SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON SPECTROSCOPY THE Seventh Colloqium Spectroscopicuin Internationale will take place in LiGge, 13elgium, in the secoiid week of September, 1958: it will be organised by the .4ssociation of Engineers of the Li&e Univcrsit; (A.I.Lg.) unclcr the presidency of Professor L. D’Or. Further in€oriiiatioii may be obtained from the ,\dministrative Secretary, VI I Colloyium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Association des Ingknieurs de l’Uni\-ersitC de Lihge (A.I.Lg.), 22, rue Forgeur, I,i$ge, Belgium. INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM-HYDROCARBON RESEARCH GROUP SPECTROSCOPIC PANEL Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy THE Spectroscopic P a i d of the Institute of Petroleum’s Hydrocarbon Research Group is organising a second Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy to be held at the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1,onclon on February 27th and 28th, 19513.As in the previous Conference, in October, 1954, the programme will cover the \\-hole field of spectroscopy, the emphasis being on newer techniques and more recent developments in instrumentation, The main topics will be Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Technical Dei-elopments, Intermolecular Forces and Factors -4ffecting Intensities of Absorption Bands. In addition, there will be an open discussion on the organisation of spectroscopic services in an industrial laboratory. I t is hoped to arrange for modern British spcctrometric equipment to be on exlibition during the Conference. The papcrs contributed will be by invitation only and will be preprinted for circulation bcfore the meeting.Application form for membership of the Conference, together with further information, can be obtained from E. Thornton, Secretary, IP Spectroscopic Panel, c/o The British Petroleuni Co. Ltd., Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-‘Thaincs, 3liddleses. THE POLAROGRAPHIC SOCIETY THE Polarographic Society is organising a two-day Symposium on “Polarography in Industry” in London on October 24th and 25th, 195‘7. Papers are being contributed by overseas polarographers of international repute as well as by British authors. Topics will include oxygen determination, trace analysis and automatic control methods. Full details majr be obtained from the Symposium Secretary, G. Russell, F.R.I.C., 15 Weald Close, Rrentwood, Esscx. THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE AND THE INSTITUTE OF METALS T H E Councils of The Iron and Steel Institute and The Institute of Metals have formed a Powder llletallurgy Joint Group, the object of which will be to study the science, technology and practice of powder metallurgy.Although inemhership of the Group will be restricted to members of the Institutes, the Group’s meetings will bc open to non-members. The inaugural meeting of the Group will be held at Church House, Great Smith Street, London, S.\fT.l, on M’edncsday, December 4th, 1957, from 10.30 a.m. to 4.46 p m . Further meetings are planned for March, 1958, and the autumn of 1958. Further particulars may be obtained from Lieut .-Colonel S. C. Guillan, Secretary, The Institute of Metals, 17 Relgra\.e Square, London, S.IV.1. THE SOCIETY FOR WATER TREATMENT AND EXAMINATION THE Society for Ii’ater Treatment and Examination ~7ill hold its ,4utumn Meeting at the Palace Hotel, Southend-on-Sea, from October 2nd to 4th, 1057. Full details may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary, -4.IV. H. XcCanlis, X9.,4., F.R.I.C., 41 Carshalton Road, Sutton, Surrey.SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON SPECTROSCOPY THE Seventh Colloqium Spectroscopicuin Internationale will take place in LiGge, 13elgium, in the secoiid week of September, 1958: it will be organised by the .4ssociation of Engineers of the Li&e Univcrsit; (A.I.Lg.) unclcr the presidency of Professor L. D’Or. Further in€oriiiatioii may be obtained from the ,\dministrative Secretary, VI I Colloyium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Association des Ingknieurs de l’Uni\-ersitC de Lihge (A.I.Lg.), 22, rue Forgeur, I,i$ge, Belgium.INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM-HYDROCARBON RESEARCH GROUP SPECTROSCOPIC PANEL Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy THE Spectroscopic P a i d of the Institute of Petroleum’s Hydrocarbon Research Group is organising a second Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy to be held at the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1,onclon on February 27th and 28th, 19513. As in the previous Conference, in October, 1954, the programme will cover the \\-hole field of spectroscopy, the emphasis being on newer techniques and more recent developments in instrumentation, The main topics will be Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Technical Dei-elopments, Intermolecular Forces and Factors -4ffecting Intensities of Absorption Bands.In addition, there will be an open discussion on the organisation of spectroscopic services in an industrial laboratory. I t is hoped to arrange for modern British spcctrometric equipment to be on exlibition during the Conference. The papcrs contributed will be by invitation only and will be preprinted for circulation bcfore the meeting. Application form for membership of the Conference, together with further information, can be obtained from E. Thornton, Secretary, IP Spectroscopic Panel, c/o The British Petroleuni Co. Ltd., Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-‘Thaincs, 3liddleses. THE POLAROGRAPHIC SOCIETY THE Polarographic Society is organising a two-day Symposium on “Polarography in Industry” in London on October 24th and 25th, 195‘7. Papers are being contributed by overseas polarographers of international repute as well as by British authors.Topics will include oxygen determination, trace analysis and automatic control methods. Full details majr be obtained from the Symposium Secretary, G. Russell, F.R.I.C., 15 Weald Close, Rrentwood, Esscx. THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE AND THE INSTITUTE OF METALS T H E Councils of The Iron and Steel Institute and The Institute of Metals have formed a Powder llletallurgy Joint Group, the object of which will be to study the science, technology and practice of powder metallurgy. Although inemhership of the Group will be restricted to members of the Institutes, the Group’s meetings will bc open to non-members. The inaugural meeting of the Group will be held at Church House, Great Smith Street, London, S.\fT.l, on M’edncsday, December 4th, 1957, from 10.30 a.m.to 4.46 p m . Further meetings are planned for March, 1958, and the autumn of 1958. Further particulars may be obtained from Lieut .-Colonel S. C. Guillan, Secretary, The Institute of Metals, 17 Relgra\.e Square, London, S.IV.1. THE SOCIETY FOR WATER TREATMENT AND EXAMINATION THE Society for Ii’ater Treatment and Examination ~7ill hold its ,4utumn Meeting at the Palace Hotel, Southend-on-Sea, from October 2nd to 4th, 1057. Full details may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary, -4. IV. H. XcCanlis, X9.,4., F.R.I.C., 41 Carshalton Road, Sutton, Surrey.THE ANALYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: J. R. KICHOLLS, C.B.E., DSc., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. L. HACHARACH, RI.X., F.K.I.C.R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. L. EYNON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. D. C. GARIIATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. J. HASLAM, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. H. 31. X. H. IRT’IXG, If.-\., L).Phil., F.R.I.C. W. C. JOHSSOS, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. F. I,. OKELL, F.R.I.C. A. A. SMALES, U.Sc., F.K.I.C. GEORGE TAYLOR, O.E.E., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEORALU, RI.Sc., A.R.C.S., I; K 1 . C C. \THAI LET, B.SC., 1’. K.1 .C. K. A. \VILLIAMS, R.Sc., Ph.D., X.Init.P., F. R. I. C. E. C. \S’OOD,B.S~., Ph.D., A.K.C.S., F.R.I.C. President of the Society J. H. HAMESCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society K. E. STCCKEY, DSc., Ph.D., F.P.S., F.R.I.C, Hon. Treasurer of the Society A. J. .\NOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretary of the Society S. A. PitIce, J3.Sc.Advisory Editor F, L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. Editor .J. B. ATTRILL, N.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor N. C. FRANCISTHE ANALYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: J. R. KICHOLLS, C.B.E., DSc., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. L. HACHARACH, RI.X., F.K.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. L. EYNON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. D. C. GARIIATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. J. HASLAM, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. H. 31. X. H. IRT’IXG, If.-\., L).Phil., F.R.I.C. W. C. JOHSSOS, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. F. I,. OKELL, F.R.I.C. A. A. SMALES, U.Sc., F.K.I.C. GEORGE TAYLOR, O.E.E., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEORALU, RI.Sc., A.R.C.S., I; K 1 . C C. \THAI LET, B.SC., 1’. K.1 .C. K. A. \VILLIAMS, R.Sc., Ph.D., X.Init.P., F. R. I. C. E. C. \S’OOD,B.S~., Ph.D., A.K.C.S., F.R.I.C. President of the Society J.H. HAMESCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society K. E. STCCKEY, DSc., Ph.D., F.P.S., F.R.I.C, Hon. Treasurer of the Society A. J. .\NOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretary of the Society S. A. PitIce, J3.Sc. Advisory Editor F, L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. Editor .J. B. ATTRILL, N.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor N. C. FRANCISINDEX TO VOLUME 82 INDEX TO NAMES A Abbott, D. C., et al. Detmng. traces of mercury in apples, 206. Abson, D., et al. Detmng. lead and copper in organic materials (foods) by dry-ashing, 152. Adam, R. Organic Reactions. Vol. IX. (Pub- lication received), 776. Adcock, L. H. - Isolation of carbon as barium carbonate in studies with carbon-14, 449. AldFidge, W. N., et al. Organo-tin - dithizone complexes. Colorimetric detmn.of diethyltin and triethyltin compounds, 37. Allen, J. Review of Osborn’s Synthetic Ion-Ex- changers : Recent Develofiments in Theovy and Application, 838. Allport, 1. L. Review of Klein, Jones and Hawked Aspects of River Pollution, 715. - et al. Colorimetric Analysis. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 295; (Review), 774. Allsopp, H. J. Detmng. excess of zinc in zinc oxide, 474. Amos, A. J., et al. Modern Cereal Chemistry. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 536. Anderegg, G., ef al. Stability Constants of Metal- ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of In- organic Substances. Part I. (Publication received), 775. Andrew, T. R. Photometric detmn. of small amounts of silicon in nickel and nickel alloys used in electronic devices, 423. - ef al. Spectrophotometric detmn.of rhenium, 372. Archer, E. E. Titrimetric detmn. of sulphate with lead nitrate as titrant and dithizone as indicator, 208. Armstrong, A. W. Obituary, 1, 301. Atack, D. R., et al. Handbook of Chemical Data. (Publication received), 840. Atack, F. W., et aZ. Handbook of Chemical Data. (Publication received), 840. Athavde, V. T., et al. Separating niobium from tantalum, titanium, tin and antimony by 8-hydroxyquinoline, 630. Attrill, J. B. Review of Kaye and Laby’s Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 11th Edn., 534. - Review of Rose and Rose’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 5th Edn., 534. Detmng. sorbitol, 427. B Babel, F. J,, et al. Dairy Bacteriology. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 776. Bacon, E. K., et a€. Short Course in Quantitative Analysis.2nd Edn. (Publication received) , 840. Bagdasarov, A. A. Problems of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1957. Scientific Translation Editor, J. C. White. (Publication received), 656. Bnilsr, J. C., jun. Chemistry of the Co-ordination Compounds. (Publication received), 295. Bainw, C. B., et d. Oxycellulose in assay of aqueous alkaloidal solutions for injection, 367. Ballantyne, H. Obituary, 301. Bane, R. W., et al. Continuous ether extractor, 67. Banister, A. J., et al. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric iron, 780. Bardrat, M. Z., et al. Detcng. and detmng. iodide in presence of chloride, 192. Barker, E. A. Bacterial Fermentations. (Publica- tion received), 840. Barnard, R. L. Obituary, 377.Bames, W. J., et al. Experiments with spectro- fluorimeters and filter Auorimeters, 606. Bauer, D. J. Scientific Translation Editor of Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Im- munobiology. Vol. 28, No. 1, 1957. (Publication received), 536. - Scientific Translation Editor of Problems of Virology. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1957. (Publication received), 656. Belcher, It. Review of Cheronis and Entrikin’s Semimicro Qualitative Organic Analysis : Syste- matic Identi3catim of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn., 655. - et al. Inorganic Microanalysis: Qualitative and Quantitative. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 295; (Review), 839. Belekar, (3. K., et al. Separating niobium from tantalum, titanium, tin and antimony by 8-hydroxyquinoline, 630. Benedetti-Pichler, A. A., et al. Microchemical Journal.Vol. I, Issue 1, 1957. (Publication received), 456. Bed, W. G). Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis. Vol. 111. (Publication received), 216; (Review), 716. Bbzier, D., et al. Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. Translated by R. C. Murray. (Publication received), 600. Bhatki, K. 8. Volumetric detmn. of cyanide and nickel with resacetophenone oxime as indicator, 24. Bhattacharayya, N. P., et al. Detmng. uranium by ammonium thiosulphate and sodium hypo- phosphite, 164. Bhatty, M. K. Detmng. N-methyl groups. (Sum- mary), 458. Biggs, A. I. Analytical identification by spectro- photometry. Use of ionisation constants of weak acids, 274. Bilham, P. Obituary, 301. Binns, V. Obituary, 301. Bird, W. H. Collective Index of Journal of Institute of Brewing, 1946 to 1955.(Publication received), 718. Bjerrum, J., et al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part I. (Publication received) , 775. Blaedel, W. J., et al. Elementary Quantitative Analysis : Theory and Practice. (Publication received), 295; (Review), 838. Block, R. J., et al. Amino Acid Handbook: Methods and Results of Protein Analysis. (Pub- lication received), 7 1.vi INDEX TO VOLUME 82 Bondi, A., et al. Detmng. vitamin A by conversion to anhydrovitamin A, 751. Booth, E., et af. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in beryllium, titanium, zirconium, thorium and uranium, 50; Erratum, 136. Booth, V. H. Carotene : Determination in Biological Materials.(Publication received), 456; (Review), 654. Bradfleld, E. G. Formaldoxime method of detmng. manganese in plant material, 254. Brealey, L. Recording flame photometry. (Sum- mary), 779. - et at. Direct-reading fluorimeter, 769. Brooker, E., G. Identifying amylobarbitone and pentobarbitone sodium in mixtures, 448. Brown, G. I. Introduction to Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 600. Bryant, F. J., et al. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in beryllium, titanium, zirconium, thorium and uranium, 50; Erratum, 136. Budowski, P., et at. Detmng. vitamin A by con- version to anhydrovitamin A, 761. Butler, G. H. Obituary, 301. C Cabell, M. J., et af. Detmng. rubidium and caesium in rocks, minerals and meteorites by neutron- activation analysis, 390.Cameron, W. M,, et af. Influence of chloride on dichromate-value test, 677; Erratum, 776. Cassidy, H. G., et af. Technique of Organic Chemis- try. Vol. X. (Publication received), 536. Challis, H. J. G., et af. Volumetric detmn. of tin in titanium and its alloys, 658. Chalmers, R. A. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Cumming and Kay. 11th Edn. (Review), 535. - et of. Alkali hydroxides for separating copper and arsenic groups, 652. - Recording spectrophotometric titrimeter, 329. Charlot, G., L’‘4nalyse Qualitative et les RBactions en Solution. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 600. - et af. Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. Trans- lated by R. C. Murray. (Publication received), GOO. Charlton, F. E. Automatic apparatus for quantita- tive micro-detmn.of nitrogen, 643. Chatfield, H. W. Paint Trade Manual of Raw Materials and Plant. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 216. Cheronis, N. D., et af. Microchemical Journal. 1-01, I , Issue 1, 1957. (Publication received), 456. - Semimicro Qualitative Organic Analysis : Syste- matic Identification of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 216; (Review), 655. Chirnside, R. C. Review of Berl’s Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis. - et at. Detmng. traces of boron in nickel, 18. Christie, A. A., et at. Colorimetric detinn. of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, man- ganese, nickel and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes, 336. Clark, G. L. Encyclopedia of Chemistry. (Pub- lication received), 370. Vol. 111, 716. Clark, R.E. D. o-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Re- actions of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in acetate buffer and alkaline solutions: Toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for copper, cobalt, iron, antimony and thallium, 177 ; IV. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4-dithiol, dibenzoyltoluene-3 : 4-dithiol and zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol, 182; V. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for arsenic and germanium, 760. Clark. R. T.. et aZ. Detmng. tin in zirconium and its ‘alloys, .624. Clark, S. J. Quantitative Methods of Organic Microanalysis. (Review), 839. Clasper, M., et af. Identifying nylon and related polymers by paper chromatography, 101. Clinch, J., et al. Detmng. thorium and lanthanons in monazite, 258. - Extraction and absorptiometric detmn. of uranium as thiocyanate, 800.Clinton, Lord, Obituary, 457. Cluley, H. J., et at. Detmng. traces of boron in nickel, 18. Colson, A. F. Micro-detmn. of active hydrogen in organic compounds by reaction with lithium aluminium hydride, 358. - Review of Clark’s Quantitatzve Methods of Organic Microanalysis, 839. Comrie, A. A. D. Effect of light on quinine in tonic water, 212. Conway, E. J. Microdiffusion Analysis and Volu- metric Error. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 840. Coulson, R. E. Polarographic detmn. of arsenic in zinc-smelting residues and zinc metal, 161. Cowgill, R. W., et af. Experiments in Biochemical Research Techniques. (Publication received), 775. Cremer, J. E., e f al. Organo-tin-dithizone com- plexes. Colorimetric detmn. of diethyltin and triethyltin compounds, 37. Creyghton, J.W., et af. Safety in the Chemical Laboratory. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 456. Crooker, A. J., et af. Laboratory Glass-working for Scientists. (Publication received), 295. Cullum, D. C. Detmng. sodium laurate in sodium S-lauroylsarcosinate, 120. - Separating sarcosine from methylaminediacetic acid, 589. Curry, D. R., et at. Sensitivity and resolving power of simple d.c. amplifier polarograph, 128. - D Dalley, R. A., et at. Fatal cadmium poisoning, 287. Daniels, M. Micro-detmn. of arsenate in presence of arsenite, 133. Dargie, A. Obituary, 137, 301. Davies, 0. L. Statistical Methods in Research and Production with Special Reference to the Chemical Industry. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 376; (Review), 716. Davis, H. J. Obituary, 137, 301. Davson, A. P. Obituary, 657.Delahay, P. Instrumental Analysis. (Publication Dent, K. P., et al. Detmng. grade strength of Desty, D. H. Vapour Phase Chromatography. Dewmg, J., et at. Laboratory Glass-working for Dick, D. M., et aZ. Alkali hydroxides for separating received), 536. pectins by Teepol - gel procedure, 127. (Pyblication received), 295; (Review), 775. Scientists. (Publication received), 295. copper and arsenic groups, 652.IX’DEX TO Dicker, E. S., et al. Rapid detnin. of microgram quantities of silver in litharge and red lead, 285. Dixon, B. E., et al. Detmng. mercury in air, 27. Drew, R. G., et al. Detmng. atniospheric mercury trapped in permanganate solutions : modified method, 161. Duncombe, W. G., et al. .\pparatus for spotting large volumes of liquid on chromatogram papers, 212.Durrans, T. H. Solvents. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 376; (Review), 7 7 5 . Duval, C. Trait4 de Micro-anal!-se XitiCrale : Qualitative et Quantitative. Vol. 111. (Review), 373. E Easterbrook, W. C. Sodium carbonate as \~olunietric standard, 383. Eckenfelder, W. W., jun., et af. Biological treat- ment of Sewage and Industrial LI’astes. Yol. I . (Publication received), 216. Edwards, J. W., et al. Detning. ceriurn in bisniuth- base alloys, 593. Elderfield, R. C. Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. 5 , (Publication received), 376; 5-01. 6, 436 Elkin, I. 1. Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology. Scientific Translation Edi- tor, 11. J . Bauer. 5-01, 28, Xo. I , 1957. (Publica- tion received), 536. Elkington, R. H., et al. Detmng. thiamine with 6-aniinothyniol, 650; Erratum, 776.Ellerington, T,, et al. Lktmng. acetic anhydride in mixtures with acetic acid, 233. Ellis, B, A. Review of Hollingshead’s O x i m uizd its Dtrivatiz’es. Vols. I11 and I - .Review of Organic Syntheses. El-Sadr, M. M., et al. Detcng. and detmng. iodide in presence of chloride, 192. Elvidge, D. A., et al. Oxycellulose in assay of aqueous alkaloidal solutions for injection, 367 El-Wahab, M. F. A,, et al. Detciig. and detrniig. iodide in presence of chloride, 192. Elwell, W. T., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of phos- phorus in steel and copper-base alloys, 453. - Detmng. carbon in titanium and zirconium, 769. - Detmng. oxygen in titanium and titanium alloys, based on principle of chlorination, 734. England, L. J., et al. Sephelometric detmn.of arsenic, 395. Entrikin? J. B., ,et al. Semimicro Qualitative Organic *Analysis : Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 216; (Review), 655. Evans, J. V., et al. Three methods for prepng. tissues for detmng. potassium and sodium, 522. Everest, D. A., et al. Detmng. thorium in ores with XP=\SS-1?iesotartaric acid reagent after shortened chromatographic separation. 807. F Fabian, D. J., et al. Laboratory Glass-working for Scientists. (Publication received), 293. Fassel, V. A,, et al. Spectrochimica Xcta. k-01. IS, No. 1 . IIarcli, 1957. (Publication received), 456. Feigl, F. Spot Tests in Organic Analysis. Trans- lated by R. E. Oesper. 5th English Edn. (Pub- licatioii received), 71. - et al. Fusion reactions with benzo>-l peroxide in organic spot-test analysis, 582.Fennell, T. R. F. W., et QZ. Semi-micro detmn oi phosphorus in fluorinated organic compounds, 639; Erratum, 840. vorx-m 82 vii Field, K., et al. Iletmng. dimefox residues in hops, 667. Finnie, T. M., et al. Application of diphenylamine and related compounds to spot-tests for nitrate and nitramirie explosives, 653. Mathematics and Statistics for Use in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry. (Pub- lication received), 336. Fletcher, N. W., et al. Detmng. bismuth in lead and lrad alloys, 7-47, - Detning. tellurium in lead and lead alloys, 743. Foley, N. T. Foreman, J. K., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of microgram quantities of uranium with thoronol complex of quadrivalent uranium, 89. Separating uranium from large amounts of iron and aluminium by anion exchange in nitrate media, 592.Francis, A. C. - et al. Freiser, H., et al. Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 840. Fritz, J. S., et al. Quantitative Organic Analysis. (Publication received), 7 7 6 Furman, N. H., et al. Short Course in Quantitative .halysis. 2nd Edn, (Publication received), 840. Fleming, R., et al. Obituary, i 3 , 301. hkchanical shaker, 293. Detmng. traces of zinc in foods, 280. G Gage, J. C. Detmng. ethylene oxide in the atmos- phere, 587. Detmng. lead in organic material, 453. -- Potentiometric titration of weak acids and bases in dilute aqueous solution, 219. Garratt, D. C. Rcview of Allport and Keyser’s Colorimetric Amalysis. Vol. I . 2nd Edn., 574. Gautier, J.-A.Mises au Point de Chiniie Analytique Pure et Appliquke e t d’A\nalyse Bromatologique. 3rd Series. (Review), 45.5; Erratum, 536; 4th Series. (Publication received), 536. Gawienowski, A. M. Detcng. iodine-containing compounds on paper chromatograms, 452. Gaydon, A. G. Spectroscopy of Flames. (Publica- tion received), 656. Geary, P. J. Determination of Moisture in Solids. (Publication receixzed), 216. Gentry, C. H. R. Review of Haywood and Li’ood’s Metallurgical A?ialysis by Means of Spekker Photoelectvzc Absorptioineter. 2nd Edn., 535. - et al. Spectrophotonietric detmn. of rhenium, 352. Ghe, A. M., et QZ. Elution chromatography from cellulose columns for systematic analysis of special steels, 343. Glick, D. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. IV. (Publication received), 536; (Review), 517; X*ol, V.(Publication received), 840. Goulden, H. D., et al. Cosmetics: Science and Tech- nology. (Publication received), 840. Graham, R. P., et al. Polarographic detmns. of thorium, 415. Grant, J., et al. Systematic Handbook of Volu- metric -1nalysis. 13th Edn. (Review, 294. Gray, J. Obituary, 657. Green, H. Detning. glycollic acid in used anti- freeze solutions, 1 O i . Griffith, D. A. Obituary, 301. Guy, M. J., et al. Extraction and absorptiometric detmn. of uranium as thiocyanate, 800.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 82 H Hall, R. J. Paper chromatography for detcng. and detmng. microgram amounts of inorganic fluoride, 663. Hammer, B. W., et al. Dairy Bacteriology. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 776. Hammond, G. S.,, e t . al. Quantitative Organic Analysis.(Publication received), 776. Hampel, C. A., et al. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. VI. (Publication received), 376. Hardwick, W. H., et al. Detmng. lithium, sodium and potassium in mixtures with EEL flame photometer, 200. Harris, D. F., et al. Microbiological assay of vitamins and amino acids by large-plate methods, 210. Harrison, G. A. Chemical Methods in Clinical Medicine. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 775. Hartleg, A. W. Separator for removing heavy minerals from flour and other foods, 214. Harvey, A. Obituary, 377. Harvey, D., et al. Detmng. small amounts of a-phenylphenol, 498. Haslam, J. Review of Durrans’ Solvents. 7th Edn., 775. - et al. Automatic titrimetry, 511. - Identifying nylon and related polymers by paper chromatography, 101.- Titration of bivalent metals with disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 117. Hawkes, H. A., et al. Aspects of River Pollution. (Publication received), 216; (Review), 715. Hayden, K. J. Rapid photometric detmn. of thiamine with 6-aminothymol, 61. - et al. Detmng. thiamine with 6-aminothymol, 650; Erratum, 776. Haywood, F. W., et al. Metallurgical Analysis by Means of Spekker Photoelectric Absorptiometer. 2nd Edn. (Review), 535. Headridge, J. B., et al. Chromatographic separa- tions in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals, 95. Henly, A. A. Detmng. serum cholesterol, 286. Heskins, M,,, e t al. Titration of bivalent metals with disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 117. Hesse, P.R. Effect of colloidal organic matter on pptn. of barium sulphate and modified detmn. of soluble sulphate in soils, 710. Higgons, D. J., et al. Analysing technical chlor- benside and fluorbenside, 435. Hill-Cottingham, D. G. Spectrophotometric detmn. of iron chelates. 11, 524. Hinton, C. L. Obituary of T. Macara, 299. Hobson, J. D. Analysing carbides extracted from steel, 708. Hollingshead, R. G. W. Oxine and its Derivatives. Vols. I11 and IV. (Publication received), 71; (Review), 533. Holmes, D. G. Absorptiometric detmn. of traces of iron in bismuth, 528. Holness, H., et al. Systematic scheme of semi- micro qualitative analysis for anionic surface- active agents, 166; Erratum, 376. Holt, T. E., et al. Detmng. vitamin D and related compounds. I. Introduction and prepn.of compounds in irradiation series, 2. Hudson, J. R., et al. Detmng. thiocyanate or cyanide in presence of glycine, 374. Hummel, R. W. Detmng. gold in sea water by radioactivation analysis, 483. I Ingold, C. K. Introduction to Structure in Organic Irving, H. Review of Ingold’s Introduction to - Review of Schwarzenbach’s Komplexometrische Chemistry. (Review), 536. Structure in Organic Chemistry, 536. Titration, 294. - Translator of Schwarzenbach’s Comblexometric Titrations. (Publication received), 71g. activation analysis and other methods, 549. - et al. Detmng. indium in cylindrite by neutron- - Detmng. indium in rocks and minerals by radio- activation, 539. Isaacs. M. D. J.. et al. Alumina columns in detmng. mercury as dithizonate, 203; Erratum, 296.J Jackson, W. H. Obituary, 301. Jacobson, C. A., et 41. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. VI. (Publication received), 376. Jefferies, J. P., et al. Detmng. vitamin D and related compounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of compounds in irradiation series, 2; 11. Analysis of irradiation products, 8. Jeffery, P. G. Decomposition of oxide minerals by fusion with borax, 66. - Photometric detmn. of molybdenum in tungsten ores, 558. Jenkins, M. H, Obituary, 301. Jennings, P. P., et al. Quantitative detmn. of Jensen, K. J., et al. Continuous ether extractor, 67. Johnson, E. A., et al. Rapid detmn. of microgram quantities of silver in litharge and red lead, 285. Johnson, E. I., et al. Anion-exchange resin in detmng. traces of lead in food, 238. - Detmng. traces of mercury in apples, 206.Jones, J. R. E., et al. Aspects of River Pollution. (Publication received), 216; (Review), 715. Jones, J. T., et al. Volumetric detmn. of tin in titanium and its alloys, 658. traces of carbon dioxide in water, 671. K Kaye, G. W. C., et al. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 11th Edn. (Review), 534. Kellie, A. E. Detmng. 17-0x0 steroids and 17-oxO- genic steroids, 722. Kent-Jones, D, W. Obituary of L. H. Lampitt, 460. - Obituary of G. Roche Lynch, 605. - et al. Modem Cereal Chemistry. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 536. Kerr, J. R. W., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of cad- mium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes, 336. Keulemans, A. I. M. Gas Chromatography. (Pub- lication received), 656.Keyser, J. W., et al. Colorimetric Analysis. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 295; (Review), 774. Kiermayer, O., et al. Methoden zur Bestimmung pflanzlicher Wuchsstoffe. (Publication received), 718. King, E., et al. Detmng. atmospheric mercury trapped in permanganate solutions; modified method, 461. King-Cox, J. T., et al. Sensitivity and resolving power of simple d.c. amplifier polarograph, 128. girk, R. E., e t al. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. XV. (Publication received), 216.INDEX TO VOLUME 82 ix gitchener, J. A. Ion-Exchange Resins. (Publica- tion received), 840. glarmsnn, E. Ct., et aZ. Cosmetics: Science and Technology. (Publication received), 840. mein, L., et al. Aspects of River Pollution. (Pub- lication received), 216; (Review), 715.Knowlee, G., ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of cad- mium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes, 336. Knutson, K. E. Flame-photometric detmn. of magnesium in plant material. Emission of mag- nesium in highly reducing oxygen - acetylene flame, 241. Kolthoff, I. Y., et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 111. (Publication received), 216. Kum-Tatt, L. Rapid, simple and accurate detmn. of sulphonamides, 185. - K b , A. M. Biophysics. Vol. 2. No. 1, 1957. Scientific Translation Editor, T. R. Parsons. (Publication received), 656. L Laby, T. H., et aZ. Tables of Physical and Chemical Lamond, I. Qualitative test for nitroglycerine, 768. Lampitt, L. H. Obituary, 377, 460. Lane, E. S. 250-Megacycle high-frequency titri- meter, 406.Lang, R. Laboratory and Workshop Notes 1953- 1955. (Publication received), 536. Larrabee, 0. B., et aZ. Polarographic detmns. of thorium, 415. Laws, E. Q., et aZ. Detmng. dimefox residues in hops, 667. Lederer, E., et al. Chromatography: Review of Principles and Applications. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 456. Lederer, XU., et aZ. Chromatography: Review of Principles and Applications. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 456. Lee, H. Obituary, 377. LefBer, J. E. Reactive Intermediates of Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 71. Leonard, B. J. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 30. (Publication received), 216; (Review), 600. Lickorish, A. J. C. Obituary, 657. Liddell, H. F. Lidmy, R. G., et a(. Detmng. mercury in air, 27. Ling, E. R. Textbook of Dairy Chemistry.Vol. 11: Practical. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 215. Linser, H., et aZ. Methoden zur Bestimmung pflanzlicher Wuchsstoffe. (Publication received), 718. Linstead, R. P., et aZ. Guide to Qualitative Organic Chemical -4nalysis. (Publication received), 71. Lipscomb, A. Ct., et 41. Detmng. lead and copper in organic materials (foods) by dry-ashing, 152. LloydJacob, Mr. Jytice. Election as Honorary Member of the Society for Analytical Chemistry, 298. La&, D. Analysing chlorophenols by anion-ex- change chromatography, 563. Longmuh, I. 8. Journal of the Polarographic Society, 1957. (Publication received), 600. Lowden, G. F., et aZ. Colorimetric detmn. of cad- mium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes, 336.Lyle, 0. Technology for Sugar Refinery Workers. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 840. Constants. 11th Edn. (Review), 534. Detector-paper for phosgene, 375. Lynch, Gi. Roche. Obituary. 457, 605. M Ma, T. S., et aZ. Microchemical Journal. Vol. I, Issue 1, 1957. a, T. Obituary, 137, 299, 301. McCabe, J., et al. Biological Treatment of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. Vol. I. (Publication received), 216. McCrone, W. C., jun. Fusion Methods in Chemical Microscopy. (Publication received), 295. McOmie, J. F. W., et 41. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric iron, 780. Magee, R. J., et al. Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals, 95. RIaiuiS, P.Y. Detcng. and detmng. isoquinoline and quinoline in presence of one another, 135. Manley, C. H., et al. Fatal cadmium poisoning, 287. Mapper, D., et d. Detmn., by radioactivation, of small quantities of nickel, cobalt and copper in rocks, marine sediments and meteorites, 75. Markland, J., et aZ. Polarographic detmn. of tin in foods, 43. Martin, J. V., et al. Detmng. thorium in ores with APANS-mesotartaric acid reagent after shortened (Publication received), 466. chromatogra hic separation, 807. Massie, W. H. 1. Microchemical detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds, 352. mtthews, R. K. Obituary, 1, 301. Means, J. A., et al. Microchemical Journal. Vol. I, Issue 1, 1957. (Publication received), 456. Me&, I. Handbook of Solvents. Vol. I . (Pub- lication received), 536.Meloche, V. W., et aZ. Elementary Quantitative hndlysis : Theory and Practice. (Publication received), 296; (Review), 838. Menzies, A. C. Atomic absorption spectroscopy. (Summary), 778. Middietcn, A. W. Production of siides of emulsions, 28Y. Migrdichian, V. Organic Synthesis. Vols. I and 11. (Publication received), 536. Miles, W. H. Obituary, 73, 301. Miller, F. A., et aZ. Spectrochimica Acta. Vol. IX, No. 1, March, 1957. (Publication received), 456. Miher, G. W. C. Principles and Applications of Polarography and other Electroanalytical Pro- cesses. (Publication received), 295 ; (Review), 455. - et aZ. Analytical applications of Barker square- wave polarograph. 111. Orthophosphoric acid as solvent and base electrolyte in direct inorganic polarography. 139.- Detmng. cerium in bismuth-base alloys, 593. Milton, 1. F. Review of Strafford, Strouts and Stubbings’ Determination of Tonic Substances in Air: Manual of I.C.I. Practice, 663. - Review of Sutton and Grant’s Systematic Hand- book of Volumetric Analysis. Mistretta, A. G., et aZ. Microchemical Journal. Vol. I, Issue 1, 1057. (Publication received), 456. Mitchell, J jnn., et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 111. (PublicLkon received), 216. Mmney, E. F., et al. Identifying nylon and related polymers by paper chromatography, 101. Moore, T. Vitamin A. (Publication received), 536. Moore, T. B., et al. Influence of chloride on di- chromate-value test, 677; Erratum, 776. Marries, P. Review of Gautier’s Mises au Poinl de Chimie Analytique Pure et Afi$Ziqut?e et d’Analyse Bromatologique.3rd Series, 455 ; Erratum, 536. - et al. Alumina columns in detmng. mercury as dithizonate, 203; Erratum, 296. 13th Edn., 294.x INDEX TO VOLUME 82 Morris, A. 0. Zincon in absorptiometric detmn. of mercury, 34. Morrison, 0. H., e! al. Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemlstry. (Publication received), 840. Morton, R. A. Review of Booth’s Carotene: Deter- mination in Biological Materials, 654. - Review of Glick’s Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. IV, 717. Mott,+O. E. Obituary, 1, 301. Momb, 1. S., et al. Three methods for prepng. tissues for detmng. potassium and sodium, 522. Murray, R. C. Translator of Charlot and BBzier’s Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. (Publication received), 600. N Nessim, N. E., et al. Comparison of flame-photo- metric and chemical methods for detmng.sodium and potassium in soil, plant material, water and serum, 467. Newman, 1. S. Steric Effects in Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 71. Nicholls, J. J., et al. Detmng. acetic anhydride in mixtures with acetic acid, 233. Nickless, G., et at. Quantitative inorganic chromato- graphy, 11. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric iron, 780. Nowakowski, T. Z., et al. Detmng. uric acid, par- ticularly in avian excreta, 110. 0 Ockenden, H. M., e f at. Separating uranium from large amounts of iron and aluminium by anion exchange in nitrate media, 592. Oesper, R. E. Translator of Feigl’s Spot Tests iiz Ovganic Analysis. 5th English Edn. (Publica- tion received), 7 1. - Translator of Feigl and Silva’s Fusion reactions with benzoyl peroxide in organic spot-test analysis, 582.Okell, F. L. Review of Chalmers’ Cumming and Kay’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 1 l t h Edn., 535. Olliver, EX., et al. Detmng. gel strength of pectins by Teepol - gel procedure, 127. Ory, H. A., et al. Direct colorimetric detmn of elementary sulphur, 189. Osborn, E. M., et al. Quantitative detmn. of traces of carbon dioxide in water, 671. Osborn, G. H. Synthetic Ion-Exchangers : Recent Developments in Theory and Application. (Re- view), 838. O’Sullivan, D. G., et 01. Polar and steric effects in paper chromatography, 835. Othmer, D. F., et al. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. XV. (Publication received), 216. P Padhye, V. P. Rapid detmn. of calcium and mag- nesium in plant material by titration with di- sodium ethylenediaminetetra-acetate, 634.Page, J. E. Review of Milner’s Principles and Applications of Polarography and other Electro- analytical Processes, 455. Pardee, A. B., et at. Experiments in Biochemical Research Techniques. (Publication received), 775. Parker, A., et al. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in beryllium, titanium, zirconium, thorium and uranium, 50; Erratum, 136. Parker, C. A., et al. Experiments with spectro- fluorimeters and filter fluorimeters, 606. Parkes, A. E. Obituary, 377. Parsons, T. R. Scientific Translation Editor of Biophysics. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1957. (Publication received), 656. Patterson, 8. J., et al. Selective desorption from carbon columns for detmng. dextrose and maltose in starch conversion products, 812.Peake, D. M., et at. Detmng. oxygen in titanium and titanium alloys, based on principle of chlorination, 734. Peaple, B. W. E., et al. Apparatus for spotting large volumes of liquid on chromatogram papers, 212. Penketh, G. E., et al. Detmng. small amounts of o-phenylphenol, 498. Phillips, C. Gas Chromatography. (Review), 533. Pieters, H. A. J., et al. Safety in the Chemical Laboratory. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 456. Pilgrim, A. J., et al. Detmng. traces of zinc in foods, 289. Polhill, R. D. A., et al. ilnion-exchange resin in detmng. traces of lead in food, 238. Pollard, F. H., et al. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric iron, 780. Pollock, J. R. A., et al. Detmng. thiocyanate or cyanide in presence of glycine, 374.Powell, A. R., et at. Analysis of Minerals and Ores of Rarer Elements. 3rd Edn. (Review), 655, Powers, D. H., et al. Cosmetics : Science and Tech- nology. (Publication received), 840. Proctor, K. A., et al. Oxycellulose in assay of aqueous alkaloidal solutions for injection, 367. Promtt, P. M. C., et at. Detmng. traces of boron in nickel, 18. Proskauer, E. S,, et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 111. (Publication received), 216. PuReles, M., et al. Comparison of flame-photo- metric and chemical methods for detmng. sodium and potassium in soil, plant material, water and serum, 467. R Rasmussen, 9. E., et aI. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part I. (Publication receked), 775.RBy. H. N.. et al. Detmna. uranium bv ammonium t-hiosulphate and sodiu; hypophosghite, 164. Ray, N. H. Review of Phillips’s Gas Chromatography, 533. Read, J. Through hlchemy to Chemistry. A Procession of Ideas and Personalities. (Publica- tion received), 718. Reddaway. R. J. B. Detmna. vicinal alvcols bv oxidatibn with periodate in- non-aqueous media, 506. Detmng. 4-aminodiphenyl in technical diphenylamine, 503. Polarographic detmn. of tin in hydrogen peroxide after use of cation-exchange Reed, R. H., et al. Reynolds, G. F. resin, 46. - Richardson. J. T. Reduction and mesentation of experimental results. Riley, C. J., eC aZ. Absorptiometric detmn. of micro- gram quantities of uranium with thoronol complex of quadrivalent uranium, 89. B.S. 2846 :‘1957, 454.INDEX TO Roberts, M.W., et al. Semi-micro detmn. of phos- phorus in fluorinated organic compounds, 639, Robertson, A. J. B., et al. Laboratory Glass- working for Scientists. (Publication receilred), 295. Robinson, F. A. Keviex of Biociiewical €‘repara- tioris. 1’01. 4, 454. Roche Lynch, G. See Lynch, G. Roche. Rooke, H. S. Reports on the Progress of Aipplied Chemistry. Yol. XL. (Publication received), 71. Rooney, R.. C. Detmng. antimony in cast iron, 619. Rose, A., et al. Condensed Chemical Dictionar?.. Rose, E., e t al. Condensed Chemical Dictionary. Rosenfeld, B., et al. hficrochemical Journal. [Publication received), 456. Ross, R. E., et al. Direct-reading fluorimeter, 769. 5th Edn. (Review), 534. 5th Edn. (Review), 534. \-ol. I, Issue 1, 1957. S Sadler, P.W., et al. Polar and steric efiects in paper chromatography, 833. Sagarin, E., et al. Cosmetics: Science and Tech- iiolog>-. (Publication received), 840. Salmon, L., e t a2. Detmng. indium in cylindrite by neiitron-acti~,ation analysis and other methods, 549. Saunders, L., et al. Nathematics and Statistics for Tlse in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry, (Publication receired), j36. Savage, R. I., et al. Selective desorption from carbon columns for detmng. dextrose and maltose in starch conversion products, 812. Saville, B. Detmng. microgram quantities of phos- phcirylating or acylating agents, 269. Sehoeller, W. R., et al. .-lnalysis of Ninerals and Ores o i Rare Elements. 3rd Edn. (Review), 655. Seholes, P. H. Absorptiometric cletmn. of 7-anadium in steel, 525; Erratum, 656.Schwarzenbach, G. Compiexometric Titrations. Translated and revised by H. Irving. (J’ublica- tion received), 718. - I<oniplesometrische Titration. (Review), 294. - e t al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Com- plexes, with Solubiiity Products of Inorganic Substances. Part I. (Publication received), 7 7 5 . Sergeant, G. A,, et al. Detmng. mercury in air, 2 5 . Shalgosky, H. I. Polarographic detmn. of boric acid with sodium nitrite, 648. Shaw, W. H. C., et al. Uetmng. vitamin D and related compounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of conipounds in irradiation series, 2 ; 11. Analysis of irradiation products, 8. Shelton, R. A. J. Analysing bismuth - uranium alloys, 531. Shenton, F. C., et al. Polarographic detmn. of tin in foods, 43. Sherratt, J.G. Review of Alletizods of Chemical i3iinlysi.s as ,.ippIied to Scwage av~d Sewage E f l I I C I I t S , 532. Shriner, B. L., et al. Examination of Sew Organic Compounds (Publication received), 71 Sillen, L. G., et al. Stability Constants of Xetal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part I. (Publication received), 775, Silva, E., et al. Fusion reactions with benzol-1 peroxide in organic spot-test analysis, 582. Simpson, E. A., et al. Detmng. thorium and lanthanons in monazite, 258. Simpson, J. S., e t al. Microbiological assay of vitamins and amino acids by large-plate methods, 210. VOLUME 82 xi Simpson, M., et al. Detmng. lithium, sodium and potassium in mixtures with EEL flame photo- meter, 200. Six, C. W. Th., e t al. Quantitative detmn.of anti- oxidants propyl, octyl and clodecyl gallate in oils and fats, 362. Rapid detmn. of small amounts o i lactose in milk and tissue suspensions of mam- Skirvin, J. W. Obituary, 3 i i . Slater, T. F. mary gland, 818. Slee. L. J., et al. Analytical applications of Barker square-&ave polarogiaph. IlI. Orthophosphoric acid as solvent and base electrolyte in direct inorganic polarography, 139. Detmn., by radioactivation, of small quantities of nickel, cobalt and copper in rocks, marine sediments and meteorites, 75. -- 1)etmiig. indium in rocks and minerals b3~ radio- activation, 539. - Detmng. rubidium and caesium in rocks, minerals and meteorites by neutron-activation analysis, 390. Smit, a. van R., e t al. Detning. indium in cylindrite by neutron-activation analysis and other methods, 549 - Detmng.indium in wcks and mincrals b y radioactivation, 539. Smith, T. D., et al. -ibsorptioinetric detmn. of microgram quantities of iiranium with thoi-onol complex of quadrivalent uranium, 89. Smith, W. T., jun., et al. Examination of Sew Organic Compouncls. (Publication received), 7 1 . Smythe, L. E. Integrated-current suurce for aotu- matic coulometric titrations, 228. Spillane, F. J. Automatic direct-reading apparatus for detmng. surface area of powders, 712. . lirrel, D. C. M., et al. Automatic titrimetry, 511. E T i t r a t i u n of bivalent metals with disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 11;. Stagg, H. E., et al. Detmng. 4-aniinodiphcnyl in technical diphenykamine, 503. Steele, M. C., et al. Xephelometric detmn.of Smales, A. A., e t al. arsenic, 5%. Steuhen. W. I. I)evelopnieiits in analvsis ~i functional groups. (Summary), 45i. . Stephenson, W. H., e t al. Analysing teclinical chlorbenside and fluorbenside, 435. Stevens, G. W. W. Xicrophotography : lJlioto- graphy at Extreme Resolution. (Publicatiiin received), 295. Systematic scheme of semi- micro qualitative analysis for anionic surface- active agents, 166; Erratum, 3 i 6 . Determination of Toxic Sub- stances in Air: Manual of I.C.I. l’ractice. Stone, W. R., et al. Strafford, N., et al. (Review), 653. Strouts. C. R. N.. e t al. Determination o f Toxic Subitances in -Air: hfanual of I.C.I. Practice. (Kevieiv), 653. Stuart, W. A., et al. Uetmng. lithium, sodium and potassium in mixtures with EEL flame photo- meter, 200.Determination of Toxic Substances in Air: Manual of 1.C.I. I’ractice. Stubbings, W. .V., et al. (Review), 653. mercury as dithlzonate, 203; Erratum, 286. metric -4nalysis. 13th Edn. (Review), 294. Stuckey, R. E., et el. Alumina columns in detmng. Sutton,, F., e t al. Systematic Handbook of Volu- T Taylor, W. H. Formol titration: evaluation of various modifications, 485.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 82 Thompson, E. T. Laboratory Manual of Semi-micro Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. (Publication received), 718. Thompson, H. W., et al. Spectrochimica Acta. T‘ol. I X , Xo. 1, March, 1957. (Publication received), 466. Tinsley, J., et al. Detmng. uric acid, particularly in avian excreta, 110. Edii. (Publication received), 600. Trease, G. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy.7th Tucker, B. M. Calcein as indicator for titrating calcium with ethylenediaminetetra-acetate, 284. Tucker, H. T. Absorptiometric detmn. of uranium in solutions by improved thiocyanate method, 529. V van Arkel, A. E. Molecules and Crystals in In- organic Chemistry. 2nd English Edn. (Pub- lication received), 216. van Someren, E. H. S., et al. Spectrocliimica Acta. Vo1. IX, No. 1, March, 1957. (Publication received), 456. Vaughan, G. A., et al. Detmng. indole in tar fractions, 597. Venturello, G., e t al. Elution chromatography from cellulose columns for systematic analysis of special steels, 343. Verver, C. G. Editor of Keulemans’ Gas Clzvomzfo- graphy. (Publication received), 656. Vickers, A. E. J. Obituary, 301. Vogel, A. I. Elementary Practical Organic Chem- istry.Part I. Small Scale Preparations. (Pub- lication received), 376; Part 11. Qualitative Organic Analysis, 600. Vos, H. J., et al. Quantitative detmn. of anti- oxidants propyl, octyl and dodecyl gallate in oils and fats, 362. W Wade, P., et al. Detmng. grade strength of pectins Walker, W. B. Obituary, 298. Walley, C. A., et al. Recording spectrophotometric titrimeter, 329. Walling, C. Free Radicals in Solution. (Publica- by Teepol - gel procedure, 127. tion received), 840. Analytical Microscopy: Its Aims and Methods in Relation t o Foods, Water, Spices and Wallis, T. E. Drugs. 2nd Edn. (Publication receivei), 536. Wardle, R., et al. Detmng. bismuth in lead and lead alloys, 747. - Detmng. tellurium in lead and lead alloys, 743. Warren, V. L., e t al.Direct colorimetric detmn. of elementary sulphur, 189. Webb, J. R., et al. Semi-micro detmn. of phos- phorus in fluorinated organic compounds, 639. Weedon, B. C. L., et al. Guide t o Qualitative Or- ganic Chemical Analysis. (Publication received), 71. Weiss, K. W., et al. amino Acid Handbook: Methods and Results of Protein Analysis. (Pub- lication received), 71. Weissberger, A. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Yol. 111. Part I. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 215; Part 11, 296. - et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 111. (Publica- tion received), 216. -- Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. X. (Publication received), 536. W e b , H. Detmng. impurities in filter-paper, 132. Wells, R. A. Review of Schoeller and Powell’s Analysis of iZilinerals and Ores of Harev Elements.3rd Edn., 655,. Wessels, H., et al. Quantitative detmn. of anti- oxidants propyl, octyl and dodecyl gallate in oils and fats, 362. West, T. S. Detmng. equivalents. (Summary), 459. - Review of Blaedel and Neloche’s Elementavy Quantitative Analysis: Theory and Pvacticca, 838. - Titrations in non-aqueous media on sub-micro scale. (Summary), 459. Westerfeld, W. W Biochemical Preparations. Yol. 4. (Review), 454. Whalley, C. Applications of microchemistry : Application to paints and pigments. (Summary). 578. Whamond, A. S. Obituary, 137, 301. White, D., et al. Detmng. indole in tar fractions, 597. White, J. C. Scientific ’Translation Editor of Problems of Hematology u?zd Blood Transfaksioii. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1957. (Publication received), 656. Willard, H. H., et al. Short Course in Quantitative Xnaiysis.2nd Edn. (Publication receiired), 640. Williams, A. F. Review of Desty’s l’apoefr Phase Chroni atography , 7 7 5 , Williams, M. B., et al. Direct colorimetric detmn. of elcmcntary sulphur, 189 Williams. J. F. Electrophoretic isolation of dve- stuffs in foods, 211. * Williams, K. A. Address of retiring President, 320. Williams, R. J. Biochemical Individuality. Basis for the Genetotrophic Concept. (Publication received), 376. Wilson. C. L. Review of Duval’s Traite‘ de Mzcro- azalyse Minivale: Qualitative et Quantztatine. 5-01. 111, 375. - et al. Inorganic Microanalysis : Qualitative and Quantitative. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 295; (Review), 639. Wilson, H. N., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of phos- phorus in steel and copper-base alloys, 453.Wilson, W. Obituary, 301. Wood, A. A. R., et al. Metallurgical .inalysis by Means of Spekker Photoelectric Absorptiometer. 2nd Edn. (Review), 535. Wood, A. J., et al. Detmn., by radioactivation, of small quantities of nickel, cobalt and copper in rocks, marine sediments and meteorites, 7 5 . Wood, D. F., et al. Detmng. carbon in titanium and zirconium, 769. - Detmng. tin in zirconium and its alloys, 624. Wood, E. C. Review of Davies’s Statistical Methods an Research and Production with Special Reference to the Chemical Industry. Work, T. S. Recent applications of ion exchange in biochemistry. (Summary), 602. Wyatt, G. H. Review of Belcher and Wilson’s I?zorganic Microanalysis: Qualitative and Quanti- tatioe. 2nd Edn., 839. Wyckoff, R. W. G. Crystal Structures.Section IV. (Publication received), 466. 3rd Edn., 716. Y Yallop, H. J., et al. Application of diphenylamine and related compounds to spot-tests for nitrate and nitramine explosives, 653. Yoxall, D. A. Obituary, 217. Z Zhdanov, V. M. Problems of Virology. Vol. 2, Translation Editor, D. J. Bauer. S o . 1, 1957. (Publication received), 656.IXDEX TO VOLUME 82 xiii INDEX TO A Acetic acid: Detmng. acetic anhydricie in mixtures Acetic anhydride: Detmng. - in mixtures with Detmng. microgram quantities of phosphory- Acetone: B.S. 509 : 1957, 375. Acids : Analytical identification by spectrophoto- metry. Use of ionisation constants of weak -. Biggs, 274. Potentiometric titration of weak - and bases in dilute aqueous solution. Acylating agents : Detmng.microgram quantities of phosphorylating agents or -. Saville, 269. Alchemy: Through ~ to Chemistry. Read. (Publication received), 718. Aldehydes : Observations on automatic titrimetry (detmng. - in methyl methacrylate). Has- lam and Squirrell, 511. Alkali metals : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to -. Magee and Headridge, 95. Alkaloids : Oxycellulose in assay of alkaloidal solutions for injection. Elvidge, Proctor and Baines, 367. Alumina columns in detmng. mercury as dithizonate. Isaacs, Morries and Stuckey, 203; Erratum, 296. Aluminium : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. Observations on automatic titrimetry (detmng.__ with EDTA). Haslam and Squirrell, 51 1. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. - and zinc. .\.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 443. Separating uranium from large amounts of iron and - by anion exchange in nitrate media. Ockenden and Foreman, 592. Amines, cation-active : Systematic semi-micro quali- tative analysis of anionic surface-active agents. Holness and Stone, 166; Erratum, 376. Amino acid@) : Formol titration: Evaluation of modifications. Taylor, 488. Handbook: Methods and Results of Protein Analysis. Block and Weiss, et al. (Publica- tion received), 7 1. Microbiological assay of vitamins and - by large-plate methods. Simpson and Harris, 210. Recent applications of ion exchange in bio- chemistry.Work. (Summary), 602. 4-Aminodiphenyl : Detmng. - in technical di- phenylamine. Stagg and Reed, 503. 6-Aminothymol: Detmng. thiamine with -, Hayden and Elkington, 650; Erratum, 776. Rapid photometric detmn. of thiamine with ---. Hayden, 61. Ammonia distillation apparatus (Markham). B.S. 1428: Part B2 : 1953. Amendment slip, 215. Ammonium ion : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol -hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. Amy1 acetate: B.S. 552: 1957, 375. Amylobarbitone : Identifying - and pentobarbi- tone sodium in mixtures. with -. acetic acid. lating or acylating agents. Ellerington and Nicholls, 233. Ellerington and Nicholls, 233. Saville, 269. Gage, 219. Brooker, 448.SUBJECTS 5-isoAmy1-5-ethylberbituric acid : See Amylobarbi- Amytal: See Amylobarbitone. Analysis : Alkali hydroxides for separating copper and arsenic groups. Chalmers and Dick, 652. Amino Acid Handbook: Methods and Results of Protein --. Block and St’eiss, et al. (Pub- lication received), 71. Analyse Qualitative et les Rkactions en Solution. Charlot. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 600. Analytical Microscopy: Its Aims and Methods in Relation to Foods, Water, Spices and Drugs. Wallis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 536. Applications of microchemistry : application to paints and pigments. Whalley. (Summary), 778. Colorimetric ---. Vol. I . Allport and Iieyser. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 295; (Re- view), 774. Complexometric Titrations. Schwarzenbach. Translated and revised in collaboration with the author by Irving.(Publication received), 718. Congress on modern analytical chemistry in industry. Editorial, 537. Determination of Toxic Substances in Air : Manual of I.C.I. Practice. Strafford, Strouts and Stubbings. (Review), 653. Detmng. equivalents. West. (Summary), 459. Developments in analysis of functional groups. Stephen. (Summary), 457. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in beryllium, titanium, zirconium, thorium and uranium. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. Elementary Practical Organic Chefnistry. Part 11. Qualitative Organic -. Vogel. (Pub- lication received), 600. Elementary Quantitative - : Theory and Practice. Blaedel and Meloche. (Publication received), 295; (Review), 838.Examination of New Organic Compounds. Smith and Shriner. (Publication received), 71. Fusion reactions with benzoyl peroxide in organic spot-test ---, Feigl and Silva. Translated by Oesper, 582. Gas : .4pplications of microchemistry : application to paints and pigments. Whalley. (Sum- mary), 778. Guide to Qualitative Organic Chemical --. Linstead and Weedon. (Publication received), 71. Inorganic Micro-: Qualitative and Quantita- tive. Belcher and Wilson. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 295; (Review), 839. Instrumental - . Delahay. (Publication received), 536. Komplexometrische Titration. Schwarzenbach. (Review), 294. Laboratory Manual of Semi-micro Inorganic Qualitative -. Thompson. (Publication received), 718. 250-Megacycle high-frequency titrimeter. Lane, 406.Metallurgical ~ by Means of Spekker Photo- electric Absorptiometer. Haywood and Wood. 2nd Edn. (Review), 535. tGl??.xiv INDEX TO Analysis-coiztinued. Methoden zur Bestinlmung pflanzlicher Wuchs- stoffe. Linser and Kiermayer. (Publication received), 718. Methods of Biochemical -. Vol. IV. Glick. (Publication received), 536; (Review), 717; Vol. V. (Publication received), 840. Methods of Chemical - as Applied to Sewage and Sewage Effluents. Ministry of Housing and Local Government. (Publication received), 71; (Review), 532. Microchemical Journal. Vol. I, Issue 1, 1957. (Publication received), 456. Microdiffusion - and Volumetric Error. Con- way. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 840. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et -4ppliquee et d’ Analyse Bromatologique. Gautier.3rd Series. (Review), 455; Erratum, 536; 4th Series. Observations on automatic titrimetry. Haslam and Squirrell, 511. of Minerals and Ores of Rarer Elements. Schoeller and Powell. 3rd Edn. (Review), 655. Official Methods of - (1957) of the Society of Leather Trades’ Chemists. 3rd Edn. (Pub- (Publication received), 536. lication received), 456. Organic -, Vol. 111. Mitchell, Kolthoff, Proskauer and Weissberger. (Publication - received), 216. Organisation and Rationalisation of Soil -. 0. E. E.C. Physical Methods in Chemical -. Vol. 111. Berl. (Publication received), 216; (Review), 716. Principles and Applications of Polarography and other Electroanalytical Processes. Milner. (Publication received), 296; (Review), 455.Quantitative Chemical -. Cumming and Kay. Revised by Chalmers. 11th Edn. (Review), 535. Quantitative Inorganic - . Charlot and Btzier. Translated by Murray. (Publication received), 600. Quantitative Methods of Organic Micro -. Clark. (Review), 839. Quantitative Organic -. Fritz and Hammond. (Publication received), 776. Recording spectrophotometric titrimeter. Chal- mers and Walley, 329. Reduction and presentation of experimental results. Richardson. B.S. 2846 : 1957, 454. Semimicro Qualitative Organic -: Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds. Cheronis and Entrikin. 2nd Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 216; (Review), 655. Short Course in Quantitative -. Willard, Furman and Bacon. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 840. Sodium carbonate as volumetric standard.Easterbrook, 383. Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry. Morrison and Freiser. (Publication received), 840. Spot Tests in Organic -. Feigl. Translated by Oesper. 5th English Edn. (Publication received), 71. Systematic Handbook of Volumetric -. Sutton and Grant. 13th Edn. (Review), 294. Titrating bivalent metals with disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Haslam, Squirrel1 and Heskins, 117. Titrations in non-aqueous media on sub-micro scale. West. (Summary), 459. Trait6 de Micro-analyse Minerale : Qualitative et Quantitative. Vol. 111. Duval. (Review), 375. (Publication received), 295. VOLUME 82 Anhydrovitamin A: Detmng. vitamin A by con- version to -. Budowski and Bondi, 751. Anilines, substituted: Polar and steric effects in paper chromatography.O’Sullivan and Sad- ler, 835. Anthraquinone drugs: Joint committee on methods of assay of crude drugs. Appointment of working panel on -- . Pharmaceutical Society and Society for lnalytical Chemistry, 138. Antifreeze solutions : Detmng. glycollic acid in used -. Green, 107. Antimony: Detmng. - in cast iron. Rooney, 619. o-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Reactions of toluene- 3 : 4-dithiol in acetate buffer and alkaline solu- tions: toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for -, etc. Clark, 177. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. -, barium soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and cad- mium. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 764. Separating niobium from tantalum, titanium, tin and - with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Belekar and Athavale, 630.Antioxidants: Detmng. - propyl, octyl and do- decyl gallate in oils and fats. Vos, Wessels and Six, 362. APANS : See 1-(0-Arsonophenglaeo) -2-naphthol- 3 :6-disulphonic acid. Apparatus : Ammonia distillation ~ (Markham). B.S. 1428 :Part B2 : 1953. Amendment slip, 215. Analysing chlorophenols by anion-exchange chromatography. Logie, 563. -4nalytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. 111. Orthophosphoric acid as solvent and base electrolyte in direct inorganic polarography. Milner and Slee, 139. ilutomatic - for quantitative micro-detmn. of nitrogen. Charlton, 643. Automatic - for spotting large volumes of liquid on chromatogram papers. Duncombe and Peaple, 212. Automatic direct-reading - for detmng. surface area of powders. Automatic pipettes.B.S. 1132 : 1952. Amend- ment slip, 715. Continuous ether extractor. Jensen and Bane, 67. Detmng. acetic anhydride in mixtures with acetic acid. Ellerington and Nicholls, 233. Detmng. excess of zinc in zinc oxide. Allsopp, 474. Detmng. mercury in air (sampling and ignition tubes). Detmng. 17-0x0 steroids and 17-oxogenic steroids. Kellie, 722. Detmng. oxygen in titanium and titanium alloys, based on principle of chlorination. Elwell and Peake, 734. Detmng. sorbitol. Adcock, 427. Detmng. traces of boron in nickel (electrolysis -). Chirnside, Cluley and Proffitt, 18. Direct-reading fluorimeter. Brealey and Ross, 769. Filter flasks. B.S. 1739: 1957, 599. Flame-photometric detmn. of magnesium in plant material. Emission of magnesium in highly reducing oxygen - acetylene flame.Knutson, 241. General purpose maximum and minimum thermo- meters (Six’s pattern). B.S. 2840: 1957, 454. General purpose wet and dry bulb hygrometer. B.S. 2841 : 1957, 454. Spillane, 712. Sergeant, Dixon and Lidzey, 27.INDEX TO VOLUME 82 xv Apparatus-continued, Graduated pipettes and one-mark cylindrical pipettes. B.S. 700: 1952. Amendment slip, 774. Integrated-current source for automatic coulo- metric titrations. Smythe, 228. Interchangeable conical ground glass joints. B.S. 572 : 1950. Isolating carbon as barium carbonate in studies with carbon-14. Adcock, 449. Laboratory and Workshop Notes 1953-1955. Lang. (Publication received), 536. Laboratory thermometers. B.S. 593 : 1954. Amendment slip, 715. Mechanical shaker. Francis, 293.250-Megacycle high-frequency titrimeter. Lane, 406. Microchemical detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds. Massie, 352. Micro-detmn. of active hydrogen in organic compounds by reaction with lithium aluminium hydride. Colson, 358. Xessler cylinders. B.S. 612 : 1952. Amendment slip, 715. Observations on automatic titrimetry. Haslam and Squirrell, 511. One-mark bulb pipettes. B.S. 1583 : 1950. Amendment slip, 715. Oxycellulose in assay of aqueous alkaloidal solutions for injection. Elvidge, Proctor and Baines, 367. Potentiometric titration of weak acids and bases in dilute aqueous solution. Quantitative detmn. of traces of carbon dioxide in water. Jennings and Osborn, 671. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 111. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric iron (capillary dropper). Pollard, McOmie, Banister and Nickless, 780.Rapid method combustion tubes (Belcher and Ingram type). B.S. 1428:Part A5: 1957, 599. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. non-volatile matter extractable by light petroleum and detmng. volatile immiscible liquids (adsorption -). A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 123. Recording spectrophotometric titrimeter. Chal- mers and Walley, 329. Selective desorption from carbon columns for detmng. dextrose and maltose in starch con- version products. Patterson and Savage, 812. Sensitivity and resolving power of simple d.c. amplifier polarograph. Curry and King-Cox, 128. Separator for removing heavy minerals from flour and foods. Hartley, 214. Spectrofluorimeters and filter fluorimeters. Parker and Barnes, 606.Spirit-in-glass metal-sheathed thermometer. B.S. 2843 : 1987, 454. Ubbelohde - for flow and drop points. B.S. 894: 1956. Amendment slip, 71. Whirling hygrometer (medium size). B.S. 2842 : 1957, 454. Apples: Detmng. traces of mercury in -. Abbott and Johnson, 206. Arsenate: Micro-detmn. of - in presence of srsenite. Daniels, 133. Arsenic: o-Dithiols in analysis. V. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for - and germanium. Clark, 760. group : Alkali hydroxides for separating copper group and -. Amendment slip, 715. Gage, 219. Chalmers and Dick, 652. Arsenic-continued. Nephelometric detmn. of -. Steele and Polarographic detmn. of - in zinc-smelting Coulson, 161. Arsenite : Micro-detmn. of arsenate in presence of England, 595.residuals and zinc metal. -. Daniels, 133. l-(o-Arsonophenylazo)-2-naphthol-3 :b@ulphonic acid: Absoratiometric detmn. of microgram quantities o$ uranium with - complgx of quadrivalent uranium. Foreman, Riley and Smith, 89. Detmng. thorium in ores with APANS-mesotar- taric acid reagent after shortened chromato- graphic separation. Everest and Martin, 807. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. British Chemicals and their Manufacturers, 1957. (Publication received), 656. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. non-volatile matter extractable by light petroleum and detmng. volatile immiscible liquids. - and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 123; Methods for detmng. hardness, calcium and magnesium, 197; Methods for detmng.combined nitrogen, 276; Erratum, 600; Methods for detmng. aluminium and zinc, 443 ; Methods for detmng. phenols and sulphide, 518; Detmng. oxygen demand, 683; Erratum, 776; Detmng. anti- mony, barium soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and cadmium, 764; Detmng. synthetic detergents, 826. Association of Public Analysts: Joint meeting of Society for Analytical Chemistry, Food Law Institute of the United States, Food Group of the Society of Chemical Industry and -. Control of chemical additives in food, 601. B Bacteria : Bacterial Fermentations. Barker. (Pub- lication received), 840. Bacteriology: Dairy -. Hammer and Babel. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 776. Barium: Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. anti- mony, - soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and cadmium.A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 764. Barium carbonate: Isolating carbon as - in studies with carbon-14. Adcock, 449. Barium sulphate : Effect of colloidal organic matter on pptn. of - and modified detmn. of soluble sulphate in soils. Barker square-wave polarograph : Analytical appli- cations of -. 111. Orthophosphoric acid as solvent and base electrolyte in direct in- organic polarography. Milner and Slee, 139. Bases : Potentiometric titration of weak acids and bases in dilute aqueous solution. Gage, 219. Batyl alcohol : Detmng. vicinal glycols by oxidation with periodate in non-aqueous media. Redda- way, 506. Benzoin : Spectrofluorimeters and filter fluorimeters (reaction of borate with -).Parker and Barnes, 606. Benzoyl chloride : Detmng. microgram quantities of phosphorylating or acylating agents. Saville, 269. Benzoyl peroxide: Fusion reactions with - i n organic spot-test analysis. Feigl and Silva. Translated by Oesper, 582. Hesse, 710.xvi INDEX TO VOLUME 82 Beryllium : Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitro- gen and hydrogen in -, etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. BFPO : See Tetramethylphosphorodiamidic fluoride. Bibliography: Index of Technical Articles. No. 1, February, 1957. (Publication received), 296. Biochemical oxygen demand : Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Detmng. oxygen demand. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 683; Erratum, 776. Biochemistry : Biochemical Individuality.Basis for the Genetotrophic Concept. Williams. (Pub- lication received), 376. Biochemical Preparations. Vol. 4. Westerfeld. (Review), 454. Experiments in Biochemical Research Tech- niaues. Cowpill and Pardee. (Publication ~~ re(eived), 778 Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. IV. Glick. (Publication received), 536; (Review), 717: Vol. V. (Publication received), 840. Recent applications of ion exchange’ in -. Work. (Summary), 602. Biology: Mathematics and Statistics for Use in Pharmacy, - and Chemistry. Saunders and Fleming. (Publication received), 536. Biophysics. Kuzin. Scientific Translation Editor, Parsons. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1957. (Publication received), 656. Bismuth: Absorptiometric detmn. of traces of iron in -. Holmes, 528.Analysing - - uranium alloys. Shelton, 531. Detmng. - in lead and lead alloys. Fletcher and Wardle, 747. Detmng. cerium in - -base alloys. Edwards and Milner, 593. - 2-mercaptothiazoline reagent : Detcng. and de- tmng. iodide in presence of chloride. Barakat, El-Wahab and El-Sadr, 192. Blood : Detmng. 17-ox0 steroids and 17-oxogenic steroids. Kellie, 722. Problems of Hematology and __ Transfusion. Bagdasarov. Scientific Translation Editor, White. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1957. (Publication received), 656. Blood serum : Comparison of flame-photometric and chemical detmns. of sodium and potassium in soil, plant material, water and -. Puffeles and Nessim, 467. Detmng. - cholesterol. Henly, 286. B.O.D. : See Biochemical oxygen demand. Bois de rose, oil of: Detmng. linalol in essential oils.Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oil Sub-Com- mittee, 325. Book reviews : Allport and Keyser. Colorimetric Analysis. Vol. I. 2nd Edn., 774. Belcher and Wilson. Inorganic Microanalysis : Qualitative and Quantitative. 2nd Edn., 839. Berl. Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis. Vol. 111, 716. Blaedel and Meloche. Elementary Quantitative Analysis: Theory and Practice, 838. Booth. Carotene : Determination in Biological Materials, 654. Cheronis and Entrikin. Semimicro Qualitative Organic Analysis : Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn., 655. Quantitative Methods of Organic Micro- Clark. analysk, 839. Cumming and Kay. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Revised by Chalmers. 11th Edn., 535. Book reviews-continued. Davies.Statistical Methods in Research and Production with Special Reference to the Chemical Industry. 3rd Edn., 716. Desty. Vapour Phase Chromatography, 7’75. Durrans. Solvents. 7th Edn., 775. Duval. Trait6 de Micro-analyse MinCrale: Qualitative et Quantitative. Vol. 111, 375. Gautier. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et Appliquke et d’ Analyse Bromatolo- gique. 3rd Series, 455; Erratum, 536. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. IV, 717. Haywood and Wood. Metallurgical Analysis by Means of Spekker Photoelectric Absorptio- meter. 2nd Edn., 535. Hollingshead. Oxine and its Derivatives. Vols. I11 and IV, 533. Ingold. Introduction to Structure in Organic Chemistry, 536. Kaye and Laby. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 11th Edn., 534. Klein, Jones and Hawkes.-4spects of River Pollution, 715. Milner. Principles and Applications of Polaro- graphy and other Electroanalytical Processes, 455. Ministry of Housing and Local Government. Methods of Chemical Analysis as Applied to Sewage and Sewage Effluents, 532. Osborn. Synthetic Ion-Exchangers: Recent Developments in Theory and Application, 838. Phillips. Gas Chromatography, 533. Rose and Rose. Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 5th Edn., 534. Schoeller and Powell. Analysis of Minerals and Ores of Rarer Elements. 3rd Edn., 655. Schwarzenbach. Komplexcimetrische Titration, 294. Strafford, Strouts and Stubbings. Determination of Toxic Substances in Air, 653. Sutton and Grant. Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis. 13th Edn., 294. Biochemical Preparations. Vol.4, 454. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 36, 600. See also Publications received. Borate : Spectrofluorimeters and filter fluorimeters (reaction of - with benzoin). Parker and Barnes, 606. Borax : Decomposition of oxide minerals by fusion with -. Jeffery, 66. Boric acid: Polarographic detmn. of -- with sodium nitrite. Shalgosky, 648. Boron: Detmng. traces of __ in nickel. Chirn- side, Cluley and Proffitt, 18. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in - etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50: Erratum, 136. Brentamine fast red GG: Detmng. small amounts of o-phenplphenol. Harvey and Penketh, 498. British Drug Houses Ltd. : “AnalaR’ Standards for Laboratory Chemicals. -- and Hopkins and Williams Ltd. 5th Edn.(Publication received), 718. British Standard Specifications : 507 : 1956. Ethanol, 136. 508: 1956. n-Butanol, 136. 509 : 1957. Acetone, 375. 549 : 1957. 551 : 1956. 552 : 1957. 553 : 1956. 572 : 1950. Diacetone alcohol, 375. n-Butyl acetate, 136. Amy1 acetate, 375. Ethyl acetate, 1.36. Interchangeable conical ground glass joints. Amendment slip, 715.INDEX TO British Standards SpeciLations-continued. 574: 1957. Diethyl phthalate, 375. 577 : 1957. Hexachloroethane, 375. 593 : 1954. Laboratory thermometers. Amend- ment slip, 715. 612 : 1952. Nessler cylinders. Amendment slip, 715. 663 : 1957. 700: 1952. Graduated pipettes and one-mark cylindrical pipettes. Amendment slip, 774. 734 : 1955. Density hydrometers for use in milk. Amendment slip, 774. 894 : 1956.Ubbelohde apparatus for flow and drop points. Amendment slip, 71. 976 : 1957. Density - composition tables for aqueous solutions of hydrochloric acid, 715. 998: 1957. Vacuum salt for butter and cheese Ethyl lactate, 375. making, 215. 1132: 1952. Automatic DiDettes. Amendment . & slip, 715. 1425 : 1954. Cleanliness of fillings and stuffings for bedding, upholstery, toys and other domestic articles. Amendment slips, 7 1, 294, 774. 1428 : Part A5 : 1957. Rapid method combustion tubes (Belcher and Ingram type). Nicro- chemical apparatus : Group A : Combustion trains for detmng. elements, 599. 1428 :€'art B2 : 1953. Ammonia distillation appa- ratus (Markham). Amendment slip, 215. 1583 : 1950. One-mark bulb pipettes. Amend- ment slip, 715. 1595: 1957. isoPropyl alcohol, 375.1739: 1957. Filter flasks, 599. 1997 : 1953. Glycerol triacetate. Amendment slip, 375. 2824: 1957. 2840 : 1957. General purpose maximum and minimum thermometers (Six's pattern), 454. 2841 : 1957. General purpose wet and dry bulb New wood wool for fillings, 294. hygrometer, 454. 2842 : 1957. Whirling hygrometer (medium size), - .. 454. mometer, 454. perimental results. Richardson, 454. 2843 : 1957. 2846 : 1957. 2894: 1957. Spirit-in-glass metal-sheathed ther- Reduction and presentation of ex- Washed flock (loose or layered), 774. British Standards Institution : Annual Report 1956-7. (Publication received), 600, 718. Yearbook 1957. (Publication received), 295; Addenda, 454. Brucine sulphate : Detcng. iodine-containing com- pounds on paper chromatograms.Gawienow- ski, 452. n-Butanol: B.S. 508: 1956, 136. Butter: Vacuum salt for ~ and cheese making. B.S. 998: 1957, 215. n-Butyl acetate: B.S. 551 : 1956, 136. Butyl alcohol: See Butanol. C Cadmium : Analytical applications of Barker square- wave polarograph. 111. Orthophosphoric acid as solvent and base electrolyte in direct in- organic polarography. Milner and Slee, 139. Colorimetric detmn. of -, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes. Christie, Kerr, Knowles and Lowden, 336. Fatal case of - poisoning. Manley and Dalley, 287. VOLUME 82 xvii Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. antimony, barium soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and __ . A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 764.Cadmium propionate: Fatal case of cadmium poisoning. Manley and Dalley, 287. Caesium : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. Detmng. rubidium and ~ in rocks, minerals and meteorites by neutron-activation analysis. Cabell and Smales, 390. Calcein as indicator for titrating calcium with EDTA. Tucker, 284. Calciferol: Detmng. vitamin D and related com- pounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of com- pounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2; 11. Analysis of irradiation pro- ducts. Shaw and Jefferies, 8. Calcium: Calcein as indicator for titrating - with EDTA. Tucker, 284. Decomposition of oxide minerals by fusion with borax. Jeffery, 66.Detmng. thorium and lanthanons (and -) in monazite. Clinch and Simpson, 258. Rapid detmn. of - and magnesium in plant material by titration with disodium EDTA. Padhye, 634. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. hardness, - and magnesium. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 197. Calcium fluoride : Paper chromatography for de- tcng. and detmng. microgram amounts of inorganic fluoride. Hall, 663. Canned foods: Polarographic detmn. of tin in -. Markland and Shenton, 43. Capsaicin: Joint committee on methods of assay of crude drugs, A4ppointment of working panel on capsicum: - content. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for A4nalytical Chemistry, 138. Capsicum: Joint committee on methods of assay of crude drugs. Appointment of working panel on -: capsaicin content.Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 138. Carbides: Analysis of - extracted from steel. Hobson, 708. Carbon columns: Selective desorption from -- for detmng. dextrose and maltose in starch con- version products. Patterson and Savage, 812. Detmng. - in titanium and zirconium. Elwell and Wood, 769. Isolating - as barium carbonate in studies with carbon-14. Adcock, 449. Carbon-14: Isolating carbon as barium carbonate in studies with -. Adcock, 449. Carbon dioxide: Quantitative detmn. of traces of - in water. 2-Carboxy -2'-hydroxy-5'- sulphoformawlbemene: See Zincon. Carotene : Determination in Biological Materials. Booth. (Publication received), 456; (Review), 6.54. Cadmium-continued. Jennings and Osborn, 671.Cast iron: See Iron. Cereals : Modern - Chemistry. Kent- Jones and Amos. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 536. Cerium: Detmng. - in bismuth-base alloys. Detmng. thorium and lanthanons in monazite. Edwards and Milner, 593. Clinch and Simpson, 258.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 82 Cheese: Second report on processed - and - spread. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee, 70. Vacuum salt for butter and - making. B.S. 998: 1957, 215. Chel-138 : See Ethylenediamine-N”-bis-(0-hydroxy- phenylacetic acid). Chel-600 : See cycloHexane-l:2-diaminotetra-acetic acid. Chelates : Spectrophotometric detmn. of iron -. 11. Hill-Cottingham, 524. Chemical Society: Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1956. Vol. LIII. (Publication received): 656.Chemicals : AnalaR” Standards for Laboratory - . British Drug Houses Ltd. and Hopkins and Williams Ltd. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 718. British - and their Manufacturers, 1957. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. (Publication received), 656. Solvents, Plasticisers and Technical -. Howards of Ilford Ltd. (Publication received), 840. Chemistry: Annual Reports on Progress of - for 1956. Vol. LIII. Chemical Society. (Pub- lication received), 656. Elementary Practical Organic - Part I. Vogel. (Publication received), 376; Part 11, 600. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. VI. Jacobson. Edited by Hampel. (Publication received), 376. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. XV. Kirk and Othmer. (Publication received), 216. Encyclopedia of - .Clark. (Publication received), 376. Handbook of Chemical Data. Atack and Atack. (Publication received), 840. Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. 5. Elderfield. (Publication received), 376; Vol. 6, 456. Introduction to Organic -. Brown. (Publica- tion received), 600. Introduction to Structure in Organic -. Ingold. (Review), 536. Mathematics and Statistics for Use in Pharmacy, Biology and -. Saunders and Fleming. (Publication received), 536. Molecules and Crystals in Inorganic -. van Arkel. 2nd English Edn. (Publication re- ceived). 216. of the C6:ordination Compounds. Bailar. (Pub- Organic Reactions. Vol. IX. Adams. (Publica- lication received), 295. 6ion received), 776. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 36. Leonard. (Pub- lication received), 216; (Review), 600. Organic Synthesis.Vols. I and 11. Migrdichian. (Publication received), 536. Reactive Intermediates of Organic -. Leffler. (Publication received), 71. Reports on Progress of Applied -. Vol. XL. Society of Chemical Industry. (Publication received), 7 1. Steric Effects in Organic -. Kewman. (Pub- lication received), 71. Technique of Organic -. Vol. 111. Part I. Weissberger. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 215; Part 11, 296; Vol. X. Textbook of Dairy -. Vol. 11. Ling. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 215. Through Alchemy to -. Read. (Publication received), 718. Chlorbenside : Analysing technical - and fluor- benside. Higgons and Stephenson, 435. Cassidy, 536. Chloride : Detcng. and detmng. iodide in presence of -. Barakat, El-Wahab and El-Sadr, 192. Influence of - on dichromate-value test.Cameron and Moore, 677; Erratum, 776. Chlorine : Detmng. small amounts of total oxganic - in solvent extracts of vegetable material. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Pesticides Residues in Foodstuffs Sub-committee, 378. Observations on automatic titrimetry (detmng. - in polymers). Haslam and Squirrell, 51 1. p-Chlorobenzyl p-chlorophenyl sulphide : See Chlor- benside. p-Chlorobenzyl p-fluorophenyl sulphide : See Fluor- benside. Chlorophenols : Analysing __ by anion-exchange chromatography. Logie, 563. Potentiometric titration of weak acids and bases in dilute aqueous solution. Cholecalciferol : Detmng. vitamin D and related compounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of compounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2 ; 11.Analysis of irradiation products. Shaw and Jefferies, 8. Cholesterol: Detmng. serum -. Chromatography : Automatic apparatus for spotting large volumes of liquid on chromatogram papers. Duncombe and Peaple, 212. Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. Detmng. impurities in filter-paper. Weisz, 132. Gas -. Keulemans. Edited by Verver. (Pub- lication received), 656; Phillips. (Review), 533. Polar and steric effects in paper -. O’Sullivan and Sadler, 835. Quantitative inorganic -. 111. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric iron. Pollard, McOmie, Banister and Nickless, 780. Review of Principles and Applications. Lederer and Lederer. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 456.Technique of Organic Chemistry. Weissberger. Vol. X. Fundamentals of -. Cassidy. (Publication received), 536. Vapour Phase -. Desty. (Publication re- ceived), 295; (Review), 775. Chromium: Colorimetric detmn. of cadmium, -, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes. Christie, Kerr, Knowles and Lowden, 336. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in __ etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. Elution chromatography from cellulose cdumns for systematic analysis of special steels. Ven- turello and Ghe, 343. Integrated-current source for automatic coulo- metric titrations. Smythe, 228. Cleanliness of fillings and stuffings for bedding, upholstery, toys and other domestic articles.B.S. 1425 : 1954. Amendment slips, 71,294,774. Cobalt : Detmng., by radioactivation, small quanti- ties of nickel, - and copper in rocks, marine sediments and meteorites. Smales, Mapper Gage, 219. Henly, 286. _ _ and Wood, 75. o-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Reactions of toluene- 3 : 4-dithiol in acetate buffer and alkaline solu- tions: toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for - etc. Clark, 177. Elution chromatography from cellulose columns for systematic analysis of special steels. Ven- turello and Ghe, 343.xix Colouring matters : See Dyes. Combustion tubes: Rapid method __ (Belcher and Ingram type). B.S. 1428: Part -16: 1957, 599. Complexes : Stability Constants of Metal-ion --, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Sub- stances.Part I : Organic Ligands. Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach and Sill6n, with collaboration by hnderegg and Rasmussen. (Publication received), 775. Comulexq&k Tit&iadqk~ch.wa rzenhaLch-Tvns, lated and revised by Irving. (Publication received), 718. Kompkxometrische Titration. Schwarzenbach. iReviewvi. 294. I S D E S TO S'OLUhIE 82 ___ Congress on inodern analytical chemistry in industry. Editorial, 537. Constants : Tables of Physical and Chemical Iiaye and Laby. 11th Edn. (Review), 534. Cosmetics : Science and Technology-. Sagarin, Gonlden, Iilarmann and Powers. (Publica- tion received), 840. Copper : hnalytical applications of Barker square- wave polarograph. 111. Orthophosphoric acid as solvent and base electrolyte in direct in- organic polarography. RIilner and Slee, 139.Colorimetsic detmn. of cadmium, chromium, --, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes. Christie, Kerr, Knowles and Lowden, 336. Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus in steel and __ base alloys. Detmng., by radioactivation, small quantities of nickel, cobalt and - in rocks, marine sedi- ments and meteorites. Smales, Xapper and Wood, 75. Uetmrig. lead and __ in organic materials (foodsj by dry-ashing. Abson and Lipscomb, 162. De\-elopments in micro vacuum fusion method, particnlarly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in - etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. o-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Reactions of toluene- 3 : 4-dithiol in acetate buffer and alkaline solu- tions: toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for ~~ Elwell and TVilson, 453.etc. Clark, 177. arsenic group. Chalmers and Dick, 6.52. group : .llkali hydroxides for separating __ and Titrating kvafent metals with disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Haslam, Squirrel1 and Heskins, l l i . Coulometry : Integrated-current source for automatic coulometric titrations. Smythe, 228. Crystal Structures. Section IT'. \Yyckoff. (Pub- lication received), 456. Crystal violet: 17etmng. acetic anhydride in mixtures with acetic acid. Ellerington and Xicholls, 233. Cyanide: Detmng. tliiocyanate or __ in presence of glycine. T'olumetric detmn. of ~ and nickel with resacetophenone oxime as indicator. Bhstki, 24. Cylindrite: Detning. indium in ~ by neutron- activation analysis and other methods. Irving, Smit and Salmon, 549.Hudson and Pollock, 354. D Dairy Bacteriology. Hammer and Babel. 4th Edn. Chemistry: Textbook of -. 1-01. 11. Ling. (Publication received), 7 i 6 . 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 215. 7-Dehydrocholesterol : Detmng. vitamin D and related compounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of compounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2; 11. Analysis of irradiation products. Density hydrometers for nse in milk. B.S. 734: 196.5. lmendment slip, i i 4 . Detergents : See Surface-active agents. Shaiv and Jefferies, 8. IT-. - , dibenzo)-ltoluene-3 : 4-dithiol -and zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol. Clark, 182. Dibenzoyltoluene-3 :4-dithiol: o-Dithiols in analysis. IT-. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4-dithiol, ~ and zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol. Clark, 182. Dichlorophenols : .Analysing chlorophenols by anion- exchange chromatography. Logie, 563.Dichromate-value : Influence of chloride on -- test. Cameron and Illoore, 677; Erratum, i 7 6 . Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Detmng. oxygen demancl. A.B.C.M. and Society for .halytical Chemistry, 683 ; Erratum, i i 6 . Dictionary: Condensed Chemical -. Rose and Rose. 5th Edn. (Review), 534. Diethyl diethyl pyrophosphonate : Detmng. micro- gram quantities of phosphorylating or acylating agents. Saville, 269. Diethyl phthalate: B.S. 674: 1957, 375. Diethyltin compounds : Organo-tin - dithizone com- Colorimetric detmn. of ~ and tri- Aldridge and Cremer, 37. DIFO : See Tetramethylphosphorodiamidic fluoride. Digitalis purpurea : Joint committee on methods of assay of crude drugs.Xppointment of working panel on -, chemical method. Pharmaceutical Societv and Societv for plexes. ethyltin compounds. -1nalytical Chemistry, f3S. NN'-Dihydroxyethylethylenediaminediacetic acid : Spectrophotometric detmn. of iron chelates. Hill-Cottingham, 524. Diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate : Detmng. micro- gram quantities of phosphorylating or acylating agents. Saville, 269. Dimefox : See Tetramethylphosphorodiamidic fluoride. N - (4 : 4' - Dimethoxybenzohydrilidene) benzylamine : See Schoenberg reagent. p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde : Detector-paper for phosgene. Liddell, 375. p-Dimethylaminobenzylidenerhodanine : Rapid de- tmn. of microgram quantities of silver in litharge and red lead. Dicker and Johnson, 285. 3 :3'-Dimethylnaphthidine : -4bsorptiometric detmn.of vanadium in steel. Scholes, 525; Erratum, 666. Diphenylamine : Application of - and related compounds to spot-tests for nitrate and nitra- mine explosives. Detmng. 4-aminodiphenyl in technical -' . Stagg and Reed, 503. Diphenylbenzidine : Application of diphenylamine and related compounds t o spot-tests for nitrate and nitramine explosives. Finnie and Yallop, 653. o-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Reactions of toluene- 3 : 4-dithiol in acetate buffer and alkaline solu- tions : toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for copper, cobalt, iron, antimony and thallium. Clark, l i 7 ; IV. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4-dithiol, di- benzoyltoluene-3 : 4-dithiol and zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol, 182; V. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for arsenic and germanium, 760.Finnie and Yallop, 653.xx INDEX TO Dithieone : Alumina columns in detmng. mercury as dithizonate. Isaacs, hlorries and Stuckey, 203; Erratum, 296. Organo-tin - - complexes. Colorimetric de- tmn. of diethyltin and triethyltin compounds. -4ldridge and Cremer, 37. Titrimetric detmn. of sulphate with lead nitrate as titrant and - as indicator. Archer, 208. Dodecyl gallate : Detmng. antioxidants propyl, octyl and - in oils and fats. Vos, Wessels and Six, 362. Drop point: Cbbelohde apparatus for flow point and -. B.S. 8 9 4 : 1956. Amendment slip, 71. Dropper, capillary : Quantitative inorganic chromato- graphy. 111. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric iron. Pollard, hlcOmie, Banister and Nickless, 780. Drugs : Analytical Microscopy : Its Aims and Methods in Relation t o Foods, Water, Spices and -.Wallis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 536. Joint Committee on methods of assay of crude -. Appointment of working panels. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 138. Dyes : Colouring hlatter in Food Regulations, 1957, 599. Electrophoretic separation of - in foods. Williams, 2 11. indigoid: Polar and steric effects in paper chromatography. O’Sullivan and Sadler, 836. E Effluents : Biological Treatment of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. Vol. I. hkCabe and Eckenfelder. (Publication received), 216. Colorimetric detmn. of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes. Christie, Kerr, Knowles and Lowden, 336. Influence of chloride on dichromate-value test. Cameron and Moore, 677; Erratum, 776.Methods of Chemical Analysis as Applied to Sewage and Sewage -. Ministry of Housing and Local Government. (Publication received), 71; (Review), 532. Recommended methods for analysis of trade -. Methods for detmng. non-volatile matter ex- tractable by light petroleum and detmng. volatile immiscible liquids. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 123; Methods for detmng. hardness, calcium and magnesium, 197; Methods for detmng. combined nitrogen, 276; Erratum, 600; Methods for detmng. aluminium and zinc, 443; Methods for detmng. phenols and sulphide, 518; Detmng. oxygen demand, 683; Erratum, 776; Methods for detmng. antimony, barium soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and cadmium, 764; Method for detmng.synthetic detergents, 826. Electrophoresis : Detmng. impurities in filter-paper. Weisz, 132. Emulsions: Production of slides of -, Middle- ton, 289. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. TI. Jacobson. Edited by Hampel. (Publication received), 376. of Chemistry. Clark. (Publication received), 376. Epidemiolom : Journal of Microbiology, - and Immunobiology. Elkin. Scientific Translation Editor, Bauer. Vol. 28, No. 1, 1957. (Pub- lication received), 536. VOLUME 82 Ergocalciferol : See Calciferol. Ergosterol: Detmng. vitamin D and related com- pounds. I . Introduction and prepn. of com- pounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2; 11. Analysis of irradiation pro- ducts. Shaw and Jefferies, 8 . Essential oils: Detmng. linalol in -. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, - Sub-committee, 325.Ethanol: B.S. 507 : 1956, 136. Ethyl acetate: B.S. 553: 1956, 136. Ethyl alcohol: See Ethanol. Ethyl chloroformate : Detmng. microgram quantities of phosphorylating or acylating agents. Saville, 269. Ethyl groups: N- -. Fusion reactions with benzoyl peroxide in organic spot-test analysis. Feigl and Silva. Translated by Oesper, 582. Ethyl lactate: B.S. 663: 1957, 375. Ethylene glycol: Detmng. glycollic acid in used antifreeze solutions. Green, 107. Ethylene oxide: Detmng. -- in atmosphere. Gage, 587. Ethylenediamine-NN’-bis-(0-hydroxyphenylacetic acid) : Spectrophotometric detmn. of iron chelates. 11. Hill-Cottingham, 524. Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, disodium :salt : Rapid detmn.of calcium and magnesium in plant material by titration with -. Padhye, 634. disodium salt: Titrating bivalent metals with - N-Ethyl-N-2-hydroxyethylaniline : Detector-paper for phosgene. Liddell, 375. 5-Ethgl-5-(l-methylbutyl)barbituric acid, monoso- dium derivative : See Pentobarbitone sodium. Excreta: Detmng. uric acid, particularly in avian -. Tinsley and Nowakowski, 110. Explosives : Application of diphenylamine and related compounds to spot-tests for nitrate and nitramine -. Finnie and Yallop, 653. Extractor : Continuous ether Jensen and Bane, 67. Haslam, Squirrel1 and Heskins, 11 7. F Fats: Detmng. antioxidants propyl, octyl and do- decyl gallate in oils and Vos, \Vessels and Six, 362. Fatty acids : Systematic semi-micro qualitative analysis of anionic surface-active agents.Holness and Stone, 166; Erratum, 376. Feeding Stuffs : Fertilisers and __ (Amendment) Regulations, 1956, TO. Fermentations : Bacterial -. Barker. (Publica- tion received). 840. Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs (Amendment) Regu- Fillings: Cleanliness of - and stuffinns for bed- lations, 1956, 70. ding, upholstery, toys and othe; domestic articles. B.S. 1425 : 1954. Arnendmcnt slips, 71, 294, 774. Filter flasks: B.S. 1739: 1957, 599. Filter-paper : Detmng. impurities in -. Weisz, Flames : Spectroscopy of -. Gaydon. (Publica- 132. tion received), 656. Flasks: Filter -. B.S. 1739: 1957, 599. Flock: Washed - (loose or layered). B.S. 2894 : 1957, 774. Flour: Separator for removing heavy minerals from - and foods. Harley, 214. Flow point: Ubbelohde apparatus for - and drop point.B.S. 894: 1956. Amendment slip, 71.INDEX TO Fluorbenside : Analysing technical chlorbenside and .~ . Higgons and Stephenson, 435. Fluorescein complexone : See Calcein. Fluoride: Paper chromatography for detcng. and detmng. microgram amounts of inorganic , Hall, 663 Fluorimeter : Direct-reading Brealey and Ross, 769. Spectrofluoriiiieters and filter Parker and Barnes, 606. Food(s) : Analytical 3Iicroscop- : I t s .-\ims and 1SIethods in Relation to --, TVater, Spices and Drxgs. IT-allis. 2nd Edn. (,Publication receii-cd), 536 :\iiioii-eschangc resin in detmng. traccs <if lead in Johnson and Polhill, 238. C(i1ourinp IIatter in -- Regulations, 1937, Control of chemical additives in j meeting of Socie?; for Analytical (‘hernia ry, Food Institute of the Vnited States, Food Group of the Society of Cheniical Inilus- try, and the -1ssociation of Public .\rial\-sts, 00 1.Detmng. lead and copper in organic inaterials ( - ~ --:I b!- dry-ashing. -\hson and I,ipscc”m!), 1.72. Detrnng. traces of zinc in F1-ancis and Pilgrim. 289. Electrophoretic separation of dyes in ~~ -- TVilliams, 21 1 I’crinrographic detmn. of tin in hIarliland and Shenton, 43. Separaror for removing he ilonr anti . Hartle?., Studies in Yrban Household Diets 1911--49. Slinistrv of .\gricultnre, Fisheries and Fciod, Sational Fo:d Survey Committee. (Piibiica- ticin reieiT-ed), 216 Food Law Institute of the United States: loint meeting of Society for ,\nalytical C:heiii&ry, ~ , Food Group of the Society of Cl~emical Industr?- and t h e .issociation o: Pnhiic .\nalysts.Control of chemical additives in food, WI. Formaldehyde : Forniol titration : Evaluation of modifications. Taylor, 485. Observations on automatic titrimetry (detmng, Formaldoxime method for cletmng. manganese in Formol : S e t Formaldehyde. Formulary: British National __ 1937. (Pub- lication received), 600; A1ternatix.e Edn., 7 18. Fruit : Detning. traces of merciiry in apples. hhbott and Johnson, 206. ._--\ ,. Haslani and Squirrell, 511. piant material. Bradfield, 254. G Gallates : Detmng. antioxidants propyl, octyl and dodecyl __ in oils and fats. T-os, 1Tcssels and Sis, 362. Gallium : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid sol\-ents, v i t h special reference to alkali metals. llagee and Headridge, 93.Basis for the Genetotrophic Concept. TTilliams. (Publica- tion received), 356. Germanium: o-Dithiols in analysis. l‘. Zinc com- plex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for arsenic and -. Clark, 760. Glass-working : Laboratory __ for Scientists. Robertson, Fabian, Crocker and Dewing. (Publication received), 293. Genetics : Diochemical Individuality. VOLUME 82 xxi Glucose : Selective desorption from carbon columns. for detmng. dextrose and maltose in starch conversion products. Patterson and Sayage, 812. Glycerol triacetate: B.S. 1997 : 1933. .\mc~iiilrricnt slip, 3 7 5 . Glycine : Detmng. thiocyanate or cyanide in presence of Hudson and I’ollock, 374. Glycollic acid : Detmng. in nscd antifmaze solutions. Green, 107. Glycols : lkzmng. vicinal by cjxjdation nith periodate in non-aqueous media.Iieddaway, 506. Gold: Detmng. in sea water by radioactiL-ation arialJ-sis, Iiunmiel, 483. Growth substances : LIethoden zur I-Sestimmung piianzlicher \l-nchsstofte. Linser and Icier- mayel-. (Publication received). 718, PI Hanane 8.14 : See Tetrarnethylphosphorodialnidic Hardness: Kecommended methods for anal fluoride. trade effluents. 3Iethods for detrniig ~ ~ , calcinni and magnrium. .i.B.C.SI. a n d lication received), 376. Mexachloroethzne: B.S. 577 : 1957, 375. cycZoHexane-l:2-diaminotetra-acetic acid : Spectro- 11. of iron chelatei. 11. i h l l - : Detmiig. vicinal glycol.; 1, oxidation i\-ith periodate in iioii-acliic(~i,i media. Keddanar. XHi. History: Througli .\lchem~- t o Chemistry. Read. (Publication received), 71 8.Hopkins and Williams Ltd. : “.\nalaR” Standards for Laboratmy Chemicals, anti 13ritisk Drnf: Houses Ltd. .jth Edn. I I’uLlication receix-ed’), 718. Hops: Detmng. diniefox residues in Field and Laws, 667. Howards of Ilford Ltd. : Sol\-ents, I-’la.-ticisers and Technical Chemicals. (Pulilication receiwdj, 840. Hydrochloric acid : (;hromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - --- sol\-ents, \vith special reference to alkali metals. llagee and Headridge, 9.5. Density - cornpcsition table5 for aquec,us solutions of B.S. 976: 1957, 71.7. Hydrogen : Developments in micro 7.aciiurn fusion method, particularly detmn. of c gen and -- in beryllium, titaniu thorium and uranium. Booth, Ilryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. Micro-detmn. of active -- in organic com- ponnds by reaction with lithium aluminium hytlride.Coison, 338. Hydrogen peroxide : Polarographic detmn. o f tin :n __ after use of cation-eschange resin. Reynolds, 46. Hydrometers : Dmsity for use in milk. B.S. 734 : 1955. Hydroxamic acids : Fusion reactions \\-it11 benzoyl peroxide in organic spot-test analysis. Fcigl and Silva. Translated by Oesper, 552. Amendment slip, 774.xxii INDEX TO $-Hydroxyquinolme: Oxine and its Derivatives. Vols. I11 and IV. Hollingshead. (Publication received), 71; (Review), 533. Separating niobium from tantalum, titanium, tin and antimony with -. Belekar and Athavale, 630. Hygrometer: General purpose wet and dry bulb - . B.S. 2842 : 1957, 454. B.S. 2841 : 1957, 454. Whirling - (medium size). I Igamide U : Identifying nylon and related polymers by paper chromatography.Clasper, Haslam and Mooney, 101. Immunobiology : Journal of Microbiology, Epi- demiology and -. Elkin. Scientific Trans- lation Editor, Bauer. Vol. 28, No. 1, 1957. (Publication received), 536. Impenal Chemical Industries : Determination of Toxic Substances in Air: Manual of -- Practice. Strafford, Strouts and Stubbing:;. (Review), 653. Indicator : Systematic scheme of semi-micro qualita,- tive analysis of anionic surface-active agent.s (mixed - solutions a t pH 1.99 and 8.6). Holness and Stone, 166; Erratum, 376. Indium : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. Detmng. - in cylindrite by neutron-activation analysis and other methods.Irving, Smit and Salmon, 549. Detmng. - in rocks and minerals by radio- activation. Indole: Detmng. - in tar fractions. White and Vaughan, 597. Industrial wastes : See Effluents. Institute of Brewing : Collective Index of Journal of -, 1946 to 1955. (Publication received), 718. Institute of Petroleum : Vapour Phase Chromato- graphy. Desty. (Publication received), 295; (Review), 775. Institute of Physics : Laboratory and Workshop Notes 1953-1955. Lang. (Publication Smales, Smit and Irving, 539. received), 536. Iodide: Detcng. and detmng. - in presence of chloride. Barakat, El-Wahab and El-Sadr, 192. Iodine: Detcng. - -containing compounds on paper chromatograms. Gawienowski, 452. Ion exchange: Recent applications of __ in bio- chemistry.Work. (Summary), 602. Ion-exchangers : Anion-exchange resin in detmng. traces of lead in food. Johnson and Polhill, 238. Ion-Exchange Resins. Kitchener. (Publication received), 840. Oxycellulose in assay of aqueous alkaloidal solutions for injection. Elvidge, Proctor and Baines, 367. Synthetic ---: Recent Developments in Theory and Application. Osborn. (Review), 838. Ionisation constants : Analytical identification by spectrophotometry. Use of - of weak acids. Biggs, 274. Iota Services Ltd. : Index of Technical Articles. So. 1, February, 1957. (Publication received), 296. Iridium : o-Dithiols in analysis. IV. Diacetyl- toluene-3 : 4-dithiol, dibenzoyltoluene-3 : 4-di- thiol and zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol. VOLUME 82 Iron: Absorptiometric detmn. of traces of -- in bismuth.Holmes, 528. Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. Colorimetric detmn. of cadmium, chromium, copper, --, lead, manganese, nickel and. zinc in sewage and industrial wastes. Christie, Kerr, Knowles and Lowden, 336. Detmng. antimony in cast --. Rooney, 619. Detmng., by radioactivation, small quantities of nickel, cobalt and copper in rocks, m.arine sediments and meteorites (and -). Smales, Mapper and Wood, 75. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen. and hydrogen in - etc. I3ooth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. o-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Reactions of toluene- 3 : 4-dithiol in acetate buffer and alkaline solutions : toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for __ etc.Clark, 177. Observations on automatic titrimetry (detmng. __ with EDTA). Haslam and Squirrell, 511. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 111. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric -. Pollard, McOmie, Banister and Nickless, 780. Separating uranium from large amounts of - and aluminium by anion exchange in nitrate media. Ockenden and Foreman, 592. Spectrophotometric detmn. of __ chelates. 11. Hill-Cottingham, 524. J Joints : Interchangeable conical ground glass -. B.S. 572: 1950. Journal(s): Biophysics. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1957. (Publication received), 656. Index of Technical -4rticles. No. 1, February, 195i. (Publication received), 296. Microchemical Journal. Vol. I, Issue 1, 1957. (Publication received), 456.of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immuno- biology. 1701. 28, No. 1, 1967. (Publication received), 536. of the Institute of Brewing: Collective Inlrlex of -, 1946 to 1955. (Publication received), 718. of the Polarographic Society, 1957. (Publication received), 600. Problems of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1957. (Publication rec'eived), 656. Problems of Virology. Vol. 2, Xo. 1, 1857. (Publication received), 656, Spectrochimica Acta. 1701. IX, KO. 1, March, 1957. (Publication received), 456. Amendment slip, 715. I( Ketones : Observations on axtomatic titrimetry Has- (detmng. - in methyl methacrylate). lam and Squirrell, 511. .. L Laboratom and Workshop Notes 1953-1955. Lang. (Publication received), 536. Lactose: Rapid detmn. of small amounts of -_ in milk and tissue suspensions of mammarv Clark, 182.gland. Slater, 818.INDEX TO VOLUXIE 82 xxiii Lanthanons: See Rare earths. Lauric acid: Detmng. sodium laurate in sodium N-lauroylsarcosinate. Cullum, 120. Lead : Analytical applications of Barker square- wave polarograph. 111. Orthophosphoric acid as solvent and base electrolyte in direct inorganic polarography. nIilner and Slee, 139. Anion-exchange resin in detmng. traces of __ in food. Johnson and Polhill, 238. Colorimetric detmn. of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, __ , manganese, nickel and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes. Christie, Kerr, I<nowles and Lowden, 336. Detmng. bismuth in __ and alloys. Fletcher and S’\-ardle, 747. Detmng. __ and copper in organic materials (foods) by dry-ashing.hbson and Lipscomb, 152. Detmng. -- in organic material. Detmng. tellurium in __ and -- alloys. Fletcher and Wardle, 743. Lead nitrate : Titrimetric detmn. of sulphate with __ as titrant and dithizone as indicator. Archer, 208. Leather : See Society of Leather Trades’ Chemists. Linalol: Detmng. ~ in essential oils. Society for Analytical C,hemistry, Inalytical 3Iethods C,ommittee, Essential Oil Sub-committee, 325. Litharge : Rapid detmn. of microgram quantities of silver in -- and red lead. Dicker and Gage, 453. Johnson, 289. Lithium : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hvdrochloric acid solvents, with special reference t o alkali metals. Headridge, 96. 3Iagce and Detninr. -. sodium and ~otassium in mixtures r\ithvEEL flame photom&er Stuart, Simpson and Hardwick, 200 Lithium aluminium hydride : nIicio-detinn of active liydrogen in organic compounds by reaction Ivith Colson, 3-58, Lumisterol : Detmug.vitamin D and related com- pounds. I. Introduction and prepu. of com- pounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2 ; 11. Analysis of irradiation pro- ducts. Shaw and Jefferies, 8. M Magnesium alloys : Polarographic detmns. of thorium. Graham and Larrabee, 415. Flame-photometric detmu. of - in plant material. Emission of -- in highly reducing oxygen - acetylene flame. Knutson, 241. Rapid detmn. of calciuin and __ in plant material by titration with disodium EL)T.\. Padhye, 634. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. hardness, calcium and -.X.B.C.31. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 197. Maltose : Selective desorption from carbon columns for detmng. dextrose and - in starch con- version products. Patterson and Savage, 812. Mammary gland: Rapid detmn. of small amounts of lactose in milk and tissue suspensions of -. Slater, 818. Manganese : Colorimetric detmn. of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, __ , nickel, and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes. Christie, Icerr, Knowles and Lowden, 336. o-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Reactions of toluene- 3 : 4-dithiol in acetate buffer and alkaline solu- tions : toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for -- etc. Clark, 157. Manganese-contirtzled. Elution chromatography from cellulose columns for systematic analysis of special steels. \*en- turello and Ghe, 343.Formaldoxime method for detmng. in plant material. Eradfield, 254. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 111. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric iron (and detcng. -). Pollard, JfcOmie, Banister and Sickless, 780. Marine sediments : Detmng., by radioactivation, small quantities of nickel, cobalt and copper in rocks, - and meteorites. and Wood, 73. Mathematics and Statistics for Use in Pharmac!., Biology and Chemistry. Saunders and Flem- ing. (Publication received), 536. Medicine : Chemical Methods in Clinical -. Ilar- rison. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 7 7 5 . 2-Mercaptothiazoline : Detcng. and detmng. iodide in presence of chloride (bismuth - ___ reagent), Barakat, El-\Tahab and El-Sadr, 192. Mercury: Alumina columns in detmng. __ as dithizonate. Isaacs, Xorries and Stuckey, 203; Erratum, 298.I>etning. atmospheric ~- trapped in perman- ganate solutions: modified method. ihew and King, 461. Detmng. - in air. Sergeant, Dixon and Lidzey, 2 7 . Detmng. traces of in apples. Abbott and Smales Johnson, 206. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents (addendum). A.L(.C.I\I. and Societv for lnalytical Chemistry, 123. Morris, 34. Meteorites : Detmng., by radioactivation, small quantities of nickel, cohalt and copper i n rocks, marine sediments and Smales, Mapper and Wood, 7.5. Detmng. rubidium and caesium in rocks, minerals and __ by neutron-activation analysis. Cabell and Smales, 390. Methanol : Chromatographic separations in phenol - - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special refcrence t o alkali metals.%lagee and Headridge, 95. Methyl groups, X-: Detmng. Bhatty. (Sum- mary), 458. 0- and X- . Fusion reactions with benzoyl peroxide in organic spot-test analysis. Feigl and Silva. Translated by Oesper, 582. Methyl methacrylate : Observations on automalic titrimetry (detmng. aldehydes and ketones in --). Methylaminediacetic acid : Separating sarcosine from -. Cullum, 589. Metropolitan Microchemical Society : Microchemical Journal. Yol. I, Issue I, 1937. (Publication received), 456. Microbiology : Journal of -, Epidemiology and Immunobiology. Elltin. Scientific Translation Editor, Bailer. 5-01, 28, So. 1, 1937. (Puh- lication received), 536. Microscopy: .halj-tical --: Its Aims and 3Iethods in Relation t o Foods, Water, Spices and Drugs. Wallis. 2dn Edn. (Publication received), 836.Fusion Methods in Chemical -. 3IcCrone. (Puhlication received), 296. Production of slides of emulsions. JIiddleton, 289. B.S. Zincon in absorptiometric detmn. of Haslam and Squirrell, ,511. Milk: Density hydrometers for use in ---, 734 : 1955. Amendment slip, 774.xxiv INDEX TO Milk-continued. Rapid detmn. of small amounts of lactose in - and tissue suspensions of mammary gland. Slater, 818. Minerals: Analysis of __ and Ores of Rarer Elements. Schoeller and Powell. 3rd Edn. (Review), 655. Deconlposition of oxide - by fusion with borax. Jeffery, 66. Detmng. indium in rocks and - by radio- activation. Detmng. rubidium and caesium in rocks, __ and meteorites by neutron-activation analysis. Cabell and Smales. 390. Smales, Smit and Irving, 539.Separator for removing heavy - from flour and foods. Hartley, 214. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: Studies in Urban Household Diets, 1944-49. ---, Sational Food Survey Committee. (Publica- tion received), 216. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Statu- tory Instruments etc.: Cheese, processed, 70. Cheese spread, 70. Colouring matter in food, 599. Feeding stuffs, i 0 . Fertilisers, 70. Ministry of Health : Colouring Matter in Food Regulations, 1957, 599. Ministry of Housing, and Local Government : Methods of Chemical llnalysis as Applied to Sewage and Sewage Effluents. (Publication received), i l ; (Review), 532. Moisture : Determination of __ in Solids. Gearp. (Publication received), 216. Molybdenum : Elution chromatography from cellu- lose columns for systematic analysis of special steels. Venturello and Ghe, 343.Photometric detmn. of __ in tungsten ores. Y Jeffery, 558. Monazite : Detmng. thorium and lanthanons in -, Clinch and Simpson, 258. Monoisonitrosoacetone : Detmng. microgram quanti- ties of phosphorylating & acylsing agents. Saville, 269. N Nembutal: See Pentobarbitone sodium. Nessler cylinders: B.S. 612: 1952. Amendment slip, 715. Nickel : Colorimetric detmn. of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, - and zinc in sewage and industrial wastes. Christie, Kerr, Knowles and Lowden, 336. Detmng., by radioactivation, small quantities of -, cobalt and copper in rocks, marine sedi- ments and meteorites. Smales, Mapper and Wood, 75. Detmng. traces of boron in -. Chirnside, Cluley and Proffitt, 18.o-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Reactions of toluene- 3 : 4-dithiol in acetate buffer and alkaline solu- tions : toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for -- etc. Clark, 177. Elution chromatography from cellulose columns for systematic analysis of special steels. TTen- turello and Ghe, 343. Photometric detmn. of small amounts of silicon in __ and - alloys used in electronic devices. Andrew, 423. S'olumetric detmn. of cyanide and - with resacetophenone oxime as indicator. Bhatki, 24. VOLUME 82 Niobium : Decomposition of oxide minerals by fusion with borax. Jeffery, 66. Separating - from tantalum, titanium, tin and antimony with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Bele- kar and Athavale, 630. Nitramine : Application of diphenylamine and related compounds t o spot-tests for nitrate and - explosives.Finnie and Yallop, 653. Nitrate : Application of diphenylamine and related compounds to spot-tests for ~ and nitramine explosives. Finnie and Yallop, 653. Nitrides : Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitro- gen and hydrogen in beryllium, titanium, zirconium, thorium and uranium (decomposi- tion of -). Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. Nitrodiphenylamine: Application of diphenylamine and related compounds to spot-tests for nitrate and nitramine explosives. Finnie and Yallop, 653. Nitrogen, amino acid : Formal titration : Evaluation of modifications. Taylor, 488. Automatic apparatus for quantitative micro- detmn. of -. Charlton, 643. Detmng. K-methyl groups. Bhattp. (Summary), 468. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn.of oxygen, ~ and hydro- gen in beryllium, titanium, zirconium, thorium and uranium. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. Observations on automatic titrimetry (detmng. .~ in polymers). Haslam and Squirrell, 51 1. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. combined -. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 276; Erratum, 600. Nitroglycerine : Qualitative test for ---. Lamond, 568. isoNitrosoacetone : Detmng. microgram quantities of phosphorylating or acylating agents. Saville, 269. 2-Nitroso-1-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid : Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 111. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric iron. Pollard, McOmie, Banister and Sickless, '780. Nucleic acids: Recent applications of ion exchange in biochemistry.Work. (Summary). 602. Nylon: Identifying - and related polymers by paper chromatography. Clasper, Haslam and Mooney, 101. Observations on automatic titrimetry (detmng. ~ 610 salt). Haslam and Squirrell, 511. 0 Obituaries : Armstrong, A. W., 1, 301. Ballantyne, H., 301, Barnard, R. L., 3 i i . Bilham, P., 301. Binns, V., 301. Butler, G. H., 301. Clinton, Lord, 457. Dargie, A , , 13i, 301. Davis, H . J., 137, 301. Davson, A. P., 657. Foley, N. T., 73, 301. Gray, J., 657. Griffith, D. A , , 301. Harvey, A4., 377. Jackson, W. H., 301. Jenkins, M. H., 301.INDEX TO VOLUME 82 XX\' Paint-contanued. Trade Manual of Raw Materials and Plant Chatfield. 2nd Edn (Publication receix-ed), Obituaries-con tinued.Lampitt, L. H., 377, 460. Lee, H., 377. Lickorish, A. 1. C., 657. Lynch, G. Roche, 457, 605. Macara. T. 137. 299. 301. Matthews, R I<, 1, 301 hIiles, ST' H , 73, 301 Vott, 0 E , 1, 301 Parkes, A . E., 377. Skirvin, J . \\-., 377. Tickers, -1. E. J . , 301. \Talker, IT-. R., 298. TThamond, A. S., 137, 301. JTilson, IV., 301. Yoxall, D. -A,, 215. Octyl gallate : Detmng. antioxidants propyl gallate, Yos, O.E.E.C. : See Organisation for European Economic Oils : Detmng. antioxidants propyl, octyl and do- 1-os, 'i5'esscls and dodecyl gallate in oils and fats. TVessels and Six, 362. Co-operation. decyl gallate in ~ and fats. and Six, 362. essential : See Essential oils. is of 3Iinerals and ~ of Rarer . Schoeller and Powell. 3rd Edn. (Reiriew), 655. Detmng. thorium in __ with XPASS - nzeso- tartaric acid reagent after shortened chromato- graphic separation.Everest and Martin, 807. Extraction and absorptiometric detmn. of uranium as thiocyanate. Clinch and Guy, 800. Organic chemistry : See Chemistry. Organisation for European Economic, Co-operation : Air and Water Pollution: Position in Europe and the United States. (Publication receil-ed), 456, Organisation and Rationalisation of Soil .Analysis. (Publication received), 296. Orthophosphoric acid: Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. 111. as solvent and base electrolyte in direct in- organic polarography. hlilner and Slee, 130. Oxide: Decomposition of __ minerals by fusion with borax. Jefferj-, 66. Oximes : Fusion reactions with benzoyl peroxide in organic spot-test analysis. Feigl and Silva.Translated by Oesper, 582. Oxine : See 8-Hydroxyquinoline. cl-0x0-aldoximes : Detmng. microgram quantities of phosphorylating or acylating agents. Saville, 269. Oxycellulose in assay of aqueous alkaloidal solutions for injection. Elvidge, Proctor and Baines, 367. Oxygen: Detmng. ~ in titanium and titanium alloys, based on principle of chlorination. Elwell and Peake, 734. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of -, nitrogen and hydrogen in beryllium, titanium, zirconium, thorium and uranium. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 80; Erratum, 136. Influence of chloride on dichromate-ralue test. Cameron and Moore, 6 7 5 ; Erratum, 576. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Detning. __ demand (solubilitl- of __ in water).A.B.C.31. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 683; Erratum, 776. P Paint : Applications of microchemistry : application t o - and pigments. Whalley. (Summary), 778. 216. Palladium : o-Dithiols in analysis. I\-, Diacetyl- toluene-3 : 4-dithio1, dibenzoyltoluene-3 : 4-di- thiol and zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol. Clark, 182. Pectins : Detmng. grade strength of __ by Teepol - gel procedure. Olliver, TI-ade and Dent, 127. Pentobarbitone sodium : Identifying amylobarbitone and __ in mixtures. Brooker, 448. Peptides : Recent applications of ion exchange in biochemistry. \Voi-k. (Summaryj. 602. Permanganate-value : Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Detmnp::. oxygen demand. ,1.B.C.31. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 683; Erratum, 7iii.Pesticides : Detmng. small amounts of total organic chlorine in solvent extracts of vegetable material. Society for -49alytical ChemistrS-, Analytical Methods Committee, --Residues in Foodstuffs Sub-Committee, 378. Pharmaceutical Codex : Supplement 105i t o British ~ 1954. (Publication received), 456. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain : Calendar of -, 1936-10;57. (Publication received), 71; 1937-1958, 718. Joint Committee on methods of assay of crude drugs. -1ppointment of working panels. ~ and Society for Alnalytical Chemistry, 138. hlathematics and Statistics for Use in l'harmacy, Biology and Chemistry. Saunders and Flem- ing. (Publication received), 536. Pharmacognosy : Textbook of Trease. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 600. Pharmacy: nlathematics and Statistics for Cse in -, Biology and Chemistry.Saunders and Fleming. (Publication received), 536. Phenol: Chromatogi-aphic separations in - - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference t o alkali metals. SIagee and Headridge, 95. Phenols : -1nalysing chlorophenols by anion-ex- change chromatography. Logie, 563. lnalytical identification by spectrophotometry. Use of ionisation constants of weak acids. Biggs, 274. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmnp. and sulphide. -4.B.C.31. and Society for .9nalytical Chemistry, 518. o-Phenylphenol : Detmng-. small amounts of H&--ey and Penketh, 498. Phosgene : Detector-paper for Liddell, 375. Phosphate : Detmng. thorium and lanthanons (and -) in monazite.Clinch and Simpson, 2.58. Phosphoric acid : Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs (-Ymendment) Regulations, 1956, (detmng. Phosphorus: Colorimetric detmn. of - in steel and copper-base alloys. Elwell and TVilson, 4.53. Semi-micro detmn. of ~ in fluorinated organic compounds. Fennell, Roberts and JVebb, 639; --), 70. Erratum, 840. ties of -- or acvlating agents. Phosphorylating agents : Detmng. microgram quanti- Saville, 269. Photography : Jlicrophbtography . __ at Extreme Resolution. Stevens. (Publication received), 293. Photometry: Recording flame ___ . Brealey. (Summary), 779. Pigments : -4pplications of microchemistry : applica- tion to paints and -. Whalley. (Summary), 778.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 82 Pipettes: Automatic -. B.S. 1132: 1952. ilmend- ment slip, 715.Graduated - and one-mark cylindrical -. B.S. 700 : 1952. One-mark bulb -. B.S. 1583 : 1950. Amend- ment slip, 715. Plant (s) : Comparison of flame-photometric and chemical detmns. of sodium and potassium in soil, - , water and serum. Puffeles and Nessim, 467. Detmng. small amounts of total organic chlorine in solvent extracts of vegetable material. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Pesticides Residues in Foodstuffs Sub-committee, 378. Flame-photometric detmn. of magnesium in __ material. Emission of magnesium in highly reducing oxygen - acetylene flame. Knutson, 241. Formaldoxime method for detmng. manganese in -- material. Bradfield, 254. Methoden zur Bestimmung pflanzlicher Wuchs- stoffe. Linser and Kiermayer. (Publication received), 718.Rapid detmn. of calcium and magnesium in - material by titration with disodium EDTA. Padhye, 634. Plasticisers : Solvents, - and Technical Chemicals. Howards of Ilford Ltd. (Publication received), 840. Amendment slip, 774. Poisoning : Fatal case of cadmium -. Manley and Dalley, 287. Polarograph : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave -. 111. Orthophosphoric acid as solvent and base electrolyte in direct in- organic polarography. Milner and Slee, 139. Sensitivity and resolving power of simple d.c. amplifier -. Polarographic Society: Journal of the -, 1957. (Publication received), 600. Polarography : Principles and Applications of - and other Electroanalytical Processes. Milner. (Publication received), 295; (Review), 455. Pollution: Air and Water -: Position in Europe and the United States.O.E.E.C. (Publication received), 456. Klein, with Jones and Hawkes. (Publication received), 216; (Review), 715. Polyamides : Identifying nylon and related polymers by paper chromatography. Clasper, Haslam and Mooney, 101. Polymers: Identifying nylon and related - by paper chromatography. Clasper, Haslam and Mooney, 101. Observations on automatic titrimetry (detmng. nitrogen and chlorine in -). Haslam and Squirrell, 51 1. Polynucleotides : Recent applications of ion exchange in biochemistry. Work. (Summary). 602. Potassium : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. Comparison of flame-photometric and chemical detmns. of sodium and - in soil, plant material, water and serum.Puffeles and Nessim, 467. Detmng. lithium, sodium and - in mixtures with EEL flame photometer. Stuart, Simpson and Hardwick, 200. Prepng. tissues for detmng. - and sodium. Mounib and Evans, 522. Curry and King-Cox, 128. Aspects of River -. Potentiometry : Potentiometric titration of weak acids and bases in dilute aqueous solution. Gage, 219. Poultry : Detmng. uric acid, particularlv in avian excreta. Tl’nsley and N&akowski,< 110. Precalciferol: Detmng. vitamin D and related com- pounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of com- pounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2 ; 11. Analysis of irradiation pro- ducts. Shaw and Jefferies, 8. Propenyl compounds : Fusion reactions with benzoyl peroxide in organic spot.-test analysis.Feigl and Silva. Translated by Oesper, 582. isoPropy1 alcohol: B.S. 1595 : 1957, 375. Propyl gallate : Detmng. antioxidants -, octyl gallate and dodecyl gallate in oils and fats. Vos, Wessels and Six, 362. isoPropyl methylphosphonofluoridate : Detmng. microgram quantities of phosphorylating or acylating agents. Saville, 269. Protein@) : .4mino Acid Handbook: Methods and Results of __ Analysis. Block and Weiss, et al. (Publication received), 71. Recent applications of ion exchange in biochemis- try. Work. (Summary), 602. Provitamins D: Detmng. vitamin D and related compounds. I . Introduction and prepn. of compounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2 ; 11. Analysis of irradiation products. Shaw and Jefferies, 8.Publications received : Adams. Organic Reactions. Vol. IX, 776. Allport and Keyser. Colorimetric Analysis. Vol. I. 2nd Edn., 295. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. British Chemicals and their Manufacturers, 656. Atack and Atack. Handbook of Chemical Data, 840. Bailar. Chemistry of Co-ordination Compounds, 295. Barker. Bacterial Fermentations, 840. Belcher and Wilson. Inorganic Microanalysis : Qualitative and Quantitative. 2nd Edn., 295. Berl. Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis. Vol. 111, 216. Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach and Sillen. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solu- bility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part I : Organic Ligands, 775. Blaedel and Meloche. Elementary Quantitative Analysis: Theory and Practice, 295. Block and Weiss, et al.Amino Acid Handbook: Methods and Results of Protein Analysis, 71. Booth. Carotene : Determination in Biological Materials, 456. British Drug House: Ltd. and Hopkins and Williams Ltd. AnalaR” Standards for Laboratory Chemicals. 5th Edn., 718. British Standards Institution. Annual Report British Standards Institution. Yearbook 1957, 295. Brown. Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 600. Charlot. Analyse Qualitative et les Reactions Charlot and Bezier. Quantitative Inorganic 1956-7, 600, 718. en Solution. 4th Edn., 600. Analysis, 600. Chatfield. Paint Trade Manual of Raw Materials and Plant. 2nd Edn., 216. Cheronis and Entrikin. Semimicro Qualitative Organic Analysis : Systematic Idextification of Organic Compounds. Clark. Encyclopedia of Chemistry, 376. Conway.Microdiffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error. 4th Edn., 840. 2nd Edn., 216.INDEX TO VOLUME 82 xxvii Publications received-continued Cowgill and Pardee. Experiments in Biochemical Research Techniques, 775. Davies. Statistical hlethods in Research and Production, with Special Reference t o the Chemical Industry. 3rd Edn., 376. Delahay. Instrumental Analysis, 536. Desty. Vapour Phase Chromatography, 295. Durrans. Solvents. 7th Edn., 376. Elderfield. Heterocyclic Compounds. 1’01. 5, 376; Vol. 6, 456. Feigl, translated by Oesper. Spot Tests in Organic Analysis. 5th English Edn., 71. Fritz and Hammond. Quantitative Organic Analysis, 776. Gautier. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure e t Appliqu6e et d’Analyse Bromato- logique. 4th Series, 536. Gaydon. Spectroscopy of Flames, 656.Geary. Determination of Moisture in Solids, 216. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. Hammer and Babel. Dairy Bacteriology. 4th Harrison. Chemical Methods in Clinical Medicine. IV, 536; Vol. V, 840. Edn., 776. 4th Edn.. 775. Hollingshead. Oxine and its Derivatives. Vols. Howards of Ilford Ltd. Solvents, Plasticisers I11 and IT, 71. and Technical Chemicals, 840. Chemical Reactions. Vol. VI, 376. 5th Edn., 536. 656. Technology. Vol. XV, 216. Jacobson, edited by Hampel. Encyclopedia of Kent- Jones and Amos. Modern Cereal Chemistry. Keulemans and Verver. Gas Chromatography, Kirk and Othmer. Encyclopedia of Chemical Kitchener. Ion-Exchange Resins, 840. Klein, Jones and Hawkes. Aspects of River Lang. Laboratory and Workshop Notes 1953- Lederer and Lederer.chromatography : Review 2nd Edn., 456. Leffler. Reactive Intermediates of Organic Ling. Textbook of Dairy Chemistry. Vol. 11. Linser and Kiermayer. Methoden zur Bestimmung Linstead and Weedon. Guide t o Qualitative Lyle. Technology for Sugar Refinery Workers. McCabe and Eckenfelder. Biological Treatment Vol. I, 216. McCrone. Fusion Methods in Chemical Micro- Pollution, 216. 1955, 536. of Principles and Applications. Chemistry, 71. 3rd Edn., 215. pflanzlicher Wuchsstoffe, 718. Organic Chemical Analysis, 71. 3rd Edn., 840. of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. scopy, 295. Mellan. Handbook of Solvents. Vol. I, 536. Migrdichian. Organic Synthesis. Vols. I and 11, 536. Milner. Principles and Applications of Polaro- graphy and other Electroanalytical Processes, 295.Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Studies in Urban Household Diets 1944-49, 216. Ministry of Housing and Local Government. Methods of Chemical -4nalysis as Applied t o Sewage and Sewage Effluents, 71. Mitchell, Kolthoff, Proskauer and Weissberger. Organic Analysis. Vol. 111, 216. Moore. Vitamin A, 536. Morrison and Freiser. Solvent Extraction in *\nalytical Chemistry, 840. Publications received-continued. Newman. Steric Effects in Organic Chemistry, O.E.E.C. Air and Water Pollution: Position in O.E.E.C. Organisation and Rationalisation of 71. Europe and the United States, 456. Soil Analvsis. 295. Pharmaceuticai Society of Great Britain. Calen- dar 1956-1957, 71; 1957-1958, 718. Pieters and Creyghton. Safety in the Chemical _ - Laboratory.2nd Edn., 456: Read. Robertson, Fabian, Crocker and Dewing. Labora- tory Glass-working for Scientists, 295. Sagarin, Goulden, Klarmann and Powers. Cos- metics: Science and Technology, 840. Saunders and Fleming. Mathematics and Statistics for Use in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry, 536. Schwarzenbach, translated and revised by Irving. Complexometric Titrations, 7 18. Smith and Shriner. Examination of Kew Organic Compounds, 7 1 . Stevens. Microphotography : Photography at Extreme Resolution, 295. Thompson. Laboratory Manual of Semi-micro Inorganic Qualitative Analysis, 718. Trease. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 7th Edn., 600. van Arkel. Molecules and Crystals in Inorganic Chemistry. 2nd English Edn., 216. Vogel. Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry. Part I, 376: Part 11, 600.Walling. Free Radicals in Solution, 840. Wallis. Analytical Microscopy : Its aims and Methods in Relation t o Foods, Water, Spices and Drugs. 2nd Edn., 536. Weissberger. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. 111. Part I . 2nd Edn., 215; Part 11, 296. M’eissberger and Cassidy. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. X. Fundamentals of Chromatography, 536. Willard, Furman and Bacon. Short Course in Quantitative Analysis. 2nd Edn., 840. Williams. Biochemical Individuality. Basis for the Genetotrophic Concept, 376. Wyckoff. Crystal Structures. Section IV, 456. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry for 1956, 656. Biophysics. British National Formulary 1957, 600; Alterna- Through Alchemy to Chemistry, 7 18. 1‘01. 2, No. 1, 1957, 656. tive Edn., 718. Chemistry of Vegetable Tannins : Symposium, 456.Collective Index of the Tournal of the Institute of Brewing, 1946 t o 1 b 5 , 718. Index of Technical Articles. No. 1, February, 1957, 296. Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology. Vol. 28, No. 1, 1957, 536. Journal of the Polarographic Society, 1957, 600, Microchemical Journal. Vol. I, Issue 1, 1957. Official Methods of Analysis (1957) of the Society Organic Syntheses. Vol. 36, 216. Problems of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. Problems of Virology. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1957, 656. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Spectrochimica Acta. Vol. I X , No. 1, March, 1957, 456. Supplement 1957 t o British Pharmaceutical Codex 1954, 456. See also Book reviews. 456. of Leather Trades’ Chemists. 3rd Edn., 456. Vol.2, KO. 1, 1957, 656. Vol. XL, 71.xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 82 Pyridinium salts : Systematic semi-micro qualitative analysis of anionic surface-active agents. Holness and Stone, 166; Erratum, 376. Pyrocalciferol: Detmng. vitamin D and related compounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of compounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2; 11. Analysis of irradia- tion products. isoPyrocalcifero1: Detmng. vitamin D and related compounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of compounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2; 11. Analysis of irradia- tion products. Shaw and Jefferies, 8. Shaw and Jefferies, 8. Q Quaternary ammonium salts : Systematic semi- micro qualitative analysis of anionic surface- active agents. Holness and Stone, 166; Erratum, 376. Quinine: Effect of light on __ in tonic water.Comrie, 212. Quinoline : Detcng. and detmng. zsoquinoline and __ in presence of one another. Maitlis, 13.5, isoQuinoline : Detcng. and detmng. - and quino- line in presence of one another. Maitlis, 135. R Radicals: Free - in solution. Walling. (Pub- lication received), 840. Rare earths : Detmng. thorium and lanthanons in monazite. Clinch and Simpson, 258, Red lead: Rapid detmn. of microgram quantities of silver in litharge and -, Dicker and Johnson, 285. Resacetophenone oxime : Volumetric detmn. of cyanide and nickel with - as indicator. Bhatki, 24. Reviews, book: See Book reviews. Rhenium : o-Dithiols in analysis. IS'. Diacetpl- toluene-3 : 4-dithiol, dibenzoyltoluene-3 : 4-di- thiol and zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol. Clark, 182.Spectrophotometric detmn. of -, Andrew and Gentry, 372. Riboflavin : Microbiological assay of vitamins and amino acids by large-plate methods. Simpson and Harris, 210. Rock(s) : Detmng., by radioactivation, small quanti- ties of nickel, cobalt and copper in -, marine sediments and meteorites. Smales, Mapper and Wood, 75. Detmng. indium in - and minerals by radio- activation. Detmng. rubidium and caesium in ---, minerals and meteorites by neutron-activation analysis. Cabell and Smales, 390. silicate : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference t o alkali metals (analysing -). Magee and Headridge, 95. Rubidium : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference t o alkali metals.Magee and Headridge, 95. Detmng. - and caesium in rocks, minerals and meteorites by neutron-activation analysis. Cabell and Smales. 390. Smales, Smit and Irving, 539. S Safety in Chemical Laboratory. Pieters and Creygthon. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 456. Salicslaldehyde: Quantitative inorganic chromato- graphy. 111. Separating and detmng. ferrous and ferric iron (and -- for detcng. man- ganese). Pollard, McOmie, Banister and Nickless, 780. Salt: Vacuum - for butter and cheese making. B.S. 998: 1967, 215. Sarcosine : Separating - from methylaminedi- acetic acid. Cullum, 589. Sarin: See isoPropyl methylphosphonofluoridate. Schoenberg reagent : Direct colorimetric detmn. of elementary sulphur. Or:y, Warren and Wil- liams, 189.Schrader 's compound 13/28 : See Tetramethylphos- phorodiamidic fluoride. Sea water: Detmng. gold in -- by radioactivation analysis. Hummel, 483. Seaweed : Detmng., by radioactivation, small quanti- ties of nickel, cobalt and copper in rocks, marine sediments and meteorites (and -). Smales, Mapper and Wood, 7 6 . Selenium : o-Dithiols in analysis. IV. Diacetyl- toluene-3 : 4-dithiol, dibenzoyltoluene-3 : 4-di- thiol and zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol. Clark, 182. Serum: See Blood serum. Sewage : Biological Treatment of __ and Industrial Wastes. Vol. I . McCabe and Eckenfelder. (Publication received), 216. Colorimetric detmn. of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in - and industrial wastes. Christie, Kerr, Knowles and Lowden, 336.Methods of Chemical Analysis as .Spplied to - and __ Effluents. Ministry of Housing and Local Government. (I?ublication received), 71; (Review), 532. Shaker: hlechanical -. Francis, 293. Silicate rocks : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol -hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference t o alkali metals (analysing -). Magee and Headridge, 95. Silicon : Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitro- gen and hydrogen in -- etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. Photometric detmn. of small amounts of __ in nickel and nickel alloys used in electronic devices. Andrew, 423. Silver: Rapid detmn. of microgram quantities of __ in litharge and red lead. Dicker and Johnson, 285. standard : Sodium carbonate as volumetric stan- dard.Easterbrook, 383. Society for Analytical Chemistry : Address of retiring President. Williams, 320. Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oil Sub-committee. Detmng. linalol in essential oils, 325. Analytical Methods Committee, Pesticides Resi- dues in Foodstuffs Sub-Committee. Detmng. small amounts of total organic chlorine in solvent extracts of vegetable material, 378. Report of - 1956, 307. Analytical hIethods Committee. Anniversary dinner, 323. 83rd A.G.M., 297. Annual Report of Council, 300. Biological Methods Group. Carotene : Determination in Biological Materials. Booth. (Publication received), 456; (Review), 654. Joint committee on methods of assay of crude drugs. Appointment of working panels. Pharmaceutical Society and -, 138.12th -S.G.M., 138.INDEX TO VOLUME 82 xxix Society €or Analytical Chemistry-continued. Joint meeting of __ with Food Law Institute of the United States, the Food Group of the Society of Chemical Industry, and the Associa- tion of Public Analysts. Control of chemical additives in food, 601. Microchemistry Group. 13th A.G.M., 218. Midlands Section. 2nd A.G.M., 138. North of England Section. 32nd A.G.M., 137. Physical Methods Group. 12th A.G.M., 74. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. non-volatile matter extractable by light petroleum and detmng. volatile immiscible liquids. A.B.C.M. and -, 123; Methods for detmng. hardness, calcium and magnesium, 197; Methods for detmng. combined nitrogen, 276; Erratum, 600; Methods for detmng.aluminium and zinc, 443; Methods for detmng. phenols and sulphide, 518; Detmng. oxygen demand, 683; Erratum, 776; Methods for detmng. antimony, barium soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid and cadmium, 764; Methods for detmng. synthetic detergents, 826. Scottish Section. 22nd A.G.M., 137. Western Section. 2nd A.G.M., 73; Erratum, 216. Society o€ Chemical Industry: Joint meeting of Society for Analytical Chemistry, Food Law Institute of the United States, Food Group of - and the Association of Public Analysts. Control of chemical additives in food, 601. Reports on Progress of -4pplied Chemistry. Vol. XL. (Publication received), 7 1. Society of Leather Trades’ Chemists : Chemistry of Vegetable Tannins : Symposium. (Publication received), 456.Official Methods of Analysis (1957) of -. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 456. Sodium : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. Comparison of flame-photometric and chemical detmns. of - and potassium in soil, plant material, water and serum. Puffeles and Nessim, 467. Detmng. lithium, - and potassium in mixtures with EEL flame photometer. Stuart, Simpson and Hardwick, 200. Detmng. small amounts of total organic chlorine in solvent extracts of vegetable material (prepng. chloride-free -). Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Pesticides Residues in Foodstuffs Sub-committee, 378. Prepng. tissues for detmng. potassium and --. Mounib and Evans, 522.Sodium carbonate as volumetric standard. Easter- brook, 383. Sodium laurate: Detmng. - in sodium N-lauroyl- sarcosinate. Cullum, 120. Sodium N-lauroylsarcosinate : Detmng. sodium laurate in -. Cullum, 120. Sodium nitrite: Polarographic detmn. of boric acid with -. Shalgosky, 648. Sodium stannate: Polarographic detmn. of tin in hydrogen peroxide after use ofcation-exchange resin. Reynolds, 46. Soil($) : Comparison of flame-photometric and chemical detmns. of sodium and potassium in -, plant material, water and serum. Puffeles and Nessim, 467. Effect of colloidal organic matter on pptn. of barium sulphate and modified detmn. of soluble sulphate in -. Hesse, 710. Soil(s)--continued. Or anisation and Rationalisation of - Analysis. 8.E.E.C. (Publication received), 295.Solubility Products : Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with - of Inorganic Substances. Part I : Organic Ligands. Bjerrum, Schwarzen- bach and SillBn, with collaboration of Anderegg and Rasmussen. (Publication received), 775. Mor- rison and Freiser. (Publication received), 840. Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry. Solvents : Durrans. 7th Edn. (Publication received), Handbook of -. Vol. I. Mellan. (Publica- 376; (Review), 775. tion received), 536. Plasticisers and Technical Chemicals. Howards of Ilford Ltd. (Publication received), 840. Sorbitol: Detmng. -. Adcock, 427. Spectrofluorimeters and filter fluorimeters. Parker and Barnes, 606. Spectrophotometry : Analytical identification by-. 1Jse of ionisation constants of weak acids. Biggs, 274.Spectroscopy : Atomic absorption -. Menzies. (Summary), 778. of Flames. Gaydon. (Publication received), 656. Spectrochimica Acta. Vol. IX, KO. 1, March, 1957. (Publication received), 456. Spekker : Metallurgical Analysis by Means of - Photoelectric Absorptiometer. Haywood and Wood. 2nd Edn. (Review), 535. Spices: Analytical Microscopy: Its Aims and Methods in Relation to Foods, Water, - and Drugs. Wallis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 536. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part I : Organic Ligands. Bjerrum, Schwarzen- bach and SilIBn, with collaboration by Anderegg and Rasmussen. (Publication received), 775. Standards : “AnalaR” - for Laboratory Chemi- cals. British Drug Houses Ltd. and Hopkins and Williams Ltd.5th Edn. (Publication received), 7 18. Starch conversion products : Selective desorption from carbon columns for detmng. dextrose and maltose in -. Patterson and Savage, 812. Statistics: Mathematics and - for Use in Phar- macy, Biology and Chemistry. Saunders and Fleming. (Publication received), 536. Statistical Methods in Research and Production, with Special Reference to the Chemical Industry. Davies. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 376; (Review), 716. Steel(#) : Absorptiometric detmn. of vanadium in - . Analysis of carbides extracted from --- Hobson, 708. Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus in - and copper-base alloys. Detmng., by radioactivation, small quantities of nickel, cobalt and copper in rocks, marine sediments and meteorites (and -).Smales, Mapper and Wood, 75. Detmng. uranium by ammonium thiosulphate and sodium hypophosphite (detmng. uranium in -). RPy and Bhattacharayya, 164. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in - etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. Elution chromatography from cellulose columns for systematic analysis of special -. Ven- turello and Ghe, 343. Scholes, 525; Erratum, 656. Elwell and Wilson, 453.xxx INDEX TO Steroids: Detmng. 17-0x0 - and 17-oxogenic - . Kellie, 722. StuBngs: Cleanliness of fillings and - for bed- ding, upholstery, toys and other domestic articles. B.S. 1425: 1954. Amendment slips, 71, 294, 774. Sugar: Technology for - Refinery Workers. Lyle. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 840.Sulphanilic acid : Detcng. iodine-containing com- pounds on paper chromatograms. Gawienow- ski, 452. Sulphate(s) : Effect of colloidal organic matter on pptn. of barium sulphate and modified detmn. of soluble - in soils. Hesse, 710. Systematic semi-micro qualitative analysis of anionic surface-active agents. Holness and Stone, 166; Erratum, 376. Titrimetric detmn. of - with lead nitrate as titrant and dithizone as indicator. Archer, 208. Sulphide : Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. phenols and -. A.B.C.M. and Society for .4nalytical Chemistry, 518. Sulahonamides : Rapid, simple and accurate detmn - of -. Kum-Tatt, l-85. Sulphonates : Systematic semi-micro qualitative analysis of anionic surface-active agents. Hol- ness and Stone, 166; Erratum, 376.Sulphur : Direct colorimetric detmn. of elementary -. Ory, Warren and Williams, 189. Microchemical detmn. of - in organic com- pounds. Massie, 352. Suprasterols: Detmng. vitamin D and related com- pounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of com- pounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2; 11. Analysis of irradiation pro- ducts. Shaw and Jefferies, 8. Surface area : Automatic direct-reading apparatus for detmng. - of powders. Surface-active agents : Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Detmng. synthetic detergents. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analyti- cal Chemistry, 826. Systematic semi-micro qualitative analysis of anionic __ . Holness and Stone, 166; Erratum, 376. Synthesis(es): Organic -. Vols. I and 11. Migrdichian.(Publication received), 536; Vol. 36. Leonard. (Publication received), 216; (Review), 600. Spillane, 712. T Tachysterol: Detmng. vitamin D and related com- pounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of compounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2; 11. Analysis of irradiation products. Shaw and Jefferies, 8. Tannins : Chemistry of Vegetable -: Symposium. Society of Leather Trades’ Chemists. (Publica- tion received), 456. Tatalum: Decomposition of oxide minerals by fusion with borax. Jeffery, 66. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in __ etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. Separating niobium from -, titanium, tin and antimony with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Belekar and Athavale, 630. Tar: Detmng.indole in - fractions. White and Vaughan, 597. Technology : Encyclopedia of Chemical -. Vol. XV. Kirk and Othmer. (Publication received), 216. VOLUME 82 Teepol: Detmng. grade strength of pectins by - - gel procedure. Olliver, Wade and Dent, 127. Tellurium: Detmng. ~ in lead and lead a!loys. Fletcher and Wardle, 743. o-Dithiols in analysis. IV. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4- dithiol, dibenzoyltoluene-3 : 4-dithiol and zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol. Terra-systam : See Tetramethylphosphorodiamidic fluoride. Terylene : Observations on automatic titrimetry (detcng. -). Tetraethyl pyrophosphate : Detmng. microgram quantities of phosphorylating or acylating agents. Saville, 269. Tetramethslphosphorodiamidic fluoride: Detmng. dimefox residues in hops. Field and Laws, 667.Tetraphenylarsonium perrhenate : Spectrophoto- metric detmn. of rhenium. Andrew and Gentry, 372. Thallium : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference t o alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. o-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Reactions of toluene- 3 : 4-dithiol in acetate buffer and alkaline solu- tions : toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for - etc. Clark, 177. Thermometer(s) : General purpose maximum and minimum - (Six’s pattern). B.S. 2840: 1957, 454. Laboratory -. B.S. 593 : 1954. Amendment slip, 715. Spirit-in-glass metal-sheathed. -. B.S. 2843: 1957, 454. Thiamine: Detmng. - wi.th 6-aminothymol. Hayden and Elkington, 6110; Erratum, 776. Rapid photometric detmn. of - with 6-amino- thymol. Hayden, 61.Thiocyanate: Detmng. - or cyanide in presence of glycine. Thorium: Detmng. - and lanthanons in mona- zite. Clinch and Simpson, 258. Detmng. __ in ores with AI?ANS - tnesotartaric acid reagent after shortened chromatographic separation. Everest and Martin, 807. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in - etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. Polarographic detmns. of --. Graham and Larrabee, 415. Thorium 8-hydroxyquinolate : Polarographic detmns. of thorium. Thorium rn-nitrobenzoate : Polarographic detmns. of thorium. Graham and Larrabee, 415. Thorium rn-nitrophenylarsonate : Polarographic de- tmns. of thorium. Graham and Larrabee, 415. Thorium oxide : Extraction and absorptiometric detmn.of uranium as thiocyanate. Clinch and Guy, 800. Thoronol: See 1-(o-Arsonophenylazo)-2-naphthol- 3 :6-disulphonic acid. Tin: Detmng. - in zirconium and its alloys, Wood and Clark, 624. Polarographic detmn. of -- in foods. hlark- land and Shenton, 43. Polarographic detmn. of - in hydrogen peroxide after use of cation-exchange resin. Reynolds, 46. Organo--- - dithizone complexes. Colorimetric detmn. of diethyltin and triethyltin compounds. Aldridge and Cremer, 37. Clark, 182. Haslam and Squirrell, 511. Hudson and Pollock, 374. Graham and Larrabee, 415.INDEX TO Tin-contiilzced. Separating niobium from tantalum, titanium, __ and antimony with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Belekar and Xthavale, 630. Volumetric detmn. of ~ in titanium and its alloys. Challis and Jones, 658.Tissue(s) : animal: Prepng. __ for detmng. potas- sium and sodium. Rapid detmn. of small amounts of lactose in niilk and __ suspensions of mammary gland. Siater, 818. Titanium : Chroniatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. Decomposition of oxide minerals by fusion with borax. Jeffery, 66. Detmng. carbon in - and zirconium. Elwell and Wood. 769. Mounib and Evans, 522. VOLL‘hIE 82 xxxi Uranium-continued. Continuous ether extractor. Jensen and Bane, 67. Detmng. __ by ammonium thiosulphate and sodium hypophosphite. R5y and Bhatta- charayya, 164. Developments in micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in __ etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136.Extraction and absorptiometric detmn. of as thiocyanate. Separating - from large amounts of iron and aluminium by anion exchange in nitrate media. Ockenden and Foreman, 592. Uric acid: Detmng. -, particularly in avian excreta. Tinsley and Sowakowski, 110. Urine : Uetmng. 17-0x0 steroids and 17-oxogenic steroids. Kellie, 722. Clinch and Guy, 800. Detmng. oxygen in __ and - alloys, based on principle of chlorination. Elwell and Peake, i34. Development of micro vacuum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in -, etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum, 136. Separating niobium from tantalum, __ , tin and antimony with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Bele- kar and Athavale, 630. T-olunietric detmn. of tin in -- and its alloys. Challis and Jones, 658.Lane, 406. Recording spectrophotometric Chalniers and lyalley, 329. Toluene-3 :Cdithiol: o-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Reactions of __ in acetate buffer and alkaline solutions: ~ as reagent for copper, cobalt, iron, antimony and thallium. Clark, 1 7 7 ; IV. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4-dithiol, dibenzoyltoluene- 3:4-dithioI and zinc complex of --, 182; V. Zinc complex of __ as reagent for arsenic and germanium, i 6 0 . Tomatoes: Detmng. traces of mercury in apples (and --j. Tonic water: Effect of light on quinine in Comrie, 212. Toxic Substances: Determination of __ in Air: Xanual of I.C.I. Practice. Strafford, Strouts and Stubbings. (Review), 653. Trichlorophenols : Analyslng chiorophenok by- anion- exchange chromatography. Logie, 563. Triethyltin compounds : Organo-tin - dithizone com- plexes. Colorimetric detmn. of diethyltin and Tungsten: Photometric detmn. of molybdenum in .~ ores. Jeffery, 558. Tungstophosphoric acid : -4bsorptiometric detmn. of vanadium in steel. Scholes, 526; Erratum, 656, Titrimeter : 250-3Iegacycle high-frequency Xbbott and Johnson, 206. . Xldridge and Cremer, 37. U Ubbelohde apparatus for flow and drop points. B.S. 894: 1!)56. Ultra-violet spectra : Xnaiytical identification by spectrophotometry. Use of ionisation con- stants of weak acids. Uranium : Absorptiometric detmn. of micrograin quantities of ~ with thoronol complex of quadrivalent -, Foreman, Riley and Smith, 89. Absorptiometric detmn. of -- in solutions by thiocyanate method. Tucker, 529. Xnalysing bismuth - __ alloys. hmendment slip, 71. Biggs, 274. Shelton, 531. V Vanadium : hbsorptiometric detmn. of in steel. Scholes, 525; Erratum, 656. 0-Dithiols in analysis. 111. Reactions of toluene- 3 : 4-dithiol in acetate buffer and alkaline solu- tions : toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as reagent for I_ etc. Clark, 177. Elution chromatography from cellulose columns for systematic analysis of special steels. Yen- turello and Ghe, 343. Versene-diol : See NN’-Dihydroxyethylethylenedi- aminediacetic acid. Virology : Problems of Zhdanov. Scientific Translation Editor, Bauer. Vol. 2, S o . 1, 1955. (Publication received), 656. Vitamin A. Moore. (Publication received), 536. Detmng. -- by conversion to anhydrovitamin A. Budowski and Uondi, 751. Vitamin B, : See Thiamine. Vitamin D : Detning. __ and related compounds. I. Introduction and prepn. of compounds in irradiation series. Shaw, Jefferies and Holt, 2 ; 11. Analysis of irradiation products. Shaw and Jefferies, 8. Vitamin D, : See Calciferol. Vitamin D, : See Cholecalciferol. Vitamins: Microbiological assay of __ and amino acids by large-plate methods. Simpson and Harris, 210. W Wastes : See Effluents. Water: Analytical Microscopy: I t s Aims and Methods in Relation to Foods, -, Spices and Drugs. IVaIlis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 536. Klein, with Jones and Hawkes. (Publication received), 216; (Review), 7 15. Observations on automatic titrimetry (detmng. __ in organic compounds). Haslam and Squirrell, 511. Quantitative detmn. of traces of carbon dioxide in --. Jennings and Osborn, 671. Sea: See Sea water. -1spects of Kilrer Pollution. Wetting agents : See Surface-active agents. Wood wool: New __ for fillings. B.S. 2824: 19.57, 294.xxxii INDEX TO 2 Zinc : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. 111. Orthophosphoric acid as solvent and base electrolyte in direct inorganic polarography. Milner and Slee, 139. Chromatographic separations in phenol - meth- anol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Head- ridge, 95. Colorimetric detmn. of cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and - in sewage and industrial wastes. Christie, Kerr, Knowles and Lowden, 336. Detmng. excess of __ in zinc oxide. Allsopp, 474. Detmng. traces of - in foodstuffs. Francis and Pilgrim, 289. Polarographic detmn. of arsenic in - - smelting residuals and - metal. Coulson, 161. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. aluminium and -. A.B.C.M. and Society for .4nalytical Chemistry, 443. VOLUME 82 Zinc-continued. Titrating bivalent metals with disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Haslam, Squirrel1 and Heskins, 117. Zinc oxide: Detmng. excess of zinc in -. All- Zincon in absorptiometric detmn. of mercury. Morris, 34. Zirconium : Chromatographic separations in phenol - methanol - hydrochloric acid solvents, with special reference to alkali metals. Magee and Headridge, 95. Detmng. carbon in titanium and -. Elwell and Wood, 769. Detmng. thorium in ores with APANS - meso- tartaric acid reagent after shortened chromato- graphic separation (APANS as masking agent for -). Everest and Martin, 807. Detmng. tin in - and its alloys. Wood and Clark, 624. Developments in micro vac.uum fusion method, particularly detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in -, etc. Booth, Bryant and Parker, 50; Erratum. 136. sopp, 474. ERRATA : VOL. 80, 1955: p. 394, 3rd line under “Results.” For “8.22” read “8.42.” VOL. 81, 1956: p. 108, 44th line. p. 680, 14th and 15th lines of Summary of General Review of Sub-micro Methods.” p. 691, 13th line. p. 60, 16th line from foot of page. p. 74, 8th line. p. 168, 13th line. p. 206. p. 282, 2nd line from foot of text. p. 455, 4th line from foot of page. p. 527, 1st line. p. 639, Table I , formula of the last compound. p. 651, 16th line. Ibid., 3rd line, under “Reagents.” hydroxide.” p. 677, 7th line of the main text. p. 679, 9th line under Table 111. p. 682, reference 3. p. 708, reference 32. For “40 g” read “40 pg.’,’, For “were not generally applicable to the ultra-micro scale of working” read “were not generally applicable to the series of ultra-micro analyses being investigated.” For “150’ C” read “105° C.” VOL. 82, 1957: For “2.34 mm of mercury” read “234 mm of mercury.” After title of paper add “by R. C. Chirnside, F.R.I.C.” For “M. W. Hardy & Co.” read “Industrial Dyestuffs IAd.” At end of Note by Isaacs, Marries and Stuckey, add the following address: The British Drug After “ammonia” add “Finally, dilute the suspension of aluminium Houses Ltd., Graham Street, London, N.l. hydroxide to 1 litre with water.” For “Potter” read “Pottier.” For “1.485 g” read “1.1481 g.” For “(C,H,CH,.O),PO” read “(C,F,CH,.O),PO.” FOY “10 per cent. sodium hydroxide” read “20 per cent. sodium For “Muer” read “Muers.” For “valid” read “void.” For “absorption” read “adsorption.” For “Muer” read “Muers”; for “717” read “71T.” For “Chem. & Ind” read “ J . SOC. Chem. Ind.”; for “717” read “71T.” PRINTED BY W. HEFPER SONS LTD.. CAMBRIDOE. ENQLAND
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