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Government votes in aid of scientific research




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1877)
卷期: Volume 2, issue 17  

页码: 78-79




年代: 1877




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



78 THE ANALYST. GOVERNMENT VOTES IN AID OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. THE following list will be read with interest if not with satisfaction. The grants are made on the recommendation of the Royal Society. PERSONAL PAYMENTS. Mr. J. A. Broun,-For Correcting of the Errors in the published Observations of the Colonial Dr. Joule.-For Experimental Investigations into the Mcchanical Equivalent of Heat, $200.Prof. Parker.-For Assistance in Besearches on the Morphology of the Vertebrate Skeleton and Relatioiis of the Nervous to the Skeletal Structure, chiefly in the Head, $300. Rev. W. I€, Dallinger.-For Microscopic Investigations of Nonads, Bacteria, and other low forms of life, &loo. Hcv. F. J. Blake.-For compiling and publishing a ‘( Synopsis of the British Fossil Cephalopoda,” 2llOO.Prof. A. H. Garrod,--For Aid in preparing for Publication an Exhaustive Treatise on the Anatomy of Birds, $100. Dr. Muric.-For completing and publishing three Memoirs :-<( Anatomy of the Eingfisher,” 4 to., wit11 five plates ; on 6‘ Extinct Sirenia,” 4to., with six plates ; “ Osteology of the Birds of Paradise,” folio, three plates, $150. Nr. H. Woodward.-For continuation of Work on the Fossil Crustacea, especially with reference to the Trilobita and other Extinct Forms, and their Publication in the Volumes of the Palaontographical Society, a o o .Prof. Schor1emmer.-For Continuation of Researchen into (1) the Normal Parnffins, ( 2 ) Suberone, (3) hurin, d2200. Dr. H E. Armstrong.-For Continuation of Researches into the Phenol Series. and into the Effect of of Ritric Acid on Netals, $300.Profs. King and Rowney.-For Researches to determine the Structural, Chemical, and Mineralogical Characters of a certain Group of Crystallins Rocks represented by Ophite, $60. Mr. \V. J. Harrison.---Towards the Expense of collecting and describing Specimens of the Rocks of Charnwood Forest, $50. Magnetic Observatorios, 6: 150. EON-PERSONAL PAYMENTS.b aid of Apparatus, Materials, and Assistance. Dr. J. Kerr.-For Aid in Electro-Optic and Magneto-Optic Researches, $200. Mr. J. E. H. Gordon.-For Experimental ;Measurements of the Specific Inductive Capacity of Diclcctrics, $50. Prof. Guthrie.-For Spparatus and Assistance in (1) the Determination of the Latent Heats of the Cryohydrates and the Vapour Tensions of Colloids ; and (2) the Examination of Heat Spectra and Radiant Heat by means of verying Electrical Resistance in Thin Wires, 92150.Mr. J. T. Bottom1ey.-To aid in carrying out a Series of Experiments for Determining the Conductivity for Heat of Various Liquids and Solutions of Salts, &loo. Sir William Thornson.-For Assistance and Materials for a Continuation of Experiments on the Effects of Stress in Magnetism, $100. 31 r.W, Crookes.-For Assistance in continuing his Researches connected with (‘ Repulsion resulting from Radiation,” g900. Messrs. Riicker and Thorpe.-For a Comparison af the Air and Mercurial Thermometers, $50. Nr. F. D. Brown-For an Investigation of the Physical Properties, the Specific Gravity, Expansion by HeRt and Vapour Tension, of the Homologous and Isomeric Liquids of the Cn Hzn Series, $100.Prof. Roscoe.-For Continuation and Extension of the Experiments on the Self-Registering Method of Measuring the Chemical Action of Light, &loo. Sir William Thornson.-For Investigation and Analysis of Tidal Observations and Periodic Changes of Sea Level, €200. Dr. J. B. Ba1four.-For the expense of Illustrations for a “ Monograph of the Pandanacece,” 2.50.Mr. €1. T. Stainton-For Aid in publishing the ‘‘ Zoological Record,” $100. Dr. J. G. h1’Kendrick.-For Apparatus for a Research into the Respiration of Fishes, $75. Prof. Gamgee.-For a more complete Survey than has yet been made of the Physiological Action of the Chemical Elements and their more Simple Compounds, with the Object, in the first instance, of establishing a Physiological Classification of the Elementary Bodies, &50.Dr. Brunton.-For Researches into the Physiological Action of the most important Compounds of Nitrogen, and into the Action of certain Poisons, and for Apparatus, d30.THE ANALYST. 79 Mr. E. Schiifer.-To pay the Wages of an Assistant to give Xechanical Aid in Histological and Embryological Research, $50.Dr. Burdon Sanderson.-For an Investigation of the Normal Relation between the Activity of the Heat producing Processes and the Temperature of the Body, $7’0. Prof. Schor1emmer.-For Contiiiuation of Researchcs, into (1) the Normal Paraffins, (2) Suberone, (3) Aurin, 2100. Mr. W. N. Hart1cy.-For Researches into the Photographic Spectra of Organic Substances, into the Phosphates of Cerium, the Conditions under which Liquid Carbonic Acid is found in Rocks and Minerals, the Double Salts of Cobalt and Nickel, and for other Investigations, and for Assistance, 3100. Dr. Burghardt.-For a Research into the Origin of the Ores of Copper and (if possible) of Lead, their Mode of Formation, and the Chemical Connection (if any) betwcen the Ore and its Matrix, $50. Prof. Church.-For a Research into the Colouring Matters of Colein, of Red Beet, and for the Study of Plant Chemistry, &50.


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