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Adulteration of powdered pepper




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1884)
卷期: Volume 9, issue 7  

页码: 130-131




年代: 1884




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



150 ANALYST. ADULTERATION OF POWDERED PEPPER. PROFXSSOR CHABBONNIER, in the J?&wt at3 Pkam., directs attention to an adulterant which is not a new one, but at present appears to be very extensively employed in France, pa,rticulady for white pepper. Thh ia the putamen of olives, known in com- merce as g ~ g m a # o h (olive pits) or as poivrette (EMe peppr), a mxue probably given to it to mate the impression that it contained some of the properties of pepper. These olive pits were formerly burned up and used as snanure (mgrak) ; now it is found more advantageous to sell them at 25 or 80 francs for 100 kilos., and to use them for the adultemtion of pepper. According to the treatment to which they me subjeoted, a grey or white powder is obtained, adapted for the adultemtion of powdered black or white pepper.The hard shell consists of elongated sfone cells, resembling those found in the epicarp of black popper; but, k c e white pepper is deprived of the p e r i q , the adulteration of its powder with p m d olive pits ia readily deteoted, undw the mioromope, by the large number of stone &. The same adultemtion may be detected, wording to Dupre, by dneting the powder upon a liquid componed of equal psrtrs of glycerine and water, upon which the powdered pepper will float, while the powdered olive pits will sink.THE ANALYST. 151 - ~~ COPPER, IN JAM. D. V. GALIPPE, in a aommunication $0 the SociBtB de Biologie, statea that French jams and preserves contain the following proportion of copper, but adds that daily experience on a large scale shows that its presence is not dangerous :- Gooseberries , , kilogramme, . . gr. . . 0.0272 Cherries .. ,. 9 , .. ,, .. 0.0152 Plums ,, * . 9 , .. ,, . . 0.0248 Greengages , . 9 1 .. ,, .. 0.0160 Quinoe ,. I + 7, * * 9 , .. O.OO?O Aprioots .. .. 9 , ,. ,, .. 0.0178 (, ,, .. 0.0112 Strawberries , , ,) Pears .. ,. 9 ) .. ,, .. 0'0136 Oranges .. ,. 9 , ,. ,, .. 0.0192 Pineapple . , , . $ 9 .. ,, .. 0'0224 MILK INSPECTION. IN order to prevent theadulteration of milk, the Brooklyn authorities recently stationed policemen in the different locations of Greenpoint, ordering every driver of a milk wagon to visit Dr. W. A, De Long, Health Inspector, at the station-house, where samples of milk were taken for testing. About 50 samples were tested, and, with om exception, found up to the required standard. I .


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