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Volume 73,
Issue 1,
Page 001-052
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THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF THE Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED To THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee : abafrman J. R. NICHOLLS D.Sc. F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT F.R.I.C. F. W. F. ARNAUD F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE F.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER B.S. F.1nst.P. H. E. COX D.Sc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. F. W. EDWARDS F.R.I.C. B.S.EVANS,M.B.E.,M.C.,D.Sc.,F.R.I.C. L. EYNON B.Sc. F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT B.Sc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C., D. W. KENT-JONES B.Sc.,!Ph.D., F.R.I.C. S. ERNEST MELLING F.R.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., M.C. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. F. A. ROBINSON M.Sc. LL.B. F.R.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS B.Sc. F.R.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. E. C. WOOD B.Sc. Ph.D. A.R.C.S., G.H. WYATT B.Sc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. bon becretara of tbe Socletp: A. Inst. P. ban. creamer of tbe societp: K. A. WILLIAMS BSc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. G. TAYLOR O.B.E. F.R.I.C. Zbftot J. H. LANE BSc. F.R.I.C. 7M~fetant Ebftor IUsocfate Ebftor : F. L. OKELL F.R.I.C. La S. THEOBALD M-SC. A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. VOL. 73 1 9 4 8 PUBLISHED POR THE SOGIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I94 Hbetractore : A. H. A. ABBOTT BSc. A.R.I.C. JOHN ALLEN. B. ATKINSON BSc. A.R.C.S. G. A. BASSET". V. M. BOND B.Pharm. Ph.C. A.R.I.C. K. A. BROWNLEE M.A. H. J. CLULEY BSc. A.R.I.C. Miss M. E. DALZIEL B.Sc. A.R.C.S. A.R.I.C. L. A. DAUNCEY B.Sc. Miss E. B. DAW B.Sc. A.R.I.C. H. K. DEAN B.Sc.,. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. W. J. GOODERHAM B.Sc.A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. M.Inst. Gas E. JULIUS GRANT M.Sc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. J. S. HARRISON M.Sc. Mrs. C. F. HERBERT B.Sc. A.R.I.C. W. C. JOHNSON F.R.I.C. A. 0. JONES M.A. F.R.I.C. W. MARTIN BSc. G. MIDDLETON B.Sc. F.R.I.C. Miss E. M. POPE B.A. BSc. (Mrs. E. M. qulsken). Miss D. A. POYNTER. G. R. PRIMAVESI B.A. F. A. ROBINSON M.Sc.Tech. LLB. F.R.I.C. B. A. SCOTT Ph.D. A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. G. S. SMITH B.Sc. F.R.I.C. A. SPORZYNSKI Ph.D. E. G. STEWARD B.Sc. A.1nst.P. J. T. STOCK M.Sc. F.R.I.C. Miss A. F. STURGESS BSc. A.R.C.S. R. H. THORP B.Sc. G. H. TWIGG B.Sc. Ph.D. W. C. WAKE M.Sc. A.R.I.C. J. G. WALLER B.Sc. A.R.I.C. A.R.C.S. W. S. WISE B.Sc. D. R. WOOD F.R.I.C ERRATA : VOL. 78 1948: p 225. p. 353. p. 460. p. 529. p. 597. Column 1 line 3 f o r “E.D. Kitter” read “E. De Ritter.” Column 1 lines 13 and 11 from the bottom f o r “adl” read “add”;for “pH 7.d” read“pH 7.1.” Column 2 line 31 from the bottom insert a minus sign before 1.0 v. Line 21 from the bottom f o r “seventy-seven” read “twenty-seven.” Sub-title for “Part 11” read “Part 111.” INDEX TO VOLUME 73 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The Alzalyst. A Abbott T. A. et al. Recording mass spectrometer *Adam W. B. Use of statistical methods in research ”Adamson D. C. M. Ultra-violet absorption of - et al. Colorimetric detmn. of morphine 218. Aebi H. Micro-detmn. of lactic acid and pyruvic acid in rat liver 683. Airan J. W. et al. Fat from seeds of Vanguera spinosa (N.O. Rubiaceae) 231.Alba E. T. et al. Oxiclase activity in potato tubers. I. o-Phenylenediamine as colorimetric reagent. 11. o-Phenylenediamine as flnorimetric reagent 620-622. Albanese A. A, et aZ. Micro-colorimetric detmn. of sodium in human biological fluids 629. - Micro-colorimetric estmn. of plasma proteins, 222. Albauru M. G. et al. Differentiation between ribose-3-phosphate and ribose-&phosphate by orcinol-pentose reaction 36. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for County I3orough of Leeds 458 459. “Aldridge W. N. et al. New micro-detmn. of beryllium with particular reference to its detmn. in biological materials 607. Alexander L. et al. Detmng. oxygen in steel by vacuum fusion 358. Allport N. L. Review of Colorimetric Methods of Analysis.Vol. I . 3rd Edn. 641. - Review of Organic Analytical Reagents. Vols. I and 11 420. - Review of Organic Reagents Used in Gravimetric and Volunzetric Analysis 528. - Review of Survey of Diagnostic Agents 420. Aluise V. A, et al. Oxygen in organic compounds. Direct micro-detmn. by Unterzaucher method, 686. Ambler J. A. et al. Detmng. aconitic acid in mixtures with citric acid 410. - Detmng. aconitic acid in sugar-house products, 409. *Amos A. J. Moisture content of mite-infested foodstuffs 678. *- et aZ. Micro-analytical test for purity in food, with special reference to cereals 128. Anderson L. J. et al. Apparatus for rapid con-ductometric titrations. Detmng. sulphate 119. Angier R. B. et al. Chemical detmn.of pteroyl-glutamic acid and related compounds 289. Appling J. W. et al. Chemical and microbiological differentiation of enantiomorphs of galactose and sylose 568. €or process analysis 702. on food canning 7. riboflavine 442. Alcock A. Arnold E. A, et al. Comparison of methods of sulphamate detmn. 45. “Arrol W. J. Tracers in biochemical investigations, 660. Ashley S. E. Q. e f al. Detmng. oxygen in steel by vacuum fusion 358. Asselineau J. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of alanine 693. Atkin S. Detmng. halates in sodium hypochlorite, 524. Aubel E. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of alanine, 693. B Babko A. K. et al. Diphenylthiocarbazone (dithizone) in analysis. 11. Instability constants of zinc cadmium and lead dithizonates 174. Bacharach A.L. Review of Micro-Diflusiow Analysis and Volumetric Error. 2nd Edn. 419. - Review of Presentation of Technicnl Information, 527. *- et al. Cup-plate method in microbidogical assay with special reference to riboflavine and aneurine 334. Baer J. E.? et aZ. Estmng. basic organic com-pounds in biological material. I. General principles 104. Bagshawe B. et al. Detmng. niobium in rustless and heat-resisting steels I 699. *- Study of cobalt - ferricyanide reaction with relation to detmng. cobalt in steel 152. Balandin A. A. et al. Detmng. benzene in gases containing butadiene and higher olefines. Behaviour of 1 3-butadiene toyards ammoniacal nickel cyanide solution 110. Ballentine R. et al. Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen. Potassium bi-iodate in iodimetric titration of ammonia 239.Bamford F. Poisons their Isolation and Identifica-tion. 2nd Edn. (Review) 241. Bandelin F. J. Colorimetric detmn. of homa-tropine methylbromide 622. Banks C. V. et al. New titrimetric methods for thorium 51. Bannister G. L. et al. Amperometric methods in control of water chlorination 52. Bardwell J. et al. Detmng. particle size by light scattering 580. Barker C. W. et al. Detmng. oxidised zinc in ores and concentrator products 636. Barkov B. J. Rapid detmn. of copper in ferro-titanium 360. Barnard R. D. Simple colour reaction for piperazine 219. Barr T. et al. Detmng. surface-active agents in solution 701 i\- INDEX TO *Barton-Wright E. C. et al. Modified micro-biological assay of tryptophan methionine, cystine and tyrosine 330.Detcng. and estmng. damage in jute fibre. I. New microscopical test and implications of certain chemical tests 296. Baumann C. A. et al. Reaction of carotenoitls with antimony trichloride 630. Baxter J. G. et al. Detmng. tocopherol content dunng commercial processing of soya bean oil, 563. Beamish F. E. et al. Colorimetric cletinn. of uranium with thiocyanate 473. - Detmng. cadmium oxide suspended in air 230. - Detmng. thorium and its separation from uranium by ferron (7-iodo-S-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid) 471. Beck G. Detcng. scandium rare earths zirconium, and thorium with murexide 361. Beck M. M. et al. Detmng. alpha-cellulose 45. Becker B. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of senna glucoside 283. Becker W. W. et al.Analysis of diazo compounds, particularly diazodinitrophenol 466. - Oxygen in organic compounds. Direct micro-detmn. by tTnterzaucher method 686. Beckman A. O. et al. Detmng. carbon monoxide in air by red mercuric oxide 684. Belcher R. et al. Drop reaction for detcng. sulphites and sulphur dioxide 522. - Introduction to Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. (Review) 61. - Progress in Microchemistry in Germany. B.I.O.S. Final Kept. No. 1606 510. Bell R. N. Detmng. triphosphoric and pyro-phosphoric acids in presence of ortho- and meta-phosphoric acids 237. Bellamy L. J. et al. Chromatographic analysis of rubber-compounding ingredients and their identification in vulcanisates. Parts 1-V 179. Bellamy P. Detmng. silver by electrometric titration 698.*Bennett G. 1. Proximate analysis of mixtures by methods depending on differential solubility and saturation 191. Benning A. F. et al. lletmng. small amounts of water in gases and liquids by infra-red spectro-metry 474. Bentley 0. G. et al. Microbiological detmn. of manganese 629. Benton F. L. et al. Volumetric detmn. of carbon-bonded halogen with sodium naphthalene 566. Berg C. P. et aZ. Tryptophan content of normal human urine 626. Bergman W. L. et al. Quantitative detmn. of amphetamine 345. Berkman S. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of micro-quantities of ethanol in blood and other biological fluids 681. Berkovich M. T. Potassium ethyl xanthogenate for detmng. zinc and cadmium 233. Bernhard F. et al. Ein kernphysikalisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung geringer Kohlenstoff -zusatze in Eisen 510.*Berry A. J. Tartrazine in detmng. chlorides by Volhard’s method 505. Berton A. Rapid differentiation of papers by ultra-violet spark spectra 632. Bewick H. A. et al. Detmng. cadmium oxide suspended in am 230. Bhder D. et al. Qualitative analysis for cations without systematic separations. I . Characterisa-tion of arsenic tin antimony and bismuth 352. Basu S. N. et al. VOLUME 73 Bhide,.B. V. et al. Fatty oil from seeds of Avgyria specaosa Sweet (N.O. Convolvulacem) 231. - Fatty oil from seeds of Ipomoea muricuta Jacq. (N.O. Convolvulaceae) 231. Bieber R. et al Polarographic reduction of aliphatic aldehydes. I. Polarographic properties of formaldehyde 113; VI. Polarographic pro-perties of acetaldehyde 407.Bikhovskaya M. S. Detmng. benzene and toluene vapours in air 110. - New detmn. of tetra-ethyl lead in air 348. Bjtjrsvik E. et al. Wijs method of detmng. iodine numbers. Proposed modification 569. Blaker R. H. et al. Capillary-type viscometer: for use with solutions containing volatile solvents, with application to measurements of viscosities of nitrocelluloses 11 9. *Blader K. L. Evaluation of nutritive value of animal feeding-stuff s 11. Bliss,. C. I. Collaborative comparison of three rations for chick assay of vitamin D 108. Block H. et aZ. Detmng. D(-)- and L(+)-glutamic acid in protein hydrolysates 403. Block W. D. et al. Enzymic detmn. of uric acid in whole blood 284. Bloor W. R. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of fatty acid 402.Blum A. E. et al. Microbiological detmn. of lysine in proteins and foods 286. - Microbiological detmn. of threonine in proteins and foods 624. - Microbiological detmn. of valine in proteins and foods 624. Blum P. et al. Volumetric detmn. of uranium, 525. Bolomey R. A. et al. Spectrophotometric studies of Roe method for detmng. dehydroascorbic acid, 162. *Bond C. R. *- et al. Microbiological assay of penicillin by turbidimetric method using Staphylococcus aureus, 251. *Boon W. R. Detmng. individual penicillins : Critical review of proposed methods 202. Boothe J. H. et al. Chemical detmn. of pteroyl-glutamic acid and related compounds 289. Bouman J. Detmng. aneurine in potatoes 563. Bourne E. J. et al. New indicator for iodimetric analysis 48.Bovey F. A. et al. Amperometric titration of styrene with potassium bromate using rotating platinum electrode 518. Bowler W. W. et al. Comparison of methods of sulphamate detmn. 45. Boxer 0. E. et al. Chemical estmn. of strepto-mycin in blood and spinal fluid 401. - Colorimetric detmn. of streptomycin in clinical prepns. urine and broth 219. Boyd H. M. et al. Detmng. ally1 groups in polyallyl ethers and esters 42. Boyer R. Q. et al. Quartz microgram balance 476. *Bradford E. A. M. Arrangement by which a single water tap may be used to run (a) distillation in vacuo (b) condenser (c) constant-level water-bath 159. *Bradshaw R. C. A. et al. Micro-analytical test for purity in food with special reference to cereals, 128. Brand R. W. et aZ.Detmng. salicylanilide in leather mould-proofing mixtures and in treated leather goods 294. Brantley L. .R. et a2. Detcng. acetate ion by reaction with arsenious oxide to form cacodyl oxide 292. Penicillin standards 264 INTIEX TO VOLUME 73 v Bray G. T. Oil of Tetracarpidium conophorum 514. Breckenbridge J. G. et al. 5-Hydroxyquinoline-8-carboxylic acid - colorimetric reagent for ruthenium 297. Breddy L. J. at al. Quantitative estmn. of xylose, 295. Brenner A. et al. Deposition of nickel and cobalt by chemical reduction 415. Brester A. Paraldehyde 400. Breusch F. L. et al. Selectivity of micro-methods for detmng. citric acid as pentabronioacetone, 407. ilpplication of Dumas micro-method to pasture nitrogen analysis. 146. Estmng. basic organic coiii-pounds in biological material.I. General principles. 11. Estmng. fluorescent compounds. 111. Estmn. by conversion to tluorescent com-pounds. IV. Estmn. by coupling with diazonium salts. V. Estmn. by salt formation with methyl orange. VI. Estmn. by ultra-violet spectro-photometry 104-1 07. Brodsky M. M. Rapid detnm. of elementary sulphur in native and enriched sulphur 300. Brooks F. R. et al. 1)etmng. cyclopropane by selective absorption 513. *Brooks L. H. et al. l’yknometer with graduated limbs for use at ~ a r y i n g temperatures 158. Brown C. et al. Organic mercurials for slime control in paper mills (testing and control methods) 396. Brown E. V. et al. Saturally-occurf-ing penicillins : Assay of penicillin G 628. Brown F. et al.Cjuantitative separation of methylated sugars 409. Browning B. L. Effect of sample prepn. on analytical values for alpha-cellulose copper number and cuprammoniuni viscosity 44. Bruening C. F. et al. Estinng. glycerol in presence of propylene and ethylene glycols 463. Brunisholz G. Acidimetric detmn. of phosphoric acid and phosphates 637. - et al. Argentimetric detmn. of phosphate 414. Brunner A. J. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of fluorine in glass 117. Brut M. Volumetric titrations in strongly coloured solutions 236. Burchfield H. P. et al. Colour reactions of amine anti-oxidants for rubber 519. Burchinskaya N. et al. Quantitative detmn. of permanganate and nianganate ions when present together 638. Burdett R. A. et al. L’olarographic detnin.of naphthalenes in petroleum fractions 633. - Spectrographic analysis of silica - alumina cracking catalysts 474. Busey R. H. et al. Detmng. traces of fluorine in organic compounds 112. Bushey A. H. Acidinietric detmn. of aluminium, 636. Byles J. E. Obituary 367. Bywater W. G. et al. Rapid estinn. of tyrothricin *Brice N. et al. Brodie B. B. et al. in fermentation liquors 107. C Cagle F. W. jun. et al. 2 2-Dipyridine ferrous complex ion as indicator in detmng. iron 234. - Prepng. silver for use in Walden silver reductor, 574. Caley,. E. R. Technique for obtaining uiicon-taminated small samples of ceramic glazes and other hard siliceous materials 473. Csmien M. N. et al. Detmng. I>(-)- and ~ ( - i - ) -glutamic acid in protein hydrolysates 403.- Detmng. glycine in protein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 222. Carey W. G. Review of TI’ateY Supply and SewugP. 2nd Edn. 241. Carol J. et al. Modified Kober detmn. of a- ant1 j?-:estradiol 221. Carpere E. Xlkalinic!tric cletmn. of cadmium antl zinc 236. - et al. Curves foi- potentioinetric titration of zinc sulphate chloride antl nitrate with sodium hydroxide 523. Cattaneo ?. et al. Chemical composition of seed oil of Chorzsza insignis “l’alo Borracho,” 231. Cerveny W. J. et al. -Analysis of naphthalene -tetralin - decalin mixtures. 50. *Chapman N. B. et aZ. Detmng. fluorine in organic compounds 434. *Chard S. J. et al. 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis 95. Charlot G. et al. Qualitative analysis for cations without systematic separations.I. Characterisa-tion of arsenic tin antimony and bismuth 352. Whenery .E. M. Thioglycollic acid as inhibitor for iron in colorimetric detnin. of aluminium with Aluminon 501. Chenkh T. ef al. Estmng. basic organic coni-pounds in biological material. 111. Estmn. by conversion to fluorescent compounds 105. Childs H. ,Appointed Public .\nalyst for Notting-hamsliire County Council 458. Chinard F. P. et al. Comparison of modified Folin photometric procedure and ninhydrin manometric method for tletning. amino acid nitrogen in plasma 624. Claeys A. et al. Semi-quantitative drop-reaction analysis of lS/8 chromium - nickel steels 700. Clark W. H. et al. Identifying esters of dibasic acids with ethanolamine 694.Claxton G. et al. Detmng. small quantities of total sulphur in benzoles 689. -- Detmng. sulphur conipounds in crude and refined benzoles. I 11 688. Coates U. A. Obituary 643. Colichman E. L. T’hoto-colorimetric detmn. of quaternary ammonium salts 570. ”Colson A. F. Rapid micro-analytical detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds 541. Conway E. J. Micro-Dieusion Analysis antl Volumetric Error. 2nd Edn. (Review) 419. Cooper B. S. Review of H@ort oIa Colour Termino-“Cooper L. H. N. Significmt figures iv%analytical chemistry 508. Corson .B. B. et al. Analysis of naphthalene -tetralin - decalin mixtures 40. Costello D. P. Reporting centrifuging data 47fi. Coward K. H. Biological Standardisation of the Vitamins. 2nd Edn. (Review) 302. Cox,.€3. E. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for Middlesex County Council 458. - Obituary of C. A. Jlitchell 55. - lieview of Dehydration of Food 365. - Review of Poisons theiif Isolation and Identificcc-Craig R. et al. Quartz microgram balance 475. Crane R. A. et al. lletning. carbon monoxide in air by red mercuric oxide 684. Craven S W. lletmng. niobium in. rustless a n d heat-resisting steels. TI. Co-operative examina-tion of methods available 699. Cregeen W. A. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of Leicester 161. logy 477. tion. 2nd Edn. 241 vi IKDEX TO 7 Cromwell T. M. et al. Detcng. acetate ion by reaction with arsenious oxide to form cacodyl oxide 292. Cross A. H. B. Detmng. powder density using Rees - Hugill flask 640.Cruickshank A. J. et al. Detmng. cadmium oxide suspended in air 230. “Cruickshank D. €3. Micro-estmn. of zinc in teeth, 444. Crumpler T. B. Tetra-ethylenepentaniine as colorimetric reagent for copper 474. “Cullinane N. M. et al. 2 7-Diaminot1ipl:enylene oxide as reagent in analysis 96. Cundy P. F. et al. Detmng. alpha-cellulose 45. Curl A. L. Comparison of several types of apparatus devised for detmng. volatile oil in citrus juices, 695. Cumah J. E. et aZ. Colorimetric detmn. <)I iiranium with thiocyanate 473. *Currie L. R. et al. Volumetric detmn. o f tin on small scale and its application to non-ferrous alloys 377. “Curtis N. S. et al. Modified microbiolvgical assay of tryptophan methionine cystine and tyrosine, 330. Tuthbertson W. F.J. et al. Cup-plate method in microbiological assay with special reference to riboflavine and aneurine 334. Czuha M. e f al. Potentiometric detmn. o€ oxygen with dropping mercury electrode 573. D Dalley R. A. Appointed Deputy Ofhcial Xgri-cultural Analyst for County of Somerset 459; Deputy Public Analyst for County of Somerset, 161. Daniel E. P. et al. Factors aftecting folic acid detmn. 625. *Darbishire 0. B. Colorimetric ayproximatc cstinn . of tomato sokids 457. *Davidsohn A. Aid for detmng. ash ir? matter containing high percentages of m-atcr 078. *- Pomegranate juice as natural intlic?-tor 679. Davidson G. F. Acidic properties of cotton cellulose and derived oxycelluloses. JI:. Absorption of methylene blue 69-1. - Detmng. methylene blue 3 7 0 .- et al. Acidic properties of cotton cellulose a n t i derived oxycelluloses. V. Coniparison of various methods proposed for detmng. carboxyl content, 695. Statistical Methods in Research and Production with Special Reference to the Chemical Industry. (fieview) 53. . Microbiological assay of penicillin by turbidimetric method using Staphylococczi.~ aza~eua, 251. *Davis M. M. Preparation and testing of hydro-carbon solvents for absorption spectroscopj- 395. - et al. Acid-base reactions in benzene and other organic solvents behaviour of bromophthalein magenta with different classes of organic bases, 467. Davis W. B. Detmng. flavanones i n citrus fruits, 283. *Davson A. P. Caffeine content of fermenting coffee extracts 160. *Damon E. C.New reaction between iron and dithizone 618. Deal A. J. A. I3etcng. and identifying certain uncompounded anti-oxidants for rubber by means of colour reactions 519. Davies 0. L. *- et al. Y‘OLUME 73 Dean R. E. et al. Rapid titration of chlorides, 578. Degner E. F. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of acetophenetidine 44. de Jong J. C. et al. Simple detmn. of iodine in presence of chlorides and bromides 637. de Jonge T. et al. Grote’s reagent in detmng. methylthiouracil 403. Delahay P. Measurement of half-wave slope of polarographic curves. I. Theoretical considera-tions. 11. Measurement 701. Delassus M. Volumetric detmn. of traces of oxygen in nitrogen 177. DeLuca H. A. Photometric micro-detmn. of calcium 112. Dembrey I. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Bristol 458 459.den Otter H. P. Detmng. quality of emulsifying media of the type of fatty acid esters of poly-alcohols 351. Factors affecting detmn. of thiamine and riboflavine in enrichment preniixes containing Ferrum Redactum 684. - Detmng. thiamine (aneurine) and riboflavine in presence of reduced iron 225. *Dewing T. et al. Tetrasodium 4 4’-bis-(y-pheny! propylamino) -diphenylsulphone-cx y Q ’ y’-tetrasulphonate (“Sulphetrone”), 558. DiCaprio €3. R. Rapid detmn. of moisture in liquid sulphur dioxide 573. Dick T. A. Colorimetric detmn. of less than 0.001 per cent. of sulphur as carbon disulphide in benzoles. Colorimetric test for small quantities of carbon disulphide in pure benzene 232.”Dickinson D. Absorptiometric detmn. of boron with sodium alizarin-sulphonatc 395. Diehl H. et al. New titrimetric methods for thorium 61. Dill W. et al. Estmng. basic organic compounds in biological material. 11 Estmng. fluorescent compounds. 111. Estmn. by conversion to fluorescent compounds. V. Estmn. by salt formation with methyl orange 105-106. Polarographic detmn. of zinc in metallic cadmium after preliminary separation of cadmium by electrolysis on an aluminium cathode 173. Reagent for detcng. fat oxidation in milk powders 678. Estmng. basic organic com-pounds in biological material. 11. Estmng. fluorescent compounds 105. Dries 1. J. et al. Micro-iodimetric detmn. of glue or gelatin 294. DrOZdOV N. S. et al. Volumetric detmn.of nicotine as picrate 103. **]DrUce S. €3.1’. sulphuric acid test for liquid paraffin. 617. Ducret L. Rapid detmn. of chromium and vanadium 353. Duggar B. M. e f al. Estmng. solanine in potato, 342. Dukey D. L. et al. Recording mass spectrometer for process analysis 70.2. Dunn H. C. et al. Component acids of West Indian ben and mango seed oils 343. Dunn M. S. e t . a l . Jletmng. D(-)- and L(+)-glutamic acid in protein hydrolysates 403. - Detmng. glycine in protein hydrolysates with Leuronostoc inesenteroides P-60 222. Duval C. Drop reaction for cobalt 52‘3. De Ritter E. et al. Dmitrieva V. L. et al. “Dowden H. C. Doming G. et al INDEX TO VOLUME 73 vii Duval C. ef al. Drop reaction for cobalt. as potassium cobaltinitrite 522.- Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. 522; V. Detmng. magnesium. VI. Detmng. beryllium. VII. Detmng. lithium 634. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. V. Detmng. magnesium. VI. Iktmng. beryllium VIJ. Detmng. lithium 634. Duval T. et al. Dyer Bernard. An appreciation. Hewitt 126. - Obituary 55 123 186. E Ebert A. A. et al. Detmng. small amounts of water in gases and liquids by infra-red spectro-metry 474. Edmonds B. B. jun. Detmng. total solids in sulphate pulp mill evaporator feed liquor 349. “Edwards W. T. Detmng. aluminium in aluminiunt bronze 556. Ege J. F. jun. et al. Stable colorimctric reagent for chromium 413. Eichhorn F. et al. Micro-detmn. oi non-protein nitrogen in serum plasma or blood 6%. ’%Elias P. S. et al. Micro-anal)-tical test for purity in food with special reference to cereals, 188.Elder L W. Transmission of odour throug!i packagmg materials 349. Elitzur A. G. Detmng. water of crystallisation by hydride method in pyridiiie medium 298. Elliott E et al. Spectrographic analysis of low-alloy steel. Statistical examination of sources of error 415. Diciectric identity test lor plasticisers. Poly\-inyl chloride plastics type, 118. Review of Elscvter’s Encyclo$aedia oj Organic Chemistry. L-ol. 13. Tricyclic Com-p o m d s . Series I I I . Cmboisocyclic Condensed Coinpo M kids 53. - - Review of Textbook o j Practical Organic Chemistry including Qualitative rf nalysis 240. Ellis G. H. et al. Micro-colorimetric detmn. of manganese in biologcal materials with 4 4’-tetramethyldiaminotriphenylmethane 291.Ellison R. Obituary 186. Elmore J . . W. *El Shamy H. K. et al. Elliott .+. A. et al. Ellis B. A. Detmng. mercury in paints and toxicological material 47. Quinquevalent molyb-denum as volumetric reagent. I. Stability of solutions and detmn. of ferric iron 258; 11. Titration of iodate bromate dichromate and vanadate 262; 111. Detmng. ceric ferric, dichromate and \ anadate solutions in mixtures of two and three together 866. Elvidge W. F. Colorimetric method for jaborandi alkaloids 345. - Estmng. progestcArone in ethyl oleate solution, 220. Elving P J. et al. Uetmng. alcoholic hydrosyl group in organic compounds 463. - Polarographic analysis of mixtures of mdeic and fumaric acids 45. Elwell W.T. et al. Detmng. niobium in rustless and heat-resisting steels. I 699. “Emery W. B. et al. Detmng. penicillin by alkaline hydrolysis 207. Engel F. L. et al. Colorimetric micro-detnin. of urea - nitrogen by xanthydrol 39. Engel 1. G. et al. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of urea-nitrogen by santhydrol 39. English F. L. Colorimetric detmn. of nitric and nitroso-sulphuric acids in nitration spent acids, 472. - Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines 569. Epstein J. Detmng. micro-quantities of cyanide and thiocyanate 339. - et al. Titration of acids by electrolytically generated hydroxyl ion 416. Erb C. et al. Detmng. dextrose and laevulose in cane sugar products containing unfermentable reducing substances A l l ) . *Evans B. S. Detmng. minute amounts of zinc in alloys used for making lead pipes and cable sheathing 149.Review of Clzcmistry i n t h ~ Servict of M(lu. 7th Edn. 183. Eynbn L. - et al. Obituary of Uernard IIyei- 123. F ”Farah M. Y. et al. Quinquevalent nidybdenuni as volumetric reagent. I. Stability of solutions and cietmn. of ferric iron 258; 11. ‘Titration of iodate bromate dichromate and vanadate 262, 111. iletmng. ceric ferric dichromate and vanadatc solutions in mixtures of two and three together. 266. Farkas L. et al. l’otentionietric detmn. of leatl, 577. Faynberg S. Yu. et al. l’olarographic detnin. o f * lead and tin in ores 174. Febbraro Ed et aZ. Factors affecting detmn. of thiamine and riboflavine in enrichment premixes containing Ferrum Redactzinz 684.Feigl F. et al. Test for selenium based on catal) i1C effect 46. Felicetta V. F. et al. Sulphite waste liquor analysis. Detmng. sulphate by conductometric titration method 365. Ferrey G. J. W. Finch R. B. I. et at. Detmng. calomel in pills 344. Constant temperature cell bath for use with Spekker photo-electric absorptio-meter 117. Findlay A. Chemistry in the Service of Man. i t h Edn. (Review) 183. “Finney, D. J. Inevitability of statistics 2. - Probit Analysis. Statistical Treatment of the (-view) 30 1. - et al. Design and statistical analysis of micro-Firth J. B. Review of &-uremic LVedicine 365. Flagg J. F. Organic Reagents Used in Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis. (Review) 628. Flanagan T. L. et al. Detmng. high molecular weignt quaternary ammonium compounds as tri-iodides 516.Flatt R. et al. *%rgentimetric detmn. of phosphatc., 414. Fleming A. et al. Problems in titration of strepto-mycin 39. Fleming J. C. et al. Detmng. sugar in bread A I D . “Foster G. E. et al. Tetrasodium 4 4’-bis-(y-phenylpropylamino) -diphenylsulphone-a y a‘ y’-tetrasulphonate (“Sulphetronc”), 558. Frankiel J. et al. Uetmng. chloroacetic acid 631. *Frediani H. A, et al. Internal standards in Freedman L. D. Iihodamine-B method for micro-Sigmoid Response Curve. biological assays 22 1. polarographic analysis 384. detmn. of antimony 227 viii INDEX TO French I(. H. V. Colorimetric detmn. of less than 0.001 per cent. of sulphur as thiophen in pure benzoles 517. - et al. Detmng. small quantities of total sulphur in benzoles 689.Fritz J. S. et al. Mixed perchloric and sulphuric acids in analysis of chrome tanned leather. Destruction of organic matter and detmn. of chromium 233. *Furlong C. R. Effect of dipping in borax solutions on the boron content of oranges 498. Furman N. H. et al. Estmng. aloe-emdin and aloins in CuraGao aloes 460; Erratum 702. Furter M. F. et al. Pressure regulator for use in micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen 687. G Galet P. Gamer C. S. et al. Rare-Earth Elements antl their-Compounds. (Review) 641. Gates E. M. et al. Micro-colorimetric dctiiin. of manganese in biological materials with 4 4'-tetramethyldiaminotriphenylmethane 29 1. Gats F. et al. Detmng. perchlorate in dilute solution 471. Gaunt J. F.et al. 4-Chloro-2-aminoplienol-5- and -6-sulphonic acids their characterisation and differentiation 164. Geib N. C. et al. Enzymic cletmn. of uric x i d in whole blood 284. "Gentry C. H. R. Measuring plating thicknes 157. *- et al. Photometric detmn. of tungsten 57. "Gibson G. P. et al. Chromatographic estmn. of vitamin ,4 in whale-liver oil 662. Gijdn 1. S. et al. (;ravinietric detmn. of sulphites in presence of thiosulphates 579. Gillis J. et al. Seini-quantitati\re drop-reaction analysis of 18/8 chromium - nickel steels 700. Gisiger L. Volumetric detmn. of phosphoric acid by modification of S. v. Lorenz method 238. Glass J. R. et al. Amperometric methods in control of water chlorination. 52. Goertzel 6 et al. Recording mass spectrometer for process analysis 703.Goffart G. et al. Anfperometric titration of manganese 577. Goldenson J. et al. Iktmng. 1 2 3 4-tetra-hydro-2-naphthol in impregnated clothing 572. Goldstein T. et 'af. Detmng. mono- antl di-alkylacetylenes 4 1. Gordon B. E. et al. Polarographic detmn. of naphthalenes in petroleum fractions 633. Gorham P. R. et al. hntimony trichloride-ethanol pptn. for fluorimctric detmn. of riboflavine in pork 400. Woulden F. Some obscrx-ations 011 semi-micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen by Sucharda and Bobranski method using niacro-balance 320. Grab& C. A. J. et al. Detmng. nitrates by method of Cotte and Kahane 637. Graham C. E. et al. Detmng. tryptophan with P-dimethylaminobenzalclellyde 288. Grant W. M. Apparatns for quantitative low-temperature vacuum distillation of millilitre volumes 404.- Colorimetric detmn. ot sulphur dioxide 347. - Colorimetric micro-detmn. of formic acid based on reduction to formaldehyde 666. Branville W. C. et al. Application of reflectance spectrophotometry to quantitative micro-analysis, 526. Qualitative test for sodium 233. VOI.UD/IE 73 Gregg J. R. et al. Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen. Potassium bi-iodate in iodimetric titration of ammonia 239. Grenfell T. C. et al. Xaturally-occurring penicillins : Assay of penicillin G 628. Gridgeman N. T. Review of Biological Standardisa-tion of the Vitamins. 2nd Edn. 302. *- et al. Chromatographic estmn. of vitamin A in whale-liver oil 662. Griffiths J. G. A Review of Tables of Physical and Chemical Constant?.10th Edn. 704. Grillot M. :Iiialy-sis of alkali stannates and chloro-stannates 524. Groves L. G. et al. Detinng. moisture content of cereals by measuring specific inductive capacity, "1 7 . Grubb H. M. et al. Improvements in polarographic instrumentation. Polarographic cell for routine use 120. Gubernick I. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of uric acid with alkaline ferricyanide 37. Gucker F. T. jun. et al. Photo-electronic counter for colloidal particles 527. Guiter H. et al. Curves for potentiometric titration of zinc sulphate chloride anti nitrate with sodium hydroxide 525. Guiva A. M. Analysis of zinc cyanide electrolyte containing sodium sulphite 173. Gullberg 3. E. et al. Quartz microgram balance, 475. Gunstone F. D. et al. Xfrican drying oils.I. S e d oil of Tetmacarpidiurn conophoruw 23 I . - Component acids and glycerides of Australian lumbang oil 343. Gurevich A. B. et aZ. Detmng. chloride ion by amperometric titration 171. H Hack M. H. Estning. phospholipids in human blood 28.3. Hager 0. B. et al. Detmng. high molecular weight quaternary ammonium compounds as tri-iodides 516. Hahn F. L. Trap for analytical distillations 475. Hale Rli. G. e f al. Oxiclase activity in potato tubers. I. o-Phenylenediamine as colorimetric reagent 620 ; o-Phenylendiamine as fluorimetric reagent 622. Hall A. J, et af. Iletmng. calciunl sulphate in sulphide ores 523. Hall R. T. et al. Oxygen in organic compounds. Direct micro-detmn. by Unterzaucher method, 686. Halliwell E. Obituary 243.Hambersin J. Micro-detmn. of organic sulphur in gases 230. Hamence J. K. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of East Ham, Deputy I'iiblic Analyst for Hertford County Council Joint Public Analyst for Borough of Wanstead and Woodford Leicester County Council and Wiltshire County Council and Ikputy Official Agricultural Analyst for Counties of Bedforcl Cornwall Dorset Essex Hertford and T,eicester for Administrative Counties of Southampton and West Suffolk and for County Borough of East Ham 4,% 459. Hamill W. H. et al. Volumetric detmn. of carbon-bonded halogen with sodium naphthalene 566. Hanahan D. J. et al. Capillary absorption cells in spectrophotometry 362 INDEX TO mdelsmann 1. Application of emission spectrum analysis to molecular vapours 362.Handisyde F. P. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of morphine 218. Handschnmsker .E. et al. Modified detmn. of monoglyceride in fats and oils by oxidation with periodic acid 34. Hardesty J. O. et al. Air-flow method for detmng. moisture in fertilisers 665. Harley R. L. et al. Rapid titration of chlorides, 678. Harris L. J. et al. Detmng. ascorbic acid in presence of interfering substances by continuous flow method 562. Harris P. L. et al. Molecular distillation as step in chemical detmn. of total and gamma-toco-pherols 404. Harris T. H. Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds in fruit juices 103. Harrison H. A. et al. Organic mercurials for slime control in paper miIIs (testing and control methods) 296. *Harrison J. S.et aZ. Newospora crassa mutant 9185 for assay of aneurine 539. Harvey A. Semimicro-detmn of nitrogen in leather 690. Harvey A. E. jun. et a2. Colorimetric detmn. of iron with 4-hydroxybiphenyl-3-carboxylic acid, 698. Haslam J. et al. Detmng. chlorine in resins obtained from polyvinyl chloride compositions, 572. Hass H. B. et al. Detmng. hydrogen in fluorine-containing halohydrocarbons 168. *Hatfull R. S. Assay of methyl salicylate oint-ments 659. Haurowitz F. et al. Colour reactions of native and denatured proteins 623. Hauschildt J. D. et al. Detmng. tryptophan 36. Havinga E. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of small quantities of histamine 403. Hawkings R C. et al. Multi-tip electrodes in poiarographic work 364. - Polarographic detmn. of tin in high-purity zinc and zinc die-casting alloys 354.*Heap R. et al. Detrnng. fluorine in organic compounds 434. "Heatley N. G. Biological methods for penicillin assay. Introductory survey 244. Heinzelman D. C. et al. Prepn. of ash and spectro-chemical detmn. of traces of metallic elements in oils fats and related substances 162. Eelrich K. et al. Detmng. acetyl value of fats and oils 623. - Detmng. phosphorus in phosphate rock. Separa-tion from cations by ion-exchange resin 356. Henderson J. et al. Detmng. carbon in low-carbon steel. Low-pressure gasometric method, 357. Henry J. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of micro-quantities of ethanol in blood and other biological fluids 681. Henry R. J. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of micro-quantities of ethanol in blood and other biological fluids 681.- Studies on penicillinase. 11. Manometric assay of penicillin and penicillinase 107. gHeron A. E. Modifications oi standard micro-combustion procedures found necessary in detmng. carbon hydrogen and nitrogen in aliphatic nitro compounds 314. VOLUME 73 ix Appointed Additional Public Analyst for County Boroughs of Liverpool Southport, Bootle Blackburn Birkenhead and Barrow-in-Furness and Boroughs of Crosby and Widnes, 161. Herrigel E. et al. Amperometric methods in control of water chlorination 62. Hess W. C. Chromatographic separation o f cholesterol and cholesterol esters in blood 286. Hewitt J. T. Appreciation of Bernard Dyer 126. "Hickinbotham A. R. Acidimetric titration of lactic acid 509. Hier S.W. et at. Detmng. tryptophan with 9-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 288. Higncfii K. et al. Estmng. types of penicillin in broths and finished products. Microbiological method 214. Higuchi T. et al. Potentiometric detmn. of oxygen with dropping mercury electrode 57.3. Hilditch T. P. et al. African drying oils. I. Seed oil of Tetracarpidium conophorunz 33 1. - Component acids and glycerides of =\ustralian lumbang oil 343. - Coniponent acids of West Indian ben and mango seed oils 343. Hill C. A. Obituary 643. Hill U. T. Colorimetric cletmn. of fatty acids and - et al. Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus in Hinckley J. A. jot. et al. Analysis of 'Hirsch W. Acidimetric titration of dark coloured *- -4lbumin in serum 161. *- Permanent standard for estmng. cholesterol, 161.Hirschhorn I. S. Rapid detmn. of nitrogIycerin and ethyl centralite in rocket propellant powder, 465. Hirst E. L. eC aZ. Quantitative detmn. of galactose,, mannose arabinose and rhamnose 464. Hoagbin J. E. et al. Spectrographic analysis of zinc-base alloys 116. Hoberman H. D. Detmng. guanidoacetic acid a.1~3 arginine in human urine and serum 346. "Hobson J. D. et al. Study of cobalt - ferricyanicle reaction with relation to detmng. cobalt in steel, 162. Rapid prepn. of solution of sodium hydrogen sulphide 578. Capillary-type viscometer for use with solutions containing volatile solvents, with application to measurements of viscosities of nitrocelluloses 11 I). Hoff ert W. H. et al. Detmng. sulphur compounds in crude and refined benzoles.Hol P. J. et al. Quantitative detmn. of potassium or sodium ferrocyanide 414. Holland L. N. et at. Electronically controlled apparatus for distillation of fluoride as hydro-fluosilicic acid 356. Holler A. C. Colorimetric detinn.' of antimony in copper-base alloys 360. Hollman E. C. M. J. et al. Grote's reagent in detmng. methylthiouracil 403. Hopkins Sir Frederick G. Obituary 186. HBpner T. Mechanism of combination of furfural with sulphurous acid and the analytical detmn. of furfural 516. H o ~ M. J. e f al. Microbiological detmn. of lysine in proteins and foods 286 - Microbiological detmn. of threonine in proteins and foods 624. Heron N. esters 514. steel 359. naphthalene - tetralin - decalin mixtures 40. solutions 160. Hodgson H.H. et al. Hoerger E. et al. I 11 688 X INDEX TO Horn M. J. et al. Microbiological detmn. of valine in proteins and foods 624. Hougen 0. A. et al. Chemical Process Principles. Part I. Material and Energy Balances. Part 11. Thermodynamics. Part 111. Kinetics and Catalysis. (Review) 703. Houghton G. U. Bromide content of under-ground waters. I. Detmn. and occurrence of traces of bromide in water. 11. Chlorination of water containing free ammonia and naturally-occurring bromide 110. Housewright R. D. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of micro-quantities of ethanol in blood and other biological fluids 68 1. - Studies on penicillinase. 11. Manometric assay of penicillin and penicillinase 107. Hovorka V. et al. Isatin /3-oxime and its use in analytical chemistry (detmng.uranium) 470. Huckabay W. B. ef al. Constant-temperature steam-distillation apparatus for isolation of fluorine 170. - Detmng. traces of fluorine in organic compounds, 112. Hucknall E. 2 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine for detmng. essential oils 568. Hunt H. et al. Decomposition and analysis of organic compounds containing fluorine and other halogens 165. - Detmng. hydrogen in fluorine-containing halo-hydrocarbons 168. *Hunter D. P. et al. Amy1 acetate solvent for separating iron in metallurgical analysis 671. Husken A. et al. Detmng. perchlorate in dilute solution 47 1. Hutchings B. L et al. Chemical tletmn. of pteroylglutaniic acid and related compounds 289. I Illing E. T. Appointed Official Agricultural Analyst for County of Somerset 459.Immerwahr W. A. Continuous steam distillation apparatus 364. “Ingram G. Critical examination of empty tube combustion method 548. - et al. Drop reaction for detcng. sulphites and sulphur dioxide 522. Irby V. et al. Micro-colorimetric estnin. of plasma proteins 222. Irvin J. L. et al. Detmng. aromatic amidines in plasma and urine 38. Irwin C. F. et al. Detmng. small amounts of water in gases and liquids by infra-red spectrometry, 474. Isam T. L. et al. Detmng. tryptophan 36. Ishler N. H. et al. Microchemical spot test for mammalian urine contamination on fabrics 564. Ivanov-Emin B. N. et al. Detmng. pyrites sulphur in presence of sulphates 638. - Pptn. of beryllium hydroxide with or-picoline, 115. J Jackman R. M. et al.I’ptn. of mercuric chloride with dithiane 47. Jackson D. P. et al. Detmng. aromatic amidines in plasma and urine 38. Jahns F. W. et al. Factors affecting detmn. of thiamine and riboflavine in enrichment premixes containing Ferrum Redactum 684. Whole blood or other clotting systems in assaying heparin 222. Jalling O.,. et al. VOLUME 73 James G. V. Appointed Deputy Official Agri-cultural Analyst for County Borough of Bath, 680; Deputy Public Analyst for City of Bath, 458. James W. O. et al. Detmng. total alkaloids in belladonna and stramonium 35. Jefferson M. E. et al. Prepn. of ash and spectro-chemical detmn. of traces of metallic elements in oils fats and related substances 162. Jelinek V. G. et al. Chemical estmn. of strepto-mycin in blood and spinal fluid 401.- Colorimetric detmn. of streptomycin in clinical prepns. urine and broth 219. Jensen A. R. et al. Detmng. tetra-ethyl lead in aviation gasoline 293. *Jewsbury A. et al. Polarographic detmn. of zinc copper and lead in ferrous sulphate 506. Johnson B. L. et al. Measurement of internal double bonds in polymers by perbenzoic acid addition 633. Johnson H. O. et al. Unitised mercury cathode apparatus for electrolytic removal of metals 476. Johnson L. T. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of acetophenetidine 14. Johnson R. M. et al. Reaction of carotenoids with antimony trichloride 630. Jones A. R. et al. Dielectric identity test for plasticisers. Polyvinyl chloride plastics type 11 8. Jones D. B. ef al. Microbiological detmn. of lysine in proteins and foods 286.- Microbiological detmn. of threonine in proteins and foods 624. - Microbiological detmn. of valine in proteins and foods 624. Jones J. I. M. Biological estmn. of vitamim D, 563. Jones J. K. N. et al. Quantitative detmn. of galactose mannose arabinose and rhamnose 464. - Quantitative estmn. of xylose 295. - Quantitative separation of methylated sugars, 409. Jones L. C. jun. et al. Spectrographic analysis of silica - alumina cracking catalysts 474. Jorpes J. E. et al. Whole blood or other clotting systems in assaying heparin 222. Josephson E. S. et al. Estmng. basic organic compounds in biological material. VI. Estmn. by ultra-violet spectrophotometry 107. Josephy E. ef al. Elsevier’s Encyclopaedia of Organic Chemistry. Vol.13. Tricyclic Com-pounds. Series 111. Carboisocyclic Condensed Compounds. (Review) 53. Colour reactions of amine anti-oxidants for rubber 519. Judy J. N. et al. K KBhane E. Quantitative separation of iodates and periodates 524. Kalckar H. M. Jliff erential spectrophotometry of purine compounds with specific enzymes. I. Detmng. hydroxy purine compounds. 11. Detmng. adenine compounds. 111. Studies of enzymes of purine metabolism 286. Kalje A. K. Tempometric (drop-time) method of potentiometric titration 363. Kamecki . J. Conductometric analysis of thallous salts with potassium chloride 575. Eapp R. 0. Presentation of Technical Information. (Review) 527 Karman G. et al. Chemical composition of seed oil of Chordsia insignis “Palo Borracho,?’ 23 INDEX TO VOLUME 73 xi Karsten P.et al. Detmng. nitrates by method of Cotte and Kahane 637. Katz H. L. et al. Direct colorimetric method for phosphorus in all types of steel 697. - Rapid gravimetric detmn. of silicon in aluminium alloys 239. Kaye G. W. C. et al. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 10th Edn. (Review) 704. Kedde D. L. Contribution to chemical investigation of digitalis prepns. 459. Kelkar G. M., ef al. Fatty oil from seeds of Argyria speczosa Sweet (N.O. Convolvulacea.e), 231. - Fatty oil from seeds of lpomoea muricata Jacq. (N.O. Convolvzdlaceae) 231. Kemmerer A. R. et al. Spectrophotometric studies of Roe method for detmng. dehydro-ascorbic acid 162. - Three sources of amino acids for niacin (nicotinic acid) assay 288.Kent-Jones D. W. Review of Scienti$c Principles of Grain Storage 528. *- et al. Micro-analytical test for purity in food with special reference to cereals 128. “Kenyon C. et al. Detmng. nitrophenolic proofing agents in felt 551. Khlopin N. Ya. Calcium chloride as polarographic supporting-electrolyte 120. Kiniball R. H. et al. Detmng. fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds 166. King J. et al. Detmng. moisture content of cereals by measuring specific inductive capacity, 217. Kirk P. L. et al. Capillary absorption cells in spectrophotometry 3 6 2. - Quartz microgram balance 475. Kirkwood C. F. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of micro-quantities of ethanol in blood and other biological fluids 681. Klaztkin C. et al. Riboflavine in malt extract 218.Klein D. et al. Detmng. tryptophan with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 288. Klein L. Semimicro-detmn. of nitrogen in sewage sludges 406. Klimova V. A. et al. Rapid micro-elementary analysis. I. Detmng. carbon and hydrogen in substances containing carbon hydrogen and oxygen 351. Kline 0. L. et al. Factors affecting folic acid detmn. 625. Knight B. H. Detmng. saponification value of natural waxes 230. Knobloch E. Catalytic evolution of hydrogen a t dropping mercury cathode due to amide of nicotinic acid and other pyridine derivatives 345. Koch L. ef al. Identifying unsulphonated azonaphthol ,4S dyes 349. Kocherigina T. V. et al. Volumetric detmn. of arsenic with bromate 300. Kolthoff I. M. et al. Amperometric titration of styrene with potassium bromate using rotating platinum electrode 518.- Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 11. Titration Methods Acid-Base Pptn. and Cdmplex-Forma-tion Reactions. (Review) 183. Korinfsky A. A. Capillary method in qualitative analysis 163. Korshun 1. O. et al. Rapid micro-elementary analysis. I. Detmng. carbon and hydrogen in substances containing carbon hydrogen and oxygen 351. Detmng. chloride ion by amperometric titration 17 1. Korshunov I. A. et al. - Polarographic detmn. of furfuraldehyde 633. Korsh P. D. Thermo-electric method for detmng. silicon in carbon steel 575. Kovalenko P. N. Polarographic detmn. of zinc in metallic cadmium after preliminary electro-deposition of cadmium from hydrochloric acid solution 635. Polarographic detmn. of zinc in metallic cadmium after preliminary separation of cadmium by electrolysis on an aluminium cathode 173.Kozelka F. L. Detmng. mercury in biological material 290. Kozlova A. A. ef al. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. I. Conditions for detmng. elements of copper and iron analytical sub-groups 634. Krasilshchikov B. S. et al. Detmng. niobium in steel 276. Krivoshlikov N. F. et al. Detcn. and colorimetric detmn. of niobium and tantalum 175. Kubli H. Separation of anions by adsorption on alumina 11 7. Kuhl W. J. jun. ef al. Detmng. aromatic amidines in plasma and urine 38. Kuhrt N. H. et al. Detmng. tocopherol content during commercial processing of soya bean oil, 563. Kulberg L. M. et al. Formazylcarboxylic acid as analytical reagent for silver 352.Kumins C. A. Zirconium detmn. in presence of interfering elements 472. Kun E. Micro-detmn. of manganese in biological materials by catalysis 402. Kunkel H. O. et al. Photo-electric detmn. of magnesium in body fluids 290. KuraH M. “Niccolox,” new reagent for nickel 234. Kiirschner K. et al. Detmng. methoxyl group in woody substances 351. Kuskova I. K. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of aluminium in steel 114. Kussmaul W. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of senna glucoside 283. Kuznetsov V. I. Anthraquinone-u-arsonic acid for detmng. small amounts of tin 176. - Colour reaction for antimony with methyl violet 354. - et al. L Laby T. H. et al. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 10th Edn. (Review) 704. Lacroix S.Volumetric detmn. of aluminium 353 ; Errata 415. Laitinen H. A. et al. Potentiometric detmn. of oxygen with dropping mercury electrode 573. Lamar M. V. et al. Comparison of three thio-chrome methods for urinary thiamine by simplified base-exchange procedure 626. *Lambie D. A. Detmng. arsenic pentoxide in white arsenic 74. “Lamond J. Detmng. phthalic esters in propellants, 674. Langejm M. et al. Detmng. bismuth in organic bismuth compounds 400. LagiBre C. Antimony trichloride - pyramidone complex 517. - et al. Globucid (N.D.). Identity tests and methods of assay 511. Larkin M. E. et al. Titration of fluoride ion with aluminium chloride 577. Larrieu L. Spectrographic analysis of zinc-base alloys 1 16. Lassieur A. et al. Properties of lead copper and antimony applicable to analysis of their alloys, 470 xii INDEX TO L a d e J.H. et al. Chromatographic analysis of rubber-compounding ingredients and their identi-fication in vulcanisates. Parts I-V 179. Leach W. G. Obituary 303. Ledneva A. M. et al. Formazylcarboxylic acid as analytical reagent for silver 352. Leghorn P. M. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of streptomycin in clinical prepns. urine and broth, 219. Lein M. et al. Micro-colorimetric detmn. of sodium in human biological fluids 629. Leland W. T. et al. Recording mass spectrometer for process. analysis 702. Lelchuk J. L. et al. Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry. System AlF - NaF - H,O. Gravimetric detmn. of aluminium as 11NaF.4A1F3 171. Lemieux R.U. et al. Quantitative estmn. as acetic acid of acetyl ethylidene ethoxy and a-hydroxyethyl groups 349. Lenstra J. B. ef al. Simple detmn. of iodine in presence of chlorides and bromides 637. Levenson G. I. P. Detmng. iodide in developers, 578. *- Simple colorimetric detmn. of copper in photographic developers 31. Lever F. M. Review of Rare-Earth Elements and their Compounds 641. Lewis J. R. et al. Antimony trichloride - ethanol pptn. for fluorimetric detmn. of riboflavine in pork 400. Lewis V. M. et al. Amperometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in orange juice 343. *Liddell H. F. et .al. New micro-detmn. of beryllium with particular reference to its detmn. in biological material 607. Light A. K. ef al. Detmng. metallic aluminium in aluminium pigments 48.Lilley €I. S. et al. Detmng. methyl01 groups and dibenzyl ether linkages in phenol alcohols and derived phenolic resins. I 11 468 469. Linden G. et al. Whole blood or other clotting systems in assaying heparin 222. *Lindsey A. J. Auxiliary electrode for control of microchemical electro-deposition 99. *- Review of electrolytic methods of micro-chemical analysis 67. Lhgane J. J. Saturated potassium hydrogen tartrate solution as pH standard 475. - et al. Polarographic characteristics of chloro-com lexes of quinquevalent antimony 50. - Pok&ographic detmn. of vanadium in steel and other ferro-alloys 50. - Reduction of quinquevalent vanadium in silver reductor 49. Linteris,. L. et al. Modified detmn. of mono-glyceride in fats and oils by oxidation with periodic acid 34.Man P. et al. Rapid gravimetric detmn. of silicon in aluminium alloys 239. *Lobley H. et al. Detmng. organic phosphorus, 30. Lobzowski J. et al. X-Ray analysis of chromium -molybdenum and chromium - tungsten alloys 49. Lockhart? L. B. ef a2. Dielectric identity test for plasticisers. Polyvinyl chloride plastics type 11 8. Loew G. Detmng. presence of olive oil extracted from oil-cake or of arachis oil in olive oil obtained by pressing 217. *Loo€bourow R. et al. Internal standards in polarographic analysis 384. Love K. S. et al. Detmng. moisture in fertilisers, 564. VOLUME 73 *Lowe E. H. Improved continuous extractor for detmng. theobromine in cocoa 679. Lykken L. et al. Detmng. carbon and hydrogen. Unitised dual apparatus and improved procedure, 40.- Polarographic detmn. of sodium or potassium in various materials 169. - Unitised mercury cathode apparatus for electro-lytic removal of metals 476. M McBee E. T. et al. Decomposition and analysis of organic compounds containing fluorine and other halogens 165. - Detmng. hydrogen in fluorine-containing halo-hydrocarbons 168. McCarthy J. L. et al. Sulphite waste liquor analysis. Detmng. sulphate by conductometric titration method 355. McCoy J. W. Detmng. small concentrations of calcium and magnesium by titration with standard soap solution 566. McCullough J. D. et al. Detmng. carbon monoxide in air by red mercuric oxide 684. McDonald E. J. et al. Ofner’s method for detmng. invert sugar 567, *Macdonald F.J. Freezing-point of bulk milk, 423. McDonnell W. J. et al. Detmng. thorium and its separation from uranium by ferron (7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid) 47 1. McGilvery J. ef al. Multi-tip electrodes in polaro-graphic work 364. *Macinnes C. A. et al. Volumetric detmn. of nitric acid in mixed and refuse acids reference half-cell for use in titrations with ferrous ammonium sulphate 669. Simultaneous detmn. of carbon fluorine and chlorine in halocarbons. Semimicro-method 169. Amperometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in orange juice 343. Tributyl phosphate for extracting organic acids from aqueous solution, 515. MacLeod R. A. et al. Mineral requirements of lactic acid bacteria 630. Macmillan W. G. et al. Detcng. and estmng.damage in jute fibre. I. New microscopical test and implications of certain chemical tests 296. McNally W. D. et al. Quantitative detmn. of amphetamine 345. McNulty J. S. Routine detmn. of selenium in horticultural materials 461. *Maddock A. G. Measurement of beta-activity, 644. *Magee R. J et al. Physico-chemical methods in microchemistry. 11. Stabilisation of micro-Beckmann thermometer in ebullioscopic detmns. of molecular weight 597. Malooly W. F. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of cobalt in stainless steel 235. Malyugina M. I. et al. Polarographic detmn. of f urfuraldehyde 633. Manalo G. D. et al. Derivatives of diphenylamine as oxidation-reduction indicators in alkaline solution 44. Mandel J. et al. Polarographic analysis of mixtures of maleic and fumaric acids 45.Mangouri H. A. et al. Detmng. barbituric acid derivatives 219. McKenna F. E. et al. McKenzie H. A. et al. McLafferty F. W. et al INDEX TO VOLUME 73 xiii *Manley C. H. et al. Detmng. organic phosphorus, 30. Mann C. W. et al. Detmng. salicylanilide in leather mould-proofing mixtures and in treated leather goods 294. Mapson L. W. et aZ. Detmng. ascorbic acid in presence of interfering substances by continuous flow method 562. Maren T. H. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of antimony (in biological materials) with rhodamine B 226. Markland J. Appointed Deputy Official Agri-cultural Analyst for County of Derby 680; Deputy Public Analyst for Derbyshire County Council 679. Marks H. C. et al. Amperometric methods in control of water chlorination 52.Markus R. Colorimetric estmn. of lactic acid 682. Martelli L. et al. Properties of lead copper and antimony applicable to analysis of their alloys, 470. "Martin A. E. et al. Detmng. p,p'-DDT in commercial samples 479. Marushkin M. N. et al. Detmng. benzene in gases containing butadiene and higher olefines. Eehaviour of 1 3-butadiene towards ammoniacal nickel cyanide solution 110. Mason F. A. Obituary 186. Massad E. A. et al. Detmng. beta-dicarbonyl compounds 43. Materanskaja N. P. et al. Volumetric detmn. of nicotine as picrate 103. Mather K. Review of Probit Analysis. Statistical Treatment of the Sigtnoid Response Curve 301. latson F. R. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of fluorine in glass 117. Matveeva K. A. et al. Photo-colorimetric detmn.of chromium in steel 173. Matzkanova M. A. et al. New selective reaction for antipyrine 104. May J. R. et al. Problems in titration of strepto-mycin 39. "Mayer A. et al. Detmng. cerium in cast iron, 275. Mead J. F. et al. Detcng. acetate ion by reaction with arsenious oxide to form cacodyl oxide 292. Means J. A. et al. Naturally-occurring penicillins : Assay of penicillin G 628. Meeds J. et al. Spectrographic analysis of low-alloy steel. Statistical examination of sources of error 415. lehlenbacher V. C. et af. Analysis of mixtures of glycerol propylene glycol and trimethylene glycol 42. Mehrotra R. C. Congo red as adsorption indicator, 573. Neijer T. W. et aZ. Colorimetric evaluation of derris root 108. Meites L.jun. et al. Polarographic detmn. of vanadium in steel and other ferro-alloys 60. - Reduction of quinquevalent vanadium in silver reductor 49. Mervel R. V. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of aluminium in beryllium salts 172. Uetler A. V. ef al. Constant-temperature steam-distillation apparatus for isolating fluorine 170. - Detmng. traces of fluorine in organic compounds, 112. Michel G. ef aZ. Amperometric titration of lead, 57'7. "Mikkelsen V. a. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of glycerol 447. Milad L. et al. Detmng. barbituric acid deriva-tives 219. *Miles A. A. Observations on biological standards, 530. *Miller C. C. et al. Volumetric detmn. of tin on small scale and its application to non-ferrous alloys 377. *Miller E. J.et al. Neurospora crassa mutant 9185 for assay of aneurine 539. Miller J. F. et al. Decomposition and analysis of organic compounds containing fluorine and other halogens 165. - Detmng. hydrogen in fluorine-containing halo-hydrocarbons 168. Miller S. E. et al. Condensation of formaldehyde with lower aliphatic ketones. Allylation as means of structure proof 692. - Identification of polyglycerol mixtures by allylation and acetonation 693. Milligan R. F. et al. Identifying unsulphonated azonaphthol AS dyes 349. Milner G. W. C. Applications of polarograph to metallurgical analysis. 111 472. Ministry of Supply. Identification and Estmn. of Natural and Synthetic Rubbers 100. *Ministry of Supply Chemical Inspection Dept. Congo red paper of high sensitivity 98.*Minster J. T. Detmng. silicon in nickel alloys, 507. Mitchell A. H. Obituary 186. Mitchell C. A. Obituary 1 55 186. *Mitchell W. et al. Analysis of pyrethrum flowers by Seil and Wilcoxon - Holaday methods, 484. Mizetzkaja I. B. et al. Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry. VII. Detmng. lead in form of I<,SO,.PbSO, 172. Molitor J. C. et al. Modified Kober detmn. of a-and 6-oestradiol 221. Monnier D. et al. Semi-quantitative detmn. of gold 637. - Semi-quantitative inorganic analysis; estmng. chromium and nickel 521. *Morpeth J. C. Composition of concentrated tomato pur6e and estmn. of tomato content of tomato ketchup 449. Appointed Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Bolton 680; Public Analyst for Borough of Bolton and Deputy Public Analyst for East Riding of Yorkshire, 458.Morris T. N. Dehydration of Food. (Review), 365. Moser R. et af. Micro-detmn. of alkaline earths as normal molybdates 412. Moshchinskaya N. K. et al. Sodium p-nitro-phenate in analytical chemistry 292. Mowat J. H. et al. Chemical detmn. of pteroyl-glutamic acid and related compounds 289. Muller 0. H. Polarographic study with micro-electrode past which an electrolyte is flowing, 527. Murdock R. E. et al. Detmng. cyclopropane by selective absorption 5 13. Murray W. M. et al. Detmng. oxygen in steel by vacuum fusion 358. Myers R. J. et al. Coulometric titration of arsenic by electrolytically generated bromine and ampero-metric end-point 6398. Morris F.N Nadkarni M. D. et al. Fat from seeds of Vapzguera spinosa (N.O. Rubiaceae) 231. Naidu S. R. Obituary 186 187 xiv INDEX TO Naponen G. E. et al. Micro-iodimetric detmn. of glue or gelatin 294. Nesbitt C. E. et al. Detmng. carbon in low-carbon steel. Low-pressure gasometric method, 357. Neustadt M. M. et al. Annular thimble for Soxhlet extractor 582. Nevell T. P. Acidic properties of cotton cellulose and derived oxycelluloses. Vl. Application of Lefhvrc - Tollcns method for estmng. uronic acid groups 695. - et al. Acidic properties of cotton cellulose and derived oxycelluloses. V. Comparison of various methods proposed for detmng. carboxyl content, 695. Newburger S. H. et al. Estmng. glycerol in presence of propylene and ethylene glycols 463.Newell W. C. Detmng. nitrogen in ferro-alloys and other materials by Nesslerisation without distilla-tion 359. Newitt D. M. Review of Chemical Process Principles. Part I . Material and Energy Balances. Part I I . Therwodynamics. Part I I I . Kinetics and Catalysis 703. Newman L. et al. Detmng. tetra-ethyl lead in aviation gasoline 293. Neymark M. E. Detmng. content of pyridine bases in products containing ammonia or ammonium salts 165. Niculescu M. et al. Quantitative separation of iron from copper and detmn. of these elements, 698. Niemasn C. et al. Amperometric titration of thiodiglycol with electrolytically generated bromine 46. Nier A. O. et al. Recording mass spectrometer for process analysis 702. Nikonova M. P. et al. Dry reagents for analysis of ores and minerals under field conditions 297.Nishida F. et al. Polarographic characteristics of chloro-complexes of quinquevalent antimony, 50. Noll A. Substitution of a single solution for Fehling’s solution 515. - Sulphanilic acid in various forms as reagent for lignified wood 516. Norris F. W. et al. Riboflavine in malt extract, 218. *Norvall J. G. e t UZ. Colorimetric detmn of diphenylamine in nitrocellulose powders 389. *- Detmng. nitrophenolic proofing agents in felt, 551. Norwitz G. Phosphoric acid attack method for detmng. silicon in aluminium alloys 575. Novak J. V. A. New electrolyte vessels for polaro-graphic analysis 364. Noyes R. M. et al. Capillary-type viscometer for use with solutions containing volatile solvents, with application to measurements of viscosities of nitrocelluloses 119.0 O’Brien A. S. et al. Micro-iodimetric detmn. of glue or gelatin 294. O’Connor R. T. et al. Prepn. of ash and spectro-chemical detmn. of traces of metallic elements in oils fats and related substances 162. Odds E. Obituary 186. Ogg C. L. et al. Detmng. salicylanilide in leather mould-proofing mixtures and in treated leather goods 294. VOLUME 73 Okell F. L. Review of Humour and Humanism &tz Chemistry 365. - Review of Introduction to Quantitative Inorganic Analysis 54. O’Konski C. T. et al. Photo-electronic counter for colloidal particles 527. Oliver J. et al. Detmng. surface-active agents in solution 701. *Osborn G. M. Analytical applications of m-nitro-benzoic acid with particular reference to separation of quadrivalent elements from rare earths (lanthanides) 381.*- et al. Polarographic detmn. of zinc copper and lead in ferrous sulphate 506. Osmond D. W. J. et al. Detmng. methylol groups and dibenzyl ether linkages in phenol alcohols and derived phenolic resins. Ostroumov E. A. et al. Detmng. pyrites sulphur in presence of sulphates 638. - Pptn. of beryllium hydroxide with a-picoline, 115. Ovchinnikov L. N. Use of background intensity instead of comparison line for spectroscopic detmn. of cobalt and nickel in ores 362. *Ovenston T. C. J. Chromatographic identifica-tion and cstmn. of mineral jelly in propellant explosives 616. *- et al. Colorimetric detmn. of diphenylaniine in nitrocellulose powders 389.Oxley T. A. Scientific ‘Principles of Grain Storage, 528. I 11 468 469. P Pagel H. A. et al. Tributyl phosphate for extracting organic acids from aqueous solution, 515. Papageorge E. et al. Comparison of three thio-chrome methods for urinary thiamine by simplified base-exchange procedure 626. Park J. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for Warwickshire County Council and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for County of Warwick 458 459. “Parker C. A. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of diphenylamine in nitrocellulose powders 389. - Constant temperature cell bath for use with Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer 117. Parrish M. C. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of fluorine in glass 117. Patrick E. A. K. Electrostatic detmn. of dust in wet gases 685.*Patterson S. J. et al. Detmng. penicillin by alkaline hydrolysis 207. Patterson W. I. et al. Separation and purification of constituents of commercial hexachlorocyclo-hexane 109. Pearson P. B. et al. Photo-electric detmn. of magnesium in body fluids 290. Peat S. et al. New indicator for iodimetric analysis 48. Peden J. D. Appointed Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for Administrative County of Stafford and County Borough of Stoke-on-Trent 680; Deputy Public Analyst for Borough of Rowley Regis 679; Deputy Public Analyst for City of Stoke-on-Trent and TJrban District of Brierley Hill 458. Peltier S. et al. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. 522. Peniston 0. P. et al. Sulphite waste liquor analysis. Detmng. sulphate by conductometric titration method 355 INDEX TO Pesez M.et al. Peteri R. Detmng. rosin m papers and boards, 296. Peters E. D. et al. Detmng. carbon and hydrogen. Unitised dual apparatus and improved procedure, 40. - Detmng. mono- and di-alkylacetylenes 41. Peterson H. E. et al. Fluorescence test for uranium in aqueous solution 525. Peterson W. H. et al. Estmng. types of penicillin in broths and finished products. Microbiological method 224. Petit A. et al. Phalnikar N. E. et al. Fatty oil from seeds of Argyria speciosa Sweet (N.O. Convolvulaceae) , 231. - Fatty oil from seeds of Ipomoea muricata Jacq. (N.O. Convolvulaceae) 231. Philbrook G. E. et al. Improvements in polaro-graphic instrumentation. Polarographic cell for routine use 120. Philip J.F. et al. Detmng. tetra-ethyl lead in aviation gasoline 293. Phillips D. F. et al. Progress in Microchemistry in Germany. B.I.O.S. Final Rept. No. 1606, 510. Phillips P. H. et al. Microbiological detmn. of manganese 629. Pickard H. B. et al. Yhoto-electronic counter for colloidal particles 527. Pickard J. K. ef al. Recording mass spectrometer for process analysis 702. Pilipenko A. T. et al. Diphenylthiocarbazone (dithizone) in analysis. 11. Instability constants of zinc cadmium and lead dithizonates 174. Pitance T. ef al. Amperometric titration of lead, 577. Pitts J. N. ef al. Photo-electronic counter for colloidal particles 527. Platonov M. S. e f al. Detcn. and colorimetric detmn. of niobium and tantalum 175. Ploquin M. J. Colorimetric estmn.of pyridine, 518. Ploszek H. et al. X-Ray analysis of chromium -molybdenum and chromium - tungsten alloys, 49. Pohle W. D. et al. Analysis of mixtures of glycerol, propylene glycol and trimethylene glycol 42. Pollack L. R. Polli J. F. et al. Quantitative detmn. of ampheta-mine 345. Poluektov N. S. ef al. Dry reagents for analysis of ores and minerals under field conditions 297. Pooley J. W. Obituary 1 186 187. *Pope C G. Assay of penicillin by dilution method and differential assay of penicillin by charcoal adsorption 247. Popova N. M. et al. Detmng. niobium in steel, 176. Portat E. et al. Curves for potentiometric titration of zinc sulphate chloride and nitrate with sodium hydroxide 525. Porter J. W. ef al. Analytical methods for carotenes of Lycopersicon species 232.Portnov M. A. et al. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. I . Conditions for detmng. elements of copper and iron analytical sub-groups 634. Press E. W. S. et al. Chromatographic analysis of rubber-compounding ingredients and their identification in vulcanisates. Price D. Composition of rosin size (aluminium resinates) ppts. Analyses of standard size ppts., 632. Estmng. hydrazine 694. Estmng. hydrazine 694. Detmng. water in phenol 43. Parts I-V 179. VOLUME 73 xv Proctor K. L. et al. Direct colorimetric method for phosphorus in all types of steel 697. Proshenkova N. N. ef al. Volumetric detmn. of rhodium 361. Proske G. Polarographic properties of sulphur. Analytical applications reaction with vulcanisa-tion-accelerators 633.Purves C. B. et al. Quantitative estmn. as acetic acid of acetyl ethylidene ethoxy and a-hydroxy-ethyl groups 349. Putsch& H. M. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of cobalt in stainless steel 235. Q Quaife M. L. et al. Rlolecular distillation as step in chemical detmn. of total and gamma-toco-pherols 404. R Rabinowitz J. C. et al. Extraction procedure for microbiological detmn. of vitamin B, 223. - Improved assay of vitamin B with Streptococcus faecalis 627. Rachmad A. et al. Colorimetric evaluation of derris root 108. Radt F. et al. Elsevier’s Encyclopaedia of Organic Chemistry. Vol. 13. Tricyclic Com-pounds. Series 111. Carboisocyclic Condensed Compounds. (Keview) 53. Separation and purification of constituents of commercial hexachlorocycb hexane 109.Rappaport F. et al. Micro-detmn. of non-protein nitrogen in serum plasma or blood 625. Ratcliff E. K. et al. Chemical and microbiological differentiation of enantiomorphs of galactose and xylose 568. - Identification and detmn. of D-xylose 295. *Rathenasinkam E. Detcng. hydrocyanic acid in decomposed viscera 394. *- Modified “acid beam” test for Cannabis sativa resin 509. Rauscher W. H. ef al. Identifying esters of dibasic acids with ethanolamine 694. Raw R. Control of fractional distillation by refractive index measurements 580. Rawlings H. W. et al. Detmng. tocopherol content during commercial processing of soya bean oil 563. Raykhinshteyn Z. G. ef al. Volumetric detmn. of arsenic with bromate 300.Read J. Humour and Humanism in Chemistry. (Review) 365. Redmond J. C. Quantitative analysis with X-ray spectrometer 474. Reid E. E. et al. p-Triphenylmethylphenyl and 2-fluorenyl isocyanates as reagents for alcohols, 463. Reith J. F. et al. Critical considerations regarding nitrogen detmn. by Kjeldahl method in amino acids and proteins 403. Reithel F. J. Apparatus for low-temperature drying 182. Revelle a. R. et al. Apparatus for rapid conducto-metric titrations. Detmng. sulphate 119. Reynolds J. G. Apparatus for detcng. and estmng. gases evolved in analysis of carbonates oxalates, sulphides sulphites etc. 685. “Rickson J. B. Semi-micro combustion method for detmng. organic carbon 268. Ramsey L. L. et al xvi INDEX TO Riddell G. et al.Deposition of nickel and cobalt by chemical reduction 415. Rieman W. 3rd ef.al. Detmng. acetyl value of fats and oils 623. - Detmng. phosphorus in phosphate rock. Separa-tion from cations by ion-exchange resin 356. Riley J. P. et a$ African drying oils. I. Seed oil of Tetracarpzdzum conophorum 231. Rittenberg S. C. et al. Rapid estmn. of tyrothricin in fermentation liquors 107. Roach J. R. et al. Condensation of formaldehyde with lower aliphatic ketones. Allylation as means of structure proof 692. - Detmng. ally1 groups in polyallyl ethers and esters 42. - Identification of polyglycerol mixtures by allylation and acetonation 693. Roberts E. J. Combined absorption and titration tube for volumetric detmn. of carbon dioxide, 513. - ef al. Detmng.aconitic acid in mixtures with citric acid 410. - Detmng. aconitic acid in sugar-house products, 409. *Roberts E. R. Measurement of stable isotope abundance ratios 657. Roberts M. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for County Boroughs of Liverpool Southport, Bootle Blackburn Birkenhead and Barrow-in-Furness and Boroughs of Crosby and Widnes, 161. - et al. Detmng. total alkaloids in belhdonna and stramonium 35. *- Separation of hyoscine and hyoscyamine and alkaloidal assay of Duboisia Spp. 140. Robertson,.N. C. et al. Test for tert-butyl and zso-propyl alcohols with Denigks’ reagent 41. Robey R. F. et al. Test for tert-butyl and iso-propyl alcohols with Denigks’ reagent 41. Robinson E. D. et al. Detmng. acetanilide in presence of caffeine 162.Robinson G. Applications of inorganic chroma-tography 417. Robinson R. J. et al. Micro-detmn. of alkaline earths as normal molybdates 412. Rohse W. G. et al. Tryptophan content of normal human urine 626. Rombau P. et al. Detmng. chloroacetic acid, 631. Bomero M. S. et al. Gravimetric detmn. of sulphites in presence of thiosulphates 579. *Rooksby H. P. Micro-analysis using X-ray diffraction technique 326. Rooney H. A. Detmng. 2 4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid and its compounds in commercial herbicides 228. Rosenfels R. S. et al. Capillary absorption cells in spectrophotometry 362. Ross W. H. et al. Air-flow method for detmng. moisture in fertilisers 565. - Detmng. moisture in fertilisers 564. Rowe F. M. et al. 4-Chloro-2-aminophenol-5-and 6-sulphonic acids their characterisation and differentiation 164.Royer G. L. et al. Micro-detmn. of halogens and sulphur using Grote combustion apparatus 691. Rubin S. H. et al. Detmng. thiamine (aneurine) and riboflavine in presence of reduced iron 225. - Factors affecting detmn. of thiamine and riboflavine in enrichment premixes containing Ferrum Redactum 684. Rudermm I. W. Bromination of phenols and phenol alcohols 408. Rulfs C. L. Steam micro-bath 476. VOLUME 73 Rusconi Y. et al. Semi-quantitative detmn. of gold 637. - Semi-quantitative inorganic analysis ; estmng. chromium and nickel 521. Russell H. jun. et al. Rare-Earth Elements and their Compounds. (Review) 641. Russell J. Detmng. fumigants. XVIII. Detmng. low concentrations of methyl bromide 178.Russell L E. et al. Detmng. metallic aluminium in aluminium pigments 48. Ryan D. E. et al. Detmng. thorium and its separation from uranium by ferron (7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid) 47 1. S Saffer A. et al. Measurement of internal double bonds in polymers by perbenzoic acid addition, 633. Sahasrabudhe M. B. et al. Estmng. dienoestrol, 163. Saini G. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of magnesium with diphenylcarbazone 523. Sandell E. B. Contamination of silicate samples crushed in steel mortars 415. Sandstedt R. M. et al. Detmng. sugar in bread, 619. SAntavf F. Polarographic detmn. of santonin 400. Sass S. et al. Detmng. 1 2 3 4-tetrahydro-2-naphthol in impregnated clothing 572. *Saunders B. C. et al. Detmng. fluorine in organic compounds 434.Saur B. ef al. Micro-colorimetric estmn. of plasma proteins 222. *Savage J. P. et al. Chromatographic estmn of vitamin A in whale-liver oil 662. Saylor J. H. ef al. Titration of fluoride ion with aluminium chloride 577. Schaeff er H. F. Phenylosazone reactions adapted to micro-slide 515. Schild H. 0. Drug antagonists for identifying and classifying drugs 51 1. Schoeller W. R. Obituary 1 186 187. Schollenberger C. J. Rrsenate-displaceable phos-phate in long-fertilised and unfertilised plot soils, 405. Schroyer,. J. R. et al. Pptn. of mercuric chloride with dithiane 47. Schuhecker K. Ignition of phosphate ppt. in classical detmn. of magnesium and phosphoric acid as magnesium pyrophosphate 697. Schuhmann P. J. et al. Acid-base reactions in benzene and other organic solvents Behaviour of brornophthalein magenta with different classes of organic bases 467.Schultz J. et al. Graff modification of Vickery -White procedure for estmng. cystine 346. Schweigert 3. S. et al. Photo-electric detmn. of magnesium in body fluids 290. *Scott B. A. Simultaneous detmn. of nickel and zinc in secondary aluminium alloys by polaro-graph 613 Seaman W. et al. Detmng. beta-dicarbonyl compounds 43. Sease J. W. et .at. hmperometric titration of thiodiglycol with electrolytically generated bromine 46. Seekles L. et at. Colorimetric estmn. of small quantities of histamine 403. Semb J. et al. Chemical detmn. of pteroylglutamic acid and related compounds 289. Sendroy J. jun. et al. Application of reflectance spectrophotometry to quantitative micro-analysis, 526 INDEX TO VOLUME 73 xvii Sequin M.et al. Detmng. ethyl and other alkyi sulphates 631. Shaefer W. E. ef al. Analysis of diazo compounds, particularly diazodinitrophenol 466. Shah S. V. et al. Fat from seeds of Vanguera spznosa (N.O. Rubiaceae) 231. Shamy H. K. El. See El Shamy. *Shanahan C. E. A. Rapid analysis of ternary system toluene - n-butyl alcohol - water 502. Shankman S. et al. Detmng. D(-)- and L(+)-glutamic acid in protein hydrolysates 403. - Detmng. glycine in protein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 222. Shapiro F. et al. Three sources of amino acids for niacin (nicotinic acid) assay 288. Sharratt E. Shchigol M. et al. Industrial control of size grading 640.Quantitative detmn. of per-manganate and manganate ions when present together 638. Rapid detmn. of small amounts of carbon monoxide. Preliminary report on NBS colorimetric indicating gel 229. Sherlock A. Obituary 186 187. Sherman G. D. et al. Polarographic detmn. of zinc in soil 51. *Sherrington L. G. et al. Photometric detmn. of tungsten 57. *Shewan J. W. Estmng. sulphur dioxide in fish muscle 605. Shirley H. T. et al. Spectrographic analysis of low-alloy steel. Statistical examination of sources of error 415. Shoemaker D. P. et al. Capillary-type viscometer : for use with solutions containing volatile solvents, with application to measurements of viscosities of nitrocelluloses 1 19. Siggia S. Colorimetric detmn. of micro-amounts of silver and silver halides 412.Silin N. F. et al. Sodium p-nitrophenate in analytical chemistry 292. Sill C. W. et al. Fluorescence test for uranium in aqueous solution 525. Silver S. D. et al. Titration of acids by electro-lytically generated hydroxyl ion 416. Silverman H. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of uric acid with alkaline ferricyanide 37. Silverman L. et al. Stable colorimetric reagent for chromium 413. Simpson D. et al. Polarographic detmn. of tin in high-purity zinc and zinc die-casting alloys, 354. Simpson E. Forensic Medicine. (Review) 365. Singer S. A. G. et al. 5-Hydroxyquinoline-8-carboxylic acid - colorimetric reagent for ruthenium 297. Sinn V. Rapid accurate detmn. of available chlorine in hypochlorite 236. Sivertz C.et al. Detmng. particle size by light scattering 580. *Skelloq J. H. et al. Iodimetric detmn. of peroxides. Modified apparatus for Lea “cold” method of estmng. peroxide oxygen 97. *- Iodimetric estmn. of peroxidic oxygen 78. Sloman K. et al. Microchemical spot test for mammalian urine contamination on fabrics 564. Smeets M. A. G. et al. Detmng. diethylbromo-acetylurea in admixture with diethylbarbituric acid and potassium bromide 623. Smith A. E. W. et al. Estmng. dienoestrol 163. Smith D. M. Spectroscopic analysis of tin and tin - lead alloys. Tin Research Institute 398, 469. Chemical and physical methods for penicillin assay. Introductory survey 197. Shepherd M. *Smith E. L. Smith E. P. et al. Detmng. tryptophan with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 288.Smith G. F. et al. 2 2-Dipyridine ferrous complex ion as indicator in detmng. iron 234. - Mixed perchloric and sulphuric acids in analysis of chrome tanned leather. Destruction of organic matter and detmn. of chromium 233. - Prepng. silver for use in Walden silver reductor, 574. Smith H. P. Obituary 186 187. Smith I. C. P. et aZ. Annular thimble for Soxhlet Smit’n J. Obituary 1 186. Smith R. W. et al. Spectrographic analysis of Smith W Assay of fuller’s earth for mont-Snell C. T. et al. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis. Snell E. E. et al. Extraction procedure for - Improved assay of vitamin B with Streptococcus - Microbiological detmn. of manganese 629. - Mineral requirements of lactic acid bacteria 630. Snell F. D. et al. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis.Vol. I. 3rd Edn. (Review) 641. Sobel A. E. et al. Detmng. vitamin A in fish-liver oils with activated glycerol dichlorohydrin 34. Sober H. A. et al. Titration of acids by electro-1yticalIy generated hydroxyl ion 416. Soppett W. W. et al. Detnmg. chlorine in resins obtained from polyvinyl chloride compositions, 572. Sorgdrager F. Pharmacognostical problems 284. Soye C. et al. Drop reaction for cobalt as potassium Soyenkoff B. Micro-detmn. of phosphate 226. Spacu P. et al. Quantitative separation of iron from copper and manganese and detmn. of these elements 698. Speakman J. B. et al. 4-Chloro-2-aminophenol-5-and -6-sulphonic acids their characterisation and differentiation 164. Spencer G. et al. Detmng. diazo-compounds through decomposition by light 407.Spasbury Sir Bernard H. Spiro L. Sources of intake and methods of elimina-tion of fluorine 511. Sprague J. M. et aZ. Colorimetric detmn. of caronamide 681. Spronck S. J. H. Rapid detmn. of silicic acid in ignited and un-ignited silicates 238. Staats F. C. et al. Oxygen in organic compounds. Direct micro-detmn. by Unterzaucher method, 686. S t e e r C. et al. Globucid (N.D.). Identity tests and methods of assay 511. *Staimby W. J. Detmng. linoleic acid in edible fats 429. Stayermark A. et al. Pressure regulator for use in micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen 687. Steel E. W. Water Supply and Sewage. 2nd Edn. (Review) 24 1 . Steigmann A. Analytical reactions with anionic and cationic wetting agents 700. *Steiner E. H.Application of statistical methods in calculating proportions of ingredients in food proaucts 15. Stenger V. A. et aZ. Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 11. Titration Methods Acid-Base Pptn. and Complex-Formation Reactions. (Review) 183. Sternberg H. E. et al. Rapid estmn. of tyrothricin in fermentation liquors 107. extractor 582. zinc-base alloys 11 6. morillonite content 344. Vol. I. 3rd Edn. (Review) 641. microbiological detmn. of vitamin B, 223. faecalis 627. cobaltinitrite 622. Obituary 1 186 xviii INDEX TO Stevens C. M. et al. Recording mass spectrometer for process analysis 702. Stewart C. P. Revision of Poisons their Isolation and Identification. 2nd Edn. (Review) 241. *Stock J. T. Microchemical applications of potentiometry 321. *- Microchemical aspects of electrolytic con-ductivity 600.Stokstad E. L. R. et al. Chemical detmn. of pteroylglutamic acid and related compounds 289. Stone K. G. et al. Estmng. aloe-emodin and aloins in Curaqao aloes 460; Erratum 702. Strengers T. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of small quantities of histamine 403. Strickland B. R. et al. Detmng. anti-oxidants in gasoline 63 1. *Stringer W. J. Simple dispenser for micro-biological media 508. %TOSS .W. Polarographic detmn. of lead in aluminium alloys 524. *Strouts C. R. N. et al. Volumetric detmn. of nitric acid in mixed and refuse acids reference half-cell for use in titrations with ferrous ammonium sulphate 669. Stubbings,. W. V. et al. Detning. surface-active agents in solution 701. Stumpf P. K. Colorimetric detmn.of desoxyribo-nucleic acid 289. Stumpf W. et al. Mikrochemische Bestimmung des Lignins in Holzmehl und Hemicellulosen der Fichte 510. Subbarow Y. et al. Chemical detmn. of pteroyl-glutamic acid and related compounds 289. Sundberg 0. E. et al. Micro-detmn. of halogens and sulphur using Grote combustion apparatus, 691. Suter H. R. Detmng. water in caustic soda and other alkaline materials 355. *Swaine D. J. Hydrogen evolution method for detmng. coating weight of galvanised sheets 504. Swann M. H. Colorimetric (absorptiometric) detmn. of red lead (minium) 174. Swift E. H. et al. Amperometric titration of thiodiglycol with electrolytically generated bromine 46. Swift H. et al. Coulometric titration of arsenic by electrolytically generated bromine and ampero-metric end-point 698.Swift L. J. Detmng. crude lipoids in citrus juices, 35. Swoboda O. et al. Sykora V. et al. Isatin /3-oxime and its use in analytical chemistry (detmng. uranium) 470. Syrokomsky V. S. et al. Volumetric detmn. of rhodium 36 1. Pectin 350. T Taggart J. V. et al. Estmng. basic organic com-pounds in biological material. IV. Estmn. by coupling with diazonium salts 106. Takazawa F. et al. Polarographic detmn. of zinc in soil 51. Tal E. M. et al. Polarographic detmn. of lead and tin in ores 174. Tananaev I. V. et al. Photo-calorimetric detmn. of chromium in steel 173. - Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry. System AlF - NaF -H,O. Gravimetric detmn. of aluminium as 11NaF.4A1F3 171; VII.Detmng. lead in form of K2S0,.PbS0, 172. Colorimetric detmn. of free chlorine with methvl orange. 462. Tmr)s M. VOLUME 73 Taras M. New pH indicators for detmng. total alkalinity in water. Disodium 4 4‘-bis(p-dimethylamino-phenylazo) -2 2 ‘-stilbenedisulpho-nate and disodium 4 4‘-bis(o-tolyltriazeno)-2 : 2‘-stilbene- disulphonate 462. Tarayan V. M. Potentiometric detmn. of beryllium, 172. Taylor F. J. ef a2. Detmng. diazo-compounds through decomposition by light 407. Taylor G. Appointed Public Analyst for Hertford-shire County Council and Official Agricultural Analyst for Counties of Bedford Cornwall, Dorset Essex Hertford and Leicester for Administrative Counties of Southampton and West Suffolk and for County Borough of East Ham 458 459.- Review of Plant Physiology. 3rd Edn. 121. - et al. Obituary of Bernard Dyer 123. Taylor J. K. Examination of absolute and com-parative methods of polarographic analysis 182. Taylor T. I. et al. Recording mass spectrometer for process analysis 702. Taylor W. W. Appointed Public Analyst for Kesteven County Council and Lindsey County Council 16 1. Tekman S. ef al. Colour reactions of native and denatured proteins 623. Teston R. O’D. ef al. Simultaneous detmn. of carbon fluorine and chlorine in halocarbons. Semimicro-method 169. Thacker G. O. et al. Electronic timing device and reflux ratio controller 581. *Thackray G. B. et al. Micro-analytical test for purity in food with special reference to cereals, 128. Theobald L.S. Review of Volumetric Analysis. Vol. I I . Titration Methods Acad-Base Pptn. and Cornplex- Formation Reactions 183. Thode H. G. et al. Multi-tip electrodes in polaro-graphic work 364. - Polarographic detmn. of tin in high-purity zinc and zinc die-casting alloys 354. Thomas A. A. Ethanolamine molybdate as reagent for o-dihydric phenols 233. Thomas M. Plant Physiology. 3rd Edn. (Review), 121. *Thompson F. B. et al. Application of Dumas micro-method to pasture nitrogen analysis 146. Thompson G. R. Obituary 529. Thompson M. B. et al. Introduction to Quantita-tive Inorganic Analysis. (Review) 54. Thrower R. D. ef al. New indicator for iodimetric analysis 48. *Thurston M. N. et al. Iodimetric detmn. of peroxides. Modified apparatus for Lea “cold” method of estmng.peroxide oxygen 97. *Tinsley J. Micro-detmn. of potassium as cobalti-nitrite in biological and agricultural materials. I . Review 86. Toribara T. Y. et al. Electronically controlled apparatus for distillation of fluoride as hydro-fluosilicic acid 356. Toscani V. Modified atomiser for flame photometer, 702. *Tourky A. R. et al. Quinquevalent molybdenum as volumetric reagent. I. Stability of solutions and detmn. of ferric iron 258; 11. Titration of iodate bromate dichromate and vanadate 362 ; 111. Detmng. ceric ferric clichromate and vanadate solutions in mixtures of two and three together 266. Tout A. F. Application of synthetic resins and polymers to paper 349. *”races. M. V. Detmna. uronic acids in soil 554 INDEX TO VOLUME 73 xix Traub K.W. Hexamethylenetetramine in separating titanium and niobium 235. *Trautner E. M. et al. Separation of hyoscine and hyoscyamine and alkaloidal assay of Duboisia Spp. 140. Analysis of pyrethrum flowers by Seil and Wilcoxon - Holaday methods, 484. Tribalat 5. Reduction and detmn. of arsenates in presence of catalysts especially rhenium 414. "Trinder N. Estmng. minute amounts of boric acid 494. Trinh N. Q. et aZ. Detmng. ethyl and other alkyl sulphates 631. Trotman S. R. Obituary 123 186. Triimpler G. et al. Polaroaraphic reduction of aliphatic aldehydes. I. Yo%rographic properties of formaldehyde 11 3 ; VI. Polarographic pro-perties of acetaldehyde 407. Trzebiatowski W. et al. X-Ray analysis of chromium - molybdenum and chromium -tungsten alloys 49.Tuemmler F. D. et al. Detmng. carbon and hydrogen. Unitised dual apparatus and improved procedure 40. Tufts L. E. et al. Detmng. fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds 166. Tulus R. et al. Selectivity of micro-methods for detmng. citric acid as pentabromoacetone 407. Tunnicliff D. D. et al. Detmng. carbon and hydrogen by combustion. Unitised dual apparatus and improved procedure 40. Turcotte A. L. et al. Ofner's method for detmng. invert sugar 567. *Twigg G. H. Spectroscopic estmn. of penicillin, 211. *- et al. Rapid chemical estmn. of penicillin 393. Uberti L. et al. Chemical composition of seed oil of Chorisza insignis 231, Udenfriend S. et al. Estmng. basic organic compounds in biological material. I . General principles.11 Estmng. fluorescent compounds. 111. Estmn. by conversion to fluorescent com-pounds. IV. Estmn. by coupling with diazonium salts. V. Estmn. by salt formation with methyl orange. VI. Estmn. by ultra-violet spectro-photometry 104-107. Uitenbroek G. et al. Detcng. aluminium with aluminon 636. Urnanski 2. M. Umbreit W. W. et aZ. Differentiation between ribose-3-phosphate and ribose-&phosphate by orcinol- pentose reaction 36. Uri N. Detmng. calcium by potentiometric titration 48. - et al. *Tresadern F. H. et al. U Emodin as indicator 113. Potentiometric detmn. of lead 577. V Valaer P. Detcng. caramel colouring in wine and other alcoholic liquids 561. Vanag G. J. et al. New selective reaction for antipyrine 104. van Arkel C. G.et al. Quantitative examination of ammonium iodide 411. van der Bie G. J. Detmng. minute quantities of phosphate calcium and magnesium in rubber 41 1. van der Burgh N. et aZ. Quantitative detmn. of potassium or sodium ferrocyanide 414. van Elteren J. F. Detmng. nicotine with picric acid 469. van Nieuwenburg C. J. et al. Detcng. aluminium with aluminon 636. van Pinxteren J. A. C. et al. Detmng. bismuth in organic bismuth compounds 400. - Detmng. diethylbromoacetylurea in admixture with diethylbarbituric acid and potassium bromide 623. Comparison of modified Folin procedure and ninhydrin manometric method for detmng. amino acid nitrogen in plasma 624. van Sonsbeek J. J. M. et al. Quantitative examina-tion of ammonium iodide 41 1. van Tongeren W.Sampling problems 417. Vars H. M. et al. Graff modification of Vickery -White procedure for estmng. cystine 346. Vaughan E. J. et aZ. New scheme for micro-chemical analysis of ferrous alloys 179. Venturello G. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of magnesiam with diphenylcarbazone 523. Vogel A. I. Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry including Qualitative Analysis. (Ke-view) 240. von Ardenne M. et al. Ein Kernphysikalisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung geringer Kohlen-stoffzusatze in Eisen 510. Vorisek J. et al. Isatin /3-oxime and its use in analytical chemistry (detmng. uranium) 470. Vorobev A. S. Detmng. chloride ion in presence of bromide and iodide by Berg's method 300. Vossgaxd A. et al. Wijs method of detmng. iodine numbers. Proposed modification 569.Voureka A. E. et al. Problems in titration of streptomycin 39. Van Slyke D. D. e2 al. w Wachsmuth H. Sensitive reaction for thallium and alkaloids 471. - Volumetric semimicro- and micro-detmn. of vitamin B, 461. Wagner C. D. et al. Detmng. mono- and cli-alkylacetylenes 41. *Wain R. L. et al. Detmng. p,p'-DDT in com-mercial samples 479. Walker B. Y. et al. Electronic timing device and feflux ratio controller 581. Walker H. B. et al. Detmng. high molecular weight ammonium compounds as tri-iodides 516. Walker 1. E. et al. Microchemical spot test for mammalian urine contamination on fabrics 564. Wallace W. B. et aZ. Detmng. tryptophan 36. Waller C. W. et al. Chemical detmn. of pteroyl-glutamic acid and related compounds 289. Wallerstein J.S. et al. Oxidase activity in potato tubers. I. o-Phenylenediamine as colorimetric reagent 620 ; 11. o-Phenylenediamine as fluorj-metric reagent 622. *Walls H. J. Fatal poisoning by sodium nitro-prusside 615. Wansink E. J. et al. Critical considerations regarding nitrogen detmn. by Kjeldahl method in amino acids and proteins 403. *Ward A. F. H. et al. Pyknometer with graduated limbs for use a t varying temperatures 158. Ward E. R. et al. Rapid prepn. of solution of sodium hydrogen sulphide 578. Warshowsky B. et al. Detmng. alcoholic hydroxyl group in organic compounds 463. Warshowsky J. et al. Polarographic analysis of mixtures of maleic and fumaric acids 45. Watson K. M. et al. Chemical Process Principles. Part I. Material and Energy Balances.Part 11. Thermodynamics. Part 111. Kinetics and Catalysis. (Review) 703 xx INDEX TO Weaver J. R. et al. Polarographic detmn. of sodium or potassium in various materials 169. - IJnitised mercury cathode apparats for electro-lytic removal of metals 476. Weiner S. Sensitive confirmatory test for bromine, 297. Weisenberger E. Mikrochemische Bestimmvng der Acetylgruppen in organischen Verbindungen, 510. - Mikrochemische Bestimmung des Schwefels in organischen Substanzen 510. - Versuche mit organischen Basenaustauschern in der mikrochemischen Analyse 510. - et al. Mikrochemische Restimmung des Lignins in Holzmehl und Hemicellulosen der Fichte 510. Weiss G. et al. Volumetric detmn. of uranium, 525. Welch E. T. et al. Constant-temperature steam-distillation apparatus for isolation of fluorine, 170.Welcher F. J. Organic Analytical Reagents. Vols. I and 11. (Review) 420. *Wells J. E. et al. Amy1 acetate solvent for separating iron in metallurgical analysis 67 1. Wenger P. E. et al. Semi-quantitative detmn. of gold 637. - Semi-quantitative inorganic analysis ; estmng. chromium and nickel 521. Werbin H. et al. Detmng. vitamin A in fish-liver oils with activated glycerol dichlorohydrin 34. Werch S. C. et al. Detmng. acetanilide in presence of caffeine 162. West P. W. et al. Test for selenium based on catalytic effect 46. *Westwood W. ef al. Detmng. cerium in cast iron 275. Whalley C. et al. New scheme for microchemical analysis of ferrous alloys 179. *White E. P. et al. Application of Dumas micro-method to pasture nitrogen analysis 146.White L. 1. Melting-point bath liquids useful up to 440°C. 475. * Whitmore F. E. Measurement of radio-isotopes, 650. Whitmore R. A. et al. Detmng. carotene in alfalfa, 108. Whittaker C. W. et al. Air-flow method for detmng. moisture in fertilisers 565. Whittet T. D. Survey of Diagnostic Agents. (Review) 420. Widmyer,. J. H. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of fluorine in glass 117. Wildman A. B. Microscopy of textile fibres aids to identification 296. Willard H. H. et al. Derivatives of diphenylamine as oxidation-reduction indicators in alkaline solution 44. - Electronically controlled apparatus for distilla-tion of fluoride as hydrofluosilicic acid 356. Williams L. R. et al. Detmng. anti-oxidants in gasoline 63 1.Willits C. O. et al. Detmng. salicylanilide in leather mould-proofing mixtures and in treated leather goods 294. 'Wills E. D. et al. Iodimetric estmn. of peroxidic oxygen 78. *Wilson C. L. Physico-chemical methods in micro-chemistry. 11. Molecular weight 585. - Teaching and applications of microchemistry in Great Britain 340. *- et al. Physico-chemical methods in micro-chemistry. 111. Stabilisation of micro-Beckmann thermometer in ebullioscopic detmns. of molecular weight 597. VOLUME 73 Wilson H. N. Direct pptn. of aluminium in presence of iron 575. Wilson J. B. Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds in foods 101. *Winter E. R. S. Measurement of abundance ratios of non-radioactive isotopes 653 Wise L. E. et al. Chemical and microbiological differentiation of enantiomorphs of galactose and xylose 568.- Identification and detmn. of D-xylose 295. Wise W. S. Continuous estmn. of oxygen in gases by polarographic method 407. *- et al. Rapid chemical estmn. of penicillin, 393. Wittcoff H. et al. Condensation of formaldehyde with lower aliphatic ketones. Allylation as means of structure proof 692. - Identification of polyglycerol mixtures by allylation and acetonation 693. Witten B. et al. p-Triphenylmethylphenyl and 2-fluorenyl isocyanates as reagents for alcohols, 463. Wittenberger K. et al. Detmng. methoxyl group in woody substances 351. Wokes F. et al. Riboflavine in malt extract 218. Wolf B. Rapid turbidimetric detmn. of inorganic nitrogen in soil and plant extracts 227.Wolf M. J. et al. Estmng. solanine in potato, 342. Wood E. C. Review of Statistical Methods an Research and Production with Special Reference to the Chemical Industry 53. - et al. Design and statistical analysis of micro-biological assays 221. *Wood S. A. et al. Analysis of pyrethrum flowers by Seil and Wilcoxon - Holaday methods 484. Woods E. A. et al. Quantitative detmn. of galactose mannose arabinose and rhamnose 464. Woods J. T. et al. petmng. beta-dicarbonyl compounds 43. "Wright R. Micro-method for molecular weight detmn. in alcoholic solutions 387. Wurz O. ef al. Pectin 350. Yoe J. H. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of iron with 4-hydroxybiphenyl-3-carboxylic acid 698. Yost D. M. et al. Rare-Earth Elements and their Compounds.(Review) 641, Youden W. J. Technique for testing accuracy of analytical data 640. Young E. M. et al. Detmng. high molecular weight quaternary ammonium compounds as tri-iodides 516. Young R. S. Detmng. zinc in metallic cobalt by dithizone 413. - et al. Detmng. calcium sulphate in sulphide ores 523. - Cetmng. oxidised zinc in ores and concentrator products 636. Z Y Zahn V. et al. Detmng. cyclopropane by selective absorption 513. Zerban F. W. et al. Detmng. dextrose and laevulose in cane sugar products containing unfermentable reducing substances 619. Zeutzius J. Persulphate method of detmng. manganese in ores slags and ferro-manganese, 48. Ziegler C. ef al. Colorimetric estmn. of caronamide 681. Zscheile F. P. et at. Analytical methods for carotenes of Lycopersicon species 232.- Detmng. carotene in alfalfa 108 INDEX TO VOLUME 73 INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes published in The Artalyst. xxi A Absorption tube Combined ___ and titration tube for volumetric detmn. of carbon dioxide. Roberts 513. “Abundance ratios Measurement of - of non-radioactive isotopes. Winter 653. “Measurement of stable isotope -. Roberts, 657. Accelerators Chromatographic analysis of rubber-compounding ingredients and their identifica-tion in vulcanisates. I-V. Bellamy Lawrie, and Press 179. Polarographic properties of sulphur. Analytical applications reaction with vulcanisation -. Proske 633. Accuracy Technique for testing - of analytical data. Youden 640. Acetaldehyde Polarographic reduction of aliphatic aldehydes.VI. Polarographic properties of -. Bieber and Triimpler 407. Acetanilide Detmng. - in presence of caffeine. Robinson and Werch 162. Acetate ion Detcng. - by reaction with arsenious oxide to form cacodyl oxide. Brantley, Cromwell and Mead 292. Acetic acid Quantitative estmn. as - of acetyl, ethylidene ethoxy and a-hydroxyethyl groups. Lemieux and Purves 349. Acetonation Identifying polyglycerol mixtures by allylation and --. Wittcoff Roach and Miller 693. Acetone Condensation of formaldehyde with lower aliphatic ketones. Allylation as means of structure proof. Roach Wittcoff and Miller, 692. Acetophenetidine Colorimetric detmn. of -. Degner and Johnson 44. Acetyl groups Microchemical detmn.of - in organic compounds. Weisenberger 510. group Quantitative estmn. as acetic acid of __ ethylidene ethoxy and a-hydroxyethyl groups. Lemieux and Purves 349. value Detmng. - of fats and oils. Helrich and Kieman 623. Acid(s) -base reactions in benzene and other organic solvents. Behaviour of bromophthalein magenta with different classes of organic bases. Davis and Schuhniann 467. Colorimetric detmn. of fatty - and esters. Hill 514. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of fatty -. Bloor 402. Component - and glycerides of Australian lumbang oil. Component - of West Indian ben and mango seed oils. Identifying esters of dibasic __ with ethanol-amine. Rauscher and Clark 694. 1 itration of ~ by electrolytically generated hydroxyl ion. Epstein Sober and Sliver 416.Tributyl phosphate for extracting organic -from aqueous solution. Page1 and McLafferty, 515. “Volumetric detmn. of nitric - in mixed and refuse -. Reference half-cell for titrations with ferrous ammonium sulphate. Strouts and Maclnnes 669. Gunstone and Hilditch 343. Dunn and Hilditch 343. *Acid beam test Modified - for Cannabis sativa resin. Rathenasinkam 509. *Acidimetric titration of dark coloured solutions. Hirsch 160. Aconitic acid Detmng. - in mixtures with citric acid. Ambler and Roberts 410. Ambler and Roberts 409. Adenine compounds Differential spectrophotometry of purine compounds with specific enzymes. 11. Detmng. ___ compounds. Kalckar 286. Adipic acid Crystallographic data. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 640.Advocaat (labelling of food) 33. African drying oils I. Seed oil of Tetracavpidium conophorum. Gunstone Hilditch and Riley, 231. *Agricultural materials Micro-detmn. of potassium as cobaltinitrite in biological and -. I. Review. Tinsley 86. Air Detmng. benzene and toluene vapours in -. Bikhovskaya 110. Detmng. cadmium oxide suspended in -. Bewick Cruikshank and Beamish 230. Detmng. carbon monoxide in - with red mercuric oxide. McCullough Crane and Beckman 684. New detmn. of tetra-ethyl lead in -. Bikhovskaya 348. Aubel and Asselineau 693. Detmng. - in sugarhouse products. Alanine Colorimetric detmn. of -. *Albumin in serum. Hirsch 161. Alcoholic liquids Detcng. caramel colouring in wine and other -.Alcohols Bromination of phenols and phenol -. Ruderman 408. Test for tert-butyl and isopropyl - with DenigGs’ reagent. Robey and Robertson 41. P-Triphenylmethylphenyl and 2-fluorenyl iso-cyanates as reagents for -. Witten and Reid 463. Aldehydes Polarographic reduction of aliphatic - I. Polarographic properties of form-aldehyde. Bieber and Triimpler 113; VI. Polarographic properties of acetaldehyde 407. Alder buckthorn Emodin as indicator. Prepn. of emodin from bark of Umanski 113. Alfalfa Detmng. carotene in -. Zscheile and Whitmore 108. *Alizarin-sulphonate Absorptiometric detmn. of boron with sodium -. Dickinson 395. Alkali chlorostannates Analysis of alkali stannates and -. Grillot 524. Alkali stannates L Analysis of __ and chbro-stannates.Grillot 524. Alkaline earths Micro-detmn. of - as normal molybdates. Moser and Robinson 412. Alkaline materials Detmng. water in caustic soda and other -. Suter 355. Alkalinity New pH indicators for detmng. total __ in water. Disodium 4 4’-bis(p-dimethyl-aminophenylazo) -2 2 ’-stilbenedisulphonate and disodium 4 4’-bis(o-tolyltriazeno)-2 2’-stilbenedisulphonate. Taras 462. *Alkaloidal assay Separation of hyoscine and hyoscyamine and - of Duboisia Spp, Trautner and Roberts 140. Valaer 561 xxii INDEX TO Alkaloids Colorimetric method for Jaborandi -. Detmng. total -in belladonna and stramonium. Sensitive reaction for thallium and -, Alkyl sulphates Detmng. ethyl and other -. Alkylacetylenes Detmng. mono- and di- -. Alloys Colorimetric detmn.of antimony in copper-*Detmng. minute amounts of zinc in - used Evans, Detmng. nitrogen in ferro- - by nesslerisation *Detmng. silicon in nickel -. Minster 507. New scheme for microchemical analysis of ferrous -. Vaughan and Whalley 179. Phosphoric acid attack method of detmng. silicon in aluminium -. Polarographic detmn. of lead in aluminium -. Stross 524. Polarographic detmn. of tin in high-purity zinc and zinc die-casting -. Hawkings Simpson, and Thode 354. Polarographic detmn. of vanadium in steel and other ferro- -. Properties of lead copper and antimony applicable to analysis of their -. Lassieur and Martelli, 470. Rapid gravimetric detmn. of silicon in aluminium -. Lisan and Katz 239. *Simultaneous detmn. of nickel and zinc in secondary aluminium - with polarograph.Scott 613. Spectrographic analysis of zinc-base -. Larrieu 116; Smith and Hoagbin 116. Spectroscopic analysis of tin and tin - lead -. Tin Research Inst. 398 459. Titrimetric methods for thorium. Analyses of thorium - uranium and uranium - molybdenum -. Banks and Diehl 51. *Volumetric detmn. of tin on small scale and its application to non-ferrous -. Miller and Currie 377. X-ray analysis of chromium - molybdenum and chromium - tungsten - . Trzebiatowski, Ploszek and Lobzowski 49. Ally1 groups Detmng. - in polyallyl ethers and esters. Boyd and Roach 42. Allylation Condensation of formaldehyde with lower aliphatic ketones. - as means of structure proof. Roach Wittcoff and Miller, 692.Identifying polyglycerol mixtures by ___ and acetonation. Wittcoff Roach and Miller 693 Aloe-emodin Estmng - and aloins in Curaqao - . Stone and Furman 460; Erratum 702 Aloins Estmng aloe-emodin and - in Curaqao aloes. Stone and Furman 460; Erratum 702. Alpha-cellulose See Cellulose. Alumina Separating anions by adsorption on -. Kubli 117. Spectrographic analysis of silica - ~ cracking catalysts. Burdett and Jones 474. Bushey, 636. cathode Polarographic detmn. of zinc in metallic cadmium after preliminary separation of cadmium by electrolysis on -. Kovalenko and Dmitrieva 173. Elvidge 345. Roberts and James 35. Wachsmuth 47 1. Trinh and Sequin 631. Wagner Goldstein and Peters 41. base -. Holler 360. for lead pipes and cable sheathing.149. without distillation. Newell 359. Norwitz 575. Lingane and Meites 50. Aluminium Acidimetric detmn. of -. VOLUME 73 Aluminium-continued Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of - -in beryllium salts. Mervel 172. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of -in steel. Kuskova 114. Detcng. - with aluminon. van Nieuwenbnrg and Uitenbroek 636. *Detmng. - in - bronze. Edwards 556. Detmng. metallic - in - pigments. Light and Russell 48. Direct pptn. of - in presence of iron. Wilson, 575. Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry. System AlF - NaF -H,O. Gravimetric detmn. of - as 11NaF.4A1F3. Tananaev and Lelchuk 171. Polarographic detmn. of sodium or potassium in various materials. Weaver and Lykken, 169.Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. I. Conditions for detmng. elements of copper and iron analytical sub-groups. Portnov and Kozlova 634. *Thioglycollic acid as inhibitor for iron in colori-metric detmn. of - with Aluminon. Chenery 501. Volumetric detmn. of - . Lacroix 353; Erratum 415. Aluminium alloys Phosphoric acid attack method for detmng. silicon in -. Polarographic detmn. of lead in -. Stross, 524. Rapid gravimetric detmn. of silicon in -. Lisan and Katz 239. *Simultaneous detmn. of nickel and zinc in secondary - with polarograph. Scott 613. *Aluminium bronze Detmng. aluminium in -. Edwards 556. Aluminium chloride Titration of fluoride ion with -. Saylor and Larkin 577. Aluminium fluoride Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry.System AlF - NaF - H,O. Gravimetric detmn. of aluminium as 1 1NaF.4A1F3. Tananaev and Lelchuk 171. Aluminium oxide Polarographic detmn. of sodium or potassium in various materials. Weaver and Lykken 169. Aluminium resinates Composition of rosin size (--) ppts. Analyses of standard size ppts. Aluminon Detcng. aluminium with -. van Nieuwenburg and Uitenbroek 636. *Thioglycollic acid as inhibitor for iron in colori-metric detmn. of aluminium with -. Chenery 50 1. American Chemical Society Recommended specifications for analytical reagent chemicals. 114. Amidines Detmng. aromatic - in plasma and urine. Jackson Kuhl and Irvin 38. Amine(s) Acid-base reactions in benzene and other organic solvents ; behaviour of bromophthalein magenta with different classes of organic bases.Davis and Schuhmann 467. anti-oxidants Colour reactions of __ for rubber. Burchfield and Judy 519. Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary --. English 669. Amino acid(s) Comparison of modified Folin photometric procedure and ninhydrin mano-metric method for detmng. - nitrogen in plasma. Norwitz 575. - Price 632. Chinard and Van Slyke 624 INDEX TO Amino acid(s)-continued Critical considerations regarding nitrogen detmn. by Kjeldahl method in - and proteins. Reith and Wansink 403. Three sources of - for niacin (nicotinic acid) assay. Kemmerer and Shapiro 288. 2-Aminophe~ol-5-sulphonic acid Gaunt Rowe and Speakman 164. p- Aminophenylsulphonamido-ethyl-thiodiazole See Globucid.Ammonia Bromide content of underground waters. 11. Chlorination of water containing free -afld naturally occurring bromide. Hdughton, 110. Detmng. content of pyridine bases in products containing __ or ammonium salts. Neymark, 165. Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen. Potassium ' bi-iodate in iodimetric titration of -. Ammonium iodide Quantitative examination of Ammonium purpurate See Murexide. Ammonium salts Detmng. content of pyridine bases in products containing ammonia or -. Neymark 165. Amperometric methods in control of water chlorina-tion. Marks Bannister Glass and Herrigel, 52. Amphetamine Quantitative detmn. of --. McNally Bergman and Polli 345. *Amy1 acetate Solvent for separating iron in metallurgical analysis.Wells and Hunter, 611. Analysis Apparatus for detcng. and estmng. gases evolved in - of carbonates oxalates, sulphides sulphites etc. Reynolds 685. Capillary method in qualitative -. Korinfsky, 163. Colorimetric Methods of -. Vol. I . Snell and Snell. (Review) 641. Introduction to Quantitative Inorganic -. Belcher and Thompson. (Review) 54. Micro-diffusion - and Volumetric Error. Conway. 2nd Edn. (Keview) 419. Organic Reagents used in Gravimetric and Volumetric -. Flagg. (Review) 528. "Proximate - of mixtures by methods depending on differential solubility and satura-tion. Bennett 191. Qualitative - for cations without systematic separations. I . Characterisation of arsenic tin, antimony and bismuth. Charlot and RCzier, 352. Quantitative ___ with X-ray spectrometer.Redmond 474. d "Review of electrolytic methods of micro-chemical -. Lindsey 67. Volumetric -. Kolthoff and Stenger. Vol. 11. Titration methods Acid-Base Pptn. and Complex-Formation Reactions. (Review) 183. Analytical Chemistry International Congress on -. Netherlands Chemical SOC. 561. chemistry Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in -. System AIF - NaF - H,O (gravimetric detmn. of aluminium as 11NaF. 4A1F3). Tananaev and Lelchuk 17 1 ; VII. Detmng. lead as K,SO;PbSO,. Tananaev and Mizetzkoja 172. *chemistry Significant figures in -. Cooper, 508. Chemistry 60th Anniversary meeting of SOC. Suisse de Chimie Analvtiaue et Atmliaud. 561. Ballentine and Gregg 239. -. van Arkel and van Sonsbeek 411.VOLUME 73 xxii i Analytical-continued data Technique for testing accuracy of -. Youden 640. precipitates Thermal behaviour of -. Peltier and Duval 522; V. Detmng. magnesium. VI. Detmng. beryllium. VII. Detmng. lithium. Duval and Duval 634. reagent chemicals Recommended specifications for -. American Chemical SOC. Committee on Analytical Reagents. 114. Aneurine Comparison of three thiochrome methods for urinary - by simplified base-exchange procedure. Papageorge and Lamar 626. *Cup-plate method in microbiological assay with special reference to riboflavine and -. Bacharach and Cuthbertson 334. Detmng. thiamine [aneurine] and riboflavine in presence of reduced iron. De Ritter and Rubin, 225. Detmng. - in potatoes. Factors affecting detmn.of thiamine [aneurine] and riboflavine in enrichment premixes contain-ing Ferrum Redacturn. Rubin De Ritter, Febbraro and Jahns 684. *Neurospora crassa mutant 9185 for assay of -. Harrison and Miller 539. Aniline Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. Anions Separating __ by adsorption on alumina. Kubli 117. Antagonists Drug - for identifying aqd classi-fying drugs. Schild 511. Anthraquinone-a-arsonic acid for detmng. small amounts of tin. Kuznetsov 176. Antimony Colorimetric detmn. of - in copper-base alloys. Holler 360. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of - in biological materials with rhodamine B. Maren 226. Colour reaction for __ with methyl violet. Kuznetsov 354. Polarographic characteristics of chloro-complexes of quinquevalent -.Lingane and Nishida, 50. Properties of lead copper and - applicable to analysis of their alloys. Lassieur and Martelli 470. Qualitative analysis for cations without systematic separations. I. Characterisation of arsenic tin, - and bismuth. Rhodamine B method for micro-detmn. of -. Freedman 227. Antimony trichloride - ethanol pptn. for fluorimetric detmn. of riboflavine in pork. Lewis and Gorham 400. Bouman 563. Charlot and BCzier 352. - pyramidone complex. Lapidre 517. Reaction of carotenoids with - Johnson and Baumann 630. Anti-oxidants Chromatographic analysis of rubber-compounding ingredients and their identifica-tion in vulcanisates. I-V. Bellamy Lawrie, and Press 179. Colour reactions of amine __ for rubber.Burchfield and Judy 519. Detcng. and identifying uncompounded - for rubber by means of colour reactions. Deal, 619. Williams and Strick-land 631. Antipyrine New selective reaction for -. Vanag and Matzkanova 104. *Apparatus Arrangement by which a single water tap may be used to run (a) distillation in vucuo, (b) condenser ( c ) constant-level water-bath. Bradford. 159. Detmng. __ in gasoline xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 73 Apparatus-continued Comparison of several types of - devised for detmng. volatile oil in citrus juices. Curl 695. Constant-temperature steam-distillation - for isolation of fluorine. Huckabay Welch and Metler 170. Continuous steam distillation -. Immerwahr, 364. Detmng. carbon and hydrogen by combustion. Unitised - and improved procedure.Tunni-cliff Peters Lykken and Tuemmler 40. Electronically controlled - for distillation of fluoride as hydrofluosilicic acid. Willard, Toribara and Holland 356. for low-temperature drying. Keithel 182. for quantitative low-temperature vacuum distilla-tion of millilitre volumes. Grant 401. for rapid conductometric titrations. Detmng. sulphate. Anderson and Revelle 119. *Iodimetric detmn. of peroxides. Modified ~ for Lea “cold” estmn. of peroxide oxygen. Skellon and Thurston 97. Apple(s) Canned -. juice Unfermented - (labelling of food) 33. Applied Chemistry 60th Anniversary meeting of SOC. Suisse de Chimie Analytique et Appliqu6, 561. Appointments Official -. 161 458 459 679, 680. Official -. Transfer of certain functions 99. Arabinose Quantitative detmn.of galactose, mannose - and rhamnose. Hirst Jones, and Woods 464. Arachis oil Detmng. presence of olive oil extracted from oil-cake or of - in olive oil obtained by pressing. Loew 217. Arginine Detmng. guanidoacetic acid and - in human urine and serum. Argyria speciosa Fatty oil from seeds of -, Sweet (N.O. Convolvulaceae) . Kelkar Phal-nikar and Bhide 231. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology. Crystallographic data, p,P’-DDT forms I and 11. 579; adipic acid and trans-azobenzene 640. Arsenate(s) -displaceable phosphate in long-fertilised and unfertilised plot soils. Schollenberger 405. Reduction and detmn. of - in presence of catalysts especially rhenium. Tribalat 414. Arsenic Coulometric titration of ~ by electro-lytically generated bromine and amperometric end-point.Myers and Swift 698. *Detmng. - pentoxide in white -. Lambie, 74. Qualitative analysis for cations without systematic separations. I. Characterisation of - tin, antimony and bismuth. Charlot and Bkzier, 352. Volumetric detmn. of - with broma te. Raykhinshteyn and Kocherigina 300. *Arsenic pentoxide Detmng. - in white arsenic. Lambie 74. Arsenious oxide Detcng. acetate ion by reaction with - to form cacodyl oxide. Brantley, Cromwell and Mead 292. Ascorbic acid Detmng. - in presence of inter-fering substances by continuous flow method. Harris and Mapson 562. AS dyes Identification of unsulphonated azo-naphthol -. *Ash hid for detmng. - in matter containing high percentages of water.Davidsohn 678. Assays Design and statistical analysis of micro-biological -. Ministry of Food 216. Hoberman 346. Koch and Milligan 349. Wood and Finney 221. Atomiser Modified - for flame photometer. Toscani 702. *Atropa belladonna Separation of hyoscine and hyoscyamine and alkaloidal assay of Duboisia sp$. Starvation experiment on leaves of -. Trautner and Roberts 140. Australian lumbang oil Component acids and glycerides of -. Gunstone and Hilditch, 343. Azobenzene See trans-Azobenzene. Azonaphthol AS dyes Identification of un-sulphonated -. Iioch and Milligan 349. B Background intensity instead of comparison line for spectroscopic detmn. of cobalt and nickel in ores. Ovchinnikov 362. Bacteria Mineral requirements of lactic acid -.MacLeod and Snell 630. Bacteriology of spray-dried egg with particular reference to food poisoning. Medical Research Council. 397. Balance Quartz microgram -. Kirk Craig, Gullberg and Boyer 475. Barbituric acid Detmng. - derivatives. Mangouri and Milad 219. Barium salts Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. Peltier and Duval 522. Base(s) Acid- - reactims in benzene and other organic solvents. Behaviour of bromophthalein magenta with different classes of organic -. Davis and Schuhmann 467. -exchange Comparison of three thiochrome methods fof urinary thiamine by simplified - procedure. Papageorge and Lamar 626. -exchange materials Experiments with - in microchemical analysis. Weisenberger 510. Basic organic compounds Estmng.- in biological material. I-VI. Brodie Udenfriend Baer, Dill Downing Chenkin Taggart and Josephson 104-107. Bath Constant temperature cell - for use with Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer. Finch and Parker 117. liquids Melting-point __ usefd up to 440’ C. White 475. Simple steam micro- -. Bedding Cleanliness of Fillings and Stuffing for - Upholstery Perambulators Cushions, Tea Cosies Dolls etc. British Standard 1425: 1948. 398; Fenton test for -. 418. Beer Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds in foods. Wilson 101. Behen See Ben. Belladonna Detmng. total alkaloids in - and stramonium. Roberts and James 35. Ben Component acids of West Indian - and mango seed oils. Dunn and Hilditch 343. Benzene(s) Acid-base reactions in - and other organic solvents.Behaviour of bromophthalein magenta with different classes of organic bases. Davis and Schuhmann 467. Colorimetric detmn. of less than 0.001 per cent. of sulphur as carbon disulphide in -. Colorimetric test for small quantities of carbon disulphide in pure -. Dick 232. Colorimetric detmn. of less than 0.001 per cent. of sulphur as thiophen in pure -. French, 517. Detmng. - and toluene vapours in air. Bikhovzkaya 110. Rulfs 476 INDEX TO Benzene(s)-continued Detmng. - in gases containing butadiene and higher olefines. Behaviour of 1 3-butadiene towards ammoniacal nickel cyanide solution. Balandin and Marushkin 110. Detmng. small quantities of total sulphur in -. French and Claxton 689. Detmng. sulphur compounds in crude and refined -.1-11. Claxton and Hoffert 688. Benzole See Benzene. Benzoxazolone-5- and -6-sulphonic acids Gaunt, Rowe and Speakman 164. S-Benzylthiouronium and p-toluidine salts of -. Gaunt Rowe and Speakman 164. *Beryllium New micro-detmn. of - with particular reference to its detmn. in biological materials. Aldridge and Liddell 607. Potentiometric detmn. of -. Tarayan 172. salts Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of aluminium in -. Mervel 172. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. VI. Detmng. -. Beryllium hydroxide Pptn. of - with or-picoline. Ostroumov and Ivanov-Emin 115. *Beta-activity Measurement of -. Maddock, 644. Beverages Detmng. quaternary ammonium com-pounds in foods. Wilson 101. Biological fluids Colorimetric estmn.of micro-quantities of ethanol in blood and other -. Henry Kirkwood Berkman Housewright and Henry 681. fluids Micro-colorimetric detmn. of sodium in human -. Albanese and Lein 629. material Estmng. basic organic compounds in -. I-VI. Brodie Udenfriend Baer Dill, Downing Chenkin Taggart and Josephson, materials Colorimetric micro-detmn. of antimony in - with rhodamine B. Maren 226. materials Micro-detmn. of manganese in - by catalysis. Kun 402. *materials Micro-detmn. of potassium as cobalti-nitrite in __ and agricultural materials. I. Review. Tinsley 86. *materials New micro-detmn. of beryllium with particular reference to its detmn. in -. Aldridge and Liddell 607. *standards Observations on -. Miles 530. 4 4’-Bis(p-dimethylaminophenylazo)-2 2’-stil-bene-disulphonate New p H indicators for detmng.total alkalinity in water. Disodium - Taras 462. 4 4’-Bis(o-tolyltriazeno) -2 2’-stilbene-disul-phonate New pH indicators for detmng. total alkalinity in water. Disodium -. Taras 462. Biscuits dog Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds in foods. Wilson 101. Bismuth Detmng. - in organic - compounds. Langejan and van Pinxteren 400. Qualitative analysis for cations without systematic separations. I. Characterisation of arsenic, tin antimony and --. Charlot and BCzier, 352. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. I . Conditions for detmng. elements of copper and iron analytic sub-groups. Portnov and Kozlova 634. *Bismuthate 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis.Cullinane and Chard 95. Blancmanges (labelling of food). 33. Blood Chemical estmn. of streptomycin in - and Duval and Duval 634. 104-107. spinal fluid. Boxer and Jelinek 401. VOLUME 73 XXV Blood-c ont in ated Chromatographic separation of cholesterol and cholesterol esters in -. Hess 286. Colorimetric estmn. of micro-quantities of ethanol in - and other biological fluids. Henry, Kirkwood Berkman Housewright and Henry, 681. *2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Enzymic method for detmng. uric acid in whole -. Block and Geib 284. Estmng. phospholipids in human -. Hack, 285. fractions :’ Micro-colorimetric detmn of sodium in human biological fluids. Albanese and Lein, 629. Micro-colorimetric detmn.of manganese in biological materials with 4 4’-tetramethyl-diaminotriphenylmethane. Gates and Ellis, 291. Micro-detmn. of non-protein nitrogen in serum, plasma or -. Rappaport and Eichhorn, 625. Photo-electric detmn. of magnesium in body fluids. Kunkel Pearson and Schweigert 290. Whole - or other clotting systems in assaying heparin. Jalling Jorpes and Linden 222. Boards Detmng. rosin in papers and -. Peteri, 296. Body fluids Photo-electric detmn. of magnesium in -. Kunkel Pearson and Schweigert, 290. Bonds Measurement of internal double - in polymers by perbenzoic acid addition. Saffer and Johnson 633. Bones Micro-colorimetric detmn. of manganese in biological materials with 4 4’-tetramethyl-diaminotriphenylmethane.Gates and Ellis, 291. Bamford. Poisons their Isolation and Identifica-tion. 2nd Edn. 241. Belcher and Thompson. Introduction to Quanti-tative Inorganic Analysis 54. Conway. Micro-Diffusion Analysis and Volu-metric Error. 2nd Edn. 419. Coward. Biological Standardisation of the Vitamins 2nd Edn. 302. Davies. Statistical Methods in Research and Production with special Reference to the Chemical Industry 53. Fivdlay. Chemistry in the Service of Man. 7th Edn. 183. Finney. Probit Analysis Statistical Treatment of the Sigmoid Response Curve 301. Flagg. Organic Reagents used in Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis 528. Hougen and Watson. Chemical Process Prin-ciples. Kapp. Presentation of Technical Information, 527. Kaye and Laby. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants.10th Edn. 704. Kolthoff and Stenger. Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 11 183. Morris. Dehydration of Food 365. Oxley. Scientific Principles of Grain Storage, Physical Society. Report on Colour Terminology, Read. Humour and Humanism in Chemistry, Simpson. Forensic Medicine 365. Book Reviews: Parts I I1 and 111 703. 528. 477. 365 xxvi INDEX TO Book Reviews-continued Snell and Snell. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis. Vol. I 641. Steel. Water Supply and Sewage. 2nd Edn., 241. Thomas. Plant Physiology. 3rd Edn. 121. Vogel. Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, Welcher. Organic Analytical Reagents. Vols. Whittet. Yost Russell and Garner. Rare-Earth Elements British Pharmacopoeia 1948 582. Elsevier’s Encyclopaedia of Organic Chemistry.Vol. 13 53. *Borax Effect of dipping in - solutions on boron content of oranges. *Boric acid Estmng. minute amounts of -. Trinder 494. *Boron Absorptiometric detmn. of __ with sodium alizarin-sulphonate. Dickinson 395. *Effect of dipping in borax solutions on ___ content of oranges. Furlong 498. Bread Detmng. sugar in -. Sandstedt and Fleming 6 1 9. British Intelligence Objectives Sub-committee : Microchemistry in Germany. Belcher and Phillips 510. British Medical Council British Pharmacopoeia, 1948. (Review) 582. British Pharmacopoeia 1948. British Medical Council. (Review) 582. Druce, 617. British Standsrds Institution B.S 846 Part 3. Burettes and Bulb Pipettes 510. B.S. 1425 1948. Cleanliness of Fillings and Stuffing for Bedding Upholstery Peram-bulators Cushions Tea Cosies Dolls and other Domestic Articles 398; Fenton test for -, 418.Bromate Detmng. halates in sodium hypochlorite. Atkin 524. *Quinquevalent molybdenum as volumetric re-agent. 11. Titration of iodate - dichromate and vanadate. Tourky Farah and El Shamy, 262. Volumetric detmn. of arsenic with -. Raykhinshteyn and Kocherigina 300. Bromide(s) content of underground waters. I. Detmn. and occurrence of traces of - in water. 11. Observations on chlorination of water containing free ammonia and naturally occurring -. Houghton 110. Detmng. chloride ion in presence of - and iodide by Berg’s method. ion Capillary method in qualitative analysis. Korinfsky 163. Simple detmn. of iodine in presence of chlorides and -.Bromination of phenols and phenol alcohols. Ruderman 408. Bromine Amperometric titration of thiodiglycol with electrolytically generated -. Sease, Niemann and Swift 46. Coulometric titration of arsenic by electrolytically generated - and amperometric end-point. Myers and Swift 698. Micro-detmn. of halogens and sulphur using Grote combustion apparatus. Smdberg and Royer 691. Sensitive confirmatory test for -. Weiner, 297, including Qualitative Analysis 240. I and 11 420. Survey of Diagnostic Agents 420. and their Compounds 641. Furlong 498. “sulphuric acid test for liquid paraffin. Vorobev 300. de Jong and Lenstra 637. VOLUME 73 Bromophthalein magenta Acid-base reactions in benzene and other organic solvents.Behaviour of - with different classes of organic bases. Davis and Schuhmann 467. *Bronze Detmng. aluminium in aluminium -. Edwards 556. Broth Colorimetric detmn. of streptomycin in clinical prepns. urine and - . Boxer, Jelinek and Leghorn 219. Burettes and bulb pipettes. B.S. 846 Part 3. 510. Butadiene Detmng. benzene in gases containing __ and higher olefines. Behaviour of 1 3-- towards ammoniacal nickel cyanide solution. Balandin and Marushkin 110. *Butyl alcohol Rapid analysis of ternary system toluene - n- - - water. Shanahan 502. Test for tert- - and iso-propyl alcohol with Denigts’ reagent. Robey and Robertson 41. C *Cable sheathing Detmng. minute amounts of zinc in alloys used for lead pipes and -. Evans 149. Cacodyl oxide Detmng.acetate ion by reackion with arsenious oxide to form -. Brantley, Cromwell and Mead 292. Cadmium Alkalimetric detmn. of - and zinc. Carrikre 236. Polarographic detrnn. of zinc in metallic -after preliminary electro-deposition of -from hydrochloric acid solution. Kovalenko. 635. Polarographic detmn. of zinc in metallic -electrolysis on aluminium cathode. Kovalenko and Dmitrieva 173. Potassium ethyl xanthogenate for detmng. zinc and -. Berkovich 233. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. I. Conditions for detmng. elements of copper and iron analytical sub-groups. Portnov and Kozlova 634. Cadmium dithizonate Diphenyldithiocarbazone (di-thizone) in analysis. 11. Instability constants of zinc dithizonate - and lead dithizonate.Babko and Pilipenko 174. Cadmium oxide Detmng. ___ suspended in air. Bewick Cruikshank and Beamish 230. *Caffeine content of fermenting coffee extracts. Davson 160. Detmng. acetanilide in presence of -. Robinson and Werch 162. Calcium Detmng. ___ by potentiometric titration. Uri 48. Detmng. minute quantities of phosphate -, and magnesium in rubber. van der Bie 411. Detmng. small concentrations of - and magnesium by titration with standard soap solution. McCoy 566. Photometric micro-detmn. of -. DeLuca, 412. salts Polarographic detmn. of sodium or potassium in various materials. Weaver and Lykken 169. salts Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. Peltier and Duval 522. Titrimetric methods for thorium. Separation of thorium from -.Calcium chloride as polarographic supporting-electrolyte. Khlopin 120. after preliminary separation of - by Banks and Diehl 51 INDEX TO VOLUME 73 xxvi i Calcium sulphate Detmng. - in sulphide ores. Young and Hall 523. Calomel Detmng. - in pills. Cane sugar products Detmng. dextrose and laevulose in - containing unfermentable reducing substances. *Cannabis sativa Modified “acid beam” test for - resin. Rathenasinkam 509. Canned Fruit and Vegetables (No. 2) Order 1946 (Amendment No. 4) Order 1948. Canned Meat Meat Products and - (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1948. 341. Canned Vegetables Canned Fruit and - (No. 2) Order 1946 (Amendment No. 4) Order 1948. 216. *Canning Statistical methods in research on food --. Adam 7. Capillary absorption cells in spectrophotometry.Kirk Rosenfels and Hanahan 362. Capillary method in qualitative analysis. Korinfsky, 163. Caramel Detcng. __ colouring in wine and other alcoholic liquids. Valaer 561. Carbon Detmng. - and hydrogen by combustion. Unitised dual apparatus and improved procedure. Tunnicliff Peters Lykken and Tuemmler 40. Detmng. - in low- - steels. Low-pressure gasometric method. Nesbitt and Henderson, 357. *Modifications of standard micro-combustion procedures found necessary in detmng. -, hydrogen and nitrogen in aliphatic nitro compounds. Heron 314. Nuclear physical method of detmng. small quantities of __ in iron. von Ardenne and Bernhard 510. *Observations on semimicro-detmn. of - and hydrogen by Sucharda and Bobranski method, using macro-balance.Goulden 320. Pressure regulator for micro-detmn. of - and hydrogen. Furter and Stayermark 687. *Rapid micro-analytical detmn. of - and hydrogen in organic compounds. Colson 541. Rapid micro-elementary analysis. I. Detmng. ___ and hydrogen in substances containing - hydrogen and oxygen. Korshun and Klimova 351. *Semi-micro combustion method of detmng. organic -. Rickson 268. Simultaneous detmn. of - fluorine and chlorine in halocarbons. Semi-micro method. Teston and McKenna 169. Carbon dioxide Combined absorption and titration tube for volumetric detmn. of -. Roberts, 513. Carbon disulphide Colorimetric detmn. of less than 0.001 per cent. of sulphur as __ in benzoles. Colorimetric test for small quantities of -in pure benzene.Dick 232. Detmng. sulphur compounds in crude and refined benzoles. 1-11. Claxton and Hoffert, 688. Carbon monoxide Detmng. ~ in air with red mercuric oxide. McCullough Crane and Beckman 684. Pre-liminary report on NBS colorimetric indicating gel. Shepherd 239. Carbon steel Thermo-electric method for detmng. silicon in -. Korzh 575. Carbonates Apparatus for detcng. and estmng. gases evolved in analysis of - oxalates, sulphides sulphites etc. Reynolds 685. Ferrey 344. Zerban and Erb 619. 216. Rapid detmn. of small amounts of -. Carbonyl compounds Detmng. p-di- -. Seaman, Woods and Massad 43. Carboxyl content Acidic properties of cotton cellulose and derived oxycelluloses. V. Com-parison of methods for detmng. -. Davidson and Nevell 695.Ziegler and Sprague 681. Lycopersicon species. Zscheile and Porter 232. Detmng. __ in alfalfa. Zscheile and Whitmore, 108. Carotenoids Reaction of - with antimony trichloride. Johnson and Baumann 630. *Cast iron Detmng. cerium in -. Westwood and Mayer 275. Catalysis Chemical Process Principles. 111. Kinetics and Hougen and Watson. (Review) 703. Micro-detmn. of manganese in biological materials by -. Kun 402. Catalysts Spectrographic analysis of silica - alumina cracking -. Catalytic effect Test for selenium based on -. Feigl and West 46. Cathode Unitised mercury - apparatus for electrolytic removal of metals. Johnson, M7eaver and Lykken 476. Cations Qualitative analysis for - without systematic separations. I . Characterisation of arsenic tin antimony and bismuth.Charlot and BCzier 352. Systematic analysis of - by polarographic method.‘ I. Conditions for detmng. elements of copper and iron analytical sub-groups. Portnov and Kozlova 634. Caustic soda Detmng. water in - and other alkaline materials. Suter 355. Cell(s) bath Constant temperature - for use with Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer. Finch and Parker 117. Capillary absorption - in spectrophotometry. Kirk Rosenfels and Hanahan 362. *Volumetric detmn. of nitric acid in mixed and refuse acids. Reference half- - for titrations with ferrous ammonium sulphate. Strouts and MacInnes 669. Cellulose Acidic properties of cotton - and derived oxycelluloses. 11. Absorption of methylene blue. Davidson 694; V.Com-parison of methods for detmng. carboxyl content. Davidson and Nevell 695; VI. Application of Lefbvre-Tollens method for estmng. uronic acid groups. Nevell 696. Detmng. alpha-. Cundy and Beck 45. Effect of sample preparation on analytical values for alpha- - copper number and cuprammonium viscosity. Browning 44. Centralite Rapid detmn. of nitroglycerin and ethyl ~ in rocket propellant powder. Hirschhorn 465. Centrifuging data Reporting -. Costello 476. Ceramic glazes Technique for obtaining uncon-taminated small samples of __ and other hard siliceous materials. Caley 473. Cereals Detmng. moisture content of - by measuring specific inductive capacity. Groves and King 217. *Micro-analytical test for purity in food with special reference to -.Kent- Jones Amos, Elias Bradshaw and Thackray 128. Cerebrospinal fluid Micro-colorimetric detmn. of sodium in human biological fluids. Albanese and Lein 629. Caronamide Colorimetric detmn. of -. Carotene@) Analytical methods for ~ of Burdett and Jones 474 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 73 *Ceric solutions Quinquevalent molybdenum as volumetric reagent. 111. Detmng. -, ferric dichromate and vanadate solutions in mixtures of two and three together. Tourky, Farah and El Shamy 266. *Cerium Analytical applications of m-nitro-benzoic acid with special reference to separation of quadrivalent elements from rare earths (lanthanides). Osborn 381. “Detmng. - in cast iron. Westwood and Mayer 275. *2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis.Cullinane and Chard 95. Chemicals Recommended specifications for analytical reagent -. American Chemical SOC. Committee on Analytical Reagents 114. Chemistry Humour and Humanism in -. Read. (Review) 365. International Congress on Analytical -. Netherlands Chemical SOC. 561. in the Service of Man. Findlay. 7th Edn. (Review) 183. 60th Anniversary meeting of SOC. Suisse de Chimie Analytique et Appliqte 561. Cherries Canned - and bottled cocktail -. Ministry of Food 216. Chick assay Collaborative comparison of three rations for - of vitamin D. Bliss 108. Chlorate Detmng. halates in sodium hypochlorite. Atkin 524. Chloride(s) Detmng. - ion in presence of bromide and iodide by Berg’s method. Vorobev, 300. ion Detmng. - by amperometric titration.Korshunov and Gurevich 17 1. Rapid titration of -. Dean and Harley 578. Simple detmn. of iodine in presence of - and bromides. de Jong and Lenstra 637. *Tartrazine in detmng. __by Volhard’s method. Berry 505. Chlorination Arnperometric methods in control of water -. Marks Bannister Glass and Herrigel 52. Bromide content of underground waters. 11. __ of water containing free ammonia and naturally occurring bromide. Houghton 110. Chlorine Colorimetric detmn. of free - with methyl orange. Taras 462. Detmng. - in resins obtained from polyvinyl chloride compositions. Haslam and Soppett, 572. Detmng. fluorine and - in organic compounds. Kimball and Tufts 166. Micro-detmn. of halogens and sulphur using Grote comhustion apparatus. Sundberg and Royer 691 Rapid accurate detmn.of available - in hypochlorite. Sinn 236. Simultaneous detmn. of carbon fluorine and __ in halocarbons. Teston and McKenna, 169. Chloroacetic acid Detmng. - . Frankiel and Rombau 631. 4-Chloro-2-aminophenol-5- and -6-sulphonic acids, characterisation and differentiation. Gaunt, Rowe and Speakman 164. 5-Chlorobenzoxazolone Gaunt Rowe and Speak-man 164. 5-Chlorobenzoxazolone-6- and -7-sulphonic acids : Gaunt Rowe and Speakman 164. S-benzylthiuronium salt of -. Gaunt Rowe, and Speakman 164. 9-Toluidine salts of -. Gaunt Rowe and Speakman 164. Chloro-complexes IJolarographic characteristics of - of quinquevalent antimony. Lingane and Nishida 50. Chlorostannates Analysis of alkali stannates and -. Grillot 524.Clothing Detmng. 1 2 3 4-tetrahydro-2-naphthol in impregnated -. Goldenson and Sass 572. Chocolate Fresh fruit covered with -. Ministry of Food 216 *Micro-analytic. .I test for purity of food with special reference to cereals. Kent- Jones. Amos Elias Bradshaw and Thackray 128. Sugar Confectionery and Cocoa Produck (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944 (Amendment No. 8) Order 1948. 459. Cholesterol Chromatographic separation of __ and - esters in blood. Hess 286. *Permanent standard for estmng. -. Hirsch, 161. Chorisia insignis Chemical composition of seed oil of ~ “Palo Borracho.” Cattaneo, Karman and Uberti 231. *Chromate 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Chromatography Applications of inorganic -.Robinson 4 17. Chromium Mixed perchloric and sulphuric acids in analysis of chrome tanned leather. Destruc-tion of organic matter and detmn. of -. Smith and Fritz 233. Photo-colorimetric detmn. of ___ in steel. Tananaev and Matveeva 173. Rapid detmn. of - and vanadium. Ducret, 353. Semi-quantitative drop-reaction analysis of 1 8/8 - nickel steels. Semi-quantitative inorganic analysis ; Estmng. - and nickel. Wenger Monnier and Rusconi 52 1. Stable colorimetric reagent for -. Ege and Silverman 413. X-ray analysis of - - molybdenum and - tungsten alloys. Trzebiatowski Ploszek, and Lobzowski 49. *Chrysanthemum dicarboxylic acid Analysis of pyrethrum flowers by Seil and Wilcoxon-Holaday methods. Mitchell Tresadern and Wood 484.*Chrysanthemum monocarboxylic acid Ditto ditto. 484. Citric acid Detmng. aconitic acid in mixtures with -. Ambler and Roberts 410. Selectivity of micro-methods for detmng. -as pentabromoacetone. Breusch and Tulus, 407. Davis, 283. juices Comparison of several types of apparatus devised for detmng. volatile oil in -. Curl, 695. juices Detmng. crude lipoids in -. Swift, 35. Cleanliness of Fillings and Stuffing for Bedding, Upholstery Perambulators Cushions Tea Cosies Dolls etc. British Standard 1425 : 1948. 398; Fenton test for -. 418. Clinical preparations Colorimetric detmn. of streptomycin in - urine and broth. Boxer, Jelinek and Leghorn 219. Clotting systems Whole blood or other - in assaying heparin. Jalling Jorpes and Linden, 222.Claeys and Gillis 700. Citrus fruits Petmng. flavanones in -INDEX TO *Coating weight Hydrogen evolution method of detmng. - of galvanised sheets. Swaine, 504. Cobalt Background intensity instead of comparison line for spectroscopic detmn. of - and nickel in ores. Ovchinnikov 362. Colorimetric detmn. of - in stainless steel. Putsch6 and Malooly 235. Deposition of nickel and - by chemical reduction. Brenner and Riddell 415. Detmng. zinc in metallic - by dithizone. Young 413. Drop reaction for -. Drop reaction for - as potassium cobalti-nitrite. Duval and Soye 522. *2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. *-ferricyanide reaction Study of __ with relation to detmn. of cobalt in steel. Bagshawe and Hobson 152.Cobaltinitrite Drop reaction for cobalt as potassium -. Duval and Soye 522. *Micro-detmn. of potassium as - in biological and agricultural materials. I. Review. Tinsley, 86. Cocoa Chocolate Sugar Confectionery and -Products (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1944 (Amendment No. 8) Order 1948. 459. *Improved continuous extractor for oetmng. theobromine in -. Lowe 679. *Coffee Caffeine content of fermenting -extracts. Davson 160. Colloidal particles Photo-electronic counter for -. Gucker O’Konski Pickard and Pitts, 527.’ Colorimetric Methods of Analysis. Vol. I . Snell and Snell. (Review) 641. Colour Report on - Terminology. Committee of Physical SOC. - Group. (Review) 477. *Coloured solutions Acidimetric titration of dark -.Hirsch 160. - Volumetric titrations in strongly -. Brut 236. *Combustion Critical examination of empty tube - method. Ingram 548. *Modifications of standard micro- - procedures found necessary in detmng. carbon hydrogen and nitrogen in aliphatic nitro compounds. Heron 314. Comparison line Background intensity instead of - for spectroscopic detmn. of cobalt and nickel in ores. Ovchinnikov 362. Compounding ingredients Chromatographic analysis of rubber- - and their identification in vulcanisates. I-V. Bellamy Lawrie and Press 179. Concentrator products Detmng. oxidised zinc in ores and -. Condensed milk See Milk. *Condenser Arrangement by which a single water tap may be used to run ( a ) distillation in vacuo, ( b ) - (c) constant-level water-bath.Bradford 159. *Conductivity Microchemical aspects of electrolytic Conductometric titrations Apparatus for rapid -. Detmng. sulphate. Anderson and Revelle 119. Confectionery Chocolate Sugar - and Cocoa Products (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1944 (Amendment KO. 8) Order 1948. 459. Mehrotra 573. Ministry of Supply, DuvaI 522. Barker and Young 636. -. Stock 600. Congo red as adsorption indicator. *paper of high sensitivity. 98. VOLUME 73 xxix Congress International ~ on Analytical Chemistry. Netherlands Chemical SOC. 561. Constants Tables of Physical and Chemical -. Kaye and Laby. 10th Edn. (Review) 704. Contamination of silicate samples crushed in steel mortars. Sandell 415. Sub-committee on Metallic ~ of Foods. Ministry of Food 704.*Copper 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. number Effect of sample preparation in analytical values for alpha-cellulose - and cuprammonium viscosity. Browning 44. *Polarographic detmn. of zinc - and lead in ferrous sulphate. Jewsbury and Osborn 506. Properties of lead - and antimony applicable to analysis of their alloys. Lassieur and Martelli 470. Quantitative separation of iron from - and manganese and detmn. of these elements. Spacu and Niculescu 698. Rapid detmn. of - in ferro-titanium. Barkov, 360. salts Polarographic detmn. of sodium or potassium in various materials. Weaver and Lykken 169. *Simple colorimetric detmn. of - in photo-graphic developers. Levenson 31. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method.I . Conditions for detmng. elements of ___ and iron analytical sub-groups. Portnov and Kozlova 634. Tetra-ethylenepentamine as colorimetric reagent for -. Crumpler 474. Copper-base alloys Colorimetric detmn. of antimony in -. Holler 360. *Cosmetic creams Aid for detmng. ash in matter containing high percentages of water. David-sohn 678. Cotte and Kahane’s method Detmng. nitrates by -. Karsten and Grab6 637. Cotton Acidic properties of - cellulose and derived oxycelluloses. 11. Absorption of methylene blue. Davidson 694; V. Com-parison of methods for detmng. carboxyl content. Davidson and Nevell 695; VI. Application of Lefkvre-Tollens method for estmng. uronic acid groups. Counter Photo-electronic - for colloidal particles.Gucker O’Konski Yickard and Pitts 527. Cracking catalysts Spectrographic analysis of silica - alumina -. Burdett and Jones 474. Crystallographic data Adipic acid and trans-azobenzene. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 640 ; p,p’-DDT, Forms I and 11. 579. *Cup-plate method in microbiological assay with special reference to riboflavine and aneurine. Bacharach and Cuthbertson 334. Cuprammonium viscosity Effect of sample prepara-tion on analytical values for alpha-cellulose, copper number and -. Cupric ion Capillary method in qualitative analysis. Korinfsky 163. Curacao aloes Estmng. aloe-emodin and aloins in -. Stone and Furman 460; Erratum 702. *Currants Micro-analytical test for purity of food with special reference to cereals.Kent- Jones, Amos Elias Bradshaw and Thackray 128. Cushions Cleanliness of Fillings and Stuffing for Bedding Upholstery Perambulators - Tea Cosies Dolls etc. British Standard 1425 1948. 398. Nevell 695. Browning 44. Custard powders (labelling of food). 33 xxx INDEX TO Cyanide Detmng. micro-quantities of - and thiocyanate. Epstein 239. *2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Cyclopropane Detmng. - by selective absorption. Brooks Murdock and Zahn 513. Cysthe Graff modification of Vickery - White procedure for estmng. -. Schultz and Vars, 346. *Modified microbiological assay of tryptophan, methionine - and tyrosine. Barton-Wright and Curtis 330. D 2 4-D See 2 4-P)ichlorophenoxyacetic acid.Dairies Ministry of Health continuing to issue licences for -. 100. Damage Detcng. and estmng. - in jute fibre. I. New microscopical test and implications of certain chemical tests. Macmillan and Basu, 296. *Dark coloured solutions Acidimetric titration of -. Hirsch 160. Volumetric titrations in -. Brut 236. Data Technique for testing accuracy of analytical -. Youden 640. Date paste Dried Fruits (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1948 (Amendment) Order 680. DDT Crystallographic data p,p’- - forms I and 11. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 579. *Detmng. p,p’- - in commercial samples. Wain and Martin 479. Decalin Analysis of naphthalene - tetralin - -mixtures. Cerveny Hinckley and Corson 40.Dehydration of Food. Morris. (Review) 365. Dehydroascorbic acid Spectrophotometric studies of Roe method for detmng. -. Bolomey and Kemmerer 162. DenigBs’ reagent Test for tert-butyl and iso-propyl alcohols with -. Robey and Robertson 41. Density Detmng. powder - using Rees -Hugill flask. Cross 640. Deposition of nickel and cobalt by chemical reduction Brenner and Riddell 415. Dems root Colorimetric evaluation of -. Meijer and Kachmad 108. Desoxyribonucleic acid Colorimetric detmn. of -. Stumpf 289. Detergents Appointment of Sub-committee on Analysis of Soapless - and Similar Products. 644. Developers Detmng. iodide in -. Levenson, 578. “Simple colorimetric detmn. of copper in photo-graphic -. Levenson 31. Dextrose Detmng.- and laevulose in cane sugar products containing unfermentable re-ducing substances. Diacetyl-4-chloro-2-aminophenol-5- and -6-sul-phonic acids Toluidine salt of -. Gaunt, Rowe and Speakman 164. Diagnostic Agents Survey of -. Whittet. (Review) 420. Di-alkylacetylenes Detmng. mono- and -. Wagner Goldstein and Peters 41. *2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Diazo compounds Analysing - particularly diazodinitrophenol. Shaefer and Becker 466. Detmng. - through decomposition by light. Spencer and Taylor 407. Zerban and Erb 619. VOLUME 73 Diazodinitrophenol Analysing diazo compounds, particularly -. Shaefer and Becker 466. Diazonium salts Estmng. basic organic compounds in biological material. IV. Estmn.by coupling with -. Brodie Udenfriend and Taggart, 106. Dibenzyl ether linkages Detmng. methylol groups and - in phenol alcohols and derived phenolic resins. I . 11. Ethyl linkages. Lilley and Osmond 468 469. Dicarbonyl compounds Detmng. /I- -. Seaman, Woods and Massad 43. 2 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Detmng. -and its compounds in commercial herbicides. Rooney 228. *Dichromate Quinquevalent molybdenum as volu-metric reagent. 11. Titration of iodate, bromate - and vanadate. Tourky Farah, and El Shamy 262 ; Detmng. ceric ferric -and vanadate solutions in mixtures of two and three together. 266. Diecasting alloys Polarographic detmn. of tin in high-purity zinc and zinc -. Hawkings, Simpson and Thode 354. Dienoestrol Estmng. - . Sahasrabudhe and Smith 163.Diethylaniline Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. Diethylbarbituric acid Detmng. diethylbromo-acetylurea in admixture with - and potassium bromide. van Pinxteren and Smeets, 623. Diethslbromoacetylurea Detmng. - in admixture with diethylbarbituric acid and potassium bromide. van Pinxteren and Smeets 623. Diethyl ketone Condensation of formaldehyde with lower aliphatic ketones. Allylation as means of structure proof. Roach Wittcoff and Miller, 692. Diethyl-m-toluidine Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. Digitalis Chemical investigation of __ prepns. Kedde 459. p-Dimethyla?llinobenz~dehyde Detmng. trypto-phan with -. Graham Smith Hier and Klein 288. Dimethylaniline Colorimetric detmn.of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. 2 PDinitrophenylhydrazine for detmng. essential oils. Hucknall 568. *Diphenylamine Colorimetric detmn. of - in nitrocellulose powders. Norvall Ovenston, and Parker 389. Derivatives of - as oxidation-reduction indicators in alkaline solution. Willard and Manalo 44. Diphenylcarbazone Colorimetric detmn. of mag-nesium with -. Venture110 and Saini 523. Diphenyldi thiocarbazone (di t hizone)_ in analysis. 11. Instability constants of zinc cadmium and lead dithizonates. Babko and Pilipenko 174. 2 2-Dipyridine ferrous complex ion as indicator in detmng. iron. *Dispenser Simple - for microbiological media. Stringer 508. Distillation(s) Apparatus for quantitative low-temperature vacuum - of millilitre volumes.Grant 404. *Arrangement by which a single water tap may be used ta run (a) - in uucuo (b) condenser, (c) constan t-level water-bath. Bradford 159. Constant-temperature steam- - apparatus for isolation of fluorine. Huckabay Welch and Metler 170. Cagle and Smith 234 INDEX TO VOLUME 73 xxxi Distillation (s)-continued Continuous steam - apparatus. Immerwahr, 364. Control of fractional - by refractive index measurements. Raw 580. Improved trap for analytical -. Hahn 475. Disulphides Detmng. sulphur compounds in crude and refined benzoles. 1-11. Claxton and Hoffert 688. Dithiane Pptng. mercuric chloride with -. Schroyer and Jackman 47. Dithizone Detmng. zinc in metallic cobalt by -. Young 413. Diphenyldithiocarbazone (-) in analysis.11. Instability constants of zinc cadmium and lead dithizonates. Babko and Pilipenko 174. Dawson, 618. Dog biscuits Detmng. quaternary ammonium compoupds in foods. Wilson 101. Dolls Cleanliness of Fillings and Stuffing for Bedding Upholstery Perambulators Cushions, Tea Cosies - etc. British Standard 1425: 1948. 398. Double bonds Measurement of internal - in polymers by perbenzoic acid addition. Saffer and Johnson 633. Dried egg See Egg. Dried fruits See Fruit. Dried milk See Milk. Drinks soft See Soft drinks. Dropping mercury cathode Catalytic evolution of hydrogen a t - due to amide of nicotinic acid and other pyridine derivatives. Knobloch, 345. 99. Transfer of Functions (Food and -) Order, 1948.100. Use of - antagonists for identifying and classifying -. Schild 51 1. Drying Apparatus for low-temperature -. Reithel 182. Drying oils African -. I. Seed oil of Tetra-carpidium conophorum. Gunstone Hilditch, and Riley 231. *Duboisia Separation of hyoscine and hyoscyamine and alkaloidal assay of - spp. Trautner and Roberts 140. * Duboisia myoporoides Separation of hyoscine and hyoscyamine and alkaloidal assay of Duboisia spp. Assay of -. Trautner and Roberts 140. pasture nitrogen analysis. White Thompson and Brice 146. Dust Electrostatic detmn. of __ in wet gases. Patrick 685. Dyes Identification of unsulphonated azonaphthol AS -. *New reaction between iron and -. Drug(s) Ministry of Health still responsible. *Dumas micromethod Application of - to Koch and Milligan 349.E *Edible fats Detmng. linoleic acid in -. Stainsby 429. Egg Bacteriology of spray-dried - with particular reference to food poisoning. Medical Research Council 397. *Electrode(s) Auxiliary __ for control of micro-chemical electro-deposition. Lindsey 99. Multi-tip __ in polarographic work. McGilvery, Hawkings and Thode 364. Potentiometric detmn. of oxygen with dropping mercury -. Laitinen Higuchi and Czuha, 673. *Electro-deposition Auxiliary electrode for control Electrolyte Analysis of zinc cyanide - con-Calcium chloride as polarographic supporting-Polarographic study with micro-electrode past vessels for polarographic analysis. Novak 364. *Electrolytic conductivity Micro-chemical aspects *methods Review of - of microchemical analysis.Lindsey 67. Elsevier’s Encyclopaedia of Organic Chemistry. Josephy and Radt. Vol. 13. Tricyclic Com-pounds. Series 111. Carboisocyclic Condensed Compounds. (Review) 53. Emission spectrum analysis Application of - to molecular vapours. Handelsmann 362. Emodin as indicator. Umanski 113. Estmng. aloe- - and aloins in Curaqao aloes. Stone and Furman 460. Emulsifying media Detmng. quality of - of the type of fatty acid esters of poly-alcohols. den Otter 351. Enantiomorphs Chemical and microbiological differentiation of __ of galactose and xylose. Appling Ratcliff and Wise 568. Encyclopaedia Elsevier’s - of Organic Chemistry. Josephy and Radt. Vol. 13. Tricylic Com-pounds. Series 111. Carboisocyclic Condensed Compounds.(Review) 53. Energy Balances Chemical Process Principles. I. Material and -. Hougen and Watson. (Review) 703. Enrichment premixes Factors affecting detmn. of thiamine and riboflavine in - containing Ferrum Redactum. Rubin De Ritter Febbraro, and Jahns 654. Enzymes Differential spectrophotometry of purine compounds with specific -. I. Detmng. hydroxy purine compounds. II. Detmng. adenine compounds. 111. Studies of - of purine metabolism. Kalckar 286. Ephedra Assay of - and of ephedrine in nasal sprays. Report No. 6 of Poisons Sub-Committee SOC. of Public Analysts 312. Ephedrine Assay of ephedra and of __ in na.;al sprays. Report No. 6 of Poisons Sub-Committee SOC. of Public Analysts 312. Error Micro-Diffusion Analysis and Volumetric __ Conway.2nd Edn. (Review) 419. Erythroches Photo-electric detmn. of magnesium in body fluids. Kunkel Pearson and Schweigert 290. Essential oils 2 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine for detmng. -. Hucknall 568. Esters Colorimetric detmn. of fatty acids and -. Hill 514. *Detmng. phthalic - in propellants. Lamond, 674. Detmng. quality of emulsifying media of the type of fatty acid - of poly-alcohols den Otter 351. Identifying __ of dibasic acids with ethanol-amine. Rauscher and Clark 694. Ethanol See Ethyl alcohol. Ethanolamine Identifying esters of dibasic acids with -. Rauscher and Clark 694 Ethanolamine molybdate as reagent for o-dihydric phenols. Thomas 233. Ethoxy group Quantitative estmn. as acetic acid of acetyl ethylidene - and a-hydroxyethyl groups.Lemieux and Purves 349. of microchemical - Lindsey 99. taining sodium sulphite. Guiva 173. - . . Khlopin 120. which - is flowing. Muller 527. of -. Stock 600 XXXii INDEX TO Ethyl alcohol Antimony trichloride - - PPtn. for fluorimetric detmn. of riboflavine in pork. Lewis and Gorham 400. Colorimetric estmn. of micro-quantities of -in blood and other biological fluids. Henry, Kirkwood Berkman Housewright and Henry, 681. Ethyl centralite Rapid detmn. of nitro-glycerin and __ in rocket propellant powder. Hirschhorn, 465. Ethyl linkages ; Detmng. methylol groups and dibenzyl linkages in phenol alcohols and derived phenolic resins. 11. --. Lilley and Osmond 468 469. Ethyl oleate Estmng. progesterone in - solution. Elvidge 220.Ethyl sulphate Detmng. - and other alkyl sulphates. Trinh and Sequin 631. Ethyl xanthogcnate Potassium - for detmng. zinc and cadmium. Berkovich 233. N-Ethylaniline Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. Ethylene glscol Estmng. glycerol in presence of propylene gIycol and -. Newburger and Bruening 463. Ethylidene group Quantitative estmn. as acetic acid of acetyl - ethoxy and a-hydroxy-ethyl groups. Ethylnaphthylamines Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. Ethyltoluidine Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. *Explosives Chromatographic identification and estmn. of mineral jelly in propellant -. Ovenston 616. *Extractor Improved continuous - for detmng.theobromine in cocoa. Lowe 679. Lemieux and Purves 349. F Fabrics Microchemical spot test for mammalian urine contamination on -. Ishler Sloman, and Walker 564. Fat@) Detmng. acetyl value of __ and oils. Helrich and Rieman 623. *Detmng. Iinoleic acid in edible -. Stainsby, 429. Detmng. monoglyceride in - and oils by oxidation with periodic acid. Handschumaker and Linteris 34. from seeds of Vanguera spinosa (N.O. Rubzaceae). Nadkarni Airan and Shah 231. *oxidation Reagent for detcng. ~ in milk powders. Dowden 678. Prepn. of ash and spectrochemical detmn. of traces of metallic elements in oils - and related substances. O’Connor Heinzelman, and Jefferson 162. Fatty acid@) Colorimetric detmn. of - and esters. Hill 514. Colorimetric detmn.of small quantities of -. Bloor 402. *Feeding-st&s Evaluating nutritive value of animal -. Blaxter. 11. Fehling’s solution Substitution of a single solution for -. Noll 515. *Felt Detmng. nitrophenolic proofing agents in -. Norvall and Kenyon 551. Fenton test for cleanliness of fillings and stuffings for bedding upholstery etc. Ferric ion Capillary method in qualitative analysis. Korinfsky 163. 398 418. VOLUME 73 Ferric ion-continued *solutions Quinquevalent molybdenum as volu-metric reagent. 111. Detmng. ceric -, dichromate and vanadate solutions in mixtures of two and three together. Tourky Farah, and El Shamy 266. Ferricyanide Colorimetric detmn. of uric acid with alkaline -. Silverman and Gubernick 37. *2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis.Cullinane and Chard 95. *Study of cobalt - - reaction with relation to detmn. of cobalt in steel. Bagshawe and Hobson 152. nesslerisation without distillation. Newell, 559. Polarographic detmn. of vanadium in steel and other -. Ferrocyanide Quantitative detmn. of potassium or sodium --. Ferro-manganese Persulphate method of detmng. manganese in ores slags and -. Zeutzius, 48. Ferron Detmng. thorium and its separation from uranium by __ (7-iodo-S-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid). Ryan McDonnell and Beamish 471. Ferro-titanium Rapid detmn. of copper in -. Barkov 360. Ferrous alloys New scheme for microchemical analysis of -. Vaughan and Whalley 179. *Ferrous ammodum sulphate Volumetric detmn. of nitric acid in mixed and refuse acids.Reference half-cell for titrations with -. Strouts and MacInnes 669. *Ferrous sulpliate Polarographic detmn. of zinc, copper atid lead in -. Jewsbury and Osborn 506. Ferrum Redaotum Factors affecting detmn. of thiamine and riboflavine in enrichment pre-mixes containing -. Rubin De Ritter, Febbraro and Jahns 684. Fertilisers Air-flow method for detmng. moisture in --. Hardesty Whittaker and Ross 565. Ross and Love 564. Fillings Cleanliness of - and Stuffing for Bedding 1 Jpholstery Perambulators Cushions, Tea Cosies Dolls etc. British Standard 1425: 1948. 392;; Fenton test for -. 418. Fish-liver oils Detmng. vitamin A in - with activated glycerol dichlorohydrin. Sobel and Werbin 34. *muscle Estmng. sulphur dioxide in -.Shewan 605. Flame photometer Modified atomiser for -. Toscani 702. Flavanones Detmng. __ in citrus fruits. Davis, 283. 2-Fluorenyl isocyanate p-Triphenylmethylphenyl and - as reagents for alcohols. Witten and Reid 463. Fluorescent compounds Estmng. basic organic compounds in biological material. 11 Estmng. -. Rrodie Udenfriend Dill and Downing, 105; 111. Estmn. by conversion to -. Brodie Udenfriend Dill and Chenkin 105. Fluoride Electronically controlled apparatus for distillation of - as hydrofluosilicic acid. Willard Toribara and Holland 356. Titration of - ion with aluminium chloride. Saylor and Larkin 577. Fluorine Constant-temperature steam-distillation apparatus for isolation of -. Huckabay, Welch and Metler 170. Ferro-alloys Detmng.nitrogen in __ by Lingane and Meites 50. Hol and van der Burgh 414. Detmng. moisture in -1lYUJL.A 1u Fluorine-continued Decomposition and analysis of organic compounds containing __ and other halogens. Miller, Hunt and McBee 165. Detmng. - and chlorine in organic compounds. Kimball and Tufts 166. "Detmng. - in organic compounds. Chapman, Heap and Saunders 434. Detmng. hydrogen in - -containing halo-hydrocarbons. Miller Hunt Hass and McBee, 168. Detmng. traces of - in organic compounds. Huckabay Busey and Metler 112. Simultaneous detmn. of carbon - and chlorine in halocarbons. Teston and McKenna, 169. Sources of intake and methods of elimination of -. Spiro 511. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in glass. Parrish Widmyer Brunner and Matson 117.Folic acid Factors affecting __ detmn. Daniel and Mine 625. Folin photometric procedure Comparison of modified ~ and ninhydrin manometric method for detmng. amino acid nitrogen in plasma. Food(s) Dehydration of -. Morris. (Review), 365. Detmng. quaternary ammoniuni compounds in -. Wilson 101. Four papers on application of statistical methods to - problems. 2. Labelling of - Order 1946 (Amendment No. 3) Order 1947. 33; (Amendment No. 4) Order 1948. 680. Manufactured and Pre-packed - (Control) Order 1942 (Amendment No. 5) Order 1948. 216. *Micro-analytical test for purity in - with special reference to cereals. Kent- Jones Amos, Elias Bradshaw and Thsckray 128. Microbiological detmn. of lysine in proteins and -.Horn Jones and Blum 286. Microbiological detmn. of threonine in proteins and -_ Microbiological detmn. of valine in proteins and -. Horn Jones and Blum 624. Ministry of Health responsible for matters relating to infected -and ~ poisoning. 99. poisoning Bacteriology of spray-dried egg with particular reference to -. Medical Research Council 397. *products Application of statistical methods in calculating proportions of ingredients in -. Steinex 15. Public Health (Imported -) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 1948. Transfer of certain functions to Ministry of Food. 99 342. Public Health (Preservatives etc. in -) Amendment Regulations 1948. Transfer of certain functions to Ministry of Food. 99 342. standards and - hygiene. Ministry of Food, 680. *Statistical methods in research on ~ canning.Adam 7. Sub-committee on Metallic Contamination of -. Ministry of Food 704. Transfer of Functions (-- and Drugs) Order, 1948. 100. Foodstuffs Detmng. zinc in -. Report No. 4 of Metallic Impurities in - Sub-committee, SOC. of Public Analysts. 304. Amos, 678. Chinard and Van Slyke 624. Horn Jones and Blum 624. *Moisture content of mite-infested -. VOLUME 73 xxxiii T.7hm-F m-Forensic Medicine Simpson. (Review) 365. Formaldehyde Colorimetric micro-detmn. of formic acid based on reduction to -. Grant 566. Condensation of - with lower aliphatic ketones. Allylation as means of structure proof. Polarographic reduction of aliphatic aldehydes. I . Polarographic properties of -. Bieber and Triimpler 113.Formazylcarboxylic acid as analytical reagent for silver. Kulberg and Ledneva 352. Formic acid Colorimetric micro-detmn. of -based on reduction to formaldehyde. Grant, 566. Fractional distillation Control of - by refractive index measurements. Raw 580. *Freezing-point of bulk milk. Fruit(s) Canned - and Vegetables (No. 2 ) Order 1946 (Amendment No. 4) Order 1948. 216. Detmng. flavanones in citrus -. Davis 283. Dried __ (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1948 (Amendment) Order. 680. Fresh - covered with chocolate treacle, synip or sugar confectionery. Ministry of Food 216. juices Detmng. quaternary ammonium com-pounds in -. Fuller's earth Assay of - for montmorillonite content. Smith 344. Fumaric acid Polarographic analysis of maleic acid and -.Warshowsky Elving and Mandel 45. XVIII. Detmng. low concentrations of methyl bromide. Russell, 178. Furfural Mechanism of combination of - with sulphurous acid and analytical detmn. of -. Hopner 516. Malyugina and Korshunov 633. Roach Wittcoff and Miller 692. Macdonald 423. Harris 103; Wilson 101. Fumigants Detmng. -. Polarographic detmn. of -. G Galactose Chemical and microbiological differentia-tion of enantiomorphs of - and xylose. Appling Ratcliff and Wise 568. Quantitative detmn. of -- mannose arabinose and rhamnose. Hirst Jones and Woods 464. Galantine Ministry of Food 341. *Galvanised sheets Hydrogen evolution method for detmng. coating weight of -. Swaine, 504. Gases Apparatus for detcng. and estmng. -evolved in analysis of carbonates oxalates, sulphides sulphites etc.Reynolds 685. Electrostatic detmn. of dust in wet -. Patrick, 685. Gasoline See Petrol. Gelatin Edible - Order 1948. 619. Micro-iodimetric detmn. of glue or -. Naponen Dries and O'Brien 294. Germany Microchemistry in B.I.O.S. Final Report No. 1606. Belcher and Phillips 510. Glass Spectrophotometric detmn. of fluorine in -. Parrish Widmyer Brunner and Matson, 117. Glazes Technique for obtaining uncontaminated small samples of ceramic __ and other hard siliceous materials. Caley 473. Globucid (N.D.) Identity tests and assay. Stainier and Lapi&re 511 xxxiv INDEX TO Glucoside Colorimetric detmn. of senna -. Kussmaul and Becker 283. Glue Micro-iodimetric detmn. of ___ or gelatin.Naponen Dries and O’Brien 294. Glutamic acid Detmng. D(-)- and L ( + ) - - in protein hydrolysates. Dunn Camien Shank-man and Block 403. Glycerides Component acids and - of Australian lumbang oil. Glycerol Analysing mixtures of - propylene glycol and trimethylene glycol. Pohle and Mehlenbacher 42. *Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of -. Mikkelsen 447. Estmng. - in presence of propylene and ethylene glycols. Newburger and Bruening, 463. Glycerol dichlorohydrin Detmng. vitamin A in fish-liver oils with activated -. Sobel and Werbin 34. Glycine Detmng. - in protein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc rnesenterozdes P-60. Shankman, Camien and Dunn 222. Gclycol(s) Analysing mixtures of glycerol propylene - and trimethylene - . Pohle and Mehlenbacher 42.Estmng. glycerol in presence of- ethylene and propylene -. Newburger and Bruening, *Gold 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent Semi-quantitative detmn. of - . Wenger, Grading Industrial control of size -. Sharratt, Graff modification of Vickery - White procedure for Grain storage Scientific Principles of -. Oxley. ’Grape-fruit Comparison of several types of apparatus devised for detmng. volatile oil in citrus juices. Curl 695. Great Britain Teaching and applications of micro-chemistry in -. Wilson 340. GroCe combustion apparatus Micro-detmn. of halogens and sulphur using -. Sundberg and Koyer 691. Grote’s reagent Use of - in detmng. methyl-thiouracil. Guanidines Acid-base reactions in benzene and other organic solvents ; behaviour of bromo-phthalein magenta with ’different classes of organic bases.Guanidoacetic acid Detmng. - and arginine in human urine and serum. Hoberman 346. Gunstone and Hilditch 343. 463. in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Monnier and Rusconi 637. 640. estmng. cystine. Schultz and Vars 346. - _ - (Review) 528. Hollman and de Jonge 403. Davis and Schuhmann 467. H *Hafnium Analytical applications of m-nitro-benzoic acid with special reference to separation of quadrivalent elements from rare earths (lanthanides). Osborn 381. *Hairs Micro-analytical test for purity in focd with special reference to cereals. Kent- Jones, Amos Elias Bradshaw and Thackray 128. Halates Detmng. - in sodium hypochlorite. Atkin 524. “Half-cell Volumetric detmn.of nitric acid in mixed and refuse acids. Reference - for titrations with ferrous ammonium sulphate. Strouts and MacInnes 669. Half-wave slope Measuring - of polarographic curves. I. Theoretical considerations. 11. Method of measurement. Delahay 701. VOLUME 73 Halogen(s) Decomposition and analysis of organic compounds containing fluorine and other -. Miller Hunt and McBee 165. Micro-detmn. of - and sulphur using Grote combustion apparatus. Sundberg and Royer, 691. Volumetric detmn. of carbon-bonded ~ with sodium naphthalene. Benton and Harnill 566. Halohydrocarbons Detmng. hydrogen in fluorine-containing -. Miller Hunt Hass and McBee 168. Simultaneous detmn. oi carbon fluorine and chlorine in -. Teston and McKenna 169. Hardness Detmng.small concentrations of calcium and magnesium by titration with standard soap solution. McCoy 566. Hemicelldoses Microchemical detmn. of lignin in wood flour and - of spruce. Stumpf and Weisenberger 510. Heparin Whole blood or other clotting systems in assaying -. Jalling Jorpes and Linden, 222. Herbicides Detmng. 2 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and its compounds in commercial -. Rooney 228. Hexachlorocyclohexane Separation and purification of some constituents of commercial -. Ramsey and Patterson 109. Hexamethylenetetramine in separations of titanium and niobium. Traub 235. Histamine Colorimetric estmn. of small quantities of -. Havinga Seekles and Strengers 403. Homatropine Colorimetric detmn. of __ methyl-bromide. Bandelin 622.Horticultural materials Routine detmn. of selenium in -. McNulty 461. Hydrazine Estmng. -. Pesez and Petit 694. 5-Hydrazinoacridine hydrochloride Chemical estmn. of streptomycin in blood and spinal fluid. Boxer and Jelinek 401. Hydride method Detmng. water of crystallisation by __ in pyridine medium. Elitzur 298. *Hydrocarbon solvents Prepng. and testing -for absorption spectroscopy. Davis 395. *Hydrocyanic acid Detcng. - in decomposed viscera. Rathenasinkam 394. Hydrofluosilicic acid Electronically controlled apparatus for distillation of fluoride as -. Willard Toribara and Holland 356. Hydrogen Catalytic evolution of - a t dropping mercury electrode due to amide of nicotinic acid and other pyridine derivatives. Knobloch, 345.Detmpg. carbon and - by combustion. Unitised apparatus and improved procedure. Tunnicliff Peters Lykken and Tuemmler 40. Detmng. - in fluorine-containing halohydro-carbons. Miller Hunt H a s and McBee 168. *Modifications of standard micro-combustion procedures found necessary in detmng. carbon, - and nitrogen in aliphatic nitro compounds. Heron 314. *Observations on semimicro-detmn. of carbon and - by Sucharda and Bobranski method, using macro-balance. Goulden 320. Pressure regulator for micro-detmn. of carbon and -. *Rapid micro-analytical detmn. of carbon and - in organic compounds. Rapid micro-elementary analysis. I. Detmng. carbon and - in substances containing carbon - and oxygen. Korshun and Klimova 351. Furter and Stayermark 687. Colson 541 INDEX TO VOLUME 73 xxxv Hydrogen sulphide Detmng.sulphur compounds in crude and refined benzoles. 1-11. Claxton and Hoffert 688. 4-Hydroxybiphenyl-3-carboxylic acid Colorimetric detmn. of iron with -. Yoe and Harvey, 698. odydroxyethyl group Quantitative estmn. as acetic acid of acetyl ethylidene ethoxy and -. Lemieux and Purves 349. Hydroxyl group Detmng. alcoholic - in organic compounds. Elving and Warshowsky 463. ion Titration of acids by electrolytically generated -. Epstein Sober and Silver, 416. 5-Hydroxyquinoline-8-carboxylic acid colorimetric reagent for ruthenium. Breckenbridge and Singer 297. Hygiene Food standards and food -. Ministry of Food 680. *Hyoscine Separation of - and hyoscyamine and alkaloidal assay of Dztboisia spp.Trautner and Roberts 140. "Hyoscyamine Separation of hyoscine and - and alkaloidal assay of Duboisia spp. Trautner and Roberts 140. Hypochlorite Detmng. halates in sodium -. Atkin 524. Rapid accurate detnin. of available chlorine in -. Sinn 236. I Ice-cream Ministry of Health responsible for regulations relating to -. 99. Impregnated clothing Detmng. 1 2 3 4-tetra-hydro-2-naphthol in -. Goldenson and Sass 572. Indicating gel Rapid detmn. of sma€l amounts of carbon monoxide. Preliminary report on NBS colorimetri,c -. Shepherd 229. Indicator(s) Congo red as adsorption -. Mehrotra 573. Derivatives of diphenylamine as oxidation-reduction - in alkaline solution. Willard and Manalo 44. 2 2-Dipyridine ferrous complex ion as - in detmng.iron. Cagle and Smith 234. Emodin as -. Umanski 113. New ___ for iodimetric analysis. Peat Bourne, and Thrower 48. New pH - for detmng. total alkalinity in water. Disodium 4 4'-bis(P-dimethylamino-phenylazo) -2 2'-stilbene-disulphonate and di-sodium 4 4'-bis(o-tolyltriazeno)-2 2'-stilbene-disulphonate. Taras 462. *Pomegranate juice as natural -. Davidsohn, 679. Information Presentation of Technical -. Kapp. (Review) 537. Inha-red spectrometry Detmng. small amounts of water in gases and liquids by -. Benning, Ebert and Irwin 474. *Ingredients Statistical methods in calculating proportions of - in food products. Steiner, 15. "Inhibitor Thioglycollic acid as - for iron in colorimetric detmn. of aluminium with Aluminon. Chenery 501.*insect fragments Micro-analytical test for purity in food with special reference to cereals. Kent- Jones Amos Elias Bradshaw and Thackray 128. *Internal standards in polarographic analysis. Loofbourow and Frediani 384. Invert sugar Ofner's method for detmng. -. McDonald and Turcotte 567. Iodate(s) Detmng. halates in sodium hypochlorite. Atkin 524. Quantitative separation oi - and periodates. Kahane 524. *Quinquevaler,t molybdenum as volumetric re-agent. 11. Titration of - bromate di-chromate and vanadate. Tourky Farah and El Shamy 262. Iodide Detmng. :hloride ion in presence of bromide and ___ by Berg's method. Vorobev 300. Detmng. - in developers. Levenson 578. ion Capillary method in qualitative analysis. Korinfsky 163. Iodimetric analysis New indicator for --.Peat, Bourne and Thrower 48. *Iodine 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Micro-detmn. of halogens and sulphur using Grote combustion apparatus. Sundberg and Koyer 691. Pro-posed modification. Vossgard and Bjorsvik, 569. Simple detmn. of - in presence of chlorides and bromides. 7 - Iodo - 8 - hydroxyquinoline - 5 - sulphonic acid : Detmng. thorium and its separation from uranium by ferron (-). Ryan McDonnell, and Reamish 471. Ion-exchange resin Detmng. phosphorus in phos-phate rock. Separation from cations by -. Helrich and Rieman 356. Ipomoea muricata Fatty oil of seeds of -, Jacq. (N.O. Convolvulaceat-). Kelkar Phslnikar, and Bhide 231. *Iron Amy1 acetate solvent for separating -in metallurgical analysis.Wells and Hunter, 671. Colorimetric detmn. of - with 4-hydroxybi-phenyl-3-carboxylic acid. Yoe and Harvey, 698. "Detmng. cerium in cast -. Westwood and Mayer 275. Detmng. thiamine and riboflavine in presence of reduced -. De Ritter and Rubin 225. *2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. 2 2-Dipyridine ferrous complex ion as indicator in detmng. -. Direct pptn. of aluminium in presence of -. Wilson 575. *New reaction between - and dithizone. Dawson 618. Nuclear physical method of detmng. small quantities of carbon in -. von Ardenne and Bernhard 510. Quantitative separation of - from copper and manganese and detmn. of these elements. Spacu and Niculescu 698. *Quinquevalent molybdenum as volumetric re-agent.I . Stability of solutions and detmn. of ferric -. Tourky Farah and El Shamy, 258; 111. Detmng. ceric ferric dichromate and vanadate solutions in mixtures of two and three together. 266. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. I. Conditions for detmng. elements of copper and - analytical sub-groups. Portnov and Kozlova 634. Cullinane and Chard 95. numbers Wjs method of detmng. --. de Jong and Lenstra 637. Cagle and Smith 234 xxxvi INDEX TO Iron-continued *Thioglycollic acid as inhibitor for - in colorimetric detmn. of aluminium with Aluminon. Chenery 501. Iron oxide Polarographic detmn. of sodium or potassium in various materials. Weaver and Lykken 169. Isatin /3-oxime and its use in analytical chemistry.Detmng. uranium. Hovorka Sykora and Vorisek 470. Isocyanates p-Triphenylmethylphenyl and 2-fluorenyl - as reagents for alcohols. Witten and Reid 463. iso-Propyl alcohol Test for tevt-butyl and -with Denigks’ reagent. Robey and Robertson, 41. Isotope(s) Detmng. radioactive and stable tracer -. Five papers on -. 644. *Measurement of abundance ratios of non-radioactive -. Winter 653. *Measurement of radio- -. Whitmore 650. *Measurement of stable - abundance ratios. Roberts 657. J Jaborandi Assay of -. Report No. 5 of Poisons 31 1. Colorimetric method for - alkaloids. Elvidge, *Jams Aid for detmng. ash in matter containing Juice(s) Amperometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen apple Unfermented - (labelling of food). 33. Comparison of several types of apparatus devised for detmng.volatile oil in citrus -. Curl, 695. Detmng. crude lipoids in citrus -. Swift, 35. Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds in fruit -. Harris 103. fruit Detmng. quaternary ammonium com-pounds in foods. Wilson 101. Jute Detcng. and estmng. damage in - fibre. I. New microscopical test and implications of certain chemical tests. Macmillan and Basu, 296. Sub-committee SOC. of Public Analysts. 346. high percentages of water. in orange -. Davidsohn 678. Lewis and McKenzie 343. K *Ketchup Composition of concentrated tomato purCe and estmng. tomato content of tomato -. Morpeth 449. Ketones Condensation of formaldehyde with lower aliphatic -. Allylation as means of structure proof. 111.-and Catalysis. Hougen and Watson. (Review), 703. Kjeldahl method Critical considerations regarding nitrogen detmn. by - in amino acids and proteins. Reith and Wansink 403. Kober method Modified - for detmng. (K- and p-oestradiol. Carol and Molitor 221. Roach Wittcoff and Miller 692. Kinetics Chemical Process Principles. L Labelling of Food Order 1946 (Amendment No. 3) 33; (Amendment No. 4) Order Order 1947. 1948. 680. VOLUME 73 *Lactic acid Acidimetric titration of -. bacteria Mineral requirements of -. MacLeod Colorimetric estmn. of -. Micro-detmn. of __ and pyruvic acid in rat liver. Aebi 683. Laevulose Detmng. dextrose and - in cane sugar products containing unfermentable re-ducing substances. *Lanthanides Analytical applications of m-nitro-benzoic acid with special reference to separation of quadrivalent elements from rare earths (-).Osborn 381. *Lea “cold” estmn. Iodimetric detmn. of peroxides. Modified apparatus for - of peroxide oxygen. Skellon and Thurston 97. *Lead 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry. VII. Detmng. -as K,SO,.PbSO,. Tananaev and Mizetzkaja, 172. *pipes Detmng. minute amounts of zinc in alloys used for - and cable sheathing. Evans 149. Polarographic detmn. of - and tin in ores. Faynberg and Tal 174. Polarographic detmn. of - in aIuminium alloys. Stross 524. *Polarographic detmn. of zinc copper and -in ferrous sulphate. Jewsbury and Osborn, 506.Potentiometric detmn. of -. Farkas and Uri, 577. Properties of - copper and antimony applicable to analysis of their alloys. Lassieur and Martelli 470. Spectroscopic analysis of tin and tin - - alloys. Tin Research Inst. 398 459. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. I. Conditions for detmng. elements. of copper and iron analytical sub-groups. Portnov and Kozlova 634. Lead dithizonate Diphenyldithiocarbazone (di-thizone) in analysis. 11. Instability constants of zinc cadmium and -. Babko and Pilipenko 174. Leather Detmng. salicylanilide in - mould-proofing mixtures and in treated - goods. Ogg Brand Mann and Willits 294. Mixed perchloric and sulphuric acids in analysis of chrome tanned -. Destruction of organic matter and detmn.of chromium. Smith and Fritz 233. Harvey, 690. Lefthe-Tollens method Acidic properties of cotton cellulose and derived oxycelluloses. VI. Application of __ for estmng. uronic acid groups. Nevell 695. Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 Detmng. glycine in protein hydrolysates with -. Shankman Camien and Dunn 222. Light scattering Detmng. particle size by -. Bardwell and Sivertz 580. Lignified wood Sulphanilic acid in various forms as reagent for -. Lignin Microchemical detmn. of - in wood flour and hemicelluloses in spruce. Stumpf and Weisenberger 610. *Linoleic acid Detmng. - in edible fats. Stainsbv. 429. Hickinbo tham 509. and Snell 630. Markus 682. Zerban and Erb 619. Semimicro-detmn. of nitrogen in -. Noll 516 INDEX TO VOLUME 73 xxxvi i Lipoids Detmng.crude - in citrus juices. *Mass spectrometer Measurement of abundance Swift 35. ratios of non-radioactive isotopes. Winter, *Liquid paraffin B.P. sulphuric acid test for -. Druce 617. Recording - for process analysis. Nier, Lithium Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. Abbott Pickard Leland Taylor Stevens, VII. Detmng. -. Liver Micro-colorimetric detmn. of manganese in Material Balances Chemical Process Principles. biological materials with 4 4’-tetramethyl- I. - and Energy Balances. Hougen and diaminotriphenylmethane. Gates and Ellis Watson. (Review) 703. 291. Mayonnaise Detmng. quaternary ammonium com-rat -. Aebi 683. Meat Extracts Appointment of Sub-committee on 643. acid by modification of - method. products and Canned __ (Control and Max.238. Prices) Order 1948. 341. Public Health (-) Amendment Regulations, Australian -. Gunstone and Hilditch 343. 1948. Transfer of certain functions t o Ministry - species. and foods. 653. Duval and Duval 634. Dukey and Goertzel 702. Micro-detmn. of lactic acid and pyruvic acid in Lorenz method Volumetric detmn. of phosphoric Gisiger, Lumbang 03 Component acids and glycerides of Lycopersicon .Analytical methods for carotenes of Lysine Microbiological detmn. of - in proteins pounds in foods. Wilson 101. Analysis of I_ and Similar Products. of Food. 99 342. Zscheile and Porter 232. Horn Jones and Blum 286. Roll Ministry of Food 341. Medical Research Council Bacteriology of spray-dried egg with particular reference to food poisoning.397. Medicine Forensic -. Simpson. (Review) 365. Melting-point bath liquids useful up to 440’ C. Hercaptans Detmng. sulphur compounds in crude of carbon and hydrogen by Sucharda and and refined benzoles. 1-11. Claxton and Bobranski method using -. Goulden 320. Hoffert 688. M *Mscro-balance Observations on semimicro-detmn. White 475. Magnesium Colorimetric detmn. of - with Detmng. minute quantities of phosphate calcium, Detmng. small concentrations of calcium and -Ignition of phosphate ppt. in classical detmn. of pyre-Photo-electric detmn. of - in body fluids. diphenylcarbazone. Venturello and Saini 523. Mercurials Organic - for ’lime in paper mills (testing and control). Brown and Harrison 296. with dithiane.Pptng’ -Schroyer and Jackman 47. McCoy 566. with red - . McCullough Crane and Beckman 684. *Mercuric salts Analytical applications of m-nitro- - and phosphoric acid as -benzoic acid with special reference to separation phosphate. Schuhecker 69 7. of quadrivalent elements from rare earths Kunkel Pearson and Schweigert 290. (lanthanides). Osborn 381. behaviour Of ppts’ v’ *Mercurous salts Analytical applications of m-nitro- Detmng. -. Duval and Duval 634. Magnesium pyrophosphate Ignition of phosphate benzoic acid with special reference to separation PPt. in classical detmn. of magnesium and of quadrivalent elements from rare earths (lanthanides). Osborn 381. phosphoric acid as -. Schuhecker 697. Maleic acid Polarographic analysis of mixtures of Mercury cathode Catalytic evolution of hydrogen - and fumaric acid.Warshowsky Elving a t the dropping - due to amide of nicotinic and Mandel 45. acid and other pyridine derivatives. Knobloch, Norm and Wokes 218. cathode Unitised - apparatus for electrolytic removal of metals. Johnson Weaver and and - ions when present together. Shchigol Lykken 476. and Burchinskaya 638. Detmng. - in biological material. Kozelka, Goffart Michel and Pitance 577. Detmhg. - in paints and toxicological material. $2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. electrode Potentiometric detmn. of oxygen with Microbiological detmn. of -. Bentley Snell dropping -. Laitinen Higuchi and Czuha, Micro-colorimetric detmn. of - in biological Metallic elements Prepn. of ash and spectro-materials with 4 4’-tetramethyldiaminotri- chemical detmn.of traces of - in oils fats phenylmethane. Gates and Ellis 291. and related substances. O’Connor Heinzelman, Micro-detmn. of - in biological materials by and Jefferson 162. catalysis. Kun 402. Metallurgical analysis Applications of polarograph Persulphate method of detmng. - in ores to -. 111. Milner 472. slags and ferro- -. Zeutzius 48. Metals Unitised mercury cathode apparatus for Quantitative separation of iron from copper and electrolytic removal of -. Johnson Weaver, - and detmn. of these elements. Spacu and Lykken 476. and Niculescu 698. Metaphosphoric acid Detmng. triphosphoric and Mango Component acids of West Indian ben and pyrophosphoric acids in presence of ortho-- seed oils.Dunn and Hilditch 343. and -. Bell 237. Mannose Quantitative detmn. of galactose - *Methionine Modified microbiological assay of arabinose and rhamnose. Hirst Jones and tryptophan - cystine and tyrosine. Woods 464. Barton-Wright and Curtis 330. and - in rubber. van der Bie 41 1. Mercuric titration with standard Mercuric oxide Detmng. carbon monoxide in air Malt extract Riboflavine in - . Klaztkin 345. Manganate Quantitative detmn. of permanganate Manganese Amperometric titration of - 290. Elmore 47. and Phillips 629. 573 Methoxyl group Detmng. - in woody substances. Kurschner and Wittenberger 351. Methyl bromide Detmng. fumigants. XVIII. Detmng. low concentrations of -. Russell, 178. Methyl ethyl ketone Condensation of formaldehyde with lower aliphatic ketones.Allylation as means of structure proof. Roach Wittcoff, and Miller 692. Methyl orange Colorimetric detmn. of free chlorine with -. Taras 462. Estmng. basic organic compounds. V. Estmn. by salt formation with - Brodie Uden-friend and Dill 106. *Methyl salicylate ointments Assay of -. Hatfull 559. Methyl violet Colour reaction for antimony with -. Kuznetsov 354. N-lethylaniline Colorimetric 'detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. Methylated sugars Quantitative separation of -. Brown and Jones 409. Methylene blue Acidic properties of cotton cellulose and derived oxycelluloses. 11. Absorption of -. Davidson 694. Detmng. -. Davidson 570. Methylol groups Detmng. - and dibenzyl ether linkages in phenol alcohols and derived phenolic resins.I. 11. Ethyl linkages. Lilley and Osmond 468 469. Methylthiouracil Grote's reagent in detmng. -. Hollman and de Jonge 403. Methyltoluidines Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. Micro-analysis Application of reflectance spectro-photometry to quantitative -. Sendroy and Granville 526. *using X-ray diffraction technique. Rooksby 326. Micro-bath Simple steam -. "Micro-Beckmann thermometer Physico-chemical methods in microchemistry. 11. Stabilisation of - in ebullioscopic detmns. of molecular weight. Magee and Wilson 597. *Microbiological assay Cup-plate method in -, with special reference to riboflavine and aneurine. Bacharach and Cuthbertson 334. assays Design and statistical analysis of -.Wood and Finney 221. *media Simple dispenser for -. Stringer, 508. *Microchemical analysis Review of electrolytic methods of -. Lindsey 67. Microchemistry in Germany. B.I.O.S. Final Report No. 1606. *Physico-chemical methods in -. I . Molecular weight. Wilson 585; 11. Stabilisation of micro-Beckmann thermometer in ebullioscopic detmns. of molecular weight. Magee and Wilson 597. Teaching and applications of - in Great Britain. Wilson 340. Micro-Diffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error. Conway. 2nd Edn. (Review) 419. Micro-electrode Polarographic study with -past which electrolyte is flowing. Muller 527. Micro-elementary analysis Rapid -. I. Detmng. carbon and hydrogen in substances containing carbon hydrogen and oxygen. Korshun and Klimova 351.Microscopy of textile fibres aids to identification. Wildman 296. Milk Circular M.F. 8/48 relating to - (Control and Max. Prices) (Great Britain) Order. 1947. Ministry of Food 680. Rulfs 476. Belcher and Phillips 510. vwLulvlJ2 7 3 Milk-continued Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds in foods. Wilson 101. *2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. *Freezing-point of bulk -. Macdonald 423. Ministry of Health responsible for stopping sale of infected -. 99. *powders Reagent for detcng. fat oxidation in -. Dowden 678. Public Health (Condensed -) Amendment Regulations 1948. Transfer of certain functions to Ministry of Food. Public Health (Dried -) Amendment Regula-tions 1948. Transfer of certain functions to Ministry of Food.99 342. (Special Designations) Amendment Regulations, 1948. Transfer of certain functions to Ministry of Food. 99 341. Millilitre volumes Apparatus for quantitative low-temperature vacuum 'distillation of -. Grant 404. *Mineral jelly Chromatographic identification and estmn. of - in propellant explosives. Ovenston 616. Minerals Dry reagents for analysis of ores and ___ under field conditions. Poluektov and Nikonova 297. Ministry of Food Circular M.F. 8/48 relating to Milk (Control and Max. Prices) (Great Britain) Order 1947. 680. Food standards and food hygiene. Sub-committee on Metallic Contamination of Transfer of certain functions from Ministry of 99 342. 680. Foods. 704. Health. 99 100 341.Ministry of Food Orders: Advocaat 33. Apple juice unfermented 33. Apples canned 2 16. Apples covered with chocolate etc. 216. Blancmanges 33. Cherries canned 216. Cherries cocktail bottled 216. Chocolate 459. Cocoa products 459. Custard powder 33. Date paste 680. Drinks 216. Foods manufactured and pre-packed 216. Fruit canned 216. Fruit fresh covered with chocolate etc. 216. Fruits dried 680. Galantine 341. Gelatin edible 619. Labelling of food 33. 680. Meat canned 341. Meat products 341. Meat roll 341. Polony 341. 1 Sauces 33. Sausage liver 341. Sausage meat 341. Sausages beef 341. Sausages breakfast 341. Sausages luncheon 341. Sausages pork 341. Sausages ravioli 341. Sausages salmi 341. Soft drinks 33. Spa waters 33.Sugar confectionery 469. Vegetables canned 216 INDEX TO Ministry of Fuel and Power Special test for com-mercial petrol. 559. Ministry of Health Transfer of certain functions. 99 100 341. Ministry of Supply Identification and Estimation of Natural and Synthetic Rubbers. Minium Colorimetric (absorptiometric) detmn. of red lead (-). Swann 174. *Mite Moisture content of - -infested foodstuffs. Amos 678. *Mixtures Proximate analysis of __ by methods depending on diff erential solubility and satura-tion. Bennett 191. Moisture Air-flow method for detmng. ___ in fertilisers. Hardesty Whittaker and Ross, 565. *content of mite-infested foodstuffs. -Amos 678. Detmng. ~ content of cereals by measuring Groves and King, Detmng. ___ in fertilisers.Ross and Love 564. Rapid detmn. of - in liquid sulphur dioxide. DiCaprio 573. Molecular distillation as step in chemical detmn. of total and gamma-tocopherols. Quaife and Harris 404. vapours Application of emission spectrum analysis to -. Handelsmann 362. "weight Micro-detmn. of __ in alcoholic solutions. Wright 387. "weight Physico-chemical methods in micro-chemistry. I. - Wilson 585; IT. Stabilisa-tion of micro-Becltmann thermometer in ebullioscopic detmns. of -. Magee and Wilson 597. Molybdates Micro-detmn. of alkaline earths as normal -. &loser and Robinson 412. *Molybdenum Quinquevalent __- as volumetric reagent. I. Stability of solutions and detmn. of ferric iron. Tourky Farah and El Shamy, 258; 11. Titration of iodate bromate di-chromate and vanadate 262; 111.Detmng. ceric ferric dichromate and vanadate solutions in mixtures of two and three together 266. Titriinetric methods for thorium. Analysis of uranium - __ alloys. Banks and Diehl 51. X-ray analysis of chromium - - and chromium -tungsten alloys. Trzebiatowski Ploszek and Lobzowski 49. Mono-alkylacetylenes Detmng. - and di-alkylacctylenes. Wagner Goldstein and Peters 41. Monoglyceride Detmng. __ in fats and oils by oxidation with periodic acid. Handschumaker and Linteris 34. Montmorillonite Assay of fuller's earth for -content. Smith 344. Norphine Colorimetric detmn. of -. Adamson and Handisyde 218. Mortars Contamination of silicate samples crushed in steel -. Sandell 415. *Mould fragments hlicro-analytical test for purity in food with special reference to cereals.Kent- Jones Amos Elias Bradshaw and Thackray 128. -proofing Detmng. salicylanilide in leather -mixtures and in treated leather goods. Ogg, Brand Mann and Willits 294. Multi-tip electrodes in polarographic work. McGilvery Hawkings and Thode 364. Murexide Iletcng. scandium rare earths zirconium, and thorium with -. *Muscle Estmng. sulphur dioxide in fish -. Shewan 605. 100. specific inductive capacity. 217. Beck 361. VOLUME 73 xxxix N Naphthalene(s) Analysis of - - tetralin - decalin mixtures. Cerveny Hinckley and Corson 40. Polarographic detmn. of - in petroleum fractions. Burdett and Gordon 633. Volumetric detmn. of carbon-bonded halogen with sodium -. Benton and Hamill 566.a-Naphthylamine Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. Nasal sprays Assay of ephedra and of ephedrine in __ . Report No. 6 of Poisons Sub-Committee SOC. of Public Analysts. 312. Netherlands Chemical Society International Congress on Analytical Chemistry. 561. *Neutospora crassa mutant 9185 for assay of aneurine. Harrison and Miller 539. Niacin See Nicotinic acid. Niccolox new reagent for nickel. Nickel Background intensity instead of comparison line for spectroscopic detmn. of cobalt and __ in ores. Ovchinnikov 362. Deposition of - and cobalt by chemical reduction. Brenner and Riddell 415. Niccolox new reagent for -. Semi-quantitative drop-reaction analysis of lS/S chromium - - steels. Claeys and Gillis 700.Semi-quantitative inorganic analysis Estmng. chromium and -. Wenger Monnier and Rusconi 521. *Simultaneous detmn. of - and zinc in secondary aluminium alloys with polarograph. Scott 613. *Nickel alloys Detmng. silicon in -. Minster, 507. Nickel cyanide Detmng. benzene in gases containing butadiene and higher olefines. Behaviour of 1 3-butadiene towards ammoiiiacal -solution. Balandin and Marushkin 110. Nicotinarnide Catalytic evolution of hydrogen a t dropping mercury cathode due to - and other pyridine derivatives. Knobloch 345. Nicotine Detmng. - with picric acid. van Elteren 469. Drozdov and Materanskaja 103. Nicotinic acid 'Three sources of amino acids for niacin (-) assay. Kemmerer and Shapiro, 288. Ninhydrin manometric method Compaf-ison of modified Folin photometric procedure and -for detmng.amino acid nitrogen in plasma. Chinard and Van Slyke 624. Niobium Detcn. and colorimetric detmn. of -and tantalum. Platonov and Krivoshlikov, 175. Detmng. __ in rustless and heat-resisting steels. I. Bagshawe and Elwell 699; 11. Co-operative examination of methods available. Craven 699. Detmng. __ in steel. Krasilshcliikov and Popova 176. Hexamethylenetetramine in separations of titanium and -. Traub 235. Nitrates Detmng. __ by method of Cotte and Kahane. Karsten and Grab& 637. Nitration spent acids Colorimetric detmn. of nitric and nitroso-sulphuric acids in -. English, 472. Nitric acid Colorimetric detmn. of - and nitroso-sulphuric acids in nitration spent acids.English 472. Kuras 234. Kuras 234. Volumetric detmn. of - as picrate XI INDEX TO Nitric acid-continued *Volumetric detmn. of - in mixed and refuse -. Reference half-cell for titrations with ferrous ammonium sulphate. Strouts and MacInnes 669. Nitrite ion Capillary method in qualitative analysis. Korinfsky 163. *Nitro compounds Modifications of standard micro-combustion procedures found necessary in detmng. carbon hydrogen and nitrogen in aliphatic -. Heron 314. *m-Nitrobenzoic acid Analytical applications of - with particular reference to separation of quadrivalent elements from rare earths (lanthanides). Osborn 381. Nitrocelluloses Capillary-type viscometer for use with solutions containing volatile solvents with application to measurements of viscosities of -.Shoemaker Hoerger Noyes and Blaker 119. *Colorimetric detmn. of diphenylamine in -powaers. Norvall Ovenston and Parker 389. *Nitrogen Application of Dumas micro-method to pasture - analysis. White Thompson and Brice 146. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of urea- - by xanthydrol. Engel and Engel 39. Comparison of modified Folin photometric procedure and ninhydrin manometric method for detmng. amino acid - in plasma. Chinard and Van Slyke 624. Critical considerations concerning - detmn. by Kjeldahl method in amino acids and proteins. Reith and Wansink 403. Detmng. - in ferro-alloys and other materials by nesslerisation without distillation. Newell, 359. Micro-detmn. of non-protein - in serum, plasma or blood. Rappaport and Eichhorn, 625.Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of -. Potassium bi-iodate in iodimetric titration of ammonia. Ballentine and Gregg 239. 'Modifications of standard micro-combustion procedures found necessary in detmng. carbon, hydrogen and __ in aliphatic nitro com-pounds. Heron 314. Organic - in paper. Revision of T.A.P.P.I. Official Standard T418 m-45. 295. Rapid turbidimetric detmn. of inorganic - in soil and plant extracts. Wolf 227. Semimicro-detmn. of -in leather. Harvey 690. Semimicro-detmn. of - in sewage sludges. Klein 406. Volumetric detmn. of traces of oxygen in -. Delassus 177. Nitroglycerin Rapid detmn. of - and ethyl centralite in rocket propellant powder. Hirsch-horn 465. p-Nitrophenate Sodium __ in analytical chemistry. Silin and Moshchinskaya 292.*Nitrophenolic proofing agents Detmng. - in felt. Norvall and Kenyon 551. *Nitroprusside Fatal poisoning by sodium -. Walls 615. Nitroso-sulphuric acid Colorimetric detmn. of nitric and - in nitration spent acids. English 472. *Non-ferrous alloys Volumetric detmn. of tin on small scale and its application to -. Miller and Currie 377. Non-protein nitrogen Micro-detmn. of - in serum plasma or blood. Rappaport and Eichhorn 625. VOLUME 73 *Non-radioactive isotopes Measurement of abund-Nutrient solutions Routine detmn. of selenium in *Nutritive value Evaluating - of animal ance ratios of -. horticultural materials. McNulty 461. feeding-stuffs. Blaxter 11. Winter 653. 0 Obituaries : Byles J. E. 367. Coates U. A. 643.Dyer Bernard 55 123 126 186. Ellison R. 186. Halliwell E. 243. Hill C. A. 643. Hopkins Sir Frederick Gowland 186. Leach W. G. 303. Mason F. A. 186. Mitchell A. H. 186. Mitchell C. A. 1 55 186. Naidu S. R. 186 187. Oddy E. 186. Pooley J . W. 1 186 187. Schoeller W. R. 1 186 187. Sherlock A. 186 187. Smith H. P. 186 187. Smith J. 1 186. Spilsbury Sir Bernard H. 1 186. Thompson G. R. 529. Trotman S. R. 123 186. Odour Transmission of - through packaging materials. Elder 349. Oestradiol Modified Kober method for detmng. a-and 16- -. Ofner's method for detmng. invert sugar. McDonald and Turcotte 567. Oil(s) African drying -. I. Seed - of Tetracarpidium conophorum. Gunstone Hil-ditch and Riley 231. Chemical composition of seed - of Chorisia insignis " Pa10 Borracho." Cattaneo Karman, and Uberti 231.*Chromatographic estmn. of vitamin A in whale-liver -. Gridgeman Gibson and Savage, 662. Comparison of several types of apparatus devised for detmng. volatile - in citrus juices. Curl 695. Component acids and glycerides of Australian lumbang -. Gunstone and Hilditch 343. Component acids of West Indian ben and mango seed -. Dunn and Hilditch 343. Detmng. acetyl value of fats and -. Helrich and Rieman 623. oxidation with periodic acid. Handschumaker and Linteris 34. Detmng. presence of olive __ extracted from -cake or of arachis - in olive -obtained by pressing. Loew 217. Detmng. vitamin A in fish-liver ___ with activated glycerol dichlorohydrin. Sobel and Werbin 34. 2 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine for detmng.essential -. Hucknall 568. Fatty __ from seeds of Argyria speciosa Sweet (N.O. Convolvulaceae) . Kelkar Yhalnilrar and Bhide 231. Fatty - of seeds of Ipomoea muricata Jacq. (N.O. Convolvulaceae) . Kelkar Phalnikar and Bhide 231. Carol and Molitor 221. Detmng. monoglyceride in fats and - b INDEX TO Oil(s)-coniinued of Tetracarpidium conophorum. Bray 514. Prepn. of ash and spectrochemical detmn. of traces of metallic elements in - fats and related substances. O’Connor Heinzelmann, and Jefferson 162. “Ointments Assay of methyl salicylate -. Hatfull 559. Olefines Detmng. benzene in gases containing butadiene and higher -. Behaviour of 1 3-butadiene towards ammoniacal nickel cyanide solution. Balandin and Marushkin 110.Olive oil Detmng. presence of ~ extracted from oil-cake or of arachis oil in - obtained by pressing. Loew 217. Orange(r) Comparison of several types of apparatus devised for detmng. volatile oil in citrus juices. Curl 695. *Effect of dipping in borax solutions on boron content of -. Furlong 498. juice Amperometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in -. Lewis and McKenzie 343. juice Detmng. crude lipoids in citrus juices. Swift 35. Orcinol Differentiation between ribose-3-phosphate and ribose-5-phosphate by - - pentose re-action. Albaum and Umbreit 36. Ores Background intensity instead of comparison line for spectroscopic detmn. of cobalt and nickel in -. Ovchinnilrov 362. Detmng. calcium sulphate in sulphide -. Young and Hall 523.Detmng. oxidised zinc in - and concentrator products. Barker and Young 636. Dry reagents for analysis of - and minerals under field conditions. Poluektov and Nikonova 297. Persulphate method of detmng. manganese in - slags and ferro-manganese. Zeutzius 48. Polarographic detmn. of lead and tin in -. Faynberg and Tal 174. Organic Chemistry Elsevier’s Encyclopaedia of -. Josephy and Radt. Vol 13. Tricyclic Compounds. Series 111. Carboisocyclic Con-densed Compounds. (Review) 53. Chemistry Textbook of Practical - including Qualitative Analysis. Vogel. (Review) 240. compounds Decomposition and analysis of -containing fluorine and other halogens. Miller, Hunt and McBee 165. compounds Detmng. fluorine and chlorine in -. Kimball and Tufts 166.material Polarographic detmn. of sodium or potassium in various materials. Weaver and Lykken 169. *Orthophosphate 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard, 95. Orthophosphoric acid Detning. triphosphoric and pyrophosphoric acids in presence of __ and metaphosphoric acid. Bell 237. Oxalates Apparatus for detcng. and estmng. gases evolved in analysis of carbonates -, sulphides sulphites etc. Reynolds 685. Oxalenedianiidoxime See Niccolox. Oxidase activity in potato tubers. I. o-Phenylene-diamine as colorimetric reagent. Wallerstein, Alba and Hale 620; 11. o-Phenylenediamine as fluorimetric reagent 62%. Oxidation Derivatives of diphenylamine as __ -reduction indicators in alkaline solution. Willard and Manalo 44.*Reagent for detcng. fat - in milk powders. Dowden 678. VOLUME 73 xli Oxycelluloses Acidic properties of cotton cellulose and derived -. 11. Absorption of methylene blue. Davidson 694; V. Comparison of methods for detmng. carboxyl content. Davidson and Nevell 695; VI. Application of Lefkvre-Tollens method for estmng. uronic acid groups. Nevell 695. Oxygen Amperometric detmn. of dissolved -in orange juice. Continuous estmn. of - in gases by polaao-graphic method. Wise 407. Detmng. __ in steel by vacuum fusion. Alexander Murray and Ashley 358. in organic compounds. Direct micro-detmn. by Unterzaucher method. Aluise Hall Staats, and Becker 686. *Iodimetric detmn. of peroxides. Modified apparatus for Lea “cold” estmn. of peroxide -. Skellon and Thurston 97.*Iodimetric estmn. of peroxidic -. Skellon and Wills 78. Potentiometric detmn. of - with dropping mercury electrode. Laitinen Higuchi and Czuha 573. Rapid mic.ro-elementary analysis. I. Detmng. carbon and hydrogen in substances containing carbon hydrogen and -. Korshun and Klimova 351. Volumetric detmn. of traces of - in nitrogen. Delassus 177. Lewis and McKenzie 343. P Packaging materials Transmission of odour through -. Elder 349. Paints Detmng. mercury in - and toxicological material. Elmore 47. Paper(s) Application of synthetic resins arid polymers to -. Tout 349. Detmng. rosin in - and boards. Peteri 296. Organic mercurials for slime control in - mills (testing and control). Brown and Harrison, 296. Organic nitrogen in -.Revision of T.A.P.P.I. Official Standard T418 m-45. 295. Rapid differentiation of - by ultra-violet spark spectra. Berton 632. *Paraffin B.P. sulphuric acid test for liquid -. Druce 617. Paraldehyde Note on -. Brester 400. Particle(s) Photo-electronic counter for colloidal Gucker O’Konski Pickard and Pitts, size Detmng. - by light scattering. Bardwell “Pasture nitrogen Application of Dumas micro-White Thompson, -. 527. and Sivertz 580. method to - analysis. and Brice 146. Pectin Wurz and Swoboda 350. *Penicillin(s) assay Four papers on purpose scope and validity. 244. *Assay of __ by dilution method and differential assay of - by charcoal adsorption. Pope, 247. *Biological methods for - assay. Introductory survey.Heatley 244. *Chemical and physical methods for - assay. Introductorv survey. Smith 197. “Deimng. individual --. Critical review of proposed methods. Boon 202. *Detmng. - by alkaline hydrolysis. Patterson and Emery 207 xlii INDEX TO Penicillin (s)-continued Estmng. types of ___ in broths and finished products. Microbiological method. Higuchi and Peterson 224. *Four papers on methods of - assay their purpose scope and validity. 197. *Microbiological assay of - by turbidimetric method using Staphylococcus aweus. Bond and navies 251. *;Naturally occurring -. Assay of G. Grenfell Means and Brown 628. *Rapid chemical estmn. of -. Wise and Twigg 393. *Spectroscopic estmn. of -. *standards. Bond 254. Studies on penicillinase. Twigg 211. 11.Manometric assay of - and penicillinase. Henry and House-Wright 107. Penicillinase Studies on -. 11. Manometric assay of penicillin and -. Henry and Housewright 107. Pentabromoacetone Selectivity of micro-methods for detmng. citric acid as -. Breusch and Tulus 407. Pentose Differentiation between ribose-3-phosphate and ribose-5-phosphate by orcinol- - re-action. Albaum and Umbreit 36. Perambulators Cleanliness of Fillings and Stuffing for Bedding Upholstery - Cushions Tea Cosies Dolls etc. British Standard 1425 1948. 398. Perbenzoic acid Measurement of internal double bonds in polymers by - addition. Saffer and Johnson 633. Perchlorate Detmng. - in dilute solution. Husken and Gaty 471. Perchloric acid Mixed __ and sulphuric acid in analysis of chrome tanned leather.Destruc-tion of organic matter and detmn. of chromium. Smith and Fritz 233. *Periodate(s) 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Quantitative separation of iodates and -. Kahane 524. Periodic acid Detmng. monoglyceride in fats and oils by oxidation with -. Handschumaker and Linteris 34. Permanganate Quantitative detmn. of - and manganate ions when present together. Shehigol and Burchinskaya 638. *Peroxides Iodimetric detmn. of -. Modified apparatus for Lea “cold” estmn. of -oxygen. Skellon and Thurston 97. *Peroxidic oxygen Iodimetric estmn. of --. Skellon and Wills 78. *Persulphate 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. method of detmng.manganese in ores slags and ferro-manganese. Zeutzius 48. Petrol Detmng. anti-oxidants in -. Williams and Strickland 631. Detmng. tetra-ethyl lead in aviation -. Newman Philip and Jensen 293. Special test for commercial -. Ministry of Fuel and Power 559. Petroleum Polarographic detmn. of naphthalenes in - fractions. Burdett and Gordon 633. pH New - indicators for detmng. total alkalinity in water. Disodium 4 4’-bis(p-dimethyl-aminophenylazo) -2 2’-stilbenedisulphonate and disodium 4 4’-bis(o-tolyltriazeno)-2 2’-stil-benedisulphonate. Taras 462. Saturated potassium hydrogen tartrate as -standard. Lingane 475. VOLUME 73 Pharmacognostical problems Sorgdrager 284. Pharmacopoeia British - 1948. British Medical Council. (Review) 582.Phenol@) Bromination of - and - alcohols. Ruderman 408. Detmng. methylol groups and dibenzyl ether linkages in - alcohols and derived ___ resins. I . 11. Ethyl linkages. Lilley and Osmond 468 469. Detmng. water in -. Ethanolamine molybdate as reagent for a-dihydric -. Thomas 233. Phenolic resins Detmng. methyIol groups and dibenzyl linkages in phenol alcohols and derived -. I. 11. Ethyl linkages. Lilley and Osmond 468 469. o-Phenylenediamine Oxidase activity in potato tubers. I. - as colorimetric reagent. Wallerstein Alba and Hale 620; 11. - as fluorimetric reagent 622. Phenylosazone reactions adapted to micro-slide. Schaeffer 515. Phosphate(s) Acidimetric detmn. of phosphoric acid and -. Brunisholz 637. Argentimetric detmn. of - .Flatt and Brunisholz 414. Arsenate-displaceable - in long-fertilised and unfertilised plot soils. Schollenberger 405. Detmng. minute quantities of - calcium and magnesium in rubber. Ignition of - ppt. in classical detmn. of magnesium and phosphoric acid as magnesium pyrophosphate. Schuhecker 697. Micro-method of - qetmn. Soyenkoff 226. rock Detmng. phosphorus in -. Separation from cations by ion-exchange resin. Helrich and Rieman 356. Phospholipids Estmng. - in human blood. Hack 285. Phosphoric acid Acidimetric detmn. of - and phosphates. Brunisholz 637. attack method for detmng. silicon in aluminium alloys. Norwitz 575. Ignition of phosphate ppt. in classical detmn. of magnesium and - as magnesium pyro-phosphate. Schuhecker 697. Volumetric detmn.of __ by modification of N. v. Lorenz method. Gisiger 238. Phosphorus Colorimetric detmn. of - in steel. Hill 359. *Detmng. organic -. Manley and Lobley 30. Detmng. ___ in phosphate rock. Separation from cations by ion-exchange resin. Helrich and Rieman 356. Direct colorimetric method for __ in all types of steel. Katz and Proctor 697. Photo-electronic counter for colloidal particles. Gucker O’Konski Pickard ’and Pitts 527. Photographic developers Detmng. iodide in -. Levenson 578. *Simple colorimetric detmn. of copper in -. Levenson 3 1. Photometer Modified atomiser for flame -. Toscani 702. “Phthalic esters Detmng. - in propellants. Lamond 674. Physical Society Report on Colour Terminology. Committee of - Colour Group. (Review), 477.*Physico-chemical methods in microchemistry. I. Molecular weight. Wilson 585; 11. Stabilisa-tion of micro-Beckmann thermometer in ebullioscopic detmns. of molecular weight. Magee and Wilson 597. Pollack 43. van der Bie 411 INDEX TO Physiology Plant -. Thomas. 3rd Edn. Pickles Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds a-Picoline Pptng. beryllium hydroxide with -. Picrate Volumetric detmn. of nicotine as -. Picric acid Detmng. nicotine with -. van Pigments Detmng. meta.llic aluminium in Light and Russell 48. Pills Detmng. calomel in -. Ferrey 344. Pilocarpine nitrate Separation of - from total alkaloids of jaborandi. Assay of Jaborandi. Report No. 5 of Poisons Subcommittee SOC. of Public Analysts. 311. Piperazine Simple colour reaction for -.Barnard 219. Pipettes Burettes and bulb -. B.S. 846 Part 3. 510. Plant Physiology. Thomas. 3rd Edn. (Review), 121. Rapid turbidimetric detmn. of inorganic nitrogen in soil and ___ extracts. Wolf 227. Plasma Comparison of modified Folin photometric procedure and ninhydrin manometric method for detmng. amino acid nitrogen in -. Chinard and Van Slyke 624. Tletmng. aromatic amidines in - and urine. Jackson Kuhl and Irvin 38. Micro-colorimetric estmn. of - proteins. Albanese Saw and Irby 222. Micro-detmn. of non-protein nitrogen in serum, -- or blood. Rappaport and Eichhorn, 625. Photo-electric detmn. of magnesium in body fluids. Kunkel Pearson and Schweigert 290. Plasticisers Dielectric identity test for -. Polyvinyl chloride plastics type.Elliott, Jones and Lockhart 118. *Plating thickness Note on measuring -. Gentry 157. "Platinum 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. electrode Amperometric titration of styrene with potassium bromate using rotating -. Kolthofi and Bovey 518. "Plutonium Analytical applications of mi-nitro-benzoic acid with special reference to separation of quadrivalent elements from rare earths (lanthanides). Osborn 381. Poisoning Bacteriology of spray-dried egg with particular reference to food -. Mcdical Research Council 397. "Fatal -by sodium nitroprusside. Walls 615. Ministry of Health responsible for matters relating to --. 99. Poisons Their Isolation and Identification. Barn-ford. 2nd Edn. (Review) 241.Polarograph Applications of - to metallurgical analysis. 111. Milner 472. Polarographic analysis Electrolyte vessels for -. Novak 364. analysis Examination of absolute and com-parative methods of -. *analysis Internal standards in -. Loof-bourow and Frediani 384. curves Measuring kalf-wave slope of -. I . Theoretical considerations. 11. Method of measurement. Delahay 701. instrumentation Improvements in -. Yolaro-graphic cell for routine use. Philbrook and Grubb 120. (Review) 12 1. in foods. Wilson 101. Ostroumov and Ivanov-Emin 115. Drozdov and Materanskaja 103. Elteren 469. aluminium -. Taylor 182. VOLUME 73 xliii study with micro-electrode past which electrolyte is flowing. Muller 527. supporting-electrolyte Calcium chloride as -.Khlopin 120. work Multi-tip electrodes in -. McGilvery, Hawkings and Thode 364. *Polishes Aid for detmng. ash in matter containing high percentages of water. Davidsohn 678. Polony Ministry of Food 341. Poly-alcohols Detmng. quality of emulsifying media of the type of fatty acid esters of -. den Otter 351. Polyallyl esters Detmng. allyl groups in polpallyl ethers and -. Polyallyl ethers Detmng. allyl groups in - and polyallyl esters. Polyglycerol mixtures Identifying - by allyla-tion and acetonation. Wittcoff Roach and &Miller 693. Polymers Application of synthetic resins and -to paper. Tout 349. Measurement of internal double bonds in ~-by perbenzoic acid addition. Saffer and Johnson 633. Polyvinyl chloride Iktmng. chlorine in resins obtained from - compositions.Haslam and Soppett 572. Dielectric identity test for plasticisers. -plastics type. Elliott Jones and Lockhart 118. *Pomegranate juice as natural indicator. David-sohn 679. Pork Antimony trichloride - ethanol pptn. for fluorimetric detmn. of riboflavine in -. Lewis and Gorham 400. *Potassium Micro-detmn. of - as cobaltinitrite in biological and agricul t Lira1 materials. I. Review. Tinsley 86. Yolarographic detmn. of sodium or - in various materials. Weaver and Lykken 169. Potassium bi-iodate Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen. - in iodimetric titration of ammonia. Ballentine and Gregg 239. Potassium bromate Xmperometric titration of styrene with - using rotating platinum electrode. Kolthoff and Bovey 518.Potassium bromide Detmng. diethylbromoacetyl-urea in admixture with diethylbarbituric acid and -. van Pinxteren and Smeets. 623. Potassium chloride Conductometric analysis of thallous salts with -. Kamecki 575. Potassium cobaltinitrite Drop reaction for cobalt as -. Duval and Soye 522. Potassium ethyl xanthogenate for detmng. zinc and cadmium. Berkovich 233. Potassium ferrocyanide Quantitative detmn. of - or sodium ferrocyanide. Hol and van der Burgh 414. Potassium hydrogen tartrate Saturated - iLS PH standard. Lingane 475. Potato(es) Detmng. aneurine in -. Rouman, 563. Estmng. solanine in -. Wolf and Duggar, 342. Oxidase activity in - tubers. I. o-Phenylene-diamine as colorimetric reagent. Wallerstein, Alba and Hale 620 ; 11.o-Phenylenediamine as fluorimetric reagent 622. Potentiometric titration Study of the curves for - of zinc sulphate chloride and nitrate with sodium hydroxide. Carriitre Guiter and Portal 525. Tempometric (drop-time) method of -. Kalje 363. Polarographic-continued Boyd and Roach 42. Boyd and Roach 42 sliv INDEX TO *Potentiometry Microchemical applications of Powder density Detmng. - using Rees - Hugill flask. Cross 640. Precipitates Thermal behaviour of analytical -. Yeltier and Duval 522 ; V. Detmng. magnesium. VI. Detmng. beryllium. VII. 1)etmng. lithium. Duval and Duval 634. Premixes Factors affecting detmn. of thiamine and riboflavine in enrichment __- containing Ferrum Redactum. Rubin De liitter Febbraro, and Jahns 684. Presentation of Technical Information.Kapp. (Review) 627. Preservatives Public Health (- etc. in Food) Amendment Regulations 1948. Transfer of certain functions to Ministry of Food. 99 342. Pressure regulator for micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen. 1;nrter and Stayermark 687, Probit Analysis Statistical Treatment of the Sigmoid Response Curve. 1:inney. (Review), 301. Process Principles Chemical -. I. Material and Energy Balances. 11. Thermodynamics. 111. Kinetics and Catalysis. Hougen and Watson. (Review) 703. Progesterone Estmng. _- in ethyl oleate solution. Elvidge 220. "Proofing agents Detmng. nitrophenolic __ in felt. Norvall and Kenyon 551. *Propellant(s) Detmng. phthalic esters in -, Lamond 674. powder Rapid detmn. of nitroglycerin and ethyl centralite in rocket -.Hirschhorn 465. Propylene glycol Anal ysing mixtures of glycerol - and trimethylene glycol. Pohle and Mehlenbacher 42. Estmng. glycerol in presence of ___ and ethylene glycol. Newburger and Bruening 463. Protein(s) Colour reactions of native and denatured -. Haurowitz and Tekman 623. Critical considerations regarding nitrogen detmn. by Kjeldahl method in amino acids and -. Reith and Wansink 303. Detmng. D(-)- and L( 4 )-glutamic acid in -hydrolysates. Dunn Camien Shankman and Block 403. Detmng. glycine in - hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesentevoidpa 1'-60. Shankman, Camien and Dunn 222. Microbiological detmn. of lysine in - and foods. Horn Jones and Mum 286. Microbiological detmn. of threonine in - and foods. Horn Jones and Blum 624.Microbiological detmn. of valine in - and foods. Horn Jones 2nd Blum 624. Micro-colorimetric estmn. of plasma -. Albanese Saur and Irby 222. *Prunes Micro-analytical test for purity of food with special reference to cereals. Kent- Jones, Amos Elias Bradshaw. and Thackray 128. Pteroylglutamic acid Chemical detmn. of - and related compounds. Hutchings Stokstad, Boothe Mowat Waller Angier Semb and Subbarow 289. *Puke Composition of tomato - and estmn. of tomato content of tomato ketchup. Morpeth, 449. Purine Differential spectrophotometry of -compounds with specific enzymes. I. Detmng. hydroxy - compounds. 11. Detmng. adenine compounds. 111. Studies of enzymes -. Stock 321. VOLUME 73 *Purity Micro-analytical test for - in food with special reference to cereals.Kent- Jones, Amos Elias Bradshaw and Thackray 128. Purpurate Ammonium -. See Murexide. *Pyknometer with graduated limbs for use a t varying temperatures. Ward and Brooks 158. Pyramidone Antimony trichloride - - complex. LapiCre 517. "Pyrethrum flowers Analysis of __ by Seil and Wilcoxon - Holaday methods. Mitchell Tresa-dern and Wood 484. Pyridine bases Detmng. content of - in products containing ammonia or ammonium salts. Neymark 165. Colorimetric estmn. of -. derivatives Catalytic evolution of hydrogen at dropping mercury cathode due to amide of nicotinic acid and other -. Knobloch 345. Pyrites Detmng. __ sulphur in presence of sulphates. Ostroumov and Ivanov-Emin 638. Pyrophosphoric acid Detmng.triphosphoric and - in presence of ortho- and meta-phosphoric acids. Bell 237. Pyruvic acid Micro-detmn. of lactic acid and ~ in rat liver. Aebi 683. I'loquin 518. Q *Quadrivalent elements Analytical applications of m-nitrobenzoic acid with. special reference to separation of - from rare earths (lan-thanides) . Osborn 381. Qualitative analysis Capillary method in -. Korinfsky 163. analysis for cations without systematic separa-tions. I. Characterisation of arsenic tin, antimony and bismuth. Charlot and Mzier, 352. Analysis Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry includjng -. Vogel. (Review), 240. Quantitative analysis with X-ray spectrometer. liedmond 474. Inorganic Analysis Introduction to -. Belcher and Thompson. (Review) 54. Quaternary ammonium compounds Detmng.high molecular weight - as tri-iodides. Hager, Young Flanagan and Waiker 516. compounds Detmng. - in foods. Wilson 101. compounds Detmng. - in fruit juices. Harris, salts Photo-colorimetric detmn. of -. Colich-103. man 570. R *Radio-isotopes Measurement of --. Whitmore, ' 660. *Rare earth(s) Analytical applications of m-nitro-benzoic acid with special reference to separation of quadrivalent elements from - (lan-thanides) . Osborn 381. Detcng. scandium - zirconium and thorium with murexide. Beck 361. Elements and their Compounds. Yost Russell, and Garner. (Review) 641. Titrimetric methods for thorium. Separation of thorium from -. Rat Micro-detmn. of lactic acid and pyruvic acid in - liver. Aebi 683.Banks and Diehl 51. Rations Collaborative comparison of three -of - metabolism. Kalckar 286. for chick assay of vitamin D. Bliss 108 INDEX TO Reagent (s) chemicals Recommended specifications for analytical -. American Chemical SOC., Committee on Analytical Reagents 114. *2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as - in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Organic Analytical -. Welcher. Vols. I and 11. (Review) 420. Organic - used in Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis. Flagg. (Review) 528. P-Triphenylenemethylphenyl and 2-fluoreny-1 iso-cyanates as ___ for alcohols. Witten and Reid 463. Red lead Colorimetric (absorptiometric) detmn. of __ (minium). Swann 174. Reduction Deposition of nickel and cobalt by chemical -. Brenner and Riddell 415. Derivatives of diphenylamine as oxidation- __ indicators in alkaline solution.Willard and Manalo 44. t’olarographic __- of aliphatic aldehydes. I. Polarographic properties of formaldehyde. Bieber and Triimpler 1 1 3 ; VI. Polarographic properties of acetaldehyde. 407. Reductor Prepng. silver for use in Walden silver -. Smith and Cagle 574. Rees - Hugill flask Detmng. powder density using -. Cross 640. Reflectance spectrophotometry AApplication of -I_ to quantitative micro-analysis. Sendroy and Granville 526. Reflux ratio controller Electronic timing device and -. Thacker and Walker 551. Refractive index Control of fractional distillation by __ measurements. Raw 580. Regulator Pressure - - for micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen. 1:urter and Stayerniark, 687.Relishes Detmng. quaternary ammonium com-pounds in foods. Wilson 101. Resin(s) Application of synthetic - and polymers to paper. Tout 349. Detmng. chlorine in -- obtained from polyvinyl chloride compositions. Haslam and Soppett, 572. Detmng. methyl01 groups and dibenzyl ether linkages in phenol alcohols and derived phenolic -. I. 11. Ethyl linkages. Lilley and Osmond 468 469. “Modified “acid beam” test for Cannabis snfiva -. Rathenasinkam 509. Resinates Composition of rosin size (aluminium -) ppts. Analyses of standard size ppts. Price 632. Fthamnose Quantitative deimn. of galactose, mannose arabinose and -. Hirst Jones, and Woods 464. Rhenium Reduction and tletmn. of arsenates in presence of catalysts especially -. Tribalat, 414.Rhodamine B Colorimetric micro-detmn. of antimony in biological materials with -_ Rlaren 226. method for micro-detmn. of antimony. Freedman, 227. Rhodium Volumetric detmn. of -. Syrokomsky and Proshenkova 361. Riboflavine Antimony trichloride - ethanol pptn. for fluorimetric detmn. of - in pork. Lewis and Gorham 400. “Cup-plate method in microbiological assay with special reference to _I and aneurine. Bacharach and Cuthbertson 334. Detmng. thiamine and - in presence of reduced VOLUME 73 xlv Factors affecting detmn. of thiamine and - in enrichment premixes containing Ftrrrtm Redacturn. Rubin De Kitter Febbraro and Jahns 684. in malt extract. Klaztkin Norris and Wokes, 218. *Ultra-violet absorption of -. Adamson 442. Ribose-&phosphate Differentiating between -and ribose-5-phosphate by orcinol - pentose reaction.Albaum and Umbreit 36. Ribose-&phosphate Differentiating between ribose-%phosphate and - by orcinol - pentose reaction. Albanm and Umbreit 36. Rocket propellant powder Rapid detmn. of nitro-glycerin and ethyl centralite in Hirsch-horn 465. Roe method Spectrophotometric studies of --€or detmng. dehydroascorbic acid. Holomey and Kemmerer 162. Rosin Detmng. - in papers and boards. l’eteri, 296. size Composition of __- (aluminium resinates) ppts. Analyses of standard size ppts. Price, 632. Rubber(s) Chromatographic analysis of __ -compounding ingredients and their itlentifica-tion in vulcanisates. T -V. Hellamy Lawrie, and Press 179. Colour reactions of amine anti-oxidants for -.Hurchfield and Judy 319. Detcng. and identifying uncompounded anti-oxidants for - by colour reactions. I k d . 519. Detmng. minute quantities of phosphate calcium, and magnesium in -. Identification and Estimation of Natural and Synthetic -. Ruthenium 5-Hydroxyquinoline-8-carboxylic acid, colorimetric reagent for -- Hreckenhridge and Singer 397. Bibo flavins-continued van der Hie 411. Ministry of Supply 100. S Salad dressing Detmng. quaternarj- ammonium compounds in foods. Wilson 101. spread Detmng. quaternary ammonium corn-pounds in foods. Wilson 101. Salicylanilide Detmng. ~ in leather mould-proofing mixtures and in treated leather goods. Ogg Brand Mann and Willits 294. *Salicylate ointments Assay of methyl - -Hatfull 559.Sample preparation Effect of on analytical values for alpha-cellulose copper number and cuprammonium viscosity. Browning 44. Sampling problems. van Tongeren 417. Santonin I’olarograyhic detmn. o f --. SgntaL 6, 400. Saponification value Detmng - - - of natu ra 1 waxes. Knight 230. ‘Saturation Proximate anal?-sis of mixtures by methods depending on differential solubility and -. Bennett 191. Sauces (labelling of food). 33. Sausage(s) Pork - pork - meat pork slicing beef - beef ___ meat beef slicing - luncheon - breakfast - polony - liver -- ravioli and salmi -. Ministry of Food. 341. Scandium Detcng. ~ rare earths zirconium, iron.- De Ritter and Rubin 225. and thorium with murexide. Neck 361 xlvi IKDEX TO Scattering Detmng.particle size by light -. Bardwell and Sivertz 580. Seed@) Fat from - of Vunguera spinosa (X.O. Rubzaceae). Nadkarni Airan and Shah 231. Fatty oil from __ of Argyria speciosa Sweet (N.O. Convolvulaceae) . Kelkar Phalnikar and Bhide 231. Fatty oil of - of Iponzoea nzurzcata Jacq. (N.O. Convolvulaceae) . Kelkar Phalnikar and Bhide 231. oil Chemical composition of - of Chovtsia insignis “ Palo Borracho.” Cattaneo Karman, and Uberti 231. oils African drying oils. I. __ of Tetracavpzdium cowophorztm. Gunstone Hilditch and Riley, 230. oils Component acids of West Indian ben and mango -. *Seil method ,4nalysis of pyrethrum flowers by ___ and Wilcoxon - Holaday method. Mitchell Tresadern and Wood 484. Selenium Routine detmn. of __ in horticultural materials.McNulty 461. 1;eigl and West 46. Senna glucoside Colorimetric detmn. of -. Kussmaul and Becker 283. *Serum Albumin in -. Hirsch 161. Dunn and Hilditch 343. Test for - based on catalytic effect. Detmng. guanidoacetic acid and arginine in human urine and -, Micro-colorimetric detmn. of manganese in biological materials with 1 4’-tetramethyl-dianiinotriphenylmethane. Gates and Ellis, 2Ql. Micro-detmn. of non-protein nitrogen in -, plasma or blood. Kappaport and Eichhorn, 625. Photo-electric detmn. of magnesium in body fluids. Kunkel Pearson and Schweigert 290. Sewage Seinimicro-detmn. of nitrogen in -sludges. Klein 406. Water Supply and -. Steel. 2nd Edn. (Review) 241. Shell fish Ministry of Health responsible for regulations relating to -.99. Public Health (--) Amendment Regulations, 1948. Information now to be given also to Ministry of Food. 342. *Significant figures in analytical chemistry. Cooper, 508. Silica Polarographic detnin. of sodium or potassium in various materials. Weaver and Lykken 169. Spectrographic analysis of - - alumina cracking catalysts. Burdett and Jones 474. Silicate(s) Contamination of ___ samples crushed in steel mortars. Sandell 415. “ 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagmt in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Rapid detmn. of silicic acid in ignited antl un-ignited -. Spronck 238. Siliceous materials Technique for obtaining un-contaminated small samples of ceramic glazes and other hard -. Silicic acid Rapid detmn. of - in ignited and unignited silicates.Spronck 238. *Silicon Detmng. __ in nickel alloys. Minster, 507. Phosphoric acid attack method for detmng. __ in aluminium alloys. Norwitz 575. Rapid gravimetric detmn. of - in aluminium alloys. Lisan and Katz 239. Thermo-electric method for detmng. in Hoberman 346. Caley 473. VOLUME 73 Silver Colorimetric detmn. of micro-amounts of - and - halides. Detmng. - by electronietric titration. Hellamy 698. *2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Formazylcarboxylic acid as analytical reagent for -. Kulberg and Ledneva 352. Prepng. - for use in Walden - retluctor. Smith and Cagle 574. reductor Reduction of quinquevalent vanadium in -. Lingane and Meites 49. Silver halides Colorimetric detmn.of micro-amounts of silver antl -. Size Composition of rosin - (aluminium resinates) ppts. -Analyses of standard ppts. Price 632. Size grading Industrial control of -. Sharratt, 640. Slags l’ersulphate method of detmng. mangane\e in ores - and ferro-manganese. Zeutzius, 48. Slime Organic mercurials for - control 111 paper mills (control and testing). Brown antl Harrison 296. Soap lletmng. small concentrations of calcium antl magnesium by titration with standard __ solution. McCoy 566. Soapless detergents Appointment of Sub-committee on .4nalysis of ~ and Similar Products. 644. Socihth Suisse de Chimie Analytique et Applique: 60th Anniversary meeting. 561. Society of Public Analysts Analytical Methods Committee. Appointment of Sub-Committee on Analysis of Meat Extracts and Similar Products.643; Appointment of Sub-committee on -4nali-sis of Soapless Detergents and Similar Products. 644. ,Inalytical Methods Committee Metallic Ini-purities in Foodstuffs Sub-Committee Report No. 4. Detmng. zinc in foodstuffs. 304. Analytical Methods Committee Poisons Sub-committee Report No. 4. hssay of yohimba. 309; Report No. 5 . 3 I I ; Report No. 6. Assay of ephedra antl of ephedrine in nasal sprays. 312. Analytical Methods committee Tragacanth Suh-Committee. Report No. 1. Evaluation of powdered tragacanth. 368. .4nnual General Meeting. 185. -Annual Report of Council. 1st;. Biological Methods (;roup. 3rd Annual (;enera1 Microchemistry Group. 4th *\nnual GencrJ North of England Section.“3rd Annual General Scottish Section. 13th -4nnual General Meeting. 1 . Sodium Micro-colorimetric detmn. of - in .%lbanese antl lmn, Yolarographic detmn. of or potassium in Wea\.er and Lykken 14;:). Qualitative test for --. *Sodium alizarin - sulphonate Absorptionietric detmn. of boron with Dickinson 3!6. Sodium ferrocyanide Quantitative detmn. o f potassium or -. Hol and van der Riirgh, 414. Sodium fluoride I’hysico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry. System A1F3 - XaF - H,O. GraL imetric detnin. of aluminium as 1 l ~ a I ~ . 4 A ~ l l ~ . . Tananaev and Siggia 412. Siggia 412. -3ssay of jaborandi. Meeting. 1. Meeting. 55. Meeting. 243. human biological fluids. 629. various materials. <;alet 233.carbon steel. Korzh 575. Lelchuk 17 1 IXDEX TO Sodium hydrogen sulphide Rapid prepn. of solution of -. Sodium hydroxide Study of curves for potentio-metric titration of zinc sulphate chloride and nitrate with . Carrikre Guiter and Portal 625. Hodgson and Ward 578. See also Caustic Soda. Sodium hypochlorite lktning. halates in Atkin 524. Sodium naphthalene Volumetric detmn. ol carbon-bonded halogen with . Henton anti Hamill 566. Sodium p-nitrophenate in ana1l;tical chemistry. Silin and Rloshchinskaya 292. %odium nitroprusside 1;atal poisoning by - . Walls 615. Sodium sulphite Analysis of zinc cyanide electrolyte containing Guiva 173. Soft drinks (labelling of food). 33. ”Soft soaps *\id for detmng. ash in matter con-taining high percentages of water.Davidsohn, 678. Soil(s) Arsenate-clisplaceable phosphate in long-fertilised and iinfertilisecl plot - -. Schollen-berger 405. Ministry of. Food. 216. Order 1!147. 33. *I>etmng. uronic acids in I’olarographic detnin. of zinc in Takazawa antl Sherman 51. Rapid turbidimetric cletmn. o E inorgzmic nitrogen in and plant extracts. Wolf 227. Koutine detmn. of selenium in horticultural materials. McSulty 461. Solanine Estmng. -- in potato lt-olf and Duggar. 342. Solids Detmng. total -- 111 sulphate p 1 p mill evaporator feet1 liquor. Edmunds 319. *Solubility Proxiniate analysis of mixtures by methods depending on differential - and saturation. Hennett 191. Solvents Acid-base reactions in benzene and other organic Behaviour of bromophthalein magenta with different classes of organic bases.Davis and Schnhmann 467. *l’repng. and testing hydrocarbon -___ for absorption spectroscopy. Davis 395. Soxhlet extractor Annular thimble for Smith antl Neustadt 582. Soya bean oil Detmng. tocopherol content during commercial processing of . Iiawlings, Kuhrt and Raster 663. Spa waters (labelling of food). 33. Spark spectra Rapid differentiation of papers by ultra-violet -. Berton 632. Specifications Recommended - for analytical reagent chemicals. .\merican Chemical SOC., Committee on Analytical Reagents. 114. See also British Standards Institution. *Spectrometer mass Measurement of a bundance ratios of non-radioactive isotopes. Winter 653. Nier, Abbott Pickarcl Leland Taylor Stevens, lhkey and Goertzel 702.Spectrophotometry Application of reflectance __ to quantitative micro-analysis. Sendroy and Granville 526. Capillary absorption cells in - . Kirk, Rosenfels and Hanahan 362. *Spectroscopy Prepng. antl testing hydrocarbon solvents for absorption -. Spekker Constant temperature cell-bath for use with ~ photo-electric absorptiometer. Finch and Parker 11 7. ‘Trace\- 564. Recording mass - for process anal3-sis. Davis 395. VOLUME 73 xlvii *Spices Micro-analytical test for purity of food with special reference to cereals. Kent- Jones, Amos Elias Bradshaw and Thackray 128. Spinal fluid Chemical estmn. of streptomycin in blood and -. Sprays Assay of ephedra and of ephedrine in nasal -. Report No.6 of Poisons Subcommittee, Soc. of Public Analysts. 312. Spruce Microchemical detmn. of lignin in wood flour and hemicelluloses of -. Stumpf and Weisenberger 510. Stainless steel Colorimetric detmn. o f cobalt in Standard(s) Food __ and food hygiene. Ministry Loof-Boxer and Jelinelr 401. . Putsch6 and Malooly 233. of Food 680. bourow and Frediani 384. ’:Internal - in polarographic analysis. *Observations on biological Miles 530. ::-i’crmancnt __- for estmng. cholesterol. Hirsch, Itil. Saturated potassium liytlrogerr tartrate as pH _- . Lingane 475. anti chloro- Stannates Analysis of alkali - -stannates. Grillot 624. *Staphylococcus uureus Microbiological assav of penicillin by turbidirnetric method using -. Bond and I)avies 251. %tatistical metbods .\pplication of - in calculating proportions of ingredients in food products.Steiner 15. problems. 2. in Research antl Production with special reference to the Chemical Industry-. Davies. (Review), 53. €;our papers on application of -__ to food *in research on food canning. Adam 7. *Statistics Inevitability of -. Steam distillation Continuous apparatus. Steel(s) Colorimetric detmn. of cobalt in stainless I’utsch6 and Malooly 235. Colorimetric cletmn. of phosphorus in - -. Hill, Colorimetric cletmn. o f small quantities of Contamination of silicate samples crushed in Finney 2. Imnienvahr 364. ___ . 359. aluminium in --. KuskoVa 114. ___ mortars. Sanclell 415. pressure gasometric method. Nesbitt and Henderson 357.Uetmng. niobium in Krasilshcliikov and l’opova 176. Detmng. niobium in rustless and heat-resisting -. I. Hagshawe and Elwell 699; IT. Co-operative examination of methods available. Craven 699. Uetmng. oxygen in by vacuum fusion. ,%lesander Murray and Ashley 358. Direct colorimetric method for phosphorus in all types of -. I’hoto-colorimetric detmn. of chromium in -. Tananaev and Matveeva 173. Polarographic detmn. of vanadium in and other ferro-alloys. Semi-quantitative drop-reaction analysis of 1 8/8 chromiuni-nickel -. Spectrographic analysis of low-alloy -. Statistical examination of sources of error. Shirley Elliott and Meeds 415. *Study oi cobalt - ferricyanide reaction with relation to detmn. of cobalt in -. Bagshawe and Hobson 152.Thermo-electric method for detmng. silicon in carbon -. Korzh 575. Iktmng. carbon in low-carbon - . Low-Katz and Z’roctor 697. Lingane and Meites 50. Claeys and Gillis 700 slviii INDEX TO Storage Scientific Principles of Grain -. Oxley, (Review) 528. Stramonium Detmng. total alkaloids in belladonna and -. Roberts and James 35. Streptococcus faecalis Improved assay of vitamin B with -. Rabinowitz and Snell, 627. Streptomycin Chemical estmn. of __ in blood and spinal fluid. Boxer and Jelinek 401. Colorimetric detmn. of - in clinical prepns., urine and broth. Boxer Jelinek and Leghorn, 219. May Voureka, and Fleming 39. Strontium salts Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. Peltier and Duval 522. StufEng Cleanliness of Fillings and for Bedding Upholstery Perambulators Cushions, Tea Cosies Dolls etc.British Standard 1425: 1948. 398; Fenton test for -. 418. Styrene Amperometric titration of - with potassium bromate using rotating platinum electrode. Kolthoff and Bovey 518. *Sucharda and Bobranski method Observations on semimicro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen by - using macro-balance. Goulden 320. Sugar@) Chocolate - Confectionery and Cocoa Products (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1944 (Amendment No. 8) Order 1948. 459. confectionery Fresh fruit covered with -. Ministry of Food 216. Deimng. ___ in bread. Sandstedt and Fleming, 619. Ofner’s method for detmng. invert --. McDonald and Turcotte 567. products Detmng. dextrose and laevulose in cane - containing unfermentable reducing substances.Zerban and Erb 619. Quantitative separation of methylated -. Brown and Jones 409. Sugarhouse products Detmng. aconitic acid in -. Ambler and Roberts 409. Sulphamate Comparison of metliods of - detmn. Bowler and Arnold 45. Sulphanilic acid in various forms as reagent for lignified wood. Noll 516. Sulphate(s) Apparatus for rapid conductometric titrations. Detmng. - . Anderson and Revelle 119. Iletmng. ethyl and other alkyl --. Trinh and Sequin 631. Detmng. pyrites sulphur in presence of --. Ostroumov and Ivanov-Emin 638. pulp mill Detmng. total solids in - evaporator feed liquor. Edmonds 349. Sulphite waste liquor analysis. Detmng. - by conductometric titration. Peniston Felicetta, and McCarthy 355. *Sulphetrone Note on -.Dewing and Foster, 568. Sulphide(s) Apparatus for detcng. and estmng. gases evolved in analysis of carbonates, oxalates - sulphites etc. Reynolds 685. Detmng. sulphur compounds in crude and refined benzoles. I . 11. Claxton and Hoffert, 688. ores Detmng. calcium sulphate in -. Young and Hall 523. Rapid prepn. of solution of sodium hydrogen __- . Hodgson and Ward 578. Sulphite(s) Apparatus for detcng. and estmng. gases evolved in analysis of carbonates, oxalates sulphides - etc. Reynolds, 686. l’roblems in titration of -. VOLUME 73 Sdphit e (s)-continu ed Drop reaction for detcng. - and sulphur dioxide. Belcher and Ingram 522. Gravimetric detmn. of - in presence of thiosulphates. Romero and Gijbn 579. waste liquor analysis. Detmng.sulphate by conductometric titration. Peniston Felicetta, and McCarthy 355. Sulphur Colorimetric detmn. of less than 0.001 per cent. of - as carbon disulphide in benzoles. Colorimetric test for small quantities of carbon disulphide in pure benzene. Colorimetric detmn. of less than 0.001 per cent. of ~ as thiophen in pure benzoles. French, 517, compounds Detmng. __ in crude and refined benzoles. I. 11. Claxton and Hoffert 688. Detmng. pyrites in presence of sulphates. Ostroumov and Ivanov-Emin 638. Detmng. small quantities of total -in benzoles. French and Claxton 689. Microchemical detmn. of - in organic sub-stances. Weisenberger 510. Micro-detmn. of halogens and - using Grote combustion apparatus. Sundberg and Royer, 691. Micro-detmn. of organic ~ in gases.Hambersin 230. Polarographic properties of -. Analytical applications reaction with vulcanisation accelerators. Proske 633. Rapid detmn. of elementary - in native and enriched -. Brodsky 300. Sulphur dioxide Colorimetric detmn. of -. Grant 347. Drop reaction for detcng. sulphites and -. Belcher and Ingram 522. *Estmng. - in fish muscle. Rapid detmn. of moisture in liquid -. DiCaprio 573. Sulphuric acid Mixed perchloric acid and - in analysis of chrome tanned leather. Destruction of organic matter and detmn. of chromium. Smith and Fritz 233. Sulphurous acid Mechanism of combination of furfural with __ and analytical detmn. of furfural. HGpner 616. Surface-active agents Detmng. - in solution. Barr Oliver and Stubbings 701.Synthetic resins Application of ___ and polymers to paper. Tout 349. Synthetic rubbers See Rubbers. Syrup Fresh fruit covered with -. Ministry of table Detmng. quaternary ammonium com-Dick 232. Shewan 605. Food 216. pounds in foods. Wilson 101. T Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. Kaye and Laby. 10th Edn. (Review) 704. Tantalum Detcn. and colorimetric detmn. of niobium and -. Platonov and Krivoshlikov, 175. T.A.P.P.I. Official Standard T418 m-45. Organic nitrogen in paper. Revision. 295. Tartrate Saturated potassium hydrogen - as p H standard. Lingane 475. *Tartrazine in detmng. chlorides by Volhard’s method. Berry 505. Tea Cosies Cleanliness of Fillings and Stuffing for Bedding Upholstery Perambulators Cushions, - Dolls etc.British Standard 1425 1948. 398; Fenton test for -. 418 INDEX TO VOLUME 73 rvlvis Technique for obtaining uncontaminated small samples of ceramic glazes and other hard siliceous materials. Caley 473. *Teeth Micro-estmn. of zinc in -. Cruickshank, 444. Tempometric (drop-time) method of potentiometric titration. Kalje 363. Terminology Report on Colour -. Committee of Physical SOC. Colour Group. (Review) 477. *Ternary system Rapid analysis of __ toluene -n-butyl alcohol - water. Tetra-alkylammonium salts Acid-base reactions in benzene and other organic solvents; behaviour of bromophthalein magenta with different classes of organic bases. Davis and Schuhmann 467. Tefracarpidium conophorum African drying oils. I . Seed oil of -. Gunstone Hilditch, and Riley 231.Shanahan 502. Oil of -. Bray 511. Tetra-ethyl lead Detmng. - in aviation gasoline. Newman Philip and Jensen 293. Bikhovskaya 348. Tetra-ethylenepentamine as colorimetric reagent for copper. Crumpler 474. 1 2 3 4-Tetrahydro-2-naphthol Detmng. -in impregnated clothing. Goldenson and Sass, 572. Tetralin Analysis of naphthalene - ___ - decalin mixtures. Cerveny Hinckley and Corson 40. 4 4’-Tetramethyldiaminotriphenylmethane Micro-colorimetric detmn. of manganese in biological materials with -. *Tetrasodium 4 4’-bis-(y-phenylpropylamino)-diphenylsulphone-a y a’ y '-tetrasulphonate (“Sulphetrone”) . Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry including Qualitative -4nalysis. Vogel. (Review) 240. Textile fibres Microscopy of -.Aids to identi-fication. Wildman 296. *Thallium 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. Sensitive reaction for - and alkaloids. Wachsmuth 47 1. Thallous salts Conductometric analysis of - with potassium chloride. Ilamecki 575. *Theobromine Improved continuous extractor for detmng. - in cocoa. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. Peltier and Duval 522; V. Detmng. magnesium. VI. Detmng. beryllium. VII. Detmng. lithium. Duval and Duval 634. Thermodynamics Chemical Process Principles. 11. -. Hougen and Watson. (Review) 703. Thiamine See Aneurine. *Thickness Note on measurement of plating -. Gentry 157. Thimble Annular - for Soxhlet extractor. Smith and Neustadt 582. Thiobarbituric acid derivatives Detmng.barbituric acid derivatives. Thiochrome methods Comparison of three - for urinary thiamine (aneurine) by simplified base-exchange procedure. Papageorge and Lamar, 626. Thiocyanate Colorimetric detmn. of uranium with -. Currah and Beamish 473. Detmng. micro-quantities of cyanide and -. Epstein 239. Thiodiglycol Amperometric titration of - with electrolytically generated bromine. Sease, Niemann and Swift 46. New detmn. of - in air. Gates and Ellis 291. Dewing and Foster 558. Lowe 679. Mangouri and Milad 219. *Thioglycollic acid as inhibitor for iron in colori-metric detmn. of aluminium with “Aluminon.” Chenery 501. Thiophen Colorimetric detmn. of less than 0.001 per in pure benzoles. cent. of sulphur as __ French 517.Detmng. sulphur compounds in crude and refined benzoles. I. 11. Claxton and Hoffert 688. Thiosulphates Gravimetric detmn. of sulphites in presence of -. Komero and Gijbn 579. “Thorium A%nalytical applications of m-nitro-benzoic acid with particular reference to separa-tion of quadrivalent elements from rare earths (lanthanides). Osborn 381. Ijetcng. scandium rare earths zirconium and __ with murexide. Beck 361. Detmng. - and its separation from uranium by ferron (7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5 -sulphonic acid). Ryan McDonnell ancl Beamish 47 1. Banks and Diehl 51. Thorium nitrate Iktmng. fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds. Standardisation of - solution. Threonine Microbiological detmn. of - in proteins and foods. Horn Jones and Rlum, 624.Thyroid gland Simple detmn. of iodine in presence of chlorides and bromides. de Jong and Lenstra 637. Timing device Electronic - and reflux ratio controller. Thacker and Walker 581. Tin Anthraquinone-or-arsonic acid for detmng. small amounts of Kuznetsov 176. Polarographic detmn. of lead and - in ores. Faynberg and Tal 174. Polarographic cletmn. of - - in high-purity zinc and zinc die-casting alloys. Hawkings, Simpson and l’hode 851. Cjualitative analysis for cations without systematic separations. I. Characterisation of arsenic, antimon! ancl bismuth. Charlot and Hbzier 332. Spectroscopic analysis of - and __ -lead alloys. Tin Research Inst. 398 459. *Volumetric detmn. of - on small scale and its application to non-ferrous alloys.Miller and Currie 377. Tin Research Institute Spectroscopic analysis of tin and tin - lead alloys. Tissues Routine detmn. of selenium in horticultural materials. Mch’ulty 461. Titanium Detcn. and colorimetric detmn. of niobium and tantalum. Detmng. -. Platonov and Krivoshlikov 175. Hexamethylenetetramine in separations of -and niobium. ’Traub 235. Rapid detmn. of copper in ferro- -. Barkov, 360. Titration(s) tube Combined absorption and -for volumetric detmn. of carbon dioxide. Roberts 513. Volumetric in strongly coloured solutions. Brut 236. Tocopherol(s) Detmng. - content during commercial processing of soya bean oil. Rawlings Kuhrt and Baxter 563. Molecular distillation as step in chemical detmn. of total and gamma- - Quaife and Harris, 404.New titrimetric methods for -. Kimball and Tufts 166. Smith 398 459. Toffee apples Ministry of Food 216 1 INDEX TO Toluene Detmng. benzene and - vapours in air. Bikhavskaya 110. *Rapid analysis bf ternary system -__ - n-butyl alcohol - water. Shanahan 502. rn-Toluidine Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. o-Toluidine Colorimetric detmn. of primary and tertiary amines. English 569. *Tomato Colorimetric approximate estmn. of -solids. Darbishire 457. *Composition of concentrated - - purCe and estmn. of - content of ketchup. Morpeth 449. Toxicological material Detmng. mercury in paints and -. Elmore 47. *Tracer(s) in biochemical investigations. Arrol 660. isotopes Detmng. radioactive and stable -.Five papers on - 644. Tragacanth Evaluation of powdered -. Report No. 1 of - Sub-committee Sac. of Public Analysts. 368. t runs-Azobenzene Crystallographic data. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 640. Trap Improved ~ for analytical distillations. Hahn 475. Treacle Fresh fruit covered with --. Ministry of Food 216. Tributyl phosphate for extracting organic acids from aqueous solution. Page1 and McLafferty 515. Tri-iodides Detmng. high molecular weight quaternary ammonium compounds as -. Hager Young Flanagan and Walker 516. TrimethyleKe glycol Xnalysing mixtures of glycerol, propylene glycol and -. Pohle and Mehlen-bacher 42. p-Triphenylmethylphenyl isocyanate and 2-fluorenyl isocyanate as reagents for alcohols.Witten and Reid 463. Triphosphoric acid Detmng. -. and pyrophos-phoric acid in presence of ortho- and meta-phosphoric acids. Bell 237. Berg and Kohse 626. Detmng. -. Hauschildt Isaacs and Wallace, 38. Detmng. - with p-dimethylaminobenzalde-hyde. Graham Smith Hier and Iilein 288. *Modified microbiological assay of -, methionine cystine and tyrosine. Barton-Wright and Curtis 330. Gentry and Sherrington 57. X-ray analysis of chromium - niolybclenum and chromium - __ alloys. Trzebiatowski, Ploszek and Lobzowski 49. *Tyrosine Modified microbiological assay of tryptophan methionine cystine and -. Barton-Wright and Curtis 330. Tyrothricin Rapid estmn of __- in fermentation liquors. Rittenberg Sternberg and Bywater, 107. Tryptophan content of normal human urine.*Tungsten Photometric detmn. of --. U *Ultra-violet absorption of riboflavine. Adamson, spark spectra Rapid differentiation of papers ’ by -. Berton 632. spectrophotometry Estmng. basic organic com-pounds in biological material. VI. Estmn. by -. Josephson Udenfriend and Brodie 107. Unsulphonated azonaphthol AS dyes Identification of -. 442. Koch and Milligan 349. VOLUME 73 Unterzaucher method Oxygen in organic com-pounds. Direct micro-detmn. by -. Aluise, Hall Staats and Becker 686. Upholstery Cleanliness of Fillings and Stuffing for Bedding - Perambulators Cushions Tea Cosies Dolls etc. British Standard 1425 1948. 398; Fenton test for -. 418. Uranium Colorimetric detmn. of I_ with thiocyanate. Currah and Beamish 473.Conservation of ___ Supplies. Chemical Council, 367. Detmng. thorium and its separation from ~ by ferron (7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-6-sulphonic acid). Ryan McDonnell and Beamish 47 1. Fluorescence test for __ in aqueous solution. Sill and Peterson 525. Isatin p-oxime and its use in analytical chemistry. Detmng. -. Hovorka Sykora and Vorisek, 470. Titrimetric methods for thorium. Separation of thorium from -. Analysis of thorium -___ alloys. Analysis of I_ - molybdenum alloys. Banks and Diehl 51. Weiss and Blum, 525. Urea Colorimetric micro-cletmn. of - -nitrogen by xanthydrol. Uric acid Colorimetric detmn. of - with alkaline ferricyanide. Silverman and Guber-nick 37. Enzymic method for detmng. - in whole blood. Block and Geib 284.Urine Colorimetric detmn. of streptomycin in clinical prepns. - and broth. Boxer, Jelinek and Leghorn 219. Detmng. aromatic amidines in plasma and -. Jackson Kuhl and Irvin 38. Detmng. guanidoacetic acid and arginine in human - and serum. Microchemical spot test for mammalian -contamination on fabrics. Ishler Sloman and Walker 564. Micro-colorimetric detmn. of sodium in human biological fluids. Albanese and Lein 629. Photo-electric detmn. of magnesium in body fluids. Kunkel Pearson and Schweigert 290. Tryptophan content of normal human -. Berg and Rohse 62B. Uronic acid(s) Acidic properties of cotton cellulose and derived oxycelluloses. VI. Application of Lefkvre-Tollens method for estmng. -groups. Nevell 695. Volumetric detmn.of -. Engel and Engel 39. Hoberman 346. *Detmng. - in soil. Tracey 554. v Vacuum distillation Apparatus for quantitative low-temperature - of millilitre volumes. Grant 404. Valine Microbiological detmn. of - in proteins and foods. *Vanadate 2 7-Diaminodiphenylene oxide as reagent in analysis. Cullinane and Chard 95. ion Capillary method in qualitative analysis. Korinfsky 163. “Quinquevalent molybdenum as volumetric re-agent. 11. Titration of iodate bromate, dichromate and -. Tourky Farah and El Shamy 262; 111. Detmng. ceric ferric, dichromate and - solutions in mixtures of two and three together 266. Horn Jones and Blum 624 INDEX TO Vanadium Polarographic detmn. of - in steel and lother ferro-alloys. Lingane and Rleites, 50. Rapid detmn.of chromium and -. Ducret, 353. Reduction of quinquevalent - in silver reductor. Lingane and Meites 49. Vanguera spinosa Fat from seeds of - (N.O. Rubiaceae). Nadkarni Airan and Shah 231. Vegetables Canned Fruit and - (No. 2) Order, 1946 (Amendment No. 4) Order 1948. 216. Vessels Electrolyte - for polarographic analysis. Novak 364. Vickery - White procedure Graff modification of - for estmng. cystine. Schultz and Vars, 346. *Viscera Detcng. hydrocyanic acid in decomposed -. Rathenasinkam 394. Viscometer Capillary-type - for use with solutions containing volatile solvents with application to measurements of viscosities of nitrocelluloses. Shoemaker Hoerger Noyes, and Blaker 119. Viscosity Capillary-type viscometer for use with soh tions containing volatile solvents with application to measurements of ___ of nitro-celluloses.Shoemaker Hoerger Noyes and Blaker 119. Effect of sample preparation on analytical values for alpha-cellulose copper number and cupra-mmonium - Browning 44. Vitamins Biological Standardisation of -. Coward. 2nd Edn. (Review) 302. *Vitamin A Chromatographic estmn. of - in whale-liver oil. Gridgeman Gibson and Savage 662. Detmng. - in fish-liver oils with activated glycerol dichlorohydrin. Sobel and Werbin 34. Vitamin B Volumetric semimicro- and micro-detmn. of -. Wachsmuth 461. Vitamin B6 Extraction procedure for micro-biological detmn. of -. Rabinowitz and Snell 223. Improved assay of - with Streptococcus faecalis. Rabinowitz and Snell 627.Vitamin D Biological estmn. of -. Jones 563. Collaborative comparison of three rations for chick assay of -. Bliss 108. Fiducial limits of assays of -. *Volhard’s method Tartrazine in detmng. chlorides by -. Berry 505. Volumetric Analysis. Kolthoff and Stenger. Vol. 11. Titration Methods Acid-Base Pptn. and Complex-Formation Reactions. (Review) 183. Error Micro-Diffusion Analysis and -. Conway. 2nd Edn. (Review) 419. titrations in strongly coloured solutions. Brut, 236. Vulcanisates Chromatographic analysis of rubber-compounding ingredients and their identifica-tion in -. I-V. Bellamy Lawrie and Press 179. Vulcanisation accelerators Polarographic properties of sulphur. Analytical applications reaction with -. Proske 633. 560. W Walden silver reductor Prepng.silver for use in -. Smith and Cagle 574. Water(s) Amperometric methods in control of - chlorination. Marks Bannister Glass, and Herrigel 52. VOLUME 73 li Water (s)-continued Bromide content of underground - . I. Detmn. and occurrence of traces of bromide containing in -. 11. Chlorination of -free ammonia and naturally occurring bromide. Houghton 110. Detmng. small amounts of ___ in gases and liquids by infra-red spectrometry. Benning, Ebert and Irwin 474. Detmng. - in caustic soda and other alkaline materials. Suter 355. Detmng. - in phenol. Detmng. - of crystallisation by hydride method in pyridine medium. New p H indicators for detmng. total alkalinity in -. nisodium 4 4’-bis(p-dimethylamino-pheny1azo)-2 2’-stilbenedisulphonate and di-sodium 4 4‘-bis(o-tolyltriazeno)-2 2’-stilbene-disulphonate.Taras 462. *Rapid analysis of ternary system toluene -n-butyl alcohol - -. Spa - (labelling of food). Supply and Sewage. Steel. 2nd Edn. (Review), 241. * Water-bath Arrangement by which a single water tap may be used to run (a) distillation in uacuo, ( b ) condenser (c) constant-level -. Bradford, 159. Waxes Detmng. saponification value of natural -. Knight 230. West Indian Component acids of - ben and mango seed oils. Wetting agents New analytical reactions with anionic and cationic -. Steigmann 700. *Whale-liver oil Chromatographic estmn. of vitamin A in -. Gridgeman Gibson and Savage 662. Wijs method of detmng. iodine numbers. Proposed modification.Vossgard and Bjorsvik 569. * Wilcoxon - Holaday method Analysis of pyrethrum flowers by Seil method and -. Mitchell, Tresadern and Wood 484. Wine Detcng. caramel colouring in - and other alcoholic liquids. Valaer 561. Wood Sulphanilic acid in various forms as reagent for lignified -. Noll 516. Wood flour Microchemical detmn. of lignin in - and hemicelluloses of spruce. Stumpf and Weisenberger 510. Woody substances Detmng. methoxyl group in -. Kiirschner and Wittenberger 351. Pollack 43. Elitzur 298. Shanahan 502. 33. Dunn and Hilditch 343. X Xanthydrol Colorimetric detmn. of urea-nitrogen by -. Engel and Engel 39. Xylose Chemical and microbiological differentiation of enantiomorphs of galactose and -. Appling Ratcliff and Wise 568. Identification and detmn. of D-. Wise and Ratcliff 295. Quantitative estnin. of -. Breddy and Jones, 295. *X-ray diffraction technique Micro-analysis using -. Kooksby 326. spectrometer Quantitative analysis with -. Redmond 474. Y Yohimba Assay of -. Report No. 4 of Poisons 309. Sub-committee SOC. of Public Analysts lii INDEX TO Z Zinc Alkalimetric detmn. of cadmium and -. Canihre 236. *Detmng. minute amounts of - in alloys used for lead pipes and cable sheathing. Evans 149. Detmng. oxidised - in ores and concentrator products. Barker and Young 636. Detmng. - in foodstuffs. Report No. 4 of Metallic Impurities in Foodstuffs Sub-Committee SOC. of Public Analysts. Detmng. - in metallic cobalt by dithizone. Young 413. *Micro-estmn. of - in teeth. Cruickshank, 444. Polarographic detmn. of tin in high-purity -and - die-casting alloys. Hawkings, Simpson and Thode 354. *Polarographic detmn. of - copper and lead in ferrous sulphate. Jewsbury and Osborn, 606. Polarographic detmn. of - in metallic cadmium after preliminary electro-deposition of cadmium from hydrochloric acid solution. Kovalenko, 635. Polarographic detmn. of - in metallic cadmium after preliminary separation of cadmium by electrolysis on an aluminium cathode. Kovalenko and Dmitrieva 173. Polarographic detmn. of - in soil. Takazawa and Sherman 51. Potassium ethyl xanthogenate for detmng. -and cadmium. Berkovich 233. 304. VOLUME 73 Zinc-continued *Simultaneous detmn. of nickel and - in secondary aluminium alloys with polarograph. Scott 613. Zinc-base alloys Spectrographic analysis of -. Larrieu 116; Smith and Hoagbin 116. Zinc chloride Study of curves for potentiometric titration of zinc sulphate - and zinc nitrate with sodium hydroxide. Carribre, Guiter and Portal 525. Zinc cyanide Analysis of - electrolyte con-taining sodium sulphite. Guiva 173. Zinc dithizonate Diphenyldithiocarbazone (dithi-zone) in analysis. 11. Instability constants of - cadmium and lead dithizonates. Babko and Pilipenko 174. Zinc nitrate Study of curves for potentiometric titration of zinc sulphate zinc chloride and - with sodium hydroxide. Camere Guiter, and Portal 525. Zinc sulphate Study of curves for potentiometric titration of - chloride and nitrate with sodium hydroxide. Carriere Guiter and Portal 525. *Zirconium Analytical applications of m-nitro-benzoic acid with special reference to separation of quadnvalent elements from rare earths (lanthanides). Osborn 381. Detcng. scandium rare earths - and thorium with murexide. Beck 361. detmn. in presence of interfering elenients. Kumins 472. PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAN
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