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Volume 43,
Issue 1,
Page 001-048
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THE ANALYST: THE ORGAN OF THE Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publicatton aommfttee : S . RIDEAL D+Sc. F.I.C. {PRESIDENT). 1,. AKCHEUTT F.I.C. BERTRAM BLOUNT. F.I,C. E. RICW'ARDS BOLTON. F.1.C. A CHASTON CHAPMAN F.I.C. ' ARTHUR R. LING F.I.C. CECIL H. CRIER BSc. F.3.C. BERNARD DYER ri.sc. F.I.C. OTTO REHNER F.I.C. C . A. KEAKE PH.D. D.Sc. F.I.C, P. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.I.C. I €2. HINKS B.Sc. F.I.C. 1 1 J. AUGUSTUS VOELCRER Ps.D. F.I.C. E. W VOELCKER F.I.C. ZDftor JULIAN L. BAKER F.1.C IElb0tractore : J. F. BIIIGGS A.C.G.I. j G. C. JONES A.C.G,I. F.I.C. H. F. I<. HUI,TON F.1 C. C . A. MITCHELL M.A. F.I.C. W. P. SKERTCHLY F.I.C. VOL. XLIII. 1 9 1 8 TRADE AGENTS : SfMPtfiN MARSHALL HAMILTON KEIYT & CO.LTD. 1918 2 4 6 8 ORANGE STREET LONDON S.W INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. INDEX OF NAMES. Adair A. Adam W. Gc. Analysis of crude beuzoles naphtha light oils eb. 144. Adam R. and Kamm 0. Adanti 0. Agcaoili F, Alincastre C. Anderson R. P. and Katz Ad. H. tion of hydrogen by sodium oleate 177. Anderson R. P. vapour 177 Anfllogoff N. A. Anger E. M. Annett H. E. and Singh H. Appleby M. P. mid Lane K. W. Arup P. S. Astis G. De. Estirriation of tin in low-grade ores 153. Preparation of dimethylglyoxime 386. Volumetric estimation of zinc phenolsulphonate 37. See Brill H. Cl. and Agcaoili F. See Brill H. C. and hlincasbre C:, Reagents for use in gas analysis. VI. Absorp-VII. Estimation of benzene Reagents for use in gas analysis.Distillation test of petrol 94. Methods €or the commercial analysis of ferro-silicon 335. The effect of codeine in hindering the precipitation af Note on the titration of copper with cyanide moryliint! by trmmonia from a solution of its lime compound 205. (Not.es) 268. The reductase test for milk 21. Fixed organic acids and especially lactic acid in wine 353. Babington F. W. Tingle A. and Watson C. E. Bacharach A. L. Bachmann F. M. Bader A. Bagshaw C R. Baker J. L. ttnd Hulton H. F. E. Baker J. L. and Hulton H. F. E. Baker I. L. and Bulton H. F. E. Balareff D. Barker 18. H. Barker, M. J. Barnebey 0. I;. Benson H. K. and Jones F. M. Berthelot D. and Trannoy R. Bidwell Q. L. Kafir kernel 272.Bieber P. W. S'ee Levine P. A. and Hieber F. W. Biesterfeld C. EL and Eqenson 0. I;. Examination of commercial destrin and related starch products 350. Two plant products from Colombia 289. Use of micro-organisms to determine the preservative value of different brands of spices 171. See Yortrnunn G. and B;tder A. The ignition of boric acid (Notes) 138. Analysis of " Cocoa Teas," 189. Estimation of shell in cocoa and cacao The analytical examination of the sweet products 197. ckiesinut (Castanea satiua) (Notes) 32. Volumetric estimation of pyrophosphoric acid 45. Bisulghate method of estimating radium 362. See Fox J. J. and Barker M. F. Estimation of available oxygen in pyrolusite 45 Tannin content of Pacific Coast trees 143. Sugar contents of sorghum at different stages of gmwth 274.Estimation of fat in condensed milk.and milk powders 140 i V INDEX TO VOLUME XLLII. Billeter O. and Wavre B. Birchard F. T. Blake A. F. Blake Q. R. Blakeley A. G. and Reilly E. A. Blasdale W. C. Blish M. J. Blount B. ,I method of handling phosphorus (Notes) 291. Blomt B. Calorific value of petrol (Notes) 89. Blount B. Crucibles (Notes) 60. Blount B. Detection of zirconia (Notes) 269. Blount B. Determination of carbon in steel (Notes) 59 and 268. Blount B. Estimation of nlburninoid ammonia (Notes) 60. Blount B. Estimation of sulphur in petrol (Notes) 89. Blount B. Limitations of the balance 72. Blount B. Xuffles (Notes) 88. Blount B. Preparation of carbon monoxide (Notes) 88. Blount B. The estimation of potash 117.Blount B. and Woodcock W. H. Bolton E. R. and Revis C. Bolton E. R. and Revis C. Bosshard E. and Comte F. Boudet J. Boyles F. M. Braun V. Briant L-Bright C. 0. bleached sulphite pulps 70. Brill H. C. and Agcaoili F.-Some limitations of the Kjeldahl method 226. BriI1 H. C. and Aiincastre C. Brill H. C. and Parker H. 0. Brill H. C. and Williams R. R. Broderscm 38. J. grown 3. Browne F. Browning K. C. MufAcs (Notes) 139. Browning P. E. and Scott S. E, separation from arsenic 43. Buckley J. P. Junr. Buckley J. P. Junr. Junr . Burkhard W. E. Burrell B. A. BU~OWS G. H. Butler-Jones F. Estimation of thiosulphuric sulphurous trithionic, and sulphuric acids in admixture 337. Estimation of moisture in wheat 383.Alignment chart for the e-sduation of coal 393. See Gooch 17. d. and Blake G. R. Sperm oils used for burning purposes 147. Principles of Quantitative Analysis (Review) 76. Separation of protein from non-protein nitrogen in wheat 355. Vacuum balance oases 105. Oiticica oil-A new drying oil 251. The estimation of moisture and total fatty matter in New method for estimating fatty acids in soap 411. “ acid oils ” and soap stocks 158. See Nicolardot P. and Boudet J. See Garola C. V. and Braun V. Original gravity of beers (Notes) 349. Estimation of essential oils in non-alcoholic flavouring extracts 326. Method of staining for distinguishing beheen bleached and un-Vitarnine content of some Philippine vegetables, Rancidity of Philippine coconut oil 89.143. Chaulmoogra oil 139. See Murmroe G. S. and Broderson H. 5. Use of cupferron in the separation of zirconium titanium iron man-ganese and aluminium 42. Sampling and assay of Chinese tin 104. Qualitative detection of germanium and its See Holllland E. B. and Buckley J. I?. Junr. See also Eolland E. B. Reed J. C. and Buckley J. P , Weighing burette for liquids 48. See Pilcher R. B. and Butler-Jones F. See Fairley T and Burrell 13. A. See Shippy B. A. and Burrows G. H. Gain J. C. Gain J. R. and Maxwell L. C. Carles 5. White wines containing copper 354. The Xanufacture of Intermediate Products for Dyes (Review) 283. Rapid estimation of carbon in steel by barium carbonate method 359 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. V Carnot A, Carnot A. Carrutk F. E.Chamot E. M. and Cole H. I. Chapin W. H. Chapman A. C. Chapman A. 0. Oherckeffsky -, Glare 43. R. Clark A. B. and Eubs E. A. Clark A. B. Clark A. W. and Dubois I;. Clark W. M. and Lubs H. A. Clement J. K. and Lawrence J. N. Clennell J. E. Clowes F. and Oolernan J. B. Cockburn T. Cocking T. T. and Kettle J. D. Cocks L. V. and Salway A. H. Estimation and separation of copper zinc cadmium nickel and Separation of cobalt from nickel 98. Gossypol the toxic principle of cottonseed 222. Vse of textile fibres in microscopic qualitative Rapid pressure method for estimation of carbon dioxide in earbon-colndt 232. chemical analysis 48 148. ates 334. Dog-14'ish liver oil 156. Nucleic acid and its analytical examination 259 Determination of khe purity of castor oil, 218.Notqes 011 the anaJysis of exhaust gas 149. Tl~gmolsulplioplitlialein as indicator in acidimetric litratioiis ,418. See Lubs H. A. and Clark A. €3. " Jelly value " of gelatin and glue 417. Substitute for litmus for use in milk cultwes 413. Laboratory determination of explcsibility of coal-dust and air mixtures 420. Estimation of manganese in aluminium alloys and dust 305. Quantitative Chemical Analysis (Review) 309. See Harris F. W. and Cockburn T. Analysis of Balsam of Tolu 327. Quality of glycerol from whale oil. 11. Factors intlueming the quality of crude glycerol when manufactured by the Twitchell I~~OC.c1SS 276. Cole H. I. Coleman 3. B. Collens A. E. Thymol content of Horse Mint and Ajowan seed (Carurn Coliitt B.and Regan W. Comte F. Cook A. A. and Woodman A. 0. 351. Cope W. C. Cordier I;. Cordier L. COX E. E. Cox H. E. Crawford D. Crowell It. D. Crowther C. and Woodhouse H. Crowther C. and Woodman a. E. @rowther c. and Woodman H. E. Curtman, Curtman Le J= Lewis A, and Harris B. R. DahIberg A. C. See Charnot E. M. and Cole H. I. See Clowes F. and Coleman J. B. coptkrrnz) 411. Analysis of aluminium alloys 229. See Bosshard E. and Comte I?. Detection of vegetable gums in food products, Suggested form of viseosimeter 74. Destruction of the organic matter in urine 69. Estimation of sulpho ethers in urine 69. Artificial colouring matter in rnilk (Notes) 166. Tlie composition of " sharps '' and bran and the effect thereon of the Quantitatvive estirriation of acetic propionic and butyric acids 172.Influence of palm-kernel cake upon the composi-Comparative digestibility of palm-kernel cake, Digestibility of dried yeasti 65. Food Ckmtiroller 's orders 53. See Saul J. E. and Crawford D. tion of milk fat 62. extracted palm-kernel meal and undecorticated cottonseed cake 64. 303. depending on the formstion of the copper-tartrate complex 96. J. and Kaufra-n C. Detection of iodides in the presence of cyanides, Study of the test for tartrates See Thatcher R. W. and Dahlberg A. C. 1vf- Re Composition of loganberry juice and pulp 66 VL INDEX TO VOLUME x L m . Daughters M. R. Daughters M. R. DavieS E. C. H. Davis H. S. and Davis M. D. Differential pressure method for estimation of wpoirrs in gases 416.Davis H. S. Davis M. D. and MacGregor D. a. Application of differential pressure inetl-rod to estimation of tlic? benzene and total light oil content of gases 417. Davis J. B. Davis M. D. Davis M. D. Davisson B. S. physiological solutions 38%. Day F. E. and Grimes; Nx. (Notes 1 215. Day F. E. and Grimes M. b tityrome t ers 123. Dean E. W. and Hill H. H. line 299. D a b W. A. Deming H:. G. Beming 53. 0. Deming E. G. Denighs G. Denis W. Dezani S. Dienert F. DiBnert F. and Guillerd A. Dorrance R. L. Dovey E. R. Downs (3. R. and Stupp C. 0. Estimation of phthalic anhydride in crude Dubois L. Dubosc A. and Luttringer A. Rubber Its Production Chemistry and Synthesis Dufty L. Dujardin M. Estimation of the acidity of condensed milk 220.Dunn J. T. Preparation of carbon monoxide (Notes) 214. Durand H. and Stevenson R. Detection of added water in milk 171. Duret P. Method for the rapid destruction of organic matter 333. Loganberry and the acid content+ of its juice 141. Seeds of the Echinocystis Oregana 172. Grinding glass tips for drop-weight apparatus 280. See Taylor G. B. aiid Davis 3. B. See Davis H. S. and Davis &!I. D. See also Davis H. S. Davis M. D. and MacGregor D. G. Estimation of ammonia and nilxic nitrogen in soil extracts and Conditions affecting accuracy in the Gerber test; The gradaation and calibration of Gerber new milk Xstimation of unsaturated hydrocarbons in gaso-A Yllanuul of Chemical Nomography Together with a " Nomoii '' The Nornon z1 calculating device for Chemists 49.Universal gas-voltimeter 49. Methods for the determination of the total acidity of urine 92. or Calculating Cliart (Beview) 394. Detection and estimation of butvric acid 145. See Folin O. and Denis W. Delicate reaction of the nitrites 'TO. Estimation of nitrites 392. Concentration of bacteria in water 223. See Shutt F. T. and Dorrance R. L. The colorimetric estimation of iron (Notes) 31. phtlialic acid 391. See Clark A. Mi. and Dubois L. (Review) 371. Determination of carbon in steel (Notes) 167. Eckles C. H. and Palmer A. Influence of the age of the cow on the composition Edgar G. and Kemp A. R. Use of silver as reducing agent in volumetric Edwards J. B. Gas interferometer calibration 49. Ehrlich J. Action of sodium sulphide on iodine and the use of the reaction in Elgove E.Colorimetric estimation of small amounts of aniline 39. Elsdon Q. D. The detection of cane sugar in milk (Noha) 292. Elmer W. Decomposition of trichlorethylene 175. Emery W. Q. and Spencer 0. C. and properties of milk and milk fat 142. estimation of iron 278. analysis 279. Estimation of theobromine 383 INDEX TO VOLUME xLIrI. Vii Emery W. O. and Wright 0.9. Evaluation of hexamethylenetetramine tablets, Evenson 0. L. 380. See Biesterfeld C. H. and Evenson 0. L. Fairley T. and Burrell B. A. Falciola P. Faul M. Fearon W. R. Biochemical colour-tests (1) The thiophene test for lactic acid. Fellenberg T. Von. Estjmcttion of starch in clover 36. Fellenberg T. Von Various modes of combination of methyl alcohol in plants.Fenner Q. and Fmschmann J. Estimation of copper as copper oxide after Ferguson 6. B. Ferguson J. B. Ferris L. W. eoncentration constant 35. Field A. J. Fieldner A. C. and Selvig W. A. Fieldner A. C. Selvig W. A. and Osgood F. D. Quick estimation of incombus-Fisher H. L. arid Wright! A. H. Gombustion of substrances containing nitrogen 276. Polin O. and Denis W. Folin O. and McEllroy W. S. Copper-Phosphate mixtures as sugar reagents 299. Follett H. I;. See Knight 33. W. Lincoln C. T. FormanBk G. and E’olletf H. 1,. Foote F. W. and Ransom R. S. Junr. Rapid estimation of tungsten 338. Formangk 0. See Knight E. W. Lincoln C. T. FormanBk G. and Follett H. L. Porschmann J. Fortini V. Estimation of resins in soap 273. Pouchet A.Detection and estimation of Piliary pigments in blood-serum 91. FOX J. J. and Barker M. F. Frabot C. Detection of foreign oils in castor oil used for lubricating aviation Frabot C. Determination of the purity of castor oil 326. Francis F. Method for the estimation of the a.lkalinity of certain scrlutions 358. Frangoics M. Analysis of chloral hydrate 34. Franpis M. Estimation of halogens sulphur and nitrogen in presence of mercury, 302 391. Frangois X. Estimation of mercur,y by means of zinc foil 305. Friedrichs 0. Von. Friead J. N. The Chemistry of Linseed Oil (Review) 186. Fryer P. J. and Weston F. E. Fryer P. J. and Weston F. E. Fryer P. J. and Weston F. E. Furman N. R. Filtering medium used in the eshimation of woody Use of the Lewis-Thompson ca-lorimeter for the estimation of sulphur fibre 307.in combustibles 48. See Heiduschka A. and Faul M. A colour-test for aldehydes 412.-Estimation of pectin- and lignin-methyl alcohol in roots 31. previous precipitation as thioeyanate 360. E:st?imation of iron in glass sand 44. Improved form of thermo-regulator 341. Detection of added water in milk by means of a simplified rriohxular Estimation of acetone 329. Dehrmination of moisture in coke 223. tible matter in coal and rock-dust mixtures in mines 357. Estimation of lactose in milk 294. See Fenner G . and Forsclimann J. The estimation of phenol in cresylic acid 389. machines 40. Estimation of camphor in camphorated oil 409. Technical Handbook of Oils Fats and Waxes The optical dispersion of oils from an analytical The “ Valenta Number ” as a discriminating test (Review) 75.point of view 311. for oils and fats 3. Use of hydrofluoric acid in analysis 304. Gaessler W. G. and McCandli8h A. C. Composition and digeshibility of Stdan-Graas hay 412 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. . V l l l (Eariard J. D. and Sherman H. C. Gsrelli 9. Garola C. V. and Braun V. Bassmann T. Geiger G. A. G ~ l i n B. Gill? A. E. Giua M. and Diua-Lollini C. 397. Giua-Lollini C. Godden W. Comparative keeping qualities of palm-kernel coconut gound-nut, and other oil cakes 63. Booth 1. A. and Blake 0. R. Perchlorate method for estimation of alkali metals, 277. Gmch F. A. and Kobayashi N. Gravimetric and volumetric estimation of A uorine precipitated as thorium fluoride 360.Gray T. Greathouse L. H. Grey E. C. Grimes N. Grossfeld J. 416. Grossmann PT. and Mannheim 3. arnide 175. BuiChmd M. Precautions for exact weighing 73. Gaichard X. Weighing vacuum tubes 73. Quillerd A. Ounke Ma Glucosazone reaction 330. Fat from rice husks 141. Estimation of potassium by the sodium cobaltinitrite method 150. Occurrence of hydrogen selenide in rain-wakr and snow 335. Estimation of benzaldehpde in presence of benzoic acid 414. See WolB J. and Geslin B. Occurrence of carotin in oils and vegetables 384. Chemical Combination among Metals (Review) See Giua N ! and Giua-Lollini C. See Xelley G. L. Spencer M. G. Illingworth C. B. and Gray T. See Willard H. H. and Greathouse I;. H. Estimation of succinic acid 357.See Day F. E. and Grimes NI. Esfiimation of lactose in admixture with cane sugar and invert sugar, Precipitsation of copper as copper dicyanodi-See DiBnert F. and Guillerd A. See Takahashi T. Gnnke M. and Yamazaki T. Haar A. Van Der. Haaren A. Van. Habn F. L. Babes 0. J. and Xarden J. W. Etawilton E. Harned H. S. and Laird 0. N. method 418. Harpster W. C. Harris 3. R. It8Fri~ F. W. and Cockburn T. 3=ris L. J. Harris L. J. karris L. J. sat R. Harvey T. F. and Sparks C. F. Rapid estimation of pyridine bases in ammonia Heaven G. S. Mercury fulminate and its estimation 300. Hehner N. E. Fruit of Aspragus o f i c i ~ l i s 60, Heiduschka A. and Faul 116 Colorimetric methods for the estimation of very Heise a. W. See Wright J. R. and Heise G.W. Dehction of d-glycuronic acid and other acids with similar behaviour by the naphtho-resorcinol reaction 415. See Hene E. andHaaren A. Van. Estimation of copper as sulphide and by electrolysjs 71. Scientific Treatise on Smoke Abatement (Review) 110. Estimation of alcohol 93. Titration of oxalic acid by the conductivity See Seibert F. I f . and Harpster W. C. See Curtman L. J. Lewis A. and Harris B. R. A new formula for the calculation of added water in milk 345. Additive factors for the calculation of fat in milk from hhe specific Table for sorting of milk samples 375. Alleged poisoning by potatoes 133. gravity and total solids 263. Distillation method for the estimation of water in soap 382. and its salts 146. smdZ quaxitities of morphine 65 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII.1x Eene E. and Van Haaren A. Andysis of calcium cyanamide containing lasge Headrickson IT. and Swan (3. 8. Estimation of nitrogen in eggs as ammonia 382. Hibbert J. C. and Thompson W. F. An improved melting-point apparatus Hibbert -. Hill C. A. Eill C. A. Hill 0. A. Hill 0. A. 33311 H. E. Hiltner R. S. Holland E. B. arid Buckley J. P. Junr. 269. Bolland E. B. Reed J. C. and Buckley J. P. Junr. Hollande A. C. Preparation of an anti-albumin serum from rabbits and its Holleman A. F. A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry (Review) 77. HopkEin~ B. S. EOV~Y R. W. Howden R. Volumetric estimation of zinc by acidimetric titration 422 Howie M. Euff W. J. Hulton H. F. E. percentage of dicyanodiamide or urea 356. (Notes) 21 6, (Notes) 214.See Knecht - and Hibbert -An improvement in the B.P. method of estimating. morphine in opium Note on the gasornetric determination of nitrates 215. See Richmond H. D. and Hill C. A, See also Richmond H. D. Royce S. and Hill C. A See Dean E. W. and Hill H. H. See Parker C. E. and Hiltner R. S. Estimation of fatty acids in butter fat, Stability of olive oil 326. standardisation 91. See Yntema L. F. and Hopkins B. S. See Johnsen B. and Hovey R W. See Van Name 11. G. and Huff W. J. Estimation of nitrogen content of rubber 226. Arsenic in cream of tartar substitutes (Notes) 87. Ibbotson F. 234. Iles L. E. Illingworth C. B. See Kelley G. L. Myers F. B. and Illingwosth C. B. Illlingworth C. B. See also Kelley G. L Spencer M. G. Illingworth C .B and Gray T. ItalIie E. Van and Lemkes H. J. Examination of storax 273. Volumetric estimation of manganese by means of sodium arsenite, Estimation of boric acid by the use of manna (Notes) 323. Jamieson G. S. Jamieson 0. S. Jessup D. W. Jodidi S. L. Johnsen B. and Eovey R. W. Jones E. a. Jones F. M. Jones R. C. Joret -. Estimation-of arsenic in insecticides by means of potassium iodate, Gravimetric and volumetric determination of zinc precipitated 277. as zinc mercury thiocyanate 338. Estimation of bismuth in lead bullion 300. Abnormalities in the formol titration method 328. A method for the colorimetric estimation of cobalt 317. See Eenson H. K. and Jones F. N. The Nature of Solution {Review) 369. Estimation of cellulose in wood 297.See Sirot - and Joret -. Kamm 0. Karrer E. Katz M. H. Kaufman C. Kauffrnan M. Keith T. E. and Shiver E. E. See Adams R. and Kamm,,O. Simplified short vacuum gauge 341. Bee Anderson R. P. and Katz M. H. See Curtman 7;. J. and Kaufman C. Sse Van der Linden T. Kauffrnan M. and Leistra F. Study of tihe De Roode Method for the estimation of potash in fertiliser materials 236 x INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Kelber C. and Rheinheirner H. Comparison between the bromide-bromate method and the methods of Hub1 and of Wijs for the estimation of the indine value of oils and fats 90. Kelley G. L. and Myers F. B. Kelley G. L. Myers F. B. and Illingworth C. B. Estimation of tantalum in alloy steels 47. Kelley 0. L. Spencer M. B. Illingworth C. B. and Gray T.Estimation of manganese in steel in presence of chromium and vanadium by electrometric titration 178. Kernp A. R. Kerr R. H. Kettle 3. D. 3ilburne C. H. (Review) 52, Kiplinger C. C. tubing 393. Xiplinger C. C. K l ~ t A. Knecht - and Hibbart -. New Reduction RIetliods in Volurnctxk Analysi:, might E. W. Lincoln C. T. Forman&k Q. and Follett H. L. Estimation of flobayashi M. Xober F. A. Kober P. A. Koenig J. Konek F. Von and Schleifer 0. greiling R. G. See hlldniies I). :I. and Krailing R. G . Kropf A. Separatlion of phosphorus and vanadium 1'79. Kuzirian S. B. Use of sodium paratungstate in the analysis of metallic cjariides 46. Analysis of alloys of nickel and zirconium 44. See Edgar G. and Kemp A. R. See Cocking T. T. and Kettle J.D. Chemical tests for detection of rancidity 327. The Pasteurisation of Milk from the Practical View-Point Device to ensure tight connections between glass and rubbey-Ebullioscopic determinations with a cornmm thermometer 340. See McCrae J. and Kloot A. (Review) 427. phenol in presence of the t h e e cresols 173. See Gooch F. A. and Kobayashi M. New form of ultra-filter and its uses 422. Technical applications of nephelometry 180 362. See Nicolardot P. and Koenig J. Estimation of selenium in organic compounds, 391. Laborde J. Aldehydes of wine 67. Laborde J. Composition of the fixed acidifg of good and bad wines 69. Laborde J. Separation and estimation of lactic succinic and malic acids in Lair& C. N. See Warned H. S. and Laird C. N. Lal P.Lane K. W. See Applebey M. P. and Lane X. W, Lavialle P. and Varenne L. hydrogen cyanide 145. Lawrence J. N. fie Chatelier E. Leistra F. Lernkes H. J. See Van Itallie I,. and Lernkes H. J. Lenher V. and Merrill H. B. Solubility of silica 103. Levine P. A. and Bieber F. W. Rapid organic combitstion 180. Lewis A. Lewis H. F. Quantitative estimation of antliraquinone 297. Ley H. Lidstone F. M. Lincoln C. T. See Knight. E. W. Lincoln C. T. Forman& G. and Follett H. L. Linden T. Van der Rauffman M. 2nd Leistxa F. Determination of water. in wines 68. See Nag N. C. and Lal P. Detection and estimation of small quantities of See Clement J. K. and Lawrence J. N. Amount of nitrogen in osidised coal 39. See Van der Linden T. Kauffman M. and Leistra F See Curtman L.J. Lewis A, and Hamis B. R. Iodimetric estimation of copper and iron 41. Modified mercurial viscometer for volatile liquids 308. molasses and other sugar-factory products by the distillation method 221 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Xi Lindet L. Influence of the vegetative function of yeast on the yield of alcohol Ling A. R. Lomax E. L. Lowe R. E. Lubs H. A, and Clark A. B. 414. Lubs E. A. Zuce E. Luttriqer A. and a new interpretation of the expression " fermentative power " 355. Hypochlorites in drinking waters (Notes) 347. Method for the analysis of ferro-silicon 42. Testing and standarisation of niotor fuel 225. Rapid analysis of mixtures of chlorinated toluene, See Clark W. M. and Lubs H. A. Estimation of nitric acid in bismuth subnitrate 301.See Dubosc A. and Luttringer A. Mabee H. C. XacFadden A. W. J. Report on work of Inspectors of Foods for Year 1916-1917, 107. MacGregor D. 0. MacInnes D. A. and Kreiling R. G. Improved Victor Meyer vapour density apparatus 49. MacIntire W. H. Mannheim J. NIarck I. L. B. Van Der. Narden J. W. Marini C. Masson PI J. Maue 0 Maxwell L. C. May P. McCandlish A. (3. McGracken R. F. and Walsh M. D. McCrae J. and Kloot A. NcEllroy W. S. Meade R. K. Xeaurio V. L. Detection of small amounts of vanadium in water 179. Medinger P. and Michel F. Detection of cider in white wines 294. Meldrum R. Merrill H. B. Merritt E. H. Michel F. Miller E. V. and Worley F. P. Mitchell C. A. Mob! J. Moloney P. J. Monroe G. S. and BTOderSon H.J. Some effects of certain solvents on tars in Moor C. C. and Partridge W. Aids to the AnaJysis of Foods and Drugs (Review), Norgan 0. T. Moseley H. W. and Myers R. 0. Still for continuous preparation of water of high purity in quantity 423. Mummery W. R. Munn W. F. Myers F. B. Assay of molybdenum ores and concentrates 335. See Davis H. S. Davis M. D. and MacGregor D. G. See Willis L. G. and Macintire W. H. See Grossmann H. and Mannheim J. See Haines C . J. and Marden J. W. Whortle-Berry juice as an indica,tor 418. See Nicolardot P. and Masson P. J. See Cain J. R. and Maxwell L. C. The Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs (Review) 396. Platinum substitute (Platinum gold alloy} 280. Guaiacol carbonate as a test for the 2urity of ether 331. See Gaessler W.G. and McCandlish A. C. McLean-Van Slyke iodimetric method for the titiration of small amounts of halides Its application to chlorides 43. Witgatboom. A substitub for chicory 373. See Folin O. and McEllroy W. S. Valuation of lime for various purposes 233. Detection and estimation of zinc in water 72. See Lenher V. and Merrill H. B. Increasing hhe delicacy of delivery of burettes (Notes) 138. See Medinger P. and Michel F. Relation between the degree of supersaturation, the refractive index and the temperature of sugar solutions 221. Edible Oils and Fats (Review) 284. See Shutt F. T. and Moloney P. J. New method of estimating copper 231. the '' free carbon " determination 96. 426. Organic Compounds of Arsenic and Antimony (Review) 282.Gravimetric estimation of phosphates (Notes) 324. Estimation of acetic acid by distillation with phosphoric acid 330. See Kelley G. L. and Myers F. B .-xll INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Myers F. B. Myers R. G. Nag N. C. and Lal P. Name R. 0. Van and Huff W. J. Nicolardot P. and Boudet J. Nicolardot P. and Koeniig J. Hicotardot P. and Wasson P. J. oils 2 i 6 . Northrup Z. Noyes W. A. and Skinner G. S. under diminished pressure 105. Oberfell G. C. Osgood F. D. Outcault H. E. Palet L. B. J. Palkin S. Identification and estimation of potassium guaiacol sulplionate 380. Palkin S. Separation of aluminium from iron by means of ether 41. Palmer A. See Eckles C. H. and Palmer A. Parker C. E. and Hiltner R. S. Determination of citral (Modified Hiltner Method).Parker Tc. 0. Parkes M. E. Parkes A. E. Parkes A. E. (Notes) 87. Parkes A. E. Beam) ,estimations (Notes) 408. Parry E. J. 372. Partington J. R. Partridge W. Partridge W. Piaraerts J. Pilcher R. B. and ButlerJones F. What Industry Owes to Chemical Science (Review) 368. Pfimmer R. R. A. Practical Organic and Biochemistry (Review) 370. Plimmer R. H. A. ,The Chemical Constitution of the Proteins. Part I Analysis Porritt B. D. Arrangement for illuminating a chemical balmce 238. Powell A. R. Estimation of tin in high-grade wolfram ores and the use of lead Powell A. R. See Schoeller W. R. and Powell A. R. Pulsifer Tc. B. method 364 Quartaroli A. in presence of each other 234. Rakshit Jitendm Nath. Rakshit Jitendra Nath. See also Kelley G.L. Myers F. B. and Illingwarth C B. See Moseley H. W. and Myers R. G. Estimation of alcohol in spirituous liquors 409. Estimation of phosphorous hypophosyhoric, Examination of mercury fulminate and analysis of Estimation of silicon in ferro-silicon 363. and phosphoric acids in mixtures 235. mixtures for percussion-caps 229. Dubrisay 's method of examinating lubricating Efficient apparatus for fractional distillation Anaerobic culture volumeter 385. Testing natural gas for gasoline 224. See Fieldner A. C. Selvig W. A . and Osgood F. D. See Sweeney 0. R. Outcault H. E. and Withrow 5. R. Sensitive reaction of apornorpliine 168. See Brill H. C. and ParEer H. 0. Glass-cutting tool 107. A modified acetic acid reagent for Valenta tests 82. The detection of artificial colouring matters in butter and msrgarine The utilisation of glycerol residues from Reichert-Wollny (Leff rriann-The Chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial Perfumes (Review), The Alkali Industry (Review) 284.War emergency formulze (Notes) 378. See Moor C. C. and Partridge W. Sanga-Sanga nuts (Ricinodendron ufricanum) 295. (Review) 74. as a reducing agent in Pearce's assay 421. Apparatus for estimation of sulphur in iron by the evolution Estimation of minute quantities of nitrites and hydrogen peroxide Opium wax 321. Polarimetric estimation of morphine in opium 320 * . * INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Xlll Randall W. W. Ransom R. S. Junr. Bather J. B. Rather J. B. Rather J. B. Raynes E. 0. Read B. E. Reed E. 0. Xeed J.0. Regan W. ReiIly E. A. Renaud A. Eenaud A. Rheinheimer a. Rhue S. W. Richards P. A. E. Richmond EX. D. Richmond E. 9. Eichmond H. D. Richmond H. D. Richmond I€. D. and Hill 6. A. Analysis of commericial saccharin. The es tiimtion of o-benzoyXsulphonimide from the ammonia produced by acid Iiydrolysis 353. Richmond II. D. Royce S. and Hill C. A. The examination of saccharin tablets, 402. RiXOn F. W. Roberts 0. 13. Roberts W. E. Smetham A. and Voelcker J. A. Robinson W. 0. Robinson W. 0. Rocqzaes - and Touplain -. Rolando E. Rooney T. E. ROSS W. E. Rowat R. M. Royce S. Rupp E. Rupp E. Rupp E. Salway A. H. Note on the use of the immersion refractometer 393. See Foote F. W. and Ransom R. S. Junr. Estimation of organic matter in soils by loss on ignition 332.Estimation of phytin phosphorus in plant products 38. Inosite phosphoric acids of some important7 feeding materials 169. Note on the iodine values of mustard oil (Notes) 216. Hdible Litchi nut 272. Method for determining the absorbeney of paper 154. See Holland E. B. Reed J. C. tmd Buckley J. P. Junr. See Collitt B. and Regan W. See Blskeley 9. G. and Reilly E. A. ]Estimation of total carbon in various biological substances 355. Simplified gasometric estimations 357. f3stimation of sodium and potassium 336. Cacao " germ '' (Notes) 214. See Kelber C. and Rlieinheimer H. Homatropine and the Vitali test (Notes j 167. Note on the graduatjon of Gerber biityronieters 405. The composition of British saccharin (Notes) 349.The melting-point of atropine sulphate (Notes j 168. Application of the centrifuge in the laboratory 365. l'actors affecting the composition of plant ashes with special Borax as destructive of vegeta-refercnce Co tobacco 254. tion (Nohcs) 58. Prcventing salts from creeping 107. Proximate quantitative method for the estimation of rubidium 9lkalised coeoas and their differentiat.ion from and cEsium in plant ash 152. natural cocoas 217. See Scurti F. and Rolando E. See Wagner C. R. and Boss W. H. Rapid method of estimating phosphorus in bronzes 421 See Westman L. E. and Rowat R. M. See Richmond H. D. Royce S. and Hill C. A Estimation of chlorates and hypochlorites 176. Estimation of hypobromite and bromate or hvpoiodite and iodate in Estimation of iodates in tlhe presence of bromates 176 mixtures of $he mime 176.Quality of glycerol from whale oil. See Cocks L. V. and Satway A. H. (1) Impurities in glycerol from whale oil with reference to the suitability of such glycerol for the production of dynamite 275. Salway A. H. Sammet 0. F. strength 388. Saul J. E. and Crawford D. 348. Schleifer 0. Comparative melting-points of glues as a measure of the jelly Separation of traces of copper from solution (Notes), Ree Konek F. von and Schleifer 0 xiv INDEX TO VOLUME xmI. Schneider L. 233. Schoeller W. R. and Powell A. R. 301. Schudel 0. See Willstatter R. and Schudel G. Schultze W. Precipitrant for sugars starches gums proteins and organic acids 90 Scott S. E. See Browning P. E. and Scott S.E. Scurti F. and Rolando E. Value of Halphen’s ratio as applied to Italian wines 37. Seibert F. M. and Harpster W. C. Use of the interference refradiometer in gas analysis 365. Sddell A. Utilisation of adsorptive power of Fuller’s earth for chemical separa-tions 101. Seidenberg A. Selvig W A. Selvig W. A. Sherman H. C. Shippy B. A. and B ~ O W S G. H. Shiver H. E. Shook 0. A. Shuey P. M. Shutt F. T. and Dorrance R. L. Shutt F. T. and Xoloney P. J. Singh Hardayal. Sirot - and Joret -. Skinner 0. S. See Noyes W. A. and Skinner G. S. Skirrow F. W. Estimation of phenol in crude carbolic and in coal-tar oils 94. Smetham A. See Roberts W. H. Smetham A. and Voelcker J. A. Smit-Addens H. Examination of oil varnishes 332. Smith E. A The Zinc Industry (Review) 397.-Smith H. G. Use of the refractameter in the examination of eucalyptus oils 410. Smither F. W. Smoot A. M. Estimation of tin in wolfram ores and concentrates 392. Sneed M. C. New method for separation of copper group from arsenic. group with especia.1 reference to identification of arsenic 98. Snyder J. P. Tincture of ginger U.S.P. 270. Sparks C. F. See Harvey T. F. and Sparks C. F. Spencer G. C. Spencer M. 0. See Kelley G* L. Spencer M. G . Illingworth C. B. and Gray T. Spriestersbach D. 0. Preservation of plant juices for analysis of sugar content, 174. Spurway C. H. Stansell L. W. Stearns 0. Steel T. Stephenson H. F. Estimation of dbuminoid ammonia in liquids containing gas Stephenson H. F. Recovery of iodine from dilute residues (Notes) 165.Stevens H. P. Estimation of sulphur in vulcanised rubber (Notes) 377. Stevenson R. Iodide titration of silver nitrate with palladious nitrate as indicator, Estimation of cobalt and nickel in cobalt steel, Method for the detection of foreign fats in butter fat 379. See Fieldner A. C. and Selvig W. A. See Fieldner A. C. Selvig W. A. and Osgood F. D. See Garard J. D. and Sherman H. C. Estimation of potassium and sodium as chlor-ides by means of the refractometer 102. See Keith T. E. and Shiver H. E. Differential refractometer 366. Preparation of ammonium citrate and estimation of insoluble ~110s-phoric acid 71. Nitrogen compounds in rain and snow 235. Estimation of moisture in flour 293. See Annett H. E. and Singh Hardayal.Estimation of chlorine in presence of organic matter (gastric juice serum blood milk) 274. See Walker P. H. and Smither F. W. See Emery W. O. and Spencer G. C . Soil acidity and the hydrolytic ratio in soils 153. Grinding edges of glass tubes etc. (Notes) 323. Useful distilling head 48. The estimation of potash (Notes) 348. liquor (Notes) 213. See Durand H. and Stevenson R INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. X 1-Stoecklin L. Poisonous bread and Aour Detection and estimation of sapotoxins, 142. Strebinger R. Estimation of nickel with a-benzildioxirne 361. Stupp (1. c1 See Downs C. R. and Stupp C. G. Swan 0 C. See Hezdrickson N. and Swan G. C. Sweeney 0. R. Outcault H. E. and Withrow J. R. Estimation of sulphur Swett C. E. Distinguishing Manila €rom all other " hard " rope fibres 227.SzilPgyi J. V. Tagliavilti A. Volumetric estimation of mercuric oxycyanide 35. Takahashi T. Qunke Ab. and Yamazabi T. Detection of methyl alcohol in alcoholic beverages and its formation by the several kinds of yeasts 90. Tarugi N. New method of estimating iodine in inorganic and organic compounds, 177. Tausz J. Taylor 0. B. and Davis J. B. Analytical control of the ammonia oxidation pro-cess 97. Taylor H. F. Thatcher R. W. and DahIberg A. C. Enzymes of milk and butter 92. Thompson W. F. Thuras A. L. Tingle A. Tingle A. Tognoli E. Reagents and Reactions (Review) 238. Touplain -. See Eocques - and Touplain -. Trannoy R. Travers -. Travers -. Travers -. Trevan J. W. Viscosity of blood 296. Tschugaeff L. New reaction of osmium 362.THiropinas F. Volumetric method for the estdmation of forrriic acid or formates in the presence of hydroxides carbonates oxalates and acetates 93. Tsufimoto M. saturated hydrocarbons in basking-shark liver oil 143. Tunmann, 0. dioxide 46. Estimation of antimony dioxide 175. Estimation of turpentine and the detection of adulterants 384. L+'ractionating column for laboratory use 339. See Weibel E. E. and Thuras A. L. See Hibbert J. C. and Thompson W. F. Acidirnetry of coloured solutions. See Babington F. W. Tingle A. and Watson C. 33. Applicabion of the pocket spectro-scope 280 306. See Berthelot D. and Trannoy R. Colorimetric estimation of tungsten 237. Estimation of tantdum in iron and steel 237. Estimation of vanadium in the presence of molybdenum by means of titanium trichloride 238.Identification of veronal acetanilide salicylic acid and phenacetin, 66. Upton H. S. Volumetric estimation of fre$e sulphur in soft rubber compounds 334. Van der Haar A W. behaviour by the naphtho-resorcinol reaction 415. Van der Linden T. Kauffrnan M. and Leistra F. molasses and other sugar-factory products by the distillation method 221 Van der Mwck I. L. B. Van Haaren A. See Hene E, and Van Haaren A. Van Name R. O and Huff W. J. Estimation of phosphorous hypophosphorie, Varenne L. See Lavialle B. and Varenne L. Vautier E. Estimation of caffeine in coffee 410. Verkade P. E. Flower bulb starches 329. Villavecchia V. Trattato di Chimica Analytica Applicata (Review) 51. Detection of d-glycuronic acid and other acids with similar Determination of water in Platinum substitute (platinum gold alloy) 280.and phosphoric acids in mixtures 235 xv1 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Voelcker E. W. Voelcker J. A. and Voelcker E. W. stuffs (Notes) 31. Voelcker J. A. Voisenet E. hyde ? Voisenet E. Von Friedrichs 0. Voltmann G. and Bader A. from antimony 178. See Voelcker J. A and Volelcker E. W. The estimation of " woody-fibre " in feeding-See Eoberts W. H. Snietham A. and Voelcker J. A. Is the reaction of Adarrikiewicx due to glyoxylic acid or to formalde-Study of the hdamkiewicz reaction for prot,eins 386. Estimat.ion of camphor in camphorated oil 409. Estimation of I?ead as phosphate and its separatlioii Waddell J. chromate in various aqueous solutions 287.Wade A. de. 408. Wagner C. It. and ROSS W. II. to the analysis of phosphates 99. Walker H. S. Walker P. H. and Smither F. W. Walsh M. D. Wastenson I€. Watson @. E. Watson E. R. Monographs on Industrial Chemistry. Colour in Relation to Wavre B. Weber B. O. and Wilson J. B. Weehuizen F. Modified Sesame oil reaction 273. Weibel E. E. and Thuras A. L. Weiss J. BE. Weitzel A. Volumetric estimation of chlorine in foods etc. by the wet rnetliod without- incineration 34. Westman L. E. and Rowat R. N. Uanganese content o€ the ash of certain drirgs, 1'70. Weston F. E. See Fryer P. J. and Weston F. E. Wherry E. T. and Yanovsky E. Identification of the cinchona alkaloids by Whittaker C. M. Dyeing with Coal-Tar Dyestuffs (Review) 425. Wichmann H.J. Detection and estimation of coumarin in factitious vanilla extracts 325. Wiley H. W. Foods and their Adulteration (Review) 342. Willaman J. J. Optical r n e t h d of estimating malic and tartaric acids in the same solutions 227. Willard H. H. and Greathouse L. H. Colorimetric estimation of manganese by oxidation with periodate 44. Williams R. R. Willis L. G. and MacIntire W. H. Rapid method for the estimation of lime HR calcium sulphate 102. Willstatter R. and Schudel G. Estimation of dextrose by means of hypo-iodite, 416. Wilson C. P. and Young C. 0. Estimation of volatile oil in Citrus fruits 36 Wilson J. B. Winkler L. Volumetric determination of barium and $lie solubility of barium The determination of volatile " thinners " in oil varnishes (Notes), Estimation of fluorine with special application Analysis of molasses 220.See McCracken I1. F. and Walsh 1%. D. Comparative tests of chemical glassware 106 Estimation of niercury in galenical preparatlions 35. See Babington 2'. W. Tingle A. and Watson C E. Chemical Constitution (Review) 424. See Billeter O. and Wavre B. Method for the separation and quantitative esti-mation of the lower afkylamines in the presence of ammonia 413. Electrical condiictlivitp recorder for sa1init:-measurements 393. Analysis of crude tar 419. crystallographic measurements 324. See Brill H. C. and Williams R. R. See Weber F. C. and Wilson J. B. Estimation of strontium 363 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. x vii Winkler L. W. Winton A. L. Withrow J. R. Wober A.Wolff J. and Geslin B. Comparstive examination of pure and commercial Woodcock W. H. Woodcock W. H. Woodhead S. A. Woodhouse B[. Woodman A. 0. Woodman E. E. Worley F. P. Wright A. H. Wdght C. D. Wright J. R. and Heise Gc. W. Estimation of chromates and bichromates 278. h Course in Food Analysis (Review) 343. See Sweeney 0. R. Outcault H E. and Withrow J. R. Colorimetric determination of brucine in presence of strychnine 350. inulins 62. Analysis of copper (Notes) 88. See Blount B. and Woodcock W. H. The deterioration of lime on keeping 161. See Cook A. A, and Woodman A. G. See Growther C. and Woodman H. E. See Crowther C and Woodhouse H. See Mill9r E. V. and Worley E'. P. See Fisher H. L. and Wright A. H. See Emery W. O, and Wrighh C.D. Radioactivity of Philippine waters 150. Yamazaki T. Yanovsky E. Pntema 1;. F. and Hopkins 33. S. Young 0. 0. See Takahashi T. Gunke M, and Yamazaki T. See Wherry E. T. and Yanovsky E. Separation of holmium 420. See Wilson C. P. and Young (3.0. Zoller H. F. Constituents of the American grape fruit 270 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Absorbency Paper ; Method for determining the - of. Abstracts of Papers Published in Other Journals 34 60 89 139 168 188 269 293, Acetaniliide Veronal - salicj-lie acid and phenacetin ; Identification of. Acetates Formic acid or formates in the presence of hydroxides carbonates osal-Acetic Acid Pliosphoric acid ; Estimation of - by distillation with. W. E'. Acetic Acid Reagent Valenta tests ; A modified - for.Acetic Propionic and Butyric Acids Quantitative estimation of -. E. D, Acetone - ; Estimation'of. A. J. k'ield 329. E. 0. Reed 154. 324 350 379 409. 0. Tunmarin 66. ates and - ; Volumetric method for the estimation of. Munn 330. P. 'l'siropinas 93. A. E. Parkes 83. Crommell 172. Add Oils tion of. Moisture and total fatty matter in - and soap stocks ; The estima-H . R. Bolton and C . Revis 158. Acidirnetric Titration Zinc by -; Volumetric estimation of. Acidirnetric Titmtions Indicatoi in - ; Thyinolsulphophthalein as. A. B. Clark dcidimetry Coloured solutions ; - of Application of the pocket spectroscq)e. Acidity Condensed R/lilk ; Estimation of the - of. Acldity Urine ; Metlmds for the dctermiriation of the total - of. Acidity Wines; Composition of tltc fixed - of good and bad.Adsmkiewicz Glj osylic acid or to formaldehyde ; Is the reaction of - due to ? Adamkiewicz Reaction Proteins ; Study of the - for. Additive Factors Fat in milk from the specific gravity aad total solids ; - for the Address Retiring President ; Annual - of the. Adsorptive Power FuIIcr 'S carth for chemical sepwations ; Utilisatiion of -, Adulterants Turpenhine and the detection of - ; Estimation of. Air and GoaI-Dust Mixtures Explosibility of - ; Laboratory determination of. dkjowan Seed (Carurn cQpf]CSrmzl) Eorse mint and - ; T'hymol content of. Albuminoid Ammonia Estimation of - (Notes). Albuminoid Ammonia Liquids containing gas liquor ; Estimation of - in Alcohol Alcoholic beverages ; Detection of metliyl - in and its formation by Alcohol Estimation of -.C. J. Haines and 5. W. Marden 93, Alcoh~l Methyl - in plants ; Various modes of combination of. Shhohd Spirituous liquors ; Estimation of - in. R. Rowden 422, and H. A. Lubs 418. A. Tingle 280 and 306, M. Dujardin 220. vi'. A . Dchn, 92. J. LaboL.de 60. E. Voisenet 275. E. Voisenet 386. calculation of. 1,. J. Harris 263. 112. A . Seidell 101. J. Tausz 384. J. K. Clement and J. N. Lawrence 420. A. E. Collens 411. B. Blount 60. (Notes) 13. F. Stephenson 213. the several kinds of yeasts. pectin- and lignin-methyl - in roots. T. Takahashi M. Gunke and T. Yaniazaki 90. Estimation of T. Von Fellenberg 37. N. C. Nag and Y. Lal 409 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. x1x Alcohol Vegetative function of yeast on the yield of -; Influence of the and ti new interpretation of the expression " fermentative power." L. Lindet 355. Alcoholic Beverages Methyl alcohol in -; Detection of md its formation by the several kinds of yeasts. Aldehydes Biochemical colour-tests (1) The thiophene test for lactic acid A colour-test for -. Aldehydes Wine ; - of. Alignment Chart Coal; - for the evaluation of. A. 3'. Blake 393. Alkali Metals Perchlorate method for estimation of -. F. A. Gooch and G. R. Alkalinity Solutions ; Method for the estimation of the - of certain. P. Francis, Akalised Cocoais Natural cocoas ; - and their differentiation from. Rocques and Alkaloids Cinchona - by orystallogmphic measurements ; Identification of the. Alkylarnines Lowel.- in the presence of ammonia ; Method for the separation Alloy Platinum substitute (Platinum gold -). Alloy Steels Tantalum in -; Estimation of. Alloys Aluminium - ; Analysis of. A210ys Manganese in aluminium - and dust; Estimation of. Alloys Nickel and zirconium ; Analysis of - of. Aluminium Alloys Analysis of -. Aluminium Alloys and Dust Manganese in -; Estimation of. Aluminium Iron by rnetlns of ether; Separation of - from. Aluminium Zirconium titanium iron manganese and -; Use of cupferron in J. Brown 42. American Grape Fruit Conshituents of the -. Ammonia Alburninoid - ; Estimation of (Notes). Ammonia Albuminoid - in liquids containing gas liquor ; Estimation of (Notes). H. F. Stephenson 213. Ammonia Codeine in hindering the precipitation of morphine by - from a solu-tion of its lime compound; The effect of.H. E. Annett and Hardayal Singh, 205. Ammonia Lower alkylamines in the presence of -; Method for the separation and quantitabive estimation of the. Ammonia Nitrogen in eggs as -; Estimation of. N. Hezdrickson and G. C. Swan 382. Ammonia Oxidation Process Analytical control of the -. G. 33. Taylor and J. B. Davis 97. Ammonia Plyridine bases in - and its salts ; Rapid estimation of. T. F. Harvey and C. I?. Sparks 146. Ammonia Soil extracts and physiologicd solutions ; Estimation of - and nitric nitrogen in. B. S. Davisson 385. Arnmonical Liquors - ; Analysis of. Ammonium Citrate Insoluble phosphoric acid Preparation of - and estimatioii of. P. N. Shuey 71. Ansrobic Culture Volumeter.Z. Northrup 385. .Aniline Smnll amounts of -; Colorimetric estirnatjon of. T. Takahashi M. Gunke and T. Yamazaki 90. W. R. Fearon 412. J. Labmde 67. Blake 277. 358. Touplain 21 7. E. T. Wherr'y and E Sanovsky 324. and quantitative estimation of the, C. B. Illingworhh 47. 305. 44. I!. C . Weher and J. B. Wilson 413. I. L. B. Van der Marck 280 G. L. Helley F. B. Myers and J. E. Clennell, G. L. Kelley and P. 13. l$_vers, B. Collitt and W. Regan 229. B. Collitt and W. Regan 229. J. E. Clennell, 305. S. Palkin 41. the separation of. H. F. Zoller 270. B. Blount 60. F. C . Weber and J. B. Wilson 413. 419. E. Elgove 39 sx INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Anthraquinone Quantitative estimation of -. Anti-Albumin Serum Rabbits ; Preparation of an - from and its standardisa-Antimony Dioxide Estimation of -.Antimony Lead as phosphate and its separation from - ; Estimation of. Apomorphine Sensitive reaction of -. Apparatus etc. Abstracts 48 72 105 154 180 238 280 306 339 364 393 422. H. I?. Lewis 297. tion A . C. Hollande 91. J. V. Szilhgyi 175. G. Vortmann and A Bader 178. L. I?. J. Palet 168. Apparatus Fractional distillation under diminished pressure ; Efficient - for -W. A. Noyes and G. S. Skinner 105. Apparatus Glass tips for drop-weight -; Grinding. Apparatus Xelting-point -; An improved (Notes). Apparatus Victor Illeyer vapour densiby -; Improved. Aromatic Oils Seyclilelles - from. Arsenic Cream of tartar substitutes; - in (Notes). Arsenic Germanium and its separation from -; Qualitative detection of.1'. 13. Arsenic Insecticides by means of potassium iodate ; Estimation of - in. G. S. Arsenic Separation of copper group from - group with especial reference to Ash Drugs ; Manganese content of the - of certain. L. E. Westman and R. M-Ash Rubidium and cmium in plant -; Proximate quantitative method for the Ashes Plant - with special reference to tobacco ; Factors affecting the composi-Asparagus Officlnalis I,. Fruit of -. Atomic Weights International - 1918. Aviation Machines Castor oil used for lubricating -; Detection of foreign oils E. C. H. navies 280. J. C. Hibbert and W. F. D. A. XacInnes and Thompson 216. R. G. Kreiling 49. 352. H. F. E. Hultcm 87. Browning and S. E. Scott 43. Jamieson 277. identification of -; New method for.Rowat 170. estimation of. tion of. 0. D Roberts 254. M. C. Sneed 98. W. 0. Rlobinson 162. N. E. Hehner 60. 1. in. C. Frabot 40. Bacteria Water ; Concentration of - in. Bacteriological Physiological etc. Abstracts 37 69 91 142 171 222 274 296, Baking Powders Standard of quality for -. Balance Cases Vacuum -. Balance Chemical -; Arrangement for illuminating a. Balance Limitatpions of the -. Balsam of Tolu Analysis of -. Barium - ; Volumetric determination of a,nd the solubility of - chromate in various aqueous solutions. Barium Garbonate Method Carbon in steel by -; Rapid estimation of. J. R. Caizl and L. C. Maxwell 359. Barium Chromate Barium ; Volumetric determination of and the solubility of -in various aqueous solutions.Barleys Moisture-content of - ; Institute of Brewing method for the estimation of the. 293. Basking-Shark Liver Oil Sa;turated hydrocarbons in -. Beers Original gravity olf - (Notes). L. Briant 349. Benzaldehyde Beiizoic acid; Estimation of - in presence of. F. D i h e r t and A. Guillerd 223. 328 355 384 412. (Government Order). 281. B. Blount and W. H. Woodcock 105. B. D. Porritt 238. B. Blount 72. T. T. Cocking and J. D. Kettle 327. J. Waddell 287. J. Waddell 287. M. Tsujimoto 143 G. A. Geiger 414 INDEX TO VOLUME XLTII. xxi Benzeme Gases ; Application of differential pressure method to estimation of the H. S. Davis M. D. Davis and D. G. Eenaene Vapour Gas analysis ; Reagents for use in. VII. Estimation of -. a-Benzildioxime Nickel with -; Estimation of.Benzoic Acid Benzaldehyde in presence of -; Estimation of. G. A. Geiger 414. Benzoles Crude - naphtha light oils etc. ; Analysis of. Q -3Benzaylsulphonimide Ammonia produced by acid hydrolysis ; The estimation of Analysis of commercial saccharin. H. D. Richmond and C. A. Beverages Methyl alcohol in alcoholic -; D'etection of and i t s formation by the Bichromates Chrornates and - ; Estimation of. Biliary Pigments Blood-serum ; Dekeetion and estimation of - in. Biochemical Golour-Tests - (I) The thiophene test for lachic acid. W. R. Pearon 412. Biological Substances Total carbon in various - ; Estimation of. Bismuth Lead bullion ; Estimation of - in. D. W. Jessup 300. Bismuth Subnikate Nitric acid in -; Estimation of, Bisulphate Method lZadium; of estimating.Blood Chlorine in presence of organic matter (gastric juice serum - milk) ; Blood-Serum Biliary pigments in - ; Detection and estqimabion of. A. Fouchet, Blood Viscosity of -. Borax Vegetation ; - as destructive of (Notes) Boric Acid Ignition of -; The (Ndes). Boric Acid Manna ; Estimation of - by the use of (Notes). Bran " Sharps " and -; The compusition of and the effect thereon of the Food Bread Poisonous - and flour ; Detection and estimation of sapotouins. British Pharmacopaeis - 1914. Alteraidon and aznendment. 185. British Saccharin Composition of -; The (Nutes). Bsornate Hypobromite and -' or hypoiodite and iodate in mixtures of the same ; Bromates Iodhtes in the presence of -; Estimation of. Bromide-Bromate Method Iodine value of oils and fats ; Comparison between the - and the methods of Hub1 and of Wijs for the estimation of the C.Kelber and H. Rheinheimer 90. Bronzes Phosphorus in -; Rapid method of estimating. Brucine Strychnine ; Colorimetric det'ermination of - in presence of. Bullion Rismulh in lead -; Estimation of. Burette Liquids ; Weighing - for. Burettes Delicacy of delivery of -; Increasing the (Notes). E. H. Merritt 138, Burning Purp~SeS Sperm oils used for - A. G. Blakeley and E. A. Reilly 147. Butter and Linseed Groups Sampling and analysis of commercial fats and oils, other than those of the coconut -; Tentative standard methods for the. 60. I_ and total light oil content of. MacGregor 41 7. R. P. Anderson 177. R. Strebinger 361. W. G. Adam 144.from the Hill 353. several kinds of yeasts T. Takahashi M Gunke and T. Pamazaki 90. L. W. Winklcr 278. A Fouchet, A colour-A. Renaud, 91. test for aldehydes. 355. E. Luce 301. HI. H. Barker 362. Estimation of. 91. Siroit and Joret 274. J. W. Trevan 296. W. H. Roberts A. Srnet.ham, and JA. Voelcker 58. C. R. Bagshaw 138. L. E. Iles 323. Controller's orders. 1,. Stoecklin 142. I€ E. Cox 53. H. D. Richmond 349. J3stim:ttion of. E. Rupp 176. E. Rupp 176. T. E. Rooney 421. A. Miober, 350. D. W. Jessup 300. W. E. Burkhard 48 XXll INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Butter 4rtificial colouring matters in - and margarine ; The defection of (Notes) Butter Fat Fl;l;tty acids in -; Estimation of. E. l3. Holland and J. P. Buckley, Butter Fat Foreign fatis in -; Method for the detection of.A. Seidenberg 379. Butter Milk and -; Enzymes of. Butyric Acid Detection and estimation of -. Butyric and Propionic Acids Acetic - ; Quantitakive estimation of. R. D. Butyrometers Gerber -; Notie on the gradmtion of. Butyrometers Gerber new milk -; The graduation and calibration of. A. E. Parkes 87. Junr. 269. R. W Thatcher and A. C. Dahlberg 92. G. DenigQs 145. Cromwell 172. H. D. Richmond 405. F. E. Day and 14. Grimes 123. Crzcso " Germ " (Notes). Cacao Products Cocoa and -; Estimation of shell in. J. L. Baker and H. P. E. Cadmium Copper zinc - nickel and cobalt; Estimation and separation of. C ~ S ~ U I # Rubidium and - in plant ash; Proximate quantitative method for the Caffeine Coffee ; Estimation of - in.Calcium Cyanamide Dicyanodiamide of urea ; Analysis of _I con t nin ing large Oalcium Sulphate Lime as -; Rapid method for the estimation of. L. G. Willis Calculating Device Chemists ; The Nomon a - for. Calibration Gas interferometer -. J. D. Edwards 49. Calorific Value Petrol ; - of (Nates). B. Blount 89. Calorimeter Sulphur in combustibles ; Use of the Lewis-Thompson - for the est>imation of. P. Falciola 48. d3amphor Camphorated oil ; Estimation of - in. Camphorated Oil Camphor in -; Estimation of. Cane Sugar Lactose in admixture with - and invert; sugar ; Estimation of. Cane Sugar Milk; The detsecticrn of - in (Notes). Carbolic Acid Phenol in crude - and in coal-tar oils ; Estimation of. F. W. Skirrow 94. Carbon Dioxide Carbonates ; Rapid pressure method for estimation of - in.W. H. Chapin 334. Carbon Monoxide Preparation of - (Notes). Carbon Monoxide Preparation of - (Notes). Carbon Steel by barium carbonate method ; Rapid estimation of - in. Carbon Steel ; Determination of - in (Notes). Carbon Steel ; Determination of - in (Notes). Carbon Various biological substances ; Estimation of total - in. A. Renaud 355. Carbonates Carbon dioxide in - ; Rapid pressure method for estimation of. Carbonates Formic acid or formates in the presence of hydroxides - oxalates Carotin Oils and vegetables; Occurrence of - in. Cases Vacuum balance -. Castsnea Sstiva The sweet chestnut -; The analytical examination of J . 11. Baker and H. J? E. Hulton 32, 9. A. E. Richards 214. Ilulton 197.A+ Carnot 232. estimation of. W. 0. Robinson 152. E. Vautier 410. percentage of, and W. a Mrtcintire 102. E. Hene and A. Van Haaren 356. H. G. Doming 49. 0. Von Friedrichs 409. 0. Ton Friedrichs 409. J . Grossfeld 416. G. D. Elsdon 292. B. Blount 88. J. T. Dunn 214. J. R. Gain and L. C . Maxwell 359. Yj. Blount 59 268. I;. Dufty 167. W. R. Cbapin 334. and acetates; Volumetric method for the estimation of. F. Tsiropinas 93. A. H. Gill 384. R . Blount and W. H. Woodcock 105. (Notes) INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. xxiii Castor Oil Lubricating aviation machines; Detection of foreign oils in - used for. C. Frabot 40. Castor Oil Purity of - ; Determination of the. Castor Oil Purity of -; Determination of the. Cellulose Wood; Estimation of - in.Centrifuge Laboratory; Applieation of the - in the. ahart Cowl ; Alignment - for the evaluation of. Chaulmoogra Oil. H. C. Brill and R. R. Williams 139. Chemical Balance Illuminating a -; Arrangement for. Chemical Glassware Comparative tests of -. P. H. Walker and F. W. Smiiher, Ghemical Separations Adsorptive power of Fuller's earth for - ; Utilisation of. Chemical Tests Rancidity; - for detection of. Ohestnut The Sweet - (Castanea satiua) ; The analytical examination of (Notes). J. L. Baker and H. F. E. Hulton 32. Chicory Witgatboom. Chinese Tin Sampling and assay of -. Chloral Eydrate Analysis of -. Ohlorates - and hypochlorites ; Estimadjion of. Chlorides Halides ; McLean-Van Slyke iodimetric method for the tilration of sinall Chlorides Potassium and sodium as - by means of the refradorneier ; Estims-Chlorinated Toluene Mixtures of -; Rapid analysis of.HI. 4. Lubs and A. n. Ckrlol'ine Foods etc. by the wet method without incineration ; Volumetric estima-A. Weitzel 34. Chlorine Organic matter (gastric juice serum blood milk) ; Estimation of -Sirot and Joret 274. Chrcrmates Bichromates ; Estimation of - and. Ch-rornium Manganese in steel in presence of - and vanadium by electrometric G. 1,. Kelley M. G. Spencer C. B. Illingworth aod Chereheffsky 218. C. F'rabot 326. B. Johnsen snd R. W. Hovey 291. F. W. Rixon 365. A. F. Blake 393. 33. D. Porritt 238. 106. A. Seidell 101. R. H. Kerr 327. A substitute for -. J McCrae and -4. Kloot 373. F. Browne 104. M. Frangois 34. E.Rupp 176. amounts of Its application to -. tion of. Clark 414. tion of - in. in presence of. R. F. dNicCrackea and &I. D. WaJsh 43. 13. A. Shippy and G. H. Burrows 102. 1;. W. Winkler 278. titration; Estimation of. T. Gray 178. Cider White wines ; Detection of - in. Cinchona Alkaloids Crystallographic measurements ; Identification of the - by. E. T. Wherry and E. Yanovsky 324. Cttral - (modified Hilkner method) ; Determination of. C. E. Parker and R. 8. Hiltner 379. CT~QUS Fruits Volatile oil in -; Esbirnatim of. C . P. Wilson and C. 0. Poting, 36. Glover Starch in -; Estimation. of. Coal and Rock-Dust Bfixtiures Mines ; Quick estimation of incombmtible matter in 111 in. A. C . Fieldner W. A. Selvig and I?. D. Osgood 351. CoaLDust and Air Xfxtures Explosibility of - ; Laboratory determination of.J. K. Clement and J. N. Lawrence 420. Oor~l Evaluation of -; Alignment chart for the. Coal Nitrogen in oxidised -; Amount of. Coal-Tar Oils Phenol in crude carbolic acid and in - ; Estimation of. Cobalt - steel ; Estimation of - and nickel in. Cobalt Colorimetric estimation of -; A method for the. P. Medinger and F. Michel 294. T. Von Fellenberg 36. A. F. Blake 393. H. Le Chahlier 39. F. W. W. R. Schoeller and A . R. E. G. Jones 317. Skirrow 94. Powell 301 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME xmr. Cobalt Copper zinc cadmium nickel and - ; Estimation and separation of. Cobalt Nickel ; Separation of - from. Cobalt Steel Cobalt and nickel in -; Estimation of. J$7. R. Schoeller and A. R. Cocoa Order AIinistry of Food and the - ; The.204. Cocoa Shell in - and cacao products ; Estimation of. 4 1 Cocoa Teas ’’ Analysis of -. Gocoas Alkalised - and their differentiation from natural - . Rocques and Ooconnt Oil Philippine -; Rancidity of, Coconut Butter and Linseed Groups Commercial fats and oils other than those of the - ; Tentative standard metlids for the sampling and analysis of. 60 Coconut Ground-Nut and other Qil Cakes Palm-kernel - ; Comparative keep-ing qualities of. Codeine Yrecipita.tion of morphine by ammonia from a solution of its lime con?-pound ; The effect of - in hindering the. H. E. Annett and Hardayal Singh, 205. A. Carnot 232. A. Carnot 98. Powell 301. J. L. Baker and H. F. E. Nulton 197. J. L. Baker and E. F. E. Hulton 189.Touplain 217. H. C. Brill and H. 0. Parker 89. W. Godden 63. Coffee Caffeine in - ; Estimation of. Coke Moisture in - ; Deterniination of. Colombia Plant products from - ; Two. Colorimetric Estimation Cobalt ; A method for the - of. Colorimetric Estimation Iron ; The - of (Notes). Colorimetric Estimation Manganese by oxidation with periodate ; - of. H . H. Coiorimetric Xethods Morphine ; - for the estimation of very small quantikies A - for A colour-Application of the pocket spectroscope. E. Vautier 410. A. C. E’ieldner and JV. A Selvig 223 A. L. Bacharach 289, E. G. Jones 317. E. R. Dovey 31. Willard and L. H. Greathouse 44. of. aldehydes. W. R. Fearon 412. test for aldehydes. ,4. Tiogle 280 and 306. A. Heiduschka and M. Faul 65.Colour-Test Biochemicd -s (1) The thiophene test for lactic acid Colour-Tests Biochemical - ; (1) The thiophene test for lactic acid. Colonred Solutions Acidime try of - . Oolou~ng Matter Milk; Artificial - in (NotLes). Golouring Matters Butter and margarine ; The detxction of art’ificial - in (Notes). 8. E. Parkes 87. 43ombustibles Sulphur in - ; Use of the Lewis-Thompson Calorimeter for the eskimation of. P. Falciola 48. Combustion Organic -; Rapid. Combustion Substances containing nitrogen ; - of Commercial Analysis Ferro-silicon ; BIetbnds for the - of. Complex Test for tartrahes depending on the formation of the copper-tartrate - ; Concentrates hhlybdenum ores and -; Assay of. Gmcentration Constant Siinpfified moleeular - ; Detection of added water in Oondewed Milk Acidity of -; Estimation of the.Condensed Milk Fat in - and milk powders ; Estimation of. Conductivity Xethod Oxalic acid by the -; Titration of. W. R. Fearon 412. H. E. Cox 166. P. A. Levine and F. W. Bieber 180. H. L. Fisher and A. N. Wright 276 E. MI. Anger 335. Study of the. L J. Chrtman ,4. Lewis and B. R. Harris 96. H. C. Mabee 335. milk by means of a. L. W. Ferris 35. M. Dujardin 220. C. H. Biesterfeld K. S. Harned and and 0. L. Evenson 140. C. N. Laird 418 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. XXV Conductivity Recorder Salinity measurements ; Electrical - for. Gonnectiuns Glass and rubber-tubing ; Device to ensure tight - between. C. C Cbnstant Added water in milk by means of a simplifxd molecular concentration Copper Analysis of - (Notes).W. H. Woodcock 88. Oopper - and iron; Iodimetric estimation of. aopper - &S - dicyanodiamide ; Precipitation of. H. Grossmann and Copper - zinc cadmium nickel arid cobalt; Estimation and separation of. E. E. Weibel and A. L. Thums 393. Kiplinger 393. - * Detection of. L. W. Ferris 35. H. Ley 41. 5. Rfannheim 175. A. Carnot 232. Copper Cyanide; Note on t.he titration of - with (Notes). &I. P. Applebey and I<. W Lane 268. Copper Electrolysis ; Estirnattion of - as sulphide and by. Copper Estimating -; New method o€. Oopper Uroup Separation of - from arsenic group with especial referpence to Copper Oxide Copper as - after previous precipitation as thiocyanate ; Estima-Copper-Phosphate Mixtures Sugar reagents ; - as.0. Folin and W. S. Oopper Solution; Separation of traces of - from (Notes). J . E. Saul and Copper-Tartrate Complex Test for tartrates depending on the formation of the -; Copper Thiocyanahe ; Estimation of - as copper oxide after previous precipita-Copper White wines contaiging -. Cottonseed Cake Pdm-kernel cake extracted palm-kmnel meal and undecorticated ; Comparative digestibility of. Cottonseed Toxic principle of -; Gossypol the, Coumarin Factitious vanilla extracts ; Detection and estimation of - in. Wiclirntlnn 325. Orearn of Tartaj Substitutes A4rsenic in - (Notes). Creeping Salts from - ; Preventing. Csesols Phenol in presence of the three -; Estimation of E. W. Knight C. T. Ihcoln G . Ii'orrnanGk and H L. Follett 173. Oresylic Acid Phenol in -; The estimation of.J. J. Fox and A t . I?. Barker 389. Crucibles - (Notes). Crystallographic Meamrements Cinchona alkaloids by - ; Identification of the. Cupferron Zirconium titanium iron manganese and aluminium ; Ese of - in J. Brown 42. Cyanide Titration of copper with - ; Not-e on the (Notes). M. P. Applebey and Cyanides Iodides in the presence of - ; Detection of. 1,. J. Curtman and Cyanides Sodium paratungstate in the analysis of metallic -; t'se of. S. 33. TF. TJ. Hahn 71. J. Moir 231. identification of arsenic ; New method for. tion of. McljXrocy 299. D. Crawford 348. Study of the. tion as. M. C. Xneed 98. G. E'enner and J. Forschmann 360. L. J. Curtman A. Lewis and B. R. Harris 96. G. E'enner and J. Forschmann 360. P. Carles 354.C. Crowther and H. E. Woodman 64. IF. E. Carruth 222. 8. J. H. I". E. Hultun 87. W. 0. Robinson 107. 33. Blount 59. E. T. Wlierry and E. Yanovsky 324. the septration of. K. 137. Lane 268. C. Kaufman 303. Knzirian 46. De Roode Xethod Potash ih fePtiliser rria;terials ; Study of the - for the estima-tion of T. E. Keith and E. E. Shiver 236 XXVl INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Dextrin C'oimnercial - and related starch products; Examination of. F. W. Babington A. Tingle and C. E. Watson 350. Dextrose Hypo-iodite ; Estimation of - by means of. R. Willstktter and G. Schudel 416. Dicyanodiarnide of Urea Calcium cyanamide containing large percentage of - ; Analysis of. Differential Pressure Method Benzene and total light oil content of gases ; Applica-tion of - to estimation of the.H. S. Davis M. D. Davis and D. G. MacGregor 417. Differential Pressure Method Vapours in gases; - f w estimation of. H. 8. Davis and AT. D. Davis 416. Differential Refractometer. Digestibility Dried yeast ; - of, Digestibility Palm-kernel cake extracted palm-kernel meal and urdecorticated C. Crowther and H. E. Woodman 64. Digestibility Sudan-grass hay ; Composition and - of. W. G. Gaessler and A. C. Dimethylglyoxime -; Preparation of. Distillation Fractional - under diminished pressure ; Efficient tipparatus for. W. A. Noyes and G. S. Skinner 105. Distillation Method Water in molasses and &her sugar-factory products by the T. Van der Linden M. Kauffman and F Leistra 221. Distillation Method Water in soap; - for the estimation of.DistiIlatiion Test Petrol ; - of. Distilling Head Useful -. Dog-Fish Liver Oil. Drinking Waters Rypochlorites in - (Notes). Drop-Weigbt Apparatus Grinding glass tips for -. Drugs Ash of certain -; Manganese content of the. Dubrisay's Method Lubricating oils ; - of examining. Drying Oil Oiticica Oil; a new -. Dynamite Glycerol from whale oil; Quality of. E. Hene and -4. Van Haaren 356. G. A. Shook 366. C. Crowther and H. E. Woodman 65. cottonseed cake ; Comparative - of. BSc Candlish 412. R. Adams and 0. Kamrn 386. ; Determination of. R . Hart 382 N. A. Anfilogoff 94. 0. Steams 48. A. C. Chapman 156. A. R. Ling 347. E. C. H. navies 280. I,. E. Wcstman and R. M. P. Nicdardot and P. J. Rowat 170. Masson 276. E.fz. Bolton and C. Revis 251. (1) Impurities in glycerol from whale oil with reference to the suitability of such glycerol fcw the production of -. A. H. Salway 275. Ebullioscopic Determinations Thermometer ; - wibh a common C. C!. Kiplinger, Eggs Nitrogen in - as ammonia ; Estimation of. N. Hezdrickson abnd G. C. Electrolysis Copper as sulphide and by -; Estimation of. Electrometric Ttratiion Manganese in steel in presence of chromium and vanadium bY - ; Estimation of. G. L. Kelley 11. G. Spencer C. B. Illingworth and T. Gray 178. Enzymes Milk and butter ; - of. Errata 372,427. Essential Oils Non-nlcoholic flavouring extracts ; Estimation of - in. Boyles 326. Ether Aluminium from iron by means of -; Separation of. Ether Purity of -; Guaiacol carbonate as a test for the.Ethers Urine ; Estimation of sulpho - in,. Eucalyptus Oils Refractometer in the examination of -; Use of the. 340. Swan 382. F. I A Hahn 71. R. W. Thatcher and *4. C. Dahlherg 92. 1". M. S. Palkin 41. G. Maue 331. L. Cordier 69. H. G. Smith 410 xs vii INDEX TO VOLUME xmr. Zvolution lKethod Sulphur in iron by the - ; Apparatus for estimation of. H. B. Exhaust Gas Analysis of -; Notes on the. Extracts Factitious vanilla -; Detection and estimation of ccfumazin in. 13. J. Extracts Non-alcoholic flavouring -; Estimation of essential oils in. 3’. 31. Extracts Soil - and physiological solutions ; Estimation of ammonia and nitric Pulsifer 364. G. R. Clare 149. Explosibility Coal-dust and air mixtures ; Laboratory determination of - of .J . K. Clement and J. N. Lawrence 420. Wichmann 325. Boylea 326, nitrogen in B. S. Davisson 385, Fat Condensed milk and milk powders ; Estimation of - in. C,. H. Biesterfeld Fat Fatty acids in butter -; Estimation of. E. B. Holland and J. 1’. Buckle?, Fat Milk - ; Influence of palm-kernel cake upon the composition of. C. Cro~t-tbw Pat Milk from tlhe specific gravity and total solids ; kddibive factors for the c;tlculs-Fat Rice husks ; - from F. Garelli 141. Fats and Oils Commeroial - other thm those of the coconut butter and linseed groups; Tentative standard methods fm tthe sampling and analysis of. Fats and Oils Sampling and analysis of commercial -* Tentative standard methods for the. 270. Fats Iodine value of oils and -; Comparison between the bromide-brornate method and the methods of Hub1 and of Wijs for the estimation of the.C. Kelber and H. Rheinheimer 90. Fats Oils and -; The “ Vdenta Number ” as a discriminating test for. P. J. Fryer and li’. E. Wesbn 3. Fatty Acids Butter fat; Estimation of - in. E. B. Holland and J . P. Bucklej-, Junr. 269. Fatty Acids Soap; New method for estimating - in. E. Bossharcl and F. Comte 411. Fatty Matter Moisture and total - in ‘ I aoid oils ” and soap stocks ; The estima-tion of. Feeding Materials Important - ; Inosite phosphoric acids of some. J. B. Rather 169. Feeding-Stuffs “ Woody-fibre ” in - ; The estimation of (Notes). J. A. Voelcker and E. W. Voelcker 31. Fermentative Power ’’ Alcohol ; Influence of the vegetative function af yeast; on the yield of and 8 new interpretation of the expression -and 0.L. Evenson 140. Junr. 269. ttnd R. Woodhouse 62. tion of - in. I;. J. Harris 263. 60. E. R. Bolton and C. Revis 158. L. Lindet 355. E. M. Anger 335. Ferro-Silicon Analysis of -; Method for the. Ferro-Silicon Commercial analysis of -; Methods for the. Ferrosilicon Silicon in -; Estimation of. Fediliser Material8 De Rmde method for the estimation of potash in -; Study T. E. Keith and H. E. Shiver 236. Fibre Woody -; Filtering medium used in the estimation of (Notes). T. Fsirley Fibres Manila from all other “ hard ” rope -; Distinguishing. C. E. Swekt, Fibres Microscopic qualitative chemical analysis ; Use of textile - in. E. M. R. E. Lowe 42. P. Nicolardot and J. Koenig 363. of the.and R. A. Burrell 307. 227. Cliarnot a.nd R. I. Cule 48 148 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME xLirr. Filtering Medium Woody fibre ; - used ln the estimation of. Flavouring Extracts Essential oils in non-alcoholic -; Estimation of. Flour Moisture in -; Estimation of I?. T. Shutt and P. J. hloloney 293. Flour Poisonous bread and - ; Detection arid estrimation of sapotoxins. Stoecklin 142. Flower Bulb Starches. Fluorine Phosphates ; %shimation of - with special application to the anal)-sis Fluorine Thorium fluoride ; Gravimetric and volumetric estimation of - precipi-Foil Mercury by means of zinc -; Estqimation of. Food and Drugs Analysis Abstracts 34 60 89 139 168 217 264 293 324 350, Food Controller's Orders " Sharps " and hran; T'he composition o f and the effect Food Products Vegetable gums in - ; Detection of A.A. Cook and A. Q. Foods Chlorine in - etc. by the wet method without incineration ; Volumetric: Foods Work of Inspectors of - for ~ e a i ' 1916-17 Report on. A. MT. J Foreign Fats Butter fat; method for the detection of - in. A. Seidenherg 379 Foreign Oils -4viation machines ; Drtectinn of - in castor oil used for lubricating C. I h b o t 40. Formaldehyde Glyoxylic acid or to -; Is the reaction of hdarnkiewicz due to .' E. Voisenet 275. Formates Formic acid or - in the presence of hidrouides carbonates oxalates, and acetates ; Volumetric metfiod for the estimation of. Formic Acid Hydroxides carbonates oxalates and acetates ; Volumetric method for the estimation of - or formates in the presence of.Fo~nol Titration Method Abnormalities in the -. Formula Added water in milk; d new - for the calculation of 345. F~rmula War emergency - (Notes). Fractional Distillation Diminished pressure ; Efficient apparatus for ~ under. W. X. Noyes and G. S Skinner 105. Fractionating Column Laboratory use ; - for Free @arbon Determination Tars in the -; Some effects of certain sofvents 011 G. S. Ilunroe and H. J. Broderson 96. Fruit -4spnragus oficinalis 1,. ; - of Fruits Volatile oil in Citrus -; Estimahion of. C. P. Wilson and C. 0. Young, Fuel Motor - ; Testing and standmisation of Fuller's Earth Chemical separations ; Utilisation of adsorptive power of - fc )r. . Fulminate Mercury - and its estimation. Galenical Preparations Nerciiry in - ; Estimation of.Gibs Analysis Interference refractometer in -; Use of the. Gas Analysis Reagents for use in -. T Fztirlep and F M. B. A. Burrell 307. Boyles 326. L Y. E. Verkade 329. of. tated as. C. R. Wagner and mT. H. Ross 99. F. A. Gwch and M. Robsyashi 360. 31. Franpis 305. 3'79 409. thereon of the -. H E Cox 53. Woodman 351. estimation of -4. Weitzel 34. &lacfadden 107 F. Tsiropinas 93. F. Tsiropinas 93 S. L. Jodidi 328. I;. J. Harris, W. Partridge 378. H F. Taylor 339 N. E. Hehner 60. Xi. E. L. Lomax 225. A Seidell 101 G S. Heaven 300 H. Wastenson 35. P. 11. Seibert and VI. Absorption of hydrogen by sodiuni W. C. Harpster 365. oleate. R. P. Anderson and M. PT. Katz 177 INDEX TO VOLUME xmr. XXlX Gas Analysis Reagents for use in -.Gas Exhaust - ; Notes on the analysis of. Gas Gasoline ; Testing natural - for. Gas Interferometer calibration. Gas Liquor Albuminoid ammonia in liquids containing - ; Es6imation of ( N o h ) . H. F. Stephenson 213. Uas-Volumetw Universal -. Gases Benzine and total light oil content of -; Application of the differential H. S. Davis M. D. Davis and D. G. Gases Vapours in -; Differential pressure method for estimation of. €€. S. Gasoline Natural gas for -; Testing. Gasoline Unsaturated hydrocarbons in -; Estimation of. E. W. Dean and Gasometric Determination Nitrates ; Note on the - of (Notes). C. A. Hill 215. Gasometric EstimaUona Simplified -, Gastric Juice Chlorine in presence of organic matter (- serum blood milk) ; Sirot and Joret 274.Gauge Short vacuum -; Simplified. Gelatin Glue ; “ Jelly value ” of - and. Gerber Butyrometers Graduation of -; Note on tihe. Gerber New Milk Butyrometers Graduation and calibration of -; The. Day and M. Grimes 123. Gerber Test Accuracy in the -; Conditions affecting (Notes). M. Grimes 215. Germ ” Cacao - (Notes). P. A. a. Richaxds 214. Germanium Arsenic ; Qualitative detection of - and its separation from. Ginger Tincture of - U.S.P. Glass and Rubber-Tubing Tight connections between - ; Device to ensure Glass-Cutting Tool. K. H. Parker 107. Glass Sand Iron in -; Estimation of. Glass Tips Drop-weight apparatus; Grinding - for. Glass Tubes etc. Edges of -; Grinding (Notes). Glassware Chemical-; Comparative tests of. P. HI. Wdker and F. W. Smither, Glucosaxone Reaction.Glue Gelatin and -; “ Jelly value ” of. Glues Jelly strength ; Cornparskive melting-points of - as a measure of the, C. 3’. Sammet 388. Glycerol Residues Reichert-Wollny (Leffmann-Beam) estimations ; The utilisation of -from (Notes). Glycerol Whale oil; Quality of - from. I. Impurities in - from whale oil with mference to the suitability of such - for the produckion of dynamite. A. H. Salway 275. 11. Factors influencing the quality of crude - when manufactured by the Twitchell process. L. V. Cocks and A. H. Salway 275. d-Glycuronic Acid Naphtho-resorcind reaction ; Detection of - and other acids with similar behaviour by the. VII. Estimation of benzene vapour. R. 9. Anderson 177. G. R. Clare 149. G. C. Oberfell 224.J. D. Edwards 49. H G Defiling 49. pressure method Do estimation of the. MacGregor 417. Davis and M. D. Davis 416. 6. C. Oberfell 224. H. H. Hill 299. -4. Renaud 357. Estimation of. E. Karrer 341. A. W. Clark and L. Dubois 417. H. D. Richmond 405. F. E. I?. E. Day and P. E. Browning and S. E. Scott 43. J. P. Snyder 270. C. C. Kiplinger 393. J. B. Fergusson 44. E. C. I€. Davies 280. t. W. Stansell 323. 106. J. D. Gasard and H. C. Sherman 330. A. W. Clark and L. Dubois 417. A. E. Parkes 408. Glycerol Whale oil; Quality of - from. A. W. Van der Haar 415 s XX INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. G’lyoxylic Acid; Reaction of _Ldanikicwicz due to - or to formaldehyde ; Is tlhe ? Gossypol Toxic principle of cotkonseed ; - the. Government Laboratory \vork of the - for the yem ending March 91 1917 with Government Order Baking powder ; Standard of qaa.lit’y for.281. Government Order Methylated spirits ; Composit&ion of. Government Repol‘ts Reports to the Local Government Board. Grape Fruit American - ; C’mstitncnis of the. Gravity Beers ; Original - of (Notcs). 1; Briant 349. Grinding Glass tubes etc. ; - edges of (Notes). Ground-Nut and Other Oil Cakes Keeping qualities of palm-kernel coconutr - ; Guaiacol Carbonate Ether ; - as a test for the puyitly of. Gums Food products Detection of vegetable - in. Gums Sugars s t n ~ h e s - proteins and organic acids; Precipitant for. E. Voisenet 275. k’. E. Garruth 222. appendices ; Report of the Government Chemist upon the. 308. 183 Food Reports, No.24 1918. 239. EL. F. Zoller 270. 1;. W. Stansell 323. Chrnparative. W. Godden 63. G. Maue 331. A. A. Cook and A. G. W. Woodman 351. Schultze 90 Halides Titrntion of smdl an1ount.s of - ; 3lcLean-Van Slyke iodimetric iiietlzod Halogens Bllercury ; Estimation of - sulphur and nitrogen in presence of. Halphen’s Ratto Itdian wines ; Value of ~ as applied to. I’ Sctirti arid Hay Sudan-grass - ; Composition and digestibilit?. of. TIT. G. Ctaessler and Head Distilling -; Useful. Hem-Ives Tint photometer. 308. Hexametylenetetramine Tablets - ; Evaluation of. Xiltner Nethod Citral (modified -) ; Deterixination of. Holmium - ; Separation of. Ifomatropine Vital1 Test ; - and the (Notes). Eorse Xint Thyrnol content of - and Ajowan seed (Carurn c o p t i c u m ) .Husks Rice - ; Fat from. F. Garelli 141. Hydrocarbons Basking-Shark liver oil ; Saturated - in. Iiydrocarbons gasoline ; Estimation of unsaturated - in. HydrofIucrric Acid Analysis ; use of - in. Hydrogen Cyanide Smdl quantities of - ; Detection and estimation of. P. Xydrogen Gas analysis; Reagents for use in. VI. Absorption of - by sodium fpydrogen Peroxide Nitrites and - in presence of each oilicr ; Estimation of A. Quartaroli 234. Rydrsgen Sdenide Rain-water and snow ; Occurrence of - in. T. Gnssmann, Hydrolytic Ratio Soils; Soil acidity and the - in. Hydroxides Formic acid or formates in the presence of - carbonates oxalatcs, for the Its applicafion to chlorides. 31. E’rencpls 302 391. .E Rolarido 37. 11 C. McCandlish 412.R. J?. McCraehn and M. D. Walsh 43. 0. Steams 48. W. 0 Emery and C. D. C. E. Parker and I%. 8. Wright,380. Hiltnet. 379. L. 8. Ynterna and B. S. HopBins 420. H. D. Richmond 168. A. €3. Cullens 411, $1. Tsyjirnoto 143. E. W. Dean and H. H. Hill 298. N. R. Furman 304. Lavidle and L. Varenne 145. oleate. minute quantities of. 335. R. P. Anderson and 31. H. Katz 17’7. C . H. Spurway 153 and aceta4ies ; Volumetric method for tphe estimabion of. F. ‘IkiroJG11as 9 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. xxxi Hypobromite - and brornake or hypoiodite and iodate in mixtures of the same ; Eypochlorites Clilor&tes and -; Estimakion of. E. Rupp 176. Hypochiorites Drinking waters ; - in (Notes). A. R. Ling 347. Hypo-Iodite Dextrose by means of - ; Est-imation of.R. Willstatter and Hypoiodite Hypubromilje and bromahe or - and iodate in mixtures of .the Hypophosphoric and Phosphoric Acids Phosphorous - in mixtures ; Estimation Estimation of. E. Rupp 1’76. G . Schudel 416. same; Estimation of. of. E. Rupp 176. B. G . Van Name and W. J. Huff 235. Ignition Boric acid ; The - of (Notes). Ignition Loss on - ; Estimation of organic matter in soils by. Immersion Refractometer Use of the -; Note on the. Incombustible Mattes Coal and rack-dust mixtures in mines ; Quick estimation of Indicator Acidime6ric titrations ; Thymolsulphophthalein as m - in. A. H. Indicator Yalladious nitrab as - ; Iodide titration of silver niirahe with. L. Indicator Whortle-Berry juice as tLn -Inorganic Analysis Abstracts 41 71 97 i48 175 229 277 300 334 358 391,410.Inorganic and Organic Compounds Iodine in -; New method of estimating. Xnosite Phosphoric Acids Feeding materials ; - of some imporhnt. J. 73. Insecticides ,lwcnic in - b? means of potassium ioda,te; Estimation of. G. S. Institute of Brewing Method Barleys; - for the estimation of &he moisture-Institute of @hemistry 109 249 286 344 367. Interference Refractorneter Gas analysis ; Use of the - in. Interferometer Calibration Gas -. J. D. Edwmds 49. Inulins Pure and commercial - ; Comparative examination of. J. Wolff and Invert Sugar Lactase in admixture with cane sugar and - ; Estimation of. Iodate Hj-pobromite and bromate or hypoiodite and - in mixtures of the same ; Iodates IKromates ; Estimation of - in the prlesence of, C.R. Bagshaw 138. J. B. Rather 332 W. W. Randall 393. in. A. C. Fieldner W. A. Selvig and F D. Osgod 357. Clark and H. A. Lubs 418. Schneider 233. C. Marini 418. N . Tarugi 177. Rather 169. Jaxniewn 277. content of. 293. F. A$. Seibert and W. C. Harpster 365. R. Geslin 62. J . Grossfeld 416. Estimation of. E. Rupp 176. E. Rupp 176. Iodide Titration Silver nitrate with palladious nitrate as indicator ; - of. L. Schneider 233. Iodides Cyanides; Detection of - in the presence of. C. Kaufman 303. Iodimetric Estimation Copper and iron ; - of. H. Ley 41. Sodimetric Method Halides ; McLean-Van Slyke - for ihe tihrzhtion of small amounts of Its application to chlorides. R. F. McGra-cken and M. D. Walsh, 43. L. J. Curtinan and Iodine Dilute residues ; Recovery of - from (Notes).Iodine Inorganic and organic compounds; New method of estimating - in. Iodine Sodium sulphide on -; Action of and the ‘use of the reaction in analysis. H. F. Stephenson 165. N. T:mrgi 177. J. Ehrlich 279 xxxii KNDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Iodine Value Oils and fats ; Comparison of the bromide-bromate and the methods of Hub1 and of Wijs for the estimation of the - of. C . Kelber and H. Rhein-heimer 90. Iodine Values Mustasd oil ; Note on the - of (Notes). E. G. Raynes 217. Iron Aluminium from - by means of ether ; Separation of. Iron Colorimetric estimation of - - The (Notes). Iron Copper and -; Iodimetric estimation of. Iron Glass sand ; Estlimztt;ion of - in. Prtm Silver as reducing agent in volumetric estimation of -; Vse of.Iron Sulphur in - by tlie evolution method ; Apparatus for estimation of. Iron Tantalum in - and steel ; Estimation of. Iron Zirconium titanium - manganese and aluminium; Use of cupferron in Ptalian Wines Halphen’s ratio as applied to - ; Value of. F. Seurti and S. Palkin 41. E. R. Dovey 31. H. Ley 41. J. B. IFergusson 44. G. Edqar H H . and A. R. Klemp 278. Pulsifer 364. Travers 237. the separation of. E. Rolando 37. J. Brown 42. Jelly Strengbh Melting-points of glues as a measure of the -; Comparakive ‘‘ Jelly Value ” Gelatin and glue; - of. C. F. Sammet 388. A. W. Clark and L. Dubois 417. Kafis Kernel. Kelp Perchloric acid; Estimation of potash in - and similar substances by Kernel Kafir -. Kjeldahl Method Limitations of the -; Some.G. L. Bidwell 272. means of. 103. G. L. Bidwell 272. H. C. Brill and F. Zigcaoli 226. Laboratory Use Fractionating column for -. Lactic Acid Biochemical colour-tests (1) The thiophene test for -, Lactic Acid Wine ; Fixed organic acids and especially - in. Lactic Succinic and Xalic Acids Wines; Separation and estimation of - in. Lactose Cane sugar and invert sugar ; Estimation of - in admixture with. Lactose Dried miIks; Estimation of - in. Government Report No. 24. 219 Lactose Milk ; Estimation of - in. Lead Antimony; Estimation of - as phosphate and its separation from. G. Vort-Lead Bullion Bismuth in -; Estimation of. Lead Tin in high-grade wolfram ores ; Estimation of and tlhe use of - RS :i, (Leffmann-Beam) Reichert-Wollny - estimations ; The utilisation of glycerol Lewis-Thompson Calorimeter Sulphur in combustibles ; Tjse of the - for the Light Oil Content Benzene and - of gases ; Application of the differentia1 pessure H.S. Davis M. D. Davis and D. G. MacGregov, Light Oils Crude benzoles naphtha - ete. ; Analysis of. Lighting - Heating and Power Order 1918. H. F. Taylor 339. -1. coloui*-test for aldehydes. J. Laborde 68. J. Grossfeld 416. and 230. W. R. Fearon 412. G. de hstis 353. 0. Fohn and W. Denis 294. mann and ,4. B d s r 178. D. W. Jessup 300. reducing agent in Pearce’s assay. residues from (Notes). estimation of. P. Falciola 48. method to estimat’ion of the. 417, A. R. Powell 421. A. E. Parkes 408. W. G. ,4dam 144. 182 lNDEX TO VOLUME XLIII.xxxiii Gignin-Methyl Alcohol Methyl alcohol in plants ; Various modes of combination of Lime Compound Yrecipitat$ion of morphine by ammonia from a solution of its __ ; €I. E. Annett and Hardayal Singh 205. Lime Calcium sulphate ; Bapid method for the estimation of - as. L. G. Wilk Lime Keeping ; The deterioration of - on. S A. Woodhead 161. Lime Valuation of - for various purposes. R K. Meade 233. Link’s Superimposed water stil1. Liquids Alburninoid ammonia in - containing gas liquor ; Estimation of (Notes 1 11. F. Steplienson 213. Liquids Weighing buret-te for -. Litchi Nut Edible -. Litmus Milk cultures ; Substitute for - in. Loganberry Juice; - and the acid content of its. Loganberry Juice Pulp; Composition of - and. Low-Grade Ores Tin in -; Estimation of.Estimation of pectin- and - in rooths. The effect of codeine in hindering the. and W. H. Macintire 102. T. Von Fellenberg 37. 307. W. E. Burkhard 48. €3. E. Read 272. W $1. Clark and H. A Litbs 413 34 R. Daughters 141 34. R Daughters 66. -4. Adair 153. Malic and Tartaric Acids - in the same solubions ; Optical method of estimating. Malic Lactic and Succinic Acids Wiees ; Separation and estimation of - in Xanganese Aluminium alloys and dust ; Estimation of - in. J E Clennell, Manganese Content Drirgs ; - of the ash of certain. L. E. Westman and R. &I. Nanganese Periodate ; Colorimetric estimation of - by osidation with H H Xanganese Sodium nrsenite ; Volilm8etric estimation of - by means of P Ibbot-Xanganese Steel in presence of chromium and vanadium by electrometric titra-G 1,.Kelley M. G. Spencer C. I3 Illingworth, Manganese Zirconium titanium iron - and ahminium; Use of cupfcrroii in J . J. Wjllariinn 227, J. Labode 68. 305. Kowat 170. Willard and 1;. €1. Greathouse 44. son 234. tion; Estimation of - in. and T. Gray 178. the separation of. J. Brown 42. Manila “ Hard ” rope fibres ; Dishinguishing - from all other. C. E Sn-ett, 227. Manna Boric wid b,y the use of -; Estimation of (Notes). Margarine Butter and -; The detection of artificial colouring matters in (Notes) RiIcLean-Van Slyke Iodirnetric Method Halides ; - for &he titration of small R. F. McCracken and A t D Walsh, Melting-Point Apparatus Improved - ; An (Notes). J. C. Hibbert and TT.F Melting-Points Jelly strength ; Comparative - of glues as a measure of. the. Mercurial Viscomete~ Volatile liquids ; Modified - for. Mercuric Oxycyanide Volumetric estimation of -. WIercury Fulminate - and its estimation. Mercury Fulminate Percussion-caps ; Exa.mination of - and analysis of mistures Mercury Galenical preparations ; Estimation of - in. L. E. Iles 323. A. E. Parkes 87. amounts of Its application to chlorides. 43. Thompson 216. C. F. Sarnmet 388. F. M. Lidstone 308 A. Tagliavini 35. G. S. Neaven 300. for. 1’. Nicolardot and J. Boudet 229. H. Wastenson 35 XXXLV INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Mercury Halogens sulphur and nitrogen in presence of - Estimation of. Mercury Zinc foil; Estimation of - by means of. metallic Cyanides Sodium paratungstate in tlie analysis of -; use of.S. €3. Kuzirian 46. Metals Alkali - ; Perchlorate imetliod for estimation of. E. A. Gooch and G. R. Blake 277. Methods of Hub1 and of Wijs Bromide-bromate method and the - for the esDimation of the iodine value of oils and fats; Comparison b'etween the. C'. Xelber and H. Rheinheimer 90. Methyl Alcohol Alcoholic beverages ; Detection of - in and its formation by the several kinds of yeasts. Methyl Alcohol Plants Various modes of combination of - in Estimation of pectin- and lignin-methyl alcohol in roots. Xethylated Spirits - ; Composition of. (Government Order). 308. Micro-Organisms Spices; Use of - to determine the preservative value of F. &I. Baclmiann 171. Microscopic Qualitative Analysis Textile fibres in - ; T'se of.E. M. Cliamot and =ilk Acidity of condensed -; Estimatioii of tlie. Milk Added water in -; A new formula for the calculation of. L. J. Harris 345. Milk Added water in -by means of a simplified molecu1a.r concentration constant ; Milk &\dded water in -; Detection of. Milk Butymmeters Gerber new -; The graduation and calibration of. Milk Cane sugar in -; The detection of (Notes). Milk Clilovine in presence of organic matter (gastric juice serum blood -) ; Milk Colotiring mattev in -; Artificial (Notes). =ilk Composition and properties of - and - fat ; Influence of the age of the C. H. Eckles and A. Palmer 142. Milk Cultures Litmus in -; Substitute for. W. &I. Clark and H. A. Lubs 413. Milk %at in condensed - and - powders ; Estimation of.C. H. Biesterfeld :and 0 I,. Evenson 140. Milk Fat in - from the specific gravity and total solids ; Additive factors for the calculation of. Milk Fat Milk and A; Influence of the age of the cow on the composition and properties of. Milk Fat Palm-kernel cake upon the composition of - ; Influence of. C. Crowther and H Woodhouse 62. Milk Lactoee in - ; Ssbimation of. Milk - and butter; Enzymes of. Milk Powders Fat in condensed milk and -; Estimation of. Milk Reductase test for -; The. Milk Samples Sorting of -; Table for. Milks Lactose in dried -; Estimation of. 219 Mines Coal and rock-dust mixtures in - ; Quick estimaiiion of incombustible Moisture '' Acid oils " and soap stocks; The estimation of - and total fatty Moisture Coke ; Determination of - in, M.Franqois 302 391. 114. Franqois 305. T. Takahaslii 31. Gunke and T. Yamazaki 90. T. Von Fellenberg 37. different brands of. H. I. Cole 48 148. 31. Dujardin 220. Defection of. TJ. W. Ferris 35. H. Durand and R. Stevenson 171. F. E. Day and Af. Grimes 123. G . D. Elsdon 292. Estimation of. Sirot and Joret 274. H. E. Cox 166. cow on the. L. J. Harris 263. C. H. Eckles and A. Palmer 142. 0. Folin and W. Denis 294 R. W. Thatcher and A. C. Dahlbcrg 92. C. H. Biesterfeld and 0. 1,. Evenson 140. P. S. Amp 20. L. J . Harris 375. Government Report No. 24 and 239. matter in. matter in. A. C. Fieldaer W. 8. Selvig and F. D. Osgood 357. E. R. Bolton and C. Revis 158. A. C. Fieldner and TAT. A. Selvig 223 lNDEX TO VOLUME XI,ITI.xxxv Moisture-Content Baxleys ; Institute of Brewing method for fhe estimation of the Moisture Flour ; Estimation of - in. Moisture Wheat ; EsGimation of - in. Molasses Analysis of -. Molasses Waber in - and other sugar-factory products by the distillation method ; Deterrninrthion of. Molybdenum Ores and Concentrates Assay of -. H. C. M%bee 335. Wolybdenum Vanadium in the presence of - by means o€ titanium tricliloride ; Morphine Opium; An improvement in the B.P. rrietliod of estimating - in Morphine Opium ; Polarimetric estimation of - jn. Jitendra Nath Rakshit 320. Morphine Precipitation of - by ammonia from a solution of its lime compound ; H. E. Annett and Hasdapl Singli, Morphine Very small quantities of - ; Colorimetric rn$ethods for the estimation Motor Fuel Testing and standsxisation of -.Muffles - (Notes). €3. Bfount 88. Mumerr - (Notes). K. C. Browning 139. Mustard Oil Iodine values of -; Note on the (Notes). of. 293. F. T. Shutt and P. J. Moloney 293. F. T . Birchard 383. H. S. Walker 220. T. Van der Linden M. Xauffman and F. Leistra 221 Estimation of. Travers 238. (Notes). C. A. Rill 214. The effect of codeine in hindering the, 205. of. A. Heiduschka and M. Faul 65. 33. L. Lomax 225. E. G. Ra>nes 216. Naphtha Crude benzoles - light oils etc. ; Analysis of. Naphtho-Resomind Reaction d-glycuronic acid and other acids with similar behaviour by the -; Detection of. Nephelometry Technical applications of -. Nickel -411o-y~ of - and zirconium ; Analysis of.44. Nickel a-benzildioxime ; Estimation of - with. Nickel Cobalt and - in cobalt steel; Estimation of. W.8 R. Schoeller and A. R. Nickel Copper zinc cadmium - and cobalt,; Estimation and separatioB of. Nickel Cobalt from -; Separation of. A. Carnot 98. Nitrates Gasometric determination of - ; Note on the (Notes). C:. A. Kill 215. Nitric Acid Bismuth subnitirate ; Estimation of - in. Nitric Nitxogen Ammonia and - in soil extracts and physiological solutions ; Nitriles Reaction of the -; Delicate. Nitrites Minute quantities of - and hydrogen peroxide in presence of each other ; Estimation of. A. Quwtaroli 234. Nitrites - ; Estimation of. Nitrogen Ammonia ; Es6iimation of - in eggs as. Nitrogen Compounds Rain and snow ; - in. Nitrogen Content Rubber ; Estimation of - of.,M. .Howie 226. Nitrogen Halogens sulphur and - in presence of mercury; Xstimation of. M. Franqois 302 391. Nitrogen Oxidised coal ; Amount of - in. Nitrogen Protein from non-protein - in wheah ; Separation of. XI. J. Blish 355. Nitrogen Substances containing -; Combustion of. R. L. Fisher and A. H. MT. G . Adam 144. A. W. Van der Haar 415. P. A. Bober 182 362. G. L. Kelley and F. R. Myers, R. Strebinger 361. Powell 301. A. Carnot 232. E. Luce 301. Estimation of. €3. S. Davisson 385. S. Dezani 70. 3'. DiBnert; 392. N. Hezdrickson and G. C. 1'. T. Shutt and R. L. Dorrance, Swan 382. 235. H. Le Chatelier 39. Wright 276 XXXVl INDEX TO VOLUME XLIIl. Momon Calculating device for chemists; The - a. H. G. Derning 49.Non-Alcoholic Flavouring Extracts Essential oils in - ; Estimation of. 11'. 11 Non-Protein Nitrogen Wheat ; Separation of protein fmm -in >I J 131isli, Notes 31 58 87 138 165 213 268 291 328 347 377 408 Nucleic Acid Analytical examination ; - and its. Nut Litchi -; Edible. Nuts Sanga-Sanga - (RicinodendroiL nfricnnztrn) . Boyles 326. 355, -1. C. Chapman 258 Pieraerts 285. H. E. Read 2T2. Obituary Notices : Salamon Alfred Gordon 187. Tyrer Thomas P.I.C. 155,. Oil Cakes Palm-kernel coconut ground-nut and other - ; Comparative keeping Oil Seeds Sierra Leone ; New - from. Oil Varnishes Examination of -. Oil Varnishes Volatile " thinners " in - ; The determination of (Xotes) Oils AnaJytical point of view; The optical dispersion of - from an.Oils Carotin in - and vegetables ; Occurrence of A . H. Gill 384. Oils Conimercial fats and - other than those of the coconut. butter and linseed Oils Commercml fats and -; Tentative standard methods for the sampling and Oils Discriminating test fur - and fats; The " Valenta Number " as a Oils Iodine value of - and fats ; Compa,rison between the broniidc-bromate qualities of. W. Godden 63. 352. H. Snlit-iiddens 332. =2 de 52. J . Fryw Waele 408. and P. E. Weston 311. groups ; Tentative st,andard methods for the sampling and analysis of. analysis of. 270. Fryer and I?. E. Weston 3. method and the methods of Hub1 and of Wijs for the estiniaticin of the C. Kelber and H. Rlieinheimer 90 292 60. 1). .J Biticica Oil - ; A new drying oil. E.R Rolton and C' Revis 251 Olive Oil Spurious .__ (Notes). Olive Oil Sta.bility of ~ E. R. Holland J C. Reed and J. I? Bucklc1,y Junr. , Opium R4orphine in -; An improvement in the I3.P. rrietliod of estimating Opium Morphine in - ; Polarimetric estimation of Jitendra Natli Rakshit 320 Opium Wax. 326. (Notes). C . A. Hill 214. Jitendra Nath Rakshit 321, Optical Dispersion Oils from an analytical point of view ; The - of. P J. Fryel aiid I? E. Weston 811. J. J. Willaman 227. Optical Method Malie and tartaric ;kcids in the same solutions ; - of estimntiit:: Ores and Concentrates Tin in wolfram -; Estimation of. Ores Molybdenum - and concentrates ; Assay of. Ores Tin in low-grade -; Estimation of. A. Adair 153. Organic Acids Sugars starclies gums proteins and - ; Praecipitant for Organic Acids Wine ; Fixed - and especially lactic acid in.Organic Analysis Abstracts 39 70 93 144 172 275 297 329 356 386 413 Organic Combustion Rapid -. Organic Compounds Iodine in inorganic and -; New method of estimating. A. Ii. Sinod ;I92 H. C. Mabee 335 11-Schultze 90. G. de A d s 353 P. 8. Levine and F. W. Bieber 180. N. Tarugi 17 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. xxxvii Organic Compounds Selenium in - ; Es-tiimation of. F. Von Konek and Organic Matter (Gastric Juice Serum Blood Milk) Chlorine in presence of - ; Organic Matter Ignition ; Estimation of - in soils by loss on. J. B Rather, Organic Matter Bapid destruction of -; Method for thle. Organic Matter Urine; Destruction of the - in. Osmium New reaction of -. Oxalates i 1{’mmic acid or formates in the presence of hydroxides carbonates -, Oxalic Acid Conductivity method; Titration of - by the.H. S. Harned and Oxidation Process Ammonia - ; Analytical control of the. G. B. Taylor and Oxide Gas works ; Analpsis of spent - from. Oxidisecl Coal Nitrogen in --; Amount of. Oxygen Available - in pyrolusite ; Estimation of. 0 Schleifer 391. Bstirnation of. 332. Sirot and Joret 274. 1’. Duret 333 IJ. Cordier 69. L. Tschugaeff 362. and acetates ; Volumetric method for the estima-tion of. C. W. Laird 418. J . R. Davis 97. F. Tsiropinas 93. 279. H. Le Chatelier 39. 0. L. Barnebey 45, Pacific Coast Trees Tannin Content of -. Bafladious Nitrate Silver nitrate with ~ as indicator ; Iodine titration of. L.Schneider 233. Palm-Kernel Cake Milk f a t ; Influence of - upon the composition of. C Crowtlier and Iz. Woodhouse 62. Palm-Kernel Cake ~ extract-ed palm-kernel meal and undecorticated cotton-seed cake ; Comparative digestibility of. C. Crowther and H. E. Woodman 64. Palm-Kernel Coconut Ground-Nut and other Oil Cakes Keeping qualities of - ; Comparative. W. Godden 63. Paper Absorbency of -; Method for determining the. Pearce’s Assay Lead as a reducing agent in -; Estimation of tin in high-gradee wolfra’m ores and the use of. Pectin-Methyl Alcohol Methyl alcohol in plants ; Various modes of combination of. Eshimation of - and lignin-methyl alcohol in roots. T. Von Fellenberg 37. Berchlorate Method Alkali metals ; - for estimation of. F. A. Gooch and G. R. Blake 277.Perchloric Acid Potash in kelp and similar substances by means of - ;- Estimation of. 103. Percussion-Caps Mixtures for - ; Examination of mercury fulminate and analysis of. Periodate Manganese by oxidation wit7h -; Colorimetric estimation of. H. €I, Willard and L. H. Greathouse 44. Peroxide Nitrites and hydrogen - in presence of each other; Estimation of minute quantifies of. Petrol Calorific value of - (Notes). Petrol Distillation test of -. Petrol Sulphur in - ; Estimation of (Notes). Bharmacopmia British - 1914. Phenacetin Veronal acetanilide salicylic acid and - ; Identification of. Phenol Cresols; Estimation of - in presence of the three. E. W Knight C. T. Phenol Cres-ylic acid ; The estimation of - in. J. J. Fox and M. F. Barker 389.Phenol Crude carbolic acid and in coal-tar oils; Estimatian of - in. F. W. H. K. Benson and F. &!I. Jones 143. E. 0. Reed 154. A. R. Powell 421. P. Nicolardot and J. Boudet 229. A. Quartaroli 234. B. Blount 89. N. A. L4nfi10go;ff 94. B. Bfount 89. Alteration and amlendment 185. 0. Tunrnann 66, Lincoln G. Forrnanek andH. L. Follett 173. Skirrow 94 . XXYVlll INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Philippine Coconut Oil Rancidity of -, Philippine Vegetables Vitamine content of some -. Philippine Waters Radioactivity of -. Phosphate Lead as - and its sepa.ration from antimony ; Estimation of. G. Vort-Phosphates Fluorine with special application to the analysis of - ; Estimation of Phosphates - ; Gravimetric estimation of (Notes). Phosphoric Acid Acetic acid by distillation witli - ; Estimation of.W. 1.' Phosphoric Acid Insoluble - ; Preparation of ammonium citrate and estimaticm Phosphoric Acids Feeding materials ; Inosite - of some important. J. €3 Phosphoric Phosphorous and Hypophmphoric Acids Mixtures ; Estimation of -Phosphorous Hypophospholric and Phosphoric Acids Mistares ; Estimation of -Phosphorus Bronzes ; Rapid method of estimating - in. Phosphorus Handling - ; A method of (Notes). Phosphorus Phytin - in plant products; Estimation of. Phosphorus Vanadium ; Separat*ion of - and. Photometer Tint - ; Hess-Ives. Phthalic Acid Phthalic anhydride in crude - ; Estimation of. C. R Downs and Phthalic Anhydride Crude phthalic acid; Estimation of - in. C. R. 11on.n~ and PhysiologicaI Solutions -4mmonia and nitric nitrogen in soil extract8 and - ; Phytin Phosphorus Plant products ; Estimation 04 - in.Pigments Blood-serum ; Detection and estimation of biliary - in. A. Fouchet, Plant Ash Rubidium and czsium in -; Proximate quantitative method for the Plant Ashes Composition of - with special reference to tobacco ; Factors affect-PIant Juices Sugar content ; Preservation of - for analysis of. 1). 0. Spriestcrs-Plant Products Colombia ; Two - from. A. I,. Bacharach 289. Plant Products Phytin phosphorus in - ; Estimaiiion of. Plants Methyl alcohol in -; Various modes of combination of. pectin- and lignin-methyl ztlco2iol in roots. (Platinum Gold Alloy) Platinum substitute -. Platinum Substitute - (Platinurn gold alloy). Poisoning Potatoes ; Alleged - by.Poisonous Bread and Flour - ; Detectlion and estimation of sapotosins. L Pdarimetric Estimation Morphine in opium ; - d. Jitendra Natli Rakshit 320. Potash Estimation of -; The. Potash Estimation of -; The (Notes). Potash Fertiliser materials; Study of the De Roode Method for the estiniation of H. C. Brill and R. 0. Parker 89. H. C. Brill arid C. A f i i i -castre 143. J. R. Wright and G. W Heise 150. mann and A. Bader 178. C. R. Wagner and W. H. ROSS 99. W. R. Mummery 324. Munn 330. of. P. M. Shuey 71. Rather 169. in. in. R. G. Van Name and W. J. Huff 236. R. G. Van Name and W J. Huff 235. T. E. RooncT 4-21. J 13. Rather 38 13 Blount 291. A. Kropf 179. 308. C. G. Stsupp 391. (3. G Rtupp 391. Estimation of. B. 8. Davisson 385.J. 13. Rather 38. 91. estimation of. ing the. bach 174. W. 0. Robinson 152. 0. D. Roberts 254. 5. B. Eatlier 38, Estimatlion of T. Vcm Fellenberg 37. I. L. B. Van der Marck 280. I. L. B. Van der Marck 280. F. W. Harris and T. Cockburn 133. Stoecklin 142. B. Blount 117. T. Steel. 349. - in. T. E. Keith and H. E. Shiver 236 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIIZ. XXXlX Potash Kelp and similar substances by means of perchloric acid; Estimation of Potassium Chloridles by means of the refractometer ; Estimation of - and sodium Potassium Guaiacol Sulphonate - ; Identification and estimation of. S. Palkin, Fotassiiim Iodate Arsenic in insecticides bp means of -; Estimation of G S. Potassium Sodium and -; Estimation of. Potassium Sodium cobaltinitrite methud; Estnimation of - by the.Potatoes Poisoning by -; Alleged. W. Schulkze 90. Preservative Value : different brands of. President Annual address of the retiring -. Pressure Fractional distillation under diminished - ; Efficient apparatus for. W. A. Noyes and G. S. Skinner 105. Pressure Method Carbon dioxide in carbonates; Rapid - for estimation of. W. €3. Chapin 334. Propionic and Butyric Acids Acetic - ; Quantitative estimation of. R. D. Crowell 172. Protein Non-protein nitrogen in wheat ; Separa.tion of - from. M. J. Blish 355. Proteins Adamkiewicz reaction for -; Study of the. Proteins Sugars starches gums - and organic acids; Precipitant for. Pulps Siilphite - ; Method of staining for distinguishing between bleached and Pyridine Bases Ammonia md its salts ; Itapid estimzttion of - in.2'. E'. Barney Pyrolusite Available oxygen in -; Estimation of. Pyrophosphoric Acid Volumetric estimation of -. in. 103. B. A. Shippy and G. H. Burrows 102. as. 380. Jamieson 277. S. W. Rhue 336. C. V. Garoh and V. Braun 150. F. W. Harris and T. Cockburn 133. Precipitant Sugars starches gums proheins and organic acids ; - f 01' Spices ; Use of micro-organisms to determine the - Of F. M. Bachmann 171. 112. E. Voiseneb 386. W. Schultxe 90. unbleached. C. G. Bright 70. and C. I?. Sparks 146. 0. L. Barnebely 45. D. Balareff 45. Qualitative Analysis Textile fibres in microscopic -; Use of. E. 31. Chaniot and IF. I. Cole 48. Rabbits Anti-albumin serum from - ? and its standardisation ; Preparation of Radioactivity Philippine waters ; - of.Radium Estimating - ; Bisulphate method of. Rain Nitrogen compounds in - and snow. Rain-Water Hydrogen selenide in - and snow; Occurrence of. Rancidity Detection of -; Chemical tests for. R. El. Kerr 327. Rancidity Philippine coconut oil; - of. Reaction of Adamkiewicz Glyoxylic acid or to formaldehyde ; Is the - due to :J Reaction Sesami! oil -; Modified. Reagent Valentu tests ; A modified acetic acid - for. Reagents Gas ;malysis ; - for use in. Reagents Gas analysis ; - for use in. an. A. C. Ilollande 91. J. R. Wright and G. W. Heise 150. H. H. Barker 362. IF. T. Shutt and R. L. Dorrance 235. T. Gassmann, 335. H. C. Brill and €3. 0. Parker 89. E Voiaenet 275. E. Weehuixen 273. A. E. Parkes 83.VI. Absorption of hydrogen b? sodium VII. Estimahion of benzine vapour. oleate. R1. P. Anderson 177. R. P. Anderson and M. H. Kabz 177 X l INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Reagents Sugar - ; Copper-Phosphate mixtures as. 0. Folin and W. S. McEllroy 299. Reducing Agent Iron; Use of silver as - in volumetric estimation of. G. Edgai. and A. It Kemp 278. %educing Agent Lead as a - in Pearce’s assay; Estimation of tin in high-grade wolfram ores and the use of. A. R. Powell 421. Reductase Test Milk; The - for. I?. S. Arup 20. Eefractive Index Sugar solutions ; Relation bettvecn t h 2 degree of supersaturat 1031, the - and the teniperature of. E. V. Miller and I’ P Worley 221. Refractometer Differential -. Refractorneter Eucalyptus 011s; Vse of th8e - in the examination of.Refractometer Gas analysis ; Use Crf the interference - in. Refractorneter Immersion -; Note on the use of the. Refractometer Potassium and sodium as chlorides by means of the -; Estima-Reichert-Wollny (Leffmann-Beam) Estimations Glycerol residues from - ; The Report Inspectors of Foods for year 1916-1‘7 ; - on work of. A. W. J. Macfadden, Report Work of the Government Laboratory for the year ending March 31 1917 ; of the Government Chemist upon the. Reports Zocal Government Board ; - to the. Residues Iodine from dilute -; Recovery of (Notes). Resins Soap ; Estimation of - in. V. Fortini 273. Reviews of Books : G. A. Shook 366. H. (3. F. 11. Seibcrt and Smith 410. W. C IXarpster 365. W. W. Randall 393. tion of. utilisation of (Notes), 107, B.A. Shippy and G. H. Burrows 102. A. E. Parkes 408. 183. Food - No. 24 1918. 239 H. 3’. Stephenson 105. Alkali Industry The -. Analysis Quantitative -; Principles of. Antimony Arsenic and -; Organic compounds of. Biochemistry Organic and -; Practical Chemical Analysis Quantitative -. Chemical Gombination Metals ; - a.mong. $1. Giua and C. Gma-Lollini 397, Chemical Constitution - ; Colour in Relation to. Chemical Nomography h Manual of - together with a “ Nomon ” or Caleu-Chemical Science “ What Industry owes to - . ” R. B Pileher and Chirnica Analytica Applicata Trattato di -Coal-Tar Dyestuffs Dyeing with -. Dyes Intermediate Products for - ; The Manufacture of. Essential Oils Artificial Perfumes The Chemistxy of - and. Food Analysis - ; A Course in.Foods Adulteration ; - and their. Foods Drugs ; Aids to the Analysis of - and. Inorganic Chemistry Textbook of -; A. A. F. Holleman 77. Intermediate Products Dyes ; The Manufacture of - for. Linseed Oil Chemistry of - ; The. Milk Pasteurisation of -from the Practical View-pointi; The. Oils and Fats EdibIe -. Oils - Fats and Waxes; Technical Handbook of. J. R. Partington 284. W. C. Blasdale 76. G. T. Morgan 282. 33. K. A. Plimmer 370. 3’. Clowes a d J. B. Coleman 309. E. R. Watson 424 lating Chart. 3’. Butlcr-Jones 368. H. G. Deming 394. V. Villavecchia 51. C. bk. Whittaker 425. J. C. Cain 283 E. J. Pan>- 372 C C. Moor and 15‘ Partridge. A. I;. Winton 343. H. W. Wiley 342. 426. J. C. Cain 283, J.N. Friend 186, C. H. Kilbourne, 52. C. A. Mitchell 284. P. J. Fryer and I?. E. Weston 75 INDEX Reviews of Books-continued : Proteins Chemical Constitution Reagents Beactions ; - and. Reduction NIethods Volumetric Rubber - Its Production, Plirrimer 74. 427. A. Luftriiwer 371. TO VOLUME XLIII. xli >f the -; The. Part I. Analysis. R. H. A. E. Tognoli 238. Analysis; Nen7 - in. Knecht and Hibbert, Chemistry m d Synthesis. -4. Dubosc and Scientist’s Refgrence Book Diary ; The - and 1918. Smoke Abatement Scisntific Treatise on -. Solution Nature of -; !The. Synthetic Drugs Chemistry of -; The. Zinc Industry The -. Bice Husks Vat from -. (Ricinodendron Afrianum) Sanga-Sanga nuts -. Rock-Dust and Coal Mixturea Incombustible mather in - in mines; Quick Roots Plants ; Various modes of Combination of methyl alcohol in.Estimation of Rope Fibres “ Hard ” - ; Distinguishing lfanila from all other. C. E. Swett, Rubber Compounds Free sulphur in soft -; Volumetric estiniatiion of. H. S. Rubber Nitrogen content of -; Estimation of. Rubber Sulphur in vulcanised -; Estimation of (Notes). Rubidium Plant ash ; Proximate quantitativs method for the estimation of - and 110. €I. Hamilton 110. K. C. Jones 369. P. May 396. E. A. Smith 397. 3’. Garelli 141. Pieraerts 285. Estimation of. pectin- and lignin-methyl alcohol in -. 227. Cpton 334. A. C. Fieldner MT. A. Selvig and 17. D. Osgood 357. T. Von Fellenberg 37 34. Howie 226. H. P. Stevens 377 cmiurn in. W. 0. Robinson 152. Saccharin British -; The composition of (Notes).Sacchasin Commercial - ; Analysis of. The estimation of o-Benzoylsul-H D. Richmond Sacchmin Tablets Examination of -; The. H. D. Richmond S. Royce and Salicylic Acid Vercmal acetanilide - and phenacetin ; Identifieation of. Salinity Measurements Conductivity recorder for -; Electrical. E. E. Weibel Salts Ammonia and its -; Rapid estimation of pyridine bases in. T. I?. €€an=;\-Salts Creeping ; Preventing - from. Sand Iron in glass -; Estimation of. Sanga-Sanga Nuts - (Ricinodendron ufricanum). Sapotoxins Poisonous bread and flour ; Detection and estimation of. Seeds Sierra Tleone ; New oil - from. Seeds E’chinocystis Oregunu; - of the. Selenium Organic compounds ; Estimation of - in. F. Von Ronek and Sensitive Reaction Apornmphine ; - of.Serum Anti-albumin - from rabbits and its standardisation ; Preparation of an. Serum Chlorine in presence of organic matter (gastric juice - blood milk) ; H. D. Richmond 349 phonirnide from the ammonia produced by acid hydrolysis. and C. A. Hill 353. C. A. Kill 402. 0. Tunrwiann 66. and A L. Thuras 393. and C. 14’. Sparks 146. W. 0. R,obinson 107. J. 13. Pergusson 44. Pieraerts 295. L. Stoeclrlin, 142. 352. $1. 13,. Daughters 172. 0. Sohleifer 391, L. I?. J. Palet 168 A. C. Hollande 91. Estimation of. Sirot and Joret 274 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME XL'III. Sesame Oil Reaction Modified -. I?. Weehuizen 273. Seyehelles Aromatic oils from -. 352. Shark-Liver Oil Basking - ; Saturated hydrocarbons in. '' Sharps " Bran ; The composition of - and and the effect thereon of the Food Shell Cocoa and cacao products ; Estimation uf - in.J . I;. Baker mdH. F. E. Sierra Leone Oil seeds from -; New. Silica Solubility of -. Silicon Ferrosilicon ; Estimation of - in. Silver Iron; Use of - as reducing agent in volumetric estimatioi of. G. Edgar Silver Nitrate Palladious nitrate as indicator ; Iodide t'itration of _I with. Snow Hydrogen seIenide in rain-water and - ; Occurrence of. 2'. Gnssmann, Snow Rain and -; Nitrogen crmipounds in. F. T. Shutt and R . 11. Dori~m~e, Soap Fatty acids in - ; Nem- method for estimating. E. Bossliard and F. ('ointe, Soap Resins in -; Estimation of. Soap Stocks " Acid oils " and - ; The estimation of moistitre mid total fatty E. R.Bolton and C. Revis 158. Soap Water in -; Dist-illation method for the estimation of. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists Proceedings of the 2 53, M. Tsujimoto 143. Controller's orders. Hulton 197. H. E. Cox 53. 352. V. 1,enlier and H. B. Merrill 103. P. Nicolardot and J. Koeuig 383. and A. R. Kemp 278. 1,. Kchneider 233. 335. 235. 411. V. Fortini 273. matter in. R . Hart 382. 81 111 156 188 251 287 311 345 373 401. Ibbotson 234. Garola and V. Braun 150. by -. Kuzirinn 46. of. Sodium Arsenite 'Illsngauese b j ~ means of - ; Volumet*ric estimation of. F. Sodium Cbbalkinitrite Method Potassirmi by the - ; Estimatioii of. C. 1'. Sodium Oleata Gas analysis; Reagents for use in. TI Absorption of hydrogen R. P. Anderson and M.H. Katz 177. Sodium Paratungstate Metallic cyanides ; Use of - in the analysit of. S. €3. Sodium Potassium and - as chlorides by means of the refractonietcr ; Estimation Sodium Potassium ; Estimation of - and. Sodium Salphide Iodine ; Action of - on and the use of the reaetioii in analysis. Soil Acidity Soils ; - and the hydrolytic ratio in. Soil Extracts Ammonia and nitric nitrogen in - and physiological solutions ; R. S. Davisson 385. Soils Hydrolytic ratio in -; Soil acidity and tilie. Soils Organic matter in - by loss on ignition; Estimation of. J. R. Rather 332. Sulutions Alkalinity of certain -; Method for. the estimation of the Y. Francis, Solutions Coloured - ; Acidimetry of. Application of the poclrct spectroscope. Solv~nts Tars in the free carbon determination ; Some effects of ccit;iiii ~ on.Sorghum Sugar content of - at different stages of growth. D. Berthelot and Specific Qravity Fat in milk from the - and total solids ; Additive factors for the U . A. Shippy and G. H. BU~YOWS 102. S. W. Rhue 336. J. Elirlich 279. C. H. Spurmi) 153. Estimation of. C. H. Spurwaj 153. 358. A. Tingle 280 306. G. S Munroe and H. J. Broderson 96. R. Trannoy 274. calculation of. L. J. Harris 263 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. xliii Spectroscope Coloured solutions ; Acidimetry of. Application of the pocket -Spent Oxide Gas works ; Analysis of - from. Sperm Oils Burning purposes; - used for. A. G. Blakeley and E. A. Reill), Spices Preservative value of different brands of -; Use of micro-organisms to Spirituous Liquors Alcohol in -; Estimation of.Staining Bleached and unbleached sulphite pulps ; Method of - for distingnish-Standard Methods Commercial. fats and oils other than those of the coconut buttel., Standard Methods Commercial fats and oils ; Tentative - €or t.he sampling arid Starch Clover; Estimation of - in. Starch Products Commercial dextrin and related - ; Esamiiiation of. Starches E’lower bulb -. Starches Sugars - gums proteins and organic acids; Precipitant for. Steel Carbon in - by bwiurn carbonate method; Rapid estimation of. J R. Steel Carbon in - ;‘Determination of (Notes). Steel Carbon in - ; Determination of (Notes). Steel Cobah and nickel in cobalt -; Estimation of. Steel Iron and - ; Eskirnation of tantalum in. Travers 237.Steel Manganese in - in presence of chromium and vanadium by electrometric G. T, Kelley &%. G. Spencer C. B. Illingworth and G. L. Kelley F. B. Myers and A. Tingle 280 and 306. 279. 147. determine the. E’ M. Rachrnann 171. K. C. Nag and P. Lal 409. ing between, and linseed groups ; Tentative - for the sampling and analysis of. analysis of. 270. C. G. Bright 70. 60. T. Von Fellenbcrg 36. 1; I T Rabjngton A . Tingle and C. E. Watson 350. P. E. Verkade 329. TV. Scliultxe 90. Gain and 2. C. Maxwell 359. B. Blount 59 268. L. ,Dufty 167. W. R. Schoeller and A R. Powell 301. titmtion; Estimation of. 1’. Gray 178. C. H. Illingwortli 47. Steels T;mtalum in alloy - - Estimation of. Still Superimposed water - ; Link’s. Still Water of high purity in quantity ; - foP continuous preparation of.Moselev and R. G. Myers 423. Storax Examination of -Strontium Estimation of -, Strychnine Rrucine in presence of - ; Colorimetric determination of. Succinic Acid Estimation of -. Succinic and Malic Acids Wines; Separation and estimation of lactic __ in. J. Laborde 68. Sndan-Grass Hay - ; Composition and digestibility of. W. (3. Gaesslev and A. C. McCandlish 412. Sugar Content Plant juices for analysis of - ; Preservahion of. D. 0. Spriesters-bach 174. Sugar Oontent Sorghum a t different stages of growth; - of. D. Berthelot and Hi. Tranmy 274. Sugar-Factory Products Molasses and other - by the distillation method ; Deter-mination of water in. Sugar Lactose in admixture with cane - and invert - ; Estimation of.J. Grossfeld 416. Sugar; Milk; The detecthion of cane - in (Notes). 307. K. TV. t. Van Itallie and H. J. Lemkes 273. IL. W. Winkler 363. 4 . Wober , 350. E. C. Grey 357. T. Van der Idinden M. Kauffman and F. Leistra 221. G. D. Elsdon 292 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XLIII. Sugar Reagents Copper-Phosphate mixtures as -. 0. Folin and W. S . McEllroy, Sugar Solutions Degree of supersaturation the refractive index and the tempera-Sugars - starches gums proteins and organis acids ; Precipitant for, Sulphur Combustibles ; T'se of the Lewis-Thorripson calorimeter far the estimation Sulphide Copper as - and by electrolysis ; Estimatiion of. Sulphide Pulps Bleached and unbleached - ; Method of staining for distinguish-Sulpho Ethers Urine ; Estimation of - in.Sulphur Dioxide Estimation of -. 0. R Sweeney H. E. Outcault and J. R. Sulphur Halogens - and nitrogen in presence of mercur7; Estimation of. Sulphur Iron by the evolution method ; Apparatus for estimation of - in. H.B. Sulphur Petrol; Estimation of - in (Notes). R Blount 89. Sulphur Sof6 rubber compounds ; Volumetric estimation of free - in. Sulphtur Vulcanised rubber ; Estimation of - in (Notes). Sulpharie Thiosulphuric Sulphurous and Trithionic' Acids - in admixture ; Sulphurous Trithionic and Sulphuric Acids Tbiosulphuric - in admixture ; Supersaturation Sugar solutions ; Relation between the degi-ee of - the refrae-299. ture of -; Relation between the. W. Schultze 90. of - in. E. V. illiller and I?. P. \J'orlc~- 221. P.Falcida 48. I? L. Hahn '71. ing between. C . G. Bright 78. 1 Cordier 69. Withrow 46. hl Franqois 302 391. Pulsifer 364. TJpton 334. Estimation of. Estimation of. tive index and the temperature of. H. S . H. P. Stevens 377. 0. Billeter and R. Wavre 337. 0. Billeter and B. Wavre 337. E. V. Miller and I?. P. Worley 221. Table Milk samples ; - for sorting of. Tablets Hexamethglenetetramine - ; Bvaluation of. Tablets Saccharin -; The examination of. Tannin Content Pacific Coast trees; - of. Tantalum Alloy steels ; Estimation of - in, Tantalum Iron and steel ; Estimation of - in. Tar Crude -; Analysis of. J. M. Weiss 419. Tars Free carbon determination; Some effects of certain solvents an __ in the Tartaric and Ma& Acids Same solutions; Optical method of estimating - in Tartrates Test for - depending on the formatlion of the copper-tartrate complex : Technical Applications NephelnmetrJ ; - of.Textile Fibres Microscopic qualitative analysis ; Use of. Theobromine - ; Estimation of. Thermometer Common - ; Eballioscopic determinations wiDh a. C. C . Thermo-Regulator - ; Improved form of. 14 Thinners " Oil varnishes ; The determination of volatile - in (Notes). L. J Harris 375. W. 0. Emery and C! D. E. D. Richmond S. Royce and H. K. Renson and F. M. Jones 143. G. 1,. Kelley F. R. Myers and Travers 237. Wright 380. C. A. Hill 402. C. B. Illingworth 47. G. S. ?dunroe and H. J. Rrod,erson 96. the. J. J . Willaman 227. Study of the. L. J. Curtman A. Lewis and B. R. Harris 96.P. A. Kober 362 I$. 31. Chrnotl arid El. T Cole 48. IT. 0. Emery and G. C. Spencer 383. Kiplinger 340. Waele 408. J. B. %'erguson 341. A d INDEX TO VOLUME xmr. xlv Thiocyanate Copper as Copper oxide after previous precipitation as - ; Estima-Thiophene Test Biochemical colour-tests (1) The - for lactic acid. A coloar-Thiosulphuric Sulphurous Trithionic and Sulphuric Acids - in admixture ; 0. Billeter and B. Wavre 337. Thorium Fluoride Fluorine precipitated as - ; Gravirnetric and volumetric F. A. Gooch and &!I. Kobayashi 360. Thymol Content Horse mint and -4jowan seed (Carurn copfieurn) ; - of. Thymolsulphophthalei’n Indicator in acidemetric titrahions ; - as. Tin Chinese -; Sampling and assay of. Tin High-grade wolfram ores ; Estimation of - in and tdie use of lead as a reducing agent in Pearce’s assay.Tin Low-grad*e ores; Estimation of - in. A. Adair 153. Tin Wolfram ores and concentrates ; Estimation of - in. Tincture Ginger U.S.P. ; - of. Tint Photometer Wess-Ives -. 308. Titanium Trichloride Vanadium in the presence of molybdenum by means of -; Titanium Zirconium - iron manganese and aluminium ; Use of cupferron in Titration Method Formol -; Abnormalities in the. Tobacco Plant ashes with special reference to - ; Factors affecting the composl-Tolu Balsam of -; Analysis of. Toluene Mixtures of chlorinated -; Rapid analysis of. N. A Lubs and A. B. Tool Glass-cutting -. Total Solids Calculation of fat in milk from the specific gravihy and - ; Additive factors for the. Toxic Principle Cottonseed; Gossypol the - of.Trichlorethylene Decomposition of -. Trithionic and Sufphuric Acids Thiosulphuric sulphurous - in admixture ; Tubes Vacuum -; Weighing. Tungsten Colorimetric estimation of -. Tungsten Rapid estima,tion of -. Turpenkfne Adulterants ; Estimation of - and the detection of. Twitchell Process Glgwrol from whale oil ; Qualitry of. tion of. test for aldehydes. Estimation of. estimation of. Collens 411. and W. ,4. Lubs 418. G. ld’enner and J. Forschmann 3GO. Mi. R. Fearon 412. A. E A. B. Clark F. Browne 104. A. R. Powell 421. A M. Smoot 392. J. P. Snyder 270. Estimation of. Travers 238. the separation of. J. Brown 42. r S. L. Jodidi 328. T. T. Cocking and J. D. Kettle 327. tion of. 0. D. Roberts 254.Clark 414. I<. H. Parker 107. Z. J. Harris 263. F. E. Carruth 222. W. Elsner 1‘75. Estimation of. 0. Billeter and B. Wavre 337. M. Guichard 73. Travers 237. F. W. Foote and R. S. Ransom Junr. 338. J. Tausz 384. 11. Factors influencing L. V. Cocks and the quality of crude glycerol when manufactured by the -. A. H. Salway 276. Ultra-Filter - and its uses ; New form of. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Gasoline ; Estimation of - in. E. W. Dean and Urea Calcium cyanamide containing large percenbage of dicyanodiamide ; Analysis Urine Organic matter in - ; Destruction of the. Urine Sulpho ethers in - ; Estimation of. Urine Total acidity of - ; Methods €or the determination of the. F A. Kober 422. E. €1. Hill 299. of E. Hene and 9. Van Haaren 356.L. Cordier 69. L. Cordier 69. W. A. Dehn, 92 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLIIL Vacuum Balance Cases. Vacuum Gauge Short -; Simplified. Vacuum Tubes Weighing --. “Valenta Number ’’ Oils and fats ; The - as R discriminating test for. Fryer and F. E. Weston 3. Valenta Tests Acetic acid reagent for -; A modified. A. E. Parkes 83. Vanadium Manganese in steel in presence of chromium and - by electrometric G. 14. Kelley M* G. Spencer C. B. Tllingworth, Vanadium Molybdenum by means of titanum triochloride ; Estimation of - in Vanadium Phosphorus and -; Separation of. Vanadium Water; Detection of small amounts of - in. Vanilla Extracts Coumarin in factitious -; Detection and estimation of. Wichrriann 325. Vapour Density Apparatus Victor Mejw -; Improved.R. G. Kreiling 49. Vapours Gases ; Differential pressure method for estimation of - in. Davis a i d %I. D. Davis 416. Varnishes Oil - ; Examination of. Varnishes Volatile “ thinners ” in oil -; The determination of (Notes). Vegetable Gums Food products ; Detection of ~ in. Vegetables Oils and -; Occurrence of carotin in. Vegetables Philippine -; Vitamine content of some. H. C. Brill and V. Alin-Vegetation Boras as destructive of (Notes). 1%‘. H. Boberts A . Smet81iarn wid VegeMive Function Alcolid ; Influence of the - of )east on the yield of and 1,. Iindet 355. Veronal - acetanilide salicylic acid a’nd phenacetin ; Identification of Victor Meyer Vapour Density Apparatus Improved --. D. A. MacInnes and Viscometer Volatile liquids ; Modified mercurial - for.Viscosimeter Suggested form of -. Viscosity Blood ; - of. J. W. Trevan 296. Vitali Test Homatropine and the ~ (Notes) Vitamine Content Philippine vegetables ; - of some. Volatile Liquids Mercurial visorneter for -; Modified. Volatile Oil Citrus fruits ; Estimation of - in. Volatile Volumeter Anaerobic culture -. B. Blount and W. H. Woodcock 105. E. Karrer 341. M. Guichard 73. P. 3. +itration; Estimation of. and T. Grap 178. the presence of. Travers 238. A. Kropf 179. V. L. Meaurio 179. H. J D A . ISTacInnes and H. S. H. Smit-Addens 332. A . de A . ,4. Cook and A G. Waele 408. Woodman 351. A. H. Gill 384. castre 143. J. A. Voelcker 58. a new interpretation of the expression ‘‘ fermentative power. ” 0. Tunm’ann 66.R. G. Kreiling 49. F. &I. Lidstone 308. W. C. Cope 74. H. D. Richmond 168. H. C. Brill and C. A h -castre 143. F. M. Lidstone 308. C. P. Wilson and C. 0. Yoling 36. A . de Thinners ’) Oil varnishes ; The determination of - in (Nntcs). Waele 408. 2. Nortlirup 385. War Emergency formule (Notes). Water Bacteria in -; Concentration of. Water Continuous preparation of - of high purity in quantity ; Strill for. Moseley and R. G. Myers 423. Water Milk; A new formula for the calculation of added - in 345, Water Milk; Detection of added - in. W. Partridge 378. F. Dihert and A. Guillerd 223. H. TITi’. I,. J . Harris, H. Durand and R. Stevenson 171 INDEX TO VOLUME xmr. xlvii Water Molasses and other sugar-factory products by the dishillation of __ in.T. Van der Linden M. Kauffman and F. Leistra 221. Water Simplified molecular concentration constant ; Detection of added - in milk by means of a. Water Soap ; Distillation method for the estimation of - in. Water Vanadium in -; Detection of small amounts of. Water Still Superimposed -; Link’s. Water Zinc in -; Detection and estimation of. Waters Hypochlorites in drinking - (Notes). Waters Philippine -; Radioactivity of. Wax Opium -. Jitendra Nath Rakshit 321. Weighing Burette Liquids ; - for. tV. E. Burkhard 48. Weighing Exact -; Precautions for. M. Guichard 73. Weighing Vacuurri tubes ; - . Weights Atomic -; International 1918. Wet Xethod Uilrxine in foods etc. by the - without incineration ; Vdurrie t r ic cstinitction of. A. Weitzel 34.Whale Oil Glycerol from -. I. Impurities in glycerol from -with reforence to the suitabjlitv of such glycerol for bhe production of dynamite. A . H. Sulwa~ 275. Whale Oil Glycerol from - ; Quality of. 11. Factors affecting the quality of crude glycerol wlien manufactured by tlie Twitchell process. L. V. Cocks and A. H . Salwuj- 276. Wheat Moisture iii -; Estiniation of. Wheat Protein from non-protein nitrogen in - ; Separation of. 355. White Wines Cider in - ; Detection of. White Wines Copper ; - containing. Whortle-Berry Juice Indicator ; - AS an. C. Marini 418. Wine Aldehydes of -, Wine l?ixed orgsnic midst sud especially lactic acid in -. Wines Cider in white -; Detection of. Wines Copper; White - containing. Wines Fixed acidity of good and bad - ; Composition of the.Wines Halplien’s ratio as applied to Italian -; Value of. F. Scurti and Wines Lactic succinic and malic acids in - ; Separation and estimation of. Witgatboom Chicoyg - 8 substitute for. Wolfram Ores and Concentrates Tin in -; Estimation of. A. M. Smoot 392. Wolfram Ores Tin in high-grade - ; Estimation of and the use of lead 8s a reducing agent iii Pearce’s assay. Wood Cellulose in -; Estimation of. Woody-Fibre ; Feeding-stuff s ; The estimation of - in. J. A. Voelcker and E. W. Voelcker (Notes) 31. Woody Fibre Filtering medium used in the estimation of - (Notes). T. IE’airlcjT and R. A. Rtirrell 307. L. W. Ferris 35. R. Hart 382. V. L. Meaurio 179. 307. R. Meldrum 72. A. R. Ling 347. J. R. Wright and G. W. Heise 150.M. Guichard 73. 1. Quality of. F. T. Birchard 383. M. J. Bliali, P. Medinger and F. Michel 294. P. Carles 354. J. hborde 67. G. de Astis 363. P. Medinger and I?. Michel 294. 1’. Carles 354. J. Laborde 69, E. Rolando 37. J. Laborde 68. J. McCrae and A Kloot 373. A. R. Powell 421. B. Johnsen and R. W. Hovey,*207. Yeast Alcoliol ; Influence of the vegetative function of - on the yield of and a Yeast Dried ---; Digestibility of. Yeasts Methyl alcohol in alcoholic beverages and its formation by the several kinds new interpretation of the expression “ fermentative power ’ L. Lindet 355. C. Crowther and H. E. Woodman 65. T. Talcahashi &I. Gunke and T . Pamazaki 90. ’of - ; Detection of xlviii INDEX TO VULUME XLIII. Zinc Acidimetric titration ; Volumetric estkimation of - by. Zinc Copper - cadmium nickel and cobalt; Estimation and separation of. Zinc Foil Mercury by means of -; Estimation of. Zinc Mercury Thiocyanate Zinc precipitated as - ; Gravimetric and volumetric Zinc Phenolsulphonate Volumetric estimation of -Zinc Water ; Detechion and estimation of - in. Zinc - mercury thionate ; Gravimetric and volumetric determination nf -Zirconia Detection of - (Notes). Zirconium Cupferron in the separation of - Gihnium iron manganese amd Zirconium Nickel and - ; dnalysis of alloys of. G. L. Kelley and F. €3. Myers 44. R. Howden 422. A. Carnot 232. M. Franqois 305. dekermination of. G. S. Jamieson 338. G. Admti 37. R. Meldrum 72. precipitated as. aluminium ; TJse of. G. S. Jamieson 338. B. Blounb 269. J. Brown 42. -__-1LLING AND BONS LTD. PRINTEXS QUILDIORD ENGLAW
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