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Volume 70,
Issue 1,
Page 001-042
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THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF THE Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADi'ANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee i J. R. NICHOLLS, N. L. ALLPORT F.R.I.C. F. W. F. ARNAUD F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE F.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER B.Sc. F.1nst.P. H. E. COX DSc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.R.I.C. F. W. EDWARDS F.R.I.C. B.S.EVANS,M.B.E.,M.C.,D.Sc.,F.R.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.R.I.C. E. B. HUGHES D.Sc. F.R.I.C. bon. Secretarp : L. EYNON BSC. F.R.I.C. D.Sc. F.R.I.C. D. W. KENT-JONES B.Sc. Ph.D., F.R.I.C. S. ERNEST MELLING F.R.I.C. C. A. MITCHELL M.A. D.Sc. F.R.I.C, M.C. Ph.D. F.K.I.C. A.R.T.C F.R.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O:B.E., A. MORE I.S.O.A.R.C:S., W. H. SIMMONS BSc. F.R.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. K. A. WILLIAMS B.Sc. F.R.I.C. G. H. WYATT B.Sc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. bon. ZJreaeurer : G. TAYLOR F.R.I.C. !%CWtatp 8110 EDitOr J. H. LANE B.Sc. F.R.I.C. Abstra.ctors : J. ALLEN L. A. DAUNCEY B.Sc. E . B. DAW B.Sc. A.R.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. MSc. F.R.I.C. A. 0. JONES M.A. F.R.I.C. J. W. MATTHEWS,Ph.D. D.I.C. F.R.I.C. E. M. POPE H.A. B.Sc. C. 17. PRITCHAKD B.Sc. A.K.T.C. F. A. ROBINSON M.Sc.Tech. F.R.I.C. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.R.I.C. J. T. STOCK 31,Sc. A.K.I.C. D. R. WOOD F.R.I.C. VOL. 70 1 9 4 5 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS L'I'D. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I94 ERRATA : VOL. 70 1945 : p. 16. Lines 23-25 for “This however does not invalidate Fisher’s test for straightness of regression lines .. . populations,” read “This however probably does not seriously invalidate Fisher’s test for straightness of regression lines or in this case straightness of lines of means although i t should be observed that this test requires that the populations tested should be normal and that the pooled variances should be drawn from populations having the same standard deviation. ” Lines 16-16 from bottom of page for “potassium cyanide” rend “sodium hydroxide.” Line 14 from bottom of page for “sodium hydroxide” rend “potassium cyanide.” Col. 1 line 27 for “Qeryllium” read “Niobium.:’ Lines 33-34 for “. . . dilute 1 ml of the stock soh. with 4 ml of water” r e d “. . . dilute Reference 8 a t bottom of page should read Hanke M.T. and Koessler K. K. J . Bid. Chem., Col. 2 line 34 fav “40 ml” mad “400 ml” of water. p. 250. p. 276. p. 280. p. 333. p. 349. pp. 365-368 369-371. 1 ml of the stock stannous chloride soln. with 4 ml of water.” 1922 50 235-269. The Editor regrets that three Figures were omitted from the paper by Edwards and Gailer an’d two Figures from the paper by Carter and Williamson. The missing I;igures are given on a loose page inserted in the December issue; i t is gummed down one side and should be fixed between pp. 368 and 369. Lines 42-43 and p. 417 line 32 proportions of aniline and dimethylaniline in fractionation column bottoms for “0.2%” read “O-2~o.” Last line but two on left for “Bi” read “Mn.” Line 1 of Errata ,fo~ “p. 276” rend “p. 276.” p.414. p. 434. p. 486. Line 10 for “p. 141” read “p. 414.” INDEX TO VOLUME 70 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst. A ”Adamson D. C. M. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of morphine 305. Adrian A. P. Evaluating opacifying props. of pigments 147. Agruss 1. S. et al. Analysis of light constituents in crude petroleum by low-temp. fractional dis-tillation. 346. *Aimworth A. N. et al. Detmng. fats in mixtures containing fatty acids and detmng. unsaponi-fiable matter in oils and fats 295. Albanese A. A. Colorimetric estmn. of phenylal-anine in biological materials 137. - et at. Colorimetric estmn. of arginine in pro-tein hydrolysates and human urine 431. - Estmng. tryptophan in human urine 265.*Albericci V. J. Colorimetric estmn. of iodine in kelp 474. Alcock A. W. e t al. Rapid detmn. of riboflavin in wheat and wheat products 344. ‘*Alcock G. P. et al. Artificial colour standards for Houghton’s detmn. of aluminium 335. ”Aldridge W. N. Estmng. micro quantities of cyanide and thiocyanate 474. Alexander B. et al. Colorimetric micro-estmn. of a-ahnine in blood 430. Allen C. C. et al. Sulphuric acid extraction in hydrocarbon type analysis 60, Allport M. L. Colorimetric Analysis. (Review), 193. - Re! iew of Estmn. of Vitamin A 193. - Review of Pharmacology 2nd Edn. 64. Amis IZ. S. et al. Micro-calomel electrode for ‘sAmor G. et al. Assay of 5-amino-acridine hy-polarographic measurements 316. drocliloride 174. *Andrew R. L. et al.Losses of iodide from iodised salt 88. Andrews J. S. Report of 1943-44 Methods of Analysis Sub-committee on Riboflavin Assay, 344. - Report of 1943-44 Methods of Analysis Sub-Committee on Thiamine (Aneurine) Assay 185. Appling J. W. et al. Detmng. relative toxicities of disinfectants 30. Archibald R. M. Colorimetric estmn. of urea 266. - Enzymatic detmn. of glutamine 26, - Prep. and assay of glutaminase for glutamine detmns. 27. - et al. Manometric titrimetric and colori-metric measurement of Grease activity 56. Armfield F. A. et al. Measuring “existent corro-sivity” of used engine oils 223. Arnold J. W. Assay of lead and sodium azides 273. Ashburn G. et al. Specific spot test for vanadium, 189. Ashby C. E. et al. Detmng. unsubstituted acid amides 186.Askevold R. J. et al. Analysis of light constituents in crude petroleum by low-temp fractional dis-tillation 346. Auerbach M. E. Colorimetric detmn. of quaternary ammonium salts 143. - et al. Photofluorometric detmn. of mepacrine, 26. Avekbach B. L. Spectrographic analysis of mag-nesium alloys 436. *Ayres .A. D. et al. Electrometric detmn. of ascorbic acid 411. B “Bacharach A. L. analysis 394. Bacon F. R. et al. Biological assay and chemical Detmng. lithium in silicates Andes R. V. ‘et al. Detmng. manganese in caustic soda 224. 374. INDEX TO Bagchi It. N. Govt. of Bengal Chemical Ex-aminer’s Report for 1942. 23. *Bagnall D. J. T. et al. Estmng. dried egg in fruit curd 211. Bailes E. L. efal. Colorimetric detmn. of DDT, 481.Bailey A. E. Industrial Oil and Fat Products. (Review) 437. Baker I. et al. Rapid detmn. of alumina in titan-ium pigments 483. Baker J. R. Discovery of Uses of Colouring Agents in Biological Micro-technique. (Review) 229. Baker P. S. et al. Sensitive test for silver 273. Bardgett W. E. et al. Occurrence and detcn. of lead in lead-bearing steels 273. Barnes M. D. Barraclough K. C. analysis 351. Barron H. Modern Plastics. (Review) 437. Barthel ‘1111. F. Extractor for use with reduced pressure 228. Barton-Wright E. C. Microbiological assay of nicotinic acid in cereals etc. 95. *- Theory and practice of microbiological assay of vitamin-B complex; assay of amino acids and potassium 283. Baumgarten W. et al. Moisture content of dis-tillers’ by-products 60.Beach GI. W. ef al. Detmng. glycerol in presence of large concs. of gelatin 477. Beadle Gi. W. Inositol-less mutan2 strain of Neurospora and use in bio-assays 184. Beaver J. J. et al. Estmng. toco herols with iron dipyndyl reagent in presence J f a t s 184. Becker W. W. et al. Detmng. nitrogen in pyridine ring-type compounds by Kjeldahl method 479. *Beesley A. E. et al. Specific rotation of ergo-tamine from ergotamine tartrate 374. Beinhart E. GI. et al. Analysis and fatty acid com-position of tobacco seed oils 341. Belcher R. et al. Qual. inorganic microanalysis without hydrogen sulphide 433. - Qual. micro-analysis of alkaline earth group 389. - Semi-micro Quant. Organic Analysis. (Review), 317. Bell 0. H. et at. Routine estmn. of haernoglobin as oxyhaemoglobin 309.Benedetti-Pichler A. A. et al. Titration of micro-gram samples 360. Bennett a. M. Appointment as Government Chemist 51. Bentley F. J. L. et al. Alumina catalysts for organic reactions 314. Berg R. et al. Estmng. vitamin C in presence of iron salts 220. Bernheim AR. et al. *Berry A. J. Vol. analysis of dichromate-vanadate mixtures 371. Berry C. E. et at. Mass spectrometry 317. Besso Z. et al. Micro-analysis of silicates. Analysing 18th Century Chinese porcelain 226. Bina A. F. et al. Diazotised fi-amino-acetophe-none in estmng. pyridoxine 382. *Birch H. F. et al. Estmng. vitamin A by anti-mony trichloride method using Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer 304. Black A. Microbiological assay of tryptophan in proteins and foods; 94.Blalock J. V, et al. Rapid method for aneurine, 185. Blank E. W. et al. Routine turbidimetric detmn. of tin in soap 62. B l d P. et al. Detmng. iodine in organic com-pounds 480. Semi-micro gas generator 435. Desiccants in micro-chemical Citric acid detmn. 136. VOLUME 70 iii Amino acids yielded by yeast, sunflower seed meal and sesame seed after hydro-lysis of fat-free tissue 264. Blotter L. et al. Microbiological estmn. of glu-tamic acid 343. Boatner C. H. et al. Detmng. extractable gossy-pol in cottonseed and cottonseed meal 59. Bolling D. et at. Amino acids yielded by yeast, sunflower seed meal and sesame seed after hydro-lysis of fat-free tissue 264. Bonner W. A. et al. Carbohydrate analysis applied to honey 216.Bonsnes R. W. e t al. Colorimetric estmn. of creatinine by Jaffe reaction 382. Boor L. et a f . Applying thermal conductivity method to detmng. moisture vapour transmission of packaging materials 103. Boruff C. S. et al. Acrolein detmn. by tryptophan. Colorimetric micro method 351. - Moisture content of distillers’ by-products 60. Bovik R. W. et al. Ground starch indicator 143. Bowler R. Gc. Estrnng. thiocyanate in blood serum, 181. Boyd T. F. et al. Rapid electrolytic detmn. of zinc in magnesium alloys 483. Boyd T. H. et al. Reactions of thionyl chloride and application to detmng. sulphur chloride in technical thionyl chloride 388. Brabender G. J. Water vapour permeability of moisture-sensitive materials 102. Brabson J. A. et al. Effect of silica on quant.re-duction of nitrates with Devarda’s alloy 314. - Photometric detmn. of phosphorus in limestone, 63. - Photometric detmn. of silica in aluminous materials 192. *Bradford E. A. M. et al. Riboflavin content of tea 86. *- Ditto ditto and some results for pantothenic acid content 2. Braile N. et al. Spot reactions. IV. Dectng. elementary sulphur and selenium 225. - Spot reactions. V. Identifying calcium sul-phate 225. *Brameld V. Rapid detmn. of phosphine and hydrogen sulphide as impurities in acetylene generated from commercial calcium carbide 279. Brand E. et al. Ultra-violet absorption of irra-diated vitamin A 28. Brandon C. E. et al. Detmng. cuprammonium viscosity of cellulose using Hoeppler viscosimeter, 192. Bray Gi. T. Relationship of diameter of dems roots to rotenone content 99.- et al. Bricker C. E. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of formaldehyde 436. Bricker L. Gi. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of lead in corrosion-resistant steels 483. Brinker H. C. Colour test for oils and resins With Hirschsohn reagent for cholesterol 187. Brodie B. B. et al. Estmng. basic organic com-pounds. Application to cinchona alkaloids 38 1. Brown B. et al. Detmng. Portland cement in drilling muds and soil-cement mixtures 274. Brown E. A. Detmng. iron in presence of cobalt. Two-component colorimetric method 349. Brown E. B. et al. Diazotised p-amino-aceto-phenone in estmng. pyridoxine 382. Brown F. M. et al. Device for projecting an image of a reading scale 102. Brown H. Estmng. uric acid in human blood 381, Brown W.L. Estmng. phenylalanine in proteins, 137. Block R. J. et al. Black pepper from Sierra Leone 308 iv INDEX TO VOLUME 70 Brown W. S. et al. Effect of lighting conditions on riboflavin solns. 267. Browne H. H. Detmng. maltose in presence of glucose 54. Buchdahl R. et al. Ink coverage detmn. and relation to printability 437. Buras E. M. Jnr. et al. Conductometric titration apparatus 102. Burk R. E. et al. Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. 111. Advances in Nuclear Chemistry and Theo-retical Organic Chemistry. (Review) 485. Burrill M. W. et al. Gravimetric detmn. of urinary potassium 263. Burton F. et al. Qual. inorganic micro-analysis without hydrogen sulphide 433. - Qual. micro-analysis of alkaline earth group 389. Butterworth S.W. Bread 355. C Cade 0. N. Photometric detmn. of fluosilicic acid in hydrofluoric acid 436. Caldwell C. E. et al. Apparatus for automatic control of electrodeposition with graded cathode potential 146. Caldwell 1. J. et al. Effect of light on stability of Carr-Price colour in estmng. vitamin A 311. Camien M. N. et al. Microbiological estmn. of lysine in protein hydrolysates 182. Calppbell,. H. C. et al. Photometric detmn. of silicon in low alloy and stainless steels 352. Caravella M. et al. Detmng. extractable gossypol in cottonseed and cottonseed meal 59. Carey W. G. Obituary of G. D. Elsdon 279. Carmody W. R. Modified methyl yellow indicator for direct titration of sodium carbonate 274. Carol J. Detmng. quinacrine hydrochloride (mepa-crine) by absorption spectrophotometry 54.Carruthers C. Micro-detmn. of copper with polarograph 435. *Carter R. J. et al. Electrometric titration detmn. of water using Karl Fischer reagent 369. Casparis P. et al. Detcng. coumarin derivatives in drugs 179. Castillo J. C. et at. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of 2 2-bis-(fi-chlorophenyl)-l 1 l-trichloroethane (DDT) 350. Castle R. N. et al. Identifying barbiturates 262. Catch J. R. et al. Apparatus for micro-titrations with glass electrode 349. Center E. J. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of traces of copper with rubeanic acid 276. Chambers J. W. et al. Routine estmn. of haemo-globin as oxyhaemoglobin 309. Chapman C. W. et al. Effect of vitamin C on estmn. of sulphanilamide 96. *Charnley F. Estmng.freshness of canned salmon by carbon dioxide value of drained muscle tissue, 14. *- Measuring spoilage in herring stored a t mode-rately low temp. 168, Cheldele V. H. et al. Inhibition of utilisation of aneunne and aneurine diphosphate for growth of micro-organisms 138. - Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5 for micro-assay of pantothenic acid 219. - Lactobacillus fermentum 36 for aneurine assay, 139. - Microbiological assays of nicotinic acid 384. *Chirnside R. C. Chu E. J. et al. Physics and the analyst 110. Growth stimulation for Lacto-baczllus casei 97. Churchill J. R. Analytical applications of emission spectrometry 316. - Quant. spectrographic analysis 146. - et al. Analysing *aluminous ore using spark spectra 276. Circle S. J. et al.Acrolein detmn. by tryptophan. Colorimetric micro method 351. Clardy F. B. et al. Iodimetric detmn. of tin 32. Clark G. L. et al. Spectrophotometric study of Clark G. R. et al. Detmng. sodium acetate in FD - Spectrophotometric analysis of coal-tar colours. Clark J. et al. Gravimetric detmn. of silicon in Clayton Sir 0. C. Clayton J. O. ef al. Detmng. ethyl acetate in Clough G. W. Obituary 107. Coleman A. M. et al. Detmng. hydrocyanic acid, especially in coke-oven gas 140. *Collins E. Reaction of diazotised p-nitraniline with phenols detcng. tricresyl phosphate in edible oil 326. *Colson A. F. Application of silver reductor to micro-vol. detmn. of iron 255. Colwell J. I(. Obituary 151 319. Cumpeau Gi. M. et al. Routine turbidimetric detmn. of tin in soap 62.Conner H. A. et al. Ground starch indicator 143. Conrad C. M. Detmng. wax in cotton fibre. Alcohol extraction method 143. Consden R. et al. Qual. analysis of proteins. Partition chromatographic method using paper, 31. Cook A. H. et al. Apparatus for micro-titrations with glass electrode 349. Cook J. H. et al. Detmng. monoglyceride in fats and oils by oxidation with periodic acid 338. Corfield C. E. Obituary 151. *Corner M. Micro-methods in analysis of cotton, 231. *Comes J. J. S. Detmng. alkalis in Portland cement 131. *Cotton J. B. Detmng. carbon in ferrous materials, 466. Coulson R. A. Simultaneous detmn. of aneurine and nicotinamide methochloride 29. Cox H. et al. Photometric detmn. of molybdenum in metallurgical products 143.Cox H. E. Review of Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Poisons Hazards and Solvents. 2nd Edn. 36. *- Spectrophotometric estmn. of diphenyl and o-phenyl-phenol 373. Craft C. H, et al. Colorimetric detmn. of alu-minium in aluminium steel 274. Crews S. I(. Review of Text-Book of Pharmaceu-tzcal Chemistry (Bentley and Driver). 4th Edn., 228. Cropper F. R. et al. Detmng. small amounts of anthracene in tar and tar oil fractions 32. Cross L. H. et al. Polarograph in detmng. small amounts of nitrate in sodium nitrite 484. Crossley H. E. Micro-detmn. of fluorine in coal 33. Csonka F. A. et al. Cystine estmn. in proteins and foods 182. Culcsm F. Detcng. beryllium in copper-base alloys 386. D oxidation of quenching oils 191. & C Blue No 1. 54.Ext D & C Yellow No. 5. 93. aluminium alloys 349. Obituary 393. presence of acetaldehyde 141. Dassow J. et al. Detmhg. volatile bases in fish. Comparing precision of methods 63 INDEX TO VOLUME 70 V *Davies,.R. C. ef al. Azo dyes as quant. tannin precipitants 17. Davies W. C. et al. Amperometric detmn. of sulphates 435. *Dawson E. C. et al. Arsenic content of grain dried directly with flue gas 256. Dswson F. A. Obituary 107. DeMerre L. J. ef al. Effect of lighting conditions on riboflavin solns. 267. Denton C. A. et aZ. Cystine estmn. in proteins and foods 182. De Ome I(. B. Effect of temp. humidity and glycol vapours on viability of airborne bacteria, 97. *Dickinson D. Detmng. hydrogen sulphide in foods and waters 5. Dickson A. D.Diefenbach W. T. Evaluating paper coatings 352. Diehl H. et al. Apparatus for automatic control of electrodeposition with graded cathode po-tential 146. Applying thermal conductivity method to detmng. moisture vapour transmission of packaging materials 103. *Dixon P. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of uranium in leach liquors 462. Dolique M. R. et al. Micro-detmn. of selenium in toxicology. Expts. on selenium sols 144. Drake N. L. Organic Syntheses Annual Publica-tion of Satisfactory Methods for Prepn. of Organic Chemicals Vol. 24 (Review) 103. Driessen L. A. Characteristic reaction of “antique purple” on fibres 62. I)rigot S. W. et al. Detmng. glycerol in presence of large concs. of gelatin 477. Driver J. E. Text-Book of Pharmaceutical Chem-istry (B6ntley and Driver).4th Edn. (Review), 228. Duckert R. et al. Duckwall H. W. et al. Sulphuric acid extraction in hydrocarbon type analysis 60. Dudden W. R. Detmng. small quantities of nitric oxide in coal gas 482. Duke F. R. Salicylimines as precipitants for metals 143. Dunker 1. P. W. e f al. Isolating mannitol from water melon seeds 217. Dan M. S. et al. Microbiological estmn. of lysine in protein hydrolysates 182. Diastatic activity of malt 24. Dixon J. K. et al. Reaction for cerium 101. E Eckert H. W. et al. *Eddings E. *Edwards F. H. ef aZ. l’hotofluorometric detmn. of mepacrine 26. Identifying malt’ vinegar in pickles, 49. Detmng. iron manganese and aluminium in bronzes and brasses after separating copper as oxalate 365. Edwards W.T. Detcng. nickel. Spot test for high conductivity copper alloys 100. Eeckhout J. Spectral analyses of solid substances, 391. Eggleston L. V, e2 al. ,Estmng. iso-citric and cis-aconitic acids in biological material 2 19. Eisenberg W. V. Identifying monochloroacetic acid as barium monochloroacetate 388. Ellis G. H. ef al. Detmng. cobalt in biological material 433 Elmore J. W. Detmng. thiocyanate nitrogen in organic thiocyanates and mixtures 385. Elsdon G. D. Obituary 68 107 279. Ehehjem C. A. ef al. Biological activity of a pre-cursor of nicotinic acid in cereal products 140. Elvehjem,C. A. et. el. Detmng. blood plasma iron 55. - Estmng. iron in milk 379. - Leucine valine and isoleucine content of - Titrimetric detmn. of “Lactobacillus casei Emsley S.Englis D. T. et al. Carbohydrate analysis applied to honey 216. Eppright M. A. et al. Thiamine (aneurine) detmn. 57. Essery R. E. Colorimetric estmn. of traces of metal in beer wort 387. *Evans B. S. et al. Apparatus for more accurate detmn. of hydrogen liberated from acids by metals 356. *- Cobalticyanide ion as precipitant for metal ions. Detmng. cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium alloys ; silver in lead; manganese in citrate solns. 158. *- Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in steel 75. Evans John. Evans R. J. Spectrophotometer in detmng. Evenson 0. L. Detmng. aminoazoxylene in D & Evers N. et .al. Analysis of pastilles of British meats 264. factor” and folic acid 345. Obituary R. Watridge 37 107.Obituary 232 Melling 440. cystine by Sullivan’s reaction 138. C Red No. 18. 93. Pharmaceutical Codex 25. F Fahey J . E. Detmng. undecomposed DDT spray deposits on apples from total organic chlorine content 312. Fairbrother T. H. Weakening of self-raising flour on storage 339. Farebrother T. H. Rigidity testing of paper board, 391. Feachem C. G. et al. Alumina catalysts for or-ganic reactions 314. Fearon W. R. Detcng. and estmng. uric acid by 2.6-dichloroquinonechloroimide 2 18. Feigl F. et al. Spot reactions. Dectng. elemen-tary sulphur and selenium 225. - Spot reactions. Identifying calcium sulphate, 225. Feldman C. Spectrographic detcn. of selenium in d.c. arc flame 390. Ferguson A. *Fill M. A. et a2. Automatic pipette fitting for delivering acid into Gerber tubes 22.Fischbach H. Vapour pressure measurements as index to moisture in dehydrated vegetables 307. Fisher G. S. Detmng. y-tocopherol in vegetable oils 343. Fitelson J. ef al. Colour test for resins in vanilla extract 379. Fitz E. J. et al. Quant. spectrographic analysis of small samples of powders 317. Flatt R. et al. Chromometric detmn. of reducible metals including tungsten and molybdenum 100. Flynn F. F. et al. Decomposition of oysters used for canning; detmng. indole 377. Ford J. S. Obituary 107. Ford 0. W. eF.aZ. Factors affecting detmn. of potash in fertilisers 185. Forster M. 0. Obituary 232. Forsyth J. tef U Z . Extinction coefficients of spec-trophotometric standards 391. Fosnot R. H. et al. Applying Karl Fischer reagent to detmng.moisture in cereals and cereal products, 339. Review of Magneto-Chemistry 35 vi INDEX TO *Foster G. E. Ergotoxine ethane-sulphonate 132. *- et al. Assay of 5-amino-acridine hydro-chloride 174. *- Specific rotation of ergotamine from ergotamine tartrate 374. Fox Sir J. IT. Fox R. P. ef al. Microdetmn. of calcium 191. Francis A. G. Frankl W. et al. Microbiological estmn. of lysine in protein hydrolysates 182. Frankston J. E. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of arginine in protein hydrolysates and human urine 431. - Estmng. tryptophan in human urine 265. Frary G. GI. ef al. Detmng. gelatin in ice cream, Fraser L. S. Obituary 68 107. *Freeland D. M. Rapid extraction of fat from powders 427. Freeman S. et al. Gravimetric detmn.of urinary potassium 263. *Fryd C. F. M. et al. Estmng. sucrose in sugar-dried egg by polarimetric methods 458. Fuller A. T. *Fuller C. H. F. Detmng. carbon dioxide in car-bonate baking powder etc. 87. Furbee IC. D. et al. Iodimetric detmn. of tin 32. Furman N. H. et al. Polarographic use of organic reagents. Magnesium with 8-hydroxyquinoline, 63. Obituary Francis 1 107. Obituary of Sir J. J. Fox 1. 216. Estmng. aromatic amidines 383. a Gaddum J. H. Pharmacology. 2nd Edn. (Re-view) 64. *Gailer? J W.? et al. Detmng. iron manganese and aluminium in bronzes and brasses after separating copper as oxalate 365. Gale E. F. Specific decarboxylase prepns. in estmng. amino acids and in protein analysis 309. Ganday R. Detmng. P-nitrophenol in full chrome leather 348.*Garrat& D. C. et al. Arsenic in dried parsley 48. Oarrett A. et al. Extinction coefficients of spec-trophotometric standards 391. Gawron O. ef al. Estmng. vitamin C in presence of iron salts 220. Qeddes W. F. et al. Rapid detmn. of riboflavin in wheat and wheat products 344. *Gentry .C.- H. R. et al. Detmng. mercury as mercunc iodate 419. *- Indicator for titrating halides in coloured solns. 460. *Gibson G. P. et al. Dynamic method for observ-ing antimony chloride reaction with vitamin A and related substances 449. Gilchrist M. et al. Field method for direct estmn. of mepacrine in plasma and blood 382. Oiles C. H. Detmng. members of Brenthol or Naphthol AS series by ultra-violet absorption, 147. Gillam W. S. Polarographic detmn.of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables 352. Oilman H. et at. Quant. analysis of alkyl lithium compounds 221. Gleason P. C. et al. Rapid detmn. of starch. Factors for starches and comparison with acid and enzymic hydrolysis methods 262. Glick D. Estmng. choline 181. Godbert A. L. et al. Semi-Micro Quant. Organic Analysis. (Review) 3 17. Goldberg A. S. et al. Citric acid detmn. 136. Gooderham W. J. Gas analysis 102. - Soap film calibrators 102. VOLUME 70 Gordon A. H. et al. Qual. analysis of proteins. Partition chromatographic method using paper, 31. Gottfried S. P. et al. Titrimetric ultramicro estmn. of urea and Kjeldahl nitrogen 190. Gowanloch J. N. et al. Decomposition of oysters used for canning detmng. indole 377. Grabowski H.A. et al. Photometric detmn. of silica in condensed steam in presence of phos-phates 63. Graff J. H. Additional weight factors of pulps 228. Graff M. M. et al. Purifying solvents for absorp-tion spectroscopy 63. Grangaud R. Micro-detmn. of chlorine and bromine in organic compounds 144. *Green A. et al. Storing self-raising flour and provisions of Statutory Rules and Orders 1944, No. 44. 211. Greene R. D. et al. Microbiological assay of tryptophan in proteins and foods 94. *Gregg S. J. et al. Thermal balance for igniting or drying analytical ppts. 336. Gregory E. Review of Metallurgical Analysis by Means of “Spekker” Absorptiometer 148. Grenot L. D. ef al. Measuring “existent corro-sivity” of used engine oils 223. Gridgeman N. T. Estmn. of Vitamin A.(Review), 193. Grindley D. N. Seed oils of Sudan Mimosaceae, 341. Grummitt O. et al. Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. 111. Advances in Nuclear Chemistry and Theoretical Organic Chemistry. (Review) 485. Gue I, et al. Rapid method for aneurine 185. Guettell C. L. Equipment used in quantitative analysis. Proposed minimum requirements 147. Guggenheim A. K. et al. Liver storage test for estmng. vitamin A 27. Guggenheim E. Biological value of carotene from various sources and effect of vitamin E on utilisa-tion of carotene and vitamin A 28. Gung H. et al. Tannin separation of beryllium and aluminium 33. Ounness M. et al. Microbiological estmn. of aspartic acid and serine 265. Gunther F. A. Quant. estmn. of DDT and DDT spray or dust deposits 270.Gustavson R. G. et al. Estmng. iodine in rat thyroids 380. Guthrie J. D. et al. Detmng. starch in sweet potato products and other plant materials 135. H Hac L. R. et al. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. Assay and utilisation of glutamic acid and glutamine by Lactobacillus arabinosus 478. - Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. Assay of aspartic acid with Leuconostoc mesenteroides, 479. Hackberg M. et al. Chem. estmn. of “-methyl-nicotinamide 31 1. *Hadley W. H. Photometric detmn. of silicon in aluminium and its alloys 43. Hahn F. L. Microdetcn. of sulphur in insol. sul-phates and organic compounds 3 16. Haig F. M. et al. Destruction of riboflavin in milk by sunlight 29. Halban H. v. et al. Modified Rast micro-cryo-scopic molecular weight detmn.191. - Standard substance for spectral absorption measurements 146 INDEX TO VOLUME 70 vii Hale F. et at. Microbiological estmn. of glutamic acid 343. Haller. Microscope tests for cottonised,hast fibres in presence of cotton and “Zellwolle, Haman R. W. et al. Applying Karl Fischer re-agent to detmng. moisture in cereals and cereal products 339. Hamence J. H. Auxins in organic manures 314. *Handisyde F. P. et al. Colorimet@c estmn. of morphine 305. Hanson S. W. F. et al. Detmng. glucuronic acid by naphthoresorcinol reaction with photoelectric absorptiometer 27. *- Estmng. sucrose in sugar-dried egg by polari-metric methods 458. *- Standard solns. for estmng. riboflavin 48. Harrington T. et al. Reactions of thionyl chloride and application to detmng.sulphur chlorides in technical thionyl chloride 388. Harris E. E. et al. Analysing wood sugars 186. Haqis P. L. et al. Chem. estmn. of tocopherols in blood plasma 183. Harris W. E. et al. Polarographic detmn. of nitrate 101 276. Harrison R. W. et al. Detmng. volatile bases in fish. Comparing precision of methods 63. *Harrison T. S. Composite method for detmng. silicon manganese and phosphorus in cast iron and steel 362. - ef al. Vo?. detmn. of phosphorus in iran and steel 387. Harrison V. G. W. Definition and measurement of gloss and smoothness of paper 391. Hartigan R. H. et al. Detmng. hydrocyanic acid, especially in coke-oven gas 140. *Hartley A. .W. et al. Storing self-raising flour and provisions of Statutory Rules and Orders, 1944 No.44. 211. Harvey C. 0. Detmn. of Tin with Special Refer-ence to Tin Ores. 2nd Edn. 134. Harvey I. W. et al. Photometric detmn. of silica in aluminous materials 192. Harvey W. Fluorine in fish pastes 178. *Haslam J. et al. Houghton’s detmn. of aluminidm 336. - Detmng. aniline in alkylanilines 347. *- Detmng. aniline in mixtures of aniline methyl-aniline and dimethylaniline by picryl chloride, 413. - Polarograph in detmng. small amounts of nitrate in sodium nitrite 484. Haubein A. H. et al. Quant. analysis of alkyl lithium compounds 221. Hauser p. H. et al. Preservative chemical and bacteriological effect of hypochlorite soln. added to milk (Rupp’s test) 378. Hawkins W. et al. Detmng. nitriles by Karl Fischer reagent 347. *Haynes H.G. Detmng. and separating bismuth and magnesium using 8-hydroxyquinoline 129. Haywood F. W. ef at. Metallurgical Analysis by Means of “Spekker” Absorptiometer. (Review), 148. Hem P. F. et al. Detmng. aniline in alkyl-anilines 347. Hegated D. 1. Specificity of leucine isoleucine and valine requirements of Lactobacillus arabinosus Heh A W. Spectrographic detmn. of sodium, potassium and lithium in Portland cement 362. *Henry A. J. Apparatus for handling standard solns. of bromine in potassium bromide 259. *Heron A. E. et aZ. Detmng. mono- and tri-ethylamine in commercially pure diethylamine 38. 188. Artificial colour standards for 17-6 266. Hess W. C. et al. Detmng. phenylalanine in - Estmng. tryptophan 67. Hibbert L. J. Detcng. nickel in aluminium alloys, 100.Higgins W. M. et al. Isolating mannitol from water melon seeds 217. *Eggs D. G. et al. Apparatus for more accurate detmn. of hydrogen liberated from acids by metals 356. *- Cobalticyanide ion as precipitant for metal ions. Detmng. cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium alloys ; silver in lead; manganese in citrate solns. 158. *- Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in steel 75. *High J. H. Photometric analysis of copper-base alloys. Detmng. manganese by oxidation at room temp. 18. *- Ditto ditto. Detmng. nickel 268. Hilbert G. E. et al. Separation of amylose and amylopectin by nitroparaffins 379. Hildebrand F. C. ef al. Sources of error in detmng. protein content of bulk wheat 178. Hilditch T. P. et al.Component acids of milk fats of goat ewe and mare 218. - Human milk fat component glycerides 217. - Polyethenoid acids of C, series in milk and grass fats 308. *- Spectrographic detmn. of linoleic linolenic and elaeostearic acids 68. Hill E. L. et al. Estmng. deuterium oxide by Hill-Baldes vapour tension apparatus 310. Hill W. L. et al. Dil. hydrochloric acid as solvent for phosphate especially defluorinated phos-phates and other phosphorus supplements for live-stock 98. Hillson H. D. Vol. persulphate method for man-ganese 32. Hinshaw W. R. et al. Avian salmonellosis. Types of Salmonella isolated and relation to public health 140. Hisey W. O. et al. Detmng. cuprammonium vis-cosity of cellulose using Hoeppler viscosimeter, 192. Hoag E. H. et al.Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-6 for microassay of pantothenic acid 219. Hochberg M. et al. Chemical estmn. of pyridoxine in biological materials and pharmaceutical pro-ducts. Multiple nature of vitamin B, 95. - Chemical estmn. of pyridoxine. Reactions in pure systems 94. - Modification of colorimetric method for routine aneurine clearance tests 138. Hodson A. Z. Neurospora for estmng. choline and biotin in milk products 268. Hoffer A. et al. Rapid detmn. of riboflavin in wheat and wheat products 344. Hoffman E. R. Abrasion resistance of paper base plastics etc. 317. Holman W. I. 1. Oxidising aneurine to thio-chrome and estmng. aneurine in oats 184. *Holness H. et al. Pptn. of titanium by tannin from chloride soln. 319. *Hopewell B. M. C. e2 al.Colorimetric estmn. of long-chain aliphatic amines 17. Hoplrins H. T. I Infra-red heat in detmng. aniline points 353. Horn 1. J. et at. Colorimetric estmn. of trypto-phan in proteins and foods 266. *Houghton A. A. Micro-detmn. of carbon by wet combustion 118 172. *- Micro-detmn. of mixed methoxy-ethoxy p u p , 19. proteins 342 v i i i INDEX TO VOLUME 70 *Houghton (3. U. Detmng. small amounts of aluminium in water by haematoxylin 335. Honghton J. A. et al. Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen content of amino acids and proteins 479. Hove E. L. et al. Chem. estmn. of a-tocopherol and total tocopherol in mixtures of a- 8- and Hove Z. et al. Ditto Ditto 183. Howe 1. Report of 1943-44 Methods of Analysis Sub-Committee on Detmng. Iron in Cereal Products 178.*Hughes E . B. et al. Detmng. fat in mixtures containing fatty acids and detmng. unsaponifi-able matter in oils and fats 295. *- Nicotinic acid content of tea 86. *- Riboflavin content of tea 86. *- Ditto ditto and some results for pantothenic acid content 2. Hummon C. Gc. Colorimetric estmn. of small amounts of nickel in steel 32. Hunter A. C. et al. Standardising penicillin assay 26. Hunter H. Obituary 107. Hunter 116. V. Alkaloids of Delphinium Ajacis 179. Hord C. D. et al. Carbohydrate analysis applied to honey 216. Hurka W. et al. Oxidimetric detmn. of ammonia. Detmng. small amounts of ammonia by titration with permanganate 433. Hutchimon M. C. et at. Estmng. albumin and globulin in human serum by methanol pptn. 309. y-forms 183.I *Ingram Gi . *Inneta R. F. et al. *Isherwood F. A. et al. Detmng. traces of sulphur dioxide, especially detmng. sulphur in ferro-alloys 231, 423. Estmng. vitamin A by anti-mony trichloride method using Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer 304. Absorption of diphenyl and o-phenyl-phenol by oranges from treated wraps 330. J Jacob K. D. et al. Dil. hydrochloric acid as solvent for phosphates especially defluorinated phos-phates and other phosphorus supplements for live-stock 98. Jacobs 1. B. Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Poisons Hazards and Solvents. 2nd Edn. (Review) 36. - et al. Jacoby F. C. et al. Carotene and lycopene in rose hips etc. 28. James E. M. et al. Vitamin B (aneurine and nicotinic acid) in malt extract 29. James W .O. et al. Nature and specificity of Vitali-Morin reaction for solanaceous alkaloids, 341. Jasperson H. et al. Component acids of milk fats of goat ewe and mare 218. - Polyethenoid acids of C, series in milk and grass fats 308. - Tests for supposed a-dicarbonyl compounds in autoxidised fatty systems 345. Johnaon B. C. Microbiological estmn. of nicotinic acid nicotinamide and nicotinuric acid 432. Johnson H. R. et at. Spectrophotometric detmn. of formaldehyde 436. Johnson W. W . A. et al. Spectrographic limit of detcn. of phosphorus titanium and zirconium in direct current arc 390. Detcng. indole 482. Jones A. 0. Review of Annual Reports of the 36. *Jones C . R. et al. Arsenic content of grain dried Jones D. B. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of trypto-Jones E.Q. Obituary 2’79. Jones J. H. *Jones J. I. M. Jones M. A. Progress of Chemistry for 1943. directly with flue gas 256. phan in proteins and foods 266. Identifying thioglycollic acid 99. Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus, especially blood phosphorus 298. Application of modified red colour test for rotenone and related compounds to Derris and Lonchocarpus 385. Tests for supposed a-dicarbonyl compounds in autoxidised fatty systems 345. Jones R. et al. K Kalckar E. Y. Enzymatic micro-analysis of purine compounds 310. Kamh H. et aI. Rapid method for aneurine 185. Kw S. et a!. Ultra-violet absorption of irra-diated vitamin A 28. Karchmer J. H. et al. Effect of silica on quant. reduction of nitrates with Devarda’s alloy 314. - Photometric detmn.of phosphorus in limestone, 63. Karel L. et al. Effect of vitamin C on estmn. of sulphanilamide 96. Katz M. S. et al. Photometric detmn. of phos-phorus in limestone 63. Kaunitz H. et al. Estmng. tocopherok with iron dipyridyl reagent in presence of fats 184. Kaye W. I. et QZ. Spectrophotometric study of oxidation of quenching oils 191. Keevil N. B. et al. Photometric destruction of riboflavin in milk and losses during processing 58. Keller H. et al. Modified Rast micro-cryoscopic molecular weight detmn. 191. Kenyon J. Review of Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. 111. Advances in Nuclear Chemistry and Theoretical Organic Chemistry 485. - Review of Theory of Resonance and its Applica-tions to Organic Chemistry 392. Eeohn R. C. et al. Sources of error in detmng.protein content of bulk wheat 178. Keppler D. et al. Enzymic splitting of starch and evaluatiau of desizing materials 61. Kerr S. E. et al. Separating-purine nucleosides from free purines and estmng. purines and ribose in these fractions 432. *Kershaw F. Gc. et QZ. Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of arsenic copper lead zinc and iron etc. in organic compounds e.g. medicinals, 232. Key C. et al. Amperometric detmn. of sulphates, 435. Kieselbach R. Micro-detmn. of nitrates by De-varda method 225. - Micro-detmn. of nitric oxide in gases 226. King E. J. et at. Field method for direct estmn. of mepacrine in plasma and blood 382. *Eing J. Food sampling 201. King W. H. e f d. Decomposition of oysters used for canning detmn.of indole 377. - Preservative chemical and bacteriological effect of hypochlorite soh. added to milk (Rupp’s test), 378. ginsel A. et al. Classification of petroleum waxes, 271. Kitchener J. A. et al. Apparatus for micro-titrations with glass electrode 349. Eibon R. E. et al. Molybdenum blue reaction for phosphorus 34 INDEX TO Kitzes G. et al. Kleiber M. et al. Kline A. A. ef al. Analysing wood sugars 186. Koch F. C. ef al. Interference of cystine with quant. nitroprusside test for methionine 382. KO& L. ef al. Identifying unsulphonated azo-2-naphthol dyes 142. . Koch W. et al. Liver storage test for estmng. vitamin A 27. Kochakian C. D. et al. Microdetmn. of calcium, 191. Kodicek E. et al. Effect ‘of unsaturated fatty acids on Lactobacillus helveticus 31 1.Koenig V. L. et al. Estmng. iodine in rat thy-roids 380. Kolthoff I. M. et al. Polarographic detmn. of nitrate 101 276. Kramer B. et al. Colorimetric reaction of vita-mins D and D and their provitamins 268. Kraus R. et al. Polarographic detmn. of antimony in hard lead 390. Krebs H. A, et al. Estmng. iso-citric and cis-aconitic acids in biological material 2 19. Krehl W. A. et al. Biological activity of pre-cursor of nicotinic acid in cereal products 140. - Distribution props. and isolation of naturally occyrring precursor of nicotinic acid 140. Kremers H. E. et al. Fractionations in rare-earth group by sodium sulphate 190. Kuiken K. A. et al. Microbiological estmn. of glutamic acid 343. Kyame L. et al. Detmng. extractable gossypol in cottonseed and cottonseed meal 59.Kyker G. C. et al. Micro-detmn. of alkaloids and other bases by photometric turbidimetry 276. Detmng. blood plasma iron 55. Apparatus for measuring rate of gas penetration through food-packaging materials, 147. L Lamar W. L. *Lambie D. A. Analytical chemistry of tungsten. Yptng. tungsten with tannin 124. Lane J. H. Change in Editorship of The Analyst, 355. Langer A. Closed absorption tube for micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen 350. Lanning J. H. et al. Estmng. pyridine content of pyridine-acetic acid mixture used in riboflavin detmn. 58. Lapshina,. V. A. et.al. Detmng. small amounts of nickel in alumimum alloy (Duralumin) 348. Larsen R. Gc. et al. Measuring “existent corro-sivity” of used engine oils 223.Laughlan A. D. E. Borax as standard buffer soln. 34. Lea C. H. Detmng. peroxide value of edible fats and oils. Influence of atmospheric oxygen in Chapman and McFarlane method 308. Lean L. A. et al. Detmng. hyoscyamine in Duboisia species 179. *Lehmann H. L. Vol. detmn. of tin and antimony in brasses and bronzes after separation by dis-tillation 428. Lespagnol A. et al. Micro-detmn. of arsenic 144. Levin H. et al. Detmng. oxygen in hydrocarbon gases 221. - Detmng. water in hydrocarbon gases 340. Lewy (f. A. Adaptation of Conway micro-burette for delivery of larger vols. of fluid 103. Levy (3. B. e2 al. Chemical detmn. of penicillin, 430. - Microdetmn. of water 315. Detmng. fluoride in water 270. VOLUME 70 ix Lewis D. P. et al.Micro-detmn. of alkaloids and other bases by photometric turbidimetry 275. Lewis F. M. et al. Precise method for isolating high polymers 272. Lewis J. C. et al. Lactobacillus assay for I ( + ) glutamic acid 267. Lichtenstein H. ef al. Cystine estmn. in proteins and foods 182. Lickorish A. *Liebmann H. et al. Electrometric detmn. of ascorbic acid 411. Lifson N. et al. Estmng. deuterium oxide by Hills-Baldes vapour tension apparatus 3 10. Lindeken C. L. et al. Detmng. ethyl acetate in presence of acetaldehyde 141. Ling E. R. Textbook of Dairy Chemistry. 2nd Edn. Vol. I. Theoretical. (Review) 277. Vol. 11. Practical 391. Lingane J. J. Lipmann F. et al. Specific micro-estmn. of acyl phosphates 431. Lips H. A. Standard testing methods for light fastness in paper industry 276.Lismer R. E. et al. Occurrence and detcn. of lead in lead-bearing steels 273. Liversedge S. G. Obituary 107. Lorber V. et al. Estmng. deuterium oxide by Hill-Baldes vapour tension apparatus 310. Lord J. W. et al. Tests for supposed a-dicarbonyl compounds in autoxidised fatty systems 345. Loscaho A. G. et al. Titration of microgram samples 350. Lubatti 0. F. Detcng. and detmng. traces of methyl bromide 99. Luce E. N. et al. Detmng. o-xylene in recycle styrene 141. Luecke R. W. et al. Detmng. free choline in animal tissues 56. Lyman C. M. et al. Microbiological estmn. of glutamic acid 343. Obituary of J. K. Colwell 319. Vol. detmn. of calcium 189. M McCammon D. C. et al. Munson-Walker reducing values of less common sugars and sodium gly-curonate 307.McCoy J. F. ef at. Detmng. relative toxicities of disinfecta nts 30. *MacDona,ld F. J. Detmng. original f.pt. of sour milk 323. McDow T. B. et al. Iodimetric detmn. of tin 32. McFadyen D. A. Estmng. formaldehyde in bio-logical mixtures 310. MacIntire W. H. et al. Adapting Wagner pro-cedure to chem. evaluation of fused tricalcium phosphate 313. *Macintosh F. C. Toxicity of diphenyl and o-phenyl-phenol 334. Macintosh R. M. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of traces of copper with rubeanic acid 276. Mackenzie E. F. W. Obituary of E. V. Suckling, 37. XcKittrick D. S. ef al. Detmng. sulphate by benzidine method 316. - Estmng. error in Volhard analysis for chloride by titration in acetic acid 204. McNeil E.et al. Avian salmonellosis. Types of Salmonella isolated and relation to public health, 140. MoRary W. L. e2 al. Colorimetric estmn. of pentoses and pentosans 187. Major F. - et d. Pyrethrum flowers from Nigeria 314. Black pepper from Sierra Leone 308 X INDEX TO VOLUME 70 Majumdar A. I(. Colorimetric detmn. of bismuth with dimercaptothiobiazole 189. - Detmng. bismuth with phenyldithiobiazolone thiol 224. Makepeace G. R. ef a’. Colorimetric detmn. of aluminium in aluminium steel 274. Malpress F. H. Colorimetric estmn. of diethyl-stilboestrol hexoestrol and dienoestrol 384. Manella E. et af. Detcng. coumarin derivatives in drugs 179. *Manley C. H. Fatal sodium nitrite poisoning 50. *- et al. Manley J. J. Precision balance and efficacy of rhodium plating for standard weights 484.Marcuse R. et al. Detmng. aneurine by thio-chrome method after uptake by yeast 29. Marquardt R. P. et al. Detmng. o-xylene in recycle styrene 141. Marshall C. *V. et al. Gravimetric detmn. of phenothiazine 386. Martin? A. J. P. et al. Qual. analysis of proteins. Partition chromatographic method using paper, 31. Martin G. et al. Rapid detmn. of alumina in titanium pigments 483. Martin G. E. et al. Conductometric analysis for control in alkaline pulping process 99. Marvin G. G. et at. Thermal decomposition of perchlorates 483. Matsuyama G. et al. Polarographic detmn. of nitrate 101 276. Maurer J. et al. Schneider distillation in detmng. small amounts of arsenic 101. *Mawson C. A. Sampling foods for nutritional analysis 195.Maxwell G. E. et al. Photometric detmn. of silica in aluminous materials 192. Maser A. M. et af. Colorimetric reaction of vita-mins D and D and their provitamins 268. - Titrimetric ultra-micro estmn. of urea and Kjeldahl nitrogen 190. Mayo F. R. et al. Precise method ’for isolating high polymers 272. Meam 1. L. et al. Human milk fat component glycerides 217. Mehl J. W. Biuret reaction of proteins in presence of ethylene glycol 264. Mehlenbacher V. C. et af. Detmng. mono-glyceride in fats and oils by oxidation with periodic acid, 338. *Mel@g S. E. Address of retiring President 151. - Obituary of John Evans 440. *- Water and water supplies 154. Mellon M. G. Light absorption spectrometry 316. - et al. Molybdenum blue reaction for phos-phorus 34.Melnick D. et al. Chem. estmn. of “-methyl-nicotinamide 31 1. - Chemical estmn. of pyridoxine in biological materials and pharmaceutical products. Multiple nature of vitamin B, 95. - Chemical estmn. of pyridoxine. Reactions in pure systems 94. - Modification of colorimetric method for routine aneurine clearance tests 138. Melville C. Histology of belladonna root. Atvopn Belladonna Linn. Indian belladonna 136. Menaker M. H. et al. Apparatus for detmng. oxygen absorption of fats 477. M e t L. L. Jr. Detmng. small amounts of zinc by measuring fluorescent turbidities 192. Merville R. et al. Micro-detmn. of arsenic 144. Meserve E. R. et at. Spectrophotometric estmn. of small amounts of choke 479. Rapid detmn. of fat in powders 173.Metcalf W. S. Spectroscopic detmn. of vitamin -4 Michaud L. et al. Estmng. iron in milk 379. Mihram R. G. et al. Detmng. Portland cement in drilling muds and soil-cement mixtures 274. mailler C C. Quant. inorganic micro-analysis for university students 355. Miller L. et al. Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen content of amino acids and proteins 479. Miller V. A. Analysing ternary mixtures of three isomeric heptanes 222. Milligan R. F. et al. Identifying unsulphonated azo-%naphthol dyes 142. Mills G. T. et al. Detmng. glucuronic acid by naphthoresorcinol reaction with photoelectric ab-sorptiometer 27. *Miher G. W. C. Polarographic detmn. of lead in brasses and bronzes 250. *- Polarographic detmn. of nickel in copper base alloys 468. Milner O.et al. Photoelectric detmn. of titanium in corrosion-resistant steels 275. Mitchell C. A. Change of Editorship of The Analyst 355. - Review of Discovery of Uses of Colouring Agents an Biological Microtechnique 229. Mitchell D. et al. Detmng. gelatin in ice cream, 216. Mitchell H. L. et al. Factors affecting detmn. of potash in fkrtilisers 185. Mitchell J. Jr. et al. Detmng. nitriles by Karl Fischer reagent 347. - Detmng. unsubstituted acid amides 186. *lKitra B. N.,. et al. Estmng. tetryl alone or in mixtures with T.N.T. by ferrous ammonium sulphate 418. Moeller T. et al. Fractionations in rare-earth group by sodium sulphate 190. Moltzau D. R. et al. Conductometric analysis for control in alkaline pulping process 99 *Moore C. D. et al. Estmng.saccharin in tablets, 337. Morris C. S. Presence in raw cow’s milk of bac-tericidal substance specific for certain strains of Coliform organisms 97. Morris D. L. Quant. micro-detmn. of glucose and maltose in mixtures 34. *Morton F. Vol. detmn. of sodium in blood and serum 247. Morton R. A. Photoelectric colorirneter for vita-min A detmn. 178. *- et al. Spectrographic detmn. of linoleic, linolenic and elaeostearic acids 68. Moshier R. W. et al. Detmng. formaldehyde in presence of acrolein and other aldehydes by polarographic method 227. Murray W. M. et al. Quant. spectrographic analysis of small samples of powders 317. Murtaugh J. J. et al. Chemical detmn. of peni-cillin 430. - Microdetmn. of water 315. in fish liver oils 268. N *Naidu S.R, et al. Detmng. strychnine in poison-ing by strychnine or nux vomica 8. Neuberg C. et al. Micro-estmn. of dicarbonyl compounds 389. Neuberger A. Reaction between histidine and for-maldehyde 94. Newburger 8. H. et al. Spectrophotometric analysis of coal-tar colours. Ext D & C Yellow No. 6. 93 INDEX TO VOLUME 70 xi Newington F. H. Obituary 232. *NicholLs G. W. et al. Estmng. sucrose in sugar-dried egg by polarimetric methods 458 Nicholls J. R. Review of Colorimetric Analysis, 193. Nielsen J. P. et al. Rapid detmn. of starch. Factors for starches and comparison with acid and enzymic hydrolysis methods 262. *Nierenstein M. Antipyrine for micro-analysis of tannins 132. *- Nierenstein indicator 213. *- Tannin content of Potamogeton species and effect on colour of iron-containing inland waters, 427.*- et of. Azo dyes as quantitative tannin pre-cipitants 17. *Nisbet H. B. et al. Peroxide values of motor spirits 50. Nissen B. H. Colour and turbidity in beer and wort 24. Noll A. Microscope stain for mixtures of un-bleached paper fibres 188. Noll C. A. Detmng. nitrate in boiler water by brucine reagent 481. Norman D. P. et al. Spectrographic limit of detcn. of phosphorus titanium and zirconium in direct current arc 390. North W. R. Aniline oil-methylene blue stain for direct microscopical count of bacteria in dried milk and dried eggs 384. Norwitz G. et al. Rapid electrolytic detmn. of zinc in magnesium alloys 483. Novak J. V. A, et af. Polarographic detmn. of antimony in hard lead 390.0 O’Connor R. T. et af. Purifying solvents for ab-sorption spectroscopy 63. Oertel A. C. Prepn. of hydrochloric acid extracts of soils for quant. spectrochemical analysis 98. Okell F. L. Review of Reports of the Progress of Afiplied Chemistry Vol. XXIII 1943. - Review of Text Book of Qual. Analysis including Semi-micro Qual. Analysis. Olcott H. S. et al. Lactobacillus assay for I ( + ) glutamic acid 267. Openshaw H. T. et af. Prepn. and properties of sulphonacetamides. Separating sulphonamides from N-alkyl-sulphonamides 340. Organ J. G. et af. Vitamin B (aneurine and nico-tinic acid) in malt extract 29. *Osborn G. H. Detmng. calcium in presence of strontium and barium 207. - et af. Gravimetric detmn. of silicon in alu-minium alloys 349.Oser B. L. ef af. Chem. estmn. of “-methyl-nicotinamide 31 1. - Chemical estmn. of pyridoxine in biological materials and pharmaceutical products. Multiple nature of vitamin B, 95. - Chemical estmn. of pyridoxine. Reactions in pure systems 94. ‘60ughtred R. E. Photometric detmn. of lead in brass 253. 149. 3rd Edn. 485. P *Page J. E. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of long-*Pslin A. T. Detmng. free chlorine and chloramine chain aliphatic amines 17. in water using 9-aminodimethylaniline 203. Palmer G. et al. Adapting Wagner procedure to chem. evaluation of fused tricalcium phosphate, 313. *Parker I. F. C. et af. Weber colour test for identi-fying natural rubber 175. Parker R. C. et al. Apparatus for automatic control of electrodeposition with graded cathode potential 146.*Parkinson T. L. et af. Nicotinic acid content of tea 86. Parratt T. et al. Vol. detmn. of phosphorus in iron and steel 387. Parrish D. B. et al. Effect of light on stability of Carr-Price colour in estmng. vitamin A 311. Parry E. J. Obituary 107. Passamaneck E. Colorimetric detmn. of traces of nickel 274. Payfer R. et al. Gravimetric detmn. of pheno-thiazine 386. Payne 1. G. et af. Colorimetric detmn. of DDT, 481. Pearson P. B. et al. Detmng. free choline in animal tissues 56. Pederson R. L. ef af. Microbiological assays of nicotinic acid 384. Pellowe E. F. et al. Detmng. aluminium in spelter 314. Perlzweig W. A. et al. Rapid method for aneur-me 185. *Perryman P. W. Detmng. water by means of calcium hydnde.45. Peterson W. J. et af. Destruction of riboflavin in milk by sunlight 29. Phillips J. et al. Classification of petroleum waxes 271. Pillemer L. et af. Estmng. albumin and globulin in human serum by methanol pptn. 309. Pincus S. et af. Platt A. P. Obituary 151. Poe, C. F. et al. Pohle W. D. et af. Detmng. monoglyceride in fats and oils by oxidation with periodic acid 338. Polglase M. F. et al. Ink. coverage detmn. and relation to printability 437. Polis B. D. et al. Detmng. total base of serum by ion exchange reactions of synthetic resins 218. Poll& F. F. et al. Detmng. aluminium in spelter, 314. Pollard A. Gc. et al. Leaching of sol. salts from alkali soils without affecting exchangeable bases, 271. Pollitt A. A. et at. Photometric detmn.of molyb-denum in metallurgical products 143. *Price J. W. Detmng. thickness and composition of tin-lead alloy coatings on steel (terne plate) 10. Price S. A. Microbiological riboflavin assay 383. Proctor K. L. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of lead in corrosion-resistant steels 483; - Photoelectric detmn. of titanium in corrosion-resistant steels 275. Detcng. indole 482. Identifying barbiturates 262. Q Quaife 116. L. et al. Chem. estmn. of tocopherols in blood plasma 183. R Rabson 5. R. Microchemical detmn. of free and - Micro-technique for size grading of mine dust, Ralph C S. et al. Detmng. hyoscyamine in combined silica in mine dust 145. 145. Dubozsza species. 179 xii INDEX TO VOLUME 70 Ramsay W. N. 1. Microvol. detmn. of iron par-Randall W.A. et al. Standardising penicillin Rath H. et al. Enzymic splitting of starch and Ravner H. Analysing manganese bronze 224. Rawlings H. W. Chemical detmn. of tocopherols Reedy J. H. et al. Sensitive test for silver 273. - Specific spot test for vanadium 189. Reid J. D. et al. Conductometnc titration ap-paratus 102. Reinhold J. G. et al. Detmng. total base of skrum by ion exchange reactions of synthetic resins, 218. Reynolds D. S. et al. Dil. hydrochloric acid as solvent for phosphates especially defluorinated phosphates and other phosphorus supplts. for livestock 98. Richardson R. W. Obituary 151. Rieben W. K. et al. Gravimetric detnin. of po-tassium as phospho-12-tungstate 181. - Micro-detmn. of potassium by pptn. and titra-tion of phospho-12-tungstate 180.Riemenschneider R. W. et al. Analysis and fatty acid composition of tobacco seed oils 341. Riggs T. et al. Colour test for resins in vanilla extract 379. *Riley J. P. et al. Spectrographic detmn. of linoleic linolenic and elaeostearic acids 68. *Risbey J. et al. Peroxide values of motor spirits 50. Robbie W. A. Phenolphthalein technique for micro-detmn. of cyanide 62. Roberts F. M. et al. Detmng. oxygen in hydro-carbon gases 221. - Detmng. water in hydrocarbon gases 346. Roberts M. et al. Nature and specificity of Vitali-Morin reaction for solanaceous alkaloids, 341. Robes,. R. F. et al. Detmng. peroxides in syn-thetic rubbers 480. Roca S. et al. Jdicro-detmn. of selenium in toxicology. Rock S. M. ef al. Mass spectrometry 317.Roend. L. B. et al. Microbiological estmn. of lysine in protein hydsolysates 182. Roesling I. et al. Enzymic splitting of starch and evaluation of desizing materials 61. Rogers 1. A. et al. Carbohydrate analysis ap-plied to honey 216. *Rooksby H. P. X-ray powder diffraction method in quant. analysis; detmng. small amounts of calcium oxide in magnesium oxide and zinc oxide in zinc sulphide 166. Detmng. nitrogen in nitriles 348. Microdetmn. of water 315. Estmng. total H,S metals in ticularly in blood 218. assay 25. evaluation of desizing materials 61. in distilled concentrates 58. Expts. on selenium sols 144. Rose E. L. et al. Rosenblatt M. et al. Rosenblum H. et al. pharmaceutical iron salts 55. Rosin J. et al. Ditto ditto 55.Roszmann C. A, et al. Estmng. pyridine content of pyridine-acetic acid mixture used in riboflavin detmn. 58. Rowland S. J. Review of Textbook of Dairy Chemistry. 2nd Edn. Vol. I. Theoretical 277. Vol. 11. Practical 391. Rozental D. et al. Photometric detmn. of silicon in low alloy and stainless steels 352. RudBi6 I. et al. Oxidimetric detmn. of ammonia. Detmng. small amounts of ammonia by titration with permanganate 433. Estmng. iron in milk 379. Ruegamer W. R. et al. Rusconi Y. et al. Reaction for cerium 101. Russell J. A. Colorimetric estmn. of amino nitrogen 221. - Colorimetric estmn. of small amounts of am-monia by phenol-hypochlorite reaction 225. - Interference with colorimetric estmn. of lactic acid by nitrate and nitrite ions 187. Russell R.G. et al. Analysing aluminous ore using spark spectra 276. S Saboor M. A. Composition of fatty acid of Saeman J. F. et al. Analysing wood sugars 186. Sample A. B. Sarett H. P. et al. Inhibition of utilisation of aneurine and aneurine diphosphate for growth of micro-organisms 138. - Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-6 for microassay of pantothenic acid 219. - Lactobacillus fermentunz 36 for aneurine assay, 139. - Microbiological assays of nicotinic acid 384. Sastry V. V. K. et al. Detmng. trace elements in soils and plants. Boron and manganese 220. Sater M. et al. Detmng. volatile bases in fish. Comparing precision of methods 53. Schaaf E. et al. Schneider distillation in detmng. small amounts of arsenic 101. Schaeffer 0. A. et af. Photometric detmn.of silica in aluminous materials 192. Schaut G. G. False residual chlorine values pro-duced by insol. manganese and efr’ect of Acti-nastrum in water supply 269. Schmidt C. L. A. et al. Detmng. sulphate by benzidine method 316. - Estmng. error in Volhard analysis for chloride by titration in acetic acid 264. - Extension of Thunberg technique for measuring dehydrogenase activity 58. *Schoeper W. R. et al. Pptn. of titanium by tannin from chloride soln. 319. Schweigert B.’S. et al. Leucine valine and iso-leucine content of meats 264. Schwertassek I(. Surface printing in investigating faults in textiles 148. Sclar R. N. ef al. Detmng. sodium acetate in FD & C Blue No. 1 54. *Scott B. A. Dip-type calomel electrode 476. Scott E. M. Estmng.iron in tissue 180. *Scott F. C. Schiff’s reagent 374. Scott R. 0. Effect of extraneous elements on spectral line intensity in cathode-layer arc 436. *Scott T. R. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of uranium in leach liquors 462. Scrimshaw N. S. et al. Macro-fermentation method for aneurine assay 96. Sears G. W. et al. Tannin separation of beryllium and aluminium 33. Seligmam A. M. et al. Colorimetric micro-estmn. of a-alanine in blood 430. Selwood P. W. Magneto-Chemistry (Review) 35. Sen S. Recovering dimethylglyoxime from nickel ppt. 189. - Titration of nickel 189. Seraidarian K. ef al. Separating purine nucleo-sides from free purines and estmng. purines and ribose in these fractions 432. *Sexton G. E. W. et al. Estmng. sucrose in sugar-dried egg by polarimetric methods 468.*Shanahan CE. A. Detmng. small quantities of silica alumina and lime in tungsten carbide powder 421. Lophira alata seed fat 178. Identifying sulphonamides 263 INDEX TO Shaner M. L. et al. Apparatus for detmng. oxygen absorption of fats 477. Shankman S. et a1. Microbiological estmn. of lysine in protein hydrolysates 182. Sharpe J. S. Estmng. bromide in body fluids 181. Shaw A. O. et al. Destruction of riboflavin in milk by sunlight 29. Shaw E. H. Jr. et al. Detmng. gelatin in ice cream 216. Shaw J. A. Detmng. hydrocyanic acid especially in coke-oven gas 140. Shaw T. P. G. Systematic identification of syn-thetic resins and plastics 61. Shawarbi M. Y. et al. Leaching of sol. salts from alkali soils without affecting the exchangeable bases 271.Shay H. et at. Detmng. “crude fibre’’ in distillers’ dried grain 312. *Sherrington L. G. et al. Detmng. mercury as mercuric iodate 419. *- Indicator for titrating halides in coloured solns. 460. Seley R. L. et al. Detmng. nitrogen in pyridine ring-type compounds by Kjeldahl method 479. Shrikhande J. G. Bromine in estmng. cellulose in plant materials 30. Shuette H. A. et al. Detmng. blood plasma iron, 66. Siebourg H. Super-molecular structure of cellu-lose hydrate fibres 353. Silverman L. Sulphamic acid in copper electro-lysis 273. Sims E. A. H. Micro-estmn. of glycocyamine and arginine by synthetic ion exchange resin for chromatographic separation 341. Sitkin A. et al. Spectrochemical analysis of solns., using spark excitation 35.Skau E. L. et at. Purifying solvents for absorp-tion spectroscopy 63. Skeggs H. R. et al. Lactobacillus arabinosus in microbiological estmn. of pantothenic acid 139. Skoog D. A. et al. Detmng. ethyl acetate in presence of acetaldehyde 141. Slattery 1. C. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of pen-toses and pentosans 187. Sloviter H. A. et al. Spectrochemical analysis of solns. using spark excitation 35. *Smith A. et al. Estmng. dried egg in fruit curd, 211. Smith F. R. et al. Apparatus for measuring rate of gas penetration through food-packaging materials 147. Smith N. et al. Acid salts of organic acids as pH standards 345. Smith W. et al. Analysis of pastilles of British Pharmaceutical Codex 25 Snell E. E. Replacement of pyridoxine for some micro-organisms by d(-)alanine and an unidenti-fied factor from casein 383.- et al. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. Assay and utilisation of glutamic acid and gluta-mine by Lactobacillus arabinosus 478. - Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. Assay of aspartic acid with Leuconostoc mesenteroides 479. Snider S. R. Detcng. and estmng. steam-distilled wood turpentine in gum spirits of turpentine 188. Snyder L. T. Volumetric detmn. of aluminium, 189. Sobel A. E. et al. Colorimetric reaction of vita-mins D and D and their provitamins 268. - Titrimetric ultra-micro estmn. of urea and Kjeldahl nitrogen 190. Sobotka H. et al. Ultra-violet absorption of irradiated vitamin A 28. VOLUME 70 xiii Somers 0. F. et al. Colorimetric assay of simple solns.of adrenaline 179. Sommer F. et al. Chromometric detmn. of re-ducible metals including tungsten and molyb-denum 100. Speakman J. C. et al. Acid salts of organic acids as PH standards 345. Speck R. M. et al. Analysis and fatty acid com-position of tobacco seed oils 341. Sperber E. et al. Detmng. aneurine by thiochrome method after uptake by yeast 29. Spring F. S. et al. Prepn. and properties of sul-phonacetamides. Separating sulphonamides from N-alkyl-sulphonamides 340. *Srinivasan M. et al. Estmng. tetryl alone or in mixtures with T.N.T. by ferrous ammonium sulphate 418. *Stace G. W. et al. Losses of iodide from iodised salt 88. Stafford R. W. et al. Identifying melamine and urea resins in wet strength paper 272. Standen (3. W. Qual.spectrographic analysis 191. Stansby M. E. et al. Detmng. volatile bases in fish. Starks D. T. et al. Detmng. lithium in silicates, 274. Steiner E. T. et al. Detmng. starch in sweet potato products and other plant materials 135. *Steuart D. W. Stewart W. B. et al. Macro-fermentation method for aneurine assay 96. Stiff. H. A Jr et al. Colorimetric micro-detmn. Comparing precision of methods 53. Over-ripe apples 172. of 2 :2-bk-(p:chlorophenyl)-l 1 l-trichloroethane (DDT) 350. *St@ J. T. et al. Automatic pipette fitting for delivering acid into Gerber tubes 22. *Stoeger E. et al. Estmng. saccharin in tablets, 337. Stokes J. L. et al. Microbiological estmn. of aspartic acid and serine 265. Stone I(. G. et al. Polarographic use of organic reagents.Magnesium with 8-hydroxyquinoline, 63. Stone F. et. al. Acrolein detmn. by tryptophan. Colorimetric micro method 351. - Moisture content of distillers’ by-products 60. Strafford N. et al. Detmng. small amounts of anthracene in tar and tar oil fractions 32. *- Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of arsenic copper lead zinc and iron etc. in organic compounds e g . medicinals 232. Straub F. G. et al. Photometric detmn. of silica in condensed steam in presence of phosphates 63. Strauss E. et al. Micro-estmn. 09 dicarbonyl compounds 389. Stringer W. J. et al. Riboflavin in beer and in brewing process 268. Strong F. M. et al. Biological activity of pre-cursor of nicotinic acid in cereal products 140. - Distribution props. and isolation of naturally occurring precursor of nicotinic acid 140.*Stuckey R. E. Three cases of strychnine poison-ing 89. *Stuffins C. B. et al. Detmng. peroxide value of oils and fats 403. Suckling E. V. Obituary Mackenzie 37 107 108. Sullivan M. X. et al. Detmng. phenylalanine in proteins 342. - Estmng. tryptophan 57. Sulzberger? R. et al. Polarographic detmn. of sodium in aluminium and its alloys 147. *Swwney F. et al. Detmng. aniline in mixtures of aniline methylaniline and dimethylaniline by picryl chloride 41 3 XiV INDEX TO VOLUME 70 Swinden T. Obituary 107 108. *Sylvester N. D. et al. Detmng. fat in mixtures containing fatty acids and detmng. unsaponi-fiable matter in oils and fats 295. T Tatman I. E. et al. Leucine valine and iso-leucine content of meats 264.Taussky H. H. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of creatinine by Jaffe reaction 382. Taylor L. V. *Taylor R. J. et al. Dynamic method for observ-ing antimony chloride reaction with vitamin -4 and related substances 449. Taylor T. J. et al. Avian salmonellosis. Types of Salmonella isolated and relation to public health 140. *Taylor W. W. et al. Arsenic in dried parsley 48. Teply L. J. et al. Titrimetric detmn. of “Lacto-bacillus casei factor” and folic acid 345. Thomas J. M. et al. Diazotised p-amino-aceto-phenone in estmng. pyridoxine 382. Thomas L. E. Detmn. of tyrosine and detmng. tyrosine content of edestin casein and tobacco mosaic virus 266. Thomas W. M. ef al. Identifying melamine and urea resins in wet strength paper 272. *Thompson H.W. Use of infra-red spectra for analysis 443. Thompson J. F. et al. Detmng. cobalt in biological material 433. Timmis L. B. Apparatus for dectng. and estmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon vapours in air 193. - Blow-lamp method of dectng. organic halogen compounds in air 192. Tipson R. S. Tocher J. F. Obituary 439. Tokos J. V. et al. Detcng. bismuth with brucine citrate 143. *Tomkinn R. Gi. et al. Absorption of diphenyl and o-phenyl-phenol by oranges from treated wraps, 330. Toms H. Review of Organic Syntheses Annual Publication of Satisfactory Methods for Prepn. of Or anic Chemicals 103. Togit J. et al. Acetobacter infection in beer: Acetobacter mobile (N.S.). 59. - Prepn. of clarified malt wort for culture media, 59. Triebold H. O. et al.Apparatus for detmng. oxygen absorption of fats 477. Trikov M. D. et al. Detmng. small amounts of nickel in aluminium alloy (Duralumin) 348. Tullo J. W. et al. Riboflavin in beer and in brewing process 268. Tuttle C. et al. Device for projecting image of reading scale 102. Tuttle L. C. et aL Specific micro-estmn. of acyl phosphates 43 1. Sulphur dioxide in beer 135. Qual. test for ascorbic acid 478. U Udenfriend S. et al Estmng. basic organic com-pounds. Application to cinchona alkaloids 381. Uhrig K. et al. Detmng. oxygen in hydrocarbon gases 221. - Detmng. water in hydrocarbon gases 346. Ulm R. W. K. Detmng. suitability of component parts for V-board production. Buoyancy test, 228. Polarographic detmn. of sodium in aluminium and its alloys 147.Ureoh P. et al. V Vanderbelt J. M. et al. Extinction coefficients of spectrophotometric standards 391. van der Merwe D. P. Variations in vitamin C content in guavas 97. Van Slyke D. D. et al. Gravimetric detmn. of potassium as phospho-l2-tungstate 181. - Manometric titrimetric and colorimetric meas-urement of urease activity 56. - Micro-detmn. of potassium by pptn. and titra-tion of phospho-l2-tungstate 180. Veinoglou B. C. F. pt. of artificially induced bovine secretions 179. *Venkatrao P. et al. Detmng. strychnine in poisoning by strychnine or nux vomica 8. Vickery H. B. et al. Estmng. histidine with 3.4-dichlorobenzene sulphonic acid 182. Viswanath B. et al. Detmng. trace elements in soils and plants. Vogel A. I. Text Book of Qual.Analysis including Semi-micro Qual. Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Review), 485. Boron and manganese 220. W Waddell 1. B. R. et al. Routine estmn. of haemo-globin as oxyhaemoglobin 309. Wake W. C. et al. Weber colour test for identi-fying natural rubber 175. Walker A. C. et al. Extension of Thunberg techniqutt for measuring dehydrogenase activity, 58. *Walker Gi. H. Sp.gr. of milk especially homo-genised and sterilised milk 372. Walker T. K. et al. Acetobacter infection in beer: Acetobacter -mobile (N.S.) 59. - Prepn. of clarified malt wort for culture media, 59. Walton Gi. P. Washburn H. W. et at. Mass spectrometry 317. Waters K. L. et al. Detmng. iodine in organic compounds 480. Watridge R. Obituary of S. Emsley 37. *Weatherall H. et al. Detmng.peroxide value of oils and fats 403. *Webb H. W. Magnetic stirring in analytical electrodeposition of metals 301. *Webster C. W. et al. Azo dyes as quant. tannin precipitants 17. Weinberg S. Detmng. copper in aluminium alloys, 273. - et at. Photoelectric detmn. of titanium in corrosion-resistant steels 275. - et al. Rapid electrolytic detmn. of zinc in magnesium alloys 483. *Weiss A F. et al. Standard solns. for estmng. riboflavin 48. Wells S. D. et al. Conductometric analysis for control in alkaline pulping process 99. Wenger P. et al. Wenger P. E. et al. Micro-analysis of silicates. Analysing 1 8tb Century Chinese porcelain 226. Werquin et al. Wessel C. J. et al. Detmng. glycerol in presence of large concns. of gelatin 477. West Gi. B.et al. Colorimetric assay of simple solns. of adrenaline 179. *West J. L. Detmng. phosphorus in steel con-taining titanium 82. West P. W. et al. Detcng. bismuth with brucine citrate 143. - Micro-calomel electrode for polarographic measurements 316. Pptn. of dextrin in honey 92. Reaction for cerium 101. Micro-detmn. of arsenic 144 INDEX TO Whalley C. Microchemical analysis of ferrous alloys 355. Wheland G. W. Theory of Resonance and its Applications to Organic Chemistry. (Review), 392. Whistler R. L. et af. Separation of amylose and amylopectin by nitroparaffins 379. White W. et af. Interference of cystine with quant. nitroprusside test for methionine 382. Whitehouse K. et af. Detmng. “crude fibre” in distillers’ dried grain 312. Whitnack G.C. et af. Detmng. formaldehyde in presence of acrolein and other aldehydes by’ polarographic method 227. *Widdowson E. M. Sampling for metabolic studies 201. Widhe T. et af. Detmng. aneurine by thiochrome method after uptake by yeast 29. Wieland K. et af. Standard substance for spectral absorption measurements 146. Wiese H. K. et af. Detmng. peroxides in syn-thetic rubbers 480. Wiley H. F. et af. Williams D. et at. Detmng. manganese in caustic soda 224. Williams E. F. et af. Identifying melamine and urea resins in wet strength paper 272. *Williams K. A. Colour matching in blue value detmns. 21. *- Peroxide values and chromatographic separa-tion of oxidation products as guide to ageing of a turbine oil 409. - Review of Industrial Oil and Fat Products 437.Williams R. J. ef af. Growth stimulation for Lactobaczllus casea 97. - Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. Assay and utilisation of glutamic acid and glutamine by Lactobacillus arabinosus 478. - Thiamine (aneurine) detmn. 57. Williams R. T. ef af. Detmng. glucuronic acid by naphthoresorcinol reaction with photoelectric absorptiometer 27. Williams V R. Growth stimulants in Lactobacillqs arabinosus biotin assay 433. *Williamson L. et af. EIectrometric titration detmn. of water using Karl Fischer reagent 369. *Wilson C. L. Physical methods in micro-analysis, 231. - et af. Microchemical balance; Installations ; Cleaning 389. Wilson D. W. et aZ. Ditto ditto 389. *Wilson H. N. et af. Detmng. mono- and tri-ethylamine in commercially pure diethylamine 38.*Winsor G. W. et af. Thermal balance for igniting or drying analytical ppts. 336. *Winteringhsm F. P. W. Coarse or fine control micro-burette 173. - Detmng. residual ethylene dichloride in fumi-gated wheat products 93. Mass spectrometry 317. VOLUME 70 xv Winternitz J. K. et af. Estmng. histidine with 3.4-dichlorobenzene sulphonic acid 182. Winternitz W. et af. Ultra-violet absorption of irradiated vitamin A 28. Winzler R. J. et QZ. Spectrophotometric estmn. of small amounts of choline 479. Wise L. E. Quant. isolation of hemicelluloses from coniferous woods 223. - et af. Munson-Walker reducing values of less common sugars and sodium glycuronate 307. Wokes F. et af. Carotene and lycopene in rose hips etc. 28. - Vitamin B (aneurine and nicotinic acid) in malt extract 29.Wood A. A. R. et af. Metallurgical Analysis by Means of “Spekker” Absorptiometer. (Review), 148. Wood E. C. Calculating results of micro-bio-logical assays 312. *Wood E. G. et af. Rapid detmn. of fat in powders 173. Woodberry N T. et af. Identifying melamine and urea resins in wet strength paper 272. Woolaver L. B. et af. Thermal decomposition of perchlorates 483. Worden A. N. et af. Effect of unsaturated fatty acids on Lactobacillus helveticus 311. Wright L. D. et af. LactobaciZlus arabinosus in microbiological estmn. of pantothenic acid 139. Wright R. F. Appointment as Agricultural Analyst for Hastings County Borough 51. Wyatt G. H. Microfiltration 355. - Review of Modern Plastics 437. - Review of Semi-Micro Quant.Organic Analysis, 317. *Wyatt P. F. et af. Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of arsenic copper lead zinc and iron etc. in organic compounds e.g. medicinals, 232. Y Yndkin J. - Detcng. bile pigments in urine 309. Adsorption colorimetry as analytical technique 101. Z Zarow A. et af. Ziegler J. A. et af. Ziliotto H. et af. Zuckerman S. et at. Detmng. “crude fibre” in dis-tillers’ dried grain 312. Photometric destruction of riboflavin in milk and losses during processing 58. Detmng. nitrogen in nitriles 348. Identifying unsulphonated azo-2-naphthol dyes 142 XVi INDEX TO VOLUME 70 INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes published in The Analyst. A Abrasion resistance of paper base plastics and associated materials.Hoffman 317. Absorptiometer Metallurgical .Analysis by Means of “Spekker” - . Haywood and Wood (Re-view) 148. Absorption tube Closed __ for micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen. Langer 350. Absorptiveness Paraffin wax - of paper. TAPPI Tentative Standard T467 m-45. 227. Acetaldehyde Detmng. ethyl acetate in presence of __ Lindeken Clayton and Skoog 141. Acetic acid Estmng. error in Volhard analysis for chloride by titration in -. McKittrick and Schmidt 264. Estmng. pyridine content of pyridine- ~ mixture used in riboflavin detmn. Lanning and Roszmann 58. Acetobacter infection in beer - mobile (N.S.). TogiC and Walker 59. *Acetylene Rapid detmn. of phosphine and hydro-gen sulphide as impurities in - generated from commercial calcium carbide.Brameld, 279. *Acid(s) Apparatus for more accurate detmn. of hydrogen liberated from - by metals. Evans and Higgs 356. amides Detmng. unsubstituted -. Mitchell and Ashby 186. *Automatic pipette fitting for delivering - into Gerber tubes. Component - of milk fats of goat ewe and mare. Hilditch and Jasperson 218. hydrolysis Rapid detmn. of starch. Factors for starches and comparison with ___ and enzymic hydrolysis methods. Nielsen and Gleasofi 262. Polyethenoid - of C, series in milk and grass fats. Hilditch and Jasperson 308. salts of organic acids as pH standards. Speak-man and Smith 345. Aconitic acid Estmng. isocitric acid and cis- - in biological material. Krebs and Eggleston 219. Acrolein detmn. by means of tryptophan.Colori-metric micro method. Circle Stone and Roruff, 351. Detmng. formaldehyde in presence of __ and other aldehydes by polarographic method. Whitnack and Moshier 227. Actinasttum ; False residual chlorine values pro-duced by insol. manganese and effect of -in water supply. Schaut 269. Acyl phosphates Specific micro-estmn. of -. Lipmann and Tuttle 431. Adrenaline Colorimetric assay of simple solns. of -. Somers and West 179. Adsorption colorimetry as analytical technique. Yudkin 101. Advertisements Food Labels and -. Claims regarding Vitamin and Mineral Contents. Ministry of Food. 337. “Ageing Peroxide values and chromatographic separation of oxidation products as guide to - of turbine oil. Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1928.52. Air Apparatus for detcng. and estmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon vapours in --. Timmis 193. Blow-lamp method of detcng. organic halogen compounds in -. Timmis 192. resistance Detmng. - of paper. Fill and Stock 22. Williams 409. 148. Alanine Colorimetric micro-estmn. of a- - in blood. Alexander and Seligman 430. Replacement of pyridoxine for micro-organisms by d(-) __ and unidentified factor from casein. Snell 383. Albumin Estmng. - and globulin contents of human serum by methanol pptn. Pillemer and Hutchinson 309. Alcohol extraction Detmng. wax in cotton fibre. __ method. Conrad 143. Aldehydes Detmng. formaldehyde in presence of acrolein and other - by polarographic method. Whitnack and Moshier 227. *Alka,li(s) Kapid detmn.of - in Portland cement. Cornes 13 1. soils Leaching sol. salts from - without affecting exchangeable bases. Shawarbi and Pollard 2 7 1. solubility Detmng. - of cellulose. 30. Alkaline earth group Qual. micro-analysis of -. Belcher and Burton 389. Alkaline pulping process Conductometric analysis as method of control in -. Wells Martin and Moltzau 99. Alkaloids Estmng. basic organic compounds. Cinchona -. Brodie and Udenfriend 381. Micro-detmn. of - and other bases by photo-metric turbidimetry. Kyker .and Lewis 275. Nature and specificity of Vitali-Morin reaction for solanaceous -. of Delphinium Ajacis. Hunter 179. Alkyl lithium compounds Quant. analysis of -. Gilman and Haubein 221. Alkylanilines Detmng. aniline in -. Haslam and Hearn 347.Alkylsulphonamides Prepn. and properties of sulphonacetamides. Separating sulphonamides from N- -. *Alloy@) Cobalticyanide ion as precipitant for metal ions. Detmng. cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium- ; silver in lead; manganese in citrate solns. Evans and Higgs 158. Detcng. beryllium in copper-base -. Culcsar, 386. Detcng. nickel in aluminium -. Hibbert 100. Detcng. nickel. Spot test for high conductivity copper --. Edwards 100. Detmng. copper in aluminium -. Weinberg, 273. Detmng. small amounts of nickel in aluminium ~ (Duralumin). Trikov and Lapshina 348. *Detmng. thickness and composition of tin-lead ___ coatings on steel (terne plate). Price 10. *Detmng. traces of sulphur dioxide especially detmng. sulphur in ferro- -.Ingram 231, 423. Gravimetric detmn. of silicon in aluminium -. Osborn and Clark 349. *Photometric analysis of copper-base -. Detmng. manganese by oxidation a t room temp. High 18. *Photometric analysis of copper-base -. Detmng. nickel. High 258. *Photometric detmn. of silicon in aluminium and its -. Hadley 43. *Polarographic detmn. of nickel in copper base -. Milner 468. Polarographic detmn. of sodium in aluminium and its -. James and Roberts 341. Openshaw and Spring 340. Urech and Sulzberger 147 Alloy(~) -continued Rapid electrolytic detmn. of zinc in magnesium -. Spectrographic analysis of magnesium -. Averbach 436. *Alloying elements Spot-tests for detmng. - in steel. Evans and Higgs 75. Alumina ca;talysts for organic reactions.Bentley and Feachem 314. *Detmng. small quantities of silica - and lime in tungsten carbide powder. Shanahan 42 1. Rapid detmn. of ~ in titanium pigments. Baker and Martin 483. *Aluminium Artificial colour standards for use with Houghton's method of detmn. -. Haslam and Alcock 335. Colorimetric detmn. of - in - steel. Craft and Makepeace 274. Detmng. - in spelter. Pollak and Pellowe, 314. "Detmng. iron manganese and - in bronzes and brasses after separating copper as oxalate. Edwards and Gailer 365. *L)etmng. small amounts of - in water by haematoxylin. Houghton 335. *Photometric detmn. of silicon in __ and its alloys. Hadley 43. Polarographic detmn. of sodium in __ and its alloys. Urech and Sulzberger 147. Rapid volumetric detmn.of -. Snyder 189. Tannin separation of beryllium and -. Sears Aluminium a,lloy(s) Detcng. nickel in -. Detmng. copper in -. Detmng. small amounts of nickel in - (Dura-lumin). Trikov and Lapshina 348. Gravimetric detmn. of silicon in -. Osborn and Clark 349. "Photometric detmn. of silicon in aluminium and -. Hadley 43. Polarographic detmn. of sodium in aluminium and -. Aluminous materials Photometric detmn. of silica in - . Brabson Harvey Maxwell and Schaeffer 192. Aluminous ore Analysing - using spark spectra. Churchill and Russell 27G. Amides Detmng. unsubstituted acid -. Mitchell and Ashby 186. Amidines Estmng. aromatic -. *Amines Colorimetric estmn. of long-chain ali-phatic -. p-Aminoacetophenone Diazotised ~ in estmng. pl-ridoxine.Amino acids Microbiological estmn. of -. Assay and utilisation of glutamic acid and glutamine by Lactobacillus arabinosus. Hac, Snell and Williams 478. Microbiological estmn. of -. Assay of aspartic acid with Leuconostoc mesenteroides. Hac and Snell 479. Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen content of - and proteins. Miller and Houghton 479. Specific decarboxylase prepns. in estmng. -and in protein analysis. *Theory and practice of micro-biological assay of vitamin 13 complex with assay of selected ~ and potassium. Barton-Wright 283. yielded by yeast sunflower seed meal and sesame seed after hydrolysis of fat-free tissue. Block and Bolling 264. Amino nitrogen Colorimetfic estmn. of -. Russell 22 1. Boyd Nonvitz and Weinberg 483. and Gung 33.Hibbert 100. Weinberg 273. Urech and Sulzberger 147. Fuller 383. Hopewell and Page 17. Brown Bina and Thomas 382. Gale 309. VWLUlMJL 7 0 xvii *5-Amino-acridine hydrochloride Assay of -. Amor and Foster 174. Aminoazoxylene Detmng. - in D & C Red No. 18. Evenson 93. *p-Aminodimethylaniline Detmng. free chlorine and chloramine in water using -. Palin, 203. Ammonia Colorimetric estmn. of small amounts of __ by phenol-hypochlorite reaction. Russell, 225. Oxidimetric detmn. of -. Detmng. small amounts of - by titration with permanga-nate. Hurka and RudiiC 433. Ammonium salts Colorimetric detmn. of quater-nary -. Auerbach 143. Amperometric detmn. of sulphates. Davies and Key 435. nitroparaffins. Whistler and Hilbert 379.Amylose Ditto ditto 379. *Analysis Biological assay and chemical -. Bacharach 394. Carbohydrate - as applied to honey. Hurd, Englis Bonner and Rogers 216. Colorimetric -. Allport (Keview) 193. Desiccants in microchemical -. Barraclough, 351. Equipment used in quant. - . Proposed minimum requirements. Guettell 147. Formation of Group dealing with Biological Methods of -. SOC. of Public Analysts, 229 277. Metallurgical - by Means of "Spekker" Absorptiometer. Haywood and Wood (Re-view) 148. Qual. inorganic micro- - without hydrogen sulphide. Belcher and Burton 433. Qual. micro- - of alkaline earth group. Belcher and Burton 389. Qual. spectrographic -. Standen 191. Report of 1943-44 Methods of - Sub-Com-mittee on Detmng. Iron in Cereal Products.Howe 178. Report of 1943-44 Methods of - Su b-Com-mittee on Riboflavin Assay. Andrews 344. Report of 1943-44 Methods of - Sub-Com-mittee on Thiamine (Aneurine) Assay. Andrews, 185. *Sampling foods for nutritional -. Mawson, 195. Semi-Micro Quantitative Organic -. Belcher and Godbert (Review) 317. Techniques of quant. spectrographic -. Churchill 146. Text Book of Qual. - including Semi-micro Qual. -. 3rd Edn. Vogel (Review) 485. *Use of infra-red spectra for -. Thompson, 443. *X-ray powder diffraction method in quant. -. Detmng. small amounts of calcium oxide in magnesium oxide; zinc oxide in zinc sulphide. Rooksby 166. Analyst Change of Editorship of The -. 355. Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Poisons Hazards and Solvents.2nd Edn. Jacobs (Review), 36. "Analytical electrodeposition Magnetic stirring in - of metals. Webb 301. Analytical technique Adsorption colorimetry as -. Yudkin 101. Aneurine Detmng. - by thiochrome method after uptake by yeast. Marcuse Widhe and Sperber 29. Amylopectin Separating amylose and - by *Physics and the -. Chirnside 110 xviii INDEX TO Aneurine-continued Inhibition of utilisation of - and - diphos-phate for growth of micro-organisms. Sarett and Cheldelin 138. Lactobacillus fermentum 36 for - assay. Sarett and Cheldelin 139. Macro-fermentation method for - assay. Scrimshaw and Qlewart 96. Modification of colorimetric method for routine - clearance tests. Hochberg and Melnick, 138. New oxidation of - to thiochrome and estmn. of - in oats.Rapid method for -. Perlzweig Kamin Gue and Blalock 185. Simultaneous detmn. of - and nicotinamide methochloride. Coulson 29. Thiamine (-) detmn. Eppright and Williams, 57. Vitamin B (- and nicotinic acid) in malt extract. Aniline Detmng. - in alkylanilines. Haslam and Hearn 347. *Detmng. - in mixtures of - methyl -and dimethyl - by picryl chloride. Haslam and Sweeney 413. oil-methylene blue stain for direct microscopical count of bacteria in dried milk and dried eggs. North 384. points Infra-red heat in detmng. -. Hopkins, 353. Animal tissues Detmng. free choline in -. Luecke and Pearson 56. Annual Reports of the Progress of Chemistry for 1943. Vol. XL. Chemical SOC. (Review) 36. Anthracene Detmng. small amounts of - in tar and tar oil fractions.Cropper and Strafford, 32. Anticoagulant Detmng. plasma mepacrine.' Note on -. 183. *Antimony Cobalticyanide ion as precipitant for metal ions. Detmng. cadmium in lead- __ -cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium alloys ; silver in lead; manganese in citrate solns. Evans and Higgs 158. Polarographic detmn. of - in hard lead. Kraus and Novak 390. *chloride Dynamic method for observing -reaction with vitamin A and related sub-stances. Gibson and Taylor 449. *trichloride method Estmng. vitamin A by -using Spekker photoelectric absorptiometer. Innes and Birch 304. *Vol. detmn. of tin and - in brasses and bronzes after separation by distillation. Leh-mann 428. *Antipyrine for micro-analysis of tannins. Xieren-stein 132. Antique purple Characteristic reaction of - on fibres.Driessen 62. Apparatus Conductometric titration - Buras and Reid 102. for automatic control of electrodeposition with graded cathode potential. Caldwell Parker and Diehl 146. for detcng. and estmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon vapours in air. Timmis 193. for detmng. oxygen absorption of fats. Pvlenaker, Shaner and Triebold 477. for measuring rate of gas penetration through food-packaging materials. Smith and Kleiber, 147. Catch, Cook and Kitchener 349. Holman 184. Organ James and Wokes 29. for micro-titrations with glass electrode. VOLUME 70 Apparatus-continued *for more accurate detmn. of hydrogen liberated from acids by metals. Evans and Higgs 356. *Simple - for handling standard solns. of bromine in potassium bromide.Henry 259. Apples Detmng. undecomposed DDT spray de-posits on - from total organic chlorine con-tent. Fahey 312. Applied Chemistry Reports of the Progress of -. Vol. XXIII 1943. SOC. of Chemical Industry. (Review) 149. Appointments Official 51. Apricot kernel Report on - oils (volatile -oil). Australian Science Research Liaison 25. Arc Effect of extraneous elements on spectral line intensity in cathode-layer -. Scott 436. Spectrographic detcn. of selenium in d.c. -flame. Feldman 390. Spectrographic limit of detcn. of phosphorus, titanium and zirconium in d.c. -. Norman and Johnson 390. Arginine Colorimetric estmn. of - in protein hydrolysates and human urine. Albanese and Frankston 431. Micro-estmn. of glycocyamine and - by means of synthetic ion exchange resin for chromato-graphic separation.Sims 341. Aromatic amidines Estmng. -. Army Malea Research Unit. Detmng. plasma mepacrine. Note on anticoagulant. 183. "Arsenic content of grain dried directly with flue gas. Jones and Dawson 256. *in dried parsley. Micro-detmn. of -. Lespagnol Merville and Werquin 144. *Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of -, copper lead zinc and iron in organic com-pounds e.g. medicinals. Strafford Wyatt and Kershaw 232. Schneider distillation in detmng. small amounts of -. Schaaf and Maurer 101. *Artificial colour standards for use with Houghton's method of detmng. aluminium. Haslam and Alcock 335. *Ascorbic acid Electrometric detmn. of -. Liebmann and Ayres 411.*Over-ripe -. Steuart 172. Fuller 383. Garratt and Taylor 48. Qual. test for -. Tipson 478. Aspartic acid Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. Assay of - with Leuconostoc mesen-teroides. Hac and Snell 479. Microbiological estmn. of - and serine. Stokes and Gunness 265. *Assay(s) Biological - and chemical analysis. Bacharach 394. Calculating results of microbiological -. Wood 312. Report of 1943-44 Methods of Analysis Sub-Committee on Riboflavin -. Andrews 344. Report of 1943-44 Methods of Analysis Sub-Committee on Thiamine -. Andrews 185. Atmospheric pollution Investigation of -, Summary report on observations during year ended 31st March 1944. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research. 214. Atropa Belladonna Linn. Histology of belladonna root.I. -. 11. Indian belladonna. Mel-ville 136. Australian Research Liaison Australian tea tree (ti-tree) oils. 31. Australian Science Research Liaison Report on apricot kernel oils 25. Australian tea tree (ti-tree) oils. Australian Re-search Liaison 31 INDEX TO Autoxidised fatty systems Tests for supposed a-dicarbonyl compounds in -. Jasperson, Jones and Lord 345. Auxins in organic manures. Hamence 314. Avian salmonellosis. Types of Salmonella isolated a n d relation to public health. Hinshaw, McNeil and Taylor 140. hides Assay of lead and sodium -. Arnold 273. *Azo dyes as quant. precipitants of tannin. Davies, Nierenstein and Webster 17. Azo-%naphthol dyes Identifying some important unsulphonated - . Koch Milligan and Zuckerman 142.B Bacon (Addition of Borax) Order 1940 Order re-voking-. 23. Bacteria Aniline oil-methylene blue stain for direct microscopical count of - in dried milk and dried eggs. North 384. Effect of temp. humidity and glycol vapours on viability of air-borne -. Bactericidal substance Presence in raw cow’s milk of a - specific for certain strains of coliform organisms. Moms 97. *Baking powder Detmng. carbon dioxide in car-bonate - etc. Fuller 87. Balance Problems concerning micro-chemical -. Installations. Cleaning. Wilson and Wilson, 389. Recent improvements in precision - and efficacy of rhodium plating for standard weights. Manley 484. *Thermal - for igniting or drying analytical ppts. Gregg and Winsor 336. Barbiturates Identifying -.Castle and Poe, 262. *Barium Rapid simple detmn. of calcium in presence of strontium and -. Osborn 207. monochloroacetate Identifying monochloro-acetic acid as -. Base(s) Detmng. total - of serum by ion ex-change reactions of synthetic resins. Polis and Reinhold 218. Detmng. volatile - in fish. Comparing pre-cision of methods. Stansby Harrison Dassow and Sater 53. Leaching of sol. salts from alkali soils without affecting exchangeable -. Shawarbi and Pollard 271. photometric turbidimetry. Kyker and Lewis, 275. Basic organic compounds Estmng. - . Cin-chona alkaloids. Brodie and Udenfriend 381. Bast fibres Microscope tests for cottonised - in presence of cotton and Zellwolle. Haller 188. Beer Acetobacter infection in - ; A cetobacter mobile (N.S.).Report on colour and turbidity in - and wort. Nissen 24. Riboflavin in - and in brewing process. Tullo and Stringer 268. Sulphur dioxide in -. wort Colorimetric estmn. of traces of metal in -. Essery 387. Belladonna Histology of - root. I. Atropa - Linn. 11. Indian -. Melville 136. Bengal Government of - Chemical Ex-aminer’s Report for 1942. 23. Bentley and Driver Text-book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (-) . 4th Edn. Driver (Review), 228. De Ome 97. Eisenberg 388. by Micro-detmn. of alkaloids and other -TogiC and Walker 59. Taylor 135. VOLUME 70 xix Benzidine Detmng. sulphate by - method. McKittrick and Schmidt 316. Beryllium Detcng. - in copper-base alloys. Culcsar 386. Tannin separation of - and aluminium. Sears and Gung 33.Bile pigments Simple detcn. of - in urine Yudkin 309. Bioassays Inositol-less mutant strain of Neztrospora and use in -. *Biological assay and chemical analysis. Bacharach, 394. Biological material(s) Chemical estmn. of pyridoxine in - and pharmaceutical products. Mul-tiple nature of vitamin B,. Hochberg Melnick and Oser 95. Detmng. cobalt in -. Ellis and Thompson, 433. Estmng. iso-citric and cis-aconitic acids in -. Krebs and Eggleston 219. Biological Methods of Analysis Formation of Group dealing with -. SOC. of Public Analysts. 229. Biological Micro-technique Discovery of Uses of Colouring Agents in -. Baker (Review) 229. Biological mixtures Estmng. formaldehyde in -. McFadyen 310. Biological products Colorimetric estmn. of phenyl-alanine in -.Albanese 137. Biotin Growth stimulants in Lactobacillus arabino-sus - assay. Williams 433. Neurospora for estmng. choline and - in milk products. Hodson 268. 2 2-Bis-(p-chloropheny1)-1 1 1-trichloroethme : see DDT. Bismuth Colorimetric detmn. of - with dimer-captothiobiazole. Majumdar 189. Detcng. - with brucine citrate. West and Tokos 143. *Detmng. and separating - and magnesium, using 8-hydroxyquinoline Haynes 129. Detmng. - with phenyldithiobiazolone thiol. Majumdar 224. Biuret reaction of proteins in presence of ethylene glycol. Mehl 264. Black pepper from Sierra Leone. Bray and Major, 308. *Blood Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus es-pecially - phosphorus. Jones 298. Colorimetric micro-estmn. of a-alanine in -.Alexander and Seligman 430. Estmng. uric acid in human -. Brown 381. Field method for direct estmn. of mepacrine in plasma and -. Microvolumetric detmn. of iron especially in -. Ramsay 218. plasma Chem. estmn. of tocopherols in -. Quaife and Harris 183. plasma Detmng. - iron. Kitzes Elvehjem and Shuette 55. serum Estmng. thiocyanate in -. Bowler, 181. *Vol. detmn. of sodium in - and serum. Morton 247. Blow-lamp method of detcng. organic halogen compounds in air. Timmis 192. *Blue value Colour matching in - detmns. Williams 21. Board Detmng. suitability of component parts for V- - production. Buoyancy test. Ulm 228. Farebrother 391. Body fluids Estmng. bromide in -. Sharpe 181. Boiler water Detmng. nitrate in - by brucine Beadle 184.King and Gilchrist 382. Rigidity testing of paper -. reagent. Noll 481 xx INDEX TO Book Reviews : Allport. Colorimetric Analysis. 193. Bailey. Industrial Oil and Fat Products. 437. Baker. Discovery of the Uses of Colouring Agents in Biological Microtechnique. 229. Barron. Modern Plastics. 437. Belcher and Godbert. Semi-Micro Quantitative Analysis. 3 17. Burk and Grummitt. Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. 111. Advances in Nuclear Chemistry and Theoretical Organic Chemistry. 485. Chemical Society. Annual Reports of the Pro-gress of Chemistry Vol. XL 1943. Drake. Organic Syntheses Annual Publication of Satisfactory Methods for the Prepn. of Organic Chemicals. Vol. 24. 103. Driver. Text-book of Pharmaceutical Chem?stry (Bentley and Driver) 4th Edn.Gaddum. Pharmacology. 2nd Edn. 64. Gridgeman. Estmn. of Vitamin A. 193. Haywood and Wood. Metallurgical Analysis by Means of the “Spekker” Absorptiomekr. 148. Jacobs. Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Poisons Hazards and Solvents. 2nd Edn. 36. Ling. Textbook of Dairy Chemistry 2nd Edn. Vol. I Theoretical. 277. Vol. 11 Practical. 391. Selwood. Magneto-Chemistry. 35. Society of Chemical Industry. Vogel. Wheland. 36. 228. Reports of the Progress of Applied Chemistry Vol. XXIII, 1943. 149. Text Book of Qual. Analysis including Semi-micro Qual. Analysis. 3rd Edn. 485. Theory of Resonance and its Applica-tions to Organic Chemistry. 392. Borax as standard buffer soln. Order revoking the Bacon (Addition of -) Order 1940. 23. Order revoking the Margarine (Addition of -) Order 1940.23. Boron Estmng. trace elements in soils and plants. - and manganese. Sastry and Viswanath, 220. Bovine secretions F.-pt. of artificially induced -. Veinoglou 179. *Brass(es) Detmng. iron manganese and alumin-ium in bronzes and - after separating copper as oxalate. *Photometric detmn. of lead in -. Oughtred, 253. *Polarographic detmn. of lead in - and bronzes. Milner 250. *Vol. detmn. of tin and antimony in - and bronzes after separation by distillation. Leh-mann 428. Bread (Control and Max. Prices) (No. 2) Order 1943. Amendment. 177. Brenthol AS series Detmng. members of - or Naphtol AS series by ultra-violet absorption. Giles 147. Brewing process Riboflavin in beer and in -. Tullo and Stringer 268.British Pharmaceutical Codex Anal ysing pastilles of - Evers and Smith 25. British Pharmacopoeia 1932. Seventh Addendum. 91. British Standards Institution Specifications : No. 350. Notice of Draft Specifications : Laughlan 34. Edwards and Gailer 365. Conversion factors and tables 23. Burettes with pressure filling device and auto-Wash-out pipettes 377. 181. matic zero 377. Bromide Estmng. - in body fluids. Sharpe, VOLUME 70 Bromine Micro-detmn. of chlorine and - in organic compounds. Grangaud 14k *Simple apparatus for handling standard solns. of - in potassium bromide. Use of - in estmng. cellulose in plant materials. Shrikhande 30. Bronze(s) Analysing manganese -. Ravner, 224. *Detmng. iron manganese and aluminium in -and brasses after separating copper as oxalate.Edwards and Gailer 365. *Polarographic detmn. of lead in brasses and -. Milner 250. *Vol. detmn. of tin and antimony in brasses and - after separation by distillation. Leh-mann 428. Brucine citrate Detcng. bismuth with -. West and Tokos 143. Detmng. nitratetin boiler water by - reagent. Noll 481. Buffer soln. Borax as standard -. Laughlan, 34. Buoyancy test Detmng. suitability of component parts for V-board production. - . Ulm, 228. *Burette(s) Coarse or fine-control micro- -. Winteringham 173. with pressure filling device and automatic zero. Notice of draft B.S. Specification. Henry 259. 377. C *Cadmium Cobalticyanide ion as precipitant for metal ions. -Detmng. - in lead-antimony-- and lead-tin- - alloys; silver in lead; manganese in citrate solns.Evans and Higgs, 158. Calcium Microdetmn. of -. Kochakian and Fox 191. *Rapid simple detmn. of - in presence of strontium and barium. Osborn 207. Volumetric detmn. of -. Lingane 189. *Calcium carbide Rapid detmn. of phosphine and hydrogen sulphide as impurities in acetylene generated from commercial -. Brameld, 279. *Calcium hydride Detmng. water by -. Perry-man 45. *Calcium oxide X-ray powder diffraction in quant. analysis. Detmng. small amounts of - in magnesium oxide; zinc oxide in zinc sulphide. Rooksby 166. Calcium sulphate Spot reactions. Identifying -. Feigl and Braile 225. Calibrators Soap film -. *Calomel electrode Dip-type -, Canned Fruit and Vegetables Order 1945.Canned Meat Meat Products Canned Soup and - (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. Amendments 1945. 90 306 476. carbon dioxide value of drained muscle tissue. Charnley 14. Canned Soup Meat Products - and Canned Meat (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. Amendments 1945. 90 306 476. Canned Vegetables Canned Fruit and - Order, 1945. 260. Canning Experimental studies of decomposition of oysters for -. Detmng. indole. King, Flvnn and Gowanloch. 377. Gooderham 102. Scott 476. 260. Micro- - for polarographic measurements. West and Amis 316. *Canned salmon. Estmng. freshness of - b INDEX TO Carbohydrate analysis as applied to honey. Hurd, Englis Bonner and Rogers 216. Carbon Closed absorption tube for micro-detmn. of - and hydrogen.Langer 350. *Detmng. - in ferrous materials. Cotton, 466. *Micro-detmn. of - by wet combustion. Houghton 118 172. *Carbon dioxide Detmn. of - in carbonate, baking powder etc. Fuller 87. *value Estmng. freshness of canned salmon by - of drained muscle tissue. Charnley 14. *Carbonate Detmng. carbon dioxide in -, baking powder etc. Fuller 87. Carotene and lycopene in rose hips and other fruits. Jacoby and Wokes 28. Biological value of - from various sources and effect of vitamin E on utilisation of - and vitamin A. Guggenheim 28. CamPrice colour Effect of light on stability of -in estmng. vitamin A. Caldwell and Parrish, 311. Casein New detmn. of tyrosine and use in detmng. tyrosine content of edestin - and tobacco mosaic virus Thomas 266.Replacement of pyridoxine for micro-organisms by d(-) alanine and unidentified factor from -. Snell 383. *Cast iron Composite detmn. of silicon manganese and phosphorus in - and steel. Harrison, 362. Cathode-layer arc Effect of extraneous elements on spectral line intensity in -. potential Apparatus for automatic control of electrodeposition with graded -. Caldwell, Parker and Diehl 146. Catalysts Alumina - for organic reactions. Bentley and Feachem 314. Caustic soda Detmng. manganese in -. Williams and Andes 224. Cellulose Detmng. alkali solubility of -. 30. Scott 436. Detmng. cuprammonium viscosity of - using Hoeppler viscosimeter. Hisey and Brandon, 192. hydrate Importance and recognition of super-molecular structure of - fibres.Siebourg, 353. Use of bromine in estmng. - in plant materials. Shrikhande 30. Cement Detmng. Portland - in drilling muds and soil- - mixtures. Mihram and Brown 274. *Rapid detmn. of alkalis in Portland -. Cornes 131. Spectrographic detmn. of sodium potassium and lithium in Portland -. Helz 352. Cereal(s) Applying Karl Fischer reagent to detmng. moisture in - and - products. Fosnot and Haman 339. Microbiological assay of nicotinic acid in - etc. Barton-Wright 95. products Biological activity of precursor of nicotinic acid in -. Krehl Elvehjem and Strong 140. Products Report of 1943-44 Methods of Analysis Sub-committee on Detmng. Iron in -. Howe 178. Cerium Reaction for -. Wenger Rusconi and Duckert 101. Ceylon Report 14 of Essential Oil Sub-committee of Analytical Methods Committee.Solubility test for - citronella oil 442. Chapman and McFarlane method Detmng. per-oxide value of edible fats and oils. Influence of atmosDheric oxvnen in -. Lea. 3G8. VOLUME 70 xxi Chemicals Organic Syntheses Annual Publication of Satisfactory Methods for Prepn. of Organic -. Vol. 24. Drake (Review) 103. Chemical Society Annual Reports of the Progress of Chemistry for 1943. Vol. XL. (Review), 36. Chemistry Ditto ditto 36. Frontiers in - . Vol. 111. Advances in Nuclear - and Theoretical Organic -. Burk and Grummitt (Review) 485. Reports of the Progress of Applied -. Vol. XXIII 1943. SOC. of Chemical Industry. (Review) 149. Textbook of Dairy -. Vol. I. Theoretical. 2nd Edn. Ling (Review) 277.Vol. 11. Practical 391. Text-book of Pharmaceutical - (Bentley and Driver). 4th Edn. Driver (Review) 228. Theory of Resonance and Applications to Organic -. Wheland (Review) 392. Chinese porcelain Micro-analysis of silicates. Analysing 18th Century -. Wenger and Besso 226. *Chloramine Detmng. free chlorine and - in water using p-aminodimethylaniline. Palin, 203. Chloride Estmng. error in Volhard analysis for -by titration in acetic acid. McKittrick and Schmidt 264. *solution Pptng. titanium by tannin from -. Schoeller and Holness 3 19. Chlorinated hydocarbon vapours Apparatus for detcng. and estmng. - in air. Timmis 193. *Chlorine Detmng. free - and chloramine in water using p-aminodimethylaniline. Palin, 203. Detmng. undecomposed DDT spray deposits on apples from total organic - con tent .Fahey 312. False residual - values produced by insol. manganese and effect of Actinastrum in water supply. Schaut 269. Micro-detmn. of - and bromine in organic compounds. Grangaud 144. Cholesterol Colour test for oils and resins with Hirschsohn reagent for -. Choline Detmng. free - in animal tissues. Luecke and Pearson 56. Estmng. -. Glick 181. Neurospora for estmng. - and biotin in milk products. Hodson 268. Spectrophotomtric estmn. of small amounts of -. Winzler and Meserve 479. Chromatographic method Qual. analysis of pro-teins. Partition - using paper. Consden, Gordon and Martin 31. Chromatographic separation Micro-estmn. of glyco-cyamine and arginine by means of synthetic ion exchange resin for --.*Peroxide values and - of oxidation products as guide to ageing of turbine oil. Williams, 409. Chrome leather Detmng. p-nitrophenol in full -. Ganday 348. Cinchona alkaloids Estmng. basic organic com-pounds. - . Brodie and Udenfriend 381. cis-Aconitic acid Estmng. iso-citric acid and -in biological material. Krebs and Eggleston, 219. *atrate Cobalticyanide ion as precipitant for metal ions. Detmng. cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium alloys ; silver in lead; manganese in - solns. Evans and Brinker 187. Sims 341. 2" Higgs 158 xxii INDEX TO Citric acid detmn. Goldberg and Bernheim 136. Estmng. iso- - and cis-aconitic acid in bio-logical material. Krebs and Eggleston 219. Citronella oil Report 14 of Essential Oil Sub-Com-mittee of Analytical Methods Committee.Solubility test for Ceylon - 442. Coal Micro-detmn. of fluorine in -. Crossley 33. Coal gas Detmng. small quantities of nitric oxide in -. Dudden 482. Coal-tar colours Spectrophotometric analysis of -. Ext D & C Yellow No. 5 . Clark and Newburger 93. Coatings Rapid evaluation of paper -. Diefen-bach 352. Cobalt Detmng. - in biological material. Ellis and Thompson 433. Detmng. iron in presence of -. Two-com-ponenr colorimetric method. Brown 349. *Cobalticyanide ion as pptant. for metal ions. Detmng . cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium alloys ; silver in lead ; manganese in citrate solns. Evans and Higgs, 158. Coffee Essences Food Standards (Liquid -) Order 1945.214. (Retail Prices) Order 1943. Amendment. 178. Coke-oven gas Detmng. hydrocyanic acid es-pecially in -. Shaw Hartigan and Coleman, 140. Coliform organisms Presence in raw cow’s milk of -a bactericidal substance specific for certain strains of -. Morris 97. Colorimeter Photoelectric - for vitamin A detmn. Morton 178. Colorimetric Analysis. Allport (Review) 193. Colorimetric method Detmng. iron in presence of cobalt. Two-component -. Brown 349. Colo+etry Adsorption - as analytical tech-nique. Yudkin 101. *Colour matching in blue value detmns. Williams, 21. Report on - and turbidity in beer and wort. Nissen 24. *standards Artificial- for use with Houghton’s method of detmng. aluminium. Haslam and Alcock 335. *Tannin content of Potamogeton species and its effect on - of iron-containing inland waters.Nierenstein 427. test for resins in vanilla extract. Fitelson and Riggs 379. *Coloured solutions Indicator for titrating halides in -. Colouring Agents Discovery of Uses of - in Biological Micro-technique Baker (Review), 229. *Combustion Micro-detmn. of carbon by wet. -. Houghton 118 172. Condensed Milk (Milk Content) Order 1940 Order revoking the - 23. Gentry and Sherrington 460. Public Health (-) Regulations 1923. Conditioning paper and paperboard for testing. 100. Conductometric analysis as method of control in Wells Martin and Conductometric titration apparatus. Buras and Coniferous woods Quant. isolation of hemicelluloses Conversion factors and tables.Conway micro-burette Adapting - for delivery of larger volumes of fluid. Copper Detmng. - in aluminium alloys. Wein-berg 273. 52. alkaline pulping process. Moltzau 99. Reid 102. from -. Wise 223. B.S. Specn. 23. Levvy 103. VOLUME 70 Copper-continued *Detmng. iron manganese and aluminium in bronzes and brasses after separating - as oxalate. Edwards and Gailer 365. Micro-detmn. of - with polarograph. Car-ruthers 435. *Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of arsenic - read zinc and iron in organic compounds e.g. medicinals. Strafford Wyatt and Kershaw 232. Spectrophotometric detmn. of traces of - with rubeanic acid. Sulphamic acid in __ electrolysis. Silverman, 273. Copper alloys Detcng. nickel. Spot test for high conductivity -.Edwards 100. Copper-base alloys Detcng. beryllium in -. Culcsar 386. *Photometric analysis of -. Detmng. man-ganese by oxidation a t room temp. High 18. *Photometric analysis of -. Detmng. nickel. High 258. *Polarographic detmn. of nickel in - Milner, 468. Cordials Definition and Breadih of Warranty. (Legal Notes) 90. Corrosion-resistant steels Colorimetric detmn. of lead in -. Photoelectric detmn. of titanium in -. Milner Proctor and Weinberg 275. Corrosivity Measuring existent - of used engine oils. Cotton fibre Detmng. wax in -. Alcohol ex-traction method. Conrad 143. *Micro-methods in analysing -. Corner 231. Microscbpe tests for cottonised bast fibres in presence of - and Zellwolle. Cottonised bast fibres Ditto ditto 188. Cottonseed Detmng.extractable gossypol in -and - meal. Boatner Caravella and Kyame 59. Coumarin Detcng. - derivatives in drugs. Casparis and Manella 179. Count Aniline oil-methylene blue stain for direct microscopical - of bacteria in dried milk and dried eggs. North 384. Coverage Ink - detmn. and relation to print-ability. Buchdahl and Polglase 437. . Cow’s milk Presence in raw - of a bactericidal substance specific for certain strains of coliform organisms. Morris 97. Crestinhe Colorimetric estmn. of - by Jaffe reaction. Bonsnes and Taussky 382. Crude fibre Rapid detmn. of - in distillers’ dried grain. Whitehouse Zarow and Shay 312. Cryoscopic molecular weight detmn. Modification of Rast method of micro- - . Keller and Halban 191. Culture media Prepn.of clarified malt wort for -. ToSiC and Walker 59. Cuprammonium viscosity Detmng. - of cellu-lose using Hoeppler viscosinieter. Hisey and Brandon 192. *Curd Estmng. dried egg in fruit -. Bagnall and Smith 211. Custard powder Report bn -. Ministry of Food Interdepartmental Committee on Food Standards. 176. *Cyanide Estmng. micro quantities of - and thiocyanate. Aldridge 474. Improved phenolphthalein technique for micro-detmn. of -. Robbie 62. Cystine estmn. in proteins and foods. Csunka, Lichtenstein. and Denton 182. Center and MacIntosh 276. Bricker and Proctor 483. Larsen Armfield and Grenot 223. Haller 188 INDEX TO VOLUME 70 xxiii Cystinecontinued Interference of - with quant. nitroprusside Spectrophotometer in detmng.- by Sullivan's test for methionine. reaction. Evans 138. White and Koch 382. D D & C Red No. 18 Detmng. aininoazoxylene in -. Evenson 93. Dairy Chemistry Textbook of - . VOl. I. Theoretical. 2nd Edn. Ling (Review) 277. Vol. 11. Practical. 391. DDT Colorimetric detmn. of -. Bailes and Payne 481. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of 2 2-bis-(p-chloro-pheny1)-1 1 l-trichloroethane (-). Stiff and Castillo 350. Detmng. undecomposed - spray deposits on apples from total organic chlorine content. Fahey 312. Quant. estmn. of - and - spray or dust deposits. Gunther 270. Decarboxylase Specific - prepns. in estmng. amino acids and in protein analysis. Gale 309. Decomposition Experimental studies on - of oysters for canning. Detmng. indole. King, Flynn and Gowanloch 377.Defence (General) Regulations 1939 Order adding Regulation 6OCAA to - Nov. 23 1944. 133. Dehydrated vegetables Vapour pressure measure-ments as index to moisture in -. Fisch-bach 307. Dehydrogenase Extension of Thunberg technique for measuring - activity. Walker and Schmidt 58. Delphinium Ajacis Alkaloids of -. Hunter, 179. Dept. of Health for Scotland Freezing-point (Hortvet) test of milk. 90. Dept. of. Scientific and Industrial Research Investi-gation of atmosphenc pollution. Summary report on observations during year ended 31st March 1944. 214. Dertis Applying modified red colour test for rotenone and related compounds to - and Lonchocarpus. Jones 385. rotenone content. Bray 99. Desiccants in microchemical analysis.Barra-clough 351. Desizing materials Enzymic splitting of starch and evaluation of - . Rath Keppler and Roesling 61. Deuterium oxide Estmng. I_ by Hill-Baldes vapour tension apparatus. Lifson Lorber and Hill 310. Devarda's alloy Effect of silica on quant. reduction of nitrates with -. Rrabson and Karchmer, 314. Devarda method Micro-detmn. of nitrates by -. Kieselbach 225. Dextrin Pptn. of - in honey. Diameter Relationship of - of derris roots to Diastatic activity Report on - of malt. Dickson, Diazotised p-minoacetophenone in estmng. pyri-*Diazotised p-nitraniline Reaction of - with Dectng. tricresyl phosphate in edible 4 Regulation 6OCAA of -. 52 134. roots Relationship of diameter of - to Walton 92. rotenone content.Bray 99. 24. doxine. phenols. oil. Collins 326. Brown Bina and Thomas 382. Dicarbonyl compounds Micro-estmn. of -. Neu-berg and Straws 389. Tests for supposed a- - in autoxidised fatty systems. 3 4-Dichlorobenzene sulphonic acid Estmng. histi-dine with -. Vickery and Winternitz, 182. 2 6-Dichloroquinone-chloroimide i Detcng. and estmng. uric acid by -. *Dichromate Volumetric analysis of - -vanadate mixtures. Berry 371. Dienoestrol Colorimetric estmn. of diethylstil-boestrol hexoestrol and -. Malpress 384. *Diethylamine Detmng. mono- and tri-ethylamine in commercially pure - . Wilson and Heron 38. Diethylstilboestrol Colorimetric estmn. of -, hexoestrol and dienoestrol. Malpress 384. Dimercaptothiobiazole Colorimetric detmn.of bismuth with -. Majumdar 189. *Dimethylaniline Detmng. aniline in mixtures of aniline methylaniline and - by picryl chloride. Haslam and Sweeney 413. Dimethylglyoxime Recovery of - from nickel ppt. Sen 189. *Diphenyl Absorption of - and o-phenyl-phenol by oranges from treated wraps. Tomkins and Ishenvood 330. "Spectrophotometric estmn. of - and o-phenyl-phenol. Cox 373. *Toxicity of - and o-phenyl-phenol. Mac-intosh 334. Direct current arc Spectrographic detcn. of selen-ium in - flame. Spectrographic limit of detcn. of phosphorus, titanium and zirconium in -. Norman and Johnson 390. Disinfectants Detmng. relative toxicities of -. Appling and McCoy 30. Distillation Analysing light constituents in crude petroleum by low-temp. fractional -.Askevold and Agruss 346. Distillers' by-products Moisture content of -. Baumgarten Stone and Boruff 60. Distillers' dried grain Rapid detmn. of crude fibre in -Dried egg(sj Aniline oil-methylene blue stain for direct microscopical count of bacteria in dried milk and -. North 384. (Control of Use) Order 1945. *Estmng. - in fruit curd. Bagnall and Smith, 211. *Estmng. sucrose in sugar- __ by polarimetric methods. Fryd Hansnn Sexton and Nicholls, 458. Dried milk ,hiline oil-methylene blue stain for direct microscopical count of bacteria in ~ and dried eggs. North 384. Drilling muds Detmng. Portland cement in -and soil-cement mixtures. Mihram and Brown, 274. Drugs Detcng. coumarin derivatives in -. Casparis and Manella 179. *Drying Thermal balance for igniting or -analytical ppts.Gregg and Winsor 336. Duboisia Detmng. hyoscyamine in - species. Lean and Ralph 179. Duralumin Detmng. small amounts of nickel in aluminium alloy (-). Trikov and Lapshina, 348. Dust Microchemical detmn. of free and combined silica in mine -. Micro-technique for size grading mine -. Rabson 145. Jasperson Jones and Lord 345. Fearon 218. Feldman 390. Whitehouse Zarow and Shay 312. 261. Rabson 145 xxiv INDEX TO *Dyes Azo - as quant. precipitants of tannin. Davies Nierenstein and Webster 17. Identifying important unsulphonated azo-2-naphthol -. Koch Milligan and Zucker-man 142. E Edestin New detmn. of tyrosine and use in detmng. tyrosine content of - casein and tobacco mosaic virus.Thomas 266. Edible fats Detmng. peroxide values of - and oils. Influence of atmospheric oxygen in Chapman and McFarlane method. Lea 308, Edible oil(s) Ditto ditto 308. *Reaction of diazotised p-nitrzpiline with phenols. Collins, 355. Detcng. tricresyl phosphate in -. 326. Editorship Change of - of The Analyst. Egg(s) Aniline oil-methylene blue stain for direct microscopical count of bacteria in dried milk and dried -. North 384. Dried ~ (Control of Use) Order 1945. *Estmng. dried - in fruit curd. Bagnall and Smith 211. *Estrnng. sucrose in sugar-dried __ by polari-metric methods. Fryd Hanson Sexton and Nicholls 458. *Elaeostearic acid Spectrographic detmn. of lino-leic linolenic and -. Hilditch Morton and Riley 68. Electrode Apparatus for micro-titrations with glass -.Catch Cook and Kitchener 349. *Dip-type calomel -. Scott 476. Micro-calomel - for polarographic measure-ments. West and Amis 316. Electrodeposition Apparatus for automatic control of - with graded cathode potential. Cald-well Parker and Diehl 146. *Magnetic stirring in analytical - of metals. Webb 301. Electrolysis Sulphamic acid in copper -. Silverman 273. *Electrometric detmn. of ascorbic acid. Liebmann and Ayres 411. *Eiectrometric titration detmn. of water using Karl Fischer reagent. Carter and Williamson, 869. Emission spectrometry Analytical applications of -. Churchill 316. Engine oils Measuring existent corrosivity of used -. Enzymatic micro-analysis of purine compounds. Kalckar 310. Enzymic hydrolysis Rapid detmn.of starch. Factors for starches and comparison with acid and - methods. Nielsen and Gleason 262. Enzymic splitting of starch and evaluation of desizing materials. Rath Keppler and Roes-ling 61. Equipment used in quant. analysis. Proposed minimum requirements. Guettell 147. "Ergotarnine Sp. rotation of - isolated from - tartrate. *Ergotoxhe ethanesulphonate. Foster 132. Error Estmng. - in Volhard analysis for chloride by titration in acetic acid. McKittrick and Schmidt 264. Sources of - in detmng. protein content of bulk wheat. Hildebrand and Keohn 178. Essential Oil Report 14 of - Sub-committee of Analytical Methods Committee. Solubility test for Ceylon citronella oil 442. *Ethoxy groups Micro-detmn. of mixed methoxy- - .Houghton 19. 261. Larsen Armfield and Grenot 223. Beesley and Foster 374. VOLUME 70 Ethyl acetate Detmng. - in presence of acetalde-hyde. Ethylene dichloride Detmng. residual - in fumigated wheat products. Winteringham 93. Ethylene glycol Biuret reaction of proteins in presence of -. Mehl 264. Ewe Component acids of milk fats of goat - and mare. Hilditch and Jasperson 218. Exchangeable bases Leaching sol. salts from alkali soils without affecting --. Shawarbi and Pollard 271. Existent corrosivity Measuring - of used engine oils. Larsen Armfield and Grenot 223. Ext D & C Yellow No. 5 Spectrophotometric analysis of coal-tar colours. - . Clark and Newbnrger. 93. Extinction coefficients of spectrophotometric stan-dards. Vanderbelt Forsyth and Garrett 391.Extractor for use with reduced pressure. Barthel, 228. Extraneous elements Effect of - on spectral line intensity in cathode-layer arc. F Lindeken Clayton and Skoog 141. Scott 436. Factor(s) Conversion - and tables. B.S. Specn. 23. Replacement of pyridoxine for micro-organisms by !(-) alanine and unidentified - from casein. Snell 383. Fastness Standard testing methods for light __ in paper industry. Lips 276. Fat(s) Apparatus for detmng. oxygen absorption of -. Menaker Shaner and Triebold 477. Component acids of milk - of goat ewe and mare. Hilditch and Jasperson 218. Composition of fatty acids of seed - of Lophira alata. Saboor 178. *Detmng. - in mixtures containing fatty acids, and detmng. unsaponifiable matter in oils and -.Sylvester Ainsworth and Hughes 295. Detmng. monoglyceride in - and oils by oxida-tion with periodic acid. Pohle Mehlenbacher and Cook 338. Detmng. peroxide value of edible - and oils. Influence of atmospheric oxygen in Chapman and McFarlane method. Lea 308. *Detmng. peroxide value of oils and -. Stuffins and Weatherall 403. Estmng. tocopherols with iron dipyridyl reagent in presence of -. Kaunitz and Beaver 184. Human milk - component glycerides. Hil-ditch and Meara 217. Industrial Oil and - Products. Bailey, (Review) 437. Low __- Soya Products (Control and Prices) Order 1943. Amendment 90. Order revok-ing - 476. Polyethenoid acids of C, series in milk and grass -. Hilditch and Jasperson 308. *Rapid detmn. of - in powders.Manley and Wood 173. *Rapid extraction of - from powders. Free-land 427. Fatty acid(s) Analysis and - composition of tobacco seed oils. Riemenschneider Speck and Beinhart 341. Composition of - of seed fat of Lofihira alata. Saboor 178. *Detmng. fats in mixtures containing - and detmng. unsaponifiable matter in oils and fats. Sylvester Ainsworth and Hughes 295. Effect of unsaturated - on Lactobacillus helveti-cus. Kodicek and Worden 311 INDEX TO Fatty systems Tests for supposed a-dicarbonyl compounds in autoxidised -. Jasperson, Jones and Lord 345. Faults Surface printing in investigating - in tex’tiles. Schwertassek 148. FD & C Blue No. 1 Detmng. sodium acetate in -. Sclar and Clark 54. Feeding Stuffs (Rationing) Order 1943. Directions supplementary to -.261. (Regulation of Manufacture) Order 1944. Amendments 52 213 306. *Ferro-alloys Detmng. traces of sulphur dioxide, especially detmng. sulphur in -. Ingram, 231 423. *Ferrous ammonium sulphate Estmng. tetryl alone or in mixtures with T.N.T. by -. Mitra and Srinivasan 418. *Ferrous materials Detmng. carbon in -. Cotton 466. Fertilisers Factors affecting detmn. of potash in -. Mitchell and Ford 185. Fibre(s) Characteristic reaction of antique purple on -. Driessen 62. Detmng. wax in cotton -. Alcohol extraction method. Conrad 143. Importance and recognition of supermolecular structure of cellulose hydrate -. Siebourg, 353. Microscope stain for mixtures of unbleached paper -. Noll 188. Microscope tests for cottonised bast - in presence of cotton and Zellwolle.Haller 188. Rapid detmn. of crude - in distillers’ dried gxain. Whitehouse Zarow and Shay 312. Field method for direct estmn. of mepacrine in plasma and blood. King and Gilchrist 382. Fish Detmng. volatile bases in -. Comparing precision of methods. Stansby Harrison, Dassow and Sater 53. (Max. Prices) (No. 2) Order 1944. Amendment, 214. Fish Cakes (Max. Prices) Order 1944. Amendment, 22. Fish liver oils. Spectroscopic detmn. of vitamin A in -. Metcalf 268. Fish pastes Fluorine in -. Flour and - Mixtures (Current Prices) Order, 1942. Order revoking. 177. Confectionery (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1944. Amendment 177. Ministry of Food Inter-departmental Committee on Food Standards. Self-raising -.Supple-mentary report. 375. Proposed revision of standard. 377. Harvey 178. Order 1944. Amendment 52. Storage of self-raising - and provisions of Statutory Rules and Orders 1944 No. 44. Hartley and Green 211. Fair-brother 339. *Flue gas Arsenic content of grain dried directly with -. Fluorescent turbidities Detmng. small amounts of zinc by measuring -. Fluoride Detmng. - in water. Fluorine Addendum to Report of - in Foods Sub-committee of Analytical Methods Com-mittee. Detmng. - in foods 442. Weakening of self-raising __ on storage. Jones and Dawson 256. Merrit 192. Lamar 270. in fish pastes. Harvey 178. Micro-detmn. of - in coal. Crossley 33. Fluosilicic acid Photometric detmn. of - in hydrofluoric acid. Cade 436. Folk acid Titrimetric detmn.of Lac obacillus casez factor and -. Teply and Elvehtem 345. VOLUME 70 xxv Food(s) Addendum to Report of Fluorine in -Sub-committee of Analytical Methods Com-mittee. Detmng. fluorine in - 442. Cystine estmn. in proteins ,and -. Csonka, Lichtenstein and Denton 182. *Detmng. hydrogen sulphide in - and waters. Dickinson 5. *Experiences in sampling -. Labelling of - (No. 2) Order 1944. 23 52. Amendment and general licence 214. Labels and Advertisements. Claims regarding Vitamin and Mineral Contents. Ministry of Food. 337. Manufactured and Pre-packed __ (Control) Order 1942. Amendment 177. Microbiological assay of tryptophan in proteins and -. Public Health (Preservatives etc. in -) Regulations 1925. 52. -packaging materials Apparatus for measuring rate of gas penetration through -.Smith and Kleiber 147. Rapid colorimetric estmn. of tryptophan in proteins and -. *Sampling ___ for nutritional analysis. Mawson, 195. Food Standards (Liquid Coffee Essences) Order, 1945. 214. Ministry of Food Interdepartmental Committee on -. Ministry of Food Inter-Departmental Committee on __ . Self-raising flour. Supplementary Report. 375. Proposed revision of standard, 377. Formaldehyde Detmng. - in presence of acrolein and other aldehydes by polarographic method. Whitnack and Moshier 227. Estmng. - in biological mixtures. McFadyen, 310. Reaction between histidine and -. Neuberger, 94. Spectrophotometric detmn. of -. Bricker and Johnson 436. Fractional distillation Analysing light constituents in crude petroleum by low-temp.-. Aske-vold and Agruss 346. *Freezing-point Detmng. original - of sour milk. Macdonald 323. (Hortvet) test of milk. Dept. of Health for Scotland 90. of artificially induced bovine secretions. Veino-glou 179. *Freshness Estmng. - of canned salmon by carbon dioxide value of drained muscle tissue. Charnley 14. Fruit(s) Canned - and Vegetables Order 1945. 260. Carotene and lycopene in rose hips and other -. Jacoby and Wokes 28. *curd Estmng. dried egg in -. Bagnall and Smith 211. Polarographic detmn. of vitamin C in - and vegetables. Gillam 352. Pulp Order 1945. 337. Fumigated wheat products Detmng. residual ethyl-ene dichloride in -. King 201. Greene and Black 94. Horn and Jones 266.Report on custard powder 176. Winteringham 93. Gas(es) analysis New method of -. generator Semi-micro -. Micro-detmn. of nitric oxide in -. Gooderham, 102. Barnes 435. Kieselbach, 226 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 70 Gas (es) -continued penetration Apparatus for measuring rate of - through food-packaging materials. Smith and Kleiber 147. Gelatin Detmng. - in ice cream. Mitchell, Shaw and Frary 216. Detmng. glycerol in presence of large concentra-tions of -. Wessel Drigot and Beach 477. Cleological Survey and Museum. Detmng. Tin with Special Reference to Tin Ores. 2nd Edn. 134. *Gerber tubes Automatic pipette fitting for deliver-ing acid into -. Fill and Stock 32. Glass electrode Apparatus for micro-titrations with -_ . Globulin Estmng.albumin and - contents of human serum by methanol pptn. Pillemer and Hutchinson 309. Gloss Definition and measurement of - and smoothness of paper. Harrison 391. Glucose Detmng. maltose in presence of -. Browne 54. Quant. micro-detmn. of - and maltose in mixtures. Morris 34. Glucuronic acid Detmng. - by naphthoresorcinol reaction with photoelectric absorptiometer. Hanson Mills and Williams 27. Glutamic acid Lactobacillus assay method for 1( +) -. Lewis and Olcott 267. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. Assay and utilisation of - and glutamine by Lactobacillus arabinosus. Hac Snell and Williams 478. Lyman Kuiken, Blotter and Hale 343. Glutaminase Prepn. and assay of - for glutamine detmns. Archibald 27. Qlutamine Enzymatic detmn.of -. Archibald 26. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. Assay and utilisation of glutamic acid and - by Lactobacillus arabinosus. Hac Snell and Williams 478. Prepn. and assay of glutaminase for - detmns. Archibald 27. Glycerides Human milk fat component -. Hilditch and Meara 217. Glycerol Detmng. - in presence of large con-centrations of gelatin. Wessel Drigot and Reach 477. Glycocyamine Micro-estmn. of - and arginine by means of synthetic ion exchange resin for chromatographic separation. Sims 341. Glycol Effect of temp. humidity and __ vapours on viability of air-borne bacteria. De Ome, 97. Glycuronate Munson-Walker reducing values of less common sugars and sodium -. Wise and RlcCammon 307. Goat Component acids of milk fats of - ewe and mare.Hilditch and Jasperson 218. Gossypol Detmng. extractable - in cottonseed and cottonseed meal. Boatner Caravella and Kyame 59. dovernment Chemist Appointment of Prof. G. M. Bennett 51. *Grain Arsenic content of - dried directly with flue gas. Jones and Dawson 256. Rapid detmn. of crude fibre in distillers’ dried -. Grass fats Polyethenoid acids of C, series in milk and -. Growth stimulants in Lactobacillus arabinosus biotin assay. Williams 433. stimulation Reported - for Lactobacillus casei. Chu and Williams 97. Catch Cook and Kitchener 349. Microbiological e s h n . of -. Whitehouse Zarow and Shay 312. Hilditch and Jasperson 308. Guavas Variations in vitamin C content in -. van der Menve 97. Gum spirits Detcng.and estmng. steam-distilled wood turpentine in - of turpentine. Snider 188. H *Haematoxylin Detmng. small amounts of alu-minium in water by -. Haemoglobin Routine estmn. of - as oxy-haemoglobin. Bell Chambers and Waddell, 309. *Halides Indicator for titrating - in coloured solns. Gentry and Sherrington 460. Halogen compoune Blow-lamp method of detcng. organic - in air. Timmis 192. Hazards Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Poisons - and Solvents. 2nd Edn. Jacobs (Review) 36. Health Avian salnionellosis. Types of Salmonella isolated and relation to public -. Hinshaw, McNeil and Taylor 140. Hemicelluloses Quant. isolation of - from coniferous woods. Wise 223. Heptanes Analysis of ternary mixtures of three isomeric -. Miller 222. *Herring Measuring spoilage in - stored a t moderately low temp.Charnley 168. Hexoestrol Colorimetric estmn. of diethylstil-boestrol - and dienoestrol. Malpress 384. Hill-Baldes vapour tension apparatus Estmng. deuterium oxide by -. Lifson Lorber and Hill 310. Hips Carotene and lycopene in rose __ and other fruits. Jacoby and Wokes 28. Hirschsohn reagent Colour test for oils and resins with - for cholesterol. Histidine Estmng. - with 3 4-dichlorobenzene sulphonic acid. Vickery and Winternitz 182. Reaction between - and formaldehyde. Neuberger 94. Histology of belladonna root. A tropa Belladonna Linn. Indian belladonna. Melville 136. Hoeppler viscosimeter Detmng. cuprammonium viscosity of cellulose using -. Hisey and Brandon 192. Honey Carbohydrate analysis as applied to -.Hurd Englis Bonner and Rogers 216. Hortvet test Freezing-point test (-) of milk. Dept. of Health for Scotland 90. *Houghton’s method Artificial colour standards for use with - of detmng. aluminium. Haslam and Alcock 335. Human blood Estmng. uric acid in -. Brown, 381. Human milk fat component glycerides. Hilditch and Meara 217. Human serum Estmng. albumin and globulin con-tents of - by methanol pptn. Pillemer and Hutchinson 309. Human urine Colorimetric estmn. of arginine in protein hydrolysates and - . Albanese and Frankston 431. Estmng. tryptophan in -. Albanese and Frankston 265. Humidity Effect of temp. - and glycol vapours on viability of air-borne bacteria. De-Ome 97. Hydrocarbon gases Detmng.oxygen in -. Uhrig Roberts and Levin 221. gases Detmng. water io -. Levin Uhrig and Roberts 346. Sulphuric acid extraction in - type analysis. Allen and Duckwall 60. Houghton 335. Brinker 187. Pptn. of dextrin in -. Walton 92 INDEX TO VOLUME 70 xxvii Hydrochloric acid Dilute - as solvent for phosphates especially defluorinated phosphates and other phosphorus supplements for livestock. Reynolds Hill and Jacob 98. extracts. Prepn. of - of soils for quant. spectrochemical analysis. Oertel 98. Hydracyanic acid Detmng. - especially in coke-oven gas. Shaw Hartigan and Coleman 140. Hydrofluoric acid Photometric detmn. of fluosilicic acid in -. Cade 436. "Hydrogen Apparatus for more accurate detmn. of - liberated from acids by metals. Evans and Higgs 356.Closed absorption tube for micro-detmn. of carbon and - Langer 350. *Hydrogen skphide Detmng. - in foods and waters. Dickinson 5. Qual. inorganic micro-analysis without -. Belcher and Burton 433. *Rapid detmn. of phosphine and - as im-purities in acetylene generated from com-mercial calcium carbide. Brameld 279. *&Hydroxyquinoline Detmng. and separating bismuth and magnesium using - Haynes, 129. Polarographic use of organic reagents. Mag-nesium with -. Hyoscyamine Detmng. - in Duboisia species. Lean and Ralph 179. Hypochlorite Colorimetric estmn. of small amounts of ammonia by phenol- - reaction. Russell, 225. Preservative chemical and bacteriological effect of - soln. added to milk. Rupp's test. Hauser and King 378. Stone and Furman 63.I Ice cream Detmng. gelatin in -. Mitchell, (Prohibition of Manufacture and Sales) Order, (Transport) Order 1945. 213. Shaw and Frary 216. 1942 Order revoking the -. *Igniting Thermal balance for - or drying analytical ppts. Image Device for projecting - of reading scale. Tuttle and Brown 102. *Impurities Rapid detmn. of phosphine and hy-drogen sulphide as - in acetylene generated from commercial calcium carbide. Brameld, 279. Indian belladonna Histology of belladonna root. Atropa Belladonna Linn. -. Melville 136. *Indicator for titrating halides in coloured solns. Gentry and Sherrington 460. Ground starch as -. Conner and Bovik 143. Modified methyl yellow - for direct titration *Nierenstein -. Nierenstein 213. Experimental studies on decomposition of oysters for canning.Detmng. - . King, Flynn and Gowanloch 377. Industrial Oil and Fat Products. Bailey (Review), 437. Inflammability Estmng. - of treated paper-board. 228. Infra-red heat in detmng. aniline points. Hopkins, 353. *Infra-red spectra Use of - for analysis. Thompson 443. Ink coverage detmn. and relation to printability. Buchdahl and Polglase. 437. 22. Gregg and Winsor 336. of sodium carbonate. Carmody 274. Indole Detcng. -. Jacobs and Pincus 482. Inorganic micro-analysis Qual. - without hy-drogen sulphide. Inositol- 'less mutant strain of Neurospora and use in bioassays. Beadle 184. Institute of Paper Chemistry. Instruments for measuring opacity of paper. 63. Institute of Petroleum Standard Methods of Testing Petroleum and its Products.Instruments for measuring opacity of paper. Inst. of Paper Chemistry 63. Intensity Effect of extraneous elements on spectral line - in cathode-layer arc. Scott 436. Interference of cystine with quant. nitro-prusside test for methionine. White and Koch 382. *Iodide Losses of - from iodised salt. Andrew and Stace 88. Iodine Detmng. - in organic compounds. Block and Waters 480. Estmng. - in rat thyroids. Koenig and Gustavson 380. *Rapid colorimetric estmn. of - in kelp. Albericci 474. *Iodised salt Losses of iodine from -. Andrew and Stace 88. *Ion(s) Cobalticyanide - as precipitant for metal - . Detmng. cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium al-loys; silver in lead; manganese in citrate s o h .Evans and Higgs 158. exchange reactions Detmng. total base of serum by - of synthetic resins. Polis and Rein-hold 218. exchange resin Micro-estmn. of glycocyamine and arginine by means of synthetic - for chroma-tographic separation. Sims 341. *Iron Applying silver reductor to micro-vol. detmn. of -. Colson 255. *Composite detmn. of silicon manganese and phosphorus in cast - and steel. Harrison, 362. *-containing waters; Tannin content of Potamo-geton species and its effect on colour of inland -. Nierenstein 427. Detmng. blood plasma -. Kitzes Elvehjem and Shuette 55. Detmng. - in presence of cobalt. Two-component colorimetric method. Brown 349. *Detmng. - manganese and aluminium in bronzes and brasses after separating copper as oxalate.Edwards and Gailer 365. Estmng. - in tissue. Microvolumetric detmn. of - especially in blood. Ramsay 218. *Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of arsenic copper lead zinc and - in organic compounds e . g . medicinals. Strafford Wyatt and Kershaw 232. Report of 1943-44 Methods of Analysis Sub-committee on Detmng. - in Cereal Pro-ducts. Howe 178. salts Estmng. total H,S metals in pharmaceutical -. Rosenblum and Rosin 55. salts Estmng. vitamin C in presence of -. Gawron and Berg 220. Simplified estmn. of - in milk. Ruegamer, Michaud and Elvehjem 379. Volumetric detmn. of phosphorus in - and steel. Hamson and Paratt 387. Iron dipyridyl Estmng. tocopherols with -reagent in presence of fats. Kaunitz and Beaver 184. iso-Citric acid Estmng.- and cis-aconitic acid in biological material. Krebs and Eggleston, 219. Belcher and Burton 433. 6th Edn 261. Scott 180 xxxviii INDEX TO Standard (s) -continued *Artificial colour - for use with Houghton’s method of detmng. aluminium. Haslam and Alcock 335. Food - (Liquid Coffee Essences) Order 1945. 214. Ministry of Food Inter-Departmental Committee on Food - . Self-raising Flour Supple-mentary Report 375. Proposed revision of - 377. Proposed - for salad cream and mayonnaise. Ministry of Food. 306. substance for spectral absorption measurements. Halban and Wieland 146. *Standard solns. for estmng. riboflavin. Hanson and Weiss 48. *Simple apparatus for handling - of bromine in potassium bromide Henry 259. Standard weights Recent improvements in pre-cision balance and efficacy of rhodium plating for -.Manley 484. Starch Detmng. - in sweet potato products and other plant materials. Steiner and Guthrie, 135. Enzymic splitting of - and evaluatjon.of de-sizing materials. Rath Keppler and Roesling, 61. Ground - indicator. Conner and Bovik 143. Rapid detmn. of -. Factors fm - and comparison with acid and enzymic hydrolysis methods. Nielsen and Gleason 262. *Statutory Rules and Ordem 1944 No. 44 Storage of self-raising flour and provisions of -. Hartley and Green 211. Steam Photometric detmn. of silica in condensed - in presence of phosphates. Straub and Grabowski 63. Steel@) Colorimetric detmn. of aluminium in aluminium -. Craft and Makepeace 274. Colorimetric detmn.of lead in corrosion-resistant - . Bricker and Proctor 483. Colorimetric estmn. of small amounts of nickel in -. Hummon 32. *Composite detmn. of silicon manganese and phosphorus in cast iron and -. Harrison, 362. *Detmng. phosphorus in - containing titanium. West 82. *Detmng. thickness and composition of tin-lead alloy coatings on - (terne plate). Price 10. Mode of occurrence and detcn. of lead in lead-bearing -. Photoelectric detmn. of titanium in corrosion-resistant -. Milner Proctor and Weinberg, 275. Rapid photometric detmn. of silicon in low alloy and stainless -. Rozental and Campbell, 352. *Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in -. Evans and Higgs 75. Volumetric detmn. of phosphorus in iron and - . Harrison and Paratt 387.*Stirring Magnetic - in analytical electro-deposition of metals Webb 301. *Storage of self-raising flour and provisions of Statutory Rules and Orders 1944 No. 44. Hartley and Green 211. Fair-brother 339. *Strontium Rapid simple detmn. of calcium in presence of - and barium. *Strychnine New detmn. of - in poisoning by - or nux vomica. Naidu and Venkatrao 8. *Three cases of - poisomng. Bardgett and Lismer 273. Weakening of self-raising flour on -. Osborn 207. Stuckey 89. VOLUME 70 Styrene Detmng. o-xylene in recycle -. Mar-quardt and Luce 141. *Sucrose Estmng. - in sugar-dried egg by polarimetric methods. Fryd Hanson Sexton and Nicholls 458. Sudan Mimosaceae Seed oils of -. Grindley, 341. Sugar(s) Analysis of wood -. Saeman Harris and Kline 186.*Estmng. sucrose in - -dried egg by polari-metric methods. Fryd Hanson Sexton and Nicholls 458. Munson-Walker reducing values of less common - and sodium glycuronate. Wise and McCammon 307. Suitability of component parts Detmng. - for V-board production. Buoyancy test. Ulm, 228. Sullivan’s reaction Spectrophotometer in detmng. cystine by -. Evans 138. Sulphamic acid in copper electrolysis. Silverman, 273. Sulphanilsmide Effect of vitamin C on estmn. of -. Karel and Chapman 96. Sulphate(s) Amperometric detmn. of -. Davies and Key 435. Detmng. - by benzidine method. McKittrick and Schmidt 316. Micro-detcn. of sulphur in insol. - and organic compounds. Hahn 316. Sulphonacetamides Prepn. and properties of -. Separating sulphonamides from N-alkylsul-phonamides.Openshaw and Spring 340. Sulphonamides Ditto ditto 340. Simple tests for identifying -. Sample 263. *Sulphur Iletmng. traces of - dioxide especially detmng. - in ferro-alloys. Ingram 231, 423. Micro-detcn. of - in insol. sulphates and or-ganic compounds. Hahn 316. Spot reactions. Detcng. elementary - and selenium. Feigl and Braile 225. Sulphur chlorides Reactions of thionyl chloride and application to detmng. - in technical thionyl chloride. Harrington and Boyd 388. *Sulphur dioxide Detmng. traces of - especially detmng. sulphur in ferro-alloys. Ingram 231, 423. Sulphuric acid extraction in hydrocarbon type analysis. Allen and Duckwall 60. Sunflower seed meal Amino acids yielded by yeast - and sesame seed after hydrolysis of fat-free tissue.Sunlight Destruction of riboflavin in milk by -. Peterson Haig and Shaw 29. Supermolecular structure Importance and recogni-tion of - of cellulose hydrate fibres. Sie-bourg 353. Supplements Dilute hydrochloric acid as solvent for phosphates especially defluorinated phos-phates and other phosphorus - for livestock. Reynolds Hill and Jacob 98. Surface printing in investigating faults in textiles. Schwertassek 148. Sweet potato Detmng. starch in - products and other plant materials. Steiner and Guthrie, 135. Syntheses Organic - Annual Publication of Satisfactory Methods for Prepn. of Organic Chemicals. Vol. 24. Drake (Review) 103. Synthetic ion exchange resin Micro-estmn. of glycocyamine and arginine by means of - for chromatographic separation.Sims 341. in beer. Taylor 135. Block and Bolling 264 INDEX TO VOLUME 70 xxix Lycopene Carotene and - in rose hips and other fruits. Jacoby and Wokes 28. Lysine Estmng. __ in protein hydrolysates by microbiological method. Dunn Shankman, Camien Frank1 and Rockland 182. M “Magnesium Detmng. and separating bismuth and - using 8-hydroxyquinoline. Haynes 129. - with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Stone and Furman 63. Magnesium alloys Rapid electrolytic detmn. of zinc in -. Boyd Nonvitzand Weinberg 483. Averbach 436. *Magnesium oxide X-ray powder diffraction in quant. analysis. Detmng. small amounts of calcium oxide in -; zinc oxide in zinc sulphide. Rooksby 166. *Magnetic stirring in analytical electrodeposition of metals.Webb 301. Magneto-chemistry. Selwood (Review) 35. Malt Report on diastatic activity of -. Dick-son 24. Malt extract Vitamin B (aneurine and nicotinic acid) in -. Organ James and Wokes 29. *Malt vinegar Identifying - in pickles. Eddings, 49. Malt wort Prepn. of clarified - for culture media. To3iC and Walker 59. Maltose Detmng. - in presence of glucose. Browne 54. Quantitative micro-detmn. of glucose and - in mixtures. Morris 34. Ravner 224. *Cobalticyanide ion as precipitant for metal ions. Detmng. cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium alloys ; silver in lead ; - in citrate solns. Evans and Higgs 158. *Composite detmn. of silicon - and phos-phorus in cast iron and steel. Harrison 362. *Detmng. iron - and aluminium in bronzes and brasses after separating copper as oxalate.Edwards and Gailer 365. Detmng. - in caustic soda. Williams and Andes 224. Detmng. trace elements in soils and plants. Boron and -. Sastry and Viswanath 220. False residual chlorine values produced by insol. - and effect of Actinastrum in water supply. Schaut 269. Modified vol. persulphate method for -. Hillson 32. *Photometric analysis of copper-base alloys. Detmng. - by oxidation a t room temp. High 18. Mannitol Isolating - from water melon seeds. Higgins and Dunker 217. Manures Auxins in organic -. Hamence 314. Mare Component acids of milk fats of goat ewe and Margarine (Addition of Borax) Order 1940 Order Mass spectrometry. Washburn Wiley Rock and Mayonnaise Proposed standard for salad cream and Meat(s) (Addition of Preservative) Order 1941 : Leucine valine and isoleucine content of -.Products Canned Soup and Canned __ (Control Amendments, Polarographic use of organic reagents. Spectrographic analysis of -. Manganese bronze Analysing -. -. Hilditch and Jasperson 218. revoking - 23. Berry 317. - Ministry of Food. 306. Order revoking -. 23. Schweigert Tatman and Elvehjem 264. and Max. Prices) Order 1944. 1945. 90 306 476. *Medicinals Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of arsenic copper lead zinc and iron (with other metals) in organic compounds e.g. -. Strafford Wyatt and Kershaw 232. Melamine resins Identifying - and urea resins in wet strength paper. Stafford Thomas, Williams and Woodberry 272. Melon Isoladng mannitol from water - seeds.Higgis and Dunker 217. Mepacrine Detmng. plasma -. Note on anti-coagulant. 183. Detmng. quinacrine hydrochloride (-) by absorption spectrophotometry. Carol 54. Field method for direct estmn. of - in plasma and blood. Photofluorometric detmn. of -. Auerbach and Eckert 26. *Mercuric iodate Detmng. mercury as -. Gentry and Sherrington 419. *Mercury Ditto ditto 419. *Metabolism Sampling for __ studies. Widdow-son 201. Metallurgical Analysis by Means of “Spekker” Absorptiometer. Haywood and Wood. (Re-view) 148. Metallurgical products Photometric detmn. of molybdenum in -. *Metal(s) Apparatus for more accurate detmn. of hydrogen liberated from acids by -. Evans and Higgs 356. Chromometric detmn. of reducible - including tungsten and molybdenum.Flatt and Som-mer 100. in beer Colorimetric estmn. of traces of -wort. Essery 387. Estmng. total H,S - in pharmaceutical iron salts. Rosenblum and Rosin 55. *ions Cobalticyanide ion as precipitant for -. Detmng. cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium alloys; silver in lead ; manganese in citrate solns. Evans and Higgs, 158. *Magnetic stirring in analytical electrodeposition of -. Webb 301. *Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of arsenic copper lead zinc and iron (with other -) in organic compounds e.g. medicinals. Strafford Wyatt and Kershaw 232. Salicylimines as precipitants for certain -. Duke 143. Methanol precipitation Estmng. albumin and globulin contents of human serum by -.Pillemer and Hutchinson 309. Methionine Interference of cystine with quant. nitroprusside test for -. White and Koch, 382. *Methoxy-ethoxy groups Micro-detmn. of mixed -. Houghton 19. Methyl bromide Detcng. and detmng. traces of -. Lubatti 99. Methyl yellow indicator Modified __ for direct titration of sodium carbonate. Carmody 274. *Methylaniline Detmng. aniline in mixtures of aniline ___ and dimethylaniline .by picryl chloride. Haslam and Sweeney 413. Methylene blue Aniline oil- - stain for direct microscopical count of bacteria in dried milk and dried eggs. North 384. N1-Methylnicotinamide Chemical estmn. of -. Hackberg Melnick and Oser 311. *Microanalysis Physical methods in -. Wilson, 231. Qual. inorganic - without hydrogen sulphide.Belcher and Burton 433. King and Gilchrist 382. Cox and Pollitt 143 xxx INDEX TO Microbiological assay(s) Calculating results of -. Wood 312. *Theory and practice of - of vitamin B com-plex with assay of selected amino acids and potassium. Barton-Wright 283. Micro-burette Adapting Conway - for delivery of larger volumes of fluid. Winteringham 173. Micro-calomel electrode for polarographic measure-ments. West and Amis 316. Microchemical balance Problems concerning -. Installations. Cleaning. Wilson and Wilson, 389. Micro-determination Closed absorption tube for - of carbon and hydrogen. Colorimetric - of 2 2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl) 1 : 1 l-trichloroethane (DDT). Stiff and Cas-tillo 350. Microgram samples Titration of -. Loscalzo and Benedetti-Pichler 350.Micro-organisms Inhibition of utilisation of aneurine and aneurine diphosphate for growth of -. Sarett and Cheldelin 138. Replacement of pyridoxine for - by d(-) alanine and unidentified factor from casein. Snell 383. Microscopical count Aniline oil-methylene blue stain for direct - of bacteria in dried milk and dried eggs. North 384. Micro-technique Discovery of Uses of Colouring Agents in Biological -. Baker (Review), 229. Micro-titrations Apparatus for - with glass electrode. Catch Cook and Kitchener 349. lyIilk Aniline oil-methylene blue stain for direct microscopical count of bacteria in dried -and dried eggs. North 384. Destruction of riboflavin in - by sunlight. Peterson Haig and Shaw 29. *Detmng. original f.pt.of sour -. MacDonald, 323. *Detmng. total solids ip fresh liquid -. Ana-lytical Methods Committee SOC. of Public Analysts 105. fats Component acids of - of goat ewe and mare. Hilditch and Jasperson 218. fat Human ~ component glycerides. Hil-ditch and Meara 217. fats Polyethenoid acids of C, series in - and grass fats. Freezing-point (Hortvet) test of -. Dept. of Health for Scotland 98. General Licence under Use of - (Restriction) Order 1941. 22. Order revoking Condensed - (- Content) Order 1940. 23. Photometric destruction of riboflavin in __ and lpses during processing. Ziegler and Keevil, 58. Presence in raw cow’s - of a bactericidal sub-stance specific for certain strains of coliform organisms. Morris 97. Preservative chemical and bacteriological effect of hypochlorite soh.added to -. Rupp’s test. Hauser and King 378. products Neurosfiora for estmng. choline and biotin in -. Hodson 268. Public Health (Condensed -) Regulations, 1923. 52. Simplified estmn. of iron in -. Ruegamer, Michaud and Elvehjem 379. *Sp.gr. of - especially homogenised and sterilised -. Walker 372. Use of - (Restriction) Order 1945. Levvy 103. *Coarse or fine-control -. Langer 350. Hilditch and Jasperson 308. 177. VOLUME 70 Mimosaceae Seed oils of Sudan -. Grindley, Mine dust Microchemical detmn. of free and com-Micro-technique for sizegrading-. Rabson 145. Mineral Contents Food Labels and Advertisements. Claims regarding Vitamin and -. Ministry of Food. 337. Ministry of Food Orders Circulars etc.: 341. bined silica in -. Rabson 145. Advertisements 337. Agricultural produce 52. Bacon (addition of borax) 23 52 133 134. Bread 177. Citrus fruits 133. Coffee 178. Coffee essences 214. Condensed milk 23 52 133. Custard powder 176. Dried egg 261. Eggs 52. Feeding stuffs 52 213 261 306. Fish 214. Fish cakes 22. Flour 52 177 311. Flour self-raising 375 377. Flour confectionery 177. Flour mixtures 177. Foods manufactured and prepacked 177. Food standards 214 306 375. Fruit canned 260. Fruit pulp 337. Ice cream 22 213. Jam 52 133 134. Labelling of food 23 52 214 337 Margarine (addition of borax) 23 52 133 134. Mayonnaise 306. Meat 23 52 133 134. Meat canned 90 306 476. Meat products 90 306 476. Milk 22 177.Mineral contents 337. Oranges 52 134. Pickles 476. Salad cream 306. Sauces 476. Soft drinks 134 476. Soup canned 90 306 476. Soya products low fat 90 476. Vegetables canned 260. Vegetables dehydrated 52 133 134. Vitamin contents 337. Moisture Applying Karl Fischer reagent to detmng. - in cereals and cereal products. Fosnot and Haman 339. content of distillers’ by-products. Baumgarten, Stone and Boruff 60. -sensitive materials Water vapour permeability of -. Brabender 102. Vapour pressure measurements as index to -in dehydrated vegetables. Fischbach 307. vapour transmission Applying thermal con-ductivity method to detmng. - of packaging materials. Boor and Dixon 103. Molecular structure Importance and recognition of super- - of cellulose hydrate fibres.Sie-bourg 353. Molecular weight Modification of Rast method of micro-cryoscopic - detmn. Keller and Halban 191. Molybdenum Chromometric detmn. of reducible metals including tungsten and -. Flatt and Sommer 100. Photometric detmn. of - in metallurgical pro-ducts. Cox and Pollitt 143 Molybdenum blue reaction for phosphorus. Kitson and Mellon 34. Monochlomacetic acid Identifying - as barium monochloroacetate. Eisenberg 388. *Monoethylmine Detmng. - and triethylamine in commercially pure diethylamine. Wilson and Heron 38. Monoglyceride Detmng. - in fats and oils by oxidation with periodic acid. Pohle Mehlen-bacher and Cook 338. *Morphine Colorimetric estmn. of -. Adamson and Handisyde 305. *Motor spirits Peroxide values of -.Risbey and Nisbet 50. Muds Detmng. Portland cement in drilling -and soil-cement mixtures. Mihram and Brown, 274. Munson-Walker reducing values of less common sugars and sodium glycuronate. Wise and &'lcCammon 307. N Naphthoresorcinol reaction Detmng. glucuronic acid by - with photoelectric absorptiometer. Hanson Mills and Williams 27. Naphtol AS series Detmng. members of Rrenthol or - by ultra-violet absorption. Giles 147. Neurospota for estmng. choline and biotin in milk products. Hodson 268. Inositol-less mutant strain of - and use in bioassays. Beadle 184. Nickel Colorimetric detmn. of traces of -. Passamaneck 274. Colorimetric estmn. of small amounts of - in steel. Hummon 32. Detcng. - in aluminium alloys. Hibbert 100.Detcng. -. Spot test for high conductivity copper alloys. Edwards 100. Detmng. small amounts of - in aluminium alloy (Duralumin) . Trikov and Lapshina 348. *Photometric analysis of copper-base alloys. Detmng. -. High 258. *Polarographic detmn. of - in copper base alloys. Milner 468. Recovery of dimethylglyoxime from - ppt. Sen 189. Titration of -. Sen 189. Nicotinamide methochloride Simultaneous detmn. of aneurine and -. Microbiological estmn. of nicotinic acid - and nicotinuric acid. Johnson 432. Nicotinic acid Biological activity of precursor of Krehl Elvehjem and Strong 140. "content of tea. Distribution props. and isolation of naturally occurring precursor of - . Krehl and Strong 140. Microbiological assay of - in cereals etc.Barton-Wright 95. Microbiological assays for -. Sarett Pederson and Cheldelin 384. Microbiological estmn. of - nicotinamide and nicotinuric acid. Johnson 432. Vitamin B (aneurine and -) in malt extract. Organ James and Wokes 29. Nicotinuric acid Microbiological estmn. of nicotinic acid nicotinamide and -. *Nierenstein indicator. Nierenstein 213. Nigeria Pyrethrum flowers from -. Major 314. *p-Nitraniline Reaction of diazotised - with Detcng. tricresyl phosphate in edible Coulson 29. in cereal products. Hughes and Parkinson 86. Johnson 432. phenols. oil. Collins 326. V U L U l V l r . 'I0 XXXl Nitrate(s) Detmng. - in boiler water by brucine reagent. Noll 481. Effect of silica on quant. reduction of - with Devarda's alloy. Brabson and Karchmer 314.ions Interference with colorimetric estmn. of lactic acid by - and nitrite ions. Russell, 187. Micro-detmn. of - by Devarda method. Kieselbach 225. l'olarographic detmn. of -. Kolthoff Harris and Matsuyama 101 276. Polarograph in detmng. small amounts of - in sodium nitrite. Nitric oxide Detmng. small quantities of - in coal gas. Dudden -482. Micro-detmn. of - in gases. Kieselbach 226. Nitriles Detmng. - by Karl Fischer reagent. Mitchell and Hawkins 347. Detmng. nitrogen in -. Rose and Ziliotto, 340. Manley 50. ions Interference with colorimetric estmn. of Russell 187. Polarograph in detmng. small amounts of nitrate Nitrogen Colorimetric estmn. of amino -. Detmng. - in nitriles. Rose and Ziliotto 348. Detmng. - in pyridine ring-type compounds by Kjeldahl method.Shirley and Becker 479. Detmng. thiocyanate - in organic thiocyanates and mixtures. Elmore 385. Micro-Kjeldahl detmh. of - content of amino acids and proteins. Miller and Houghton 479. Titrimetric ultra-micro estmn. of urea and Kjeldahl - Sobel Mayer and Gottfried, 190. Nitroparaffins Separating amylose and amylopectin by -. p-Nitrophenol Detmng. - in full chrome leather. Ganday 348. Nitroprusside Interference of cystine with quant. - test for methionine. White and Koch, 382. Nuclear Chemistry Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. 111. Advances in - and Theoretical Or-ganic Chemistry. Burkand Grummitt (Review), 485. Nucleosides Separation of purine - from free purines and estmn. of purines and ribose in these fractions.Kerr and Seraidarian 432. *Nutritional analysis Sampling foods for -. Mawson 195. "Nux vomica New detmn. of strychnine in poison-ing by strychnine or -. Naidu and Venka-trao 8. Haslam and Cross 484. *Nitrite Fatal sodium - poisoning. lactic acid by nitrate and -. in sodium -. Russell 22 1. Haslam and Cross 484. Whistler and Hilbert 379. 0 Oats New oxidation of aneurine to thiochrome and Obituary : estmn. of aneurine in -. Holman 184. Clayton Sir G. C. 393. Clough G. W. 107. Colwell J. K. 151 319. Corfield C. E. 151. Dawson F. A. 107. Elsdon G. D. 68 107 279. Emsley S. 37 107. Evans J. 232 393 440. Ford J . S. 107. Forster Sir M. O. 232. Fox Sir John J. 1 107. Fraser L. S. 68 107 XXXii INDEX TO VOLUME 70 Obitusrg-continued Hunter H.107. Jones E. G 279. Liversedge S. G. 107. Newington F. G. 232. Parry E. J. 107. Platt A. P. 151. Richardson R. W. 151. Suckling E. V. 37 107 108. Swinden T. 107 108. Tocher J. F. 439. Oil@) Analysis and fatty acid composition of tobacco seed -. Kiemenschneider Speck and Beinhart 341. Australian tea tree (ti-tree) -. Australian Research Liaisdn 3 1. Colour test for - and resins with Hirschsohn reagent for cholesterol. Brinker 187. *Detmng. fat in mixtures containing fatty acids, and detmng. unsaponifiable matter in - and fats. Sylvester Ainsworth and Hughes 295. oxidation with periodic acid. Pohle Mehlen-bacher and Cook 338. Detmng. peroxide value of edible fats and -. Influence of atmospheric oxygen in Chapman and McFarlane method.Lea 308. *Detmng. perbxide value of - and fats, Stuffins and Weatherall 403. Detmng. y-tocopherol in vegetable -. Fisher, 343. Industrial - and Fat Products. Bailey (Review) 437. Measuring the existent corrosivity of used engine -. *Peroxide values and chromatographic separation of oxidation products as guide to ageing of a turbine -. Williams 409. *Reaction of diazotised p-nitraniline with phenols. Detcng. tricresyl phosphate in edible -. Collins 326. Report 14 of Essential - Sub-committee of Analytical Methods Committee. Solubility test for Ceylon citronella - 442. Report on apricot kernel - (volatile apricot kernel -) . Australian Science Research Liaison 25. Seed - of Sudan Mimosaceae. Grindley 341. Spectrophotometric study of oxidation of quench-Clark and Kaye 191.Spectroscopic detmn. of vitamin A in fish liver Opacifybg properties New procedure for evaluating Opacity Instruments for measuring - of paper. *Oranges Absorption of diphenyl and o-phenyl-Tomkins Orders in Council : Detmng. mo’hoglyceride in fats and - by Larsen Armfield and Grenot 223. ing -. -. Metcalf 268. - of pigments. Adrian 147. Inst. of Paper Chemistry 63. phenol by - from treated wraps. and Isherwood 330. Agricultural produce 52. Condensed milk 52. Preservatives in food 52. Ore(s) Analysing aluminous ore using spark spectra. Churchill and Russell 276. Detmng. Tin with Special Reference to Tin -. 2nd Edn. Geological Survey and Museum 134. Organic Chefnicals Organic Syntheses Annual Publication of Satisfactory Methods for Prepn.of -. Vol. 24. Drake (Review) 103. Organic Chemistry Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. 111. Advances in Nuclear Chemistry and Theoretical-. Burkand Grummitt (Review), 485. Organic Chemistry-continued Theory of Resonance and Applications to -. Wheland (Review) 392. Organic compounds Detmng. iodine in -. Block and Waters 480. Estmng. basic -. Cinchona alkaloids. Brodie and Udenfriend 381. Micro-detcn. of sulphur in insol. sulphates and -. Hahn 316. Micro-detmn. of chlorine and bromine in -. Grangaud 144. *Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of arsenic copper lead zinc and iron (with other metals) in - e.g. medicinals Strafford, Wyatt and Kershaw 232. Organic halogen compounds Blow-lamp method of detcng.- in air. Organic manures Auxins in -. Hamence 314. Organic reactions Alumina catalysts for -. Bentley and Feachem 314. Organic reagents Polarographic ,use of -. Magnesium with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Stone and Furman 63. Organic Syntheses Annual Publication of Satis-factory Methods for Prepn. of Organic Chemi-cals. Vol. 24. Drake (Review) 103. Ouricoury Licuri (-) wax. 31. *Oxalate Detmng. iron manganese and aluminium in bronzes and brasses after separating copper as -. Edwards and Gailer 365. quenching oils. *Oxidation products Peroxide values and chromato-graphic separation of - as guide to ageing of a turbine oil. Oxidimetric detmn. of ammonia. Detmng. small amounts of ammonia by titration with per-manganate.Hurka and RudZiC 433. Oxygen absorption Apparatus for detmng. - of fats. Menaker Shaner and Triebold 477. Detmng. - in hydrocarbon gases. Uhrig, Roberts and Levin 221. Detmng. peroxide values of edible fats and oils. Influence of atmospheric - in Chapman and McFarlane method. Lea 308. Oxyhaemoglobin Routine estmn. of haemoglobin as -. Oysters Experimental studies on decomposition of - for canning. Detmng. indole. King, Flynn and Gowanloch 377. Timmis 192. Oxidation Spectrophotometric study of - of Clark and Kaye 191. Williams 409. Bell Chambers and Waddell 309. P Packaging materials Apparatus for measuring rate of gas penetration through food -. Smith and Kleiber 147. Applying thermal conductivity method to detmng. moisture vapour transmission of -.I3oor and Dixon 103. Pantothenic acid Lactobclcillus arabimsus 17-6 for micro-assay of -. Hoag Sarett and Cheldelin 219. Lactobacihs arabinosus in microbiological estmn. of -. Skeggs and Wright 139. *Riboflavin content of tea and - content. Bradford and Hughes 2. Paper base phstics Abrasion resistance of - and associated materials. Hoffman 317. coatings Rapid evaluation of -. Diefenbach, 352. Conditioning - and paperboard for testing, 100. Definition and measurement of gloss and smooth-ness of -. Harrison 391 INDEX TO Paper-continued Detmng. air resistance of -. fibres Microscope stain for mixtures of un-Identifying melamine and urea resins in wet strength -. Stafford Thomas Williams and Woodberry 272. Instruments for measuring opacity of -.Inst. of Paper Chemistry 63. Paraffin wax absorptiveness of -. TAPPI Tentative Standard T467 m-45. 227. Qual. analysis of proteins. Partition chromato-graphic method using -. Consden Gordon and Martin 31. Standard testing methods for light fastness in __ industry. Lips 276. Paperboard Conditioning paper and __ for testing. 100. 148. bleached -. Noll 188. Estmng. inflammability of treated -. Rigidity testing of -. 228. Farebrother 391 Paraffin wax absorptiveness of paper. TAPPI Tentative Standard T467 m-45. 227. *Parsley Arsenic in dried - . Garratt and Taylor 48. Pastes Fluorine in fish -. Pastilles Analysing - of British Pharmaceutical Codex. Evers and Smith 26. Penicillin Chemical detmn. of -. Murtaugh and Levy 430.Standardising assay of - . Hunter and Randall 25. Pentosans Colorimetric estmn. of pentoses and -. McRary and Slattery 187. Pentoses Ditto ditto 187. Pepper Black - from Sierra Leone. Bray and Major 308. Perchlorates Thermal decomposition of -. Marvin and Woolaver 483. Periodic acid Detmng. monoglyceride in fats and oils by oxidation with -. Pohle Mehlen-bacher and Cook 338. Permanganate Oxidimetric detmn. of ammonia. Detmng. small amounts of ammonia by titra-tion with -. Permeability Water vapour - of moisture-sensitive materials. Brabender 102. Peroxides Detmng. - in synthetic rubbers. Robey and Wiese 480. *Peroxide value (s) and chromatographic separation of oxidation products as guide to ageing of a turbine oil.Williams 409. Detmng. - of edible fats and oils. Influence of atmospheric oxygen in Chapman and McFarlane method. Lea 308. *Detmng. - of oils and fats. Stuffins and Weatherall 403. *of motor spirits. Harvey 178. Hurka and Rudiif. 433. Risbey and Nisbet 50. Persulphate method Modified vol. - for man-ganese. Hillson 32. Petroleum Analysing light constituents in crude - by low-temp. fractional distillation. Askevold and Agruss 346. Standard Metfiods for Testing - and its Products. Inst. of Petroleum. 6th Edn. 261. Petroleum waxes Classifying -. Kinsel and Phillips 27 1. pH standards Acid salts of organic acids as -. Speakman and Smith 345. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Text-book of -(Bentley and Driver). 4th Edn. Driver (Review) 228. Pharmaceutical Codex Analysing pastilles of British -.Evers and Smith 25. Pharmaceutical iron salts Estmng. total H,S metals VOLUME 70 woriii Pharmaceutical iron salts-continued in -. Rosenblum and Rosin 56. Pharmaceutical products Chemical estmn. of pyridoxin in biological materials and -, Multiple nature of vitamin B,. HochBerg, Melnick and Oser 95. Pharmacology. 2nd Edn. Gaddum (Review) 64. Phenol(s)-hypochlorite reaction Colorimetric estmn. of small amounts of ammonia by -. Russell, 225. *Reaction of diazotised p-nitraniline with -. Detcng. tricresyl phosphate in edible oil. Collins 326. Phenolphthalein Improved ~ technique for micro-detmn. of cyanide. Robbie 62. Phenothiazine Gravimetric detmn. of -. Payfer and Marshall 386. Phenylalanine Colorimetric estmn.of - in bio-logical products. Albanese 137. Hess and Sullivan, 342. Detmng. - in proteins. Estmng. - in proteins. Phenyldithiobiazolone thiol Uetmng. bismuth with _I Majumdar 224. *o-Phenyl-phenol Absorption of diphenyl and -by oranges from treated wraps. Tomkins and Isherwood 330. *Spectrophotometric estmn. of diphenyl and -. cox 373. *Toxicity of diphenyl and -. Macintosh 334. Phosphates Dilute hydrochloric acid as solvent for - especially defluorinated - and other phosphorus supplements for livestock. Rey-nolds Hill and Jacob 98. Photometric detmn. of silica in condensed steam in presence of -. Straub and Grabowski, 63. Specific micro-estmn. of acyl -. Lipmann and Tuttle 431. *Pbosphine Rapid detmn. of ___ and hydrogen sulphide as impurities in acetylene generated from commercial calcium carbide.Brameld, 279. *Phosphorus Colorimetric detmn. of - es-pecially blood -. Jones 298. *Composite detmn. of silicon manganese and - in cast iron and steel. *Detmng. - in ste$ containing titanium. West 82. Molybdenum blue reaction for -. Kitson and Mellon 34. Photometric detmn. of - in limestone. Brabson Karchmer and Katz 63. Spectrographic limit of detcn. of - titanium and zirconium in direct current arc. Norman and Johnson 390. supplements Dilute hydrochloric acid as solvent for phosphates especially defluorinated phos-phates and other - for livestock. Reynolds, Hill and Jacob 98. Volumetric detmn. of - in iron and steel. Harrison and Paratt 387. Phospho-1Btungstate Gravimetric detmn of potas-sium as -.Micro-detmn. of potassium by pptn. and titration of -. Photoelectric absorptiometer Detmng. glucuronic acid by naphthoresorcinol reaction with -. Hanson Mills and Williams 27. *Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of arsenic, copper lead zinc and iron (with other metals) in organic compounds e.g. medicinals. Straf-ford Wyatt and Kershaw 232. Wilson 231. Brown 137. Harrison 362. Rieben and Van Slyke 181. Van Slyke and Rieben 180. *Physical methods in microanalysis xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 70 *Physics and the analyst. Pickles and Sauces Order 1944. Amendment 476. Eddings 49. *Picry1 chloride Detmng. aniline in mixtures of aniline methylaniline and dimethylaniline by -. Haslam and Sweeney 413.Pigments New procedure for evaluating opacifying props. of -. Adrian 147. Rapid detmn. of alumina in titanium -. Baker and Martin 483. *Pipette@) Automatic - fitting for delivering acid into Gerber tubes. Notice of draft B.S. Specification for wash-out -. 377. Plant materials Detmng. starch in sweet potato products and other -. Steiner and Guthrie, 135. Use of bromine in estmng. cellulose in -. Shrikhande 30. Plants Detmng. trace elements in soils and -. Boron and manganese. Sastry and Viswanath, 220. Plasma Chem. estmn. of tocopherols in blood -. Quaife and Harris 183. Detmng. blood __ iron. Kitzes Elvehjem and Shuette 55. Detmng. - mepacrine. Note on anticoagu-lant. 183. Field method for direct estmn. of mepacrine in _I_ and blood.Plastics Abrasion resistance of paper base - and associated materials. Hoffman 317. Chirnside 110. Identifying malt vinegar in -. Fill and Stock 22. King and Gikhrist 382. Modem -. Barron (Review) 437. Systematic identification of synthetic resins and *Poisoning Fatal sodium nitrite -. Manley 50. *Three cases of strychnine -. Poisons Analytical Chemistry of Industrial -, Hazards and Solvents. 2nd Edn. Jacobs (Review) 36. *Polanmetric methods Estmng. sucrose in sugar-dried egg by -. Fryd Hanson Sexton and Nicholls 458. Polai'ograph in detmng. small amounts of nitrate in sodium nitrite. Carruthers, 435. Polarographic detmn. of antimony in hard lead. Kraus and Novak 390. *of lead in brasses and bronzes. of nitrate. Kolthoff Harris and Matsuyama, Polarographic measurements Micro-calomel elec-Polarographic use of organic reagents.Magnesium with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Stone and Furman, 63. Pollution Investigation of atmospheric -. Summary report on observations during year ended 31st March 1944. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research. 214. Polyethenoid acids of C, series in milk and grass fats. Hilditch and Jasperson 308. Polymers Precise method of isolating high -. Lewis and Mayo 272. Porcelain Micro-analysis of silicates. Analysing 18th Century Chinese - . Wenger and Besso 226. Portland cement Detmng. - in drilling muds and soil-cement mixtures. Mihram and Brown, 274. *Rapid detmn. of alkalis in -. Cornes 131. Spectrographic detmn. of sodium potassium and -. Shaw 61.Stuckey 89. Haslam and Cross 484. Micro-detmn. of copper with -. Milner 250. 101 276. trode for -. West and Amis 316. lithium in -. Helz 352. *Potamogeton Tannin content of - species and its effect on colour of iron-containing inland waters. Nierenstein 427. Potash Factors affecting detmn. of - in ferti-lisers. Mitchell and Ford 185. Potassium Gravimetric detmn. of - as phospho-12-tungstate. Rieben and Van Slyke 181. Micro-detmn. of - by pptn. and titration of phospho-12-tungstate. Van Slyke and Rieben, 180. Simple gravimetric detmn. of urinary -. Freeman and Burrill 263. Spectrographic detmn. of sodium - and lithium in Portland cement. *Theory and practice of micro-biological assay of vitamin B complex with assay of selected amino acids and -.*Potassium bromide Simple apparatus for handling standard solns. of bromine in -. Henry, 259. *Powder diffraction method X-ray - in quant. analysis. Detmng. small amounts of calcium oxide in magnesium oxide; zinc oxide in zinc sulphide. Rooksby 166. Powders Quant. spectrographic analysis of small samples of -. *Rapid detmn. of fat in -. Manley and Wood 173. *Rapid extraction of fat from -. Freeland, 427 *Precipitant(s) Cobalticyanide ion as - for metal ions. Detmng. cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium alloys ; silver in lead; manganese in citrate solns. Evans and Higgs 158. Duke, 143. *Precipitates Thermal balance for ignitinl; or drying analytical -. Gregg and Winsor, 336. Precursor Biological activity of - of nicotinic acid in cereal products.Krehl Elvehjem and Strong 140. Distribution props. and isolation of naturally occurring - of nicotinic acid. Krehl and Strong 140. Preservative (8) chemical and bacteriological effect of hypochlorite soln. added to milk. Rupp's test. Hauser and King 378. Order revoking the Meat (Addition of -) Order, 1941. 23. Public Health (- etc. in Food) Regulations, 1925. 52. Printability Ink coverage detmn. and relation to -. Buchdahl and Polglase 437. Printing Surface - in investigating faults in textiles. Schwertassek 148. Projecting Device for __ image of reading scale. Tuttle and Brown 102. Protein@) Biuret reaction of - in presence of ethylene glycol. Mehl 264. Colorimetric estmn. of arginine in - hydroly-sates and human urine.Albanese and Frank-ston 431. Cystine estmn. in - and foods. Csonka, Lichtenstein and Denton 182. Detmng. phenylalanine in - . Hess and Sullivan 342. Estmng. phenylalanine in -. hydrolysates Estmng. lysine in - by micro-biological method. Dunn Shankman Camien, Frank1 and Rockland 182. Microbiological assay of tryptophan in - and foods. Greene and Black 94, Helz 352. Barton-Wright 283. Fitz and Murray 317. Salicylimines as ___ for certain metals. Brown 137 INDEX TO Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen content of amino acids and -. Miller and Houghton, 479. Qualitative analysis of -. Partition chroma-tographic method using paper. Consden, Gordon and Martin 31. Rapid colorimetric estmn. of tryptophan in -and foods.Horn and Jones 266. Sources of error in detmng. - content of bulk wheat. Hildebrand and Keohn 178. Specific decarboxylase prepns. in estmng. amino acids and in - analysis. Provitamins Colorimetric reaction of vitamins D, and D and their -. Sobel Mayer and Kramer 268. Public Health (Condensed Milk) Regulations 1923. 52. (Preservatives etc. in Food) Regulations 1925. 52. Graff, 228. Protein (s) -continued Gale 309. Pulp(s) Additional weight factors of -. Fruit - Order 1945. 337. Pulping process Conductometric analysis as method of control in alkaline -. Wells Martin and Moltzau 99. Purification of solvents for absorption spectroscopy. Graff O’Connor and Skau 63. Purine(s) compounds Enzymatic micro-analysis of -. Kalckar 310. Separation of - nucleosides from free - and estmn.of - and ribose in these fractions. Kerr and Seraidarian 432. Pyrethrum flowers from Nigeria. Pyridine Estmng. - content of - -acetic acid mixture used in riboflavin detmn. Lanning and Roszmann 58. ring-type compounds Detmng. nitrogen in -by Kjeldahl method. Shirley and Becker 479. Pyridoxine Chemical estmn. of - in biological materials and pharmaceutical products. Mul-tiple nature of vitamin B,. Hochberg Melnick and Oser 95. Chemical estmn. of - Reactions in pure systems. Diazotised P-aminoacetophenone in estmng. -. Brown Bina and Thomas 382. Replacement of - for micro-organisms by d(-) alanine and unidentified factor from casein. Snell. 383. Major 314. Hochberg Melnick and Oser 94. Q Qualitative Analysis Text Book of - includ-ing Semi-micro -.3rd Edn. Vogel (Review), 485. Qualitative inorganic micro-analysis without hydro-gen sulphide. Belcher and Burton 433. Qualitative spectrographic analysis. Standen 191. Quantitative Organic Analysis Semi-Micro- -. Belcher and Godbert (Review) 3 13. Quaternary ammonium salts Colorimetric detmn. of -. Auerbach 143. Quenching oils Spectrophotometric study of oxi-dation of -. Quinacrine hydrochloride Detmng. - (mepa-crine) by absorption spectrophotometry. Carol, 54. Clark and Kaye 191. R Rare-earth group Fractionations in - bY means of sodium sulphate. Moeller and Kremers 190. VOLUME 70 xxxv Rast method Modification of - of micro-cryoscopic molecular weight detmn. Keller and Halban 191.Rat thyroids Estmng. iodine in --. Koenig and Gustavson 380. Reading scale Device for projecting image of -. Tuttle and Brown 102. Reagents Polarographic use of organic -. Magnesium with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Stone and Furman 63. Red colour test Applying modified - for rote-none and related compounds to Derris and Lonchocarpus. Jones 385. Reduced pressure Extractor for use with -. Barthet 228. Reducible metals Chromometric detmn. of -, including tungsten and molybdenum. Flatt and Sommer 100. Reducing values Munson-Walker - of less common sugars and sodium glycuronate. Wise and McCammon 307. Reduction Effect of silica on quant. - of nitrates with Devarda’s alloy. Brabson and Karchmer, 314. *Reductor Applying silver - to micro-vol.detmn. of iron. Colson 255. Residual chlorine values False - produced by insol. manganese and effect of Actinastrum in water supply. Schaut 269. Resin(s) Colour test for oils and - with Hirsch-sohn reagent for cholesterol. Colour test for - in vanilla extract. Fitelson and Riggs 379. Detmng. total base of serum by ion exchange re-actions of synthetic -. Polis and Reinhold, 218. Identifying melamine and urea - in wet strength paper. Stafford Thomas Williams and Woodberry 272, Micro-estmn. of glycocyamine and arginine by means of synthetic ion exchange - for chromatographic separation. Sims 341. Systematic identification of synthetic - and plastics. Shaw 61. Resonance Theory of - and Applications to Organic Chemistry. Wheland (Review) 392.Rhodium plating Recent improvements in precision for standard balance and efficacy of -weights. Manley 484. *Riboflavin content of tea. Bradford and Hughes, 86. *content of tea and pantothenic acid content. Bradford and Hughes 2. Destruction of - in milk by sunlight. Peter-son Haig and Shaw 29. Effect of various lighting conditions on - solns. DeMerre and Brown 267. Estmng. pyridine content of pyridine-acetic acid mixture used in - detmn. Lanning and Roszmann 58. in beer and in brewing process. Tullo and Stringer 268. Microbiological assay of -. Price 383. Photometric destruction of - in milk and losses during processing. Ziegler and Keevil 58. Rapid detmn. of - in wheat and wheat pro-ducts. Report of 1943-44 Methods of Analysis Sub-committee on - Assay.*Standard solns. for estmng. -. Hanson and Weiss 40. Ribose Separation of purine nucleosides from free purines and estmn. of purines and - in these fractions. Ken- and Seraidarian. 432. Brinker 187. Hoffer Alcock and Geddes 344. Andrews 344 xxxvi INDEX TO Rigidity testing of paper board. Farebrother 391. Rose hips Carotene and lycopene in - and other fruits. Jacoby and Wokes 28. Rotenone Applying m-odified red colour test for - and related compounds to Dewis and Lonchocarpus. Jones 385. Relationship of diameter of derris roots to -content. Bray 99. &ubber(s) Detmng. peroxides in synthetic -. Robey and Wiese 480. *Weber colour test for identifying natural. -. Parker and Wake 175. Rubeanic acid Spectrophotometric detmn.of traces of copper with -. Center and MacIntosh, 276. Rupp's test Preservative chemical and bacterio-logical effect of hypochlorite soln. added to milk.-Hauser and King 378. S *Saccharin Estmng. - in tablets. Moore and Stoeger 337. Salad Cream; Proposed standard for - and mayonnaise. Ministry of Food. 306. Salicylimines as precipitants for certain metals. Duke 143. carbon dioxide value of drained muscle tissue. Charnley 14. Salmonella Avian salmonellosis. Types of -isolated and relation to public health. Hin-shaw McNeil and Taylor 140. Salmonellosis Ditto ditto 140. Salt(s) Acid - of organic acids as PH standards. Speakman and Smith 345. Leaching sol. - from alkali soils without affecting exchangeable bases. Shawarbi and Pollard 27 1.*Losses of iodide from iodised -. Andrew and Stace 88. *Sampling Experiences in - food. King 201. Sauces Pickles and - Order 1944. Amend-*Schiff's reagent Prepn. of -. Schneider .distillation in detmng. small amounts of arsenic. Schaaf and Maurer 101. Scotland Dept. of Health for -. Freezing-point (Hortvet) test of milk. 90. Secretions F.-pt. of artificially induced bovine -, Veinoglou 179. Seed(s) Isolating mannitol from water melon -. Higgins and Dunker 217. fat Composition of fatty acids of - of Lophiva alata. Saboor 178. oils Analysis and fatty acid composition of tobacco -. Riemenschneider Speck and Beinhart 341. oils of Sudan Mzmosaceae. Selenium Micro-detmn. of - in toxicology. Preliminary expts. on - sols. Dolique and Roca 144.Spectrographic detcn. of - in d.c. arc flame. Feldman 390. Spot reactions. Detcng. elementary sulphur and - . Self-raising flour Ministry of Food Inter-Depart-mental Committee on Food Standards. -. Supplementary Report. 376. Proposed re-vision of standard. 377. *Storale of - and Drovisions of Statutorv. *Salmon Estmng. freshness of canned - by *foods for nutritional analysis. *for metabolism studies. Widdowson 201. Mawson 195. ment. 476. Scott 374. Grindley 341. Feigl and Braile 226. VOLUME 70 Self-raising flour-continued Rules and Orders 1944 No. 44. Green 211. Hartley and Fairbrother 339. Serine Microbiological estmn. of aspartic acid and -. Stokes and Gunness 265. Serum Detmng. total base of - by ion exchange reactions of synthetic resins.Polis and Reinhold 218. Estmng. albumin and globulin contents of human - by methanol pptn. Pillemer and Hutch-inson 309. Estmng. thiocyanate in blood -. Bowler 181. *Vol. detmn. of sodium in blood and -. Morton 247. Sesame seed. Amino acids yielded by yeast sun-flower seed meal and - after hydrolysis of fat-free tissue. Sierra Leone Black pepper from -. Bray and Major 308. *Silica Detmng. small quantities of - alumina and lime in tungsten carbide powder. Shana-han 421. Effect of - on quant. reduction of nitrates with Devarda's alloy. Brabson and Karchmer 314. Microchemical detmn. of free and combined -in mine dust. Rabson 145. Photometric detmn. of - in aluminous materials. Brabson Harvey Maxwell and Schaeffer 192.Photometric detmn. of - in condensed steam in presence of phosphates. Straub and Grabowski 63. Silicates Detmng. lithium in -. Bacon and Starks 274. Micro-analysis of -. Analysing 18th Century Chinese porcelain. *Silicon Composite detmn. of - manganese and phosphorus in cast iron and steel. Harrison, 362. Gravimetric detmn. of - in aluminium alloys. OSborn and Clark 349. *Photometric detmn. of - in aluminium and its alloys. Hadley 43. Rapid photometric detmn. of - in low alloy and stainless steels. Rozental and Campbell, 352. *Silver Cobalticyanide ion as precipitant for metal ions. Detmng. cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead-tin-cadmium alloys ; -in lead; manganese in citrate solns. Evans and Higgs 158. *reductor Applying - to micro-vol.detmn. of iron. Colson 255. Sensitive test for -. Baker and Reedy 273. Size grading Micro-technique for - mine dust. Rabson 145. Smoothness Definition and measurement of gloss and - of paper. Soap film calibrators. Gooderham 102. Routine turbidimetric detmn. of tin in -, Compeau and Blank 62. Society of Chemical Indnstry Reports of Progress of Applied Chemistry Vol. XXIII 1943 (Review) 149. Sooiety of Public Analysts Addendum to Report of Fluorine in Foods Sub-committee of Analytical Methods Committee. Detmng. fluorine in foods 442. *Address of retiring President. Melling 151. Amendment to Article 10 of Articles of Associa-tion. 393. Analytical Methods Committee. Detmng. total solids in fresh liauid milk. 106. Weakening of - on storage.Block and Bolling 264. Wenger and Besso 226. Harrison 391 INDEX TO Society of Public Analysts-continued Analytical Methods Committee. Annual Report of Council March 1045. Change of Editorship. 355. Formation of Group dealing with Biological Methods of Analysis. 229. Inaugural meeting of Biological Methods Group. 393. lnaugural Meetin$ of Physical Methods Group 67. Issue of new List of Members 194. I’hysical Methods Group Inaugural address to the -. Chirnside 110. Report 14 of Essential Oil Sub-committee of Analytical Methods Committee. Solubility test for Ceylon citronella oil 442. Standard Methods Sub-committee Appointment W u m Polarographic detmn. of - in aluminium Spectrographic detmn. of - potassium and *Vol. detmn.of - in blood and serum. Morton Sodium acetate Detmng. -in FD & C Blue KO. 1 . Sodium azide Assay of lead azide and -. Sodium carbonate Modified methyl yellow indicator Sodium glycuronate Munson-Walker reducing Wise *Sodium nitrite Fatal - poisoning. Manley 60. Polarograph in detmng. small amounts of nitrate Haslam and Cross 484. Sodium sulphate Fractionations in rare-earth Moeller and Kremers, Soft Drinks Order 1943. Amendments 134 476. Soil@) Detmng. Portland cement in drilling muds and - -cement mixtures. Mihram and Brown 274. Detmng. trace elements in - and plants. Boron and manganese. Sastry and Vis-wanath 220. Leaching of sol. salts from alkali - without affecting exchangeable bases. Shawarbi and Pollard 271. Prepn. of hydrochloric acid extracts of - for quant.spectrocliemical analysis. Oertel 98. Solanaceow alkaloids Nature and specificity of Vitali-Morin reaction for -. James and Roberts 341. *Solid@) Detmng. total - in fresh liquid milk. Analytical Methods Committee Society of Public Analysts 105. substances Spectral analyses of -. Eeckhout, 391. Soluble salts Leaching of - from alkali soils without affecting exchangeable bases. Shaw-arbi and Pollard 271. Solutions Spectrochemical analysis of - using spark excitation. Solvents Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Poisons Hazards and -. 2nd Edn. Jacobs (Review) 36. Purifying - for absorption spectroscopy. Graff O’Connor and Skau 63. Soup Meat Products Canned - and Canned Meat (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944.Amendments 1945. 90 306 476. *Sour milk Detmng. original f.pt. of -. Mac-Formation of a Sub-Committee on Vitamin Estmns. 232. 107. of -. 107. and its alloys. lithium in Portland cement. Helz 352. 247. Sclar and Clark 54. .4rnold 273. for direct titration of -. values of less common sugars and -. and McCammon 307. Urech and Sulzberger 147. Carmody 274. in -. group by means of -. 190. Sloviter and Sitkin 35. xxxvii Soya Products Low Fat - (Control and Prices) Order 1943. Amendment 1945. 90. Order revoking - 476. Spark excitation Spectrochemical analysis of s o h . using --. Sloviter and Sitkin 36. . spectra Analysing aluminous ore using -. Churchill and Russell 276. *Specific gravity of milk especially homogenised and sterilised milk.Walker 372. *Specific rotation of ergotamine isolated from ergo-tamine tartrate. Beesley and Foster 374. Spectra .4nalysing aluminous ore using spark -. Churchill and Russell 276. Spectral absorption measurements Standard sub-stance for Halban and Wieland 146. Spectral analyses of solid substances. Eeckhout, 391. Spectral line intensity Effect of extraneous elements on - in cathode-layer arc. Spectrochemical analysis of solns. using spark ex-citation. Sloviter and Sitkin 35. Spectrographic analysis Qual. -. Standen 191. Quant. -- of small samples of powders. Fitq Techniques of quantitative - Churchill 146. Spectrographic detcn. of selenium in d.c. arc flame. Spectrographic detmn. of sodium potassium and Spectrographic limit of detcn.of phosphorus ti-Norman and Spectrometry Analytical applications of emission VOLUME TO *Infra-red - for analysis. Thompson 443. Scott 436. and Murray 317. Feldman 390. lithium in Portland cement. tanium and zirconium in d.c. arc. Johnson 390. -. Churchill 316. Helz 352. Light absorption -. M‘ellon 316. Mass -. Washburn Wiley Rock and Berry, 317. Spectrophotometer in detmng. cystine by Sullivan’s reaction. Evans 138. *Spectrophotometic estmn. of diphenyl and o-phenyl-phenol. Cox 373. Spectrophotometic standards Extinction coeffi-cients of - . Vanderbelt Forsyth and Garrett 391. Spectroscopy Purifying solvents for absorption -. Graff O’Connor and Skau 63. “Spekker” Absorptiometer Metallurgical Analysis by Means of - .Haywood and Wood. (Review) 148. *photoelectric absorptiometer Estmng. vitamin A by antimony trichloride method using -. Innes and Birch 304. Spelter Detmng. aluminium in -. Pollak and Pellowe 314. *Spoilage Measuring - in herring stored at moderately low temp. Charnley 168. Spot reactions Detcng. elementary sulphur and selenium. Feigl and Braile 226. Feigl and Braile, 225: *Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in steel. Evans and Higgs 75. Stability Effect of light on - of Carr-Price colour in estmng. Vitamin A. Caldwell and Parrish. 311. Stab Aniline oil-methylene blue - for direct microscopical count of bacteria in dried miUr and dried eggs. North 384. Stainless steels Rapid photometric detmn. of silicon in low alloy and -.Rozental and Campbell 352. Standard(s) Acid salts of organic acids as pH -. Identifying calcium sulphate. - -Donald 323. Speakman and Smith 3’45 xxxviii INDEX TO Standard (s) -continued *Artificial colour - for use with Houghton’s method of detmng. aluminium. Haslam and Alcock 335. Food - (Liquid Coffee Essences) Order 1945. 214. Ministry of Food Inter-Departmental Committee on Food -. Self-raising Flour Supple-mentary Report 375. Proposed revision of - 377. Proposed - for salad cream and mayonnaise. Ministry of Food. 306. substance for spectral absorption measurements. Halban and Wieland 146. *Standard solns. for estmng. riboflavin. Hanson and Weiss 48. *Simple apparatus for handling - of bromine in potassium bromide. Henry 259. Standard weights Recent improvements in pre-cision balance and efficacy of rhodium plating for -.Manley 484. Starch Detmng. - in sweet potato products and other plant materials. Steiner and Guthrie, 135. Enzymic splitting of - and evaluation. of de-sizing materials. Rath Keppler and Roesling, 61. Ground - indicator. Conner and Bovik 143. Rapid detmn. of -. Factors f o r - and comparison with acid and enzymic hydrolysis methods. Nielsen and Gleason 262. *Statutory Rules and Orders 1944 No. 44 Storage of self-raising flour and provisions of -. Hartley and Green 21 1. Steam Photometric detmn. of silica in condensed - in presence of phosphates. Straub and Grabowski 63. Steel(s) Colorimetric detmn. of aluminium in aluminium -. Craft and Makepeace 274.Colorimetric detmn. of lead in corrosion-resistant -. Bricker and Proctor 483. Colorimetric estmn. of small amounts of nickel in -. Hummon 32. *Composite detmn. of silicon manganese and phosphorus in cast iron and -. Harrison, 362. *Detmng. phosphorus in - containing titanium. West 82. *Detmng. thickness and composition of tin-lead alloy coatings on - (terne plate). Price 10. Mode of occurrence and detcn. of lead in lead-bearing -. Photoelectric detmn. of titanium in corrosion-resistant -. Milner Proctor and Weinberg, 275. Rapid photometric detmn. of silicon in low alloy and stainless -. Rozental and Campbell, 352. *Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in -. Evans and Higgs 75. Volumetric detmn. of phosphorus in iron and -. Harrison and Paratt 387.*Stirring Magnetic - in analytical electro-deposition of metals. Webb 301. *Storage of self-raising flour and provisions of Statutory Rules and Orders 1944 No. 44. Hartley and Green 211. Fair-brother 339. *Strontium Rapid simple detmn. of calcium in presence of - and barium. *Strychnine New detmn. of - in poisoning by - or nux vomica. Naidu and Venkatrao. 8. Bardgett and Lismer 273. Weakening of self-raising flour on -. Osborn 207. VOLUME 70 Styrene Detmng. o-xylene in recycle -. Mar-quardt and Luce 141. *Sucrose Estmng. - in sugar-dried egg by polarimetric methods. Fryd Hanson Sexton and Nicholls 458. Sudan Mimosaceae Seed oils of -. Grindley, 341. Sugar(s) Analysis of wood -. Saeman Hams and Kline 186. *Estmng.sucrose in ___ -dried egg by polari-metric methods. Fryd Hanson Sexton and Nicholls 458. Munson-Walker reducing values of less common - and sodium glycuronate. Wise and McCammon 307. Suitability of component parts Detmng. - for V-board production. Buoyancy test. Ulm, 228. Sullivan’s reaction Spectrophotometer in detmng. cystine by -. Evans 138. Sulphbnic acid in copper electrolysis. Silverman, 273. Sulphanilamide Effect of vitamin C on estmn. of -. Karel and Chapman 96. Sulphate(s) Amperometric detmn. of -. Davies and Key 435. Detmng. __ by benzidine method. McKittrick and Schmidt 316. Micro-detcn. of sulphur in insol. - and organic compounds. Hahn 316. Sulphonacetamides Prepn. and properties of -. Separating sulphonamides from N-alkylsul-phonamides.Openshaw and Spring 340. Sulphonamides Ditto ditto. 340. Simple tests for identifying -. Sample 363. *Sulphur Detmng. traces of - dioxide especially detmng. - in ferro-alloys. Ingram 231, 423. Micro-detcn. of - in insol. sulphates and or-ganic compounds. Hahn 316. Spot reactions. Detcng. elementary - and selenium. Feigl and Braile 225. Sulphur chlorides Reactions of thionyl chloride and application to detmng. - in technical thionyl chloride. Harrington and Boyd 388. *Sulphur dioxide Detmng. traces of - especially detmng. sulphur in ferro-alloys. Ingram 231, 423. Sulphuric acid extraction in hydrocarbon type analysis. Allen and Duckwall 60. Sunflower seed meal Amino acids yielded by yeast, - and sesame seed after hydrolysis of fat-free tissue.Sunlight Destruction of riboflavin in milk by -. Peterson Haig and Shaw 29. Supermolecular structure Importance and recogni-tion of ~ of cellulose hydrate fibres. Sie-bourg 353. Supplements Dilute hydrochloric acid as solvent for phosphates especially defluorinated phos-phates and other phosphorus - for livestock. Reynolds Hill and Jacob 98. Surface printing in investigating faults in textiles. Schwertassek 148. Sweet potato Detmng. starch in - products and other plant materials. Steiner and Guthrie, 135. Syntheses Organic - Annual Publication of Satisfactory Methods for Prepn. of Organic Chemicals. Vol. 24. Drake (Review) 103. Ssmthetic ion exohmure resin Micro-estmn. of in beer. Taylor 135. Block and Bolling 264.-glycocyamine and &nine by means of - for *Three cases of - poisoning. Stuckey 89. chromatographic separation. Sims 341 INDEX TO VOLUME 70 xxxix Synthetic resins Detmng. total base of serum by ion exchange reactions of -. Polk and Reinhold 2 18, Systematic identification of - and plastics. Shaw 61. Synthetic rubbers Detmng. peroxides in -. Robey and Wiese 480. T Tables Conversion factors and - . B.S. Specn. 23. *Tablets Estmng. saccharin in -. Moore and Stoeger 337. *Tannin@) Analytical chemistry of tungsten. Pptn. of tungsten with -. Nieren-stein 132. Davies, Nierenstein and Webster 17. *content of Potamogeton species and its effect on colour of iron-containing inland waters. Nier-enstein 427. *Pptng. titanium by - from chloride soln.Schoeller and Holness 319. separation of beryllium and aluminium. Sears and Gung 33. TAPPI Tentative Standard T467 m-45. Paraffin wax absorptiveness of paper. 227. Tar Detmng. small amounts of anthracene in -and - oil fractions. Cropper and Strafford, 32. *Tea Nicotinic acid content of -. Hughes and Parkinson 86. *Riboflavin content of - . Bradford and Hughes 86. *Riboflavin content of - and pantothenic acid content. Bradford and Hughes 2. tree Australian - (ti-tree) oils. Australian Research Liaison 3 1. Temperature Effect of - humidity and glycol vapours on viability of air-borne bacteria. De Ome 97. Ternary mixtures Analysing - of three isomeric heptanes. Miller 222. *Terne plate Detmng. thickness and composition of tin-lead alloy coatings on steel (-) .Price 10. Testing methods Standard - for light fastness in paper industry. Lips 276. *Tetryl Estmng. - alone or in mixtures with T.N.T. by ferrous ammonium sulphate. Mitra and Srinivasan 418. Textiles Surface printing in investigating faults in -. Schwertassek 148. *Thermal balance for igniting or drying analytical ppts. Gregg and Winsor 336. Thermal conductivity method Applying __- to detmng. moisture vapour transmission of packaging materials. Thiamine (aneurine) detmn. Eppright and Williams 57. Report of 1943-44 Methods of Analysis Sub-committee on - Assay. Andrews 185. Thiochrome method Detmng. aneurine by -after uptake by yeast. Marcuse Widhe and Sperber 29. New oxidation of aneurine to - and estmn.of aneurine in oats. Holman 184. Tbiocyanate(s) Detmng. - nitrogen in organic - and mixtures. Elmore 385. *Estmng. micro quantities of cyanide and -. Aldridge 474. Estmng. - in blood serum. Bowler 181. Lambie 124. * Antipyrine for micro-analysis of -. *Azo dyes as quant. precipitants of -. Boor and Dixon 103. Thioglycollic acid Identifying -. Thionyl Ghloride Reactions of - and application to detmng. sulphur chlorides in technical -. Harrington and Boyd 388. Thunberg technique Extension of - for measur-ing dehydrogenase activity. Walker and Schmidt 58. Thyroids Estmng. iodine in rat -. Koenig and Gustavson 380. *Tin Cobalticyanide ion as precipitant for metal ions. Detmng. cadmium in lead-antimony-cadmium and lead- - -cadmium alloys; silver in lead; manganese in citrate solns.Evans and Higgs 158. Detmng. - with Special Reference to -Ores. 2nd Edn. Geological Survey and Museum 134. Iodimetric detmn. of -. McDow Furbee and Clardy 32. Routine turbidimetric detmn. of - in soap. Compeau and Blank 62. *Vol. detmn. of - and antimony in brasses and bronzes after separation b'y distillation. Leh-mann 428. *-lead alloy Detmng. thickness and composition of - coatings on steel (terne plate). Price, 10. Tissue Estmng. iron in -. Scott 180. *Titanium Detmng. phosphorus in steel containing -. West 82. Photoelectric detmn. of - in corrosion-resist-ant steels. Milner Proctor and Weinberg 276. pigments Rapid detmn. of alumina in -. Baker and Martin 483. *Pptng. - by tannin from chloride soln.Schoeller and Holness 319. Spectrographic limit of detcn. of phosphorus, - and zirconium in direct current arc. Norman and Johnson 390. Titration(s) apparatus Conductometric -. Buras and Reid 102. Apparatus for micro- - with glass electrode. Catch Cook and Kitchener 349. of microgram samples. Loscalzo and Benedetti-Pichler 350. Ti-tree Australian tea tree (-) oils. Austra-lian Research Liaison 31. *T.N.T. Estmng. tetryl alone or in mixtures with - by ferrous ammonium sulphate. Mitra and Srinivasan 4 18. Tobacco mosaic virus New detmn. of tyrosine and use in detmng. tyrosine content of edestin, casein and -. Thomas 266. seed oils Analysis and fatty acid composition of -. Riemenschneider Speck and Beinhart, 341. Tocopherol(s) Chemical detmn.of - in distilled concentrates. Rawlings 58. C'liern. estmn. of a- - and total - in mixtures of u- /I- and y- forms. ('hem. estmn. of - in blood plasma. Quaifc and Harris 183. Detmng. y- - in vegetable oils. Fisher 343. Estmng. __ with iron dipyridyl reagent in presence of fats. Toxicity(ies) Detmng. r,elative - of disinfect-ants. Appling and McCoy 30. *of diphenyl and o-phenyl-phenol. Macintosh, 334. Toxicology Micro-detmn. of selenium in -. Preliminary expts. on selenium sols. Dolique and Roca 144. Trace elements Detmng. - in soils and plants. Boron and manganese. Sastry and Vis-wanath 220. Jones 99. Hove and Hove 183. Kaunitz and Beaver 184 xl INDEX TO Tricalcium phosphate Adapting Wagner procedure to chem. evaluation of fused -.MacIntire and Palmer 313. *Tricresyl phosphate Reaction of diazotised fi-nitraniline with phenols. Detcng. - in edible oil. Collins 326. YTriethylamine Detmng. mono- and __ in com-mercially pure diethylamine. Wilson and Heron 38. Trinitrotoluene see T.N.T. Tryptophan Acrolein detmn. by means of -. Circle Stone and Colorimetric micro method. Boruff 351. Estmng. -. Estmng. ___ in human urine. Albanese and Frankston 266. Microbiological assay of - in proteins and foods Greene and Black 94. Rapid colorimetric estmn. of - in proteins and foods. Horn and Jones 266. *Tungsten Analytical chemistry of -. Pptn. of - with tannin. Lambie 124. Chromometric detmn. of reducible metals includ-ing --*and molybdenum. Flatt and Som-mer 100.*Tungsten carbide powder Detmng. small quan-tities of silica alumina and lime in -. Shanahan 421. Turbidimetry Micro-detmn. of alkaloids and other bases by photometric - . Kyker and Brown 275. Turbidity(ies) Detmng. small amounts of zinc by measuring fluorescent -. Merrit 192. Report on colour and - in beer and wort. Nissen 24. *Turbine oil Peroxide values and chroniato-graphic - separation of oxidation products as guide to ageing of a -. Turpentine Detcng. and estmng. steam-distilled wood - in gum spirits of -. Snider 188. Tyrosine New detmn. of - and use in detmng. - content of edestin casein and tobacco mosaic virus. Thomas 266. Sullivan and Hess 57. Williams 409. U Ultra-violet absorption Detmng. members of Brenthol or Naphtol AS series by -.Giles 147. of irradiated vitamin A. Sobotka Kann, Winternitz and Brand 28. Unbleached paper fibres Microscope stain for mix-tures of -. Noll 188. *Unsaponifiable matter Detmng. fats in mixtures containing fatty acids and detrnng. ~ in oils and fats. Sylvester Ainsworth and Hughes 295. *Uranium Colorimetric detmn. of - in leach liquors. Scott and Dixon 462. Urea Colorimetric estmn. of -. Archibald 266. Titrimetric ultra-micro estmn. of - and Kjeldahl nitrogen. Sobel Mayer and Gott-fried 190. Urea resins Identifying melamine and - in wet strength paper. Stafford Thomas Williams and Woodberry 272. Urease Manometric titrimetric and colorimetric measurement of - activity. Van Slylte and Archibald 56. Uric acid Detcng. and estmng.- by 2 6-di-chloroquinone-chloroimide. I;earon 2 18. Urinary potassium Simple gravinletric detnin. ot Estmng. - in human blood. Hrown 381. -. Freeman and Rurrill 263. VOLUME 70 Urine Colorimetric estmn. of arginine in protein Albanese and Albanese Yudkin, hydrolysates and human -. Frankston 431. and Frankston 265. 309. Estmng. tryptophan in human -. Simple detcn. of bile pigments in -. V Valine Leucine - and isoleucine content of meats. Schweigert Tatman and Elvehjem, 264. Specificity of leucine isoleucine and - require-ments of Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5. Heg-sted 265. "Vanadate Volumetric analysis of dichromate- -mixtures. Berry 371. Vanadium Specific spot test for -. Ashburn and Reedy 189. Vanilla extract Colour test for resins in -.Fitelson and Riggs 379. Vapour pressure measurements as index to moisture in dehydrated vegetables. Fischbach 307. Vapour tension Estmng. deuterium oxide by Hill-Baldes - apparatus. Lifson Lorber and Hill 310. V-board Detmng. suitability of component parts for - production. Buoyancy test. Ulm, 228. Vegetable(s) Canned Fruit and - Order 1945. 260. oils Detmng. y-tocopherol in -. Fisher 343. Polarographic detmn. of vitamin C in fruits and -. Gillam 352. Vapour pressure measurements as index to moisture in dehydrated --. Fischbach 307. Viability Effect of temp. humidity and glycol vapours on - of air-borne bacteria. De Ome 97. *Vinegar Identifying malt - in pickles. Eddings 49. Virus New detmn. of tyrosine and use in detmng.tyrosine content of edestin casein and tobacco mosaic -. Thomas 266. Viscosimeter Detmng. cuprammonium viscosity of cellulose using Hoeppler -. Hisey and Brandon 192. Viscosity Ditto ditto 192. Vitali-Morin reaction Nature and specificity of -for solanaceous alkaloids. James and Roberts, 341. Vitamin Food Labels and Advertisements. Claims regarding - and Mineral Contents. Ministry of Food. 337. SOC. of Public Analysts Analytical Methods Com-mittee formation of a Sub-committee on ___ Estmns. 232. Vitamin A Biological value of carotene from vari-ous sources and effect of vitamin E on utilisa-tion of carotene and -. Guggenheim 28. *Dynamic method for observing antimony chloride reaction with - and related sub-stances. Gibson and Taylor 449.Effect of light on stability of Carr-Price colour in estmng. --_ Estmn. of -. *Estmng. - by antimony trichloride method using Spekker photoelectric absorptiometer. Innes and Birch 304. Liver storage test for estmng. -. Guggenheim and Koch 37. l'hotoelectric colorimeter for - dctnin. Mor-ton 178. Caldwell and Parrish 311. Gridgeman (Review) 193 INDEX TO Vitamin A-continued Spectroscopic detmn. of __ in fish liver oils. Metcalf 268. Ultra-violet absorption of irradiated -. Sobotlza Kann Winternitz a i d Brand 28. Vitamin B (aneurine and nicotinic acid) in malt extract. *Theory and practice of micro-biological assay of __ complex with assay of selected amino acids and potassium. Barton-Wright 283. Vitamin B Chemical estmn.of pyridoxine in bio-logical materials and pharmaceutical products. Multiple nature of -. Hochberg Melnick and Oser 95. Vitamin C Effect of - on estmn. of sulphanila-mide. Karel and Chapman 96. Estmng. - in presence of iron salts. Gawron and Berg 220. Polarographic detmn. of - in fruits and vegetables. Gillani 352. Variations in - content in guavas. van der Menve 97. Vitamin D, Colorimetric reaction of - and vitamin D and their provitamins. Sobel, Mayer and Kramer 268. Vitamin D, Ditto ditto 268. Vitamin E Biological value of carotene from various sources and effect of - on utilisation of carotene and vitamin A. Volatile bases Detmng. - in fish. Comparing precision of methods. Stansby Harrison, Dassow and Slater 53. Volhard analysis Estmng.error in _c_ for chloride by titration in acetic acid. McKittrick and Schmidt 264. Organ James and Wokes 29. Guggenheim 28. W Wagner procedure Adapting - to chem. evalua-tion of fused tricalcium phosphate. Mac-Intire and Palmer 313. *Water@) and - supplies. Detmng. fluoride in -. *Detmng. free chlorine and chloramine in -using P-aminodimethylaniline. Palin 203. *Detmng. hydrogen sulphide in foods and -. Dickinson 5. Detmng. nitrate in boiler __ by brucine reagent. Noll 481. *Detmng. small amounts of aluminium in -by haematoxylin. Houghton 335. *Detmng. - by calcium hydride. Perryman, 45. Detmng. - in hydrocarbon gases. Levin, Uhrig and Roberts 346. *Electrometric titration detmn. of - using Karl Fischer reagent. Carter and Williamson, 369.False residual chlorine valucs produced by insol. manganese and effect of Actinastrurn in -supply. Schaut 269. Micro-detmn. of -. Levy Murtaugh and Kosenblatt 315. *Tannin content of Potamogeton species and its effect on colour of iron-containing inland -Nierenstein 427. Water melon Isol@ing mannitol from - seeds. Higgins and Dunker 217. Water vapour permeability of moisture-sensitive materials. Brabender 102. Wax(es) Classifying petroleum -. Kinsel and Phillips 27 1. Detmng. - on cotton fibre. Alcohol extrac-tion method. Conrad 143. Licuri (Ouricoury) -. 31. Melling 154. Lamar 270. VOLUME 70 xli Weakening of self-raising flour on storage. Fair-brother 339. * Weber colour test for identifying naturaI rubber. Parker and Wake 175. Weight factors Additional - of pulps. Graff, 228. Weights Recent improvements in precision balance and efiicacy of rhodium plating for standard -. Manley 484. Wet strength paper Identifying melamine and urea resins in -. Stafford Thomas Williams and Woodberry 272. Wheat products Detmng. residual ethylene di-chloride in fumigated -. Winteringham 93. Rapid detmn. of riboflavin in __ and - pro-ducts. Sources of error in detmng. protein content of bulk -. Hildebrand and Keohn 178. Wood@). Quant. isolation of hemicelluloses from coniferous -. Wise 223. sugars Analysis of -. Saeman Harris and Kline 186. turpentine Detcng. and estmng. steam-distilled - in gum spirits of turpentine. Snider 188. Wort Colorimetric estmn. of traces of metal in beer -. Essery 387. Prepn. of clarified malt - for culture media. ToSiC and Walker 59. Report on colour and turbidity in beer and -. Nissen 24. *Wraps Absorption of diphenyl and o-phenyl-phenol by oranges from treated -. Tomkins and Isherwood 330. Hoffer Alcock and Geddes 344. X *X-ray powder diffraction method in quant. analysis. Detmng. small amounts of calcium oxide in magnesium oxide; zinc oxide in zinc sulphide. Rooksby 166. Mar-quardt and Luce 141. o-Xylene Detmng. __ in recycle styrene. Y Yeast Amino acids yielded by - sunflower seed meal and sesame seed after hydrolysis of fat-free tissue. Detmng. aneurine by thiochrome method after uptake by -. Marcuse Widhe and Sperber, 29. Block and Bolling 264. Z Zellwolle Microscope tests for cottonised bast fibres in presence of cotton and -. Haller 188. Zinc Detmng. small amounts of - by measuring fluorescent turbidities. Merrit 192. *Photometric detmn. of minute amounts of ar-senic copper lead __ and iron in organic compounds e.g. medicinals. Straff ord Wyatt and Kershaw 232. Rapid electrolytic detmn. of -I_ in magnesium alloys. *Zinc oxide X-ray powder diffraction in quant. analysis. Detmng. small amounts of calcium oxide in magnesium oxide ; - in zinc sulphide. Rooksby 166. *Zinc sulphide Ditto ditto 166. Zirconium Spectrographic limit of detcn. of phos-phorus titanium and - in direct current arc, Norman and Johnson 390. Boyd Nonvitz and Weinberg 483 PRINTED BY W. HEFFER 81 SONS LTD CAME Rl DG
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