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Volume 63,
Issue 1,
Page 001-060
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THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF THE Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee : M7. H. ROBERTS M.Sc. F.I.C. (President). F. W. F. ARh-AUD F.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.I.C. E . RICHARDS BOLTON F.I.C., H. E. COX D.Sc. Ph.D. F.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE F.I.C. J. T. DUNN T).Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. F. W. EDWARDS F.I.C. B. S. EVANS M.B.E. M.C. D.Sc. F.I.C. M. I .Chem.E. Ibon. Becretarp : L. EYNOK B.Sc. F.I.C. E . HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. G. ROCHE LYKCH O.B.E. M.B., B.S. D.P.H. F.I.C. M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. A.R.T.C. F.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., A. MORE I.S.O. A.R.C.S., J. R. NICHOLLS B.Sc. F.I.C. W. H . SIMMOSS B.Sc. F.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER A.R.C.S.F.I.C. Ibon. IJreaetirer : E . B. HUGHES D.Sc. F.I.C. EbftOr C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. D.Sc. F.I.C. secretat9 anb Etseietant Ebftor J. €I. LA4NE B.Sc. F.I.C. Bbetractors : S. G. CLARKE Ph.D. B.Sc. A.I.C. E . €3. DA4W B.Sc. A.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. M.Sc. F.I.C. D. G. HEWER B.Sc. A. 0. JOXES R.2.,4. F.I.C. J. W. MATTHEWS Ph.D. F.I.C. E . M. POPE B.Sc. F . A. ROBINSON M.Sc.Tech. A.I.C. \V. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.I.C. D. R . WOOD F.I.C. VOL. 6 3 1 9 3 8 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY RY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I93 LIST OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN THE ANALYST DURING 1938 THE ASCORBIC ACID CONTENT OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. THE ACIDITY OF PAPER. THE DETERMINATION OF TANNINS IN CACAO KERNEL. By D.W. Duthie X.A., Ph.D. A.I.C. THE DETERMINATION OF SODIUM IN ALUMINIUM AND ALUMINIUM-SILICON ALLOYS. By G. B. Brook F.I.C. G. H. Stott,M.Sc. F.I.C. andA. C. Coates,B.Sc. A.I.C. THE CONTAMINATION OF WHALE OIL WITH FUEL OIL. By E. R. Bolton F.I.C., M.I.Chem.E. and K. A. Williams B.Sc. F.I.C. A METHOD FOR THE ROUTINE DETERMINATION OF GLYCOGEN IN OYSTERS. By John P. Tully. THE EXCRETION OF SODIUM CYANIDE WHEN ADMINISTERED INTRAVENOUSLY IN SMALL DOSES. THE ELECTRICAL DEPOSITION AND DETERMINATIOK OF ARSBSIC. By Sydney Torrance A.R.C.S. B.Sc. D.I.C. A RAPID METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF BISMUTH IN COPPER BRASSES, BRONZES ETC. By H. R. Fitter. A COLORIMETRIC TEST FOR THE DETECTION OF PARA-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID IN THE PRESENCE OF SALICYLIC ACID. By S. G. Stevenson M.Sc.B.Pharm., F.I.C. and J. C. L. Resuggan. By Mamie Olliver, M.Sc. A.I.C. By Donald Burton M.B.E. DSc. F.I.C. By G. V. James M.Sc. F.I.C. THE GOLD NUMBER IN ANALYTICAL PRACTICE. THE MICRO-ELECTROLYTIC DETERMINATION OF COPPER IN THE PRESENCE OF OTHER METALS BY CONTROLLED POTENTIAL. By A J. Lindsey Ph.D., ?II.Sc. A.I.C. By James Frederick Morse. ,4 CONTRIBUTION TO WATER ANALYSIS. THE COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF CHROMITE. THE DETERMINATION OF BISMUTH IN BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS. By Sidney Lionel Tompsett Ph.D. B.Sc. F.I.C. A TEST FOR TRACES OF OXIDISING AGENTS IN MILK. By R. C. Wright B.Sc., Dip. Bact. and E. B. Anderson M.Sc. F.I.C. THE DETERMINATION OF PARACHLOROMETAXYLENOL IN AKTISEPTIC SOLUTIONS. By R. P. Merritt Ph.C. and T. F. West M.Sc. A.I.C. THE DETERMINATION OF ETHYLENE GLYCOL.By R. Cuthill M.Sc. Ph.D. A.I.C., and C. Atkins Ph.D. A.I.C. FAT ABSORPTION AND METABOLISM. By A. C. Frazer M.B. B.Sc. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. THE INFLUENCE OF FEEDING-STUFFS ON MEAT. By W. H. Kitto MSc. By C. F. J. Van der Walt M.Sc. By V. C. Fishwick N.D.A. THE CONCENTRATION OF FRUIT JUICES BY FREEZING. By P. Bilham BSc., F.I.C. THE ANALYSIS OF MIXTURES OF GLUCOSE AND FRUCTOSE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE By C. R. Marshall B.Sc. Ph.D. A.I.C. and A. G. Norman, By F. W. Edwards F.I.C. and H. R. Nanji Ph.D. D.I.C., By W. Whale. By Cecil L. Wilson X.Sc., TO HONEY. DSc. Ph.D. F.I.C. COFFEE EXTRACTS. F.I.C. A NEW VOLUMETRIC IODIDE METHOD OF DETERMINING STARCH. MICRO-TESTS FOR ELEMENTS IN ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. Ph.D iV LIST OF PAPERS THE GRAVIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF GERMAKIUM.By Glyn Rees Davies R.Sc., Ph.D. and Sir Gilbert Morgan O.B.E. D.Sc. F.I.C. F.R.S. DSc. Ph.D. F.I.C. Trotman M.A. F.I.C. and A. Bramley. VIKEGARS AND THEIR DIFFERENTIATION. H. R. Nanji Ph.D. D.I.C. F.I.C. Ph.D. D.I.C. F.I.C. Raymond BSc. A.I.C, and Magnus Herd BSc. F.I.C. HAIR DYES. I. THE CHEMISTRY AND AKALYSIS OF HEKKA. By H. E. cox, THE DETERMINATIOX OF ACIDITY IN KWITTED WOOLLEN GOODS. By S. R. ANALYSIS OF VINEGAR. PART I. SPIRIT filALT DISTILLED MALT AXD ARTIFICIAL By F. W. Edwards F.I.C. and By Janet W. Matthews, By W. D. By T. Cockburn F.I.C., By P. Hersch. MICROCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS ON SILICEOUS DUST. THE DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF OUABAIK AND STROPHAKTHIN. THE PROPORTION OF COPPER PRESENT IN TOMATO PUR~E.A SIMPLE GRAVIMETRIC METHOD OF DETERMINING COPPER. THE ELECTROLYTIC ANALYSIS OF NICKEL BRONZES AKD LIGHT ALUMINIUM ALLOYS. DETERMINATION OF LEAD IN DRINKING WATER. Ax INVESTIGATION INTO THE METHODS OF TOXICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF VISCERA. PART 11. THE EXTRACTION OF ALKALOIDS FROM VISCERA. By C. G. Daubney, M.Sc. F.I.C. and L. C. Nickolls M.Sc. F.I.C. THE DETERMINATION OF ALUMINIUM IN CAST IROK. By E. Taylor-Austin A.I.C. DETERMINATION OF NICKEL AND BORIC ACID IK NICKEL-PLATING SOLUTIONS. CITRIC ACID DETERMINATION IN MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS. By Paul s. Arup, A NEW IODINE METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF STARCH By Sydney Torrance A.R.C.S. B.Sc. D.I.C. By H. Ingleson M.A. D.Phi1. By G. Stanley Smith B.Sc. A.I.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. PART 111.THE DETERMINATION OF FARINACEOUS MATTER IN SAUSAGES MEAT PASTES AND FISH PASTES WITH A NOTE ON THEIR AKALYSIS. By F. W. Edwards F.I.C. H. R. Nanji Ph.D. D.I.C. F.I.C. and W. R. Chanrnugam, F.I.C. PART IV. THE DETERMINATION OF DEXTRIN IN THE PRESENCE OF STARCH AND SUGARS. By F. W. Edwards F.I.C. H. R. Nanji Ph.D. D.I.C. F.I.C. and W. R. Chanmugam F.I.C. By J. J. Chinoy MSc. Ph.D. D.I.C. THE EXTRACTION OF ALKALOIDS AND OTHER ORGANIC DRUGS FROM VISCERA. By F. Bamford B.Sc. STUDIES IN INTERNAL ELECTROLYSIS. IV. THE DETERMINATION OF SMALL QUANTITIES OF MERCURY IN THE PRESENCE OF COPPER AND ZINC. By James G. Fife M.Sc. F.I.C. THE DETERMINATION OF UNSAPONIFIABLE MATTER IN WHALE OIL BY THE DRAFT METHOD OF THE NORWEGIAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION. By E. R. Bolton, F.I.C.M.I.Chem.E. and K. A. Williams B.Sc. F.I.C. By A. R. Jamieson B,Sc. F.I.C. and R. S. Watson X.I.C. By H. C. Lockwood B.Sc F.I.C. PART V. STARCH IN LEAF MATERIAL. THE DETERMINATION OF MINUTE QUANTITIES OF GOLD IS URINE. RESIDUAL FAT IK SOLVENT-EXTRACTED MATERIALS LIST OF PAPERS V THE OHROMIUM COMPOUND OF 8-~YDRoxYQuINoLINE. By E. Taylor-Austin, THE RAPID DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHORUS IN MILD STEEL. By T. P. Hoar, THE DETERMINATION OF THE ORGANIC ACIDS IN SILAGE EXTRACTS AND BACTERIAL THE DETERMINATION OF ACID IN WOOL. By J. Barritt B.Sc. A.R.C.S. A.I.C., ANALYSIS OF COMMERCIAL LEAD. DETERMINATION OF MAGNESIUM IN BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS. INTERFERENCE OF A.I.C. M.A. Ph.D. BSc. CULTURES. H. H. Bowen F. L. Goodall M.Sc. and A. Whitehead. By E. A. Coakill A.I.C.By A. M. Smith Ph.D. D.Sc. A.I.C. MANGANESE. F.I.C. By J. Duckworth D.Sc. and W. Godden B.Sc. A.R.C.S., THE DETERMINATION OF NITROGEN IN MIXED FERTILISERS CONTAINING NITRATES By Bernard Dyer D.Sc. F.I.C. and J. Hubert Harnence, A NEW VOLUMETRIC PROCESS FOR VANADIUM. By B. S. Evans M.C. M.B.E., A NEW VOLUMETRIC PROCESS FOR TELLURIUM. By B. S. Evans M.C. M.B.E., AND CHLORIDES. Ph.D. M.Sc. F.I.C. D.Sc. F.I.C. DSc. F.I.C. ERRATA : VOL. 62 1937: p. 257. Table VI The heading should read Approximate weight production of milk fatty (Combined milk In the first line of the Table for “Milk-fat production per day” read “Milk-fat acids in cows receiving 4ozs. daily of cod-liver oil in food. from 2 cows collected over 4-day periods in each case.) production over 4-day period.” VOL.63 1938: p. 177. Line 5. For “hydrofluoric acid” read “hydrochloric acid.” p. 334. Line 5. “when excess of ferrous sulphate had not been added.” Delete “mt.” p. 336. p. 584. p. 612. Line 27. For “693mp band” read “603mp band.” p. 728. Line 1. For “Nitragyne Speciosa” read “Mitragyne SpecioscI.” p. 825. Line 11. For “Ce(C) 9509” read “CE(C) 9505.” p. 869. First line below Fig. P. In the formula for “0.605 g. of NH,OH” read “0.605 g. of NH,.” For “factor Az” read “discrepancy factor.” First line of discussion. DECENNIAL INDEX VOLS. LI-LX: For “Present day fertilisers contained very little chloride” read “Present day fertilisers containing nitrate contained very little chloride.” p. 22. Column 1. Callan T. and Henderson J.A. R. For “1926” read “1929.” p. 80. Column 2 lines 10 to 14 from the bottom. The papers on “Standards for purity of ‘ethyl’ vanillin,” and “The detection of metallic particles” should be under the name of “Lockwood H. C.,” and not of “Lough and Lewis. INDEX TO VOLUME 63 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst a Acharya C. N. Furfuraldehyde yield of soil 61. Adam W. B. Review of Knapp’s Cacao Ferwzentatiopq 46 1. Adams G. A. Nature of haemoglobin in the red blood corpuscle 444. Adamson ID. C. M. Evers N. and Smith W. Analytical classification of fish-liver oils. YI. Iodine value of the unsaponifiable matter, 826. Afanasjev S. M. Alimarin I. P. and Fried B. J. Detection of niobium and tantalum in minerals and metals, 374.Allen a. R The insoluble residue in the potas-sium chloroplatinate obtained in the analysis of certain fertilisers for potash 286. Allport N. L. and Porter G. V. Assay of ergot and its liquid extract for ergometrine 510. Ambler HI. R. Review of Klemenc’s Die Behandltlng und Reindarstellung von Gasen, 460. - Review of NcCulloch’s Gas Analysis 631. Ambrose A. M. and Haag H. B. Toxicological Chronic toxicity of derris, Amelink F. Identification of ecgonine, - Identification of p-aminobenzenesulphon-amide (sulphanilamide “prontosil album,” etc.) 741. - Microchemical reaction for the alkaloids of Atropa belladonna 916. Amy L. See Sannik C. Anderson C. W. Determination of small quantities of arsenic in white metals 295.Anderson E. B. Review of Hammer’s Dairy Bacteriology 2nd Ed. 541. *- See also Wright R. C. *Andrew R. L. Losses of iodide from iodised - Report of the Acting Dominion Analyst for Arnaud F. W. F. Report of County Analyst for - Review of Boys’ Weeds Weeds Weeds 466. - Review of Kellogg’s Soil Survey Manual 149. - Review of Wright’s Agricultural Analysis, 771. *Amp P. S. Citric acid determinations in milk and milk products 635. Ashley S. E. Q. and Murray W. M. Junr. Com-plete removal of ferric chloride from solution by continuous extraction with ether 680. Atkin L. *Atkins C. See Cuthill R. See Portnov M. A. studies of derris. 523. C$)H,,XO, 740. salt 179. New Zealand for 1937 602. Kent for fourth quarter 1937 268. See Schultz A.S. “Atkinson H. Palmitate determination of Augusti S. Microchemical recognition of pig-Ayre C. A. Lysine-content of feeding stuffs, Azzam A. A. Microciiemical examination of magnesia in water 493. ments from paintings 917. 751. explosives and ammunition 219. B Bacharach A. L. Review of Bodansky’s Iitfro-duction to Physiological Chemistry 4th Ed., 921. - Review- of Burn’s Biological Stundardisation, 462. - Review of Coward’s The Biological Slnszdard-isatio,tz of the Vitumim 462. - Review of Mottrarn and Radloff’s Food Tables 857. - Review of Perspectives in Chemistry 76. - Science and Nutrition (Review) 861. - Speech a t Anniversary Dinner 232. “Bacharach A. L. and Smith E. L. Bagchi R. H. K. N. and Ganguly H. ID. Bagnall H. H. A note on avocado pear oil 81 1.Lead in urine and faeces 59. Report of the Birmingtiam City Analyst for the second and third quarters, 1937 41; for the year 1937 586; for the first quarter 1035 428. Bailey A. E. Pharmacognosy of “Rulgarian” belladonna root 199. Baker G. W. Report of the Government Analyst for Palestine for 1936 114. Balls A. K. and Hoover S. R. Milk-clotting action of papain 56. Balls A. K. Matlack M. B. and Tucker I. W. Hydrolysis of glycerides by crude pancreas liyase 125. Baltes J. See Kaufmann H. P. *Barnford F. The extraction of alkaloids and other organic drugs from viscera 645. Barcroft Sir J. Appointed Chairman of Food Investigation Board 818. Barlow C. M. Method of embedding fibres for section-cutting in a medium containing ethyl cellulose 537.Barnet W. I. See Kobe K. A. *Barritt J. Bowen pf. H. Goodall F. L. and Whitehead A. The determination of acid in wool 782. Barron H. Modern Rubber Chemistry (Re-view) 634. *Bartholomew R. J. A new method for the wet ashing of urine 884. Bass S. L. See Kauppi T. A viii INDEX TO Baxter G. P. and Tuemmler F. D. atomic weight of europium determined by analysis of europous chloride 370. Baxter G. P. Honigschmid O. and Le Beau P. Eighth Report of the Commission on Atomic Weights of the International Union of Chemistry 436. Detection of indium with morin and of some heavy metals with cacotheline 465. Determination of pyridine 679. Beck G. Belcot C. Bennett H. The Cosmetic Formulary. How to make Cosmetics Perfumes Soaps and Allied Products (Review) 149.Berenblum I. and Chain E. Improved method for the colorimetric determination of phos-phate 371. Bergel F. See Todd A. R. Berger R. See Paget 111. Berman S. M. Chap J. J. and Taylor DM. Rapid determination of iron in pharmaceutical preparations by means of cupferron and an immiscible solvent 53. Bertram S. H. and Rutgers R. Determination of glycerol and some other hydroxylated com-pounds 618. Bichowsky F. R. and Rossini F. D. The Thermochemistry of the Chemical Substances (Review) 302. Bickford W. G. Dollear F. G. and Markley, K. S. Effect of hydroxyl groups on the apparent Diene values of vegetable oils and fats 135. Bilham P. L. The concentration of fruit juices by freezing 315. Bimbi G. See Testoni M.Binsted A. T. E. Editor of Morgan’s Beverage Man u f act w e (Non -A Ico holic) 92 3. Birkett Norman. Speech a t Anniversary Dinner, 231. Blacktin 8. C. Direct-view particle counter and portable ultra-microscope 917. - Range of electrotor meter demonstrated by dark-field counts 375. Blake J. T. Blancpain G. P. See Wenger P. Blanksma J. J. and de Grauf H. Relation between taste and constitution of derivatives of malondihydrazide 200. Bloch E. Diphtheria outbreak associated with ice-cream 839. Bloxam H. C. L. Appointed Fublic Analyst for County Borough of Newcastle upon Tyne, 267. Boam J. J. Bock F. See Windaus A. Bodansky M. Introduction to Physiological Chemistry 4th Ed. (Review) 921. Bowaardt A. G. J. See Kluyver A. J. Bogatzki G.Photometric determination of tungsten in steel 913. Boivin A. and Mesrobeanu -. Researches on the somatic antigens of the typhoid bacillus. The chemical nature of the “0” and “Vi” antigens 840. BoIin D. W. and Khalapur A. 1. Precise method for the determination of carotene in forage 742. Bolton E. R. Speech at Anniversary Dinner, 230. See Davis C. C . See Cahn R. S. VOLUME 63 “Bolton E. R. and Williams K. A. The con-tamination of whale oil with fuel oil 84. *- The determination of unsaponifiable matter in whale oil by the draft method of the Xorwegian Standards Association 653. Bomer A. and Miittig H. Glycerides of oils and fats. SV. Babassu oil 441. Bomer A. Juckenack A. and Tillmans J. Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie. Vol. VII.Alkaholisclie Genussmittel (Review) 689. Bonnar R. U. See Dahle D. Bonynge C. W. Boswell J. H. Products of the decay of pine wood rotted by Merzelius Zachvymans 361. Botelho J. C. Adulteration of port wine 276. Botset H. G. Determination of water in alcohol 842. “Bowen H. H. See Barritt J. Boyd T. Degering E. F. and Shreeve R. N. Relative value of certain azo derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinoline as analytical reagents, 910. Boyden R. and Potter V. R. Form of copper in blood plasma 280. Boys Sir C. V. Weeds Weeds Weeds (Review), 465. Bragg W. L. Preface t o National Physical Laboratory Report 1936 112. Appointed Cavendish F’rofessor of Experimental Physics, University of Cambridge 497. “Bramley A. See Trotman S . R. Branson V. C. Report of the Government ilnalyst for Hong Kong for 1936 603.Bratton A. C. McClendon J. F. Foster W. and White R. Determination of iodine in drink-ing water urine and substances containing only about 1000 times as much organic matter as iodine 914. Brenner M. W. Brenner M. W. and Poland G. L. Determina-tion of ethylene dibromide 843. Brewer J. H. and Brown 3. H. Method of using coal gas in the Brown Fildes and h4cIntosh or other anaerobe jars on the Laidlow principle 907. Briese R. R. and Couch J. F. Preservation of cyanogenetic plants for chemical analysis, 841. Bright H. A. See Hague J. L. Brinkmann G. and Schmedding W. Gravi-metric determination of manganese as sulphate, 913. Brioux C. and Jouis E. Diacetyl in Normandy butter 197. Briscoe H. V.A. Review of Tables of Reagents for Inorganic Analysis 860. - Award from Institution of Mining and Metallurgy 437. British Drug Houses Ltd. The B.D.H. Book of Organic Reagents for Delicate Analysis and “Spot” Tests 6th Ed. (Review) 306. Britton H. T. S. Review of Bichowsky and Rossini’s The Thevmochemistry of the Chemical Substances 302. - Review of Mellor’s A Comprehensive TreuEise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry 222. Brodie B. B. and Friedman M. M. Deter-mination of bromide in tissues and biological fluids 671. See Brown J. H. See Niederl J. B INDEX TO VOLUME 63 ix "Brook G. B. Stott G. H. and Coates A. C. The determination of copper antimony, magnesium and tin in special aluminium alloys 110. *- The determination of sodium in aluminium and aluminium-silicon alloys 32.Brown J. B. and Frankel J. Properties of linolic acids prepared by debromination and by low-temperature crystallisation with a proposed method of quantitative estimation, 211. *Brown J. P. Variations in the composition of blackcurrants 262. Brown J. H. See Brewer J. H. Brown J. H. Bonynge C. W. and Moak H. Results obtained in a co-operative investiga-tion of bacteriological media for milk counts, 203. Brown W. L. Influence of pimiento pigments on the colour of the egg yolk of fowls 281. Bmce H. M. Kassner E. W. and Phillips G. E. Stability of vitamin D 518. Bryant C. S. Review of Reilly's ExpZosi&, Matches and Fiveworks 772. Buck R. E. and Ritchie W. S. New method for the standardisation of the dye used for the determination of cevitamic acid (vitamin C), 201.Bullock F. C. Report of the City Analyst for Leicester for 1937 720. Burckhardt E. See Stoll A. Burgess R. See Galloway L. D. Burk R. E. Thompson H. E. Weith A. J. and Williams I. Polymerisation and its Applica-tions in the Field of Rubber Synthetic Resins and Petroleum (Review) 302. Burksera E. S. and Feldman R. V. Colori-metric determination of caesium 681. Burn J. H. Biological Standardisation (Re-view) 462. Burrows T. E. See Fleming G. W. T. H. "Burton D. The acidity of paper 19. Bushell W. J. See Hilditch T. P. Bushell W. J. and Hilditch T. P. Course of hydrogenation in mixtures of mixed glycerides, 210. Bushill J. H. See Lampitt L. H. Bushill J. H. Lampitt L. H. and Filmer D.F. Determination of magnesium in milk products by a micro-method 139. Biiter H. Byers H. G. - See also Lakin H. W. C Cahn R. S. Phipers R. F. and Boam J. J. Total composition of derris extract 617. Calder W. A. 5. Review of Morgan and Pratt's British Chemical Industry I t s Rise and De-velopment 768. Caldwell W. E. and Smith L. E. Determina-tion of gold and silver in cyanide solutions 623. Caley E. R. Caley E. R. and Elving P. J. Separation of calcium as sulphate by precipitation in con-centrated methanol solution 532. Caley E. R. and Ferrer J. M. Jr. Detection and estimation of minute amounts of fluorine by the etching test 70. See Kaufmann H. P. See Gile P. L. See Elving P. J. Calvert H. T. Report of the Water Pollution Camus A. See Chollet A.Carneiro P. de B. Active principles of curare, 900. CarriBre E. and Guiter HI. Precipitation and determination of vanadates 681. Castiglioni A. Determination of iron in metallic mercury 9 13. - Gravimetric determination of the naphthols by means of formaldehyde 756. Chain E. See Berenblum I. Chakravarti S. N. Report of the Chemical Examiner for the United Provinces and Central Provinces Agra for 1936 45. Chalmers B. Hoare W. E. and Tait W. H. Measurement of thickness of tin coating on steel by a magnetic and an electro-magnetic method 67. Appointed Public Analyst for County Borough of Dudley Agricultural Analyst for County Boroughs of Dudley and West Bromwich and Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Coventry 814. Chandelle R.Determination of zirconium by means of methylarsinic acid 452. - Determination of zirconium in ferro-zircon-ium by means of sodium methylarsinate 139. "Chanmugam W. R. Chap J. J. See Berman S . M. Charavanapavsn C. Charpy G. Determination of silicon in steel 216. "Chinoy J. J. A new iodine method for the determination of starch. V. Starch in leaf material 876. Chollet A. and Camus A. Examination of the fat of goats' milk 196. Churchill H. V. Cianci V. Use of orange juice in cultivation of Clayton W. Editor of von Buziigh's Colloid - Review of Gortner's Selected Topics in - Review of Weiser's Inorganic Colloid Chem-Clayton W. J. Clevenger J. F. Volatile oil in marjoram 277. Closs K. and Hellriksen S. D. Detection of d-"Coakill E.A. Analysis of commercial lead, "Coates A. C. "Cockbyn T. and Herd M. The proportion of copper present in tomato purke 482. Cohen I. See Viehoever A. Cole W. C. Use of the dilatometer in measuring the extent of freezing in ice-cream and related products 456. Coler M. A. Melting-point determinations under mercury 375. Collins J. V. Report of Government Analyst for Ceylon for 1937 501. Connah F. E. Report of the Government Analvst for Queensland for 1936-37 346. Conybeare E. T. and Thornton L. H. D. Out-break of food poisoning due to salmonella, type "Dublin," and conveyed by raw milk, 429. Research Board for 1936-37 430. Chalmers F. G. D. See Edwards F. W. See Joachim A. W. R. See Rowley R. J. anaerobic bacilli 906. Systems 384. Colloid Chemistry 632.istry Vol. 111 769. See Vosburgh W. C. and E-phenylalanine in biological fluids 674. 798. See Brook G. B X INDEX TO Cooper G. Copping A. M. and Roscoe M. H. Water-soluble B-vitamins in yeast flour and bread, 57. Cornish R. E. See Finn J. Junr. Cornwallis Lord. Speech a t Anniversary Dinner, Cosme L. L1. See Maraiion J. Costeanu N. D. Determination of manganese in plants 60. Couch J. F. See Briese R. R. Cowan S. T. Classification of the staphylococci by precipitation and biological reactions, 675. Coward K. H. The Biological Standardisation of the Vitamins (Review) 462. *Cox El. E. Hair dyes. I. The chemistry and analysis of henna 397. - Review of Bomer Juckenack and Tillmans' Handbmh der Labensmittel-Chemie Vol. VII, 689.- The Chemical Analysis of Foods 2nd Ed. (Review) 69 1. Cristea F. Cruickshank D. B. Zinc-content of teeth in Cunningham T. R. Determination of tantalum Curtis L. C. "Cuthill R. and Atkins C. of ethylene glycol 259. See Vosburgh W. C. 232. See Tilici R. R. tuberculosis 513. and niobium in stainless steel 530. See Pucher G. W. The determination D Dahle D. Bonnar R. U. and Wichmann H. J. Colorimetric titration of small amounts of fluoride with thorium nitrate 851. Dam H. and Glavind J. Vitamin K in the plant 519. Dann W. J. and Evelyn K. A. Determination of vitamin A with the photo-electric colori-meter 711. Darbishire 0. B. Translation of von BuzBgh's Colloid Systems 384. Darrow D. C. *Daubney C. G, and Nickolls L. C. An investi-gation into the methods of toxicological analysis of viscera.Part 11. The extraction of alkaloids from viscera 560. Davies W. L. Detection and determination of neutralisers in dairy products 349. *- Report on the Eleventh World's Dairy Congress Berlin 1937 38. *Davies G. R. and Morgan Sir Gilbert. The gravimetric determination of germanium 388. Davis C. C. and Blake J. T. Editors of The Chemistry and Technology of Rubber (Review) , 146. Degering E. E. See Boyd T. de Graaf H. See Blanksma J. J. DeKay H. G. See Jordan C. B. Delory G. E. See King E. J. de Prado L. Determination of copper and iron in some Argentine musts and wines 605. DBribBrB M. Use of acridine orange and brilliant diazo1 yellow as fluorescent indicators, 71. See Harrison H.E. VOLUME 63 Descatoire F. See Metra M. Desnuelle P. See Kuhn R. Dhingra D. R. and Sharma D. N. Component fatty acids and glycerides of the body fat of he-goats 899. Dick J. and Radulescu A. Determination of copper and its separation from lead 294. Diemair W. and Herrmann-!boss G. Collected references. Applications of micro-technique in food analysis 684, Dingle H. and Sheldon J. H. Spectrographic examination of the mineral content of human and other milk 608. Dobson G. 1. B. Report of the Atmospheric Pollution Research Committee 1937 48. - Report on work of Atmospheric Pollution Research Committee 498. Dodd F. R. and Telford A. P. "Sussex ground" oats 286. Dollear F. G. See Bickford W. G. Dott D. B. Action of strychnine on Bordeaux B, 6 2 7 .Dowden H. C. Determination of small amounts of dimethylamine in biological fluids 513. - Quantity of theobromine in the milk of cows fed on a diet including this alkaloid 356. "Doyle A. L. and Madley W. 5. The deter-mination of combined nitrogen in aluminium, 426. Dragt G. and Mellon M. G. The o-toluidine method for the determination of residual chlorine in drinking water 521. Driver J. E. Revision of Bentley and Driver's Text-Book on Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3rd Ed. (Review) 73. Drogin I. Methods for evaluating carbon blacks 759. Drumm P. J. Scarborough H. and Stewart, C. P. Chemical identification of ascorbic acid in urine 58. *Drummond J. C. - See also Logaras G. Drummond J. C. and Hoover A. A. Vitamin E (tocopherol) 58.Dubsky J. V. Application of organic reagents and complex compounds in analytical chem-istry 374. See Haines R. T. M. - New methods in analytical chemistry 374. Duckert R. See Wenger P. "Duckworth J. and Godden W. Determina-tion of magnesium in biological materials. Interference of manganese 805. DuquBnois P. The pH value as an index of the quality of alimentary pastes 195. Durand P. See Monnet R. "Duthie D. W. The determination of tannins in cacao kernels 27. Dutt N. K. Two modifications of cobalt quin-aldinate 217. Dwonzak R. and Friedrich-Liebenberg A. Micro-determination of total alkali and the gravimetric determination of sodium as sodium-magnesium uranyl acetate. Applica-tion to the analysis of mineral water 140. Obituary of F. W. Toms 695.Dyer B. - Obituary of J . A. Voelcker 79. *Dyer B. and Hamence J. H. The determina-tion of nitrogen in mixed fertilisers containing. nitrates and chlorides 866. Erratum v INDEX TO VOLUME 63 xi E Eaton B. J. Foreword to Flint's The Chemistry and Technology of Rubber Latex 382. Edisbury J. R. Morton,+R. .A, Simpking G W., and Lovern J. A. Distribution of vitamin A and factor A%. I 358. Edwards F. W. Report of Public Analyst for Kensington for fourth quarter 1937 267; for first quarter 1938 429. - Review of Annual Reports of the Progress of Applied Chemistry 1937. *Edwards F. W. and Nanji H. B. Analysis of Vinegar. I 410. *- Coffee extracts 323. *- Milk from milk bars 596. "Edwards F. W,. Nanji H. R. and Chanmugam, W. R. A new iodine method for the deter-mination of starch.111. The determination of farinaceous matter in sausages meat pastes and fish pastes with a note on their analysis, 641. IV. The determination of dextrin in the presence of starch and sugars 697. (For Part V see Chinoy J. J.) Edwards H. T. Simplified estimation of lactate in normal human blood 903. Edwards 0. F. and Rettger L. F. Relation of certain respiratory enzymes to the maximum growth temperatures of bacteria 361, El Mangouri H. A. Separation of carbonyl compounds from waxes 214. *Elsdon G. D. Ginger with low water-soluble ash 182. +- The detection of glucose syrup in jams and honey 422. Elvehjem C. A. Elving P. J. See Caley E. R. Elving P J. and Caley E. R. Separation of magnesium as oxalate 295. Emerson 0.H. and G. A. Mohammad A. and Evans H. M. Chemistry of vitamin E. Tocopherols from various sources 127. Emmerie A. Inhibition of the Carr and Price reaction for vitamin A by substances in cod-liver oil 674. Enders C. Saji T. and Schneebauer F. Fur-furogen-content of barleys-a varietal charac-teristic 506. Erlenmeyer H. and Schenkel H. Benzene-d, as a solvent for optically-active substances, 220. Escher R. See Karrer P. Etienne H. Gravimetric determination of *Evans B. S. A new volumetric process for *- A new volumetric process for vanadium 870. - Review of Schoeller's The Analytical Chem-istry of Tantalum and Niobium 72. - Review of Treadwell and Hall's Analytical Chemistry. Vol. I. Qualitative Analysis 9th Eng. Ed. 687. Evans H. E.See Hamer P. Evans H. M. See Emerson 0. H. Evelyn K. A. See Dann Mi. J. Everitt E. L. See Sullivan M. X. Evers N. Ezekiel W. N. Evaluation of some soil fungi-cides by laboratory tests with Phymatotrichum omnivorum 616. Vol. XXII 458. See Schantze E. J. bismuth by means of picric acid 847. tellurium 874. See Adamson D. C. M. F Fabre R. Application of electrodialysis in toxicological analyses 6 15. Fabre R. and Kahane E. Introduction to the biochemical study of pneumonoconiosis 67 1. Fales H. A. See Yagoda H. Farmer E. H. and Van den Heuvel F. A. Separation of the highly unsaturated acids of fish oils by molecular distillation 209. Faulder J. H. See Moon F. E. Feigl F. Detection of organic compounds by means of spot tests 69. - Qualitative Analyse mit Hilfe von Tiipfel-Reaktionen 3rd Ed.(Review) 770. - Qualitative Analysis by Spot Tests. Trans-lated by J. W. Matthews (Review) 685. Feldman R. V. Felix A. and Gardner A. D. Serum diagnosis of enteric fever. Report and recommenda-tions 129. Ferguson? A. Review of Houwink's Elasticity, Plastzczty and Structure of Matter 144. Ferguson C. S. See Racicot P. A. Ferrer J. M. Jr. See Caley E. R. Fieser L. F. and Jacobsen R. P. Convalla-toxin 59. Fife J. G. *- Studies in internal electrolysis. 1V. The determination of small quantities of mercury in the presence of copper and zinc 650. See Burksera E. S. Obituary of H. D. Ellrington 865. Filmer D. F. See Bushill J. H. - See also Lampitt I,. H. Findlay A. -4 Hundred Years of Chemistry (Review) 7 1.Finn J. Junr. and Cornish R. E. Determina-tion of age of inks by the chloride method, 844. Fishwick V. C. The influence of feeding-stuffs on meat 314. "Fitter H. R. A rapid method for the determina-tion of bismuth in copper brasses bronzes, etc. 107. Fleck L. C. Van Beckum W. G. and Ritter G. J. Composition of coconut shells 66. Fleming G. W. T. H. and Burrows T. E. Possible discrepancy in the estimation of ascorbic acid in urine 282. Flint C. F. The Chemistry and Technology of Rubber Latex (Review) 382. Florentin D. See Thiellement -. ForgBcs T. and Radics I. Detection of pas-teurisation of sour cream by the amylase test, 664. Forsee W. T. Junr. Photocolorimetric deter-mination of sugars in plant materials 753. Foster W.Fowler R. H. Appointed Director of National Physical Laboratory 497. Fowles G. Lecture Experiments in Chemistry (Review) 304. Frahm E. D. G. and Koolhaas D. R. Refracto-metric determination of oil in aleurites seeds, 447. - Relations between the constants of wood oil, 213. Frank H. and Gerstel G. Silica-content of blood 610. Franke E. See Kutzelnigg A. Frankel J. See Brown J. R. See Bratton A. C xii IISDEX TO Frankel M. Maimin R. and Shapiro B. Hy-drolytic properties of Carica papaya latex and latex preparations 125. *Fkazer A. C. Fat absorption and metabolism, 308. Frehden 0. Micro-test for rancidity in fats 536. - See also Tellmann E. Freise F. W. Composition of the seeds of Cajanus Sp. and Canavalia Sp. Brazilian native foods 605.Freudenberg W. and Rogers E. E. New alkaloids in Aconitum napellus 123. Frey C. N. Freytag H. New reaction for the detection of Fried B. J. See Alimarin I . P. FTiedman M. X. FTiedrich-Liebenberg A. See Dwonzak K. Fritzsche H. See Karrer P. Fuchs L. A new melting-point and sublimation apparatus with built-in thermometer 217. Fuhrmann F. Apparatus for drying small amounts of material 763. Furter I. 1. Qualitative micro-method for the identification of alkyl groups linked with oxygen or nitrogen 625. Fuson R. C. Editor of Organic Syntheses. Vol. XVIlI (Review) 770. See Schultz A. S . sulphonated oils by means of pyridine 290. See Brodie B. B. G Gaddum L. W. Galloway L. D. and Burgess R. Applied Mycology and Bacteriology (Review) 148.Game 8ir Philip. Speech a t Anniversary Dinner 232. Ganguly H. D. See Bagchi K. H. K. N. Gardner A. D. See Felix A. Garratt D. @. Drugs and Galenicals Their Quantitative Analysis (Review) 74. Gebauer A See May C . Gerber A. B. and Miles F. T. Determination of ortho- pyro- and meta-phosphoric acids by colorimetric PH titrations 851. Gerstei G. See Frank H. Ghosh B. and Guha B. C. Ascorbic acid oxidase from the white gourd ( B e n i w a sacriapra) 359. Gilchrist R. New procedure for the analysis of dental gold alloys 848. Gile P. L. Lakin H. W. and Byers H. G. Effect of different soil colloids and whole soils on the toxicity of sodium selenate to millet, 754. Gillam A. E. Vitamin A and A contents of mammalian and other animal livers 835. Gilman H.Organic Chemistry-An Advanced Treatise (Review) 685. Giri K. V. Relation between vitamin C and plant phosphatase 747. - Sensitive test for vitamin C 613. Glasstone S. Review of Hohn’s Chevnische Glavind J. See Dam H. “Godden W. See Duckworth J. Gomory A. See Vuk M. *Goodall F. L. Gorbach G. and Kostic M. See Rusoff L. L. Analysen mit dem Polarugraphe*z 224. See Barritt J. Emich filter sticks applied to work on the gamma scale 763. VOLUME 63 Gortner R. A. Selected ’I’opics in Colloid Goss M. J. Gould S. P. Graham J. J. T. Grant J. Fluorescence analpsis in ultra-violet light as applied to dyestuffs and fibrous materials 765. - Review of Haitinger’s FZuorescerzz-ML kro-skopie 773. Gray N. and Sanders 1. C. Aluminium-alloy method for the gravimetric determination of total oxygen in plain carbon steels 529.Gray P. P. and Stone I. M[. Determination of iron in malt beverages 736. Green D. E. See Needham J . Green T. G. See Hilditch T. 1’. Green T. G. and Hilditch T. P. Fat of the green turtle 442. - Oxidation of some polyhydroxylic and po!y-ethylenic higher fatty acids by aqueous alka-line permanganate solutions 136. Greenberg D. M. See Larson C. L. Griebel C. Carob bean meal as a thickening agent in fruit preparations and other foods, 439. Chemistry (Review) 632. See Phillips RI. See McKee R. H. See Jones H. A. - Honey containihg vitamin C 516. - Source of the condiment “Spanish hops,” 606. Griebel C. Schloemer A. and Zeglin H. Toxicity of apricot pulp containing Auorine compounds 52 1.Griffith F. 8. See Kolthoff I. M. Griffith @. comparison of rapid tests for soil nutrients with laborator!- analyses 751. Grimmett R. E. Iz. Report of New Zealand Department of Agriculture for 1936-37 112. Grossfeld J. ISandbuch der Eierkunde (Re-view) 359. Grossfeld J. and Schwarz K. Detection of an unusual artificial dye in egg-pastry 826. Guanzon 6. A. and Sandstrom W. M. Uronic acid content of the nitrogen-free extract of feeding stuffs 130. Guerrant N. B. Guha B. C. See Ghosh B. Guiter H. See Carriire E. Gurevich E. E. Gutsche F. W. See R/Ienaker 31. H. Rapid method of determining Bacteriological examination of silicon in aluminium and its alloys 682. Harz cheese 838. €i See Ambrose A. M. Haag H. B.Hackh I. W. D. and Grant J. Raderer F. Sre Maurer E. *HacUey W. H. See Doylc A. L. Hague J. L. and Bright H. A. Determination Hagues G. and Hartley A. W. D. Gravimetric Haines R. B. Effect of freezing on bacteria 614. - Report on microbiology in the preservation of animal tissues 818. *&tines R. T. M. and Drummond J. C. The use of mammalian (whale) liver oils and con-centrates in the preparation of artificial or “reinforced” halibut-liver oils 335. Erratum, 427. Hackh’s Chemi-cal Dictionary 2nd Ed. (Rexriew) 227. of boron in steel and cast iron 850. determination of cc-hop resin 737 IZ?TDES TO Haitinger M. Fluorescenz-Mikroskopie (Re-view) 773. Hall W. T. Translation and revision of Tread-well’s Aizalytical Chemistry IroL I. Qualita-tive Analysis 9th English Ed.687. Halverson J. O. and Smith F. H. Extraction of gossypol with different ethers 65. Hrtmbersin J. M. Detection and determination of traces of formaldehyde 207. *Hamenee J. H. See Dyer B. Hamer P. and Evans H. E. Modification of the palmitate determination of magnesia in water 133. Hamersma P. J. Vitamin C content of South African oranges 747. Hammer €3. W. Dairy Bacteriology 2nd Ed. (IXeview) 541. Hampshire C. R. and Page G. R. Assay of liquid extract of ergot 510. Harold C. H. H. Report of the Metropolitan Water Board for 1936 192. “Harral J. C. The direct determination of ammonia in water 597. Harris C. C. Constants of genuine cod-liver oil. The unsaponifiable matter content 509. Harrison G. A. Chemical Methods in Clinical Medicine 2nd Ed.(Review) 542. Harrison H. E. and Darrow D. C. Volumetric method for the determination of potassium in biological materials 55. Hart E. B. Hartley A. W. D. Hartwell G. A. Digestion of reconstituted Hecht F. Collected references. Quantitative - Micro-determination of water in inorganic - Micro-silicate analysis 299. - See also von Mack M. Hecht F. and Korkisch F. Micro-gravimetric determination of cobalt with a-nitroso- p-naphthol 916. Hecht F. and von Mack M. Micro-determina-tion of arsenic and antimony 298. Heim 0. Determination of formaldehyde in dilute solutions and in the presence of inter-fering substances 755. Heller K. Kuhla G. and Machek F. Deter-mination of traces of heavy metals in mineral waters 374.Hendricks S. B. See Alarkley K. S . Henriksen R. H. “Bulgarian” belladonna root, Henriksen S. D. See Closs K. Henry K. M. and Kon S. K. Note on the vitamin D content of cow’s colostrum, 282. Henville D. Report of the Borough Analyst for Stepney for 1937 721. *Herd M. See Cockburn T. Herrmann-Tross G. See Diemair W. “Hersch P. A simple gravimetric method of determining copper 486. Hickson W. Filling device for bacteriological media 202. Highberger J. H. and Retzsch C. E. Deter-mination of formaldehyde in formaldehyde tanned leather 678. See Schantze E. J. See Hagues G. cream 124. micro mineral analysis 69. substances. I 218. 277. VOLUME 63 xiii Hilditch T. P. Distribution of hexadecenoic acid in natural fats 619. - Further determination and characterisation of the component acids of butter-fat 275.- See also Green T. G. - See also Bushell W. T. Hilditch T. P. and Hall C. C. Catalytic Pro-cesses in Applied Chemistry 2nd Ed. (Re-view) 223. Hilditch T. P. and Jasperson H. Occurrence of traces of hexadecenoic (palmitoleic) acid in vegetable fats 442. Hilditch T. P. and Longenecker H. E. Further study of the component acids of ox depot fat with special reference to certain minor con-stituents 122. Hilditch T. P. and Pedelty W. Hb. Component fatty acids of the phosphatides of soya-bean and rape seeds 123. Hilditch T. P. and Shorland F. B. Composition of the liver fats of some Yew Zealand farm animals 12 1. Hilditch T. P. and Thompson H. fir. Further observations on the component glycerides of olive and tea-seed oils 119.Hilditch T. P. Ichaporia M. B. and Jasperson, H. Progressive hydrogenation of groundnut and sesame oils 899. Hilditch T. P. Ichaporia M. B. Bushell W. J., and Green T. G. Fatty acids and glycerides of solid seed fats 440. Hillig F. Colorimetric determination of lactic acid in fruit and fruit products 51. Hinks E. Review of Bacharach’s Science and Nutrition 861. Hirano S. Determination of manganese in cobalt-chromium steels by photometric titra-tion 138. Hirst F. Report of Director of Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Research Station, Campclen for 1936-37 823. *Hoar T. P. The rapid determination of phosphorus in mild steel 712. Hoare W. E. See Chalniers B. Hodgins T. S. See Iiol-ey A. G.Hodgson T. R. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Bury 814. Hoeke F. Reactions distinguishing bourbonal from vanillin 448. Hoffman J. I. and Lundell G. E. F. Analysis of phosphate rock 760. - Determination of phosphoric anhydride in phosphate rock superphosphate and “meta-phosphate,’’ 132. Hoffmann W. S. and Osgood B. Photo-electric method for the micro-determination of sodium in serum and urine by the uranyl zinc acetate precipitation 607. Hofman M. Hohn H. Holaday D. A. See Richter A. I;. Chemische Anatysen init dew Polaro-graphen (Review) 224. Determination of pyrethrin I in commercial insecticides containing pyre-thrum or pyrethrum extract 203. Holt P. F. Holzer H. and Zaussinger E. Analysis of Honel F. See Krumholz €3.Honigschmid 0. Award for silicosis research 437. jewellers’ platinum alloys 215. See Raxter G. P xiv INDEX TO Hoover A. A. See Drummond J. C. Hoover S. R. See Balls A. K. Hopkins R. H. and Krause B. Biochemistry applied to Malting and Brewing (Review) 381. Horvath A. A. The Soybean Industry (Re-view) 859. Hosking J. S. Ignition a t low temperatures of the organic matter in soils 676. House C. J. Report of the Dept. of Science, Siam for 1934-36 727. Houwink R. Elasticity Plasticity and Struc-ture of Matter (Review) 144. Hovey A. G. and Hodgins T. S. Qualitative determination of glycerol and ethylene glycol in dilute aqueous solution 63. Wowe M. See Sullivan B. Huntress E. 11. Erratum 856. A Brief Introduction to the Use of Beilstein’s Handbuch der Organischen Chemie 2nd Ed.(Review) 632. Hiittig M. See Bomer A. Hynes H. A, and Yanowski L. K. Salts of complex cations for the microscopic detection of anions. 111. 1.2-dinitritotetramminoco-baltic nitrate (flavocobaltic nitrate) 626. I Ichaporia 1. B. Ingham J. Stable nitroprusside solution for acetone bodies in urine 742. %gleson H. Determination of lead in drinking water 546. Innes R. F. Review of Official Methods of Analysis of the Internatio.tia1 Society of Leather Trades Chemists 924. International Society of Leather Trades’ Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis (Review) 924. Ionesco C. N. and Stanciu N. Polarimetric determination of calcium gluconate 902. Ishidate M. Detection of o-dioxo- and oxo-methylene compounds 915.Iwai M. See Ueno S. See Hilditch T. P. J Jacobs M. B. Jacobsen R. P. Jacquot R. Oxalic acid fermentation Mechan-ism of oxalicogenesis by moulds 907. “Jamieson A. R. and Watson R. S. The determination of minute quantities of gold in urine 702. Jamieson 1. Report of Government Analyst for Straits Settlements for 1937 821. *James G. V. The excretion of sodium cyanide when administered intravenously in small doses 99. Jany J. Measurement of the oxygen absorption of fish oils by means of the manometer 367. Jasperson 11. Jelinek M. Characteristic reaction of yperite, 66. Joachim A. W. R. and Charavanapavan C. .Vitamin C contents of some Ceylon fruits and vegetables 446. Jbnhs J. See Szebellbdy L. Jbnhs J. and Szebellbdy L. Orcinaurine as a fluorescence indicator 762.The Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products (Review) 919. See Fieser L. F. See Hilditch T. P. VOLUME 63 Jones H. A. and Graham J. J. T. Determina-tion of rotenone in derris and cube 11. Ex-traction from the root 204. Jordan C. B. and De Kay H. G. Qualitative Analysis for Students of Pharmacy and Medicine 2nd Ed. (Review) 868. Jordan L. A. Review of 0. Jordan’s Technology of Solvents 922. Jordan 0. Technology of Solvents. Trans-lated by A. D. Whitehead (Review) 922. Jordan R. C. and Pryde J. Quantitative skatole colour reaction for fructose 349. Joslyn M. A. Electrolytic production of rancio flavour in sherries 508. - See also Wilder C. D. Jouis E. See Brioux C. Juckenack A. See Bijiner A. Juhlin 0.Jungkunz R. See Pritzker J. Rapid method for the determination of glycerol in aqueous solutions 756. K Kabos W. J. Kahane E. Destruction of organic matter with perchloric acid 59. - See also Fabre R. Kaiser F. J. Determination of the quinine content of blood 284. Kandiah S. and Koch D. E. V. Leafy and non-leafy vegetables of Ceylon 440. Karrer P. and Keller H. Colorimetric estima-tion of nicotinic acid amide 669. - Quantitative determination of nicotinic acid amide in animal tissue 834. - Quantitative determination of the toco-pherols in different raw materials 835. Karrer P. Escher R. Fritzsche H. Keller H., Ringier B. H. and Salomon H. Constitu-tion and estimation of a-tocopherol and similar compounds 834. Kassner E. W. See Bruce H.M. Kaufmann H. P. and Baltes J. Calculation of the composition of fats from their constants, 213. - Determination of the “hydrogenation-iodine value” and its application in the analysis of essang oil 212. Kaufmann H. P. Baltes J. and Biiter H. Composition of the seed fat of Trichosanthes cucuvneroides 212. Kauppi T. A, and Bass S. L. Evaluation of ethyl cellulose solvents 291. Kaziro K, and Shimada T. New colour re-action for desoxycholic acid 610. Keller H. See Karrer P. Kellie A. E. and Zilva S. S. Photochemical Kellog H. B. Recent Advances in Volumetric Eellogg C. E. Soil Survey Manual (Review), Kelly I). F. Kenyon J. Review of Gilman’s Organic Chem-- Review of Meyer’s Lehrbuch der Organisch-, - Review of Whitmore’s Organic Chemistry 145.See Straub 3 . decomposition of Z-ascorbic acid 837. Chemical Analysis (Review) 693. 149. See Reilly J. istry-An Advanced Treatise 685. chemischen Methodik. Vol. 111 540 INDEX TO VOLUME 63 xv Kertesz Z. I. Pectic enzymes. I. The deter-mination of pectin-methoxylase activity 56. Eeston A. S. Rittenberg D. and Schoenheimer, R. Determination of deuterium in organic compounds 134. Khalapur A. M. Khaled B. See Vignoli -. Kindinger M. and Koller K. Collected refer-ences. Behaviour of extremely thin surfaces of metals in different conditions 854. King E. J. and Delory G. E. Ascorbic acid and phosphatase activity 744. - Method for the determination of small amounts of phosphate by the use of 8-hy-droxyquinoline 144. King E. J. and MeGeorge M.Solution and excretion of silica 356. - Solution of silica and silicate-dusts in body fluids 355. Kinnersley H. W. and Peters ?,. A. Formal-dehyde azo reaction for vitamin B, 836. Kinsman S. and Noller C. HE. Determination of alkoxyl by the method of Viebock and Schwappach 756. Kirk P. L. Kittel S. See Waelsch H. *Kitto W. H. A contribution to water analysis, Klanfer K. and Luft A. Detection of oxalic Klemene A. Die Behandlung und Reindar-Klingstedt F. W. Determination of the sulphur Kloss C. A. Staining the acrospires of malt 55. Kluge H. Toxicological detection of thallium, 748. Kluyver A. J. and Boezaardt A. G. J. Oxida-tion of glucose by Acetobacter suboxidans 748. Knapp A. W. Cacao Fermentation (Review), 461. - Vitamin D in Cacao Shell.Reports on Recent Researches including Investigations into its Use as an Accessory Fodder (Review), 304. Kobe K. A. and Baf.net W. I. Platinised silica gel as a catalyst for gas analysis. Complete oxidation of methane and ethane 363. Koch D. E. V. See Kandiah S. Koch J. E. and Krieg W. New method for distinguishing between the heart wood and sap wood of pine 292. Kohn R. and Watrous R. M. Inhibition of the benzidine blood test by ascorbic acid 611. Koller K. See Kindinger M. Kolthoff I. M. and Griffith F. S. Komori S. See Ueno S. Kon S. K. Kondo Y. Eoolhaas D. R. Korenman I. M. Korkisch F. See Hecht F. Eostic M. See Gorbach G. Eotasthane W. V. and Narayana N. Seed oils of Indian and Australian sandalwood trees 619. See Bolin D.W. See Lindner R. 162. acid in leather 144 764. stellung von Gasen (Review) 460. content of organic substances 365. Volumetric determination of bismuth as bismuth hydrogen iodide oxine 455. See Henry K. M. Applications of a sensitive test for Detection of cadmium with alkali 70. See Frahm E. D. G. brucine and potassium bromide 454. Kramer. G. Mikroanalytische Nachweise An-Kratz B. and Plambock E. Determination Krause B. See Hopkins R. H. Krieg W. See Koch J. E. Kringstad H. See Lunde G. Krokowski T. Separation of magnesium from potassium and sodium 452. Kroupa E. Microgravimetric separation of nickel and uranium 854. Krugers-Dagneaux E. L. Examination of tomato purkes 897. Krumholz P. and Monel F. Use of diary1 carbazones in analysis 536.Kuhla G. See Heller I<. Kuhn R. and Desnulle P. Estimation of sulphydryl groups in proteins 200, Kutzelnigg A. and Franke E. Identification of organic dyestuffs by micro-sublimation, 453. KuypFr A. C. Quantitative precipitation of citric acid (from urine) 445. organischer Ionen (Review) 381. of alcohol in blood 283. L Lacoss D. A. and Xenzies W. C. Phosphorus pentoxide as a desiccant a t 99” C. 68. Laird F. W. and Smith S. A. Determination of mercury with s-diphenylcarbazide 91 1. Lakin H. W. Lakin H. W. Williams K. T. and Byers H. G. “Non-toxic” seleniferous soils 522. Lampitt L. H. Review of Winton and Winton’s The Structwe and Composition of Foods. Vol. 111 540. - See also Bushill J H. Lampitt L. H. Bushill J. H. and Filmer D.F. Dialysis of milk 50. Langer A. Centrifuging apparatus for micro-gravimetric analysis 915. Larson C. L. and Greenberg D. M. Deter-mination of calcium in blood and other biological material by titration with ceric sulphate 357 444. Lassieur A. Determination of carbon dioxide by a conductometric method 452. Laurin P. Spectroscopic method for the identification and determination of small quantities of benzene. Application to the determination of benzene vapours in an atmosphere 629. Laws E. Q. Review of Clowes and Coleman’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 14th Ed. 376. Lea C. H. Le Beau P. Leclhre A. Spectrophotometric determination of the orthophosphoric ion and of the sodium ion 855. Lederer E. and Rathmann F. H. Physico-chemical and biochemical study of vitamin A, 743.Lees A. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the County of Lancaster 497. Leipert T. Collected references. Determina-tion of iodine in organic substances 453. Leroy A. See Portevin A. Lesage L. See Metra M. Lewis H. B. See Routh J. I. See Gile P. L. Rancidity in edible fats 660. See Baxter G. P xvi INDEX pro VOLUME 63 Lickorish A. J. C. Report of the City Analyst for London for 1937 720. Lie J. See Lunde G. hdner R. and Kirk P. L. Quantitative drop analysis. X. Determination of sodium 627. *Lindsey A. J. The micro-electrolytic deter-mination of copper in the presence of other metals by controlled potential 159. *- The use of alternating current mains in electrolytic analysis 425. Lloyd D. Jordan and Shore A.The Chemistry of the Proteins 2nd Ed. (Review) 920. Lockwood H. C. Residual fat in solvent-extracted materials 705. Logaras G. and Drummond J. C. Vitamin A and the thyroid 612. Longenecker H. E. Lott W. L. Colorimetric micro-determination of zinc 626. Louri6 J. J. and Boitzkaia M. I. Determina-tion of copper and of cadmium by internal electrolysis 451. Lovern J. A. Factors influencing the com-position of the depot fat of fishes 738. - Fat metabolism in fishes. Seasonal changes in the composition of herring fat 443. - See also Edisbury J. R. Lucas H. J. Lucas H. J. and Pressman D. See Hilditch T. P. See Redemann C. E. Determination of unsaturation in organic compounds by means of the mercury-catalysed reaction with standard bromate-bromide 363.Luft A. See Klanfer K. Lunde G. and Lie J. Vitamin C in marine algae 746. Lunde G. Kringstad H. and Olsen A. Estima-tion of the vitamins B and B content of food-stuffs particularly of fish and fish products, 905. Lundell G. E. F. Lupton A. W. Aids to Forensic Pharmacy, - Determination of stem in ipecacuanha 739. Lynch G. Roche. - Review of Harrison’s Chemical Methods in - Speech a t Anniversary Dinner 231. *- The toxicology of the narcotic drugs 240. Lyons C. Antibacterial immunity to Skaphy-Lythgoe H. C. Report of Massachusetts Dept. See Hoffman J. I. 2nd Ed. (Review) 921. Presidential Address 237. ClinicaE Medicine 2nd Ed. 542. lococcus $yogenes 359. of Public Health for 1937 894. M McClendon J. F. See Bratton A.C. McCulloch A. McCurdy G. A. and Vladykov V. D. Differen-tiation of fresh haddock fillets from cod by the precipitation test 516. McFadden G. H. and Weiser €I. H. Method for determining the action of certain organ-isms on nitrogen distribution of milk 613. McGeorge M. See King E. J. Machek F. See Heller K. &Henry E. W: McKee R. H. and Gould S. P. Gas Analysis (Review) 631. See Reedman E J. Solubility of casein in salts of certain organic acids and its fractionation by means of these acids 845. McMahon P. R. wool samples 220. McNabb W. M. Madhuranath M. K. and Manjunath B. L. Sandal seed oil (Santalum album Linn.) 843. Maechling E. H. Detection of small amounts of phenolphthalein in the presence of emodin and chrysophanic acid 901.Maimin R. See Frankel M. Malowan S. L. Preparation of phosphomolyb-dic acid reagent 66. Manjunath B. L. Manley C. H. Report of the City Analyst for Leeds for 1937 495. Mann F. G. and Saunders B. C. Practical Organic Chemistry (Review) 380. Maraiion J. and Cosme L. L1. Effect of decortication on the constituents of Philippine ginger 198. Markley K. S. Markley K. S. Sando C. E. and Hendricks, S. B. Petroleum-spirit-soluble and ether-soluble constituents of grape pomace 507. Markwood L. N. Determination of nicotine on apples sprayed with nicotine bentonite 288. Marriott R. H. Simple method for the deter-mination of the birefringence of fibres, 767. Marsden A. W. and Pollard A. G. Benzidine method for the micro-determination of sul-phate. Application to the determination of total sulphur in soil solutions extracts etc., 143.*Marshall C. R. and Norman A. G. The analysis of mixtures of glucose and fructose with special reference to honey 315. Martin J. T. Chemical evaluation of pyrethrum flowers (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefoliuun). A comparison of several methods 677. Martini A. Differentiation of brucine and strychnine 764. - Microchemical reactions of sparteine with cobalt and iron salts 69. Maruta Y. and Teruyama K. Relation be-tween the iodine value and refractive index of some hardened oils 64. Mason E. and Waters D. F. Iodine survey of New Zealand live-stock. 111. Sheep of the Canterbury district 673. Hason M. F. Manometric determination of amino acids 449. Mathews A. P. Matiu A.I. and Popesco .A. Comparison of the reducing power of various phenols 365. Matlack M. B. Matsushima T. and Takagi T. Gravimetric bromine values of some fatty oils 137. Matthews J. W. Award for silicosis research, 437. *- Microchemical investigations on siliceous dusts 467. - Review of Jordan and DeKay’s Qualitative Analysis for Students of Pharmacy and Medicine 2nd Ed. 858. - Review of Kramer’s Mikroanalytische Nach-weise Anorganischer Ionen 381. - Review of Niederl and Niederl’s Micro-methods of Quantitative Organic Elementary Analysis 539. Estimation of medullation in See Reber L. A. See Madhuranath M. K. See Rickford W. G. See Vitter S. P. See Balls A. K INDEX TO VOLUME 63 xvii Matthew& J. W.-continued Monnet R. and Durand P.Volatility of - Review of van Nieuwenburg and Dulfer's ephedrine and of pseudoephedrine in relation-A Short Manual of Systematic Qualitative ship to the Cox (1937) method of determina-Analysis by means of Modern Drop Reactions tion 830. 3rd Ed. 634. Moon F. E. Faulder J. H. and Thomas B. - Translation of Feigl's Qualitative Analysis by Value of grass extract and of dried extracted Spot Tests 685. grass in the winter rations of the dairy cow, Maurer E. and Haderer F. Determination of with special reference to their effects on the ferric oxide and sulphide sulphur in basic carotene content of the milk 130. slags 529 849. "Morgan Sir Gilbert. See Davies G. R. Maurice G. See Pien J. Morgan Sir Gilbert and Pratt D. D. British Mayr C. and Gebauer A. Chemical Industry Its Rise and Develop-tion of thioglycollic acid 679.ment (Review) 768. Mehlig J. P. Colorimetric determination of Morgan R. H. Beverage Manufacture (Kon-iron with salicylic acid. A spectrophoto- Alcoholic). Edited by A. T. E. Binstead metric study 369. (Review) 923. Mellon M. G. Methods of Quantitative Chemi- "Morse,. J. F. The gold number in analytical caI A4nalysis (Review) 459. - See also Dragt G. Mellor J. W. A Comprehensive Treatise on Mottram V. H. and Radloff E. M. Food Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Vol. Tables (Review) 857. XVI (Review) 222. Mouriquand G. T&e H. Wenger .G. and Menaker H. H. and Guerrant N. B. Standard- Viennois P. Effect of sterilisation and isation of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol 201. storage on the antiscorbutic power of lemon Menzies W.C. See Lacoss D. A. juice 201. "Merritt R. P. and West T. F. The determina- Effect of tion of parachlorometaxylenol in antiseptic PH value in precipitations with 8-hydroxy-solutions 257. quinoline 622. Mesrobeanu -. See Boivin A. Muhlenbach V. Determination of manganese Metra M, Lesage L. and Deseatoire IF. De- in water containing chlorides and silicates 842. tection of isopropanol in alcohols 677. Miiller R. Colorimetric estimation of the Meunier P. and Raoul Y. Vitamin ,4 and colouring matter of bran in flour 825. carotenoids. Kinetic study of the Carr- Munch J. (3. Colour test for Cannabis sativa, Price reaction 743. 900. Meyer R. Lehrbuch der Organisch-chemischen Murray W. M. Junr. See Ashley S. E. Q. Methodik. Vol. I11 (Review) 540.*Murcty N. N. and Sen H. K. The Auorometric Meyer W. Detection and identification of determination of the acid and saponification alcohols 523. BOCiha6lo€€ M. S. Colorimetric determination of Myers 0. H. See Mond Sir Robert. blood glucose 904. Myers R. G. Determination of antimony in - Mutarotation of honey 604. high-lead mixtures by the permanganate Miles A. A. See von Haebler T. method 912. Miles F. T. - Modified permanganate volumetric method Milligan A. G. and Shaw J. E. for the determination of antimony in COM-mercial lead and high-lead alloys 623. Analytical applica-practice 156. Morton R. A. See Edisbury J. R. Moyer H. V. and Remington W. J. values of lac 181. See Gerber A. B. Measurement of the oxygen absorbed by vulcanised rubber in air 758.Milone H. S. See Sullivan M. X. Mitchell C. A. Review of Hackh's Chemical Dictionavy 2nd Ed. 227. - Review of Osborn's The Mind of the Juror, 305. Naves Y. R. See Sabetay S. *- Warning to users of second-hand steel casks Determination of and similar receptacles for storage of food 813. ethyl phthalate in the presence of essential *Mitchell C. A, and Wood D. R. The action of oils and natural and synthetic perfumes 208. moulds on ink in writing 11 1. Needham J. and Green D. E. Editors of Xitui S. See Shioiri M. Perspectives in Biochemistry (Review) 76. Moak H. See Brown J. H. Needs F. E. Report of the Public Analyst for *Mof€itt W. G. The determination of nitrite in the City and County of Bristol for 1937 598. waters 655. Nelson E. IC. and Wheeler D. H. Some Con-Ilbohammad A.See Emerson 0. H. stituents of the cannonball fruit 120. Moir D. D. Appointed Deputy Agricultural Nichols J. R. Review of Grossfeld's Wandbuch Analyst for County of Surrey 814. der Eierkunde 459. BIIond Sir Robert Myers 0. H. and Others. - Review of Snell and Snell's Colorimetric Cemeteries of Armant I (Review) 690. Methods of AnaEysis including some Turbidi-Xonk H. E. Report of the County Analyst and metric and Nephelometric Methods. Vol. 11, Bacteriologist for Worcestershire for 1937 496. 379. - Review of Cox's The Chemical Analysis of Foods 2nd Ed. 691. *Milton R. See Obermer E. N *Nanji H. R, Narayana N. Naves Y. R. and Sabetay S. See Edwards F. W. See Kotasthane W. V. *Nickolls L. C. See Daubney C. G. Niederl J. B. See Schmitt R.B xviii INDEX TO Niederl J. B. and Brenner M. W. Micro-estimation of ethylene from ripening fruits, 535. Niederl J. B. and Niederl V. Micro-methods of Quantitative Organic Elementary Analysis (Review) 539. Niederl V. Noller C. R. Nolte A. J. Norberg B. Micro-determination of potassium, Norman A. G. Notevarp O. and Weedon H. W. Spectro-graphic studies on the antimony trichloride reaction for vitamin A. 11. Influence of oxidising agents on the reaction 612. Erratum, 675. See Niederl J. B. See Kinsman S. See von Loesecke 13 W. 299. See Marshall C. R. 0 “Obermer E. and Milton R. Further notes on a new colorimetric technique for the estima-tion of urea in urine 423. Okell F. L. Review of Kellog’s Recent Advances in Volumetric Chemical Analysis 693.- Review of Mellon’s Methods of Quantitative Chemical Analysis 459. - Review of The B.D.H. Book of Organic Reagents for Delicate Analysis and ‘ispot’’ Tests 306. - Review of Wilkinson’s Calculations in Quan-titative Chemical Analysis 2nd Ed. 543. *Olliver 1. The ascorbic acid content of fruits and vegetables 2. Olsen A. See Lunde G. Osborn A. S. The Mind of the Juror (Review), Osgood B. Ostroumow E. A. Quantitative separations by Ostwald W. Foreword to von BuzAgh’s P 305. See Hoffmann W. S. means of pyridine 214. Colloid Systems 384. Pache E. Determination of cerium in welded copper wire 297. - Determination of small amounts of beryllium in aluminium alloys 67. Page G. R. See Hampshire C. H. Page R. P. Report of the City Analyst for Portsmouth for 1937 657.Paget M. and Berger R. New colour reaction for oxalic acid 620. Parsy G. “Actual acidity,” “titrable acidity” and “buffer index” of tanning extracts 368. Partington J. R. A Short History of Chemistry (Review) 146. Paulais R. Colorimetric micro-determination of iron 628. Pedelty W. H. Peragallo I. Serial cultivation of the foot-and-mouth virus on the chorio-allantoic membrane of the chick embryo 361. Pesez 1. New colour reactions for barbituric derivatives 353. - New method of identifying barbituric deriva-tives 669. - New reactions for the differentiation of morphine and oxydimorphine 352. - Review of the analytical reactions of ephe-drine. See Hilditch T. P. New methods of identification 279. VOLUME 63 Peters R.A. Pevcov G. A. Volumetric determination of hydroquinone with potassium dichromate, 679. Pfann H. See Vosburgh W. C. Phillips G. E. See Bruce H. M. Phillips M. and Goss M. J. Chemistry of lignin. - Effect of various carbohydrate materials on the determination of lignin by the fuming hydrochloric acid method 292. Phcpot 9. $t. L. and Small P. A. Action of nitrous acid on pepsin 515. Phipers R. F. See Cahn K. S. Bickard Sir Robert. Speech a t Anniversary Dinner 232. Pickett T. A. Losses of chlorine in different materials with various ashing temperatures, 289. Pien J. Determination of diacetyl in butter by means of diaminobenzidine 351. Pien J. and Maurice G. Changes in the com-position of cheese on prolonged keeping 665. Piettre M.Stabilisation and sterilisation of biological media by supercentrifuging 906. Pilclher R. B. Obituary of Patrick Henry Kirkaldy 863. Pinder J. L. and Venables R. F. R. The British Pharmacopoeia test for readily carbon-isable substances. I. Phenacetin 901. Pkie N. W. Review of Jordan Lloyd and Shore’s The Chemistry of the Proteirzs 2nd Ed. 920. Plambock E. See Kratz B. Poland G. L. Pollard A. G. Pope E. M. Popesco A. Porter G. V. Portevin A. and Leroy A. Analysis of micro-samples of steel 455. Portnov M. A. and Afanasjev S. K. Rapid determination of potassium and sodium when present simultaneously 534. Potter V. R. Power M. H. and Wakefield E. G. Volumetric benzidine method €or the determination of inorganic and ethereal sulphate in serum 514.Pratt D. D. See Morgan Sir Gilbert. Pressman D. Pritzker J. and Jungkunz R. Natural caffeine-- Quince seed oil 666. Pryde J. Pucher G. W. Curtis L. C. and Vickery H. B. Red pigment of the root of the beet (Beta vulgaris). I. The preparation of betanin. 11. A method for the determination of betanin, 445. Chemical measurement of vitamin B in foodstuffs and biological material by means of the thiochronie reaction 127. See Kinnersley H. W. XI. Lignin from wheat straw 845. See Brenner M. W. See Marsden A. W. Review of Villavecchia’s Trattato Vols. I and di Chimica Analitica Applicata. 11 3rd Ed. 226. See Matiu A. I. See Allport N. L. See Boyden R. See Lucas H. J . free coffee 443. See Jordan R. C. Pyke 1. A. R Racicot P.A, and Ferguson C. S. Detection of Radics I. See Forgkcs T. *Radley J. A. vegetable gums in dairy products 275. Some new fluorescence tests 266 INDEX TO Radloff E. M. Radulescu A. See Dick J. Rainsford S. G. Sterilisation of T.,4.B.C. “Rangaswami M. and Sen H. K. The deter-*Rao G. G. and W V. B. S. A test for hydroxy-Raoul Y. See Meunier P. Rappaport R. Reifer I. and Weinmann H. Volumetric determination of poly-hydroxy alcohols 219. Rathmann F. H. Ravenswaay H. J. and Schweizer A. Possible source of error in the determination of nitrogen by the micro Dumas method 628. Raychaudhury P. Oxidation of tervalent chrom-ium by alkaline mercuric oxide 913. *Raymond W. D. The detection and estimation of ouabain and strophanthin 478. Read J. Review of Findlay’s A Hundred Years of Chemistry 71.Reade T. H. Review of Partington’s A Short History of Chemistry 146. Reber L. A. and McNabb W. IM. Determina-tion of chlorides and bromides 296. Redemann C. E. and Eucas H. 9. Rapid saponification of esters by means of potassium hydroxide in diethylene glycol 62. *Reed R. A. Methylene blue as a reagent for cerium 338. Reedman E. J. and RIcHenry E. W. Com-bined ascorbic acid in plant tissues 358. Reif G. Reifer I. See Rappaport R. Reihlen H. Automatic regulation of com-Reilly J. Explosives Matches and Fireworks Reilly J. and Kelly D. F. Oils from Irish-Reimers F. Acidimetric titration of ergome-- Analysis of aminopliylline 54. Reith J. F. and Van Dijk C. P. Investigations on the determination of micro-quantities of iodine 142.Remington W. J. See Moyer H. V. Remy-GennetB P. Schlagdenhauff en’s “hy-poiodite” reaction for the detection of mag-nesium. Application in qualitative analysis, 533. See Edwards 0. F. See Highberger J. H. See Mottram V. H. vaccine 360. mination of orpiment in shellac 36. lamine and hyponitrous acid 718. See Lederer E. Reactions of Helvella esculenta 667. bustions 683. (Review) 772. grown plants 194. trine 739. “Resuggan J. C. L. Rettger L. F. Retzsch C. E. Ribereau-Gayon J. Oxidation and reduction in Richter A. F. and Hofman M. Acetone Richter D. Colour reaction for benzedrine 615. Rideal E. K. Review of Hilditch and Hall’s Catalytic Processes in ,4 $plied Chemistry, 2nd Ed. 223 Appointed Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Coventry 814.Determination of the melting-point of porphyrins and other dark substances in polarised light 464. See Stevenson S. G. wines and beer 665. chlorohaemin in blood testing 750. Rigby W. T. Rimington C. and Symons P. Ringier B. H. See Karrer P. VOLUME 63 xix Reduction of ferric salt by metallic Rinne R. tin 67. Ritchie W. S. Rittenberg D. Ritter G. J. Robertson W. A. Robinson F. A. Rogers E. E. Rogers L. H. Roscoe M. a. Rose F. W. Junr. and White J. D. See Buck R. E. See Keston A. S. See Fleck L. C. Report of Forest Products Review of Knapp’s Vitamin D Research Board for 1937 722. an Cacao Shell 304. See Freudenberg W. See Rusoff L. L. See Copping A. M. Scpara-tion by distillation with acetic acid of the aromatic hydrocarbons from the fraction of a petroleum boiling between 154” and 162” C., 908.Rosenthal L. “Chromium sulphuric acid” method for anaerobic cultures 519. Rosenthaler L. Cacothelin as reagent for ascorbic acid 517. Rossini F. D. Rothchild H. and Stone I. M. Colorimetric method for the determination of dissolved oxygen in beer 898. Routh J. I. and Lewis H. €3. Enzymatic digestion of wool 742. Rowley R. J. and Churchill H. V. Titration of fluorine in aqueous solution 297. Roy S. N. Use of adsorption indicators in acidimetry and alkalimetry 622. Rudolph W. Relation between the specific conductivity and the age of hens’ eggs 505. Rudra 1. N. Vitamin G content of some ger-minated cereals and pulses 746.Ruehle A. E. Potentiometi-ic titration in non-aqueous solutions 369. Rusoff L. E. Rogers L. H. and Gaddum L. W. Spectroscopic determination of traces of copper and of other elements in wire grasses, 206. See Bichowsky F. R. Rutgers R. Sabetay $. Sabetay S. and Naves ‘92. R. See Bertram S. H. See Naves Y . R. S Determination of primary alcohols and certain secondary al-cohols by mean3 of phthalisation and identi-fication of csterifiable alcohols in the form of acid phthalates 61. Sage C E. Review of Garratt’s Drugs and Galenzcals Their Quantitative A yzalysis 74. - Review of Lupton’s Aids to Forenssc Phar-macy 2nd Ed. 921. *Sage C. E. and Stevens S. G. E. Copper in tomato products 719. Saji T. See Endcrs C. Salomon H. See Karrer P.Sanchez J. A. Determination of halogens in organic substances 206. Sanders M. C. See Gray N. Sanderson P. M. Sando C. E. Sandstroxn W. M. SanG C. and Amy L. Award for silicosis research, 437. See Markley K. S. See Guanzon G. A. Analysis of ink on manuscripts. I. General method of quanti-tative analysis. Application to logwood-chrome inks 524 xx INDEX TO VOLUlLIE 63 Sarver L. A. Saunders B. C. Savelli -. See Vignoli -. Scarborough H See Drumm P. J . Schiifer H. Qualitative and semi-quantitative spot-tests using a Jena glass spot-plate 217. Schaltegger H. Determination of calcium sul-phate in cement by a volumetric method, 372. Schantze E. J. Elvehjem C. A. and Hart E. B. Relation of fat to the utilisation of lactose in milk 280.Scherrer 3. A. and Smith W. H. Preparation of ammonium aurintricarboxylate (reagent for aluminium) 846. Schidrowitz P. Report of International Rubber Technology Conference 1938 504. Schloemer A. See Griebel C. Schmalfuss H. and Werner H. Detection and determination of diacetyl and methyl-acetyl-carbinol in bakery products 734. Schmedding W. See Brinkmann G. Schmitt R. B. and Niederl J. B. Micro titri-metric dry combustion method for carbon 373. Schneebsuer F. See Enders C. Schnegg H. and Weigand K. Thermo-bacteria and acetic bacteria 520. Schoeller W. R. The Analytical Chemistry of Tantalum and Niobium (Review) 72. Schoenheimer R. See Keston A. S. Schonberg S. Colorimetric determination of rotenone 754. Schroer E. Rapid method for the accurate determination of helium (neon) in gas mixtures, 134.Schulek E. Volumetric determination of alkali chloride and bromide in presence of cyanide and thiocyanate 534. Fer-mentation test for vitamin B. Detection of cobalt copper and ferrous iron by p-nitroso a-naphthol 4-sul-phonic acid 680. See Mann F. G. Schuler L. Schultz A. S. Atkin L. and Bey C. N. 11 57. Schumb W. C. See Simpson S. G. Schwarz K. See Grossfeld J. Schweizer A. Seaber W. M. Further examples of rotenone determination on derris timbo and barbasco, 908. *Sen H. K. See Murty N. PIS. *- See aEso Rangaswami M. - See also Venugopalan M. Serfass E. J. *Sergeant S. V. Shapiro B. See Frankel M. Sharma D. N. See Dhingra D. R. Shaw F. H. Shaw J. E. Sheldon J.H. See Dingle H. Shimada T. See Kaziro K. Shimwell J. L. New type of beer disease bacterium (A chromobactev anaerobiurpz Sp. nov.) producing alcoholic fermentation of glucose 128. - Simple staining method for the detection of ascospores in yeasts 907. Shindo T. Detection of pyruvic acid in blood, 279. Examination of “brick tea,” 606. See Ravenswaay H. J. See Theis E. R. cal wood pulp in paper 264. The determination of mechani-Estimation of adrenaline 354. See Milligan A. G. Shioiri M. and Mitui S. Shore A. Shorland F. B. Shreeve R. N. Shrewsbury H. S. Report of Government Analyst for Trinidad and Tobago for 1937 502. Siebeneck H. Detection of lead in water and in petrol. Sieminski M. A. Sigurjonsson J. Determination of iodine in sheep thyroid 609.Simmons W. H. Review of Bennett’s The Cosmetic Formulavy 149. Simpkins G. W. Simpson E. S. Report of the Government Analyst for Western Australia for 1937 890. Simpson S. G. Schumb W. C. and Sieminski, M. A. Effect of phosphate on the determina-tion of tungsten 531. Singleton Mr. Justice. Speech a t Anniversary Dinner 230. Sklersky S. Slater R. H. Review of Mann and Saunders‘ Practical Organic Chemistry 380. Sloley R. W. Review of Mond and Myers’ Cemeteries of Armant I 690. Small P. A. *Smith A. 1. The determination of the organic acids in silage extracts and bacterial cultures, 777, *Smith E. L. See Bacharach A. L. Smith F. H. Estimation of gossypol in cotton-- See also Halverson J. 0. Smith F. W. Rapid method for the determina-*Smith G.S. Determination of nickel and boric Smith L. E. See Caldwell W. E. Smith S. A. See Laird F. W. Smith W. See Adamson D. C . M. Smith W. H. See Scherrer J. A. Snell F. D. and C. T. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis including some Turbidimetric and Nephelometric Methods. Vol. 11 379. Snethlage H. C. S. Copper thermostat contain-ing phosphoric acid for measurements of kinetics (at high temperatures) 765. Snyder J. C. Note on the use of the Haldane apparatus for the analysis of gases containing ether vapour 133. Sobel A. E. and Sklersky S. Direct acidimetric micro-titration method for calzium 298. Society of Chemical Industry. Annual Reports. on the Progress of Applied Chemistry 1937, Vol. XXII (Review) 458. Somogyi Z. See Szebellkdy L.Spies T. D. Stadler P. and Wagner K. Detection of ethylvanillin (bourbonal) 278. Stanciu N. Stephens F. R. Review of Morgan’s Beverage Manufacture (Non-Alcoholic) 923. Stephenson H. F. Obituary of G. N. Huntly, 775. Stephenson W. F. Review of Feigl’s Qualitative Analyse mit Hive von Tiipfel-Reaktionen, 3rd Ed. 770. Micro-determination of bivalent iron in minerals and rocks 854. See Lloyd D. Jordan. See Boyd T. See Hilditch T. P. Volatility of lead tetraethyl 371. See Simpson S. G. See Edisbury J. R. See Sobel A. E. See Philpot J . St. L. 515. seed meal 65. tion of manganese in stainless steel 681. acid in nickel-plating solutions 593. See Vitter S. P. See Ionesco C. N INDEX TO VOLUME 63 XXi Sternberg H. Collected references.Determina-Stevens S. G. E. Stevens W. H. Review of Barron’s Modern Rubber Chemistry 634. - Review of Burk Thompson Weith and Williams’ Polymevisation and its Applications 2 1 1 the Fields of Rubber Synthetic Resins and Petroieum 302. - Review of Flint’s The Chemistry and Tech-nology of Rubber Latex 382. - Review of The Clientistry and Technology of Rubber 146. Stevenson S. G. Review of Driver’s revision of Rentlcy and Driver’s Text-Book on Pharnza-rezdLca1 Chemistry 3rd Ed. 73. *Stevenson S. G. and Resuggan J. C. L. A colorimetric test for the detection of para-hydroxybenzoic acid in the presence of sali-cylic acid 152. Stewart A. D. Report of the All-India In-stitute of Hygiene and Public Health Calcutta, for 1936 116. *Stewart A.W. Toxicity of the dyestuff in indelible pencils 494. Stewart C. P. See Drumm P. J. *Stock C. J. H. *- Solutions of hydrogen peroxide 339. Stockdale D. Revision of Clowes and Cole-man’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 14th Ed. (Review) 376. See Trotman S. R. Ergocristin and ergocristinin a new pair of alkaloids from ergot 54. Colorimetric determination of phos-phate in turbid waters and waters rich in silicates 362. tion of carbon and hydrogen 373. See Sage C. E. Non-alcoholic wine 340. Stocker D. E. Stoll A. and Burckhardt E. Stoll K. Stone I. M. - See also Rothchild H. *Stott G. H. Straub J. and Kabos W. J. Evaluation of the degree of freshness of hens’ eggs from the fluorescence of the eggshell and from the phosphate content of the egg-white 896.Straub J. van Stijgeren G. A. and Kabos W. J. Fluorescence of egg-shells and micro-deter-mination of phosphoric acid in the white of the egg -51. Appointed Public Analyst for the County of Lancaster 40; Agricultural Analyst for the County of Lancaster 340. - Reiiew of Jacobs’s The Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products 919. Stuckey H. P. Report of the Georgia Experi-ment Station for 1936-37 117. Sullivan B. and Howe M. Isolation of gluta-thione from wheat germ 119. Sullivan M. X. Milone H. S. and Everitt E. L. Rapicl procedure for estimating the trypto-phane content of casein 902. Sutton R. W. Report of the County Analyst for Derbyshire for 1937 657. Swseney a. W. Dermatitic properties of tung oil 320. Symons P. See Rimington C.Szebellbdy E. See J6nAs J. See Gray P. P. See Brook G. B. Stubbs J. R. SzebellBdy ,L. and Jdnss J. 6,7-Dimethoxy-zsoquinoline-l-carboxylic acid as a fluorescence indicator 761. - Qui,nic acid as a fluorescence indicator 761. Szebelledy L. and Somogyi Z. Measurement of Coulombs as a standardisation method in volumetric analysis 528. T Tait W. H. Takagi T. See Matsushima T. Tankard A. R. See Chalmers B. Report of the City and County Analyst for Kingston-upon-Hull for the year 1937 815; for the first quarter 1938 428; for second quarter 1838. 719. - Review of Horvath’s The Soybean Industry, 859. - Review of Report on the British Iiealth Ser-vices 223. Tanne C. Accurate determination of magnesia and lime in technical sodium chloride 760.Taylor A. L. and Witte P. J. Carotene in oranges 282. Taylor D. M. See Berman S . M. Taylor W. W. Appointed Agricultural Analyst *Taylor-Austin E. The chromium compound *- The determination of aluminium in cast Telford A. P. See Dodd I;. R. Tellmann E. and Frehden 0. Collected references. Terem H. N. Volumetric determination of barium and lead 452, Ter Meulen H. Analysis of chromium nitride, 759. Teruyama K. See Maruta Y. Testoni M. and Bimbi G. in coffee grounds 365. TQte H. See Mouriquand G. Thaler H. Detection of artificial colouring materials in butter by means of chromato-graphic analysis 608. Theis E. R. and Serfass E. J. Ultra-violet light and photomicrographic studies of animal skin, 300. Thiellement - and Florentin D.Mineral con-stituents of coffee infusions 198. Thomas B. Thompson H. E. See Burk R. E. Thompson H. M. See Hilditch T. I>. Thompson J. Appointed =1gricultural Analyst Thornton L. H. D. Thornton N. C. Extraction and deterniination of vitamin C in plant tissue 837. Thubet M. J. Fixation of arsenic compounds in vitro by the red corpuscles of the bloocl 674, Tilici R. R. and Cristea F. Semi-micro method for the conductometric determination of nicotine 668. Tillmans J. See Biinier A. Tirion C. J. for County Borough of Nottingham 814. 8-hydroxyquinoline 7 10. iron 566. Erratum 655. Biogenic elements in milk 537. Utilisation of the fat See Moon F. E. for County of Nerkshire 814. Sre Conybeare E. T. Investigation of the falsification of writing with the aid of a stereo-microcamera having a very high efficiency for the repro-duction of dcpth-efTects 855.Tischer A. 0. Xature of 1 itamin A in cod-liver oil 905 xxii INDEX TO Todd A. R. Bergel F. and Work T. S. Isola-tion of ,%tocopherol from wheat germ oil 281. Todd A. R. Bergel F. Waldmann H. and Work T. S. Isolation of some crystalline alcohols from the unsaponifiable matter of rice and wheat germ oils 281. “Tompsett S. L. The determination of bismuth in biological materials 250. Toms H. Review of Fowles’s Lecture Experi-ments in Chemistry 304. - Review of Fuson’s OrgaPzzc Syntheses. Vol. XVIII 770. - Review of Huntress’s A Brief lntroduction to the Use of Beilstein’s Handbuch der Organischen Chemie 2nd Ed. 632. *Torrance S.The electrical deposition and determination of arsenic 104. *- The electrolytic analysis of nickel bronzes and light aluminium alloys 488. Toyama Y. Sardine-liver oil 12 1. - Unsaturated acids of tohaku oil 64. Treadwell F. P. and Hall W. T. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. I. Qualitative Analysis, 9th English Ed. (Review) 687. Troitzkaia M. I. See Lourik J . J. Trotman S. R Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Nottingham, 814. “Trotman S. R. and Bramley A. The deter-mination of acidity in knitted woollen goods, 405. Trotman 8. R. and Stocker D. E. Determina-tion of alkali in wool 758. Trtilek J. Mercurimetric micro-determination of silver 764. Truffert b. Method for detecting small quan-tities of arsenic. application to the deter-minations of arsenic in wines 528.Tsujimoto M. Sharlc-li\ er oils 64. Tucker I. W. Tuemmler F. D. See Baxter G. P. *Tully J. B. Turnau R. See Balls A. K. A method for the routine deter-mination of glycogcn in oysters 93. Use of different sera for the ex-amination of milk 438. ?.J Ueno S. Relation between thiocyanogen value and iodine value during oil-hardening. 758. - Thiocyanogen value of sardine and herring oils 757. Ueno S. and Xwai M. Characteristics of some antarctic whale oils obtained from various parts of the animals 909. Ueno S. and Komori S. Fatty substances of Japanese wild bees and their combs 137. V Van Beckum W. G. Van den Heuvel IF. A. *van der Merwe A. J. See van cfer Walt C. F. J. *van der Walt C.F. J. The complete analysis of chromite 176. Erratum 335. an der Walt C. F. J. and van der lerwe A. J. Colorimetric determination of chromium in plant ash soil water and rocks 809. Van der Wielen P. Stability of tannin solutions (for burns) 124. See Fleck L. C . See Farmer E. 13. VOLUME 63 Van Dijk C. P. See Reith J. F. Van Giffen H. J. Detection and determination of pyridine- /?-carbonic acid diethylamide 83 1. van Xtallie L. van Leeuwenhoek A. The smooth-rough varia-tion of the typhoid bacillus 360. van Nieuwenburg C. J. Simultaneous con-ductometric titration of suiphuric and nitric acids 624. van Nieuwenburg C. J. and Dulfer (3. A Short Manual of Systematic Qualitative Analysis by ineans of Modern Drop Reactions, 3rd Ed. 634. Van Stijgeren G.A. van Tongeren W. Determination of silica in van Zyl 9. P. Report of Division of Chemical Van Zyp C. Microscopical identification of sul-Venables R. F. R. Venkatachalam V. Report of the Public Analyst for Madras for 1936 42. Venugopalan M. and Sen H. M. Separation of hard lac resin by cold polymerisation and fractional precipitation 909. Vickery H. B. See Pucher G. W. Viehoever A. and Cohen I. Responses of Viennois P. See Mouriquand G. Vignoli - and Khaled B. Iodimetric deter-mination of tellurium 532, Vignoli - and Savelli -. Micro-determina-tion of selenium 537. Viljoen N. J. Composition of the soya-bean in South Africa 735. Villavecchia G. V. and Others. Trattato di Chimica Analitica Applicata. Vols. I and 11, 3rd Ed. (Review) 226.Vitter 8. P. Spies T. D. and Mathews A. P. Determination of nicotinic acid nicotinamide, and possibly other pyridine-like substances in human urine 833. Vladescu I. D. Distribution of food materials in tobacco. I. Dry substance and total nitrogen, 522. Vladykov V. D. Voelcker E. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for Counties of Bucks Isle of Ely Middlesex, Northants Oxford and East Riding of Yorkshire 814. - Appointed Public Analyst for County of Oxford and Agricultural Analyst for Counties of Buckingham East Riding of Vorks Isle of Ely Middlesex Sorthampton and Oxford, 267. von Buzbgh A. Colloid Systems (Review) 384. von Haebler T. and Miles A. A. Action of, sodium polyanethole sulphonate (“Liquoid”) on blood cultures 839. von Loesecke H.W. and Molte A. J. Papaya seed oil 120. von Mack 1. See Hecht F. von Mack M. and Wecht F. Micro-gravimetric Yon Shndor Z. See Vuk M. Vosburgh W. C. Cooper G. Clayton W. J. and Pfann M. Gravimetric determination of zinc as zinc mercuric thiocyanate 680. Reaction of sulphur 624. See Straub J. acid-soluble silicates 68. Services South Africa for 1936 269. phanilamide 51 1. See Pinder J. L. Daphnia nzugna to vitamin E 837. See McCurdy G. A. separation of tin and antimony 298 INDEX TO VOSS K. Colour reactions of sex hormones 126. Vuk M. and Gomory A. Determination of fat in pastry 509. Vuk M. and von Sandor Z. Variation in the sodium-content of milk during the lactation period 505. W Waelsch H. and Kittle S. Calcium and sodium contents of blood-plasma and blood-serum, 831.Wagenaar G. H. Formaldoxime as a colori-metric reagent for individual metals. Deter-mination of manganese in water containing iron 526. Wagner H. Composition of the wax-like sub-stance extracted from the coffee berry 667. Wagner K. See Stadler P. Wakefield E. G. Waldmann H. See Todd A. R. Walker 6. H. Report of the City Analyst for Salford for 1937 599. Walton S. G. Report of the Government Analyst for Kew South Wales for 1936 725. Ward T. J. Review of Feigl's Qualitative Analysis by Spot Tests 685. - Review of Hopkins and Krause's Biochern-istvy afiplied to Malting and Brewing 381. Waters D. F. Iodine survey of New Zealand live-stock. IV. Sheep of the Marlborough, Nelson and Westland districts and review of the South Island 673.See Power M. H. - See also Mason E. Watrous R. M. See Kohn R. *Watson R. S. See Jamieson A. R. Weedon H. W. See Notevarp 0. Weigand K. See Schnegg H. Weinmann H. See Rappaport R. Weiser H. B. Inorganic Colloid Chemistry. Vol. 111. The Colloidal Salts (Review) 769. Weiser H. H. Weith A. J. Wenger G. See Mouriquand G. Wenger P. Duckert R. and Blancpain C. P. Reactions of cations and anions with tri-hydroxy aromatic compounds 137. Wenusch A. Influence of the fineness of division on the carrying-over of nicotine in the smoke 513. - Relation between the heat of combustion of tobacco and the glowing capacity 513. Werner H. See Schmalfuss H. "West T. F. See Merritt R. P. "Whale W. A new volumetric iodide method of determining starch 328.Addendum 421. Wheeler D. H. *Wheeler W. C. G. The determination of tin in bronze 883. White J. D. White R. "Whitehead A. See Barritt J. Whitehead A. D. Translation of Jordan's Technology of Solvents 922. Whitmore F. C. Organic Chemistry (Review), 145. Whittaker C. M. Test to distinguish between wool and casein fibre 135. Wichmann H. J. See Dahle D. See McFadden G. H. See Burk 12. E. See Nelson E. K. See Rose F. W. Junr. See Bratton A. C. VOLUME 63 xxiii Wilder C. D. and Joslyn M. A. Estimation of worm and insect fragments in tomato products, 53. Wiles,. R. C. and Yedinak A. Precipitation of calcium in presence of molybdate and iron, 624. Wilkins E. S. Juur. Willrinson J. A. Calculations in Quantitative Chemical Analysis 2nd Ed.(Review) 543. Willberg B. Determination of vitamin C in milk 745. Williams I. "Williams K. A. Williams K. T. Willonghby C. E. and 'Vcrilkins E. S. Jr. Lead content of human blood 749. Willstaedt H. and With T. K. Chromato-graphic adsorption analysis of small amounts of carotenoids with special reference to the carotenoids of milk and serum 446. - Estimation of carotenoids and vitamin A in milk 518. Wilson A. Determination of ascorbic acid in blood 359. "Wilson C. L. Micro-tests for elements in organic compounds 332. Erratum 421. Wilson D. M. Multiple softening point ap-paratus for bitumen 766. Windaus A. and Bock F. Provitamin D of plants 126. Winton A. L. and Winton K. B. The Structure and Cornposition of Foods.Vol. I11 (Re-view) 540. Winton K. B. See Winton A. L. With T. K. Witte P. J. Woelfel W C. See Willoughby C. E. See Burk R. E. See Bolton E. R. See Lakin H. W, See Willstaedt H. See Taylor A. L. Colorimetric determination of sodium as uranyl manganese sodium acetate, 832. Wood D. R. Review of Galloway and Burgess's Applied Mycology and Bacteriology 148. *- See also Mitchell C. A. Woodmansey A. Analysis of Harrogate fango (therapeutic mud) 760. Work T. S. Wright C. H. Agricultural Analysis. A Hand-book of Methods excluding those for Soil (Review) 771. "Wright R. C. and Anderson E. B. h test for traces of oxidising agents in milk 252. See Todd A. R. Y Yagoda H. Yagoda H. and Fales H. A. Yakowitz M. L. Yanowski L. I<.Yedinak A. Semi-quantitative spot tests 683. Determination of Microscopical identification of See Hynes H. A. tungsten and molybdennm in steel 370. sulphanilamide 5 12. See Wiley R. C. 2 Zaussinger E. See Holzer H. Zeglin a. See Griebel C. Zilva S. S. Zimmermann J. Onocerin 621. Zollner C. See Kellie A. E. Separation of cadmium from zinc, 847 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 63 INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes papers and notes published in The Analyst A Acetaldehyde Role of - in the catabolism of carbohydrates. 821. Acetic bacteria. H. Schnegg and K. Weigand, 520. Acetic Acid Distillation with - as means of separating aromatic hydrocarbons from the fraction of a petroleum. F. W. Rose Junr., and J . D. White 908. Acetobacter Suboxidans Oxidation of glucose by -.A. J. Kluyver and A. G. J . Boezaardt 748. Acetone bodies in urine ; Stable nitroprusside solution for -. Acetone Chlorohaemin in blood testing. ,4. F. Richter and M. Hofman 750. Ac h romo bacter Anaerobium (beer disease bacterium) producing alcoholic fermentation of glucose. Barritt and Others 782. Acidimetry Use of adsorption indicators in -. S. N. Roy 622. *Acidity in knitted woollen goods. S. R. Trotman and A. Bramley 405 795. Acids Fatty -. See Fatty Acids. *in silage extracts and bacterial cultures; Determination of organic -. A. M. Smith 777. of butter-fat ; Further determination and characterisation of the component -. T. P. Hilditch and H. E. Longenecker 275. of fish oils; Separation of highly unsaturated - by molecular distillation.E. H. Farmer and H. A. Van den Heuvel 209. of ox depot fat; Further study of - with special reference to certain minor con-stituents. T. P. Hilditch and H. E. Longenecker 122. Aconitine Extraction of ___ from viscera. 565. Aconitum Napellus New alkaloids in -. W. Freudenberg and E. E. Rogers 123. Acridine Orange as fluorescent indicator. M. D6ribCr6 7 1. Adrenaline Estimation of -. 354. Agricultural analysis. Abstracts 60 130 203, 286 522 616 676 751 841 908. Analysis. Handbook of Methods excluding those for Soil. (Review) C. H. Wright 771. Experiment Station Connecticut. Report on food and drug products for 1936. Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Acts Examination of samples under -. 44. Agriculture Ministry of -.See Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Alcohol in blood; Determination of -. B. Kratz and E. Plambock 283. poisoning. 19 1. J. Ingham 742. J. L. Shimwell 128. *Acid in wool; Determination of - - J. 660. Alcohol-co?ztinued in blood and urine ; Determination of -. 726. in the blood in a motoring case. water in -; Determination of. H. G. Botset 842. Alcohols Detection and identification of -. W. Meyer 523. Determination of primary ~ and certain secondary - by means of phthalisation and identification of esterifiable - in the form of acid phthalates. S. Sabetay and Y. R. Naves 61. Isolation of some crystalline - from the unsaponifiable matter of rice and wheat germ oils. isopropanol in -; Detection of. M. Metra, L. Lesage and F.Descatoire 677. Volumetric determination of poly-hydroxy -. R. Rappaport I. Reifer and H. Weinmann 219. AIeurites seeds ; Refractometric determination of oil in -. E. D. G. Frahm and D. R. Koolhaas 447. 503. A. R. Todd and Others 281. Alfalfa Vitamin K in -. Algae Vitamin C in marine -. G. Lunde and J. Lie 746. Alkali Applications of a sensitive test for -. Y . Kondo 70. chloride and bromide in presence of cyanide and thiocyanate ; Volumetric determination of -. E. Schulek 534. in mineral waters ; Micro-determination of total -. R. Dwonzak and A. Friedrich-Liebenberg 140. in wool; Determination of -. S. R. Trotman and D. E. Stocker 758. Titratable - in siliceous dusts. Allrrrli Etc. Works Report of 1937. Alkalimetry Use of adsorption indicators in *Alkaloids Extraction of - from viscera.F. Bamford 645; C. G. Daubney and L. C. Nickolls 560. in Aconitum napellus. W. Freudenberg and E. E. Rogers 123. of A tropa belladomza ; Microchemical reaction for -. F. Amelink 916. Alkoxyl determined by the method of Viebock and Schwappach. S. Kinsman and C. R. Noller 756. Alkyl Groups linked with oxygen or nitrogen; Qualitative micro-method for identifying - I. M. Furter 625. All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta Report for year 1936. A. D. Stewart 116. "Alloys aluminium ~ ; Determination of copper antimony magnesium and tin in. G. B. Brook G. H. Stott and A. C . Coates, 110. 519. 473. 599. -. S. N. ROY 622 INDEX TO VOLUME 63 xxv Alloys-continued aluminium - ; Determination of small amounts of beryllium in.“aluminium ___ ; Electrolytic analysis of light. S. Torrance 488. aluminium -; Rapid method of determin-ing silicon in. “aluminium and aluminium-silicon -; Determination of sodium in. G. B. Brook, G. H. Stott and A. C. Coates 32. dental gold -; New procedure for analysis of. K. Gilchrist 848. high-lead - ; Modified permanganate VOIU-metric method for determining antimonv in. R. G. Myers 623. jewellers’ platinum -; Analysis of. H. Holzer and E. Zaussinger 215. Almquist flask; Description of -. Alum Disinfection of cloth containing magnes-ium sulphate and -. 599. Aluminium alloy method for gravimetric deter-mination of total oxygen in plain carbon steels. N. Gray and M. C.Sanders 529. *alloys ; Determination of copper antimony, magnesium and tin in special -. G. B. Brook G. H. Stott and A. C. Coates 110. alloys; Determination of small amounts of beryllium in -. *alloys; Electrolytic analysis of light -. S. Torrance 488. alloys ; Rapid method of determining silicon in -. E. E. Gurevich 682. *and aluminium-silicon alloys ; Determination of sodium in -. G. B. Brook G. H. Stott and A. C. Coates 32. Atomic weight of -. 436. *combined nitrogen in -; Determination of. copper in chloride solutions containing -; Determination of. 160. *in cast iron; Determination of -. E. Taylor-Austin 566. Erratum 655. in siliceous dusts. 473. powder in fireworks. 502. Preparation of ammonium aurintricarboxylate as reagent for -.J. A. Scherrer and W. H. Smith 846. silicon in -; Determination of. Method for referee analysis. 297. silicon in -; Rapid method of determining. E. E. Gurevich 682. Amino Acids Manometric determination of -. M. F. Mason 449. p-Aminobenzenesulphonamide Identification of -. F. Amelink 741. Aminophylline Analysis of -. F. Reimers, 54. Ammonia Dangers of strong solution of -. 348. gas in the hold of a vessel. *in water; Direct determination of -. J. C Harral 597. Ammonium Aurintricarboxylate Preparation of - (reagent for aluminium). J. A. Scherrer and W. H. Smith 846. Ammunition Microchemical examination of -. A. A. Azzam 219. Amaoules B.S.I. specification for -. E. Pache 67. E. E. Gurevich 682. 852. E. Pache 67. A. L. Doyle and W.H. Hadley 426. 822. 604. Amylase test; Detection of pasteurisation of sour cream by -. T. Forgacs and I. Radics, 664. Amylolysis Transformation in iodine coloration during -. 821. Anaerobe jars; Method of using coal gas in the Brown Fildes and McIntosh or other -on the Laidlow principle. J. C. Brewer and J. H. Brown 907. Anaerobic bacilli ; Use of orange juice in cultiva-tion of -. V. Cianci 906. cultures ; ‘‘Chromium sulphuric acid” method for -. L. Rosenthal 519. Analysis Colorimetric Methods of - includ-ing some Turbidimetric and Sephelometric Methods. Vol. 11. (Review) E. D. Snell and C. T. Snell 379. *electrolytic -; Use of alternating current mains in. A. J. Lindsey 425. Volumetric Chemical -; Recent hdvances in. Use of flame spectra in -.volumetric -; Measurement of Coulombs as a standardisation method in. L. Szebellhdy and 2. Somogyi 628. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. I. Qualitative Ana-lysis. 9th Eng. Ed. (Review) W. T. Hall 687. chemistry; Application of organic reagents and complex compounds in -. J. V. Dubsky 374. chemistry; New methods in -. J. V. Dubsky 374. Androsterone Colour reactions of -. Animal livers; Vitamin A and A contents of mammalian and other -. A. E. Gillam, 835. products; Imperial Institute research on -. 271. skin; Ultra-violet light and photomicro-graphic studies of -. E. R. Theis and E. J. Serfass 300. tissue Quantitative determination of nicotinic acid amide in -. P. Karrer and H. Keller 834. Animals liver fats of some New Zealand farm -; Composition of.T. P. Hilditch and F. B. Shorland 121. Anions Reactions of - with tri-hydroxy aromatic compounds. P. Wenger R. Duckert and C. P. Blancpain 137. Salts of complex cations for the microscopic detection of -. 111. 1.2-Dinitritotetram-minocobaltic nitrate (flavocobaltic nitrate). H. A. Hynes and L. K. Yanowski 626. Anthracene Powder Use of ___ as a detector. 502. Anthropodesoxycholic Acid Colour reaction for Antibacterial immunity to Staphylococcus pyo-genes. C. Lyons 359. Antigens Somatic - of the typhoid bacillus. Chemical nature of the “0” and “Vi” -. A. Boivin and Mesrobeanu 840. Antimony copper in chloride solutions con-taining -; Determination of. 160. in commercial lead and high-lead alloys ; Modified permanganate volumetric method for determining -.(Review) H. B. Kellog 693. 345. 126. -. 610. R. G. Mvers. 623 xxvi INDEX TO Antimony-continued in high-lead mixtures; Determination of -by the permanganate method. R. G. Myers 912. in lead; Determination of -. 800. *in special aluminium alloys ; Determination of -. G. B. Brook G. H. Stott and A. C. Coates 110. Micro-determination of --. F. Hecht and M. von Mack 298. Micro-gravimetric separation of tin and -. &I. von Mack and F. Hecht 298. Antimony Trichloride reaction for vitamin A; Spectrographic studies on -. 11. In-fluence of oxidising agents on the reaction. 0. Notevarp and H. W. Weedon 612. Erratum 675. Antiscorbutic power of lemon juice; Effect of sterilisation and storage on __ .G. Mouriquand and Others 201. *Antiseptic solutions ; Determination of para-chlorometaxylenol in -. R. P. Merritt and T. F. West 257. Apparatus Abstracts 71 220 300 375 456, 537 629 763 765 855 917. Apples Size of cells of flesh of -. sprayed with nicotine bentonite ; Determina-tion of nicotine on-. L. N. Markwood 288. Applied Chemistry Annual Reports on the Pro-gress of -. Vol. XXII for 1937. (Re-view) Society of Chemical Industry 458. Catalytic Processes in - 2nd Ed. (Re-view) T. P. Hilditch and C. C. Hall 223. Appointments Official -. 40 267 340 497, 814. Apricot pulp containing fluorine compounds ; Toxicity of -. C. Griebel A. Schloemer and H. Zeglin 521. Argentine musts and wines; Determination of copper and iron in -. L. de Prado 605.Armant I Cemeteries of -. (Review) Sir R. Mond 0. H. Myers and Others 690. Aromatic compounds ; Reactions of cations and anions with tri-hydroxy -. P. Wenger, R. Duckert and C. P. Blancpain 137. hydrocarbons ; Separation of - from a petroleum by distillation with acetic acid. F. W. Rose Junr. and J. D. White 908. compounds; Fixation of ___ in vitro by the M. J. Thubet, Detection of small quantities of - (in *Electrical deposition and determination of in brewing materials. Institute of Brewing in grape juice. 496. in lead; Determination of -. in white metals; Determination of small Rlicro-determination of -. F. Hecht and on sprayed cabbages 602. 185. Arsenic Atomic weight of -. 436. red corpuscles of the blood. 674. wines) L. Truffert 528.-. S. Torrance 104. Sub-committee Report. 728. 801. quantities of -. XI. von Mack 298. C. W. Anderson 295. Asbestos Effect of lime on silica solubility of Ascospores in yeasts; Simple staining method for - . 476. detecting -. J. L. Shimwell 907. VOLUME 63 Ascorbic Acid and phosphatase activity. E. J. King and G. E. Delory 744. Cacothelin as reagent for -. L. Rosen-thaler 517. *content of fruit and vegetables. 31. Olliver, 2. content of some fruits and vegetables of Ceylon. A. W. R. Joachim and C. Chara-vanapavan 446. in blood; Determination of -. A. Wilson, 359. in plant tissues; Combined -. E. J. Reedman and E. W. McHenry 358. in urine; Chemical identification of -. P. J. Drumm H. Scarborough and C. P. Stewart 58. in urine; Possible discrepancy in the estima-tion of -.C . W. T. H. Fleming and T. E. Burrows 282. Inhibition of the benzidine blood test by -. R. Kohn and R. M. Watrous 611. oxidase from the white gourd (Beninca sacrzap~a). B. Ghosh and B. C. Guha 359, Standardisation of 2,5-dichlorophenolindo-phenol for determining - . M. H. Menaker and K. B. Guerrant 201; R. E. Buck and W. S. Ritchie 201. Z-Ascorbic Acid Photochemical decomposition of -. A. E. Kellie and S. S. Zilva 837. Ashing temperatures ; Losses of chlorine in different materials with various -. T. A. Pickett 289. Asparagus Ascorbic acid content of -. 14. Aspirin Comparison of brands of -. 602. Atmospheric pollution; Conference on -. Report for Atomic weights ; Eighth Report of Commission Afropa Belladonna alkaloids ; Microchemical F.Amelink 916. Atropine Extraction of __ from urine. 647. Extraction of ~ from viscera. 564. Australian sandalwood trees; Seed oils of -. W. V. Kotasthane and N. Narayana 619. *Avocado Fear Oil Note on -. A. L. Bacharach and E. L. Smith 811, Azo derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinoline as analytical reagents; Relative value of -. T. Boyd E. F. Degering and R. hT. Shreeve, 910. 48 497. pollution; Investigation of -. 1936-37. 340. on -. 436. reaction for -. I3 Bizbassu Oil Glycerides of -. A. Bbmer and H. H;Bttig 441. Bacilli Use of orange juice in cultivation of anaerobic -. 906. B. Paratyphosum Isolation of - from water. 103. B. Typhssum Isolation of - from water. 193. Researches on the somatic antigens of -.A. Boivin and Mesobeanu 840. Smooth-rough variation of - . A. van Leeuwenhoek 360. Bacon colour of -; Formation of nitrosohae-maglobin and. 185 INDEX TO Bacon-continued Formaldehyde in smoked -. 720. Red colour in -. 820. Bacteria Effect of freezing on -. R. R. Nodule - in clover. 269. Relation of certain respiratory enzymes to the maximum growth temperatures of -. 0. F. Edwards and L. I?. Rettger 361. Thermo- - and acetic -. H. Schnegg and K. Weigand 520. *Bacterial cultures; Determination of organic acids in -. infection of eggs. 184 820. proteins; Freezing of -. 184. examination of Warz cheese. examination of ice-cream. 894. investigation of rice. 116. media; Filling device for -. W. Hickson, 202. media for milk counts ; Co-operative investiga-tion of -.J. H. Brown C. W. Honynge and H. Moak 203. ’Bacteriology Applied Mycology and -. (Keview) L. ID. Galloway and K. Burgess, 148. Dairy ~ . 2nd Ed. (Review) B. W. Hammer 541. Bacterium Beer disease - producing alco-holic fermentation of glucose. J. L. Shimwell 128. Bakery products ; Detection and determination of diacetyl and methyl-acetyl-carbinol in -. H. Schmallfuss and H. Werner 734. Barbasco Eotenone determination in -. W. M. Seaber 905. Barbiturates Determination of - by electro-dialysis. 616. Toxicology of -. 240. Barbituric derivatives ; New colour reactions for derivatives; New method of identifying -. Barium Volumetric determination of -. Barley Furfurogen content of -. C. Enders, 746.Basic Slag ferric oxide and sulphide sulphur in - Determination of. E. Maurer and F. Haderer 529 849. Beans Provitamin D of --. Bedding Massachusetts law relating to -. Beef potted -; Excess of moisture in. 720. Beer disease bacterium producing alcoholic fer-J. L. Shimwell 138, dissolved oxygen in - ; Colorimetric deter-H. Rothchild and I. M. Stone, Lead in -. 657. Oxidation and reduction in -. Haines 614. A. M. Smith 777. Bacteriological analysis. Abstracts 128 202, F. W. Gutsche, 359 519 613 675 748 838 906. 838. -. M. M. I’esez 353. M. Pesez 669. H. N. Terem 452. T. Saji and F. Schneebauer 506. Vitamin C content of germinated -. 126. 895. mentation of glucose. mination of. 898. J. Ribereau-Bees Fatty substances of Japanese wild -S .Ueno and S. Komori, Gayon 665. and their combs. 137. VOLUME 63 xxvii Beet-root; Red pigment of -. I. Prepara-tion of betanin. 11. Determination of betanin. G. W. Pucher L. C. Curtis and H. B. Vickery 445. Beetles Protection of timber against -. 723. Beilstein’s Handbuch der Organischen Chernie; A Brief Introduction to the Use of -. 2nd Ed. Belladonna root; “Bulgarian ’ - . R. H. Henrilssen 277. root; Pharmacognosy of “Bulgarian” -. A. E. Bailey 199. Bengal Gram Vitamin C content of germinated ______ 746. Beninca Sac riapra Ascorbic acid oxidase from the white gourd (-). H. Ghosh and B. C. Guha 359. Benzedrine Colour reaction for . D. Richter 515. Benzene Spectroscopic method for identifying and determining small quantities of -.P. Laurin 629. vapours in an atmosphcre ; Spectroscopic method for identifying and determining -. P. Laurin 629. Benzene-d6 as solvent for optically-active sub-stances. H. Erlenmeyer and H. Schenkel, 220. Benzidine method for determining inorganic and ethereal sulphate in serum. 3%. H. Power and E. G. Wakefield 514. method for the micro-determination of sul-phate. ,.lpplication to the determination of total sulphur in soil solutions extracts etc. A. W. Marsden and test for blood; Inhibition of - by ascorbic acid. Berkshire Appointment of J. Thompson as Agricultural Analyst for County of -. 814. Beryllium in aluminium alloys ; Determination of small amounts of -. Betanin Preparation and determination of -. G. W.Pucher L. C . Curtis and H. B. Vickery 445. Beverage Manufacture (Son-4lcoholic). (Re-view) R. H. Morgan 923. Biochemical Analysis. -Abstracts 35 134 200, 279 355 443. 513 607 671 742 831 902. Biochemistry applied to Malting and Brewing. (Review) R. H. Hopkins and R. Krause 381. Perspectives in -. (Review) J. Needham and D. E. Green 76. Biogenic elements in milk Z. Tellniann and 0. Frehden 637. Biological fluids ; Detection of d- and 2-phenyl-alanine in -. I<. (’loss and S. U. IIenrik-sen. 674. fluids; Determination of bromide in -. €3. B. Rrodie and M. M. Friedman 671. fiuicls; Determination of small amounts of dimethylamine in - - -. H. C I)owden, 513. material; Calcium in __. determined by titration with ceric sulphate. C. L. Larson and L).M. Greenberg %>7. material ; Chemical measurement oi x-rtamin R in - by means of the thiochrome re-action. M. A. Pyke 127. (Review) E. H. Huntress 632. G. Pollard 143. R. Kohn and R. M. Watrous 611. E. Pache 67 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 63 Biologid-continued material; Determination of bismuth in -. S. L. Tompsett 250. *material ; Determination of magnesium in - . Interference of manganese. J. Duck-worth and W. Godden 805. material ; Volumetric determination of potas-sium in -. H. E. Harrison and D. C. Darrow 55. media; Stabilisation and sterilisation of ___ by supercentrifuging. M. Piettre 906. products; Colorimetric micro-determination of iron in -. Standardisation. (Review) J . H. Burn 462. Standardisation of the Vitamins. (Review), K.H. Coward 462. Birefringence of fibres; Simple method for deter-mining --. Birmingham Report of City Analyst (IT. H. Bagnall) for second and third quarters, 1937 41; for the year 1937 886; for first quarter 1938 428. Bismuth Gravimetric determination of - by means of picric acid. in biological materials ; Determination of -. S. L. Tompsett 250. *in copper brasses bronzes etc. ; Rapid rnetliod of determining -. H. R. Fitter, 107. in lead lktermination of -. 799. Volumetric determination of - as bismuth I. M. Kolthofi and Bitumen finger prints on - Development of. Multiple softening point apparatus ior -. Black-currants Ascorbic acid content of - -. 4. *Variations in composition of -. J. F. Brown 262. Blinding Powder 822. Blood alcohol in -; Determination of 726; €3.Kratz and E. Plambock 283. Alcohol in -___ in a motoring case. ascorbic acid in - ; Determination of. Barbituric derivatives detected in -. 670. Benzidine test for - inhibited by ascorbic acid. Calcium in - determined by titration with ceric sulphate. C. L. Larson and D. M. Greenberg 357 444. corpuscles; Nature of haemoglobin in red -. C;. A. Adams 444. cultures ; Action of sodium polyanethole sul-phonate (“Liquoid”) on - . T. von Hacbler and A. A. Miles 839. Fixation of arsenic compounds in vitro by the red corpuscles of -. M. J. Thubet 674. Fluorine in - determined by electrodialysis. 615. glucose ; Colorimetric determination of -. M. S. Mihadoff 904. -group tests; Exclusion of paternity by -. (Legal Notes) 495.lactate in normal human -; Simplified estimation of. H. T. Edwards 903. Lead content of human -. C. E. Wil-loughby and E. S. Wilkins Jnr. 749. R. Paulais 628. R. H. Marriott 767. H. Etienne 847. hydrogen iodide oxine. F. S. Griffith 465. 115. D. M. Wilson 766. 503. A. Wilson 359. R. Kohn and R. M. Watrous 611. Blood-continued plasma; Form of copper in -. R. Boyden and V. R. Potter 280. plasma and serum; Calcium and sodium contents of -. H. Waelsch and S. Kittel 831. pyruvic acid in - ; Detection of. T. Shindo 279. quinine content of -; Determination of. F. L. Kaiser 284. Silica content of -. H. Frank and G. Gerstel 610. testing; Acetone chlorohaemin in -. A. F. Richter and M. Hofman 750. Blood and Bone Compound 496.Blue Pills deficient in mercury. Bomb calorimeter thermometers. B. S . I. specification for --. 504. Bombs Home-made -. 822. Book Reviews Racharach A. L. Science and Rarron H. Modern Rubber Chemistry. 634, Bennett H. The Cosmetic Formulary. 149. Bichowsky F. R. and Kossini F. D. The Thermochemistry of the Chemical Sub-stances. 303. Bodansky M. Introduction to Physiological Chemistry. 4th Ed. 921. Bonier A. Juckenack is. and Tillmans J-Ifandbuch tler Lebensmittel-Chemie. Vol. x-11. 689. Boys Sir C. V. IYeeds Weeds Weeds. 465. British Drug Houses Ltd. B.D.H. Book of Organic Reagents for Delicate .\nalysis and “Spot” Tests. 6th Fkl. 306. British Health Services Report. 2.25. Bizrk K. E. and Others. Polymerisation, and its Applications in the Fields of Kubber, Synthetic Resins and Petroleum.30%. Burn J . H. Biological Standardisation. 462. Coward K. H. The Biological Standardisa-tion of the Vitamins. 462. Cox H. E. The Chemical Analysis of Foods. 2nd Ed. 691. Davis C. C. and Blake J. T. The Chemistry and Technology of Xubber. 146. Driver J . E. Bentley and Driver’s Tcxt-Book on Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 3rd Ed. 73. Feigl I;. Qualitative Analyse mit Hilfe \on Tiipfcl-Reaktionen. 770. Feigl F. Qualitative Analysis by Spot Tests. 685. Findlay A. A Hundred Years of Chemistry. 71. Flint C. F. The Chemistry and Technology of Rubber Latex. 382. Fowles G. Lecture Experiments in Chem-istry. 304. Fuson R. C. Organic Syntheses. Vol. XVIII. 770. Galloway L. D. arid Burgess R.Applied Mycology and Bacteriology. 148. Garratt D. C. Drugs and Galenicals Their Quantitative Analysis. 74. Gilman H. Organic Chemistry-r\n Ad-vanced Treatise. 685. Gortner R. A. Selected Topics in Colloid Chemistry. 632. 41. Kutrition. 861 INDEX TO Grossfeld J. Handbuch der Eierkunde. 459. Hackh I. W. D. and Grant J. Hackh’s Chemical Dictionary. 2nd Ed. 227. Haitinger M. Fluorescenz-Mikroskopie. 773. Hall W. T. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. I. Qualitative Analysis. 9th Eng. Ed. 687. Hammer B. E. Dairy Bacteriology. 2nd Ed. 541. Harrison G. A. Chemical Methods in Clinical -. 2nd Ed. 542. Hiiditch T. P. and Hall C. C. Catalytic Processes in Applied Chemistry. 223. Hohn H. Chemische Analysen mit dem Yolarographen. 224. Hoplrins R. H.and Krause B. Biochem-istry applied to Malting and Brewing. 381. EIorvath A. A. The Soybean Industry. 859. Houwink R. Elasticity Plasticity and Struc-ture .of Matter. 144. Huntress E. H. A Brief Introduction to the Use of Beilstein’s Handbuch der Organ-ischen Chemie. 2nd Ed. 632. International Committee on new Analytical Reactions and Reagents. Tables of Re-agents for Inorganic Analysis. 860. International Society of Leather Trades Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis. 924. Jacobs M. B. Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products. 919. Jordan C. B. and DeKay H. G. Qualita-tive Analysis for Students of Pharmacy and Medicine. 2nd Ed. 858. Jordan 0. Technology of Solvents. 922. Kellog H. R. Recent Advances in Volu-Kcllogg C. E. Soil Survey Manual.U.S. Klemenc A. Die Behandlung und Rein-Knapp A. W. Cacao Fermentation. 461. Knapp A. W. Vitamin D in Cacao Shell. Its Use as an Accessory Fodder. Kramer G. Mikroanalytische Nachweise An-organischer Ionen. 381. Lloyd D. Jordan and Shore A. The Chemistry of the Proteins. 2nd Ed. 920. Lupton -4. W. Aids to Forensic Pharmacy. 2nd Ed. 921. McCulloch A. Gas Analysis. 63X. Mann F. G. and Saunders B. C. Practical Organic Chemistry. 380. Mellon M. G. Methods of Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 459. Mellor J . W. A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Vol. XVI. 222. Meyer H. Lehrbuch der Organisch. Chemischen Methodik. Vol. 111 Part 1. 540. Mond Sir R. Myers 0. €I. and Others. Cemeteries of Armant I . 690. Morgan Sir G.D. and Pratt D. D. British Chemical Industry Its Rise and Pevelop-ment. 768. Morgan R. H. Beverage Manufacture (Non-Alcoholic). 923. Book Reviews-continued metric Chemical Analysis. 693. Dept. of Agriculture. 149. darstellung von Gasen. 460. 304. VOLUME 63 xxix Mottram V. H. and Radloff E. M. Food Tables. 857. Needham J. and Green D. E. Perspectives in Biochemistry. 76. Niederl J. B. and V. Micro-Methods of Quantitative Organic Elementary Analysis. 539. Osborn A. S. The Mind of the Juror. 305. Partington J. R. A Short History of Chem-istry. 146. Reilly J. Explosives Matches and Fire-works. 772. Schoeller W. R. Analytical Chemistry of Tantalum and Niobium. 72. Snell F. D. and C. T. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis including some Turbidimetric and Nephelometric Methods.Vo. 11. 379. Society of Chemical Industry. Annual Re-ports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXII for 1937. 458. Stockdale D. Clowes and Coleman’s Quanti-tative Chemical Analysis. 14th Ed. 376. van Nieuwenburg C. J. and Dulfer G. A Short Manual of Systematic Qualitative Analysis by means of Modern Drop Re-actions. 3rd Ed. 634. Trattato di Chimica Analitica Applicata. 3rd Ed. Vols. I and 11. 226. Book Reviews-antinued Villavecchia G. V. and Others von Buzggh A. Colloid Systems. 384. VC’eiser H. B. Inorganic Colloid Chemistry. Whitmore F. C . Organic Chemistry. 145. Wilkinson J. A . Calculations in Quantita-tive Chemical Analysis. 2nd Ed. 543. Wilson C. An Introduction to Microchemical Methods.859. Winton A. L. and I<. B. The Structure and Composition of Foods. Vol. 111. 540. Wright C. H. Agricultural Analysis Hand-book of Methods excluding those for Soil. 771. Vol. 111. The Colloid Salts. 769. Borax treatment of lemons. 113. Bordeaux B Action of strychnine on -. “Boric Acid in nickel-plating solutions ; Deter-Boron in steel and cast iron; Determination of J. L. Hague and H. A. Bright 850. Borovskaya’s Gold Hydrosol 157. Bourbonal (ethylvanillin) ; Detection of -. Reactions distinguishing vanillin from -. Bran in flour; Colorimetric estimation of colour-*Brass bismuth in -; Rapid. method of Brazilian seeds (Cajanzcs Sp. and Canavulia F. W. Freise, D. B. Dott 827. mination of -. -. G. S. Smith 593. 1’. Stadler and K.Wagner 278. F. Hoeke 448. ing matter in -. determining. H. Ti. Fitter 107. Sp.); Composition of --. 605. 346. R. Muller 825. Bread Air space in -. in Queensland; Composition of -. Water-soluble vitamins B in --. A. M. Wholemeal -. 890. wholemeal -; Crude fibre in. 346. Copping 57. 725 xxx Brewing Biochemistry applied to -. (Re-view) R. H. Hopkins and B. Krause 381. Bricks Glass -. 501. Brilliant Diazo1 Yellow as fluorescent indicator. M. DkribM 71. Bristol Report of Public Analyst (F. E. Needs) for City and County of __ for 1937. 598. British Pharmacopoeia test for readily carbon-isable substances. I. Phenacetin. J. L. Yinder and K. I;. R. Venables 901. British Standards Institution Specifications : No. 283 Prussian blue for paints.Nos. 303 318 Green pigments for paints. 824. No. 314 Ultramarine blue for paints. 824. Xos. 320 333 Vermilion and red pigments for So. 515 Carbolic acids 60’s. No. 517 Cresylic acid of high orthocresol No. 521 Cresylic acid (50/55 per cent. meta-No. 532 Orthocresol metacresol and para-No. 523 Phenol. 824. KO. 616 Sampling of coal tar and its products. No. 753 Density hydrometers. 49. No. 755 Percentage of fat in milk and milk products by the Rabcock method. No. 756 Apparatus for determining small quantities of water by distillation with an immiscible liquid. 118. materials; Arsenic in -. 728. 824. paints. 824. content. 824. cresol) . 824. cresol. 824. 824. 437. 49. Xo. 757 Methods for testing gelatin. No. 769 Chemical analysis of butter.No. 770 Chemical analysis of cheese. No. 771 Synthetic resins (phenolic) moulding materials and moulding 273. No. 773 Ostwald-Folin pipettes. No. 783 Japanese and/or Korean sardine oil (pale). 274. No. 784 Methods of testing chemical stone-ware 348. No. 791 Bomb Calorimeter Thermometers, 504. No. 795 Ampoules. 604. No. 797 One-mark capillary pipettes. No. 804 Crucible swelling test for coal. 734. No. 808 Modified technique of the Chick-Martin test for disinfectants. 824. No. 818. Chemical symbols and abbrevia-tions. 895. Bromide alakli chloride and ~ in presence of cyanide and thiocyanate ; Volumetric deter-mination of. E. Schulek 534. in tissues and biological fluids ; Determination of -. B. B. Brodie and M. M. Friedman, 671.Bromides Determination of -. L. ,4. Reber and W. M. McNabb 296. Bromine Values of some fatty oils; Gravimetric -I . E. Yamaguti T. Matsushima and T. Takagi 137. *Bronze bismuth in -; Rapid method of determining. H. R. Fitter 107. Torrance 488. Wheeler 883. 118. 273. 273. 274. 664. “Electrolytic analysis of nickel ~ - . s. *tin in -; Determination of. W. C. G. Brucine Detection of cadmium with potassium bromide and -. Differentiation of strychnine and -. A. Martini 764. Buckingham Appointment of E. Voelcker as Agricultural Analyst for County of -. 267 814. Building Research Board Report for 1937. 499. Buildings Cleaning of stone -. ‘‘Bulgarian” belladonna root. K. H. Henriksen, 277. belladonna root ; Pharmacognosy of -.A. E. Bailey 199. Bullets Identification of automatic pistol -. 115. Burns Stability of tannin solutions for --. P. van der Wielen 124. Bury Appointment of T. I<. Hodgson as Agri-cultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 514. Bush Sickness Deficiency of cobalt and -. 112. Butter ,Irtificial colouring materials in -detected by means of chromatographic analysis. €1. Thaler 508. R.S.I. Specification for chemical analysis of -. 273. Diacetyl in ~ determined by means of diaminobenzidine. J. Pien 351. Diacetyl in Normandy - C. Brioux and E. Jouis 197. -fat ; Further determination and characterisa-tion of the component acids of --. T. P. Hilditch and H. E. Longenecker 275. Metallic contamination of -. 114. Mould on -. 114. problems discussed a t Eleventh World’s Dairy Congress 38.Byssochlamys Fulva Study of the mould --. 824. I . M. Korenman 454. 500. C Cabbages Arsenic on sprayed -, Cacao Fermentation. 602. Provitamin D of -. 126. Vitamin K in -. 519. (Review) A. W. Knapp, “kernel; Determination of tannins in -. Shell; Vitamin D in -. Its Use as an (Review) A. W. Nnapp. Cacothelin as reagent for ascorbic acid. L. Detection of some heavy metals with -. Cadmium Detection of - with brucine and I. M. Korenman 454. Determination of - by internal electrolysis. in lead; Determination of --. $03. Separation of ~- from zinc. C. Zollner 847. Caesium Colorimetric determination of --. E. S. Burksera and R. V. Feldman 681. Caffeine-free coffee; Natural -. 1. Fritzker and R.Jungkunz 443. Cajanus Sp. Composition of seeds of -. I?. W. Freise 605. 461. D. W. nuthie 27. Accessory Fodder. 304. Rosenthaler 517. G. Beck 455. potassium bromide. J . J . Lourid and &I. 1. Trnitzkaia 451 INDEX TO Cakes Chocolate - deficient in cocoa. 719. Calcium content df blood-plasma and blood-serum. Direct acidimetric micro-titration method for -. in blood and other biological material deter-mined by titration with ceric sulphate. C. L. Larson and D. M. Greenberg 357 444. in dried cotton leaves. 117. in presence of molybdate and iron; Precipita-K. C. Wley and A. Uedinak, H. Waelsch and s. Kittel 831. A. E. Sobel and S. Sklersky 298. tion of -. 624. in siliceous dusts. 473. in vegetables. 118. Separation of - as sulphate by precipita-tion in concentrated methanol solution.E. I<. Caley and P. J . Elving 532. Calcium Gluconate Polarimetric determination of --. I. Vintilesco C. N. Ionesco and N. Stanciu 902. Calcium Phosphate Availability of different forms of - as fertilisers. Calcium Sulphate in cement determined by a volumetric method. H. Schaltegger 373. Galorimeter Gas - tables. National Bureau of Standards Washington. 523. thermometers; Bomb -; B.S.I. specifica-tion for. 504. Canada Storage of foodstuffs in -. Canavalia Sp. Composition of seeds of -. Cannabis Sativa Colour test for -. J . C. Canned fruit; Tin in -. 823. vegetables; Mineral content of -. vegetables; Tin in -. 823. Cannonball Fruit Some constituents of the -. E.K. Nelson and D. H. Wheeler 120. Cans internal capacity of -; Measurement of. 824. Carbohydrate materials; Effect of various - on the determination of lignin by the fuming hydrochloric acid method. M. Phillips and M. J. Goss 292. Carbohydrates Role of acetaldehyde in the catabolism of --. 821. Carbolic Acid R.S.I. specification for -(60's). 824. Garbon Atomic weight of -. Microchemical determination of . H. Sternberg 373. Micro-titrimetric dry combustion method for - R. B. Schmitt and J. l3. Niederl 373. Carbon Blacks Methods for ex-aluating -. 1. Drogin 759. Carbon Dioxide Changes in the egg due to changes in pressure of --. Determination of - by a conductometric method. A. Lassieur 452. Carbon Disulphide works; Fumes from -. 601.Carbonyl compounds; Separation of - from waxes. Carica Papaya latex and latex preparations; Hydrolytic properties of -. M. Frankel, 19. Maimin and H . Shapiro 125. Carob Bean Meal as thickening agent in fruit preparations and other foods. C. Griebel, 439. 117. 818. F. W. Freise 605. Munch 900. 824. 436. 821. H. A. el Mangouri 214. VOLUME 63 XXXi Carotene Absorption and metabolism of -. 116. content of milk; Effect of grass extract and dried extracted grass in the winter rations of cows on -. F. E. Moon J . H. Caulder and R. Thomas 130. in forage; Precise method for determining -. D. 1%'. Rolin and A. -1.1. Khalapur, 742. A . L. Taylor and P. J . t\-itte 282. Carotenoids Chromatographic adsorption ana-lysis of small amounts of - with special reference to - of milk and serum.H. Willstaedt and T. K. With 446. in milk; Estimation of -. H. Willstaedt ang T. K. With 518. Vitamin R and --. Kinetic study of the Carr-Price reaction. I?. Meunier and Y. liaoul 743. Carr-Price Reaction for vitamin A Inhibition of __- by substances in cod-liver oil. A. Emmerie 674. P. Meunier and Y . Raoul 743. in oranges. Kinetic study of the ___. Carrots Yrovitamin D of --. Casein fibre; Test to distinguish between wool and -. Solubility of - in salts of certain organic acids and its fractionation by means of these acids. R. H. McIiee and S. P. Gould 845. tryptophane content of -; Rapid procedure for estimating. M. X. Sullivan H. S. Milone and E. L. Everitt 902. *Casks Warning to users of second-hand steel - and similar receptacles for storage of food.C. A. Mitchell 813. *Cast Iron aluminium in -; Detcrniination of. E. Taylor-Austin 566. Erratum 656. boron in - ; Determination of. J. 1;. Hague and H. A. Bright 850. Catadyne in the sterilisation of T.A.B.C. vaccine. 360. Catalytic Processes in Applied Chemistry. 2nd Ed. (Review) T. P. Hilditch and C. C. Hall 223. Cations Reactions of - with tri-hydroxy aromatic compounds. P. Wenger R. Duckert and C. P. Blancpain 137,. Salts of complex __- for the microscopic detection of anions. 111. 1.2-Uinitrito-tetramminocobaltic nitrate (flavocobaltic ni-trate). H. A. Hynes and L. K. Yanowski, 626. Cauliflower Vitamin I< in - -. Cement Calcium sulphate in - determined by a voliitnetric method.H. Schaltegger, 372. Centrifuging apparatus for rnicro-gravimetric analysis. A. Langer 915. Cereals Definition of standards for - in South Africa. 269 Vitamin C content of some germinated --. M. N. Kudra 746. Ceric Sulphate Titration with - as means of determining calcium in blood and other biological material. C. L. Larson and D. M. Greenberg 359 444. Cerium in welded copper wire; Determination of -. E. Pache 297. 126. C. M. Whittaker 135. 519 XxXii INDEX TO VOLUME 63 Cerium-contimed R. A. Reed 338. Cevitamic Acid Standardisation of 2,6-dichloro-phenolindophenol for estimating -. R. E. Buck and W. S. Ritchie 201. Ceylon fruits and vegetables; Vitamin C contents of -. A. W. R. Joachim and C. Chara-vanapavan 446.Leafy and non-leafy vegetables of -. S. Kandiah and D. E. V. Koch 440. Report of the Government Analyst (J. V. Collins) for 1937. 501. Cheese B.S.I. specification for chemical analysis of -. 273. Changes in composition of __ on prolonged keeping. J . Pien and G. Maurice 665. cream -; Adulterated. 721. I-Iarz -; Bacteriological examination of. F. W. Gutsche 838. “Milk and cream -.” 720. processed - ; Eleventh World’s Dairy Congress resolutions on. 39. Chemical Analysis ; Clowes and Coleman’s Quantitative ____ 14th Ed. (Review), Edited and revised by D. Stockdale 376. Dictionary. 2nd Ed. (Review) I. W. D. Hackh and J . Grant 227. Industry; Rise and Development of British -. (Review) Sir G. D. Morgan and D. D. Pratt 768. stoneware ; B.S.I.specification for methods of testing -. 348. Substances ; Thermochemistry of --. (Re-view) I?. R. Bichowskyand F. D. Rossini 302. symbols and abbreviations. B.S.I. standard list of -. 895. Chemistry A Hundred Years of -. (Re-.ciew) A. Findlay 71. *Methylene blue as reagent for -. Analytical -. See Analytical. Applied -. See Applied Chemistry. Inorganic -. Set Inorganic. International Union of -. See Interna-tional Union of Chemistry. Lecture Experiments in ~- . (Review), G. Fowles 304. Organic -. See Organic. Pharmaceutical -. Set Pharmaceutical. Short History of -. (Review) J . R. I’artington 146. Theoretical -; Comprehensive Treatise on inorganic and. Vol. XVI. (Review) J. W. Mellor 222. Chewing Gum Composition of -. Chick-Martin Test for disinfectants; B.S.I.modified technique for -. 824. Chimica Analitica Applicata ; Trattato di -. 3rd Ed. Vols. I and 11. (Review) G. V. Villavccchia and Others 226. 268. China tea “practically free from tannin.” Chloride alkali bromide and - in presence of cyanide and thiocyanate ; Volumetric deter-mination of. E. Schulek 534. method of determining age of inks. J . Finn, Jnr. and R. E. Cornish 844. Chlorides Determination of -. L. A. Reber and W. M. McNabb 296. manganese in water containing -; Deter-mination of. V. Miihlenbach 842. 41. Chlorides-continued *nitrogen in mixed fertilisers containing -Determination of. €3. Dyer and J. H: Hamence 866. Erratum v. Chlorine in drinking water; o-Tolidine method for determining residual -.G. Dragt and M. G. Mellon 521. in milk and cream; Detection of -. 253. Losses of __ in different materials with various ashing temperatures. T. A. Pickett, 289. ChlorosiS in fruit trees; Causes of -. 113. Chocolate cakes deficient in cocoa. Cholesterol Colour reaction for -. 610. Cholic Acid Colour reaction for -. 610. Chorioallantoic Membrane of the chick embryo ; Serial cultivation of the foot-and-mouth virus on -. Chromatographic analysis ; Detection of artificial colouring materials in butter by means of -. H. Thaler 508. *Chromite Complete analysis of -. C. I;. .J. van der Walt 176. Erratum 335. *Chromium compound of 8-hydroxyquinoline. E. Taylor-Austin 710. *in plant ash soil water and rocks; Colori-metric determination of -.C. F. J. van der Walt and A. J . van der Merwe 809. Oxidation of tervalent - by alkaline mer-curic oxide. P. Raychaudhury 913. Chromium Nitride Analysis of -. H. Ter Mculen 759. “Chromium Sulphuric Acid” method for anaero-bic cultures. K. Roscnthal 519. Chrysanthemum Cinerariaefolium Chemical evaluation of -. Chrysophanic Acid phenolphthalein in presence of -; Detection of small amounts of E. H. Maechling 901. 639. products. P. S. Arup 635. urine). A. C. Kuyper 445. Citrus soils; Pan-formation in -. Cloth containing alum and magnesium sulphate ; Clover Nodule bacteria in -. Coal R.S.I. specification for crucible swelling test for -. 734. gas; Method of using - in the Brown, Fildes and McIntosh or other anaerobe jars on the Laidlow principle.J. H. Brewer and J . H. Brown 907. Coal-Tar R.S.I. Specification for sampling of - and of its products. Cobsilt Detection of - by p-nitroso cc-naph-tho1 4-sulphonic acid. in foodstuffs; Determination of - (in relation to bush sickness) 113. Micro-gravimetric determination of - with cr-nitroso- 6-naphthol. F. Hecht and F. Korkisch 916. Cobalt-Chromium Steels Manganese in -determined by photometric titration. S. Hirano 138. 719. I. Peragallo 361. J. T. Martin 677. Cineole mcthod €or determining o-cresol. Citrates in milk; Effect of heat treatment on -*Citric Acid determinations in milk and milk Quantitative precipitation of ~ (from, trees; Causes of chlorosis in -. 113. 621. 115. Disinfection of -. 599. 269. 437. L. A. Sarver 680 INDEX TO Cobalt Quinaldinate Two modifications of -.N. K. Dutt 217. Cobalt Salts Microchemical reactions of sparteine Coca Leaves cocaine in - ; Methods of Cocaine Extraction of - from urine. with -. A. Martini 69. assaying content of. 828. 648. Extraction of - from viscera. in raw - and in cocoa leaves; Methods of 564. assaying content of -. 828. 6%ocoa Red” 187. Coconut shells; Composition of -. L. C. Fleck W. G. Van Beckum and G. J. Ritter, 66. Cod Differentiation of fresh haddock fillets from - by the precipitation test. G. A. McCurdy and V. D. Vladykov 516. Un-saponifiable matter content. C. C. Harris, 309. Inhibition of the Carr and Price reaction for litamin A by substances in -. A. Emmerie 674. A. 0. Tischer, 906.Coffee berry; Composition of the wax-like sub-stance extracted from -. H. Wagner, 667. “extracts. F. W. Edwards and H. R. Nanji, 323. extracts deficient in coffee extractives. 267. grounds; Utilisation of fat in - . M. infusions; Mineral constituents of -. Natural caffeine-free -. J. Pritzker and Cod-liver Oil Constants of genuine -. vitamin -4 in -; Nature of. Testoni and G. Bimbi 365. Thiellement and D. Florentin 198. R. Jungkunz 443. Coins Counterfeit - in Hong Kong. Coliform organisms; Viability of -. Colliery Owners’ Research Association Report. 188. Colloid Chemistry; Inorganic -. Vol. 111. Colloidal Salts. (Review) H. B. Weiser, 769. Chemistry; Selected Topics in -. (Re-view) €3. A. Gortner 632. Systems. Collodial Salts.Vol. I11 of Znorgaxic CoZZoid Chemzstry. Colloids Effect of different soil - on the toxicity of sodium selenate to millet. P. L. Gile H. W. Lakin and H. G. Byers. $34. Colorimeter Determination of vitamin A with the photoelectric -. W. J. Dann and I<. A. Evelyn 611. Colostrum Vitamin B content of --. 906. vitamin D content of cow’s -; Note on the. K. M. Henry and S. K. Kon 282. Colonr-matching lamps ; Commercial -. 344. Colouring Matter in butter; Detection of artificial - by means of chromatographic analysis. H. Thaler 508. of bran in flour; Colorimetric estimation of - R. Miiller 825. CoIsulsnyde Microscopical identification of -. 511. Combretum Gum from Tanganyika 272. 603. 194. (Review) A. von Buzdgh 384. (Review) H. B. Weiser 769.measurement; Direct -. 343. VOLUME 63 xxxiii H. Combustions Automatic regulation of -. Compounds Aromatic -. Reihlen 683. See Aromatic. Application of organic reagents and complex J. V. Dubsky, hydroxylated -; Determination of some. Organic -. See Organic. Condensed Milk Citric acid determinations in Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station : Report on food and drug products for 1936. 660. Convallotoxin L. F. Fieser and R. P. Jacobsen, 59. *Copper bismuth in -; Rapid method of determining. H. R. Fitter 107. -in analytical chemistry. 374. S. H. Bertram and R. Rutgers 618. -. 637. deficiency in gingin sheep disease. Detection of ~ by ,&nitroso a-naphthol 4-sulphonic acid. Determination of and its separation from lead.J. .Dick and A. Radulescu 294. Determination of -___ by internal electrolysis. J. J. Lourit5 and M. I . Troitzkaia 451. Determination of small quantities of mercury in presence of zinc and - by internal electrolysis. J. G. Fife 650. in Argentine musts and wines ; Determination of -. L. de I’rado 605. in blood plasma; Form of -. R. Boyden and V. R. Potter 280. in lead; Determination of -. 799. *in presence of other metals ; Micro-electro-lytic determination of - by controlled potential. A. J . Lindsey 159. *in special aluminium alloys ; Determination of -. G. R. Brook G. H. Stott and A. C. Coates 110. *in tomato products. C. E. Sage and S. G. E. Stevens 719. in wire grasses ; Spectroscopic determination of traces of -. L. I>. Rusoff L.H. Rogers and L. W. Gadclum 206. "present in tomato puree; Proportion of - -. T. Cockburn and M. Herd 485. “Simple gravimetric method of determining - . P. Hersch 486. thermostat containing phosphoric acid for nieasuring kinetics (at high temperature). H. C. S. Snethlage 765. wire ; Determination of cerium in welcled -. E. Pache 297. Copper Sulphate Poisoning with ground glass ancl -. 503. Copra products (control) ordinance. 503. Corbssil Colour reaction for -. 355. Corpuscles Fisation of arsenic compounds zn vitro by the red -. haemoglobin in red blood -; Nature of. G. A. Adams 444. Cosmetic Formulary; The - . (Review), €3. Bennett 149. Cosmetics How to make -. (Review) 33. Bennett 149. Cotton nutrition. 117. Cottonseed Neal Estimation of gossypol in 891.L. :I. Sarver 680. 31. J. Thubet 674. -. F. H. Smith 65. Extraction of gossypol from -. 65 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 63 Cottonseed Oil Provitamin D of -. Tocopherols isolated from --. 127. Coulombs Measurement of ~ as a standardi-sation method in volumetric analysis. L. Szebell4dy and 2. Somogyi 528. Coventry Appointment of TV. T. Rigby as Agricultural Analyst and of F. G. D. Chalmers as Deputy Agricultural Analyst, for County Borough of -. Cows Value of grass extract and dried extracted grass in the winter rations of - with special reference to their effects on the carotene content of the milk. F. E. Noon, J . H. Faulder and B. Thomas 130. 253. 126. 814. Cream cheese. See Cheese. chlorine in -; Detection of.Citric acid determination in sterilised tinned contravening Regulations. 81 6. -. 638. Digestion of reconstituted ~ . G. A. Hartwell 124. “Fruit” - * 599. Pasteurisation of sour ~ detected by the amylase test. T. Forghcs and I. Radics, 664. Standard for - in Massachusetts. 894. Table -. 267. “Tea and coffee” ~ . 599. o-Cresol cineole method for determining; Note Cresylic Acid B.S.I. specifications for -. Cronite tubes. 33. Croton Seed from Nyasaland; New -. 619. Cube rotenone in -; Determination of. 11. IT. A. Jones and J. J. T. Graham 204. Cupferron for the rapid determination of iron in pharmaceutical preparations. S. TVI. Berman J. J. Chap and D. M. Taylor 53. Curare Active principle of -. P. de B. Carneiro 900. Curds Addition of flour to milk -.Curing of fish; Composition of wood-smoke used Curry Powder Lead in -. Cyanide alkali chloride and bromide in presence of -; Volumetric determination of. E. Schulek 534. solutions ; Determination of gold and silver in -. TV. E. Caldwell and L. E. Smith, 623. Cyanogenetic plants Preservation of - for chemical analysis. R. R. Briese and J. F. on. 621. 824. 815. Composition of -. 495. in -. 185. 267 429. D Dairy Bacteriology. Hammer 541. TV. L. Davies 38. neutralisers in --. -_ . 275. 2nd Ed. (Review) B. W. Congress; Report on Eleventh World’s -. products Detection and determination of products ; Detection of vegetable gums in P. A. Racicot and C. S. Ferguson, W. L. Davies 349. Daniella oleo-resin from Nigeria.272. Daghnia Magaa Responses of __to 1-itarnin E. -1. Viehoever and 1. Cohen 837. Daylight photometer; Meetham’s ultra-violet Dentd gold alloys; New procedure for the analysis of -. Deposit gauge results ; Effect of micro-organisms on -. 342. Derbyshire Report of the County Analyst (R. W. Sutton) for 1937. Dermatitic properties of tung oil. M. W. Swaney 520. Derris extract; Total composition of -. K. S. Cahn R. F. Phipers and J. J. Boam, 617. rotenone in - Determination of. 11. H. A. Jones and J. J. T. Graham 204; W. M. Seaber 908, Chronic tox-icity of -. A. M. Ambrose and H. B. Haag ,523. Desiccant Phosphorus pentoxide as ~ at 90’ C . D. A. Lacoss and W. C. Menzies 68. Desoxycholic Acid New colour reaction for -. K. Kaziro and T.Shimada 610. Deuterium in organic compounds ; Determina-tion of -. A. S. Keston D. Rittenberg and R. Schoenheimer 134. “Dextrin in presence of starch and sugars; Deter-mination of -. .F. W. Edwards 11. R. Nanji and W. R. Chanmugam 697. Dextrose lactose in presence of - - in Frank-furt sausages Determination of. 661. Diacetyl in bakery products Detection and determination of -. H. Schmalfuss and H. Werner 734. in butter determined by means of diamino-benzidine. J. Pien 35 1. in Xormandy butter. C. Brioux and E. Jouis 197. Did Colour reactions for -. Diaminobenzidine as means of determining diacetyl in butter. Diary1 Carbazones Use of - in analysis. P. Krumholz and F. Hiinel 536. 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol Standardisation of -.M. H. Menaker and N. B. Guer-rant 201; R. E. Euck and W. S. Kitchie, 201. Dictionary Hackh’s Chemical -. 2nd Ed. (Review) 1. W. I>. FIaclch and J. Grant, 227. Diene Values of vegetable oils and fats; Effect of hydroxyl groups on the apparent -. W. C;. Biclrford I;. G. Dollear and IS. S. Illarkley 135. Diethylene Glycol Potassium hydroxide in -for rapid saponification of esters. C. E. Reclemsnn and H. J. Liicas 62. Dilatometer tJse of _____- in measuring the extent of freezing in ice-cream and related products. I f T . C. Cole 456. 6,7-Dinethoxy-isoquinoline-Z-car;broxylic Acid as fluorescence indicator. L. SzebellCdv and J. J6n& 761. Dimethylamine in biological fluids ; Deter-mina-tion of small amounts of --. €3. C. Uowclen 5 13. 1.2-Dinit~itotetramminocobaltic Nitrate Reac-tion with anions.H. A. Hynes and L. K. Yanowski 626. -. 341. R. Gilchrist 848. 657. Toxicological studies of -. 353. J. Pien 351 lNDEX TO T o-Dioxo-lethylene compounds ; Detection of -. M. Ishidate 915. s-Diphenylcarbazide Determination of mercury with -. Diphtheria outbreak associated with ice-cream. E. Bloch 839. Disinfectants Chick-Martin test for -; B.S.I. modified technique for. 824. Disinfection of cloth containing alum and mag-nesium sulphate. 599. Dogs Doping of racing -. Dopa Colour reaction for -Doping of racing dogs. 726. Drinking Water See Water. Dripping Pork -. 720. Drop analysis; Quantitative -. X. Deter-mination of sodium R. Lindner and P. L. Kirk 627. Reactions ; Short Manual of Systematic Qualitative Analysis by means of Modern -.3rd Ed. (Review) C. J. van Nieuwenburg and G. Dulfer 634. Drugs and Galenicals-Their Quantitative Analysis. *Extraction of organic - from viscera. F. Bamford 645. *Toxicology of narcotic -. G. Roche Lynch 240. See also Food and Drugs. Drunkenness Alcohol in the blood in cases of . 503. Chemical diagnosis of -. 893. Dry-cleaning processes ; Static electricity in -* 344. Drying small amounts of material; Apparatus for -. F. Fuhrmann 763. Dudley Appointment of F. G. D. Chalmers as Public Analyst and Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 814. Dust(s) Composition of fine --. meter; Range of electrotor - demon-strated by dark-field counts. S. C. Black-tin 375. Methods for collection of -.468. *siliceous - ; Microchemical investigations on. J. W. Matthews 467. *Dye(s) Hair -. I. Chemistry and analysis of henna. H. E. Cox 397. in egg-pastry; Detection of ar unusual arti-ficial -. J. Grossfeld and K. Schwarz, 826. Yellow - approved for food. Dyestuff (5) Fluorescence analysis in ultra-violet light as applied to -. J. Grant, 765. *in indelible pencils 348; Toxicity of -. A. W. Stewart 494. organic- ; Identification of - by micro-sublimation. A. Kutzelnigg and E. Franke, 453. Permitted food - position. 348. F. W. Laird 911. 726. 355. (Review) D. C. Garratt 74. _-188. 890. E Earth slopes; Stability of -. Ecgonine Identification of - F. Amelink, Edicol F.C.S. (Sunset Yellow) approved as dye for 500.740. food. 890. JOLUME 63 XXXV Eels Factors influencing the composition of Effluents Milk factory -. 431. Egg-pastry artificial dye in -; Detection of J. Grossfeld and I<. Schwarz, Egg-yolk of fowls; Influence of pimiento pig-W. L. Brown, Eggs Bacterial infection of -. 184 820. Changes in ___ due to changes in the pressure of carbon dioxide. 821. Evaluation of degree of freshness of hens' -from the fluorescence of the egg-shell and from the phosphate content of the egg-white. Relation between the specific conductivity and the age of hens' -. W. Rudolph, 505. Vitamin B content of - - . Washing of -. 815. Eierkunde Handbuch der -. (Review) J. Grossfeld 459. Elasticity I'lasticity and Structure of Matter. (Review) R. Houwink 144.Electricity Static - in dry-cleaning pro-cesses. 344. Electrodialysis in toxicological analyses ; Applica-tion of -. Electrolysis Determination of copper and of cadmium by internal -. J . J. Louri6 and M. I. Troitzkaia 451. IV Determination of small quantities of mercury in presence of copper and zinc. *Electrolytic analysis ; Use of alternating current mains in -. "analysis of nickel bronzes and light alumin-ium alloys. S. Torrance 488. production of rancio flavour in sherries. M. A. Joslyn 508. Electrotor meter; Range of - demonstrated by dark-field counts. S. C. Blacktin 375. Ely Isle of Appointment of E. Voelcker as Agricultural Analyst for -. 267 814. Emich Filter Sticks applied to work on the gamma scale. G. Gorbach and M.Kostic, 763. Emodin phenolphthalein in presence of -* Detection of small amounts of. E. H: Maechling 901. Enamel ware. 725. Enteric Fever Serum diagnosis of -. A. Felix and A. D. Gardner 129, Enzymatic digestion of wool. J. I. Routh and H. B. Lewis 742. Enegme(s) Pectic -. I. Determination of pectin-methoxylase activity. Z. I. Kertesz, 56. respiratory -; Relation of certain to the maximum growth temperatures of bacteria. 0. F. Edwards and L. F. Rettger 361, Starch-liquefying -. 82 1. Ephedrine Review of analytical reactions of -. New methods of identification. M. Pesez 279. Volatility of - in relationship to the Codex (1937) method of determination. R. Mon-net and P. Durand 830. depot fat of -. 738. an unusual. 826. ments on the colour of -.281. J. Straub and W. J- Kabos 896. 128. R. Fabre 615. "Studies in internal -. J. G. Fife 650. A. J. Lindsey 425 XXXVi INDEX TO Epinine Colour reaction for -. 355. Equilenin Colour reaction of - 126. Erbium Atomic weight of -. 436 437. Ergocristin A new alkaloid from ergot. A. Stoll and E. Burckhardt 54. Ergocristinin A new alkaloid from ergot. A. Stoll and E. Burckhardt 54. Ergometrine Acidimetric titration of -. F. Reimers 739. i4ssay of ergot and its liquid extract for -. N. L. Allport and G. V. Porter 510. Ergot Assay of - and its liquid extract for ergometrine. N. L. -4llport and G. V. Porter 510. Assay of liquid extract of -. C. H. Hampshire and G. R. Page 510. Fluid extract of -. 663. New alkaloids from - ergocristin and ergocristinin.A. Stoll and E. Burckhardt, 54. Errata See p. v. Erysipan Microscopical identification of -. 511. Essang Oil Determination of “hydrogenation-iodine value in analysis of -. H. P. Kaufmann and J. Baltes 212. Essential Oils ethyl phthalate in presence of -; Determination of. Y . R. Naves and S. Sabetay 208. Esters Rapid saponification of ~ by means of potassium hydroxide in ðylene glycol. C. E. Redemann and H. J. Lucas 62. Ethane Complete oxidation of -. K. A. Kobe and W. I. Barnet 363. Ether Complete removal of ferric chloride from solution by continuous extraction with -. S. E. Q. Ashley and W. M. Murray, Jnr. 680. vapour ; Use of Haldane apparatus for analysis of gases containing -. J. C. Snyder, 133.Ethyl Cellulose Method of embedding fibres for section cutting in a medium containing -. C. M. Barlow 537. solvents; Evaluation of -. T. A. Kauppi and S. L. Bass 291. Ethyl PhthaWe in presence of essential oils and natural and synthetic perfumes; Determina-tion of -. Y. R. Naves and S. Sabetay, 208. Ethyl Vanillin (bourbonal); Detection of -. P. Stadler and K. Wagner 278. Ethylene from ripening fruits ; Micro-estimation of -. J. B. Niederl and M. W. Brenner, 535. Ethylene Dibromide Determination of -. M. W. Brenner and G. L. Poland 843. Ethylene Glycol and glycerol in dilute aqueous solutions ; Qualitative determination of -. A. G. Hovey and T. S. Hodgins 63. *Determination of -. R. Cuthill and C. Atkins 259. Europium Atomic weight of - determined by analysis of europous chloride.G. P. Baxtcr and F. D. Tuemmfer 370 437. Europous Chloride Atomic weight of europium determined by analysis of -. G. P. Baxter and F. D. Tuemmler 370. Explosives Definition of - in Palestine. 115. VOLUME 63 Exploslves-continued Reilly 772. Azzam 219. Matches Fireworks and -. (Review) J. Microchemical examination of --. A. A. F Faeces Lead in -. R. H. K. N. Bagchi and Fango Analysis of Harrogate - (therapeutic *Fat absorption and metabolism. A. C. Frazer, H. D. Ganguly 59. mud). A. Woodmansey 760. 308. Butter -. See Butter. in coffee grounds; Utilisation of -. M. Testoni and G. Bimbi 365. in milk and milk products; B.S.I. Specification for determining ___- by the Babcock method 49. in pastry; Determination of - 31.Vuk and A. Gomory 509. metabolism in fishes. Seasonal changes in composition of herring fat. J. A. I,overn, 443. of cold-stored herrings; Rancidity in -. 819. of fishes; Factors influencing the cornposition of the depot ____-. J. A. Lovern 738. of goats’ milk; Examination of - . A. ChoIlet and A. Camus 196. of the green turtle. T. G. Green and T. P. Hilditch 442. of seeds of Trichosanthes cucumeroides ; Com-position of -. H. P. Kaufmann J. Baltes and H. Riiter 212, Relation of - to the utilisation of lactose in milk. E. J. Schantze C. A. Elvehjem and E. B. Hart 280. *Residual - in solvent-extracted materials. H. C. Lockwood 705. Fats Calculation of composition of __ from their constants. H. P. Kaufmann and J.Baltes 213. Glycerides of -. XV. Babassu oil. A. Bomer and H. Hiittig 441. hexadecenoic acid in natural -; Distribu-tion of. T. P. Hilditch 619. rancidity in -; Micro-test for. 0. Frehden, 536. Rancidity in edible -. solid seed -; Fatty acids and glycerides of. T. P. Hilditch and Others 440. Vegetable -. See Vegetable. T. P. Hilditch and Others 440. of the body fat of he-goats; Component --. D. R. Dhingra and D. N. Sharma 899. of the phosphatides of soya-bean and rape seeds. T. P. Hilditch and W. H. Pedelty, 123. Oxidation of some polyhydroxglic and poly-ethylenic higher __ by aqueous alkaline permanganate solutions. T. G. Green and T. P. Hilditch 136. Fatty Oils Gravimetric bromine values of -. E. Yamaguti T. Matsushima and T.Takagi 137. C. H. Lea 660. Fatty Acids of solid seed fats INDEX TO Fatty Substances of Japanese wild bees and their combs. S. Ueno and S. Komori 137. Feeding-stuffs Influence of - on meat. V. C. Fishwick 314. Lysine content of -. Uronic acid content of the nitrogen-free extract of -. G. A. Guanzon and W. M. Sandstrom 130. Ferric Chloride Removal of __ from solution by continuous extraction with ether. S. E. Q. Ashley and W. M. Murray Jnr. 680. Ferric Oxide in basic slags; Determination of -. E. Maurer and F. Haderer 529 849. Ferric Salt Reduction of ~ by metallic tin. R. Rinne 67. Ferro-Zirconium Zirconium in - determined by means of sodium methylarsinate. R. Chandelle 139. Ferrous Iron Detection of - by /3-nitroso a-naphthol 4-sulphonic acid.L. A. Sarver, 680. Brtiliser wastes. 268. FertiLisers analysis of certain - for potash ; Insoluble residue in the potassium chloro-platinate obtained in. Availability of different forms of calcium phosphate as -. 117. *containing nitrates and chlorides ; Deter-mination of nitrogen in mixed -. B. Dyer and J. H. Hamence 866. Erratum, Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act 1926 Ex-amination of szimples under -. 48. Rbre Crude - in wholemeal bread. 3p”ibres birefringence of -; Simple method for determining -. Method of embedding - for section cutting in a medium containing ethyl cellulose. C. M. Barlow 537. Sbrous materials ; Fluorescence analysis in ultra-violet light as applied to -. J. Grant 765. lFilling Device for bacteriological media.W. Hickson 202. mter Sticks Emich - applied to work on the gamma scale. G. Gorbach and M. Kostic, 763. Finger Prints on bitumen; Development of -. 115. Finishes on buildings; External rendered -. 500. Ykeworks Aluminium powder in -. Explosives Matches and - . (Review), pish and fish products; Estimation of vitamins G. Lunde H. depot fat of -; Factors influencing com-Fat metabolism in -. Seasonal changes in J. A. Lovern, High vitamin A concentrations in certain -. “pastes; Farinaceous matter determined in F. W. Edwards H. R. Nanji and poisoning in Hong Kong. 603. products; Tyrosine in -. 188. C. A. Ayre 751. €3. R. Allen 286. v. 725. R H. Mamott 767. 502, J. Reilly 772. B and B contents of -. Kringstad and A. Olsen 905.position of. composition of herring fat. 443. 358. -. W. R. Chanmugam 641. J. A. Lovern 738. VOLUME 63 xxxvii wood-smoke used in curing -; Composition of. 185. Fish Liver Oils Analytical classification of -. VI. Iodine value of the unsaponifiable matter. D. C. M. Adamson N. Evers and W. Smith 826. Fish Oils Highly unsaturated acids of -separated by means of molecular distilla-tion. E. H. Farmer and F. A. Van den Heuvel 209. Oxygen absorption of - measured by means of the manometer. J . JBny 367. See Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. 345. 852. Fish-continued Fisheries Ministry of -. Flame Spectra Use of - in analysis. Flask Almyuist -; Description of. Mavin in Indian foodstuffs Assay of -. 116. Flavocobaltic Nitrate Reactions of - with anions.H. A. Hynes and L. K. Yanowski, 626. Ftour bran in -; Colorimetric estimation of colouring matter in. Water-soluble vitamins B in -. A. M. Copping 57. Fluorescence analysis in ultra-violet light as applied to dyestuffs and fibrous materials. J Grant 765. indicator; 6 7 - Dimethoxy - isoquinoline-l-car-boxylic acid as --. L. SzebelltSdy and J. JbnBs 761. indicator ; Orcinaurine as -. J . J h % s and L. SzebelEdy 762. indicator; Quinic acid -. L. Szebellkdy and J. J6n&s 761. of egg-shell; Evaluation of degree of freshness of hens’ eggs from -. J. Straub and W. J. Kabos 896. *tests; Some new -. Fluomcent indicators ; Acridine orange and brilliant diazo1 yellow as -. M. DCriberC,71-Fluorescenz Mikroskopie.(Review) M. Hait-inger 773. Fluoride Colorimetric titration of small amounts of ____ with thorium nitrate. D. Dahle, R. U. Bonnar and €I. J. Wichmann 851. Fluorine compounds ; Toxicity of apricot pulp containing -. C. Griebel A. Schloemer and H. Zeglin 521. Detection and estimation of minute amounts of - by the etching test. E. R. Caley and J. M. Ferrer Junr. 70. in blood and organs determined by electro-dialysis. 6 1 5. in insecticides. 270. Titration of - in aqueous solution. R. 3. Rowley and H. V. Churchill 297. Fodder Use of Cacao Shell as an auxiliary -. (Review) A. W. Knapp 304. Food- analysis ; Applications of micro-technique in __ . W. Diemair and G. Herrmann-Tross 684. Carob bean meal as thickening agent in -. C. Griebel 439.dyestuffs position; Permitted -. 348. Formaldehyde in -. 347. materials in tobacco; Distribution of -. Dry substance and total nitrogen. VlBdescu 522. R. Miiller 825. J. A. Radley 266. I. I. D xxxviii INDEX TO Food-continued poisoning due to salmonella type “Dublin” and conveyed by raw milk. E. T. Cony-beare and L. H. D. Thornton 429. Preservatives in -. Samples contravening Regulations. 816. Products; Chemical Analysis of Foods and -. (Review) M. B. Jacobs 919. *storage; v\i arning to users of second-hand steel casks and similar receptacles for -. C. A. Mitchell 813. stored by modern methods; Wutritive value Tables. (Review) V. H. Mottram and E. M. transport and storage; New system of refrigera-Yellow dye approved for -. Food and Drugs Analysis; Abstracts 50 119, 19.5 274 340 438 505 604 664 734 825, 896.of -. 819. Radloff 857. tion for -. 185. 890. Ordinance in Hong Kong. 608. Food and Drugs Acts Examination of samples Government Laboratory work done under Food Investigation Board Reports Rancidity in Report for 1937. 818. Foods Chemical Analysis of -. 2nd Ed. (Review) H. E. Cox 691. Chemical Analysis of -. (Review) M. B. Jacobs 919. Citric acid determinations in various -. 640. Structure and Composition of -. Vol. 111. (Review) A. L. and K. B. Winton 540. Foodstuffs Assay of vitamin B, B and flavin in -. 116. Cobalt in - in relation to bush sickness. 113. Storage of - in the United States and Canada. 818. Vitamin B in - measured chemically by means of the thiochrome reaction.M. A. Pyke 127. vitamins B and B contents of -- particu-larly of fish and fish products; Estimation of. G. Lunde H. Kringstad and A. Olsen, 905. Foot and Mouth virus; Serial cultivation of -on the chorioallantoic membrane of the chick embryo. I. Peragallo 361. Forage carotene in -; Precise method for determining. D. W. Bolin and A. M. Khalapur 742. Forensic chemistry. Abstracts 520 748. Pharmacy; Aids to -. 2nd Ed. (Review), A W. Lupton 921. Forest Products Research Board Reports. 186, 722. Formaldehyde Detection and determination of traces of -. for the gravimetric determination of the naphthols. A. Castiglione 756. in dilute solutions and in presence of inter-fering substances; Determination of -, 0. Heim 755.under -. 45. -. 889. edible fats. C. H. Lea 660. J. M. Hambersin 207. in food. 347. VOLUME 63 Formaldehyde-continued in formaldehyde-tanned leather; Determina-J. H. Highberger and C. E. Formaldehyde Azo Reaction for vitamin B, H. W. Kinnersley and K. A. Peters 836. Formaldoxime as colorimetric reagent for in-dividual metals. Determination of man-ganese in water containing iron. G. H. Wagenaar 526. Formalin tablets; R.P. Codex formula for -. 41. Frankfurt Sausages Determination of lactose in presence of dextrose in --. Freezing Concentration of frtit juices by -. P. L. Bilham 315. Effect of - on bacteria. R. B. Haines 614. in ice-cream and related products; Use of the dilatometer in measuring the extent of -. W. C . Cole 456. *Fructose Analysis of mixtures of glucose and C.R. Quantitative skatole colour reaction for -_ tion of -. Ketzsch 678. in smoked bacon. 720. 661. - - with special refercnce to honey. Marshall and A. G. Norman 315. R. C. Jordan and J . Pryde 349. Fruit gumming on plums. 863. juices; Concentration of ~ by freezing. preparations; Carob bean meal as a thickening products ; Colorimetric determination of lactic trees; Causes of chlorosis in -, Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Station Camp-den Report of the Director (F. Hirst) for ‘Fruits -4scorbic acid content of -. M, P. L. Eilharn 315. agent in -. acid in -, C. Griebel 439. F. Hillig 51. 113. 1936-37. 823. Olliver 2. Canned -. See Canned. ethylene from ripening _____ ; Micro-estimation J.B. Niederl and M. W. Brenner 535. Gas-storage of -. 185 819. lactic acid in --; Colorimetric determination of. F. Hillig 51. of Ceylon; Vitamin C content of some -. A. W. R. Joachim and C. Charavanapavan, 446. of. Vitamin C in West Au-tralian --. Vitamin I< in -. 519. 892. *Fuel Oil Contamination of whale oil with -. Fuller’s Earth Water-softening material from Fungicides Evaluation of soil - by laboratory tests with PhywzatotrichuPn omnivorum. W. N. Ezekiel 616. Furfuraldehyde yield of soil C. N. Acharya 61. Fur€urogen content of barleys - a varietal characteristic. C. Enders T. Saji and F. Schneebauer 506. G Galenicals Drugs and - Their Quantitative Gallic Acid Reducing power of -. Gamma Scale Emich filter sticks applied to G.Gorbach and M. Kostic. E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 84. -. 186. Analysis. (Review) D. C. Garratt 74. 366. work on -. 763 IKDES TO VOLUME 63 xxxix Gardenal Colour reactions for -. 353. Gas Ammonia _I_ in the hold of a vessel. Analysis. (Review) A. McCulloch 631. analysis. Abstracts 133 363 523. analysis; Platinised silica gel as a catalyst for -. Complete oxidation of methane and ethane. I<. A. Kobe and W. I. Barnet 363. calorimeter tables. National Bureau of Stan-dards Washington. 523. Method of using coal _____ in the Brown, Fildes and McIntosh or other anaerobe jars on the Laidlow principle. J . H. Brewer and J. H. Brown 907. Gasen Behandlung und Reindarstellung von Gases containing ether vapour; Note on use of J. C.Snyder, Detection of toxic - in industry. 11. 822. -storage of fruit. 819. - -_ . Haldane apparatus for -. 133. Hydrogen cyanide vapour. 65.8. Gelatin in pastilles. 188. Gelatins l3.S.I. methods for testing -. Gelidium Sp. Sea-weed of -. Gelsemium poisoning. 603. Georgia Experiment Station Report for 1936-37 1937. €3. G. Stuckey 117. Germanium Determination of -. *Gravimetric determination of -. ti. R, Davies and Sir G. Morgan 338. Ginger Effect of decortication on constituents of Philippine -. J . Marafton and L. L1. Cosme 198. (Review) A. Klemenc 460. 118. 728. 187. Nigerian ground -. 428 815. “with low water-soluble ash. G. D. Elsdon, Gingin Sheep Disease Copper deficiency in -. Glass bricks. 501. Glassware Volumetric -.345. Glucose Alcoholic fermentation of ~ pro-duced by a new type of beer disease bac-terium. J. L. Shimwell 128. “Analysis of mixtures of fructose and - with special reference to honey. C. 13 Xarshall and A. G. Norman 315. blood - Colorimetric determination of. M. S. Mihadoff 904. Oxidation of - - by L4~etobactcr suboxidam. A. J . ICluyver and A. G. J. Boezaardt 748. *syrup in jams and honey; Detection of -. G. 2). Elsdon 422. Glutathione Isolation of ______ from wheat germ. R. Sullivan and M. howe 119. Glycerides Course of hydrogenation in mixtures of mixed -. W J . Bushel1 and T. Y. Hilditch 210. Hydrolysis of - by crude pancreas lipase. -4. K. Balls M. R. Watlack and I. W. Tucker 125. of oils and fats. XV. Rabassu oil. A. Bomer and H.Huttig 441. of olive and tea-seed oils ; Further observations on the component -. T. P. Hilditch and H. M. Thompson 119. of solid seed fats. T. P. Hilditch and Others, 440. of the body fat of he-goats. D. R. Dhingra and D. N. Sharma 899. 182. 891. Glycerol and ethylene glycol in dilute aqueous solution ; Qualitative determination of -. A. G. Hovey and T. S. Hodgins 63. Determination of -. S. H. I3ertram and R. Kutgers 618. in aqueous solutions; Rapid mcthod for deter-mining --. 0. Juhlin 766. Glycocholic Acid Colour reaction for -. 610. “Glycogen in oysters ; Routine detei-mindrion of Goats Component fatty acids and glycerides of 0. K. Dhingi-~ and milk of -; Examination of fat of. A. Gold alloys; Sew procedure for analysis of dental in cyanide solutions ; Determination of -.in jewellers’ platinum alloys. *in urine ; Determination of minute quantities A. R. Jamieson and R. S. Watson, *Gold Number in analytical practice. J . F. Gooseberries Ascorbic acid content of -. 7. Gossypol Extract ion of ____ with different ethers. J 0. I-lal~~rson and E’. H. Smith 65. in cottonseed meal Estimation of -, F. H. Smith 65. Government Analysts Sotes from Reports of -. See Ceylon Hong Kong New South Wales Palestine glueensland Siam South Africa Straits Settlements Trinidad and Tobago United Provinces Western Australia. Government Laboratory Report of the Govern-ment Chemist for the year 1936-37 43; for 1037-38 8x7. Granadilla Seed from PCenya. 27%. Grape juice; Arsenic in -. 496.pomace; Petroleum-spirit-soluble and ether-soluble constituents of --. K. S. Marlrley, C. E. Sando and S. 13. I-Tentlriclrs 507. Grapes muscadine -; Studies on. 117. Grass extract and dried extracted - Value of ______ in the winter rations of the dairy cow with special reference to thcir eifects on the carotene contcnt of tlic mtllc. 1;. E. Moon J. $1. Fanltler and 13. Thomas 130. -. T . P. ’Fully 93. the body fat of D. N. Sharma 899. Chollet and A. Camus 196. -. 13. Gilchrist 848. ’CV. E. Caldwell and I-,. E. Smith 623. S 16. of -. 702. Morse 156. See also Government Laboratory, Vitamin K 111 -. 319. Grasses copper and other elements in wire --; Spectroscopic cteterniination of traces of. L. L. Rnsoff L. H. Rogcrs and L. W. Gaddum 206.Green Turtle Fat of -. T. G. Green and T. I’. Hilciitcb 142. Groundnut Oil Progressive hvdrogcnation of -. T. P. Hilditch 32. G. Ichaporia and 13. Jasperson 899. ‘cGums” (Pastilles) Gelstin in -. Gums vegetable - in dairy products ; Detec-1’. A. Racicot and C. S. Ferguson, 188. tion of. 275. fp Haddock Fresh - fillets differentiated from cod by the precipitation test. G. -4. McCurdy and V. D. Vladykov 516 xl INDEX TO VOLUME 63 Haemoglobin in red blood corpuscles; Nature of -. G. A. Adams 444. *Hair dyes. I. The chemistry and analysis of henna. H. E. Cox 397. Haldane apparatus for the analysis of gases con-taining ether vapour; Note on use of -. J. C. Snyder 133. *Hahbut-liver Oils Use of mammalian (whale) liver oils and concentrates in the preparation of artificial or reinforced -.R. T. M. Haines and J. C. Drummond 335. Erra-tum 427. Halogens in organic compounds ; Micro-test for -. 334. in organic substances; Determination of -. J . A. Sanchez 206. Ham Vitamin B content of -. Harrogate fango (therapeutic mud) ; Analysis of -. A. Woodmansey 760. Harz c’iecse ; Bacteriological examination of ____ F. W. Gutsche 838. Health Services; Report on British -. (Review) 225. 128. statistics. 189. See also Ministry of Health. Helium Atomic weight of -. in gas mixtures; Rapid method for accurate determination of -. Helvella Esculenta Reactions of -. G. Reif, 667. Hemp Seed Vitamin K in -. Hemp-seed Oil from Irish plants. *Henna Chemistry and analysis of -. H. E.Herring fat; Seasonal changes in composition of Herring Oil Thiocyanogen value of -. S. Ueno 757. Hexadecenoic Acid in natural fats ; Distribution of -. T. Y. Hilditch 619. in vegetable fats; Occurrence of traces of -. T. P. Hilditch and H. Jasperson 442. *Honey Analysis of mixtures of glucose and fructose with special reference to -. C. K. Marshall and A. G. Norman 315. 436. E. Schroer 134. 519. 195. cox 397. - J. A. Lovern 443. Rancidity in fat of cold-stored -. 819. and substitutes for -. 190. Artificial - in Palestine. 125. containing vitamin C. glucose syrup in -; Detection of. Mutarotation of -. Prepared - without glucose. 428. C. Griebel 516. G. I). Elsdon 422. S. Mihadoff 604. Hong Kong Report of the Government Analyst (V.C. Rranson) for 1936. a-Hop Resin Gravimetric determination of -. G. Hagues and A. W. D. Hartley 737. Hops preservative principles of -; Report on. T. K. Walker 270. Hormones Colour reactions of sex -. K. Voss 126. Horse-Chestnuts Provitamin D of -. Hydrocarbons Aromatic - separated from a petroleum by distillation with acetic acid. F. W. Rose Jnr. and J. D. White 908. Hydrochloric Acid fuming __ method for determining lignin; Effect of various car-bohydrate materials on. M. Phillips and 31. J . Goss 292. 603. 126. Hydrogen Atomic weight of -. Microchemical determination of - . H. Hydrogen Cyanide in raisins. (Legal Notes) 721. vapour. Detection of -. 658. *Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions of --. C. J. H. Stock 339. Hydrogenation Course of - in mixtures of mixed glycerides.W. J. Bushell and T. P. Hilditch 210. of groundnut and sesame oils Progressive -. T. P. Hilditch M. B. Ichaporia and H. Jasperson 899. Hydrogenation-iodine Value Determination of ____ and its application in the analysis of essang oil. H. P. Kaufmann and J . Baltes, 212. Hydroquinone Reducing power of -. 366. Volumetric determination of - with potas-sium dichromate. *p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid in presence of salicylic acid; Colorimctric test for detecting __-. S. G. Stevenson and J . C. L. Resuggan 152. Hydroxyl groups; Effect of - on the apparent dime values of vegetable oils and fat. W. G. Bickford F. G. Dollear and I<. S. Markley 135. *Hydroxylamine and hyponitrous acid ; Tcst for -. G. Gopala Rao and W.V. 13. Sandara Rao 718. Hydroxynaphthaquinone Reactions and deter-mination of -. 399. 8-Hydroxyquinoline azo derivatives of - as analytical reagents; Relative value of. T. Boyd E. F. Degering and R. N. Shreeve, 910. *Chromium compound of - E. Taylor-Austin 710. Effect of p H value in precipitations with -. H. von Moyer and W. J . Remington 622. in the determination of small amounts of phosphate. E. J. King and G. E. Delory, 141. method of determining aluminium in cast iron. 570 579. Hyodesoxycholic Acid Colour reaction for -. 610. Hypoiodite reaction for detecting magnesium ; Application of Schlagdenhauffen’s - in qualitative analysis. P. Remy-GennetC, 533. *Hyponitrous Acid Test for hydroxylamine and -. G. G. Raoand W. V.B. S. Rao. 718. 436. Sternberg 373. G. A. Pevcov 679. I Ice-cream and related products; Use of the dilatometer in measuring the extent of freezing in -. W. C. Cole 456. Bacterial infection in -. 190. Bacteriological examination of --. 894. Deficiency of fat in --. Diphtheria outbreak associated with -, Fat content of -. 495. Substitution of other fats for butter-fat in 598. E. Bloch 839. -. 657 719. Ices Standards for -. Imperial Institute Report for 1937. 726. 271 INDEX TO Indian sandalwood trees; Seed oils of -. W. 13. Kotasthane and N. Narayana 619. Indicator(s) Acridine orange and brilliant diazo1 yellow as fiuorescent -. M. Deribere 71. adsorption - in acidimetry and alkali-nietry; Use of. 6,7-l>imethoxy-isoquinoline-l-carboxylic acid as fluorescence -.L. Szebellddy and J Jonas 761. J. Jonas and L. Szebelledy 762. Szebelledy and J. Jonas 761. Eeck 456. method. 844. S. N. Roy 622. Orcinaurine as a fluorescence -. Quinic acid as a fluorescence - . L. Indium Detection of __- with morin. G. Ink ,\ge of - determined by the chloride J. Finn Jnr. and R. E. Cornish, An abnormal -. 822. *in writing; Action of moulds on -. C. A. Mitchell and D. R. Wood 111. on manuscripts; Analysis of -. C. Sanni6 and L. Amy 524. Inorganic analysis. Abstracts 137 214 294, 369 451 526 622 679 759 847 910. _hsalysis; Tables of Reagents for -. (Re-view) 860. Chemistry ; Comprehensive Treatise on Theo-retical and -. Vol. XVI. (Review), J . W. Mellor 222. Colloid Chemistry.Vol. 111. The Colloidal Salts. substances ; Micro-determination of water in -. F. Hecht 218. Insect fragments in tomato products; Estima-tion of -. C. D. Wilder and M. A. Joslyn 52. Insecticide(s) containing pyrethrum or pyrethrum extract; Determination of pyrethrin I in _- . (Review) H. B. Weiser 769. D. A. Holaday 203. Fluorine in -. 270. Tephrosia leaves as -. 272. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Silica re-Insulin Zinc protamine -. 191. International Union of Chemistry Commission on Atomic Weight Eighth Report. 436. "Iodide Losses of __ from iodised salt. R. L. ,Andrew 179. "method of determining starch; New volu-metric -. W. Whale 328. Addendum: 421. Iodine coloration; Transformations in -during amylolysis. 82 I. Determination of micro-quantities of -.J. F. Reith and C. P. van Dijk 142. in drinking water urine etc. ; Determination of -. in organic substances. Microchemical deter-mination of -. in sheep thyroid; Determination of -. J. Sigurjonsson 609. "method for determining starch. 111. Deter-mination of farinaceous matter in sausages, meat pastes and fish pastes. F. W. Edwards €3 R. Nanji and W. R. Chan-mugam 641. IV. Determination of dextrin in presence of starch and sugars 697. V. Starch in leaf material. J. J. Chinoy 876. search. 437. A. C. Bratton and Others 914. Th. Leipert 453. VOLUME 63 xli Iodine-coFztznued ointment; Stainless -. 599. survey of New Zealand live-stock. 111. Sheep of the Canterbury district. E. Mason and D. F. Waters. IV.Sheep of the Marl-borough Nelson and Westland Districts and Review of the South Island. D. F. \Vaters, 673. Iodine Value of some hardened oils; Relation between refractive index and -. Y. Maruts and I<. Teruyama 64. of the unsaponifiable matter of fisn-liver oils. D. C. M. Adamson 5. Exrers and W. Smith, 826. Relation between thiocyanogen value and -during oil-hardening. S. Tjeno 758. Ionen Miliroanalytische Sachweise Xnorgani-scher -. (Review) G. Kramer 381. Ipecacuanha Determination of stem in -. A. TV. Lupton 739. Iridium in jewellers' platinum alloys. Iron calcium in presence of molybdate and - Precipitation of. R. C. Vi'iley and d4. Yedinak 624. 2 15. Cast -. See Cast Iron. Colorimetric determination of - with salicylic acid.Colorimetric micro-determination of -. Application to biological products. R. Paulais 628. J. P. Mehlig 369. Ferrous -. See Ferrous Iron. in Argentine musts and wines ; Determination in lead; Determination of -. 801. in malt beverages; Determination of -. P. P. Gray and I. M. Stone 736. in metallic mercury; Determination of -. A. Castiglioni 913. in minerals and rocks Micro-determination of bivalent -. M. Shioiri and S. Mitui, 854. in pharmaceutical preparations determined rapidly by means of cupferron and an im-miscible solvent. S. M. Berman J. J . Chap and D. M. Taylor 53. in siliceous dusts. 473. in vegetables; Available -. 117. manganese in water containing -; Deter-mination by means of formaldoxime. G. €3. Wagenaar 526. Iron Salts Microchemical reactions of sparteine with -.A. Martini 69. Isonal Colour reactions for -. 353 354. Isopropanol in alcohols; Detection of -. M. Metra L. Lesage and I;. Descatoire 677. of -. L. de Prado 605. 3 "Jams glucose syrup in -; Detection of. Standards for ~ adopted in tT7estern G. D. Elsdon 42.1. Australia. 890. Japanese star anise; Poisoning by -. 723. wild bees and their combs; Fatty substances Juror Mind of the -. (Review) A. S. of -. Osborn 305. S. TTeno and S. Komori 137 xlii INDEX TO K Kaolin poultice; Excess of boric acid in -. Kapok Massachusetts law relating to -. 895. Kensington Report of Public Analyst (F. W. Edwards) for fourth quarter 1937 267 ; for first quarter 1938 429. Kent Report of the County Analyst (F.W. Arnaud) for the fourth quarter 1937. 268. Kenya granadilla seed. 272. Kinetics Copper thermostat containing phos-phoric acid for measuring ____ (at high temperatures). Kingston-upon-Hull Report of the City Analyst (A. K. Tankard) for 1937 815; for first quarter 1938 428; for second quarter, 1938 719. Kratom Investigation of -. 728. Erratum, 856. Kurjan Seed Active principle of -. 428. H. C. S. Snethlage 765. 900. L “Lac Fluorometric determination of the acid and saponification values of - N. N. Murty and H. K. Sen 181. resin; Separation of hard ____ by cold poly-merisation and fractional precipitation. M. Venugopalan and H. K. Sen 909. Lactate in normal human blood; Simplified esti-mation of -. Lactic Acid in fruit and fruit products; Colori-metric determination of -.F. Hillig, 51. Lactose in milk; Relation of fat to the utilisation of -. E. J. Schantze C. A. Elvehjem and E. R. Hart 280. in presence of dextrose in Frankfurt sausages; Determination of -. 661. P-Lagodesoxycholic Acid Colour reaction for Lamps Colour-matching -. 344. Lancsster Appointment of J. R. Stubbs as Public Analyst for County of - 40; as Agricultural Analyst for County of -, 340. .\ppointment of A. Lees as A%dditional Public Analyst for County of -. “Lanital” Test to distinguish between wool and Latex Chemistry and Technology of Rubber -. (Keview) C. l?. Flint 382. Hydrolytic properties of Carica papaya -. 31. Frankel R. Maimin and R. Shapiro 125, *Lead Analysis of commercial --. E. A. Coakill 798.antimony in commercial -; Xodified per-rnanganate volumetric method for deter-mining. 13. G. Myers 623. -1ntimony in mixtures of - determined by the permanganate method. K. G. Myers, 912. arsenic in - ; Determination of small quantities of. Atomic weight of -. 437. Contamination of spirits with -. Contamination of water by -. content of human blood. and E. S. Wilkins Jnr. 749. H. T. Edwards 903. -. 610. 497. - 135. C. W. Anderson 295. 821. 431. C. E. Willoughby VOLUME 63 Lead-continued copper in chloride solutions containing -; Determination of. 160. in beer. 657. in curry powder. 267 429. *in drinking water; Determination of -. H. Ingleson 546. in sardines. 190. in urine and faeces. R. H. K. K. Bagchi and H.D. Ganguly 59. in water and petrol; Detection of -. H. Siebeneck 371. Separation of copper from -. J. Dick and A. Radulescu 294. Volumetric determination of - 13. N. Terem 462. Lead Tetraethyl Volatility of -. H. Sie-beneck 371. *Leaf material ; Starch in -. J. J . Chinoy, 876. Leather formaldehyde in formaldehyde-tanned -; Determination of. J. H. Highberger and C. E. Retzsch 678. oxalic acid in -; Detection of. li. Klanfer and A. Luft 144 764. Trades Chemists ; Official &gethods of Analysis of the International Society of -. (Review) 924, Lebensmittel-Chemie Haniibuch der -. Vol. VII. (Review) A. Bomer A. Juckenack and J Tillmans 680. Lecithin Colour reaction for -. Leeds lieport of the City Analyst (C. H. Legal Notes Exclusion of paternity by blood-610, Manley) for 1937.499. group tests. 493. Hydrogen cyanide in raisins. 721. Lemon syrup. 42. Watered milk. 656. Leicester Kcport of the City Analyst (I?. C. Lemon juice. 347. juice; Effect of sterilisation and storage on the antiscorbutic power of -- . G. Mouriquand and Others 201. Bullock) for 1937. 720. syrup. (Legal Note) 12. Lemons Borax treatment of --. Lettuce Iron in . 117. Tocopherol isolated from --. 127. Lignin Chemistry of -. XI. Lignin from wheat straw. 31. I’hilliys cznd M. J . Goss, 84%. fuming hydrochloric acid method of deter-mining ______ ; Effect of- various carbohydrate materials on. M. Phillips and M. J. Goss, 292. Lime Effect of 011 silica solubility of asbestos. 476. in orange juice.347. in technical sodium chloride ; Accurate deter-C . ‘I’anne, 113. mination of magnesia and -. 760. Liniment Menthol -. 728. Linolic Acid Colour reaction for -. 610. prepared by debrominntion and by low-temperature crystallisation ; Properties of -. Proposed method of quantitative estimation. J . 13. Brown and J. Frankel 211, Linseed Oil from Irish plants. 195 INDEX TO VOLUME 63 xliii Lipase Hydrolysis of glycerides by crude pancreas - A. K. Balls M. B. Mattack and I. W. Tucker 125. “Liquoid” Action of - (sodium polyanethole sulphonate) on blood cultures. T. von Haebler and A. A. Miles 839. Liver Fats of some New Zealand farm animals; Composition of -. T. P. Hilditch and F. B. Shorland 121. *Liver Oils Use of mammalian (whale) - and concentrates in the preparation of artificial or reinforced halibut-liver oils.R. T. M. Haines and J. C. Drummond 335. Erra-tum 427. Livers Vitamin A and A% contents of mam-inalian and other animal - . A. E. Gillam 835. Logwood-Chrome Inks Quantitative analysis of --. London Report of the City Analyst (A. J. C. Lickorish) for 1937. 720. Lotion Rubbing -. 886. Luminal Colour reactions for -, Lysine content of feeding-stuffs. C. SanniC and L. Amy 524. 353. C . A. Ayre, 751. M lbdras Report of Public Analyst for City of - for 1936. V. Venkatachalam 42. Magnesia in technical sodium chloride ; Accurate determination of lime and -. C. Tanne, 760. *in water; Palmitate determination of -. H. Atkinson 493; modification of. P. Hamer and H.E. Evans 133. Light -. 429, *Magnesium in biological materials ; Determina-tion of -. Interference of manganese. J. Duckworth and W. Godden 805. in milk products determined by a micro-method. J. H. Bushill L. H. Lampitt and I>. F. Filmer 139. in siliceous dusts. 473. *in special aluminium alloys ; Determination of -. G. B. Brook G. H. Stott and A. C. Coates 110;‘ Schlagdenhauffen’s hypoiodite” reaction for detecting -. Application in qualita-tive analysis. P. Remy-GennetC 533. Separation of - as oxalate. P. J. Elving and E. R. Caley 295. Separation of - from potassium and sodium. T. Krokowski 452. Magnesium Sulphate Disinfection of cloth con-taining alum and -. 599. Mai Chanchamot Perfumed wood. 728. IIYtslondihydrazide Relation between taste and constitution of derivatives of -.J. J. Blanksma and H. de Graaf 200. Malt acrospires; Staining of -. C. A. Kloss, 55. beverages; Determination of iron in -. P. P. Gray and I. M. Stone 736. *Malt Vinegar Analysis of - and dzerentia-tion from spirit and artificial vinegars. F. W. Edwards and H. R. Nanji 410. Malted Milk Addition of cane sugar to -. 41. Malting Biochemistry applied to -. (Re-view) R. H. Hopkins and B. Krause 381. Manganese Gravimetric determination of -as sulphate G. Brinkmann and W. Schmedding 913. in cobalt-chromium steels determined by photometric titration. S. Hirano 138. in plants; Determination of -. 4. D. Costeanu 60. in stainless steel; Rapid method for cteker-mining -. in water containing chlorides and silicates ; Determination of -.V. Miihlenbacli, 842, in water containing iron ; Determination of - by means of formaldoxime. G. H. Wagenaar 526. *Interferewe of. - in the determination of magnesium in biological materials. J . Duckworth and W. Godden SOS. Manometer as means of measuring the oxygen absorption of fish oils. Manometric determination of amino-acids. $1. I?. Mason 449. Mansonia Gagei Perfumed wood of -. 728. SanmC and L. Amp 624. Marjoram Volatile oil in -. J. F. Clsvenger, 2’77. Massachusetts Report of Director of Depart-ment of Public Health for 1937. H. C. Lythgoe 894. Matches Explosives - and Fireworks. (Review) J. Reilly 772. Meat Influence of feeding-stuffs on -. V. C. Fishwick 314. *pastes ; Farinaceous matter determined in - F.W. Edwards H. R. Nanji and W. R. Chanmugam 641. Preparation for treatment of tough -(Tendra). 662. “smoked” - ; Artificial colour in. Ultra-violet light and the storage-life of -. 184. Medicine Chemical Methods in Clinical -. 2nd Ed. (Review) G. A. Harrison 542. Qualitative Analysis for Students of -. 2nd Ed. (Review) C. B. Jordan and H. G. DeKay 858. Medullation in wool samples Estimation of -. P. R. McMahon 320. Meliantha Suavis Poisoning by -. Melting-point apparatus with built-in ther-mometer. L. Fuchs 217. determinations under mercury. 31. A. Coler, 375. of porphyrins and other dark substances determined in polarised light. C. Rimington and P. Symons 454. Menthol liniment. 726. Mercurialis Annua Oil from Irish plants.195. Mercuric Oxide Oxidation of tervalent chrom-ium by alkaline -. P. Raychaudhury, 913. Mercury Determination of - with s-diphenyl-carbazide. F. W. Laird 911. *in presence of copper and zinc Determina-tion of small quantities of - by internal electrolysis. J. G. Fife 650. 1;. W. Smith 681. J. Jiiny 367. Manuscripts L4nalysis of ink on - * c. 726. 727 xliv INDEX TO Mercury-co.iztinud Iron determination in metallic -. A. Melting-point determinations under -. Mersey River Effect of discharge of sewage on Merulius Lachrymans Products of decay of J. G. Boswell, Metacresol B.S.I. specification for -. 824. Metal Deciphering numbers filed off -. 602. Metallurgy Analytical methods in -. 345. Xetals Behaviour of extremely thin surfaces of - in different conditions.M. Kindinger and K. Koller 854. *Copper in presence of - determined micro-electrically by means of controlled potential. A. J. Lindsey 159. Formaldoxime as colorimetric reagent for individual - . Determination of man-ganese in water containing iron. G. H. Wagenaar 526. heavy-; Detection of - with cacotheline. G. Beck 455. heavy-; Determination of traces of - in mineral waters. K. Heller G. Kuhla and F. Machek 374. niobium and tantalum in -; Detection of. I. P. Alimarin and B. J. Fried 374. white -; Determination of small quantities of arsenic in. Xetaphosphate Phosphoric anhydride deter-mination in - . J. I. Hoffman and G. E. F. Lundell 132. Nets-phosphoric Acid determined by colori-metric pH titrations.A. B. Gerber and I?. T. Miles 851. Methane Complete oxidation of -. K. A. Kobe and W. I. Barnet 363. Methanol solution; Separation of calcium as sulphste by precipitation in concentrated Methyl-Acetyl-Carbinol in bakery products; Detection and determination of -. H. Schmalfuss and H. Werner 734. Methylarsinic Acid as means of determining zir-conium. R. Chandelle 452. 'Methylene Blue as reagent for cerium. R. A. Reed 338. Castiglioni 913, M. A. Coler 375. the conservancy of -. 432. pine wood rotted by -. 361. C. W. Anderson 295. E. 13. Caley and P. J. Elving 832. reduction test for milk. 190. test for milk; Complaint against -. 497. Netropolitan Water Board Report for 1936. 192. Mica Ground - for wall-paper manufacture. Structure and thermal properties of -.343. Micro Dumas method Possible source of error in determining nitrogen by -. H. J. Ravenswaay and A. Schweizer 628. lected references. F. Hecht 69. Micro-biological problems in South Africa. 269. lKicrochemical analysis. Abstracts 68 139, 217 298 373 453 535 625 683 763 854, 915. collected references. Applications of micro-technique in food analysis. W. Diemair and G. Herrmann-Tross 684. 272. mineral analysis ; Quantitative - . Col-silicate analysis. F. Hecht 299. VOLUME 63 1Y[icrochemicd--continued collected references. Behaviour of extremely thin surfaces of metals in different con-ditions. M. IGndinger and K. Koller 854. collected references. Biogenic elements in milk. collected references. Determination of car-bon and hydrogen.collected references. Determination of iodine in organic substances. examination of explosives and ammunition. A. -4. Azzam 219. Nethods; Introduction to -. (Review), C. Wilson 859. reaction for the alkaloids of Atropa belladonna. F. Amelink 916. reactions of sparteine with cobalt and iron salts. -4. Martini 69. recognition of pigments from paintings. S. Augusti 917. references 1937. I. 68; 11. 456. references 1938 Part I. 763. Illlticro-Deteration of arsenic and antimony. of bivalent iron in minerals and rocks. M. of iron; Colorimetric -. Application to of potassium. B. Norberg 299. of selenium. Vignoli -. and Savelli -. 537. of silver; hlercurimetric -. J. Trtilek 764. of sodium in serum and urine by the uranyl zinc acetate precipitation ; Photo-electric method for -.W. S. Hoffmann and B. Osgood 607. of sulphate; Benzidine method for -. -1. IY. Jlarsden and A. G. Pollard 113. of total alkali and the grsviinetric tietermina-tion oi sodium as sodium-magnesium uranyl acetate. Application to the analysis of mineral waters. K. Dwonzak and A. Friedrich-Liebenberg 140. 17. Hecht, 218. W. 1,. Lott 626. *Micro-Electrolytic determination of copper in presence of other metals by controlled potential. A. J. Lindsey 189. Micro-Estimation of ethylene from ripening fruits. J. B. Niederl and M. W. Brenner 535. Micro-Gravimetric analysis ; Centrifuging ap-paratus for -. A. Langer 915. determination of cobalt with or-nitroso- /3-naphthol. F. Hecht and F.Korkisch 916. separation of nickel and uranium. E. Kroupa, 854. separation of tin and antimony. M. von Mack and F. Hecht 298. Micro-Method(s) for identifying alkyl groups linked with oxygen or nitrogen. I. M. Furter 625. for the conductometric determination of nicotine. R. R. Tilici and F. Cristea 668. of Quantitative Organic Elementary Analysis. (Review) J. B. and V. Niederl 539. Micro-Organisms Effect of - on deposit gauge results. 342. lEcro-$amples of steel; Analysis of -. A. Portevin and A. Leroy 455. E. Tellmann and 0. Frehden 537. H. Sternberg 373. Th. Leipert 453. F. Hecht and M. von Mack 298. Shioiri and S. Mitui 854. biological products. K. Paulais 628. 0.E water in inorganic substances. of zinc; Colorimetric -INDEX TO Microscope Portable ultra- __ and direct-view particle counter.Micro-sublimation as means of identifying organic dyestuffs. A. Kutzelnigg and E. Franke 453. Micro-Technique in food analysis ; Applications of -. W. Diemair and G. Herrmann-Tross 684. *Micro-Test(s) for elements in organic com-pounds. C. L. Wilson 332. Erratum 421. Micro-Titration method for calcium ; Direct acidimetric __ . A. E. Sobel and S. Sklersky 298. Micro Titrimetric dry combustion method for carbon. R. B. Schmitt and J. B. Niederl, 373. Middlesex Appointment of E. Voelcker as Agri-cultural Analyst for County of -. 267, 814. Mikroanalytische Nachweise Anorganischer Ionen. (Keview) G. Kramer 381. Milk and nutrition. Reports of Committee on __ . 434 893. Biogenic elements in -.E. Tellmann and 0. Frehden 537. carotene content of -; Effect of grass extract and dried extracted grass in winter rations of cows on. F. E. Moon J. H. Faulder and B. Thomas 130. carotenoids in - * Estimation of. H. Willstaedt and T. K. With 518. carotcnoids of -; Chromatographic ad-sorption analysis of small amounts of. H. Willstaedt and T. I<. With 446. S. C. Blacktin 917. for rancidity in fats. 0. Frehden 536. chlorine in -; Detection of. citrates in -; Effect of heat treatment on “Citric acid determinations in -. P. S. -clotting action of papain. A. K. Balls and Condensed -. See Condensed Milk. count3 ; Co-operative investigation of bacterio-J . H. Brown C. ’CV. 253. . 639. --4rup 635. S. R. Hoover 56. logiclil media for -.i-lonynge and H. Moak 203. curd; Adulteration of -. 428. curds; Addition of Aour to -. Dialysis of -. L. H. Lampitt J. H. Hushill and D. F. Filmer 50. dried separated -; Citric acid determina-tion in. 638. factory effluents. 43 1. fat in -; B.S.I. specification for determin-ing by the Babcock method 49. Food poisoning due to Salmonella type “Dublin” and conveyed by raw -. E. T. Conybeare and L. H. D. Thornton 429. fortified with vitamin D. 660. freezing point of -; Western Australian regulation as to. 890, *from milk bars. F. W. Edwards and H. €2. Nanji 596. Goats’ -. See Goats. Loss of weight of - on cooling and pasteur-king. 725. malted -; Addition of cane sugar to. 41. Methylene blue reduction test for -. 190; complaint against 497.815, VOLUME 63 xlv mineral content of human and other -; Spectrographic examination of. H. Dingle and J. H. Sheldon 608. nitrogen distribution in ---; Method for determining the action of certain organisms on. G. H. McFadden and H. H. Weiser 613. of cows fed on a diet including theobromine; Quantity of this alkaloid in H. C . Dowden 356. *oxidising agents in -; Test for traces of. R. C. Wright and E. B. Anderson 262. pasteurisation of -; Efficiency of. pasteurised -; Xutritive value of. problems discussed a t Eleventh World’s Dairy Congress 38. products; B.S.I. Specification for determining fat in - by the Babcock method 49. *products ; C,itric acid determinations in -. P. S. Arup 635. products ; Determination of magnesium in ~ by a micro-method.7 . H. Bushill, L. €3. Lampitt and D. F. F i l k r 139. Milk-continued 189. 190. Reactors to tuberculin tests for -. refrigerated -; Sale of. 601. Relation of fat to the utilisation of lactose in E. J. Schantze C. A. Elvehjem and sodium-content of - during the lactation M. Vuk and 2. yon 189. -. E. B. Hart 280. period; Variation in. Skndor 505. Ungraded - in Hull. 719. Use of different sera for examination of -. vitamin X in -; Estimation of. H. Vitamin b content of -. vitamin B and B2 contents of -; Estima-vitamin C in -; Determination of. B. Vitamin I> -. 894. Watered -. (Legal Sotes) 656. Weight of one gallon of - a t varying temperatures. 723. “Milk-Bars Milk from --. I‘. W. Edwards and H. R. Xanji 596. Milk Nutrition Committee Reports of -.434 893. Milk (Special Designations) Orders Research work under --. 189. Millet toxicity of sodium selenate to -; Effect of different soil colloids and whole soils on. P. L. Gile H. W. Lakin and H. G. Byers 754. Mineral analysis ; Quantitative micro -. F. Hecht 69. constituents of coffee infusions. Thiellement and D. Florentin 198. content of canned vegetables. 824. content of human and other milk; Spectro-graphic examination of -. H. Dingle and J . H. Sheldon 608. deficiences connected with plant diseases 113. Mineral Water bottles; Cleansing of -. 894. heavy metals in -; Determination of. - K. Heller G. Kuhla and F. Machek 374. lYrinerds bivalent iron in ___ ; Micro-determina-R. Tumau 438. Willstaedt and T.I(. With 518. 128. tion of. 90s. I’C‘illberg 745. tion of. M. Shioiri and S. Mitui 854 xlvi INDEX TO Minerals-continued niobium and tantalum in -; Detection of. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Govern-XiniStry of Xealth Government iaboratory work for -. 45. Outbreak of food poisoning due to salmonella, type “Dublin” and conveyed by raw milk. E. T. Conybeare and L. H. D. Thornton, 429. Report for 1937-38. Mitragyne Speciosa Investigation of -. Molybdate calcium in presence of iron and -R. C. Wiley and A: Molybdenum Atomic weight of -. 436 437. in steel; Determination of -. H. Yagoda and H. A. Fales 370. Morin Detection of indium with -. G. Beck 455. Morphine differentiation of oxydimorphine and -; New reactions for.M. M. Pesez 352. in opium; Methods of assaying content of Toxicology of -. 245. Moulding materials; B.S.I. specification for synthetic resin (phenolic) -. 273. *Mould(s) Action of - on ink in writing. C. A. Mitchell and D. R. Wood 111, Byssochlamys julva; Studies on -. Mechanism of oxalicogenesis by -. R. Jacquot 907. on butter. 114. Mud therapeutic -; Analysis of. A. Wood-mansey 760. Mmg Vitamin C content of germinated -. 746. Muscle Determination of pH of - in situ. 820. Mussels Factors influencing the composition of the depot fat of -. Mustard Iron in -. 117. Mustard Oil from Irish plants. Mustard Seed Oil and epidemic dropsy. Musts copper and iron in Argentine -; Determination of. Mutarotation of honey. Mycology Applied Bacteriology and -.(Review) L. D. Galloway and R. Burgess, 148. Myrsine Africana Active principle of -. 900. N p-Naphthol Reducing power of -. Naphthols Gravimetric deterrmnation of -by means of formaldehyde. A. Castiglione, 756. *Narcotic drugs; Toxicology of -. G. Roche Lynch 240. National Physical ’Laboratory Abstracts of papers published in 1936. 112. Director of -. 497. I. P. Alimarin and B. J Fried 374. ment Laboratory work for - 43. Report for 1936. 189. Sale of food and drugs. 816. 728. Precipitation of. Yedinak 624. -. 828. 824. 738. 195. 116. L. de Prado 605. S. Mihaeloff 604. 366. Appointment of Prof. R. H. Fowler .as ReDort for 1937. 342. VOLUME 63 Neon in gas mixtures; Rapid method for ac-curate determination of -.E. Schroer, 134. Nephelometric Methods of Analysis. (Review), F. D. and C. T. Snell 379. Neutralisers in dairy products; Detection and determination of -. W. L. Davies 349. New South Wales Report of the Government Analyst (S. G. U-alton) for 1936. New Zealand farm animals; Composition of liver fats of --. T. 1’. Hilditch axid 1;. B. Shorla rlcl 12 I . live-stock; Iodine survey of -. III and IV. Sheep. E. Xason ant1 7). I:. Waters 673. Report of Department o f -4griculture for 1936-37. li. 11. iC. <;riiiimett 112. Report of the -Acting Dominion ,Analyst (K. L. Andrcw) for 1937. Standards Institutc. 114. Newcastle upon !l?yne Appointment of H. C . L. Blosaiii as I’ublic Xiidyst and J . T. Dunn as Adclitional Public Analyst for County Borough of -.267. *Nickel bronzes; Electrolytic analysis ol -. S. Torrance 488. copper in chloride solutions containing -; Deterniination of. 160. *in nickel-plating solutions ; Determination of -. G. S. Smith 593. Microgravimetric separation of uranium and - E Kroupa 854. *Nickel-iating solutions ; Determination of nickel and boric acid -. G. S. Smith, 693. Nicotinamide in human urine ; Determination of __. S. P. Vitter T. D. Spies and A. P. Mathews 833. Nicotine in apples sprayed with nicotine bento-nite; Deterniination of -. L. N. Mark-wood 288. in tobacco smoke; Influence of fineness of division on the carrying over of -. A. Wenusch 513. Nicotine Bentonite nicotine on apples sprayed with - * Determination of. L. N. Markwood ’288.Nicotinic Acid in human urine; Determination of - S. P. Vitter T. D. Spies and A. P. Mathews 833. Nicotinic Acid Amide Colorimetric estimation of - . P. Karrer and H. Keller 660. in animal tissue ; Quantitative determination of -. Nicotinic Acid Diethylamide Detection and determination of -. H. J. Van Giffen, 831. Nigerian Daniella oleo-resin. 272. ground ginger. 428 815. Niobium Analytical Chemistry of Tantalum (Review) W. R. Schoeller 72. in minerals and metals; Detection of -. in stainless steel; Determination of -. p-Nitraniline solution ; Preparation of diazotised *Nitrates nitrogen in mixed fertilisers contain-B. Dyer and 725. 602. P. Karrer and H. Keller 834. and -. I. P. Alimarin and B. J . Fried 374. T. R. Cunningham 630.. 814. * -ing -; Determination of. T. H. Hamence. 860. Erratum v INDEX TO VOLUME 63 xlvii Nitric Acid Simultaneous conductometric titra-tion of sulphuric acid and -. C. J. van Nieuwenburg 624. *Nitrite in waters; Determination of -. W. G. Moffitt 655. Nitrobenzene poisoning. 726. Nitrogen alky! groups linked with -; Quali-I. M. tative micro-method for identifying. Furter 623. Atomic weight of -. 436. determination of - by the micro Dumas method; Possible source of error in. H. J . Rsvenswaay and A. Schweizer 628. distribution in milk- ; Method for determining the action of certain organisms on -. G. I-I. McFadden and €3. H. TVeiser 613. *in aluminium ; Determination of combined -. A. L. Doyle and W. H. Hadley 426. *in mixed fertilisers containing nitrates and chlorides; Determination of -.B. Dyer arid J. 13. Hamence 866. in organic compounds; Micro-test for -. 334. Nitroprirsside solution for acetone bodies in urine; Stable -. Nitrosohsemoglobin Formation of - and the colour of bacon. 185. a-Nitroso- /&Naphthol Micro-gravimetric deter-mination of cobalt with -. F. Hecht and F. Korkisch 916. P-Nitroso a-Naphthol 4-Sulphonic Acid Detec-tion of cobalt copper and ferrous iron by -. L. A. Sarver 680. Nitrous Acid Action of - on pepsin. J . St. L. Philpot and P. A. Small 515. Noise in daily life; Reduction of -. 342. Northampton Appointment of E. Voelcker as Agricultural Analyst for County of -. 267 814. *Norwegian Standards Association Determina-tion of unsaponifiable matter in whale oil by the draft method of -.E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 652. Nottingham Appointment of W. W. Taylor as Agricultural Analyst and of S. R. ‘Trotman as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of - 814. Numal Colour reactions for -. Nutrition Milk and -. Reports of Com-mittee on. 434 893. (Review) A. L. Bacharach, 861. Nutritive Value of food stored by modern methods. 819. Nyasalsnd New croton seed from -. 619. J. Ingham 542. 353. Science and -. 0 Oats “Sussex ground” - . F. R. Dodd and A . P. Telford 286. Obituaries Elkington Harold Douglas 635 865. Huntly George Nevill 635 775. Iiirkaldy Patrick Henry 695 863. La Wall Charles H. 695. Toms Frederick Woodland 635 G95. Voelcker John Augustus 79. Whitby Arthur 695.Octoic Acid 136. Oestrin Colour reaction of -. 126. Offal Treatment of -. 601. Oil-hardening Relation between thiocyanogen S. Ueno, Oil(s) Essential -. from Irish-grown plants. J. Reilly and S. F. Kelly 104. Glycerides of -. XV f?abassu oil. A. Bomer and H. Huttig 441. hardened -; Relation between the iodine value and refractive index of. 1’. Maruta and K. Teruyama 64. in aleurites sccds ; Refractometric determina-tion of -. E D. G. Frahm and D. R. Iioolhaas 447. in marjoram; Volatile -. J. F. Clevenger, 277. sulplionated -; New reacticn for detecting by means of pyridine. Vegetable -. See Vegetable. Ointment Stainless iodine -. Oleic Acid Colour reaction for -. Olive Oil component glycerides of -; Further T. P.Hilditch and H. M. Onocerin J. Zimtnermann 62 1. Opium morphine in -; Methods of assaying Orange juice; Lime in -. in cultivation of anaerobic bacilli. V. Cianci. 306. value and iodine value in -. 758. See Essential Oils. H. Freytag 290. 599. 610. observations on. Thompson 1 19. content of. 528. 347. juice; Use of products; Analysis of -. 662. Orangeade Adulteratictn of -. 894. Orange juice content of -. Oranges Carotene in -. A. Id. Taylor and P. J. Witte 282. Vitamin C content of South African -. P. J. Hamersma 747. Orcinaurine as fluorescence‘indicator. J. J6nb and L. Szebelledy 762. Organic acids; Solubility of casein in salts of certain - and its fractionation by means of these acids. R. H. RlcKee and S. P. Gould 845.“acids in silage extracts and bacterial cultures: Determination of -. A. M. Smith 777. analysis. Abstracts 61 134 206 290 363, 447 623 618 677 755 842 008. Chemistry. (Review) F. C. Whitmore 145. Chemistry-.In Advanced Treatise. (Re-view) H. Gilman 686. Chemistry; Practical -. (Review) F. G. Mann and B. C. Sanders 380. compounds; Detection of - by means of spot tests. I?. Feigl 69. conipounds ; Determination of deuterium in - A. S. Keston D. Kittenberg and R. Schoenheimer 134. compounds; Determination of unsaturation in - by means of the mercury-catalysed reaction with standard bromate-bromide-H. J. Lucas and D. Pressman 363. *compounds; Micro-tests for elements in -. C. L. Wilson 332. Erratum 421. from viscera. “drugs; Extraction of -F. Bamford 645.by micro- dyestuffs; Identification of -sublimation. A. Iiutzelnigg and E. Franke, 453. 661 xlviii INDEX TO Organic-continued Elementary Analysis ; Micro-methods of Quan-titative - . (Review) J. B. and V. Niederl 539. matter; Destruction of - with perchloric acid. E. Kahane 59. matter in soils; Ignition a t low temperatures of -. J. S. Hosking 676. reagents and complex compounds in analytical chemistry; Application of -. J. V. Dubsky 374. Reagents for Delicate Analysis and “Spot” Tests; B.D.H. Book of - . 6th Ed. (Review) 306. substances; Determination of halogens in -. J. A. Sanchez 206. substances; Determination of sulphur content of -. substances ; Microchemical determination of iodine in -. Syntheses. Vol. XVIII. (Review) edited by R.C. Fuson 770. Organisch-Chemischen Methodik ; Lehrbuch der -. Vol. 111 Part 1. (Review) H. Meyer 540. Organbehen Chemie; A Brief Introduction to the Use of Beilstein’s Handbuch der - 2nd Ed. (Review) E. H. Huntress 63i. Orgasepton Microscopical identification of -. 511. *Orpiment in shellac; Determination of -. M. Rangaswami and H. K. Sen 36. Orthoeresol B.S.I. specification for -. 824. Orthophosphoric Acid determined by colori-metric pH titrations. A. B. Gerber and F. T. Miles 851. Orthophosphoric Ion Spectrophotometric deter-mination of -. A. Leclkre 855. Osmium Aktomic weight of -. Wwald-Folin pipettes; B.S.I. specification for *Ouabain Detection and estimation of -. W. D. Raymond 478. Ox Depot Fat Further study of component acids of - with special reference to certain minor constituents.T. P. Hilditch and H. E. Longenecker 122. M. Paget and R. Berger 620. fermentation ; Mechanism of oxalicogenesis by moulds. R. Jacquot 907. in leather; Detection of -. K. f(2anfer and A. Luft 144 764. Oxalicogenesis by moulds; Mechanism of -. R. Jacquot 907. Oxford Appointment of E. Voelcker as Public Analyst and Agricultural Analyst for County of -. 267 814. *Oxidising agents in milk; Test for traces of - . R. C. Wright and E. B. Anderson 252. Oxhe precipitates; Drying temperatures of -. 571. 0x0-Methylene compounds; Detection of -. M. Ishidate 915. Oxydimorphine differentiation of morphine and - ; New reactions for. M. M. Pesez 352. Oxygen absorbed by vulcanised rubber in air; Measurement of the -.A. G. Milligan and J. E. Shaw 758. F. W. Klingstedt 365. Th. Leipert 453. 436 437. -. 274. Oxalic Acid New colour reaction for -. VOLUME 63 Oxygen-continued absorption of fish oils measured by means of the manometer. J. .Jiiny 367. alkyl groups linked with -; Qualitative micro-method for identifying. I. M. Furter, 625. in beer; Colorimetric method for determining dissolved -. H. Rothchild and I. M. Stone 898. in plain carbon steels; Aluminium alloy method for gravimetric determination of total -. N. Gray and M. C. Sanders, 529. *Oysters glycogen in -; Routine determina-tion of. J. P. Tully 93. P Paintings Microchemical recognition of pig-Paints Moisture resistance of -. pigments for -; B.S.I.specifications for. Palestine Report of Government Analyst for Palladium in jewellers’ platinum alloys. Palm Oil Tocopherol isolated from - 127. *Palmitate determination of magnesia in water. H. Atkinson 493; modification of H. E. Evans 133. Palmitic Acid Colour reaction for -. Palmitoleic Acid in vegetable fats; Occurrence of traces of -. T. P. Hilditch and H. Jasperson 442. Pancreas lipase; Hydrolysis of glycerides by crude - A. K. Balls. M. B. Mattack and I. W. Tucker 125. Papain &Iillc-clotting action of -. A. K. Balls and S. 1%. Hoover 56. Papaya Seed Oil H. W. von Loesecke and A. J. Kolte 120. “Paper Acidity of -. “mechanical wood pulp in -; Determina-tion of. S. V. Sergeant 264. *Parachlorometaxylenol in antiseptic solutions : Determination of -.R. P. Merritt and T. F. West 357. Paracresol B.S.I. specification for -. 824. Paratyphoid bacilli; Isolation of - from water by Szper’s medium. 193. Particle counter; Direct-view - and portable ultra-microscope. S. C. Blacktin 917. Pastes alimentary -; pH value as an index of quality of. P. Duqubois 195. Pastemisation Loss of weight of milk on cooling and -. 725. of milk; Efficient -. 189. of sour cream detected by the amylase test. T. Forgiics and I. Kadics 664. Pastilles Gelatin in -. 188. Pastry fat in -; Determination of. BI. Vuk and A. Gomory 509. Paternity Exclusion of - by blood-group tests. (Legal Notes) 495. Peaches Vitamins in -. 118. Peanut Meal Iron in -. Peas dried -; Composition and texture of. ments from - S.Augusti 917. 722. 824. 1936. G. W. Baker 114. 215. 610. D. Burton 19. 117. 823. Iron in -. 117 1NDEX TO Pectic enzymes. I. Determination of pectin-Pectin-Methoxylase activity; Determination of Pencil8 Dyestuffs in indelible -. *Toxicity of dyestuff in indelible -. A. W. Stewart 494. Pepper Act to control quality of Siamese -. 727. Pepson Action of nitrous acid on -. J. St. L. Philpot and P. A. Small 616. Perchloric Acid for the destruction of organic matter. E. Kahane 59. Perfumes ethyl phthalate in presence of natural and synthetic - ; Determination of. Y. R. Naves and S. Sabetay 208. (Review) H. Bennett, 149. Permanganate method for determining antimony in high-lead mixtures. 13. G. Myers 912. solutions; Aqueous alkaline - for the oxidation of polyhydroxylic and poly-ethylenic higher fatty acids.T. G. Green and T. P. Hilditch 136. volumetric method for determining antimony in commercial lead and high-lead alloys; Modification of -. Petrol lead in -; Detection of. H. Sie-beneck 371. Petroleum Polymerisation and its Applications in the Field of -. (Review) K. E. Burk and Others 302. pH of muscle determined in situ. of paper; Determination of actual -. 21. value; Effect of - in precipitations with 8-hydroyquinoline. H. von Moyer and W. J. Remington 622. value as an index of the quality of alimentary pastes. P. DuquBnois 195. Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Bentley and Driver’s Text-Book on -. 3rd Ed. (Review), J. E. Driver 73. preparations ; Rapid determination of iron in - by means of cupferron and an im-miscible solvent.S. M. Berman J. J. Chap and D. M. Taylor 53. Pharmacopoeia British - . See British Pharmacopoeia. Pharmacy Aids to Forensic -. 2nd Ed. (Review) A. W. Lupton 921. Qualitative Analysis for Students of -. 2nd Ed. (Review) C. B. Jordan and H G. DeKay 858. Phenacetin. B.P. test for -. J. L. Pinder and R. F. R. Venables 901. Phenol B.S.I. specification for -. 824. Phenols reducing power of various -* Comparison of. A. I. Matiu and A: Popesco 365. Phenolphthalein in presence of emodin and chrysophanic acid ; Detection of small amounts of -. Phenylalanine in biological fluids ; Detection of -. K. Closs and S. D. Henriksen, 674. Philippine ginger; Effect of decortication on the constituents of -.J. Marafion and L. L1. Cosme 198. Phloroglucinol Reducing power of -. 366. methoxylase activity. - . 2. I. Kertesz 56. Z. I. Kertesz 56. 348. How to make -. R. G. Myers 623. 820. E. H. Maechling 901. VOLUME 63 xlix Phosphatase activity; Ascorbic acid and -. E. J. King and G. E. Delory 744. Relation between plant - and vitamin C. K. V. Giri 747. Phosphate Determination of small amounts of - by the use of 8-hydroxyquinoline, E. J. King and G. E. Delory 141. Effect of - on the determination of tung-sten. S. G. Simpson W. C. Schumb and M. A. Sieminski 531. Improved method for the colorimetric deter-mination of -. I. Berenblum and E. Chain 371. in turbid waters and waters rich in silicates; Colorimetric determination of - .I<. Stoll 362. method of determining aluminium in cast iron. 575. Phosphate Rock Analysis of - . J. I. Hoffman and G. E. I?. Lundell 760. Phosphoric anhydride determined in -. J. I. Hoffman and G. E. F. Lundell 132. Phosphatides of soya-bean and rape seeds; Component €atty acids of -. T. P. Hilditch and W. H. Pedelty 123. Phosphomolybdic Acid reagent ; Preparation of -. S. L. Malowan 66. Phosphoric Acid Copper thermostat containing p for measuring kinetics (at high tem-peratures). H. C. S. Snetlrlage 765. Phosphoric Anhydride in phosphate rock super-phosphate and “metaphosphste” ; Deter-mination of - J . I. Hoffman and G. E. F. Lundell. i31. *Phosphorus in mild steel ; Rapid determination of - T. P. Hoar 712. Phosphorus Pentoxide as a desiccant a t 90” C.D. A. Lacoss and W. C. Menzies 68. Photochemical decomposition of l-ascorbic acid. A. E. Kellie and S. S. Zilva 837. Photocolorimetric determination of sugars in plant materials. W. T. Forsee Jnr. 553. Photo-Electric colorimeter ; Determination of vitamiii A with -. W. J . Dann and K. A. Evelyn 611. method for the micro-determination of sodium in serum and urine by the uranyl zinc acetate precipitation. W. S. Iloffniann and B. Osgood 607, photometer; New -. 345. spectrophotometer. 343. Photometer Xieetham’s ultra-violet daylight Yhoto-electric -. 346. Photometric standards. 344. Photomicrographic studies of animal skin ; Ultra-violet light and -. E. R. Theis and E. J. Serfass 300. Phymatotrichum Omniuorum Evaluation of some soil fungicides by laboratory tests with -.W. N. Ezekiel 616. Physical methods of analysis. Abstracts 71, 220 300 375 456 537 629 765 855 917. Physiological Chemistry; Introduction to -. 4th Ed. M. Bodansky 921. Rcric Acid for the gravimetric determination of bismuth. H. Etienne 847. Pigment(s) for paints. B.S.I. specifications for - 341. . 821. 1 INDEX TO Pigment (sj-contznued irom paintings ; Microchemical recognition of - S. Xugusti 917. Influence of pimiento on the colour of the egg yolk of fowls. of the beet-root (Beta vuZgwzs). I . Prepara-tion of betanin. 11. Method for determin-ing betanin. G. W. Pucher L. C. Curtis and H. 33. Vickery 443. Pigs Poisoning of - by zinc. Pimiento in nutrition. 118. W. L.Brown 281. 1 13. pigments; Influence of -- on the colotir of the egg yolli of fowls. ?V. L. Brown 281. Pine distinction between heart wood and sap vood of -; New method for. J . E. Koch and W. Krieg 292. trees; Zinc deficiency in -. wood rotted by Merziizus lachvymtcns ; Products of the decay of -. J. G. Boswell 361. Pipettes B.S.I. specification for onc-mark capillary - . 664. 13.S.I. specification for Ostwald-Folin -. 274. *’Plant ash; Colorimetric determination of chromium in -. C. F. J . van der Walt and A. J. van der Slerwe 809. diseases ; Suspected mineral deficiencies con-nected with --. 113. materials; Photocolorimetric determination of sugars in -. phosphatase ; Relation between xitamin C and -. K. V. Giri 747. products; Imperial Institute research on -.271. tissue; Extraction and determination of vitamin C in -. X. C. Thornton 837. tissues; Combined ascorbic acid in -. E. J . Iieedman ancl E. W. l\iIcHeni-y 358. Plants cyanogznetic -; Preservation of for chemical analysis. T i . R. Briese and J . F. Couch 841. manganese in -; Determination of. S. D. Costeanu 60. Oils from Irish-grown -. J . Iteilly and n. F. Kelly 194. Provitamin D of -. A. Windaus and I?. Bock 126. Vitamin I< in -. H. Dam and J . Glavind, 519. Plasticity Elasticity and Structure of Matter. (Review) R. Houtvinlr 144. Platinum alloys; Analysis of jewellers’ -. H. Holzer and E. Zaussinger 215. Plums Fruit gumming on -. 823. Pneumonoconiosis Introduction to the bio-chemical study of -. R. Fabre and E.Kahane 671, by fish (Kai Po Yu). by gelsemium. 603. by Japanese star anise. 727. by Ail.irdiantha suavis. 7 2 7 . cases in Ceylon. 501. cases in Palestine. 114. cases in Siam. 727. due to salmonella type “Dublin” and con-veyed by raw milk; Outbreak of -. E. T. Conybeare and L. H. U. Thornton, 429. 891. W. T. Forsee Jnr. 753. Poisoning by acetic acid. 191. 603. VOLUME 63 Poisoning-continued n’itrobenzene -. 726. Quinine -. 727. Vse of organic poisons in human -. with copper sulphate and ground glass. Zinc _____ of pigs. 113. 46. 503. Polarised Light Determination of melting-point of porphyrins and other dark substances in C. Rimington ancl P. Symons 454. Polarographen Chemische Xnalysen init Clem -. (Review) 13.Hohn 224. Polymerisation and 1 ts rlpplications in the Fields of Rubber Synthetic Resins and Petroleum. (Review) R. E. Rurk six1 Others 303. Pomace PetroleuIn-spirit-scJluble and ether-soluble constituents of grape -. I(. S. Xarkley C. E. Sanclo and S. B. Hendriclrs, 507. . Poppy Oil from Irish plants. Pork dripping. 720. Borphyrins Dcterrnination of melting-point of - and of other dark substanccs in polar-isecl light. C. Rimington and Y . Synons, 454. Port Wine Adulteration of -. J . C. Rotclho, “7.1. Portsmoiith lieport of the City Analyst (K. P. Page) for 1937. 657. Potash analysis of certain fertilisers for -; Insoluble residue in the potassium chloro-platin.tte obtained in. H. 1Z. Allen 286. Potassium in biological materials ; Volumetric determination of - --.H. E. Harrison and L). C. Ilarron- 55. in presence of sodium Rapid determination of 31 h. Portnos. and S. I<. Afanasjev, 594. 195. in siliceous dusts. 473. Micro-determination ot - . 13. Sorberg, %99. Separation of magnesium from - . T. Krokowslti 432. Potassium Bromide Detection of cadmium with brncine and -. I. 3%. Korennian 454. Potassium Chloroplatinate obtained in the analysis of certain Pertilisers for potash; Insoluble residiie in - -. 13. R -Illen 286. Potassium Dichrornate 1-olumctric tfetermina-tion of 1l);droquinone \\.it11 - - C;. A. Pevcol- 670. Potassium Hydroxide in diethylene glycol for rapid saponification of esters. C. E. Rec-lmiann and H. J . Lucns 6 2 . Potatoes Ascorbic acid content of -.906. Potentiometric titraticn in con-aqueous solutions. Potted Beef Excess of moisture in -. Power Stations Gas-washing plant a t -. 600. Preservatives in food. Samples contravening Progesterone Colour reactions of -. 1%. Prorninal Colour reaction €or -. Protamine insulin. 191. Proteins Chemistry of the ~ . 2nd Ed. (Review) I>. Jordan Lloyd and A. Shore 820. Freezing of bacterial -. 184. sulphyclryl groups in ___ ; Estimation of. 13. Vitarr,in B content of --. A. E. Ruehle 369. 720. Regulations. 8 1 6. 3.53. R. Kuhn and P. Desnuelle 200 INDEX TO VOLUME 63 li Protonsil Identification of -. 741. Microscopical identification of -. Provitamin D of plants. A. Windaus and F. Bock 126. Prussian Blue for paints; B.S.I. specification for ----.824. Pseudoephedrine Volatility of __ in relation-ship to the Codex (1937) method of deter-mination. R. Monnet and €’. Durand 830. Public Analysts Notes from Reports of -. See Birmingham Bristol Derbyshire Ken-sington Kent Kingston-upon-Hull Leeds, Leicester London Madras Portsmouth, Salford Stepney Worcestershire. Society of - . See Society of Public Analysts. *Pulp mechanical wood - in paper; Deter-mination of. Pulses Vitamin C content of some germinated -. M. N. Rudra 746. Pyrethrin I in commercial insecticides containing pyrethrum or pyrethrum extract; Deter-mination of -. Pyrethrum flowers ; Chemical evaluation of -. J. T. Martin 677. pyrethrin I in commercial insecticides con-taining - or extract of -; Determina-tion of.Pyridine as means of detecting sulphonated oils; New reaction for -. H. Freytag, 290. E. A. Ostroumow 214. 51 1. s. V. Sergeant 264. D. A. Holaday 203. D. A. Holaday 203. as means for quantitative separations. Determination of -. C. Belcot 679. -like substances in human urine; Determina-S. P. Vitter T. D. Spies and Pyridine- ,6-Carbonic Acid Diethylamide Detec-tion and determination of - . H. J. Van Giffen 831. Pyrocatechol Reducing power of -. PyrogaUol Reducing power of -. Pyrophosphoric Acid determined by colorimetric pH titrations. A. B. Gerber and F. T, Miles 851. Pyruvic Acid in blood; Detection of -. T. Shindo 279. tion of -. A. P. Mathews 833. method for acid in wool. 783. 366. 366. Q Qualitative Analyse mit Hilfe von Tupfel-Reaktionen.3rd Ed. (Review) F. Feigl, 770. Analysis. Vol. I of Analytical Chemistry. 9th Eng. Ed. (Review) W. T. Wall 687. analysis ; Application of Schlagdenhauffen’s “hypoiodite” reaction for detecting mag-nesium in -. Analysis by means of Modern Drop Reactions ; Short Manual of Systematic -. 3rd Ed. (Review) C . J. van Nieuwenburg and G. Dulfer 634. Analysis by Spot Tests. (Review) F. Feigl, 685. Analysis for Students of Pharmacy and Medicine. 2nd Ed. (Review) C. B. Jordan and H. G. DeKay 858. P. Kemy-GennetB 533. Quantitative Chemical Analysis ; Calculations in -. 2nd Ed. (Review) J. A. \\‘ilkinson, 543. Chemical Analysis ; Clowes and Coleman’s -. 14th Ed. (Review) edited by D. Stockdale 376. Chemical ,4nalysis; Methods of --.(Re-view) M. G. Mellon 459. drop analysis. X. Determination of sodium. R. Lindner and P. L. Kirk 627. Organic Elementary Analysis ; Micro-methods of -. (Review) J. B. and V. Niederl, 539. separations by means of pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow 214. Queensland Report of the Government Analyst (F. E. Connah) for 1936-37. Quince Seed Oil J. Pritzker and R. Jungkunz, Quinic Acid as a fluorescence indicator. L. Quinine content of blood; Determination of -. 346. 666. Szebellkdy and J. J6n&s 761. F. J. Kaiser 284. Extraction of - from viscera. 563. poisoning. 727. R Raisins Hydrogen cyanide in -. (Legal Rancidity in edible fats. Notes) 721. C. H. Lea 660. in fat of cold-stored herrings. in fats; Micro-test for -. 819. 0.Frehden 536. Bancio flavour in sherries ; Electrolytic produc-Rape Oil from Irish plants. Rape Seed Component fatty acids of the phos-phatides of -. T. P. Hilditch and W. H. Pedelty 123. Reagent (s) for aluminium; Preparation of am-monium aurintricarboxylate as -. J. A. Scherrer and W. H. Smith 846. for ascorbic acid; Cacothelin as -. L. Rosenthaler 517. *for cerium; Methylene blue as -. R. A. Reed 338. for Delicate Analysis and “Spot” Tests; B.D.H. Book of Organic -. 6th Ed. (Feview) 306. for individual metals Formaldoxime as a colorimetric -. Determination of man-ganese in water containing iron. G. H. Wagenaar 526. for Inorganic Analysis; Tables of -. (Review) 860. organic - and complex compounds in analytical chemistry; Application of.J. V. Dubsky 374. phosphomolybdic acid - Preparation of. S. L. Malowan 66. Relative value of certain azo derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinoline as - . T. Boyd, E. F. Degering and R. N. Shreeve 910. Reductase test; Official -. 602. Referee Function of - in Court. 890. Refractive Index of some hardened oils Relation between iodine value and -. Y . Maruta and K. Teruyama 64. Refrigerated milk; Sale of -. tion of -. M. 4 . Joslyn 508. 195. 602 lii INDEX TO Refrigeration for transport and storage of food ; Resins Base-exchange and acid-exchange pro-Exchange properties of synthetic -. 187. Hard lac - separated by cold polymerisa-M. Venu-’ 1 merisation and its Applications in the “$eld of Synthetic -. (Review) R. E. Synthetic - for use with laminated wood Xew system of -.186. perties of synthetic -. 431. tion and fractional precipitation. gopalan and H. K. Sen 909. Burk and Others 302. products. 724. Resorcinol Reducing power of -. Rhodium in jewellers’ platinum alloys. Rice Bacteriological investigation of -. 116. bran; Vitamin B content of -. 128. Rice Oil Isolation of some crystalline alcohols from the unsaponfiable matter of -. A. R. Todd and Others 281. Rigor Mortis Physiology of -. Road tar research. 186. Rocks bivalent iron in -; Micro-determina-tion of. “Chromium in - determined colorimetric-ally. C. I?. J. van der Walt and i\. J . van der RIerwe 809. Rotenone Colorimetric determination of -. S. Schonberg 754. determinations on derris timbo and barbasco ; Further examples of -.W. M. Seaber, 908. in derris and cube; Determination of -. 11. H. A. Jones and J . J. T. Graham 204. Rubber Chemistry and Technology of -. (Review) C. C. Davis and J . T. Blake 146. Chemistry; Modern - . (Review) H. Barron 634. Latex; Chemistry and Technology of -. (Review) C. €7. Flint 382. oxygen absorbed by vulcanised ____ in air; Measurement of. A. G. Milligan and J. E. Shaw 758. Polymerisation and its Applications in the Field of -. (Review) R. E. Burk and Others 302. Technology Conference. 504. Rubbing Lotion 886. Rutonal Colour reactions for -. 366. 215. 820. M. Shioiri and S. Mitui 854. 363. S Saccharometer Tate - approved by Customs and Excise Dept. 44. Sale of Food and Drugs Acts Ministry of Health Report for 1937-38.816. Salford Report of City Analyst (G. H. Walker) for 1937. 599. Salicylic Acid Colorimetric determination of iron with -. JPMehlig 369. *p-hydroxybenzoic acid in presence of - * Colorimetric test for detecting. S. G: Stevenson and J. C. L. Resuggan 152. Salmonella Outbreak of food poisoning due to __ (type “Dublin”) and conveyed by raw milk. E. T. Conybeare and L. H. D. Thornton 429. *Salt iodised - Losses of iodide from. R. L. Andrew 179. VOLUME 63 Salt-continued liinne 67. Colloid Chemistr,v. 769. hlanjunath 843. Reduction of ferric - by metallic tin. R. Salts Colloidal -. Vol. I11 of Inorgnnzc (Review) H. R. Weiser, Sandal Seed Oil 31. K. Madhuranath and 53. L. Sandalwood Civet -. 728. trees ; Seed oils of Indian and Australian -.TV. V. Kotasthane and 3-. Karayana 619. Sandoptal Colour reactions for -. Santnlum Album Linn. (Sandal seed oil) M. Ii. Madhuranath and €3. L. XIanjunath 843. Sardine-Liver Oil Y . Toyama 121. Sardine Oil B.S.I. specification for Japanese and/or Korean - (pale). 274. Thiocyanogen value of -. Sardines Lead in -. 190. Sausages “containing no bread.” 598. 353. S. Ueno 757. “Farinaceous matter determined in -. F. W. Edwards H. R. Nanji and W. I!. Chanmugan 641. lactose in presence of dextrose in Frankfurt -; Determination of. 661. Scarborough North of England Section Summer Meeting a t -. 545. Schlagdenhauffen’s “hypoiodite” reaction for detecting magnesium. Application in quali-tative analysis. P. Remy-GennetC 533.Science and Nutrition. (Review) A. L. Bachar-ach 861. Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. of: Building Research Board Report for 1937. 499. Conference on atmospheric pollution. 48 497. Food In\ estigation Board Report for 1937. Forest Products Research Board Report for Investigation of Atmospheric Pollution. Re-Methods for detecting toxic gases in industry. Rancidity in edible fats. Report for 1936-37. 184. The corrosion of tar stills. 498. Water Pollution Research Board Final Re-Water Pollution Research Board Report for 818. 1937. 722. port for 1936-37. 340. 11. Hydrogen cyanide vapour. 658. C. H. Lea 660. port on a Survey of the River Tees. 46. 1936-37. 430. Scopolia Root Provitamin D of -. Sea-weed of Gelidiuvn species.728. Seed Fat(s) Fatty acids and glycerides of solid -. T. P. Hilditch and Others 440. of Trichosmthes cucumevoides ; Composition of L . H. P. Kaufmann J. Baltes and H. Biiter 212. Seed Oils of Indian and Australian sandalwood trees. TV. V. Kotasthane and N. Narayana, 619. Seeds of Cajazus Sp. and Canavalia Sp., Brazilian native foods; Composition of -. F. W. Freise 605. 126. Vitamin K in -. 519. Selenium Micro-determination of -. Vignoli Separations Quantitative - by means of and Savelli 537. pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow 214 INDEX TO Sera for examination of milk; Use of clifferent -. R. Turnau 438. Serum carotenoids of -; Chromatographic adsorption analysis of small amounts of. H. Willstaedt and T. K. With 446. Colour reaction for -.610. diagnosis of enteric fever. A. Felix and A. D. Gardner 129. inorganic and ethereal sulphate in -; Volumetric benzidine method of determin-ing. M. H. Power and E. G. Wakefield 514. sodium in -; Photoelectric method for the micro-determination of by the uranyl zinc acetate Precipitation. W. S. Hoffmaiin and €3. Osgood 607. Sesame Oil Progressive hydrogenation of --. T. P. Hilditch M. B. Ichaporia and H. Jasperson 899. Sewage Effect of discharge of - on the con-servancy of the River Mersey 432. Purification of -. 432. Shark-liver Oils 34. Tsujimoto 64. Sheep disease; Copper deficiency in gingin -. Iodine survey of New Zealand E. thyroid; Determination of iodine in -. "Shellac Orpiment determined in -. M. Sherry rancio flavour in -; Electrolytic pro-Shooting cases in Ceylon.502. Siam lieport of the Senior Chemist Dept. of Science (C. J. House) for 1934-36. *Silage extracts ; Determination of organic acids in -. A. M. Smith 777. Silica content of blood. H. Frank and G. Gerstel 610. in acid-soluble silicates ; Determination of -. W. van Tongeren 68. in body fluids; Solution of -. E. J . King and M. McGeorge 355. Platinised I___ gel as a catalyst for gas analysis. Complete oxidation of methane and ethane. K. A. Kobe and W. I. Barnet, 363. E. J. King and M. iClcGeorge 356. Silicate analysis; Micro -. E. J. King and M. McGeorge 355. Silicates manganese in water containing -; Determination of. V. Muhlenbach 842. phosphate in waters rich in -; Colorimetric determination of.K. Stoll 362. silica in acid-soluble --; Determination of. W. van Tongeren 68. "Siliceous dusts ; Microchemical investigations on -. J . W. Matthews 467. Silicon in aluminium and its alloys; Rapid method of determining - . E. E. Gurevich 682. in aluminium; Determination of -. Method for referee analysis. 297. in'steel; Determination of -. G Charpy, 216. Silver in cyanide solutions ; Determination of -. W. E. Caldwell and L. E. Smith 623. 891. Mason and D. F. Waters 673. J. Sigurjonsson 609. Kangaswami and H. K. Sen 37. duction of. M. A. Joslyn 508. 727. Solution and excretion of -. F. Hecht 299. dusts in body fluids; Solution of -. VOLTJME 63 liii Silver-contznzred in lead; Determination of -. '799. Mercurimetric micro-determination of -.J . Trtilek 764. Skatole colour reaction for fructose ; Quantita-tive -. R. C. Jordan and J . Pryde 349. Skin Ultra-violet light and photomicrographic studies of animal --. E. R. Theis and E. J. Serfass 300. Smoke abatement; Report on -. GOO. Soap factories in Palestine; Control of -. 114, Soaps How to make -. (Review) H. Bennett 149. Society of Chemical Industry Joint Meeting of the Food Group of - with the Society of Public Analysts. 308. Report on the Progress of -Applied Chemistry, 1837. Vol. XXII. (Review) 438. Society of Public Analysts Anniversary Dinner, 1938. 230. h n u a l Report of Council 1938. 233. Radge of -. Facing 229. Joint Meeting with the Food Groap o-t the North of England Section of --. 1.51 387, Presidential .iddress.G. Koche Lynch 237. Proceedings of -. 1 79 131 229 307, 387 775 863. Scottish Section of -. 1 152 30;. Sodamint tablets. 88G. tablets; B.P. Codex formula for -. 41. Sodium Colorimetric determination oi - as uranyl manganese sodiuin acetate. W. C. Woelfel 832. content of blood-plasma and blood-serum. H. Waelsch and S. IGttel 831. content of milk; Variation in - during the lactation period. M. Vuk and 2. von Stindor 505. Determination of - by quantitative drop analysis. K. Lindner and 1'. L. Kirk 627. Gravimetric determination of __ as sodium-magnesium uranyl acetate. R. Dwonzak and A. Friedrich-Liebenberg 140. *in aluminium and aluminium-silicon alloys ; Determination of -. G. B. Brook G. H. Stott and A. C. Coates 32. in presence of potassium ; Rapid determination of -.3%. A. Portnov and S. K. Xfanas-jev 534. in serum and urine; I'hotoelectric method for the micro-determination of - by the uranyl zinc acetate precipitation. W. S. Hoffmann and B. Osgood 607. Society of Chemical Industry. 308. 545. in siliceous dusts. 473. Separation of magnesium from -. T. Sodium Acetate distillation method for acid in 655. Sodium Chloride magnesia and lime in technical -; Accurate determination of. C. Tanne, 760. "Sodium Cyanide Excretion of __ when ad-ministered intravenously in small doses. G. V. James 99. Sodium Ion Spectrophotometric determination of -. A. Leclhre 855. Krokowski 452. wool. 783. Preparation of aqueous solution of -liv INDEX TO VOLUME 63 Sodium Magnesium Uranyl Acetate Gravi-metric determination of sodium as -, K.Dwonzak and A. Friedrich-Liebenberg, 140. Sodium Xethylarsinate as means of determining zirconium in ferro-zirconium. R. Chan-delle 139. Sodium Polyanethole Sulphonate Action of -(“Liquoid”) on blood cultures. T. von Haebler and A. A. Miles 839. Sodium Selenate toxicity of - to millet; Effect of different soil colloids and whole soils on. P. L. Gile H. W. Lakin and H. G. Byers 754. Sodium Terephthalate method of determining acid in wool. 783. Softening Point apparatus for bitumen ; niiultiple -. D. M. Wilson 766. *Soil Chromium in - determined colori-metrically. C. 1;. J. van der Walt and A. J. van der Meru-e 809. colloids; Effect of different ____ on the toxicity of sodium selenate to millet.P. L. Gile 1% ?V. Lakin and H. G. Byers 754. fungicides; Evaluation of - by laboratory tests with Phynaatotrichwx o~nyzpizvoywrn. W. N. Ezekiel 616. Furfuraldehyde yield of -. C. N. Acharya, 61. nutrients; Comparison of rapid tests for -with laboratory analyses. G. Griffith 751. solutions extracts etc. ; Benzidine method for determination of total sulphur in -. A. W. Marsden and A. G. Pollard 143. Survey Manual. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. (Review) C. E. Kellogg 149. Effect of different whole - on the toxicity of sodium selenate to millet. P. L. Gile, H. W. Lakin and H. G. Byers 754. “Non-toxic” seleniferous -. H. W. Lakin, K. T. Williams and 1% G. Eyers 522. organic matter in -; Ignition a t low tem-peratures of. J. S.Hosking 676. Solvent(s) ethyl cellulose --; Evaluation of. T. A. Kauppi and S. L. Bass 291. for optically-active substances ; Benzene-d as -. H. Erlenmeyer and H. Schenkel, 220. Technology of -. (Review) 0. Jordan, 922. South Africa Composition of the soya-bean in - . N. J. Viljoen 735. Report of Director of Chemical Services for 1936. J. P. van Zyl 269. Vitamin C content of oranges in -. P. J. Hamersma 747. Soya-bean in South Africa; Composition of -. N. J. Viljoen 735. Industry; The -. (Review) A. A. Hor-vath 859. seed; Component fatty acids of the phos-phatides of -. T. P. Hilditch and W. H. Pedelty 123. seed; Vitamin K in -. Spanish Hops Source of the condiment -. C. Griebel 606. Sparteine Microchemical reactions of - with cobalt and iron salts.Soils citrus -; Pan-formation in. 115. 519. A. Martini 69. Spectra Use of flame __ in analysis. 345. Spectrophotometer Photo-electric -. 343. Spinach Iron in -. 117. Provitamin D of -. 126. Vitamin K in -. 519. “Spirit Vinegar Analysis of - and diiferentia-tion from malt and artificial vinegars. I . W. Edwards and H. R. Nanji 410. Spirits Contamination of ____ with lead. 821, Spot-Plate Use of a Jena glass ___I_ for qualita-ti\ e and semi-quantitatis-e spot-tests. H. Schafer 217. Spot Test@) B.D.H. Book of Organic Reagents for --. tit11 Ed. (l<esiew) 306. for detecting organic compounds. F. Feigl, 69. Qualitstix e -4nalpsis a.ith -. (Review), 1:. Feigl 685. Qualitatir e and semi-quantitative - using a Jena glass spot-pLLte.13. Schafer. 217. Semi-quantitatix e -. H. Yagoda 683. Staining method for detecting ascospores in yeasts. J. L. Shimwell 907. Stainless Steel manganese in - ; Rapid method for determining. F. W. Smith, 681. tantalum and niobium in -; Determination of. T. K. Cunningham 530. Standards for ices. 726. for vinegar. 503. Jam - adopted in Western Australia. New Zealand -. 114. Photometric -. 344. See also British Standards Institution. 890. Staphylococci Classification of the - by pre-cipitation and biological reactions. S. T. Cosvan 675. Staphylococcus Pyogenes Antibacterial im-munity to -. Star Anise Poisoning by Japanese -. 727. “Starch Iodine method for determining -. 111. Farinaceous matter in sausages meat pastes and fish pastes.F. W. Edwards, H. R. Nanji and W. R. Chanmugam 641. IV. Determination of dextrin in presence of - and sugars 697. V. Starch in leaf material. J. J. Chinoy 876. -liquefying enzyme. 821. *Volumetric iodide method of determining -. W. Whale 328. Addendum 421. Stearic Acid Colour reaction for -. Steel Aluminium-alloy method for gravimetric determination of total oxygen in plain carbon -. K. Gray and M. C. Sanders, 529. Analysis of micro-samples of - . A. Portevin and A. Leroy 455. boron in - ; Determination of. J. L. Hague and H. A. Bright 850. “casks; Warning to users of second-hand -for storage of food. Manganese in cobalt-chromium - deter-mined by photometric titration. S. Hirano, 138. *mild- ; Rapid determination of phosphorus in -.silicon in -; Determination of. C. Charpy, 216. Stainless -. See Stainless Steel. C. Lyons 359. 610. C. A. Mitchell 813. T. P. Hoar 712 INDEX TO VOLUME 63 Iv Steel-continued Tin coating on - measured in thickness by a magnetic and an electro-magnetic method. B. Chalmers W. E. Hoare and W. H. Tait, 67. tungsten and molybdenum in -; Deter-mination of -. H. Yagoda and H. A. Fales 370. tungsten in -; Photometric determination of. G. Bogatzki 913. Stepney Report of the Borough Analyst (D. Henville) for 1937. 721. Stills Corrosion of tar -. Chemistry Re-search Special Report. 498. Stone buildings; Cleaning of -. Stoneware B.S.I. specification for methods of testing chemical -. 348. Storage of food ; New system of refrigeration for of food ; Warning to users of second-hand steel casks and similar receptacles for -.C. A. Mitchell 813. of foodstuffs in the United States and Canada. 819. of fruit in gas. 185. of meat; Ultra-violet light and -. Analyst (M. Jamieson) for 1937. 500. -. 185. 184. Straits Settlements Report of the Government 821. Strawberries Ascorbic acid content of -. 10. Streptocide Microscopical identification of -. Streptophan Microscopical identification of -. *Strophanthin Detection and estimation of Structure of Matter; Elasticity Plasticity and Structures Settlement of -. Strychnine Action of - on Bordeaux B. Differentiation of brucine and - . A. Extraction of - from viscera. 511. 511. -. W. D. Raymond 478. -. (Review) R. Houwink 144.D. R. Dott 827. Martini 764. 499. 563 646. Suberic Acid 136. Sublimation apparatus with built-in thermo-Sugar-Cane wax. 272. *Sugars dextrin in presence of starch and --; Determination of. F. W. Edwards H. R. Nanji and W. R. Chanmugam 697. in plant materials ; Photocolorimetric deter-mination of - . W. T. Forsee Jnr. 753. Tin in --. 190. Sulphanilamide Identification of - . F. Amelink 741. Microscopical identification of -. C. Van Zyp 511; M. L. Yakowitz 512. Sulphandic Acid-cdaphthylamine Solution Pre-paration of -. 655. Sulphate Benzidine method for the micro-determination of -. -4. W. Marsden and A. G. Pollard 143. inorganic and ethereal - in serum; Volu-metric benzidine method for determining, M. €3. Power and E. G.Wakefield 514. Sulphide Sulphur in basic slags ; Determination of -. E. Maurer and F. Haderer 529, 849, meter. L. Fuchs 217. Sulphonated Oils New reaction for detecting - by means of pyridine. H. Freytag, 290. Sulphur content of organic substances; Deter-mination of -. F. W. Klingstedt 363. in organic compounds; Micro-tests for -. 333. in soil solutions extracts etc. ; Determination of total __ by the benzidine method. A. W. Marsden and A. G. Pollard 143. in tobacco. 270. pollution of the air. 341. Reaction of -. L. van Itallie 624. Sulphuric Acid Simultaneous conductometric titration of nitric acid -. C. J. van Nieuwenburg 624. Sulphydryl Groups in proteins ; Estimation of -. R. Kuhn and 1’. Desnuelle 200. Sunflower Oil from Irish plants.Superphosphate Phosphoric anhydride deter-mination in - . J. I. Hoffman and G. E. F. Lundell 132. Surrey Appointment of D. D. Moir as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County of -. 814. “Sussex Ground” Oats F. R. Dodd and A4. P. Telford 286. Sympatol Estimation of -. 355. Syntheses Organic -. Vol. XVIII. (Re-195. view) edited by R. C. Fuson 770. T Tanganma combretuni gum. 272. Tannin China tea “practically free from -.” 41. *in cacao kernel; Determination of -. D. W. Duthie 27. solutions (for burns); Stability of -. P. Van der Wielen 124. Tanning extracts; “Actual acidity,” “titratable acidity” and “buffer index” of -. G. Parsy 368. Tantalum Analytical Chemistry of Niobium and -. in minerals and metals; Detection of -. I. P. Alimarin and B.J. Fried 374. in stainless steel; Determination of -. T. R. Cunningham 530. Tar Road - research. 186. stills; Corrosion of -. Chemistry Re-search Special Report. 498. Tea “brick” - ; Examination of. L. Schuler 606. China - “practically free from tannin.” 41. Tea-seed Oil component glycerides of -; Further observations on. T. P. Hilditch and H. 34. Thompson 119. Tees River Final Report on Survey of -. 46. Teeth Zinc content of - in tuberculosis. Tellurium Iodimetric determination of -. *New volumetric process for -. B. S. Temperature scale ; International -. Tendra A preparation for treatment of tough (Review) W. R. Schoeller 72. D. B. Cruickshank 513. Vignoli -. and B. Khaled 532. Evans 874. 343. meat. 662 Ivi INDEX TO Tephrosia Leaves as an insecticide.Thallium Toxicological detection of -. H. Kluge 748. Theobromine in the milk of cows fed on a diet including this alkaloid; Quantity of -, €I. C. Dowden 356. Therapeutic preparations ; Identification of bar-bituric derivatives in solid -. Thermo-Bacteria and acetic bacteria. H. Schnegg and K. Weigand 520. Thermochemistry of the Chemical Substances. (Review) F. R. Bichowsky and F. D. Rossini 302. Thermometers Bomb calorimeter -; B.S.I. specification for. 504. Thermostat Copper - containing phosphoric acid for measuring kinetics (at high tem-peratures). Thiochrome Reaction for the chemical measure-ment of vitamin B in foodstuffs and bio-logical material. Thiocyanate alkali chloride and bromide in presence of -; Volumetric determina-tion of.E. Schulek 534. Thiocyanogen Value of sardine and herring oils. S. Ueno 757. Relation between iodine value and - in oil-hardening. S. Ueno 758. Thioglycollic Acid Analytical application of -. C. Mayr and A. Gebauer 679. Thorium Nitrate for the colorimetric titration of small amounts of fluoride. D. Dahle, R. U. Bonnar and H. J. Wichmann 851. Thyroid Vitamin A and the -. G. Logaras and J. C. Drummond 612. iodine in sheep - ; Determination of. J. Sigurjonsson 609. Timber Fire resistance of -. Protection of - against beetles. Seasoning of --. 186 723. strength of -; Effect of rots on. Timbo Rotenone determination in -. W. M. Seaber 908. Tin arsenic in -; Determination of small quantities of. coating on steel; Measurement of thickness of - by a magnetic and an electro-mag-netic method.B. Chalmers W. E. Hoare and W. H. Tait 67. copper in chloride solutions containing -; Determination of. 160. *in bronze; Determination of -. W. C. G. Wheeler 883. in canned vegetables and fruits. in lead; Determination of -. in special aluminium alloys ; Determination of -. G. B. Brook G. H. Stott and A. C. Coates 110. in sugar. 190. Micro-gravimetric separation of antimony and -. Reduction of ferric salt by metallic -. R. Rinne 67. Tinned cream; Citric acid determination in sterilised -. 638. Tissue(s) bromide in -; Determination of. B. B. Brodie and M. M. Friedman 671. Combined ascorbic acid in plant- -E. J. Reedman and E. W. McHenry 368: 272.670. H. C. S. Snethlage 765. M. A. Pyke 127. 722. 723. 186. C. W. Anderson 295. 823. 800. M. von Mack and F. Hecht 298. VOLUME 63 Tissue (s)-continued nicotinic acid amide in animal -; Quanti-tative determination of. P. Icarrer and H. Keller 834. vitamin C in plant -; Extraction and deter-mination of. Titration Potentiometric - in non-aqueous solutions. A. E. Ruehle 369. Tobacco food materials in -; Distribution of. I. Dry substance and nitrogen. I. D. VlHdescu 522. Influence of fineness of division of - on the carrying over of nicotine in the smoke. A. Wenusch 513. Relation between heat of combustion of -and the glowing capacity. A. Wenusch, 513. Tocopherol (Vitamin E). J. C. Drummond and A. A. Hoover 58. a-Tocopherol and similar compounds ; Constitu-tion and estimation of -.P. Karrer and Others 834. /3=Tocopherol Isolation of - from wheat germ oil. A. R. Todd F. Bergel and T. S. Work, 281. Tocopherols in different raw materials ; Quantita-tive determination of -. P. Karrer and H. Keller 835. 0. H. and G. A. Emerson A. Mohammad and H. M. Evans, 127. Tohaku Oil Unsaturated acids of -. Y. Toyama 64. o-Tolidine method for determining residual chlorine in drinking water. C. Dragt and M. G. Mellon 521. *Tomato products; Copper in -. C. E. Sage and S. G. E. Stevens 719. products; Estimation of worm and insect fragments in -. C. D. -Wilder and M. A. Joslyn 52. *purke; Proportion of copper present in -. T. Cockburn and M. Herd 482. purhes; Examination of -.E. L. K. Dagneaux 897. Toxic gases in industry; Detection of -. 11. Hydrogen cyanide vapour. 658. Toxicity of apricot pulp containing fluorine compounds. C. Griebel A. Schloemer and H. Zeglin 521. of derris; Chronic -. A. M. Ambrose and H. B. Haag 523. of sodium selenate to millet; Effect of different soil colloids and whole soils on - P. L. Gile H. W. Lakin and H. G. Byers 754. A. W. Stewart 494. Toxicological analyses ; Application of electro-dialysis in -. analysis. *analysis of viscera; Investigation into methods of -. 11. Extraction of alka-loids from viscera. C. G. Daubney and L. C. Nickolls 561. cases in Hong Kong. 603. detection of thallium. studies of derris. Haag S23. N. C. Thornton 837. Sulphur in -. 270. isolated from various sources.*of the dyestuff in indelible pencils. R. Fabre 615. Abstracts 283 520 615 748. H. Kluge 748. A. M. Ambrose and H. B INDEX TO *Toxicology of the narcotic drugs. G. Roche Lynch 240. Trichosanic Acid 2 12. Trichosanthes Cucumeroides Composition of seed fat of -. H. P. Kaufmann J. Baltes and H. Buter 212. Tricresyl-Phosphate Test for -. Trinidad and Tobago Report of the Government 502. Tryptophane content of casein ; Rapid procedure M. X. Sullivan H. S. Tuberculin tests for milk. 189. Tuberculosis Zinc content of teeth in -. Tung Oil Dermatitic properties of -. M. W. Tungsten Atomic weight of -. 814. Analyst (H. S. Shrewsbury) for 1937, for estimating -. Milone and E. L. Everitt 902. D. B. Cruickshank 513.Swaney 520. Effect of phosphate on determination of -. S. G. Simpson W. C. Schumb and M. A. Sieminski 531. in steel; Determination of -. H. Yagoda and H. A. Fales 370. in steel; Photometric determination of -. G. Bogatzki 913. Tiipfel-Reaktionen Qualitative Analyse mit Hilfe von - . 3rd Ed. (Review) F. Feigl 770. Turbidimeter Photo-electric -. 194. Turbidimetric Methods of Analysis. (Review), !Curnip Greens Iron in -. 117. !Curnips Provitamin D of -. Tnrtle Fat of the green -. T. G. Green and T. P. Hilditch 442. Typhoid bacilli; Isolation of - from water by Szper’s medium. 193. bacillus; Researches on the somatic antigens of the -. A. Boivin and Mesrobeanu, 840. bacillus; Smooth-rough variation of -. A. van Leeuwenhoek 360. Tyrosine in fish products.188. 436 437. F. D. and C. T. Snell 379. 126. U Ultramarine Blue for paints; B.S.I. specification Ultra-Violet daylight photometer ; Meetham’s light and photomicrographic studies of animal light and the storage-life of meat. light; Fluorescence analysis in - as applied to dyestuffs and fibrous materials. J. Grant 765. United Provinces and Central Provinces Agra : Report of Chemical Examiner for 1936. S. N. Chakravarti 45. United States of America Department of Agri-culture. Soil Survey Manual. (Review), C. E. Kellogg 149. Unsaponifiable Matter in whale oil determined by the draft method of the Norwegian Stan-dards Association. E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 652. of fish-liver oils; Iodine value of -. D. C. M. Aklamson N.Evers and W. Smith 826. for -. 824. -. 341. skin. E. R. Theis and E. J. Serfass 300. 184. Storage of foodstuffs in -. 818. VOLUME 63 lvii Unsaponifisble Matter-continued of rice and wheat germ oils; Isolation of some crystalline alcohols from - . A. R. Todd and Others 281. Upholstery Massachusetts law relating to -. 895. Uranium Microgravimetric separation of nickel and -. E. Kroupa 854. Uranyl Manganese Sodium Acetate Colorimetric determination of sodium as -. W. C. Woelfel 832. Uranyl Zinc Acetate precipitation ; Photoelectric method for the micro-determination of sodium in serum and urine by -. W. S. Hoffmann and B. Osgood 607. ing -. prusside solution for. Urea Colour reaction for -. 610. *in urine ; Colorimetric technique for estimat-E.Obermer and R. Milton 423. Urine acetone bodies in -; Stable nitro-J. Ingliam 742. alcohol in -; Determination of. ascorbic acid in -; Chemical identification of. P. J. Drumm H. Scarborough and C. P. Stewart 58. ascorbic acid in -; Possible discrepancy in the estimation of. G. W. T. H. Fleming and T. E. Burrows 282. Barbituric derivatives detected in -. 670. Extraction of atropine from -. Extraction of cocaine from -. 648. *gold in - ; Determination of minute quantities of. A. R. Jamieson and R. S. Watson 702. Iodine determination in -. A. C. Bratton and Others 914. Lead in -. R. H. K. N. Bagchi and H. D. Ganguly 59. nicotinic acid nicotinamide and possibly other pyridine-like substances in human - S. P. Vitter T. D. Spies and A.P. Mathews 833. Quantitative precipitation of citric acid from - . A. C. Kuyper 445. sodium in -; Photoelectric method for the micro-determination of by the uranyl zinc acetate precipitation. W. S. Hoffmann and B. Osgood 607. *urea in - ; Colorimetric technique for estimating. E. Obermer and R. Milton, 423. *wet ashing of -; New method for. R. J. Bartholomew 884. Uronic Acid content of the nitrogen-free extract of feeding stuffs. G. A. Guanzon and W. M. Sandstrom 130. 726. 647. V Vaccine T.A.B.C. -; Sterilisation of. S. G. Vanadates Precipitation and determination of *Vanadium New volumetric process for -. Vanillin Reactions distinguishing bourbonal Vegetable fats containing water. 815. fats ; Occurrence of traces of hexadecenoic T.P. Hilditch Rainsford 360. -. E. Carrikre and H. Guiter 681. B. S. Evans 870. from -. F. Hoeke 448. (palmitoleic) acid in -. and H. Jasperson 442 lviii INDEX TO Vegetable-continued oils and fats; Effect of hydroxyl groups on the apparent diene values of - W. G. Bickford F. G. Dollear and I<. S. karkley, 135. *Vegetables Ascorbic acid content of -. M. Olliver 2. Calcium in -. 118. Canned -. See Canned. Iron in -. 117. Losses of soluble solids in the blanching of of Ceylon; Leafy and non-leafy -. S. Kandiah and D. E. V. Koch 440. of Ceylon; Vitamin C content of some -. A. W. R. Joachim and C. Charavanapavan, 446. -. 823. Ventilation Research on -. 500. Vermiculite 27 2. Viebock-Schwappach Method of determining alkoxyl.S. Kinsman and C. R. Noller 756. *Vinegar Analysis of -. 1. Spirit malt, distilled malt and artificial -. F. W. Edwards and H. R. Nanji 410. containing vinegar eels. 496. Sale of - in Palestine. Standards for -. 503. Table -. 496. 114. Viscera Barbituric derivatives detected in -. 670. *Extraction of alkaloids and other organic drugs from -. *toxicological analysis of -; Investigation into methods of. 11. Extraction of alka-loids from -. C. G. Daubney and L. C. Nickolls 560. Kinetic study of the Carr-Price reaction. P. Meunier and Y . Raoul 743. and the thyroid. G. Logaras and J. C. Drummond 612. antimony trichloride reaction for -; Spectrographic studies on. 11. Influence of oxidising agents on. 0. Notevarp and H. W. Weedon 612.Erratum 675. Determination of - with the photoelectric colorimeter. W. J . Dann and K. A. Evelyn, 611. Distribution of factor A and -. J. R. Edisbury and Others 358. in cod-liver oil; Nature of - . A. 0. Tischer 905. in milk; Estimation of -. H. Willstaedt and T. K. With 518. Inhibition of the Carr and Price reaction for ___ by substances in cod-liver oil. A. Emmerie 674. Vitamin A1 content of mammalian and other animal livers. A. E. Gillam 835. Vitamin & content of mammalian and other animal livers. Physico-chemical and biochemical study of -. E. Lederer and F. H. Rathmann, 743. Vitamin B complex; Water-soluble members of _c_ in yeast flour and bread. A. M. Copping 57. Fermentation test for -. 11. A. S. Schultz L. Atkin and C. N.Frey 57. F. Bamford 645. Vitamin A and carotenoids. A. E. Gillam 835. VOLUME 63 Vitamin B content of foodstuffs particularly of fish and fish products; Estimation of -. G. Lunde H. Kringstad and A. Olsen 905. Formaldehyde azo reaction for -. H. W. Kinnersley and R. A. Peters 836. in foodstuffs and biological material ; Chemical measurement of - by means of the thio-chrome reaction. M. A. Pyke 127. Vitamin B content of foodstuffs particularly of fish and fish products; Estimation of -. G. Lunde H. Kringstad and A. Olsen 905. Vitamin B in Indian foodstuffs; Assay of -. 116. Vitamin C content of some Ceylon fruits and vegetables. A. W. R. Joachim and C. Charavanapavan 446. content of some germinated cereals and pulses. M. N. Rudra 746. content of South African oranges.1’. J. Hamcrsma 747. Honey containing -. C. Griebel 516. in marine algae. G. Lunde and J . Lie 746. in milk; Determination of -. B. Willberg, in plant tissue; Extraction and determination N. C. Thornton 837. in West Australian fruits. 892. Relation between plant phosphatase and -. Sensitive test for -. Vitamin D content of cow’s colostrum; Note on the-. K. M. Henry and S. K. Kon 282. in Cacao Shell. Its Use as an Accessory Fodder. (Review) A. W. Knapp 304. milk. 660 894. Stability of -. H. M. Bruce E. W. Kassner and G. E. Phillips 518. J. C. Drummond and A. A. Hoover 58. Chemistry of -. Tocopherols from various sources. 0. H. Emerson G. A. Emerson, 14. Mohammad and H. M. Evans 127. Responses of Daphnia magna to -.A. Viehoever and I. Cohen 837. Vitamin I( in the plant. H. Dam and J. Glavind 519. Vitamins Biological Standardisation of -. (Review) K. H. Coward 462. Volumetric Chemical Analysis ; Recent Advances in Indian foodstuffs; Assay of -. 116. 74t5. of -. K. V. Giri 747. K. V. Giri 613. Vitamin E (Tocopherol). in peaches. 118. in -. (Review) H. B. Kellog 693. W Wall-paper manufacture ; Ground mica for -. *Water ammonia in -; Direct determination 272. of. J. C. Harral 597. analysis. *analysis; Contribution to -. I . Specific conductivity as a measure of total dis-solved solids. W. H. Kitto 162. 11. Determination of hardness W. H. Kitto, 168. 111. Comparison of distillation and direct methods of estimating free and . W. H. albuminoid ammonia in -Kitto 172.Bacteriological tests for -. 192. Abstracts 133 362 521 842 INDEX TO B.S.I. apparatus for determining small quantities of - by distillation with an immiscible liquid. 118. *Chromium in - determined colorimetri-cally. C. F. J. van der Walt and A. J. van der Merwe 809. containing chlorides and silicates ; Determina-tion of manganese in -. V. Muhlenbach, 842. containing iron ; Determination of manganese in - by means of formaldoxime. G. H. Wagenaar 526. Contamination of - by lead. drinking-; Determination of iodine in -. A. C. Bratton and Others 914. *drinking-; Determination of lead in -. H. Ingleson 546. drinking- ; o-Tolidine method for determining residual chlorine in -. C. Dragt and M. G. Mellon 521. in alcohol; Determination of -.H. G. Botset 842. in inorganic substances ; Micro-determination of -. F. Hecht 218. in siliceous dusts. 473. leadin-; Detectionof. H. Siebeneck 371. *magnesia in -; Palmitate determination of. H. Atkinson 493. Modification of. H. E. Evans 133. Mineral -. See pIB;ineral Waters. *nitrite in -; Determination of. W. G. Moffitt 655. phosphate in turbid - and in - rich in silicates ; Colorimetric determination of. I<. Stoll 362. salinity toleration. 892. -softening material from fuller’s earth. 186. -softening materials. 430. Szper’s medium for isolating typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli from -. 193. See also Hetropolitan Water Board. Water Pollution Research Board Final Report Report for 1936-37 430. Wsx Sugar-cane -. 272. Waxes Separation of carbonyl compounds from -. H. A. el Mangouri 214. Weeds Weeds Weeds - . (Review) Sir C. V. Boys 465. West Bromwich Appointment of F. G. D. Chalmers as Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 814. Western Australia Report of the Government Analyst (E. S . Simpson) for 1937. Whale Oil Contamination of - with fuel oil. E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 84. *Unsaponifiable matter in - determined by the draft method of the Norwegian Stan-dards Association. E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 652. Whale Oils obtained from various parts of the animals; Characteristics of Antarctic -. S. Ueno and M. Iwai 909. *whale-liver Oil Use of - in the preparation of artificial and reinforced halibut-liver oil. R. T. M. Haines and J. C. Drummond 336. Erratum 427. Water-continued 431. on a Survey of the River Tees 46. 890. VOLUME 63 lix Wheat Vitamin C content of germinated -. Wheat-Germ Isolation of glutathione from -. 746. B. Sullivan and M. Howe 119. Provitamin D of - 126. Vitamin B content of -. Vitamin K in -. 519. 128 906. Wheat-Germ Oil Isolation of some crystalline alcohols from the unsaponifiable matter of -. A. R. Todd and Others 281. Isolation of tocopherol isolated from -. 127. Isolation of ,$-tocopherol from -. A. R. Todd F. Bergel and T. S. Work 281. Wheat-Straw Lignin from -. M. Phillips and M. J. Goss 845. White Gourd Ascorbic acid oxidase from -. B. Ghosh and B. C. Guha 359. Wholemeal Bread 890. Wine arsenic in - ; Detection of small quantities of. L. Truffert 528. copper and iron in Argentine -; Deter-mination of. L de Prado 605. *Non-alcoholic -. Oxidation and reduction in -. J. fiber-eau-Gayon 665. port -; Adulteration of. J. C. Botelho, 274. Wire cerium in welded copper -; Deter-mination of. E. Pache 297. Wood Action of certain oxidising agents on heart - and sap - of pine ; New method for distinguishing. J. E. Koch and W. Krieg 292. laminated - products; Use of synthetic resins for. 724. pine - rotted by Merulius lachrymans; Products of decay of. J G. Boswell 361. *pulp in paper; Determination of mechanical -. S. V. Sergeant 264. Wood Oil Relations between constants of -. E. D. G. Frahm and D. R. I<oolhaas 213. *Wool acid in -; Determination of. J. Barritt and Others 782. alkali in - . Determination of. S. R. Trotman and ’D. E. Stocker 758. Enzymatic digestion of -. J. I. Routh and H. B. Lewis 742. samples; Estimation of medullation in -. P. R. McMahon 220. Test to distinguish between casein fibre and - . C. M. Whittaker 135. *Woollen goods; Determination of acidity in knitted -. S. R. Trotman and A. Bramley 405 795. Worcestershire Report of the County Analyst (H. E. Monk) for 1937. Worm fragments in tomato products; Estima-tion of -. C. D. Wilder and M. A. Joslyn 62. *Writing Action of moulds on ink in -. C. A. Mitchell and D. R. Wood 111. Investigation of the falsification of -. C. J. Tirion 855. C. J. H. Stock 340. -. 724. 496. x X-Ray research. 343 lx INDEX TO VOLUME 63 Y Yeast(s) ascospores in -; Simple staining method for detecting. J. L. Shimwell 907. Vitamin B content of dried brewer's -. 128. Vitamin B in bakers' -. Water-soluble vitamins B in -. A. M. Copping 57. Yorkshire East Riding Appointment of E. Voelcker as Agricultural Analyst for -. 267 814. Yperite Characteristic reaction of - . B. Jdlinek 66. 906. Z Zinc Colorimetric micro-determination of -. content of teeth in tuberculosis. D. B. copper in chloride solutions containing -: W. L. Lott 626. Cruickshank 513. Determination of. 160. Zinc-continued deficiency a cause of chlorosis in fruit trees. deficiency in pine trees. 892. *Determination of small quantities of mercury in presence of copper and - by internal electrolysis. J. G. Fife 650. Gravimetric determination of - as zinc mercuric thiocyanate. W. C. Vosburgh and Others 680. in lead; Determination of -. 802. poisoning of pigs. 113. 113. Separation of cadmium from - . c. Zollner 847. mination of zinc as -. and Others 680. Zinc Mercuric Thiocyanate Gravimetric deter-W. C. Vosburgh Zinc Protamine Insulin 19 1. Zirconium Determination of - by means of methyl-arsinic acid. R. Chandelle 452. in ferro-zirconium determined by means of sodium methylarsinate. R. Chandelle 139. PRINTED BY w. HEFFER & SONS LTD CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAN
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