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Volume 59,
Issue 1,
Page 001-056
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THE ANALYST S. G. CLARKE Ph.D. B.Sc. A.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. M.Sc. F.I.C. D. G. HEWER B.Sc. J . W. MATTHEWS Ph.D. F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. W. P. SKERTCHLY F.I.C. S. G. STEVENSON B.Sc., B.Pharm. F.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED ‘ro THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee : JOHN EVANS M.Sc. F.I.C. (President). F. W. ARNAUD F.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.I.C. E. RICHARDS BOLTON F.I.C. H. E. COX D.Sc. Ph.D. F.I.C. J. T. DUNN D.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER DSc. F.I.C. G . D. ELSDON B.Sc. F.I.C. 8. S. EVANS M.B.E.,M.C. D.Sc. F.I.C. Won. Secretarg : G. ROCHE LYNCH O.B.E. M.B., B.S. D.P.H. F.I.C. L. EYNON B.Sc. F.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. BSc. F.I.C. G . W.MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. A. MORE A.R.C.S. A.R.T.C. F.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS BSc. F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER C.I.E., M.A. Ph.D. F.I.C. bon. measurer : E. B. HUGHES MSc. F.I.C. JEbftor C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL &LA. D.Sc. F.I.C. Elseistant Ebitor T. H. POPE B.Sc. F.I.C. VOL. 5 9 1 9 3 4 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER Sr SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I93 Errata Vol. 69 1934 P. 127. P. 136. P. 154 line 3. Pp. 244-247. P. 717 line 4 from the bottom. P. 854 line 7 from the bottom. The figure referred to in line 13 is Fig. 2 (not Fig. 1) in the original paper. The figure referred to in line 25 is Fig. 2 (noT,Fig. 1) in the original paper. For ‘ I 200 mgrms.” read “ 300 mgrms. In the tables the exgression “ Mean I-25SD Mean 2SD ” should read “ Mean minus 1-25SD Mean minus 2SD.For “ Trtilek” read “ Irtilek.” For “ years ” read “ yards.” INDEX TO VOLUME LIX. INDEX TO NAMES. A Abe J. See Kobayashi K. Acree S. F. Ahmad N. and Sen D. L. Wax-content and feel of Indian cottons 431. Ainsworth N. J. The clinical significance of traces of fluorides in water 380. Alessandrini E. Determination of iso-propyl alcohol in alcoholic beverages 630. Allen C. F. H. and Nichols R. V. V. Tetra-chlorophthalimide as a reagent in qualitative organic analysis 570. Allott E. N. Translation of Rxhter’s Organic Chemistry Vol. I Chemistry of the Aliphatic Series 444; (Review) 653. Almsden P. See Yavorsky M. Almasy F. See Mohler H. Almquist H. J. Givens J. W. and Close A.Transmission of light by egg albumin 759. Alsberg C. L. See Cruess W. V. Amati A. Nephelometric determination of arsenic 716. Ambler H. R. A rapid colorimetric method for the detection and determination of small quantities of oxygen in gases 14. - Revision of Lunge’s Technical Gas Analysis, 310; (Review) 512. - The absorption of oxygen by phosphorus 593. Ambler H. R. and Sutton T. C. Determination of impurities in commercial carbon monoxide, 809. Amiel J. Reactions of chlorates 848. Amrhein F. J. Assay of strychnine alkaloid in Anderson E. Mucilage from slippery elm bark, Anderson H. Analysis of nitrocellulose lacquers, Anderson R. J. See Bengis R. 0. Andreitcheva A. See Bertrand G. Applebaum S. B. and Bretschger M. E. Re-moval of iron and manganese from water 768.Appleyard F. N. See Lyons C. G. Arnaud F. W. F. Annual Address of the President 218. - Losses in meat on cooking 538. - Report of the County Analyst for Kent for the Fourth Quarter of 1933 344 405. - Review of Wright’s Soil Analysis 654. Ascham L. Vitamin A content of pimiento pepper 122. See Hughes E. E. strychnine sulphate tablets 355. 196. 300. Ashmore S. A. New apparatus for determining the temperature of crystallisation of cocoa butter 515. Ashworth A. A. The Analysis of Oil for Pro-duction of Lubricants (Review) 442. Aston B. C. Report of the Chief Chemist, Department of Agriculture New Zealand, for the year 1932 40; for the year 1933-4 825. Atkinson H. Some barium values of the butter-fats of different animals 481.- The determination of arsenic in tartar emetic 400; Thiocyanogen values of some Egyptian sesame and cotton-seed oils 399. Audiffren M. Colour reaction of mono-car-boxylic chrysanthemic acid (from the hydro-lysis of pyrethrin I) 556. Austin R. G. Aids to Qualitative Inorganic Analysis 584. B Bacharach A. L. Review of Bodansky’s Intro-ductzon to Physiological Chemistry 3rd Ed. 851 - Review of Cole’s Practical Physzological Chemistry 9th Ed. 143. - Review of Durrans’ Solvents 3rd Ed. 307. - Review of Fearon’s Introduction to Bio-chemistry 372. - Review of McClendon’s Manual of Bio-chemistry 851. Bacharach A. L. Cook P. M. and Smith E. L. Ascorbic acid content of certain citrous fruits and some manufactured cj trous products 709.Bacharach A. L. and Smith E. L. The chemical evaluation of the vitamins 70. Bagnall D. J. T. Bagnall H. H. See Tankard A. R. Report of the City Analyst for Birmingham for the Third Quarter of 1933 30; the FourtF Quarter of 1933 172; the year 1933 627 the First Quarter of 1934 638; the Second Quarter of 1934 751. - The extraction of quinine 277. Baker G. W. Report of the Government Analyst for Palestine for the year 1933 752. Baker J. L. and Hulton H. F. E. Determina-tion of carbon dioxide in beer 419. Baker J. W. Baker L. C. See Bushill J. H. Ball E. G. Balls A. K. and Swenson T. L. Tautomerism (Review) 580. See Sadusk J. F. Proteolysis in stored eggs 629 iv INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Bamford F. The determination of antimony in viscera and excreta 101.Barnett H. M. Determination of carotene in butter-fat 561. Barr G. and Thorogood A. L. The deter-mination of small quantities of fluorides in water 378. Barrett E. See McClendon J. F. Barritt J. Determination of total sulphur in Barry T. H. Natural Varnish Resins (Review), Bartels W. and Fauth A. Californian honeys 44. Basu K. L. See Goswami hi. Baumann C. A. Steenbock H. Beeson W. M., and Rupel I. W. Influence of breed and diet of cows on the carotene and vitamin A content of butter 497. Baumann C. A, Steenbock H. Ingraham M. A., and Fred E. B. Micro-organisms and the synthesis of carotene and vitamin A 121. Bazille S. See Fabre R. Beauverie J. Individual resistance of micro-organisms especially yeasts to ultra-violet rays 563.Beeson W. M. Bell H. S. See Trotman S . R. Benedek L. Determination of capsanthin in ground paprika products 188. Bengis R. O. and Anderson R. J. Composition of the glycerides of coffee-bean oil 494. Bennett A. H. The titration of vitamin C in citrus juices 91. Bennett A. H. and Tarbert D. J. Vitamin C in citrus juices 52. Bennett W. R. Determination of uranium in ores 301. Berg P. and Schulze G. New pentabromo-acetone process for determining citric acid in wine 553. Bergmann W. Contributions to the study of marine products. 111 Chemistry of ostrca-sterol 426. keratins 77 1. 308. See Baumann C . A. - Sterols of molluscs 294. Berlie J. Determination of rancidity in flours, semolinas and Italian pastes 629. Bernardini F. and Gauthier E.A. Characteri-sation of sansa (olive) oil 59. Berry A. J. The determination of vanadium mth potassium iodate with notes on chlora-mine-T as an oxidising agent 736. Bertrand G. and Andreitcheva A. Compara-tive zinc-contents of green and etiolated leaves 638. Bertrand G. and Serbescu P. Daily adminis-tration of small quantities of aluminium in relation to the development of cancer 422. Bessey 0. A, and King C. G. Distribution of vitamin C in plant and animal tissues and its determination 122. Beutelspacher H. Rapid determination of small quantities of lime in soil solutions 361. Beyer D. 6. Bhagwat W. V. Nickel salts as light filters 371. Bilham P. Review of Johnson’s Easily Iizter-polated Trigommetric Tables with Non-inter-polating Logs Cologs aiad Antilogs 443.Binet L. and Weller G. Quantitative deter-mination of glutathione 423. See Hurlbut C. S . Bishop G. Bishop L. R. Electro-magnetic method of measuring specific gravity 576. Blackie W. J. Report of the Government Chemist for Fiji for 1932 177. Blacktin S. C. Dust 728. Blair R. W. Report of the Chief Chemist for the Federated Malay States 179. Blann J. G. See Ramsay J . B. Bley,er B. Diemair W. and Frank E. Deter-mination of higher alcohols (fuse1 oil) 59. Bloom A. and Osol A. Indicator properties of p-nitrophenyl-acetyl-hydrazine 2,4-dinitro-phenyl-acetyl-hydrazine and 2 4 6-trinitro-phenyl-acetyl-hydrazine 126. Boas-Fixsen M. A. Eutchinson J. C. D. and Jackson W. M. Biological value of proteins. V The comparative biological value of the proteins of whole wheat whole maize and maize gluten measured by the growth of young rats 567.Bodansky M. Introduction of Physiological Chemistry 3rd Ed. (Review) 851. Bode G. Determination of iron in beer by means of ad-dipyridyl 116. Bodnhr J. and Nagy v. L Micro-titrimetric determination of nicotine in tobacco 574. Boeseken J. Oxidation by means of organic per-acids 568. Bohstedt G. Bopger A. Volumetric determination of potas-sium with methylene blue following its pre-cipitation as potassium picrate 846. Bomer A. Editor of Handbuch der Lebens-mittel-Chemie. Vol. 11 Allgemeine Unter-suchungs-Methoden ; Part I Physikalische Me’thoden (Review) 440. Bond G. R. Rapid deterniination of mer-captans 56. Bongland P. See Wenger P.Booth R. G. See Kon S . K. Booth R. G. Kon S. K. Dann W. J. aiicl Moore T. Seasonal variation in butter-fat. I Seasonal variations in carotene vitamin A and the antimony trichloride reaction 50. Bose M. K. See Ray P. Bosworth A. W. and Brown J. B. Isolation and identification of some hitherto un-recorded fatty acids in butter-fat 183. Bowden S. T. The colorimetric determination of triaryl carbinols 618. Boyd W. F. See May C. E. Branson V. C. Report of Government Analyst for Hong-Kong for year 1932 283. Brantner H. See Hecht F. Brantner H. and Hecht F. Apparatus for - Micro-electrolytic determination of lead 204. Bretschger M. E. Bridge J. C. Report of the Senior Medical Inspector of Factories and Workshops for 1933 626. Bright H. A.Determination of zinc in steel, 572. Brintzinger H. and Jahn E. Separation of phosphoric acid calcium and magnesium, 646. Britton H. T. S. Conductometric Analysis, 376; (Review) 864. See Watson S. J . See Phillips i-’. H . micro-electrolysis 204. See Applebaum S . B INDEX TO VOLUME 69 V Britton H. T. &-continued. - Review of Mellor’s Compehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, Vol. XIII 852. Brohm K. See Luning 0. Brookbank E. B. See Kobe K. A. Brose H. L. Finger-print detection 25. Brown 3. B. See Bosworth A. W. Brown J. B. and Sheldon C. C. Highly un-saturated fatty acids in the oils of some common fowls and in animal fats 831. Bruce W. F. Determination of citrate 713. B m h P. Colorimetric determination of man-ganese in flours and breads 492.B-g A. and Schnetka 1. Detection of small amounts of pyridine particularly in burnt wood 432. Bmsoff A. Reinartz F. and Schloemer A. Bacterial activity in the hot springs at Aachen and Aachen-Burtscheid 55. Buehler C. A. and Csltee J. D. Identification of amines as 2 4-dinitrobenzoates 769. Bullock F. C. Report of the City Analyst for Leicester for 1932 31; for 1933 623. Bushey 1. See Wikoff H. L. Bushill J. H. See Lampitt L. H. Bushill J. H. Lampitt L. H. and Baker L. .C. Use of the Zeiss Determination of cystine. photometer 835. C Calfee J. D. See Buehler C. A. Callow R. H. The effect of certain salts on Calved Dr. H. T. Report of Director of Water Cameron E. J. See Smith H. R. ClmniPf T. See McClendon J.F. Carpeniseanu 0. Determination of pyruvic acid 298. Cam C. J. and Erantz J. C. Fate of dulcitol and dulcitan in the animal body 834. Carter J. and Pollard 0. An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamph-lets 514; (Review) 655. Casa~ni B. See Szegoe L. Chalmers C. H. Significance of true Bacillus coli (B. coli communis) and Bwillus ladis aerogenes in samples of milk 296. Chalmers F. 0. D. Appointed Public Analyst for the County Borough of Wolverhampton, 344. Chmdlee 0. C. See Craig K. A. - See also Knapper. J. S. Chang C. H. See Schuette H. A. Charles R. P. Appointed Additional Public Charles A. 0. See Cohen W. E. Chinoy J. J. See Nanji H. R. Chinoy J. J. Edwards F. W. and loanji H. B. A new iodine method for the determination of starch 673.- A note on the taka-diastase method for determining starch 671. ChiFnSide B. C. Note on the determination of aluminium in nickel alloys 278. Cimerman C. See Wenger. P. fermentation in dough 156. Pollution Research 282. Analyst for the Borough of Poole 689. Ciogolea G. Clarke H. T. Clarke S. G. - See also Hothersall A. W. Close A. See Almquist H. J . Coalstad 8. E. Use of activated carbon for removal of small quantities of arsenic chloride from hydrochloric acid 716. Coam 8. A. The detection of small quantities of germanium in the presence of arsenic 747. - The determination of small quantities of germanium in the presence of arsenic 462. Cocking T. T. and Crews 8. K. Fluorescence test for olive oils 652. Coe N. R.and Le Clem J. A. Photochemical studies of rancidity 354. Coffin C. 0. Mercury-in-glass thermo-regulator, 305. Cohen P. P. Cohen W. E. Charlw A. 0. and Jamieson A. B. Chemistry of Australian timbers. Part 3, Chemical composition of four pale-coloured woods of the genus Eucalyptus 128. Colbeck E. W. Craven 8. W. and Murray W. The determination of bismuth in copper 396. Cole 8. W. Practical Physiological Chemistry, 9th Ed. (Review) 143. Colehoru J. K. See Hurd L. C. Collin G. Kernel fats of some members of the Palmae 287. Colson A. F. The micro-determination of the molecular weight of volatile liquid compounds, 529. Cook E. F. New U.S. Pharmacopoeia1 standards for cod-liver oil 545. Cook P. 116. Copping A. H. Origin of vitamin D in cod-liver oil Vitamin D content of zooplankton 840.Cory F. 1. Review of Spirit Tables jor use with Syke’s A and B Hydrometers 444. Coste J. H. Review of Britton’s Conductometric Analysis 864. - Review of Findlay’s Introduction to Physical Chemistry 140. - Review of Hopkin’s Water Purijication Control 67. Cowap J. C. Report of the Government Analyst for Straits Settlements for the year 1933 490. Coward K. H. The accuracy of biological estimations of vitamins 681. - See also Dyer F. J. - See also Knapp A. W. Cowie D. W. and Glibson D. T. Detection of carbon tetrachloride in chloroform 500. See Herbst R. M. A rapid test of thickness of tin coatings on steel 526. See Hurd L. C . See Bacharach A. L. Micro-volu-metic determination of sulphur and chlorine in organic compounds with the use of an assay balance 388.Cowley M. A. See Schuette H. A. Cox H. E. Review of Allen’s Commercid Organic Analysis 5th Ed. Vol. X 207. - Review of Glasstone’s Recent Advances in Physical Chemistry 2nd Ed. 140. - Review of Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie, Vol. 11 A llgemeine Unterschungs-Methoden. Part I Physikalische Methoden 440. - Review of Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry Supplement Vol. I 781 vi INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Cox H. E.-cmtinued. - The chemical examination of furs in relation to dermatitis. Part IV The chemical re-actions of dyeing with p-phenylenediamine and paminophenol 3. Nutritive value of pure fatty acid esters 119. Cox N. M. Jr. Cox 8. J. Craig K. A. See Knapper J . S. Craig K.A. and Chandlee Gt. C. Butylphenyl-arsonic acid as a reagent for the gravimetric determination of iron 57 1. Craven S. W. See Colbeck E. W. Crews 6. K. Crews S. K. and Cox S. J. The relationship between the Carr-Price value and the 328mp absorption coefficient of preparation con-taining vitamin A 85. Cruess W. V. and Alsberg C. L. Bitter gluco-side of the olive 829. Cucuel F. Detection and determination of small amounts of mercury (collected refer-ences) 138. Culpepper C. W. and Moon H. .H. Composition of the egg plant fruit a t different stages of maturity 11 5, Cunningham A. Practical Bacteriology 728. Curtis Q. H. See West E. S. Cusa N. W. and Kipping F. S. Magnesium for See Crews S. K. See Cocking T. T. Grignard reagents 713. D Daggs R.G. and Eaton A G. Vitamin C content of canned tomato juice 360. Dahle D. Dsmerell V. R. and Strater H. H. Volumetric method for the determination of sulphate 202. Damon A. and Wylam B. Report of the Chief Inspectors under the Alkali etc. Works Act for the year 1933 624. Dann W. J. See Booth R. G. Dann W. J. and Moore T. Absorption spectra of the mixed fatty acids from cod-liver oil 51. Darbinian 1. B. and Kankanian A. G. Quan-titative precipitation of copper by tannin 845. Davies A. W. Colorimetric determination of vitamin A by the alkali digestion method 357. Davies W. L. Effect of wrapping material on the fat of fatty foods. I Contact wrappers, vegetable parchment greaseproof paper. 11 The effect of sunlight passing through transparent wrappers of various colours (cello-phane) and some transparent papers 495.- Detection and determination of diacetyl in butter 46. - The deterioration of sodium hypochlorite solutions 619. - Variation in the phosphorus content of maize meal used in rachitogenic rations 340. Davis W A Maltby *J. G. and Salt F. E. Determination of nitrogen in yeast and brewing materials 43. Day H. G. See Kruse H. D. Dean H. K. and Hilditch T. P. Body fats of the pig. 111 Influence of body temperature on the composition of dep6t fats 286. See Wichmann H. J . Dean H. K. and Hilditch T. P. - continued. - Further observations on factors which influence the component fatty acids of butter, 285. Debucquet L. and Velluz L. Colorimetric determination of magnesium 200.Degard C. See Huybrechts M. Demmel M. See Funk H. Demole V. Physiological action of ascorbic acid and some related compounds 709. DenigBs G. Colorimetric determination of cantharidin 496. - Detection and colorimetric determination of nickel in cobalt salts by means of form-aldoxime 200. Nachweis der Biologisch Wichtigen Korper durch Fluoreszenz und Fluoreszenz-spektren (Review) 375. Dhingra D. R. Component fatty acids and glycerides of the milk-fat of Indian camels 554. Diemair W. See Bleyer B. Dietrich IT. R. Amount and determination of amines in branciy 630. Dixon B. E. The determination of carbon. in rocks and minerals 739. Dixon F. Appointed Public Analyst for the County Borough of Stoke-on-Trent 750. Dixon T. F. Determination of bromine in normal blood 637.Dodd F. R. Obituary of William Elland Woolcott 377. Dodh M. See Matignon C. Dohrow R. H. Donau J. Torsion micro-balance 136. Donck C. M. Donovan W. Dorrer 0. Dracsss W. R. Drummond J. C. - See also Haines R. T. M. - See also Watson S. J. Dryburgh A. Dubsky 5. V. and Irtilek J. DhM C. See Searle H. E. See Straub J . Report of the Dominion Analyst for New Zealand for the year 1932 347. Note on nitrates in milk 401. See Stewart C. P. Comparative studies of the nutritive value of raw and pasteurised milk, 292. See Smith A. N. Micro-volumetric analysis with diphenylcarbazide and diphenyl-carbazone as indicators in mercury titrations, 304. Dufrenoy J. See Reed H. S. Dulfer I. G. See Van Nieuwenburg C.J. Dunn J. T. The Perkin tube 342. Duquenois P. and Revel P. Poisoning by vapours of certain esters used as solvents 641. Durrans T. H. Solvents 3rd Ed. (Review) 307. Dyer F. J. Key K. M. and Coward E. H. Influence of the solvent on the vitamin A activity of (a) carotene and (b) cod-liver oil, 708. E Eaton A. G. Eble K. and Pfeiffer H. Eddy W. H. Edington J. W. Edmonds S. M. See Daggs R. G. See Kohman E. F. Dithizon test for the detection of heated milk 827. Bacillus tuberculosis in butter, See Walden G. H. 766 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 vii Edwards F. W. Appointed Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Hammersmith, 108; of Kensington 818; of Westminster 30. - See also Chinoy J. J. Eichler H. Detection of cations by means of resorufin 300.- Detection of nitrates nitrites and nitro-sylsulphuric acid by the formation of re-sorufin orcirufin and indophenols 302. - Detection of nitrobenzene and of phenol by the formation of resorufin 297. - Use of Magdala red for the detection of nitrites 303. Ekstein H. C. Linolic and linolenic acid con-tents of butter-fat 184. Elford E. J. See Spielmann P. E. Elliott F. J. Notes on the grinding of feeding stuffs in a power mill 606. Elsdon G. D. Annual Report of the Public Analyst for the County Palatine of Lancaster for the year 1933 482. - Review of Hinton’s Summary of Food Laws and Regulations 725. - The composition and freezing-point of cows’ colostrum 665. - See also Stubbs J. R. Elsdon G. D. and Stubbs J. R. The technique of the freezing-point test for milk 585.Else W. M. and Garrow J. 116. The Detection of Crime An Introductiori to some Methods of Scientific Aid in Criminal Investigation, 3 1 0 - (Review) 583. Ebon L. A. and Morgan W. T. J. Colori-metric method for determination of gluco-samine and chondrosamine 357. Elvidge W. F. Notes on nitrates in milk 170, Emerson C. P. Jr. Emmerie A. Separation of cysteine from ascorbic acid by means of mercuric acetate, 559. Ender F. See Poulsson E. Engelder C. J. A Text-Book of Elementary Qualitative Analysis (Review) 51 1. Ephraim F. A Textbook of Inorganic Chem-istry 2nd English Ed. translated by P. C. L. Thorne (Review) 309. Erdblyi J. See Rosenthal E. Erdos L. Changes in the composition of the potato during winter storage 418.Erickson B. N. Stoner N. and Macy I. G. Human milk studies. XIV Critique of the determinations of nitrogenous constituents, 191. Erlenmeyer H. and Garbner H. Heavy water content of the water in milk 357. Eury J. Volumetric determination of formal-dehyde in the presence of sulphites 429. Evers N. Notes on the determination of vitamin A 82. Eynon L. See Helmer 0. M. See Lane J. H. F Fabre R. and Bazille 8. Spectro-photometric study of fluoro-methaemoglobin for detecting methaemoglobin and for determining fluorides, 125. Fauth A. See Bartels W. Feigl F. and Frankel E. Spot tests for hydro-gen peroxide 370. Feigl F. and Rajmann E. Spot test for fluorine 304. Feinberg S. Colorimetric determination of lead 433. Ferguson A.Review of Tutin’s The Atom 509. Fernanbiz 8. Rapid determination of tungsten in low-grade ores 646. Ferner G. W. and Mellon M. G. Analytical uses of 2-propanol 768. Filonowa W. F. See Komarowsky A. S. Findlay A. Introduction to Physical Chemistry (Review) 140. Fischer R. G. See Stout A. W. Fisher A. M. and Scott D. A. Insulin-content of the pancreas in cattle of various ages 765. Flanzy M. Methyl alcohol in foliage leaves. Relation between the alcohol and chlorophyll, 558. - New method for the micro-determination of methyl alcohol in presence of large quantities of homologous alcohols 193. - Presence of methyl alcohol in alcohols from wine including marc wine and fruit wine, 553. Fleck H. R. Fleck H. R. and Ward A. 1. Determination of elemental sulphur 636.Fleck H. R. Greenane F. J.,.and Ward A. M. The volumetric determination of 8-hydroxy-quinoline 325. Fletcher A. E. See Wood D. R. Fleuy P. See Hkrissey H. Fleuy P. and Paris R. Comparative action of periodic acid on U- and 8-glycerophosphoric acids. New method of determining a-glycerophosphorates ll 8. Floderer S. See Schulek E. Folin 0. Preparation of sodium tungstate free from molybdate together with a simplified process for the preparation of a correct uric acid reagent 764. Foucry 1. Determination of hexamethylenete-tramine by precipitation of its double uranyl sulphate 7 14. - Quinone as a reagent for amines 713. Fowweather F. W. Silica-content of normal and silicotic lungs and its bearing on the problem of silicosis 706.FranCois L. Examination of rye-grass seed by means of ultra-violet light 306. Francois T. Gelation of china wood oils (Aleurites) by antimony halides 364. Frank E. See Bleyer B. Friinkel E. See Feigl F. Fraps G. 8. Losses of Vitamin A on drying fresh raw carrots sweet potatoes and canned spinach 122. Frear D. E. H. Iodine-content of Pennsylvania potatoes 418. Fred E. B. See Baumann C. A. Freney 1 . R. Studies on the merino fleece. I Chemistry of suint 500; 11 Separation of cholesterol and “isocholesterol” of wool wax, 770. Separation of zinc from aluminium, 180. See Sage C. E. Frers J. N. Frey R. W. See Stuart L. S viii INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Frezouls J. Detection and determination of small quantities of bromine 772. Friedrich A.and Rapoport S. Rhodizonic acid as an indicator in the volumetric determina-tion of barium 439. Friend J. N. Editor of A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry Vol. VI Part 11 Phosphorus by E. B. K. Prideaux 310; (Review) 511. Frognier R. and Van Goetsenhoven F. Deter-mination of the position of the double linking, 297. Fromherz H. See King A. Fuller H. C. Orthophenylphenol as an anti-septic 766. Fulton C. C. Production of pseudomorphine from morphine 49. - Properties of pseudomorphine 49. Funk H. and Demmel M. Determination of manganese with anthranilic acid 435. Fuson R. C. and Tullock C. W. Haloform re-action. XIV Improved iodoform test 769. G Gaigerowa A. A. See Zwenigorodskaja V. M. Gangl J. and Sanchez J. V. Quantitative determination of arsenic by Marsh’s process, 716.Gtirbner H. See Erlenmeyer H. Gardiner A. D. An improved form of Sprengel tube 172. Garelli F. and Tettamanzi T. New reaction of triethanolamine with cobalt salts 366. Garrow J. M. See Else W. M. Gaskin J. G. N. Gauthier E. A. Gershenfeld L. and Miller R. E. efficiency of menthol and camphor 55. Gibson D. T. See Cowie D. W. Giles J. K. The Taffel and Revis method for estimating the rancidity of oils and fats 48. Gillam A. E. Modified spectrophotometric method for the assay of carotene and vitamin A in butter 561. Gillam A. E. and Heilbron I. 1. Relation of the colour and vitamin A content of butter to the nature of the ration fed. 11 The caro-tenoid and vitamin A contents of butter 708. Givens J. W. Glasstone S.Recent Advances in Physical - Review of Reilly and Rae’s Physico-Chemical Glaze F. W. Gleu K. Osmium tetroxide as catalyst for the - Volumetric determination of chlomte 203. Glomaud G. Micro-determination of mag-nesium by means of hydroxyquinoline 205. Godden W. Feeding value of tung-seed meal, 55. Goldberg J. L. Determination of iodine in organic compounds 648. Goldbg J. The use of *he air-damped balance for the determination of total solids in milk, 468. G)oldipg W. E, and Potter F. M. The “brittle-point” of bituminous road materials 780. See Nickolls L. C. See Bernardini F. Bactericidal See Almquist H. J. Chemistry 2nd Ed. (Review) 140. Methods 510. oxidation of arsenious acid 130. See Insley H. Goswami M. and Basu K. L. A new constant for fixed oils-hypochlorous acid value 533.Goud~waard A. Presence of oxalates in plants from the point of view of oxaluria 290. Graham J. H. Photochemistry of cod-liver oil, 354. Grant J. Fading (tests for dyes) 439. - Review of Dhkr6’s Nachweis der Biologisch Wichtigen Koqber durch Fluoveszenz und Fluoreszenzspektren (Sect. 11 Part 3 No. 4 of Abderhalden’s Handbuch der Biologischen A rbeitsmethoden) 375. - Review of Report of the Society of Dyers and Colourists on the Work of the Fastness Com-mittee in Fixing Standards for Light Perspira-tion and Washing 783. - Testing china clay 774. - Ultra-violet light as a means of detecting artificial watermarks 749. - See also Radley J. A. Grant J. and Procter-Smith H. The use of ultra-violet light for the detection of traces of sulphides 749.Grayson E. B. An aid to the reading of Gerber milk-fat tubes 29. Greenane J. F. Gregg 5. J. The Adsorption of Gases by Solids 514. Griebel C. Determination of chlorogenic acid in coffee 421. ’ Griebel C. and Web F. Detection of p -phenylenediamine in presence of other diamines in hair-dyes 197. Griffiths H. N. and Hilditch T. P. Notes on a semi-quantitative modification of the elaidin test 312. - Oleic-elaidic acid transformation as an aid in the analysis of mixtures of oleic linolic and linolenic acids 363. Grinling G. An inexpensive and economical warm room 103. &os R. Rapid accurate determination of acetone. Application to biological liquids, 362. Gross C. R. and Smith C. I. Colorimetric method for the determination of rotenone 567.Grossfeld J. and Walter G. Contents of phos-phorus sulphur and alkalis in hens’ eggs 491. Groves R. C. Gnldina E. See Tschernichow J. Gurin C. Z. See Fleck H. R. Analysis of clays 62. See Kohman E. F. H Eaddack L. A. The determination of traces of bismuth in presence of other metals 163. ThdUon L. C. A new method of applying the precipitin test 342. Haines R. B. and Smith E. C. The storage of meat in small refrigerators. Food Investiga-tion Report No. 43 175. Haines R. T. M. and Drummond J. C. Group-ing of halibut-liver oils 358. Hall G. F. and Keightley W. 1. The excretion of aIoes 152. Halliday N. Further investigations on the new vitamin B growth-promoting factor for rats, found in whole wheat 765 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 1x Hamence J.H. The separation and the deter-mination of traces of lead in the presence of traces of bismuth 274. Hammett L. P. See Walden G. H. Hampshire C. H. and Page G. R. Note on the sulphuric acid test for liquid paraffin 635. Harde E. Ef3ects of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) on toxins 765. Harding V. J. and Nicholson T. F. Use of some micro-organisms in sugar analysis 54. Harlay V. Acid methyl ethers of phosphoric acid 705. Harris L. J. and,Ray S. N. Standardisation of the antiscorbutic potency of ascorbic acid 359. Harrisson J. W. E. Hart E. B. Hartman W. W. Editor of Organic Syntheses, Vol. XIV (Review) 723. Harvey C. 0. The preparation of iodine-free potassium hydroxide 479. Haslam J. and Murray W.Notes on the determination of chromium in the presence of iron aluminium and phosphoric acid with perchloric acid as oxidising agent 609. Hawkins E. M. Obituary of William Partridge, 69. Heathcoat F. The determination of carbon in graphited cup greases 28. Hecht F. See Brantner H. Hecht F. and Reich-Rohrwig W. Quantita-tive micro-analysis of uranites 368. Hecht F. Reich-Rohrwig W. and Brantner H. Determination of lead by means of picrolonic acid 130. Heck J. E. Hunt H. and MeUon M. G. Nitron as a precipitant for nitrates 18. Heiduschka A. and Pyriki C. Frozen wine 419. Heilbron I. M. See Gillam A. E. Hein W. See Lapin L. Helberg E. See Mohler H. Heller K. Collected References. Arsenic anti-mony tin and bismuth 575. Helmer 0. M. and Emerson C.P. Jr. Iron-content of the whole blood of normal indivi-duals 190. Henne A. L. See Hubbard D. M. Hepburn J. S. and Moore H. McD. Relative concentration of esterase and lipase in adipose tissue 292. Herbst R. M. and Clarke H. T. Oxidation of amino acids by means of silver oxide 426. HBrissey H. Fleury P. and Joly 1. Com-parative action of periodic acid on certain hexoses and on the artificial glycosides derived therefrom 714. See La Wall C. H. See Phillips P. H. Herscovici S. See Ionesco-Matiu A. Hewitt J. T. Hibbott H. W. and Wheeler R. V. Review of Baker’s Tautomerism, 580. Studies in the composition of coal. A method of deter-mining the decomposition point of bituminous coal 860. Hilditch T. P. See Dean H. K. - See also Griffiths H.N. Hilditch T. P. and Jones E. C. Regularities in the glyceride structure of some technically important vegetable fatty oils 194. Hilditch T. P. Jones E. C. and Rhead A. J. Body fats of the hen 707. Hilditch T. P. and Stainsby W. J. Hill D. W. Fatty acids and glycerides of solid seed fats. 11 Com-position of some Malayan vegetable fats 632. Use of methoxyacetic anhydride for the determination of hydroxyl groups, 429. Hinton C. L. A Summary of Food Laws and Regulations 514; (Review) 725. - The examination of fruits and jams by lead precipitation 248. Hhano S. Determination of iodide by photo-metric titration 573. Hirschfelder A. D. and Serles E. R. Simple adaption of Kolthoff’s colorimetric method for determination of magnesium in biological fluids 423.Hitchen C. S. Review of Smith’s Metallurgical AnaZysis by the Spectrograph 208. Hoagland C. L. See West E. S. Hodgson T. R. Appointed Public Analyst for County Borough of Bury 172; of Hyde 344; of Stockport 750. The determination of hydrocarbons in alcohol containing acetone 687. Hoff R. W. Hohenberg E. See Rappaport F. Hohl H. 0. Precision gas-holder for constant pressure 139. Holborow A. G. Report of the City Analyst for Gibraltar for the year 1933 689. Holmes A. D. and Remington R. Arsenic-content of American cod-liver oil 633. Holmes H. N. Laboratory Manual of Colloid Chemistry. Introductory Colloid Chemistry (Review) 441. Holter H. See Linderstram-Lang K. Hopkins E. S. Water Purification Control (Review) 67.Horn D. W. and Wilson M. A. Transition points of mixtures of cow’s butter and cocoa butter 350. Horn M. J. Detection of selenium in organic compounds and soils 192. Hossack J. Hothersall A. W. Clarke S. G. and Macnaugh-tan D. J. Analysis of sodium stannate tin-plating solutions 365. Houghton R. E. Use of 2 4-dinitro-phenyl-hydrazine as a quantitative reagent for carbonyl compounds. I Benzaldehyde 363. Houlbrooke A. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of Leeds 30. Hubbard D. M. and Henne A,. L. Micro-deter-mination of fluorine in organic substances 777. Huebner E. 0. Hughes E. B. and Wise W. Determination of the proportions of coffee and chicory in coffee mixtures 633. Hughes E. B. and Maunsell A. E. The analysis of fruit and fruit products 231.Hughes E. E. and Acree S. F. Determination of furfural with bromine 430. - Volumetric determination of 5-bromo-2-furoic acid with standard bromate solution, 712. Hughes E. H. Vitamin A content of barley 121. Hulton H. F. E. Hunt H. Hurd L. C. CoIehour J. K. and Cohen P. P. Acidimetry of wines 12. See Schuette H. A. See Baker J . L. See Heck J . E. Toxicity tests with rhenium 641 X INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Hurd-Karrer A. M. Selenium injury to wheat Hurlbut C. S. and Beyer D. 6. Sericite in Hutchinson J. C. D. Huybrechts M. and Degard C. Solubility of plants and its inhibition by sulphur 842. foundry dust 565. lead chromate 61. See Boas-Fixsen M A. I Ikuta H. wax. 161. The investigation of Japanese bees-111 Composition of hydroxy fatty acid, - See also Ueno S .Illing E. T. See Wood D. R. Ingraham M. A. Innes R. F. Determination of strong acid and of buffer salts in vegetable-tanned leather 771. Insley H. and Glaze F. W. Some optical and crystallographical properties of the zinc uranyl acetates 722. Ionesco-Matiu A. and Herscovici S. Indirect volumetric determination of chromium 131. Ionescu M. V. and Slusanchi H. Determination of pyridine in dilute aqueous solution 127. - New method for the differentiation and determination of formaldehyde and acetalde-hyde in their mixtures 57. Irtilek J. Diphenylcarbazide as indicator in the “mercurimetric” determination of chloride, 717. See Baumann C. A. - See also Dubsk9 J . V. Ishikawa T. See Toyama Y.Iwai M. See Ueno S. Iyer V. Y. S. gold mines 403. Silicosis and its incidence in the J Jackson H. M. Jahn C. See Schoeller W. R. Jahn E. See Brintzinger H. James L. H. Jamieson A. B. Jansen B. C. P. Jesser H. Use of vegetable lecithin in noodles, 702. Johnson E. B. Determination of basic dye-stuffs by means of silicotungstic acid 644. Johnson F. W. Easily Interpolated Trigono-metric Tables with Non-interpolating Logs, Cologs and Antilogs (Review) 443. Johnson 8. W. Indophenol-reducing capacity of vitamin C content of extracts of young germinated peas 359. - Regeneration of the reducing properties of oxidised lemon juice 52. Johnston W. S. Job M. See Hdrissey H. Jones E. C. Jones E. V. See Boas-Fixsen M. A. See Stuart L. S.See Cohen W. E. See Wiardi P. W. See McKee R. H. See Hilditch T. P. Appointed Public Analyst for the Boroughs of Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent 108. - Freezing-point of milk-Hortvet method 29. - Obituary of A. E. Johnson 2. Jones P. H. Jones W. R. Silicosis 124 191. Jordan L. A. Tung oil. Chemical studies and “Marble” arrowroot 493. specification 298. Jordan L. A.-continued. - Tung oil from Aleurites Montana and speci-fication tests 195. Joslyn M. A. and Marsh G. L. Iodine-reducing value of orange juice 759. - Keeping quality of frozen orange juice 350. Joslyn M. A, Marsh G. L. and Morgan A. F. Relation of reducing value and extent of browning to the vitamin C content of orange juice exposed to air 498. Jungkunz R. See Pritzker J.Jupe M. H. See Rodgers T. S. K Kabat E. A. Kahane E. cinal organic compounds 356. Kankanian A. G. Kanning E. W. and Kratli F. H. Antimony as indicator electrode in the potentiometric titra-tion of iron and aluminium 131. Kaplan A. M. See Wikoff H. L. Karrer P. See von Euler H. Karrer P. and Schlientz W. Plant colouring matters. LV Occurrence of a- and ,%carotene in various natural products 293. Karsajewskaja M. P. See Tschernichow J. A. Kasarinowa W. A. See Rosanow S . N. Keenan G. L. Keightley W. M. See Hall G. F. Keil H. L. and Nelson V. E. Role of copper in carbohydrate metabolism 764. Keilholz W. See Plucker W. Kellogg A. M. and H. B. Furoic acid as an acidimetric standard 712. Kennersley H. W. and Peters R. A. The formaldehyde-azo-test for vitamin B, 565.Kenyon J. Review of Richter’s Organic Chemistry. Vol. I Chemistry of the Aliphatic Series 653. Kertess 2. I. Glucoreductone for the standard-isation of 2 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solu-tions used for the determination of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 427. See Lehrman L. Determination of arsenic in medi-See Darbinian M. B. See Wales H. Key K. 1. See Dyer F. J. King A. and Fromherz H. King C. G. See Bessey 0. A. - See also Yavorsky M. King J. C. Review of Lunge’s Technical Gas Analysis 512. Kingzett C. T. The absorption of oxygen by phosphorus 8 16. Kino K. Drying properties of the polymerised products of sardine oil and of methyl esters derived from sardine oil 761. Kipping F. 8. See Cusa N. W. Kirk P. Quantitative drop analysis.(1) Ap-paratus and technique 63. - See also Mitler R. P. Kitto W. H. Rapid determination of nitrogen by a Kjeldahl-Nessler process 733. Knapp A. W. and Coward K. H. Vitamin D in cacao shell 474. Knapper J. S. Craig K. A. and Chandlee G. C. Determination of tin by means of phenyl-arsonic acid 60. Knowles D. C. See Lehner V. German-English Chemical Terminology 584; (Review) 782 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xi Kobayashi K. Yamamoto K. and Abe J. Carotene in palm oil 639. - Colour reaction of Japanese acid clay with carotene in palm oil 639. Kobe K. A. and Brookbank E. B. Platinised silica-gel as a catalyst in gas analysis. 11, Oxidation of the methane hydrocarbons 198. Kohman E. F. Sanborn N. H, Eddy W. H. and Gurin C. Z. Vitamins in canned foods.Calcium and vitamin D in foods 710. Kohn-Abrest E. Detection of chloroform, carbon tetrachloride etc. in toxicological cases. Application of the method to their detection in air 641. Titration of chloride and bromide with mercurous nitrate with bromphenol blue as adsorption indicator, 847. Kolthoff I. M. Stenger V. A. and Moscovite B. Benzoate method for the precipitation of iron, aluminium and chromium 435. - Separation of iron aluminium and chromium from bivalent metals by means of ammonium benzoate 572. Komarowsky A. S. and Poluektoff N. S. New spot test for beryllium 575. - Sensitive reaction for boric acid 720. Komarowsky A. S. Filonowa W. F. and Koren-man I. M. Applications of chloramine in volumetric analysis 436.Kon 5. K. Kon S. K. and Booth R. G. Vitamin D activity of butter. I Chemical differentiation of the antirachitic factor of autumn and winter butter from irradiated ergosterol and the vitamin D of cod-liver oil 53. Kolthoff I. M. and Larson W. D. See Booth R. G. Konig W. Korenman I. M. Korphiy S. Determination of the rancidity of fats by Stamm’s reaction 183. Koszegi D. and. Tomori N. Determination of starch in paprika adulterated with flour 494. Koyanagi H. See Tsujimoto M. Krante J. C. See Carr C. J. Kratli F. H. See Kanning E. W. Kreipe ,H. Reif’s colour reaction for the Kruse H. D. Day H. G. and McCollum E. V. See Treadwell W. D. See Komarowsky A. S . detection of benzylidenesorbitol 420. Nutritive deficiencies of gelatin 189. L Labarre -.See Laurence -. Lachele C. E. Lacourt A. Determination of minute quan-tities of sulphide sulphur 503. New reactions of aldehydes and ketones. Synthesis of thiodiazolines from ketones 499. Lampitt L. H. Appointed a member of the Food Investigation Board of the Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research 818. - See also Bushill J. H. Lampitt L. H. and Bushill J. H. Dialysis of milk Factors affecting the distribution of calcium and phosphorus 828. Lampitt L. H. and Norris M. E. G. Measure-ment of the strength of gelatin gels 577. Lane J. H. and Eynon L. Determination of Reducing Sugars by Fehling’s Solution with Methylene Blue Indicator (Review) 851. Lang R. Oxidimetric determination of cerium by means of dichromate and arsenite 646.Lapin L. and Hein W. New colour reaction of ammonia 773. La Que F. L. See Searle H. E. Larson W. D. See Kolthoff I. M. Lassieur A. Analysis of phosphate-bearing silicates 504. Laurence -. and Labarre -. Iodimetric determination of morphine 832. Laurens H. The Physiological Effects of Radiant Energy (Review) 142. Laurie A. P. Fused beads on platinum wire as solvents for small particles of insoluble material 746. - Old Masters and modern forgeries 657. La Wall C. H. and Harrisson J. W. E. Detec-tion of soya bean flour in manufactured foods, 552. Laxa 0. Lea C. H. Determination of aldehydes in rancid fats 702. - Influence of salts used in curing on the oxidation and yellowing of lard 555. Lea H. T. Appointed Public Analyst for the County Borough of Burton-on-Trent 344; of Huddersfield 689.Le Clerc J. A. See Coe N. R. Lee A. R. An Ostwald viscometer for tar 578. Uger E. Adulteration of aloes 555. Lehner V. Smith G. B. L. and Knowles D. C. Separation of gold from tellurium 199. Lehrman L. Weisberg H. and Kabat E. A. Organic reagents in qualitative analysis. 11 Analysis of the common metals of the ammonium sulphide group 844. See Palfray L. Nitrates in milk 401. See Smith M. C . Fat of camel milk 632. Le Moal A. Lepesqueur A. 1. Lerrigo A. F. Leschke E. Leverton R. M. Levine V. E. and Richman R. Lewis H. B. Lieb H. Note on Schonel’s heating block for the Pregl micro-carbon-hydrogen determination, 718. Lieber R. See Vortmann G. Linderstrrm-Lang K. and Holter H. Micro-method for the determination of ammonia 206.Lindner J. Gas-holder for constant pressure, 139. Lindsey A. J. and Sand H. J. S. Experiments on the electrolytic analysis of certain alloys of antimony copper and tin 335. - Simplifications in the method of separation of metals by graded potential 328 Link K. P. See Niemann C. Liversedge S. G. Ultra-violet rays as a test for the stability of anaesthetic ether 815. Lloyd D. Jordan. Review of Holmes’ Labora-tory of Colloid Chemistry. Introductory Col-loid Chemistry 441. Lough S. A. and Lewis H. B. Reaction of nitrous acid with cystine and related sulphur-containing compounds 424. See Warcollier G. Clinical Toxicology (Review) 722. Reactions of terpenes with antimony trichloride 360. See Lough S.A xii INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Lough 8. A. and Lewis €I. B. continued. - Standards for purity and the determination of “ethyl” vanillin 730. - The detection and identification of metallic particles in manufactured products 812. Covern J. A. Fat metabolism in fishes. 111, Selective formation of fat-deposits 557. Lucas A. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries 2nd Ed. 728. Lunde G. and Mathiesen E. Determination of fish fat in sardines in oil 47. - Determination of tin in organic material, with special reference to canned foods 636. - Formaldehyde in canned marine products, 759. Lunge G. Technical Gas Analysis. Revised by H. R. Ambler 310; (Review) 512. Luning O. and Brohm K. Occurrence of hydrogen phosphide in well waters 55. Lynch G. R. Review of Leschke’s Clinical Toxicology 722.Lynch G. R. Slater R. H. and Osler T. 6;. The determination of traces of lead in biological materials with special reference to bone 787. Lyons C. G. and Appleyard F. N. Elementary Analytical Chemistry. Qualitative and Quan-titative 584. - Note on an attempted adsorption indicator method for the determination of alkali salts of organic acids 480. M McAlpine R. K. and Soule B. A. Qualitative Chemical Analysis (Review) 374. McCance R. A. and Shipp H. L. The chemistry of flesh foods and their losses on cooking 548. McClendon J. F. Manual of Biochemistry 728; (Review) 851. McClendon J. F. Barrett E. and Canniff T. Iodine-content of potatoes 839. McCollum E. V. See Kruse H. D. McCullagh D. R. New method for the deter-mination of iodine (in blood and organic sub-stances) 838.McDonald F. G. Stability of carotene in ethyl esters of fatty acids and in liver and vegetable oils 120. McEver T. G. McHugh G. P. - A Practical Chemistry for Higher School Certificates and Intermediate Students 728. McIlroy R. J. The detection of copper by means of p-phenylenediamine 103. McKee R. H. and Johnston W. S. Removal of fluorides from drinking water 768. McLachlan T. and Stern M. I. The analysis of green teas 385. McMurray R. L. Constituents of the petroleum spirit extract of the blossoms of yarrow 187. Macnaughtan D. J. McSwiney B. A. Composition of sweat 496. MacWalter R. J. Some factors which affect the assay of vitamin A by the spectrographic method 562. mcy I.G. Malaprade M. Determination of formaldehyde See Poe C. F. A Practical Chemistry 584. See Hothersall A. W. See Erickson B. N. and sulphites by acidimetry 361. Maljamff K. L. and Matskiewitsch W. B. Colorimetric determination of iodine by the chloroform method 135. Mallory G. E. Mdtby J. G. Mamoh L. Colorimetric determination of tryp-tophan in the haemolymph of the silkworm 50. Manley C. H. Report of the Leeds City Analyst for 1933 539. Marcan A. Report of the Government Analyst for Siam for the period April lst 1930 to March 31st 1932 753. Marcelet H. Capillary index of certain veget-able oils 676. Marcille R. Analysis of oils in cans containing preserved fish 47. - Determination of the insoluble bromide values of oils (in cans of preserved fish) 46.Marris N. A. Identification of glass splinters, 686. Marsh G. L. Martin F. W. The application of filtered ultra-violet rays in the investigation of poisoning cases 531. Martindale R. See May C. E. Mason E. Iodine survey of New Zealand live stock 188. Mamtsch C. Determination of chlorogenic acid in roasted coffee 188. Mather W. and Shanks W. J. Detection of diamines in leather 517. Mathiesen E. See Lunde G. Matignon C. Moureu H. and Dod6 M. Deter-mination of butanediol-2.3 642. Matlack M. B. and Sando C. E. Colouring matter in American red and purple tomatoes, 285. Matskiewitsch W. B. See Maljaroff K. L. Matthews J. W. Review of King and From-herz’ German-English Chemical Terminology, 782. - Review of Murray’s The Laboratory I t s Place in the Modern World 655.- Review of Vortmann and Lieber’s Qualitative Chernische Analyse nach dem Schwefelnatrium-gang 581. Mattill H. A. See Olcott H. S . Mattox W. J. See Tropsch H. Maulbetsch A. See Wenger P. Maunsell A. E. See Hughes E. B. May C. E. Martindale R. and Boyd W. F. Mayer F. Mayr C. Precipitation of cobalt and palladium by nitro- /3-naphthol 846. Meijer T. M. Determination of hydroxyl groups in alcohols and phenols by benzoyla-tion in tetrahydronapthalene solution a t high temperatures 362. Mellon M. G. See Ferner G. W. - See also Heck J. E. - See also Swank H. W. Mellor J. W. See Valaer P. See Davis W. A. See Joslyn M. A. Isolation and detection of bilirubin 291. See Nottbohm F. E. Comprehensive Treatise on In-organic Theoretical Chemistry.Vol. XIII, Iron Part 11 376 (Review) 852. See Nametkin S . S . Melnikow N. Meloche V. W. See Titus L. M:bz&ros G. Acid-content of tomato purCe, 349 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Xiii Meyer J. Detection of flour from denatured wheats. Identification of the colouring mat-ter 492. A rapid qualitative test for ethylene glycol and its application in the presence of glycerol 522. Middleton A. W. Miller R. E. See Gershenfeld L. Miller W. L. Determination of naphthalene in Milner H. W. See Smith J. H. C. Mitchell C. A. Editor of Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis 5th Ed. Vol. X (Review), 207. - Review of Carter and Pollard’s A n Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets 655. - Review of Else and Garrow’s The Detection of Crime 683.- Review of Radley and Grant’s Fluorescence Analysts in Ultra- Violet Light 209. Mitler R. P. and Kirk P. L. Quantitative drop analysis. Moeys G. P. G. and Schoorl N. Properties of adipoine a cyclic sugar 770. Mohler H. and Helberg E. JaffC-Folin re-action of hydrolysed gelatin 829. Mohler H. Helberg E. and Almasy F. Chemi-cal and spectrophotometric detection of gelatin in soup-cubes 180. Mond Sir R. and Myers 0. H. The Bucheum, 728. Money (3. P. Report of the States’ Analyst for Jersey for the year 1933 404. Monier-Williams G. W. Antimony in enamelled hollow-ware 489. Montignie E. Action of iodine on cholesterol, 426. - Reaction of cholesterol with sulphuric, selenic and telluric acids 426.Moon H. H. Moore H. McD. Moore T. - See also Dann W. J. Morgan A. F. Morgan M. F. Morgan W. T. J. Morris F. loskovits B. Mottern H. H. Moureu H. See Matignon C. Miiller H. insecticides 566. 11 Determination of calcium 64. See Culpepper C. W. See Hepburn J. S. See Booth R. G. See Joslyn M. A. Microchemical soil tests 65. See Elson L. A. See Kolthoff I. M. See Kelson E. K. See Tankard A. R. a-a’-Dipyridyl as a reagent for the determination of ferrous and total iron in natural waters 305. Micro-determination of iodine and a useful micro-desiccator 438. The Laboratory Its Place in the Modern World 310; (Review) 655. Miinster W. Murray D. S. Murray W. - See also Haslam J. Myers 0. H. See Colbeck E. W. See Mond Sir R.N Nagy V. L. - See also Bodngr J . Nakamura M. Anti-oxygens of fatty oils. Determination of the smouldering capacity of tobacco 119. Action of p-nitraniline 363. Nametkin S. S. and Melnikow N. Determina-tion of thallium in its organic compounds 843. Nanji H ,R. A modified micro-method of determining methoxyl and ethoxyl groups 96. - See also Chinoy J . J. Nanji H. R. .and Chinoy,.J. J. Simple method for the purification of citrus pectin 554. Needs F. E. Appointed Public Analyst for tkie County Borough of Bristol 689. Nelson E. K. and Mottern H. H. Florida grape-fruit peel oil 644. Nelson V. E. Neseni R. Nesty G. A. See Riebsomer J . L. Newcomb C. Report of the Chemical Examiner for Madras for the year 1932 37; for the year 1933 541.Nicholb J. R. The determination of quinine, 277. Nichols R. V. V. Nicholson T. F. Nickolls L. C. The analysis of magnesium alloys 16. - The determination of bismuth in copper 620. Nickolls L. C. and Gaskin J. G. N. The deter-mination of zinc in large quantity with par-ticular reference to the analysis of brass 391. Nielloux F. See RothCa F. Niemann C. and Link K. P. Composition of an aldobionic acid from flaxseed mucilage 196. Nierenstein M. Review of Steele’s Introduction to Plant Biochemistry 855. Nierenstein M. and Skene M. The Natural Organic Tannins 514; (Review) 856. Nikitin E. K. Nisihuku 5. Gravimetric determination of Norris 1 . E. G. Nottbohm F. E. and Mayer F. Choline factor of egg-yolk and the phosphatid-lecithin number of egg-lecithin 182.See Keil H. L. Investigation of peas 417. See Allen C. F. H. See Harding V. J. See :Tschelinzeff W. W. thallium as cobaltinitrite 573. See Lampitt L. H. - Phosphatids of wheat flour 417. Nottin P. Detection of methylene blue in flours 630. 0 OkSB A. Method of stirring during micro-electrolysis 203. Olcott H. S. and Mattill H. A. Vitamin E. I Some chemical and physiological properties, 295. Oldham J. W. H. Determination of aliphatic nitrates by titrations 642. O’Leary W. J. and Papish J. Analytical re-actions of rubidium and caesium 436. Olliver M. and Rendle T. Byssochlamys fulva and its effect on the tissues of processed fruit, 564. Olsen C. Absorption of manganese by plants, 707. Orloy J. E. Rapid determination of sulphate with the use of a collecting agent 847.Osburn 0. L. Osler T. G. See Lynch G. R. Osol A. See Bloom A. Otto G. See Stahly G. L. Variable action of acids on hide sub-stance and a new method of detecting harmful acids in leather 844 xiv INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Oxford A. E. Use of dioxan as solvent in the determination of molecular weights by the cryoscopic method 850. P See Hampshire C. H. Page G. R. Palfray L. and Lepesqueur A. M. Composition Pandalai I(. M. Papish J. Paris R. See Fleury P. Park B. Determination of small amounts of bismuth antimony tin and molybdenum in copper (spectrographic method) 501. Parry E. J. Review of Hedley Barry’s Natural Varnish Resins 308. Pates E. W. Review of Annual Reports of the Society of Chemical Industry on the Progress of Applied Chemistry 1933 443.Pavlas P. See Stanek V. Pavolini T. 2 3-Diaminophenazine as a reagent for metal ions 365. Payne,. R. W. Determination of basic dyes by precipitation with phosphotungstic acid 843. Peck J. R. S. See Rodgers T. S. Pkronnet M. Determination of benzene in toxicology. I Preliminary study of the colorimetric determination of m-dinitroben-zene 711. Colour reactions of metadinitrobenzene in alkaline medium. Determination of benzene vapour in the air, 431. of oil of carrots 420. See Rao G. G. 99. See O’Leary W. J . Pbronnet M. and Truhaut R. Peters R. A. Petrey A. W. fluorine in water 781. Pett L. B. phate in the presence of arsenic 647. Pfeiffer H. See Eble K. Phillips H.Review of Nierenstein’s Natural Organic Tannins 856. Phillips P. H. Hart E. B. and Bohstedt G. Influence of fluorine ingestion upon the nutritional qualities of milk 497. Picon M. Behaviour of quinine iodobismuthate with solvents and some applications of the solutions 704. Pieters H. A. J. Van Iterson J. and Spronck, S. J. H. Determination of sulphur in benzene, 127. Phatzky W. Merck’s diastase a proposal for barley analysis 41 8. Pbmer R. H. A. Micro-determination of phosphorus as phosphomolybdate 370. - Organic and Bio-Chemistry 5th Ed. (Review), 68. Plucker W. Plucker W. and Keilholz W. Colorimetric determination of chlorogenic and caffeic acids in roasted coffee 762. Poe C. F. Wyss A. P. and.McEver T. G. Chemical study of tomato juice 115.Poll& L. Identification of tanning agents under the quartz mercury-vapour lamp 439. Pollard G. See Carter J. Poluektoff N. S. Detection of selenium and See Kennersley H. W. Spectroscopic determination of Determination of inorganic phos-Gas warfare and foods 841. tellurium 504. Poluektoff N. S.-continued. - New spot test for potassium 650. - See also Komarowsky A. S. Potter F. M. Review of Spielmann and Elford’s Roadmaking and Administration 853. - See also Golding W. E. Poulsson E. and Ender F. Vitamin-content of cod-liver oil as influenced by the nutritional state of the cod 428. Preiss W. Determination of hydroquinone, especially in salt herrings 415. Prideaux E. B. R. Phosphorus. Vol. VI, Part I1 of A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry, edited by J .N. Friend 310; (Review) 511. Pritzker J. Distinction of wine vinegar from other vinegars 11 7. Pritzker J. and Jungkunz R. Taufel and Thaler’s reaction for ketone rancidity 48. Procter-Smith H. See Grant J . Pucher G. W. Vickery H. B. and Wakeman, A. J. Determination of malic acid in plant tissue 714. Purr A. Influence of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) on plant and animal amylases 710. Pyriki C. See Heiduschka A. R Radley J . . A. and Grant J. Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra-Violet Light (Review) 209. Rae W. N. See Reilly J. Rae W. N. and Reilly J. Physico-Chemical Practical Exercises 376. Rajmnn E. See Feigl F. Ramsay J. B. and Blann J. G. Volumetric determination of tin with potassium iodate, 434 571. Rao G. G. and Pandalai K.M. A rapid method for the accurate determination of minute quantities of nitrite 99. Raoul Y. Determination of hordenine 705. Rapoport S. See Friedrich A. Rappaport F. Methods for the micro-deter-mination of non-protein nitrogen and urea in blood 718. - See also Schwarz H. Rappaport F. and Hohenberg E. Micro-deter-mination of iron 649. Rly P. Translation of Riensenfeld’s Manual of Practical Inorganic Chemistry 310. Rly P. and Bose M. K. Quinaldinic acid as an analytical reagent 199. Ray S. N. See Harris L. J. Reed H. S. and Dufrenoy J. Histochemical detection of iron and zinc in citrus leaves 428. Reich-Rohrwig W. See Hecht F. Reichard 0. Determination of citric acid as pentabromoacetone and its application to wine 759. Reif G. Detection of sorbitol in fruit products, 760.- Detection of sorbitol in presence of dulcin and saccharin 44. Reilly J. and Rae W. N. Physico-Chemical Methods 310; (Review) 510. Reinsrtz F. See Brussoff A. Reith J. F. Detection and determination of methyl mercaptan and carbon disulphide in air containing hydrogen sulphide 197 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xv Remington R. Rendle T. See Olliver M. Revel P. See Duquenois P. Rhead A. J. See Hilditch T. P. Richards P. A. E. Resignation as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of West-minster 30 ; Metropolitan Borough of Ham-mersmith 108. Richardson G. A. and Tarassuk N. P. Detec-tion of gelatin in cultured butter-milk and cottage cheese 551. Richman R. Riebsomer J. L. and Nests G. A. Fatty oil from pumpkin seed.Constitution of linolic acid 830. Riesenfeld E. H. A Manual of Practical In-organic Chemistry 310. Righellato E. C. A nickel vessel for storing standard caustic alkali solutions 104. Roark R. C. Bibliography of Chloropicrin 444. Roberts W. L. and Schuette H. A. Wisconsin-grown tobacco seed oil 187. Robin P. Detection of caesium rubidium and thallium 61. Rodgers T. S. Peck J. R. S. and Jupe M. H. Lead poisoning in children (chemical mechan-ism of lead poisoning) 640. Rodillon G. Micro-determination of silica in tissues and in blood 438. Roe J. H. Colorimetric method for the deter-mination of fructose in blood and urine 835. Rooney T. E. Note on the determination of sulphur in alloy steels 278. Rosanow S. N. and Kasarinowa W. A. Colori-metric determination of potassium 200.Rosenthal E. and Erdblyi J. New colour test for the determination of vitamin A 562. Rosenthaler L. Microchemical tests. IX 137; X 721; XI 774. Rothh F. Rupel I. W. Russell E. See Holmes A. D. See Levine V. E. Soya bean lecithin 117. See Baumann C. A. Report of the Public Analyst for Bristol for the year 1932 30; for 1933 751. S Saber A. H. Determination of senna stalk in - Senna stalk its anatomy and detection in Sabetay H. See Sabetay S. Sabetay S. and Sabetay H. Colour reaction of Sadler P. See Taufel K. Sadusk J. F. and Ball E. G. Volumetric deter-mination of small quantities of iodine 133. Sage C. E. Note on the examination of dried green mint 535. - Review of The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1934 725.Sage C. E. and Fleck H. R. The determination of volatile oils in herbs spices and drugs 614. Sahyun M. Salt F E. Samuel B. L. and Shockey H. H. Rapid photometric method for the determination of small quantities of lead 306. Sanborn N. H. senna 635. powdered senna 635. azulenogenic sesquiterpenes 643. Determination of glycogen 189. See Davis W. A. See Kohman E. F. Sanchez J. A. Detection and determination of Sanchez J. V. See Gangl J. Sanchis J. M. Determination of fluorides in Sand H. J. S. See Lindsey A. J. Sando C. E. See Matlack M. B. Sant G. and Stahel -. oil 703. Sastri B. N. and Sreenivasaya M. enzymes by “spot” tests 508. Saunders B. C. means of 3 5-dinitro-benzoyl chloride 568. Saunderson H. Schick IT. See Szebellkdy L.Schlientz W. See Karrer P. Schloemer A. See Brussoff A. Schnetka M. See Bruning A. Schoeller W. R. Detection of small quantities of tantalum and niobium 367. - Review of Ephraim’s Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry 2nd English Ed. 309. - Review of Friend’s A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry 5 11. - Review of McAlpine and Soule’s Qualitative Chemical Analysis 374. Schoeller W. R. and Jahn C. Investigations into the analytical chemistry of tantalum, niobium and their mineral associates XXVI, The interference of tungsten in earth-acid determinations 465. Investiga-tions into the analytical chemistry of tantalum, niobium and their mineral associates. XXVII, Observations on manganese and the analysis of tantalite 667. Schoenheimer R.and Sperry W. P. Micro-method for the determination of free and combined cholesterol 778. Schoorl N. Schroeder W. C. Schuette H. A. - See also Roberts W. A. Schuette H. A. Cowley 1. A. and Chang C. H. Coffee-bean oil 830. Schuette H. A. and Huebner E. 0. Daily variations in the freezing-point of milk 181. Schulek E. and Floderer S. Determination of mercury in galenicals and its separation from bismuth 434. Schulze G. See Berg P. Schuster C. Use of camphor in cryoscopy for the determination of the molecular weight of arsinic acids 508. Schuster G. Adulteration of cocoa butter. Determination of the “azelaic acid” values of palm and illip6 butters 350. Schwarz H. and Rappaport F. Micro gas analysis and its applications especially in biological work (collected references) 138.Schwarz K. Micro-potentiometric titration. I Titration in macro-drops 849. Sciver A. Scott D. A. Searle H. E. La Que F. L. and Dohrow R. H. Metals and wines 631. Sekiguchi H. See Ueno S. Sen D. L. See Ahmad N. novocaine and stovaine 634. natural waters 437. Surinam chaulmoogra Detection of Identification of amino acids by See Trotman S. R. Schoeller W. R. and Webb H. W. See Moeys G. P. G. See Stout A.W. Direct titration of sulphate, 134. Losses in meat on cooking 536. See Fisher A. M xvi INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Serbescu P. See Bertrand G. Serles E. R. Seyler C. A. 34 36. Shanks W. J. Sharlit H. Method for the quantitative deter-mination of indoxyl compounds in blood 190. Shaw A. The determination of free silica in coal-measure rocks 446.Sheldon C. C. See Brown J. B. Shipp H. L. See McCance K. A. Shockey H. H. Shorland F. B. Shrewsbury H. S. See Hirschfelder A. D. Work on micro-structure of coal, See Mather W. See Samuel B. L. Determination of aluminium in pasture-grasses etc. 565. Report of the Government Analyst for Trinidad and Tobago for the year 1933 755. Simmons W. H. Adulterated cananga oil 644 - Review of Ashworth’s The Analysis of Oil f o r Pvoduction of Lubricants 442. Simpson E. S. Report of the Government Analyst for Western Australia on the work of the Chemical Branch Mines Department for the year 1933 824. See Wood E. C. Simpson T. W. Skene M. See Nierenstein M. Slade R. E. Review of Tongue’s The Design and Construction of High-pressure Chemical Plant 513.Slater R. H. Review of Plimmer’s Organic and Bio-chemistry 68. - See also Lynch G. R. Slusanchi H. Smirnowa T. N. Smith A. N. and Dryburgh A. soils by means of aspergillus niger 766. Smith C. M. See Gross C. R. Smith D. M. Metallurgical Analysis by the Spectrograph (Review) 208. Smith E. C. See Haines R. B. Smith E. L. logical Eflects of Radiant Energy 142. - See also Bacharach A. L. Smith G. B. L. Smith H. G. Smith H. R. and Cameron E. J. Mould-growth test for minute amounts of arsenic 123. Smith J. H. C. and 1YZLilner H. W. Carotene. VII Physical properties of carotenes from different plants sources 293. Smith M. C. and Leverton R. 1. Comparative toxicity of fluorine compounds 710.Smorodinzew J. A. Evaluation of the quality of meat by artificial digestion with pepsin, 422. Smensen I. Carbohydrate-content of the proteins in the white of hens’ eggs 701. ,Spacu P. See Spacu G. Spacu G. and Spacu P. Gravimetric and volumetric determination of mercury as mercurous iodate 199. Sperry W. P. Spielmann P. E. and Elford E. 3. Road-making and Administration 5 14 ; (Keview) , 853. Spronck S. J. H. Sreenivasaya 1. Stafford 0. F. Stahel -. See Sant G. See Ionescu M. V. See Zwenigorodskaja V. M. Examination of Review of Laurens’ The Physio-See Lehner V. Metabolism of azelaic acid 120. See Schoenheimer R. See Pieters H. A. J . See Sastri B. N. Acetamide as a solvent 56. Stiihli M. See Waser E. Stahly l3 L. Osburn 0 L..and Werkman C. H. Quantitative determination of acetone and ethyl butyl and iso-propyl alcohols in fer-mentation liquors 319. Stainsby W. J. Stanek V. and Pavlas P. Detection of saccharin in beer and other beverages 704. Starck H. P. Stary Z. Collected references. Micro-deter-mination of nickel and cobalt 507. Steele C. C. An Introduction to Plant Bio-chemistry 584; (Review) 855. Steenbock H. Steger A. and Van Loon J. Fatty oil from quince seeds 185. - Fatty oil from the seeds of Cassia Occidentalis, Linn. (“wild coffee”) 185. - Fatty oil of Parinarium macrophyllum (neou oil) 288. - Millet seed oil 186. Stenger V. A. See Kolthoff I . M. Stern M. I. Steuart D. W. Buffers for the lactic fermenta-tion 402. - The composition and calorific value of English cider 27.- The determination of tartaric acid in cider, 532. Stevens 5. G. E. The microscopical examina-tion of herbs 744. Stevenson S. G. Review of Glyn-Jones’s The Pharmacy and Poisons Act Explained 67. Stewart C. P. and Dorrer 0. Translation of Leschke’s Clinical Toxicology (Review) 722. Stewart M. M. Effect of exposure to low temperatures on the number of bacteria in fish muscle 711. Stoner N. See Erickson B. N. Stout A. W. Schuette H. A. and Fischer R. GT. Rye oil. 11 Properties as affected by choice of solvent 187. Strain H. H. Separation of carotenes by ad-sorption 659. Strater H. H. See Damerell V. R. Straub J. Micro-iodimetric determination of iron 368. Straub J. and Donck C. M. Mineral constitu-ents and freezing-point of the white and yolk of hens’ eggs 701.Stschigol M. Glycerin as a reagent for mercury, 433. Stuart L S. Frey R. W. and James L. H. Reddening of salted hides 123. Stubbs J. R. See Elsdon G. D. Stubbs J. R. and Elsdon G. D. The examina-tion of one thousand milks by the Hortvet freezing-point process 146. Sutton T. C. See Ambler H. R. Swank H. W. and Mellon 1. G. Colori-Swenson T. L. See Balls A. K. SsebellMy,,L. and Schick K. Selenium as in-dicator in the bromate titration of arsenic, 571. - Separation of potassium and sodium as iodides 502. Szegoe L. and Cassoni B. Colorimetric deter-mination of traces of fluorine 201. See Hilditch T. P. Volumetric Analysis 310 728. See Baumann C. A. See McLachlan T. metric standards for silica 773 IXDEX TO VOLUME 59 xvii T Takei T.“Soy” oil 761. Tananaeff I. Volumetric determination - Volumetric method for lead 845. fluorine in fluorspar 847. Tankard A. R. Report of the Public Analyst the City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull for the year 1933 819. - Review of Dzctionary of Colour Stnndavcls, 724. - Review of Parsons’ Fundamentals of Bio-chemistry 3 73. Tankami A. R. Bagnall D. J. T. and Morris F. The composition of the amniotic fluid 806. Tarassuk N. P. Tarbert D. J. See Bennett A. H. Tartarini G. New colour reactions of cuprous salts 60. Tate F. G. H. Equalisation of temperature in electric ovens 168. Tauber H. New micro-method for the detection of monoses in the presence of reducing bioses, 647. See Richardson G.A. of for - Use of Benedict’s solution in the micro-detection of sugar in urine and other solutions, 648. Tiiufel? ,K. and Sadler P. Auto-oxidative rancidity of fats. VI Technique and evalua-tion of the Kreis reaction 353. Tiiufel K. and Thaler H. Colour reaction for glvcerin 11 8. Taurins A. Gravimetric determination of copper cadium and nickel as complex mercury compounds 434. Tavernier J. See Warcollier G. Tettamanzi T. See Garelli F. Thaler H. See Taufel K. Thatcher R. W. Use of amyl alcohol in the sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate method for the determination of copper 130. Thorne. P. C. L. Translation of Ephraim’s Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry 2ndL English Ed. 309. Thorogood A. L. Thorpe J. F. and Whiteley M. A. Titus L. and Meloche V.W. Tomori N. See Koszegi D. Tompsett S. L. See Barr G. Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Supplement Vol. I, 444; (Review) 781. Micro-extractor, 136. Thiolacetic acid as a reagent for the determination of the inorganic iron-content of biological materials 835. Toms H. Review of Hartman’s Organic Syntheses Vol. SIV 723. Tongue H. The Design and Construction of High-pressure Chemical Plant 310 ; (Review), 613. Totoiescu D. Interference of nitric acid in the permanganate titration of iron 366. Tougarinoff B. Colour reactions of rhenium, 435. Toulouse J. H. Oxygen-consuming phenomena in beverages 703. Toyama Y. and Ishikawa T. Gadoleic acid in sei whale and humpback whale oils 832. - New eicosenoic acid in pilot whale oil, 831.Toyama Y. and Tsuchiya T. Gadoleic acid in cod-liver oil 351. - Highly unsaturated acids in herring cod-liver, pilot whale blubber and aburazame liver oils, 831. - Identification of gadoleic acid in Japanese sardine oil herring oil and liver oil of “sulreso-dara” (Theragra chalcogramma) 352. Treadwell W. D. and Ktinig W. Determina-tion of alkalis as silicofluorides 132. Treadwell W. D. and Ziirrer T. Determina-tion of nitrogen by combustion in the electric arc 129. Treichler R. Trombe F. Direct reading manometer for low pressures 651. Tropsch H. and Mattox W. J. Determination of butadiene in gases 430. Trotman S. R. Bell H. S. and Saunderson H. Some properties of chlorinated wool and the determination of damage in chlorinated knitted woollen goods 715.Colour reactions of meta-dinitro-benzene in alkaline solution 60. See Fraps G. S . Truhaut R. - See also PCronnet M. Tschelinzeff W. W. and Nikitin E. K. Con-densations of furan compounds. 111 Con-densation products of furfural with acetone in acid and alkaline media and a new method of determining small quantities of furfural 569. Tschernichow J. and Guildine E. Colori-metric determination of uranium in low-grade ores 367. Tschernichow J. A. and Karsajewskaja M. P. Determination of tantalum and niobium in wolframite 7 17. Tsuchiya T. See Toyama Y . Tsujimoto M. Tsujimoto M. and Koyanagi H. Fatty sub-- Fatty substances of shell fish oyster etc., - Unsaturated acid in the kernel fat of “Akarit-Tullock C. W. Turner R. G. 560.Tutin J. Oil of “Karasumi,” 288. stances of shell-fish 352. 762. tom” (Parinarium Zaurinum) TI 287. See Fuson R. C. Stability- of carotene in olive oil, The Atom 310; (Review) 609. U Ubbelohde A. R. The use of complex ions as indicators in analysis 339. Ueno. S. Formation of isomeric unsaturated fatty acids in the hydrogenation of oils 762. Ueno S. and Ikuta H. The composition of the saturated fatty acids of Japanese chrysalis oil 745 Constituents of menuke oil 352. Determination of o-toluidine 126. Ueno S. and Iwai M. Ueno S. .and Sekiguchi H xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 59 V Vaille C. Differentiation reactions of argyrol, collargol electrargol and protargol 422. Valaer P. and Mallory G. E. Study of aloes and determination of some of its constituents, 421.Valier P. See Wunshendorff H. Van der Hulst L. J. N. Application of absorp-tion spectra in oil research. Distillation of palm oil 509. Van der Meulen J. H. Determination of selenium in selenites selenates and in “metallic selenium,” 505. Van Goetsenhoven F. Van Iterson J. Van Loon J. See Steger A. Van Nieuwenburg C. J. and Dulfer I. G. A Short Manual of Systematical Qualitative Analysis by means of Modern Drop Reac-tions (Review) 66. See Frognier R. See Pieters H. A. J. Van Vlodrop C. Van Zijp C. Velluz L. See Debucquet L. Vickery H. B. Voelcker E. Chemical and bacteriological ex-amination of water 816. Vogels H. Apparatus for the distillation of mercury under reduced pressure 650. Von Euler H. Karrer P.and Zehender F. Behaviour of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and other reductors towards catheptic and other enzymes 295. Von Richter V. Organic Chemistry. Trans-lated by E. N. Allott 444. Vortmann G. and Lieber R. Qualitative Chemische Analyse nach dem Schwefel-natriumgang (Review) 581. See Waterman H. I. Micro copper-pyridine reaction for saccharin 850. See Pucher G. W. W Wagenaar G. H. Identification of superol Wagenaar 1. Detection of ketoses by a micro-- Detection of sucrose in ‘lactose 573. - Microchemical and microscopical identifica-- Microchemistry of atophan 779. - Microchemistry of euquinine 506. - Spectrum of haematoporphyrin and its significance in the recognition of traces of old blood-stains 499. Wakeman A. J. Walden G. H. Hammett L.P. and Edmonds, S. 1. Direct determination of iron in presence of vanadium by the use of a silver reductor 302. U.S.P. test for soluble alkalis and alkalinity in milk of magnesia and magnesium oxide 763. Differentiation between light and heavy magnesium oxide, 763. Report of the Government Analyst for British Guiana for the year 1933 627. Fluorescence and detection of rhapontic rhubarb 652. (quinosol) 834. scopic method 44. tion of santonin 574. See Pucher G. W. Wales H. Wales H. and Keenan G. L. Wallis K. Wallis T. E. and Withell E. R. Walter G. See Grossfeld J . Warcollier G. Le Mod A. and Tavernier J. Accidental presence of acrolein in cider and perry spirits Its formation a t the expense of the glycerol 840. Ward A.M. Ward T. J. Erasures and offsets in ink writing, 343. - Review of Engelder’s A Textbook of Elemen-tary Qualitafive Analysis 51 1. - Review of Lane and Eynon’s Determination of Reducing Sugars by Fehling’s Solution with Methylene Blue Indicator 852. - Review of Van Nieuwenburg and Dulfer’s Manual of Systematical Qualitative Analysis by means of Modern Drop Reactions 66. - The microchemical identification of ink in handwriting 621. Waser E. and Stahli M. (Hydrocyanic acid in) tobacco smoke 356. Wasitzky A. Collected references. Detection and determination of small amounts of cholesterol and other sterols 438. - Collected references. Micro-methods of de-termination of proteins in medicine and biology 303. Differences between biologically active substances before and after isolation from the raw material in which they occur 498.Watridge R. W. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the County Council of the Isle of Wight 344. Watson C. J. Isolation of crystalline sterco-bilin 557. Watson S. J. Bishop G. and Drummond J. C. Relation of the colour and vitamin A content of butter to the nature of the ration fed. (I) Influence of the ration on the yellow colour of butter 708. Webb H. W. See Schoeller W. R. Weber H. H. Colorimetric detection of tri-chloroethylene carbon tetrachloride and other aliphatic chlorinated hydrocarbons in technical solvents 57. See Fleck H. R. Waterman H. I. and VanVlodrop C. Weisberg H. See Lehrman L. Webs F. presence of benzoic acid 196. - See also Griebel C.Weller G. See Binet L. Wenger P. Cimerman C. and Bongland P. Micro-determination of calcium in serum 650. Wenger P. Cimerman Ch. and Maulbetsch A. Micro-determination of urea in blood 507. - Rapid micro-method for the determination of uric acid in urine 507. Wenker H. Nitrazine yellow a new indicator, 365. Wenusch A. Detection of very small quantities of nicotine 556. Werkman C. H. West E. S. Hoagland C. L. and Curtis G. H. New method for the determination of acetyl values of lipids applicable to hydroxylated fatty acids 429. Weston F. E. A Scheme for the Detection of the more Common Classes of Carbon Com-pounds 728. Wheeler R. V. Detection of p-chlorobenzoic acid in See Stahly G. L. See Hibbott H. W INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xix White H.I. Wteley M. A. Whitmoyer R. B. Determination of small amounts of dextrose laevulose and invert sugar in the absence and presence of sucrose, 702. Wiardi P. W. and Jansen B. C. P. Isolation of heteroxanthine from yeast 291. Wichmann H. J. and Dahle D. Determina-tion of small quantities of fluorine by the Steiger-Menvin reaction. I Optimum con-ditions and interference. 11 Details of procedure 132. Wichmann H. J. and Others. Methods for the determination of lead in foods 289. Wikoff H. L. Busey M. and Kaplan A. M. Analytical constants of peanut butter 355. Wilcox L. V. Colorimetric determination of fluoride by means of a photronic colorimeter, 503. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Deptford 344; of Shoreditch 403.Willimott 5. G. Report of the Government Analyst for Cyprus for the year 1932 41. Wilson M. A. See Horn D. W. Winckelmann J. New method of preparative Wise W. Withell E. R. See Wallis T. E. Wood D. R. Illing E. T. and Fletcher A. E. Note on the diphenylamine test for nitrates in milk and its reliability in the presence of small quantities of chlorine 400. Wood E. C. and Simpson T. W. An improved method for the routine determination of fat in faeces 817. Use of solid carbon dioxide in the determination of tin 716. See Thorpe J. F. Williams H. A. microchemistry 506. See Hughes E. B. Wood F. 1. Observations on the action of Woodhead S. A. Note on fur dermatitis 815. Wright C. H. Soil Analysis 376; (Review) 654. Wunshendorff H.and Valier P. Qualitative separation of cobalt from nickel by means of ammonium phosphate 502. Wylam B. See Damon A. Wyss A. P. See Poe C. F. chlorine on lignified tissues 569. Y Yamada T. Fractional extraction of soya-bean oil and the drying properties of the fractions, 555. Yamamoto K. See Kobayashi K. Yavorsky Y. Almaden P. and. King C. G. Young L. Determination of inositol in animal - Volumetric determination of inositol 836. Vitamin C content of human tissues 765. tissues 837. Z Zehender F. See von Euler H. Ziirrer T. See Treadwell W. D. Zwenigorodskaja V. M. and Gaigerowa A. A. Volumetric determination of beryllium in presence of fluorine 645. Zwenigorodskaja V. M. and Smirnowa T. N. Separation of beryllium from aluminium and iron by means of hydroxyquinoline 645.Zwikker J. J. L. Analytical chemistry of penta-methvlene-tetrazol lcardiazoll . 833. I ~ - Micro copper-pyridine reaction for saccharin, 850 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 INDEX TO A Aachen Bacterial activity in the hot springs a t Aachen-Burtscheid and -. A. Brussoff, F. Reinartz and A. Schloemer 55. Absorption Spectra Application of - in oil research. Distillation of palm oil. L. J. N. Van der Hulst 509. Aburazame Liver Oil Highly unsaturated acids in -. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya, 831. Acetaldehyde in admixture with formaldehyde ; New method for differentiating and deter-mining __ . M. V. Jonescu and H. Slusanschi 57. Acetamide as a solvent. Acetic Acid as inhibitor of bacterial growth 176. Acetone Determination of hydrocarbons in alcohol containing -.R. W. Hoff 687. in fermentation liquors ; Quantitative deter-mination of - G. L. Stahly 0. L. Osburn and C. H. Werkman 319. Rapid accurate determination of -. Application to biological liquids. R. Gros, 362. Acety1.Value of lipids; New method for deter-mining ~ applicable to hydroxylated fatty acids. E. S. West C. L. Hoagland and G. H. Curtis 429. Achema Jahrbuch. 584. Achillea Millefolium See Yarrow Blossoms. Acid Clay Colour reaction of Japanese __ with carotene in palm oil. K. Kobayashi, K. Yamamoto and J . Abe 639. Acidimetric determination of formaldehyde and sulphites. M. Malaprade 361. standard; Furoic acid as an -. H. B. and A. M. Kellog 712. Acidimetry Cadmium sulphate as a basis for -.S. E. Q. Ashley and G. A. Hulett, 570. Acids alkali salts of organic -; Attempted adsorption indicator method for deter-mining. C. G. Lyons and F. K. Appleyard, 480. 0. F. Stafford 56. Aconite Microchemical test for -. Acque Minerali d’Italia. (Review) 582. Acrolein in cider and perry spirits; Accidental presence of - and its formation a t the expense of the glycerol. G. Warcollier, A. Le Moal and J . Tavernier 840. Adipoine; Properties of - a cyclic sugar. G. G. Moeys and N. Schoorl 770. Adipose Tissue Relative concentration of esterase and lipase in -. J . S. Hepburn and H. McD. Moore 292. Abstracts 55 361 565, 842. Industries ; Third International Technical and Chemical Congress of -. 415. 137. Agricultural Analysis. SUBJECTS.Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry of Specifi-cations and methods of analysis of certain insecticides and fungicides. Bull. No. 82. 694. Ailanthus as adulterant of mint. 819. leaves; Mint adulterated with -. (Legal Notes) 33. Air benzene vapour in the -; Determination of. M. Pdronnet and R. Truhaut 431. containing hydrogen sulphide ; Detection and determination of methyl mercaptan and carbon disulphide in -. J . F. Keith 197. Sulphur gases in -. 280. Akarittom kernel fat ; ,Unsaturated acid in -. 11. &I. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 287. Albumin Transmission of light by egg -. H. J . Almquist J . W. Givens and ,4. Close, 759. Alcohol containing acetone ; Determination of hydrocarbons in __ R. W. Hoff 687. Alcohols Determination o*f higher - (fuse1 oil).B. Bleyer W. Diemair and E. Frank, 59. from wine; Presence of methyl alcohol in -. M. Flanzy 553. Hydroxyl groups in - determined by benzoylation in tetrahydronaphthalene solu-tion a t high temperatures. T. M. Meijer, 362. methyl alcohol in presence of large quantities of homologous -; Micro-determination of. M. Flanzy 193. Aldehydes in rancid fats 697; C. H. Lea 702. New reactions of ketones and __ . A. Lacourt 499. other than citronellal. Determination of -. Essential Oil Sub-committee Re-port So. 11. 105. Aldobionic Acid from flaxseed mucilage; Com-position of -. C. Niemann and K. P. Link 196. Aleurites (China wood oils); Gelation of -by antimony halides. Aleurites Montana Tung oil from - and specification tests. Aliphatic nitrates ; Determination of - by titration.Series; Chemistry of -. Vol. I of Richter’s Organic Chemistry. Translated by E. X. Allott (Review) 653. Alkali digestion method for the colorimetric determination of vithmin A . A. W. Davies 357. Report of the Chief Inspectors for 1933. 624. T. Franqois 364. L. A. Jordan 194. J. W. H. Oldham 642. &c. Works. Alkaline Earth Sulphate test. 721. Alkaline Earths Sensitive colour reaction for Alkalis Content of - in hens’ eggs. J . -. 776. Grossfeld and G. Walter 491 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xxi Alkali-continued. Determination of - as silicofluorides. W. D. Treadwell and W. Konig 132. soluble - in milk of magnesia and mag-nesium oxide; U.S.P. test for -. H. Wales 763. Alkaloids Microchemical tests for -.774. Potassium perrhenate as precipitant for -. 137. Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis. 5th Ed. Vol. X. Edited by C. A. Mitchell. (Re-view) 207. Alloy steels; Note on determination of sulphur in -. T. E. Rooney 278. Alloys magnesium -; Analysis of. L. C. Nickolls 16. nickel -; Note on determination of alumin-ium in. R. C. Chirnside 278. of antimony copper and tin; Experiments on the electrolytic analysis of -. A. J. Lindsey and H. J. S. Sand 335. Almond Oil Modified elaidin test for -. 315. Aloes Adulteration of -. Excretion of -. G. F. Hall and W. M. Keightley 152. Study of - and determination of some of its constituents. P. Valaer and G. E. Mallory 421. Benzoate method of precipitating iron, chromium and -. I. M. Kolthoff V.A. Stenger and B. Moscovitz 435. chromium in presence of -; Notes on the determination of with perchloric acid as oxidising agent. J. Haslam and W. Murray, 609. Daily administration of small quantities of - in relation to the development of cancer. . G. Bertrand and P. Serbescu 422. in magnesium alloys. 16. in nickel alloys; Note on determination of in pasture-grasses etc. ; Determination of potentiometric titration of -; Antimony E. W. Kanning Separation of - from zinc. J. N. Frers 130. Separation of - from bivalent metals by means of ammonium benzoate. I. M. Kolthoff V. A. Stenger and B. Moskovitz, 572. Separation of beryllium from - by means of hydroxyquinoline. V. M. Zwenigorods-kaja and T. N. Smirnowa 645. Alypine Microchemical test for -.American red and purple tomatoes; Colouring matter in -. M. B. Matlack and C. E. Sando 285. Amines Identification of __ as 2 4-dinitro-benzoates. C. A. Buehler and J. D. Calfee, 769. in brandy; amount and determination of -. K. R. Dietrich 630. Microchemical tests for volatile -. 138. Quinone as reagent for -. M. Foucry 713. Amino Acids Identification of - by means of 3 5-dinitro-benzoyl chloride. B. C. Saunders 568. E. LCger 555. Aluminium Atomic weight of -. 547. -. R. C. Chirnside;278. -. F. B. Shorland. 565. as indicator electrode in. and F. H. Kratli 131. 137. Amino Acids-continued Oxidation of - by means of silver oxide. K. M. Herbst and H. T. Clarke 425. p-Aminophenol Chemical reactions of dyeing Ammonia Micro-method for determining -.K. Linderstram-Lang and H. Holter 206. L. Lapin and W. Hein 773. Ammoniacal nitrogen in soil ; Microchemical test for -. 65. Ammonium Benzoate as means of separating iron aluminium and chromium from bivalent metals. I. M. Kolthoff V. A. Stenger and B. Moskovitz 572. Ammonium Phosphate as means of separating cobalt from nickel. H. Wunshendorff and P. Valier 502. Ammonium Sulphide group of metals; Analysis of -. L. Lehrman H. Weisberg and E. A. Kabat 844. Amniotic Fluid Composition of -. A. R. Tankard D J. T. Bagnall and I;. Morris, 806. Amy1 Alcohol Use of - in the sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate method of deter-mining copper. Anaesthetic chloroform; Tests on -. 348. ether; Ultra-violet rays as a test for the Analar Standards for Laboratory Chemicals.Analysis Conductometric ___ . H. T. S. Volumetric -. H. P. Starck 310 728. volumetric ___ ; Applications of chloramine in. A. S. Komarowsky W. F. Filonowa and I . M. Korenman 436. Analytical methods; Endorsement by Council of Reports of the Sub-committees of the Standing Committee 786. Methods Standing Committee on Uniformity of - Essential Oil Sub-committee Report No. 11. Determination of alde-hydes other than citronellal. 105. Anilism in factories. 626. Animal amylases; Influence of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) on -. A. Purr 710. fats; Highly unsaturated fatty acids in some -. J. B. Brown and C. C. Sheldon 831. tissues; Determination of inositol in --. L. Young 837. tissues ; Distribution of vitamin C in - and its determination.0. A. Bessey and C . G. King 122. with -. H. E. COX 3. New colour reaction of -. R. W. Thatcher 130. stability of -. British Drug Houses Ltd. 728. Britton 376. (Review) 854. S. G. Liversedge 815. Anise Fruits Volatile oil in -. Anthelmintic Sakae seeds as -. Anthranilic Acid Determination of manganese with -. H. Funk and M. Demmel 435. Antimony alloys; Experiments on the electro-lytic analysis of -. A. J. Lindsey and H. J. S. Sand 335. as indicator electrode in the potentiometric titration of iron and aluminium. E. W. Kanning and F. H. Kratli 131. Atomic weight of -. 547. compounds; Toxicity of -. 490. halides; Gelation of china wood oils (AEeurites) by -. T. FranGois 364. 617. 754 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Ant imony-continued.in copper; Spectrographic method of deter-in enamelled hollow-ware. G. W. Monier-in food and biological material ; Bibliography in viscera and excreta; Determination of -. Antimony microchemistry of -; Collected Antimony Oxides Stability and solubility of Antimony Wchloride reaction for butter-fat ; Seasonal variations in -. R. G. Booth and Others 50. Reactions of terpenes with -. V. E. Levine and E. Richman 360. Anti-Oxygens of fatty oils. Action of p-nitrani-line. M. Nakamura 363. Antirachitic factor of autumn and winter butter; Chemical differentiation of - from irradiated ergosterol and the vitamin D of cod-liver oil. S. K. Kon and R. G. Booth 53. Antiscorbutic potency of ascorbic acid ; Standard-isation of -.L. J. Harris and S. N. Ray, 359. Antiseptic Orthophenylphenol as an -. H. C. Fuller 766. Apparatus Abstracts 139 305,$ 371 439 508, 576 650 722 780 850. Appointments Official -. 30 108 172 344, 403 689 750 818. Apricots Analysis of canned -. 237. Arem Nut poisoning. 543. Argon Atomic weight of -. Argyrol Differentiation reactions of collargol, electrargol protargol and --. C. Vaille, 422. mining -. B. Park 501. Williams 489. of -. F. Bamford 101. T. J. Pope 109. references to. K. Heller 575. -. 489. 547. Arrowroot Adulteration of -. “Marble” -. P. Jones 493. Arsenic Atomic weight of -. 414 547. bromate titration of -; Selenium as indica-tor in. L. Szebelledy and K. Schick 571. content of American cod-liver oil. A. D. Holmes and R.Remington 633. Frozen meat contaminated with -. 31. germanium in presence of -; Detection and determination of small quantities of. S. A. Coase 462 747. 482. in love potions. 541. in medicinal organic compounds; Determina-tion of -. in tartar emetic; Determination of -. H. Atkinson 400. inorganic phosphate in presence of -; Determination of. L. B. Pett 647. microchemistry of - ; Collected references to. K. Heller 575. Mould-growth test for minute amounts of -. H. R. Smith and E. J. Cameron 123. Nephelometric determination of -. A. Amati 716. Quantitative determination of -Marsh’s process. J. Gang1 and J. Sanchez 7 16. Arsenic Chloride Use of activated carbon for removing. small auantities of - from E. Kahane 356. Arsenious Acid Osmium tetroxide as catalyst for the oxidation of -.Arsenite in the oxidimetric determination of cerium. R. Lang 646. Arsinic Acids molecular weight of -; Use of camphor in cryoscopy for determining. C. Schuster 508. Artificial Silk works; Dust and smell from -. 624. Ascorbic Acid Behaviour of - and other reductors towards catheptic and other enzymes. H. v. Euler P. Karrer and F. Zehender 295. content of certain citrus fruits and some manufactured citrus products. A. L. Bacharach P. M. Cook and E. L. Smith 709. K. Gleu 130. Effect of - on toxins. Formula for -. 73. Glucoreductone for standardising 2 6-di-chlorophenolindophenol solhtions used for determining -. Influence of - on plant and animal amylases. A. Purr 710. Physiological action of - and some related compounds.V. Demole 709. Separation of cysteine from - by means of mercuric acetate. A. Emmerle 559. Standardisation of the antiscorbutic potency of -. L. J. Harris and S. N. Ray 359. Aspergillus Niger method of examining soils. A. M. Smith and A. Dryburgh 766. Asphalt roofs; Blisters on -. 757. Aspirin tablets; French chalk in -. Atom The -. Atomic weights; Fourth Report of the Com-mittee on -. Atmospheric corrosion as related to -polution. 281. pollution; Investigation of -. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research Report for year ending March 31 1933. M. Wage-naar 779. Part 3. Chemical composition of four pale-coloured woods of the genus Eucalyptus. W. E. Cohen A. G. Charles and A. B. Jamieson, 128.Aselaic Acid Metabolism of -. H. G. Smith 120. values of palm and illip6 butters Determina-tion of -. Adenogenic sesquiterpenes ; Colour reaction of -. S. and H. Sabetay 643. E. Harde 765. 2. I. Kertesz 427. 538. (Review) J . Tutin 509. 310 414 547. 280. Atophan Microchemistry of -. Australian timbers; Chemistry of -. G. Schuster 350. B B. Coli Effect of salt on growth of -. 413. in samples of milk; Significance of -. B. L a d s Aerogenes in samples of milk; Signifi-B. Tuberculosis in butter. J. W. Edington, Bacteria Effect of ozone on growth of -. C. H. Chalmers 296. cance of -. 766. 697. C. H. Chalmers 296. hydrochroric acid.l S. E. Coalstad 716. in fish. 699 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xxiii Bacteria-continued. in fish muscle; Effect of exposure to low M.M. Minimum temperatures of growth of -. Bacterial growth ; Chemical inhibitors of -. Bactericidal efficiency of menthol and camphor. L. Gershenfeld and R. E. Miller 55. Bacteriological Analysis. Abstracts 54 123, 296 563 711 766 840. examination of water -. E. Voelcker 816. Bacteriology Practical -. A. Cunningham, Balance Use of the air-damped __ for deter-J. Golding 468. Barium Atomic weight of -. Differentiation from calcium and strontium. poisoning. 54 1. Khodizonic acid as an indicator in the volu-metric determination of -. A. Fried-rich and S. Rapoport 439. values of butter-fats of different animals. H. Atkinson 481. Barium Sulphate Microchemical test for -. 721. Barley analysis ; Merck’s diastase a proposal for -.W. Piratzky 418. Vitamin A content of -. E. H. Hughes, 121. 744. temperatures on the number of -. Stewart 711. 697. 176. spoilage of meat. 175. 725. mining total solids in milk. 547. 776. Basil Microscopical examination of -. Bath waters; Chlorine in -. Batteries Manganese ore and dry cell -. Beef-fat Colour of -. Beer Carbon dioxide determined in -. Baker and H. F. E. Hulton 419. Volatile oil determined in -. 617. 623. 347. 697. J . L. Hop - in Fiji. 177. Iron in - determined by means of a d -dipyridyl. G. Bode 116. saccharin in -; Detection of. V. Stanek and P. Pavlas 704. Beeswax Japanese ~ . 111. Composition of hydroxy fatty acid. Beet Sugar effluents. 282 283. Benedict’s Solution Use of - in the micro-detection of sugar in urine and other solutions.H. Tauber 648. Benzaldehyde 2 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine as quantitative reagent for - . R. E. Houghton 363. Benzene Determination of - in toxicology. I. Preliminary study of the colorimetric determination of m-dinitrobenzene. M. Pkronnet 711. H. A. J. Pieters J. Van Iterson and S. J. H. Spronck, 127. vapour in the air; Determination of -. M. Pkronnet and R. Truhaut 431. Benzoate method for precipitating iron alu-minium and chromium. I. M. Kolthoff, V. A. Stenger and B. Moscovitz 435. Benzoic Acid 9-chlorobenzoic acid in presence of -; Detection of. H. Ikuta 161. sulphur in -; Determination of. F. Weiss 196. Benzol Removal of carbon disulphide from -. 625. Benzoylation in tetrahydronaphthalene solution a t high temperatures as means of determin-ing hydroxyl groups in alcohols and phenols.T. M. Me’ijer 362. Benzylidenesorbitol Reif’s colour reaction for detecting -. H. Kreipe 420. Berberine Microchemical test for -. Beryllium Atomic weight of -. 137. 547. in presence of fluorine ; Volumetric determina-tion of -. V. M. Zwenigorodskaja and A. A. Gaigerowa 645. New spot test for -. A. S. Komarowsky and N. S. Poluektoff 575. Separation of - from aluminium and iron by means of hydroxyquinoline. V. M. Zwenigorodskaja and T. N. Smirnowa 645. Betel poisoning. 38. Beverages Oxygen-consuming phenomena in -. J. H. Toulouse 703. iso-propyl alcohol in alcoholic -; Deter-mination of. E. Alessandrini 630. saccharin in -f Detection of.V. Stanek and P. Pavlas 704. Bilirubin Isolation and detection of -. C. E. May R. Martindale and W. F. Boyd, 291. Biochemical Analysis Abstracts 50 119 188, 290 357 422 496 557 637 706 764 834. Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. 5th Ed. (Review) R. H. A. Plimmer 68. Fundamentals of - . (Review) T. R. Parsons 373. Introduction to - . (Review) W. R. Fearon 372. Manual of -. (Review) J. F. McClendon, 851. Plant -; Introduction to. (Review) C. C. Steele 855. Biological estimations of vitamins ; Accuracy of -. K. H. Coward 681. fluids; Simple adaptation of Kolthoff’s colori-metric method for determining magnesium in -. A. D. Hirschfelder and E. R. Serles 423. liquids; Determination of acetone in -, R. Gros 362. material; Bibliography of heavy metals in food and -.T. H. Pope. XI. Anti-mony 109. XII. Cadmium 109. XIII. Thallium 109. material; Determination of traces of lead in - with special reference to bone. G. R. Lynch R. H. Slater and T. G. Osler 787. materials; Thiolacetic acid as reagent for determining the inorganic iron-content of -. S. L. Tompsett 835. Biologically active substances ; Differences be-tween - before and after isolation from the raw materials in which they occur. H. I. Waterman and C. Van Vlodrop 498. Biologischen Arbeitsmethoden ; Handbuch der - E. Abderhalden. Section 11. Phy-sikallsche Methoden Part 3 No. 4. (Re-view) 375. Biology Micro-methods of determining proteins in -. A. Wasitzky 303. stains; Standardisation of -. 180 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Bioses monoses in presence of reducing -a New micro-method for detecting.H: Tauber 647. Birds’ Nests Chinese edible -. Birmingham Report of the Cit Analyst for - (H. H. Bagnall) for the zrd Quarter of 1933 30; for the 4th Quarter of 1933 172; for the year 1933 622; for the 1st Quarter of 1934 538; for the 2nd Quarter of 1934 751. Bismuth Atomic weight of -. in copper; Determination of -. E. W. Colbeck S. W. Craven and W. Murray, 395; L. C. Nickolls 620. in copper; Spectrographic method of deter-mining -. B. Park 501. in presence of other metals; Determination of traces of -. L. A. Haddock 163. lead in presence of traces of -; Separation and determination of. 11. J. H. Hamence, 274. microchemistry of -; Collected references to.K. Heller 575. Separation of mercury from --. E. Schulek and S . Floderer 434. Bismuthated Magnesia tablets. 439. Bisulphite works; Explosion in -. 625. Bitter Glucoside of the olive. W. V. Cruess and C. L. Alsberg 829. Bituminous coal; Determination of decomposi-tion point of -. H. W. Hibbott and R. V. Wheeler 850. road materials ; “Brittle-point” of -. W. E. Golding and F. M. Potter 780. 754. 547. Bladder cancer in dyeworks. 626. Blood Antimony determined in -. 102. bromine in normal -; Determination of. T. F. Dixon 637. fructose in -; Colorimetric determination of. J. H. Rose 835. indoxyl compounds in - . Quantitative determination of. H. Shariit 190. iodine in -; New method for determining. D. R. McCullagh 838. Iron-content of the whole - of normal individuals.0. M. Helmer and C. P. Emerson Jr. 190. lead in -; Determination of traces of. 794 798. non-protein nitrogen and urea in -; Micro-determination of. F. Kappaport 718. silica in -; Micro-determination of. G. Rodillon 438. urea in -; Micro-determination of. P. Wenger Ch. Cimerman and A. Maulbetsch, 507. Blood-stains Spectrum of haematoporphyrin and its significance in the recognition of traces of old -. Tests for -. 178. Bombs Calorimeter - of stainless steel. 36. Examination of - in Madras. Bone Determination of traces of lead in bio-logical materials with special reference to -. G. R. Lynch R. H. Slater and T. G. Osler 787. Handbuch der Biologmhen Arbeitsmethoden. Sec-tion 11. Physikalische Methoden Part 3, No.4. 375. M. Wagenaar 499. 543. Books Reviews of Abderhalden E. Books-continued. 5th Ed. 207. Production of Lubricants. 442. Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis. Vol. X. Ashworth A. A. The Analysis of Oil for Barry T. H. Natural Varnish Resins. 308. Bodansky M. Introduction to Physiological Chemistry. 3rd Ed. 851. Bomer A. Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie. Vol. 11. Part I. 440. British Colour Council. Dictionary of Colour Standards. 724. British Pharmaceutical Codex 1934. 725. Britton H. T. S. Conductometric Analysis. 854. Cole S. W. Practical Physiological Chem-istry. 9th Ed. 143. Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise. Spirit Tables for use with Sikes’s A. and B Hydrometers. 444. Nachweis der Biologisch Wichtigen Korper durch Fluoreszenz und Fluoresz-enzspektren.375. Durrans T. H. Solvents. 3rd Ed. 307. Engelder C. J. A Textbook of Elementary Qualitative Analysis. 2nd Ed. 511. Ephraim F. Textbook of Inorganic Chem-istry. 2nd English Ed. Translated by P. C. L. Thorne 309. Fearon W. R. An Introduction to Bio-chemistry 372. Findlay A. Introduction to Physical Chem-istry. 140. Friend J. N. A Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. VI Part 11 Phosphorus. By E. B. R. Prideaux. Glasstone S. Recent Advances in Physical Chemistry. 2nd Ed. 140. Glyn-Jones H. The Pharmacy and Poisons Act Explained. 67. Hartman W. W. Organic Syntheses. Vol. XIV. 723. Hinton C. L. A Summary of Food Laws and Regulations. 725. Holmes H. N. Introductory Colloid Chem-istry. 441. Laboratory Manual of Colloid Chemistry.441. Hopkins E. S. Water Purification Control. 67. Johnson F. W. Easily Interpolated Trigo-nometric Tables with Non-Interpolating Logs Cologs and Antilogs. 443. King A. and FromBerz H. German-English Chemical Terminology. 782. Lane J. H. and Eynon L. Determination of Reducing Sugars by Fehling’s Solution with Methylene Blue Indicator. 852. Laurens H. The Physiological Effects of Radiant Energy. 142. Leschke E. Clinical Toxicology. 722. Lunge G. Technical Gas Analysis. Revised by H. R. Ambler 512. McAlpine R. K. and Soule B. A Qualita-tive Chemical Analysis. 374. McClendon J. F. Manual of Biochemistry. 851. Mellor J . W. A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. XIII. 852. Dh6r6 C.511 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xxv Books-continued. Murray D. S. The Laboratory Its Place in the Modern World. 655. Nierenstein M. The Natural Organic Tan-nins. 856. Parsons T. R. Fundamentals of Biochem-istry 373. Plimmer R. H. A. Organic and Bio-chemistry. 68. Reilly J. and Rae W. N. Physico-Chemical Methods. 2nd Ed. 510. Richter’s Organic Chemistry. Vol. I. Chem-istry of the Aliphatic Series. Translated by E. N. Allott 653. Smith D. M. Metallurgical Analysis by the Spectrograph. 208. Society of Chemical Industry Annual Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. 443. Society of Dyers and Colourists. Report on the Work of the Fastness Committee in Fixing Standards for Light Perspiration and Washing. 783. Spielmann P. E. and Elford E.J. Road-making and Administration. 853. Steele C. C. An Introduction to Plant Bio-chemistry. 855. Thorpe J. F. and Whiteley M. A. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Supple-ment Vol. I. 781. Tutin J. The Atom. 509. Van Nieuwenburg C . J. and Dulfer I. G. A Short Manual of Systematical Qualitative Analysis by means of Modern Drop Re-actions. 66. 695. A. S. Wright C. H. Soil Analysis. 654. Bordeaux Powder Specification for -. Boric Acid Sensitive reaction for -. Boron Atomic weight of -. Boseley’s Method of examining fruits and jams. 248. Brandy amines in -; Amount and deter-mination of. K. R. Dietrich 630. Brass Determination of zinc in large quantity, with particular reference to the analysis of -. L. C. Nickolls and J. G. N.Gaskin, 391. Bread manganese in -; Colorimetric deter-mination of. P. Brukre 492. Brewing materials ; Determination of nitrogen in -. W. A. Davis J . G. Maltby and F. E. Salt 43. Bricks Florescence in -. Bristol Appointment of F. E. Needs as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 689. Report of the Public Analyst for - (E. Russell) for the year 1932 30; for the year 1933 761. British wines and unfermented cordials. 751. British Association for the Advancement of Science; Report of the - for 1933. 310. Report of the Annual Meeting 1933. 514. British Guiana Report of the Government Analyst for __ for 1933. K. Wallis, 627. British Pharmaceutical Codex Report of Dress-ings Sub-committee. 42. Komarowsky and N. S. Poluektoff 720. 547. 758.Reports of Revision Committee. 114. Review of - 726. British Pharmacopoeia Commission on - . 210. British Standard Institution Specifications etc. No. 515 Crude carbolic acids; No. 516: Distilled carbolic acids; No. 517 Cresylic acid of high orthocresol content; No. 521: Cresylic acid (50 55 per cent. metacresol) ; No. 522 Orthocresol metacresol and para-cresol; No. 523 Phenol; No. 524 Refined cresylic acids; No. 526 Definition of gross and net calorific value. 144. Bromate solution in the volumetric determina-tion of 5-bromo-2-furoic acid. E. E. Hughes and S. F. Acree 712. Bromide Titration of - with mercurous nitrate with bromphenol blue as adsorption indicator. I. M. Kolthoff and W. D. Larson 847. values of oils (in cans of preserved fish); Determination of insoluble - .R. Marcille 46. Bromine Atomic weight of -. 547. Detection and determination of small quan-tities of -. Determination of furfural with -. E. E. Hughes and S. F. Acree 430. in normal blood; Determination of -. T. F. Dixon 637. 5-Bromo-2-Furoic Acid Volumetric deter-mination of - with standard bromate solution. E. E. Hughes and S . F. Acree, 712 Bromphenol Blue as adsorption indicator in the titration of chloride and bromide with mercurous nitrate. I. M. Kolthoff and W. D. Larson 847. J. Frezouls 772. Brucine Microchemical test for -. Bucheum The -. Sir Robert Mond and Buffers for lactic fermentation. D. W. Steuart, Building Research Board Report for 1933. 755. Bullets Identification of -. Burgundy Powder Specification for -.695. Burton-on-Trent Appointment of H. T. Lea as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 344. Bury Appointment of T. R. Hodgson as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 172. Bush Sickness Use of limonite in -. 40 Y25. Butadiene in gases; Determination of -. H. Tropsch and W. J . Mattox 430. Butane Oxidation over a platinised silica-gel. 198. Butanediol-2.3 Determination of __ . c. Matignon H. Moureu and M. Dod6 642. Butter B. tuberculosis in -. J . W. Edington, 766. carotene and vitamin A content of -; Influence of breed and diet of cows on. C. A. Baumann and Others 497. carotene and vitamin A in -; Modified spectrophotometric method for assay of. A. E. Gillam 561. Diacetyl detected and determined in -.W. L. Davies 46. fatty acids of -; Further observations on factors which influence the component. H. K. Dean and T. P. Hilditch 285. 137. 0. H. Myers 728. 402. 543 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 59 But ter-continued. Grape fruit -. 751. Jersey -. 404. Mould in -. 345. Relation of the colour and vitamin A content of - to the nature of the ration fed. I. Influence of the ration on the yellow colour of -. S. J. Watson G. Bishop and J. C. Drummond. 11. The carotenoid and vitamin A contents of butter. A. E. Gillam and I. M. Heilbron 708. Transition points of mixtures of cow’s -and cocoa -. D. W. Horn and M. A. Wilson 350. Vitamin D activity of -. I. Chemical differentiation of the antirachitic factor of autumn and winter - from irradiated ergosterol and the vitamin D of cod-liver oil.S. K. Kon and R. G. Booth 53. Butter-Fat Carotene determined in -. H. M. Barnett 561. Isolation and identification of some hitherto unrecorded fatty acids in -. A. W. Bosworth and J. B. Brown 183. Linolic and linolenic acid contents of -. H. C. Ekstein 184. of different animals; Barium values of -. H. Atkinson 481. Seasonal variations in - . I. Seasonal variations in carotene vitamin A and the antimony trichloride reaction. R. G. Booth and Others 50. Buttermilk gelatin in cultured -; Detection of. G. A. Richardson and N. P. Tarassuk, 551. Butyl Alcohol ethyl and iso-propyl alcohols and acetone in fermentation liquors; Quantita-tive determination of -. G. L. Stahly, 0. L. Osburn and C. H. Werkman 319.Butylphenylmonic Acid as reagent for the gravimetric determination of iron. K. A. Craig and G. C. Chandlee 571. Butyrase Spot test for detecting -. 508. Byssochlamys Futoa and its effect on the tissues of processed fruit. M. Olliver and T. Rendle 564. C Cacao shell; Vitamin D in -. Cadmium Atomic weight of -. A. W. Knapp and K. Coward 474. Gravimetric determination of copper nickel and - as complex mercury compounds. A. Taurins 434. in food and biological material ; Bibliography on -. Microchemical test for -. 138. poisoning cases. 627. 547. T. H. Pope 109. Cadmium Sulphate as a basis for acidimetry. S. E. Q. Ashley and G. A. Hulett 570. Caesium Analytical reactions of rubidium and -. W. J. O’Leary and J. Papish 436. P. Robin 61.Caffeic Acid in roasted coffee; Colorimetric deter-mination of - . W. Plucker and W. Keilholz 762. Calciferol 75 88. Atomic weight of -. Detection of -. 414 547. Calcium and vitamin D in foods. Atomic weight of -. 547. Determination of - by quantitative drop R. P. Mitler and Y. L. Kirk 64. Differentiation from barium. 776. in milk; Dialysable -. 828. in serum; Micro-determination of -. P. Wenger C . Cimerman and P. Bongland,650. Separation of magnesium phosphoric acid and -. E. Brintzinger and E. Jahn 646. Calcium Acetate Microchemical test for -. 138. Calcium Cyanide Specification for -. 696. Calcium Sulphate Microchemical test for -. Californian honeys. W. Bartels and A. Fauth, Calorific value; British Standard definitions of Calorimeter bombs; Stainless steel -.Camel Component fatty acids and glycerides of the milk-fat of the Indian -. D. R. Dhingra 554. milk; Fat of -. E. F. Kohman and Others 710. analysis. 722. 44. gross and net -. 144. 36. 0. Laxa 632. Camera Finch Electron-diffraction -. 584. Camphor Bactericidal efficiency of menthol and -. L. Gershenfeld and R. E. Miller 55. Use of - in cryoscopy for determining the molecular weight of arsinic acids. C. Schuster 508. Canadian uraninite ; Determination of -. 301. Cananga Oil Adulterated -. W. H. Sim-Cancer Bladder - in dyeworks. mons 644. 626. Daily administration of small quantities of aluminium in relation to the development of -. G. Bertrand and P. Serbescu 422. Canned foods; Determination of tin in -.G. Lunde and E. Mathiesen 636. foods; Vitamins in -. E. F. Kohman 710 marine products; Formaldehyde in -. G. Lunde and E. Mathiesen 759. spinach; Loss of vitamin A on drying -. G. S. Fraps and R. Treichler 122. tomato juice; Vitamin C content of -. R. G. Daggs and A. G. Eaton 360. Canning of foods; Investigations into -. 698. Cantharidin Colorimetric determination of -. G. Denigks 496. Capillary Index of certain vegetable oils. H. Marcelet 576. Capsanthin in ground paprika products ; Deter-mination of -. L. Benedek 188. Caraway Volatile oil in -. Carbohydrate contents of the proteins in the M. Scarensen 701. metabolism; RBle of copper in -. H. L. Carbolic Acid British Standard Specifications Carbon Atomic weight of -. Compounds; Scheme for Detecting the more Common Classes of -.F. E. Weston, 728. in graphited cup greases; Determination of -. F. Heathcoat 28. in rocks and minerals; Determination of -. B. E. Dixon 739. 617. white of hens’ eggs. Keil and V. E. Nelson 764. for -. 144. 414 547 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xxvii Carbon-continued. Use of activated - for removing small quantities of arsenic chloride from hydro-chloric acid. Carbon Dioxide as inhibitor of bacterial growth, 176. in beer; Determination of -. J . L. Baker and H. F. E. Hulton 419. Storage of meats in -. 697. Use of solid - in determining tin. S. E. Coalstad 716. H. I. White 716. Carbon Disulphide Chloramine in the deter-mination of -. 437. in air containing hydrogen sulphide ; Detection and determination of methyl mercaptan and -.J. F. Reith 197. Removal of - from benzol. 625. Carbon Monoxide impurities in commercial -. Determination of. H. R. Ambler and ?. C. Sutton 807. Carbon Tetrachloride Detection of ___ in toxicological cases. Kohn-Abrest 641. in chloroform; Detection of -. G. Ciogo-lea 500. in technical solvents ; Colorimetric detection of -. H. H. Weber 57. Carbonyl compounds; Use of 2 4-dinitro-phenylhydrazine as quantitative reagent for -. I. Benzaldehyde. R. E. Hough-ton 363. Cardamom Volatile oil in -. 617. Cardiazol Analytical chemistry of -. J. J . L. Zwikker 833. Carotene and ultra-violet absorption of vitamin A . 88. content of butter; Influence of breed and diet of cows on -. C. A. Baumann and Others 497.in butter ; Modified spectrophotometric method for assay of -. in butter-fat; Determination of -. H. M. Barnett 561. in butter-fat; Seasonal variations in -. R. G. Booth and Others 50. in olive-oil; Stability of -. R. G. Turner, 560. in palm oil. K. Kobayashi K. Yamamoto and J . Abe 639. in palm oil; Colour reaction of Japanese acid clay with -. K. Kobayashi K. Yama-mot0 and J. Abe 639. iMicro-organisms and the synthesis of - and vitamin A . C. A. Baumann and Others 121. Stability of - in ethyl esters of fatty acids, and in liver and vegetable oils. F. G. McDonald 120. vitamin A activity of -; Influence of the solvent on. F. J . Dyer K. M. Key and K. H. Coward 708. ,%Carotene Formula for -. Carotenes from different plant sources ; Physical properties of -.J . H. C. Smith and H. W. Milner 293. in various natural products ; Occurrence of -. Separation of - by adsorption. H. H. Strain 559. Carotenoid content of butter. A. E. Gillam and I. M. Heilbron 708. A. E. Gillam 561. 73. P. Karrer and W. Schlientz 293. Cam-Price Value of preparations containing vitamin A ; Relationship between the 328mp absorption coefficient and -. S. K. Crews and S. J. Cox 85. Carrot Oil Composition of -. L. Palfray and A. M. Lepesqueur 420. Carrots Losses of vitamin A on drying fresh raw -. G. S. Fraps and R. Treichler, 122. Cartridge Cases Identification of -. Cassia Occidentalis Linn. Fatty oil from seeds of -. (Wild coffee.) A. Steger and J . VFn Loon 185. Cassla 011 cinnamic aldehyde in crude -; Determination of.107. Catalyst Platinised silica-gel as a - in gas analysis. 11. Oxidation of the methane hydrocarbons. K. A. Kobe and E. 13. Brookbank 198. Cations Detection of - by means of resorufin. H. Eichler 300. Caustic Alkali solutions; Nickel vessel for storing standard -. Celery pills; Composition of -. Cellophane Effect of sunlight passing through -. W. L. %vies 495. Cellulose Biological oxidation of -. Cerium Atomic weight of -. 547. 543. E. C. Righellato 104. 32. 282. Oxidimetric determination of - by means R. Lang 646. Chaulmoogra Oil Preparation of esters of -. Cheese Fat in -. 483. of dichromate and arsenite. 178. Surinam -. gelatin in cottage -; Detection of. G. A. Richardson and N.P. Tarassuk 551. Sale of so-called “Dutch Cheshire” ~ as Cheshire -. (Legal Notes) 485. Chemical Plant; Design and Construction of High-pressure -. 310; (Review) H. Tongue 513. Terminology; German-English --. A. King and H. Fromherz 584. (Review) 782. Chemicals Analar Standards for Laboratory -. British Drug Houses Ltd. 728. Chemistry Applied -; Society of Chemical Industry’s Reports on Progress of. 1933. Vol. 18. 310; (Review) 443. Applied -; Thorpe’s Dictionary of. Sup-plement. Vol. I. J . F. Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley 444; (Review) 781. Colloid -. See Colloid Chemistry. Elementary Analytical -. Qualitative and Quantitative (Clowes and Coleman). Re-vised by C. G. Lyons and F. N. Appleyard, 584. Fourth Report of the Committee on Atomic Weights.424, 547. G. Sant and Stahel 703. International Union of -. Organic -. See Organic Chemistry. Physiological -; Introduction to. Practical -. Practical - for Higher School Certificates Cheshire cheese; Sale of so-called “Dutch (Legal Notes), Cheshunt Compound Specification for -. 695. 3rd Ed. (Review) M. Bodansky 851. G. P. McHugh 584. and Intermediate Students. 728. Cheshire” cheese as -. 485 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Chicory and coffee in coffee mixtures; Determina-tion of the proportions of -. E. B. Hughes and W. Wise 633. China Clay Testing -. China Wood Oils Gelation of - (Aleurites) by Chinese edible birds’ nests. 754. Chlorsmine in volumetric analysis ; Applications of -. A. S. Komarowsky W. F. Filo-nowa and I . M. Korenman 436.Chloramine-T as an oxidising agent; Notes on -. A. J. Berry 736. Chlorate Volumetric determination of -. K. Glew 203. Chlorates Reactions of -. Chloride Diphenylcarbazide as indicator in the mercurimetric determination of -. J. Irtilek 717. Titration of - with mercurous nitrate with bromphenol blue as adsorption indicator. I. M. Kolthoff and W. D. Larson 847. Chlorides in Portland stone. 757. Chlorinated wool; Some properties of - and the determination of damage in -knitted woollen goods. S . R. Trotman, H. S. Bell and H. Saunderson 715. Chlorine Action of - on lignified tissues. F. M. Wood 569. Atomic weight of. -. 547. in bath waters. 623. in coal. 35. in organic compounds ; Micro-volumetric deter-mination of - with the use of an assay balance.D. W. Cowie and D. T. Gibson 388. Reliability of the diphenylamine test for nitrates in milk in presence of small quan-tities of -. D. R. Wood E. T. Illing and A. E. Fletcher 400. p-Chlorobenzoic Acid Crystal precipitation of -. 775. in presence of benzoic acid ; Detection of -. F. Weiss 196. Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride detected in -. G. Ciogolea 500. Detection of - in toxicological cases. Kohn-Abrest 641. method for the colorimetric determination of iodine. K. L. Maljaroff and W. B. Mat-skiewitsch 135. 405. J. Grant 774. antimony halides. T. Franqois 364. J. Amiel 848. Tests for traces of -. Tests on anaesthetic -. 348. Chlorogenic Acid in coffee; Determination of -. C. Griebel 421. in roasted coffee; Colorimetric determination of -.in roasted coffee; Determination of -. C. Massatsch 188. Chlorophyll Relation between the alcohol in the methyl alcohol in foliage leaves and -. M. Flanzy 558. Chloropicrin Bibliography of - . R. C. Roark 444. Chocolate Liquid ~ devoid of -. (Legal Notes) 693. Cholesterol Action of iodine on - . E. Montignie 426. Detection and determination of small amounts of - and other sterols. Collected W. Plucker and W. Keilholz 762. Cholesterol-continued. Micro-method for determining - free and combined. R. Schoenheimer and W. P. Sperry 778. of wool wax; Separation of isocholesterol and -. M. R. Freney 770. Reaction of - with sulphuric selenic and telluric acids. E. Montignie 426. Choline factor of egg-yolk. F. E. Nottbohm and F.Mayer 182. Chondrosamine Colorimetric method for deter-mining -. L. A. Elson and W. T. J. Morgan 357. Chrome Alum Microchemical test for -. 138. Chromium Atomic weight of -. 547. Benzoate method of precipitating iron, aluminium and - . I. M. Kolthoff, V. A. Stenger and B. Moscovitz 435. in presence of iron aluminium and phosphoric acid with perchloric acid as oxidising agent; Notes on the determination of -. J. Haslam and W. Murray 609. Indirect volumetric determination of -. A. Ionesco-Matiu and S. Herscovici 131. Separation of - from bivalent metals by means of ammonium benzoate. I. M. Kolthoff V. A. Stenger and €3. Moskovitz, 572. Chrysalis Oil Composition of the saturated fatty acids of Japanese -. S. Ueno and H. Ikuta 745.Cider Composition and calorific value of English -. D. W. Steuart 27. spirit ; Accidental presence of acrolein in -. G. Warcollier A. Le Moal and J. Tavernier, 840. tartaric acid in - ; Determination of. D. W. Steuart 532. Cinnamic Aldehyde Determination of -. 106. Cinnamon Volatile oil in -. 617. Citrate Determination of -. W. F. Bruce, 713. Citric Acid Determination of -as pentabromo-acetone and its application to wine. 0. Reichard 759. in wine; New pentabromoacetone process for determining -. P. Berg and G. Schulze, 553. Citronellal Determination of aldehydes other than -. Essential Oil Sub-committee Report No. 11. 105. Citrus fruits and manufactured products; Ascorbic acid content of certain -A. L. Bacharach P. M. Cook and E. L: Smith 709.juices; Titration of vitamin C in -. A. H. Bennett 91. juices; vitamin C in -. A. H. Bennett and D. J. Tarbert 52. leaves; Histochemical detection of iron and zinc in -. H. S. Reed and J . Dufrenoy, 428. pectin; Simple method for purifying -. H. R. Nanji and J. J. Chinoy 554. Clarains Examination of -. 35. Clays Analysis of -. Clays Sands - and Minerals. Vol. 11, R. C. Groves 62. references. A. Wasitzky 438. February 1934. 310 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xxix Clipsham Stone Weathering of -. Clove produce control. 700. produce inspection. 628. Cloves Volatile oil in -. Coal Analysis of -; British Standards Specification for. 35. Analysis of commercial grades of -. Fuel Research Survey Paper No. 31. 540. ash; Analysis of --. 35.Carbonisation of -. 37. Cleaning and de-ashing of -. Microscopical examination of -. 34. Oxidation of - and allied substances. 35. pulverised -; Use of. 37. seams; Significance of spores in correlation Softening point of -. 36. Studies in the composition of -. 756. 617. 36. of -. 34. . Deter-mination of decomposition point of bitu-minous -. H. W. Hibbott and R. V. Wheeler 850. Survey of national resources of -. 547. Crystal precipitation of -. 776. Micro-determination of -. Collected re-ferences. 2. Stary 507. Precipitation of - by nitro- 8-naphthol. C. Mayr 846. Qualitative separation of nickel from - by means of ammonium phosphate. H. Wun-shendorff-and P. Valier 502. Cobalt Salts New reaction of triethanolamine with -. F. Garelli and T.Tettamanzi, 366. Nickel in - detected and determined colori-metrically by means of formaldoxime. G. Denigks 200. Cobaltinitrite Gravimetric determination of thallium as -. S. Nisihuku 573. Cocoa tablets. 819. Cocoa Butter Adulteration of -. Deter-mination of the “azelaic acid” values of palm and illipC butters. G. Schuster 350. temperature of crystallisation of - New apparatus for determining. S. A. Ashmore, 515. Transition points of mixtures of cow’s butter and -. D. W. Horn and M. A. Wilson, 350. Cod-liver Oil Absorption spectra of the mixed fatty acids from -. W. J. Dann and T. Moore 51. and malt extract deficient in protein. 622. Arsenic content of American -. A. D. Holmes and R. Remington 633. Blue value of -. N. Evers 82.Chemical differentiation of the antirachitic factor of autumn and winter butter from irradiated ergosterol and the vitamin D of -. S. K. Kon and R. G. Booth 53. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 351. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 831. 34. Cobalt Atomic weight of -. Gadoleic acid in -. Highly unsaturated acids in - . Y. Photochemistry of -. J . H. Graham 354. U.S. Pharmacopoeia1 standards for -. 545. Vitamin content of - as influenced by the nutritional state of the cod. E. Poulsson and F. Ender 428. Cod-liver Oil-continued . Vitamin standards for U. S. Pharmacopoeia vitamin A activity of -; Influence of the solvent on. F. J. Dyer K. M. Key and K. H. Coward 708. A. M. Copping, 840. Coffee and chicory in coffee mixtures; Deter-mination of the proportions of -.E. B. Hughes and W. Wise 633. Griebel 421. tion of. C. Massatsch 188. -. 284. vitamin D in -; Origin of. Chlorogenic acid determined in - . c. chlorogenic acid in roasted - Determina-Chlorogenic and caffeic acids determined colorimetrically in roasted - . w. Plucker and W. Keilholz 762. wild - (Cassia occadentalis Linn.) ; Fatty oil from seeds of. A. Steger and J. Van Loon 185. H. A. Schuette M. A. Cowley and C. H. Chang 830. Composition of glycerides of -. R. 0. Bengis and R. J. Anderson 494. Coins Counterfeit - in Cyprus. 42; in Palestine 753; in Straits Settlements 491. Coke Structure and reactivity of -. 36. Collargol Differentiation reactions of argyrol, electrargol protargol and -. C. Vaille, 422. Colloid Chemistry; Introductory -.(Re-view) H. N. Holmes. 441. Chemistry Laboratory Manual of -. (Review) H. N. Holmes 441. Colloids of sewage and beet sugar effluents. 283. Colobot Peel Oil 829. Colorimeter Photronic - as means of deter-mining fluoride colorimetrically. L. V. Wilcox 503. Colostrum Composition and freezing-point of cows’ -. Colour Standards; Dictionary of -. (Re-view) 724. Colouring Matters Plant -. LV. Occur-rence of a- and p-carotene in various natural products. P. Karrer and W. Schlientz 293. Coffee-Bean Oil. G. D. Elsdon 665. Columbite Analysis of -. 669. Columbium Atomic weight of -. Compounds Carbon - Scheme for Detecting the more Common Classes of. F. E. Weston 728. complex mercury -; Gravimetric deter-mination of copper cadmium and nickel as.A. Taurins 434. Organic -. See Organic Compounds. Reaction of nitrous acid with cystine and related sulphur-containing - . S. A. Lough and H. B. Lewis 424. volatile liquid -; Micro-determination of molecular weight of. A. F. Colson 529. Conductometric Analysis. H. T. S. Britton 376. Copper alloys ; Experiments on the electrolytic analysis of certain -. A. J. Lindsey and H. J. S. Sand 335. Atomic weight of -. 547. bismuth in - Determination of. E. W. Colbeck S. W. Craven and W. Murray 395. 547 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Copper-continued. bismuth in -; Determination of. L. C. Nickolls 620. Gravimetric determination of cadmium nickel and - as complex mercury compounds. A. Taurins 434. p-Phenylenediamine as means of detecting - .Quantitative precipitation of - by tannin. M. B. Darbinian and A. G. Kankanian 845. R61e of - in carbohydrate metabolism. H. L. Keil and V. E. Nelson 764. sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate method of determining -; Use of amyl alcohol in. R. W. Thatcher 130. Spectrographic method of determining small amounts of bismuth antimony tin and molybdenum in -. B. Park 501. Copper Carbonate fungicide; Standards for -. 825. Copper-Pyridine Reaction for saccharin. Micro -. C . Van Zijp J. L. L. Zwikker 850. Copper Sulphate Microchemical test for -. 138. R. J. McIlroy 103. poisoning. 54 1. Specification for -. 695. Cordials Examination of unfermented -. Coriander Fruit Volatile oil in -. Cosmetics Lead in -. Cotton Wax-content and feel of Indian -.N. Ahmad and D. L. Sen 431. Cotton-seed Oil Modified elaidin test for -. 315. H. Atkinson 399. Cows butter from -; Transition points of mixtures of cocoa butter and. D. W. Horn and M. A. Wilson 350. Influence of breed and diet of - on the carotene and vitamin A content of butter. C. A. Baumann and Others 497. Cresols British Standard Specifications for Cresylic Acid British Standard Specifications for -. 144. Crime Detection of -. W. M. Else and J. M. Garrow 310; (Review) 583. Cryoscopes Comparison of the Hortvet and Monier-Williams - 591. Cryoscopic method of determining molecular weights; Use of dioxan as solvent in -. A. E. Oxford 850. Crgscopy Use of camphor in - for determin-ing the molecular weight of arsinic acids.C. Schuster 508. Cummin Fruits Volatile oil in -. Cuprous Salts New colour reactions of -. Curds Flour in -. 819. Curing Influence of salts used in - on the C. H. Lea, Cyanides Specifications for -. Cyprus Report of the Government Analyst for Cysteine Separation of - from ascorbic acid A. Emmerle, 751. 617. 179. Thiocyanogen value of Egyptian -. - 144. 617. G. Tartarini 60. oxidation and yellowing of lard. 555. 696. the year 1932. by means of mercuric acetate. 559. S. G. Willimott 41. Cystine Determination of -. Use of the Zeiss photometer. J. H. Bushill L. H. Lampitt and L. C. Baker 835. Reaction of nitrous acid with - and related sulphur-containing compounds. S. A. Lough and H. B. Lewis 424. Czapek’s Medium 123. D Daylight measurement.281. Deptford Appointment of H. A. Williams as Additional Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 344. Dermatitis cases. 627. Chemical examination of furs in relation to -. Part IV. Chemical reactions of dyeing with p-phenylenediamine and p -aminophenol. E-I. E . Cox 3. Note on fur -. S. A. Woodhead 815. Derris Roots from n’ew Guinea, Dextrose in absence and presence of sucrose; Determination of small amounts of -. R. B. Whitmoyer 702. Diacetyl in butter; Detection and determination of -. W. L. Davies 46. Diamines in hair-dyes ; Detection of p-phenylene-diamine in presence of other -. C. Griebel and F. Weiss 197. in leather; Detection of -. W. Mather and W. J . Shanks 517. 2 3:Diaminophenazine as a reagent for metal ions.T. Pavolini 365. Diastase Merck’s - a proposal for barley analysis. W. Piratzky 418. 2 6-Dichlorophenolindophenol solutions used for determining ascorbic acid (vitamin C) ; Glucoreductone for standardising -. X. I. Kertesz 427. Dichromate in the oxidimetric determination of cerium. R. Lang 646. Dimedone Reaction of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde with -. 58. m-Dinitrobenzene Preliminary study of the colorimetric determination of -. R1. PCronnet 7 11. 2 4Dinitrobenzoates Identification of amines as-. C. A. Buehler and J. D. Calfee 769. 3 5-Dinitro-benzoyl Chloride as means of identifying amino acids. B. C. Saunders, 568. 2 Q-Dinitrophenyl-Acetyl-HydFazine Indicator properties of -. ,4. Bloom and A. Osol, 126. 2 4-Dinitro-Pheny~ydazine as quantitative reagent for carbonyl compounds.I. Ben-zaldehyde. R. E. Houghton 363. Diocaine Microchemical test for -. 137. Dioxan as solvent in determining molecular weights by the cryoscopic method. A. E. Oxford 850. Diphenylamine test for nitrates in milk and its reliability in presence of small quantities of chlorine; Note on -. D. R. Wood E. T. Illing and A. E. Fletcher 400. Diphenylcarbazide as indicator in mercury titrations ; Micro-volumetric analysis with -. 289. Spot test for detecting -. 508. J. V. Dubsky and J. Irtilek 304 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xxxi Diphen ylcarbazide-continued. as indicator in the mercurimetric determina-tion of chloride. Diphenylcarbazone as indicator in mercury titrations ; Micro-volumetric analysis with -.a-a’-Dipyridyl as reagent for determining ferrous and total iron in natural waters. H. Muller 305. as means of determining iron in beer. G. Bode 116. Dithizon test for detecting heated milk. K. Eble and H. Pfeiffer 827. Double Linking Determination of the position of the -. R. Frognier and F. van Goetsenhoven 297. Dough Effect of certain salts on fermentation in -. R. H. Callow 156. Drop Analysis; Quantitative -. (I) Ap-paratus and technique. P. L. Kirk 63; (If) Determination of calcium R. P. Mitler and P. L. Kirk 64. Reactions; Short Manual of Systematical Qualitative Analysis by means of Modem - (Review) C. J. Van Nieuwenburg and I. G. Dulfer 66. J. Irtilek 717. J. V. Dubsky and J. Irtilek 304. Drug traffic in Palestine.753. Drugs for the treatment of leprosy. Volatile oils determined in -. C. E. Sage and H. R. Fleck 614. Drying properties of the polymerised products of sardine oil and of methyl esters derived from sardine oil. K. Kino 761. Dulcin Sorbitol detected in presence of sac-charin and -. Dulcitan in the animal body; Fate of -. C. J. Carr and J. C. Krantz 834. Dulcitol in the animal body; Fate of -. C. J. Carr and J . C. Krantz 834. Durains Examination of -. 35. Dust S. C. Blacktin 728. counter; Jet -. 281. Sericite in foundry -. C. S. Hurlbut and D. S. Beyer 565. Dutch Cheshire cheese sold as Cheshire cheese. (Legal Notes) 485. Dyeing with $-phenylenediamine and +amino-phenol; Chemical reactions of -. H. E. cox 3. Dyes Basic - determined by precipitation with phosphotungsticacid.R.W. Payne 843. Fading tests for -. Report of the Society of Dyers and Colourists on the work of the Fastness Cemmittee in Fixing Standards for Light Perspiration and Washing. (Review) 783. means of silicotungstic acid. 644. Dyeworks Bladder cancer in -. Dysprosium Atomic weight of -. 753. G. Reif 44. J . Grant 439. Dyestuffs Determination of basic - by E. B. Johnson, 626. 547. E Earth Diatomaceous - as filtering medium. 347. Earth Acid determinations ; Interference of tungsten in -. W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn 465. Effluents Beet sugar -. Milk factory -. 282. Egg albumin; Transmission of light by -. H. J. Almquist J . W. Givens and A. Close, 759. yolk; Choline factor of - and the phospha-tid-lecithin number of egg lecithin.F. E. Nottbohm and F. Mayer 182. Egg Plant Composition of fruit of - a t different stages of maturity. C. W. Cul-pepper and H. H. Moon 115. Eggs Carbohydrate-content of the proteins in the white of hens’ eggs. M. Ssrensen, 701. Contents of phosphorus sulphur and alkalis in hens’ -. J. Grossfeld and G. Walter, 491. Freezing of -. 697. Mineral constituents and freezing-point of the white and yolk of hens’ -. J. Straub and C. M. Donck 701. Proteolysis in stored -. A. K. Balls and T. L. Swenson 629. Egyptian Materials and Industries ; Ancient -. A. Lucas 728. sesame and cotton-seed oils; Thiocyanogen values of some -. Eicosenic Acid in pilot whale oil; A new -. Y. Toyama and T. Ishikawa 831. Elaidin Test Notes on a semi-quantitative modification of -.H. N. Griffiths and T. P. Hilditch 312. Electrargol Differentiation reactions of argyrol, collargol protargol and -. C. Vaille, 422. Electrolytic analysis of certain alloys of anti-mony copper and tin. A. J . Lindsey and H. J . S. Sand 335. Electron-diffraction camera; Finch -. 584. Emulsin Spot test for detecting -. Enamel Ware Antimony in - . F. C. Bullock 623; G. W. Monier-Williams 489. Enamels boron in -; Test for. Enzymes Behaviour of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and other reductors towards catheptic and other -. H. v. Euler P. Karrer and F. Zehender 295. Detection of - by spot tests. B. K. Sastri and M. Sreenivasaya 508. Erbium Atomic weight of -. Ergosterol Chemical differentiation of the anti-rachitic factor of autumn and winter butter from irradiated - and the vitamin D of cod-liver oil.S. K. Kon and R. G. Booth 53. 282 283. H. Atkinson 399. 508. 721. 547. Formula for -. 74. Essential Oil Sub-committee Report No. 11. Determination of aldehydes other than citronellal. 105. Esterase in adipose tissue ; Relative concentra-tion of lipase and -. J . S. Hepburn and H. McD. Moore 292. Esters of fatty acids; Nutritive value of pure -. of fatty acids; Stability of carotene in ethyl -. F. G. McDonald 120. used as solvents; Poisoning by vapours of certain -. P. Duquenois and P. Revel, 641. N. M. Cox Jr. 119 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Ethane Oxidation over a platinised silica-gel. 198. Ether Ultra-violet rays as a test for the stability of anaesthetic -.S. G. Liversedge 815. Ethoxyl groups Modified micro-method of determining -. Ethyl Alcohol butyl and iso-propyl alcohols and acetone in fermentation liquors Quantita-tive determination of - G. L. Stahly, 0. L. Osburn and C. H. Werkman 319. Ethyl Esters of fatty acids; Stability of carotene in -. -F. G. McDonald 120. Ethyl Vanillin Standards for purity and the determination of -. H. C. Lockwood, 730. Ethylene Glycol Rapid qualitative test for -and its application in the presence of glycerol. A. W. Middleton 522. Eucalypt us Chemical composition of four Australian pale-coloured woods of the genus -. W. E. Cohen A. G. Charles and A. B. Jamieson 128. Eucalyptus Oil poisoning. 38. Euquinine Microchemistry of -.M. Wage-naar 506. Europium Atomic weight of -. Excreta antimony in -; Determination of. H. R. Nanji 96. 547. F. Bamford 101. F Fabrics Standardisation of fastness of -. 413. Factories and Workshops Report of the Senior J . C. Fading Tests for -. Faeces fat in -; Improved method for the E. C. Wood and lead in -; Determination of traces of. Medical Inspector for - for 1933. Bridge 626. J. Grant 439. routine determination of. T. W. Simpson 817. 794 799. in faeces; Improved method for the routine determination of --. E. C. Wood and T. W. Simpson 817. metabolism in fishes. 111. J. A. Lovern 557. of camel milk. 0. Laxa 632. of fatty foods; Effect of wrapping material on -. W. L. Davies 495. of the body of the pig. 111. Influence of body temperature on the composition of dep6t fats.H. K. Dean and T. P. Hilditch, 286. Fats Aldehydes in rancid -. 697; C. H. Lea 702. animal-; Highly unsaturated fatty acids in some -. J. B. Brown and C. C. Sheldon, 831. Rancidity of ~ determined by Stamm’s reaction. S. KorpAczy 183. Rancidity of - due to auto-oxidation. VI. Technique and evaluation of the Kreis reaction. K. Taufel and P. Sadler, 353. rancidity of -; Taffel and Revis method for estimating. J. K. Giles 48. unsaponifiable matter in oils and -; Sub-committee on determination of. Note on B.P. limits for “free fat” in soaps. 104. Fat in cheese 483. Fatty Acids Formation of isomeric unsaturated - in the hydrogenation of oils. S. Ueno, 762, from cod-liver oil; Absorption spectra of the mixed -.W. J . Dann and T. Moore, 51. in butter-fat ; Isolation and identification of some hitherto unrecorded -. A. W. Bosworth and J. B. Brown 183. in herring cod-liver pulot-whale blubber and aburazame liver oils ; High unsaturated -. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 831. in the oils of some common fowls and in animal fats; Highly unsaturated -. J . B. Brown and C. C. Sheldon 831. New method for determining acetyl value of lipids applicable to hydroxylated -. E. S. West C. L. Hoagland and G. H. Curtis 429. Nutritive value of pure esters of -. N. M. Cox Jr. 119. of butter; Further observations on factors which influence the component -. H. K. Dean and T. P. Hilditch 285. of Japanese chrysalis oil ; Composition of the saturated -.S. Ueno and H. Ikuta, 745. of solid seed fats. 11. Composition of some Malayan vegetable fats. T. P. Hilditch and W. J . Stainsby 632. of the milk-fat of Indian camels. D. R. Dhingra 554. Stability of carotene in ethyl esters of -. F. G. McDonald 120. Fatty Oil from pumpkin seed. Constitution of linolic acid. J. L. Riebsomer and G. A. Nesty 830. from quince seeds. A. Steger and J. Van Loon 185. from seeds of Cassia occidentalis Linn. (wild coffee). Isomerisation of - by the Poutet reagent, 313. of Parinarium Macrophyllum (neou oil). A. Steger and J . Van Loon 288. Fatty Oils Anti-oxygens of -. Action of p-nitraniline. M. Nakamura 363. Regularities in the glyceride structure of some technically important vegetable -. T. P. Hilditch and E.C. Jones 194. Federated .Malay States Report of the Chief Chemist for 1932. R. W. Blair 179. Feeding Stuffs Examination of -. grinding of - in a power mill; Notes on. F. J. Elliott 606. Fennel Fruits Volatile oil in -. Fermentation Buffers for lactic -. D. W. Steuart 402. in dough; Effect of certain salts on -. R. H. Callow 156. liquors; Quantitative determination of acetone and ethyl butyl and iso-propyl alcohols in - G. L. Stahly 0. L. Osburn and C. H. Werkman 3 19. Ferrocyanide Chloramine in the determination Ferrous Sulphate method of separating gold from Fertilisers Examination of - 225. A. Steger and J. Van Loon 185. 225. 617. of -. 436. tellurium. 199 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xxxiii Fiji Report of Government Chemist for -Filtering medium; Diatomaceous earth as -.Filters Nickel salts as light -. W. V. Finch Electron-Diffraction Camera. 584. Finger-Prints Detection of -. H. L. Brose, Fish Bacteria in -. for 1932. 347. Bhagwat 371. W. J. Blackie 177. 25. 699. fat in sardines in oil; Determination of -. G. Lunde and E. Mathiesen 47. Fat metabolism in - . 111. Selective formation of fat-deposits. J . A. Lovern, 557. insoluble bromide values of oils in cans of preserved - ; Determination of. R. Marcille 46. muscle; Effect of exposure to low temperatures on the number of bacteria in -. M. M. Stewart 71 1. 09s in cans containing preserved -; Analysis of. R. Marcille 47. Flaxseed mucilage ; Composition of an aldobionic acid from -. C. Niemann and K.P. Link 196. Florescence in bricks. 758. Florida grape-fruit peel oil. E. K. Nelson and H. H. Mottern 644. Flour Determination of starch in paprika adulterated with -. D. Koszegi and N. Tomori 494. from denatured wheats; Detection of -. Identification of the colouring matter. J . Meyer 492. in curds. 819. Iodine method for starch in -. manganese in -; Colorimetric determina-methylene blue in -; Detection of. P. Phosphatids of wheat -. F. E. Nottbohm Rancidity determined in -. J ~ Berlie 629. Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra-Violet Light. J. A. Radley and J. Grant (Review) 209. Rapid Testing by -. British Hanovia Quartz Lamp Co. Ltd. 310. test for detecting rhapontic rhubarb. T. E. Wallis and E. R. Withell 652. test for olive oils. T. T. Cocking and S.K. Crews 652. Fluoreszenz Nachweis der Biologisch Wichtigen Korper durch -. (Review) C. DhCrB, 375. Fluoride Colorimetric determination of - by means of a photronic colorimeter. L. V. Wilcox 503. Fluorides boric acid in presence of -; Test for. 720. in natural waters; Determination of -. J. M. Sanchis 437. in water; Clinical significance of traces of -. N. J. Ainsworth 380. in water; Determination of small quantities of -. G. Barr and A. L. Thorogood, 378. R. H. McKee and W. S. Tohnston 786. 677. tion of. P. Brukre 492. Nottin 630. and F. Mayer 417. Removal of - from drinking water. Fluorides-continued. Spectro-photometric study of fluoro-methae-R. Fabre moglobin for determining -. and S. Bazille 125. Fluorine Atomic weight of -.547. beryllium in presence of -; Volumetric determination of. V. M. Zwenigorodskaja and A. A. Gaigerowa 645. Colorimetric determination of traces of -. L. Szegoe and B. Cassoni 200. compounds; Comparative toxicity of -. M. C. Smith and R. M. Leverton 710. Determination of small quantities of ___ by the Steiger-Menvin reaction. H. J. Wich-mann and D. Dahle 132. in fluorspar; Volumetric determination of -. I. Tananaeff 847. in organic substances ; Micro-determination of -. D. M. Hubbard and A. L. Henne 777. in water; Spectroscopic determination of -. A. W. Petrey 781. ingestion; Influence of - upon the nutri-tional qualities of milk. P. H. Phillips, E. B. Hart and G. Bohstedt 497. F. Feigl and E. Rajmann, 304. Fluoro-Methaemoglobh Spectro-photometric study of - for detecting methaemoglobin and for determining fluorides.K. Fabre and S. Bazille 125. Fluorspar fluorine in -; Volumetric deter-mination of. I . Tananaeff 847. Fodder Pampas grass as -. 826. Food Composition and Description of -. Report of the Departmental Committee on. 407. heavy metals in biological material and -; Bibliography of. T. J. Pope. XI. Anti mony 109. XII. Cadmium 109. XIII. Thallium 109. Laws and Regulations; Summary of -. (Review) C. L. Hinton 725. preservatives in Germany. 348. Spot test for -. Food and Drugs Analysis; Abstracts 43 115, 180 285 349 415 491 551 629 701 759, 827. Food Investigation Board Report for 1933. 696. Foods Effect of wrapping material on the fat of fatty -.flesh-; Chemistry of - and their losses on cooking. Medical Research Council Special Report No. 187. R. A. McCance and H. L. Shipp 548. Gas warfare and -. lead in -; Methods for determining. H. J. Wichmaqn and Others 289. soya bean flour in manufactured --; De-tection of. C. H. La Wall and J. w. E. Harrison 552. tin in canned -; Determination of. G. Lunde and E. Mathiesen 636. Vitamins in canned - Calcium and vitamin D in -. E. F. Kohman and Others 710. Forensic Chemistry. Abstracts 124 499 565. Forgeries of old masters; Modem -. A. P. Laurie 657. Formaldehyde Determination of - by acidi-metrv. M. Malamade. 361. W. L. Davies 495. W. Plucker 841 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Formatdeh yde-continued. in admixture with acetaldehyde; New method for differentiating and determining -.M. V. Jonescu and H. Slusanschi 57. in canned marine products. G. Lunde and E. Mathiesen 759. in presence of sulphites ; Volumetric deter-mination of -. Specification for -. 696. J . Eury 429. Formaldehyde-Azo-Test for vitamin B,. H. W. Kennersley and R. A. Peters 563. Formaldoxime as means of detecting and colori-metrically determining nickel in cobalt salts. G. Denigbs 200. Fowls Highly unsaturated fatty acids in the oils of some -. J. B. Brown and C. C. Sheldon 831. Freezing-point of cows’ colostrum. G. D. Elsdon 665. J. Straub and C. M. Donck 701. mctose in blood and urine; Colorimetric deter-Micro-organisms used in analysis of -. 54. -it and fruit products; Analysis of -. E. B. Hughes and A.E. Maunsell 231, Effect of Byssochlamys fulva on the tissues of processed -. M. Olliver and T. Rendle, 564. of hens’ eggs. of milk. See Milk. mination of -. J. H. Roe 835. Gaseous products of ripe -. products; Detection of sorbitol in -. G. Reif 760. wine; Methyl alcohol in alcohol from -. M. Flanzy 553. -its Examination of - by lead precipita-tion. C. L. Hinton 248. Fuel Colloidal -. 37. Fuel Research Board Report for year ended March 31st 1933. 34. Survey Paper No. 31. Analysis of Com-mercial Grades of Coal. 540. Fungicide Standards for copper carbonate -. 825. Fungicides Ministry of Agriculture Specifica-tions and Methods of Analysis of certain -. Bull. No. 82. 694. Fur dermatitis; Note on -. S. A. Wood-head 815. Furan compounds; Condensations of -.111. Condensation products of furfural with acetone in acid and alkaline media and a new method of determining small quantities of furfural. W. W. Tschelinzeff and E. K. Nikitin 569. Furfural Condensation products of - with acetone in acid and alkaline media and a new method of determining small quantities of -. W. W. Tschelinzeff and E. K. Nikitin 569. Determination of - with bromine. E. E. Hughes and S. F. Acree 430. Furoic Acid as an acidimetric standard. H. B. and A. M. Kellog 712. Furs Chemical examination of - in relation to dermatitis. Part IV. Chemical re-actions of dyeing with $-phenylenediamine and p-aminophenol. Fuse1 Oil Determination of -. B. Bleyer, W. Diemair and E. Frank 59. 698. H. E. Cox 3.G Gadoleic Acid in cod-liver oil. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 351. in Japanese sardine oil herring oil and liver-oil of “sukeso-dara” (Theragra chalcogram-ma). Y. Toyama and T. Ishikawa 832. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 352. in sei whale and humpback whale oils. 547. Gadolinium Atomic weight of -. Galactose Micro-organisms used in analysis of Galenicals Mercury determined in -. E. Gallium Atomic weight of -. Gas analysis; Micro methods of - . H. Schwarz and F. Rappaport 138. analysis; Platinised silica-gel as a catalyst in -. 11. Oxidation of the methane hy-drocarbons. K. A. Kobe and E. B. Brookbank 198. Analysis; Technical __ . (Review) G. Lunge. Gas-Holder for constant pressure. J. Lindner, 130; H. 0. Hohl 139. Gas-Warfare and food.W. Plucker 841. by Solids. S. J. Gases Adsorption of -Gregg 514. butadiene in - . Determination of. H. Tropsch and W. J. Mattox 430. oxygen in -; Rapid colorimetric method for detecting and determining. H. R. Ambler 14. Sulphur - in air. 280. Gelatin gels ; Measurement of strength of -. L. H. Lampitt and M. E. G. Norris 577. in cultured buttermilk and cottage cheese; Detection of -. G. A. Richardson and N. P. Tarassuk 551. in soup-cubes; Chemical and spectrophoto-metric detection of -. H. Mohler E. Helberg and F. Almasy 180. Jaffk-Folin reaction of hydrolysed -. H. Mohler and E. Helberg 829. Nutritive deficiencies of -. H. D. Kruse, H. G. Day and E. V. McCollum 189. Gels Measurement of strength of gelatin -. L. H. Lampitt and M. E. G. Norris 577.Gerber milk-fat tubes; Aid to the reading of -. E. B. Grayson 29. German food preservatives. 348. German-English Chemical Terminology. A. King and H. Fromherz 584; (Review), 782. Germanium Atomic weight of -. in presence of arsenic; Detection of small quantities of -. S. A. Coase 747; Determination of -. S. A. Coase 462. Gibraltar Report of the City Analyst for -for 1933. Glands Iodine content of -. Glass splinters; Identification of -. N. A. Marris 347 686. Glassware Tests on volumetric -. National Physical Laboratory Report. 550. Glucoreductone for the standardisation of 2 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solutions used for determining ascorbic acid (vitamin C ) . 2. I. Kertesz 427. -. 54. Schulek and S. Floderer 434. 547. Revised by H.R. Ambler 512. 547. A. G. Holborow 689. 41 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xxxv Glucosamine Colorimetric method for deter-mining -. L. A. Elson and W. T. J. Morgan 357. Glucose Micro-organisms used in analysis of -. 54. Glutathione Quantitative determination of -. L. Binet and G. Weller 423. Glycerides of coff ee-bean oil; Composition of -. R. 0. Rengis and R. J . Anderson, 494. of solid seed fats. 11. Composition of some Malayan vegetable fats. T. P. Hilditch and W. J. Stainsby 632. of the milk-fat of Indian camels Component fatty acids and -. D. R. Dhingra 554. M. Stschigol, 433. Colour reaction for -. K. Taufel and H. Thaler 118. Glycerol ethylene glycol in presence of -; Rapid qualitative test for. A. W. Middle-ton 522. a-Glycerophosphates New method of determin-ing -.Glycerophosphoric Acid Comparative action of periodic acid on Q- and /3- -. P. Fleury and R. Paris 118. Glycogen Determination of -. M. Sahyun, 189. Gold Atomic weight of -. Glycerin as reagent for mercury. P. Fleury and R. Paris. 118. in fish muscle. 699. Separation of - from tellurium. V. Lehner G. B. L. Smith and D. C. Knowles, 199. Gold-Mines Silicosis and its incidence in -. Y . V. S. Iyer 403. Government Analysts Notes from Reports of -. See British Guiana Cyprus Fiji, Hong-Kong Madras New Zealand Pales-tine Siam Straits Settlements Trinidad and Tobago Western Australia. See also Gov-ernment Laboratory. Government Laboratory Report of the Govern-ment Chemist for the year ending 31st March 1934.822. Grape Fruit butter. 751. Grape-Fruit Peel Oil Florida -. E. K. Grasses aluminium in pasture -; Deter-Greases carbon in graphited cup -; Deter-Grignard reagents; Magnesium for -. N. W. Ground Ginger Volatile oil in -. Ground-Nut Oil Modified elaidin test for -. H Haematoporphyrin Spectrum of - and its significance in the recognition of traces of old blood-stains. M. Wagenaar 499. Haemolymph of the silkworm ; Colorimetric determination of tryptophan in -. L. Mamoli 50. Hafnium Atomic weight of -. Hair-Dyes @-phenylenediamine (in presence of other diamines) in -; Detection of. C. Griebel and F. Weiss 197. 547. Nelson and H. H. Mottern 644. mination of. mination of. F. Heathcoat 28. Cusa and F. S. Kipping 713. F. B. Shorland 565.617. 315. 547. Halibut-liver Oils Grouping of -. R. T. M. Haines and J. C. Drummond 358. Vitamin A in -. 699. Haloform reaction. XIV. Improved iodoform test. R. C. Fuson and C . W. Tullock 769. Hammersmith Appointment of F. W. Edwards as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 108. Hashish Traffic in -. Helium Atomic weight of -. Hemp-seed Oil and the elaidin test. Hen Body fats of the -. Herbs Microscopical examination of -. C. E. Sage 753. 547. 315. T. P. Hilditch, E. C. Jones and A. J. Rhead 707. S . G. E. Stevens 744. and H. R. Fleck 614. Eggs of the -. Volatile oils determined in -. Heroin Microchemical test for -. Herring Oil Gadoleic acid identified in Japanese - Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 352. Y .Toy-ama and T. Tsuchiya 831. Herrings hydroquinone in salt -; Deter-mination of. 415. Heteroxanthine isolated from yeast. P. W. Wiardi and B. C. P. Jansen 291. Hexamethylenetetramine Determination of -by precipitation of its double uranyl sul-phate. M. Foucry 714. Hexoses Comparative action of periodic acid on -. H. Hbrissey P. Fleury and M. Joly, 714. Hides Reddening of salted -. L. S. Stuart, R. W. Frey and L. H. James 123. High-pressure Chemical Plant ; Design and Con-struction of -. (Review) H. Tongue 513. Hollow-ware Antimony in enamelled -. F. C. Bullock 623; G. W. Monier-Williams, 489. Holmium Atomic weight of -. 547. Home Office Report of Senior Medical Inspector of Factories and Workshops for 1933. J. C. Bridge 626. Honey Californian -.W. Bartels and A. Fauth 44. Hong-Kong Report of Government Analyst for - for year 1932. Hops Examination of -. Hordenine Determination of -. Y. Raoul, 705. Hortvet cryoscope ; Comparison of the Monier-Williams and -. 591. cryoscope; Effect of super-cooling in -. 590. freezing-point process ; Examination of 1000 milks by -. J . R. Stubbs and G. D. Elsdon 146. method for freezing-point of milk. E. V. Jones 29. test and the alleged adulteration of milk with water. (Legal Notes) 691. Huddersfield Appointment of H. T. Lea as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 689. Human milk. See Milk. Humidity Measurement of ___ in closed spaces. Food investigation Special Re-port No. 8. 112. See Eggs. 137. Highly unsaturated acids in -.V. C. Branson 283. 230 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Humpback Whale Oil Gadoleic acid in -. Y . Toyama and T. Ishikawa 832. Hyde Appointment of T. R. Hodgson as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 344. Hydraetinine Microchemical test for -. 137. Hydrazine Chloramine in the determination of - 437. Hydrocarbons aliphatic chlorinated - in technical solvents Colorimetric detection of. H. H. Weber 57. in alcohol containing acetone ; Determination methane- ; Oxidation of the ~ over a platin-ised silica-gel. K. A. Kobe and E. B. Brookbank 198. Hydrochloric Acid Use of activated carbon for removing small quantities of arsenic chloride from -. Hydrocyanic Acid in tobacco smoke. IV. E. Waser and M. Stahli 356. Hydrogen Atomic weight of -.Hydrogen Cyanide as inhibitor of bacterial growth. 176. Hydrogen Peroxide Spot tests for -. F. Feigl and E. Frankel 370. Hydrogen Phosphide in well waters ; Occurrence of -. Hydrogen Sulphide Absorption of - by oxide of iron. 624. methyl mercaptan and carbon disulphide in air containing -; Detection and deter-mination of. Selenium light-sensitive detector for -. 624. Hydrometers Spirit Tables for Use with Sikes’s A. and B. (Review) 444. Hydroquinone Determination of - especially in salt herrings. Hydroxyl groups in alcohols and phenols ; Deter-mination of - by benzoylation in tetra-hydronaphthalene solution a t high tempera-tures. T. M. Meijer 362. groups; Use of methoxyacetic anhydride for determining -. Hydroxyquinoline as means of separating beryl-lium from aluminium and iron.V. M. Zwenigorodskaja and T. N. Smirnowa 645. for the micro-determination of magnesium. G. Glomaud 205. 8-Hydroxyquinoline Volumetric determination of -. H. R. Fleck F. H. Greenane and A. M. Ward 325. Hygrometer Types of -. Hypochlorons Acid Value A new constant for fixed oils. M. Goswami and K. L. Basu, 533. Hypophosphite Chloramine in the determination of -. 437. of -. R. W. Hoff 687. S. E. Coalstad 716. 547. 0. Luning and K. Brohm 55. J. F. Reith 197. W. Preiss 415. D. W. Hill 429. 112 11 3. I Idee Coffee 188. Illipb Butter azelaic acid value of -; Deter-Incendiarism in Madras. 39. Indian camels; Component fatty acids and D. R. cottons; Wax-content and feel of -. N.mination of. G. Schuster 350. glycerides of the milk-fat of -. Dhingra 554. Ahmad and D. L. Sen 431. Indicators Bromphenol blue as adsorption -in the titration of chloride and bromide with mercurous nitrate. I. M. Kolthoff and W. D. Larson 847. Complex ions as ~ in analysis. A. R. Ubbelohde 339. diphenylcarbazide and diphenylcarbazone as __ in mercury titrations. J . V. Dubsky and J. Irtilek 304. Diphenylcarbazide as - in the mercuri-metric determination of chloride. J . Irti-lek 717. Nitrazine yellow a new -. H. Wenker, 365. P-Nitrophenyl-acetyl-hydrazine 2 4-dinitro-phenyl-acetyl-hydrazine and 2 4 6-Trini trophenyl-acetyl-hydrazine as - . A. Bloom and A. Osol 126. Khodizonic acid as - in the volumetric determination of barium. A. Friedrich and S.Rapoport 439. Indigo in sweets. 484. Indium Atomic weight of -. Indophenol-reducing capacity and vitamin C content of extracts of young germinated peas. S. W. Johnson 369. Indoxyl compounds in blood ; Quantitative determination of -. H. Sharlit 190. Infra-Red photography in the examination of paintings 664. Ink Microchemical identification of __ in handwriting. T. J. Ward 621. T. J. Ward 343. Inorganic Analysis. Abstracts 60 129 199, 300 365 433 501 570 716 772 844. Analysis; Aids to Qualitative -. R. G. Austin 584. Chemistry ; Comprehensive Treatise on Theo-retical and -. XIII. (Review) J. W. Mellor 852. Chemistry; Ephraim’s Textbook of -. 2nd English Ed. Translated by P. C. L. Thorne. (Review) 309. Chemistry; Manual of Practical -.E. H. Riesenfeld. Translated by I?. Rsy 310. Chemistry; Textbook of -. Ed. by J. N. Friend. Vol. VI Part 11 Phosphorus. By E. B. R. Prideaux. Inositol in animal tissues ; Determination of -, L. Young 837. L. Young, 836. Insecticides Ministry of Agriculture Specifica-tions and Methods of Analysis of -. Bull. No. 82. 694. naphthalene in - ; Determination of. W. L. Miller 566. Insulin content of the pancreas in cattle of various ages. A. M. Fisher and D. A. Scott 755. Inulase Spot test for detecting -. Invertme Spot test for detecting -. Iodide Determination of - by photometric Iodides Separation of potassium and sodium as Iodine Action of - on cholesterol. E. 114 547. writing; Erasures and offsets in -. (Review) 511.Volumetric determination of -. 608. 508. titration. S. Hirano 573. -. Montignie 426. L. Szebellkdy and K. Schick 502 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xxxvii Iodine-continued. atomic weight of -. 547. Chloroform method for colorimetric deter-mination of -. K. L. Maljaroff and W. B. Matskiewitsch 135. content of glands. 41. content of Pennsylvhnia potatoes. D. E. H. Frear 418. content of potatoes. J. F. McClendon E. Barrett and T. Canniff 839. in blood and organic materials; New method for determining -. D. R. McCullagh, 838. in organic compounds ; Determination of -. J . L. Goldberg 648. method for determining starch; A new -. J . J . Chinoy F. Mr. Edwards and H. R. Nanji 673. Micro-determination of __ and a useful micro-desiccator. W. Miinster 438.reducing value of orange juice. M. A. Joslyn and G. L. Marsh 759. survey of New Zealand live stock. E. Mason, 188. Volumetric determination of small quantities of -. J. F. Sadusk and E. G. Ball 133. Iodised Salt Iodine determined in -. Iodoform test; Improved -. R. C. Fuson and C. W. Tullock 769. Ions Use of complex - as indicators in analysis. A. R. Ubbelohde 339. Iridium Atomic weight of -. 547. Iron Atomic weight of -. Benzoate method of precipitating aluminium, chromium and -. I. M. Kolthoff V. A. Stenger and B. Moscovitz 435. Butylphenylarsonic acid as reagent for the gravimetric determination of -. I(. A. Craig and G. C. Chandlee 571. chromium in presence of -; Notes on the determination of with perchloric acid as oxidising agent.J . Haslam and \Ir. Murray 609. content of biological materials ; Thiolacetic acid as reagent for determining the inorganic -. S. L. Tompsett 835. content of the whole blood of normal in-dividuals. 0. M. Helmer and C. P. Emer-son Jr. 190. in beer determined by means of aa’-dipyridyl. G. Bode 116. in citrus leaves ; Histochemical detection of -. in natural waters; a-a’-Dipyridyl as reagent for determining ferrous and total -. H. Miieller 305. in presence of vanadium ; Direct determination of __ by use of a silver reductor. G. H. Walden L. P. Hammett and S. M. Ed-monds 302. Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Vol. XIII, Part 11. 852. Micro-determination of -. F. Rappaport and E. Hohenberg 649. Micro-iodimetric determination of -.J. Straub 368. permanganate titration of -; Interference of nitric acid in the. 134. 547. H. S. Reed and J . Dufrenoy 428. D. Totoiescu 366. Iron-continued. potentiometric titration of -; Antimony as indicator electrode in. E. W. Kanning and F. H. Kratli 131. Removal of __ from water. S. B. Apple-baum and M. E. Bretschger 768. Separation of - from bivalent metals by means of ammonium benzoate. I. M. Kolthoff V. A. Stenger and B. Moskovitz, 572. Separation of beryllium from ~ by means of hydroxyquinoline. V. M. Zwenigorod-skaja and T. N. Smirnowa 645. Iron Oxide Absorption of hydrogen sulphide Isle of Wight Appointment of R. W. Watridge as Additional Public Analyst for County Council of -. 344. Isocholesterol of wool wax ; Separation of cholesterol and -.Iso-Propyl Alcohol ethyl and bu tyl alcohols and acetone in fermentation liquors ; Quantita-tive determination of -. G. L. Stahly, 0. L. Osburn and C. H. Werkman 319. E. Alessandrini 630. Iso-Propyl-Antippine Crystal precipitation of Italian Mineral Waters. 310. by -. 624. M. R. Freney 770. in alcoholic beverages. -. 776. pastes; Determination of rancidity in -. (Review) 582. J. Berlie 629. Italy Mineral V17aters of -, J Jaffh-Folin Reaction of hydrolysed gelatin. H. Jam fruits; Lead numbers of -. 262 263. Jams Analysis of -. Examination of - by lead precipitation. Standards for -. 312. Mohler and E. Helberg 820. 240 241. C. L. Hinton 248. Japanese acid clay; Colour reaction of - with carotene in palm oil.K. Kobayashi K. Yamamoto and J . Abe 639. beeswax 111. Composition of hydroxy fatty acid. H. Ikuta 161. chrysalis oil ; Composition of the saturated fatty acids of -. S. Ueno and H. Ikuta 745. sardine oil herring oil and liver oil of “sukeso-dara” (Theragra Chalcogranzma) . Y. Toy-ama and T. Tsuchiya 352. Jersey Report of the States’ Analyst for -for 1933. C. P. Money 404. Juniper Berries Volatile oil in 617. K Karasumi Oil. M. Tusjimoto 288. Keene’s Cement Specification for -. Kensington Appointment of F. W. Edwards as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 818. Kent Report of the County Analyst for __ for the Fourth Quarter of 1933. F. W. F. Arnaud 344 405. Keratins total sulphur in -; Determination of.J. Barritt 771. 758 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Kernel Fat of akarittom; Unsaturated acid in - 11. M. Tsujimoto and H. Koy-anagi 287. G. Collin, 287. Ketone rancidity ; Taufel and Thaler’s reaction for -. J. Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 48. Ketones New reactions of aldehydes and -. Synthesis of thiodiazolines from -. A. Lacourt 499. Ketoses Microscopic method of determining -. M. Wagenaar 44. Kingston-upon-Hull Report of the Public Analyst for - for 1933. A. R. Tankard, 819. Kingston’s Sterling Fluctuation Tables. 310. Kjeldahl-Nessler process for the rapid deter-mination of nitrogen. W. H. Kitto 733. Kolthoff’s colorimetric method for determining magnesium in biological fluids ; Simple adaptation of -. A. D. Hirschfelder and E.R. Serles 423. of some members of the palmae. Kratom Physiological action of -. Kreis Reaction Technique and evaluation of - in determining the auto-oxidative rancidity of fats. K. Taufel and I?. Sadler, 353. 753. Krypton Atomic weight of -. 547. Laboratory Its Place in the Modern World. (Review) D. S. Murray 655. Lacquers Analysis of nitrocellulose -. H. Anderson 300. Lactic fermentation; Buffers for -. D. W. Steuart 402. Lactic Acid as inhibitor of bacterial growth. 176. Lactoflavine 72. Lactose Micro-organisms used in analysis of M. Wagenaar 573. Laevulose in presence and absence of sucrose ; Determination of small amounts of -. R. B. Whitmoyer 702. Lancaster Report of the County Analyst for - for 1933. Lanthanum Atomic weight of -.Lard Alkaline -. 31. in fish muscle. 699. -. 54. Sucrose detected in -. G. D. Elson 482. 647. oxidation and yellowing of -; Influence of salts used in curing on the. C. H. Lea 555. Lead Action of water on - with special reference to the supply of drinking water. 346. Atomic weight of -. Colorimetric determination of -. berg 433. Contamination of water by -. in biological material ; Determination of -with special reference to bone. G. R. Lynch R. H. Slater and T. G. Osler 787. in cosmetics. 179. in foods; Methods for determining -. H. J . Wichmann and Others 289. in presence of traces of bismuth; Separation and determination of traces of -. 11. J. H. Hamence 274. 414 547. S. Fein-283. Lead-continued. Micro-electrolytic determination of -.H. Brantner and F. Hecht 204. Picrolonic acid as means of determining -. F. Hecht W. Reich-Rohrwig and H. Brantner 130. poisoning in children (chemical mechanism of -). T. S. Rodgers J. R. S. Peck and M. H. Jupe 640. precipitation in the examination of fruits and jams. C. L. Hinton 248. Rapid photometric method for determining small quantities of -. €3. L. Samuel and H. H. Shockey 306. Volumetric method for --. I. Tananaeff, 848. Lead Acetate Microchemical test for -. -138. Lead Arseuate Specifications for -. 696. Lead Chromate Solubility of -. M. Huy-brechts and C. Degard 61. Leather Determination of strong acid and of buffer salts in vegetable-tanned -. R. F. Innes 770. diamines in -; Detection of. W. Mather and W.J. Shanks 517. Leaves Comparative zinc-contents of green and etiolated __ . G. Bertrand and A. Andreitcheva 638. Methyl alcohol in foliage -. Relation between the alcohol and chlorophyll. M. Flanzy 558. Vol. 11. Part I. (Review) Ed. by A. B6mer, 440. Lecithin Phosphatid ___ number of egg -. F. E. Nottbohm and F. Mayer 182. Soya bean -. F. RothCa and F. Nielloux, 117. vegetable __I in noodles; Use of. H. Jesser 702. Leeds Appointment of A. Houlbrooke as Ad-ditional Public Analyst for the County Borough of -. 30. Report of the City Analyst for - for 1933. C . H. Manley 539. Legal Cases Irving’s Yeast-Vite Ltd. o. Horse-nail. Scope of rights in a trade mark. 173. Paul R. & W. Ltd. ZI. Wheat Commission. Middlings and the Wheat Act.Legal Notes 173 346 406 484 691. Leicester Report of the City Analyst (F. C. Bullock) for 1932 31; for 1933 623. Lemon Juice Regeneration of the reducing properties of oxidised -. S. W. Johnson, 52. Leprosy Drugs for treatment of -. Light filters Nickel salts as ~ . w. v. Lebensmittel-Chemie Handbuch der -. 406. 753. Bhagwat 371. H. J . Almquist J . W. Givens and A. Close, Lime in soil solutions; Rapid determination of H. Beutelspacher, Lime-Sulphur solution ; Specification for -. Limonite in bush sickness; Use of -. 40 825. Limpets Composition of -. 345. Transmission of __ by egg albumin. 759. small quantities of -. 361. 695 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xxxix Linen Effect of dyes on tendering of -. 413. Linolenic Acid content of butter-fat.H. C. Ekstein 184. Oleic-elaidic acid transformation as an aid in the analysis of mixtures of oleic linolic and -. H. N. Griffiths and T. I?. Hilditch, 363. Linolic Acid Constitution of -. 3 . L. Riebsomer and G. A. Nesty 830. content of butter-fat. Oleic-elaidic acid transformation as an aid in the analysis of mixtures of oleic linolenic and -. H. N. Griffiths and T. P. Hilditch, 363. H. C. Ekstein 184. Linseed Oil and the elaidin test. Lipase in adipose tissue ; Relative concentration of esterase and -. J. S. Hepburn and H. McD. Moore 292. Lipids New method of determining acetyl value of - applicable to hydroxylated fatty acids. E. S. West C. L. Hoagland and G. H. Curtis 429. Liquid Paraffin sulphuric acid test for -; Note on.C. H. Hampshire and G. R. Page, 635. Lithium Atomic weight of -. 547. Liver Antimony determined in -. Liver Oils Stability of carotene in -. Lobster Food poisoning by -. 690. Lubricants Analysis of Oil for Production of -. (Review) A. A. Ashworth 442. Lutecium Atomic weight of -. Lysol prosecutions under the Merchandise Marks Act. (Legal Notes) 693. 315. Spot test for detecting -. 508. 102. F. G. McDonald 120. 547. M Madar Juice poisoning. 37 542. Madras Incendiarism in -. Poisoning cases in -. 37. Report of the Chemical Examiner (C. New-comb) for - for the year 1932 37; for 1933 641. ltIagdala Red as reagent for detecting nitrites. H. Eichler 303. Magnesium alloys; Analysis of -. L. C. Nickolls 16. 39. Atomic weight of -.547. Colorimetric determination of -. L. De-bucquet and L. Velluz 200. for Grignaud reagents. N. W. Cusa and F. S, Kipping 713. in biological fluids; Simple adaptation of Kolthoff's colorimetric method for deter-mining -. A. D. Hirschfelder and E. R. Serles 423. Micro-determination of ___ by means of hydroxyquinoline. G. Glomaud 205. Separation of phosphoric acid calcium and magnesium. H. Brintzingcr and E. Jahn, 646. Magnesium Oxide Differentiation between light and heavy -. H. Wales and G. L. Keenan 763. U.S.P. test for soluble alkalis and alkalinity in -. H. Wales 763. Maize Comparative biological value of proteins of whole wheat whole - and - gluten. M. A. Boas-Fixsen J. C. D. Hutchinson and H. M. Jackson 557. meal used in rachitogenic rations ; Variation in the phosphorus content of -.W. L. Davies 340. starch; Iodine method for determining -. 679. Malayan vegetable fats; Composition of -. T. I?. Hilditch and W. J. Stainsby 632. Malic Acid in plant tissue; Determination of -. G. W. Pucher €3. B. Vickery and A. J . Wakeman 714. Maltose Micro-organisms used in analysis of -. 54. Manganese Absorption of __ by plants. C. Olsen 707. Atomic weight of --. 547. Determination of - with anthranilic acid. in flour and bread ; Colorimetric determina-Observations on -. W. R. Schoeller and ores and dry cell batteries. Removal of __ from water. H. Funk and M. Demmel 435. tion of -. H. W. Webb. 667. P. Brukre 492. 347. S. B. ,2pple-Manometer Direct reading ~ for low pres-Manure Wool shoddy -.Marc Wine Methyl alcohol in alcohol from -. M. Flanzy 553. Marine products; Contributions to the study of - 111. Chemistry of ostreasterol. W. Bergmann 426. G. Lunde and E. Mathiesen 759. Marjoram Microscopical examination of -. 744. Marking Nut poisoning. 542. Marsh test ; Quantitative determination of arsenic by -. J . Gang1 and J . 1'. Sanchez 716. Mayer's Reagent as means of evaluating quinine excretion. 179. Meat Evaluation of quality of __ by artificial digestion with pepsin. J. A. Smorodinzew, 422. frozen -; Arsenical contamination of. 31. Losses in - during cooking. F. %-. F. Arnaud 405 538; A. Sciver 536; K. A. McCance and H. L. Shipp 548. Potted -. 819. potted -; Preservatives in. 31. products; Sterilisation of -.413. Storage of - in carbon dioxide. Storage of ___ in small refrigerators. baum and M. E. Bretschger 768. sures. F. Trombe 651. 345. products ; Formaldehyde in canned - . Volatile oil determined in -. 616. 697. Food Investigation Report No. 43. K. B. Haines and E. C. Smith 176. Medical Research Council Special Report No. 187. Chemistry of flesh foods and their losses on cooking. R. A. McCance and H. L. Shipp 548. Medicinal organic compounds ; Determination of arsenic in -. Medicine Micro-methods of determining pro-teins in -. E. Kahane 356. A. Wasitzky 303 xl INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Menthol Bactericidal efficiency of camphor and - . L. Gershenfeld and R. E. Miller 55. Menuke Oil Constituents of -. S.Ueno and M. Iwai 352. Mercaptans Rapid determination of -. G. R. Bond 56. Merceologia Siciliana; Annali di -. Vol. I . 376. Merchandise Marks Act Lysol prosecutions un-der -. (Legal Notes) 693. Merck’s Diastase A proposal for barley analysis. W. Piratzky 418. Mercuric Acetate as means of separating cysteine from ascorbic acid. A. Emmerle 559. Mercurious Iodate Mercury determined gravi-metrically and volumetrically as -. G. and P. Spacu 199. Mercurous Nitrate Titration of chloride and bromide with -. I . M. Kolthoff and W. D. Larsgn 847. Mercury Apparatus for distilling - under reduced pressure. H. Vogels 650. Atomic weight of -. 547. compounds ; Gravimetric determination of copper cadmium and nickel as complex -. A. Taurins 434. Detection and determination of small amounts of -.F. Cucuel 138. Glycerin as reagent for -. M. Stschigol, 433. Gravimetric and volumetric determination as mercurous iodate. G. and P. Spacu 199. in galenicals Determination of - and its separation from bismuth. E. Schulek and S. Floderer 434. in glass thermo-regulator. C. C. Coffin 305. titrations ; Micro-volumetric analysis with diphenylcarbazide and diphenylcarbazone as indicators in --. J . V. Dubsky and J. Irtilek 304. Mercury-Vapour Lamp Identification of tanning agents under the quartz -. L. Pollak, 439. Merino fleece; Studies on -. I. Chemistry of suint. M. R. Freney 500. 11. Separation of cholesterol and isocholesterol of wool wax. M. R. Freney 770. Meta-Diamine in leather Detection of -.519. Metadinitrobensene in alkaline medium ; Colour reactions of -. M. Pkronnet and R. Truhaut 431. in alkaline solution; Colour reactions of -. R. Truhaut 60. Metal ions; 2 3-Diaminophenazine as a reagent for -. T. Pavolini 365. Metallic particles in manufactured products ; Detection and identification of -. H. C. Lockwood 812. Metallurgical Analysis by the Spectrograph. D. M. Smith (Review) 208. Metals bismuth in presence of other -. Determination of traces of. L. A. Haddock: 163. in food and biological material ; Bibliography of heavy -. T. H. Pope. XI. Anti-mony 109; XII. Cadmium 109. XIII. Thallium 109. Metals-continued. Indicators for -. 339. of the ammonium sulphide group; Analysis of -. L. Lehrman H. Weisberg and E. il. Kabat 844.Resistance of - to wines. H. E. Searle, F. L. La Que and R. H. Dohrow 631. separation of - by graded potentials: Simplification in the method. A. J. Lindsey and H. J. S. Sand 328. Separation of iron aluminium and chromium from bivalent __ by means of ammonium benzoate. I. M. Kolthoff V. A. Stenger and B. Moskovitz 572. Methaemoglobin Spectro-photometric study of fluoro-methaemoglobin for detecting __ and for determining fluorides. R. Fabre and S. Bazille 125. Methane hydrocarbons ; Oxidation over a platin-ised silica-gel 198. Methoxyacetic Anhydride for determining hy-droxyl groups. Methoxyl groups ; Modified micro-method of determining --. Methyl Alcohol in alcohols from wine including marc wine and fruit wine Presence of -. M.Flanzy 553. in foliage leaves. Relation between the alcohol and chlorophyll. M. Flanzy 558. in presence of large quantities of homologous alcohols; Micro-determination of -. M. Flanzy 193. Methyl Mercaptan in air containing hydrogen sulphide ; Detection and determination of carbon disulphide and -. J . F. Reith, 197. (Legal Notes), 346. P. Nottin 630. in the volumetric determination of potassium. A. Bolliger 846. test for stability of sewage. D. W. Hill 429. H. R. Nanji 96. Methylated Spirit in sal volatile. Methylene Blue in flour; Detection of -. 282. Micro carbon-hydrogen determination ; Note on Schobel’s heating block for the Pregl -. H. Lieb 718. copper-pyridine reaction for saccharin. C. Van Zijp. Micro-Analysis of uranites ; Quantitative -.F. Hecht and W. Reich-Rohnvig 368. Micro-Balance Torsion -. J. Donau 136. Microchemical Analysis. Abstracts 63 136, 203 303 368 438 506 573 647 718 774, 849. identification of ink in handwriting. T. J. Ward 621. identification of santonin. M. Wagenaar 574. soil analysis. tests. L. Rosenthaler. IX 137; X 721; XI 774. Micro-Chemistry New method of preparative -. J . Winckelmann 506. of atophan. M. Wagenaar 779. of euquinine. M. Wagenaar 506. J . J . L. Zwikker 850. M. F. Morgan 65. Micro-Desiccator A useful -. W. Miinster, 438. Micro-Detection of sugar in urine and other solutions ; Use of Benedict’s solution in -. H. Tauber 648 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xli Micro-Determination of calcium in serum. P. Wenger C. Cimerman and P.Bongland 650. of fluorine in organic substances. D. M. Hubbard aud A. L. Henne 777 of iodine and a useful micro-desiccator. W. Munster 438. of iron. I?. Rappaport and E. Hohenberg, 649. of magnesium by means of hydroxy-quinoline. G. Glomaud 205. of nickel and cobalt. Collected references. 2. Stary 507. of non-protein nitrogen and urea in blood. F. Rappaport 7 18. of phosphorus as phosphomolybdate. R. H. A. Plimmer 370. of silica in tissues and in blood. G. Rodillon, 438. of the molecular weight of volatile liquid compounds. A. F. Colson 529. of urea in blood. P. Wenger Ch. Cimerman and A. Maulbetsch 507. Micro-Electrolysis Apparatus for -. H. Brantner and F. Hecht 204. Method of stirring during -. A. OkAc 203. Micro-Electrolytic determination of lead.H. Rrantner and F. Hecht 204. Micro-Extractor. L. Titus and V. W. Meloche, 136. Micro-Iodimetric determination of iron. J . Straub 368. Micro-Method for detecting monoses in presence of reducing bioses. for determining ammonia. K. Linderstrom-Lang and H. Holter 206. for determining free and combined cholesterol. K. Schoenheimer and W. P. Sperry 778. for determining methoxyl and ethoxyl groups ; Modified -. for determining uric acid in urine. P. Wenger Ch. Cimerman and A. Maulbetsch, 507. Micro-Methods of determining proteins in medi-cine and biology. of gas analysis and its applications especially in biological work. H. Schwarz and F. Rappaport 138. Micro-Organisms and the synthesis of carotene and vitamin A .C. A. Baumann and Others 121. Individual resistance of - especially yeasts to ultra-violet rays. J . Beauverie, 563. Relation of - to the decay of stone. 757. used in sugar analysis. V. J. Harding and Micro-Potentiometric titration. I. Titration in Microscope Travelling -. 659. Micro-Titrimetric determination of nicotine in tobacco. Micro-Volumetric analysis with diphenylcar-bazide and diphenylcarbazone as indicators in mercury titrations. J. V. Dubsky and J . Irtilek 304. determination of sulphur and chlorine in organic compounds with the use of an assay balance. D. W. Cowie and D. T. Gibson 388. H. Tauber 647. H. R. Nanji 96. A. Wasitzky 303. T. F. Nicholson 54. macro-drops. K. Schwarz 549. J . Bodndr and v. L. Kagy 574. Middlings and the Wheat Act.R. & W. Paul, (Legal Notes), Milk Alleged adulteration of ___ with water. (1,egal Notes) 691. and Dairies Bye-Laws in Gibraltar. 689. B . coli communis and B . lactis aerogenes in samples of ~ . Significance of -. C. H. Chalmers 296. Ltd. u . Wheat Commission. 406. The Hortvet test. camel -; Fat of. 0. Laxa 632. Certificate; Form of -. 539. Dialysis of - Factors affecting the dis-tribution of calcium and phosphorus. I,. H. Lampitt and J. H. Bushill 828. diphenylamine test for nitrates in - and its reliability in the presence of small quantities of chlorine; Note on. D. R. Wood E. T. Illing and A. E. Fletcher 400. Examination of 1000 samples of - by the Hortvet freezing-point process. J . R. Stubbs and G. D. Elsdon 146.factory effluents. 282. Fluorescence of -. 41. freezing-point of -; Daily variations in. H. A. Schuette and E. 0. Huebner 181. Freezing-point of -; Hortvet method. E. V. Jones 29. freezing-point test for -; Technique of. G. D. Elsdon and J. R. Stubbs 585. heated-; Dithizon test for detecting -. K. Eble and H. Pfeiffer 827. Heavy water content of water in -. H. Erlenmeyer and H. Garbner 357. Human - studies. XIV. Critique of the determinations of nitrogenous constituents. B. N. Erickson N. Stoner and I. G. Macy, 191. in Cyprus ; Standards for -. in Fiji. 177. in Singapore; Composition of -. 490. Influence of fluorine ingestion upon the P. H. Phillips, Jersey -. 404. nitrates in -; Notes on. 41. nutritional qualities of -. E. B.Hart and G. Bohstedt 497. W. F. Elvidge, 170; A. F. Lerrigo 401; W. R. Dracass, 401. nutritive value of raw and pasteurised -; Comparative studies. J . C. Drummond, 292. total solids in -; Use of the air-damped balance for determining. J. Golding 468, Milk of Magnesia U.S.P. test for soluble alkalis and alkalinity in -. H. Wales 763. Milk-Fat Gerber - tubes; Aid to reading of. E. B. Grayson 29. of Indian camels; Component fatty acids and glycerides of -. D. R. Dhingra 554. Millet Seed Oil A. Steger and J . Van Loon 186. Mineral Waters of Italy. Minerals boron in -; Test for. (Review) 582. 721. carbon in -; Determination of. B. E. Dixon 739. Sands Clays and -. Vol. 11 February, 1934. 310. Ministry of Health Reports Circulars Etc. Anti-mony in enamelled hollow-ware.G. W. Monier-Williams. Public Health Report S o . 73. 489 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Ministry of Health Reports-continued. Sale of Food and Drugs Act. Annual Report for 1931-32 and abstract of Public Ana-lysts’ Report for 1932 110; for 1933 820. adulterated with ailanthus leaves 819. (Legal Notes) 33. Microscopical examination of -. 744. Note on the examination of dried green -. C. E. Sage 535. Volatile oil determined in -. Mitragynine Acetate Physiological action of -. 753. Molecular Weights Dioxan as solvent in deter-mining - by the cryoscopic method. A. E. Oxford 850. of volatile liquid compounds ; Micro-deter-mination of -. A. F. Colson 529. Molluscs Sterols of -. W. Bergmann 294. Molybdate Preparation of sodium tungstate Molybdenum Atomic weight of -.in copper; Spectrographic method of deter-mining -. B. Park 501. Monier-WilILms cryoscope; Comparison of the Hortvet and -. 591. Monocazboxylic Chrysanthemic Acid Colour re-action of -. Monoses in presence of reducing bioses ; New micro-method for detecting - . H. Tauber 647. Morphine Iodimetric determination of -. Laurence and Labarre 832. C. C. Fulton 49. Mint Adulterated dried -. 538. 616. free from -. 0. Folin 764. 547. M. Audiffren 556. Pseudomorphine produced from -. Mould in butter. 345. Mould-Growth test for minute amounts of H. R. Smith and E. J. Cameron, Moulds Spoilage of meat by -. Mucilage from slippery elm bark. E. Anderson, 196. of flaxseed ; Composition of an aldobionic acid from -.C. Niemann and K. P. Link, 190. Mustard-seed Oil Modified elaidin test for -. 315. N Naphthalene in insecticides ; Determination of -. W. L. Miller 566. Narcotics Intelligence Bureau. Annual Report for 1933. 444. National Physical Laboratory Metrology Depart-ment. Tests on volumetric glassware. 550. Work on standardisation of weights and measures. 41 1. arsenic. 123. 175. Neodymium Atomic weight of -. Neon Atomic weight of -. 547. Neou Oil Fatty oil of -. A. Steger and Nernst micro-balance ; Modification of -. 136. New Guinea derris roots. 289. New Zealand live stock; Iodine survey of -. Report of the Dept. of Agriculture for the year Report of the Dominion Laboratory for 1932. 547. J . Van Loon 288. E.Mason 188. 1932. W. Donovan 347. B. C. Aston 40; for 1933 825. Newcastle-under-Lyme Appointment of E. V. Jones as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 108. Nickel alloys; Note on determination of alumin-ium in -. R. C. Chirnside 278. Atomic weight of -. 547. Gravimetric determination of copper cad-mium and ~ as complex mercury com-pounds. A. Taurins 434. in cobalt salts; Detection and colorimetric determination of __ by means of formal-doxime. G. Denigks 200. Microchemical test for -. 138. Micro-determination of -. Collected Re-Qualitative separation of cobalt from - by H. Wun-Nickel Salts as light filters. W. V. Bhagwat, Nicotine Detection of very small quantities of in tobacco ; Micro-titrimetric determination of Specification for -. 695.ferences. 2. Stary 507. means of ammonium phosphate. shendorff and P. Valier 502. 371. -. A. Wenusch 556. -. J . BodnAr and v. L. Nagy 574. Nicotine Sulphate Specification for -. 695. Niobium analytical chemistry of -; Investi-gations into. XXVI. Interference of tung-sten in earth-acid determinations. W. €2. Schoeller and C. Jahn 465. XXVII. Ob-servations on manganese and the analysis of tantalite. W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 667. Atomic weight of -. 547. Detection of small quantities of -. in wolframite; Determination of -. W. R. Schoeller 367. J. A. Tschernichow and M. P. Karsajewskaja 717. Nisinic Acid 831. +Nitraniline Anti-oxygenic effect of - on fatty oils. M. Nakamura 363. Nitrate Nitrogen in soil; Microchemical test for Nitrates aliphatic- ; Determination of - by titration.Detection of nitrites nitrosylsulphuric acid and ~ by the formation of resorufin, orcirufin and indophenols. H. Eichler 302. W. F. Elvidge, 170; A. F. Lerrigo 401; W. R. Dracass 401. in milk Note on the diphenylamine test for - and its reliability in presence of small quantities of chlorine. D. R. Wood E. T. Illing and A. E. Fletcher 400. Nitron as precipitant for -. J. E. Heck, H. Hunt and M. G. Mellon 18. Nitrazine Yellow A new indicator. H. Wenker, 365. Nitric Acid Interference of ~ in the per-manganate titration of iron. D. Totoiescu, 366. Nitrite Rapid method for accurate determina-tion of minute quantities of -. G. G. Rao and K. M. Pandalai 99. Nitrites Detection of nitrates nitrosylsulphuric acid and - by the formation of resorufin.orcirufin and indophenols. H. Eichler 302, H. Eichler 303. -. 65. J . W. H. Oldham 642. Nitrates in inilk; Kote on -. Magdala red as reagent for detecting -INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xliii Nitrobenzene Detection of - by the forma-9-Nitro-Benzene- Azo-Chromotropic Acid Pre-Nitro- p-Naphthol as precipitant for cobalt and Nitrocellulose lacquers; Analysis of -. H. Nitrogen Atomic weight of -. tion of resorufin. H. Eichler 297. Poisoning with -. 178. paration of -. 721. palladium. C. Mayr 846. Anderson 300. 547. Determination of - by combustion in the electric arc. W. D. Treadwell and T. Ziirrer 129. in coal. 35. in yeast and brewing materials ; Determina-tion of -. W. A. Davis J .G. Maltby and 6. E. Salt 43. non-protein - in blood ; Micro-determina-tion of. F. Rappaport 718. Rapid determination of - by a Kjeldahl-Nessler process. constituents of human milk; Critique of deter-minations of -. B. N. Erickson N. Stoner and I. G. Macy 191. Nitron as precipitant for nitrates. J. E. Heck, H. Hunt and M. G. Mellon 16. p-Nitrophenyl- Acetyl-Hydrmine Indicator pro-perties of -. A. Bloom and A. Osol 126. Nitrosylsulphuric Acid Detection of nitrates, nitrites and - by the formation of re-sorufin orcirufin and indophenols. H. Eichler 302. Nitrous Acid method of separating gold from tellurium. 199. Reaction of - with cystine and related sulphur-containing compounds. S. A. Lough and H. B. Lewis 424. Noodles vegetable lecithin in -; Use of.H. Jesser 702. Novocaine Detection and determination of -. J . A. Sanchez 634. Nutmeg Volatile oil in -. Nutritive value of pure fatty acid esters. Cox Jr. 119. W. H. Kitto 733. 617. N. M. 0 Obituary Notices Bryant John Joseph 69. Devonport Viscount 657. Haworth John 69. Hutchinson Thomas James 69. Johnson Alfred Edward 2. Marshall William 69. Partridge William 2 69. Stokes Alfred Walter 657. Tate George 69. Woolcott William Elland 377. Oduvan poisoning. 38. Oil for Production of Lubricants; Analysis of ~ (Review) A. A. Ashworth 442. research; Application of absorption spectra in - Distillation of palm oil. L. J . N. Van der Hulst 509. Oils fixed-; Hypochlorous acid value - a new constant for -. M. Goswami and K.L. Basu 533. in cans containing preserved fish; Analysis of -. R. Marcille 47. Oils-continued. insoluble bromide values of - (in cans of preserved fish) ; Determination of. R. Marcille 46. Isomeric unsaturated fatty acids formed in the hydrogenation of -. S. Ueno 762. of some common fowls Highly unsaturated fatty acids in -. J. B. Brown and C. C. Sheldon 830. rancidity of fats and -; Taffel and Revis method for estimating. unsaponifiable matter in fats and -; Sub-committee on Determination of. Note on B.P. limits for "free fat" in soaps. 104. J. K. Giles 48. Vegetable -. See Vegetable Oils. volatile - in herbs spices and drugs; C. E. Sage and H. R. Old Masters and modern forgeries. A. P. Oleander poisoning. 38. Oleic Acid Oleic-elaidic acid transformation as an aid in the analysis of mixtures of linolic, linolenic and -.H. N. Griffiths and T. P. Hilditch 363. Oleic-Elaidic Acid transformation as an aid in the analysis of oleic linolic and linolenic acids. H. N. Griffiths and T. P. Hilditch, 363. Olive Bitter glucoside of the -. W. V. Cruess and C. L. Alsberg S29. Olive Oil adulteration of -; Utility of the elaidin reaction in detecting. 317. carotene in -; Stability of. R. G. Turner, 560. Characterisation of -. F. Bernardini and E. A. Gauthier 59. Fluorescence test for -. T. T. Cocking and S. K. Crews 652. Modified elaidin test for -. Determination of. Fleck 614. Laurie 657. 315. Orange juice exposed to air; Relation of reducing value and extent of browning to the vitamin C content of -.M. A. Joslyn, G. L. Marsh and A. F. Morgan 498. juice; Iodine-reducing value of -. M. A. Joslyn and G. L. Marsh 759. juice; Keeping qualities of frozen -. M. A. Joslyn and G. L. Marsh 350. Ores low-grade -; Colorimetric determina-tion of uranium in. J . Tschernichow and E. Guldina 367. tungsten in low-grade -; Rapid determina-tion of. S. Fernankik 646. Uranium determined in -. W. R. Bennett, 301. Organic acids ; Attempted adsorption indicator method for determining alkali salts of -. C. G. Lyons and 17. N. Appleyard 480. Analysis; Abstracts 56 126 192 297 361, 429 499 568 642 712 768 843. Analysis; Allen's Commercial --. 5th Ed. Vol. X. Edited by C. A. Mitchell (Review), 207. analysis ; Tetrachlorophthalimide as reagent in qualitative -.C. I;. H. Allen and R. V. V. Nichols 570. Chemistry and Bio-Chemistry. 5th Ed. (lie-view) R. H. A. Plimmer 68 xliv INDEX -ro VOLUME 59 Organic-continued. Chemistry; Richter's -. Vol. I. Chem-istry of the Aliphatic Series. Translated by E. N. Allott (Review) 653. compounds and soils; Detection of selenium in -. M. J. Horn 192. compounds ; Determination of arsenic in medicinal -. E. Kahane 356. compounds; Determination of iodine in --. J . L. Goldberg 648. compounds ; Micro-volumetric determination of sulphur and chlorine in - with the use of an assay balance. D. W. Cowie and D. T. Gibson 388. material; Determination of tin in - with special reference to canned foods. G. Lunde and E. Mathiesen 636. material; New method for determining iodine in -.838. per-acids; Oxidation by means of -. J. Boeseken 568. reagents in qualitative analysis. 11. L. Lehr man H. Weisberg and E.A. Kabat 844. -substances ; Micro-determination of fluorine in -. D. M. Hubbard and A. L. Henne, 777. Syntheses. Vol. XIV. (Review) edited by W. W. Hartman 723. Tannins; The Natural -. M. Nierenstein, 514; (Review) 856. Orthophenylphenol as an antiseptic. H. C. Fuller 766. Osmium Atomic weight of -. Osmium Tetroxide as catalyst for the oxidation Ostreasterol Chemistry of -. W. Bergmann, Properties of -. 294. Ostwald viscometer for tar. Ovens Equalisation of temperature in electric Ovoflavine 72. Oxalates in plants; Presence of - from the point of view of oxaluria. A. Goudswaard, d90.Oxaluria Presence of oxalates in plants from the point of view of -. A. Goudswaard 290. Oxidation by means of organic per-acids. J. Boeseken 568. Oxidation-Reduction Balance Colorimetric de-termination of -. British Drug Houses, Ltd. 144. Oxygen Absorption of - by phosphorus. H. R. Ambler 593; C. T. Kingzett 816. Atomic weight of -. 547. consuming phenomena in beverages. J. 1%. Toulouse 703. in gases; Rapid colorimetric method for de-tecting and determining - . H. R. Ambler 14. Oyster Fatty substances of -. M. Tsuji-mot0 and H. Koyanagi 762. Ozone Effect of - on growth of bacteria. 697. P Paintings X-ray examination of -. Palestine Report of the Government Analyst 414 547. of arsenious acid. 426. K. Gleu 130. A.R. Lee 578. -. F. G. H. Tate 168. 663. for 1933. G. W. Baker 752. Palladium Atomic weight of -. Precipitation of - by nitro-/3-naphthol. Palm Butter azelaic acid value of -; Deter-Palm Oil Carotene in -. K. Kobayashi I(. Distillation of -. J . L. N. Van der Reaction of Japanese acid clay with carotene K. Kobayashi Y . Yamamoto and 547. C. Mayr 846. mination of. G. Schuster 350. Yamamoto and J. Abe 639. Hulst 509. in -. J . Abe 639. Palmae kernel fats. Pampas Grass as fodder. 826. Pamphlets Enquiry into the Nature of Certain h'ineteenth Century -. J . Carter and G. Pollard 514; (Review) 655. Pancreas Insulin content of the __ in cattle of various ages. A. M. Fisher and D. A. Scott 765. Pantocaine Microchemical test for -. 137.Paprika adulterated with flour; Determination of starch in -. D. Koszegi and N. Tomori, 494. products; Determination of capsanthin in ground -. L. Benedek 188. Paraffin liquid -; Viscosity of. Paraphenylene-Diamine in leather ; Detection of Parinarium Macrophyllum Fatty oil of -. A. Steger and J . Van Loon 288. Parsley Volatile oil determined in -. 617. Peanut Butter Analytical constants of -. H. L. Wikoff M. Busey and A. M. Keplan, 355. G. Collin 287. 30. - 519. Pearl Barley Facing of -. Peas Indophenol-reducing capacity and vitamin C content of extracts of young germinated -. S. W. Johnson 359. Pectin from citrus fruits; Simple method for purifying -. H. R. Nanji and J . J. Chinoy 554. Pennsylvania potatoes ; Iodine content of -.D. E. H. Frear 418. Pentabromoacetone Determination of citric acid as ~ and its application t o wine. 0. Reichard 759. process for determining citric acid in wine. P. Berg and G. Schulze 553. Pentamethylene-Tetrazol Analytical chemistry of -. Pepper Vitamin A content of pimiento L. Ascham 122. Pepsin Artificial digestion with - as means for evaluating the quality of meat. J . A. Smorodinzew 422. Perchloric Acid as oxidising agent in the deter-mination of chromium in presence of iron, aluminium and phosphoric acid. J. Haslam and W. Murray 609. Periodic Acid Comparative action of - on certain hexoses and on the artificial glyco-sides derived therefrom. H. HBrissey P. Fleury and M. Joly 714, Comparative action of - on n- and B-glycerophosphoric acids.P. Fleury and R. Paris 118. 483. Investigation of -. R. Neseni 417. J . J . L. Zwikker 833 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xlv Perkin tube. Permmganate titration of iron ; Interference of nitric acid in -. Perry spirit; Accidental presence of acrolein in -. G. Warcollier A. Le Moal and J. Tavernier 840. Petrol Colouring of -. 284. Pharmaceutical Codex ; British -. Report of Dressings Sub-committee. 42. Pharmaceutical Society of Gt. Britain Codex Revision Committee Reports. 114. Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1933 -4ppointment of Poisons Boards. 43. Explained. (Review) H. Glyn-Jones 67. Phenol British Standard Specification for -. Detection of - by formation of resorufin. Phenolase Spot test for detecting -. Phenolic Acids Crystal precipitation of -.776. Phenols Hydroxyl groups in - determined by benzoylation in tetrahydronaphthalene solution at high temperatures. T. M. Meijer 362. in sodium carbonate solution; Reactions of -. 775. Phenylarsonic Acid as means of determining tin. J. S. Knapper K. A. Craig and G. C. Chandlee 60. 9-Phenylenediamine as means of detecting copper. R. J . McIlroy 103. Chemical reactions of dyeing with -. H. E. Cox 3. (in presence of other diamines) in hairdyes; Detection of -. C. Griebel and F. Weiss, 197. Phosphate-bearing silicates ; Analysis of -. A. Lassieur 504. inorganic - in presence of arsenic; Deter-mination of. Phosphatid-Lecithin number of egg-lecithin : Choline factor of egg-yolk and -. I?. E. Nottbohm and F. Mayer 182. Phosphatids of wheat flour.F. E. Nottbohm and F. Mayer 417. Phosphomolybdate Micro determination of phosphorus as -. R. H. A. Plimmer, 370. Phosphoric Acid Acid methyl ethers of -. V. Harlay 705. chromium in presence of -; Notes on the determination of with perchloric acid as oxidising agent. J . Haslam and W. Murray, 609. Separation of calcium magnesium and -. H. Brintzinger and E. Jahn 646. Phosphorus E. €3. R. Prideaux. Being Part I1 of Vol. VI of A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry. (Review) 51 1. Absorption by oxygen by -. H. R. Ambler 593; C. T. Kingzett 816. Atomic weight of -. 547. content of hens’ eggs. J. Grossfeld and G. Walter 491. content of maize meal used in rachitogenic rations; Variation in -. W. L. Davies, 341. in coal.35. J. T. Dunn 343. D. Totoiescu 366. 144. H. Eichler 297. 508. L. B. Pett 647. Phosphorus-continued. J . H. Bushill 828. lybdate. precipitation with -. Ilford Ltd. 728. (Review) A. Findlay 140. Ed. (Review) S. Glasstone 140. 439 508 576 650 722 780 850. J. Reilly and W. N. Rae 510. Reilly 376. 3rd Ed. S. W. Cole 143. in milk; Dialysable -. L. H. Lampitt and Micro-determination of - as phosphomo-Phosphotungstic Acid Basic dyes determined by R. W. Payne 543. Photography as an *4id to Scientific Work. Physical Chemistry ; Introduction to -. Chemistry; Recent Advances in -. 2nd methods of analysis. Abstracts 139 306 371, Physico-Chemical Methods. 2nd Ed. (Review), Practical Exercises. W. N. Rae and J. Physiological Chemistry; Introduction to -.Chemistry; Practical -. 9th Ed. (Review), Picrasma Jauanica bark. 754. Picrolonic Acid as means of determining lead. F. Hecht W. Reich-Rohrwig and H. Brantner 130. Pig Body fats of -. 111. Influence of body temperature on the composition of dep6t fats. H. K. Dean and T. P. Hilditch 286. Pills Celery -. 32. Pilot Whale Blubber Oil Highly unsaturated acids in -+ Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya, 831. New eicosenoic acid in -. Y . Toyama and T. Ishikawa 831. Pimiento Pepper Vitamin A content of -. L. Ascham 122. Plant amylases ; Influence of vitamin C on -. A. Purr 710. Biochemistry; Introduction to ___ . (Re-view) C. C. Steele 855. colouring matters. LV. Occurrence of a-and 8-carotene in various natural products. P. Karrer and W.Schlientz 293. tissue Determination of malic acid in -. G. W. Pucher H. B. Vickery and A. J. Wakeman 714. tissues Distribution of vitamin C in - and its determination. 0. A. Bessey and C. G. King 122. Plants Absorption of manganese by -. C. Olsen 707. Oxalates in - from the point of view of oxaluria. A. Goudeswaard 290. R. H. A. Plimmer 370. (Review) M. Bodansky 851. Platinum Atomic weight of -. Poisoning by areca nut. 543. 547. by barium. 541. by betel leaves. 38. by cadmium. 627. by copper sulphate. 541. by dried snake venom. 541. by eucalyptus oil. 38 by lobster. 690. by madar juice 37 542. by marking nut. 542. by nitrobenzene. 178. by oduvan leaves. 38. by oleander. 38 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Poisoning-continued. by quinine.42. by sodium fluoride. 825. by thallium. 752. by vapours of certain esters used as solvents. P. Duquenois and P. Revel 641. cases Application of filtered ultra-violet rays in investigating -. F. W. Martin 531. cases in Madras. 37 541. Lead - in children (chemical mechanism of lead poisoning). T. S. Rodgers J . R. S. Peck and M. H. Jupe 640. Poisons List and Rules; Draft -. Poisons Board Appointment of - under Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1933. 43. Poole Appointment of R. P. Charles as Public Analyst for Borough of -. Portland Stone Chlorides in -. Potassium Atomic weight of -. 699. Schedule; Addition to -. 414. 689. 757. Weathering of -. 755. 414 547. Colorimetric determination of -. S. N. New spot test for -. N. S. Poluektoff 650.Separation of sodium and ___ as iodides. L. Szebellkdy and K. Schick 502. Volumetric determination of ~ with methylene blue following its precipitation as potassium picrate. A. Bolliger 846. Potassium Cyanide Specification for -. 696. Potassium Hydroxide iodine-free -; Pre-paration of. Potassium Iodate Determination of vanadium with -. A. J. Berry 736. in the volumetric determination of tin. J. B. Ramsey and J. G. Blann 571. Volumetric determination of tin with -. J B. Ramsay and J. G. Blann 434. Potassium Perrhenate as precipitant for alka-loids. 137. Potato Starch Iodine method for determining Potatoes Changes in the composition of -J. F. McClendon E. D. E. Potted Meat 819. Poutet Reagent Isomerisation of a fatty oil by Praseodymium Atomic weight of -.547. Precipitin test; New method of applying the. L. C. Haddon 342. Pregl’s micro-carbon-hydrogen determination; Note on Schobel’s heating block for -. H. Lieb 718. Preservatives for food in Germany. Propane Oxidation over a platinised silica-gel. 198. 2-Propanol Analytical uses of -. G. W. Ferner and M. G. Mellon 768. Protargo1 Differentiation reactions of argyrol, collargol electrargol and -. C. Vaille, 422. Proteins Biological value of -. V. M. A. Boas-Fixsen J . C. D. Hutchinson and H. M. Jackson 557. Rosanow and W. A. Kasarinowa 200. C. 0. Harvey 479. -. 678. during winter storage. Barrett and T. Canniff 839. H. Frear 418. L. Erdos 418. Iodine content of -. Iodine content of Pennsylvania -.-. 313. 348. Proteins-continued. in the white of hens’ eggs; Carbohydrate con-tent of -. Micro-methods of determining - in medi-cine and biology. A. Wasitzky 303. Proteolysis in stored eggs. A. K. Balls and T. L. Swenson 629. Pseudomorphine produced from morphine. C. C. Fulton 49. Public Analysts Notes from Reports of -. See Birmingham Bristol Gibraltar Jersey, Kent Kingston-upon-Hull Lancaster Leeds, Leicester Ministry of Health. Society of __ . See Society of Public Analysts. Pumpkin Seed Fatty oil from -. Constitu-tion of linolic acid. J L. Riebsomer and G. L4. Nesty 530. Pyrethrin I Monocarboxylic chrysanthemic acid from the hydrolysis of -; Colour re-action of. M. Audiffren 556. Pyridine Detection of small amounts of -, particularly in burnt wood.A. Briining and 3.1. Schnetka 432. in dilute aqueous solution; Determination of -. V. Ionescu and H. Slusanchi 127. G. Car-peniseanu 298. M. Serensen 701. Properties of -. C. C. Fulton 49. Pyruvic Acid Determination of -. Q Qualitative Analysis by means of Modern Drop Reactions; Short Manual of --. (Re-view) C. J. Van Nieuwenburg and I. G. Dulfer 66. analysis; Organic reagents in -. 11. L. Lehrman H. Weisberg and E. A. Kabat, 844. Analysis ; Textbook of Elementary -. 2nd Ed. Chemical Analysis. (Review) R. K. Mc-4lpine and B. A. Soule 374. Chemische Anqlyse nach dem Schwefel-natriumgang. (Review) G. Vortmann and R. Lieber 581. Inorganic Analysis; Aids to -. R. G. Austin 584. Organic Analysis Tetrachlorophthalimide as reagent in -.C. F. H. Allen and R. V. V. Nichols 570. Quinaldinic Acid as analytical reagent. P. RAy and M. K. Bose 199. Quince Seeds Fatty oil from --. A. Steger and J. Van Loon 185. Quinidine Microchemical test for -. Quinine Determination of -. J. R. Nicholls, 277. excretion; Evaluation of __ by Mayer’s reagent. 179. Extraction of -. poisoning. 42. (Review) C. J. Engelder 311. 137. H. H. Bagnall 27’7. Quinine Iodobismuthate Behaviour of __ with solvents and some applications of the solutions. M. Picon 704. (Legal Notes) 173. G. H. Wage-naar 834. Quinine Sulphate Dispensing of -. Quinosol Identification of -INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xlvii R Rachitogenic rations ; Variation in the phosphorus W. L. Radiant Energy Physiological Effects of -.Radium Atomic weight of -. Radon Atomic weight of --. Ragwort Means of destroying -. Rancidity ketone -; Taufel and Thaler’s reaction for. J . Pritzker and R. Jung-kunz 48. of fats determined by Stamm’s reaction. S. KorpAczy 183. of fats due to auto-oxidation. VI. Technique and evaluation of the Kreis reaction. K. Taufel and P. Sadler 353. of oils and fats; Taffel and Revis method for estimating -. Photochemical studies of -. N. R. Coe and J . A. Le Clerc 354. Rape-seed Oil Modified elaidin test for -. 315. Raspberries Analysis of -. 236. Raspberry Jam Analysis of -. Reagents Rutylphenylarsonic acid as - for the gravimetric determination of iron. K. A. Craig and G. C. Chandlee 571. for mercury; Glycerin as -.M. Stschigol, 433. for Spot Tests; B. D. H. -. 3rd Ed. 584. Grignard -; Magnesium for -. N. W. Cusa and F. S. Kipping 713. Organic - in qualitative analysis. 11. L. Lehrman H. Weisberg and E. A. Kabat, 844. Quinine as ~ for amines. M. Foucry, 713. Tetrachlorophthalimide as - in qualitative organic analysis. C. F. H. Allen and R. V. V. Nichols 570. Thiolacetic acid as - for determining the inorganic iron-content of biological materials S. L. Tompsett 835. Reducing Sugars Determination of - by Fehling’s Solution with Methylene Blue Indicator. J. H. Lane and L. Eynon 852. Reif’s Colour Reaction for detecting benzyl-idenesorbitol. H. Kreipe 420. Resins Natural Varnish -. (Review) T. H. Barry 308. Resorufin as means of detecting cations.H. Eichler 300. Detection of nitrobenzene and of phenol by formation of -. Rhapontic rhubarb Fluorescence and detection of -. T. E. Wallis and E. R. Withell, 652. Rhenium Atomic weight of -. content of maize meal used in -. Davies 340. (Review) H. Laurens 142. Notes) 174. 547. ointment ; Misbranding of -. (Legal 547. 40. J. K. Giles 48. 241. H. Eichler 297. 547. B. Tougarinoff 435. L. C. Hurd J. K. Rhodium Atomic weight of -. 547. Rhodizonic Acid as an indicator in the volu-metric determination of barium. A. Fried-rich and S. Rapoport 439. Colour reactions of -. Toxicity tests with -. Colehour and P. P. Cohen 641. Rhubarb Fluorescence and detection of rha-pontic -. T. E. Wallis and E. R. Withell 652. Rice starch; Iodine method for determining Richter’s Organic Chemistry.Vol. I . Chemis-try of the Aliphatic Series Translated by E. N. Allott 653. River Tees Survey of -. 282. Road Making and Administration. -. 678. P. E. Spiel-(Review) 853. materials ; “Brittle-point” of bituminous -. mann and E. J . Elford 514. W. E. Golding and F. M. Potter 780. Rocks boron in -; Tests for. 721. carbon in -; Determination of. B. E. silica in coal-measure -. Determination Rotenone Colorimetric method for determining Rubber-seed Oil and the elaidin test. Rubidium Analytical reactions of caesium and W. J. O’Leary and J. Papish 436. Dixon 739. of. A. Shaw 446. -. C. K. Gross and C. M. Smith 567. 315. -. Atomic weight of -. 547. Detection of -. P. Robin 61. Ruthenium Atomic weight of -.Rye-grass Seed examined by ultra-violet light. L. Franqois 306. Rye Oil 11. Properties as affected by choice of solvent. A. W. Stout H. A. Schuette and R. G. Fischer 187. 547. S Saccharin in aerated waters. 755. V. Stanek and P. Pavlas 704. Van Zijp. -. G. Reif 44. in beer and other beverages; Detection of -. Micro-copper-pyridine reaction for -. C. Sorbitol detected in presence of dulcin and Sage Microscopical examination of -. 744. Volatile oil determined in -. Sago Tapioca sold as -. 539. Sakae seeds as anthelmintic. 754. Sal Volatile Methylated spirit in -. (Legal Notes) 346. Sale of Food and Drugs Act Extracts from Ministry of Health Annual Report for 1932-33 and Abstracts of Public Analysts’ Reports for 1932 110; for 1933 820.Salts of organic acids Attempted adsorption method for determining alkali -. C. G. Lyons and F. N. Appleyard 480. used in curing; Influence of - on the oxida. tion and yellowing of lard. C. H. Lea 655. Samarium Atomic weight of -. 547. Sands Clays and Minerals. Vol. 11. February, 1934 728. Sansa Oil Characterisation of -. F. Berna-dini and E. A. Gauthier 59. Santonin Microchemical and microscopical identification of -. M. Wagenaar 674, Sardine Oil Analysis of -. Drying properties of the polymerised products of - and of methyl esters derived from - K. Kino 761. Gadoleic acid identified in Japanese -Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 352. J. L. L. Zwikker 850. 617. 47 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Sardines in oil; Determination of fish fat in -.Sausages Labelling of -. 483. Scandium Atomic weight of -. Schobel’s heating block for the Pregl micro-carbon-hydrogen determination. H. Lieb, 71 8. Science Report of the British Association for the Advancement of - for 1933. 310. Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. Building Research Board Report for 1933. 755. Food Investigation Board Report for 1933. 696. Food Investigation Report KO. 43. Storage of meat in small refrigerators. R. B. Haines and E. C. Smith 175. Food Investigation Special Report No. 8. The measurement of humidity in closed spaces. 112. Fuel Research Board Report for year ended March 31st 1933. 34. Fuel Research Survey Paper No. 31. Analysis of Commercial Grades of Coal. Industrial Application of X-ray crystal analysis.487. Investigation of atmospheric pollution. Re-port for year ending March 31 1933. 280. Report for the year 1932-33. Water Pollution Research Board Report for year ended 30th June 1933. Water Pollution Research Report No. 4. Action of water on lead with special re-ference to the supply of drinking water. H. Ingleson 346. Sea Water in natural waters; Tests for -. 690. Seed Fats Fatty acids and glycerides of solid -. 11. Composition of some Malayan vegetable fats. T. P. Hilditch and W. J. Stainsby 632. Sei Whale Oil Gadoleic acid in -. Y. Toyama and T. Ishikawa 832. Selenates selenium in -; Determination of. J . H. Van der Meulen 505. Selenic Acid Reaction of cholesterol with sulphuric telluric and -. E. Montignie, 426.Selenites selenium in -; Determination of. J. H. Van der Meulen 505. Selenium as indicator in the bromate titration of arsenic. L. Szebellddy and K. Schick, 571. G. Lunde and E. Mathiesen 47. 547. 540. 411. 282. Atomic weight of -. Detection of -. N. S. Poluektoff 504. in organic compounds and soils; Detection of in selenites selenates and in “metallic” -: J. H. Van der Meulen, injury to wheat plants and its inhibition by light-sensitive detector for hydrogen sulphide. Semolina Rancidity determined in -. J. Senna Anatomy of senna stalk and its detection A. H. 414 547. -. M. J. Horn 192. Determination of. 505. sulphur. A. M. Hurd-Karrer 842. 624. Berlie 629. in powdefed -. Saber 635. A. H. Saber 635. Determination of senna stalk in -.Sericite Composition of -. 124. in foundry dust. C. S. Hurlbut and D. S. Beyer 565. Serum calcium in -; Micro-determination of. P. Wenger C. Cimerman and P. Bongland, 650. Sesame Oil Thiocyanogen values of Egyptian -. H. A4tkinson 399. Sesquiterpenes Colour reaction of azulenogenic -. S. and H. Sabetay 643. Methylene blue test for stability of -. 282. Sheep Iodine survey of New Zealand -. E. Mason 188. Shellfish Fatty substances of -. M. Tsuji-mot0 and H. Koyanagi 352 762. Shoddies Composition of -. 345. Shooting Exhibits in cases of - in Palestine. 752. Shoreditch Appointment of H. A. Williams as Additional Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 403. Siam Report of the Director of the Government Laboratory from April lst 1930 to March 31st 1932.A. Marcan 753. Silica Colorimetric standards for -. H. W. Swank and M. G. Mellon 773. content of normal and silicotic lungs and its bearing on the problem of silicosis. F. S. Fowweather 706. in coal-measure rocks ; Determination of free -. A. Shaw 446. in tissues and in blood ; Micro-determination of -. G. Rodillon 438, Silica-Gel Platinised - as a catalyst in gas analysis. 11. Oxidation of the methane hydrocarbons. K. -4. Kobe and E. B. Brookbank 198. Silicates phosphate-bearing -; Analysis of. A. Lassieur 504. Silicofluorides Determination of alkalis as -. W. D. Treadwell and W. Konig 132. Sewage Colloids of -. 283. 1 of alkaloids ; Microchemical tests for. 774. Silicon Atomic weight of -.Silicosis W. R. Jones 124 191. 547. and its incidence in gold mines. Y. V. S. Iyer 403. Bearing of the problem of the silica-content of normal and silicotic lungs on -. F. S. Fowweather 706. Silicotungstic Acid as means of determining basic dyestuffs. E. B. Johnson 644. Silkworm trytophan in the haemolymph of the -; Colorimetric determination of. I,. Mamoli 50. Silver Atomic weight of -. 547. Reductor in the direct determination of iron in presence of vanadium. G. H. Walden, L. P. Hammett and S. M. Edmonds 302. Silver Oxide Oxidation of amino acids by means of -. R. M. Herbst and H. T. Clarke, 425. Singapore milk; Composition of -. 490. Slates for roofing; Durability of -. SIippery Elm Bark Mucilage from -. E. Anderson 196. Smoke issuing from a chimney ; Photo-electric method of measuring optical intensity of 758.-. 280 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 xlix Snake Venom Dried - as poison. Soaps B.P. limits for “free fat” in -. 541. Sub-Committee note. 104. soft - for spraying; Specification for. 695. Society of Chemical Industry Annual Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. 1933. Vol. 18. (Review) 443. Joint meeting of Food Group of - with the Society of Public Analysts. Society of Public Analysts Anniversary Dinner, 212. Annual Address of the President. F. W. F. Arnaud 218. Annual General Meeting 2 1 1. Annual Report of Council 213. Joint meeting with the Food Group of the Society of Chemical Industry. North of England Section. 1 145 216 311, 445 729. Proceedings of -.1 69 145 211 311, 377 445 515 585 657 785 729. 231 785. 231 785. Soda Mint tablets; Talc in -. Sodium Atomic weight of -. Separation of potassium and - as iodides. Sodium Carbonate solution ; Reactions of phenols Sodium Chloride as inhibitor of bacterial growth. Sodium Cyanide Specification for -. 696. Sodium Diethyl Dithiocarbamate method of determining copper; Use of amyl alcohol in -. R. W. Thatcher 130. Sodium Fluoride Poisoning by -. Sodium Hypochlorite solutions ; Deterioration of -. W. L. Davies 619. Sodium Stannate tin-plating solutions ; Analysis of -. A. W. Hothersall S. G. Clarke and D. J. Macnaughtan 365. Sodium Sulphide Method of Qualitative Chemical Analysis. (Review) G. Vortmann and R. Lieber 581. Sodium Tungstate free from molybdate ; Prepara-tion of -.Soil Analysis. 65. -. 200. 623. 547. L. Szebellddy and K. Schick 502. in -. 775. 176. 825. 0. Folin 764. (Review) C. H. Wright 654. analysis ; Microchemical -. M. F. Morgan, Colorimetric determination of potassium in Examination of -. 219. Examination of - by means of Aspergillus nzger. A. M. Smith and A. Dryburgh 766. rich in iron alumina and titania. selenium in organic compounds and -; Detection of. M. J. Horn 192. solutions; Rapid determination of small quantities of lime in -. H. Beutel-spacher 36 1. testing in Jersey. 404. 826. Solanum MeZongea See Egg Plant. Solvents 3rd Ed. (Review) T. H. Durrans, Acetamide as a -. for small particles of insoluble material ; Fused beads on platinum wire as -.A.P. Laurie 746, Poisoning by vapours of certain esters used as -. 307. 0. F. Stafford 56. P. Duquenois and P. Revel 641. Sorbitol in fruit products; Detection of -. G. Reif 760. in presence of dulcin and saccharin; Detection of -. G. Reif 44. Soup-Cubes gelatin in - ; Chemical and spectrophotometric detection of. H. Moh-ler E. Helberg and F. Almasy 180. Soy Oil T. Takei 761. Soya Bean flour in manufactured foods; Detection of -. C. H. La Wall and J . W. E. Harrison 552. lecithin. F. Roth6a and F. Nielloux 117. oil and the elaidin test. oil Fractional extraction of __ and the drying properties of the fractions. T. Yamada 555. Spearmint adulterated with ailanthus. 81 9. Specific Gravity Electro-magnetic method of Spectrograph Metallurgical Analysis by the D.M. Smith (Review) 208. Spices Volatile oils determined in -. C. E. Spiders Edible -. 754. Spinach Loss of vitamin A after drying canned ~ Spirit Tables for Use with Sikes’s A and B, Hydrometers. (Review) 444. Spot Tests B.D.H. Reagents for -. 3rd Ed. 584. A. S. Komarowsky and N. S. Poluektoff 575. N. S. Poluektoff, 650. Sprengel Tube Improved form of -. A. D. Gardiner 172. Springs a t Aachen and Aachen-Burtscheid ; Bacterial activity in the hot -. A. Brussoff F. Reinartz and A. Schloemer, 55. Stains Standardisation of biological -. 180. Stamm’s Reaction as means of determining the rancidity of fats. S. Korpkczy 183. Standards Analar - for Laboratory Chemi-cals. British Drug Houses Ltd.728. (Review) 724. 315. measuring -. -. Sage and H. R. Fleck 614. L. R. Bishop 576. G. S. Fraps and R. Treichler 122. for beryllium; New -. for potassium; New -. Colour - ; Dictionary of. for copper carbonate fungicide. 825. for jam. 312. for purity and the determination of “ethyl” vanillin. H. C. Lockwood 730. for silica; Colorimetric -. H. W. Swank. hl. G. Mellon 773. Starch in paprika adulterated with flour; Deter-mination of -. D. Koszegi and N. Tomori 494. iodine method for determining -; A new. J. J. Chinoy F. W. Edwards and H R. Nanji 673. taka-diastase method for determining -; Note on the. J . J. Chinoy F. W. Edwards and H. R. Nanji 671. Steel sulphur in alloy -; Note on the determi-nation of. T. E. Rooney 278. tin coatings on -; Rapid test of thickness of.S. G. Clarke 525. Zinc determined in -. H. A. Bright 572. Steiger-Merwin Reaction for determining small quantities of fluorine. H. J. Wichmann and D. Dahle 132 1 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Stercobilin Isolation of crystalline -. C. J. Watson 557. Sterilisation Water -. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. 728. Sterling Fluctuation Tables; Kingston’s --. 310. Sterols Detection and determination of small amounts of cholesterol and other -. Collected references. A. Wasitzky 438. Stockport Appointment of T. R. Hodgson as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 750. Stoke-on-Trent Appointment of E. V. Jones as Public Analyst for Borough of --. 108. ,4ppointment of F. Dixon as Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of -.750. Stone Relation of micro-organisms to the decay of -. 757. Storage Changes in the composition of the potato during winter -. L. Erdos 418. Stovaine Detection and determination of -. J. A. Sanchez 634. Straits Settlements Report of the Government Analyst for -for 1933. J. C. Cowap 490. Strawberries in syrup; Analysis of -. Strawberry Jam Analysis of -. 240. Strontium Atomic weight of -. Differentiation from barium. 776. Strontium Sulphate Microchemical test for -, 721. Strychnine alkaloid in strychnine sulphate tablets; Assay of -. F. J. Amrhein 355. Strychnine Sulphate tablets ; Assay of strychnine alkaloid in -. . F. J. Amrhein 355. Strychnos seeds; Strychnine in -. Sucrose dextrose laevulose and invert sugar in absence and presence of -; Determina-tion of small amounts of.R. B. Whitmoyer, 702. in lactose; Detection of -. M. Wagenaar, 573. Micro-organisms used in analysis of -. 54. Sugar analysis; Use of some micro-organisms in -. V. J. Harding and T. F. Nicholson, 54. in urine and other solutions; Use of Benedict’s solution in the micro-detection of -. H. Tauber 648. invert - in presence and absence of sucrose ; Determination of small amounts of. R. B. Whitmoyer 702. Properties of adipoine a cyclic -. G. P. G. Moeys and N. Schoorl 770. Fehling’s Solution with Methylene Blue Indicator. Suint Chemistry of -. Sukeso-Dara (Theragra Chalcogramma) : Gadoleic acid identified in liver oil of -. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 352. Sulphate Direct titration of -.W. C. Schroeder 134. Rapid determination of - with the use of a collecting agent. Volumetric method for determining -. V. R. Damerell and H. H. Strater 202. of molluscs. W. Bergmann 294. Weathering of building -. 755. 237. 547. Microchemical test for -. 137. 754. Sugars Reducing-; Determination of - by J. H. Lane and L. Eynon 852. 500. J. E. Orlow 847. Sulphide Sulphur Determination of minute quantities of -. C. E. Lachele 503. Sulphides Ultra-violet light for detecting traces of -. J. Grant and H. Procter-Smith, 749. Sulphites Determination of - by acidimetry. M. Malaprade 361. formaldehyde in presence of -; Volumetric determination of. J. Eury 429. Sulphur and the inhibition of selenium injury to wheat plants. Atomic weight of -.547. -containing compounds ; Reaction of nitrous acid with cystine and -. S. A. Lough and H. B. Lewis 424. content of hens’ eggs. J. Grossfeld and G. Walter 491. Determination of ,elemental -. H. R. Fleck and A. M. Ward 636. gases in air. 280. in alloy steels; Note on determination of -. T. E. Rooney 278. in benzene; Determination of -. H. A. J. Pieters J. Van Iterson and S. J. H. Spronck, 127. in keratins; Determination of total -. J. Barritt 771. in organic compounds; Micro-volumetric determination of - with the use of an assay balance. D. W. Cowie and D. T. Gibson 388. Sulphuric Acid Reaction of cholesterol with selenic telluric and -. E. Montignie, 426. test for liquid paraffin; Note on -. C. H. Hampshire and G. R. Page 635.Summer Meeting of the North of England Section, 1934. 445. Super01 Identification of -. G. H. Wagenaar, 834. Surgical Dressing Report of Codex Revision Sub-committee on - 42. Surinam chaulmoogra oil. G. Sant and Stahel, 703. Sweat Composition of -. B. A. McSwiney, 496. Sweet Potatoes Loss of vitamin A on drying fresh raw -. G. S. Fraps and R. Treichler 122. Sweets Indigo and talc in -. Swimming-Bath water; Bacterial pollution of T Taffel and Re% Method for estimating rancidity of oils and fats. J. K. Giles 48. Taka-Diastase method for determining starch; Note on the -. J. J. Chinoy F. W. Edwards and H. R. Nanji 671. Talc in soda mint tablets. Tannin Quantitative precipitation of copper by -. M. B. Darbinian and A. G. Kan-kanian 845.A. M. Hurd-Karrer 842. tablets. 484. 484. -. 32. 623. in sweets. 484. Tea free from -. 30 539. Tanning agents; Identification of - under the quartz mercury-vapour lamp. L. Pollak, 439 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 li Tannins Natural Organic -. M. Nierenstein, 514; (Review) 856. Tantalite Analysis of -. W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 667. Tantalum Analytical chemistry of -; Investigations into. XXVI . Interference of tungsten in earth-acid determinations. W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn 465. XXVII. Observations on manganese and the analysis of tantalite. ’CV. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 667. Atomic weight of -. 547. Detection of small quantities of -. in wolframite; Determination of -. W. R. Schoeller 367. J. A. Tschernichow and M.P. Karsajewskaja 717. Tapioca sold as sago. 539. Tar Hydrogenation of -. 37. A. R. Lee 578. Tartar Emetic arsenic in -; Determination Tartaric Acid in cider; Determination of -. solutions; Action of - on enamelled Taufel and Thaler’s Reaction for ketone rancidity. Tautomerism (Review). Tea Double-strength -. 751. Tea-Seed Oil Modified elaidin test for -. 315. Teas Analysis of green -. T. McLachlan and M. I. Stern 385. Teeth Connection between fluorine and mottled Telluric Acid Reaction of cholesterol with sulphuric selenic and -. E. Montignie, 426. Tellurium Atomic weight of -. 414 547. Detection of -. Separation of gold from -. V. Lehner, G. B. L. Smith and D. C. Knowles 199. Temperature in electric ovens; Equalisation of -. Terbium Atomic weight of -.Terpenes Reactions of - with antimony trichloride. V. E. Levine and E. Richman, 360. Tetrachlorophthalimide as reagent in qualitative organic analysis. C. F. H. Allen and R. V. V. Nichols 570. Tetrahydronaphthalene solution; Determination of hydroxyl groups in alcohols and phenols by benzoylation in -. T. M Meijer, 362. Ostwald viscometer for -. works; Complaints against -. 625. of. H. Atkinson 400. D. W. Steuart 532. hollow-ware. 490. J. Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 48. J. W. Baker 580. free from tannin. 30 539. ~ 381. N. S. Poluektoff 504. F. G. H. Tate 168. 547. Textiles Ionised oil for wool -. Thallium Atomic weight of -. 413. 547. Detection of -. P. Robin 61. Gravimetric determination of - as cobalti-nitrite.S. Nisihuku 573. in food and biological material ; Bibliography on -. T. H. Pope 109. in its organic compounds; Determination of -. S. S. Nametkin and N. Melnikow, 843. Microchemical test for -. 137. poisoning. 753. Thetagta Chalcogtamma Gadoleic acid identified in liver oil of suseko-dara (-). Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 352. Thermo-Regulator Mercue-in-glass -. C. C. Coffin 305. Thermometers Freezing-point -. 586. Thiocyanates Chloramine in the determination Sensitive microchemical test for -. 138. Thiocyanogen values of some Egyptian sesame and cotton-seed oils. Thiodiazolines Synthesis of - from ketones. A. Lacourt 499. Thiolacetic Acid as reagent for determining the inorganic iron-content of biological materials. S. L. Tompsett 835.Thorium Atomic weight of -. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Supplement Vol. I ; (Review). J. F. Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley 781. Thulium Atomic weight of -. 547. Thyme Microscopical examination of - 744. Volatile oil determined in -. 616. Timber Chemistry of Australian -. Part 3. W. E. Cohen A. G. Charles and A. B. Jamieson 128. Tin alloys ; Experiments on the electrolytic analysis of certain -. A. J. Lindsey and H. J. S. Sand 335. Atomic weight of -. 547. coatings on ste6l; Rapid test of -. S. G. Clarke 525. Crystal precipitation of - with iso-propyl-antipyrine. 776. in copper; Spectrographic method of deter-mining -. B. Park 501. in organic material; Determination of -with special reference to canned foods. G. Lunde and E.Mathiesen 636. microchemistry of -; Collected references to. K. Heller 575. Phenylarsonic acid as means of determining -. J. S. Knapper K. A. Craig and G. C. Chandlee 60. Use of solid carbon dioxide in determining -. H. I. White 716. Volumetric determination of - with potas-sium iodate. J. B. Ramsay and J. G. Blann 434 571. Tin-Plating solution ; Analysis of sodium stannate -. A. W. Hothersall S. G. Clarke and D. J. Macnaughtan 365. Tissues inositol in animal -; Determination of. L. Young 837. lignified -; Action of chlorine on. F. M. Wood 569. malic acid in plant -; Determination of. G. W. Pucher H. B. Vickery and A. J. Wakeman 714. silica in -; Micro-determination of. G. Rodillon 438. Vitamin C content of human - . M. Yavorsky P.Almaden and C. G. King 765. vitamin C in plant and animal --; Distribu-tion and determination of. 0. A. Bessey and C. G. King 122. of -. 437. H. Atkinson 399. 547. Titanium Atomic weight of -. Titanium Dioxide Soil rich in -. 547. in vitrain. 35. 826 lii INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Titration Micro-potentiometric - . K. Schwarz 849. Tobacco nicotine in - ; Micro-titrimetric determination bf. J. Bodn6r and v. L, Nagy 574. smoke; Hydrocyanic acid in -. IV. E. Waser and M. Stahli 356. smouldering capacity of -; Determination of. V. L. Nagy 119. Tobacco Seed Oil Wisconsin-grown -. W. L. Roberts and H. A. Schuette 187. o-Toluidine Determination of -. S. Ueno and H. Sekiguchi 126. Tomato juice; Chemical study of -. C. F. Poe A. P. Wyss and T.G. McEver 115. juice; Vitamin C content of canned -. R. G. Daggs and A. G. Eaton 360. purke; Acid content of -. G. MbzAros, 349. Tomatoes Colouring matter in red and purple --. M. B. Matlack and C. E. Sando 285. Toxicity of fluorine compounds ; Comparative -. M. C. Smith and R. M. Leverton 710. tests with rhenium. L. C. Hurd J . I(. Colehour and P. P. Cohen 641. Toxicological Analysis. Abstracts ; 124 499, 565 640 710 841. Toxicology Clinical -. (Review) E. Les-chke 722. I. Pre-liminary study of the colorimetric deter-mination of m-dinitrobenzene. M. Pkron-net 711. Toxins Effect of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) on -. E. Harde 765. Trade Mark Committee; Report of - 410. Scope of rights in a - (Legal Notes), Irving’s Yeast-Vite Ltd . ‘o. Horsenail.173. Triaryl Carbinoh Colorimetric determination of - S. T. Bowden 619. Trichlorethylene in technical solvents Colori-metric detection of -. H. H. Weber 57. Trielaidin in mixtures containing known propor-tions of triolein and -; Determination of Triethanolamine New reaction of - with cobalt salts. F. Garelli and T. Tettamanzi, 360. !&%gmometric Tables ; Easily Interpolated -with Non-Interpolating Logs Cologs and Antilogs. (Review) F. W. Johnson 443. Trinidad and Tobago Report of the Government Analyst €or - for 1933. H. S. Shews-bury 755. 2 4 8-.Trinitrophenyi-Acetyl-ltlgdrazine Indi-cator properties of -. A. Bloom and A. Osol 126. Tripe Bleached -. 824. Tryptophan in the haemolymph of the silkworm; Colorimetric determination of - .L. Mamoli 50, Tung Oil Chemical studies and specification. L. A. Jordan 298. from Aleurites montana and speciiiation tests. L. A. Jordan 194. Tug-Seed meal; Feeding-value of -. W. Godden 55. Determination of benzene \in -. Toxicity of -. 626. -. 314. Tungsten Atomic weight of -. -. S. FernanEiC 646. minations. 465. 547. in low-grade ores ; Rapid determination of Interference of - in earth-acid deter-W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn, Typescript Identification of -. Typewriters Identification of -. 39. Tyrosinase Spot test for detecting -. 544. 508. U Ultra-Violet light as a means of detecting artificial watermarks. J. Grant 749. light; Examination of rye-grass seed by -. L. Franqois 306. Light; Fluorescence Analysis in -.J. A. Radley and J Grant 209. light for detecting traces of sulphides. J. Grant and H. Procter-Smith 749, light in the destruction of bacteria. light; Use of - in differentiating between malt and artificial vinegar. 819. rays as a test for the stability of anaesthetic ether. S. G. Liversedge 815. rays; Application of filtered - in investi-gating poisoning cases. F. W. Martin 531. rays ; Individual resistance of micro-organisms, especially yeasts to -. J. Beauverie, 563. United States of America Pharmacopoeia test for soluble alkalis and alkalinity in milk of magnesia and magnesium oxide. H. Wales, 763. 177. Pharmacopoeia vitamin standards. 284. Pharmacopoeia1 standards for cod-liver oil. Uraninite ; Determination of Canadian -. 301. Uranites Quantitative micro-analysis of -.F. Hecht and W. Reich-Rohrwig 368. Uranium Atomic weight of -. in low-grade ores ; Colorimetric determination of -. J. Tschernichow and E. Guldina, 367. in ores; Determination of -. W. R. Bennett 301. Urea in blood ; Micro-determination of -. P. Wenger Ch. Cimerman and A. Maul-betsch 507. in blood ; Micro-determination of non-protein nitrogen and -. 545. 547. F. Rappaport 718. Urease Spot test for detecting -. Uric Acid in urine; Rapid micro-method for determining -. P. Wenger Ch. Cimer-man and S. Maulbetsch 507. reagent; Simplified process for the preparation of a correct -. Urine fructose in -; Colorimetric determina-tion of -. lead in -; Determination of traces of. 794, 799. Quinine in - evaluated by means of Mayer’s reagent.179. sugar in -; Use of Benedict’s solution in the micro-detection of. uric acid in -; Rapid micro-method for determining. P. Wenger Ch. Cimerman and A. Maulbetsch 507. 508. 0. Folin 764. J . €3. Roe 835. H. Tauber 648. Urotropine Determination of -. 714 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 liii V Vanadium Atomic weight of -. Determination of __ with potassium iodate, with notes on chloramine-T as an oxidising agent. A. J . Berry 736. Iron in presence of __ determined directly by use of a silver reductor. G. H. Walden, L. P. Hammett and ’3. M. Edmonds 302. Vanillin Determination of “ethyl” ~ . H. C. Lockwood 730. Varnish Resins; Natural -. (Kelriew) ‘r. 1-1. Barry 308. Vegetable Marrow Hitter -. Vegetable Oils Capillary index of -.H. Marcelet 576. Regularities in the glyceride structure of some technically important -. T. P. Hilditch and E. C. Jones 194. Stability of carotene in -. F. G. McDonald, 120. 547. 41. Veramon Crystal precipitation of -. Vinegar Adulteration of _- in Western I’ltra-violet light in differentiating malt ~ Wine distinguished from other vinegars. Viscera antimony in -; Determination of. Viscometer Ostwald - for tar. A. 1C. Lee, Vitamin beverage. 623. 775. Australia. 824. from artificial -. 819. J. Pritzker 117. I?. Bamford 101. 578. content of cod-liver oil as influenced by the nutritional state of the cod. E . Poulsson and F. Ender 428. standards for U.S. Pharmacopoeia cod-liver oil. 284. Vitamin A activity of carotene and cod-liver oil ; Influence of the solvent on -.I;. J . Dyer K. M. Key and K. H. Coward 708. 77 82. Blue test for -. Chemical evaluation of -. 74. Colorimetric determination of - by the alkali digestion method. A. W. Davies, 357. content of barley. content of buttes; Influence of breed and diet of cows on -. C. A. Baumann and Others 497. content of pimiento pepper. L. Ascham, 122. Determination of -. N. Evers 82. Factors affecting the assay of - by the R. J MacWalter, in butter; Modified spectrophotometric method in butter-fat; Seasonal variations in -. in halibut-liver oil. 699. Losses of __- on drying fresh raw carrots, sweet potatoes and canned spinach. G. S. Fraps and R. Treichler 122. Micro-organisms and the synthesis of carotene and -.C. A. Baumann and Others, 121. New colour test for determining -. E. Rosenthal and J. ErdClyi 562. E. H. Hughes 121. spectrographic method. 562. for assay of -. A. E. Gillam 561. R. G. Booth and Others 50. Vitamin A-continued. Relationship between the Carr-Price value and the 328mp absorption coefficient of preparations containing --. S. K. Crews and S. J. Cox 85. Standard for __ for U.S.P. cod-liver oil. 545. 72. growth-promoting factor for rats found in whole wheat ; Further investigations on - . N. Halliday 765. Tests for -. 75. Vitamin B Formaldehyde-azo-test for -. H. W. Kennersley and R. A . Peters 563. Vitamin C Behaviour of - and other reductors towards catheptic and other enzymes. H. v. Euler P. Karrer and F.Zehender 295. Chemical evaluation of -. 73. content and indophenol-reducing capacity of extracts of young germinated peas. S. W. Johnson 359. content of canned tomato juice. R. G. Daggs and A. G. Eaton 360. content of human tissues. M. Yavorsky, P. Almaden and C. G. King 766. content of orange juice exposed to air; Relation of reducing value and extent of browning to -. M. A. Joslyn G. L. Marsh and A. F. Morgan 498. Effect of - on toxins. E. Harde 765. Glucoreductone for standardising 2 6-di-chlorophenolindophenol soh tions used for determining ascorbic acid (-). 2. I. Kertesz 427. in citrus juices. A. H. Bennett and D. J. Tarbert 52. in citrus juices; Titration of -. A. H. Bennett 91. in plant and animal tissues; Distribution of - and its determination.0. A. Bessey and C. G. King 122. Influence of - on plant and animal amy-lases. A. Purr 710. Tests for -. 75. Vitamin B Chemical evaluation of -. Vitamin D activity of butter. 1. Chemical differentiation of the anti-rachitic factor of autumn and winter butter from irradiated ergosterol and the Vitamin D of cod-liver oil. S. K. Kon and R. G. Booth 53. Chemical evaluation of -. 74. content of zooplankton. A. M. Copping 840. in cacao shell. A. W. Knapp and K. H. in cod-liver oil; Origin of -. A. M. in foods. Standard for - for U.S.P. cod-liver oil. 545. Tests for -. 76. Ultra-violet absorption of -. 88. Vitamin E Chemical evaluation of -. 73. I. Some chemical and physiological properties. H. S. Olcott and H. A.Matill 295. Vitamins biological estimations of -; Accuracy of. Chemical evaluation of - A. L. Bacha-rach and E. L. Smith 70. Discussion on chemical tests for -. in cannedfoods. E. F. Kohman and Others 710. Coward 474. Copping 840. E. F. Kohman and Others 710. K. H. Coward 681. 93. Vitrain Titanium in -. 35 liv INDEX TO VOLUME 69 W Walnuts Preservatives in -. Warm Room Inexpensive and economical -. Warranty Insufficiency of -. (Legal Notes), Water analysis. Abstracts. 55 768. 30. G. Grinling 103. 484. -borne disease. 282. Chemical and bacteriological examination of -. E. Voelcker 816. fluorides in -; Clinical significance of. N. J . Ainsworth 380. fluorides in -; Determination of small quantities of. G. Barr and A. L. Thorogood, 378.fluorine in - ; Spectroscopic determination of. A. W. Petrey 781. hydrogen phosphide in well -; Occurrence of. 0. Luning and K. Grohm 55. in milk; Heavy water content of -. H. Erlenmeyer and H. Garbner 357. Mineral -. See Mineral Water. Pollution Research Board Report for year ended 30th June 1933. 282. Pollution Research Board Technical Pap& No. 4. Action of - on lead with special reference to drinking -. H. Ingleson, 346. Purification Control. (Review). E. S. Hop-kins 67. Removal of fluorides from drinking -. R. H. McKee and W. S. Johnston 768. Removal of iron and manganese from -. S. B. Applebaum and M. E. Bretschger 768. sea - in natural -; Test for. softening and boiler - conditioning ; Control of -. Imperial Chemical In-dustries Ltd. 144. softening; Base-exchange process of -. 283. Sterilisation. Imperial Chemical Industries, supply in Jersey. 404. swimming-bath -; Bacterial pollution of. 32. Treatment. 584. Watermarks Ultra-violet light as a means of Waters aerated -; Saccharin in. 690. Ltd. 728. detecting artificial -. Chlorine in bath -. 623. ferrous and total iron in natural -; a-a’-Dipyridyl as reagent for determining. H. Muller 305. fluorides in natural -; Determination of. J. M. Sanchis 437. Plumbo-solvent -. 283. Ahmad and D. L. Sen 431. J . ,Grant 749. 755. Wax content and feel of Indian cottons. N. Weed-Killers Experiments with new -. 827. Well Waters hydrogen phosphide in -; Occurrence of. 0. Luning and K. Brohm, 65. Western Australia Report of the Government Analyst for - on the work of the Chemical Branch of the Mines Department for 1933. E. S. Simpson 824. Westminster Appointment of F. W. Edwards as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 30. Wheat Comparative biological value of proteins of whole - whole maize and maize gluten. M. A. Boas-Fixsen J. C. D. Hutchinson and H. M. Jackson 557. flour from denatured -; Detection of. Identification of the colouring matter. J. Meyer 492. plant; Selenium injury to - and its in-hibition by sulphur. A. M. Hurd-Karrer, 842. starch; Iodine method for determining -. 680. vitamin B growth-promoting factor found in whole -; Further investigations on. N. Halliday 765. Wheat Act Middlings and the -. R. & W. Paul Ltd. v . Wheat Commission. (Legal Notes) 406. Wine Application of the determination of citric acid as pentabromoacetone to -. 0. Reichard 759. citric acid in -; New pentabromoacetone process for determining. P. Berg and G. Schulze 553. Frozen -. A. Heiduschka and C. Pyriki, 419. jelly. 483. Methyl alcohol in alcohols from - includ-M. Flanzy, vinegar; Distinction of - from other ing marc - and fruit -. 553. vinegars. J . Pritzker 117. Wines Acidimetry of --. J. Hossack 12. British - and unfermented cordials. Duty on - in British Guiana. Resistance of metals to -. 751. 627. H. E. Searle, F. L. La Que and R. H. Dohrow 631. Wolframite tantalum and niobium in -; Determination of. J. A. Tschernichow and M. P. Karsajewskaja 717. Wolverhampton Appointment of F. G. D. Chalmers as Public Analyst for -. 344. Wood pyridine in burnt -; Detection of. A. Bruning and M. Schnetka 432. Woods of the genus Eucalyptus; Chemical com-position of four Australian -. W. E. Cohen A. G. Charles and A. B. Jamieson, 128. Wool Some properties of chlorinated - and the determination of damage in chlorinated knitted woollen goods. S. R. Trotman, H. S. Bell and H. Saunderson 715. wax; Separation of cholesterol and iso-cholesterol of -. Wrapping Material Effect of - on the fat of fatty foods. Writing Erasures and offsets in ink -. T. J . Ward 343. M. R. Freney 770. W. L. Davies 495. X Xenon Atomic weight of -. X-Ray crystal analysis ; Industrial application of -. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research Report. 487. 547. examination of paintings 663 INDEX TO VOLUME 59 Iv Y Yamow Blossoms Constituents of petroleum spirit extract of -. R. L. McMurray, 187. Yeast Heteroxanthine isolated from -. P. W. Wiardi and B. C. P. Jansen 291. W. A. Davis, J. G. Maltby and F. E. Salt 43. Yeasts Individual resistance of - to ultra-violet rays. J . Beauverie 563. Ytterbium Atomic weight of -. Yttrium Atomic weight of -. Nitrogen determined in -. 414 547. 547. Z Zeh photometer used in the colorimetric deter-mination of cystine. J. H. Bushill L. H. Lampitt and L. C. Baker 835. Zinc Atomic weight of -. 547. content of green and etiolated leaves; Com-parison of -. G. Bertrand and A, Andreitcheva 638. in citrus leaves; Histochemical detection of -. in large quantity; Determination of - with particular reference to the analysis of brass. L. C. Nickolls and J . G. N. Gaskin 391. in steel; Determination of __ . H. A. Bright 572. Separation of - from aluminium. J. N. Frers 130. Zinc Uranyl Acetates Some optical and crystal-lographical properties of -. H. Insley and F. W. Glaze 722. Zirconium Atomic weight of -. 647. Zooplankton Vitamin D content of -. A. M. Copping 840. H. S. Reed and J. Dufrenoy 428
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