use of ‘‘ Standard Benzine ” - ‘6 De-bloomed,” Nitronaphthalene in Detection of 535 - Ergot and Lycopodium and Areca-Nut Fat Characteristics of 64 - Essential and Artificial Perfumes The Chemistry of Review 190 --- and Philippine Terpenes.11. Ylang-Ylang Oil 32 --- Fats and Fatty Acids Water in Estimation of 33 - Japanese Fish the Higher Melting-Point Constituents of 62 - Lycopodium and Ergot and Areca-Nut Fat Characteristics of 64 - Marine Animal Differentiation of by Means of their Bromine Addition Com-- Mineral Lubricating the Valuation of New Constants for 328 - ~ On Schulz’s Colour Reaction for 286 - Volatile Assay of Use of Centrifuge in 421 Ointment Mercuric Iodide Analysis of 529 Opianic Acid New Reactions of and their Use in the Detection of Hydrastine and Optical Estimation of Mixtures of Sucrose and Hydrated Maltose 233 Ores and Technical Products The Estimation of Vanadium in Rapid Method for, 11.Philippine Terpenes and Essential Oils 32 Thermal (Mautnenk) Value of Estimation of 168 (Light Petroleum) for 405 Colour Reaction of Some with Special Reference to the Examination Estiniation of and of Eugenol in Oil of Cloves 527 and Philippine Terpenes 111.) 396 in Spices etc. Estimation of 20 of the Fat Obtained from Flavoured Chocolates 19 Estimation of 168 -pounds 110 Narcotine 409 546 Iron Rapid Method of Estimating Iron in 454 Poor Tungstic Acid in Estimation of 457 Steel etc. Nickel in Electrolytic Estimation of 417 Organic Acids Certain Occurring in Fruits Estimation of 275 - in Tobacco Before and After Fermentation The Relative Quantities .ORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 27 60 108,162 228 282 326 361 405 445 492 532 Organic and Volatile Acids Fixed in Wines and Fermented Liquids A Rapid Method - Compounds Arsenic in Estimation of 532 -- Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen etc.in Simultaneous Estimation o€ 233 of Estimating 225 of by the Simplified Method of Combustion Analysis 39 - Determination of Halogens in 111 - Quantitative Analysis of Use of Sodium Peroxide in 65 - Matter Destruction of in Toxicological Analysis 105 -- Soil Solutions Containing The Colorimetric Estimation of Nitrates ip 241 - Matters The Destruction of in Toxicological Analysis New Method for 404 - Estimation of Nitrogen in Method for and in Particular for the Estimation of Hide-Substance in Leathers and of Dissolved Hide-Substance in the Soak Liquors and Lime Liquors of tho Leather Factory 290 - Substances Method for Estimating Nitrites and Nitrates in Mixtures and in the Presence of 241 - Phosphorus in Estimation of 50 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.lvii Organic Substances Phosphorus in Estimation of by Means of the Bomb Calori-Orthonitrotoluidine and Orthotoluidine Small Quantities of Impurities in Method of Oven Drying for Temperalures up to 460” C. 457 Oxalate Precipitation of Copper as 375 Oxalic Acid in Cocoa and Chocolate 396 Oxidation Speed of by Air of Uranous Solutions with a Note on the Volumetric Oxidations with Sodium Peroxide Apparatus for 120 Oxidising Agents Chlorates and Other Detection and Colorimetric Estimation of 69 (‘ Oxygen Absorbed ” of Sewage and Effluents Determination of by a Modification Oxygen Dissolved in Water Colorimetric Estimation of 116 I__- Generation of in a Kipp’s Apparatus Material for 41 -- Rate of Absorption of by Polluted Waters etc.An Apparatus for Oxyha?moglobin Chemical Methods for Distinguishing Carbon Monoxide-Haernoglobin p-Oxyphenylethylamine Occurrence of in Emmentaler Cheese 325 Palladiuiii Chlorine in Presence of Estimation of and Quantitative Estiniation of Papua Mace Detection of 441 Paraffin Wax etc. in Lard and Other Fats The Detection of and Holde’s Test 524 -____ Examination of 447 -- in Lard The Detection of A Rapid Sorting-Test for 348 Pastry The Quantity of Egg-Substance Cholesterol Content of Eggs as a Means of Pentoses Bile Acids Laevulose and Glycuronic Acid in Urine Detection of 530 -- Detection of hlethylpentoses in Presence of 169 Peppermint Oil 446 Perchlorates The Reduction and Estimation of 294 Perfumes Artificial and Essential Oils The Chemistry of Beview 190 Periodide Test for Alkaloids Note on 274 Permanganate On the Titration of Sulphites with 117 meter 535 Estimating 112 -- Presence of 396 Determination of Uranium 245 of Kubel’s Method 301 Observing 42 from 161 Palladium by Reduction with Alcohol in Alkaline Solution 452 Estimating 487 - The Estimation of Iron by in Presence of Hydrochloric Acid 306 9 in the Presence of Hydrogen Chloride 413 -_-___-- Volumetric Estimation of Lead by Means of 540 ___--Peroxide Hydrogen Diastatic Catalysis of Applied to Malt Analysis 487 - Estimation of Acids in 290 449 ~- - Method for the Estimation of Lead 240 -- Sodium Oxidations with Apparatus for 120 -__- - Washing-Powders Containing Composition of 181 Perry and Cider Sulphite Preservatives in 485 Persulphates Hydrogen Peroxide and Formaldehyde Detection of 37 Petroleum Crude Fractionation of by Capillary Diffusion 66 (-- Light) ‘( Standard Benzine,” Use of for the Determination of Asphaltum Thiocyanic Acid by Means of 509 7 -_ Use of in the Quantitative Analysis of Organic Compounds 65 in Dark Mineral Oils 405 - New Colour Reaction of 113 - New Reaction of 3 lviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Petroleum The Determination of in Turpentine Note on 148 Petrols Commercial The Composition of 231 Pharmaceutical Preparations Phenolphthalein in Estimation of 442 Pharmacopoeia British Squire’s Companion to Reciew 253 Phenolphthalein in Pharmaceutical Preparations Estimation of 442 Phenols The Action of Iodine on with Special Reference to a Rapid Method for the Phenosulphonic Acid Method for the Estimation of Nitrates in Water Study of : Philippine and Other Coals The Determination of the Calorific Value of from the -- Terpenes and Essential Oils 11.Ylang-Ylang Oil 32 Phosphates and Phosphoric Acid Volumetric Estimation of 179 - in Certain Vinegars and in the Materials Used in their Manufacture, - Tests for the Purity of Milk-Sugar 102 Estimation of Tannin Materials 371 I. Composition of the Reagent and of the Reaction Product 456 Results of Proximate Analysis and Calorimetry 494 III.396 ---On the 515 ~~ in Vinegar 517 - Raw the International Trade of Gravimetric Nolybdate Method for Phospho-Molybdate Potassium Estimation of Potassium as 39 Phosphomolybdic Acid Estimation of Potassium by Means of 543 Phosphoric Acid and Phosphates Volumetric Estimation of 179 - in Presence of Other Salts Colorimetric Estimation of 179 - Mineral Phosphoric Acid in The Determination of 392 the Determination of Phosphoric Acid for 337 - Colorimetric Estimation of 178 - Determination of for the International Trade of Raw Phosphates, - in Acid Solution Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Alkaline -- in Rocks Qualitative Test for 180 - Quantitative Volatilisation of from Metallic Sulphates 507 -- Water-Soluble in Superphosphates Volumetric Estimation of 74 - in Organic Substances Estimation of 507 Gravimetric Molybdate Method for 337 Molybdate Solution and Glue 541 in Mineral Phosphates the Determination of 392 in Urine and Alkali Phosphate Solutions Estimation of 360 Phosphorus in Certain Foods Distribution of 103 by Means of the Bomb Calori- -meter 535 ~- in Iron and Steel Estimation of 381 - White in the Igniting Composition of Lucifer Matches Detection of, - Content Analyses of Colonial Oats and the Determination of Their 55 242 Phosphorus and Iron in Various Vegetables Quantity of 155 Pine the Aleppo The Gemme ” (Crude Turpentine) of 488 Pineapple Acids of 438 Pine-Wood A Liquid Resin from 232 Pipette An Automatic for Sodium Hydroxide Solution 386 - Double Measuring 511 Pitch Brewery Analysis of 499 - in Fuel Briquettes The Colorimetric Estimation of 286 Plant Products etc.An Extraction Apparatus for 339 Plaster of Paris Examination of 542 Platinum Electrodes Acheson Graphite a Substitute for 38 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. lix Pneumatic Agitation of Liquids the Automatic Regulation of Apparatus for 419 Polarimetric Estimation and Saccharification of Starch in Barley 331 --__- of Starch the Hydrochloric Acid Extraction Method for, ----__ Dissolved in Trichloracetic Acid 537 --__ Method of Identifying Chitin 280 Polarisation Apparatus and Refractometers Constant Temperatures for Heating Polarising at 87’ C. Apparatus for 41 Polenske’s ‘‘ Difference Method,” Detection of Certain Animal Fats in Admixture Polenske Test Value of in the Analysis of Oils and Fats 223 Polluted Waters etc.Rate of Absorption of Oxygen by An Apparatus for 42 Polysulphides Alkali Sulphur in Estimation of 545 Portland Cement Free Lime in 71 Potable Waters Nitrites in Test for 296 Potash Absorption Apparatus A New 185 Potassium Bichromate Estimation of Carbonates in Presence of Nitrites Sulphides, -- Chlorate in Urine Detection and Estimation of 228 - ~ - Estimation of as Potassium Phospho-Molybdate 39 Note on 332 Device for Rapidly Obtaining 246 with Other Animal Fats by Means of 525 or Sulphites by Means of 504 - ? -_- by Means of Phospho-Molybdic Acid 543 - Ferricyanide in Alkaline Solution Volumetric and Gravimetric Estimation of Thallium by Means of 338 - in Liquids of Animal Origin Volumetric Estimation of 106 - Iodide and Arsenious Acid Estimation of Copper by Means of 453 - Commercial Presence of Iodate in 506 - -Mercuric Iodide Estimation of Vegetable Alkaloids by Means of 27 - Nitrite Precipitation of Cobalt by Means of 114 - Phospho-Molybdate Estimation of Potassium as 39 Powder Aluminium Analysis of Researches on Aluminium 67 Powders Explosive Nitrogen in Estimation of 496 - Smokeless Indicators and Stabilising Agents for 232 Precipitates The Hydration of 242 Precipitations and Separations Some Rapid Electrolytic 412 Preservatives in Cream On the Use of 471 -_- Sulphite in Cider and Perry 485 Pressure Barometrical A Nitrometer Provided with Means for Correcting 75 - - The Oxydimetric Estimation of Chromium by 70 -- Permanganate Estimation of Copper by Means of 176 - The Volumetric Estimation of Thiocyanic Acid by 244 9 - Stability of 371 -Equalking Attachment for Dessicators 78 -Regulator for Vacuum Distillation 424 Protein Compounds (Thyroid Glands) Iodine in Estimation of 358 Proteins Added Detection of in Meat Preparations 218 - Hydrolysis of Use of Hydrofluoric Acid for 66 Proximate Analysis The Determination of the Calorific Value of Philippine and other Pseudo-Tubercle Bacilli Differentiation of Tubercle from 404 Pulp Sulphite Estimation of Resin in 233 Pump A Mercury 341 - Von Babo-Krafft Continuous Mercury New Form of 183 Pumps Water-Suction New Back-Pressure Valve for 424 Coals from the Results of and Calorimetry 49 lx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Pure Food Act 1908 New South Wales 473 Purification of and Extraction by Ether New Apparatus for 421 - of Mercury 459 Purin Bases in Caviare The Absence of 356 Pyrocatechol and Adrenaline the Sensitiveness of the Reactions for Uethod of - Congress The Second International Paris 1909 515 - Apparatus for 186 Increasing 525 Quantitative Analysis The Centrifuge in 382 -- Determinations by Means of the Microscope Notes on 459 Quartz Combustion Tubes The Use of Especially for the Direct Determination of Quinine in Cinchona Bark Estimation of 220 323 - in Quinine Tannate and Ferro-Citrate Estimation of 275 ~- New Method of Estimating and Elimination of that Alkaloid in the Urine, Carbon in Steel 88 443 Raphia Wax 167 Rare Earths Cerium in Presence of Other Rapid Volumetric Method for Deter-mining 335 Red-Currant-Seed Oil Characteristics of 101 Reducing Substances in Urine Estimation of 161 Refractometer New 460 Sugars Precipitation of with Basic Lead Acetate 113 Zeiss’s Immersion Determination of Starch in Cereals by Means of, Zeiss’s Immersion Estimation of Alkaloids Bitter Principles and Refractometers and Polarisation Apparatus Constant Temperatures for Heating Regulation Automatic of the Pneumatic Agitation of Liquids Apparatus for 419 Regulator Gas An Electrically Controlled 183 - Pressure- for Vacuum Distillation 424 Regulators Toluene Thermo- Simple Method of Filling 341 Reichert-Meissl Value and Saponification Value of Butter-Fat Artificial Means of Report Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Part I.79 461 - Final of the Royal Commission on Whisky and Other Potable Spirits 1909, - Government 247 -_- of the Inspector of Factories England 1907 123 -- of the Principal Chemist upon the Work of the Government Laboratory for the Year Ending March 31 1909 with Appendices 469 ~ - - on the Work of Inspectors of Foods 1906-08 431 - Third Wellcome Research Laboratories at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum 256 - U.S. Department of Agriculture 248 REPORTS GOVERNMENT ETC. 425 461 _____ of Inspectors of Foods 1909 430 471 Reservoir Constant Level 422 332 Glucosides by Means of 108 Device for Rapidly Obtaining 246 Increasing 50 425 of the Medical Officer of Health City of London 1908 43 to the Metropolitan Water Board 1909 249 ~ - - LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD 121 47 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.lxi Resin A Liquid from Pine-Wood 232 - Dammar in Kauri Resin Detection and Estimation of 288 - in Sulphite Pulp Estimation of 233 - Kauri Dammar Resin in Detection and Estimation of 288 - Scammony 220 Resins the Acid Value of Determination of 331 - Copal from British West Africa 60 Resorcinal-Hydrochloric Acid Reaction Detection of Artificial Invert Sugar in Wines, Reversed Filtration and the Eetermination of Fibre in Foods etc. 217 Rhamnose Detection of Bile Acids by Means of 25 Rice On the I ‘ Facing ” and Other Methods of Preparing for Sale 430 Ricinodendron Heudolitii Seeds A Drying Oil from 166 Rocks Phosphoric Acid in Qualitative Test for 180 Ron& and Michaelis the (‘ Iron Method ” of Estimation of Lactose in Milk by Rosin Oil Estimation of Mineral Oil in and Analysis of Oil of Turpentine 34 Rotating Anode in Electrolytic Separations Use of 68 Royal Commission on Tuberculosis (Human and Bovine) Third Interim Report 247 on Whisky and Other Potable Spirits Final Report of the 1909, by Means‘of 23 Means of 500 425 Rubber Estimation of as Tetrabromide 536 - from Southern India 448 Hot-Vulcanised Soft Rubber Caoutchouc in Estimation of and Other Vulcanised Other Investigations on and Estimation of Caoutchouc in Hot-Investigations on Vulcanised Rubber 365 Vulcanised Soft Rubber 365 Rubbers Hard-Vulcanised Analysis of Methods for 170 Rum Jamaica The Typical Aromatic Substance Present in 54 Rye and Wheat Starches Microscopical Distinction between 400 Sabatier-Senderens Test for Distinguishing between Primary Secondary and Tertiary Saccharification and Polariinetric Estimation of Starch in Barley 331 Saccharin in Beer Detection of 156 Saccharometer Fermeutation 162 Safety Wash-Bottle 342 Salicylates the Estimation of Methods for 536 Salicylic and Benzoic Acids in Fermented Beverages and Milk Detection of 156 Saline Solutions the Rising of in Filter-Paper Adsorption with Special Reference to, Salol and Distearylsalicyl Glyceride Behaviour of in the Body 27 Salt Influence of on the Micro-Organisms of Butter 57 Salts Colorimetric Estimation of Phosphates in Presence of Other 179 - Cupric Action of on Steel On the Gases Liberated by 381 - Mercuric Volumetric Estimation of 73 293 - Mercurous Mercury in Volumetric Estimation of 416 - Metallic of the Volatile Acids Present in Butter Fat and Cocoanut Oil and the Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 99 - of Uranium and of Cadmium A New Reaction Distinguishing between 118 - Silver Some ‘ I Insoluble,” Soluhility of and Determination of Traces of Silver, Alcohols 346 -- etc.Reaction of 356 382 Molten Hydrated as Solvents for the Freezing-Point Method 39 37 lxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Salts Silver Use of in the Sterilisation of Water 186 -_ - Zinc Colour Reaction for 245 Samphire Oil 446 Sample Abnormal of Butter from a Cheshire Herd of Cows 304 Sampling A Nathematical View of with Reference to the Degree of Accuracy to be -- Coal Accuracy in 237 Saponification Value and Reichert-Meissl Value of Butter Fat Artificial Means of Sarawak Katio Oil from and Enkabang and Teglarn Fats A Note on 205 Sauces Catsups etc.Sodium Benzoate in Estimation of 221 Savin Oil Detection of 63 Scammony Resin 220 Schardinger’s Methylene Blue Test for Milk 352 Scheibler’s Extractor for Large Quantities of Solid Modification of 548 Schulz’s Colour Reaction for Mineral Oils 286 Seeds of Lophira Alata 63 - of Symphonia Globulifera Oil from 333 - Ricinodendron Heudolitii A Drying Oil from 166 - Various The Quantity of Lime and Magnesia in 325 Selenious Acid The Volumetric Estimation of 379 Selenium the Separation of Tellurium from Quantitative Precipitation of Tellurium, Sensitive Reactions for Lactic and Glycolic Acids 369 Separations and Precipitations Some Rapid Electrolytic 412 Sesame Oil Colour Reactions of with Aromatic Aldehydes 285 - Detection of Furfural Reaction for 398 Sewage and Effluents the ‘‘ Oxygen Absorbed” of The Determination of by a - Effluents The New Standards for 193 Sewer Air and the Air of Drains Xicro-Organisms Present in 227 Shea Butter Composition of 323 Shellac Analysis 289 Sicilian Sumac Commercial 24 Silica Dissolved Volumetric Estimation of Lime in Presence of 377 Silicates Alkalis in Estimation of 411 - Insoluble Boric Acid in Determination of 34 Silk Fabrics Natural and Artificial Analysis of 171 - Weighting in Estimation of 235 Silver as Chromate Gravimetric and Iodometric Estimation of 243 - Cyanamide 537 -_ Metallic Gravimetric Estimation of Free Iodine by Means of 506 - - Nitrate Simplification of the Gravimetric Method of Estimating Halogens by - Quantitative Estimation of 115 - Salts The Solubility of some ‘‘ Insoluble,” and Determination of Traces of -- Use of in the Sterilisation of Water 106 - Volumetric Estimation of by Guy-Lussac’s Method 544 Simultaneous Estimation of Carbon Monoxide Hydrogen and Methane by Com-Simultaneously Extracting a Solid and Filtering the Solution so obtained An Obtained 181 Increasing 50 and its Application to 509 Modification of Kubel’s Method 301 Means of 114 Silver 379 J by Means of Arsenious Acid and Iodine 544 - -bustion 283 Apparatus for 11 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIY.lxiii Sisal Hemp 449 Slags Blast Furnace Constitution of 243 Small Quantities of Arsenic Volumetric Estimation of 292 - Capsicum in Ginger Preparations Detection of 321 Liquids Specific Gravity of Determination of 298 - Nitric Acid Estimation of 419 Smoke Tobacco Amount of Free Nicotine (Bases) in 445 Smokeless Powders Indicators and Stabilising Agents for 232 Soap Fatty Acids in Estimation of 408 -Stock The Analysis of 30 Soaps in Aqueous Solution Rate of Hydrolysis of 65 Solutions Cresol Estimation of Water in 153 SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS AND OTHER ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS PROCEEDINGS OF, 3 45 81 125 193 257 301 345 389 435 475 513 Soda-Water 43 Sodium Benzoate in Catsups Sauces etc.Estimation of 221 ( 4 - Cyanamide ” and (‘ Nitrolim,” Analysis of 366 - Hydroxide Solution an Automatic Pipette for 386 - Peroxide in the Quantitative Analysis of Organic Compounds Use of 65 - ~ I Oxidations with Apparatus for 120 Washing-Powders Containing Composition of 181 (Sodium p-Acetaminophenylarsenate) Arsacetin Met hods for Distinguishing from Atoxyl (Sodium p-Aminophen ylarsenate) 152 Sodium Sulphide Analysis of 457 Soil Solutions Containing Organic Matter Nitrates in the Colorimetric Estimation -- the Acidity of Estimation of 162 Soils the Acidity of Estimation of 228 Solid Fuels the Amount of Volatile Matter in Determination of 363 Solubilities Determination of at the Boiling-Point of the Solvent Apparatus for, 342 - Stability of 371 - Total in Rapid Method of Estimating the 533 -- The Estimation of 166 of 241 9 ~- at the Ordinary Temperature and Extraction in the -Cold Simple Apparatus for 340 379 Solubility of Some (‘ Insoluble ” Silver Salts and Determination of Traces of Silver, Solution Densities of Dextrose Laevulose and Maltose 351 - Sodium Hydroxide an Automatic Pipette for 386 Solvent Determination of Solubilities at the Boiling - Point of Apparatus for, - in Fat Extractions On the Suitability of Carbon Tetrachloride as a 110 Solvents for Use with the Munroe Crucible 461 Sorting-Test Rapid for the Detection of Paraffin Wax in Lard 348 Soup Tablets (Desiccated Soups) Chemical Composition of 490 Southern India Rubber from 448 Specific Gravity of Small Quantities of Liquids Determination of 298 Spectroscopical Identification of Blood-Stains on Coloured Fabrics 26 Spices and Aromatic Drugs Essential Oil and Moisture in the Determination of, - etc.Essential Oils in Estimation of 20 Spirit of Camphor Estimation of Camphor in 484 Spirits Confectionery Containing 396 342 51 lxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Spirits Different Distilled in Air and under Reduced Pressure Comparative -- Other Potable Whisky and the Royal Commission on Final Report of Spirituous Galenicals Extractive and Glycerin in Estimation of 440 Spurious Gum Tragacanth 284 Sputum Tubercle Bacilli in Detection of 226 Stabilising Agents and Indicators for Smokeless Powders 232 Stability of Smokeless Powders 371 ‘‘ Standard Benzine ” (Light Petroleum) Use of for the Determination of Asphaltum Standard Hydrochloric Acid Solutions Method of Preparing 239 - Permanent Fuchsine-S. as for the Determination of Nitrites in Sanitary Standardisation of Disinfectants 226 Standards New for Sewage Effluents 193 Starch Dissolved in Trichloracetic Acid Polarimetric Estimation of 537 -- Hydrolysis Rapid Method of 537 p- in Barley Saccharification and Polarimetric Estimation of 331 - - in Cereals Determination of by Means of the Zeiss Immersion Refracto-- Syrup in Honey and Fruit Juices Detection of 440 the Polarimetric Estimation of the Hydrochloric Acid Extrttction Method Starches Wheat and Rye Microscopical Distinction between 400 Stationary Electrodes Rapid Electro- Analysis with 239 Steam a Current of Fractional Distillation of Turpentine in 449 Steam-Meter New 423 Stearin and Other Glycerides in Beeswax Rapid Method of Detecting 495 Steel Action of Cupric Salts on on the Gas Liberated by 381 - and Iron Phosphorus in Estimation of 381 - Direct Determination of Carbon in The Use of Quartz Combustion Tubes - Nickel- Estimation of Nickel in by Means of Dimethylglyoxime 74 - - in Estimation of Comparison of the Electrolytic Brunck and Gross-- Ninerals and Alloys Tantalum and Niobium in Estimation of 508 - Ores etc.Nickel in Electrolytic Estimation of 417 - Tungsten Analysis of 381 Steels Special Steel-Making Alloys and Graphite Chemical Analysis of Rapid Methods for Review 252 Steeping of Haricot Beans their Injurious Properties and the Diguising of Poisonous Foreign Varieties 321 Sterilisation of Water Use of Silver Salts in 106 Stirrer for Use in Vacuum Distillation Flasks 76 Stock Soap The Analysis of 30 Storage Vitality of the Cholera Vibrio in Artificially Infected Samples of Raw Thames Lea and New River Water with Special Reference to the Question of 402 - of Raw River Water Antecedent to Filtration 249 Analyses of 157 1909 425 in Dark Mineral Oils 405 Water Analysis 359 meter 332 for Note on 332 especially for 88 mann Methods for 294 Strength in Wheaten Flour Gas-Making Capacity as It Factor in the Estimation of, 354 Strychnine Separation of from Brucine 442 Substamce Active in Chlorates 23 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIVe lxv Substance Typical Aromatic Present in Jamaica Rum 54 Substances Organic Estimation of Phosphorus in by Means of the Bomb Calori-meter 535 - -____ Method for Estimating Nitrites and Nitrates in Mixtures? and in the Presence of 241 --___ Method for the Estimation of Nitrogen in and in Particular for the Estimation of Hide-Substance in Leathers and of Dissolved Hide-Substance in the Soak Liquors and Lime Liquors of the Leather Factory 290 -__- Phosphorus in Estimation of 507 - Reducing in Urine Estimation of 161 Substances Unsaponifiable Contained in Cotton-Seed Oil 362 Succinic Acid in Fermented Liquids Estimation of 25 - in Wine Estimation of 279 Sucrose and Hydrated Maltose Mixtures of Optical Estimation of 233 Sugar Analysis Volumetric Estimation of Copper in 375 - Artificial Invert in Wines Detection of by Means of the Resorcinol Hydro--- Bang’s Method of Estimating and its Use in the Examination of Urine 60 - Cane- Solutions Formation of Formaldehyde in 28 ‘‘ Sugar-Lime ” in Milk and Cream Detection of 54 Sugar Products The Valuation of Influence of Clarification with Basic Lead Acetate Solution on and the Relation between the Amount of Lead Added and that Precipitated 349 chloric Acid Reaction 23 Sugars Colour Reactions of due to the Formation of Methyloxyfurfural 538 Precipitation of by Means of Cupric Hydroxide 31 Reducing Precipitation of with Basic Lead Acetate 113 Several Estimation of when Present together in Diabetic Urine 281 The Estimation of by Bonnan’s Method New Procedure for 500 The Nitrophenylhydrazones of the 31 Sulphate Barium Estimation of Sulphuric Acid as 118 -_- ~-Sulphates and Fluorides? The Quantitative Separation of 295 Sulphide Antimony and Vermilion in Caoutchouc Articles Estimation of 365 when Chlorides are Present 545 - Metallic Quantitative Volatilisation of Phosphoric Acid from 597 in Alkali Cyanide Estimation of 117 Preparations Antimony in its Determination of 451 Sodium Analysis of 457 Sulphides Nitrites or Sulphites Estimation of Carbonates in Presence of by Means Sulphite-Cellulose Liquors in Tanning Extracts Detection of 290 -_- Preservatives in Cider and Perry 485 -_- Pulp Resin in Estimation of 233 Sulphites Nitrites or Sulphides Estimation of Carbonates in Presence of by Means of Potassium Bichromate 504 Sulphur Combined in Vulcanised Caoutchouc New Method of Estimating 407 --- in Alkali Polysulphides Estimation of 545 - .____ in Coal and Coke Estimation of 238 -- Total in Urine Determination of 107 - - 7 -- Estimation of 326 Sulphuric Acid and Lead Volumetric Estimation of 415 of Potassium Bichromate 504 On the.Titration of with Permanganate 117 - Estimation of as Barium Sulphate 118 7 - when Chlorides are Present 545 --_- -lxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV. Sulphuric Acid Total Acidity and Tannin in Wine Simultaneous Estimation of 56 Sumac Commercial Sicilian 24 Superphosphates Water-Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Volumetric Estimation of 74 ‘( Symphonia Globulifera,” Oil from the Seeds of 333 Syrup Starch in Honey and Fruit Juices Detection of 440 Tannery Lime Liquors the Commercial Control of 289 Tannin Materials a Rapid Method for the Estimation of the Action of Iodine on - - Sulphuric Acid and Total Acidity in Wine Simultaneous Estimation of 56 Tanning Extracts Sulphite-Cellulose Liquors in Detection of 290 Tantalum and Niobium in Minerals Steel and Alloys Estimation of 508 Phenols with Special Reference to 371 of Hops Estimation of Part II.372 -- Separation of from Other Metals and from One Another, the Estimation of Niobium in Presence of Rapid Volumetric Method for, 545 and its Application to the Analysis of Minerals Containing Niobium 378 Tar Water in Estimation of 503 Tartaric Acid in Wines Estimation of 104 Technical Methods of Chemical Analysis Review 251 Teglam and Enkabang Fats and Katio Oil from Sarawak a Note on 205 Tellurium Quantitative Precipitation of and its Application to the Separation of Temperature Explosion and Heat of Combustion of Explosives 497 Ordinary Determination of Solubilities at and Extraction in the Cold, Temperatures Constant for Refractometers and Polarisation Apparatus Heating Terpenes Philippine and Essential Oils.Test A Rapid Sortin; for the Detection of Paraffin Wax in Lard 348 - for Nitrites in Potable Waters 296 - Guaiacum Notes on 111 - Products and Ores the Estimation of Vanadium in Rapid Method for, 546 Tellurium from Selenium 509 Simple Apparatus for 340 Device for Rapidly Obtaining,. 246 up to 460’ C. Drying Oven for 457 III. 396 11. Ylang-Ylang Oil 32 - Holde’s and the Detection of Paraffin Wax etc. in Lard and Other Fats 524 Periodide for Alkaloids Note on 274 Polenske Value of in the Analysis of Oils and Fats 223 Proposed for Halogens Note on 345 Qualitative for Phosphoric Acid in Rocks 180 Sabatier- Senderens for Distinguishing between Primary Secondary and Schardinger’s Methelene Blue for Milk 352 Testing Formaldehyde in Japan Official Method of 395 - Glue An ,Apparatus for 120 Tests for Hydrogen Peroxide The Differentiation of Enzymes in Milk by Means of, - Pharmacopceia for the Purity of Milk-Sugar 102 Tetrabromide Estimation of Rubber as 536 Thallium the Electrolytic Estimation of 295 509 -- Volumetric and Gravimetric Estimation of by Means of Potassium Ferri-cyanide in Alkaline Solution 338 Tertiary Alcohols 346 160 7 - Estimation of 244 - INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.lxvii Theobromine-Content of Cocoa and a New Method for Estimating the Same. 20 -- of Cocoa Beans 319 Thermal (Maumenh) Value of Fats and Oils Estimation of 168 Thermo-Regulators Toluene Simple Method of Filling 341 Thioantimonates Solutions of the Separation of Antimony from 373 Thiocyanate Iodometric and Acidimetric Methods Volumetric Estimation of Thiocyanic Acid The Volumetric Estimation of by Potassium Permanganate 244 Three-Necked Flask New Form of 549 Thymol Iodide and Iodoform Estimation of Iodine in 367 (Thyroid Glands) Protein Compounds Estimation of Iodine in 358 Tin and Antimony Gravimetric Estimation of 3 -- The Separation of 244 -- in Tin-plate Estimation of 118 -- Plate Estimation of Tin in 118 - - Separation of Antimony from 291 Titanium and Iron in the Presence of each Other Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Titanium and of 182 Tobacco- Juices Concentrated Estimation of Nicotine in 534 Mercury by 38 - Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Permanganate 502 in Certain Canned Goods On the Presence of 121 - Vessels Alloys etc.Estimation of Lead in 377 Smoke Free Nicotine (Bases in) Amount of 445 The Relative Quantities of Organic Acids in before and after Fermentation, Tolu Balsam The Detection of Colophony in 215 Toluene and Benzene The Separation of Mixtures of Some Aliphatic Acids by Means Total Acidity Sulphuric Acid and Tannin in Wine Simultaneous Estimation of 56 - Nitrogen Estimation of 417 - Sulphur in Urine Determination of 107 Toxicological Analysis Destruction of Organic Matter in 105 Traces of Silver Determination of and the Solubility of Some ‘( Insoluble ” Silver Tragacanth Gum Spurious 284 Transport Numbers of Ions Apparatus for Determining 550 Trichloracetic Acid Starch Dissolved in Polarimetric Estimation of? 537 Trough Mercury Use of in Gas Analysis 37 Tubercle Differentiation of from Pseudo-Tubercle Bacilli 404 - Bacilli in Sputum Detection of 226 Titberculosis (Human and Bovine) Royal Commission on Third Interim Report, Tube Calcium Chloride Connecting a Combustion-Tube with Mercury Joint for, Tubes Quartz Combustion The Use of Especially for the Direct Determination of TKngsten Estimation of 295 Tungstic Acid in Poor Ores Estimation of 457 Turpentine Fractional Distillation of in a Current of Steam 449 233 of 435 Thermo-Regulators Simple Method of Filling 341 - - Estimation of 326 Matters in New Method for 404 -- -Salts 379 347 422 Improved Allihn’s 419 Carbon in Steel 88 Steel Analysis of 38 lxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Turpentine Oil Examination of 171 -_______- Oil of Analysis of and Estimation of Mineral Oil in Rosin Oil 32 Typhoid Bacillus Examination of Samples of Raw Thames Lea and New River 7 Estimation of Mineral Oil in Apparatus for 510 _-- Petroleum in Note on the Determination of 148 Water for the Presence of The Negative Results of 58 Unsaponifiable Substances Contained in Cotton-Seed Oil 362 Unsaturated Carbon Compounds The ‘( Hydrogen Value ” of A New Analytical Uranium and Cadmium Salts A New Reaction Distinguishing between 118 Note on the Volumetric Determination of The Speed of Oxidation by Air, Constant 327 of Uranous Solutions with a 245 Urea Exact Estimation of Application of the Gasometric Method to 59 - in Urine Determination of 282 _____- Estimation of 27 491 Ureometer A New Automatic 184 Urine Albumin in Method for the Rapid Estimation of 491 - - Amino Acids in Estimation of by Titration in the Presence of Formaldehyde, - Ammonia-Coefficient of Rapid Clinical Method for Determining 405 - and Alkali Phosphate Solutions Phosphoric Acid in Estimation of 360 - Bang’s Method of Estimating Sugar and its Use in the Examination of 60 - Creatinine in Estimation of 227 - Diabetic Absence of Lzvulose in 360 - Extraction of Acetone from 404 - Glycuronic Acid in Estimation of by Means of the Furfural-Hydrochloric - Laevulose Bile Acids Glycuronic Acid and Pentoses in Detection of 530 - New Method of Estimating Quinine and Elimination of that Alkaloid in the, - Potassium Chlorate in Detection and Estimation of 228 - Reducing Substances in Estimation of 161 - Total Sulphur in Determination of 107 -_ - Urea in Determination of 282 Urobilin and Urobilinogen Pure Preparation and Estimation of 503 -- The Properties of and its Estimation 531 Urobilinogen and Urobilin Pure Preparation and Estimation of 503 529 Estimation of Several Sugars when Present together in 281 - --Acid Distillation Method 444 * 443 -- Estimation of 326 1 Estimation of 27 491 __._ --Vacuum Distillation Flasks Stirrer for Use in 76 -- Pressure-Regulator for 424 - Evaporating from Basins in a Apparatus for 40 Value Bread-Making of Flours The Relationship of Composition to 353 Valve New Back-Pressure for Water-Suction Pumps 424 Vanadic Acid Chromic Acid and Iron in Presence of Each Other Todometric Acid Quantitative Volatilisation of from its Compounds by Heating in a -- and Antimonic Acids or of Vanadic and Arsenic Acids Estimation of in Vanadium in Ores and Technical Products Rapid Method for the Estimation of 546 Estimation of 182 Current of Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour 510 Presence of Each Other 24 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.lxix Vapour Carbon Tetrachloride Quantitative Volatilisation of Vanadic Acid from its -_ Density Principle the V. Meyer Gasometric Estimations on 36 - Mercury in Air New Method for Estimating 38 Vegetable Alkaloids Estimation of by Means of Mercury-Potassium Iodide 49 by Means of Potassium-Mercuric Iodide 27 Vegetables Varioug Quantity of Phosphorus and Iron in 155 Vermilion and Antimony Sulphide in Caoutchouc Articles Estimation of 365 Vessels Tin-plate Alloys etc.Estimation of Lead in 377 Vibernurn Dentatum Analysis of 538 Vinegar On the Methods of Examining 157 - Phosphates in 517 Vinegars Certain On the Phosphates in and in the Materials Used in Their Manufacture 515 Viscosimeter A New 387 Viscosity of Indiarubber and Indiarubber Solutions 112 Volatile Acids in Wine A Method of Estimating 279 Componds by Heating in a Current of 510 -Present in Butter Fat and Cocoanut Oil Metallic Salts of and Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 99 - and Fixed Acids in Wine Estimation of 222 -- and Organic Acids Fixed in Wine and Fermented Liquids A Rapid Method of Estimating 225 -_ Bases in Wine Estimation of 222 - Matter in Solid Fuels the Amount of Determination of 363 -_ Oils Assay of Use of the Centrifuge in 421 Volumetric Analysis A Manual of Review 432 -____ Estimation of Copper in Sugar Analysis 375 - Reduction of Ferric Salts by Copper in 380 - of Lead by Means of Permanganate 540 - of Mercuric Salts 293 -____ - of Selenious Acid 379 - Method Direct for the Estimation of Alumina 291 Von Babo-Krafft Continuous Mercury Pump New Form of 183 Vulcanised Caoutchouc Goods Analysis of 406 of Lime in Presence of Dissolved Silica 377 -_.- of Small Quantities of Arsenic 292 - of Estimating Mercury 416 New Method of Estimating Combined Sulphur in 407 - Rubber Other Investigations on and Estimation of Caoutchouc in Hot-Vulcaniscd- Soft Rubber 365 Wash-Bottle A Compressed Air 299 -- Safety 342 Washing Powders containing Sodium Peroxide Composition of 181 Water Analysis Sanitary the Determination of Nitrites in Fuchsine-S as a - Dissolved Oxygen in Colorimetric Estimation of 116 -_ in Butter 213 - in Cresol Soaps Solutions Estimation of 153 221 - in Fats Oils and Fatty Acids Estimation of 33 - in Tar Estimation of 503 - Nitrates in the Phenosulphonic Acid Method for the Estimation of Study of ; I.-Composition of the Reagent and of the Reaction Product 456 - Other Products containing and ‘‘ Charcuterie,” Estimation of Fat in 319 Permanent Standard for 35 Ixx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.Water Raw Thames Lea and New River Examination of Samples of for the Presence of the Typhoid Bacillus, The Negative Results of 58 Artificially Infected Samples of with Special Reference to the Question of Storage 402 9 Vitality of the Cholera Vibrio in - -- ____ -- -Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Superphosphates Volumetric Estimation of 74 - Solubility of Lime in 72 - Sterilisation of Use of Silver Salts in 106 -Suction Pumps New Back-Pressure Valve for 424 the Electrolytic Dissociation of New Method for Measuring 547 - the Estimation of Nitrates in The Influence of Bromides and Iodides on 335 Waters Polluted etc.Rate of Absorption of Oxygen by An Apparatus for Observing 42 - Potable Test for Nitrites in 296 Wax Carnauba Saponification of 445 - Jasmine Flower Constants of 234 Montana Characteristics of 33 - Paraffin etc. in Lard and other Fats The Detection of and Holde’s Test 524 - - Examination of 447 - in Lard A Rapid Sorting Test for the Detection of 348 Raphia 167 Weak Bases New Indicator Highly Sensitive to 29 Weighting in Silk Estimation of 235 Wheat and Rye Starches Microscopical Distinction between 400 Wheaten Flour the Estimation of Strength in Gas-&taking Capacity as a Factor Wheats and Flours On the Composition of the Ash of 354 - from Various Sources the Milling and Baking Properties of On Laboratory in 354 Methods for the Estimation of.355 Whisky and Other Potable Spirits the Boyal Commission on Final Report of, White Phosphorus in the Igniting Composition of Lucifer Matches Detection of, 1909 425 242 Wine Barrels On the Treatment of with Formaldehyde and the Detection and -_ Cognac and Beer Detection of Caramel in 215 - Fluorine in The Presence of 356 ~- Freezing-Point of as a Means of Determining its Alcoholic Strength, - Glycerol in Comparative Estimations of by the Iodide and Lime Methods 399 - Malic Acid in Estimation of 278 - Succinic Acid in Estimation of 279 - Sulphuric Acid Total Acidity and Tannin in Simultaneous Estimation of 56 - Volatile Acids in A Method of Estimating 279 1 - and Fixed Acids in Estimation of 222 -- -- Bases in Estimation of 222 Wines and Fermented Liquids Fixed Organic and Volatile Acids in A Rapid - - Artificial Invert Sugar in Detection of by Means of the Resorcinol Hydro-_.___- Bone-Blacks used for Decolorising Amount of Arsenic in 539 -- Certain from the South of France The Composition of 23 - - Natural Inosite in Identification of 324 Estimation of Formaldehyde in Wine 56 Method of Estimating 225 chloric Acid Reaction 23 The Separation of Inosite from 489 - -INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIV.lxxi Wines Tartaric Acid in Estimation of 104 Wire an Electric Glass-Cutting by Means of 385 Wolfram and Hubnerite Analysis of 382 Wool in Presence of Cotton Estimation of 538 Yeast Staining Methods for Determining the Dead Cells of A Criticism of 325 Ylang-Ylang Oil II. Philippine Terpenes and Essential Oils 32 Yohimbi Bark in Preparations Detection of 158 Yolk Egg the Fat Contained in Composition of 320 Zeiss’s Immersion Refractometer Determination of Starch in Cereals by Means of --- - Estimation of Alkaloids Bitter Principles and Zinc Cadmium and Lead in Estimation of 414 I_ Cobalt Iron Chromium Manganese and Magnesium Use of Dicyandiamidine - Estimation of by Means of Ferrocyanide 119 - Salts Colour Reaction for 245 Zirconium Metallic Analytical Examination of 296 the 332 Glucosides by Means ol 108 for the Estimation of Nickel and its Separation from 455 BILLING AXD Soh’s LTD.PRIXTERS GUILDFORD
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