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Volume 57,
Issue 1,
Page 001-048
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THE ANALYST JOHN ALLAN. A. L. BACHARACH B.A. F.I.C. H. E. COX RLSc. Ph.D. F.I.C. J. T. DUNN D.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD D17ER D.Sc. F.I.C. B. S. EVANS M.B.E.,M.C. D.Sc. F.I.C. L. EYNON BSc. F.I.C. E. RICHARDS BOLTON F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. W. G. MESSENGER B.Sc. F.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. W. PARTRIDGE F.1 .C. W. H. SIMMONS B.Sc. F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER C.I.E., M.A. Ph.D. F.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists J. W. BROWN Ph.D. A.I.C. S. G. CLARKE Ph.D. B.Sc. A.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. M.Sc. F.I.C. D. G. HEWER B.Sc. R. F. INNES F.I.C. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED '1'0 THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY T. H. POPE BSc. F.I.C. P. H. PRICE B.Sc. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D.W. P. SKERTCHLY F.I.C. Won. Secretatp bon. Creaewrer : G. ROCHE LYNCH O.B.E. M.B. E. B. HUGHES M.Sc. F.I.C. B.S. D.P.H. F.I.C. Sbitor C. AINSWORTH BIITCHELI, RI.A. D.Sc. F.I.C. VOL. LVII. I932 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I93 Errata Vol. LVII. 1932. P. 337 line 23 for ( I 69.30 ” read P. 377 third column of first table for ‘‘ Average error per cent.” read P. 570 line 20 for ‘‘ Gallenkamp ” read ‘ r Baird and Tatlock.” P. 571 line 7 from the bottom for (‘ acidity of” read “ acidity and.” P. 650 line 3 from bottom. Add to the reagents required ‘ I 2 N sodium hydroxide solution P. 651. For “add N / 2 sodium hydroxide solution” read “add the 2 N and towards 3-465.” Average error per cent.in reading.” Milk Products Sub-committee Report No. 3. (approximate) .” completion N / 2 sodium hydroxide solution.” INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. INDEX TO NAMES. A Abe J. See Kobayashi K. Abraham H. J. and MiiUer J. H. Separation of germanium and arsenic 194. Acree S. F. See Kline G. M. - Ses also Murray C. N. Agostini P. Use of diphenylthiocarbazide for the detection of magnesium 64. Aikins G. A,? and Fay A. C. Effect of light on the reduction of methylene blue in milk 318. Alberti B. Detection of solanine 726. Alexander J. Colloid Chemistry-Theoretical and Applied. (Review) Vol. 111 203 ; Vol. IV, 601. Ward G. Refractometric determination of organic acids 478. Allison E. R. and MiiUer J. H. Separation of arsenic trichloride and germanium tetra-chloride 670.Allport N. L. Determination of the sulphur content of ammonium ichthosulphonate (lchthamol) 255. Allport N. L. and Cocking T. T. Colorimetric assay of ergot 725. Allport N. L. and Shimshire GI. H. A new method for the determination of lead in organic material with special reference to dyestuffs 440. Alxnquist H. J. .Lorenz F. W. and Burrnester, B. R. Determination of total solid matter and density of egg white by means of the refracto-meter 659. Alsberg C. L. See Cook W. H. Ambler H. R. Compensator for constant-volume gas burettes 276. -Portable apparatus for precise gas analysis 276. Amoroso J. See Romeo G. Anderson E. L. Determination of nitroglycerin in drug preparations (acid distillation method), 390. Anderson R.J. See Bengis R. 0. Aragon V. B. See Cruz A. 0. Archibald E. H. The Preparation of Pure Inorganic Substances (Review) 743. Arend J. Determination of titanium in alloy steels 672. Armstrong A. R. and Walker E. Bromine reaction of pregnancy unne 393. Armstrong E. F. and K. F. The Glycosides (Review) 481. Amaud F. W. F. Obituary notice of C. H. Cribb 486 ; of W. F. Lowe 71. - Oiled wraps for apples 307. Amp P. S. Analyses of two samples of Irish “bog butter,” 301. - The iodine and thiocyanogen values of Irish butter 610. Askew F. A. Bruce H. M. and Others. Cry-stalline vitamin D 54. Austerweil and Lemay. Volumetric determina-tion of potassium 126. Avery B. F. and Hsstings A. B. Gasometric method for the determination of lactic acid in the blood 50.B Bacharach A. L. Review of Browning’s The Vitamins 132. - Review of Clark’s Applied Pharmacology, 351. - Review of Greenman and Duhring’s Breeding and Care of the Albino Rat for Research Purposes 2nd Ed. 680. Bacharach A. L.,. and Hunwicke R. F. Review of Gardner’s Microbes and Ultramicrobes 414. Baernstein H. D. Determination of methionine in proteins 728. Bagnall H. H. Report of the City Analyst for Birmingham for the Third Quarter of 1931,29 ; for the Fourth Quarter of 1931 245 ; Annual Report for 1931 779; for the First Quarter of 1932 519. Bailey E. 1. See Fisher H. J. BMy O. and Netter R. Isolation of carotene from the suprarenal glands 52. Baker Gc. W. Report of the Government Analyst for Palestine for the year 1930 38.Baker G. W. and Taubes S. Fluorescence of milk and butter in ultra-violet light 375. Bakewell B. and Bessey 6. E. Determination of free calcium oxide and hydroxide 575. Balls A. K. and Hale W. 8. Determination of catalase in agricultural products 733. Banks A. and Hilditch T. P. Body fats-of the pig. 11. Some aspects of the formation of animal depbt fats suggested by the composi-tion of their glycerides and fatty acids 531. - Fatty acids and component glycerides of some oleo oils 388. Barger G. Ergot and Ergotism (Review) 348. Barrett J. F. and .Jones E. B. Colorimetric method for the direct determination of urea in urine 787. Barry T. H. Oil from Malayan Aleuvites montana and the properties of Hong Kong oil 86 iv INDEX TO VOLUME LvIr. Barsch H.See Rudolph P. Barthmeyer H. See Schmalfuss H . Bartow E. and Weigle 0. 1. Zinc in water supplies 401. Baudisch 0. See Dyer E. Beal G. D. and Others. Aluminium content of foodstuffs cooked in glass and aluminium, 392. Beale J. F. Obituary notice of J. C. Thresh, 549. Beans H. T. and Mossman D. R. Separation and determination of titania as titanium potassium iodate 476. Benedetti-Pichler A. A. Rinnmann’s Green test for zinc 673. - See also Weinstein L. I. Bengis R. O. and Anderson R. J. Unsaponi-fiable matter of coffee-bean oil. Preparation and properties of Kahweol 579. Bennett H. C. and Lee R. Drawing reproduc-tion and lantern-slide making 200. Bennett T. N. See Callaway J. Berg R Grimmer W. and Miiller A. Deter-mination and separation of saligenin salicylic acid and salicylaldehyde 115.Berggren R. E. L. Determination of phos-phorus in casein 319. - Phosphorus content of casein 318. Berl . B. Rueff? G. and Wal?lig .W. Quanti-tative determination of acetic acid in cellulose acetates 57. Berry A. J. Observations on the use of adsorp-tion indicators in titrations of halides of limited or reversible ionisation 51 1. Berth C. Differentiation of fermentation vine-gar from artificial vinegar 722. Bertrand E. Rapid determination of molybde-num in steel 406. Bertrand G. Reagent facilitating the forma-tion of haemin crystals from blood 664. Bertrand G. and Carneiro P. de B. Existence and distribution of caffeine and theobromine in guarana 388. Bertrand CS. and Levy,.G. Amounts of alu-minium in plants especially edible plants 119.Bessey CS. E. Bhattachafya R. and Hilditch T. P. Body fats of the pig. I. Influence of ingested fat on the component fatty acids 256. Bicskei J. Thiosulphate as an acidimetnc standard 589. Bilham P. Note on the spectrographic deter-mination of small amounts of aluminium in food 418. Bills C. E. and McDonald F. G. Crystalline vitamin D 469. Bing F. C. Purification of benzidine and an improved reagent for determination of haemo-globin in blood 329. Bird 0. D. Blacet F. E. and Leighton P. A. Dry method for the micro-analysis of gases 337. Blackie W. J. Report of the Government Chemist for Fiji for the year 1930 251 ; for the year 1931 781. Blaignan S. See Damiens A. Blair R. W. Rcport of the Chief Chemist for the Federated Malay States for the year 1930, 40.See Bakewell B. See Emmett A. D. Blanken P. L. Determination of vanadium in steel according to the potentiometric titration method of Thanheiser and Dickens 475. Bliss H. I€. See Smith G. F. Block R. J. Cowgill .CS. R. and Klotz B. Ii. Assay of antineuntic vitamin and Its con-centration with silver 186. Bloxam €I. C. L. Review of Clowes and Cole-man’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 13th Ed. 597. - See also Dunn J. T. Blumenthal H. Determination of antimony in copper $97. Bock J. C. Interferometric determination of alcohol 49. Boehm W. and Raetsch W. Determination of antimony in copper and copper alloys 538. Bohm E. See Prescher J. Bolam T. R. The Donnan Equilibria (Review), 542.Bollbecher 1. T. See Dafert 0. Bolton E. R. and Williams E. A. The deier-mination of unsaponifiable matter with special reference to fish and marine animal oils 25. Bonn A. and Desgrez Ch. Determination of caffeine in coffee decoctions and coffee extracts 115. Booth J. H. W. See Grant J. Bose P. K. Sensitive means of detecting re-ducing carbohydrates 264. Bougault J. and Schuster 6. Oxidation of dihydroxystearic acid by potassium per-manganate in acetone 191. Boutwell P. W. See Kemmerer K. S . Boyd T. A. See Mulligan M. J. Bradshaw W. N. See Clarke S . G. Bremond E. See Fabre J. H. Brindle H. Volumetric determination of iner-curic chloride by Rupp’s method 737. Britton H. T. S. Hydrogen Ions 2nd Ed. (Review) 543. - Review of Bolam’s The Donnan Equilibria, 542.Brotzn CS. Detection of the incipient decom-position of meat 536. Brown J. W. Review of Emich’s Microchemical Laboratory Manual 741. - Review of Weygand’s Quantitative Analy-tische Mikromethoden der Organischen Chemie in Vergleichender Darstellung 415. Browning E. Determination of thallium after oxidation with bromine 797. - The Vitamins (Review) 132. Bruce H. 1. See Askew F. A. Bruhre P. and Fourmont A. Rancidity re-actions of fats 319. Brugeas C. New reaction of aconitine and of the total alkaloids of aconite 468. Budagjan F. Detection of hydrogen sulphide and the evaluation of the degree of freshness of flesh products 720. Bunce E. H. Investigations on milk standards under the Burma Food and Drugs Act 1928, 449.Bunce E. H. and Moitra G. C. The detection of adulteration of Indian coffee with special reference to the extract method 708. Burlage H. M. and Smith A. C. Assay of santonin-bearing drugs. 725 INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. V Burrnester B. R. See Almquist H. J. Burn J. H. The physiological action of aluminium 428. Burraston W. G. Filling device for upward-flow viscometers. 309. Burstein A. I. and Frum F. S. Kinetics of milk catalase on heating 116. Buston H. W. A micro-method for the deter-mination of uronic anhydride groups in pectic substances 220. Busvold N. Analysis of red lead and lead dioxide 268. Buswell A. 1. Revision of Mason’s Examina-tion of Water Chemical and Bacteriological, 6th Ed. (Review) 277. Butler C. L. and Cretcher L. H. Composition of cherry gum 42.C Caley E. R. - Test for oxalic acid 795. - See also Furman N. H. Callan T. Henderson J. A. R.? and StraHord N. Determination of carbon disulphide in ben-zene 590. Callaway J. and Beqnett T. .N. Esters as adulterants of cassia oil and their detection 58. Callendar L. H. The determination of silicon in aluminium 500. Callow E. H. Gas storage of pork and bacon. I. Preliminary experiments 384. Callow R. K. See Askew F. A. Campbell W. G. Chemistry of white rots of wood IT 263. Canals E. and M6daille A. Radioactivity of musts and wines 592. Capen R. Gc. See Davidson J. Carneiro P. de B. See Bertrand G. Carrasco O. and Sartori E. Action of heat on tomato conserve 253. Cm6 P. and Libermann D. Thionylaniline as an organic reagent and its use for identify-ing acids as anilides 537.Cmie M. S. Essential oil of Dacvydium cupressinum 7 9 5. Carridre E. and Lauti6 R. Volumetric deter-mination of molybdenum with permanganate, 407. Carter E. K. See Gould A. G. 55. Chabre P. See Chevallier A. Chambers J. S. See Hurd L. C. Chaney A. L. and Lombard C. F. Analysis of nitrous oxide by solubility in water 410. Charles E. Industrial analysis of glacial acetic acid 190. Cherbuliez -E. and Schneider 116. L. Non-homogeneity of casein. Fractionation by means of ammonium chloride 464. Chevallier A. Guillot J. and Chabre P. Ultra-violet absorption of certain vegetable or animal oils 780. Chibnall A. C. Chibe A. C. Piper S. H. and Others. Wax constituents of the apple cuticle 258.Determination of small amounts of sodium by the magnesium uranyl acetate method 273. See Hopkins S. J. Chibnall A. C. and Westall R. G. Determination of glutamine in the presence of asparagine 393. Chowdhury K. A. Sandalwood substitutes 124. Cimerman Ch. and Wenger P. Microchemical determination of glucose 337. Clark A. J. Applied Pharmacology 4th Ed. (Review) 35 1 Clark E. P. Viebock and Schwappach method for the determination of methoxyl and ethoxyl groups 402. Clarke S. G. Review of Ausgewahlte Methoden fur Schiedsanalysen und Kontradiktorischen Arbeiten bei der Untersuchung von Erzen, Metallen und sonstigen Huttenprodulrten, 2nd Ed p77. Clarke S. G. and Bradshaw W. N. The calcium fluoride method for the determination of fluoride with special reference to the analysis of nickel-plating solutions 138.Clauder 0. E. Gravimetric determination of tellurium 670. Clayton W. Colloid Aspects of Food Chemistry and Technology (Review) 133. - Review of Alexander’s Colloid Chemistry 203. - Review of Alexander’s Colloid Chemistry, Vol. IV 601. Clermont J. See Schleicher A. Cleveland M. M. and Fellers C. R. Composi-tion of Iraq dates 660. Clifford W. M. Loss of glucose from dried peas on soaking 253. Clowes and Coleman. Quantitative Chemical Analysis 13th Ed. (Review) 597. Cocchinaras N. E. The composition of linseed oil 233. Cocking T. T. Assay of official balsams 45. - Review of Archibald’s The Preparation of Pure Inorganic Substances 743. - See also Allport N. L. Cocking T. T. .ande Yddleton G.Determina-tion of essential oils in drugs and spices 723. Coe M. R. Buckwheat milling and its by-products 382. Cohen W. E. and Dadswell H. E. Study of lignin determination 103. Cole S. W. Method for the direct determination of urea in urine 118. Collins G. W. Colson A. F. An improved micro-apparatus for the determination of molecular weight 757. Conn L. W. Webster H. L. and Johnson A. PI. Chromium toxicology. Absorption of chromi-um by the rat 470. Cook W. H. Griffing E. P. and Alsberg C. L. Mill for small samples 338. Cool R. D. .Determination of small amounts of ethyl iodide 585. Cooney J. 0. Rapid determination of sulphur in brass and bronze 409. Copaux H. Simple method for the determina-tion of argon 736. Cork C. S. Cosbie A.J. C. Solid carbon dioxide and liquefied fermentation gas 736. Courtois J. See Fleury P. Coutts J. Assay of santonin in Avtemisia 726. Cowap J. C. Annual Report of the Government Analyst for Straits Settlements for the year 1931 653. Procaine borate 47. See Gnadinger C. B vi INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Cowap J. C. and Gteake F. H. The analytical characteristics of coconut toddy 627. Coward K. H. Dyer F. J. and Morgan B. 6. E. The relative vitamin A and vitamin D content of samples of cod-liver oil 368. Cowgill G. R. See Block R. J. Cox H. E. Review of Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis 5th Ed. Vol. IX 544. - Review of Glasstone’s Recent Advances in Physical Chemistry 68. Cox G. J. Cox 6 . J. and Dodds M. L. Composite reagent for calcium 801.Cox U. J. and Others. Determination of aluminium in organic materials 392. Coyne F. P. Effect of carbon dioxide on bactenal growth with special reference to the preservation of fish Part I 399. Craig R. See Kirk P. L. Cretcher L. H. See Butler C. L. - See also Renfrew A. G. Crocker H. See Wokes F. Crossley H. E. Selenium as a catalyst in the Kjeldahl method for the determination of nitrogen in coal and coke 739. Cruz A. O. and West A. P. Composition of Philippine talisay oil from the seeds of Terminalia cata$pa 467. Cruz A. O. West A. P. and Aragon V. B. Philippine rice oil (Ramai variety) 466. Culhane .K. and Underhill S. W. F. The estimation of hormones 684. See Beal G. D. and Others. D Dadswell H. E. Density of Australian timbers, - Identification of wood by chemical means, - See also Colien W.E. Dadswell H. E. and I. W. The relation between durability and chemical composition of wood, 311. Da Fano E. Chemical corrosion of lead in presence of phenol 268. Dafert O. and Bollbecher M. T. Rapid method for the determination of nicotine in unfer-mented tobacco 389. Daji J. A. Determination of cellulose in soil, 792. Damiens A. and Blaignan S. Normal pro-portion of bromine in edible seeds wheat and bread 178. Dann W. J. Vitamin D content of red palm oil, 398. Darwin C. G. The New Conceptions of Matter (Review) 413. Daubney C. G. The analysis of cadmium red pigments 22. Davidson J. Determination of plant ash con-stituents in the presence of silica 55. Davidson J. and Capen,.R G. Colorimetric methods for the determination of manganese in plant materials 56. Davies W. L. Detection in situ of tin solder causing dark discoloration in cheese 95. 102. 101. Davies W. L.-continued. - The determination of chlorides in dairy products and biological material 79. Dawson E. R. Selective fermentation of glucose and fructose by yeast 536. Day F. E. Review of Waksman and Starkey’s The Soil and the Microbe 66. de Boer H. W. Crystallisation of honey and the heating of crystallised honey 107. Debordes G. See DubaquiC J. Deem A. G. See Smith G. L. Deeney J. J. Solubility of beeswax 256. Defossez -. See Morvillez F. Delauney A. Determination of traces of mercury in the form of rings of mercuric iodide 737. Delp 0. See Hirsch P.Dernbach W. See Kofler L. Desgrez Ch. See Bonn A. Devriendt. See Paget. De Whalley H. C. S. Examination of unrefined sugars on sale in various health food shops 628. de Wilde F. G. Distribution of saponin in Agrostemma githago and in Saponaria offiici-nalis 180. Dexter J. See Stockdale D. Diacon F. Sheep’s milk 252. Dick H. See Tillmans J. Dickh9 W. H. Diemair W. Detection of bilberry juice in red wine 320. Dische Z. Carbohydrates. I. Micro-deter-mination of carbohydrates in pure solutions and in animal material 410. Ditt M. See Gall H. Dixon F. Appointed Additional Public Analyst and Deputy Agricultural Analyst for the County of Stafford 629. Dobbins J. T. and Sanders J. P. Determina-tion of aluminium. Formation of lithium aluminate 197.Dodd F. R. Castor seed in feeding stuffs 488. Dodds E. C. and Gallimore E. J. Determina-tion of small quantities of oxalic acid (in urine) 788. Dodds M. L. See Cox G. J. Donaldson H. C. See Karns G. M. Donovan W. Annual Report of the Dominion Analyst for New Zealand for 1930 311. Drummond J. C. See Gillam A. E. Dubaquih J. and Debordes G. Determination of residual sugar in red wines 110. Duhring F. L. See Greenman M. N. Dunlop D. 1. See Stewart C. P. Dunn J. T. Annual Address of the President 213. - Review of Stocks’ Water Analysis for Sanitary and Technical Purposes 742. Dunn J. T. and Bloxam H. C. L. Presence of lead in the herbage and soil of lands adjoining coke-ovens and the illness and poisoning of stock fed thereon 330. Dunnicliff H.B. and Suri €I. D Phloro-glucinol method for the determination of mechanical wood pulp in paper 354. Duquhnois P. Detection of antipyrine in pyramidone 581. Dyer E. and Baudisch 0. New colour test for cysteine 325. Dyer F. J. Quince seed oil 530, See Coward K. H INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. vj i E Eckstein H. Determination of beryllium in alloy steels 270. Edisbnry J. R. and Others. Absorption spectra of substances derived from vitamin A 790. Eegriwe I. E. Reactions and reagents for the detection of organic compounds 584. Eisner A. See Muller J. H. Elliott .K. A. C. Milk peroxidase. Its pre-paration. properties and action with hydrogen peroxide on metabolites 394. Ellis D. Elm A. C. and Standen Gi W. The yellowing of oxidised drying oils 735.Elsdon G. D. Report of the County Analyst for Lancaster for the year 1931 455. - Review of Griinsteidl’s Praktikum der Warenkunde 202. - Review of the B.D.H. Guide to the British Pharmacopoeia 1932 809. - Review of The British Pharmacopoeia 1932, 805. Elvehjem C. A. See Todd W. R. Emerson H. See Hart M. C. Emich F. Microchemical Laboratory Manual (Review) 741. Emmett A. D. and Bird 0. D. Halibut-liver oil. Its vitamin potency physical constants and tolerance 732. Ender F. Reaction of fish-liver oils with antimony trichloride 789. Ephraim F. Sensitive test for vanadium 126. Epik P. A. Solubility of antimonious and stannic sulphides in ammonia and ammonium carbonate 590. Estreicher T. Detection of oxygen in liquid organic compounds 585.Evans B. S. A rapid method of dissolving lead alloys preparatory to the determination of tin and antimony 554. - An improved method of titrating arsenic precipitated by hypophosphorus acid 492. - Some analytical applications of sodium hydrosulphite. 11. (Separation of tin from copper zinc lead etc. and from oxalic acid. Determination of tin in steel) 362. Evans H. M. and Lepkovsky S. Sparing action of fat on vitamin B. 11. R61e played by melting-point and degree of unsaturation of various fats 468; 111. R6le played by glycerides of single fatty acids 469. - Unsaturated fatty acids in diet. II. 470. Evans J. Appointment as Agricultural Analyst for Cardigan 163. Evers N. See Haddock L. A. Evers N. and Haddock L. A. Copper content of certain pharmaceutical preparations and chemicals 723.Evers N. and Smith W. Analytical classifica-tion of the fish-liver oils 735. Eve J. V. Oil development in the seed of a growing plant 258. Sulphur Bacteria (Review) 679. F Fabre J. H. and Bremond E. Determination of lactic acid in wines 110. Far A. C. See Aikins G. A. Fearon W. R. and Mitchell D. 1. The nitro-chromic acid reaction for the detection of primary and secondary alcohols with special reference to saccharides 372. Feigl F. Spot Analysis (Review) 741. - See also Mayr C. Fellers C. R. See Cleveland M. M. Fernandez O. and Socias L. Determination of santonin by means of 2:4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazine 580. Fiehe J. Determination of sucrose in beer. II. 254. - Origin of honey diastase 387. - Quantitative determination of laevulose and sucrose.385. Fielding W. L. Fisher E. A. and Thomlinson -. Rapid method for the determination of moisture in flour and other finely-divided materials 782, Fisher H. J. and Bailey E. M. Polarimetric method for the determinahon of calcium gluconate 727. Fitelson J. and Gaees I. A. Rapid methpd for detemmng acid-soluble phosphorrc acid in eggs 43. Flanigan G. E. Flanzy M. See Semichon L. Fleck H. R. See Sage C. E. Fleischmann 0. Fleury P. and Courtois J. Precipitation of sugars and polyhydric alcohols by metallic hydroxides in alkaline media. I. General character of the precipitation 783. Flury F. and Zernik F. Toxicity of thiophen, 262. Fort M. Heat test applied to cotton and linen fabrics 403. Fourmont A.See Bruhre P. FOX C. J. J. Mechanical wood pulp in paper, 455. Fraps G. S. Determination of starch in feeding stuffs 526. Fraps G. S. and Treichler R. Variations in the vitamin A content of butter-fat 732. Frearson T. B. See Trotman S. R. Frederick R. C. Review of Mason’s Examina-tion of Water Chemical and Bacteriological, 277. Freeland D. M. The extraction and deter-mination of vanillin in chocolate and cocoa butter 9. Fresenius L. and Frommes M. Determination of beryllium 270. Friend J. N. and Wheat W. N. Determination of the sulphate ion by precipitation as barium sulphate 559. Friese W. Chemical composition of the spores of the higher fungi 259. Fromageot C.? and Porcherel A. Action of trypsin on different types of wool 52. Frommes M.See Fresenius L. Frum F. S. See Burstein A. I. Fiiner W. Electric heater for Pregl’s micro-Furman N. H. Furman N. H. Cgey E. R. and Schoonover, I. C. Volumetnc determmation of sodium, 539. See Parkinson S. T. See Supplee G. C. See Meier F. W. combustion 199. See Kolthoff I. M viii INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. G WXNJS I. A. See Fitelson J. W H. and Ditt M. GaUetti N. See Romeo G. Gallimore E. IT. Gardner A. D. Microbes and Ultramicrobes W e F. H. See Cowap J. C. Georgiad&s J. Mhm A. E. See Edisbury J. R. Gillam A. E. and Others. Isomerisation of carotene by means of antimony trichloride, 791. Gilman H. Organic Syntheses. Vol. I. (Re-view) 675. Gilroy E. Vitamin B content of commercial liver extracts and stomach preparations 120.Glasgow K. W. R. Oil from the nuts of Calophyllum inophyllum (dilo oil) 530. Glasstone S. Recent Advances in Physical Chemistry (Review) 68. - Review of Kolthoff and Furman’s Potentio-metric Titrations 2nd Ed. 350. Gnadinger C. B. and Cod C. S. Effect of storage on pyrethrum flowers 661. Gould A. G. and Carter E. K. Pathogenic fungus on wool cloth 55. Gcraber H. See Moser L. Graff G. Identification of white wine made from red grapes 660. Grant G. A. See Harding V. J. - See also Young E. G. Grant J. Review of Hougen and Watson’s Industrial Chemical Calculations 483. Grant J. and Booth J. H. W. The use of ultra-violet light for the detection of traces of sulphites 514. Green L. W. and Schoetzow R. E. Detection of peroxides in ether 44. Greenberg D.M. and Mackey M. A. Deter-mination of magnesium in blood by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline 730. Greenberg L. See Lipman C. B. Greenman 1. N. and D- F. L. Breeding and Care of the Albino Rat for Research Purposes. 2nd Ed. (Review) 680. Giriebel C. Fruit juice rich in tannin as a sensitive reagent for pectin 385. - Microchemical test for hydrogen peroxide and for vanillin 200. Giriebel C. and Maass H. Serum diagnosis in the investigation of foodstuffs 326. Griffin 8. W. and Skinner W. W. Detevina-tion of small amounts of sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere 668. MHing E. P. See Cook W. H. GCrifPiths E.? Vickery J. R. and Holmes N. E. The freezing storage and transport of New Zealand lamb (Food Investigation Board Report) 574. Grimmer W.See Berg R. Gronover A. and Wohnlich E. Lead from earthenware vessels 662. Grossfeld J. Fatty acids of chicken fat and other edible fats 112. iinsteidl E. Praktikum der Warenkunde &(Review) 202. Use of potassium man-ganate in volumetric analysis 409. See Dodds E. C. (Review) 414. See Papavassiliou M. J. Griiss J. Additional tests in honey analysis, 783. Guillot J. See Chevallier A. Gull H. C. See McNair L. C. Gurwitsch L. and Moore H. The Scientific Principles of Petroleum Technology (Review), 676. Gwyer A. G. C.? and Pullen N. D The separa-tion of aluminium as phosphate in the pre-sence of calcium phosphate with special reference to the action of milk on aluminium, 704. H Haas P. Review of Klein’s Handbuch der Hackhofer H. See Moser L.Haddock L. A. See Evers. N. Haddock L. A. and Evers N. Determination of strychnine in Easton’s syrup 44. - The determination of minute amounts of copper in the presence of iron and certain other metals 495. Haddon E. New volumetric method for the determination of reducing sugars 530. Hahn F. L. Micro-detection of aluminium 804. - Spot test for nitrites 65. Haitinger M. Fluorescence miscroscopy with strong illumination 131. Hale W. S. See Balls A. K. Hall E. H. Determination of starch in cereal products with special reference to rice 41. Hall G. F. See Powell A. D. Hamann G. See Rupp E. Hamence J. H. The separation and determina-tion of traces of lead in the presence of small quantities of iron 622. Harden A. Monographs on Biochemistry.Alcoholic Fermentation 4th Ed. (Review), 546. Harding V. J. and &ant G. A. Determina-tion of galactose in blood and urine 183. Hardy J. I. Methods for studying the scale structure of animal fibres 200. Harmasch E. P. Harral J. C. and Jaff6 F. W. M. The deter-mination of active chlorine 309. Harrison K. Use of sinalbin as an indicator, 401. Harrisson J. W. E. See La Wall C. H. Harry R. a. Determination of manganese by means of persulphate 197. Harry R. G. and Rudge E. A. Benzidine and tolidine as reagents in analysis 334. Hart L. Aluminium in the ash of plant materials fruit juices and similar products, 525. Hart M. C. and Emerson H. Quantitative determination of a-dihydroergosterol in ergo-sterol from ergot 328. Hartnagel J. See Treadwell W.D. Hastings A. B. See Avery B. F. Hauss L. See Ledrut J. Heesterman J. E. Determination of the saccharin content of foodstuffs and beverages, and particularly of beer 323. Pflanzenanalyse Vol. 11 Part 1 347. See Tananaeff N. A INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. ix Hegland J. 1. A. Heilbron I. M. See Edisbury J. R. - See also Gillam A. E. Henderson J. A. R. See Callan T. Hendrick J. Review of Russell’s Soil Con-Henry T. Review of Barger’s Ergot and Henville D. Notes on the Hortvet cryoscope 569. - The detection of reconstituted milk 570. Hervieux C. Indican in the milk of the cow and goat 178. Hetterich H. Microchemical examination of pictures 198. - Micro-extraction apparatus (for examina-tion of paintings etc.) 542. Hewitt J. T. Review of Schmidt’s Textbook of Organic Chemistry 2nd English Ed.593. Heyes T. F. and Holden H. S. Action of penicillium on artificial silks 471. Eighberger J. H.? and Youel D. L. Determina-tion of lacbc acid in vegetable tan liquors 666. Eilbck H. See Kofler L. Hilditch T. P. Review of Jamieson’s Vegetable Fats and Oils 349. - Review of Simmons’ Soap 484. - See also Banks A. - See also Bhattacharya R. Hilditch T. P. and Jones E. C. The component glycerides of partially hydrogenated fats 661. Hilditch T. P and Saletore 5. A. Fatty acids and glycendes of solid seed fats. I. Com-position of the seed fats of Allanblackia Stuhlmannii Pentadesrna butyracea Butyro-spermurn Parkii (Shea) and Vateria indica (Dhupa) 113. Edditch T. P. and Sleightholme J. J. Nature of antioxygens present in natural fats.I. Separation of fatty derivatives from “anti-oxygens” by distillation 320. Hilger A. Ltd. Recent Applications of Ab-sorption Spectrophotometry (Review) 482. Hirsch P. and W. Eirsch P and Delp 0. Fractional titration of mne vinegar. Determination of non-volatile acids 111. Hitchens R. M. Solubility of vanillin and coumann 388. Hobbie R. See von Hevesy G. Hoffman J. I. Determination of cobalt in magnet and high-speed tool steels 671. - Use of zinc oxide in the determination,of cobalt and manganese 272. Hoffman W. S. See Jacobs H. R. D. Hofmann R. Tests for nicotine in the presence of pyridine and its derivatives 199. Holden H. S. See Heyes T. F. Eolmes N. E. See Griffiths E. Holmyard E. J. Makers of Chemistry (Review), Holzer H.See Strebinger R. Hopkins S. J. and Chibnd A. C. Growth of Aspergillus versicolor on higher paraffins 398. Hopkins S J. and Young F. Q. Chemical composition of shea fat 42. Homer S. Gt. Dermatitis from oranges and lemons 65. Quantitative methods for the determination of theobromine in diuretine, 725. ditions and Plant Growth 342. Ergotism 348. See Tillmans J. 810. Hougen 0. A. and Watson K. M. Industrial Chemical Calculations (Review) 483. Howard C. D. Behaviour and identification of arecoline and its use as a taenicide with some comparisons with pelletierine. 391. Hughes E. B. Review of Tinkler and Masters’ Applied Chemistry Vol. 11. Foods 2nd Ed., 480. Humphreys F. E. and Phillips H. Methods for the chemical examination of dyed leathers for the presence of diamines and aminophenols, 290.Hunwicke R. F. The Essentials of Bacterio-logical Technique (Review) 600. Hard L. C. and Chambers J. S. Determination of (minute amounts of) copper 403. I Illing E. T. Mohler’s test for benzoic acid 224. Inaa;ski Gt. See Ueno S. Ionescu-Matiu A. and Popesco A. Deter-mination of veronal and of mercury tannate, 531. J Jackson F. W. and Jones 0. The water-protein ratio of lean meat and its bearing upon the analysis of sausages 562. Jackson 1. C. N. and L. N. Devonshire colie (lead poisoning) due to cider 792. Jacobs,. H. R. D. and Hoffman W. S. New colonmetnc method for the determination of potassium 60. Jaf€6 F. W. 1. See Harral J. C. Jiiger A Determination of hemicelluloses by oxidation with potassium dichromate 587.Jahn C. See Schoeller W. R. Jamieson G. 8. Vegetable Fats and Oils (Review) 349. Jackisch J. See Tillmans J. Jaschik A. and Eieselbach J. Eggs rich in iodine 105. Jelley E. E. Colorimetric determination of small amounts of silver 589. Jensen I(. A. Separation of manganese as peroxide from other metals 126. Jilek A. and Eota J. Separation of beryllium from aluminium by guhdine carbonate 406. - ,Separation of beryllium from other elements by guanidine carbonate 799. Johnson A. H. See Conn L. W. Johnson B. K. See Martin L. C. Jones E. B. See Barrett J. F. Jones E. C. See Hilditch T. P. Jones 0. See Jackson F. W. Jordan L. See Vacher H. C. Jungkunz R. See Pritzker J. K Eahane E. Determination of titanium in pomades 728.Eahlenberg 0. J. See Supplee G. C. Eaneko S. and Nemoto C. Use of solid cad-mium amalgam in volumetric analysis 538. - Volumetric analysis involving the use of liquid amalgams 797 X INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Kapp -. Determination of hydrogen sulphide in industrial waters 793. garnS G I and Donaldson H. C. Prepara-tion of iodine-free bromine 273. Karrer P. See Salomon H. - See also von Euler B. Karrer P. Morf R. and Schopp K. Vitamin A from fish oils. II. 185. Karrer P. and Schopp K. Separation of vitamin A carotene and xanthophyllen 582. Karrer P. von Euler H. and Schopp E. Loviboncl values of the liver-oils of various animals and growth promotion of different vitamin preparations 327. Kemmerer K. S. and Boutwell P.W. Sulphur content of foods 783. Kemmerer A. R. and Todd W. R. Effect of diet on manganese content of milk 48. Kenyon J. Review of Stewart’s Recent Ad-vances in Organic Chemistry Vols. I and 11, 6th Ed. 67. Kiefer E. Rapid determination of tin in ferro-tungsten and wolframite 538. Kieselbach J. See Jaschik A. gimura W. Reduction of the bromine deriva-tives of fatty acids 59. King C. G. See Svirbely J. S. - See also Waugh W. A. King E. J. Colorimetric determination of phosphorus 532. - See also Morgan J. C. King J. C. Review of Gunvitsch and Moore’s Scientific Principles of Petroleum Technology, 676. Eingzett C. T. Chemical Encyclopaedia 5th Ed. (Review) 809. Kipping F. S. and F. B. Perkin and Kipping’s Organic Chemistry Part I 602. girchof F.Determination of copper in materials containing rubber 473. Kirk P. L. and Craig R. Filter for micro-gravlmetnc analyses 127. Kissling R. Denicotinisation of tobacco smoke during smoking 18 1. Kitchin E. and D. H. Review of the Effects of Alcohol on Man (Review) 280. Elein G. Handbuch der Pflanzenanalyse, Vol. 11 Part 1 (Review) 347. Elein L. and Wilkinson J. F. A new method of preparing a picrolonate from a picrate as a means of identification 27. W e G. M. Meacham M. R. and Acree S. F. Estimation of liquid contact potentials with potassium chloride and ammonium chloride, 340. Klotz B. H. See Block R. J. Knowles H. B. Use of a-benzoinoxime in the determination of molybdenum 799. Kobayashi E. Yamamoto K. and Abe J. Colour reaction of Japanese acid clay upon carotene in palm oil 264.Koch E. 1. Vitamin C content of orange crush beverage 397. Koch R. Viability of CoZi bacteria in beer 535. Kofler L. and Dernbach W. Vacuum sub-limation under the microscope 336. Kofler L. and Hilbck H. New micro melting-point apparatus 130. Kolbach P. Colorimetric estimation of the PH value of wort or beer 465. Kolthoff I. M. and Fnrman N. H. Potentio-metric Titrations. A Theoretical and Prac-tical Treatise 2nd Ed. (Review) 350. Komarowsky A. S. and Goremykin W. J. Qualitative analysis without ammonium sul-phide 333. Kometiani P. A. Iodimetric method for the determination of citric acid 192. Kota J. See Jilek A. Krainick H. G. See Lieb H. Krais P. Detection and estimation of chemical damage in.wool 588. KraiS P. and Marked H. Quantitative deter-mination of cotton wool silk and artificial silks in mixed textiles 667. Krajcinovic M. Quantitative determination of acetone in mixtures of other organic solvents by means of hydroxylamine hydrochloride, 123. Krause A. G. See Underhill P. F. Kronmann E. Determination of rhenium 739. Eruisheer C. I. Modification of the Seliwanoff and Ihl-Pechmann reactions for laevulose 386. - Test for iodide 672. Kdberg L. M. See Tananaeff N. A. L Labriola R. A. See Zappi E. V. Laland P. Experiments on the isolation of narcotine from different vegetables and from milk 188. - See also Rygh 0. Lampitt L. H. Review of the Annual Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry for the year 1931 479. - Review of Winton’s Structure and Composi-tion of Foods Vol.I 645. Lampitt L. H. and Sylvester N. D. The deter-minabon of small amounts of aluminium in food 418. Langeron -. See Paget. LaQue F. L. See Trebler H. A. Larson H. W. Colorimetric method for deter-mination of allantoin 184. Lasausse -. See Pellerin and Lasausse. Lathrap C. A. Iodine value and refractive index of perilla oil 661. Lauti6 It. See Carrikre E. La Wall C. H. and Hamisson J. W. E. Caffeine in cereal beverages 786. Ledrut J. and Haws L. Volumetric deter-mination of cobalt with permanganate 409. Lee R. Lehrman L. Fatty acids associated with cassava starch 527. Leighton P. A. See Blacet F. E. Lemay -. See Austerweil and Lemay. Le Mod A. See Warcollier G. Lepkovsky S. See Evans H.M. Le Roux J. C. See Mrak E. M. Lerrigo A. F. The biological method for the Levy G). See Bertrand G. Lewis 8. J. Assimilation of aluminium by the See Bennett H. C. detection of arsenic 155. human system 324 INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xi Lewis W. C. M. Review of Clayton’s Colloid Aspects of Food Chemistry and Technology, 133. Libermann D. See Card P. Lickorish A. J. C. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the County of Bedford 629. Lieb H. and Krainick H. G. Micro-deter-mination of carbon by the wet method 273. Lindsey A. J. A hydrogen electrode vessel 573. Ling A. R. Review of Harden’s Alcoholic Fermentation (Monographs on Biochemistry), 4th Ed. 546. Linser H. Micro melting-point determinations, 412. Lipman C. B. and Greenberg L. New auto-trophic bacterium which oxidises ammonia directly to nitrate and decomposes petroleum, 263.Litterscheid F. M. New sorbite process for the detection of fruit wine in grape wine 178. Liverseege J. F. Adulteration and Analysis of Foods and Drugs (Review) 595. Lloyd D. J. Review of Darwin’s The New Con-ceptions of Matter 413. - Review of Williams’ An Introduction to Bio-chemistry 48 1. Lloyd D. J. and Marriott R. H. Interpretation of photomicrographs (of leather fibres) 276. Lloyd R. B. Group-specific substances in forensic medicine 262. Lockwood H. C. Notes on the use of the Hortvet apparatus in determining the freezing-point of milk 698. Lombard C. F. See Chaney A. L. Lorem F. W. See Almquist H. J. Lothrop R. E. Specific test for orange honey, Lovell W.G. See Mulligan M. J. Lovern J. A. Halibut-liver oil as a source of vitamin A 468. Lowe H. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for the Counties of Anglesey and Caernarvon and the County Borough of Chester 163 ; for the County of Denbigh 519. - Appointed Public Analyst for County Borough of Chester 29. Lubatti 0. F. Determination of ethylene oxide, 794. Lucas A. Antiques Their Restoration and Preservation 2nd Ed. (Review) 744. - Forensic Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investigation (Review) 135. Lunt J. G. Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Leicester, 163. Lynch G. R. Poisoning by carbon monoxide from a gas-heater 516. 784. M Maass H. See Griebel C. Maby J. C. Sandalwood and its substitutes 516. - The identification of wood and wood charcoal fragments 2.MacKay E. 116. Mode of distribution of glucose in human blood 729. Mackey 116. A. See Greenberg D. M. Mager H. Water Diviners and their Methods 282. Main H. Determination of reducing sugars in Majer V. Micro-determination of mercury 803. Malhotra R. C. Composition of kapok seed oil, 785. Maljaroff K. L. Micro-determination and separation of calcium and magnesium 64. Mallen C. E. The behaviour of phenolphthalein and methyl orange in the oxidation of sugars by alkaline iodine 244. Malvea B. B. and Withrow J. R. Use of the antimony electrode in the electrometric deter-mination of magnesium 539. Manby J. Method for revealing scale structure of wool and hair 201. lbdey C. H. Report of the City Analyst for Leeds for the year 1931.714. Mann D. Dichloro-ethylene as a solvent 586. Mann R. H. Marcan A. Report of the Director of the Government Laboratory of Siam from April, 1928 to March 1930 312. Marked. H. See Krais P. Marling P. E. See Thomas C. A. Marriott R. H. See Lloyd D. J. Marrison L. W. Detection of nitrous “oxides” Madull A. Explosives Vol. III. 2nd Ed. 602. Marti W. C. See Martinek M. J. Martin G. Chemical Engineering and Thermo-dynamics applied to the Cement Rotary Kiln, 602. Martin L. C. and Johnson B. K. Practical Microscopy (Review) 203. Martinek 1. J. and Marti W. C. Detection and determination of methylchloride in air and foods 122. Martini A. New microchemical test for molyb-denum vanadium and tungsten 741. Mason W.P. Examination of Water Chemical and Bacteriological 6th Ed. (Review) 277. Masters H. Maxim 1. Detection and determination of dichloro-ethyl sulphide by combustion 586. Mayer F. Mayr C. and Feigl F. Determination of cobalt by means of nitrosonaphthol 739. Mayrhofer A. Immersion liquids for refractive index determinations 65. McCance R. A. and Shipp H. L. Micro-deter-mination of sodium in biological materials 129. McCann D. C. See Olcott H. S. McCarley A. F. Determination of phenol and its homologues in disinfecting fluids. 181. - The antimony trichloride test for vitamin A , 709. McDonald F. G. See Bills C. E. McFarlane W. D. Application of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate reaction to the micro-colorimetric determination of copper in organic substances 802.McLachlan T. Syrup of senna and the dis-pensing of syrups in wet bottles 46. McNair L. C. and Gull H. C. A simple ap-paratus for the rapid determination of com-bustible vapours in the atmosphere 159. Meacham M. R. See Kline G. M. lK6daille A. See Canals E. raw sugars etc. by the pot method 528. See Cox G. J. and Others. in sulphuric acid 409. See Tinkler C. K. See Nottbohm F. E xii INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Mees R. T. A. Colour reactions of liver oil 121. Meier F. W. and Fleischmam 0. Determina-tion of silica by means of perchloric acid 477. Merry E. W. Absorption of oxygen by tanning materials 473. Metzner P. Simple fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence photomicrography 130. Meye H. New reaction for dyestuffs con-taining copper in hair and its use in the identification of dye in hair 333.Michaelis H. See Porter F. R. Xichel A. Determination of lactic acid in wines 111. Middleton G. The chemical assay of thyroid gland 603. - See also Cocking T. T. Mills E. V. Determination of organic carbon in sewage 56. Minster J. T. Tests for the keeping quality of unsalted butter 615. Mitchell 0. A. Editor of Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis 5th Ed. Vol. IX. (Review), 544. - Review of Lucas’s Antiques Their Restora-tion and Preservation 2nd Ed. 744. - Review of Lucas’s Forensic Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investigation 135. - Scientific documentary evidence in criminal trials 144. Mitchell C. A, and Ward T. J. Sediments in ink and in writing 760. Mitchell D. M. See Fearon W.R. Mitchell L. C. Composition of shell eggs 522. - Decomposition of lecithin in eggs 523. Mitchell W. J. Prediction of the extract of malt by Bishop’s barley formula 464. Mobley R. L. See Owen W. L. Mtihlau E. Spontaneous ignition of beech-wood charcoal dust 675. Moitra Gc. C. See Bunce E. H. Monaghan B. R. and Schmitt F. 0. Effects of carotene and of vitamin A on the oxidahon of linolic acid 663. Monk H. E. Report of the City Analyst for Salford for the year 1931 652. Montignie E. Action of selenious anhydride on sterols 328. - Colour reaction of pyrrolic and indolic compounds 588. - Colour reactions of sterols 688. - Highly sensitive reagent for hydrazines and analogous compounds 330. Moore H. See Gurwitsch L. Moore T. Vitamin A and carotene.VIII. High potency vitamin A concentrates 260 ; IX. Conversion of carotene into vitamin A in the cow 395. More A. Review of Parkinson and Fielding’s The Microscopical Examination of Cattle Foods 136. Mod R. See Karrer P. Morgan B. G. E. Morgan J. C. and King E. J. Micro-gravi-metric determination of silica in tissue 339. Morgan R. S. Interpretation of the colour match in the antimony trichloride test for vitamin A 534. Morrell R. S. The composition of linseed 02,1377. Morth. H. See Pavelka. F. See Coward K. H. Morton C. Automatic PH recorder 201 342. Morton R. A. See Edisbury J. R. - See also Gillam A. E. Morvillez F. and Defossez. Reduction of molybdic reagents by cherry laurel water 581. Moser L. and Glraber H. Separation and determination of rhodium 195.Moser L. and Eackhofer H. Separation and determination of iridium 194. Mossman D. R. Mrak E. M. and Le Roux J. C. Corrosion of bronzes by vinegar 662. MWer A. See Berg R. MiiUer J. H. See Allison E. R. - See also Abrahams H. J. MiiUer J. H. and Eisner A. Determination of germanium 408. Mulligan M. J. Lovell W. G. and Boyd T. A. Determination of gum in petrol 796. Murray C. N. and Acree,.S. F. Use of saturated ammonium chlonde in the elimination of contact potentials 340. See Beans H. T. N Needham D. 116. The Biochemistry of Muscle (Review) 279. Needhsm J. Chemical Embryology Vols. I, I1 and I11 (Review) 204. Nemes T. See StanBk V. Nemoto C. See Kaneko S. Netter R. See Bailly 0. Neu E. See Tillmans J. New A. A.Determination of small amounts of acids alkalis and salts in textiles 333. Newcomb C. Report of the Chemical Examiner for Madras for the year 1931 717. Nicol H. Distribution of agar-liquefying bac-teria 189. Niederl J. B. and Whitman B. Micro-deter-mination of carbon and hydrogen in an atmos-phere of nitrogen 740. Niehhammer A. Detection of glucosides in plant tissues 62. Hielsen N. Effect of rhizopin on the growth of Aspergillus niger 190. Nierenstein W. Experiments on the quantita-tive separation of pilocarpine from quinine by means of gallotannin 94. - Review of Holmyard’s Makers of Chemistry, 810. - Review of Needham’s Chemical Embryo-logy Vols. I I1 and 111 204. - Review of Needham’s The Biochemistry of Muscle 279. - Review of Stewart and Dunlop’s Clinical Chemistry in Practical Medicine 279.Niessner M. Chemical identification of foreign substances in metals and alloys 802. Noetzel 0. Determination of primary propyl alcohol in mixtures of ethyl alcohol and water, 734. Notfbohm,.F. E. and Mayer F. Extraction of tngonelline from raw coffee 254. - Occurrence and detection of choke in coffee 322. N W P. Determination of manganese as manganese ammonium DhosDhate. 197 INDEX TO VOLUME LvIr. xiii 0 Oakley K. P. Woods used by the ancient Egyptians 158. Ochotin V. . P. and. Sytschoff .A. P. Rapid colonmetnc determination of nickel in copper alloys 798. Okoloff F. Determination of ammonia tri-methylamine and other amines in foodstuffs, 321. Olcott H. S. and PcCann D. C. Carotenase. Transformation of carotene into vitamin A in vitro 53.Ohsewski B. B. See Renescu N. E. Orla-Jensen -. Investigation of the degree of heating of milk 383. Owen W. L. and Mobley R. L. Thermophilic bacteria in refined cane sugars 732. P Paget Langeron and Devriendt. Distribution and elimination of bismuth in the body 537. Palfray L. Sabetay S. and Sontag D. Method of determining (aromatic) aldehydes based on Cannizzaro’s and Claisen’s reactions 472. Palkin S. Fractionation of American gum spirits of turpentine and evaluation of its pinene content by optical means 331. Papavassiliou Y. J. and Georgiadbs J. New reactions of salts of quinine. Volumetnc method for determining the alkaloid 323. Park B. An overlooked source of error in the ferrocyanide titration of zinc 196.Psrkes A. E. Appointment as Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of West Ham, 163 ; as Public Analyst 29. Parkeon S. T. and. Fielding W. L. The Microscopical Examination of Cattle Foods (Review) 136. Partridge W. The acidity of Gorgonzola and Stilton cheeses 771. - The extractives of rum 772. Patat F. Electrical micro-determination of mercury 803. Patty F. .A. Pchrenk H. H. and Yant W. P. Determinakon of small amounts of methyl chloride in air 668. Psvelka F. and Xorth H. Rapid determina-tion of small amounts of thallium in the presence of lead and bismuth 804. Peeren K. See ter Meulen H. Pellerin and LtLsausse Corrosion of tin plate, 47. Peltzer J. Rapid method for the determination of the amount of sodium nitrite in pickling-and preserving-salt 467.Perlmsn J. L. Analysis of mayonnaise and the variability of its egg-constituents. 7 19. Pertschik F. I. See Tananaeff 540. Peterman F. I. See Underhill P. F. Pflaum,. D. J. and Wenzke H. H. Deter-mination of fluonne and boron m organic compounds 793. Phillips H. Review of Armstrong’s The Gly-cosides 481. - See also Humphreys F. E. Phillips M. Determination of methoxyl lignin and cellulose in plant materials 402. Phillips T. G. Determination of sugars in plant extracts 325. Philpot J. St. L. See Askew F. A. Bruce H. M., and Others. Pickett T. A. Comparative study of juices from frozen fruits 385. Pillay P. P. and Siddiqui S. Chemical exami-nation of the marking nut 796. Piper S. H. Plahl W. Detection of woody plant mem-branes with phloroglucinol and hydrochloric acid 124.Pollard A. Ponte A. Comparison of chestnut bark and chestnut wood extracts 667. Pope C. G. Determination of aluminium in certain aluminium protein compounds 259. Pope T. H. Bibliography on heavy metals in food and biological material. I. Copper, 709; 11. Lead 775. - Review of Villavecchia’s Dizionario di Merceologia e di Chimica Applicata Vol. 111, 69 ; Vol. IV 548. See Chibnall A. C. See Chibnall A. C. Popesco A. See Ionescu-Matiu A. Porcherel A. See Fromageot C. Porter F. R. Michaelis H. and Shay F. G. Changes in fats during frying 660. Potschinok C. N. Potter F. M. and Williams H. B. Determina-tion of o-cresol 267. Pouzergues J. See Sazerac R. Powell A. R. Review of Treadwell’s Analytical Chemistry Vol.I. Qualitative Analysis 8th English Ed. 678. - See also Schoeller W. R. Powell A. D. and Hall G. F. Determination of lead and other metals in iron salts 736. Pratesi P. New colour reaction of formalde-hyde and ketones with sodium nitroprusside and hydroxylamine 122. Prescher J. and Bohm E. Simplified test for the diastase content of honey and detection of foreign honey by pollen analysis 108. Pritzker J. and Jungkunz R. Horse fat 265. - New arachis coffee subsbtute 786. Pullen N. D. Purcdl R. H. Review of Britton’s Hydrogen mi C. Appearance of nicotine in cigarette See Tananaeff N. A. See Gwyer A. G. C. Ions 2nd Ed. 543. smoke. 11 727. R Radley J. A. Fluorescence in relation to sewage. 28. - The fluorescence analysis of waxes 626.Raetsch W. See Boehm W. l&akshit J. N. Association Theory of Solution and Inadequacy of Dissociation Theory (Review) 682. Detection of acetone by means of o-nitrobenzaldehyde 735. Ventilation of vehicular tunnels with particular reference to those at Blackwall and Rotherhithe 341. Raw R. Regan C. J xiv INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Reichel E. Electrolytic determination of gal-lium 334; Prevention of anodic platinum losses 738. Reid E. E. See Sampey J. R. Remy K. See Schuette H. A. Renescu N. E. and Olzsewski B. B. Distribu-tion of chloral hydrate in the organism 791. Renfrew A. G. and Cretcher L. H. Quince seed mucilage 659. Richards 0. W. Stimulation of yeast growth by thallium a “bios” impurity of asparagine, 663.Rieniicker G. Detection of beryllium in rocks, 405. Rimington C. See Stewart A. M. Rinse J. Roberts J. D. Review of Hunwicke’s Essentials of Bacteriological Technique 600. Roberts W. H. Appointment as Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Southport, 163. Robinson R. A. Review of Rakshit’s Associa-tion Theory of Solution and Inadequacy of Dissociation Theory 682. Romeo G. Gelletti N. and Amoroso J. Detec-tion of false “sponge” essence of lemon pre-pared with machine-extracted essence 785. Rosenthaler L. Micro-chemical examination of glucosides 63. Rudge E. A. See Harry R. G. Rudiger -. Preservation of milk for deter-mination of the freezing-point 578. Rudolph P. and Barsch H. Detection of (1) rye flour in wheat flour and (2) barley flour in rye and wheat flours 177.- Differentiation of wine vinegar from spirit vinegar 722, - Method of distinguishing jams made from fresh and dried plums and their mixtures 106. Rue& G. See Berl E. Rupp E. Iodimetric determination of ferric iron 59. Rupp E. and Eamann G. Determination of bismuth as metal 193. Russell Sir E. J. Soil Conditions and Plant Growth 6th Ed. (Review) 344. Russell-Wells B. Fats of brown sea-weeds 472. Rygh A. See Rygh 0. Rygh O. and Rygh A. Chemical investiga-tions on the antiscorbutic vitamin. 11. Narcotine and its derivatives as antiscorbutics, 188. Rygh O Rygh A. and LaFd P Chemical investigations on the antiscorbutic vitamin. I 187. Refractive index of tung oil 537. S Sabetay S. See Palfray L.Sage C. E. and Fleck H. R. The determination of meta- and ortho-cresols 773 ; in mixtures of cresols 567. Sahyun M. Determination of glycogen in tissues 51. Sale J. W. See Winkler W. 0. Saletore S. A. See Hilditch T. P. Salomox+ H. and Karzer P. Monascin a colounng matter from “red” rice 254. Salt H. B. Colorimetric determination of uric acid in urine 119. Sampey J. R. and Reid E. E. Analytical re-actions of alkyl mercaptans in benzene solution 665. Sanchez J. A. Reaction for distinguishing primary cyclic amines and its application to medicines 391. Sanders J. P. See Dobbins J. T. Sartori E. See Carrasco 0. Sazerac R. and Pouzergues J. Detection of small quantities of bismuth with o-hydroxy-quinoline 737. Schadendorff E. and Zacherl 1.K. Micro-determination of carbon by the wet method. (Part 11) Combustion of liquids 336. Scherrer J. A. Determination of tin in irons and steels 473. Schleicher A. and Clermont J. Quantitative spectrographic analysis 66. Schmdluss H. and Barthmeyer H. Detection of diacetyl and methyl-acetyl carbinol in foodstuffs etc. 389. Schmal€uss H. and Werner H. Detection and determination of a proprietary oil (Sonderijl) added to edible fats 784. Schmidt J. A Text-book of Organic Chemistry, 2nd English Ed. (Review) 593. Schmitt F. 0. See Monoghan B. R. Schneider M. L. See Cherbulliez E. Schoeller W. R. Investigations into the analytical chemistry of tantalum niobium and their mineral associates. XXIV. An improved method for the separation of tanta-lum and niobium 750.- Keview of Ware’s Analytical Chemistry 413. - See also Waterhouse E. F. Schoeller W. R. and Jahn C. Investigations into the analytical chemistry of tantalum, niobium and their mineral associates. XXI. A reliable method for the quantitative separa-tion of titanium from tantalum and niobium, 72. Schoeller W. R. and Powell A. R. Investiga-tions into the analytical chemistry of tanta-lum niobium and their mineral associates. XXIII. The quantitative separation of tanta-lum niobium titanium and zirconium and a new analytical grouping 550. Schoetzow R. E. See Green L. W. Schoonover I. C. See Furman N. H. Schtipp I(. See Karrer P. Schrenk H. H. See Patty F. A. Schuette H. A. See Stout A. W. Schuette H. A. and Remy K. Degree of pig-mentation and its probable relationship to the mineral constituents of honey 578.Schulek E. and Vastagh G. Determination of boric acid in silicates 335. Schumb W. C. See Severyns J. H. Schuster G. See Bougault J. Schwsrtze E. W. Scott A. Scott W. W. and Webb S. E. Seiler F. See Cox G. J. and Others. Restoration of museum objects 478. Determination of minute amounts of boron in soils 400. Proportion of tartaric acid to free acid in natural Moselle Saar and Ruhr wine-musts for the years 1930 and 1931 720 INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xv Semichon L. and Flanzy M. Acid con-stituents of wines. 11 109. - Application of chromic oxidation to certain alcohols 664. - Determination of lactic acid in wines and fruit juices 721. - Determination of succinic acid in wines and other fermented liquids 721.Severyns 3. H. Wilkinson .E.- R. and Schumb, W. C. Use of metallic lithium in the deter-mination of nitrogen etc. in inert gases 796. Sharp P. F. Detection of washed abraded and oiled eggs 657. Shy F. G. See Porter F. R. Shpp H. L. See McCance R. A. Shutt F. T. Milk of the American buffalo 454. - Report of the Dominion Chemist for Canada Siddiqui S. See Pillay P. P. Sidvadjian J. Identification of corynanthine, Simmons W. H. Soap (Review) 484. Skinner W. W. See Griffin S. W. Skrimshire 0. H. See Allport N. L. Slaolskg P. Detection of nitrocellulose in coats of paint or lacquer 193. Sleightholme J. J. See Hilditch T. P. Smelt E. Comparison of tests for balsam of Peru i24. Smith A. C. See Burlage H. M. Smith G.F. and Bliss H. H. Volumetric determination of iron using basic mercuric bromate. 125. Smith G. L. and Deem A. 6. Determination of sulphur in coal by the perchloric acid method 408. Smith J. A. B. Smith B. A. Micro-vacuum distillation 674. Smith W. See Evers N. Snyder S. Volumetric determination of sul-phates by the use of benzidine solution 61. Socias L. See Fernandez 0. Sontag D. See Palfray L. Spencer 6. C. New colorimetric method for the detection and determination of chromium 405. Standen G. W. See Elm A. C. Stanhk V. and Nemes T. Micro-analytical method for the identification of organic sub-stances 47 1. Starkey R. L. See Waksman S. A. Stene S. Note on the use of sand for centri-fuging small precipitates 592. Stewart A. M. and Rimington C.Basic amino-acids of wool 257. Stewart A. W. Appointment as Public Analyst for the Boroughs of Newbury and Windsor (New) 378 ; for the Metropolitan Borough of Paddington 519. - Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry, Vols. I and 11 6th Ed. (Review) 67. - Termination of appointment as Additional Analyst for the County of Berkshire 518. Stewart C. P. and Dunlop D. M. Clinical Chemistry in Practical Medicine (Review) 279. Stitz J. and Szigvirrt B. Freezing-point de-pression of honey 108. Stockdale D. and Dexter J. Revision of Clowes and Coleman’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis (Review) 697. for the year ending March 31st 1930 34. 467. See Chibnall A. C. Stocks H. B. Water Analysis for Sanitary and Technical Purposes 2nd Ed. (Review) 742.Stout A. W. and Schuette H. A. Rye germ oil, 659. Strafford N. See Callan T. Straub J. See Van Raalte A. Strebinger R. and Holzer H. Determination of potassium as chloroplatinate 801. Stubbs J. R. Review of Griinsteidl’s Praktikum der Warenkunde 202. Supplee G. C. Kahlenberg 0. J. and Mapigan, G. E. Growth-promoting properties (vitamin B complex) of the concentrated water-soluble portion of milk 53. Suri H. D. Svirbely J. S. and King C. G. Preparation of vitamin C concentrates from lemon juice 187. Sylvester N. D. See Lampitt L. H. Symons C. T. Report of the Government Analyst for Ceylon for the year 1931 575. Sytschoff A. P. See Ochotin V. P. Szancer H. Merz reactions for certain new anaesthetics 724. Szeberbyi,. P. Iodimetric determination of sulphur in polysulphides 477.Szigvirrt B. See Stitz J. See Dunnicliff H. B. T Taboury -. Adventitious presence of selenium in certain plants 583. Tamchyna J. V. Tests using organic reagents : Effect of the sensitiveness of increasing the size of the molecule 127. Tananaeff 14. A. and Harmasch E. P. Separa-tion of caesium from other alkali metals 672. Tananaeff N. A. and Kulberg L. M. Deter-mination of free lime in cement 477. Tananaeff N. A. and Pertschik F. I. Deter-mination of silica in silicates 540. Tananaeff N. A.? and Potsc@ok C. N. Detec-bon of the acids of arsenic and phosphorus, 540. Tananajin N. A. Specific spot test for mercurous ion 64. Tankard A. R. Review of the A.O.A.C. Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis 3rd Ed., 342.- Review of Liverseege’s Adulteration and Analysis of Foods and Drugs 595. Tanner H. G. The identification of Norit and other wood charcoals 8. Tattersfield F. Loss of toxicity of pyrethrum dusts 401. Taubes 5. Tiitifel K. and Thaler H. “Ketone rancidity” of fats. Terhnyi A. Determination of the colouring matter of egg-yolk 106. ter AIIeulen H. Accumulation of molybdenum in aquatic plants 535. ter Me$en H.,. and Peeren E. Determination of mtrogen in yeast by the hydrogenation method 524. Thaler H. See Taufel K. Thomas C. A. and Marling P. E. Drying rates of synthetic rosins with drying oils. I. China wood oil 668. See Baker G. W. I. New method of detection 466 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Thomlinson J. Thompson J. Appointed Public Analyst for the County of Berkshire 518.Thorne R. S. W. Determination of the total nitrogen and solid matter in yeast 182. ‘fillmay J. Hirsch P. and W. Reduction capacity of plant foodstuffs and its relation to vitamin C. I. Reducing substance in lemon juice 260. Tillmans J. Hirsch P. and Dick H. Reduc-tion capacity of plant foodstuffs and its relation to vitamin C. IV. Reversibility of the oxidation of the reducing substances in Iemon juice 397. ?Ellpans J. F c h P. and Jackisch. Reduc-tion capacity of plant foodstuffs and its relation to vitamin C. 111. Content of re-ducing substance in different fruits and vegetables 396. Tiumans J. and Neu E. Titration of the alkali metals in water 121. !k&ler C. E. and Masters E. Applied Chemistry.Vol. 11 Foods 2nd Ed. (Re-view) 480. %tometer Ltd. The British Pharmacopoeia antimony trichloride colour test for cod-liver oil 772. Todd W. R. See Kcmmerer A. R. Todd W. R. and Elvehjem C. A. Determina-tron of zinc in biological materials 581. Toms H. Review of Gilman’s Organic Syn-theses Vol. I 675. Traube J. Removal of nicotine from tobacco smoke 390. Treadwell F. P. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. I. Qualitative Analysis 8th English Ed. (Re-view) 678. Treadwell W. D. and Hartnagel J. Deter-mination of phosphorus in aluminium 798. fprebler H. A. Wesley W. A. and LaQue F. L. Corrosion of metals by milk 383. !L’reichler R. See Fraps. G. S. Trotman 8. R. and Frearson T. B. Quantita-tive analysis of dyestuffs 123. Tschesche R. Preparation of crystallised anti-beri-beri vitamin from yeast 327.Tsnchikawa H. See Ueno S. Tsujimoto M. A hydrocarbon in ishinagi liver oil 265. - Dibasic acids in Japan wax 266. - Dibasic acids in sumach berry waxes (Japan wax) 266. - Unsaponifiable matter of calamary oil 266. See Fisher E. A. U Udall P. J. Note on the recognition and deter-mination of the flavines 295. Ueno S. hagski G. and Tsuchikawa H. Melting and solidification points of hydro-genated waxes and oils and of their fatty acids 113. Unangst R. B. - See also Cox G. J. and Others. Underhill P. F. Peterman F. I. and Krause, A. G. Colorimetric method for the deter-mination of tartaric acid 686. UnderhiU S. W. F. See Culhane K. See Beal G. D. and Others. V Vacher H. C. and Jordan L. Determination of oxygen and nitrogen in iron and steel by the vacuum fusion method 60.Van Arkel C. G. Test for the purity of veronal, 265. Van Der Lingen G. W. B. The solubility of uranyl zinc sodium acetate in alcohol of different strengths 376. Van Der Meulen J. H. Iodimetric determina-tion of chromium and manganese with per-sulphate 335. Van Pinxteren J. A. C. Quantitative colori-metric determination of digitalis glucosides by means of Baljet’s reagent 179. Van Raalte A. and Straub J. Food control in Holland 15. Van Zijp C. Microchemical reactions with loretin 801. Vastagh G. See Schulek E. Verdino A. A new cymene bath for Pregl’s micro-combustion 199. Vetter F. Micro-analytical methods in in-dustrial laboratories. 11. Pregl’s method of combustion of carbon and hydrogen without the use of air 641 ; 111.Micro-apparatus for the gravimetric determination of water in coal and other solids 541. Vickery J. R. The yellowing of the abdominal fat of frozen rabbits 520. - See also Griffiths E. Villavecchia G. V. and Others. Dizionario di Merceologia e di Chimica Applicata Vol. I11 (Review) 69; Vol. IV 548. Voelcker E. Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Oxford, 629; Public Analyst for the Borough of Banbury 163. Voelcker J. A. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Oxford 619. - Obituary notice of A. Chaston Chapman 745. von Euler H. See Karrer P. von Euler B. and Earrer P. Application of the Carr-Price reaction to carotinoids 328. von Hahn F.V. and Wieben 1. Vitamin studies. V. Chemical methods for the deter-mination of vitamins. I. Bezssonoff’s re-action 534. von Hevesy G. and Hobbie R. Determination of lead in rocks 404. von Szebyi G. Volumetric method for the determination of formic acid in fruit juices and fruit syrups 524. W Wagenaar M. Colour reactions of novocaine (procaine) anaesthesine and allied compounds which distinguish them from cocahe and similar substances 579. - Microchemical detection of vanillin and piperonal 673. - Microchemical reactions of saccharin 692. Wahlig W. See Berl E. WsgSman S. A. and Starkey R. L. The Soil Walker E. and the Microbe (Review) 66. See Armstrong A. R INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xvii Walton 8. G). Report of the Government Analyst for New South Wales for the year 1930 97.Warcollier G. and Le Mod A. Accidental presence of acrolein in cider “brandies,” 387, 578. Ward T. J. Review of Ellis’s Sulphur Bacteria, 679. - Review of Hilger’s Recent Applications of Absorption Spectrophotometry 482. - Review of Kingzett s Chemical Encyclo-paedia 5th Ed. 809. - Review of Martin and Johnson’s Practical Microscopy 203. - See also Mitchell C. A. Ware J. C. Analytical Chemistry (Review) 413. Waterhouse E. F. and Schoeller W. R. In-vestigations into the analytical chemistry of tantalum niobium and their mineral as-sociates. XXII. The separation of the earth acids from metals of the hydrogen sulphide group 284. Watson K. 1. Waugh W. A. and King C. G. Isolation and identification of vitamin C 583.Wdowiszewski H. Determination of tungsten in steel as hydrated tungstic acid 196. Webb S. K. See Scott W. W. Weber E. Optical determination of sodium nitrite 674. Webster H. L. See Conn L. W. Webster T. A. See Askew F. A. Bruce H. M., and Others. Weeks 1. E. Internal indicator for the di-chromate titration of iron 404. Weigle 0. M. See Bartow E. Weinstein? L I. and Benedetti-Pichler A. A. Determinahon of the volatile constituents of copper-zinc alloys 740. Wenger P. See Cimerman Ch. 337. Wenzke H. H. See Pflaum D. J. Werner H. See Schmalfuss H. Wesley W. A. See Trebler H. A. West A. P. See Cruz A. 0. Westall R. G. See Chibnall A. C. Weygand C. Quantitative Analytische Mikro-methoden der Organischen Chemie in Verg-leichender Darstellung (Review) 415.Wheat W. N. See Friend J. N. Whitehead H. R. Influence of sunlight on milk 117. Whitman B. See Niederl J. B. Whittaker C. M. Empirical classification of vat dyestuffs 332. Wick R. M. Analysis of silver plating solutions, 269. Wieben M. See von Hahn F. V. Wiesenberger E. Micro-gravimetric determina-tions with minute quantities of material using the electro-magnetic micro-balance 275. Wilkinson E. R. See Severyns J. H. Wilkinson J. F. See Klein L. Willard H H. and Young P. Willcox W. H. See Hougen 0. A. Determination Review of Kitchin’s Review of of vanadium in alloy steels 407. the Effects of Alcohol on Man 280. Williams E. F. See Chibnall A. C. Williams EL B. See Potter F. M. Williams E. A. See Bolton E. R. Williams R.J. An Introduction to Bio-chemistry (Review) 48 1. Willimot S. G. Report of the Government Analyst for Cyprus for the year 1930 99 ; for the year 1931 780. Winkler L. Ausgewahlte Untersuchungsver-fahren fur das Chemische Laboratorium 602. Winkler W. O. and Sale J. W. Detection of added lecithin in chocolate products 43. Winton A. L. and E. B. Structure and Com-position of Foods. Vol. I. Cereals Nuts and Oil Seeds (Review) 545. Withrow J. R. Wogrinz A. Determination of silver in cyanide solutions 669. Wohnlich E. See Gronover A. Wokes F. and Crocker H. Biological and spectroscopic tests on ergot alkaloids with notes on the Maurice Smith colour test 45. Wood D. R. Nitrates in milk as evidence of added water 375. - Report of the County Analyst and Bacteri-ologist for Somerset for the year 1931 246.Woodman R. M. Evaluation of sulphur sus-pensions used in spraying 399. Wornoff E. Antipyrine as a reagent for cobalt 60. See Malvea B. B. Y Yamamoto K. See Kobayashi K. Yant W. P. See Patty F. A. Yasuda M. Determination of the iodine value of oils and lipids 182. Youel D. L. See Highberger J. H. Young E. G. and Rant G). A. Composition of vixen milk 49. Young F. G. See Hopkins S. J. Young J. L. Detection of cocaine in the pre-sence of novocaine by means of cobalt thio-cyanate 179. Young P. See Willard H. H. Z Zacherl 1. E. See Schadendorff E. Zacherl M. K. and Erainick H. G. Alkali-metric micro method for the determination of chlorine and bromine in organic material 591. Zanelli F.Characterisation of aldehydic and ketonic sugars by oxidation with bromine 106.’ Zappi E. V. New general reagent for the enolic form 330. Zappi E. V. and Labriola R. A. Preparation and determination of acrolein 59. Zernik F. See Fluryj F. Zinzadge S. Micro-determination of phosphoric and arsenic acids with “molybdenum-blue,” 411 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. A Absorption spectra of substances derived from vitamin A . J. R. Edisbury A. E. Gillam, I. M. Heilbron and R. A. Morton 790. Spectrophotometry ; Recent Applications of -. (Review) A. Hilger Ltd. 482. in cellulose acetates ; Quantitative deter-mination of -. E. Berl G. Rueff and W. Wahlig 57. Industrial analysis of glacial - . E. Charles 190. Acetic Anhydride test for Peru balsam.E. M. Smelt 724. Acetone Detection of - by means of o-nitrobenzaldehyde. R. Raw 735. in mixtures of other organic solvents deter-mined quantitatively by means of hydroxy-lamine hydrochloride. M. Krajcinovid 123. Oxidation of dihydroxystearic acid by potas-sium permanganate in -. J. Bougault and G. Schuster 191. Acid Clay Colour reaction of Japanese - upon carotene in palm oil. K. Kobayashi K. Yamamoto and J. Abe 268. Acidimetric standard ; Thiosulphate as an -. J Bicskei 589. Acids Amino -. See Amino Acids. Dibasic - in sumach berry waxes (Japan w ~ ) . M. Tsujimoto 266. Idenbfication of - as anilides by means of thionylaniline. P. Carr6 and Libermann, 537. in textiles ; Determination of small amounts of -. A. A. New 333.organic- ; Refractometric determination of -. G. Allard 478. Aconite New reaction of the total alkaloids of - . C. Brugens 468. Aconitine New reaction of -. C. Brugens, 468. Acriflavine 295. Acrolein in cider “brandies” ; Accidental presence of -. G. Warcollier and A. Le Moal 387 578. Preparation and determination of -. E. V. Zappi and R. A. Labriola 59. Adrendhe Estimation of -. 696. Adsorption indicators ; Use of - in titrations of halides of limited or reversible ionisation. A. J. Berry 511. Adulteration of Foods and Drugs; Analysis of __. . of Indian coffee; Detection of - with special reference to the extract method. A. H. Bune and G. C. Moitra 708. Agar-Agar Bacteria which liquefy - ; Dis-tribution of. H. Nicol 189. Agricultural analysis.Abstracts 55 399 733, 792. Acetic Acid as pure vinegar 458. (Review) J. F. Liverseege 595. Agricultural-contin ucd. Chemists ; Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official -. (Review) 342. Produce (Grading and Marking) Act 1928. Statutory Rules and Orders No. 458 (Fruits), 1931 and No. 442 (Vegetables) 1931 463. products Determination of catalase in -, A. K. Balls and W. S. Hale 733. Agriculture U.S.A. Department of -. New and Revised Definitions and Standards for Food Products 656. Agrostemma Githago Distribution of saponin in -. F. G. de Wilde 180. Air methyl chloride in -; Detection and determination of. M. J. Martinek and W. C. Marti 122. methyl chloride in -; Determination of small amounts of.F. A. Patty H. H. Schrenk and W. P. Yant 668. Spread of pollution in -. Sulphur gases in-. 249. 250. Alcohol Effects of - on Man ; Review of. in blood ; Interferometric determination of Solubility of uranyl zinc sodium acetate in - of different strengths. G. W. B. van der Lingen 376. Alcoholic Fermentation 4th Ed. (Review). A. Harden 546. Alcohob Application of chromic oxidation to certain -. L. Semichon and M. Flanzy, 664. Nitro-chromic acid reaction for detecting primary and secondary - with special reference to saccharides. W. R. Fearon and D. M. Mitchell 372. Precipitation of polyhydric - by metallic hydroxides in alkaline media. I. General character of the precipitation. P. Fleury and J. Courtois 783. Aldehydes Determination of aromatic -based on Cannizzaro’s and Claisen’s re-actions.L. Palfray S. Sabetay and D. Sontag 472. Aldehydic sugars ; Characterisation of ketonic and - by oxidation with bromine. F. Zanelli 106. Aleutites Montana t Oil from Malayan -. T. H. Barry 85. Alkdi metals in water ; Titration of -. J. Tillmans and E. Neu 121. Alkalis in textiles; Determination of small amounts of -. Alkaloids Cinchona -. See Cinchona Aka-loids. of aconite; New reaction of the total -. C. Brugens 468. of ergot; see Ergot Alkaloids. K. Kitchin and D. H. Kitchin 280. -. J. C. Bock 49. A. A. New 333 lNDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xix Allanblackia Stuhlmannii Composition of seed fats of - . T. P. Hilditch and S. A. Saletore 113. Wantoin Colorimetric method of determining -.H. W. Larson 184. Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis 6th Ed., Vol. IX. (Review) Edited by C . A. Mitchell 544. Alloy steels ; Determination of titanium in -. J. Arend 672. systems ; Study of special -. 462. Alloys foreign substances in - ; Chemical identification of. M. Niessner 802. Aluminium Assimilation of - by the human system. S. J. Lewis 324. content of foodstuffs cooked in glass and in -. G. D. Beal R. B. Unangst H. B. Wigman and G. J. Cox 392. copper in presence of - ; Determination of small amounts of. 499. Determination of - Formation of lithi-um aluminate. J. T. Dobbins and J. P. Sanders 197. in certain aluminium protein compounds ; Determination of -. in food ; Determination of small amounts of -. L. H. Lampitt and N. D. Sylvester 41 8.in food ; Spectrographic determination of -. P. Bilham 426. in organic materials ; Determination of -. G. J. Cox E. W. Schwartze R. H. Mann, and R. B. Unangst 392, in plants (especially edible plants) ; Amounts of -. in the ash of plant materials fruit juices and similar products. L. Hart 525. Micro-detection of -. phosphorus in - ; Determination of. W. D. Treadwell and J. Hartnagel 798. Physiological action of -. J . H. Burn 428. Separation of - as phosphate in presence of calcium phosphate with special reference t o the action of milk on -. A. G. C. Gwyer and N. D. Pullen 704. Separation of beryllium from - by guani-dine carbonate. A. Jilek and J. Kota 406. silicon in -; Determination of. L. H. Callendar 500. gum spirits of turpentine; Fractionation of - and evaluation of its pinene content by optical means.Amines in foodstuffs ; Determination of -. F. Okoloff 321. Reaction for distinguishing primary cyclic - and its application t o medicines. J. A. Sauchez 391. Amino Acids of wool; Basic - . -4. M. Stewart and C. Rimington 257. Aminophenob Chemical examination of dyed leathers for the presence of -. F. E. Humphreys and H. Phillips 290. Ammonia Autotrophic bacterium which oxidises - to nitrate. C . B. Lipman and L. Greenberg 263. in foodstuffs; Determination of -. F. Okoloff 321. Solubility of antimonious and stannic sulphides in - . P. A. EDik 590. C. G. Pope 259. G. Bertrand and G. Levy 119. F. L. Hahn 804. American buffalo milk. F. T. Shutt 454. S. Palkin 331.Ammonium Carbonate Solubility of anti-monious and stannic sulphides in -. P. A. Epik 590. Ammonium Chloride Estimation of liquid contact potentials with potassium chloride and -. G. M. Kline M. R. Meacham and S. F. Acree 340. Fractionation of casein by means of -. E. Cherbuliez and M. L. Schneider 464. Use of saturated - in the elimination of contact potentials. C. N. Murray and S. F. Acree 340. Ammonium Ichthosulphonate sulphur content of - ; Determination of. N. L. Allport, 255. Ammonium Sulphide Qualitative analysis without - . A. S. Komarowsky and W. J. Goremykin 333. Anaesthesine Colour reactions of - which distinguish it from cocaine and similar substances. M. Wagenaar 579. Anaesthetic ether. 718. Anaesthetics Merz reactions for certain new -.H . Szancer 724. Analysis metallurgical -; Study and im-provement of methods of 463. micro-gravimetric - - Filter for. P. L. Kirk and R. Craig 1i7. Official and Tentative Methods of - of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. (Review) 342. Quantitative -. See Quantitative Analysis, Spot -. Volumetric - involving the use of liquid amalgams. S. Kaneko and C. Nemoto 797. volumetric -; Use of potassium manga-nate in. volumetric - ; Use of solid cadmium amalgam in. S. Kaneko and C. Nemoto 538. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. I. Qualitative Ana-lysis. 8th English Ed. (Review) F. P. Treadwell 678. . Chemistry. Methods ; Standing Committee on Uniformity of - . Essential Oil Sub-committee Report No. 9. Determination of carvone and menthone 378; Report No 10.Determination of citronellal 773. Methods ; Standing Committee on Uniformity of - . Milk Products Sub-committee Report No. 3 630 (for erratum in see p. 30, January 1933). Anglesey Appointment of H. Lowe as Agri-cultural Analyst for County of -. 163. means of thionylaniline. P. Cam6 and D. Libermann 537. Animsl fibres ; Methods for studying the scale structure of -. material ; Micro-determination of carbohy-dates in -. 2. Dische 410. oils ; Ultra-violet absorption of certain -. A. Chevallier J. Guillot and P. Chabre 789. poisoning in Cyprus. 781. tissue ; Examination of - for arsenic. 171. Anthraquinone Determination of phenol-phthalein in presence of caffeine and cinchona alkaloids and drugs containing (Review) F.Feigl 741. H. Gall and M. Ditt 409. (Review) J. C. Ware 413. Anilides Identification of acids as - by J. I. Hardy 200. 46. xx INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Anti-Bed-Beri vitamin ; Preparation of crystal-lised - from yeast. R. Tschesche 327. Antimonious Sulphide Solubility of - in ammonia and ammonium carbonate. P. A. Epik 590. Antimony electrode ; Use of - in the electro-metric determination of magnesium. B. B. Malvea and J. R. Withrow 539. in copper; Determination of - . H. Blumenthal 7 97. in copper and copper alloys ; Determination of -. W. Boehm and W. Raetsch 538. Rapid method of dissolving lead alloys pre-paratory to the determination of -. B. S. Evans 554. Separation of earth acids from -. Antimony Trichloride Isomerisation of carotene by means of -.A. E. Gillam I. M. Heilbron R. A. Morton and J. C. Drummond, 791. colour test for cod-liver oil. colour test of the B.P. for cod-liver oil. Tintometer Ltd. 772. Reaction of fish-liver oils with -. F. Ender 789. test for vitamin A ; Interpretation of the colour match in -. R. S. Morgan 534. test for vitamin A ; Note on -. A. F. McCarley 709. Antineuritic vitamin B ; Assay of - and its concentration with silver. R. J. Block, G. R. Cowgill and B. H. Klotz 186. vitamin B. Standards for -. 175. Antioxygens present in natural fats ; Nature of -. I. Separation of fatty derivatives from - by distillation. T. P. Hilditch and J. J. Sleightholme 320. Antipyrine as a reagent for cobalt. K. Woynoff, 60. Duqudnois 581. Antiques Their Restoration and Preservation.2nd Ed. (Review) A. Lucas 744. Antirachitic vitamin D. Standards for-. 174. Antiscorbutic vitamin C ; Chemical investiga-tions on the -. I. 0. Rygh A. Rygh and P. Laland 187. 11. Narcotine and its derivatives as - substance. 0. Rygh and A. Rygh 188. Antiseptic in impregnated dressings ; Identi-fication of -. 297. Apparatus Abstracts 65 130 200 276 340, 478 674. Apple cuticle ; Wax constituents of the -. A. C. Chibnall S. H. Piper A. Pollard, J. A. B. Smith and E. F. Williams 258. Apples Oiled wraps for -. F. W. F. Amaud, 307. Appointments Official-. 29 163 518 629. Arachis coffee substitute ; “Assamba,” a new - . J. Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 786. Arak Definition of -. 38. Arecoline Behaviour and identification of -and its use as a taenicide with some com-parisons with pelletierine.C. D. Howard, 391. Argon Simple method for determining -H. Copaux 736. 285. 302. in pyramidone; Detection of - . P. vitamin C. Standards for -. 176. Arsenic Biological method for detecting -. A. F. Lerrigo 155. Examination of animal tissue for -. 171. from wall-plaster ; Gaseous - . (Legal Notes) 163. in beer. 714. in impregnated wood ; Determination of -. 737. in tapestry and wallpaper. 20. precipitated by hypophosphorous acid ; Im-proved method of titrating -. B. S. Evans 492. Separation of germanium and -. H. J. Abrahams and J. H. Miiller 194. Arsenic Acid Detection of - N. A. Tananaeff and C. N. Potschinok 540. Micro-determination of - with “molyb-denum-blue.” S.Zinzadge 41 1. Arsenic Sulphide as poison 39. Arsenic Trichloride Separation of germanium tetrachlonde and -. E. R. Allison and J. H. Miiller 670. santonin in - ; Assay of. J. Coutts 726. Artificial Silk Action of penicillium on -. T. F. Heyes and H. S. Holden 471. Quantitative determina-tion of -. P. Krais and H. Markert, 667. Asparagine glutamine in presence of -* Determination of. A. C. Chibnall a d R. G. Westall 393. Stimulation of yeast growth by thallium a “bios impurity of -. 0. W. Richards, 663. Aspergillus Niger Effect of rhizopin on the growth of -. N. Nielsen 190. Growth of - 011 higher paraffins. S. J. Hopkins and A. C. Chibnall 398. Assamba a new arachis coffee substitute. 786. Association of Official.Agricultural Chemists: Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis of -. (Review) 342. Atmosphere combustible vapours in the - ; Simple apparatus for the rapid determina-tion of. L. C. McNair and H. C. Gull, 159. sulphur dioxide in the - ; Determination of small amounts of. S. W. Griffin and W. W. Skinner 668. Atmospheric pollution ; Investigation of -. Report of observations in the year ending 31st March 1931 249. Atomic weights. Second report of the Coni-mittee on - of the International Union of Chemistry. 316. Australia Commonwealth of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Divis-ion of Forest Products Technical Papers. No. 1 Identification of woods by chemical means. Part I. H. E. Dadswell 101; No. 2 Density of Australian timbers.H. E. Dadswell 102 ; No. 3 Study of lignin determination. W. E. Cohen and H. E. Dadswell 103. Aw- Division of Forest Products Reports : The relation between durability and chemi-cal composition of wood. 314. in mixed textiles ; Aspergillus Versicolor INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xxi B B. Coli in beer; Viability of -. R. Koch, 535. Bacon Gas storage of -. Part I. E. H. Callow 384. Bacteria agar-liquefying - ; Distribution of. H. Nicol 189. Sulphur -. Thermophilic - in refined cane sugars. W. L. Owen and R. L. Mobley 732. Bacterial growth ; Effect of carbon dioxide on - with special reference to the preserva-tion of fish. Part I. F. P. Coyne 399. Bacteriological analysis. Abstracts 55 189, 263 398 471 535 732. Examination of Water. 6th Ed.(Review), W. P. Mason 277. Technique ; Essentials of -. (Review), R. F. Hunwicke 600. Bacterium New autotrophic -which oxidises ammonia directly to nitrate and decom-poses petroleum. C. B. Lipman and L. Greenberg 263. Baking Powder Egg -. Alleged false label. (Legal Notes) 460. tartaric acid in - ; Colorimetric deter-mination of. 587. Baljet’s Reagent for the quantitative colori-metric determination of Digitalis gluco-sides. J. A. C. Van Pinxteren 179. Balsams Assay of official -. T. T. Cocking, 45. Banbury Appointment of E. Voelcker as Public Analyst for Borough of -. Barium Carbonate in animal poisoning. Barium Sdphate Determination of the sulphate ion by precipitation as -. J. N. Friend and W. N. Wheat 559. Barley flour in rye and wheat flours ; Detection of -.P. Rudolph and H. Barsch 177. formula; Prediction of the extract of malt by Bishop’s -. Basic Acetate method for beryllium. Bath Salts Misdescription of -. (Legal Notes) 574. Bedford Appointment of A. J. C. Lickorish as Public Analyst for County of -. 629. Beech-Wood charcoal dust ; Spontaneous ig-nition of -. E. Mohlau 675. Beef fat ; Fatty acids of -. 112. Beer Black -. 714. Dutch regulations for -. 21. Misdescription of articles as spirits or -. Finance Act 1932. 577. saccharin content of - ; Determination of. J. E. Heesterman 323. sucrose in - ; Determination of. 11. J. Fiehe 254. PH value of - ; Colorimetric estimation of. P. Kolbach 465. Beeswax Solubility of -. J. J. Deeney, 256. Benzene carbon disulphide in -; Deter-mination of.T. Callan J. A. R. Hender-son and N. Strafford 590. solution ; Analytical reactions of alkyl mercaptans in -. J. R. Sampey and E. E. Reid 665. (Review) D. Ellis 679. 163. 100. W. J. Mitchell 464. 271. Bensidine as reagent in analysis. R. G. Harry and E. A. Rudge 334. Purification of - and an improved reagent for determining haemoglobin in blood. F. C. Bing 329. solution ; Volumetric determination of sul-phate by the use of -. S. Snyder 61. Bemoic Acid Mohler’s test for -. I. In-vestigation of Grossfeld s modification of the test. E. T. Illing 224. 11. Applica-tion of the test to the detection and deter-mination of - in foodstuffs. E. T. Illing 226. a-Bensoinoxime Use of - in the determina-tion of molybdenum.H. B. Knowles 799. Berkshire. Appointment of J. Thompson as Public Analyst for County of - 518. Beryllium Determination of -. L. Fre-senius and M. Frommes 270. in alloy steels ; Determination of -. H. Eckstein 270. in rocks; Detection of -. G. Rienacker, 405. Separation of - from aluminium by guanidine carbonate. A. Jilek and J. Kota 406. Separation of - from other elements by guanidine carbonate. A. Jilek and J. Kota 799. Beverages Caffeine in cereal - C. J. La Wall and J. W. E. Harrisson 786. Carbonated -. 168. saccharin content of - ; Determination of. J. E. Heesterman 323. saponin in - ; Use of. 98. Bezssonoff ’s Reaction for determining vitamins. F. V. von Hahn and M. Wieben 534. Bilberry juice in red wine; Detection of -. W.Diemair 320. Biochemical analysis. Abstracts 48 116 182, 256 324 393 468 531 581 663 728, 787. Biochemistry Introduction to -. (Review), R. J. Williams 481. Monographs on -. Alcoholic Fermenta-tion. (Review) A. Harden 546. of muscle. (Review) D. M. Needham 279. Biological material ; Bibliography on heavy metals in -. T. H. Pope. I. Copper, 709; 11. Lead 775. material ; Determination of chlorides in -. W. L. Davies 79. materials; Determination of zinc in -. W. R. Todd and C. A. Elvehjem 581. materials ; Micro-determination of sodium in -. R. A. McCance and H. L. Shipp 129. method for detecting arsenic. A. F. Lerrigo, 155. Standardisation ; Report of the Permanent Commission on -. Vitamin standards. 173. Birmingham Report of the City Analyst for - for the Third Quarter of 1931 H.H. Bagnall 29; for the Fourth Quarter of 1931 245 ; Annual Report for 1931 779; for the First Quarter of 1932 519. Bishop’s barley formula ; Prediction of the extract of malt by -. W. J. Mitchell, 464 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Bismuth Detection of small quantities of -with o-hydroxyquinoline. R. Sazerac and J. Pouzergues 737. Determination of - as metal. E. Rupp and G. Hamann 193. in the body Distribution and elimination of -. Paget Langeron and Devriendt, 537. Separation of earth acids from -. thallium in - * Rapid determination of small amounts of. F. Pavelka and H. Morth 804. Bismuthotantalite 286. Blackbutt Identification of -. 102. Blsckwdl Tunnel Ventilation of -. C. J. Blood alcohol in - * Interferometric deter-286.Regan 341. mination of. galactose in -; Determination of. V. J. Harding and G. A. Grant 183. glucose in human - ; Mode of distribution of. E. M. MacKay 729. grouping in a case of disputed paternity. (Legal Notes) McGovern v. Bruen 247. groups; Evidence on - in a trial for murder. (Legal Notes) Rex 0. Freedman, 249. groups in forensic medicine. 262, haemin crystals from -; Reagent facili-tating the formation of. G. Bertrand 664. haemoglobin in - ; Purification of benzi-dine and an improved reagent for. F. C. Bing 329. lactic acid in the - ; Gasometric method of determining. B. F. Avery and A. B. Hastings 50. Magnesium in - determined by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline. D. M. Greenberg and M. A. Mackey 730. serum ; Micro-determination of sodium in tartaric acid in - ; Colorimetric deter-Bog Butter Analyses of two samples of Irish Bone char; Spent -.34. Bones Mercury in -. 718. Books Reviews of Alexander J. Colloid Chemistry-Theoretical and Applied. Vol. 111 203; Vol. IV 601. Allen s Commercial Organic Analysis. 5th Ed. Vol. IX. 544. Archibald E. H. Preparation of Pure In-organic Substances. 743. Armstrong E. F. and K. F. The Glycosides. 481. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists : Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis. 342. Barger G. Ergot and Ergotism. 348. Bolam T. R. The Donnan Equilibria. 542. British Drug Houses Ltd. B. D. H. Guide to the British Pharmacopoeia 1932. 809. British Pharmacopoeia 1932. 805. Britton H. T. S. Hydrogen Ions.2nd Ed. 543. Browning E. The Vitamins. 132. Clark A. J. Applied Pharmacology. 4th J. 6. Bock 49. -. 129. mination of. 587. - . P. S. Amp 300. Ed. 351. Books Reviews &-continued. Clayton W. Colloid Aspects of Food Chem-istry and Technology. 133. Clowes and Coleman. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 13th Ed. 597. Darwin C. G. The New Conceptions of Matter. 413. Ellis D. Sulphur Bacteria. 679. Emich F. Microchemical Laboratory Man-ual. 741. Gardner A. D. Microbes and Ultramicrobes. 414. Gilman H. Organic Syntheses. Vol. I. 675. Glasstone S. Recent Advances in Physical Chemistry. 68. Greenman M. N. and Duhring F. L. Breed-ing and Care of the Albino Rat for Research Purposes. 2nd Ed. 680. Grunsteidl E. Praktikum der Warenkunde.202. Gurwitsch L. and Moore H. Scientific Principles of Petroleum Technology. 676. Harden A. Alcoholic Fermentation. 4th Ed. 546. Hilger A. Ltd. Recent Applications of Ab-sorption Spectrophotometry. 482. Holmyard E. J. Makers of Chemistry. 810. Hougen 0. A. Industrial Chemical Calcula-tions. 483. Hunwicke R. F. The Essentials of Bacterio-logical Technique. 600. Jamieson G. S. Vegetable Fats and Oils. 349. Kingzett C. T. Chemical Encyclopaedia. 5th Ed. 809. Klein G. Handbuch der Pflanzenanalyse. Vol. 11 Part 1. 347. Kolthoff I. M. and Furman N. H. Poten-tiometric Titrations. 2nd Ed. 350. Liverseege J . F. Adulteration and Analysis of Foods and Drugs. 595. Lucas A. Antiques Their Restoration and Preservation. 2nd Ed. 744. Lucas A.Forensic Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investigation. 135. Martin L. C. and Johnson B. K. Practical Microscopy. 203. Mason W. P. Examination of Water, Chemical and Bacteriological. 277. Needham J. Chemical Embryology. Vols. I I1 and 111. 204. Parkinson S. T. and Fielding W. L. The Microscopical Examination of Cattle Foods. 136. Rakshit J. N. Association Theory of Solu-tion and Inadequacy of Dissociation Theory. 682. Russell Sir E. J. Soil Conditions and Plant Growth. 344. Schmidt J. A Text-book of Organic Chemis-try. 2nd English Ed. 593. Simmons W. H. Soap. 484. Society of Chemical Industry. Annual Re-ports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry for the year 1931. Vol. XVI. 479. Stewart A. W. Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry.Vols. I and 11. 6th Ed. 67 INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xxiii Books Reviews of-continued. Stocks H. B. Water Analysis for Sanitary and Technical Purposes. 2nd Ed. 742. Tinkler C. K. and Masters H. Applied Chemistry. Vol. I1 (Foods). 480. Treadwell F. P. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. I. Qualitative Analysis. 8th English Ed. 678. Villavecchia G. V. and Others. Dizionario di Merceologia e di Chimica Applicata. Vol. 111 69 ; Vol. IV 548. Waksman S. A. and Starkey R. L. The Soil and the Microbe. 66. Ware J. C. Analytical Chemistry. 413. Weygand C. Quantitative Analytische Mikromethoden der Organischen Chemie in vergleichender Darstellung . 4 15. Williams R. J. An Introduction to Bio-chemistry. 481. Winton A. L. and K. B. Structure and Com-position of Foods.Vol. I. Cereals Nuts and Oil Seeds. 545. Boric Acid in silicates ; Determination of -. E. Schulek and G. Vastagh 335. Boron in organic compounds ; Determination of -. D. J. Pflaum and H. H. Wenzke, 793. in soils; Determination of minute amounts of -. W. W. Scott and S. K. Webb 400. Brandy acrolein in cider -; Accidental presence of. G. Warcollier and A. Le Moal 387 578. Definition of -. 654. Brass sulphur in - ; Rapid determination of. J. 0. Cooney 409. Bread bromine in - ; Normal proportion of. A. Damiens and S. Blaignan 178. Dutch regulations for -. 19. improvers; Persulphates in -. 99. antimony trichloride colour test for cod-B.D.H. Guide to -. Bromine Characterisation of aldehydic and ketonic sugars by oxidation with -. F. Zanelli 106.derivatives of fatty acids ; Reduction of -. W. Kimura 59. Determination of thallium after oxidation with - . E Browning 797. in edible seeds wheat and bread; Normal proportion of -. A. Damiens and S. Blaignan 178. in organic material ; Alkalimetric micro method for determining - . M. K. Zacherl and H. G. Krainick 591. iodine-free - * Preparation of. G. M. Karns and H. 6. Donaldson 273. reaction of pregnancy urine. A. R. Arm-strong and E. Walker 393. Bronze Corrosion of - by vinegar. E. M. Mrak and T. C. Le Roux 662. British Pharmacopoeia 1932 (Review) 805. liver oil. Tintometer Ltd. 772. (Review)? 809. Buildiqg Research Reports No. 17. Deter-mination of free calcium oxide and hy-droxide. B. Bakewell and G. E. Bessey, 575. Bulk’s Reaction for rancidity in fats.Bullet hole in cotton. 718. Burma Food and Drugs Act 1928 ; Investiga-E. H. Butter Benzoic acid in -. 232. 319. tions on milk standards under -. Bunce 449. Fatty acids of -. 112. Fluorescence of milk and - in ultra-violet light. Iodine and thiocyanogen values of Irish --. P. S. Arup 610. Irish bog - ; Analyses of two samples of. P. S. Arup 300. keeping quality of unsalted - ; Tests for. J. T. Minster 615. Margarine blended with -. 653. spreadability of - ; Effect of temperature on the relative. 462. substitutes and the margarine standard. 97. Butter-fat vitamin A content of - ; Varia-G. S. Fraps and R. Treichler 732. Bufyrosperrnum Parkii Composition of T. P. Hilditch and S. A. G. W. Baker and S.Taubes 375. tions in. seed fat of -. Saletore. 113. C Cabbajjes Narcotine isolated from -. 188. Cadmium Amalgam Use of solid - in volumetric analysis. S. Kaneko and C. Nemoto 538. Cadmium Red pigments; Analysis of -. C. G. Daubney 22. Caernarvon Appointment of H. Lowe as Agricultural Analyst for County of -. 163. Caesium Separation of - from other alkali metals. N. A. Tananaeff and E. P. Harmasch 672. Caffeine in cereal beverages. C. H. La Wall and J. W. E. Harrisson 786. in coffee decoctions and coffee extracts; Determination of -. A. Bonn and Ch. Desgrez 115. in guarana; Existence and distribution of -. G. Bertrand and P. de 13. Carneiro, 388. Phenolphthalein in presence of - and cinchona alkaloids and drugs containing anthraquinone.46. C h m a r y Oil Unsaponifiable matter of -. M. Tsujimoto 266. Calciferol 54. Calcium Composite reagent for -. G. J. Cox and M. L. Dodds 801. Micro-determination and separation of mag-nesium and -. K. L. Maliaroff 64. disease of c6pper. 479. . Calcium Fluoride method for - determining sulphur in -. Rapid determination of. fluoride with special reference to the J. 0. Cooney i09. analysis of nickel-plating solutions. S. G. Coe 382. Calcium Gluconate Polarimetric method for H. J. Fisher and E. M. Buckwheat milling and its by-products. M a l o milk ; American -. M. R. F. T. Shutt 454. Clarke and W. N. Bradshaw 138. determining -. milk ; Burmese -. 451. Bailey 727 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Calcium Hydroxide Determination of free -. B.Bakewell and G. E. Bessey 575. Calcium Oxide Determination of free -. B. Bakewell and G. E. Bessey 575. Calcium Phosphate Separation of aluminium as phosphate in presence of - with special reference to the action of milk on aluminium. A. G. C. Gwyer and N. D. Pullen 704. Cufophylfum Inophylfurn nut oil (dilo oil). K. W. R. Glasgow 530. Canada Report of the Dominion Chemist for year ending March 31st 1930. F. T. Shutt 34. Canadian honey; Fermentation in -. 36. Canned meats ; Dutch regulations for -. 19. lobster ; Zinc in -. 457. tomatoes ; Standard for -. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Regulations. 108. Cannizzaro’s Reaction Method of determining PaIfray S. Sabetay and D. Sontag 4i2. Carbohydrate metabolism of fish. 165. Carbohydrates Micro-determination of - in pure solutions and in animal material.Z. Dische 410. Sensitive means of detecting reducing -. P. K. Bose 264. Carbon in an atmosphere of nitrogen; Micro-determination of hydrogen and -. J. B. Niederl and B. Whitman 740. Micro-determination of - by the wet method. I. H. Lieb and H. G. Krainick, 273. organic - in sewage ; Determination of. E. V. Mills 56. Pregl’s micro-combustion of hydrogen and - without the use of air. F. Vetter 541. Carbon Dioxide Effect of - on bacterial growth with special reference to the preser-vation of fish. Part I. F. P. Coyne 399. Solid - (and liquefied fermentation gas). A. 1. C. Cosbie 736. Carbon Disulphide in benzene ; Determination of - T. Callan J. A. R. Henderson and N. Strifford 590. test for Peru balsam.E. M. Smelt 724. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning by - from a gas-heater. G. R. Lynch 516. Cardigan Appointment of J. Evans as Agricul-tural Analyst for -. 163. Csrotensse. Transformation of carotene into vitamin A in vitro. H. S. Olcott and D. C. McCann 53. Carotene Effect of vitamin A and - on the oxidation of linolic acid. B. R. Monaghan and F. 0. Schmitt 663. in palm oil ; Colour reaction of Japanese acid clay upon - K. Kobayashi K. Yama-mot0 and J. Abe 264. Isolation of - from the suprarenal glands. 0. Bailly and R. Netter 52. Isomerisation of - by means of antimony trichloride. A. E. Gillam I. M. Heilbron, R. A. Morton and J. C. Drummond 791. Separation of vitamin A xanthophyllen and -. P. Karrer and K. Schopp 582. Transformation of - into vitamin A in elitro.H. S. Olcott and D. C. McCann 53. aromatic aldehydes based on - L. Carotene-continusd. Vitamin A and -. VIII. High potency vitamin A concentrates. T. Moore 260; IX. Conversion of - into vitamin A in the cow. T. Moore 395. Carotinoids Application of the Carr-Price re-action to -. B. von Euler and P. Karrer, 328. carotinoids. B. von Euler and P. Karrcr, 328. Cawone Determination of menthone and -. 9th Report of the Essential Oil Sub-Committee. 378. Casein Non-homogeneity of -. Fractiona-tion by means of ammonium chloride. E. Cherbuliez and M. L. Schneider 464. Phosphorus content of - . R. E. L. Berggren 318. phosphorus in - * Determination of. R. E. L. Berggren 319. Cassava starch ; Fatty acids associated with - .L. Lehrman 527. Cassia Oil Esters as adulterants of - and their detection. J. Callaway and T. N. Bennett 58. Castor Oil 135 years old. Castor Seed in feeding stuffs. F. R. Dodd 488. Poisoning by -. (Legal Notes) J. Taylor .& Sons Ltd. v. Union Castle Steamship Co. Ltd. 381. Catalase in agricultural products ; Determina-tion of -. A. K. Balls and W. S. Hale, 733. Cattle Foods ; Microscopical examination of - (Review) S. T. Parkinson and W. L. Fielding 136. Caustic Potash method for beryllium. Cellulose in plant materials ; Determination of -. M. Phillips 402. in soil; Determination of -. J. A. Daji, 792. Cellulose Acetates acetic acid in - ; Quanti-tative determination of. E. Berl G. Rueff and W. Wahlig 57. Cement free lime in -; Determination of.N. A. Tananaeff and L. M. Kulberg 477. Cereal beverages ; Caffeine in -. C. H. La Wall and J. W. E. Harrisson 786. products; Determination of starch in -, with special reference to rice. E. H. Hall 41. Cerebrospinal Fluid Micro-determination of sodium in -. 130. Ceylon Report of the Government Analyst for - for the year 1931. C. T. Symons 575. Chalk in sweets. 245 779. Charcoal fragments ; Identification of wood - . J. C. Maby 2. Cheese Acidity of Gorgonzola and Stilton -. W. Partridge 771. discoloration in - ; Detection in situ of tin solder causing. Dutch regulations for -. 21. Chemid Calculations ; Industrial -. (Review) 0. A. Hougen 483. Encyclopaedia. 5th Ed. (Review) C. T. Kingzett 809. Chemicu British - and their Manufacturers, 1931.282. Cam-Price Reaction Application of - to N. Evers 785. 271. W. L. Davies 95 INDEX TO TOLUME LVII. xxv Chemistry Analytical - See Analytical Chemistry. -4pplied - . Vol. 11. (Foods). (Review), C. K. Tinkler and H. Masters 480. Applied -; Annual Reports on the Pro-gress of for the year 1931. Vol. XVI. (Review) Society of Chemical Industry 479. Clinical - in Practical Medicine. (Review), C. P. Stewart and D. M. Dunlop 279. Colloid -. Theoretical and Applied. Vol. 111. (Review) edited by J. Alexander 203. Food - ; Colloid Aspects of. (Review), W. Clayton 133. Forensic - and Scientific Criminal Inves-tigation. (Review) A. Lucas 135. Fourth National Congress of Pure and Applied Industrial - . See Industrial Chemistry. International Union of -.Second Report of the Committee on Atomic Weights. 316. Makers of -. (Review) E. J. Holmyard, 810. Organic -. See Organic Chemistry. Physical -; Recent Advances in. (Re-view) S. Glasstone 68. Cherry Cider. 168. Cherry Gum Composition of -. C. L. Butler and L. H. Cretcher 42. Cherry Laurel Water Reduction of molybdic reagents by - . F. Morvillez and Defossez 581. Chester Appointment of H. Lowe as Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 163 ; as Public Analyst for -. Chestnut bark and - wood extracts; Com-parison of -. Chicken Fat Fatty acids of -. J. Grossfeld, 112. Chimica Applicata Dizionario di Merceologia e di -. (Review) G. A. Villacecchia and Others. Vol. 111 69 ; Vol IV 548. China Wood Oil Drying rates of synthetic resins with - .C. A. Thomas and P. E. Marling 668. Chloral Hydrate in the organism ; Distribution of -. N. E. Renescu and B. B. Olzsewski, 791. Chloramine-T for removing mildew and mould stains. 166. Chlorides in dairy products and biological material; Determination of -. W. L. Davis 79. Chlorine Determination of active -. J. C. Harral and F. W. M. Jaff6 308. in organic material ; Alkalimetric micro method for determining - . M. K. Zacherl and H. G. Krainick 591. Chloropentammine Cobaltic Chloride 5 1 1. Chlorophtinate Determination of potassium as Chocolate Bloom on -. 167. . 714. -29. A. Ponte 667. test for Peru balsam. E. M. Smelt 724. -. R. Strebinger and H. Holzer 801. Dutch regulations for -. 21. products ; Detection of added lecithin in -.vanillin in - ; Extraction and determina-Choline in coffee; Occurrence and detection of F. E. Nottbohm and F. Mayer 322. W. 0. Winkler and J. W. Sale 43. tion of. -. D. M. Freeland 9. Chromic Oxidation Application of - to certain alcohols. L. Semichon 664. Chromium copper in presence of - ; Deter-mination of minute amounts of. Iodimetric determination of manganese and - with persulphate. J. H. van der Meulen 335. New colorimetric method for detecting and determining -. toxicology. Absorption of - by the rat. L. W. Conn H. L. Webster and A. H. Johnson 470. 232. brandies ” ; Accidental presence of acrolein in - G. Warcollier and A. Le Moal, 387 578. 499. G. C. Spencer 405. Ci$r Benzoic acid in -. Cherry -.168. Dutch regulations for -. 22. Cinchona alkaloids ; Determination of phenol-phthalein in presence of caffeine and -drugs containing anthraquinone. 46. Citric Acid Iodimetric method for determining -. P. A. Kometiani 192, CitroneM Determination of -. (Essential Oil Sub-committee Report No. 10). 773. Citrus fruit juices ; Standard for -. 97, Claisen’s Reaction Method of determining aromatic aldehydes based on -. L. Palfray S. Sabetay and D. Sontag 472. Coal Nitrogen in - ; Selenium as a catalyst in the Kjeldahl method for determining. H. E. Crossley 739. Sulphur in - determined by the perchloric acid method. G. L. Smith and A. G. Deem, 408. water in - ; Micro-apparatus for the gravimetric determination of. F. Vetter, 541. K. Woynoff 60.Determination of - by means of nitroso-naphthol. in magnet and high-speed tool steels ; Deter-mination of -. Use of zinc oxide in determining -. J. I. Hoffman 272. Volumetric determination of - with per-manganate. J. Ledrut and L. Hauss 409. Cobalt Thiocyanate as means of detecting cocaine in presence of novocaine. J. L. Young, 179. Cocaine Colour reactions of novocaine (pro-caine) anaesthesine and allied compounds which distinguish them from - and similar substances. M. Wagenaar 579. in presence of novocaine; Detection of - by means of cobalt thiocyanate. J. L. Young, 179. Cocoa Dutch regulations for -. 21. Cocoa Butter Vanillin in - ; Extraction and determination of. D. M. Freeland 9. Coconut Oil Fatty acids of -. Coconut Toddy ; Analytical characteristics of J.C. Cowap and F. H. Geake 627. Cod-Liver Oil Antimony trichloride colour test B.P. antimony trichloride colour test for -. Cobalt Antipyrine as a reagent for -. C. Mayr and F. Feigl 739. J. I. Hoffman 671. 112. -. for-. 302. Tintometer Ltd. 772 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Cod-Liver Oil-continued. Relative vitamin A and vitamin D content of samples of -. K. H. Coward F. J. Dyer and B. G. E. Morgan 368. Coffee Adulteration of Indian - with special reference to the extract method of estima-tion. E. H. Bunce and G. C. Moitra, 708. “ Caf6 des Invalides.” 169. choline in - ; Occurrence and detection of. decoctions and extracts ; Determination of A. Bonn and C. Desgrez, Dutch regulations for -. 20. Extraction of trigonelline from raw -.F. E. Nottbohm and F. Mayer 254. substitute; New arachis - J. Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 786. Coffee-Bean Oil Unsaponifiable matter of -. Preparation and properties of kahweol. R. 0. Bengis and R. J. Anderson 579. Cognac Definition of -. 38. Coins Counterfeit - in Cyprus. 100; in Federated Malay States 41 ; in Palestine, 39; in Straits Settlements. 654. Coke Nitrogen in - ; Selenium as a catalyst in the Kjeldahl method for determining. H. E. Crossley 739. Coke Ovens Lead in herbage and soil of lands adjoining - and the illness and poison-ing of stock fed thereon. J. T. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam 330. CoZi bacteria in beer; Viability of -. R. Koch 535. Colloid Aspects of Food Chemistry and Techno-logy. (Review) W. Clayton 133.Chemistry-Theoretical and Applied. Vol. 111. (Review) Edited by J. Alexander 203; Vol. IV. 601. Colour measurement and standardisation. 462. Compensator for constant-volume gas burettes. H. R. Ambler 276. Condensed Milk False labelling of -. 246. in which the sucrose has altered during storage ; Analysis of -. (Milk Products Sub-committee Report No. 3). 630. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Report for the year 1930. Copper alloys ; Rapid colorimetric determination of nickel in -. V. P. Ochotin and A. P. Sytschoff 798. alloys ; Determination of antimony in -. W. Boehm and W. Raetsch. 538. antimony in - - Determination of. W. Boehm and W. Raetsch 538; H. Blumenthal 797. Bronze disease of -. 479. content of certain pharmaceutical preparations and chemicals.N. Evers and L. A. Haddock 723. Determination of minute amounts of -. L. C. Hurd and J. S. Chambers 403. in food and biological material. Bibliography on -. T. H. Pope 709. in materials containing rubber ; Determina-tion of -. Vitamin A in -. 247. F. E. Nottbohm and F. Mayer 322. caffeine in -. 115. 168. F. Kirchof 473. Copper-continued. in organic substances ; Application of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate reaction to the micro-colorimetric determination of -. W. D. McFarlane 802. in presence of iron and certain other metals ; Determination of minute amounts of -. L. A. Haddock and N. Evers 495. Iridium separated from -. 195. New reaction for dyestuffs containing - in hair and its use in identifying dye in hair.H. Meyer 333. Separation of earth acids from -Separation of rhodium from -. Separation of tin from- by means of sodium hydrosulphite. B. S. Evans 362. Copper Acetate test for Peru balsam. E. M. Smelt 724. Copper-Zinc Alloys. volatile constituents of - ; Determination of. L. I. Weinstein and A. A. Benedetti-Pichler 740. Copying Ink pencils 149. Corrosion Chemical research on -. 166. Corynantfie Identification of -. J. Sid-Cotton Bullet holes in -. 718. fabrics ; Heat test applied to -. M. Fort, in mixed textiles ; Quantitative determina-P. Krais and H. Markert 667. Coumarin Solubility of -. R. M. Hitchens, Cranberries Narcotine isolated from -. 188. Cr- containing glycerin. 456. Cream Ice “Extra” - . 30 779. o-Cresol Determination of - F.M. Potter and H. B. Williams 267 ; C. E. Sage and H. R. Fleck 567 773. Oresols Determination of m-cresol and o-cresol in mixtures of -. C. E. Sage and H. R. Fleck 567. Criminal Investigation ; Forensic Chemistry and Scientific -. (Review) A. Lucas 136. trials ; Scientific documentary evidence in C. A. Mitchell 144. CryoGumber for milk. 456. Cryoscope Notes on the Hortvet -. D. Henville 569. Cyanide solutions ; Determination of silver in - . A. Wogrinz 669. Cymene bath for Pregl’s micro-combustion. A. Verdino 199. Cyprus Report of the Government Analyst for the year 1930. S. G. Willimott 99; for the year 1931 780. Cysteine New colour test for -. E. Dyer and 0. Baudisch 325. 287. 196. vadjian 467. 403. tion of -. 388.D Dacrydium Cupressinum Essential oil of - . M. S. Carrie 795. Dairy products ; Determination of chlorides in -. W. L. Davies 79. Dates Composition of Iraq - . M. M. Cleveland and C. R. Fellers 660. Daylight Measurement of -. 250 INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xxvii Decomposition of meat ; Detection of incipient Denbigh Appointment of H. Lowe as Agricul-Dermatitis from oranges and lemons. S. G. Derris Root poisoning. 654. Dertis Uliginosa Rotenone content of -, Devonshire Colic (lead poisoning) due to cider. M. C. N. and L. N. Jackson 792. Diabetes Mahweng berries reputed to be a remedy for -. 313. Diacetyl in foodstuffs ; Detection of -. H. Schmalfuss and H. Barthmeyer 389. Diamines Chemical examination of dyed leathers for presence of - . F. E. Humphreys and H.Phillips 290. Diastase Origin of honey -. J. Fiehe 387. Dichloro-ethyl Sulphide Detection and deter-mination of - by combustion. M. Maxim 586. Dichloro-ethylene as a solvent. D. Mann 586. Dichromate titration of iron ; Internal indicator for -Didi Resin 781. Digitalis glucosides ; Quantitative colorimetric determination of - by means of Baljet’s reagent. Pharmacopoeia Commission Report on-. 32. a-Dihydroergosterol in ergosterol from ergot ; Quantitative determination of -. M. C, Hart and H. Emerson 328. potassium permanganate in acetone. J. Bougault and G. Schuster 191. Dilo Oil K. W. R. Glasgow 530. 2:4-Dinitrophenyl-hydrazine as a means for determining santonin. 0. Fernandez and L. Socias 580. Diphenylthiocarbazide Use of - for detecting magnesium.P. Agostini 64. Disinfectant Sale of poisonous - by grocers. (Legal Notes) Pharmaceutical Society of Gt. Britain v . Brown 459. Disinfecting fluids ; Determination of phenol and its homologues in -. A. F. McCarley, 181. Distillation Micro-vacuum -. R. A. Smith, 674. Dimetine theobromine in - ; Quantitative methods for determining. J M. A. Hegland, 725. Dizionario di Merceologia e di Chimica Applicata. (Review) G. V. Villavecchia and Others, Vol. 111 69 ; Vol. IV,.548. Documentary evidence in criminal trials ; Scientific -. C. A. Mitchell 144. Documents Charred -. 152. Photography of -. 39, Questioned -. 40. Donnan Equilibria. (Review) T. R. Bolam 542. Drawing reproduction and lantern-slide making. Drug preparations ; Determination of nitro-Drugs Adulteration and Analysis of Foods and -.G. Brotzu 535. tural Analyst for County of -. Horner 55. 519. 782 Detergents Dutch regulations for - 21. M. E. Weeks 404. J. A. C. Van Pinxteren 179. Dihydroxystearic Acid Oxidation of - by H. C. Bennett and R. Lee 200. glycerin in -. - . E. L. Anderson 390. (Review) J. F. Liverseege 595. Dmgs-continued. containing anthraquinone ; Determination of phenolphthalein in presence of caffeine and cinchona alkaloids and -. 46. essential oils in - * Determination of. T. T. Cocking and G.’Middleton 723. for the treatment of leprosy. santonin-bearing - ; Assay of. H. M. Burlage and A. C. Smith 725. Drying Oils Drying rates of synthetic resins with - I. China wood oil.C. A. Thomas and P. E. Marling 668. Yellowing of oxidised -. A. C. Elm and G. W. Standen 735. Dust Examination of - 576. Dutch food regulations. 19. Dyestuffs containing copper in hair; New re-action for - and its use in the identifica-tion of dye in hair. Empirical classification of vat -. C. M. Whittaker 332. New method of determining lead in organic material with special reference to -. N. L. Allport and G. H. Skrimshire 440. Quantitative analysis of -. S. R. Trot-man and T. B. Frearson 123. 313. H. Meyer 333, E Earth Acids Separation of - from metals of the hydrogen sulphide group. E. F. Water-house and W. R. Schoeller 284. Earthenware vessels; Lead from -. A. Gronover and E. Wohnlich 662. Easton’s Syrup Strychnine determined in -.L. A. Haddock and N. Evers 44. Egg baking powder. Alleged false label. (Legal Notes) 460. constituents of mayonnaise ; Variability of -. J. L. Perlman 719. white; Determination of total solid matter and density of - by means of the re-fractometer. H. J. Almquist F. W. Lorenz and B. R. Burmester 659. yolk; Determination of colouring matter in -. A. Terenyi 106. Eggs acid-soluble phosphoric acid in - * Rapid method of determining. J. Fitelsod and I. A. Gaines 43. Composition of shell -. L. C. Mitchell 522. Dutch regulations for -. 22. lecithin in -; Decomposition of. L. C. Mitchell 523. with “dry ice.” 35. Preservation of -rich in iodine. A. Jaschik and J. Kieselbach, 105. washed abraded and oiled -; Detection of. P. F. Sharp 657. Egypt Woods used in ancient -.K. P. Oakley 158. Electrode Hydrogen - vessel. A. J. Lindsey 573. Electrolytic determination of gallium. E. Reichel 334. Embryology Chemical -. Vols. I I1 and I-. (Review) J. Needham 204. Enolic form ; New general reagent for the -11, E. V. Zappi 330 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Erg&ml from ergot ; Quantitative determina-M. C. tion of a-dihydroergosterol in -. Hart and H. Emerson 328. Toxicity of irradiated -. 176. Ergot alkaloids ; Biological and spectroscopic tests on - with notes on the Maurice Smith colour test. F. Wokes and H. Crocker 45. and Ergotism. Colorimetric assay of -. N. L. Allport and T. T. Cocking 725. a-dihydroergosterol in ergosterol from - -Quantitative determination of. M. C: Hart and H.Emerson 328. Pharmacopoeia Commission Report on -. 333. mhritol Precipitation of - by metallic hydroxides in alkaline media. 783. m n AusgewOhlte Methoden fur Schiedsanaly-sen und Kontradiktorischen Arbeiten bei der Untersuchung von -. (Review) 677. Essential Oil of Dacrydium cupressinum. M. S. Carrie 795. Sub-Committee Report No. 9. Determination of carvone and menthone. 378; Report No. 10. Determination of citronellal. 773. E m n U Oils in drugs and spices ; Determination of-. T. T. Cocking and G. Middleton, 723. Esters as adulterants of cassai oil and their detection. J. Callaway and T. N. Bennett, 58. Ether Anaesthetic -. 718. peroxides in - ; Detection of. L. W. Green and R. E. Schoetzow 44. Ethoxyl and methoxyl groups; Viebock and Schwappach method for determining -.E. P. Clark 402. Ethyl Alcohol primary propyl alcohol in mix-tures of - and water ; Determination of. 0. Noetzel 734. Ethyl Iodide Determination of small amounts of Ethylene Oxide Determination of -. 0. F. Euflavine 295. (Review) G. Barger 348. -. R. D. Cool 585. Lubatti 794. F Facte Powders containing lead 655. Faeces tartaric acid in - ; Colorimetric determination of. 587. Fat abdominal - of frozen rabbits ; Yellow-ing of. J. H. Vickery 520. Sparing action of - on vitamin B. 11. R6le played by melting-point and degree of unsaturation of various fats. H. M. Evans and S. Lepkovsky 468 ; 111. R61e played by glycerides of single fatty acids. 469. Fat-soluble vitamin A . Standards for -. 173. Fats antioxygens present in -.Nature of. I. Separation, of fatty derivatives from " antioxygens by distillation. T. P. Hilditch and J. J. Sleightholme 320. Changes in - during frying. F. R. Porter, H. Michaelis and F. G. Shay 660. Component glycerides of partially hydro-generated -. T. P. Hilditch and E. C. Fats-continued. Detection and determination of a proprietary oil (Sonderol) added to edible-. H. Schmalfuss and H. Werner 784. Dutch regulations for -. 21. edible- ; Fatty acids of chicken fat and other -. J. Grossfeld 112. Ketone rancidity of -. I. New method of detection. K. Taufel and H. Thaler 466. of brown sea-weeds. of the body of the pig. I. Influence of in-gested fat on the component fatty acids. R. Bhattacharya and T. P. Hilditch 256; 11.Some aspects of the formation of animal dep6t fats suggested by the composition of their glycerides and fatty acids. A. Banks and T. P. Hilditch 531. Rancidity reactions of -. P. Brukre and A. Fourmont 319. Seed -. See Seed Fats. Vegetable Oils and -. (Review) G. S. Jamieson 349. Fatty Acids and component glycerides of some oleo oils. A. Banks and T. P. Hilditch 388. associated with cassava starch. L. Lehrman, 527. in linseed oil 233. Melting and solidification points of hydro-genated waxes and oils and of their -. S. Ueno G. Inagaki and H. Tsuchikawa, 113. of chicken fat and other edible fats. J. Gross-feld 112. of solid seed fats. I. T. P. Hilditch and S. A. Saletore 113. of the body fats of the pig. I. Influence of ingested fat on the coniponent -.R. Bhattacharya and T. P. Hilditch 256; 11. Some aspects of the formation of animal dep6t fats suggested by the composition of their glycerides and -. A. Banks and T. P. Hilditch 531. Reduction of the bromine derivatives of -. W. Kimura 59. Unsaturated - in diet. 11. H. M. Evans and S. Lepkovsky 470. Feder Number 19. Federated .Malay States Report of the Chief Chemist for the year 1930. R. W. Blair, 40. Feeding Stuffs Castor seed in -. F. R. Dodd 488. starch in - ; Determination of. G. S. Fraps 526. Fermentation Alcoholic -. 4th Ed. (Re-view) A. Harden 546. gas ; Solid carbon dioxide (and liquefied -) . A. J. C. Cosbie 736. in Canadian honey. 36. vinegar ; Differentiation from artificial vine-gar. C. Bertin 722. Fermented liquids ; Determination of succinic acid in -.L. Semichon and Flanzy 721. Ferric Iron Iodimetric determination of -. E. Rupp 59. Ferrocyanide titration of zinc ; An overlooked source of error in -. Ferrotungsten Tin in - ; Rapid determination B. Russell-Wells 472. B. Park 196. -Jones 661. of. K. Kiefer 538 xxix INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act 1926 Revision Food-continued. of Regulations. Statutory Rules and Orders Saccharin in -. 99. 1932 No. 668. 655. survey of Cyprus. 100. Fibres Animal - ; Methods for studying the Food a d Drugs Act 1928 of B~~~~ Investi, gations on milk standards under the - scale structure of. J. I. Hardy 200. E. H. Bunce. 449. leather - ; Interpretation of photomicro-paphs Of* D* J. and R.H* Marriott analysis. Abstracts 41 105 177 252 318, 382 464 522 578 657 719 782. 276. Fiji Report of the Government Chemist for - for the year 1930. w. J. ~ l ~ ~ f i ~ 251; Food Investigation Board Reports Annual for the year 1931,251. Report for the year 1931. 715. Filter for micro-gravimetric analyses. P. L. No. 41. Freezing storage and transport of Kirk and R. Craig 127. New Zealand lamb. E. Griffiths J R. Vickery and N. E. Holmes 574. Firearm Examination of -. 576. m Carbohydrate metabolism of -. 165. No. 42. The yellowing of the abdominal fat preservation of - ; Effect of carbon dioxide of frozen rabbits. on bacterial growth with special reference FOOdS Adulteration and Analysis of Drugs and to. Part I. F. P. Coyne 399. -. (Review) J. F. Liverseege 695. f i h Oils Unsaponifiable matter determined in Microscopical Examination of -.E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 25. (Review) S. T. Parkinson and W. L. Morf and K. Scopp 185. methyl chloride in - ; Detection and deter-Fish-Liver Oils Analytical classification of -. mination of. M. J. Martinek and W. C. N. Evers and W. Smith 735. Marti 122. Reaction of - with antimony trichloride VOl. I. F. Ender 789. Cereals Nuts and Oilseeds. (Review), Flavines Recognition and determination of -. P. J. Udall 295. K. S. Kemmerer Flesh Products Detection of hydrogen sulphide and the evaluation of the degree of freshness Foodstuffs ammonia trimethylamine and other of -. F. Budagjan 720. amines in - ; Determination of. F. Florence’s Test for seminal stains. 718. Okoloff 321. Elour Dutch regulations for -.benzoic acid in - ; Application of Mohler’s test to the detection and determination of. mining. E. T. Illing 226. 782. cooked in glass and in aluminium ; Alumin-ium content of -. G. D. Beal R. B. rye and wheat -. Unangst H. €3. Wigman and G. J. Cox 392. Barsch 177. diacetyl and methyl-acetyl carbinol in - * Fluorescence analysis of waxes. J. A. Radley Detection of. H. Schmalfuss and H: 626. Barthmeyer 389. in relation to sewage. Reduction-capacity of plant - and its microscopy and - photomicrography. P. relation to vitamin C. I. Reducing Metzner 130. substance in lemon juices. J. Tillmans, microscopy with strong illumination. M. P. Hirsch and W. Hirsch 260; 111. Con-Haitinger 13 1. tent of reducing substance in different of milk and butter in ultra-violet light.G. W. fruits and vegetables. J. Tillmans P. Baker and S. Taubes 375. Hirsch and J. Jackisch 396. IV. Rever-Flnoride Calcium fluoride method for determin- sibility of the oxidation of the reducing ing -. S. G. Clarke and W. N. Brad- substances in lemon juice. J. Tillmans, shaw 138. P. Hirsch and H. Dick 397, Fluorine in impregnated wood ; Determination Of saccharin content of - ; Determination of. -. 737. J. E. Heesterman 323. in organic compounds ; Determination of -. Serum diagnosis in the investigation of -. D. J. Pflaum and H. H. Wenzke 793. Food aluminium in - Determination of small amounts of. e. Lampitt and N. D Forensic Analysis. Abstracts 262 791. Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investi-Sylvester 418. gation. (Review) A.Lucas. 135. * Spectrographic deter- medicine ; Group-specific substances in - -. aluminium in -mination of. P. Bilham 426. Chemistry and Technology ; Colloid Aspects R’ 262* Forest Products ; Australian Division of -. of -. Technical Papers. No. 1. Identification control in Holland. A. van Raalte and J. of wood by chemical means. Part I. Straub 15. ; Bibliography on. H. E. Dadswell 101 ; No. 2. Density of heavy metals in - Australian timbers. H. E. Dadswell 102 ; T. H. Pope. I. Copper 709 ; 11. Lead 775. Products ; U.S. Dept. of Agriculture new and No- 3. Study Of lignin determination. W. E. Cohen and H. E. Dadswell 103. revised Definitions and Standards for -. 656. Forgenes Traced -. 153. J. R. Vickery 520. Cattle - ; Vitamin A from -. 11. P. Karrer R. Fielding 136.Structure and Composition Of -. Sulphur content of -A. L. Winton and K. B. Winton 545. and P. W. Boutwell 783. 20. moisture in -; Rapid method for deter-E. A. Fisher and J. Thomlinson, Rye - in wheat - and barley - in P. Rudolph and H. J. A. Radley 28. C. Griebel and H. Maass 326. (Review) W. Clayton 133 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Formaldehyde Colour reaction of - and ketones with sodium nitroprusside and hydroxylamine. P. Pratesi 122. Formalin poisoning 7 18. Formic Acid as a poison. 576. in fruit juices and fruit syrups ; Volumetric method for determining -. G. von Szeldnyi 524. Freezing of New Zealand lamb. E. Griffiths, J. R. Vickery and N. E. Holmes 574. yeast. E. R. Dawson 536. juice rich in tannin as a sensitive reagent for pectin.C. Griebel 385. juices; Aluminium in the ash of -. L. Hart 525. juices and syrups; Volumetric method for determining formic acid in -. G. von SzelCnyi 524. juices ; Determination of lactic acid in -. L. Semichon and Flanzy 721. juices; Dutch regulations for -. 19. juices from frozen - ; Comparative study of. T. A. Pickett 385. juices ; Standard for citrus -. 97. Retarding the ripening of -. 165. Fruits reducing substance in different -; Content of. J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and J. Jackisch 396. Statutory Rules and Orders No. 458 (-), 1931. 463. m g Changes in fats during -. F. R. Porter H. Michaelis and F. G. Shay 660. Fungi Chemical composition of the spores of the higher -. W. Friese 259. Fungus Pathogenic - on wool cloth. A. G.Goiild and E. K. Carter 55. Fructose Selective fermentation of - by FNit drinks. 780. G Galactose in blood and urine ; Determination of -. V. J. Harding and G. A. Grant 183. Gallium Electrolytic determination of -. 334 ; Prevention of anodic platinum losses. E. Reichel 738. Gtallotannin Analyses of commercial -. 761. as a means for the quantitative separation of pilocarpine from quinine ; Experiments on. M. Nierenstein 94. Gtss analysis; Comparison of the reaction-capacity towards oxygen of different ab-sorbing materials used in technical -. 389. analysis ; Portable apparatus for precise -. H. R. Ambler 276. burettes ; Compensator for constant-volume - . Solid carbon dioxide (and liquefied fermenta-tion -). A. J. C. Cosbie 736. storage of pork and bacon.Part I. E. H. Callow 384. Gtsses Dry method for the micro-analysis of -. F. E. Blacet and P. A. Leighton 337. nitrogen etc. in inert - ; Use of metallic lithium in the determination of. J. H. Severyns E. R. Wilkinson and W. C. Schumb 796. H. R. Ambler 276. Gtelsemium alkaloid. 313. General Medical Council Reports of the Phar-macopoeia Committee. 31. Gtermanium Determination of - . J. H. Miiller and A. Eisner 408. Separation of arsenic and - . H. J. Abrahams and J. H. Miiller 194. Germanium Tetrachloride Separation of arsenic trichloride and -. E. R. Allison and J. H. Miiller 670. Glands suprarenal- ; Isolation of carotene from -. Glass for ampoules ; Pharmacopoeia Com-mission Report on -. 32. Fourteenth century - of Wells Cathedral.479. Poisoning by powdered -. 576. 0. Bailly and R. Netter 52. Glassware Volumetric -. 462. Glucose in human blood ; Mode of distribution of. E. M. MacKay 729. Loss of - from dried peas on soaking. W. M. Clifford 253. Microchemical determination of - . Ch. Cimerman and P. Wenger 337. Selective fermentation of - by yeast. E. R. Dawson 536. Glucosides in plant tissues ; Detection of -. A. Niehhammer 62. Micro-chemical examination of - . L. Rosenthaler 63. Quantitative colorimetric determination of digitalis - by means of Raljet’s reagent. J. A. C. Van Pinxteren 179. Glutamine in presence of asparagine ; Deter-mination of. A. C. Chibnall and R. G. Westall 393. Glycerides Component - of partially hydro-genated fats. T. P. Hilditch and E.C. Jones 661. of solid seed fats. I. T. P. Hilditch and S. A. Saletore 113. of some oleo oils. A. Banks and T. P. Hilditch 388. Glycerin in cream. 456. Glycogen in tissues; Determination of -. M. Sahyun 51. Glycol Precipitation of - by metallic hy-droxides in alkaline media. 783. Glycosides (Review) E. F. and K. F. Arm-strong 481. Goat’s BWk Indican in -. C. Hervieux 178. Witre Incidence of -. 312. Gold Iridium separated from - 195. Goose Fat Fatty acids of -. Partridge 77 1. Government Analysts’ Reports See Canada, Ceylon Cyprus Federated Malay States, Fiji Madras New So$h Wales New Zealand, Palestine Siam Strats Settlements. Grape juice ; Colorimetric determination of tartaric acid in -. 587. Grapes white wine made from red - ; identi-fication of.G. Graff 660. Gravy Browning 456. Grease stains removed by pyridine. Grey Powder tablets. 519. 112. Gorgonzola Cheese Acidity of - . w. 478 INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xxxi Girosfeld’s modification of Mohler’s test for benzoic acid ; Investigation of -. E. T. Illing 224. Group-specific substances in forensic medicine. R. B. Lloyd 262. Growth-promoting properties (vitamin B com-plex) of the concentrated water-soluble portion of milk. G. C. Supplee 0. J. Kahlenberg and G. E. Flanigan 53. Guanidine Carbonate as a means of separating beryllium from aluminium. A. Jilek and J. Kota 406; from other elements A. Jilek and J. Kota 799. Gumana caffeine and theobromine in - * Existence and distribution of. G. Bertrand and P. de B.Carneiro 388. Gum from cherry trees; Composition of -. C. L. Butler and L. H. Cretcher 42. in petrol; Determination of -. M. J. Mulligan W. G. Love11 and T. A. Boyd 796. Gum-spirits of !Curpentine Fractionation of American - and evaluation of its pinene content by optical means. S. Palkin 331. H Haemin crystals ; Reagent facilitating the formation of - from blood. G. Bertrand, 664. Haemoglobin in blood ; Purification of benzidine, and an improved reagent for -. F. C. Bing 329. Hair dye in - * Identification of. H. Meyer 333. scale structure of - ; Method for revealing. J. MFnby 201. Hairdressmg purposes ; Suitability of water softener for -. Halibut-Liver Oil as a source of vitamin A . J. A. Lovern 468. Its vitamin potency physical constants and tolerance.A. I). Emmett and 0. D. Bird 732. Reaction of - with antimony trichloride. F. Ender 789. Halides of limited or reversible ionisation ; Use of adsorption indicators in titrations of -. A. J. Berry 511. Handwriting Evidence of -. 153. Hashish trafficking. 100. Health Salts 457. Hemicelluloses Determination of -oxidation with potassium dichromate. k? Jager 587. Herrings Ammoniacal nitrogen and amino nitrogen in -. 321. Holland Food control in -. A. van Raalte and J. Straub 15. Honey analysis; Additional tests in -. J. Gruss 783. Crystallisation of - and heating of cry-stallised -. Degree of pigmentation and its probable relationship to the mineral constituents of -. H. A. Schuette and K. Remy 578. diastase content of - ; Simplified test for, and detection of foreign - by pollen analysis.J. Prescher and E. Bohm 108. (Legal Notes) 96. H. W. de Boer 107. Honey-continued. diastase ; Origin of -. J. Fiehe 387. Dutch regulations for -. 20. Fermentation in Canadian -. 36. Freezing-point depression of -. J. Stitz “Honey and butter rock” without -. orange - - Specific test for. R. E. Hong Bong oil; Properties of -. T. H. Hormones Estimation of -. K. Culhane Horse Fat J. Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 265. Fatty acids of -. 112. Hortvet apparatus for determining the freezing-point of milk; Notes on the use of -. H. C. Lockwood. 698. cryoscope ; Notes on the -. D. Henville, 569. Human system ; Assimilation of aluminium by -. S. J. Lewis 324. Hydrazines Highly sensitive reagent for -and analogous compounds.E. Montignie, 330. Hydrocarbon in ishinagi liver oil. M. Tsuji-moto 265. Hydrochloric Acid Detection of woody plant membranes with phloroglucinol and -. W. Plahl 124. Hydrogen in an atmosphere of nitrogen ; Micro-determination of carbon and -. J. B. Niederl and B. Whitman 740. Pregl’s micro-combustion of carbon and -, without the use of air. Hydrogen Electrode vessel. A. J. Lindsey 573. Hydrogen Ions Their Determination and Im-portance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry. 2nd Ed. (Review) H. T. S. Britton 543. Hydrogen Peroxide Action of milk peroxidase with - on metabolites. K. A. C. Elliott 394. C. Griebel 200. Hydrogen Sgphide Detection of - and the evaluation of the degree of freshness of flesh products.F. Budagjan 720. group of metals ; separation of the earth acids from - E. F. Waterhouse and W. R. Schoeller ‘284. in industrial waters ; Determination of -. Kapp 793. Hydrogenation method of determining nitrogen in yeast. H. ter Meulen and K. Peeren 524. Hydrometers Standardisation of specific gravity - . 462. Hydroxylamine Colour reaction of formalde-hyde and ketones with sodium nitroprusside and -. P. Pratesi 122. Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride as means for quantitative determination of acetone in other organic solvents. M. Krajzinovi 123. Hydroxyquinoline method for beryllium. 270. o-Hydroxyquinoline as means of detecting small quantities of bismuth. R. Sazerac and J. Pouzergues 737. Hypophosphorus Acid Improved method of titrating arsenic precipitated by -.B. S. Evans 492. .and B. Szigvhrt 108. (Legal Notes) 520. Lothrop 7i4. Barry 85. and S. W. F. Underhill 684. F. Vetter 641. Microchemical test for -xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. I Ice Cream Dutch regulations for -. 21. Ichthamol sulphur content of -; Deter-Ihl-Pechmann Reaction for laevulose Modifi-Improvers in bread ; Persulphates in -. 99. Indian coffee ; Detection of adulteration of -, with special reference to the extract method. E. H. Bunce and G. C. Moitra, 708. Indican in the milk of the cow and goat. C. Hervieux 178. Indicator Internal - for the dichromate titration of iron. sinalbin as an -; Use of. K. Harrison, 401. Indicators adsorption -; Use of in tifra-tions of halides of limited or reversible ionisation.A. J. Berry 511. Indolic Compounds Colour reaction of -. E. Montignie 588. Industrial Chemical Calculations. (Review), 0. A. Hougen 483. Chemistry. Importance of Hydrogen Ions in-. (Review) H. T. S. Britton 543. laboratories ; Micro-analytical methods in - . 541. Inks Differentiation of writing -. 145. Sediments in -. C. A. Mitchell and T. J. Ward 760. Inorganic Analysis. Abstracts 59 125 193, 268 333 403 473 538 589 668 736, 796. Substances; Preparation of Pure -. (Review) E. H. Archibald 743. Insects Poisonous -. 313. Insulin Estimation of - 689. Iodide Test for -. Iodine bromine free from - - Preparation G. M. Karns and H. C. Donaldson 273. Eggs rich in -. A. Jaschik and J. Kiesel-in thyroid gland ; Determination of total -.P. S. Arup 610. of oils and lipids; Determination of -, M. Yasuda 182. of perilla oil. Iodised Salt 311. Iraq dates; Composition of - . M. M. Cleveland and C. R. Fellers 660. Iridium Separation and determination of -. L. Moser and R. Hackhofer 194. Irish bog butter; Analyses of two samples of - . P. S. Amp 300. butter; Iodine and thiocyanogen values of -. P. S. Arup 610. Iron copper in presence of - * Determina-tion of minute amounts of. c. A. Haddock and N. Evers 495. Internal indicator for the dichromate titration of -. Iodimetric determination of ferric -. E. lead in presence of small Quantities of - ; mination of. cation of -. N. L. Allport 255. C. I. Kruisheer 386. M. E. Weeks 404. C. I. Kruisheer 672. of. bach 105.604. Iodine Value of Irish butter. C. A. Lathrap 661. M. E. Weeks 404. RUPP 59. Iron-continued. Nitrogen in - determined by the vacuum fusion method. H. C. Vacher and L. Jordan 60. Oxygen in - determined by the vacuum fusion method. H. C. Vacher and L. Jordan 60. Rhodium separated from -. 196. salts ; Determination of lead and other metals in -. A. D. Powell and G. F. Hall 736. tin in - - Determination of. J. A. Scherrer 4i3. Volumetric determination of - using basic mercuric bromate. G. F. Smith and H. H. Bliss 125. Iron Oxide as pigment ; Value of -. 166. Ironbark woods; Identification of -. 102. J Jam Benzoic acid in -. 232. Dutch regulations for -. 19. investigation in Canada 35. Standard for - in New South Wales. 98. Total solids in -.457. Jams made from fresh and dried plums ; Method of distinguishing -. P. Rudolph and H. Barsch 106. Japan Wax Dibasic acids in sumach berry waxes (-). M. Tsujimoto 266. Japanese acid clay; Colour reaction of -upon carotene in palm oil. K. Kobayashi, K. Yamamoto and J. Abe 264. Jmah Identification of -. 102. K Kahweol Preparation and properties of -. R. 0. Bengis and R. J. Anderson 579. Ealamet Wood as substitute for sandalwood. 124 515. Kapok Dutch regulations for -. 22. Kapok Seed Oil Composition of -. R. C. Malhotra 785. Karri Identification of - 102. Ketone rancidity of fats. i. New method of detection. K. Taufel and H. Thaler 466. Ketones Colour reaction of formaldehyde and - with sodium nitroprusside and hy-droxylamine.P. Pratesi 122. Ketonic sugars ; Characterisation of aldehydic and - by oxidation with bromine. F. Zanelli. 106. Kinetics of milk catalase on heating. A. I. Burstein and F. S. Frum 116. Kjeldahl Method for determining nitrogen in coal and coke ; Selenium as a catalyst in -. H. E. Crossley 739. Kodalith a new photographic paper. 200. L Laboratory Manual ; Microchemical -. (Re-view) F. Emich 741. Separation and determhation of. Hamence 622. -. P. Slansky 193. J. HI Lacquer:' Nitrocellulose detected in coats o INDEX TO h t i c Acid in the blood ; Gasometric method of determining -. B. F. Avery and A. B. Hastings 50. in vegetable tan liquors ; Determination of - . J. H. Highberger and D. L. Youel, 666. in wines and fruit juices ; Determination of -.L. Semichon and Flanzy 721. in wines; Determination of -. J. H. Fabre and E. Bremond 110 ; A. Michel 11 1. Lactose content of milk; Calculation of the approximate -. 83. Lsevulose Modification of the Seliwanoff and Ihl-Pechmann reactions for -. C. I. Kruisheer 386. Quantitative determination of sucrose and - . J. Fiehe 385. Lamb Freezing storage and transport of New Zealand - E. Griffiths J. R. Vickery and N. E. I-Iolmes 574. Lsncaster Report of the County Analyst for - for the year 1931. G. D. Elsdon 455. Lantana Crocea Toxic principle of -. 782. Lantern-slide making. H. C. Bennett and R. Lee 200. Lard Fatty acids of -. 112. Lea’s Test for rancidity in fats. Lead alloys ; Rapid method of dissolving -B. S. Evans 654. 319. preparatory to the determination of tin and antimony.from earthenware vessels. A. Gronover and E. Wohnlich 662. in face powders. 655. in food and biological material ; Bibliography on -. T. H. Pope 775. in herbage and soil of lands adjoining coke-ovens and the illness and poisoning of stock fed thereon. J. T. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam 330. in iron salts ; Determination of -. A. D. Powell and G. F. Hall 736. in ofganic material; New method of deter-mining - with special reference to dye-stuffs. N. L. Allport and G. H. Skrimshire, 440. in presence of phenol ; Chemical corrosion of -. E. Da Fano 268. in presence of small quantities of iron; Separation and determination of -. J. H. Hamence 622. in rocks; Determination of -. G. von Hevesy and R. Hobbie 404.poisoning due to cider. M. C. N. and L. N. Jackson 792. red-; Analysis of -. N. Busvold 268. Separation of tin from - by means of sodium hydrosulphite. B. S. Evans 362. thallium in presence of -; Rapid deter-mination of small amounts of. F. Pavelka and H. Morth 804. had Dioxide Analysis of -. N. Busvold, 268. Leather Chemical examination of dyed - for the presence of diamines and aminophenols. F. E. Humphreys and H. Phillips 290. Detection of added -. W. 0. Winkler and J. W. Treatment of friable -. 479. Lecithin in chocolate products; VOLUME LVII. xxxiii Lecithin-continued. in eggs; Decomposition of -. L. C. Mitchell 523. Leeds Report of the City Analyst for - for the year 1931. Legal Cases Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Gt.Britain v. Brown. (Sale of a poisonous disinfectant by grocers.) 459. M’Alister or Donoghue o. Stevenson. 458. McGovern v. Bruen (Blood grouping in a case of disputed paternity). 247. Rex v. Freedman (Evidence on blood groups in a trial for murder). Taylor J. & Sons Ltd. v. Union Castle Steamship Co. Ltd. (Poisoning by castor seed.) 381. Twynham v. Badcock. (Wholesaler’s sample.) 310. Legal Notes 30 96 163 247 310 381 458 520, 574 780. Leicester Appointment of J. G. Lunt as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 163. Lemon Essence Detection of false “sponge” - prepared with machine-extracted essence. G. Romeo N. Galletti and J. Amoroso 785. Lemon Juice Preparation of vitamin C concen-trates from -. J. S. Svirbely and C.G. King 187. Reducing substance in - J. Tillmans, P. Hirsch and W. Hirsch 260. Reversibility of the oxidation of the reducing substances in -. J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and H. Dick 397. C. H. Manley 714. 249. Lemonade Dutch regulations for -. 19. Lemonade Powder 457. Lemons Dermatitis from -. S. G. Homer, Leprosy Drugs for treatment of -. 313. Lignin determination; Study of -. 103. in plant materials; Determination of -. M. Phillips 402. Lilies Pigments of the pollen of certain -. 781. Lime in cement; Determination of free -. N. A. Tananaeff and L. M. Kulberg 477. Lime Juice and sulphur salts. 457. Benzoic acid in -. 232. Linen fabrics; Heat test applied to -. M. Fort 403. Linolenic Acid Attempted isolation of -from the unsaturated fatty acids of linseed oil 233.Linolic Acid Effect of carotene and vitamin A on the oxidation of -. B. R. Monaghan and F. 0. Schmitt 663. Linseed Oil Composition of -. N. E. Cocchinaras 233 ; R. S. Morrell 377. Lipids iodine value of - ; Determination of. M. Yasuda 182. Liquids Combustion of -. Micro-method for. E. Schadendorff and M. K. Zacherl, 336. Lithium Use of metallic - in the determina-tion of nitrogen etc. in inert gases. J. H. Severvns. E. R. Willrinson and W. C. 55. Sale 43. Schumb . 796 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Lithium Aluminate Formation of -. J. T. Dobbins and J. P. Sanders 197. Liver extracts; Vitamin B content of com-mercial -. E. Gilroy 120. Liver Oil Colour reactions of -. R. T. A. Mees 121. of various animals ; Lovibond values of -, and growth promotion of different vitamin preparations.P. Karrer H. von Euler and K. Schopp 327. Lobster Zinc in canned -. 457. Loretin Microchemical reactions with -. C. Van Zijp 801. Lovibond values of the liver-oils of various animals and growth promotion of different vitamin preparations. P. Karrer H. von Euler and K. Schopp 327. M Madar Juice poisoning. 717. Madras Report of the Chemical Examiner for - for the year 1931. C. Newcomb 717. Magnesium Diphenylthiocarbazide for detect-ing -. P. Agostini 64. electrometric determination of - ; Use of the antimony electrode in. B. B. Malvea and J. R. Withrow 539. in blood determined by means of 8-hydroxy-quinoline. D. M. Greenberg and M. A. Mackey 730. Micro-determination and separation of calcium and - K.L. Maljaroff 64. Magnesium Uranyl Acetate method of deter-mining small amounts of sodium. E. R. Caley 273. Mahogany Identification of white -. 102. Mahweng Berries reputed to be a remedy for diabetes. 313. Malayan Aleurites montana ; Oil from -. T. H. Barry 85. Bishop’s barley formula. W. J. Mitchell, 464. Manganese content of milk; Effect of diet on - . A. R. Kemmerer and W. R. Todd, 48. copper in presence of -; Determination of minute amounts of. 499. Determination of - as manganese am-monium phosphate. P. Nuka 197. Determination of - by means of persul-phate. R. G. Harry 197. in plant materials ; Colorimetric method for determining -. J. Davidson and R. G. Capen 56. Iodimetric determination of chromium and - with persulphate.J. H. van der Meulen 335. Separation of - as peroxide from other metals. K. A. Jensen 125. Use of zinc oxide in determining -. J. I. Hoffman 273. Manganese Ammonium Phosphate Determina-tion of manganese as -. P. Nuka 197. Mtlnnitol Precipitation of - by metallic hydroxides in alkaline media. 783. Malt Prediction of the extract of - bY Manufacturer’s liability for injurious defects in his- products. (Legal Notes.) M’Alister or Donoghue ZI. Stevenson. 455. Maple flavour ; Imitation -. 160. Marble Removal of tar from - 479. Margarine blended with butter. 6i3. Dutch regulations for -. 21. standard; Butter substitutes and the -. 97. Marine An@d .Oils ,Unsaponifiable matter determined in - . E. R. Bolton and I<.A. Williams 25. Marking Nut Chemical examination of -. P. P. Pillay and S. Siddiqui 796. Marmalade Benzoic acid in -. 232. Dutch regulations for -. 19. Mathieu and Ferr6 formula for milk. Matter New Conceptions of -. (Review), and the varia- Mayoqqsise Analysis of -J. L. Perl-456. C. G. Darwin 413. bility of its egg constituents. man 719. salad dressing. Analyses of -. 171. Measurement of colour. 462. Standards of -. 461. Meat extracts ; Dutch regulations for -. 19. incipient decomposition of - ; Detection Potted -. See Potted Meat. preserved ; Dutch regulations for. -. 19. Water-protein ratio of lean - and its bearing upon the analysis of sausages. F. W. Jackson and 0. Jones 562. Medical General - Council. Pharmacopoeia Commission reports 3 1, Medicated wines ; Sale of -.317. Medicine Group-specific substances in forensic - . Clinical Chemistry in Practical -. (Review), C. P. Stewart and D. M. Dunlop 279. Medicines Reaction for distinguishing primary cyclic amines and its application to -. J. A. Sauchez 391. Melting Point apparatus ; New micro -. L. Kofler and H. Hilbck. 130. determinations Micro -. H. Linser 412. Menthone Determination of carvone and -. 9th Report of the Essential Oil Sub-committee 378. Mercaptans Analytical reactions of alkyl -in benzene solution. J. R. Sampey and E. E. Reid 665. Merceologia Dizionario di - e di Chimica Applicata. (Review) G. A. Villavecchia and Others. Vol. 111 69 ; Vol. IV 548. Mercuric Bromate Volumetric determination of iron using basic -.G. F. Smith and H. H. Bliss 125. Mercuric Chloride Determination of - by Kupp‘s method. H. Brindle 737. Mercuric Iodide Determination of traces of mercury in the form of rings of -. A. Delauney 737. Mercurous ion; Specific spot test for -. N. A. Tananajin 64. Mercury Determination of traces of - in the form of mercuric iodide. A. Delauney 737. Electrical micro-determination of -. F. Patat 803. of. G. Brotzu 536. R. B. Lloyd 262 INDEX To VOLUME LVII. sxxv Mercury-coittin ued. in impregnated wood ; Determination of -. in viscera and bones 718. Micro-determination of -. V. Majer 803. Mercury Tannate Determination of -. A. Ionescu-Martiu and A. Popesco 53 1. Merz Reactions for certain new anaesthetics. H. Szancer 724. Metabolites Action of milk peroxidase with hydrogen peroxide on -.K. A. C. Elliott 394. Meta-Cresols in mixtures of cresols ; Determina-tion of -. C. E. Sage and H. R. Fleck, 567. Metal Determination of bismuth as - E. Rupp and G. Hamann 193. Metallen Ausgewahlte Methoden fur Schieds-analysen und Kontradiktorischen Arbeiten bei der Untersuchung von -. (Review), 677. Metals alkali - in water ; Titration of. J. Tillmans and E. Neu 121. copper in presence of certain -; Deter-mination of minute amounts of. L. A. Haddock and N. Evers 495. Corrosion of - by milk. H. A. Trebler, W. A. Wesley and F. L. LaQue 383. foreign substances in -; Chemical iden-tification of. M. Niessner 802. in food and biological material; Biblio-graphy on heavy -. T. H. Pope. I.Copper 709; 11. Lead 775. in iron salts ; Determination of -. A. D. Powell and G. I?. Hall 736. of the hydrogen sulphide group ; Separation of the earth acids from -. E. F. Water-house and W. R. Schoeller 284. Separation of caesium from other alkali -. N. A. Tananaeff and E. P. Harmasch 672. Separation of manganese as peroxide from other -. Metallurgical analysis ; Study and improvement of methods of -. 463. Methionhe in proteins ; Determination of -. H. D. Baernstein 728. Methoxyl and ethoxyl groups; Viebdck and Schwappach method for determining -. E. P. Clark 402. in plant materials; Determination of -. M. Phillips 402. Hethyl-Acetyl Carbinol in foodstuffs etc. ; Detection of -. H. Schmalfuss and H. Barthmeyer 389. Methyl Chloride in air and goods ; Detection and determination of -.M. J. Martinek and W. C. Marti 122. in air; Determination of small amounts of - I?. A. Patty H. H. Schrenk and W. P. Yant 668. Methyl Orange Behaviour of phenolphthalein and - in the oxidation of sugars by alkaline iodine. Methyhe Blue in milk ; Effect of light on the reduction of - . G. A. Aikens and 737. K. A. Jensen 125. C. E. Mallen 244. Micro-Analytical method for the identification of organic substances. V. Stankk and T. Nemes 471. methods in industrial laboratories. 11. Pregl’s method of combustion of carbon and hy-drogen without the use of air F. Vetter, 541 ; 111. Micro-apparatus for the gravi-metric determination of water in coal and other solids. I?. Vetter 541. Micro-Apparatus for the determination of mole-Colson 757.for the gravimetric determination of water in coal and other solids. F. Vetter 541. Micro-Balance Electro-magnetic - for micro-gravimetric determinations with minute quantities of material. E. Wiesenberger, 275. Micro-Chemical analysis. Abstracts 62 127, 198 273 336 410 541 591 673 740 801. detection of vanillin and piperonal. M. Wagenaar 673. determination of glucose. Ch. Cimerman and P. Wenger 337. examination of glucosides. L. Rosenthaler, 63. examination of pictures. H. Hetterich 198. Laboratory Manual. (Review) F. Emich, reactions of saccharin. M. Wagenaar 592. reactions with loretin. test for hydrogen peroxide and for vanillin. C. Griebel 200. test for molybdenum vanadium and tungsten. A. Martini 741.Micro-Colorimetric determination of copper in organic substances ; Application of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate reaction to -. W. D. McFarlane 802. Micro-Combustion Electric heater for Pregl’s -. W. Funer 199. New cymene bath for Pregl’s -. A. Verdino 199. of carbon and hydrogen without the use of air; Pregl’s method for -. F. Vetter, cular weight; Improved - . A. F. 741. C. Van Zijp 801. 541. Ucro-Detection of aluminium. F. L. Hahn 804. Micro-Determination and separation of calcium and magnesium. of carbohydrates in pure solutions and in animal material. 2. Dische 410. of carbon and hydrogen in an atmosphere of nitrogen. J. B. Niederl and B. Whitman, 740. of carbon by the wet method. I. H. Lieb and H. G. Krainick 273; 11. Combustion of liquids.E. SchadendorfE and M. K. Zacherl 336. of mercury. V. Majer 803. of mercury ; Electrical -. F. Patat 803. of phosphoric and arsenic acids with “molyb-of sodium in biological materials. R. A. mcro-Extraction apparatus (for examination of Micro-Gravimetric analyses ; Filter for -. K. L. Maljaroff 64. denum-blue.” S. Zinzadge 411. McCance and H. L. Shipp 129. paintings etc.). H. Hetterich 542. P. L. Kirk and R. Craig. 127. A. C. Fay 318. B!ficro-Analjwis of gases ; Dry method for -. F. E. Blacet and P. A. Leighton 337. v xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Ildticro-Gravimetic~~n~~n~ed. determination of silica in tissue. J. C. Morgan and E. J. King 339. determinations with minute quantities of material using the electro-magnetic micro-balance.E. Wiesenberger 275. Hicro-Method for determining chlorine and bromine in organic material ; .Alkalimetric - . M. K. Zacherl and H. G. Krainick, 691. for determining uronic anhydride groups in pectic substances. Micro Melting-Point apparatus. L. Kofler and H. Hilbck 130. Wcro-Vacuum distillation. R. A. Smith 674. Microbe Soil and the -. (Review). S. A. Waksman and R. L. Starkey 66. Microbes and Ultramicrobes. (Review) A. D. Gardner 414. Microscope Vacuum sublimation under the -. L. Kofler and W. Dernbach 336. Microscopy Fluorescence - . P. Metzner, 130 ; with strong illumination M. Haitinger, 131. (Review) L. C. Martin and B. K. Johnson 203. Mikromethoden Quantitative Analytische -der Organischen Chemie in vergleichender Darstellung (Review) C.Weygand 415. Mildew stains; Removal of -. 166. Milk Action of - on aluminium. A. G. C. Gwyer and N. D. Pullen 704. added water in - ; Freezing-point test for. 246; nitrates as evidence of -. D. R. Wood 375. adulteration and the freezing-point test. 29. Appeal to the Cow samples of -. 456. Caps for bottled -. 652. catalase ; Kinetics of - on heating. A. I. Burstein and F. S. Frum 116. citric acid in - * Iodimetric method of determining. 1921 Condensed -. See Condensed Milk. Corrosion of metals by -. H. A. Trebler, W. A. Wesley and F. L. LaQue 383. Cryolac number of - 456. degree of heating of - ; Investigation of. Orla- Jensen 383. Dutch regulations for -. 20. Fluorescence of butter and - in ultra-violet light. G. W.Baker and S. Taubes, 375. Freezing-point method for -. 456. Freezing-point of -; Extreme range of. 663. freezing-point of- ; Notes on the use of the Hortvet apparatus for. H. C. Lockwood, 698. Freezing-point test for added water in -. 246. Growth-promoting properties (vitamin B complex) of the concentrated water-soluble portion of - G. C. Supplee 0. J. Kahlenberg and 6. E. Flanigan 53. C. Her-vieux. 178. H. W. Buston 220. determinations. H. Linser 412. Practical -. in Fiji ; Quality of -. 781. Indican in cow’s and goat’s -. Mill+ontin ued. Influence of sunlight on -. R. White-head 117. lactose content of -; Calculation of the approximate. 83. manganese content of - ; Effect of diet on. A. R. Kemmerer and W. R. Todd 47. Mathieu and FerrB’s formula for -methylene blue in - ; Effect of light on the reduction of.G. A. Aikens and A. C. Fay, 318. Narcotine isolated from -. I?. Laland 188. Nitrates in - as evidence of added water. D. R. Wood 375. of the American buffalo. F. T. Shutt 454. peroxidase. Its preparation properties and action with hydrogen peroxide on metabo-lites. Preservation of - for determining the freezing-point. Riidiger 578. products ; Dutch regulations for -. 20. Products Sub-committee Report No. 3. Analysis of sweetened condensed milk in which the sucrose has altered during storage. 630. (Erratum in -. January 1933, reconshtuted -; Detection of. D. Hen-ville 570. Reductase test for - ; Uses of. 311. Sheep’s -. 252. Skimmed - Act B.E. 2470. sodium in - ; Micro-determination of.130. standards under the Burma Food and Drugs Act 1928 ; Investigations on -. E. H. Bunce 449. vixen - ; Composition of. E. G. Young and G. A. Grant 49. MiIk and Dairies (Amendment) Act 1922: Summons under -. (Legal Notes) 164. Mill for small samples. W. H. Cook E. P. Griffing and C. L. Alsberg 338. Minerd matter in sugar confectionery 30. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Agri-cultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act 1928. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1931 No. 458 (Fruits) and No. 442 (Veget-ables) 463. I. Investigation into Grossfeld’s modification of -. E. T. Illing 224. 11. Application of - to the detection and determination of benzoic acid in foodstuffs. E. T. Illing 226. Moisture in flour and other finely-divided materials ; Rapid method for determining - .E. A. Fisher and J. Thomlinson, 782. Molecular Weight Improved micro-apparatus for determining -. A. F. Colson 757. Molybdenum in aquatic plants ; Accumulation of - . in steel Rapid determination of -. E. Bertrand 406. New microchemical test for -. A. Martini, 741. Use of a-benzoinoxime in the determination of -. H. B. Knowles. 799. 456. K. A. C. Elliott 394. P* 39). 312. Mohler’s Test for benzoic acid. H. ter Meulen 535. Volumetric determination -of - with per-E. Carriere and R. Lautik 407. manganate INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Mxvii Molybdenum-Blue for the micro-determination of phosphoric and arsenic acids. S. Zin-zadge 411. Molybdic reagents ; Reduction of - by cherry laurel water.F. Morvillez and Defossez, 581. Monascin A colouring matter from “ red ” rice. H. Salomon and P. Karrer 254. Mould stains ; Removal of -. 166. Muscle Biochemistry of -. (Review) D. M. Needham 279. Museum objects; Restoration of - . A. Scott 478. Mushroom poisoning. 100. Mustard Dutch regulations for -. Musts Radioactivity of -. Mutton Fat Fatty acids of -. 19. E. Canals and A. MBdaille 592. 112. N Narcotine and its derivatives as antiscorbutics. 0. Rygh and A. Rygh 188. Isolation of - from different vegetables and from milk. P. Laland 188. National Physicd Laboratory Report for the year 1931. 461. New South Wales Report of the Government Analyst for the year 1930. S. G. Walton 97 New Zealand lamb ; Freezing storage and trans-port of -.E. Griffiths J. R. Vickery and N. E. Holmes 574. Report of the Dominion Analyst for the year 1930. W. Donovan 311. Nickel in copper alloys ; Rapid colorimetric determination of -. V. Y. Ochotin and A. P. Sytschoff 798. Nickel-Plating solutions ; Analysis of -. S. G. Clarke and W. N. Bradshaw 138. Nicotine from tobacco smoke ; Removal of -. J. Traube 390. in presence of pyridine and its derivatives; Tests for -. R. Hofmann 199. in tobacco smoke ; Appearance of -. 11. C. Pyriki 727. in unfermented tobacco ; Rapid method for determining -. 0. Dafert and M. T. Bollbecher 389. Removal of - from tobacco smoke during smoking. R. Kissling 181. Niobium Analytical chemistry of tantalum -and their mineral associates ; Investigation into.XXI. Reliable method for quantita-tive separation of titanium from tantalum and - W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn, 72; XXII. Separation of the earth acids from metals of the hydrogen sulphide group. E. F. Waterhouse and W. R. Schoeller 284 ; XXIII. The quantitative separation of tantalum - titanium and zirconium and a new analytical grouping. W. R. Schoeller and A. R. Powell 560; XXIV. An improved method for the separation of tantalum from -. W. R. Schoeller 760. Nitrates in milk as evidence of added water. D. R. Wood 376. Nitric Acid test for Peru balsam. E. M. Smelt, Nitrites Spot test for -. F. L. Hahn 65. o-Nitrobenzaldehyde as means of detecting acetone. R. Raw 735. Nitrocellulose in coats of paint or lacquer; Detection of -. P. Slansky 193.Nitrochromic Acid reaction for detecting primary and secondary alcohols with special re-ference to saccharides. W. R. Fearon and D. M. Mitchell 372. Nitrogen carbon and hydrogen in an atmosphere of - ; Micro-determination of. J . B. Niederl and B. Whitman 740. in coal and coke ; Selenium as a catalyst in the Kjeldahl method of determining -. H. E. Crossley 739. in inert gases ; Use of metallic lithium in the determination of - J. H. Severyns, E. R. Wilkinson and W C. Schumb 796. in iron and steel; Determination of oxygen and - by the vacuum fusion method. H. C. Vacher and L. Jordan 60. in yeast ; Determination of total -. R. S. W. Thorne 182. in yeast determined by the hydrogenation method. H. ter Meulen and K. Peeren 524. Nitroglycerin in drug preparations ; Determina-tion of -.Nitrosonaphthol as a means of determining cobalt. C. Mayr and F. Feigl 739. Nitrous Oxide Analysis of - by solubility in water. A. L. Chaney and C. F. Lombard, 410. in sulphuric acid ; Detection of -. L. W. Marrison 409. ccNorit” Identification of -. 8. Novocaine Cocaine in presence of - detected by means of cobalt thiocyanate. J. L. Young 179. Colour reactions of - which distinguish it from cocaine and similar substances. M. Wagenaar 579. 724. E. L. Anderson 390. 0 Obituary Notices Chapman Alfred Chaston, 684 745. Cribb Cecil Howard 417 486. Dovey Ernest Roadley 603. Hepworth-Collins Walter 684. Lowe William Foulkes 71. Smith Sir William 207 284. Thresh John Clough 353 549. Oduvan poisoning 7 17.Oil development in the seed of a growing plant. from the nuts of Calophyllum inophyZZum (dilo Oils Animal -. See Animal Oils. drying -. See Drying Oils. Essential -. See Essentk *. fatty acids and component glycendes of some oleo -. A. Banks and T. P. Hilditch, 388. iodine value of - - Determination of. M. Yasuda 182. J. V. Eyre 258. oil). K. W. R. Glasgow 530. Dutch regulations for - 21 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Oils-continued. Melting and solidification points of hydro-genated waxes and - and of their fatty acids. S. Ueno G. Inagaki and H. Tsuchi-kawa 113. Oleo Oils Fatty acids and component glycerides of -. A. Banks and T. P. Hilditch 388. Orange crush beverage ; Vitamin C content of - . honey; Specific test for -. R. E. Lothrop 784.juice ; Analyses of -. 168. squash essence. 457. Vegetable -. See Vegetable Oils. E. M. Koch 397. Oranges Dermatitis from -. S. G. Horner 55. Organic acids ; Refractometric determination of -. G. Allard 478. analysis. Abstracts 57 122 190 264 330, 401 471 537 584 664 734 793. Analysis Allen's Commercial -. 5th Ed. Vol. IX. carbon in sewage; Determination of -. E. V. Mills 56. Chemistry ; Recent Advances in -. Vols. I and 11. 6th Ed. (Review) A. W. Stewart, 67. Chemistry; Text-book of - (Review), 2nd English Ed. J. Schmidt 593. compounds; Detection of oxygen in liquid -. T. Estreicher 585. compounds ; Determination of fluorine and boron in -. D. J. Haum and H. H. Wenzke 793. compounds ; Reactions and reagents for detecting -.I. E. Eegriwe 584. material ; Alkalimetric micro method for determining chlorine and bromine in -. M. K. Zacherl and H. G. Krainick 591. material ; Determination of aluminium in - . G. J. Cox E. W. Schwartze R. H. Mann and R. B. Unangst 392. material ; New method of determining lead in - with special reference to dyestuffs. N. L. Allport and G. H. Skrimshire 440. reagent; Thionylaniline as an - and its use for identifying acids as anilides. P. Card and D. Libermann 537. reagents; Tests using -. Effect on the sensitiveness of increasing the size of the molecule. J. V. Tamchyna 127. solvents ; Quantitative determination of acetone in mixtures of - by means of hydroxylamine hydrochloride. M. Kraj-cinovi; 123. substances ; Application of sodium diethyl-dithiocarbamate reaction to the micro-colorimetric determination of copper in -.W. D. McFarlane 802. substances ; Micro-analytical method for the identification of -. V. Stan6k and T. Nemes 471. Syntheses. Vol. I. (Review) H. Gilman, 675. Organischen Chemie ; Quantitative Analytische Mikromethoden der - in vergleichender Darstellung. (Review) C. Wepgand 415. Ortho-Cresols in mixtures of cresols; Deter-mination of -. C. E. Sage and H. R. Fleck 567. Edited by C. A. Mitchell 544. Oxalic Acid in urine; Determination of small quantities of -. E. C. Dodds and E. J. Gallimore 788. Separation of tin from - by means of sodium hydrosulphite. B. S. Evans 362. Test for -. Oxford Appointment of E. Voelcker as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of - 629.Appoin'tment of J. A. Voelcker as Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 519. Oxygen Absorption of - by tanning materi-als. E. W. Berry 473. Comparison of the reaction-capacity towards - of different absorbing materials used in technical gas analysis. 589. in iron and steel ; Determination of nitrogen and - by the vacuum fusion method. H. C. Vacher and L. Jordan 60. in liquid organic compounds; Detection of -. T. Estreicher 585. E. R. Caley 795. P Paddington Appointment of A. W. Stewart as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough Paint Nitrocellulose detected in coats of -. P. Slansky 193. Paintings Micro-extraction apparatus for ex-amination of -. H. Hetterich 542. Palestine Hot springs of -. 40. Report of the Government Analyst for the year 1930.Palladium Iridium separated from -. 195. Palm Oil carotene in - ; Colour reaction of Japanese acid clay upon. K. Kobayashi, K. Yamamoto and J. Abe 264. Vitamin D content of red -. W. J. Dann, 398. Mechanical wood pulp in -. C. J. J. Fox, 455. mechanical wood pulp in -; Phloroglu-cinol method of determining. H. B. Dunni-cliff and H. D. Suri 354. Parsffin Oil in turpentine 246. Paraffins Growth of A s$wgiZZus versicolor on-S. J. Hopkins and A. C. Chibnall 398. Paternity Blood grouping in a case of disputed - . (Legal Notes). 247. Peas dried-; Loss of glucose from - on soaking. W. M. Clifford 253. Pectic substances ; Micro-method for determin-ing uronic anhydride groups in -. H. W. Buston 220. Pectin Frust juice rich in tannin as a sensitive reagent for-.C. Griebel 385. Pelletierine Comparison of arecoline with -. C. D. Howard 391. Pencil pigments ; Differentiation of -. 149. Penicillium Action of - on artificial silks. T. F. Heyes and H. S. Holden 471. Penfadesma Bufyracea Composition of seed fat of - T. P. Hilditch and S. A. Saletore 1 13. of -. 519. G. W. Baker 38. Paper Composition of - as evidence 152 INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xxxis Peppermint Oil Carvone in - ; Percentage of. menthone in - Percentage of. 379. Perchloric Acid as a means of determining silica. F. W. Meier and 0. Fleischniann 477. method of determining sulphur in coal. G. L. Smith and A. G. Deem 408. Perilla Oil Iodine value and refractive index of - . C. A. Lathrap 661. Permanganate Volumetric determination of cobalt with -.J. Ledrut and L. Hauss, 409. Volumetric determination of molybdenum with -. E. Carrikre and R. Lauti6 407. Peroxidase Milk -. Its preparation pro-perties and action with hydrogen peroxide on metabolites. Peroxides in ether; Detection of -. L. W. Green and R. E. Schoetzow 44. Persulphate as means of determining manganese. R. G. Harry 197. for the iodimetric determination of chromium and manganese. J. H. van der Meulen 335. Persnlphates in bread improvers. 99. Peru Balsam Comparison of tests for -. E. M. Smelt 724. Petrol gum in - Determination of. M. J. Mulligan W. G. iovell and T. A. Boyd 796. Petroleum Autotrophic bacterium which decom-poses -. C. B. Lipman and L. Green-berg ?,63. “Crude - * 101.Technology ; Scientific Principles of -. (Review) L. Gurwitsch and H. Moore 676. Pflanzenanalyse Handbuch der -. Vol. 11. Part 1. (Review) G. Klein 347. pH recorder ; Automatic -. C. Morton 201, 342. value of wort or beer ; Colorimetric estimation of -. P. Kolbach 465. Pharmaceutical preparations ; Copper content of certain -. N. Evers and L. A. Haddock, 723. Pharmacology Applied - . 4th Edition. (Review) A. J. Clark 351. Pharmacopoeia British -. See British Phar-macopoeia. British sherry and the -. (Legal Notes) 310. Commission Reports 3 1. Phenol and its homologues in disinfecting fluids ; Determination of -. A. F. McCarley 181. lead in presence of - ; Chemical corrosion of. E. Da Fano 268. Phenolphthalein Behaviour of methyl orange and - in the oxidation of sugars by alkaline iodine.C. E. Mallen 244. in presence of caffeine and cinchona alkaloids and drugs containing anthraquinone. 46. Pbenosafranine as adsorption indicator 511. Philippine rice oil (Ramai variety). A. 0. Cruz A. P. West and V. B. Aragon 466. talisay oil from the seeds of Terminalia catappa A. 0. Cruz and A. P. West 467. Phloroglucinol Detection of woody plant mem-branes with - and hydrochloric acid. W. Plahl 124. method for determining mechanical wood pulp in paper. H. B. Dunnicliff and H. D. Suri, 354. 380 381. K. A. C. Elliott 394. Phosphoric Acid in eggs; Rapid method for determining acid-soluble - * J. Fitelson and I. A. Gaines 43. Micro-determination of - with “ molyb-denum-blue.” S. Zinzadge 411.Phosphorous Acid Detection of -. N. A. Tananaeff and C. N. Potschinok 540. Phosphorus Colorimetric determination of -, E. J . King 532. content of casein. in aluminium ; Determination of -. W. D. Treadwell and J. Hartnagel 798. in casein ; Determination of -. R. E. L. Berggren 319. Metzner 130. of leather fibres; Interpretation of -. D. J. Lloyd and R. H. Marriott 276. Physical Chemistry ; Recent Advances in -. (Review) S. Glasstone 68. Laboratory ; Report of the National - for the year 1931. 461. methods of analysis. Abstracts 65 130 200, 276 340 478 592 674. Pickling Salt Sodium nitrite in - ; Rapid method of determining the amount of. J. Peltzer 467. Picrate Preparation of a picrolonate from a -as a means of identification.L. Klein and J. F. Wilkinson 27. Picrolonate Preparation of a - from a picrate as a means of identification. L. Klein and J. F. Wilkinson 27. Pictures Microchemical examination of -. H. Hetterich 198. Pig Body fats of the -. I. Influence of ingested fat on the component fatty acids. R. Bhattacharya and T. P. Hilditch 250. 11. Some aspects of the formation of animal depbt fats suggested by the composition of their glycerides and fatty acids. A. Banks and T. P. Hilditch 531. Pigment Value of iron oxide as -. Pigments cadmium red - ; Analysis of. C. G. Daubney 22. Microchemical examination of -. 199. of the pollen of certain lilies. Pilocarpine quantitative separation of -from quinine by means of gallotannin; Experiments on. M. Nierenstein 94.Pinene content of American gum spirits of turpentine evaluated by optical means. S. Pallun 331. Piperonal Microchemical detection of -. M. Wagenaar 673. Pituitary posterior lobe extract ; Estimation Plant ash constituents ; Determination of -in presence of silica. extracts; Determination of sugars in -. T. G. Phillips 325. foodstuffs ; Reduction-capacity of - in relation to vitamin C. I. Reducing sub-stance in lemon juices. J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and W. Hirsch 260 ; 111. Content of reducing substance in different fruits and vegetables. J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and J. Jackisch 396. IV. Reversibility of the oxidation of the reducing substances in R. E. L. Berggren 318. Photomicrography Fluorescence - . P. 166. 781. Of -. 693. J. Davidson 55 xl INDEX TO VOLUME LVII.Plant-continued. lemon juice. J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and H. Dick 397. Growth; Soil Conditions and - . 6th Edition. (Review) Sir E. J. Russell 344. materials; Aluminium in the ash of -. L. Hart 525. materials ; Colorimetric methods for deter-mining manganese in -. J. Davidson and R. G. Capen 56. materials ; Determination of methoxyl lignin and cellulose in -. M. Phillips 402. membranes ; Detection of woody - with phloroglucinol and hydrochloric acid. W. Plahl 124. tissues ; Detection of glucosides in -. A. Niehhammer 62. Plants Aluminium in - (especially in edible -). molybdenum in aquatic - ; Accumulation of. H. ter Meulen 535. selenium in certain - * Adventitious presence of. Taboury 58i. Platinum Iridium separated from -.Prevention of anodic - losses in the electro-lytic determination of gallium. E. Reichel, 738. Plums Method of distinguishing jams nade from fresh and dried - and their mixtures. P. Rudolph and H. Barsch 106. Poisoning Barium carbonate in animal -. G. R. G. Bertrand and G. Levy 119. 195. 100. bv carbon monoxide from a gas-heater. Lynch 516. by castor seed. Sons Ltd. o. Co. Ltd. 381. by formalin. 7 by formic acid. by lead in cider. by madar juice. by mushrooms. 792. (Legal Notes) J. Taylor & Jnion Castle Mail Steamship 8. 576. M. C. N. and L. N. Jackson, 717. 100. by oduvan. 717. by “pak wan.” 313. by powdered glass. 576. by prussic acid. 576. by quinine. 781. by tuba (or den%) root. cases in Madras 717 ; in Palestine 39.of animals in Cyprus. 781. of stock fed on herbage of lands adjoining coke-ovens and containing lead. J. T. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam 330. Poisonous disinfectant ; Sale of - by grocers. (Legal Notes) Pharmaceutical Society of Gt. Britain o. Brown 459. Poisons Labelling of -. (Legal Notes) 30. Polysulphides sulphur in - - Iodimetric determination of. P. Szeberinyi 477. Pomades titanium in - ; Determination of. E. Kahane 728. Pork Gas storage of -. Part I. E. H. Callow 384. Post~~arks as evidence. 151. Potassiulp Determination of - as chloro-platmate. R. Strebinger and H. Holzer, 801. 654. insects. 313. Potassium-continued. New colorimetric method for determining -. H. R. D. Jacobs and W. S. Hoffman 60. Volumetric determination of -.Auster-weil and Lemay 126. Potassium Chloride Estimation of liquid contact potentials with ammonium chloride and -. G. M. Kline M. R. Meacham and S. F. Acree 340. Potassium Dichromate Determination of hemi-celluloses by oxidation with -. A. J%ger 587. Potassium Manganate in volumetric analysis ; Use of -. Potassium Permanganate in acetone ; Oxidation Bougault and G. Schuster 191. Potatoes Narcotine isolated from -. 188. Potentials Estimation of liquid contact -with potassium chloride and ammonium chloride. G. M. Kline M. R. Meacham and S. F. Acree 340. Use of saturated ammonium chloride in the elimination of contact -. C. N. Murray and S. F. Acree 340. Potentiometric Titrations. 2nd Ed. (Review), I. M. Kolthoff and N.H. Furman 350. Potted Meat paste sold as potted beef. (Legal Notes) 382. Precipitates Use of sand for centrifuging small -. S. Stene 592. Pregl micro-combustion ; Electric heater for -. WFuner 199. micro-combustion ; New cymene bath for - . A. Verdino 199. micro-combustion of carbon and hydrogen, without the use of air. Preserving Salt sodium nitrite in - ; Rapid method of determining the amount of. J. Peltzer 467. Procaine Colour reactions of - which dis-tinguish it from cocaine and similar sub-stances. M. Wagenaar 579. Procaine Borate G. W. Collins 47. Proflavine 295. Projectiles Examination of -. 576. Props1 Alcohol primary - in mixtures of ethyl alcohol and water ; Determination of. 0. Noetzel 734. Proteins methionine in - ; Determination of.H. D. Baernstein 728. Prussic Acid poisoning. 576. Public Analysts Notes from Reports of -. See Birmingham Lacaster Leeds Salford, Somerset. Official appointments of -. 29. Society of - . See Society of Publio Analysts. Pyramidone antipyrine in - ; Detection of. P. Duquknois 581. Pyrazolone Jaune as adsorption indicator 51 1. Pyrethrum dusts ; Loss of toxicity of -. F. Tattersfield 401. flowers; Effect of storage on -. C. B. Gnadinger and C. S. Vorl 661. 478. nicotine in presence of - and its deriva-tives; Tests for. R. Hofmann 199. H. Gall and M. Ditt 409. of dihydroxystearic acid by - - J. F. Vetter 541. Pyridine for removing grease stains INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xli Pyrocalciferol 64. Pyrrolic Compounds Colour reaction of -.E. Montignie 585. Q Qualitative Analysis. Vol. I of Treadwell’s Analytical Chemistry. (Review) 675. A. S. Koinarowsky and W. J. Goremykin 333. Quantitative Analytische Mikromethoden der Organischen Chemie. C. Weygand 70. Chemical Analysis. 13th Ed. (Review), Clowes and Coleman 597. spectrographic analysis. A. Schleicher and J. Clermont 66. Quince seed mucilage. A. G. Renfrew and L. H. Cretcher 659. W. H. Dickhart 530. Quinine poisoning. 781. analysis without ammonium sulphide. seed oil. quantitative separation of pilocarpine from - by means of gallotannin; Experi-ments on. M. Nierenstein 94. Quinine Salts New reactions of -. Volu-metric method for determining the alkaloid. M. J. Papavassiliou and J. GeorgiadBs 323. R Rabbits Yellowing of abdominal fat of frozen - J.R. Vickery 520. Radioactivity of musts and wines. E. Canals and A. MBdaille 692. Rancidity reaction of fats. P. Bruere and A. Fourmont 319. Rat Breeding and Care of the Albino - for Research Purposes. 2nd Edition. (Re-view) M. N. Greenman and F. L. Duhring, 680. Reagent Benzidine and tolidine as - in analysis. R. G. Harry and E. A. Rudge, 334. for calcium Composite -. G. J. Cox and M. L. Dodds 801. for determining haemoglobin in blood ; Improved -. for hydrazines and analagous compounds. E. Montignie 330. for the enolic form ; New general -. E. V. Zappi. 330, Tannin as - for tantalum niobium and titanium. 551. Thionylaniline as an organi+ and its use for identifying acids as anilides B. Cam6 and D.Libermann 537. I. E. Eegriwe 584. Tests using organic - ; Effect on the sensitiveness of increasing the size of the molecule. J. V. Tamchyna 127. 102. 102. F. C. Bing 329. Reagents for detecting organic compounds, Red Box Identification of -. Red Gum Identification of -Red Lead Analysis of -. N. Busvold 268. Reducing substance in different fruits and vegetables ; Content of -. J. Tillmans, P. Hirsch. and T. Tackisch. 396. Reducing-continued. substances in lemon juice ; Reversibility of the oxidation of -. J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and H. Dick 397, sugars. See Sugars. Refractive Index determinations Immersion liquids for -of perilla oil. C. A. Lathrap. 661. Research Breeding and Care of the Albino Rat for Purposes of -. 2nd Edition. (Re-view).680. with Resins Drying rates of synthetic -drying oils. C. A. Thomas and P. E. Marling 668. Rhenium Determination of -. E. Kron-mann 739. m o p i n Effect of - on the growth of Aspergillus niger. N. Nielson 190. Rhodium Separation and determination of -. L. Moser and H. Graber 195. Rice Monascin a colouring matter from ‘‘ red ” -. polishings ; Extract of -. 41. Starch determined in -. E. H. Hall 41. Rice Oil Philippine -. (Ramai variety). A. 0. Cruz A. P. West and V. B. Aragon, 466. Rinnmann’s Green Test for zinc. A A. Bene-detti-Pichler 673. Rocks beryllium in -; Detection of. G. Rienacker 405. lead in -; Determination of. G. von Hevesy and R. Hobbie 404. Rotenone content of Derris uliginosa. 782. Rotherhithe Tunnel Ventilation of -.C. J. Regan 341. Rubber copper in materials containing -; Determination of. F. Kirchof 473. Rum Extractives of -. W. Partridge 772. Rupp’s Method for determining mercuric chloride. H. Brindle 737. Rye flour in wheat flour and barley flour in - ; Detection of. P. Rudolph and H. Barsch, 177. Rye Germ Oil A. W. Stout and H. A. Schuette, 659. A. Mayrhofer 65. H. Salomon and P. Karrer 254. S Saccharides Nitro-chromic acid reaction for detecting primary and secondary alcohols, with special reference to - W. R. Fearon and D. M. Mitchell 372. Saccharin content of foodstuffs and beverages, particularly of beer ; Determination of -. J. E. Heesterman 323. in food. 99. Microchemical reactions of -. M. Wag-enaar 692. Salad Dressing Analyses of -.Salford Report of the City Analyst for - for the year 1931. Salicylsldehyde Determination and separation of saligenin salicylic acid and -. R. Berg W. Grimmer and A. Muller 115. Salicylic Acid Determination and separation of saligeniii salicylaldehyde and -. R. Berg W. Grimmer and A. Miiller 115. 171. H. E. Monk 652 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Saligenin Determination and separation of salicylic acid salicylaldehyde and -. R. Berg W. Grimmer and A. Miiller 115. Salmon Starch in potted -. Salt Iodised -. 311. Salts in textiles ; Determination of small amounts of - A. A. New 333. Sample Wholesaler’s - . (Legal Notes), Twynham TI. Badcock 310. Sand Use of - for centrifuging small pre-cipitates. S. Stene 592. Sandalwood substitutes.K. A. Chowdbury, 124; J. C. Maby 515. Santonin-bearing drugs ; Assay of -. H. M. Burlage and A. C. Smith 725. Determination of - by means of 2 4-dini-trophenyl-hydrazine. 0. Fernandez and L. Socias 580. in Artemisia ; Assay of -. J. Coutts 726. Saponaria Oflcinalis Distribution of saponin in -. F. G. de Wilde 180. Saponin in Agrostenama githago and Saponaria o@cinalis ; Distribution of -. F. G. de Wilde 180. 714. in beverages; Use of -. 98. Sausages Dutch regulations for -. Water in -. 169. Water-protein ratio of lean meat and its bearing upon the analysis of -. F. W. Jackson and 0. Jones 562. Bcale structure of animal fibres; Methods of studying -. J. I. Hardy 200. structure of wool and hair; Method for revealing -. J. Manby 201. Bcatoll Colour reaction of -.588. Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. Building Materials Report No. 17. Determination of free calcium oxide and hydroxide. B. Bakewell and G. E. Bessey 575. Food Investigation Board Report No. 41. The freezing storage and transport of New Zealand lamb. E. Griffiths J. R. Vickery and N. E. Holmes 574. Food Investigation Report No. 42. The yellowing of the abdominal fat of frozen rabits. J. Vickery 520. Food Investigation Board Report for the year 1931. 715. Investigation of Atmospheric Pollution. Re-port on observations in the year ending 31st March 1931. 249. Report for the year 1930-1931. Sea-weeds Fats of brown -. B. Russell-Wells 472. Seals Forged -. 151. Sediments in ink and in writing. C. A. Mitchell and T.J. Ward 760. Seed Fats Fatty acids and glycerides of solid -. I. T. P. Hilditch and S. A. Saletore, 113. Seeds bromine in edible - ; Normal propor-tion of. A. Damiens and S. Blaignan 178. of a growing plant ; Oil development in -. J . V. Eyre 258. Selenious Aqdride Action of - on sterols. E. Montignie 328. Selenium as a catalyst in the Kjeldahl method for determining nitrogen in coal and coke. H. E. Crossley 739. 19. 164. Selenium-con tinued. in certain plants ; Adventitious presence of Seliwanoff Reaction for laevulose ; Modification C. I. Kruisheer 386. Seminal stains ; Florence’s test for -. 718. Semneh Adulteration of -. 38. Senna Syrup of - and the dispensing of syrups in wet bottles. T. McLachlan 46. Serum diagnosis in the investigation of foodstuffs.C. Griebel and H. Maass 326. Sewage Fluorescence in relation to -. J. A. Radley 28. Determination of. E. V. Mills 56. Shea fat ; Chemical composition of -. S. J. Hopkins and I;. G. Young 42. Sheep’s Milk F. Diacon 252. Sherry British - and the Pharmacopoeia. (Legal Notes) 310. Siam Report of the Government Analyst for - for the year ending March 31 1930. A. Narcan 312. Silica Determination of - by means of per-chloric acid. F. W. Meier and 0. Fleisch-mann 477. in silicates; Determination of -. N. A. Tananaeff and F. I. Pertschik 540. in tissue ; Micro-gravimetric determination of -. Plant ash constituents determined in presence of -. J. Davidson 55. Silicates boric acid in - ; Determination of. E. Schulek and G.Vastagh. 335. silica in - ; Determination of. N. A. Tananaeff and F. I. Pertschik 540. Silicon in aluminium ; Determination of -. L. H Callendar 500. Silk Artificial -. See Artificial Silk. in mixed textiles ; Quantitative determina-tion of -. P. Krais and H. Marked, 667. Silver Colorimetric determination of small amounts of -. Concentration of vitamin B with -. R. J. Block G. R. Cowgill and B. H. Klotz 186. in cyanide solutions ; Determination of -. A. Wogrinz 669. Silver-plating solutions ; Analysis of -. R. M. Wick 269. Sinalbin as an indicator; Use of -. K. Harrison 401. Smith (Maurice) colour test for ergot alkaloids, 45. Soap (Review) W. H. Simmons 484. Society of Public Analysts Ahniversary Dinner Annual Report of Council.209. North of England Section. 1 137 283 486, 684. Presidential Address (J. T. Dunn). Proceedings of - 1 71 137 207 283 363, 417 485 549 603 683 745. Summer meeting of North of England Section Sodium Determination of small amounts of - by the magnesium uranyl acetate method. E. R. Caley 273. -. Taboury ,583. of -. organic carbon in -; J . C. Morgan and E. J. King 339. E. E. Jelley 589. Dutch regulations for - 21. Of -. 208. 213. Of -. 485 INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xliii Sodium-continued. in biological materials ; Micro-determination of -. R. A. McCance and H. L. Shipp, 129. Volumetric determination of -. N. H. Furman E. R. Caley and I. C. Schoonover, 539. Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate reaction Ap-plication of - to the micro-colorimetric determination of copper in organic sub-stances.W. D. McFarlane 802. Sodiuq Hydrosulphite Some analytical ap-plications of -. 11. Separation of tin from copper zinc lead etc. and from oxalic acid. Determination of tin in steel. B. S. Evans 362. Sodium Nitrite in piclding- and preserving-salt ; Rapid method for determining the amount of -. J. Peltzer 467. K. Weber, 674. Sodium Nitroprusside Colour reaction of formal-dehyde and ketones with hydroxylamine and - P. Pratesi 122. Soil and the kcrobe. (Review) S. A. Waks-man and R. L. Starkey 66. boron in -; Determination of minute amounts of. W. W. Scott and S. K. Webb, 400. cellulose in - ; Determination of. J. A. Daji 792. Conditions and Plant Growth. 6th Ed. (Review) Sir E. J. Russell 344.Solanine Detection of -. B. Alberti 726. Solution Association Theory of - and Inadequacy of Dissociation Theory. (Re-view) J. N. Rakshit 682. Solutions for injection ; Sterile -. Pharma-copoeia Commission Report. 32. Solvent Dichloro-ethylene as a - . D. Mann 586. Somerset Report of the County Analyst and Bacteriologist for - for the year 1931. D. R. Wood 246. Sonderol (a proprietary oil) added to edible fats ; Detection and determination of -. H. Schmalfuss and H. Werner 784. Sorbite process for detecting fruit wine in grape wine ; New -. F. M. Litterscheid 178. Southport Appointment of W. H. Roberts as Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Spectrographic analysis ; Quantitative -. A. Schleicher and J. Clermont 66. Spectrophotometry Absorption - ; Recent Applications of.(Review) A. Hilger Ltd., 482. Spices Dutch regulations for -. 19. essential oils in - ; Determination of. T. T. Cocking and G. Middleton 723. Spirit vinegar ; Differentiation of wine vinegar from -. P. Rudolph and H. Barsch 722. Spirits Misdescription of articles as beer or -. Finance Act 1932. 577. Spontaneous Ignition of beech wood charcoal dust. E. Mohlau 675. Spot Analysis (Review) F. Feigl 741. Spot Test for mercurous ion. N. A. Tananajin 64. F. L. Hahn 65. Optical determination of -. -. 163. for nitrites. Spraying sulphur suspensions used in -; Springs Hot - of Palestine 40. Stafford Appointment of F. Dixon as Public Analyst and Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County of -. 629. Stains mildew and mould -; Removal of.166. Stamps Examination of postage -. 151. Standardisation of colour. 462. Standards for Food Products; U. S. Dept. of Agriculture new and revised -. 656. for milk under the Burma Food and Drugs Act 1928 ; Investigations on -. E. H. Bunce 449. for vitamins ; International -. 52 I . for vitamins. Report of the Permanent Com-mission on Biological Standardisation. 173. of measurement. 461. Stannic Sulphide Solubility of - in am-monia and ammonium carbonate P. A. Epik 590. Starch cassava - Fatty acids associated with. L. Lehrman 527. in cereal products; Determination of -with special reference to rice. E. H. Hal[ 41. in feeding stuffs; Determination of -. G. S. Fraps 526. in potted salmon. 714. paste ; Identification of -.654. products ; Dutch regulations for -. Steel molybdenum in - ; Rapid determina-tion of. E. Bertrand 406. Nitrogen in - determined by the vacuum fusion method. H. C. Vacher and L. Jordan 60. Oxygen in - determined by the vacuum fusion method. H. C. Vacher and L. Jordan 60. tin in - * Determination of. J . A. Scherrer 4<3. Tin in - determined by means of sodium hydrosulphite. B. S. Evans 362. Tungsten in - determined as hydrated tungstic acid. H. Wdowiszewski 196. Vanadium in - determined according to the potentiometric titration method of Thanheiser and Dickens. P. L. Blanken, 475. Steels beryllium in alloy - ; Determination of. H. Eckstein 270. Determination of. J. Arend 672. H. H. Willard and P. Young 407. E. Montignie 328.Evaluation of. R. M. Woodman 399. 20. cobalt in magnet and high-speed tool - ; titanium in alloy -; Determination of. vanadium in alloy -; Determination of. Sterols Action of selenious anhydride on -. E. Montignie 688. Stibiotantalite 285. Stilton Cheese Acidity of -. W. Partridge, Stomach preparations ; Vitamin B content of stone Preservation of -. 478. Storage Effect of - on pyrethrum dowers. J. I. Hoffman 671. Colour reactions of -. 771. commercial -. E. Gilroy 120. C. B. Gnadinger and C. S. Corl 661 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. St orage-co&n ued . of New Zealand lamb. E. Vickery and N. E. Holmes, of pork and bacon in gas. Callow 384. sweetened condensed milk sucrose has altered during Griffiths J. R. 574. Part I.E. H. in which the - ; Analysis of. 630. (Erratum January 1933,- p. 30), Straits Settlements Report of the Government Analyst for - for the year 1931. J. C. Cowap 653. Strophanthus Pharmacopoeia Commission Report on -. 32. Strychnine in Easton’s Syrup ; Determination of -. Sublimation Vacuum - under the microscope. L. Kofler and W. Dernbach 336. Succinic Acid in wines and other fermented liquids; Determination of -. L. Sem-ichon and Flanzy 721. Sucrose Analysis of condensed milk in which the - has altered during storage. (Milk Products Sub-committee Report No. 3). 630. (Erratum January 1933 p. 30.) in beer ; Determination of -. II. J. Fiehe 254. Quantitative determination of laevulose and -. J. Fiehe 385. Sugar confectionery; Mineral matter in -.30. Dutch regulations for -. 19. in red wines ; Determination of residual -. J. Dubaquie and G. Debordes 110. lice. 629. Sugars Behaviour of phenolphthalein and methyl orange in the oxidation of - by alkaline iodine. C. E. Mallen 244. L. A. Haddock and N. Evers 44, cane- ; Thermophilic bacteria in refined -. W. L. Owen and R. L. Mobley 732. Characterisation of aldehydic and ketonic - by oxidation with bromine. F. Zanelli 106. n plant extracts; Determination of -. T. G. Phillips 325. Precipitation of - by metallic hydroxides in alkaline media. I. General character of the precipitation. P. Fleury and J. Courtois, 783. reducing - in raw - ; Determination of, by the pot method. H. Main 528. reducing -; New volumetric method for determining.E. Haddon 530. unrefined - on sale in various Health Food shops; Examination of. H. C. S. de Whalley 628. precipitation as barium sulphate. J N. Friend and W. N. Wheat 559. 8ulphates Volumetric determination o€ - by the use of benzidine solution. S. Snyder 61. Sulphites Use of ultra-violet light for detecting traces of -. J. Grant and J. H. W. Booth 514. Sulphur Bacteria. content of ammonium ichthosulphonate (ich-Sulphate Ion Determination of the - by (Review) D. Ellis 679. Sulphur-continued. content of foods. Boutwel! 783. gases in air. 249. in brass and bronze ; Rapid determination of -. J . 0. Cooney 409. in coal determined by the perchloric acid method. G. L. Smith and A. G. Deem 408. in polysulphides ; Iodimetric determination of -.P. Szeberknyi 477. suspensions used in spraying ; Evaluation of - . Sulphur Dioxide in the atmosphere ; Determina-tion of small amounts of -. S. W. Griffin and W. W. Skinner 668. Sulphuric Acid nitrous oxides in - ; Detec-tion of. L. W. Marrison 409. Sulsol suspension. 399. Sumach berry waxes (Japan wax) ; Dibasic acids in - . M. Tsujimoto 266. Sunlight Influence of - on milk. H. R. Whitehead 117. Suprarenal Glands Isolation of carotene from -. Sweets Chalk in -. Syntheses Organic -. Vol. I. (Review), Syrups Dispensing of - in wet bottles. T. K. S. Kemmerer and P. W. R. M. Woodman 399. 0. Bailly and R. Netter 52. 245 779. H. Gilman 675. McLachlan 46. Dutch regulations for -. 19. T Taenicide Arecoline as a - with some com-parisons with pelletierine.C. D. Howard, 391. Taffel and Revis’s Reaction for rancidity in fats. 319. Talisay Oil from the seeds of Terminulia catu#~pa ; Composition of Philippine -. A. 0. Cruz and A. P. West 467. Tallowwood Identification of -. 102. Tan liquors; Determination of lactic acid in vegetable - J. H. Highberger and D. L. Youel 666. T w i n as reagent for tantalum niobium and titanium 551. Fruit juice rich in - as a sensitive reagent for pectin. C. Griebel 385. method for beryllium 271. Tanning materials; Absorption of oxygen by -. E. W. Merry 473. Tantalum analytical chemistry of niobium, - and their mineral associates ; Inves-tigations into. XXI. Reliable method for quantitative separation of titanium from niobium and -.W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn 72; XXII. Separation of the earth acids from metals of the hydrogen sulphide group. E. F. Waterhouse and W. R. Schoeller 284 ; XXIII. The quantitative separation of - niobium titanium and zirconium and a new analytical grouping. W. R. Schoeller and A. R. Powell 550; XXIV. An improved method for the separa-tion of niobium from -. W. R. Schoeller. thamol) ; Determination of -. N L. Allport 255. 750 INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xlv Tapestry Dutch regulations for -. Tar Low-temperature -. 166. Tartaric Acid Colorimetric method for deter-mining - . P. F. Underhill F. I. Peterman and A. G. Krause 586. in certain wine-musts ; Proportion of free acid to -. F. Seiler 720. 20. Removal of - from marble. 479. Thazine as adsorption indicator.Tea Dutch regulations for -. 20. Teeth Crystalline structure of -. 461. Tellurium Gravimetric determination of -. 0. E. Clauder 670. Temperature Effect of - on the relative spreadability of butter. 462. Textiles acids alkalis and salts in - ; Deter-mination of small amounts of. A. A. New, 333. Thallium Determination of - after oxidation with bromine. E. Browning 797. in presence of lead and bismuth ; Rapid deter-mination of small amounts of -. F. Pavelka and H. Morth 804. Stimulation of yeast growth by - a “bios” impurity of asparagine. 0. W. Richards, 663. !Chanheiser and Dickens potentiometric method ; Determination of vanadium in steel accord-ing to -. Theobromine in diuretine ; Quantitative methods for determining -. J.M. A. Hegland, 725. in guarana ; Existence and distribution of - . G. Bertrand and P. de B. Carneiro, 388. Thennophilie bacteria in refined cane sugars. W. L. Owen and R. L. Mobley 732. Thiocyanogen Value of Irish butter. P. S. Amp, 610. Thionylaniline as an organic reagent and its use for identifying acids as anilides. P. Cam4 and D. Libermann 537. Thiophen Toxicity of -. F. Flury and F. Zernik 262. Thiosulphate as an acidimetric standard. J. Bicskei 589. Thyroid Estimation of dried -. 697. Thyroid Gland Chemical assay of -. G. Middleton 603. Thyroxine Estimation of -. 697. Tin copper in presence of - Determination of minute amounts of. 499. in ferrotungsten and wolframite ; Rapid determination of -. K. Kiefer 538. in irons and steels; Determination of -.J. A. Scherrer 473. in steel determined by means of sodium hydrosulphite. B. S. Evans 362. Rapid method of dissolving lead alloys pre-paratory to the determination of -. B. S. Evans 554. Separation of - from copper zinc lead, etc. and from oxalic acid by means of sodium hydrosulphite. B. S. Evans 362. Tin Plate Corrosion of -. Pellerin and Lasausse 47. Tin Solder causing dark discoloration in cheese ; Detection in situ of -. W. L. navies, 95. 51 1. P. L. Blanken 455. Tissues glycogen in - ; Determination of. M. Sahyun 51. silica in - * Micro-gravimetric determina-tion of. J. k. Morgan and E. J. King 339. Titanis Separation and determination of -as titanium potassium iodate. H. T. Beans and D. R. Mossman 476. Titanium in alloy steels ; Determination of -.J. Arend 672. in pomades; Determination of -. E. Kahane 728. Quantitative separation of tantalum niobium, zirconium and - and a new analytical grouping. W. R. Schoeller and A. R. Powell 550. separation of - from tantalum and nio-bium ; Reliable method for. W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn 72, Titanium Potassium Iodate Separation and determination of titania as -. H. T. Beans and D. R. Mossman 476. Tihations Potentiometric - . 2nd Ed. (Review) I. RI. Kolthoff and N. H. Furman, 350. nicotine in unfermented - ; Rapid method for determining. 0. Dafert and M. T. Bollbecher 389. smoke ; Appearance of nicotine in -. 11. C. Pyriki 727. smoke ; Denicotinisation of - during smoking. R. Kissling 181. smoke ; Kemoval of nicotine from -.j. Traube 390. Tolidhe as reagent in analysis. R. G . Harry and E. A. Rudge 334. Tomato conserve ; Action of heat on - 0. Carrasco and E. Sartori 253. Tomatoes Narcotine isolated from -. 188. U.S.A. Dept. of of pyrethrum dusts; Loss of - . F. of thiophen. Toxicological Analysis. Abstracts 262 330, examinations in Siam. 313. Toxicology Chromium - . Absorption of L. W. Conn H. L. Trigonelline Extraction of - from raw F. E. Nottbohm and I?. Mayer 254. Trimethylamine in foodstuffs ; Determination -sin Action of - on different types of C . Fromageot and A. Porcherel 62. Tryptophan Colour reaction of -. 588. Tuba Root poisoning. 654. Tung Oil Refractive indexof -. J. Rinse 537. Tungsten in steel; Determination of - as hydrated tungstic acid.H. Wdowiszewski, 196. New microchemical test for -. A. Mar-tini 741. Tungstic Acid Tungsten in steel determined as hydrated -. H. Wdowiszewski 196. Tunnels Ventilation of vehicular - with particular reference to those at Blackwall and Rotherhithe. Standard for canned -. Agriculture regulations. 103. Toxicity of irradiated ergosterol. 176. Tatterfield 401. F. Flury and F. Zernik 262. 470 537 664 791. chromium by the rat. Webster and A. H. Johnson 470. coffee. of -. F. Okoloff 321. wool. C. J. Regan 341 xlvj INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Turpentine “Housshold ”-. 653. Typewriting Identification of -. 150. Paraffin oil in -. 246. U Ultra-Violet absorption of certain vegetable or animal oils. A. Chevallier J. Guillot and I).Chabre 789. light ; Fluorescence of milk and butter in -. G. W. Baker and S. Taubes 375. light; Use of - for detecting traces of sulphites. J. Grant and J. H. W. Booth, 514. United States of America Department of Agri-culture. New and Revised Definitions and Standards for Food Products. 656. Department of Agriculture Standard for canned tomatoes. 104. Unsaponifiable Matter Determination of -with special reference to fish and marine animal oils. E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 25. Uranyl Zinc Sodium Acetate Solubility of -in alcohol of different strengths. G. W. B. van der Lingen 376. Urea in urine; Colorimetric method for the direct determination of -. J. F. Barrett and E. B. Jones 787. S. W. Cole 118. Uric Ad3 in urine ; Colorimetric determination of -.Urine Bromine reaction of pregnancy -. A. R. Armstrong and E. Walker 393. galactose in - ; Determination of. V. J. Harding and G. A. Grant 183. oxalic acid in - ; Determination of small quantities of. E. C. Dodds and E. J. Gallimore 788. sodium in - ; Micro-determination of. 130. tartaric acid in - ; Colorimetric deter-mination of. 587. urea in - ; Colorimetric method for the direct determination of. J. F. Barrett and E. B. Jones 787. urea in - ; Direct determination of. S. W. Cole 118. uric acid in - ; Colorimetric determination of. H. B. Salt 119. Uronic Anhydride groups in pectic substances ; Micro-method for determining -. H. W. Buston 220. in urme ; Direct determination of -. H. B. Salt 119. V Vacuum fusion method of determining oxygen and nitrogen in iron and steel.H. C. Vacher and L. Jordan 60. Vanadium in alloy steels ; Determination of -. H. H. Willard and P. Young 407. Determination of - according to the potentiometric titration method of Thanheiser and Dickens. P. L. Blanken, 475. in steel; Vanadium-cod inued. New microchemical test for -. Sensitive test for -. A. Martini, V a n e in chocolate and cocoa butter ; Extrac-D. M. Free-M. Wagen-C. Griebel 200. Vat dyestuffs ; Empirical classification of -. C. M. Whittaker 332. Vutetiu Indica Composition of seed fat of -. T. P. Hilditch and S. A. Saletore 113. Vegetable Fats and Oils. (Review) G. S. Jamieson 349. oils ; Ultra-violet absorption of certain -. A. Chevallier J.Guillot and P. Chabre 789. tan liquors ; Determination of lactic acid in -. J. H. Highberger and D. L. Youel, 666. Vegetables Narcotine isolated from certain -. P. Laland 188. reducing substances in different - ; Con-tent of. J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and J. Jackisch 396. Statutory Rules and Orders No. 442 (-1 1931 463. Ventilation of vehicular tunnels with particular reference to those a t Blackwall and Rother-hithe. C. J. Regan 341. Veronal Determination of -. A. Ionescu-Martiu and A. Popesco 53 1. C. G. Van Arkel, 255. Viebtick and Schwappach Method for determining methoxyl and ethoxyl groups. E. P. Clark, 402. Vinegar Acetic acid as ‘ I pure ” - . 458. Corrosion of bronzes by -. E. M. Mrak and J. C. Le Roux 662. Differentiation of fermentation - from artificial -.C. Bertin 722. Differentiation of wine - from spirit -. P. Rudolph and H. Barsch 722. wine-; Fractional titration of - Deter-mination of non-volatile acids. P. Hirsch and 0. Delp 111. Viscera Mercury in -. 718. Viscometers Filling device for upward-flow -. W. G. Burraston 309. Vitamin Crystallised anti-beri-beri - pre-pared from yeast. potency of halibut-liver oil. A. D. Emmett and 0. D. Bird 732. preparations ; Growth promotion of different - . P. Karrer H. von Euler and K. Schiipp 327. standards ; International -. 521. standards. Report of the Permanent Com-mission on Biological Standardisation. 173. studies. V. Chemical methods for determin-ing vitamins. I. Bezssonoff’s reaction. F. V. von Hahn and M. Wisben 534.Vitamin A Absorption spectra of substances derived from - J. R. Edisbury A. E. Gillam I. M. Heiibron and R. A. Morton, 790. 741. F. Ephraim 126. tion and identification of -. land 9. Microchemical detection of -. aar 673. Microchemical test for -solubility of -. R. M. Hitchens 388. Test for the purity of -. R. Tschesche 327 INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. xlvii Vitamin A :-continued. and carotene. VIII. High potency vitamin A concentrates. T. Moore 260; IX. Con-version of carotene into - in the cow. T. Moore 395. and vitamin D content of samples of cod-liver oil; The relative -. K. H. Coward, F. J. Dyer and B. G. E. Morgan 368. antimony trichloride test for - ; Note on. A. F. McCarley 709. content of butter f a t ; Variations in -. G.S. Fraps and R. Treichler 732. Effect of carotene and - on the oxidation of linolic acid. H. R. Monaghan and F. 0. Schmitt (563. from fish oils. P. Karrer R. Morf and K. Schopp. 185. Halibut-liver oil as a source of -. J. A. Lovern 468. in cod-liver oil. 247. International standard for -. 522. Separation of carotene xanthophyllen and P. Karrer and K. Schopp 582. Standards for -. 173. Transformation of carotene into - irr H. S. Olcott and D. C. McCann 53. Vitamin B Assay of antineuritic - and its concentration with silver. R. J. Block, G. R. Cowgill and B. H. Klotz 186. complex ; Growth-promoting properties (-) of the concentrated water-soluble portion of milk. G. C. Supplee 0. J. Kahlenberg and G. E. Flanigan 53. content of commercial liver extracts and stomach preparations.E. Gilroy 120. Sparing action of fat on -. 11. R6le played by melting-point and degree of unsaturation of various fats. H. M. Evans and S. Lepkovsky 468; 111. R61e played by glycerides of single fatty acids. Vitamin B1 International standard for -. 522. Vitamin Ct Chemical investigations on the anti-scorbutic -. I. 0. Rygh A. Rygh and P. Laland 187; 11. Narcotine and its derivatives as antiscorbutics. 0. Rygh and A. Rygh 188. concentrates ; Preparation of - fromlemon juice. J. S. Svirbely and C. G. King 187. content of orange crush beverage. E. M. Koch 397. isolation and identification of -. W. A. Waugh and C. G. King 583. Reduction-capacity of plant foodstuffs in relation to - I. Reducing substance in lemon juices.J. ‘Tillmans P. Hirsch and W. Hirsch 260; 111. Content of reducing substance in different fruits and vegetables. J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and J. Jackisch 396 ; IV. Reversibility of the oxidation of the reducing substances in lemon juice. J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and H. Dick 397. Vitamin D and vitamin A content of samples of cod-liver oil; The relative -. K. H. Coward F. J. Dyer and B. G. E. Morgan, 368. -. nitro. 469. Standards for -. 175. Standards for -. 176. content of red palm oil. W. J. Dann 398. Vitamin D-continued. Crystalline -. F. A. Askew H. M. Bruce, R. I<. Callow J. St. L. Philpot and T. A. Webster 54 ; C. E. Bills and F. G. McDon-ald 469. International standard for -. 622. Standards for -. 174. Vitamins Bezssonoff’s reaction for -.von Hahn and M. Wieben 534. I?. V. The -. (Review) E. Browning 132. Vixen milk; Composition of - . E. G . Young and G. A. Grant 49. W Wall-Paper Arsenic in -. 155. Dutch regulations for -. 20. Wall-Plaster Gaseous arsenic from -. 156, Warenkunde Praktikum der - (Review), Water alkali metals in - ; Titration of. J. analysis. Abstracts 56 121 401 793. Analysis for Sanitary and Technical Purposes. (Review) H. B. Stocks 742. Diviners and their Methods. H. Mager 282. Examination - Chemical and Bacterio-logical. hydrogen sulphide in - ; Determination of, Kapp 793. in coal and other solids ; Micro-apparatus for the gravimetric determination of -. F. Vetter 541. softener ; Suitability of - for hairdressing purposes. -(Legal Notes) 96.supplies ; Zinc in - . E. Bartow and 0. M. Weigle 401. vapour ; Relative permeability of various materials to -. 461. Watermarks Artificial -. 152. Wax constituents of the apple cuticle. A. C. Chibnall S. H. Piper A. Pollard J. A. B. Smith and E. F. Williams 258. Waxes Fluorescence analysis of -. J. A. Radley 626. Melting and solidification points of hydro-genated oils and - and of their fatty acids. S. Ueno G. Inagaki and H. Tsuchikawa 113. of the sumach berry ; Dibasic acids in -. M. Tsujimoto 266. West Ham Appointment of A. E. Parkes as Public Analyst for County Borough of -29 ; as Agricultural Analyst for -. 163: Wheat bromine in - ; Normal proportion of. A. Damiens and S. Blaignan 178. flour; Rye flour and barley flours in -.P. Rudolph and H. Barsch 177. Wine bilberry juice in red - ; Detection of. W. Diemair 320. 163. E. Griinsteidl 202. Tillmans and E. Neu 121. 2nd Edition. 6th Ed. (W. P. Mason) 277. supply of Cyprus. 101. Dutch regulations for -. 22. musts ; Proportion of tartaric acid to free acid New “sorbite process” for detecting fruit - in certain -. in grape -. F. Seiler 720. F. M. Litterscheid 178 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUME LVII. Wine-continued. vinegar ; Differentiation from spirit vinegar. P. Rudolph and H. Barsch 722. vinegar ; Fractional titration of - Deter-mination of non-volatile acids. P. Hirsch and 0. Delp 111. white - made from red grapes ; Identifi-cation of. G. Graff 660. Wines Acid constituents of - . 11. L. Semichon and M. Flanzy 109. lactic acid in - ; Determination of. J. H. Fabre and E. Bremond 110 ; A. Michel, 111 ; L. Semichon and Flanzy 721. medicated - ; Sale of. 317. Radioactivity of -. E. Canals and A. MCdaille 592. residual sugar in red - ; Determination of. J. DubaquiC and G. Debordes 110. Trade description of -. (Legal Notes) 780. Wire Spectroscopic identification of -. 576. Wolframite tin in - ; Rapid determination of. K. Kiefer 538. Wood Chemistry of white rots of -. 11. W. G. Campbell 263. identification of - and - charcoal frag-ments. J. C. Maby 2. Identification of - by chemical means. H. E. Dadswell 101. pulp in paper ; Mechanical --. C . J. J . Fox 455. pulp in paper; Phloroglucinol method for determining mechanical - H. B. Dunni-cliff and H. D. Suri 354. Relation between durability and chemical composition of -. I. W. and H. E. Dadswell 314. Woods used by the ancient Egyptians. K. P. Oakley 158. Wool Action of trypsin on different types of -. C. Fromageot and A. Porcherel 52. Basic amino-acids of -. A. M. Stewart and C. Rimington 257. chemical damage in - * Detection and estimation of. P. Krais k88. cloth; Pathogenic fungus on -. A. G. Gould and E. K. Carter 55. in mixed textiles ; Quantitative determina-tion of -. P. Krais and H. Markert 667. scale structure of - ; Method for revealing. J. Manby 201. Wort ~ J H value of -; Colorimetric estima-tion of. P. Kobach. 465. Writing Secret -. 150. Sediments in ink and in -. sequence of strokes in -. C. A. Mitchell and T. J. Ward 760. 148. x . Xanthophyllen Separation of vitamin A t carotene and -. P. Karrer and K. Schopp 582. Y Yeast growth ; Stimulation of - by thallium, a “bios” impurity of asparagine. 0. W. Richards 663. Nitrogen in - determined by the hydro-genation method. H. ter Meulen and K. Peeren 524. Preparation of crystallised anti-beri-beri vita-min from -. Selective fermentation of glucose and fructose by -. E. R. Dawson 036. total nitrogen and solid matter in - * Determination of. R. S. W. Thorne 182: R. Tschesche 327. Yermat Analysis of -. 169. Z Zinc copper in presence of - - Deterniina-tion of minute amounts of. ferrocyanide titration of - - An over-looked source of error in. in biological materials ; Determination of -. W. R. Todd and C. A. Elvehjem 581. in canned lobster. 457. in impregnated wood ; Determination of -. 737. in water supplies. E. Bartow and 0. M. Weigle 401. Rinnmann’s green test for -. A. A. Benedetti-Pichler 673. Separation of tin from - by means of sodium hydrosulphite. B. S. Evans 362. Zinc Oxide Use of - in determining cobalt manganese. J I. .Hoffman 272. Zirconium Quanbtative separation of tanta-lum. niobium. titanium and -. and a new 499. B. Park 196. analytical grouping. A. R. Powell 550. W. R. Schocller and PRINTED BY w. HEFFER & SONS LTD. CAMBRIDGE ENGLAXD
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