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Volume 69,
Issue 1,
Page 001-040
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THE ANALYST S. G. CLARKE D.Sc. Ph.D. A.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER B.Sc. F.Inst .P. E. B. DAW B.Sc. A.R.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. MSc. F.R.I.C. A. 0. JONES M.A. F.R.I.C. THE JOURNAL OF THE J. W. MATTHEWS Ph.D. F.R.I.C. E. M. POPE B.A. B.Sc. F. A. ROBINSON M.Sc.Tech. F.R.I.C. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.R.I.C. D. R. WOOD F.R.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED 'ro THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY I;)ublication Committee : J. R. NICHOLLS DSc. F.K.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT F.R.I.C. F. W. F . ARNAUD F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE F.R.I.C. H. E. COX DSc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. BERNARD DYER DSc. F.R.I.C. F. W. EDWARDS F.R.I.C. B.S.EVANS,M.B.E.,M.C.,D.Sc.,F.R.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. BSc. F.R.I.C. E.B. HUGHES DSc. F.R.I.C. %on. Becretarp : L. EYNON BSc. F.R.I.C. D. W. KENT- JONES B.Sc. Ph.D., F.R. I .C. S. ERNEST MELLING F.R.I.C. G . W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., M.C. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. A.R.T.C. F.R.I.C. A. MORE I.S.O. A.R.C.S., W. H. SIMMONS BSc. F.R.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. K. A. WILLIAMS B.Sc. F.R.I.C. G. H. WYATT B.Sc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. bon. Qreaeiirer : G. TAYLOR F.R.I.C. SbitOt C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. DSc. F.R.I.C. Secretarp anb IE\eeietant Ebftor J. H. LANE BSC. F.R.I.C. VOL. 6 9 1 9 4 4 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I94 ERRATA : VOL. 69 1944: p. 272. p. 283. p. 302. Line 8 for “Rhodamine as a Substituent” read “Rhodamine as a Substitute.” Col. 2 formula for “2,4-dinitrophenol” read “2,4-dinitrophenyl.” The two lines above Table I should read “All the results are expressed as percentages.” ADDENDA : VOL.68 1943. Subject Index. Fluorine Limit for - in certain foods. Public Analysts and Official Agricultural Analysts Committee. 233. Foods Ditto ditto. “Sodium bisulphite and 6N hydrochloric acid.” VOL. 66 1941. p. 431 Col. 2. Lines 6 and 7 for “Sodium sulphite and N hydrochloric acid” read INDEX TO VOLUME 69 INDEX NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst. A Acree F. Jr. et al. Adams H. E. et al. Polymer distribution of varnish resins 162. Albanese A. A. et al. Detmng. urinary amino nitrogen by the copper method 315. “Aldridge W. N. Estmng. micro quantities of cyanide and thiocyanate 262.Alexander 0. R. et al. Dithizone procedure for detmng. zinc in foods 312. Alicino J. F. Allen J. Review of Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry Vol. XXVII 67. - Review of Supplement to the Extra Pharmaco-poeia 289. - Review of War-time Information for Pharmacists, 227. Allport N. L. Chemistry and Pharmacy of Veget-able Drugs (Review) 102. - Review of Colorimetric Detmn. of Traces of Metnls 325. - Review of Extra Pharmacopoeia 198. - Review of Pharmaceutical Pocket Book 257. Amorosj A. M. et al. Detmng. carbon dioxide in water 319. Amstein E. H. Effect of wavelength on contrast of photographic plates in ultra-violet 323. Anchel M. et al. Higher fatty aldehydes. Be-haviour of aldehydes and derivatives in the Fuchsin test 276.Anderson A. B. Estmng. thiouracil in urine 350. *Anderson E. B. et al. Detmng. the vol. of gas in particles of dried milk powder 5. Andrews J. S. Report of 1942-3 Methods of AniLlysis Sub-Committee on Riboflavin Assay 96. Appling J. W. et al. Detmng. d-galactose in plant mucilages by selective fermentation 194. Amaud F. W F. Report of the Kent County Analyst 152. - Review of Source Book of Agricultural Chemistry, 361. Ashford C. A. Acid haematin method for estmng. haenioglobin in blood 55. Ashley S. E. Q. et al. Detmng. carbon by low-pressure combustion 32 1. Assap A. G. ef al. Estmng. amorphous swollen cellulose 41y thallous ethylate method 195. Atkins W. R. G. Potential difference for studying action of water on lead pipes 354.Detmng. sesamin 249. Micro-detmn. of formyl group 165. B Bacharach A. L. Review of Nutrition and National Health 360. Bagnall D. J. T. Report of Kingston upon Hull City Analyst 125. - Review of Chemistry and Pharmacy of Vegetable Drugs 102. - et al. Daily variations in the f.p. depressions of cows’ milk 209. Bagnall H. H. Report of Birmingham City Analyst 17 125. Bailey C. H. Constituents of Wheat and Wheat Products (Review) 258. Bailey K. et al. Foreman method for estmng. dicarboxylic acids in protein hydrolysates 22. Baker I. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of tin with silicomolybdate 284. Baldwin A. R. et al. Fatty acids of early and mature human milk fat 352. Ballard C. W. et al. Assay of pamaquin 275. Ballard J.W. et al. Sampling mixing and grind-ing techniques in prepng. samples for X-ray and spectrographic analysis 196. Effect of antioxidants on the oxidation of aq. suspensions of unsat. fatty acids 161. Banks A. *Barnes H. Estmng. diphenylamine 344. “Barnicoat C. R. Barron H. Modern Synthetic Rubbers 2nd Edn. (Review) 199. Barthauer G. L. et al. Detmng. average atomic weight of rare-earth mixtures 30. Barthel W. F. et al. Detmng. carbon-linked methyl groups 355. - Detmng. nicotine and nornicotinein tobaccos 155. Barton C. J. et al. Photometric detmn. of hemi-cellulose 386. Barton-Wright E. C. et al. Analysis of barley from King Tutankhamen’s tomb 160. - Nicotinic acid and riboflavin in beef extracts and corned beef 219. Bartram M. T. ef al. Detcng.decomposition in liquid frozen and dried eggs 216. Basu K. P. et al. Glucose dehydrogenase from germinating seeds of green and black grams (Phaseolus radiatus and P. mungo Linn.) 130. - Succinic acid dehydrogenase from cucumber seeds 131. Baudemer S. L. et al. Detmng. iron with o-phenanthroline 320. Softening-point of fats 176 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 iii Bauer S. T. et al. Evaluation of modified Renard and Kerr tests for detmng. peanut oil 52. Baumann E. J. Vitamin C in plants. Iris ( I r i s germanzca) 251. Beadle B. W. ef al. Spectrophotometric analysis of fats 358. Beadle G. W. et al. Microbiological estmn. of choline by use of a mutant of Neurospora 158. Beaver J. J. et a2. Interference of sesame oil fish oil and cholesterol with the polarographic detmn.of a-tocopherol 280. Beier R. L. et al. Detmng. sulphur residues from sulphur application on citrus foliage 26. Bendix G. H. et al. Dithizone method for colori-metric detmn. of copper 63. Benham G. H. Antimony trichloride method for detmng. vitamin A 279. Berry A. J. Review of Valency Classical and Modern 324. Besso Z. et al. Micro-separation of copper from nickel by ethyl xanthate 322. - Potassium ethyl xanthate as analytical reagent. Separation of copper from nickel 225. Bevan H. G. L. e f al. Coupling component and simplified estmn. of sulphanilamide drugs 315. Biggs B. S. et al. Detmng. plasticiser content of cellulose esters 253. Birch A. J. Reagent for primary and secondary amines 355. *Bishop D. A. Bottle for sampling water a t a given depth 48.Bishop R. L. et al. Detmng. benzene in presence of cyclohexane 28. Black A, et al. Spectrophotometric and bio-logical assay of vitamin A in oils 24. Blank E. W. et al. Detmng. glycerol by the pyridine-acetylation method 62. Blotter L. et al. Microbiological detmn. of amino acids. Boatner C. H. et al. Orange pigment of cotton-seed 381. Boddie G. F. Effect of fluorine on dental health of sheep 320. Boettner E. A. et al. Application of multiplier photo-tubes to quantitative spectrochemical analysis 226. Bogarosh P. L. Palisade ratio of official leaf drugs of the Solanaceae Solanum carolinense and Phytolacca americana 128. Bogen E. Sulphonamiduria simple test for detcn. 24. Bolin D. W. et al. Digestion method for detmng.phosphorus 281. Booth R. G. et al. Analysis of barley from King Tutankhamen’s tomb 160. - Nicotinic acid and riboflavin in beef extracts and corned beef 219. Borlew P. B. ef al. Detmng. sulphide sulphur in kraft paper mill liquors 321. *Boundy C. K. et al. Detmng. residual carbon dioxide in aerating powder 113. Bournique R. A. et al. Electrolytic detmn. of copper in cast iron 136. Bowen C. V. et al. Detmng. nicotine and nornico-tine in tobaccos 155. *Box F. W. Rhodamine R as substitute for cinchonine in tungsten detmn. 272. Boyd T. F. et al. Rapid electrolytic detmn. of zinc in magnesium alloys 357. Boyer P. D. ef al. Detmn. of vitamin A and carotene in milk. Rapid extraction procedure, 250. - Separating carotene from vitamin A for detmng.vitamin A in blood plasma 317. Valine leucine and zsoleucine 156. Boyle A. J. et al. Detmng. zinc in magnesium - Iodimetric estmn. of zinc in magnesium alloys, - Modified basic succinate estmn. of aluminium in - Photometric estmn. of silicon in magnesium and - Pdtentiometric detmn. of magnesium in mag-- Spectrographic detmn. of small amounts of Bradshaw W. N. et al. Analysis of cyanide brass Brady L. J. *Braile N. et al. Trace detcn. by spot reaction: detcng. traces of lead in water and fine chemicals, 147. Brancker A. V. et al. Brand F. C. et al. Braude R. Brewington G. P. et al. alloys 256. 63. magnesium alloys 64. magnesium alloys 65. nesite and dolomite 286. calcium in magnesium metal 386. electroplating solns. 223. Infra-red analysis of butadiene 386.Cryoscopic equation 197. Colorimetric estmn. of chole-Horse chestnuts as food for pigs 26. sterol 131. Application of multiplier photo-tubes to quantitative spectrochemical analysis 226. Briggs G. M. et al. Use of Streptococcus Zactis R for measurement of folic acid 188. Brindle H. et al. Detmng. cantharidin 55. Briscoe H. V. A. Properties of inorganic dusts; Britton H. T. S. Review of Plzysico-Chemical Brodie B. B. et al. Estmng. mepacrine in bio-*Bromfield G. C. et al. Detmng. tin in steels 340. Brommelle N. S. et al. Spectrographic analysis. Photographic aspects. Graphical calculators ap-plied to plate calibration using relative intensities, 287. Aneurine in beef muscle. Comparison of values by thiochrome reaction with and without adsorption 251.Brown E. B. et al. Comparison of thiamine values by chemical and bioassay methods 132. Brown J. B. et al. Isolation and props. of naturally-occurring octadecenoic (oleic) acids 381. Browne C. A. Source Book of Agricultural Chemistry (Review) 36 1. Buckaloo G. W. et al. Detmng. combined formal-dehyde in organic compounds and cellulose formals 27. Bunbury H. M. et al. Dictionary of Organic Compounds Vols. I1 and I11 (Review) 227. Burchfield H. P. Identifying natural and syn-thetic rubbers 356. Burke F. et al. Burkey R. E. et al. Detmng. zinc in biological material 160. Burr G. O. et at. Antioxidant properties of nordihydroguaiaretic acid 223. Bush 1. T. et al. Rapid estmn. of penicillin 351. testing dust insecticides 60.Methods 287. logical fluids and tissues 157. Brookes M. H. et al. Acids of seal oil 350. C Cahen R. L. et QZ. Urinary 17-ketosteroids in metabolism. Standardised chemical estmn. 316. Calkins V. P. Micro-detmn. of glycollic and oxalic acids 161. Cannan R. K. Estmng. dicarboxylic amino acids in protein hydrolysates 277. Cantino E. C. Elimination of nitrate impurity from hydrogen peroxide 225. Caxavella M. et al. Orange pigment of cotton-seed 381 iv INDEX TO Carey W. G. Appointment as Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Gateshead 247. - Review of Chemical Analysis of Waters Boiler-and Feed- Waters Sewage and Effluents 327. Carson F. T. Effect of humidity on physical properties of paper 324. Carter H. E. et al. Anomalous amino nitrogen values 55.Cassil C. C. et al. Colorimetric analysis of xanthone spray residues 192. Casto C. C. ef al. Iodimetric estmn. of zinc in magnesium alloys 63. - Potentiometric detmn. of magnesium in mag-nesite and dolomite 286. Chambers W. A, et al. Colorimetric detmn. of chromium in steel 384. Chapman R. A. ef al. Application of the ferric thiocyanate method to detmng. incipient ran-cidity in fats and oils 222. Charkey L. W. e t al. Chromatographic detmn. of carotene in alfalfa 252. *Chdey F. et al. Estmng. freshness of canned herring from detmns. of acid value of oil 302. Chesley L. C. Detmng. thiourea 278. Chibnall A. C. e t al. Dicarboxylic and basic amino acids of edestin egg albumin and /3-lactoglobulin, 56. - Foreman method for estmng.dicarboxylic acids in protein hydrolysates 22. - Total nitrogen content of egg albumin and other proteins 55. Chirnside R. C. Review of “AnalaR” Standards for Laboratory Chemicals 256. - Review of Inorganic Chemistry 139. Cholak J. et al. Concns. of trace metals in - Detmng. zinc in biological material 160. Chun H. H. Q. et al. Clark R. M. Obituary 106. Clarke S. G. et al. Analysis of cyanide brass electroplating solns. 223 . Clayton H. R. ef al. Spectrographic analysis. Photographic aspects. Graphical calculators ap-plied to plate calibration using relative inten-sities 287. Effect of commercial canning on aneurine content of vegetables 251. Fanweed seed oil 218. drinking waters 319. Detmng. iron with nitroso-R-salt 285. Clifcorn L.E. et al. Clopton J. R. et al. Clough G. W. Obituary 330. Coleman G. H. et al. Azoyl derivatives of sugars and separation by chromatographic adsorption, 127. Collatz F. A. et al. Detmng. cholesterol to esti-mate egg solids content of noodles 377. Collins F. I. et al. Effect of relative humidity on detmng. oil in soya beans 218. Conn J. E. et al. Effect of increase in acidity on antiseptic efficiency 222. Conticello J. S. et al. Identifying 2-methyl-1.4-naphthoquinone 383. Cook E. V. et al. Detmng. or-p-dimethylstyrene in presence of g-methylstyrene styrene and p-cymene 193. Cooksey L. Obituary 1 106. Cooper B. S. Review of Spectrochemical and Polaro-graphic Analysis of Aluminium and its Alloys 138. Cooper M. et al. Use of dyes for detmng.acid and basic groups in proteins 361. Corbet A. S. et al. Insect Pests of Food (Review), 326. Corey A. J. Relationship between cellulose vis-cosities measured by T.A.P.P.I. standard and cupriethylenediamine methods 359. VOLUME 69 Corfield C. E. (Review) 198. - Pharmaceutical Pocket Book (Review) 257. *Comes J. J. S. Detmng. alkalis in silicates 237. Coulliette J. H. Spectrographic detmn. of nickel and chromium in stainless steels 164. Coulson R. A. et al. Estmng. nicotinamide methochloride in urine 315. *Cox H. Photometric detmn. of cobalt titanium and iron in unsintered metal carbides 235. Cox H. E. Review of Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry 104. *- Role of food legislation in securing adequate nutrition 74. Coy N. H. et al. Spectrophotometric and bio-logical assay of vitamin A in oils 24.Craig L. C. Identifying small amounts of organic compounds by distribution studies. Application to mepacrine 22. Crawford T. B. B. et al. Quantitative micro-separation of inorganic arsenite from arsenate in blood and urine 315. Creighton R. If. J. e t af. Alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation of corn (maize) stalks 163. - Application of alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation of plant materials to taxonomic classification 162. Crews S. K. Croft P. G. et al. Estmng. “true ascorbic acid” in blood 190. Cross L H. e t al. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of nitrobenzene in aniline 286. *Crossley P. B. Rapid photometric detmn. of tellurium in tellurium copper alloys 206. Crowell G. K. Hexabromide method for detcng.small quantities of linolenic acid in animal fats. Detcng. horse meat mixed with pork or beef 378. P-Dimethyl-aminobenzyli-dene rhodanine as indicator for vol. detmn. of cyanides 370. Curl A. L. et al. Citric and isocitric acid in black-berries and dewberry hybrids 127. Extra Pharmacopoeia 22nd Edn. Review of The Vitamins 138. *Culshaw G. W. et al. D Daniels V. A. ef af. Danowski T. S. Measuring thiourea in ultra-filtrate of serum 190. *Davidsohn A. Pptng. iron with ammonia in mixtures of ethyl alcohol and water 374. Davidson J. et al. Staining of cuticular scales of hair 353. *Davies F. R. E. et al. Estmng. freshness of canned herring from detmns. of acid value of the oil 302. Davies R. et al. Rapid estmn. of moisture in de-hydrated fish 349.*Dawson E. C. Detmng. small addition of milk powder to flour 296. *- et al. Estmng. added calcium carbonate (Creta Praeparata) in National flour 14. Dawson F. A. Obituary 330. *de la Mare P. €3. D. e t al. Analysis of back fat of the pig especially C20-22 unsaturated acids 337. - Fat of sow’s milk 188. Delory G. E. et al. Accuracy of haemoglobin methods 219. De Loureiro J. A, et al. Iodimetric and colori-metric estmn. of calcium in serum based on the use of an improved permanganate soh. 316. Resolution of enantiomorphs by chromatographic adsorption 134. Supposed putrefaction of golden syrup packed in metal cans 242. Cryoscopic equation 197. de Vries T. ef al. *de Whalley H. C. S INDEX TO Dickinson D. Chemical Analysis of Waters, Boiler- and Feed-Waters Sewage and Effluents (Review) 32 7.Dickman S. R. et al. Anomalous amino nitrogen values 55. Dienes M. T. et al. Lead tetraacetate oxidations in the sugar group 61. Dimler R. J. et al. Carbohydrate characterisa-tion. Identification of d-ribose 1-fucose and d-digitoxose as benzimidazole derivatives 126. Dittebrandt M. et al. Reducing substances in urine. Improved pptg. agents 277. Dollar A. J. T. Cellulose acetate mounts for rock and mineral fragments 166. Doyle C. D. Detmng. total phthalic anhydride in modified alkyd resins 253. Dress K. S. et al. Fused salt technique in spectro-chemical analysis 165. *Drummond J. C. Natural nutrients of fresh and manufactured foods 7 1. - et al. Duckert R. et al. Micro-separation of copper from - Potassium ethyl xanthate as analytical reagent.- Qualitative iron reactions 284. Duggan R. E. Identification of cow manure in Duncan J. et al. Apparent vitamin C in foods, - Constituents of malt extract 52. - Vitamins from rose hips 133. Dunn M. S. et al. Microbiological analysis of 7 amino acids with Lactobacillus casei 157. Dunphy R. A. et al. Analysis of anhydrous hydro-fluoric acid 384. Durrans T. H. Solvents 5th edition (Review) 168. Dustman R. B. ef al. Detmng. sugar in apple tissue 20. Dyer B. Vitamin content of beverages 131. nickel by ethyl xanthate 322. Separation of copper from nickel 225. dairy products 31 1. 191. Review of I92sec.f Pests of Food 326. E Eastmond E. J. ef al. Spectrographic detmn. of lead in pectinous materials 385.Edge S. R. H. et al. Colour measurement for control and research in papermaking 360. “Edwards F. H. et al. Volumetric detmn. of tin in brasses and bronzes after separation of copper as oxalate 169. Edwards J. E. et al. Detmng. small amounts of tannin in water 354. Edwards K. B. Eon-tertiary bases in commercial nicotine 312. Eggleston L. V. et al. Effect of citrate on rotation of molybdate complexes of malate citramalate and isocitrate 28. Estmng. creatine and diacetyl, 130. Microscopical identifica-tion of sodium and potassium by their crystalline picrolonates 225. - Microscopical identification of strontium am-monium copper and zinc by their crystalline picrolonates 385. Ellinger P. et al. Estmng. nicotinamide metho-chloride in urine 315.Elliott J. H. et aZ. Detmng. cc-p-dimethylstyrene in presence of p-methylstyrene styrene and p -cymene 193. Analysis and stability of zinc Eggleton P. et al. Eisenberg W. V. et al. Elliott M. B. Elmore J. W. et al. phosphide 98. Obituary C. A. Mitchell 33 106. VOLUME 69 V Estmng. creatine and diacetyl, B-vitamins in honey 96. Elsden S. R. et al. Elvehjem C. A. et al. - Use of Streptococcus lactis R for measurement of folic acid 188. Elving P. J. et al. Vol. detmn. of zinc as oxalate, 255. Emodi B. S. ef al. Detmng. rugosity of granular solids 66. Englis D. T. et al. Quantitative detmn. of sul-phanilamide and sulphathiazole in mixtures 128. Ephraim F. Erickson R. H. et al. Detmng. plasticiser content af cellulose esters 253.*Evans B. S. “Lead prints” for detcng. presence and segregation of lead in steels and brasses 368. *- et al. Hypophosphorous acid reduction of tin. Improved procedure and notes on mechanism 201. - Reduction of tin by metallic antimony etc. in presence of antimony and copper salts 291. Evans D. P. et al. Detmng. oxygen in de-aerated water 134. Evenson 0. L. Detmng. and identifying %amino-Eynon L. et al. Annual Report of Council March, 1944. 106. 130. Inorganic Chemistry (Review) 139. . anthraquinone in D and C Blue No. 9 312. F Fairbairn J. W. Cardamon study of schleren-- et al. Fairchild J. G. Detmng. tin with mercuric chloride 63. Fancutt F. et al. Detmng. mixtures of Shirlan and p-nitrophenol in rot-proofed cotton 135.*Fearon W. R Detcng. indole by xanthydrol 122 - et al. Thiourea as protective agent for vita-min C 221. Feavel J. R. ef al. Projection arrangement for detmng. fibre dimensions 197. Feigl F. et al. *- Trace detcn. by spot reaction. Detcng. traces of lead in water and fine chemicals 147. Ferrey G. J. W. *Fieldes M. et al. Combined chemical and spectrographic detmn. of traces of tungsten in rocks 12. Filer L. J. Jr. et al. Detmng. gallic acid added to fats and oils 349. *Fill M. A, et al. Cell for amperometric titrations, 178. *- Electrical indicator for collecting a constant vol. of distillate 150. *- Keflux apparatus for automatic dispersion of froth in detmng. fibre 121. *- Vacuum-operated micro-stirrer 2 12. *- Wash-bottle for delivering pre-detd.vols. of liquid 149. Fitelson J. Detcng. olive oil in edible oil mixtures, 94. - Squalene in natural fats 94. Flagg J. F. ef al. Factors affecting pptn. of some Fleisher H. Sensitive indicator for vol. detmn. of Ford J. S. Obituary 169. “Foster G. E. et al. Isolation of ergometrine Foster J. W. et al. Neurospora assay for pyri-Fox J. J. Foy J. R. et al. Rapid detmn. of iron in ferric phytate 129. chymatous layer 53. Detmng. nux vomica as powder 276. Spot test for cadmium 255. Assay of methylene blue 54. insol. quinaldates (quinaldinates) 136. boiler feedwater alkalinity 133. from New Zealand Festuca ergot 271. doxine 25. Obituary A. G. Francis 363 vi INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Fraenkel-Conrat H. et al. acid and basic groups in proteins 351."Francis A. C. et al. gelatin 90. Francis A. G. Obituary of J . J. Fox 363. Frankel J. J. Analysis of silicates and dusts from the Witwatersrand gold mines 358. Frankenthal L. R61e of phosphate in methylene blue reduction by dehydroascorbic acid 22 1. Frevel L. K. Chemical analysis by powder diffrac-tion 386. Frey G. et al. Analysis of brass by vacuum dis-tillation 163. "Frost H. F. Oxidation of sulphur compounds with iodine in alkaline soln. 90. Fry D. L. et al. Briquets for the spectrographic analysis of steel 226. "Fuller B. S. e t al. Macro- and micro-estmn. of pyrogallol tannins and catechol tannins in presence of each other 374. Use of dyes for detmng. Detmng. sulphur dioxide in G *Gailer J. W. et al. Volumetric detmn.of tin in brasses and bronzes after separation of copper as oxalate 169. Garrett A. B. et al. Polarographic analysis of dilute s o h . of bismuth 164. Gee E. A. et al. Precision and accuracy of colori-metric procedures as analytical control methods. Detmn. of aluminium 285. Gelbach R. W. e t al. Volumetric detmn. of iron with the silver reductor 164. Gell,. P. G. H. e t al. Selective action of tetra-thionate in bacteriological media ; report to the Medical Research Council 97. George E. Senna leaflets palisade ratio values and ranges 54. Gibbs R. D. et al. Application of alkaline nitro-benzene oxidation of plant materials to taxonomic classification 162. Gibbs R. S. e f al. Colorimetric detmn. of tin with silicomolybdate 284. Gilchrist M. et al.Accuracy of haemoglobin methods 2 19. Gildon 1. A. et al. Substitute for benzene in detmn. of acid values 134. Glaister J. Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology (Review) 102. Glock G. E. et al. Estmng. inositol in animal tissues 189. Gluckauf E. et al. Continuous measurement of atmospheric ozone 137. Goldberg A. 1. Detmng. total phthalic anhydride in oil-modified alkyd resins 253. Golding J. Goldlaan M. L. et al. urine 280. Gouick H. et al. 163. Gordon P. L. et al. detmn. of acid values 134. Goth A. et al., Gough N. e f al. Estmng. creatine and diacetyl, Gould B. S. et al. Bioassay of anti-scorbutic Grabepstetter D. et al. Dithizone method for Graff J. H. Stain reaction of unbleached and - et al. Projection arrangement for detmng.fibre Obituary H. D. Kay 69 106. Detmng. vitamin B in Detmng. tetraethyllead in petrol, Substitute for benzene in Rapid estmn. of penicillin 351. 130. substances 160. rapid colorimetric detmn. of copper 63. bleached groundwood pulps 254. dimensions 197. Grant J. Hackh's Chemical Dictionary. 3rd Edn. (Review) 388. *Grant R. L. et al. Isolation of ergometrine from New Zealand Festuca ergot 271. Green L. F. et al. Estmng. vitamin A and caro-tenoids in butter fat. Comparison of direct spectrophotometry with filter photometry and antimony trichloride reaction 250. Greenberg L. A. et al. Micro-detmn. of acetone and ketone bodies 380. "Greer E. N. e f al. Estmng. added calcium car-bonate (Creta Praeparata) in National flour 14. Grirnaldi F. S.et al. Detmng. tungsten in low-grade tungsten ores 100. Grindley D. N. et al. Oils of seeds of Ocimum kili-rnandscharicum Euphorbia calycina E. erythraeae, Sferculia tomentosa and Trichilta ernetica 31 1. Gross S. T. et al. Quantitative detmn. of crystal-line materials by X-ray diffraction 323. Gunn J. A. Comparing biological and chemical assays of Atropa belladonna and A . acuminata 276. Gunther F. A. et al. Detmng. sulphur residues from sulphur application on citrus foliage 26. Gurry R. W. et al. Detmng. carbon in low-carbon steel. Precision and accuracy of low-pressure combustiop method 321. Ascorbic acid and hip fer-tility in Rosa species 220. Gustafsson A. et al. Guthrie G. A. et al. Guthrie J. D. et al. Petmng. cantharidin 55. Detmng. combined formalde-hyde in organic compounds and cellulose formals, 27.H Haag H. B. et al. Quantitative detmn. of nicotine and nornicotine in mixtures 248. Haas R. H. et al. Estmng. amorphous swollen cellulose by thallous ethylate method 195. Hackett J. W. et al. Briquets for spectrographic analysis of steel 226. Hadfield W. H. Review of Work of the Joint Research Committees Iron and Steel Inst. 20. Hadorn M. et al. Quantitative detmn. of formal-dehyde in casein hardened with formalin 99. Haines G. S. et al. Detmng. sodium in potassium hydroxide 225. Hale F. e f al. Microbiological detmn. of amino acids. Vatline leucine and isoleucine 156. Hall A. M. Identifying sulphides in nickel and nickel alloys 31. Haller H. L. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of 1-chloro-2.4-dinitrobenzene as impurity in 2.4-dinitroani sole 2 83.- Colorimetric detmn. of 2.4-dinitroanisole 282. - Detmng. sesamin 249. Hailiday E. G. et al. Aneurine in beef muscle. Comparison of values by thiochrome reaction with and without adsorption 251. Hallinan F. J. Tests for active residual chlorine and chlorarnine in water 222. Halvorson H. O. et al. Antioxidant properties of nordihydroguaiaretic acid 223. "Harnence J. H. Detcng. and detmng. auxins in organic manures 229. - Review of Plants and V i t a m i m 288. Hamer W. E. et al. Analysing chlorinated xylenol mixtures especially for unchlorinatecl phenols content 382. Hamilton R. H. Mamm J. C. et al. Haney R. M. et al. Photoelectric photometry 323. Comparison of thiamine values Potentiometric detrnn.of mag-by chemical and bioassay methods 132. nesium in magnesite and dolomite 286 INDEX TO Hann R. M. et al. Action of copper sulphate on phenylosazones of sugars 377. Hannay N. B. ef al. Semi-permanent colour standards for micro-estmn. of sulphonamides 155. Hansen J. W. et al. Colorimetric analysis of xanthone spray residues 192. "Hardwick P. J. et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of phosphorus by molybdenum blue method 305. Harrison €3. E. et al. Comparison of thiamine values by chemical and bioassay methods 132. Harrison J. W. H. et al. Ascorbic acid and hip fertility in Rosa species 220. Harrison T. S. Detmng. phenol and m-cresol in coal distillation products with the Spekker ab-sorptiometbr 65. - et al. Detmng. sol.phosphate and silica in water with the Spekker absorptiometer 319. *Haslam J. et al. Detmng. dimethylaniline in mixtures ol aniline methylaniline and dimethyl-aniline 141, - - Detmng. small amounts of tannin in water, 354. - Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of nitrobenzene in aniline 286. Hasler M. F. et al. Spectrochemical analysis of metals with the multisource unit 226. HISS H. B. et al. Resolution of enantiomorphs by chromatographic adsorption 134. Hawkings R. C. et al. Polarographic detmn. of coppe lead and cadmium in high-purity zinc alloys 226. Detmng. amino alcohols by the Karl Fischer reagent 383. Hawkins W. et al. - Detmng. primary plus secondary amines 382. Hawkins W. W. et al. Estmng. allantoin in blood 276. Hawthorne J.R. Detmng. solubility of dried whole egg 154. Heal H. G. et al. Continuous measurement of atmospheric ozone 137. *Hearn P. F. et al. Detmng. dimethylaniline in mixtures of aniline methylaniline and dimethyl-aniline 141. Heatley N. G. Heberlein W. G. et al. Effect of commercial canning on aneurine content of vegetables 251. Heilbron I. M et al. Dictionary of Organic Com-pounds Vols. I1 and I11 (Review) 227. Henry A. J. et al. Oils of seeds of Ocimum kili-ma?adscharicum EuPhorbia calycina E . erythraeae, Sterculia tomentosa and Trichilia emetica 31 1. Henry A. M. et al. Detcng. glacial acetic acid in vinegar 310. Henry J. L. et al. Volumetric detmn. of iron with the silver reductor 164. Henry R. L. et al. Estmng. vitamin A and carotenoids in butter fat.Comparison of direct spectrophotometry with filter photometry and antimony trichloride reaction 250. Hestrin S. et al. ApplyingMillon reaction to detmng. chlorophenols in body fluids and tissues 129. Hibbert H. et al. Alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation of corn (maize) stalks 163. - Applying alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation of plant materials to taxonomic classification 162. "Higgs D. G. Detmng. small amounts of silver in copper and brass 270. *- et al. Hypophosphorous acid reduction of tin. Improved procedure and notes on mechan-ism 201. *- Reduction of tin by metallic antimony etc. in presence of antimony and copper salts 291. *High J. H. Photometric analysis of copper-base alloys. Detmng. iron and manganese 375. Assay of penicillin 318. VOLUME 69 vii Hilditch T.P. - et al. Human-milk fat. Component fatty acids 316. Hill D. C. et al. Factors influencing the A.O.A.C. chick method of vitamin D assay 96. Hill W. L. et al. Water solns. of superphosphate as a low-fluorine source of phosphorus 99. Hillig F. et al. Detcng. decomposition in liquid, frozen and dried eggs 216. Hinman W. F. et al. Aneurine in beef muscle. Comparison of values by thiochrome reaction with and without adsorption 251. Chemical estmn. of tocopherols in liver and muscle; tocopherol in urine and faeces 58. Hinton H. E. et al. Insect Pests of Food (Review), 326. Hinton J. J. C. Micro estmn. of vitamin B, 131. Hirst F. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Re-search Station Campden Annual Report 1943. 309. Hoch H.Micro-estmn. of vitamin A by the Carr-Price reaction 57. Hockett R. C. et al. Lead tetraacetate oxidations in the sugar group 61. Hodge E. S. Compendium of line pairs and operating conditions used in spectrographic analysis 196. Hodgson H. H. Selective mono-reduction of aromatic dinitro-compounds by alkaline sul-yhides and by acid stannous chloride 28. Hoepe G. Detmng. glycerol and 2.3-butylene glycol in wine in presence of invert sugar 154. Hoffpauir C. L. ef al. Detmng. combined formaldehyde in organic compounds and cellu-lose formals 27. Holden M. et al. Estmng. nicotinamide metho-chloride in urine 315. Holler A. C. et al. Detmng. sulphur in brass and bronze by combustion method 320. "Holness H. Detmng. lead as molybdate 145. Horowitz M.H. et al. Microbiological estmn. of choline by use of a mutant of Neurospora 158. *Hoskins J. L. Interchangeable micro and macro steam distillation apparatus 271. - et al. Detmng. the mineral content of foods by wet oxidation and absorptiometric methods 299. "Houghton A. A. Micro-pyknometer 345. *- et al. Howard H. C. et al. Detning. surface oxidation of bituminous coal 29. "Howes H. S. Eye inflammation as the only symptom of incipient hydrogen sulphide poison-ing 92. Howlett F. et al. Detmng. acetic acid yield of acetylated celluloses 135. Hubacher M. H. Permanent fading of alkaline phenolphthalein solns. 156. Hubbard D. M. et al. Detmng. zinc in biological material 160. Hudson C. S. et al. Action of copper sulphate on phenylosazones of sugars 377.Huff J. W. et al. Rapid estmn. of "-methyl-nico tinaniide in urine 159. *Hughes E. B. Part to be played by the food supplier in safeguarding nutritional values 77. *- Technology of tea 105. Mughey V. V. ef al. Photometric estmn. of silicon in magnesium and magnesium alloys 65. Hugonet J. J. et al. Spectrophatometric detmn. of leuco crystal violet after oxidation with benzoyl peroxide 322. Simultaneous detmn. of copper and iodate bromate or permanganate 254. Review of iVletabolism of Fat 66. Hines L. R. et al. Micro-detmn. of alkoxyl values 363. Hume D. N. et al viii INDEX TO Humphries E. C. *Hutt H. H. et al. Analysis of commercial lecithin 39. I "Ingram G. Mercuric oxycyanide as reagent in micro-analysis detmng. sulphur in organic sub-stances ionic halogen and alkoxyl 265.- Silver vanadate in micro-combustion of organic compounds 61. Ingram J. Irby V. et al. Detmng. urinary amino nitrogen by Irvin J. L. et al. Photometric detmn. of cholates Isaac W. E. Effect of caramelised fructose on - et al. Rapid estmn. of moisture in dehydrated Detmng. cacao tannin 21. Test for acetone 220. the copper method 315. in bile and blood 314. stability of 1-ascorbic acid 353. fish 349. J "Jackman W. H. F. e f al. Detmng. mineral content of foods by wet oxidation and absorptio-metric methods 299. Jackson F. W. Obituary 106 107. Jackson G. A. D. et al. Jacobson M. et al. Detmng. sesamin 249. Jacoby F. C. et al. Apparent vitamin C in fccds, *- Calibration of fluorimeters for estmng.vita-- Vitamins from rose hips 133. Jaffe A. Obituary 106 107. Jaffb H. H. et al. Resolving enantiomorphs by chromatcgraphic adsorption 134. Jandorf €3. J. et al. Detmng. thiouracil in tissues and body fluids 278. Jam G. J. e f al. Iodimetric and colorimetric estmn. of calcium in serum based on improved permanganate s o h . 3 16. Jasperson H. et al. Jensen C. et al. Detmng. vitamin A and carotene Jeppesen C. R. et al. Spectrographic detmn. of Johnson C. M. et al. Detmng. sol. pectin and - Detmng. sulphur dioxide in dehydrated foods, Johnson D. H. et al. Fused salt technique in Johnson E. H. ef al. Vitamins from rose hips 133. Johnston C. G. et al. Photometric detmn. of Jones A. J. Qualitative analysis of mixed halides, Jones A. L. et al. Colorimetric detmn.of iron 255. - Gravimetric reagent for tungsten 165. Jones A. 8. Appointment as Deputy Agricultural Jones J. H. Kreis test applicable to cosmetic Jones J. K. M. Separating methylated methyl-Jones R. G. Purification and gravimetric detmn. of Jordan L. A. Ascorbic acid and hip fertility in Rosa species 220. 191. mins alkaloids etc. l . Acids of seal oil 350. in milk. lead in pectinous materials 385. pectic acid by electro-deposition 187. 247. spectrochemical analysis 165. cholates in bile and blood 314. 65. Rapid extraction procedure 250. Analyst for the County cf Cardigan 247. prepns. 223. glycosides by aJsorption on alumina 366. l-diethylamino-4-amino-pentane 356. Review of Solvents 168. K Karkun J. N. et al. Glucose dehydrogenase from germinating seeds of green and black grams (Plzaseolzts radiatus and P.mungo Linn.) 130. VOLUME 69 Karkun J. N. et al. Kaunitz H. et al. Succinic acid dehydrogenase from cucumber seeds 131. Interference of sesame oil fish oil and cholesterol with polarographic detmn. of a-tocopherol 280. Kawereau E. et al. Thiourea as protective agent for vitamin C 221. Kay G. A. et al. Detmng. thiouracil in tissues and body fluids 278. Kay H. D. Keenan G. L. Microscopical properties of crystal-line water-sol. vitamins 96. - et al. Identifying nionochloroacetic acid as barium nionochloroacetate 381. - Microscopical identification of sodium and potassium by their crystalline picrolonates 225. - Microscopical identification of strontium ani-monium copper and zinc by their crystalline picrolonates 385.Kehoe R. A. et al. Concns. of trace metals in drinking waters 319. Kemp J. W. ef al. Spectrochemical analysis of metals with the multisource unit 226. Kent-Jones D. W. Keview of Constituents of Wheat and Wheat Products 258. *- et al. Micro-assS,ys of riboflavin nicotinic acid etc. 330 372. Kenyon J. Review of Dictionary o j 0rga~~:ic Compomzds 227. Ketron K. C. et al. Thiochrome method for detmng. aneurine in urine 353. Kibrick A. C. Estmng. dicarboxylic amino acids by titration 278. Kiermeier F. Detmng. permeability to aromas of packaging materials 387. King E. J. et d. -1ccuracy of haemoglobin methods 219. Kinsley G. R. Detmng. butter fat in cream and ice cream by dry extraction with chloroform 310.Kitson R. E. et al. Colorimetric detmn of gel-maninm 255. - Colour of dichroniate solns. 165. - Stability of nickelous-ammonia colour system 31. Kitzes G. et al. Klein B. Colorimetric m-icro-d-etmn. of sulphate 385. "Kleinzeller A. et al. Mixed indicator in titration of fatty acids 241. Knox R. et al. Selective action of tetrathionate in bacteriological media report to Medical Research Council 97. Koch J. I. Analysis of petroleum oil-sol. scdium sulphonates by adsorption 195. Kodicek E. et al. P-Amim-acetophenone method for estmng. nicotinic acid in mine 132. Koehn R. C. et al. Detmng. cholesterol t o esti-mate egg solids content of noodles 377. Kofler M. Estmn. of tocopherol in serum milk and animal and plant fat 133.Kolb J. J. Stability of solns. of copper per-chlorate and potassium iodate 165. Kolthoff I. M. et al. Separating manganese from other metals by yyridine 3.34. - Simultaneous detmn. of copper and iodate, bromate or pcrmanganate 254. Mon 6. K. et al. Rclation of ccncn. of' \Titarnin A , carotenoids and cholesterol in milk fat to size of fat globules 279. Kopala J. et al. Photometric detmn. of cholates in bile and blood 314. Kraybill H. R. et al. Spectrophotometric analysis of fats 358. Krebs H. A. et al. Effect of citrate on rotation of molybdate complexes of nialate citramalate and isocitrate 28. Obituary of J . Golding 69. B-vitamins in honey 96 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 ix Kremers 11. E. et al. Separating erbium from yttrium 196, Kritzinger C.C. Neatsfoot oil froin shin bones 134. Krober 0. A. et al. Effect of relative humidity on Kuiken K. A. et al. Microbiological detmn. of Valine leucine and isoleucine 156. detmn. of oil in soya beans 218. amino acids. L Ladue J. P. et al. Detmng. sulphur residues from sulphur application on citrus foliage 26. LaForge P. B. et al. Detmng. carbon-linked methyl groups 355. Lamkin 3. C. et al. VoI. detmn. of zinc as oxalate, 255. Lampen J. O. et al. Detmng. 9-aminobenzoic acid by assay with Clostvidiurn acetobulylicuvn 352. Largent E. J. et al. Concns. of trace metals in tlrinkirig waters 319. Larsen A. et al. Neurospora assay for pyridoxine, 25. Larsen C. D. e f al. Thermal decomposition of lard 127. Larson I. Q. et al. Detmng. zinc in cyanide brass-plating baths 255.Larson B. S. et al. Quantitative detmn. of nico-tine and nornicotine in mixtures 248. Lass& R. Lauener M. et aZ. Quantitative detmn. of fornial-dehydc in casein hardened with formalin. 99. Lavine T. F. Iodimetric detmn. of methionine, 158. Leach S. J. e f al. Lee S. W. et al. Semi-permanent colour standards for micro-estmn. of sulphonamides 155. Leonard It. H. et al. Detmng. sugar in apple tissue 20. EePage G. A. Interfering substances in detmng. phosphoglycerol 353. Lepper H. A. et al. Detcng. decomposition in liquid frozen and dried eggs 216. le Roy D. J. et al. Gasometric detmn. of nitric oxide 320. Leutritz J. Lester D. et al. Micro-detmn. of acetone and ketone bodies 380. Levatin I?. et al. Detmng. oxalic acid in urine, 379.Levine W. S. et al. Electrolytic detmn. of copper in cast iron and steel 224. Levy L. F. Detmng. ascorbic acid in presence of interfering substances notably reductones 222. - Dctmng. ascorbic acid in presence of sulphur tlioxide 133. - Specific reaction for ascorbic acid 133. Lewis S. J. Spectrofluorescence with special reference to sugars 322. Lieber E. et al. Furfural soh. temps. of hydro-carbons 252. Liebhafsky H. A. Predictable concn. of standard solns. owing to evaporation 320. Lingane J. J. Apparatus for polarographic analysis 323. - Systematic polarographic metal analysis 65 287. Link K. P. et al. Carbohydrate characterisation. Identifying d-ribose 1-fucose and d-digitoxose as benzimidazole derivatives 126. Physical separation of fibres 386.Cryoscopic equation 197. Testing wood preservatives 197. - Detmng. mustard oils in crucifers 59. Lips A, et al. Application of ferric thiocyanate method to detmng. incipient rancidity in fats and oils 222. Estmn. of vegetable matter in scoured wool 29. Lipson M. Liversedge S. 6;. Obituary 169. Lockwood H. C. Removal of mustard gas from fats 95. Loewenstein E. Glass standards for fluorimetric detmns. 101. Logan H. G. et al. Spectrographic detmn. of lead in pectinous materiak 385. Longenecker W. E. et a!. Fatty acids of early and mature human milk fat 352. Longhurst E. E. et al. Analysis of cyanide brass electroplating solns. 223. Love M. M. Appointment as Public Analyst for Colne Borough IS. Low W. et al. Polysaccharide hydroxylation by p-toluenesulphonyl chloride and triphenylchloro-methane 134.Use of Strej&umxus lactis R for measuring folic acid 188. Detmng. antimony in tin-base alloys, 357. Luckey T. D. et al. Luke 6. L. - Detmng. mercury in rubber 21). - Detmng. sulphur in rubber 29. Lundberg W. !I. e f al. Antioxidant properties of nordihydroguaiaretic acid 223. Lykken L. et al. Potentiometric detmn. of acidity in highly coloured materials e.g. petroleum lubricants containing additives 383. Lyman C. M. et al. Microbiological detrnn. of amino acids. Valine leuc,iiie and isoleucine. 156. Lynch G. R. Review of L%fedicab Jurisprudence and Toxicology 102. M McCance R. A. et al. Activity of phytase in different cereals and its resistance to dry heat 249.McCarrison R. Nutrition and National Health (Review) 360. "McClelland J. A. C. et al. ;Ibsorptiometric detmn. of phosphorus by molybdenum blue method 305. Azoyl derivatives of sugars and separation by chromatographic adsorption, 127. Factors affecting pptn. of insol. quinaldates (quinaldinates) 136. Photometric micro-estmn. of inulin in serum and urine 130. IcCloskey C. M. et al. McClure F. T. et al. McCune D. J. et al. "MacDonald F. J. MacFadyen B. A. Detmng. ammonia evolved from cc-amino acids by ninhydrin 313. - et al. o-l'henanthroline ferrous complex as indicator in ceric sulphate titration of blood sugar 56. McFarlane W. D. et al. ,Ipplication of ferric thiocyanate method to detmng. incipient ran-cidity in fats and oils 222.McIlroy R. J. Water-sol. polysaccharide from perennial rye grass pasture 98. McKenzie H. M. et al. Colour measurement for control and research in paper-making 360. NcKinley J. B. et al. Phenyl isocyanate deriva-tives of alkylated phenols. m.p. and X-ray diffraction data 282. McKinney D. S. et'al. Detmng. carbon dioxide in water 319. Mackinney G. et al. Detmng. sulphur dioxide in dehydrated foods 247. MacLachlan P. L. Detmng. iodine x-alue of whole phospholipid 188. McLendon J. F. Micro-detmn. of volatile fatty acids in blood 379. McLendon V. et al. Precision and accuracy of colorimetric procedures as analytical control methods. Detmng. aluminium 285. Analysis of sour milk 173 x INDEX TO McMahan J. R. Short time turbidimetric assay - et al.Microbiological detmn. of amino acids. MacNair J. A. Obituary 106 107. "McNaught D. W. Detmng. cobalt in animal tissues 307. MacNevin W. M. et al. Electrolytic detmn. of copper in cast iron 136. - Polarographic analysis of dilute solns. of bis-muth 164. McPheat J. et al. Spectrographic detmn. of lead in blood 191. MacPherson C. C. et al. Estmng. allantoin in blood 276. Majumdar A. K. Detmng. bismuth. Gravi-metric analysis with phenylarsonic acid 383. - Detmng. nickel with biguanide 100. - Spectrochemical analysis of copper and cad-mium in the ppts. of cadmium and copper quin-aldinates 359. Manchester T. C. et al. Direct count of micro-organisms in citrus products and powdered pectin 317. for penicillin 3 18. Valine and arginine 188."Manley C. H. et al. Mann T. B. Pseudo-rx-carotene 37. *- Separation of p-carotene neo- p-carotene and xanthophyll of dried grass pasture grass and silage 34. Markwell W. A. N. Liver extracts for parenteral use 53. Marsh J. K. Detmng. rare earths in scheelite 64. - Separating europium and samarium 64. , Martin D. E. et al. Quantitative detmn. of cry-Martin E. et al. Detmng. acetic acid yield of Martin G. R. et al. Continuous measurement of Martin J. et al. Conditions for complete acid in-Mason H. L. et al. Detmng. coproprophyrin in "Matthews J. W. Micro-analytical methods 329. Mattill H. A. et al. Chemical estmn. of toco-pherol in liver and muscle ; tocopherol in urine and faeces 58. Mattil K. F. et al. Detmng. gallic acid added to fats and oils 349.Mauzy H. I,. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of nickel in steel 284. Mawson E. H. et al. Relation of conc. of vitamin A carotenoids and cholesterol in milk fat to size of fat globules 279. Mayorcas R. et al. Use of radon to trace flow pattern of gases in furnaces 101. Meade R. C. et al. Detmng. of sugar in apple tissue 20. Mearara M. L. et al. Human-milk fat. Component fatty acids 316. Mechan D. K. Detmng. cysteine and cystine by Vassel's method 159. Mehlig J. P. et al. Stability of the nickelous-ammonia colour system 31. * "Meiklejohn M. et al. Microbiological assays of riboflavin nicotinic acid etc. 330 372. Melling S. E. et al. Annual Report of Council, March 1944. 106. Mellon M. G. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of ger-manium 255.- Colour of dichromate solns. 165. Melville R. Ascorbic acid and hip fertility in - et al. "Essence of lemon," 307. stalline materials by X-ray diffraction 323. acetylated celluloses 135. atmospheric ozone 137. version in analysis of final cane molasses 217. urine 219. Rosa species 221. Apparent vitamin C in walnuts 25. VOLUME 69 Messenger W. G. Miceli A. S. et al. Detmng. zinc in cyanide brass-plating baths 255. Mikhail M. N. et al. Chemical detmn. of minute traces of thallium in tissues 128. Milano J. J. et al. Detmng. tetraethyllead in petrol 163. Milbourn M. Spectrographic analysis of copper and copper-rich alloys by arc method 101. Militzer W. E. Detmng. 5-keto-d-gluconic acid, 380. *Miller C. C. Toluene-3.4-dithiol as selective reagent for tungsten detcng.tungsten especially in molybdenum and rhenium compounds and in ferrous alloys 109. Miller L. G. et al. Detmng. zinc in magnesium alloys 256. Miller M. et ai. Colorimetric detmn. of tin with silicomolybdate 284. Millican R. C. et al. Isolation and props. of naturally-cccurring octadecenoic (oleic) acids 38 1. "Milton R. et al. Detmng. mineral content of foods by wet oxidation and absorptionietric methods 299. Miranda L. I. et al. Spot test for cadmium 255. Mitchell C. A. Obituary of Miss M. B. Elliott 33. - Review of Hackh's Chemical Dictionavy 388. *- Standardising tannin used for comparison in Nierenstein's micro-estmn. of tannin 92. *- et al. Identifying demolition dust 121. Mitchell J. Jr. et al. - Detmng. primary plus secondary amines 382.Moeller T. et al. Separating erbium from yttrium, Moir D. D. Appointment as additional Public *- Fruit contents of jams 343. Moir G. M. Milk with added cream (Legal Notes), 17. Moore J. C. et al. Detmng. glycerol by pyridine-acetylation method 62. Moore S. et al. Estmng. amino acids by solu-bility product method 22. loran T. et al. Vitamin content of beverages, 131. Morris H. P. et al. Thermal decomposition of lard 127. *morris R. W. et al. Detmng. residual carbon dioxide in aerating powder 113. Motzok I. et al. Factors influencing the A.O.A.C. chick method of vitamin D assay 96. Moynihan E. A. et al. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Student's Handbook (Review) 360. *Muers M. M. et al. Detmn. of vol. of gas in particles of dried milk powder 5.Mull J. E. et al. Ccnditions for complete acid inversion in analysis of final cane molasses 217. Mullen E. G. Dry indicator method for testing water-resistance of asphalted papers 324. Murray W. M. et al. Detmng. carbon by low-pressure combustion 32 1. Musser D. F. et al. Modified basic succinate estmn. of aluminium in magnesium alloys 64. Obituary 106 105. Detmng. amino alcohols by Karl Fischer reagent 383. 196. Analyst for Reigate Borough 16. N Nachtrieb M. H. et al. Fused salt technique in Naidu S. R. et al. Chemical luminescence test for Najjar . V. A. et al. Thiochrome method for spectrcchemical analysis 165. blood 98. detmng. aneurine in urine 353 INDEX TO Narasingarao M. et al. Fatty acids of Vaterza zndica fat (Malabar tallow) 95.Nash H. A, et al. Estmng. vitamin A and caro-tenoids in butter fat. Comparison of direct spectrophotometry with filter photometry and antimony trichloride reaction 250. Neill R. B. et al. Detmng. zinc in magnesium alloys 256. Nelson E. K. et al. Citric and isocitric acid in blackberries and dewberry hybrids 127. Nelson N. Photometric adaptation of the Somogyi method for detmng. glucose 313. Nesbitt S. et al. Detmng. coproporphyrin in urine 219. Neustadt H. H. et al. Benzoin as fluorescent qualitative reagent for zinc 30. Nichols M. L. et al. Detmng. small amounts of molybdenum in plants and soils 224. *Nicholson,.K. L. et al. “Essence of lemon,” 307. Nickels J. E. et al. Phenyl isocyanate derivatives of alkylated phenols.M.p. and X-ray diffraction data 282. Nielsen J. R. et al. Analysis by infra-red spectro-scopy 101. *Nierenstein M. *- et al. Chemical differentiation of gaIls 272. *- Macro- and micro-estmn. of pyrogallol tannins and catechol tannins in presence of each other, 374. Micro-estmn. of tannin 91. *- Micro-estmn. of ellagitannins 241. Nitschmann H. et al. Quantitative detmn. of formaldehyde in casein hardened with formalin, 99. Niven C. F. et al. Microbiological assay of aneurine 25. Noll C. A. ef al. Fixing and detmng. oil in feed and boiler water 59. Norman W. H. ef al. Microbiological detmn. of amino acids. Valine leucine and isoleucine 156. *Norris V. N. et al. Micro-estmn. of ellagitannins, 241. North V. et al. Detmng. tungsten in low-grade tungsten ores 100.Norton A. R. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of leuco crystal violet after oxidation with benzoyl peroxide 322. Norton L. B. Rotenone in yam bean (Pachyr-rhizus eyosus) 16 1. Novelli A. et al. Identifying 2-methyl-1.4-naphthoquinone 383. Nusbaum R. E. et al. Briquets for spectrographic analysis of steel 226. 0 Oesterling M. J. et al. Detmng. dehydroascorbic acid and ascorbic acid in plant tissues by 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine 2 80. Ogburn 8. C. et al. Analysis of anhydrous hydro-fluoric acid 384. Okell F. L. Review of Organic Reagents for Metals 3 1. - Review of Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Student’s Handbook 360. Olcott H. S. Detmng. glutamic acid in proteins, 313. Olsen A. L. et al. Precision and accuracy of colorimetric procedures as analytical control methods.Detmng. aluminium 285. O’Neill R. E. et al. Detcng. glacial acetic acid in vinegar 310. Organ J. G. ef al. Apparent vitamin C in foods, 191. - Apparent vitamin C in walnuts 25. VOLUME 69 xi *Organ J. G. et al. Calibration of lluorimeters for . estmng. vitamins alkaloids etc. 1. - Constituents of malt extract 52. - Vitamins from rose hips 133. Osborn G. H. Detmng. sodium in aluminium alloys 100. - et al. Photometric detmn. of beryllium in presence of aluminium and in aluminium alloys, 358. Sampling mixing and grinding techniques in prepng. samples for X-ray and spectrographic analysis 196. Gasometric apparatus for estmn. of carbon dioxide in grain 192. Prepng. pure potassium nitrite, 101.Oshry H. I. et ab. Oxley T. A. Oza T. M. et al. P Palmer W. G. Valency Classical and Modern (Review) 324. Paneth F. A, et al. Continuous measurement of atmospheric ozone 137. Parker A. et al. Isolating lactic acid-producing bacteria from beer 58. Parry E. J. Obituary 169. Parsons S. L. Spectrographic detmn. of thorium in tungsten filament wire 196. Pascoe T. A. et al. Detmng. sulphide sulphur in kraft paper mill liquors 321. Pearce D. W. et al. Detmng. average atomic weight of rare-earth mixtures 30. Perlzweig W. A. et al. Estmn. of ”-methyl-nicotinamide in urine 159. Petersen G. W. et al. Detmng. small amounts of acrylonitrile in air 191. Peterson J. M. et al. Estmng. haemoglobin by photometric absorptiometers 129. Peterson W.H. et al. Detmng. p-aminobenzoic acid by assay with Clostridium acetobutylicum 352. Phillips P. H. et al. Detmng. vitamin A and carotene in milk. Rapid extraction procedure, 250. - Separating carotene from vitamin A for detmn. vitamin A in blood plasma 317. Pierce J. S. et al. *Pilgrim A. J. et al. Detmng. sulphur dioxide in gelatin 90. Pinckney R. M. et al. Water solns. of super-phosphate as low-fluorine source of phosphorus, 99. Pitchandi N. et al. Chemical luminescence test for blood 98. Platt B. S. et al. Estmng. inositol in animal tissues 189. Plein E. M. et al. Detmng. camphor and alcohol in spirit of camphor by refractive index and specific gravity 248. Poe C. F. et al. Ditto ditto Pollock M. R. et al. Selective action of tetra-thionate in bacteriological media report to Medical Kesearch Council 97.Pool M. F. et al. Detmng. sulphur dioxide in dehydrated foods 247. Popjak G. Colorimetric estmn. of total free and ester cholesterol in tissue extracts 56. Porter P. e f al. Potentiometric detmn. of acidity in highly coloured materials e.g. petroleum lubricants containing additives 383. Porter W. L. et al. Moisture in potato starch 217. Powers H H. et al. Detmng. oxalic acid in urine, Powers P. O. et al. Polymer distribution of Assay of pamaquine 275. 379. varnish resins 162 xii INDEX TO Prater A. N. et al. Detmng. sulphur dioxide in dehydrated foods 247. *Price W. B. et al. Rapid micro gas analysis 117. Pringle U’. J. S. et al. Analysis of barley from King Tutankhamen’s tomb 160.Pringsheim P. et al. Luminescence of Liquids and Solids and its Practical Applications (Review), 167. Prutton A. J. et al. Photometric detmn. of hemi-cellulose 386. Pucher G. W. Micro-titration detmn. of small amounts of citric acid 322. Puck T. T. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of glycols in air 28. Purves C. B. et al. Estmng. amorphcus swollen cellulose by thallous ethylate method 195. Q Quigley J. J. et al. Device for quantitative ultra-filtration in chemical analysis 166. R Rabak F. Detmng. alpha resin content of hops 96. Raborg J. et al. Colorimetric estmn of acetoin and diacetyl 23. Radke H. M. et al. Detmng. small amounts of acrylonitrilc in air 191. “Radley J. A. - Review of Luminesceme of Liquids and Solids *- Tests for boron 47.Radspinner J. A. et al. Detmng. surface oxida-Rae W. N. et al. Phpsico-Chemical Methods 4th Rahn O. et al. Effect of increase in acidity on Ramsdell G. A. e t al. Composition of casein in Ramsden H. E. e f al. Lead tetraacetate cxida-Ranney H. et al. Photometric micro-estmn. of Rao C. V. et al. Oil from Bombax nzalabnricurn Rao M. N. et al. Ditto ditto 312. Rapson W. S. et al. Quantitative extraction of laboratory samples of oils from fish tissues 127. Ras W. V. B. S. Detmng. nitrite with Griess reagent 358. Raybin H. W. Redgrove H. S. Rees M. W. et al. Fluorescence reactions 15. and its I ractical Ap$lications 167. tion of bituminous coal 29. Edn. (Review) 287. antiseptic efficiency 222. milk 351. tions in the sugar group 61. inulin in serum and urine 130.seeds 312. Test for sulphadiazine 350. Obituary 106 107. Dicarboxylic and basic amino-acids of edestin egg albumin and P-lactoglobulin, 56. - Foreman method for estmng. dicarboxlic acids in protein hydrolysates 22. - Total nitrogen content of egg albumin and other proteins 55. Reilly J. et al. Physico-Chemical Methods 4th Edn. (Review) 287. - Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Student’s Handbook (Review) 360. Reynolds D. S. et al. Water solns. of superphos-phate as low-fluorine source of phosphorus 99. Rice H. T. e f al. Furfural soln. temps. of hydro-carbcns 252. Richter D. et al. Estmng. “true ascorbic acid” in blood 190. Rimington C. Quantitative estmn. of uroporphyrin in patholcgical urines 24. VOLUME 69 Ritchie W H.et al. Xnalysing chlorinated xylenol mixtures especially for unchlorinated phenols content 382. Roberts E. R. et al. Inorganic Chemistry. Fritz Ephraim 4th Edn. (Review) 139. *Robertshaw A. et al. Detmng. tin in steels 340. Robertson R. H. S. et al. Detmng. rugosity of granular solids 66. Roe J. H. e f al. Detmng. dehydroascorbic acid and ascorbic acid in plant tissues by the 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine method 2 80. Rogers H. R. Furfural detmn. Iodine method for hydrolysed wood liquors 28 1. Rogers L. H. et al. Detmng. small amounts of molybdenum in plants and soils 224. Rohner F. Spectrographic detmn. of traces of sodium in pure aluminium 226. Rose F. L. et al. Coupling component and sim-plified estmn. of sulphanilamide drugs 315. Roth F.J. et al. *4nalysis and stability of zinc phosphide 98. Rowson J. M. Stomatal index use for distin-guishing between powdered iZlexandrian and Tinnevelly senna 53. - Stomatal index use in distinguishing between English and Indian belladonna leaf and for the characterisation of coca 54. Rubin F. L. et al. Substitqte for benzene in detmng. acid values 134. Rubin L. B. et al. Microbiological analysis of 7 amino acids with Lactobacilltts case; 157. Ruliffson H. D. et al. Potentiometric detmn. of acidity in highly coloured materials e.g. petro-leum lubricants containing additives 383. Rusconi Y. et al. Specific test for thallium 137. Russell R. G. et al. Detmng. average atomic weight of rare-earth mixtures 30. *Ryan J. A. e f al. $-Dimethylaminobenzylidene rhodanine as indicator for vol.detmn. of cyan-ides 370. Ryznar J. W. Index for detmng. amount of calcium carbonate scale formed by water 252. S Salter W. T. et al. Urinary 17-ketosteroids in metabolism. Standardised chemical estmn. 316. Samaan K. et al. Chemical detmn. of minute traces of thallium in tissues 128. Samuels C. S. et al. Orange pigment of cotton-seed 381. Samuels L. T. et al. Estmng. total oestrone and oestradiol from tissue sources 159. Sandell E. B. Colorimetric detmn. of osmium 285. - Colorimetric Detmn. of Traces of Metals (Re-view) 325. Sarrett H. P. Direct estmn. of N-methyl deriva-tives of nicotinic acid in urine 24. Sassaman H. L. e t al. Spectrophotometric and biological assay of vitamin ,4 in oils 24. Schaible P.J. et al. Detmng. iron with o-phen-anthroline 320. Schechter M. S. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of 1-chloro-2.4-dinitrobenzene as impurity in 2.4-dini troanisole 2 83. - Colorimetric detmn. of 2.4-dinitroanisole 282. Schmidt E. G. Ether extraction method for Schoch T. J. et al. Adsorption of fatty acid by *Schoeller W. R. Detmng. cobalt and separation *- Tannin as selective reagent for zirconium 259. estmng. blood phenols 23. linear component of maize (corn) starch 378. from nickel by phosphate method 8 . INDEX TO VOLUME 69 xi11 Schoen K Detmng. ephedrine 275. Schopfer W. H. Plants and Vitamins (Reviews), 288. Schrenk H. H. et al. Sampling mixing and grinding techniques in prepng. samples for X-ray and spectrographic analysis 196. Schroderheim J.et al. Ascorbic acid and hip fertility in Rosa species 220. Schuette H. A. et al. Schwachman H. et al. Bioassay of antiscorbutic substances 160. Schwartz H. M. et al. Quantitative extraction of laboratory samples of oils from fish tissues 127. Seaman H. et al. Electrolytic detmn. of copper in cast iron and steel 224. Seaman W. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of leuco crystal violet after oxidation with benzoyl peroxide. 322. Shankman S. et al. Microbiological analysis of 7 amino acids with Lactobacillus casei 157. Shapiro B. et aZ. Application of Millon reaction to detmng. chlorophenols in body fluids and tissues, 129. Appointment as Deputy Agricul-tural Analyst €or County Borough of St. Helens and Wigan 247. - Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of St.Helens 16. Sherry W. -B. et al. Analysis of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid 384. Sherwood G. R. Shimer S. R. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of nico-tinic acid 317. “Shorland F. B. et al. Analysis of back fat of the pig especially C,o-zz unsaturated acids 337. - Fat of sow’s milk 188. Shuey P. M. Detmng. potash in fertilisers or base goods in absence of ammonium salts and organic matter 59. Detmng. iron with nitroso-R-salt 285. Phenyl isocyanate derivatives of alkylated phenols. M.p. and X-ray diffraction data 282. Simmons N. T. et al. Detmng. oxygen in de-aerated water 134. *Singer J. H. Bibliography on metals in foods and biological materials. VII. cadmium 51. VIII. thallium 185. Singer L. et al. Colorimetric detmn.of chromium in steel 384. Skau E. L. et al. Detmng. pH of textile materials, 62. Skoog D. A. et al. Quantitative detmn. of sul-phanilamide and sulphathiazole in mixtures 128. Smart A. Detmng. sodium in aluminium and its alloys 100. Smedley-Maclean I. Metabolismof Fat (Review) 66. Smiles K. L. et al. Microbiological assay of aneurine 25. Smith D. C. et al. Analysis by idra-red spectro-Smith D. M. et al. Detmng. amino alcohols by - Detmng. primary plus secondary amines 382. Smith H. L. Obituary 106 107. Smith J. K. et al. Separating carotene from vitamin A for detmng. vitamin A in blood plasma, 317. Smith P. I. Plastics for Production (Review) 387. *Smith W. R. Modified ceric process for detmng. Snell E. E. et al. Microbiological detmn.of amino B-vitamins in honey 96. Sherratt J. G. Basic lanthanum nitrite 321. Sideris C. P. et al. Sidhu S. S. ef al. scopy 101. Karl Fischer reagent 383. serum calcium 14. acids. Valine and arginine 188. Sober K. Potentiometric detmn. of cations and anions with collodion and protamine-collodion “membrane electrodes,” 166. Solomon E. Analysis of n-butane-iso-butane mixtures by density method 281. Sperry W. M. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of cholesterol 131. Spitzer R. et al. Detmng. vitamin A and carotene in milk. Srinivsrsan M. Vitamin C in plants. Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) 252. Stahmann M. A. et al. Detmng. mustard oils in crucifers 59. Stamberg 0. E. et al. Digestion method for detmng. phosphorus 281. Steacie E.W. R. et al. Gasometric detmn. of nitric oxide 320. Steigmann A. Characteristic reactions of citric and tartaric acids 62. - Reactions to establish origin of gelatins 136. Stein W. H. et al. Estmng. amino acids by solu-bility product method 22. Stephenson H. C. Portable aspirator for gas sampling 138. *Steuart D. W. Acetyl methyl carbinol in cider 307. Stevens J. W. et (12. Direct count of micro-organisms in citrus products and powdered pectin 317. Stewart A. W. Appointment as Public -4nalyst for Oxford County Borough 16. Stewart J. A. War-time Information for Phar-macists. 3rd Edn. (Review) 227. *Still B. M. et al. Calibrating fluorimeters for estmng. vitamins alkaloids etc. 1. “Stock J. T. et al. Cell for amperometric titra-tions 178. *- Electrical indicator for collecting a constant vol.of distillate 150. *- Reflux apparatus for automatic dispersion of froth in detmng. fibre 121. *- Vacuum-operated micro-stirrer 2 12. *- Wash-bottle for delivering pre-detd. vols. of liquid 149. Stokes J. L. et al. Neurospora assay for pyri-doxine 25, Storey I. D. E. et al. Quantitative micro-separa-tion of inorganic arsenite from arsenate in blood and urine 315. Storr H. et al. Detmng. sol. phosphate and silica in water with Spekker absorptiometer 319. Stott R. W. Electronic Theory and Chemical Reactions (Review) 200. Stotz E. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of acetoin and diacetyl 23. Stral H. M. et al. Rapid colorimetric estmn. of glycols in air 28. Strangeways D. H. et al. Estmng. haemoglobin by photometric absorptiometers 129.*Stress W. Photometric detmn. of silicon in aluminium alloys Hadley’s method 44. - et al. Photometric detmn. of beryllium in presence of aluminium and in aluminium alloys, 358. Stubbs J. R. Appointment as Public Analyst for Leigh Borough 16. Stubbs M. F. Reaction of indium sulphate with potassium chromate 196. Suckling E. V. Obituary 363. Sullivan J. T. Picric acid method for detmng. hydrocyanic acid in white clover plants 320. Sundara Ras W. V. B. Detmng. nitrite with the Griess reagent 358. Sutherland M. D. Vitamin C in plants. Nastur-tium (Tropaeolum majus) 251. Rapid extraction procedure 250 xiv INDEX TO VOLUME 69 "Swain L. A. Detmng. unsaponifiable matter in U Pacific dogfish liver oil by the S.P.A. method, 376.Ullrich G. Palisade ratios for official drugs of the Swinden T. Obituary 330. Labiatae family 2 1. Swinehart C. F. et al. Analysis of anhydrous Undenfriend s. e f al. Estmng. mepacrine in bio-- Polarographic analysis of dilute solns. of Urban F. ef al. Detmng. vitamin B in urine 280. Sycheff V. M. hydrofluoric acid 384. bismuth 164. logical fluids and tissues 157. Extracting oil and vitamin A in shark liver analysis. Xylene centrifuge method V van Rensburg N. J. ef al. Van Slyke D. D. et al. Quantitative extraction c. IVI. et Estmng. oestrone and of laboratory samples of oils from fish tissues 127. o-Phenanthroline ferrous complex as indicator in ceric sulphate titration of blood sugar 56. It Venkatachalam V. Report of the Madras City Analyst 183.Vedatarao c. et al. Fatty acids of vateria indica fat (Malabar tallow) 95. Venkateswarlu A. et al. Oil from Bombax mala-baricunz seeds 312. voge1 M, et al. ~~~i~~~~~~~~ of Liquids and Solids and its Practical Applications (Review), von Stein p. Photometric detmn. of sulphate in 260. oestradiol from tissue sources 159. Talvitie N. A. Colorimetric detmn. of fluoride in w. H. T. et Insect Pests Of Food *Tankard A. E. ef al. Daily variations in f.p. de-Tauber H. Colour reactions for amino acids 193. 167. Taylor L. V. et al. Dithizone Procedure for waters with thorium and alizarin 58. (Review) 326. pressions of cows' milk 209. nickel nitrate 196. detmng. zinc in foods 312. hair 353. of galls 272. acid 317. Pptg. agents 277. Thode H. G. et al.Polarographic detmn. of copper lead and cadmium in high-purity zinc alloys 226. Thompson H. W. et al. Detmng. cresols in cresylic acid 359. Waelsch H. et al. Higher fatty aldehydes. Thompson J. B. ef al. Detmn. of iron in ferric 11. Behaviour of aldehydes and derivatives in the phytate 129. fuchsin test 276. Thompson S. Y. et al. Relation of concn. of Wakehani H. R. R. et al. Detmng. pH of textile vitamin A carotenoids and cholesterol in milk materials 62. fat to size of fat globules 279. Prepng. pure potassium Thompson W. R. et al. Device for quantitative nitrite 101. ultrafiltration in chemical analysis 166. Walker G. H. Report of Salford City Analyst 152. Thome P. C L. et al. Inorganic Chemistry. Walker J. C. et al. Detmng. mustard oils in Fritz Ephraim.4th Edn. (Review) 139. crucifers 59. Thorpe J. F. et al. Thorpe's Dictionary of Walker T. K. et al. Azobacter species capable of Applied Chemistry 4th Edn. (Review) 104. infecting beer 58. Thing M. W. et al. Use of radon to trace flow - Isolating lactic acid-producing bacteria from pattern of gases in furnaces 101. beer 58. Todd H. R. Detmng. benzene in presence mission through sheets and films 226. Tomlinson W. J. et al. Fixing and detmng. oil in Wallis K. Obituary 106. feed and boiler water 59. Detmng. nux vomica in the Toms H. Review of Electronic Theory and form of powder 275. Chemical Reactions 200. Wang Y. L. et al. 9-Amino-acetophenone for Tolib J. et al. estmng. nicotinic acid in urine 132. fecting beer 58. Identifying demolition dust, Tracy A, et al.Spectrographic detmn. of lead in 121. blood 191. Watters J. I. et al. Separating manganese from Treadwell W. D. et al. Analysis of brass by other metals by pyridine 224. vacuum distillation 163. *Weatherall H. et al. Analysis of commercial Triebold H. O. et al. Fanweed seed oil 218. lecithin 39. Trigg K. et a2. Rapid electrolytic detmn. of steel. Precision and accuracy of low-pressure zinc in magnesium alloys 357. combustion method 32 1. *Trim A. R. et al. Mixed indicator in the titration of fatty acids 241. Tuernmler F. D. et al. Potentionietric detmn. of acidity in highly coloured materials e.g. petro-leum lubricants containing additives 383. Twiselton M. S. J. et al. Detmng. mixtures of Shirlan and p-nitrophencl in rot-proofed cotton Wentworth H.P. et al. Estmng. allantoin in 135. blood 276. Taylor W* D.9 et al. Staining of cuticular scales of *van Stock& K. et al. Chemical differentiation Teeri A. E. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of nicotinic Voorhies s. T. et al. Evaluation of modified Renard and Kerr tests for detmng. peanut oil 52. in packing Maine sardines 378. Tenney M.9 et az* Reducing substances in urine* Voth M. D. Detcng. adulteration of olive oil used W Walavalkar B. R. et al. Apparatus for measuring gas trans- Wallace E. L. et al. of cyclohexane 28. Wallis T. E. et al. Azobucter species capable of in-*Ward T. J. et al. Detmng. carbon in low-carbon Weinberg S. ef al. Weissler A. Wenger P. et al. Micro-separation of copper from - Potassium ethyl xanthate as analytical reagent.- Qualitative iron reactions 284. - Specific test for thallium 137. Detmng. germanium in steel 285. nickel by ethyl xanthate 322. Separating copper from nickel 215 INDEX TO West E. S. et al. Reducing substances in urine. Pptg. agents 277. West T. F. Products formed in pyrethrin concen-trates during storage 99. Westbrook M. E. e t al. Constituents of malt extract 52. *Wheatley V. R. Manganous sulphate as catalyst in cerimetric detmn. of serum calcium 207. Whewell C. S. et al. Estmng. small amounts of mechanical modification in wool materials 253. Whiffen D. H. et al. Detmng. cresols in cresylic acid 359. White C. E. e t al. Benzoin as fluorescent quali-tative reagent for zinc 30. White E. V. et al. Polysaccharide hydroxylation by p-toluenesulphonyl chloride and triphenyl-chloromethane 134.Whitehead T. e f al. Spectrographic detmn. of small amounts of calcium in magnesium metal, 386. Whiteley M. A.? e f al. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry 4th Edn. (Review) 104. Whittier E. O. et al. Composition of casein in milk 351. *Whittle E. G. Application of Reindollar’s method to estmn. of saccharin 45. Wichmann H. J. Ash detmns. in foods with an alkaline balance reactions of alkali carbonates with calcium phosphates 93. Widdowson E. M. et al. Activity of phytase in different cereals and its resistance to dry heat 249. Wilgus H. S. Jr. et al. Chromatographic detmn. of carotene in alfalfa 252. Willard H. H. e t al. Detmng. germanium 286. Williams C. B. et al. Adsorption of fatty acid by linear component of maize (corn) starch 378.Williams D. et al. Detmng. sodium in potassium hydroxide 225. Williams E. F. et al. Dicarboxylic and basic amino-acids of edestin egg albumin and p-lacto-globulin 56. - Foreman method for estmng. dicarboxylic acids in protein hydrolysates 22. - Total nitrogen content of egg albumin and other proteins 55. Williams H. G. PH Detmns. of water i i contact with stones 164. Williams K. T. et al. Detmng. sol. pectin and pectic acid by electrodeposition 187. Williams R. H. Spot-test for small amounts of chromium in steel 195. - e f al. Detmng. thiouracil in tissues and body fluids 278. Willis J. B. Polarographic reduction of rhodium compounds 358 384. Willits C. O. e t al. Moisture in potato starch 217.*Wilson H. A. B. et al. Micro-detmn. of alkoxyl valucs 363. Wilson J. B. Persistence of monochloroacetic acid in fruit juices and carbonated beverages 216. - Identifying monochloroacetic acid as barium monochloroacetate 381. Wilson J. L. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst for Colne Borough 16. Wilson J. S. et at. Detmng. small amounts of tannin in water 354. Wilson M. F. Spectrographic detmn. of small amounts of impurities in magnesium chloride 286. VOLUME 69 xv *Wilson S. H. et al. Combined chemical and spectrographic detmn. of traces of tungsten in rocks 12. Wilson U. Penicillin assay 26. Winter P. K. Detmng. halogen in organic com-pounds 26. . Wise H. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of glycols in air 28. Wise L. E. et al. Detmng. d-galactose in plant mucilages by selective fermentation 194.Wokes F. et al. Apparent vitamin C in foods 191. - Apparent vitamin C in walnuts 25. *- Calibrating fluorimeters for estmng. vitamins, - Constituents of malt extract 52. - Vitamins from rose hips 133. Wolf B. nitrogen in soil and plant extracts 354. Wolfson H. graphic detmns. 197. Wood C. H. presence of large quantities of magnesium 359. Woodhead S. A. Obituary 106 107. Woods H. J. et al. Estmng. small amounts of mechanical modification in wool materials 253. Woods J. T. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of leuco crystal violet after oxidation with benzoyl peroxide 322. *Woods L. et al. Woodward C . R. et al. Neurospora assay for pyridoxine 25. Worden A. N. Xanthine oxidase activity of cow’s milk 57.*Wyatt G. H. Analysis of vulcanised rubber, especially synthetic materials 2 11. 305. *- Micrometer-controlled burette 180. *- Micro-volumetric apparatus 81. - Review of Modern Synthetic Rubbers 199. - Review of Plastics f o r Production 387. alkaloids etc. 1. Detmng. nitrate nitrite and ammonium Base electrolytes for use in polaro-Spectrographic detmn. of calcium in Micro gas analysis 117. Y Yeager J. P. et al. Yellin H. et al. Yoe J. H. et al. - Gravimetric reagent for tungsten 165. Young E. G. ef al. Young H. Y. et al. Detmng. sulphur in brass and Colorimetric detmn. of nickel in Colorimetric detmn. of iron 255. Estmng. allantoin in blood, Detmng. iron with nitroso-R-bronze by combustion method 320. steel 284. 276.salt 285. Z Zerban F. W. e t al. Zondek B. et al. Conditions for complete acid inversion in analysis of final cane molasses 217. Application of Millon reaction to detmng. chlorophenols in body fluids and tissues, 129. Estmng. vitamin A and caro-tenoids in butter fat. Comparison of direct spectrophotometry with filter photometry and antimony trichloride reaction 250. Zscheile F. P. et al. Zuehlke. C. W et al. Detmng. germanium 286 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME69 INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes published in The Analyst. A Absorptiometers Estmng. haemoilobin by photo-metric -. Peterson and Strangeways 129. *Absorptiometric Methods Detmng. mineral con-tent of foods by wet oxidation and -. Milton Hoskins and Jackman 299. Accuracy of haemoglobin methods.King Gilchrist and Delory 219 Acetic Acid Detcng. glacial ~ in vinegar. O'Neill and Henry 310. Detmng. - yield of acetylated celluloses. Howlett and Martin 135. Acetoin Colorimetric estmn. of ~ and diacetyl. Stotz and Raborg 23. Acetone Micro-detmn. of - and ketone bodies. Greenberg and Lester 380. New test for -. Ingram 220. Acetylated Celluloses Detmng. acetic agid yield of *Acetyl Methyl Carbinol in cider. Acidity Effect of increase in - on antiseptic efficiency. Rahn and Conn 222. Potentiometric detmn. of - in highly coloured materials. Application to new and used petro-leum lubricants containing additives. Lykken, Porter Ruliffson and Tuemmler 383. Acid Groups Use of dyes for detmng. - and basic groups in proteins.Fraenkel-Conrat and Cooper 351. *Acids Detailed analvsis of back fat of pig es-pecially ior C,,., unsaturated -. de la Mare and Shorland 337. Fatty - of early and mature human milk fat. Baldwin and Longenecker 352. Fatty - of Vaterza indicn fat (Malabar tallow). Venkatarao and Narasingarao 95. Method of studying effect of antioxidants on oxidation of aqueous suspensions of fatty -. Banks 161. Micro-detmn. of volatile fatty - in blood. McClendon 379. Mixed indicator in titrating fatty -. Klein-zeller and Trim 241. *Acid Value(s) Estmng. freshness of canned herring from detmns. of - of the oil. Charnley and Davies 302. Gordon, Gildon and Rubin 134. Acrylonitrile Detmng. small amounts of ~ in air. Petersen and Radke 191. Adulteration Detcng.- of olive oil used in packing Maine sardines. Voth 378. *Aerating Powder Detmng. residual carbon dioxide in -. Agricultural Chemistry Source Book of -. (Review) Browne 361. Air Detmng. small amounts of acrylonitrile in -. Petersen and Radke 191. Rapid colorimetric estmn. of glycols in -. Wise Puck and Stral 28. Albumin Dicarboxylic and basic amino acids of edestin egg - and /3-lactoglobulin. Chib-nall Rees and Williams 56. Total nitrogen content of egg - etc. Chib-nall Rees and Williams 55. Alcohol(s) Detmng. camphor and ~ in spirit of camphor by refractive index and sp.g. Plein and Poe 248. Detmng. amino - by Karl Fischer reagent. Smith Mitchell and Hawkins 383. ~ Howlett and Martin 135. Steuart 307. Substitute for benzene in detmng.-. Boundy and Morris 113. Aldehydes Higher fatty -. Behaviour of __ and their derivatives in fuchsin test. Anchel and Waelsch 276. Alexandrian Senna Leaf Stomata1 index for dis-tinguishing between powdered - and Tinnevelly senna leaf. Rowson 53. Alfalfa Chromatographic detmn. of carotene in -. Charkey and Wilgus 252. Alizarin Colorimetric detmn. of fluoride in waters with thorium and -. Alkali(s) carbonates Ash detmns. of foods with alkaline balance reactions of - with calcium phosphates. Wichmann 93. Cornes, 237. Alkalinity Sensitive indicator for vol. detmn. of boiler feedwater -. Fleisher 133. *Alkaloids Calibration of fluorimeters used for estmng. vitamins - etc. Wokes Organ, Still and Jacoby 1. *Alkoxyl Mercuric oxycyanide as reagent in micro-analysis.Use in detmng. sulphur in organic substances ionic halogen and -. Ingram, 265. Houghton and Wilson 363. Alkyd Resins Detmng. total phthalic anhydride in modified -. Doyle 253. Detmng. total phthalic anhydride in oil-modified -. Goldberg 253. Alkylated Phenols Phenyl isocyanate derivatives of --. M.pt. and X-ray diffraction data. McKinley Nickels and Sidhu 282. Allantoin Estmng. - in blood. Young Mac-Pherson Wentworth and Hawkins 276. Alloys Detmng. antimony in tin-base -. Luke 357. Detmng. sodium in aluminium -. Osborn 100. Detmng. sodium in aluminium and its -. Detmng. zinc in magnesium -. Miller Boyle Identifying sulphide in nickel and nickel -. Iodimetric estmn. of zinc in magnesium -. Modified basic succinate estmn.of aluminium in Nomenclature of -. 223. *Photometric analysis of copper-base -. Detmng. iron and manganese. Photometric detmn. of beryllium in presence of aluminium and in aluminium -. Stross and Osborn 358. *Photometric detmn. of silicon in aluminium - Hadley's method. Stross 44. Photometric estmn. of silicon in magnesium and magnesium -. Polarographic deimn. of copper lead and cad-mium in high-purity zinc -. Hawkings and Thode 226. Rapid electrolytic dctmn. of zinc in magnesium -. Weinberg and Royd 357. "Rapid photometric detmn. of tellurium in tellurium copper -. Crossley 206. Spectrochemical and Polarographic Analysis of Aluminium and its -. British Aluminium Co. Ltd. (Review) 138. Spectrographic analysis of copper and copper-rich - by arc method.Talvitie 58. *Simplified detmn. of - in silicates. "values Micro-detmn. of -. Smart 100. and Neill 256. Hall 31. Casto and Boyle 63. magnesium -. Boyle and Musser 64. High 375. Eoyle and Hughey 65. Milbourn 101 INDEX TO Albys-continued *Toluene-3.4-dithiol as selective reagent for tungsten; dectng tungsten in molybdenum and rhenium compounds and in ferrous -. Miller 109. Alpha Resin Detmng. ~ content of hops. Rabak 95. Alumina Separating methylated methylglycosides by adsorption on -. Aluminium alloys Detmng. sodium in --. Osborn 100. alloys Detmng. sodium in aluminium and -. Smart 100. alloys Photometric detmn. of beryllium in presence of aluminium and in -. Stross and Osborn 358. *alloys Photometric detmn.of silicon in -: Hadley’s method. Stross 44. Alloys Spectrochemical and Polarographic Analy-sis of Aluminium and -. British Aluminium Co. Ltd. (Review) 138. Modified basic succinate estmn. of __ in mag-nesium alloys. Precision and accuracy of colorimetric procedures as analytical control methods. Detmng. -. Olsen Gee and McLendon 285. Spectrographic detmn. of traces of sodium in pure -. Rohner 226. Jones 356. Boyle and Musser 64. America see USA. Amines Detmng. primary plus secondary -. Mitchell Hawkins and Smith 382. New reagent for primary and secondary -. Birch 355. p-Aminoacetophenone Method New modification of ___ for estmng. nicotinic acid in urine. Wang and Kodicek 132. Amino Acids Colourreactions for-.Tauber 193. Detmng. ammonia evolved from a- ___ by ninhydrin. MacFadyen 313. Dicarboxylic and basic - of edestin egg akbumin and /3-lactoglobulin. Chibnall Rees and Williams 56. Esmng. ~ by solubility product method. Moore and Stein 22. Estmng. dicarboxylic - by titration. Kibrick, 278. Estmng. dicarboxylic - in protein hydrolysates. Cannan 277. Microbiological analysis of 7 __ with Lucto-bacillus casei. Shankman Dunn and Rubin, 157. Microbiological detmn. of -. Valine and arginine. McMahan and Snell 188. Microbiological detmn. of -. Valine leucine and isoleucine. Kuiken Norman Lyman Hale and Blotter 156. Amino Alcohols Detmng. - by Karl Fischer reagent. Smith Mitchell and Hawkins 383. ZAminoanthraquinone Detmng. and identifying ___ in D and C Blue No.9. p-Aminober;zoic Acid Detmng. - by assay with Clostridium acetobutylzcum. Lampen and Peterson 352. Amino Nitrogen Anomalous - values. Carter and Dickman 55. Detmng. urinary ~ by copper method. Albanese and Irby 315. Ammonia Detmng. - evolved from a-amino acids by ninhydrin. MacFadyen 313. *Pptng. iron with - in mixtures of ethyl alcohol and water. Davidsohn 374. Ammonium Microscopical identification of stron-tium - copper and zinc by crystalline picrolonates. Eisenberg and Keenan 385. Evenson 312. VOLUME 69 xvii nitrogen Detmng. nitrate nitrite and - in soil and plant extracts. *Amperometric 3 Ins Cell for -. Fill and Stock 178. “ AnalaR ” S t anc for Laboratory Chemicals. 3rd Edn. (Review). British Drug Houses, Ltd.and Hopkin and Williams Ltd. 256. Analysis by infra-red spectroscopy. Nielsen and Smith 101. Chemical - by powder diffraction. Frevel 386. Proposed formation of a Group dealing with 168 200 228 258, Quantitative Chemical -. Student’s Hand-*Rapid micro gas -. Price and Woods 117. Simple device for quantitative ultrafiltration in chemical -. Thompson and Quigley 166. Aluminium and its Alloys. British Aluminium Co. Ltd. (Review) 138. Systematic polarographic metal --. Lingane, 65. Analytical Control Methods Precision and accuracy of colorimetric methods as -. Detmng. aluminium. Olsen Gee and McLendon 285. Aneurine Effect of commercial canning on ___ content of vegetables. Clifcorn and Heberlein, 251. Improved thiochrome method for detmng. __ in urine.Najjar and Ketron 353. in beef muscle. Comparison of values by thio-chrome reaction with axid without adsorption. Hinman Halliday and Brookes 251. Microbiological assay of - . Niven and Smiley 25. *Aniline Detmng. dimethylaniline in mixtures of - methylaniline and dimethylaniline. Has-lam and Hearn 141. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of nitro-benzene in -. Animal fat Estmng. tocopherol in serum milk, __ and plant fat. fats Hexabromide method for detcng. small quantities of linolenic acid in -. Detcng. horse meat mixed with pork or beef. Crowell, 378. Oils and Fats (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1943. 151. *tissues Detmng. cobalt in -. McNaught, 307. tissues Estmng. inositol in -. Platt and Glock 189. Anions Potentiometric detmn.of cations and __ with collodion and protamine-collodion “mem-brane electrodes.” Sollner 166. Antimony Detmng. - in tin-base alloys. Luke 357. ”Reduction of tin by metallic - etc. in pre-sence of - and copper salts. Evans and Higgs 291. *salts Reduction of tin by metallic antimony, and copper salts. etc. in presence of __ Evans and Higgs 291. trichloride method for detmng. vitamin A. Benham 279. trichloride reaction Estmng. vitamin A and carotenoids in butter fat. Comparison of direct spectrophotometry with filter photometry and -. Zscheile Nash Henry and Green 250. Antioxidant(s) Method for studying effect of -on oxidation of aqueous suspensions of un-saturated fatty acids. Banks 161. Ammonium-continued Wolf 354. physical methods of -.289 327. book. (Review) Reilly and Moynihan 360. Spectrochemical and Polarographic __ of Haslam and Cross 286. Kofler 156 xviii INDEX TO Antioxidant (s)-continued properties of nordihydroguaiaretic acid. Lund-Antiscorbutic substances New bioassay of -. Antiseptic efficiency Effect of increase in acidity Rahn and Conn 222. Apparatus for rapid polarographic analysis. Lin-berg Halvorson and Burr 223. Gould and Schwachman 160. on -. gane 323. Microchemical -. Standardisation. 139. *Micro-volumetric -. Wyatt 81. *Reflux __ for automatic dispersion of froth in detmng. fibre. Apgle tissue Detmng. sugar in -. Leonard, Meade and Dustman 20. Applied Chemistry Reports’on the Progress of --. 1942. Vol. XXVII. (Review) Society of Chemical Industry 67.Thorpe’s Dictionary of -. 4th Edn. (Re-view) Thorpe and Whiteley 104. Appointments Official 16 247. Arc Method Spectrographic analysis of copper and copper-rich alloys by -. Milbourn 101. Arginine Microbiological detmn. of amino acids. Valine and -- McMahan and Snell 188. Aromas Detmng. permeability to - of packag-ing materials. Kiermeier 387. Arsenate Quantitative micro-separation of in-organic arsenite from __ in bIood and urine. Crawford and Storey 315. Arsenite Ditto ditto. Ascorbic Acid and hip fertility in Rosa species. Gustafsson and Schroderheim 220. Fill and Stock 121. Ditto. Harrison and Jackson 220. Ditto. Melville 221. Detmng. ___ in presence of interfering sub-stances notably reductones. Levy 222. Detmng.- in presence of sulphur dioxide. Levy 133. Detmng. dehydroascorbic acid and - in plant tissues by 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine method. Roe and Oesterling 280. Effect of caramelised fructose on stability of I-. Isaac 353. Estmng. “true -” in blood. Richter and Croft 190. Specific reaction for --. Levy 133. Ash detmns. in foods with alkaline balance re-actions of alkali carbonates with calcium phosphates. Wichmann 93. Asphalted Papers Dry Indicator method for testing water-resistance of -. Mullen 324. Aspirator Portable __ for gas sampIing. Steph-enson 138. A.O.A.C. Chick Method Factors influencing -of vitamin D assay. Atmospheric ozone Continuous measurement of - . Gluckauf Heal Martin and Paneth 137. pollution Investigating - 1942-3.Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research. 49. pollution Rapid surveys of --. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research 347. Atomic Weight Detmng. average __ of rare-earth mixtures. Barthauer Russell and Pearce 30. Atropa acuminata Comparison of biological and chemical assays of A . belladonna and -. Gunn 276. Attopa belladonna Ditto ditto. “Auxins Detcng. and detmng. - in organic manures. Extracting - from manures and applications of the perchloric acid test for ,3-indolyl acetic acid and of the Went pea test. Hamence 229. Motzok and Hill 96. VOLUME 69 Azobacter species capable of infecting beer. Tosic and Walker 58. Azoyl Derivatives of sugars and separation by chromatographic adsorption. Coleman and McCloskey 127. B Bacteria Isolating lactic acid producing __ from beer.Walker and Parker 68. Bacteriological Media Selective action of tetra-thionate in -- Report to Medical Research Council. Knox Gel1 and Pollock 97. Baking Powder Food Standards (- and Golden Raising Powder) Order 1944. 49. Barium monochloroacetate Identifying mono-chloroacetic acid as -. Wilson and Keenan, 381. Barley Analysis of __ from King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Barton-Wright Booth and Pringle 1 GO. Base(s) goods Detmng. potash in fertilisers or __ in absence of ammonium salts and organic matter. Shuey 59. Non-tertiary __ in commercial nicotine. Edwards 312. Basic Groups Use of dyes for detmng. acid and in proteins. Fraenlrel-Conrat and Cooper 351. Beef Hexabromide method for detcng. small quantities of linolenic acid in animal fats.Detcng. horse meat mixed with pork or --. Crowell 378. Comparison of values by the thiochrome reaction with and without adsorption. Hinman Halliday and Brookes, 251. Nicotinic acid and riboflavin in __ extracts and corned --. Booth and Barton-Wright 219. Beer A zobacter species capable of infecting __ -_ Togic and Walker 58. Isolating lactic acid producing bacteria from -. Walker and Parker 58. Belladonna leaf Stomata1 index for distinguishing between English and Indian -__ and for characterising coca. Rowson 54. Benzene Detmng. __ in presence of cyclohexane. Bishop and Wallace 28. Substitute for __ in detmng. acid values. Gordon Gildon and Rubin 134. Benaimidazole derivatives Carbohydrate charac terisation.Identifying d-ribose Z-fucose and d-digitoxose as -. Benzoin as fluorescent qualitative reagent for zinc. White and Neustadt 30. Benzoyl Peroxide Spectrophotometric detmn. of leuco crystal violet after oxidation with .-. Seaman Norton Woods and Hugonet 322. Beryllium Photometric detmn. of - in presence of aluminium and in aluminium alloys. Stross and Osborn 358. Beverages Persistence of monochloroacetic acid in fruit juices and carbonated -. Wilson 216. Vitamin content of _I . Drummond and Moran 131. Biguanide Detmng. nickel with -. Majumdar, 100. Bile Photometric detmn. of cholates in - and blood. Irvin Johnston and Kopala 314. Biochemical Standardisation Lab. Govt. of India. 2nd Triennial Report of -. Biological fluids Estmng.mepacrine in __ and tissues. Rrodie and Undenfriend 157. *materials Bibliography on metals in foods and __ VII. Cadmium. Singer 51. VIII. Thaliium. Singer 185. muscle Aneurine in -. Dimler and Link 126. 153 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 xix Biological-continued material Detmng. zinc in - . Cholak, Hubbard and Burkey 160. Birmingham City Analysts’s Reports. H. H. Bagnall 17 125. Bismuth Detmng. ~ . Gravimetric analysis with phenylarsonic acid. Majumdar 383. Polarographic analysis of dilute solns. of -. Swinehart Garrett and McNevin 164. Bituminous Coal Detmng. surface oxidation of -. Radspiniier and Howard 29. Blackberries Citric and isocitric acids in - and dewberry hybrids. Blood Acid haematin method of detmng. haemo-globin in -. Ashford 55.Chemical luminescence test for -. Naidu and Pitchandi 98. Estmng. allantoin in -. Young MacPherson, Wentworth and Hawkins 276. Estmng “true ascorbic acid” in -. Richter and Croft 190. Micro-detmn. of volatile fatty acids in -. McClendon 379. phenols Ether extraction estmn. of --. Schmidt 23. Photometric detmn. of cholates in bile and -. Irvin Johnston and Kopala 314. plasma Separating carotene from vitamin A for detmng. vitamin A in --. Boyer Phillips and Smith 317. Quantitative micro-separation of inorganic ar-senite and arsenate in - and urine. Craw-ford and Storey 315. Spectrographic detmn. of lead in -. Tracy and McPheat 191. sugar o-phenanthroline ferrous complex as in-dicator in ceric sulphate titration of -. MacFadyen and Van Slyke 56.fluids Detmng. thiouracil in tissues and -. Williams Jandorf and Kay 278. Body fluids Applying Millon reaction to detmng. chlorophenols in ~ and tissues. Zondek, Shapiro and Hestrin 129. Boiler feedwater Sensitive indicator for vol. detmn. of __ alkalinity. Fleisher 133. Water Chemical Analysis of Waters - and Feed-Waters Sewage and Effluents. (Review), Dickinson 32 7. water Fixing and detmng. oil in feed water and -. No11 and Tomlinson 59. Bombax malabaricum Oil from seeds of -. C. V. Rao M. N. Rao and Venkateswarlu 312. Bones Neatsfoot oil from shin -. Kritzinger, 134. *Boron Two tests for -. *Bottle for sampling water a t a given depth. Brass(es) Analysis of - by vacuum distillation. Analysis of cyanide - eleotroplating solns. “Detmng.small amounts of silver in copper and Detmng. sulphur in - and bronze by combus-*Lead prints for detcng. presence and segregation -plating baths Detmng. zinc in cyanide --. Spot tests for detcng. segregated constituents in “Vol. detmn. of tin in - and bronzes after Edwards and Curl and Nelson 127. Radley 47. Bishop 48. Treadwell and Frey 163. Clarke Bradshaw and Longhurst 223. -. Higgs 270. tion method. of lead in steels and -. Miceli and Larsoa 255. __ and bronze. 284. separation of copper as oxalate. Gailer 169. Holler and Yeager 320. Evans 368. Bread (Control and Max. Prices) (No. 2) Order, 1943. 48. National flour and - 4th report from Scien-tific Adviser’s Divn. Ministry of Food. 124. Briquets Use of - for spectrographic analysis of steel.Nusbaum Fry and Hackett 226. British Aluminium Co. Ltd. Spectrochemical and Polarographic Analysis of Aluminium and its Alloys. - . (Review) 138. British Drug Houses Ltd. “AnalaK” Standards for Laboratory Chemicals. 3rd Edn. (Review). - and Hopkin and Williams Ltd. 256. British Pharmaceutical Codex 1934. 6th Supple-ment. 154. British Pharmacopoeia 1932 Alterations and amendments. 18 93 216 274. British Standards Institution Specifications : No. 410. Test sieves. 18. No. 735. Sampling and Analysis of Coal and Coke for Performance and Efficiency Tests on Industrial Plant. 274. No. 767. Sampling and Testing Gelatins. 310. No. 997 Part 2. Filtered sperm oil. 126. Bromate Simultaneous detmn. of copper and iodate - or permanganate.Hume and Kolthoff 254. Bronze(s) Detmng. sulphur in brass and - by combustion method. Holler and Yeager 320. Spot tests for detcng. segregated constituents in brass and --. 284. *Vol. detmn. of tin in brasses and __ after separation of copper as oxalate. Edwards and Gailer 169. “Burette Micrometer-controlled --. Wyatt 180. Butadiene Infra-red analysis of -. Brady 386. Butane Analysis of n- - iso- - mixtures by density method. Solomon 281. Butter Fat Detmng. - in cream and ice cream by dry extraction with chloroform. Kinsley, 310. Estmng. vitamin A and carotenoids in --. Comparison of direct spectrophotometry with filter photometry and antimony trichloride re-action. Zscheile Nash Henry and Green 250. 2.3-Butylene Glycol Detmng. glycerol and - in wine in presence of invert sugar.Hawthorne, 154. C Cacao Tannin Detmng. -. Cadmium Bibliography on metals in foods and biological materials. VII. -. Singer 51. Polarographic detmn. of copper lead and - in high-purity zinc alloys. Hawkings and Thode, 226. Spectrochemical analysis of copper and __- in ppts. of - and copper quinaldinates. Majumdar 359. Spot test for -. Humphries 21. Feigl and Miranda 255. *Calcium carbonate Estmng. added ~ (Creta Praeparata) in National flour. Greer and Dawson 14. carbonate Index for detmng. amount of ~ scale formed by a water. Iodimetric and colorimetric estmn. of ___ in serum based on improved permanganate soh. De Loureiro and Janz 316. *Manganous sulphate as catalyst in cerimetric detmn.of serum -. *Modified ceric process for detmng. serum --. Smith 14. phosphates Ash detmns. in foods with alkaline balance reactions of alkali carbonates with -. Wichmann 93. Ryznar 252. Wheatley 207 xx INDEX TO Calcium-continued Spectrographic detmn. of - in presence of large quantities of magnesium. Wood 359. Spectrographic method for small amounts of ___ in magnesium metal. Whitehead and Boyle, 386. Calculators Spectrographic analysis. Photographic aspects. Graphical - applied to plate cali-bration using relative intensities. Brommelle and Clayton 287. *Calibration of fluorimeters used for estmng. vita-mins alkaloids etc. Wokes Organ Still and Jacoby 1. Camphor Detmng. - and alcohol in spirit of -by refractive index and sp.g. Plein and Poe, 248.Cane Molasses Conditions for complete acid inver-sion in analysis of final -1 Zerban Mull and Martin 217. Canning Effect of commercial - on aneurine content of vegetables. Clifcorn and Heber-lein 251. *Cans Supposed putrefaction of golden syrup packed in metal -. Cantharidin Detmng. -. Guthrie and Brindle, 55. *Carbides Photometric detmn. of cobalt titanium and iron in unsintered metal -. Cox 235. Carbohydrate characterisation Identifying d-ribose, Z-fucose and d-digitoxose as benzimidazole derivatives. Dimler and Link 126. Carbon Detmng. - by low-pressure combustion method. Murray and Ashley 321. Detmng. - in low- - steel. Precision and accuracy of low-pressure combustion method. Gurry and Trigg 321. dioxide Detmng.- in mine dusts. Safety in Mines Research Board 19. dioxide Detmng. - in water. McKinney and Amorosi 319. "dioxide Detmng. residual - in aerating powder. Boundy and Morris 113. dioxide Gasometric apparatus for estmng. - in grain. Oxley 192, Carbonated Beverages Persistence of mono-chloroacetic acid in fruit juices and -. Wilson 216. Cardamon Study of schlerenchymatous layer. Fairbairn 53. Caramelised fructose Effect of - on stability of 1-ascorbic acid. Isaac 353. Carotene Chromatographic detmn. of - in alfalfa. Charkey and Wilgus 252. Detmng. vitamin A and ___ in milk. Rapid extraction procedure. Boyer Spitzer Jensen and Phillips 250. Separating __ from vitamin A for detmng. vitamin A in blood plasma. Boyer Phillips and Smith 317."Separation of p- - neo-/I- - and xantho-phyll of dried grass pasture grass and silage. Mann 34. Carotenoids Estmng. vitamin A and - in butter fat. Comparison of direct spectrophotometry with filter photometry and the antimony tri-chloride reaction. Zscheile Nash Henry and Green 250. Relation of concn. of vitamin A ___ and chole-sterol in milk fat to size of the fat globules. Kon Mawson and Thompson 279. CamPrice reaction Micro-estmn. of vitamin A by Casein Composition of - in milk. Ramsdell and de Whalley 242. -. Hoch 57. Whittier 351. VOLUME 69 Casein-continued Quantitative detmn. of formaldehyde in -hardened with formalin. Nitschmann Hadorn and Lauener 99. Cast Iron Electrolytic detmn. of copper in -. MacNevin and Bournique 136. Electrolytic detmn.of copper in ____ and steel. Levine and Seaman 224. *Catecho1 Tannins Macro- and micro-estmn. of pyrogallol tannins and - in presence of each other. Fuller and Nierenstein 374. Cations Potentiometric detmn. of - and anions with collodion and protamine-collodion "mem-brane electrodes." Sollner 166. "Cell for amperometric titrations. Fill and Stock 178. Cellulose(s) acetate mounts for rock and mineral fragments. Dollar 166. Detmng. acetic acid yield of acetylated -. Howlett and Martin 135. esters Detmng. plasticiser content of -. Biggs and Erickson 253. Estmng. amorphous swollen - by improved thallous ethylate method. Assap Haas and Purves 195, formals Detmng. combined formaldehyde in organic compounds and in -. Hoffpauir, Buckaloo and Guthrie 27.Relationship between - viscosities measured by the T.A.P.P.I. standard and cupriethyl-enediamine methods. Corey 359. Cereal(s) Activity of phytase in different - and resistance to dry heat. McCance and Widdow-son 249. Fillers (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. 247. "Ceric Process Modified - for detmng. serum calcium. Smith 14. Cemc Sulphate titration o-Phenanthroline ferrous complex as indicator in - of blood sugar. MacFadyen and Van Slyke 56. Terimetric Detmn. Manganous sulphate as cata-lyst in - of serum calcium. Wheatley 207. Chatham Islands Peat wax from - New Zealand. 29. Cheese (Control and Max. Prices) Order,.1943. 151. Chemical(s) " AnalaR" Standards for Laboratory -. 3rd Edn. (Review). British Drug Houses Ltd.and Hopkin and Williams Ltd., 256. analysis by powder diffraction. Analysis of Waters Boiler- and Feed-Waters, Sewage and Effluents. (Review). Dickinson, 327. Analysis Quantitative -. Student's Hand-book. (Review). Reilly and Moynihan 360. Reactions Electronic Theory and -. (Review). "Trace detcn. by spot reaction. Detcng. traces of lead in water and fine -. Feigl and Braile 147. Chemistry and Pharmacy of Vegetable Drugs. (Review) Allport 102. Inorganic - . Fritz Ephraim. 4th Edn. (Review) Thorne and Roberts 139. Reports on the Progress of Applied -. 1942. Vol. XXVII. (Review) Society of Chemical Industry 67. Source Book of Agricultural -. (Review), Browne 361. Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied -. 4th Edn. (Review) Thorpe and Whiteley 104.Chestnuts Value of horse - as food for pigs. Rraude 26. Chloramine Tests for active residual chlorine and - in water. Hallinan 222. Frevel 386. Stott 200 INDEX TO Chlorinated Xylenol Analysis of - mixtures, especially for unchlorinated phenols content. Ritchie and Hamer 382. Chlorine Tests for active residual - and chlora-mine in water. Hallinan 222. l-Chloro-2.4-dinitrobenzene Colorimetric detmn. of - as impurity in 2.4-dinitroanisole. Schech-ter and Haller 283. Chlorodyne What is -? Label calculated to mislead. (Legal Notes) 215. Chlorophenuls Applying Millon reaction to detmng. - in body fluids and tissues. Zondek, Shapiro and Hestrin 129. Cholates Photometric detmn. of - in bile and blood. Cholesterol Colorimetric estmn.of -. Sperry and Brand 131. Colorimetric estmn. of total free and ester ~ in tissue extracts. Popjak 56. Detmng. - to estimate egg solids content of noodles. Koehn and Collatz 377. Interference of sesame oil fish oil and - with polarographic detmn. of a-tocopherol. Beaver and Kaunitz 280. Relation of concn. of vitamin A carotenoids and - in milk fat to size of fat globules. Kon, Mawson and Thompson 279. Choline Microbiological estmn. of - with a mutant of Neurospora. Horowitz and Beadle, 158. Chromatographic Adsorption Azoyl derivatives of sugars and separation by -. Coleman and McCloskey 127. Iiesolution of enantiomorphs by -. Hass, de Vries and Jaff6 134. Chromium Colorimetric detmn. of - in steel. Singer and Chambers 384. Spectrographic detmn.of nickel and - in stainless steels. Coulliette 164. Spot-test for small amounts of - in steel. Williams 195. “Cider Acetyl methyl carbinol in -. Steuart 307. “Cinchonine Rhodamine B as substitute for -in tungsten detmn. Box 272. Citramalate Effect of citrate on rotation of molyb-date complexes of malate - and isocitrate. Krebs and Eggleston 28. Citrate Ditto ditto. Citric Acid and isocitric acid in blackberries and dewberry hydrids. Characteristic reactions of - and tartaric acid, Steigmann 62. Micro-titration detmn. of small amounts of -. Pucher 322. Citrus Foliage Detmng. sulphur residues from sulphur application on --. Gunther Beier and Ladue 26. Citrus Products Direct count of micro-organisms in - and powdered pectin.Stevens and Manchester 317. Closttidium acetobutylicum Detmng. p-amino-benzoic acid by assay with -. Lampen and Peterson 352. Clover Modification of picric acid method for detmng. hydrocyanic acid in white - plants. Sullivan 320. Coal Detmng. surface oxidation of bituminous. -. Radspinner and Howard 29. distillation products Detmng. phenol and m-cresol in - with the Spekker absorptiometer. Harrison 65. Sampling and Analysis of - and Coke for Per-formance and Efficiency Tests on Industrial Plant. B. S. Specn. 735. 274. Irvin Johnston and Kopala 314. Curl and Nelson 127. VOLUME 69 xxi Cobalt Detmng. - in animal tissues. McNaught, 307. Detmn. of - and its separation from nickel by the phosphate method. Schoeller 8. *Photometric detmn. of - titanium and iron in unsintered metal carbides.Coca Stomata1 index for distinguishing between English and Indian belladonna leaf and for characterising -. Rowson 54. Coffee Essences Proposed standard for -. Ministry of Food. 308. Coke Sampling and Analysis of Coal and ~ for Performance and Efficiency Tests on Industrial Plant. B.S. Specn. 735. 274. Collodion Potentiometric detmn. of cations and anions with __ and protamine- - “mem-brane electrodes.” Sollner 166. Colorimetric Procedures r Precision and accuracy of - as analytical control methods. Detmng. aluminium. Olsen Gee and McLendon 285. Colour measurement for control and research in papermaking. Edge and McKenzie 360. Cox 235. reactions for amino acids. standards Semi-permanent - for micro-estmn.of sulphonamides. Lee and Hannay, 155. Coloured Materials Potentiometric detmn. of acidity in highly -. Application to new and used petroleum lubricants containing additives. Lykken Porter Ruliffson and Tuemmler 383. Combustion Method Detmng. carbon by low-pressure -. Precision and accuracy of low-pressure -. Gurry and Trigg 321. Detmng. sulphur in brass and bronze by -. Holler and Yeager 320. Concentration Predictable - of standard solns. owing to evaporation. Liebhafsky 320. Contrast Effect of wavelength on - of photo-graphic plates in the ultra-violet. Amstein, 323. *Copper-base alloys Photometric analysis of -. Detmng. iron and manganese. *Detmng. small amounts of silver in - and brass. Higgs 270. Dithizone method for rapid colorimetric detmn.of -. Hendix and Grabenstetter 63, Electrolytic detmn. of c_ in cast iron. Mac-Nevin and Bournique 136. Electrolytic detmn. of - in cast iron and steel. Levine and Seaman 224. method Detmng. urinary amino nitrogen by -. Albanese and Irby 315. Microscopical identification of strontium am-moniunl ___ and zinc by crystalline picro-lonates. Eisenberg and Keenan 385. Micro-separation of __ from nickel by ethyl-xanthate. perchlorate Stability of solns. of- and potas-sium iodate. Kolb 165. Polarographic detmn. of - lead and cadmium in high-purity zinc alloys. Hawkings and Thode 226. Potassium ethyl xanthate as analytical reagent. Separating - from nickel. Wenger Besso and Duckert 225. quinaldinate Spectrochemical analysis of copper and cadmium in ppts.of cadmium and -. Majumdar 359. *Rapid photometric detmn. of tellurium in tellurium - alloys. Crossley 206. Tauber 193. Murray and Ashley 321. Detmng. carbon in low-carbon steel. High 375, Wenger Besso and Duckert 322 xxii INDEX TO Copper-continued "salts Reduction of tin by metallic antimony, etc. in presence of antimony and -. Evans and Higgs 291. Simultaneous detmn. of __ and iodate bromate or permanganate. Spectrochemical analysis of - and cadmium in the ppts. of cadmium and - quinaldi-nates. Majumdar 369. Spectrographic analysis of __ and - rich alloys by arc method. sulphate Action of __ on phenylosazones of sugars. Phenyl-d-glucosotriazole. Hann and Hudson 377. *Vole detmn. of tin in brasses and bronzes after separation of ___ as oxalate.Edwards and Gailer 169. Coproporphyrin Detmng. ___ in urine. Mason and Nesbitt 219. Corn Alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation of __ (maize) stalks. starch Adsorption of fatty acid by linear com-ponent of maize starch (-). Schoch and Williams 378. Cosmetic Preparations Modified Kreis test ap-plicable to -. Jones 223. Cotton Detmng. mixtures of Shirlan and p-nitro-phenol in rot-proofed - . Fancutt and Twiselton 135. Cottonseed Orange-coloured pigment of -. Boatner Caravella and Samuels 381. Count Direct ___ of micro-organisms in citrus products and powdered pectin. Stevens and Manchester 317. Coupling Component and simplified estmn of sul-phanilamide drugs. Cow Manure Identifying ~ in dairy products.Duggan 311. "Cows' Milk Daily variations in the f.pt. depres-sions of -. Xanthine oxidase activity of -. Worden, 57. Cream Detmng. butter fat in - and ice - by dry extraction with chloroform. Kinsley 3 10. (Legal Notes) Moir 17. Creasing paper for water vapour permeability tests. 527. Creatine Estmng. __ and diacetyl. Eggleton, Elsden and Gough 130. Cresol(s) Detmng. - in cresylic acid. Thomp-son and Whiffen 359. Detmng. phenol and un- - in coal distillation products with the Spekker absorptiometer. Harrison 65. Cresylic Acid Detmng. cresols in -. Thompson and Whiffen 359. *Creta Praeparata Estmng. added calcium car-bonate (-) in National flour. Greer and Dawson 14. Crucifers Detmng. mustard oils in -. Stah-mann Link and Walker 59.Cryoscopic Equation Modification to -. Brancker, Leach and Daniels 197. Crystalline Materials Quantitative detmn. of __ by X-ray diffraction. Gross and Martin 323. Crystal Violet Spectrophotometric detmn. of leuco - after oxidation with benzoyl peroxide. Seaman Norton Woods and Hugonet 322. Cucumber seeds Succinic acid dehydrogenase from - Basu and Karkun 131. Cuprieth ylenediamine method Relationship between cellulose viscosities measured by T.A.P.P.I. standard and -. Corey 359. Curry Powder Salt in -. Hume and Kolthoff 254. Milbourn 101. Creighton and Hibbert 163. Ruse and Bevan 315. Tankard and Bagnall 209. Milk with added -. (Legal Notes) 247. VOLUME 69 Cuticular Scales Staining of - of hair. David-son and Taylor 353.Cyanide(s) Analysis of - brass electroplating solns. Clarke Bradshaw and Longhurst 223. brass-plating baths Uetmng. zinc in -. Miceli and Larson 255. *p-dimethylaminobenzylidene rhodanine as in-dicator for vol. detmn. of -. Ryan and Culshaw 370. *New estmn. of micro quantities of __ and thiocyanate. Aldridge 262. Cyclohexane Detmng. benzene in presence of -. Bishop and Wallace 28. p-Cymene Detmng. a-p-dimethylstyrene in pre-sence of 9-methylstyrene styrenc and -. Elliott and Cook 193. Cysteine Detmng. - and cj-stine by Vassel's method. Mechan 159. Cystine Ditto ditto. D Dairy Products Identifying cow- manure in --. Duggan 311. D and C Blue No. 9 Detmng. and identifying 2-aminoanthraquinone in -. Evenson 312. De-aerated Water Detmng.oxygen in -. Evans and Simmons 134. Defence (General) Regulations 1939 Heat-treated Milk (Prescribed Tests) Order 1944 made by the Minister of Health under Regulation 55G of the -. 182. Order adding Regulation 55G to and amending the Third Schedule to - dated 1944. 182. Order adding Regulation 57AA to the -, dated 1944. 182. Poisons (Amendment) Rules 1944 dated Feb. 21, 1944 made by the Secretary of State under Section 23 of the Pharmacy and Poisons Act as amended by Regulation 60 HA of the -. 214. Dehydrated Fish Rapid estmn. of moisture in -. Davies and Isaac 349. Dehydrated Foods Detmng. sulphur dioxide in --. Prater Johnson Pool and Mackinney 247. Dehydroascorbic Acid Uetmng. ___ and ascorbic acid in plant tissues by 2.4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazine method.Roe and Oesterling 280. Role of phosphate in methylene blue reduction of -. Frankenthal 22 1. Dehydrogenase Glucose - from germinating seeds of green and black grams (Phaseolus radiatus and P. mungo Linn.). Basu and Karkun 130. Succinic acid __- from cucumber seeds. Basu and Karkun 131. *Demolition Dust Identifying -. Ward and Mitchell 121. Density Analysis of n-butane-isobutane mixtures by - method. Solomon 281. Dental Health Effect of fluorine on of sheep. Boddie 320. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research Investi-gation of atmospheric pollution 1942-3. 49. Dewberry Hybrids Citric and isocitric acids in blackberries and -. Curl and Eelson 127. Diacetyl Colorimetric estmn. of acetoin and -. Stotz and Raborg 23.Estmng. creatine and -. Eggleton Elsden and Gough 130. Dicarboxylic Acids Foreman method for estmng. - in protein hydrolysates. Bailey Chib-nall Rees and Williams 22. Rapid surveys of atmospheric pollution. 347 INDEX TO Dicarboxylic Amino Acids Estmng. - by titra-Estmng. -in protein hydrolysates. Cannan 277. Dichromate Colour of - solns. Kitson and Mellon 165. Dictionary Hackh's Chemical ~ . 3rd Edn. (Review) Grant 388. of Organic Compounds. (Review) Heilbron and Bunbury 227. Thorpe's __ of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn. (Review) Thorpe and Whiteley 104. l-Diethylamino-4-aminopentane Purification and gravimetric detmn. of -. d-Digitoxose Carbohydrate characterisation. Iden-tifying d-ribose 1-fucose and ~ as benzimi-dazole derivatives.Dimler and Link 126. *p-Dimethylaminobenzylidene Rhodanine as in-dicator for vol. detmn. of cyanides. Ryan and Culshaw 370. "Dimethylaniline Detmng. __ in mixtures of aniline methylaniline and -. Haslam and Hearn 141. a-p-Dimethylstyrene Detmng. - in presence of p-methylstyrene styrene and p-cymene. Elliott and Cook 193. 2-4-Dinitroanisole Colorimetric detmn. of 1-chloro-2.4-dinitrobenzene as impurity in -. Schechter and Haller 283. Colorimetric detmn. of -. Schechter and Haller 282. Dinitro-compounds Selective monoreduction of aromatic __ by alkaline sulphides and by acid stannous chloride. Hodgson 28. 2.4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine method Detmng. de-hydroascorbic acid and ascorbic acid in plant tissues by -. "Diphenylamine Estmng.small quantities of -. Barnes 344. Dirt Detmng. - in wood chips. "Distillate Electrical indicator for collecting a constant vol. of -. Fill and Stock 150. "Distillation Interchangeable micro and macro steam I_ apparatus. Hoskins 271. Distribution studies Identification of small amounts of organic compounds by -. Mepacrine. Craig 22. Dithizone method for rapid colorimetric detmn. of copper. Bendix and Grabenstetter 63. Alexander and Taylor 312. "Dogfish Detmng. unsaponifiable matter in Pacific __ liver oil by S.P.A. method. Dolomite Potentiometric detmn. of magnesium in magnesite and -. Boyle Casto and Haney, 286. *Dried Milk Detmng. vol. of gas contained in particles of __- powder. Muers and Ander-son 5. -Drinking Water(s) :'Concns.of trace metals in -. Kehoe Cholak and Largent 319. tion. Kibrick 278. Jones 356. Roe and Oesterling 280. 283. procedure for detmng. zinc in foods. Swain 376. standards in U.S.A. 186. Drugs Chemistry and Pharmacy of Vegetable --. (Review) Allport 102. Palisade ratio of official leaf - of the Solan-aceae Solanum carolinense and Phytolacca americana. Bogarosh 128. Palisade ratios for official - of the Labiatae family. Ullrich 2 1. Dry Indicator Method for testing water-resistance of asphalted papers. Mullen 324. Dust(s) Analysis of silicates and __ from the Witwatersrand gold mines. Frankel 358. "Identifying demolition - . Ward and Mitchell 121. VOLUME 69 xxiii Dust (s) -continued insecticides Properties of inorganic -; testing -.Briscoe 60. Dyes:. Use of - for detmng. acid and basic groups in proteins. Fraenkel-Conrat and Cooper 351. E Edestin :' Dicarboxylic and basic amino acids of - egg albumin and /3-lactoglobulin. Chib-nall Rees and Williams 56. Edible Oil mixtures Detcng. olive oil in -. Fitelson 94. Effluents Chemical Analysis of Waters Boiler- and Feed-Waters Sewage and -. (Review), Dickinson 327. Egg(s) albumin Dicarboxylic and basic amino acids of edestin __ and B-lactoglobulin. Chib-nall Rees and Williams 56. albumin Total nitrogen content of - etc. Chibnall Rees and IVilliams 55. Detcng. decomposition in liquid frozen and dried -. Detmng. solubility of dried whole -. Haw-thorne 154. solids content Detmng. cholesterol to estimate __ of noodles. Electrodeposition Detmng.sol. pectin and pectic acid by -. Electrolytes Base __ for polarographic detmns. Wolfson 197. Electronic Theory and Chemical Reactions. (Re-view) Stott 200. Electroplating Solutions Analysis of cyanide brass -. Clarke Bradshaw and Longhurst 223. "Ellagitamins Micro-estmn. of -. Nierenstein and Norris 241. Enantiomorphs Resolution of - by chromato-graphic adsorption. Hass de Vries and Jaffk, 134. English Belladonna Stomata1 index for distinguish-ing between - and Indian belladonna leaf and for characterising coca. Ephedrine Rapid and simple detmn. of -. Schoen 275. Ephraim Inorganic Chemistry. Fritz -. 4th Edn. (Review) Thorne and Roberts 139. Erbium Separating ___ from yttrium. Moeller "Ergometrine Isolating __ from New Zealand *Ergot Ditto ditto."Essence of Lemon. Manley and Nicholson 307. Ether Extraction estmn. of blood phenols. Schmidt, "Ethyl Alcohol Pptng. iron with ammonia in Davidsohn 374. Ethyl xanthate hilicro-separation of copper from Wenger Besso and Duckert, Euphorbia calycina Oils of seeds of - etc. Euphorbia erythraeae Ditto ditto. Europium Separating - and samarium. Marsh, 64. Evaporation Predictable concn. of standard solns. owing to -. Liebhafsky 320. Expert Witness "Subsequent offence." Function of --. (Legal Notes). 184. Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale). Vol. 11 22nd Edn. (Review) Corfield 198. Supplement to -. Vol. I 22nd Edn. (Re-view) 289. Lepper Rartram and Hillig 216. Koe!m and Collatz 377. Williams and Johnson 187.Rowson 54. and Kremers 196. Festuca ergot. Foster and Grant 271. 23. mixtures of - and water. nickel by -. 322. Henry and Grindley 3 11 xxiv INDEX TO +Eye Inflammation as only symptom of incipient hydrogen sulphide poisoning. Howes 92. F Faeces Chemical estmn. of tocopherol in liver and Hines Fanweed Seed oil. Pat(s) Animal Oils and - (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1943. 151. Applying ferric thiocyanate method to detmng. incipient rancidity in - and oils. Lips, Chapman and McFarlane 222. *Detailed analysis of back - of pig especially for C,,-, -unsaturated acids. de la Mare and Shorland 337. Detmng. butter - in cream and ice cream by dry extraction with chloroform. Kinsley 310. Detmng. gallic acid added to __ and oils. Mattil and Filer 349.Estmng. tocopherol in serum milk and animal and plant -. Kofler 156. Estmng. vitamin A and carotenoids in butter -. Comparison of direct spectrophotometry W l L l l 1 1 1 ~ ~ 1 pULumetry and antimony tri-chloride reaction. ' Zscheile Nash Henry and Green 250. Fatty acids of early and mature human milk -. Baldwin and Longenecker 352. Fatty acids of Vateria indica - (Malabar tallow). Venkatarao and Narasingarao 95. Hexabromide method for detcng. small quantities of linolenic acid in animal -. Detcng. horse meat mixed with pork or beef. Crowell, 378. Human-milk -. Fatty acids. Hilditch and Meara 316. Metabolism of -. (Review) Smedley-Maclean, 66. Occurrence of squalene in natural -. Fitelson, 94. Relation of concn. of vitamin A carotenoids and cholesterol in milk - to size of - globules.Kon Mawson and Thompson 279. muscle; tocopherol in urine and -. and Mattill 58. Clopton and Triebold 218. of SOW'S milk. Removing mustard gas from -. *Softening-pt. of -. Barnicoat 176. Spectrophotometric analysis of - . Beadle and Kraybill 358. Fatty Acid(s) Adsorption of - by linear com-ponent of maize (corn) starch. Schoch and Williams 378. Human-milk fat. __ . Hilditch and Meara, 316. Method of studying effect of antioxidants on oxidation of aqueous suspensions of unsaturated -. Banks 161. Micro-detmn. of volatile - in blood. McClen-don 379. *Mixed indicator in titrating Kleinzeller and Trim 241. of early and mature human milk fat. Baldwin and Longenecker 352. of Vateria indica fat (Malabar tallow).Venka-tarao and Narasingarao 95. Feeding Stuffs (Max. prices) Order 1943. 16. de la Mare and Shorland 188. Lockwood, 95. (Rationing) Order 1943. Amendments. 49. (Regulation of Manufacture Order) 1943. A-(Regulation of Manufacture) Order 1944. 347. mendments 182 214. Amendment 377. VOLUME 69 Feed-Water(s) Chemical Analysis of Waters Boiler-and - Sewage and Effluents. (Review), Dickinson 327. Fixing and detmng. oil in - and boiler water. No11 and Tomlinson 59. Sensitive indicator for vol. detmn. of boiler -alkalinity. Fleisher 133. Fermentation Detmng. d-galactose in plant muci-lages by selective -. Wise and Appling, 194. Foy and Thompson 129. detmng. incipient rancidity in fats and oils. Lips Chapman and McFarlane 222."Ferrous Alloys Toluene-3.4-dithiol as selective reagent for tungsten; dectng. tungsten in molybdenum and rhenium compounds and in Fertilisers Detmng. potash in - or base goods in absence of ammonium salts and organic matter. Shuey 59. Ministry of Supply Circ. No. 29 May 5 1944. 183. *Festuca Ergot Isolating ergometrine from New Zealand -. Fibre(s) dimensions Projection arrangement for detmng. -. Physical methods of separating -. LassC, 386. * Reflux apparatus for automatic dispersion of froth in detmng. -. Fill and Stock 121. Films Apparatus for measuring gas transmission through sheets and -. Filter' Photometry Estmng. vitamin A and caro-tenoids in butter fat. Comparison of direct spectrophotometry with - and the antimony trichloride reaction.Zscheile Nash Henry and Green 250. *Fine Chemicals Trace detcn. by spot reaction. Detcng. traces of lead in water and -. Feigl and Braile 147. Ferric Phytate Rapid detmn. of iron in -. Ferric Thiocyanate method Applying - to . Miller 109. -~ National Compound -. Foster and Grant 271. Graff and Feavel 197. Todd 226. Fish cakes - (Max. Prices) Order 1943. 16. (Max. Prices) (No. 2) Order 1944. oil Interference of sesame oil __ and chole-sterol with polarographic detmn. of a-tocopherol. Beaver and Kaunitz 280. Rapid estmn. of moisture in dehydrated -. Davies and Isaac 349. (Supplies to Catering Establishments) Order, 1943. Amendment. 377. tissues Quantitative extraction of laboratory samples of oils from -.Rapson Schwartz and van Rensburg 127. Flour Confectionery (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. 123. *Detmng. small additions of milk powder to -. Dawson 296. "Estmng. added calcium carbonate (Creta Praeparata) in National - . Greer and Dawson 14. Food Standards (Self-raising -) Order 1944. 49. National ~ and bread 4th Report from Scien-tific Adviser's Divn. Ministry of Food 124. Order 1944. 93. Flow Pattern Use of radon to trace __ of gases in "Fluorescence reactions Some new -. Radley, Fluorescent Reagent Benzoin as qualitative -Fluoride Colorimetric detmn. of - in waters 377. furnaces. Mayorcas and Thring 101. 15. for zinc White and Neustadt 30. with thorium and alizarin. Talvitie 58 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 xxv *Fluorimeters Calibration of - used for estmng.vitamins alkaloids etc. Wokes Organ Still and Jacoby 1. Fluorimetric Detmns. Glass standards for -. Loewenstein 101. *Fluorine Detmng. - in foods. Sub-committee of the Analytical Methods Committee 243. Effect of ___ on dental health of sheep. Boddie, 320. Water solns. of superphosphate as low- -source of phosphorus. Reynolds Pinckney and Hill 99. Foliage Detmng. sulphur residues from sulphur application on citrus -. Gunther Beier and Ladue 26. Folic Acid Streptococcus Zactis R for measurement of -. Luckey Briggs and Elvehjem 188. Food(s) Apparent vitamin C in -. Wokes, Organ Duncan .and Jacoby 191. Ash detmns. in - with alkaline balance : reactions of alkali carbonates with calcium phosphates. Wichmann 93. *Bibliography on metals in - and biological materials.VII. Cadmium. Singer 51. VIII. Thallium. Singer 185. "Detmng. fluorine in -. Sub-committee of the Analytical Methods Committee 243. *Detmng. mineral content of - by wet oxida-tion and absorptiometric methods. Milton, Hoskins and Jackman 299. Detmng. sulphur dioxide in dehydrated -. Prater Johnson Pool and Mackinney 247. Dithizone procedure for detmng. zinc in -. Alexander and Taylor 312. Insect Pests of -. (Review) Hinton Corbet and Tams 326. "Natural nutrients of fresh and manufactured -. Drummond 71. *Rcile of - legislation in securing adequate nutrition. Cox 74. "supplier's part in safeguarding nutritional values. Hughes 77. Value of horse chestnuts as __ for pigs. Braude, 26. Food Standards (Baking and Golden Raising Powder) Order 1944.49. (General Provisions) Order 19 1 i . 49. Amend-ment 247. Ministry of Food press notice 49. (Mustard) Order 1944. 49. (Preserves) Order 1944. 274. Proposed __ for coffee essences. (Self-raising Flour) Order 1944. 49. (Shredded Suet) Order 1944. 49. Standard for shredded suet. 308. Ministry of Food, Inter-departmental Committee on -. 214. Foreman Method for estmng. dicarboxylic acids in protein hydrolysates. Bailey Chibnall Rees and Williams 22. Formaldehyde Detmng. combined - in organic compounds and in cellulose formals. Hoff-pauir Buckaloo and Guthrie 27. Quantitative detmn. of - in casein hardened with formalin. Nitschmann Hadorn and Lauener 99. Formalin Ditto ditto. Formals Detmng.combined formaldehyde in organic compounds and in cellulose -. Hoffpauir Buckaloo and Guthrie 27. Formyl Group Micro-detmn. of -. Alicino, 165. "Freezing-point Depressions Daily variations in the - of cow's milk. Tankard and Bagnall, 209. *Freshness Estmng. - of canned herring from Charnley and *Froth Reflux apparatus for automatic dispersion Fill and Stock 121. Fructose Effect of caramelised - on stability of Fruit Canned __ and Vegetables Order 1944. detmns. of acid value of the oil. Davies 302. of - in detmng. fibre. Z-ascorbic acid. Isaac 353. 123. *contents of jams. Moir 343. juices Persistence of monochloroacetic acid in Wilson 216. Pulp Order 1944. 274. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Research Station, Campden. Annual Report 1943.309. Fuchsin Test Higher fatty aldehydes. Behaviour of the aldehydes and their derivatives in the -. - . Anchel and Waelsch 276. Z-Fucose Carbohydrate characterisation. Identi-fying d-ribose ~ and d-digitoxose as benzi-midazole derivatives. Furfural detmn. Iodine method for hydrolysed wood liquors. Rogers 28 1. Rice and Lieber 252. Furnaces Use of radon to trace flow pattern of gases in -. Fused Salt technique in spectrochemical analysis. Nachtrieb Johnson and Dress 165. - and carbonated beverages. Dimler and Link 126. solution temperatures of hydrocarbons. Mayorcas and Thring 101. G d-Galactose Detmng. - in plant mucilages by selective fermentation. Wise and Appling, 194. Gallic Acid Detmng. - added to fats and oils.Mattil and Filer 349. *Galls Chemical differentiation of -. Nieren-stein and von Stockert 272. *Gas(es) analysis Rapid micro -. Price and Woods 117. *Detmng. vol. of - contained in particles of dried milk powder. sampling Portable aspirator for -. Stephen-son 138. transmission Apparatus for measuring -through sheets and films. Todd 226. Use of radon to trace flow pattern of - in furnaces. Mayorcas and Thring 10 1. Tread-well and Frey 163. grain. Oxley 192. and Testing -. 310. Pilgrim 90. mann 136. Muers and Anderson 5. Gasoline Detmng. tetraethyllead in -. Gasomefric Apparatus for estmng. carbon dioxide in , Gelatin(s) British Standard Method for Sampling *Detmng. sulphur dioxide in -. ' Francis and Reactions to establish origin of -.Steig-Standards for -. SOC. of Public Analysts 106. Kitson and Mellon 255. Detmng. -. Detmng. __ in steel. Germanium Colorimetric detmn. of -. Willard and Zuehlke 286. Weissler 285. Gigartina decipiens from New Zealand as sub-stitute for Irish moss. 21. Glass Standards for fluorimetric detmns Loewen-stein 101. Glucose dehydrogenase from germinating seeds of green and black grams (Phaseolus radiatus and P. mungo Linn.). Photometric adaptation of Somogyi method for detmng. -. Nelson 313. Basu and Karkun 130 xxvi INDEX TO Glntamic Acid Detmng. - in proteins. Olcott, 313. Glycerol Detmng. by pyridine-acetylation method. Moore and Blank 62. Detmng. - and 2.3-butylene glycol in wine in presence of invert sugar. Glycollic Acid Micro-detmn.of - and oxalic acid. Calkins 161. Glycols Rapid colorimetric estmn. of - in air. Wise Puck and Stral 28. Gold Mines Analysis of silicates and dusts from the Witwatersrand --. Frankel 358. Golden Raising Powder Food Standards (Baking and -) Order 1944. 49. *Golden Syrup Supposed putrefaction of -packed in metal cans. Grain Gasometric apparatus for estmng. carbon dioxide in -. Oxley 192. Grams Glucose dehydrogenase from germinating seeds of green and black __ (Phnseolus radiatus and P. mungo Linn.). Basu and Karkun 130. Granular Materials Detmng. rugosity of -. Robertson and Emodi 66. *Grass Separation of p-carotene neo- p-carotene and xanthophyll of dried - pasture -and silage. Mann 34. Griess Reagent Detmng. nitrite with -.Sundara Ras 358. Groundwood Pulps Stain reaction of unbleached and bleached -. Graff 254. Hoepe 154. de Whalley 242. H Hackh's Chemical Dictionary 3rd Edn. (Review), Grant 388. "Hadley's Method Photometric detmn. of silicon in aluminium alloys -. Stross 44. Haematin method Acid - of detmng. haemo-globin in blood. Ashford 55. Haemoglobin Accuracy of - methods. King, Gilchrist and Delory 219. Acid haematin method of detmng. __ in blood. Ashford 55. Estmng. __ by photometric absorptiometers. Peterson and Strangeways 129. Hair Staining of cuticular scales of -. David-son and Taylor 353. Halides Qualitative analysis of mixed -. Jones 65. Halogen Detmng. ___ in organic compounds. Winter 26. *Mercuric oxycyanide as reagent in micro-analy-sis.IJse in detmng. sulphur in organic sub-stances ionic - and alkoxyl. Ingram 265. Health Nutrition and National -. (Review), McCarrison 360. Hemicellulose Photometric detmn. of -. Barton and Prutton 386. "Herring Estmng. freshness of canned __ from detmns. of acid value of oil. Charnley and Davies 302. Hexabromide Method for detcng. small quantities of linolenic acid in animal fats. Detcng. horse meat mixed with pork or beef. Crowell 378. Hip(s) fertility Ascorbic acid and - in Rosa species. Gustafsson and Schroderheim 220. Ditto. Harrison and Jackson 220. Ditto. Melville 221. Vitamins from rose - . Wokes Jbhnson, Home Office Provisional and Statutory Rules and Duncan Organ and Jacoby 133. Orders Poisons 2 14. VOLUME 69 Honey B-vitamins in -.Kitzes Schuette and Elvehjem 96. Hopkin and Williams Ltd. "AnalaR" Standards for Laboratory Chemicals. 3rd Edn. (Re-view) British Drug Houses Ltd. and - 256. Hops Detmng. alpha resin content of -. Rabak 95. Horse Chestnuts Value of ___ as food for pigs. Braude 26. Horse Meat Hexabromide method for detcng. small quantities of linolenic acid in animal fats. Detcng. ~ mixed with pork or beef. Crowell 378. Human-milk fat. Fatty acids. Hilditch and Meara 316. Bald-win and Longenecker 352. Humidity Effect of __ on physical props. of paper. Carson 324. Hydrocarbons Furfural soln. temps. of -. Rice and Lieber 252. Hydrocyanic Acid Modification of picric acid method for detmn. ___ in white clover plants. Sullivan 320. Hydrofluoric Acid Analysis of anhydrous -.Sherry Swinehart Dunphy and Ogburn 384. Hydrogen Peroxide Eliminating nitrate impurity from -. Cantino -325. "Hydrogen Snlphide poisoning Eye inflammation as only symptom of incipient -. Howes 92. Hydroxylation l'olysaccharide __ by p-toluene-sulphonyl chloride and triphenylchloromethane. Low and White 134. "Hypophosphorous Acid reduction of tin. Im-proved procedure and notes on mechanism. Evans and Higgs 201. Organic Reagents for Metals. (Review) 31. Fatty acids of early and mature ~ fat. I Ice cream Detmng. butter fat in cream and -by dry extraction with chloroform. Kinsley, 310. Impurity(ies) Eliminating nitrate - from hy-drogen peroxide. Cantino 225. Spectrographic detmn. of small amounts of -in magnesium chloride.Wilson 286. 'Index for detmng. amount of calcium carbonate scale formed by a water. Ryznar 252. India Govt. of -. 2nd Triennial Report of Riocheniical Standardisation Lab. 153. Indian belladonna Stomata1 index for distinguish-ing between English and - leaf and for characterising coca. Rowson 54. Indian Gooseberry Vitamin C in plants. -. (Phyllaizfhus emblica). Srinivasan 252. *Indicator p-Dimethylaminobenzylidene rhoda-nine as __ for vol. detmn. of cyanides. Ryan and Culshaw 370. *Electrical - for collecting a. constant vol. of distillate. Fill and Stock 150. *Mixed - in titrating fatty acids. Klein-zeller and Trim 241. Sensitive __ for vol. detmn. of boiler feedwater alkalinity. Fleisher 133. Indium sulphate Reaction of - with potassium chromate.Stubbs 196. "Indole Detcng. - with xanthydrol. Fearon, 122, * P-Indolyl Acetic .Acid Detcng. and detmng. auxins in organic manures. Extracting auxins from manures and applications of the per-chloric acid test for ___ and of the Went pea test. Hamence 229 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 xxvii Infra-red analysis of butadiene. spectroscopy Analysis by -. Nielsen and Smith 101. Inorganic Chemistry. Fritz Ephraim. 4th Edn. (Review) Thorne and Roberts 139. Inorganic Dusts Properties of -; testing dust insecticides. Briscoe 60. Inositol Estmng. ~ in animal tissues. Platt and Glock 189. Insecticides Properties of inorganic dusts ; testing dust -. Briscoe 60. Insect. Pests of Food. (Review) Hinton Corbet and Tams 326. Intensities Spectrographic analysis.Photo-graphic aspects Graphical calculators applied to plate calibration using relative -. Brommelle and Clayton 287. Inulin Photometric micro-estmn. of - in serum and urine. Inversion Conditions for complete acid - in analysis of final cane molasses. Zerban Mull and Martin 217. Invert Sugar Detmng. glycerol and 2.3-butylene glycol in wine in presence of -. Haw-thorne 154. Iodate Simultaneous detmn. of copper and -, bromate or permanganate. Hume and Kolt-hoff 254. Iodimetric Estmn. of zinc in magnesium alloys. Casto and Boyle 63. "Iodine Oxidising sulphur compounds with - in alkaline soln. Frost 90. value Detmng. - of whole phospholipid. Maclachlan 188. Iris germanica Vitamin' C in plants. Iris (--). Baumann 251.Irish Moss Gigartina decipiens from New Zealand as substitute for -. 21. Iron Colorimetric detmn. of -. Yoe and Jones, 255. Detmng. - with nitroso-R-salt. Sideris, Young and Chun 285. Detmng. ~ with o-phenanthroline. Baudemer and Schaible 320. Detmng. sulphur and phosphorus in pig -. Iron and Steel Institute Blast Furnace Com-mittee Blast Furnace Materials Analysis Sub-Committee 125. Electrolytic detmn. of copper in cast -. MacNevin and Bournique 136. Electrolytic detmn. of copper in cast ~ and steel. Levine and Seaman 224. *Photometric analysis of copper-base alloys. Detmng. __ and manganese. *Photometric detmn. of cobalt titanium and -in unsintered metal carbides. *Pptng. - with ammonia in mixtures of ethyl alcohol and water. Davidsohn 374.Qualitative - reactions. Wenger and Duckert, 284. Rapid detmn. of __ in ferric phytate. Foy and Thompson 129. Val. detmn. of ~ with the silver reductor. Henry and Gelbach 164. Iron and Steel Institute Detmng. sulphur and phosphorus in pig iron. Blast Furnace Com-mittee Blast Furnace Materials Analysis Sub-Committee 125. Work of Joint Research Committees 1924-1943. 20. Isocitrate Effect of citrate on rotation of molyb-date complexes of malate citramalate and -. Krebs and Eggleston 28. Brady 386. Ranney and McCune 130. High 375. Cox 235. Isocitric Acid Citric acid and __ in blackberries and dewberry hybrids. Curl and Nelson 127. Isoleucine Microbiolcgical detmn. of amino acids. Valine leucine and -. Kuiken Norman, Lyman Hale and Blotter 156.J *Jams Fruit contents of -. Jurisprudence Medical ~ and Toxicology. Moir 343. 7th Edn. (Review) GIaister 102. K Karl Fischer Reagent Detmng. amino alcohols by Kent County Analyst's report. Kerr Test Evaluation of modified Renard and -for detmng. peanut oil. Voorhies and Bauer, 52. 5-Keto-d-gluconic Acid Direct detmn. of -. Militzer 380. Ketone Bodies Micro-detmn. of acetone and -. Greenberg and Lester 380. 17-Ketosteroids Urinary ___ in metabolism. Standardised chemical estmn. Cahen and Salter 316. King Tutankhamen Analysis of barley from -l-'s tomb. Barton-Wright Booth and Pringle, 160. Kingston upon Hull Report of City Analyst. Bagnall 125. Kraft Paper mill liquors Detmng. sulphide sulphur in -. Kreis Test Modified - applicable to cosmetic prepns.Jones 223. -. Smith Mitchell and Hawkins 383. Arnaud 152. Borlew and Pascoe 321. L Labelling of Food Order 1944. Labiatae Family Palisade ratios for official drugs of the -. Ullrich 21. Laboratory Samples Quantitative extraction of - of oils from fish tissues. Rapson, Schwartz and van Kensburg 127. Lactic Acid Isolating - producing bacteria from beer. Walker and Parker 58. Lactobacillus casei Microbiological analysis of 7 amino acids with -. Shankman Dunn and Rubin 157. ,%Lactoglobulin Dicarboxylic and basic amino acids of edestin egg albumin and -. Chib-nall Rees and Williams 56. Lanthanum Nitrite Basic -. Lard Thermal decomposition of -. *Lead Detmng. - as molybdate. 273 346. Sherwood 321.. Larsen and Holness 145. Polarographic detmn. of copper 1_ and cad-mium in high-purity zinc alloys. Hawkings and Thode 226. *prints for detcng. presence and segregation of - in steels and brasses. Spectrographic detmn. of - in blood. Tracy and RlcPheat 191. Spectrographic detmn. of ~ in pectinous materials. Jeppesen Eastmond and Logan, 385. tetraacetate oxidations in the sugar group. Hockett Dienes and Ramsden 61. "Trace detcn. by spot reaction. Detcng. traces of - in water and fine chemicals. Feigl and Braile 147. Morris 127. Evans 368 xxviii INDEX TO Lead Pipes Measuring potential difference for Atkins 354. *Lecithin Analysis of commercial -. Hutt and Legal Notes 17 124 184 215 247. *Legislation R81e of food - in securing adequate nutrition.Cox 74. *Lemon Essence of -. Manley and Nicholson, 307. Leucine Microbiological detmn. of amino acids. Valine - and iso-. Kuiken Norman, Lyman Hale and Blotter 156. Leuco Crystal Violet Spectrophotometric detmn. of - after oxidation with benzoyl peroxide. Seaman Norton Woods and Hugonet 322. Lignin Detmng. - in wood. Line Pairs Compendium of - and operating conditions in spectrographic analysis. Hodge, 196. Linolenic Acid Hexabromide method for detcng. small quantities of - in animal fats. Detcng. horse meat mixed with pork or beef. Crowell, 378. Liquids Luminescence of - and Solids and its Practical Applications. (Review) Pringsheim and Vogel 167. Liver Chemical estmn. of tocopherol in - and muscle; tocopherol in urine and faeces.Hines and Mattill 58. Extracting oil and vitamin A . i n shark -analysis. Xylene centrifuge method. Sycheff, 250. extracts for parenteral use. *oil Detmng. unsaponifiable matter in Pacific dogfish - by the S.P.A. method. Swain 376. Luminescence of Liquids and Solids and its Practical Applications. (Review) Pringsheim and Vogel 167. test Chemical - for blood. Naidu and Pitchandi 98. studying action of water on -. Weatherall 39. 254. Markwell. 53. M Madras City Analyst's Report. Venkatachalam, 183. Magnesite Potentiometric detmn. of magnesium in - and dolomite. Boyle Cast3 and Haney, 286. Miller, Boyle and Neill 256. alloys Iodimetric estmn. of zinc in -. Casto and Boyle 63. alloys Modified basic succinate estmn.of alu-minium in -. alloys Photometric estmn. of silicon in mag-nesium and -. alloys Rapid electrolytic detmn. of zinc in -. Weinberg and Boyd 357. chloride Spectrographic detmn. of small amounts of impurities in -. Potentiometric detmn. of - in magnesite and dolomite. Spectrographic detmn. of calcium in presence of large quantities of -. Spectrographic method for small amounts of calcium in - metal Whitehead and Boyle, 386. Maize Alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation of corn (-) stalks. starch Adsorption of fatty acid by linear com-ponent of - (corn starch). Schoch and Williams 378. Malabar Tallew Fatty acids of Vateria indica fat (-). Venkatarao and. Narasingarao 95. Magnesium alloys Detmng. zinc in -. Boyle and Musser 64. Boyle and Hughey 65.Wilson 286. Boyle Casto and Haney 286. Wood 359. Creighton and Hibbert 163. VOLUME 69 Malate Effect of citrate on rotation of molybdate complexes of - citramalate and isocitrate. Krebs and Eggleston 28. Malt Extract Constituents of I_ . Organ, Duncan Westbrook and Wokes 62. Manganese Photometric analysis of copper-base alloys. Detmng. iron and -. High 375-Separating - from other metals by pyridine. Watters and Kolthoff 224. Spot test for detcng. - in steel. "Manganous Sulphate as catalyst in cerimetrie detmn. of serum calcium. *Manure@) Detcng. and detmng. auxins in o'rganic -. Extracting auxins from - and ap-plications of the perchloric acid test for 8-indolyl acetic acid and of the Went pea test. Hamence 229. Identifying cow ___ in dairy products.Duggan, 311. Martindale Extra Pharmacopoeia (-) . Vol. 11. 22nd Edn. (Review) Corfield 198. Supyle-ment Vol. I. 289. Meat - Products Canned Soup and Canned __ (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944.273 Mechanical Modification New test for estmng. small amounts of __ in wool materials-Whewell and Woods 253. Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. 7th Edn. (Review) Glaister 102. Medical Research Council Selective action of tetra-thionate in bacteriological media Report to -. Knox Gel1 and Pollock 97. Membrane Electrodes Potentiometric detmn. of cations and anions with collodion and pro-tamine-collodion ' ' y ' ' . Sollner 166. Mepacrine Estmng. - in biological fluids and tissues. Brodie and Undenfriend 157. Identifying small amounts of organic compounds by distribution studies.- . Craig 22. Mercuric Chloride Detmng. tin with -. Fair-child 63. *Mercuric Oxycganide as reagent in micro-analysis. Use in detmng. sulphur in organic substances, ionic halogen and alkoxyl. Mercury Detmng. __ in rubber. Metabolism of Fat. (Review) Smedley-Maclean, 66. Urinary 17-ketosteroids in -. Standardised chemical estmn. Metal@) analysis Systematic polarographic -Lingane 65. *Bibliography on - in foods and biological materials. VII. Cadmium. Singer 51. VIII. Thallium. Singer 185. carbides Photometric detmn. of cobalt titanium and iron in unsintered -. Colorimetric Detmn. of Traces of -. (Re-view) Sandell 325. Concn. of trace ~ in drinking waters. Kehoe, Cholak and Largent 319.Organic Reagents for -. 4th Edn. (Re-view) Research Lab. of Hopkin and Williams, Ltd. 31. *Reduction of tin by metallic antimony and other - in presence of antimony and copper salts. Evans and Higgs 291. pyridine. Watters a'nd Kolthoff 224. source unit. 158. Assay Report of 1942-3 -. 30. Wheatley 207. Ingram 265. Luke 29. Cahen and Salter 316. Cox 235. Separating manganese from. other - by Spectrochemical analysis of - with multi-Methionine Iodimetric detmn. of -. Lavine, Methods of Analysis Sub-Committee on Riboflavin -4ndrews 96. Hasler and Kemp 226 INDEX TO *Methylaniline Detmng. dimethylaniline in mix-tures of aniline - and diniethylaniline. Haslani and Hearn 141. Methylated Methylglycosides Separating - by adsorption on alumina.Jones 356. Methylene Blue Assay of -. reduction Role of phosphate in __ of dehydro-ascorbic acid. Frankenthal 22 1. Methylglycosides Separating methylated ~ by adsorption on alumina. Jones 356. 2-Methyl-1.4-naphthoquinone Identifying -. Novelli and Conticello 383. N1-Methylnicotinamide Rapid estmn. of - in urine. Huff and Perlzweig 159. p-Methylstyrene Detmng. cc-p-dimethylstyrene in presence of - styrene and p-cymene. Elliott and. Cook i93. N-Methyl Derivatives of nicotinic acid Direct estmn. of __ in urine. Sarrett. 24. Methyl Groups Detning. carbon-linked -. Barthel and LaForge 355. *Micro-malysis Mercuric oxycyanide as reagent in -. Use in detmng. sulphur in organic sub-stances ionic halogen and alkoxyl. Ingram, 265.:>Microbiological Assays of riboflavin nicotinic acid, etc. Kent- Jones and Meiltlejohn 330 372. Microchemical Apparatus. Standardisation. 139. Micro-combustion Silver vanadate in - of "Micro-determination of alkoxyl values. Houghton *Micro Gas Analysis Rapid -. Price and *Micrometer-controlled Burette. Wyatt 180. *Micro-methods in analytical chemistry. Matthews, 329. Micro-organisms Direct count of __ in citrus products and powdered pectin. Stevens and blanchester 317. *Micro-pyknometer. Houghton 345. Microscopical Identification of sodium and potassium by their crystalline picrolonates. Eisenberg and Keenan 225. Microscopiaal Properties of crystalline water-sol. vitamins. Keenan 96. "Micro-stirrer Vacuum-operated -. Fill and Stock 212."Micro-volumetric Apparatus. Wyatt 8 1. "Milk Analysis of sour -. Fcrrey 54. organic compounds Ingram 61. and Wilson 363. Woods 117. Macdonald 173. Composition of casein in -. Ramsdell and Whittier 35 1 . "Daily 1-ariations in the f.pt. depressions of cows' -. Tankard and Bagnall 209. 1)etning. vitamin A and carotene in -. Rapid cxtraction procedure. Boyer Spitzer Jensen and Phillips 250. Estmng. tocopherol in serum - and animal and plant fat. Kofler 156. Fat of soiv's de la Mare and Shorland 188. Fatty acids of early and mature human - fat. Baldwin and Longenecker 352. Heat-treated __ (Prescribed Tests) Order 1944. Ministry of Health 182. Human __ fat. Fatty acids. Hilditch and Meara 316. '#powder Detmng. small additions of - to flour.Dawson 296. *powder Detmng. vol. of gas contained in par-ticles of dried -. Muers .and Anderson 5. Relation of concn. of vitamin A carotenoids and cholesterol in - fat to size of fat globules. Kon Mawson and Thompson 279. with added cream. (Legal Notes) Moir 17. VOLUME 69 xxix Milk-continued Xanthine oxidase activity of cow s -. Worden, 57. Millon Reaction Applying __ to detmng. chloro-phenols in body fluids and tissues. Zondek, Shapiro and Hestrin 129. Mine Dusts Detmng. carbon dioxide in -. Safety in &lines Research Board 19. *Mineral Content Detmng. __ of foods by wet oxidation and absorptiometiic methods. Mil-ton Hoskins and Jackman 299. Mineral Fragments Cellulose acetate mounts for rock and -. Dollar 166. Ministry of Food Orders Circulars etc.: Animal oils and fats 151. Baking and golden raising powder 49. Bread 48. Bread National 124. Cereal fillers 247. Cheese 151. Coffee essencps 308. Feeding stuffs 16 19 182 214 347 377. Fish 377. Fish cakes 16. Flour 93. Flour STaticnal 124. Flour self-raising 49. Flour confectionery 123. Food labelling of -- 273 340. Food standards 49 lt51 214 247 274 :KM. Fruit canned 123. Fruit pulp 274. Meat canned 273. Meat products 273. Mustard 49 151. Nuts 214. Pickles 308. Preserves 274. Retail prices 123. Saccharin 03. Sauces 308. Soap 151 274. Soft drinks 151. Soup canned 275. Starch food powders 182. Suet shredded 49 214. Vegetables canned 123. Vinegar 182. Ministry of Food 4th Report from the Scientific A4dviser's Divn.National flour and bread. 124. Ministry of Fuel and Power Annual Report of Safety in Mines Research Board 1943. Ministry of Health Statutory Rules and Grders : Heat-treated Milk (Prescribed Tests) Order, 1944. 182. Ministry of Supply National Compound Fertilisers. Circ. No. 29 May 5 1944. Moisture in potato starch. Porter and Willits, 217. navies and Isaac 349. Molasses Conditions for completc acid inversion in analysis af final cane -. Zerban Mull and Martin 217. "Molybdate Detmng. lead as - . Holness, 1 4 5 . complexes Effect of citrate on rotation of -of malate citramalate and isocitrate. Krebs and Eggieston 28. Molybdenum Detmng. small amounts of - in plants and soils. Nichols and Rogers 224. "blue Absorptiometric demn.of phosphorus by __ method. McClelland and Hardwick 305. 50. 183. Rapid estmn. of - in dehydrated fish xxx INDEX TO Molybdenum-continued *compounds Toluene-3.4-dithiol as selective reagent for tungsten dectng. tungsten in -and rhenium compounds and in ferrous alloys. Miller 109. Monochloroacetic Acid Identifying - as barium monochloroacetate. Wilson and Keenan 381. Persistence of ~ in fruit juices and carbonated beverages. Wilson 2 16. Monoreduction Selective - of aromatic dinitro-compounds by alkaline sulphides and by acid stannous chloride. Hodgson 28. Mounts Cellulose acetate __ for rock and mineral fragments. Dollar 166. Mucilages Detmng. d-galactose in plant - by selective fermentation. Wise and Appling, 194.Multiplier Photo-tubes Applying ~ to quantita-tive spectrochemical analysis. Boettner and Brewington 226. Multisource Unit Spectrochemical analysis of metals with the -. Hasler and Kemp 226. Muscle Aneurine in beef -. Comparison of values by thiochrome reaction with and without ad-sorption. Hinman Halliday and Brookes 251. Chemical estmn. of tocopherols in liver and -. Tocopherol in urine and faeces. Hines and Mattill 58. 49. 151. Lockwood, Stah-Mustard Food Standards (-) Order 1944. Food Standards (-) (No. 2) Order 1944. Mustard Gas Removing- from fats. 95. Mustard Oils Detmng. - in crucifers. mann Link and Walker 59. N Nasturtium Vitamin C in plants. __ (Tropaeolum majzis). Sutherland 251. *National Flour Estmng. added calcium carbonate (Creta Praeparata) in -.Greer and Dawson, 14. Neatsfoot Oil from shin bones. Icritzinger 134. *Neo- /3-carotene Separation of /3-carotene -and xanthophyll of dried grass pasture grass and silage. Mann 34. Neurospora assay for pyridoxine. Stokes Larsen, Woodward and Foster 25. Neurospora Microbiological estmn. of choline with a mutant of -. Horowitz and Beadle 168. New Zealand Gigartina decipiens from __ as substitute for Irish moss. 21. *Isolating ergometrine from - Festuca ergot. Foster and Grant 271. Peat wax from Chatham Islands -. 29. Nickel alloys Identifying sulphides in nickel and Colorimetric detmn. of in steel. Mauzy and Detmng. - with biguanide. Majumdar 100. *Detmn. of cobalt and its separation from -by the phosphate method.Micro-separation of copper from - by ethyl-xanthate. Wenger Besso and Duckert 322. nitrate Photometric detmn. of sulphate in -. von Stein 196. Potassium ethyl xanthate as analytical reagent. Separating copper from -. Wenger Besso and Duckert 225. Spectrographic detmn. of - and chromium in stainless steels. Coulliette 164. Nickelous-ammonia Stability of - colour system. Mehlig and Kitson 31. -. Hall 31. Yellin 284. Schoeller 8. VOLUME 69 Nicotinarnide methochloride Estmng. - in ' urine. Nicotine Uetmng. - and nornicotine in tobaccos. Bowen and Barthel 155. Non-tertiary bases in commercial -. Edwards, 312. Quantitative detmn. of - and nornicotine in mixtures. Larson and Haag 248. Nicotinic Acid and riboflavin in beef extracts and corned beef.Booth and Barton-Wright 219. Colorimetric detmn. of -. Teeri and Shimer, 317. Direct estmn. of K-methyl derivatives of - in urine. Sarrett 24. *Microbiological assays of riboflavin - etc. Kent- Jones and Meiklejohn 330 372. New modification of p-aminoacetophecone method for estmng. __ in urine. Wang and Kodicek, 132. *Nierenstein's Micro-estmn. of Tannin Standard-ising tannin used for comparison in -. Mitchell 92. Ninhydrin Detmng. ammonia evolved from ct-amino acids by -. Nitrate Detmng. ~ nitrite and ammonium nitrogen in soil and plant extracts. \Volf 354. Eliminating - impurity from hydrogen peroxide. Cantino 225. Nitric Oxide Gasometric detmn. of -. Le Roy and Steacie 320. Nitrite Detmng. nitrate __ and amtnoniuni nitrogen in soil and plant extracts.Wolf 354. Detmng. - with the Griess reagent. Sundara. Ras 358. Nitrobenzene Alkaline ~ oxidation of corn (maize) stalks. Application of alkaline ___ oxidation of plant materials to taxonomic classification. Creigh-ton Gibbs and Hibbert 162. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of - in aniline. Haslam and Cross 286. Nitrogen Anomalous amino - values. Carter and Dickman 55. content Total - of egg albuniin and other proteins. Chibnall Kees and Williams 65. Detmng. nitrate nitrite and ammonium __ in soil and plant extracts.- Wolf 354. Detmng. urinary amino - by copper mcthcd. Albanese and Irby 315. p-Nitrophenol Detmng. mixtures of Shirlan and __ in rot-proofed cotton. Fancutt and Twiselton 135. Nitroso-R-salt Detmng.iron with -. Sideris, Young and Chun 285. Nomenclature of alloys. 223. Noodles Detmng. cholesterol to estimate egg solids content of -. Koehn and Collatz 377. Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid Antioxidan i properties of -. Lundberg Halvorson and Hurr 223. Nornicotine Detmng. nicotine and - in tobaccos. Bowen and Barthel 155. Quantitative detmn. of nicotine and __ in mixtures. Larson and Haag 248. *Nutrient Factors Microbiological assays of ribo-flavin nicotinic acid and other -. Kcnt-Jones and Meiklejohn 330 372. *Nutrients Natural __ of fresh and manufactured foods. Drummond 7 1. Nutrition and National Health. (Review) McCar-rison 360. *R61e of food legislation in securing adequate -. cox 74. *Nutritional Values Food supplier's part in safe-guarding -.Hughes 77. Coulson Ellinger and Holden 313. MacFadyen 313. Creighton and Hibbert 163 INDEX TO Nuts Order amending the __ (Control and Max. Nnx Vomica Detmng. - in the form of powder. Prices) Order 1942. 214. Wallis and Fairbairn 275. 0 Obituary : Clark R. M. 106. Clough G. W. 330. Cooksey L. 1 106. Dawson F. A. 330. Elliott M. B. 33 106. Ford J . S. 169. Fox J. J . 363. Golding J. 69 106. Jackson F. W. 106. Jaff6 A. 106. Liversedge S. G. 169. PITacNair J . A . 106. hqessenger W. G. 106. Parry E. J . 169. Redgrove H. S. 106. Smith H. L. 106. Suckling E. V. 363. Swinden T. 330. Wallis K. 106. Wilson H. A. R. 363. Woodhead S. A. 106. Ocimum kilimandscharicum Oils of seeds of - etc. Octadecenoic Acids Isolation and props.of natur-ally-occurring ___ (oleic acids). Millican and Brown 381. Oestradiol Estmng. total oestrone and - from tissue sources. Oestrone :',Ditto ditto. Offence Subsequent -." Function of expert witness. (Legal Notes) 184. Oil(s) Acids of seal -. Burke and Jasperson, 350. Animal - and Fats (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1943. 151. Applying ferric thiocyanate method to detmng. incipient rancidity in fats and -. Lips, Chapman and McFar-lane 222. Cetcng. adulteration of olive - used in packing Maine sardines. Voth 378. Iktcng. olive - in edible - mixtures. Fitelson 94. Iletmng. gallic acid added -to fats and -Mattil and Filer 349. "Detmng. unsaponifiable matter in Pacific dog-fish liver __ by S.P.A. method.Swain 376. Effect of relative humidity on detmn. of - in soya beans. *Estmng. freshness of canned herring from detmns. cf acid value of -. Charnley and navies 302. Extracting -__ and vitamin A in shark liver analysis. Xylene centrifuge method. Sycheff, 250. Fanweed seed -. Clopton and Triebold 218. Filtered sperm -. B.S.I. Specn. for -. 126. Fixing and detmng. - in feed water and boiler water. No11 and Tomlinson 59. from seeds of Bornbax malabaricum. C. V. Rao, hl. N. Kao and Venkateswarlu 312. Neatsfoot - from shin bones. Kritzinger 134. of seeds of Ocimurn kilirnandscharicum Euphorbia calycina E. erythraeae Sterculia tomentosa and I'richilia enzetica. Henry and Grindley 311. Szego and Samuels 159. Krober and Collins 218. Henry and Grindley 31 1.VOLUME 69 xxxi Oil(s)-continued Quantitative extraction of laboratory samples of ___ from fish tissues. Rapson Schwartz and van Rensburg 127. Spectrophotometric and biological assay of vitamin A in -. Coy Sassaman and Black, 24. Oil-modified Alkyd Resins Detmng. total phthalic anhydride in -. Goldberg 253. Oleic Acids Isolation and props. of naturally-occurring octadecenoic acids (-). Millican and Brown 381. Olive Oil Detcng. adulteration of __ used in packing Maine sardines. Vcth 378. Fitelson 94. Ores Detmng. tungsten in low-grade tungsten -. Organic Compounds Detmng. combined formalde-Hoff-Detcng. - in edible oil mixtures. Grimaldi and Ncrth 100. hyde in ___ and in cellulose formals. pauir Buckaloo and Guthrie 27.Detmng. halogen in -. Dictionary of --. (Review) Heilbron and Bunbury 227. Identification of small amounts of - by dis-tribution studies. Mepacrine. Craig 22. Silver vanadate in micro-combustion of -. Ingram 61. Organic Reagents for Metals. 4th Edn. (Review), Research Lab. of Hopkin and Williams Ltd., 31. *Organic Substances Mercuric oxycyanide as re-agent in micro-analysis. Use in detmng. sulphur in - ionic halogen and alkoxyl. Ingram 265. Osmium Colorimetric detmn. of -. Sandell, 285. Oxalate Vol. detmn. of zinc as -. Elving and Lamkin 255. Oxalic Acid Detmng. ___ in urine. Powers and Levatin 379. Calkins 161. Oxidase Xanthine - activity of cow's milk. Worden 57. Oxidation(s) Alkaline nitrobenzene __ of corn (maize) stalks. Applying alkaline nitrobenzene I_ of plant materials to taxonomic classification.Creigh-ton Gibbs and Hibbert 162. "Detmng. mineral content of foods by wet ~ and absorptiometric methods. Milton Hoskins and Jackman 299. Detmng. surface ~ of bituminous coal. Radspinner and Howard 29. Lead tetraacetate ~ in the sugar group. Hockett Jlienes and Ramsden 61. Method of studying effect of anti-oxidants on -of aqueous suspensions of unsaturated fatty acids. Banks 161. *of sulphur compounds with iodine in alkaline soln. Frost 90. Oxygen Detmng. ~ in de-aerated water. Evans and Simmons 134. Ozone Continuous measurement of atmospheric -. Gluckauf Heal Martin and Paneth 137. Winter 26. Micro-detmn. of glycollic and -, Creighton and Hibbert 163. P Pachyrrizus erosus Rotenone in yam bean.(-). Xorton 161. *Pacific Dogfish Detmng. unsaponifiable matter in - liver oil by S.P.A. method. Swain 376. Packaging Materials Detmng. permeability to aromas of -. Kiermeier 387 xxxii INDEX TO Palisade Ranges Senna leaflets palisade ratios and __- George 54. Palisade katio(s) of oficial leaf drugs of Solanaceae, Solanum carolinense and Phytolacca anzericana. Bogarosh 128. for official drugs of Labiatae family. Ullrich 21. Senna leaflets - and ranges. Pamaquin Assay of -. Rallard and Pierce 275. Paper(s) Creasing - for water vapour permeability Detmn. wet tensile breaking strength of - and Dry indicator method of testing water-resistance Efiect of humidity on physical props. of -. Measuring permeability of - and paperboard.Paperboard Detmng. wet tensile breaking strength 166. Papermaking Colour measurement for control and research in -. Pathological Urines Quantitative estmn. of uro-porphyrin in -. Rimington 24. Peanut Oil Evaluation of modified Renard and Kerr tests for detmng. -. Voorhies and Bauer 52. Peat Wax from Chatham Islands New Zealand. 29. electrodeposition. Williams and Johnson 187. Direct count of micrc-organisms in citrus products and powdered -. Stevens and Rlanchester, 317. Pectinous Materials Spectrographic detmn. of lead in -. Jeppesen Eastmond and Logan 385. Penicillin Assay of --. Rapid estmn. of -. Rapid - assay. Wilson 26. Short time turbidimetric assay of -. George 54. tests. 227. paper board. 256. of asphalted --.Mullen 324. Carson 324. 166. of paper and -. 256. Measuring permeability cf paper and --. Edge and McIienzie 360. Pectic Acid Detmng. sol. pectin and ___ by-Pectin Ditto ditto. Heatley 318. Goth and Rush 351. Mc-Mahan 318. *Perchloric Acid Test Detcng. and detmng. auxins in organic manures. Extracting auxins from manures and applications of __- fcr p-indolyl acetic acid and of Went pea test. Hamence, 229. Permanganate Simultaneous detmn. of copper and iodate bromate or -. Hume and Kolthoff, 254. solution Iodimetric and colorimetric estmn. of calcium in serum based on improved -. De I>oureiro and Janz 316. Permeability Creasing paper for water vapour -tests. 227. Detmg. __ t o aromas of packaging materials. Kiermeier 387.Measuring of paper and paperboard. 166. Pests Insect __- cf Food. (Review) Hinton, Corbet and Tams 3’36. Petrol Detmng. tetraethyllead in -. Tread-well and Frey 163. Petroleum Lubricants Potentiometric detmn. of acidity in highly coloured materials. Applica-tion t o new and used ~ containing additives. Lykken Porter Iiuliffson and Tuemmler 383. Wakeham and Skau 62. detmns. of water in contact with stones. Williams 164. Pharmaceutical Journal War-time Information for Pharmacists. (Review) Stewart 227. Pharmaceutical Pocket Book 14th Edn. (Review), Corfield 257. pH Detmng. __ of textile materials. VOLUME 69 Pharmacists War-time Information for -. (Review) Pharmaceutical Journal and Stewart, 227. Pharmacopoeia Extra ___ (Martindale).Vol. 11. 22nd Edn. (Review) Corfield 19s. Supplt. Vol. I. 280. Pharmacy and Medicine Act Meaning of “shop” in --. (Legal Kotes) 124. and Poisons Act 1033 Poisons (Xmendment) Rules 1044 dated l e b . 21 1944 made by the Secretary of State under Secticn 23 of the __ as amended by I<egulation 60 HA of the Defence (General) Regulations 1939. 214. (Re-view) Allport 102. Phaseolus mungo Linn Glucose dehydrogenase from germinating seeds of green and black grams (P. radia2?rs and --). Basu and Karliun 130. DChemistry and -__ of Vegetable Drugs. Phaseolus radiatus Ditto ditto. o-Phenanthroline Detmng. iron with -. Haude-mer and Schaible 320. ferrous complex as indicator in ceric snlphate titration of blood sugar. MacFadyen and Van Slylie 56.Phenols Analysis of chlorinated xylenol mixtures, content. especially for unchlorinatcd __ Ritchie and Hamer 382. Detmng. _- and ni-cresol in coal distillation products with the Spekker absorptiometer. H - _’ Ether extraction estmn. of blood -. Schmidt, 23. Phenyl isocyanate derivatives of alkylated -. h‘l.pt. and X-ray cliffraction data. McKinley, Xickels and Sidhu 282. Phenolphthalein Permanent fading of alkaline __-solns. Hubacher 166. Phenylarsonic Acid Uetmng. bismuth. Gravi-metric analysis with -. Phenyl-d-glucosotriazole Action of copper sulphate on phenyiosazones of sugars. . Hann and Hudson 377. Phenyl isocyanate derivatives of allcylated phenols. M.pt. and X-ray diffraction data. McKinley, Nickels and Sidhu 282. Phenylosazones Action- of copper sulphate on ~ of sugars.Phenyl-d-glucosotriazole. Hann and Hudson 377. *Phosphate method Uetmn. of cobalt and its separation from nickel by -. Iletmng. sol. _- and silica in water with Spekker absorptiometer. Harrison and Storr, 310. R61e of - in methylene blue reduction by de-hydroascorbic acid. Frankenthal 22 1. Phosphoglycerol Interfering substances in detmng. __ . Lef’age 333. Phospholipid Detmng. iodine value of whole -. MacLachan iSS. *Phosphorus Absorptiometric detmn. of - by molybdenum blue method. hIcClelland and Hardwick 305. Iron and Steel Institute Blast Furnace Committee, Blast Furnace Materials Analysis Sub-Com-mittee 125. Rapid digestion method for cletmng. -. Bolin and Stamberg 281. IC’ater sclns.of superphosphate as low-fluorine source of -. Reynolds Pinckney and Hill 99. Photoelectric Photometry. Hamilton 323. Photographic Plates Effect of wavelength on con-Amstein 323. aiiison 65. Majumdar 383. Schceller 8. Jletmng. sulphur and _- in pig iron. trast of - in the ultra-violet INDEX TO Photometric Absorptiometers Estmng. haemo-globin by -. Peterscn and Strangeways, 129. Photometry Estmng. vitamin A and carotenoids in butter fat. Comparison of direct spectro- ___ with filter - and antimony trichloride re-action. Zscheile Nash Henry and Green 250. Phthalic Anhydride Detmng. total __ in modified alkyd resins. Doyle 253. Detmng. total __ in cil-modified alkyd resins. Goldberg 253. Phyllanthus emblica Vitamin C in plants. Indian gooseberry (-).Srinivasan 262. Physical Methods of analysis Proposed formation of a Group dealing with -. 168 200 ‘128, 258 289 327. Photoelectric --. Hamilton 323. of separating fibres. Lasse 386. Physical Properties Effect of humidity on - of paper. Carson 324. Physico-Chemical Methods. 4th Edn. (Review), Keilly and Rae 287. Phytase Activity of __ in different cereals and resistance to dry heat. McCance and Widdow-son 249. Phytolacca americana Palisade ratio of official leaf drugs of Solanaceae Solanurn carolinense and - Rogarosh 128. Pickles and Sauces Order 1944. 308. Picric Acid method Modification of __ for detmng. hydrocyanic acid in white clover plants. Sullivan 320. Picrolonates Microscopical identification of sodium and potassium by their crystalline -.Eisenberg and Keenan 225. Microscopical identification of strontium am-monium copper and zinc by crystalline -. Eisenberg and Keenan 385. *Pig(s) Detailed analysis of back fat of -, especially for C,,-, unsaturated acids. de la Mare and Shorland 337. Value of horse chestnuts as food for -. Braude 26. Pigment Orange-colourecl __ of cottonseed. Boatner Caravella and Samuels 381. Plant(s) and Vitamins. (Review) Schopfer 288. Uetmng. small amounts of molybdenum in -and soils. extracts Detmng. nitrate nitrite and ammonium nitrogen in soil and --. fat Estmng. tocopherol in serum milk and animal and --. Kofler 156. materials Application of alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation of - to taxonomic classification. Creighton Gibbs and Hibbert 162.tissues Detmng. dehydroascorbic acid and as-corbic acid in ~ by 2.4-dinitrophenylhy-drazine method. Vitamin C in -. Indian gooseberry (PJzyZl-anthus emblica). Srinivasan 252. Vitamin C in - . Iris (Iris germanica). Baumann 25 1. Vitamin C in __ . Nasturtium (Tropaeolum mnjus). Sutherland 251. Plasma Separating carotene from vitamin A for detmng. vitamin A in blood -. Boyer, Phillips and Smith 317. Plasticiser content Detmng. ~ of cellulose esters. Biggs and Erickson 253. Plastics for Production. (Review) Smith 387. Plate calibration Spectrographic analysis Photo-graphic aspects. Graphical calculators applied to __ using relative intensities. Brommelle Nichols and Rogers 224. Wolf 354. Roe and Oesterling 280. xxxiii Poisons (Amendment) Rules 1944 datzd Feb.21, 1944 made by the Secretary of State under Section 23 of the Pharmacy and Poisons Act, 1933 as amended by Regulation GO HA of the Defence (General) Regulations 1939. 2 14. Polarographic Analysis Apparatus for rapid -. Lingane 323. Polarographic Detmns. Base electrolytes for - -. Wolfson 197. Polarographic Metal Analysis Systematic -. Lingane 66 287. Polarographic Reduction of rhodium compounds. Willis 3.58 384. Pollution Investigating atmospheric - 1942-3. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, 49. Rapid surveys of atmospheric --. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research 347. Polymer distribution of varnish resins. Adams and Powers 162. Polysaccharide hydroxylation by rp-toluene-sul-phony1 chloride and triphenylchloromethane.Low and White 134. Water-sol. - from perennial rye grass pasture. McIlroy 98. Pork Hexabromide method for detcng. small quantities of linolenic acid in animal fats. Detcng. horse meat mixed with - or beef. Crowell 378. Potash Iletmng. __ in fertilisers or base goods in absence of ammonium salts and organic matter. Shuey 59. Potassium Microscopical identification of sodium and __ by crystalline picrolonates. Eisen-berg and Keenan 225. chromate Reaction of indium sulphate with --. Stubbs 196. ethyl xanthate as analytical reagent. Separating copper from nickel. Wenger Besso and Duckert 225. hydroxide Detmng. sodium in -. Williams and Haines 225. iodate Stability of s o h . of copper perchlorate and -.Kolb 165. nitrite Prepn. of pure --. Oza and Wala-valkar 101. Potato Starch Moisture in - . Porter and Willits 2 17. Potential Difference Measurement of __ for studying action of water on lead pipes. Atkins 354. Powder Diffraction Chemical analysis by -. Frevel 386. Precipitating Agents Reducing substances in urine. Improved -. Dittebrandt Tenney and West 277. of insol. Precipitation Factors affecting __ quinaldates (quinaldinates) . Flagg and Mc-Clure 136. Preservatives Testing wood -. Leutritz 197. Preserves Food Standards (-) Order 1944. 274. Prices Retail __ (Notices) Order 1944. Privy Council Statutory Rules and Orders Defence (General) Regulations 181 182. Projection Arrangement for detmng. fibre dimen-sions.Graff and Feavel 197. Protarnine Potentiometriz detmn. of cations and anions with collodion and ___ -collodion “membrane electrodes.” Sollner 166. Protective Agent Thiourea as - for vitamin C . Kawereau and Fearon 221. Protein(s) Detmng. glutamic acid in -. Olcott, VOLUME 69 Order 1944. 274. 123. - -and Clayton,- 287. 313. Protein(s)-continued hydrolysates Estmng. dicarboxylic amino acids in -. Cannan 277. hydrolysates Foreman method for estmng. dicarboxylic acids in -. Bailey Chibnall, Rees and Williams 22. Total nitrogen content of egg albumin and other -Use of dyes for detmng. acid and basic groups in -. Fraenkel-Conrat and Cooper 351. "Pseudo-a-carotene Question of -. Mann 37. Public Analysts Reports of -. See Birmingham, Kent Kingston upon Hull Madras Salford.Pulps Stain reaction of unbleached and bleached groundwood -. Graff ,254. *Putrefaction Supposed - of golden syrup packed in metal cans. "Pyknometer Micro- -. Pyrethrin Products formed in - concentrates during storage. West 99. Pyridine Separating manganese from other metals by y . -acetylation method Detmng. glycerol by -. Moore and Blank 62. Pyridoxine Neurospora assay for -. Stokes, Larsen Woodward and Foster 25. "Pyrogallol Tannins Rlacro- and micro-estmn. of - and catechol tannins in presence of each other. Fuller and Nierenstein 374. Chibnall Rees and Williams 55. de Whalley 2.12. Houghton 345. Watters and .Kolthoff 224. Q Quinaldates Factors affecting pptn. of insol. -(quinaldinates).Flagg and McClure 136. Quinaldinates Ditto ditto. R Radon Use of - to trace flow pattern of gases in furnaces. Mayorcas and Thring 101. Rancidity Applying ferric thiocyanate method to detmng. incipient ~ in fats and oils. Lips, Chapman and McFarlane 222. Rare-earth(s) mixtures Detmng. average atomic weight of - . Barthauer Russell and Pearce 30. Detmng. - in scheelite. Marsh 64. Reagents Organic - for Metals. (Review), Research Lab. of Hopkin ancl Williams Ltd., 31. Reducing Substances in urine. Improved pptg. agents. Dittebrandt Tenney and West 277. "Reduction of tin by metallic antimony etc. in presence of antimony and copper salts. Evans and Higgs 291. Polarographic __ of rhodium compounds. Willis 358 384. RBle of phosphate in methylene blue - of dehydroascorbic acid.Frankenthal 22 1. Reductones Detmng. ascorbic acid in presence of interfering substances notably --. Levy, 222. Refractive Index Detmng. camphor and ,alcohol in spirit of camphor by - and sp.g. Plein and Poe 248. estmng. saccharin. Whittle 45. Relative Humidity Effect of ~ on detmn. of oil in soya beans. Renard Test Evaluation of modified - and Kerr tests for detmng. peanut oil. Voorhies and Bauer 52. "Reindollar's Method Application of - to Krober and Collins 218. Resin(s) Detmng. alpha __ content of hops. Rabat 95. Polymer distribution of varnish -. Adams and Powers 162. Resolution of enantiomorphs by chromatagraphic adsorption. Hass de Vries and Jaffe 134. "Rhenium compounds Toluene-3.4-dithiol as selec-tive reagent for tungsten dectng.tungsten in molybdenum and - and in ferrous alloys. Miller 109. *Rhodamhe B as substitute for cinchonine in tungsten detmn. Box 272. Rhodium Polarographic reduction of - com-pounds. Willis 358 384. *Riboflavin Assay Report of 1942-3 Methods of Analysis Sub-committee on -. Andrews 96. Microbiological assays of -- nicotinic acid etc. Kent- Jones and Meiklejohn 330 372. Nicotinic acid and - in beef extracts and corned beef. Booth and Barton-Wright 219. &Ribose Carbohydrate characterisation. Identi-fying - 1-fucose and d-digitoxose as benzi-midazole derivatives. Dimler and Link 126. *Rock(s) Combined chemical and spectrographic detmn. of traces of tungsten in -. Wilson and Fieldes 12. fragments Cellulose acetate mounts for - and mineral fragments.Dollar 166. Rosa Species Ascorbic acid and hip fertility in -. Gustafsson and Schroderheim 220. Ditto. Harrison and Jackson 2.20. Ditto. hlelville 22 1. Rose Hips Vitamins from -. Wokes Johnson, Rosin size Analysing -. 161. Rotation Effect of citrate on ~ of molybdate complexes of malate citramalate and isocitrate. Krebs and Eggleston 28. Rotenone in yam bean (Pachyrrhizus erosus) . Norton 161. Rot-proofed Cotton Detmng. mixtures of Shirlan and fi-nitrophenol in __ . Fancutt ancl Twiselton 135. *Rubber (s) Analysing vulcanised - especially synthetic materials. Duncan Organ and Jacoby 133. Wyatt 21 1 305. Luke 29. Luke 29. Detmng. mercury in -. 9etmng. sulphur in -. Identifying natural and synthetic -.Burch-Modern Synthetic -. 2nd Edn. (Review), Rugosity Detmng. ___of granular solids. Robert-Rye Grass Water-sol. polysaccharide from perennial field 356. Barron 199. son and Emodi 66. - pasture. McIlroy 98. S "Saccharin Application of Reindollar's method to Safety in Mines Research Board Annual Report of - Ministry of Fuel and Power 1943. 60. Salford City Analyst's report. Salt in curry powder. (Legal Notes) 247. Samarium Separating europium and -. Marsh, Sampling Portable aspirator for gas -. Stephen-Sardines Detcng. adulteration of olive oil used in Sauces Pickles and - Order 1944. estmng. -. Whittle 45. (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. 93. Detmng. carbon dioxide in mine dusts. 19. Walker 152. 64. son 138.packing Maine sardines. Voth 378. 308 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 xxxv Scale Index for detmng. amount of calcium car-Ryznar 252. Scheelite Detmng. rare earths in -. Marsh, Schlerenchymatous Layer Cardamon study of its Seal Oil Acids of -. Burke and Jasperson 350. Secretary of State Poisons (Amendment) Rules, 1944 dated Feb. 21 1944 made by the -under Section 23 of the Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1933 as amended by Regulation 60HA of the Defence (General) Regulations 1939. 214. Seeds Oils of - of Ocimum kilimandscharicum, Euphorbia calycina E. erythraeae Sterculia tomentosa and Trichilia emetica. Henry and Grindley 31 1. Oil from - of Bombax malabaricum. C. V. Kao M. N. Rao and Venkateswarlu 312. Segregated Constituents Spot tests for detcng. -in brass and bronze.284. Self-raising Flour Food Standards (-) Order, 1944. 49. Senna leaf Stomata1 index for distinguishing be-tween powdered Alexandrian and Tinnevelly -. Rowson 53. George 54. *Serum calcium Manganous sulphate as catalyst in cerimetric detmn. of -. Wheatley 207. Estmng. tocopherol in - milk and animal and plant fat. Kofler 156. lodimetric and colorimetric estmn. of calcium in -- based on improved permanganate soh. De Loureiro and Janz 316. Neasuring thiourea in ultra-filtrate of -. Danowski 190. "Modified ceric process for detmng. ~ calcium. Smith 14. Photometric micro-estmn. of inulin in ~ and urine. Ranney and McCune 130. Sesame Oil Interference of - fish oil and chole-sterol with polarographic detmn. of cc-toco-pheroi.Beaver and Kaunitz 280. Sesamin Detmng. - . Jacobson Acree and Haller 249. Sewage Chemical Analysis of Waters Boiler- and Feed-Waters ~ and Effluents. (Review), Dickinson 327. Shark Liver Extracting oil and vitamin A in ___ analysis. Xylene centrifuge method. Sycheff, 250. Sheep Effect of fluorine on dental health of -. Eoddie 320. Sheets Apparatus for measuring gas transmission through - and films. Shin Bones Neatsfoot oil from -. Kritzinger, 134. Shirlan Detmng. mixtures of - and $-nitro-phenol in rot-proofed cotton. Fancutt and Twiselton 13.5. Shop Meaning of ' I - ' ' in Pharmacy and Medicine Act. (Legal Notes) 124. Sieves B.S.I. specification for test -. *Silage Separation of p-carotene neo- p-carotene and xanthophyll of dried grass pasture grass and -.Mann 34. Silica Detmng. sol. phosphate and ~ in water with Spekker absorptiometer. Harrison and Storr 319. Silicates Analysis of __ and dusts from Wit-watersrand gold mines. Frankel 358. "Simplified detmn. of alkalis in -. Cornes, 237. Silicomolybdate Colorimetric detmn. of tin with -_ - . Baker Miller and Gibbs 284. bonate - formed by a water. 64. --. Fairbairn 53. leaflets palisade ratios and ranges. Todd 226. 18. "Silicon Photometric detmn. of ~ in aluminium Photometric estmn. of __ in magnesium and *Silver Detmng. small amounts of - in copper i-eductor Vol. detmn. of iron with -. Henry vanadate in micro-combustion of organic com-alloys; Hadley's method. Stross 44. magnesium alloys. and brass. Higgs 270.and Gelbach 164. pounds. Ingram 61. Boyle and Hughey 65. Size Analysing rosin -. Soap (Licensing of Manufacturers and Rationing) Order 1944. 274. (Max. Retail Prices and Conditions of Sale) Order 1944. 151. Society of Chemical Industry. Reports on the Pro-gress of Applied Chemistry. 1942. Vol. XXVII. (Review) 67. Society of Public Analysts Annual General Meeting. 105. Sub-committee of the Analytical Methods Committee of the -. 243. 161. Annual Report of Council 1944. "Detmng. fluorine in foods. 106. Formation of Micro-chemical Group. 139. Inaugural Meeting of Microchemical Group. 329. Proposed formation of Group dealing with Physical Methods of Analysis 168 200 228, 258 289 327. Standards for gelatin. Public Analysts and Official Agricultural Analysts Committee 106."S.P.A. Method Detmng. unsaponifiable matter in Pacific dogfish liver oil by -. Swain 376. Society €or Visiting Scientists. 327. Sodium Detmng. - in aluminium alloys. Osborn 100. Detmng. - in aluminium and its alloys. Smart 100. Detmng. __ in potassium hydroxide. Williams and Haines 225. Microscopical identification of - and potassium by crystalline picrolonates. Eisenberg and Keenan 225. Spectrographic detmn. of traces of __ in pure aluminium. Rohner 226. sulphonates LJetmng. petroleum oil-sol. - by adsorption. Koch 195. Soft Drinks Order 1943. Amendment. 151. "Softening-pt. of fats. Barnicoat 176. Soil(s) Detmng. small amounts of molybdenum in plants and -. extracts Detmng. nitrate nitrite and ammonium nitrogen in __ and plant extracts.Wolf, 364. Solanaceae Palisade ratio of official leaf drugs of the - Solanzinz carolaizense and Phytolacza amerzcana. Bogarosh 128. Nichols and Rogers 224. Solanum carolinense Ditto ditto. Solubility product method Estmng. amino acids by __ Moore and Stein 22. Solids Luminescence of Liquids and ~ and its Practical Applications. (Review) Pringsheim and Vogel 167. Solution Temperatures Furfural - of hydro-carbons. Kice and Lieber 252. Solvents. (Review) Durrans 168. Somogyi Method Photometric adaptation of -for cfetmng. glucose. Eelson 313. Soup RIeat Products Canned __ and Canned Meat (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. 273. *Sow Milk Analysis of --. Sow's Milk Fat of -. Macdonald 173.de la Mare and Shorland, 188 xxxvi INDEX TO Soya Beans Effect of relative humidity on detmn. of oil in --. Specific Gravity Detmng. camphor and alcohol in spirit of camphor by refractive index and --. Plein and Poe 248. Spectrochemical Analysis Applying multiplier photo-tubes to quantitative --. Roettner and Brewington 226. Fused salt technique in __ . Nachtrieb, Johnson and Dress 165. of metals with the multisource unit. Hasler and Kemp 226. Spectrofluorescence with special reference to sugars. Lewis 322. Spectrographic Analysis Compendium of line pairs and operating conditions in -. I-Iodge 196. of copper and copper-rich alloys by arc nietliod. Milbourn 101. Photographic aspects. Graphical calculators ap-plied to plate calibration using relative inten-sities.Brommelle and Clayton 287. Sampling mixing and grinding techniques in preparing samples for X-ray and -. Ballard, Oshry and Schrenk 196. Use of briquets for - of steel. ’Nusbaum Fry and Hackett 226. Spectrophotometry Estmng. vitamin A and caro-tenoids in butter fat. Comparison of direct __ with filter photometry and antimony tri-chloride reaction. Zscheile Nash Henry and Green 250. Spectroscopy Analysis by infra-red -. Nielsen and Smith 101. Spekker Absorptiometer Detmng. phenol and ‘yyz-cresol in coal distillation products with --. Harrison 65. Detmng. sol. phosphate and silica in water with -. Harrison and Storr 319. Spirit of Canlphor Detmng. camphor and alcohol in - by refractive index and sp.gr. Plein and Poe 248.Spray Residues Colorimetric analysis of xanthone -. Cassil and Hansen 192. Squalene Occurrence of ~ in natural fats. Fitelson 94. Sperm Oil Filtered --. B.S.I. specn. for -. 126. “Spot Reaction Trace detcn. by -. Detcng. traces of lead in water and fine chemicals. Feigl and Braile 147. Stainless Steels Spectrographic detmn. of nickel and chromium in -. Coulliette 164. Stain Reaction of unbleached and bleached ground-wood pulps. Graff 254. *Standard Method Detmng. fluorine in foods. Sub-Committee of the Analytical Methods Committee. __ of the Society of Public Analysts. 243. Standards “AnalaR” __ for Laboratory Chemi-cals. 3rd Edn. (Review) British Drug Houses, Ltd. and Hopkin and Williams Ltd. 256. Glass __ for fluorimetric detmns.Loewen-stein 101. Standard Solutions Predictable concn. of ~ owing to evaporation. Liebhafsky 320. Stannous Chloride Selective monoreduction of aromatic dinitro-compounds by alkaline sul-phides and by acid -. Starch Adsorption of fatty acid by linear com-ponent of maize (corn) -. Schoch and Williams 378. Krober and Collins 218. Hodgson 28. Food Powders (Control) Order 1944. Moisture in potato -. 182. Porter and Miillits 217. ‘Steam Distillation Apparatus Interchangeable micro and macro -. Hoskins 2 7 1 . VOLUME 69 Steel(s) Colorimetric detmn. of chromium in ~ Singer and Chambers 384. Colorimetric detmn. of nickel in -. Mauzy and Yellin 284. Detmng. carbon in low-carbon -. Precision and accuracy of low-pressurc combustion method.Curry and Trigg 321. field 340. -. Lei-ine and Seaman 224. of lead in - and brasses. stainless -. Coulliette 164. Detmng. germanium in -. Weissler 285. “Detmng. tin in -. Kobertshaw and Brom-Electrolytic detmn. of copper in cast iron and “Lead prints for detcng. presence and segregation Spectrographic cletmn. of nickel and chromium in Spot test for detcng. manganese in -. Spot-test for small amounts of chromium in -. Williams 195. Use of briquets for spectrographic analysis of --. Sterculia tomentosa Oils of seeds of - etc. Henry and Grindley 311. “Stirrer Vacuum-operated micro- -. Fill and Stock 212. Stomata1 Index for distinguishing between English and Indian belladonna leaf and for character-ising coca. Rowson 54. for distinguishing between powdered Alexandrian and Tinnevelly senna leaf.Stones PI3 detmns. of water in contact with -. Williams 164. Streptococcus lactis R for measurement of folic acid. Strontium Microscopical identification of -, ammonium copper and zinc by crystalline picrolonates. Eisenberg and Keenan 385. Styrene Detmng. cc-p-dimethylstyrene in presence of p-methylstyrene - and p-cymene. Elliott and Cook 193. Substitute for benzene in detmng. acid values. Gordon Gildcn and Kubin 134. Succinate Estmn. Modified basic __ of aluminium in magnesium alloys. Boyle and Musser 64. Succinic Acid dehydrogenase from cucumber seeds. Basu and Karkun 131. Suet Food Standards (Shredded -) Order 1944. 49. Ministry of Food, Inter-departmental Committee on Food Stan-dards.214. Sugars Action of copper sulphate on phenyl-osazones of -. Phenyl-d-glucosotriazole. Hann and Hudson 377. Azoyl derivatives of - and separation by chromatographic adsorption. Coleman and hlcCloskey 127. Detmng. glycerol and 2.3-butylene glycol in wine in presence of invert Hawthorne 154. Detmng. - in apple tissue. Leonard Meade and Dustman 20. Lead tetraacetate oxidations in - group. Hockett Dienes and Ramsden 61. o-phenanthroline ferrous complex as indicator in ceric sulphate titration of blood -. Mac-Fadyen and Van Slyke 56. Spectrofluorescence with special reference t o -. Lewis 322. Sulphadiazine Distinctive test for -. Raybin, 350. Sulphanilamide Coupling component and simpli-fied estmn. of __ drugs. Rose and Bevan 315.Quantitative detmn. of ~ and sulphathiazole in mixtures. Englis and Skoog 128. Evans 36s. 30. h-usbaum Fry and Hackett 226. Kowson 53. Luckey Briggs and Elvehjem 188. Standard for shredded -INDEX TO Sulphate Colorimetric micro-detmn. of -. Klein 385. Photometric detmn. of - in nickel nitrate. von Stein 196. Sulphathiazole Quantitative detmn. of sulphanila-mide and - in mixtures. Englis and Skoog 128. Sulphide(s) Identifying - in nickel and nickel alloys. Hall 31. Selective monoreduction of aromatic dinitro-compounds by alkaline - and by acid stannous chloride. Hodgson 28. sulphur Detmng. - in kraft paper mill liquors. Borlew and Pascoe 321. Sulphonamides Semi-permanent colour standards for micro-estmn. of -. Lee and Hannay, 155.Sulphonamiduria Simple test for detcn. Bogen 24. Sulphonates Detmng. petroleum oil-sol. sodium ~ by adsorption. Koch 195. *Sulphur compounds Oxidising - with iodine in alkaline soln. Frost 90. Detmng. sulphide - in kraft paper mill liquors. Borlew and Pascoe 321. Detmng. - and phosphorus in pig iron. Iron and Steel Institute Blast Furnace Committee, Blast Furnace Materials Analysis Sub-Com-mittee 125. Detmng. - in brass and bronze by combustion method. Holler and Yeager 320. Detmng. - in rubber. Luke 29. Detmng. __ residues from - application on citrus foliage. Gunther Beier and Ladue 26. dioxide Detmng. ascorbic acid in presence of -. Levy 133. dioxide Detmng. - in dehydrated foods. Prater Johnson Pool and Mackinney 247. "Dioxide Detmng.- in gelatin. Francis and Pilgrim 90. *Mercuric oxycyanide as reagent in micro-analysis. Use in detmng. - in organic substances ionic halogen and alkoxyl. In-gram 265. Superphosphate Water solns. of - as low-fluorine source of phosphorus. Reynolds, Pinckney and Hill 99. *Supplier Food --Is part in safeguarding nu-tritional values. Hughes 77. *Synthetic Materials Analysis of vulcanised rubber, especially --. Wyatt 211 305. Synthetic Rubbers Identifying natural and -. Burchfield 356. Modern -. 2nd Edn. (Review) Barron 199. "Syrup Supposed putrefaction of golden -packed in metal cans. de Whalley 242. T *Tannin(s) as selective reagent for zirconium. Schoeller 259. Detmng. cacao -. Humphries 21. Detmng. small amounts of - in water. Haslam Wilson and Edwards 354.*Macro- and micro-estmn. of pyrogallol - and catechol - in presence of each other. Fuller and Nierenstein 374. *Micro-estmn. of -. Nierenstein 91. *Standardking __ used for comparison in Nierenstein's micro-estmn. of -. Mitchell, 92. T.A.P.P.I. Standard Method Relationship between cellulose viscosities measured by - and cupriethylenediamine method. Corey 359. VOLUME 69 xxxvii Tartaric Acid Characteristic reactions of citric and -. Steigmann 62. Taxonomic Classification Application of alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation of plant materials to -. Creighton Gibbs and Hibbert 162. *Tea Technology of -. *Tellurium Rapid photometric detmn. of __ in ~ copper alloys. Crossley 206. Tensile Breaking Strength Detmng. wet - of paper and paperboard.256. Test Sieves B.S.I. specification for -. Tetraethyllead Detmng. - in gasoline. Gonick and Milano 163. Tetrathionate Selective action of - in bacterio-logical media Report to Medical Research Council. Textile Materials Detmng. pH of -. Wakeham and Skau 62. *Thallium Bibliography on metals in foods and biological materials. VIII. -. Singer 185. Chemical detmn. of minute traces of - in tissues. Samaan and Mikhail 128. Specific test for --. Wenger and Rusconi 137. Thallous Ethylate method Estmng. amorphous swollen cellulose by improved -. Assap, Haas and Purves 195. Thermal Decomposition of lard. Larsen and Morris 127. Thiamine values Comparing - by chemical and bioassay methods. Brown Hamm and Harri-son 132. Thiochrome method Improved __ for detmng.aneurine in urine. Comparison of values by ___ with and without adsorption. Hinman Halliday and Brookes 251. "Thiocyanate New estmn. of micro quantities of cyanide and -. Aldridge 262. Thiouracil Detmng. - in tissues and body fluids. Thiourea as protective agent for vitamin C. Hughes 105. 18. Knox Gel1 and Pollock 97. Najjar and Iietron 353. reaction Aneurine in beef muscle. Williams Jandorf and Kay 278. Estmng. __ in urine. Anderson 350. Kawereau and Fearon 221. Detmng. --. Chesley 278. Measuring - in ultra-filtrate of serum. Danowski 190. Thorium Colorimetric detmn. of fluoride in waters with - and alizarin. Spectrographic detmn. of - in tungsten fila-ment wire. Parsons 196. Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry.4th Edn. Tin-base alloys Detmng. antimony in -. Luke 357. Colorimetric detmn. of - with silicomolybdate. Baker Miller and Gibbs 284. *Detmng. ___ in steels. Kobertshaw and Bromfield 340. Detmng. __ with mercuric chloride. Fairchild, 63. Hypophosphorous acid reduction of -. Im-proved procedure and notes on mechanism. Evans and Higgs 201. *Reduction of - by metallic antimony etc., in presence of antimony and copper salts. Evans and Higgs 291. *Vol. detmn. of - in brasses and bronzes after separation of copper as oxalate. Edwards and Gailer 169. Tinnevelly Senna Leaf Stomata1 index for dis-tinguishing between powdered Alexandrian and -. Rowson 53. Tissue@) Chemical detmn. of minute traces of thallium in -. Samaan and Mikhail 128.Talvitie 58. (Review) Thorpe and Whiteley 104 xxxviii INDEX TO Tissue(s) -continued "Detmng. cobalt in animal -. McNaught, 307. Detmng. dehydroascorbic acid and ascorbic acid in plant ~ by 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine method. Roe and Oesterling 280. Detmng. thiouracil in - and body fluids. Williams Jandorf and Kay 278. Estmng. inositol in animal -. Platt and Glock 189. Estmng. total oestrone and oestradiol from ___ sources. Szego and Samuels 159. extracts Colorimetric estmn. of total free and ester cholesterol in --. *Titanium Photometric detmn. of cobalt - and iron in unsintered metal carbides. Cox 235. *Titrations Cell for amperometric -. Fill and Stock 178. Tobaccos Detmng. nicotine and nornicotine in -. Bowen and Barthel 155.Tocopherol(s) Chemical estmn. of - in liver and muscle; - in urine and faeces. Hines and Mattill 58. Estmng. - in serum milk and animal and plant fat. KoAer 156. Interference of sesame oil fish oil and cholesterol with polarographic detmn. of cc- -. Beaver and Kaunitz 280. "Toluene-3.4-dithiol as selective reagent for tung-sten dectng. tungsten especially in molybde-num and rhenium compounds and in ferrous alloys. Miller 109. p-Toluenesulphonyl Chloride Pol ysaccharide hy-droxylation by - and triphenylchloro-methane. Low and White 134. Toxicology Medical Jurisprudence and -. 7th Edn. (Review) Glaister 102. Trace($ Colorimetric Detmn. of - of Metals. (Review) Sandell 325. *detcn. by spot reaction. Dectng. traces of lead in water and fine chemicals.Feigl and Braile, 147. metals Concns. of ___ in drinking waters. Kehoe Cholak and Largent 319. Trichilia emetica Oils of seeds of - etc. Henry and Grindley 31 1. Triphenylchloromethane Pol ysaccharide hydroxy-lation by ;b-toluenesulphonyl chloride and -. Low and White 134. Tropaeolum majus Vitamin C in plants. Nastur-tium (--). Sutherland 251. *Tungsten Combined chemical and spectrographic detmn. of traces of - in rocks. Wilson and Fieldes 12. Detmng. - in low-grade - ores. Grimaldi and North 100. Gravimetric reagent for -. Yoe and Jones, 165. *Rhodamine B as substitute for cinchonine in - detmn. Box 272. Spectrographic detmn. of thorium in - fila-ment wire. Parsons 196. *Toluene-3.4-dithiol as selective reagent for - : dectng.- especially in molybdenum and rhenium compounds and in ferrous alloys. Miller 109. Tutankhamen Analysis of barley from King -'s tomb. Barton-Wright Booth and Pringle, 160. Popjak 56. U Ultrafiltration Simple device for quantitative -Thompson and Quigley in chemical analysis. 166. VOLUME 69 Ultra-violet Effect of wavelength on contrast of photographic plates in the -. Amstein 323. *Unsaponifiable Matter Detmng. - in Pacific dogfish liver oil by S.P.A. method. Swain 376. "Unsintered Metal Carbides Photometric detmn. of cobalt titanium and iron in Cox 235. Urinary Amino Nitrogen Detmng. - by copper method. Albanese and Irby 315. Urinary 1'7-ketosteroids in metabolism. Stan-dardised chemical estmn. Cahen and Salter, 316.Urine(s) Chemical estmn. of tocopherol in liver and muscle; tocopherol in ~ and faeces. Hines and Mattill 58. Detmng. coproporphyrin in -. Mason and Nesbitt 219. Detmng. oxalic acid in __ . Powers and Levatin 379. Detmng. vitamin B in - . Urban and Goldman 280. Direct estmn. of Xi-methyl derivatives of nico-tinic acid in --. Estmng. nicotinamide methochloride in -. Coulson Ellinger and Holden 315. Estmng. thiouracil in -. Improved thiochrome method for detmng. aneurine in -. New modification of pamino-acetophenone method for estmng. nicotinic acid in -. Wang and Kodicek 132. Photometric micro-estmn. of inulin in serum and --. Ranney and McCune 130. Quantitative estmn. of uroporphyrin h patho-logical -. Rimington 24. Quantitative micro-separation of inorganic ar-senite from arsenate in blood and -.Crawford and Storey 315. Rapid estmn. of N1-methylnicotinamide in --. Huff and Perlzweig 159. Reducing substances in -. Improved pptg. agents. Dittebrandt Tenney and West 277. Uroporphyrin Quantitative estmn. of - in pathological urines. Riniington 24. U.S.A. Drinking water standards in -. Sarrett 24. Anderson 350. Xajjar and Ketron 353. 186. V Vacuum Distillation Analysis of brass by -. Treadwell and Frey 163. Valency Classical and Modern. (Review) Palmer, 324. Valine Microbiological detmn. of amino acids. -and arginine. Microbiological detmn. of amino acids. -, leucine and isoleucine. Kuiken Norman, Lyman Hale and Blotter 156. Varnish Resins Polymer distribution of -.Adams and Powers 162. Vassel's Method Detmng. cysteine and cystine by -. Mechan 159. Vateria indica Fatty acids of - fat (Malabar tallow). Venkatarao and Narasingarao 95. Vegetable@) Canned Fruit and - Order 1944. 123. Drugs Chemistry and Pharmacy of -. (Review) Allport 102. Effect of commercial canning on aneurine content of --. matter Estmng. __ in scoured wool. Lipson, 29. Vinegar Detcng. glacial acetic acid in -. O'Neill and Henry 310. Ministry of Food Press Notice. P.N. 3145a, April 3 1944. 182. McMahan and Snell 188. Clifcoi-n and Heberlein 261 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 xxxix Viscosities Relationship between cellulose -measured by T.A.P.P.I. standard and cupri-ethylenediamine methods. Corey 359. *Vitamin(s) Calibration of fluorimeters used for estmng.- alkaloids etc. Wokes Organ, Still and Jacoby 1. content of beverages. Drummond and Moran, 131. from rose hips. Wokes Johnson Duncan Organ and Jacoby 133. Microscopical properties of crystalline water-sol. -. Keenan 96. Plants and --. The -. General Survey for the Practising Pharmacist. 2nd Edn. (Review) 138. Vitamin A Antimony trichloride method for detmng. -. Benham 279. Detmng. __ and carotene in milk. Rapid ex-traction procedure. Boyer Spitzer Jensen and Phillips 250. Estmng. - and carotenoids in butter fat. Comparison of direct spectrophotometry with filter photometry and antimony trichloride reaction. Zscheile Nash Henry and Green, 250. Extracting oil and - in shark liver analysis. Xylene centrifuge method.Sycheff 250. Micro-estmn. of - by Carr-Price reaction. Hoch 57. Relation of concn. of - carotenoids and cholesterol in milk fat to size of fat globules. Kon Mawson and Thompson 279. Separating carotene from - for detmng. -in blood plasma. Boyer Phillips and Smith, 317. Spectrophotometric and biological assay of -in oils. Urban and Goldman 280. (Review) Schopfer 288. Coy Sassaman and Black 24. Vitamin B, Detmng. - in urine. Micro-estmn. of -. Hinton 131. B-vitamins in honey. Kitzes Schuette and Elveh-jem 96. Vitamin C Apparent __ in foods. Wokes Organ, Duncan and Jacoby 191. Apparent - in walnuts. Melville Wokes and Organ 25. in plants. Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus em-blica). Srinivasan 252. in plants. Iris (Iris germanica). Baumann 251.in plants. Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) . Thiourea as protective agent for -. Kawereau Vitamin D Factors influencing A.O.A.C. chick *Vulcanised Rubber Analysis of - especially Sutherland 251. and Fearon 221. method of ~ assay. synthetic materials. Wyatt 211 305. Motzok and Hill 96. W Walnuts Apparent vitamin C in -. Melville, Wokes and Organ 25. War-time Information for Pharmacists. (Review), Pharmaceutical Journal and Stewart 227. * Wash-bottle for delivering pre-detmnd. volumes of liquid. Fill and Stock 149. *Water(s) Bottle for sampling - a t a given depth. Bishop 48. Chemical Analysis of - Boiler- and Feed-Waters Sewage and Effluents. (Review), Dickinson 327. Colorimetric detmn. of fluoride in - with thorium and alizarin.Talvitie 58. Water (5) -continued Concs. of trace metals in drinking -. Kehoe, Cholak and Largent 319. Detmng. carbon dioxide in --. McKinney and Amorosi 319. Detmng. oxygen in de-aerated -. Evans and Simmons 134. Detmng. small amounts of tannin in -. Haslam Wilson and Edwards 354. Detmng. sol. phosphate and silica in - with Spekker absorptiometer. Harrison and Storr, 319. Drinking __ standards in U.S.A. Fixing and detmng. oil in feed __ and boiler -_ . Index for detmng. amount of calcium carbonate scale formed by -. Measuring potential difference for studying action of - on lead pipes. PH detmns. of __ in contact with stones. Williams 164. *Pptng. iron with ammonia in mixtures of ethyl alcohol and -. Davidsohn 374. resistance Dry indicator method for testing -of asphalted papers.Mullen 324. Sensitive indicator for vol. detmn. of boiler feed - alkalinity. Fleisher 133. Tests for active residual chlorine and chloramine in -. Hallinan 222. *Trace detcn. by spot reaction. Detcng. traces of lead in ___ and fine chemicals. Feigl and Braile 147. vapour Creasing paper for - permeability tests. 227. Wavelength Effect of - on contrast of photo-graphic plates in the ultra-violet. Amstein 323. Wax Peat - from Chatham Islands New Zealand. 29. *Went Pea Test Detcng. and detmng. auxins in organic manures. Extracting auxins from manures and applications of perchloric acid test for /3-indolyl acetic acid and of -. Hamence 229. paper and paperboard. 256. (Review) Bailey 258. __. in presence of invert sugar.154. pert -. (Legal Notes) 184. dusts from the -. 186. No11 and Tomlinson 59. Ryznar 252. Atkins 354. Wet Tensile Breaking Strength Detmng. - of Wheat Constituents of __ and - Products. Wine Detmng. glycerol and 2.3-butylene glycol in Hawthorne, Witness “Subsequent offence.” Function of ex-Witwatersrand Gold Mines Analysis of silicates and Wood Detmng. dirt in ~ chips. Detmng. lignin in -. 254. liquors Furfural detmn. Iodine method for Testing ~ preservatives. Leutritz 197. Frankel 358. 283. hydrolysed -. Rogers 281. Wool Estmng. vegetable matter in scoured -. materials New test for estmng. smaIl amounts Whewell Lipson. 29. of mechanical modification in -. and Woods 253. X Xanthine Oxidase activity of cow’s milk. Worden, 57. Xanthone Colorimetric analysis of __ spray residues. Cassil and Hansen 192. *Xanthophyll Separation of /3-carotene neo- ,!I-carotene and - of dried grass pasture grass and silage. Mann 34 xl INDEX TO VOLUME 69 *Xanthydrol Dectng. indole with -. Fearon, 122. X-ray analysis Sampling mixing and grinding techniques in preparing samples for - and spectrographic analysis. Ballard Oshry and Schrenk 196. diffraction Quantitative detmn. of crystalline materials by -. Xylene centrifuge method Extracting oil and vita-min A in shark liver analysis. - . Sycheff, 250. Xylenol Analysis of chlorinated - mixtures, especially for unchlorinated phenols content. Ritchie and Hamer 382. Gross and Martin 323. Y Yam Bean Rotenone in - (Pachyrrhizus erosus) . Yttrium Separating erbium from -. Moeller Norton 161. and Kremers 196. Z Zinc alloys Polarographic detmn. of copper lead and cadmium in high-purity -. Hawkings and Thode 226. Benzoin as fluorescent qualitative reagent for -. White and Neustadt 30. Detmng. ~ in biological material. Cholak, Hubbard and Burkey 160. Detmng. - in cyanide brass-plating baths. Miceli and Larson 255. Detmng. ~ in magnesium alloys. Miller, Boyle and Neill 256. Dithizone procedure for detmng. - in foods. Alexander and Taylor 312. Iodimetric estmn. of ~ in magnesium alloys. Casto and Royle 63. Microscopical identification of strontium am-monium copper and - by crystalline picro-lonates. Eisenberg and Keenan 385. phosphide Analysis and stability of -. Elmore and Roth 98. Rapid electrolytic detmn. of - in magnesium alloys. Weinberg and Boyd 357. Vol. detmn. of - as oxalate. Elving and Lamkin 255. *Zirconium Tannin as a selective reagent for -. Schoeller 259. PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD CAMBRIDGE ENGLAN
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