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Volume 71,
Issue 1,
Page 001-036
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THE ANALYST J. ALLEN L. A. DAUNCEY BSc. E. B. DAW B.Sc. A.R.I.C. I. GRANT Ph.D. M.Sc. F.R.I.C. A. 0. JONES M.A. F.R.I.C. J.\V.MATTHEWS,Ph.D.,D.I.C.,F.R.I.C. THE JOURNAL OF THE E. &I. POPE B.A. R.Sc. C. F. PRITCHARD B.Sc. A.R.I.C. F. A. ROBINSON M.Sc.Tech. F.R.I.C. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.R.I.C. J. T. STOCK M.Sc. A.R.I.C. D. R. WOOD F.R.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED rro THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee : J . R . NICHOLLS D.Sc. F.R.1 .C. N. L. ALLPORT F.K.T.C. F. W. F . ARNAUD F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE F.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER B.Sc. F.1nst.P. H. E. COX D.Sc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.R.I.C. F . W. EDWARDS F.R.I.C.B. S. EVANS M.B.E. M.C. D.Sc. F.R.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.R.I.C. E. B. HUGHES DSc. F.R.I.C. Ibon. 5ecretarg : L. EYNOX B.Sc. F.R.I.C. D. W. KENT- JONES B.Sc. Ph.D., F.R.1 .C, S. ERNEST MELLING F.R.I.C. C. A. MITCHELL M.A. D.Sc. F.R.I.C M.C. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. A.R.T.C. F.R.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., A. MORE I.S.O. A.R.C.S., W. H. SIMMONS B.Sc. F.K.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. K. A. WILLIAMS B.Sc. F.R.I.C. G. H. WYATT BSc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. Won. Greaeurer : G. TAYLOR F.R.I.C. VOL. 7 1 1 9 4 6 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER k SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I94 ERRATA : VOL. 71 1946: p. 42. p. 82. p. 176. p. 177. p. 178. p. 179. Col. 2 lines 9-8 from the bottom of the page for “2-aminopyridine” read “2-aminopyrimidine.” Col.1 line 42 for “ 8 g.” read “18 g.” of pure barium hydroxide. Line 21 for “potassium silicofluoride” read “fluosilicic acid.” Line 4 from bottom of page delete “from” now in front of “2 ml. t o 50 ml.” Graph I along ordinate axis for “0.009 N” read “0.0009 N.” Graph 11 along ordinate axis and in heading for “Th/F” read “Th/F,” and in heading delete brackets round “Range.” INDEX TO VOLUME 71 INDEX TO NAMES * Ilenotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst. A Adams M. F. Detmng. small amounts of silica, ”Alcock R. S. Detmng. nitrogen in foodstuffs by Alexander B. et al. Specific micro colorimetric Alexander 0. R. et al. Spectrophotometric Allen J. Review of Reactifs pour l’dnalyse Quali-Allport N.L. Review of British Pharmacezttical Ames S. R. et al. Detmng. copper in copper Amos A. J. lieview of Science and hiutrition 155. *Anderson J. A. Detmng. metallics in spon-taneously inflammable magnesium dust 282. Anderson J. A. Enzymes and their Role in Wheat Technology. (Review) 550. Arbuckle W. S. Detmng. salt in butter by mer-curimetric method 81. Archibald R. M. Estmng. alloxan 189. Arnaud F. W. F. Obituary of E. Hinks 347. 193. Kjeldahl method digestion conditions 233. estmn. of glycine in blood and urine 86. detmn. of traces of nickel 394. tative hfinerale 153. Codex 1934 Supplts. I-VII 249. proteins 92. B Routine analysis of man-Review of Introduction to Bio-Babson E. K. et al. ganese bronze 498. Bacharach A.L. chemistry 501. - Review of Manual of Nutrition 1945 93. - Review of Vitamins in Medicine. 2nd Edn. 551. - Science and Nutrition. (Review) 155. Baldwin A. R. et al. Fatty acid analyses of known mixtures of purified methyl esters 592. Ball E. G. et al. Rapid test for distinguishing human from cow’s milk based on difference in xanthine oxidase content 290. Gravimetric detmn. of aluminium in pharmaceutical prepns. 83. Micro-methods of estmng. diodone (3 5-di-iodo-pyridone-N-acetic acid) 191. Detmng. mercury and copper in anti-fouling compositions; potassium cobalticyanide as complex-forming agent in dithizone technique, 578. Barnett R. S. Reaction of lead soap with sodium iodide 445. Barthauer G. L. et al. Detmng. acetone; U.V. spectrophotometric method 546.*Barton-Wright E. C. Microbiological assay of amino acids. Tryptophan leucine zsoleucine, valine cystine methionine lysine phenyl-alanine histidine arginine and threonine 267. Bandelin F. J. Barclay J. A. et al. ”Barnes H. *- et al. Microbiological assay of amino acids. Distribution of amino acids in wheat grain 278. Baumgartner J. G. Canned Foods Introduction t o their Microbiology. 2nd Edn. (Review) 502. *Beeley J. et al. Detmng. sodium in 50 per cent. potassium hydroxide liquor 50 per cent. potas-sium carbonate liquor and solid potassium car-bonate 223. Beezley M. B. et al. Quant. detmn. of thyroxine in iodinated casein having thyroidal activity 246. *Belcher R. - et al. Qualitative Inorganic Microanalysis. (Review) 452.Bell F. K. et al. Chemical evaluation of digitalis, 42. Benotti J. et al. Gutman estmn. of “acid” phosphatase activity 294. *Bentley J. A. et al. Detmng. carbonate in solid materials 328. Eergeim O. et al. Microbiological detmn. of free amino acids in human and dog plasma 390. - Microbiological detmn. of free leucine isoleucine, valine and threonine in dog plasma 292. Berman H. et al. System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Vol. I Elements Sulphides Sulphosalts and Oxides. 7th Edn. (Review) 343. Berry A. J. Modern Chemistry Sketches of its Historical Development. (Review) 504. Besman L. et al. Microtitration estmn. of amino acids 243. Bessey 0. A. et al. Estmng. ascorbic acid in small amounts of blood serum 242.Better E. J. et al. Direct oxidation tests on soap, 193. Bhide B. V. et al. Chemical investigation of Sfiilunthes acmella 440. Bicknell F. et al. Vitamins in Medicine. 2nd Edn. (Review) 551. Biehler R. et al. Hydrogenation technique for estmng. blood plasma tocopherols 88. Bina A. F. et al. Nicotinic acid values by chemical and microbiological methods. Effect of hydrogen peroxide and I.R. rays on nicotinic acid 331. Bird 0. D. et al. Microbiological assay of vitamin B conjugate 44. Bishop R. L. et al. Detmng. carbon disulphide, 194. Biswas A. K. et al. Component fatty acids of Citrullus vulgaris Schrad (water melon) seed oil, 291. Block H. et al. Estmng. methionine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermenti 36 589. - Estmng. threonine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermenta 36 589.Efficiency of desiccants 236 iv INDEX TO VOLUME 71 Bohren B. B. et al. Chemical detmn. of vitamin A in dried whole eggs 385. Boizot G. E. Obituary 251. Bolin D. W. et al. *Banner T. G. Frozen vitamin standards 189. Estmng. volatile matter content of propellant explosives. I. Estmng. water by improved Fischer method 483. Borlew P. B. et al. Potentiometric detmn. of sodium sulphide in sulphate pulp black liquor 343. *Bowden S. T. Carbonate estmn. apparatus 234. *Bowen J. L. et al. Photoelectric photometer for estmng. vitamin A in margarine 20. *BOX F. W. Detmng. small amounts of aluminium in steel 317. Boyd M. J. et al. Estmng. free formaldehyde by diffusion 247. +Boyd T. H. et al.Detmng. chloral in technical chloral 97. *Boyland E. Separating cobalt complex of /3-nitroso-a-naphthol from other coloured metallic complexes 230. Brabson J. A, et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of iron and copper in red phosphorus 596. *Bradford E. A. M. Microbiological assay of vita-mins by mould growth methods 228. *Bradley D. C. Semi-micro quant. analysis of paper ashes and similar materials 573. Braithwaite D. G. et al. Nephelometric detmn. of small amounts of sodium 294. Branson V. C. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to County Boroughs of Brighton and Eastbourne and Borough of Worthing and as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Brighton 586 587. - Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to Western Division of Sussex County 492.Bressler B. et al. Microbiological assay of vitamin B conjugate 44. Brivker L. G. et al. Detmng. zinc in corrosion-resistant steels 195. Brooks F. et al. Analysing oil-soluble petroleum sulphonates. Extraction-absorption method 593. Brown E. B. ef al. Nicotinic acid values by chemical and microbiological methods. Effect of hydrogen peroxide and I.R. rays on nicotinic acid 331. Brown R. A. et al. Microbiological assay of vitamin B conjugate 44. Brown T. F. et al. Detmng. organic peroxides in hydrocarbons 444. Brownlee G. W. Assay of alkaloidal galenicals, using chromatograph. I. Prepns. of belladonna, stramonium and nux vomica. 11. Liquid extract of ergot B.P. and extract of ergot B.P.C. 84 85, Brownlee K. A. Industrial Experimentation.(Review) 599. Bruce A. Obituary 251. Bruening C. F. Detmng. and detcng. dichloro-acetic acid in food products 79 Bryan F. R. et al. Applying multiplier photo-tubes to spectrochemical analysis of magnesium alloys 153. Buchanan J. L. Obituary 251. Bullock K. Detmng. lipase in pancreatin with report on commercial pancreatins 147. Burk R. E. et al. Major Instruments of Science and their Applications to Chemistry. Frontiers in Chemistrv Vol. IV. /Review) 344. Buresiuer P. R. et rc; Vitamin B produced by micro-organisms 44. Burmaster C. F. Micro-detmn. of E- and 8- glycero-phosphates 588. Burr G. O. et al. Chemical detmn. of tocopherols in animal fats 87. Butterfield W. J. A. Button D. F. H. Obituary 201. Appointment as Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of Southwark 492.C Callow A. B. Cooking and Nutritive Value. (Keview) 93. Camien M. N. et al. Amino acid requirements of Lactobacillus fermenti 36 241. - Estmng. histidine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermenti 36 241. - Estmng. histidine in protein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 42. - Estmng. methionine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermenti 36 589. -Estmng. phenylalanine in protein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 and Lacto-bacillus helveticus 241. - Estmng. threonine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermenti 36 589. Campbell C. J. .et al. Microbiological assay of vitamin B conjugate 44. Cannon H. J. et al. Use of enzyme in riboflavine detmn. Free and combined riboflavine 188.Carlos A. S. Appointment as additional Public Analyst for Borough of Poole 586. Carter R. H. et al. Detmng. bases by means of calomel. Application to lime in commercial calcium arsenate 193. Cartwright G. E. et al. Estmng. copper in blood serum 245. Castillo J. C. et al. Field surface test for DDT, 460. Cavell A. J. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to County Borough of Southampton 492. Chaikoff I. L. et al. Detmng. plasma iodine 389. - Detmng. thyroxine in thyroid gland of rat 389. - Estmng. choline in liver and plasma of dog 243. *Chandler R. D. Estmng. codeine in presence of creosote 140. *Cherry G. W. et al. Detmng. chloral in technfcal chloral 97. Chidambaram N. ef al. Chemical examination of A maranthus Gangetzcus seeds.Fatty oil from the seeds 291. Childs H. Appointment as Public Analyst to Cities of Lincoln Sheffield and York County Boroughs of Barnsley Doncaster Grimsby and Rotherham and Boroughs of Chesterfield and Scunthorpe and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County Boroughs of Barnsley Doncaster, Grimsby Lincoln Rotherham Sheffield and York 492 493. Chipault J. R. et al. Chemical detmn. of toco-pherols in animal fats 87. Chirqside R. C. Review of Major Instruments in Sczence and their Applications to Chemistry. Frontiers in Chemistry Vol. IV 344. Christensen H. N. Estmng. thyroid-inhibiting compounds 332. Christiansen J. B. et al. Chromatographic estmn. of vitamin A in mixed feeds 240. Clardy F. B. et al. Differential reduction of iron and tin 697.Clark J. F. Appointment as Public Analyst to City of Liverpool County Boroughs of Barrow-in-Furness Birkenhead Blackburn Bootle and Southport and Boroughs of Crosby and Widnes, and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County Boroughs of Birkenhead Blackburn Bootle, Liverpool and Southport 492 493. Clayton Sir G. C. Obituary 157 INDEX TO Review of Colloids their Properties and Colour reactions of stilboestrol 66. Semimicro-Kjeldahl procedure Clayton W. *Cocking T. T. Cole J. O. et al. *Cohon A. F. Colwell J. I(. Obituary 157. Consden R. et al. -Identifying amino acids derived from cystine in chemically modified wool 595. Conway H. S. Detmng. sulphonamides in tablets, 82. Cook &. P. Detmng. nitrogen and protein in pooled samples of human plasma 388.Cooley M. L. et al. Chromatographic estmli. of vitamin A in mixed feeds 240. *Cooper B. S. Modern aids to spectrochemical analysis 356. - Review of Collected Papers on Metallurgical Analysis by the Spectrogvaph 47. Corfield C. E. Obituary 157 158. Cornes J. J. S. Rapid detmn. of alkalis in Port-land cement 90. Corwin J. F. et al. Conductometric titrations with organic reagents. Detmng. copper and iron 500. *Cottrell T. L. et al. Vol. detmn. of nitroguani-dine 207. Cox H. E. Chemical Analysis of Foods. 3rd Edn. (Review) 345. - Review of A Srienti.\t in the Criminal Courts 156. - Review of Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry Vol. VTI IO-METE 4th Edn. 395. Cranston H. A. et al. Ion-exchange resin in detmng. traces of copper with special reference to powdered and fluid milk 439.Crawford T. B. B. et al. Quant. separation of tervalent from quinquevalent arsenic derivatives on the micro scale 598. Cristol S. J. et al. Detmng. l-trichloro-2 2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane in technical I)DT 46. *Cropper? F. R. Applications of chromatographic analysis in industry 263. Csonka F. A. et al. Methionine detmn. in proteins and foods 443. Cummingr; R. W. et al. Detmng. copper in plant materials 92. Applications 154. for control laboratories 332. Microchemical apparatus 322. D D’Addieco A. A. et al. Chlorite holo-cellulose, fractionation and bearing on summative wood analysis and studies of hemicelluloses 192. Nephelometric detmn. of small amounts of sodium 294. D’Amico J.S. et al. Dargie A. Davidsohn A, et al. Direct oxidation tests on soap 193. *Davies W. C. Davis J. S. et al. Polarographic studies of proteins and their degradation products. Protein index, 43. Dawson C. E. et al. Detmng. copper in copper proteins 92. *Dawson E. C. et al. Detmng. lead in Creta praeparata 417. Deal L. et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of iron and copper in red phosphorus 596. Dean J. F. et al. Polarographic detmn. of nickel in steel and nickel ore 297. Deichmann W. B. et al. Spectrophotometric estmn. of hexuronates (expressed as glucuronic acid) in plasma or serum 587. *de Lippa M. Z. Absorptiometric detmn. of chromium in low alloy steels by oxidation with potassium bromate 34. Obituary of J . F. Tocher 202. Polarographic analysis 49.VOLUME 71 v Denton C. A, et al. Methionine detmn. in proteins and foods 443. Deterding H. C. et al. Detmng. magnesium in aluminium alloys 295. Dewey B. ef al. Gutman estmn. of “acid” phos-phatase activity 294. De Witt,. J. B.? ef al. Spectrophotometric estmn. of vitamin A in oleomargarine 187. Dhingra D. R. et al. Component fatty acids of Cilrullus vulgaris Schrad (water melon) seed oil, 291. - Component fatty acids of Kahu (Lactuca scariola, Linn.) seed oil 330. - Component fatty acids of melon (Cucunzis melo, Linn.) seed oil 291. “Dickinson D. Detmng. Permate (ferric dimethyl-dithiocarbamate) 327. - Detmng. tin in canned foods 41. Dierker M. et al. Spectrophotometric estmn. of hexuronates (expressed as glucuronic acid) in plasma or serum 587.Dietz E. M. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of P-eyy-throidine 440. Dobbins J. T. e t . al. Semimicro scheme of qual. analq-sis for cations without hydrogen sulphide, 447. Doerniann A. H. Hioassay of lysine by a mutant of Neurospora 87. Dracass W. R. Obituary 397. Dreywood R. Qual. test for carbohydrate material, 544. *Dunbar-Poole A. G. Note on tin assay of British Chemical Standards 638. *Dunn J. S. Works test for excess lime in water treatment 38. Dunn M. S. et. al. Amino acid requirements of Lactobacillus jermenti 36 241. - Estmng. histidine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermenti 36 241. - Estmng. histidine in protein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 42. - Estmng. methionine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermenti 36 589.- Estmng. phenylalanine in protein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc rnesenteroides P-60 and Lacto-bacillus helveticus 241. - Estmng. threonine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus ferrnenti 36 589. Dutt N. K. Chemistry of rare earths. Estmng. rare earths in uranium minerals 338. - Chemistry of rare earths. Macro- and micro-estmn. of caesium in presence of potassium and rubidium with help of rare earths 338. Dwyer I. M. et al. Microbiological estmn. of tyrosine 390. E *Edwards A. H. Analysis of barium carbide 521. *Edwards F. H. et al. Absorptiometric method for magnesium in zinc-base die-casting alloys 379. Edwards G. W. Obituary 97. Edwards J. C. ef al. Differential reduction of iron Ehrhardt S.A. et al. Kapid-filling capillary El-Katib M. M. T.: *Ellington F. Volumetric detmn. of diphenyl-Elod E. etal. Recognition of damage on wool 249. Elsden S. R. Silica gel partition chromatogram in estmng. volatile fatty acids 547. Elvehjem C. A. et al. Amino acid requirements of Streptococcus faecalis and use of this organism for estmng. threonine in natural products 331. and tin 597. polarimeter tube 501. See Taha El-Katib. amine in nitrocellulose powders 305 vi INDEX TO VOLUME 71 Elving P. J. et al. Polarographic detmn. of acet-aldehyde 342. - Simultaneous detmn. of ethylene and 1:2-propylene glycols 497. Emmett A. D. et al. Microbiological assay of vitamin B conjugate 44. Entenman C. et al. Estmng. choline in liver and plasma of dog 243. Estes R.R. et al. Detmng. cuprous chloride 294. *Etheridge A. T. et al. Detmng. phosphorus in steel containing titanium and arsenic 316. *Ev=s,.B. S. Accurate volumetric detmn. of zinc and nickel using diphenylcarbazone as indicator, 455. *- Detmng. selenium in steels with notes on detmng. sulphur 68. *- Detmng. zinc in copper alloys and separating zinc from cadmium 460. - Review of System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Vol. I. Elements Sulphidc > Sulphosalts and Oxides. 7th Edn. 343. Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in aluminium- and magnesium-base alloys 464. Appointment as Public Analyst and Oificial Agricultural Analyst to County of Cardi-gan 492 493. Evans John. Obituary 157 158. Evans R. J. Estmng.cystine and methionine content of plant and animal material by differen-tial oxidation 43. Use of buffers in detmng. colour with titanium trichloride. lV 80. Chemical detmn. of vitamin A in dried whole eggs 38.5. *- et al. Evans H. J. Evenson 0. L. Ewan M. A. et al. F Fang S. C. e f al. Detmng. menthol in peppermint oil. Acetic anhydride and pyridine as reagent, 386. *Fearon W. R. Amicline-pentacyano-ierrate re-action; test for guanidines urea and thiourea 562. - Introduction to Biochemistry. 3rd Edn. (Re-view) 501. Feigl F. et al. Sensitive and selective test for gallotannin (tannic acid) and other tannins 390. Feigl H. E. et al. Ferrey G. J. W. Tests for acetone and ethyl al-cohol with special reference t o methyl alcohol, 148. *Fill M.A. et al. Continuous production of doubly distilled water 237. *- Control of delivery from burettes 145. *- Thermostatically-controlled low temp. bath, *- Universal micro-stirrer with remote operation, *- Vacuum-operated circulating pump 144. Firth H. Obituary 157 201. Fleck H. R. Plastics-Scientific and Technological. 2nd Edn. (Review) 503. Folkers K. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of p-erythroidine 440. Forster Sir M. 0. *Foster G. E. *- et al. Assay of 2 :7-diamino-9-pheny1-10-Foster J. A. Obituary 251. Francis A. W. et al. Frankland P. F. Obituary 505. Franklin J. L. et al. Ditto ditto 390. 238. 536. Obituary 157 158. Commercial papaverine 130. methylphenanthridiniuni bromide 287. Detmng. ethylene 247. Detmng. methyl chloride in air 499.Frederick W. G. et al. Freeman A. F. et al. Detmng. ether vapour in gaseous mixtures containing ethylene and detmng, dissolved ethylene in ethyl ether 196. Spectrophotometric detmn. of a-claeostearic acid in freshly extracted tung oil. Detmng. extinction coefficients in oil solvents 46. Detmng. products of sugar and molasses fermentations 51 1. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids in animal proteins 292. System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Vol. I. Elements Sulphides Sulphosalts and Oxides. 7th Edn. (Review) 343. Analysing binary mixtures of normal aliphatic dibasic acids and esters. Use of refractive indices of climethyl esters 592. *Freeman G. G. et al. Freides R. et al. Frondel C. et al. Furlow J.S. et al. G *Galloway P. D. et al. Direct estmn. of polymer and carbon black in vulcanised butyl rubber Gallup W. D. et al. Iktrnng. vitamin A in liver, Garratt D. C. Appointment as Analyst to Port of *Gentry C. H. R. et al. Direct photometric detmn. *- Separating and detrmig. lead as iodate and ap-Gerst L. et al. Detmng. nitrogen in refractory Gibson Q. H. et al. Artificial standard in estmn. *Gilbert F. C. et al. Detmng. lime in refractory *Gilpin W. C. et al. Ditto ditto 235. Gilreath E. S. et at. Semimicro scheme of qual. analysis for cations without hydrogen sulphide, 447. (Gl2-1) 505. 441. London Authority 492. of aluminium with 8-hydroxyquinoline 432. plication to glass analysis 31. metal carbides and their compositions 391.of haemoglobin 293. dead-burned magnesia 235. Gisclard J. B. Godar E. M. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of traces of nickel 394. Gokhale V. G. et al. Chemical investigation of Spzlanthes acrnella 440. *Goodwin T. W. et al. Detmng. carotene and vitamin A in butter and margarine 15. Gordon A. H. et al. Identifying amino acids de-rived from cystine in chemically modified wool, 596. Gortner W. A. et al. Culture studies on Lacto-bacillus arabinosus and L. helveticus 390. Graff J. H. Qual. identification of synthetic resins, 248. Graham C. E. et af. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids in animal proteins 292. Grant J. Quant. Organic Micro-analysis based on the Methods of Fritz Pregl. - Review of Introduction to the Chemistry o j Cellulose 298.*Gray C. H. et al. Micro-diffusion estmn. of carbon monoxide in blood 107. - Van den Bergh reaction [for obstructive jaundice], 389. Greenburg R. H. Colorimetric detmn. of iron in presence of copper and nickel 336. Greenhut I. T. et al. Amino acid requirements of Strefitococcus faecalis and use of this organism for estmng. threonine in natural products 33 1. *Gridgeman N. T. Transformation of biological responses especially in vitamin D assays 376. Polarographic cell 598. (Review) 199 INDEX TO "Gridgeman N. T. et at. Photoelectric photometer for estmng. vitamin A in margarine 20. Grove D. C. et al. Chemical assay for ergonovine (ergometrine) in ergot compared with biologic assay 83. *Grove W. F. e t al. Assay of 2:7-diamino-9-phenyl- 10-methylphenanthridinium bromide 287.Grummitt O. et at. Major Instruments of Science and their AppIications to Chemistry. Frontiers in Chemistry Vol. IV. (Review) 344. Gunn E. L. et al. Uetmng. methyl chloride in air, 499. Gunness M. e f al. Microbiological estmn. of tyrosine 390. Guthrie J. D. et al. Detmng. inorganic phosphorus in plant materials 392. H Hackett P. L. et al. Micro-detmn. of giycogen in tissue slices 388. Haim G. ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of nickel in bronzes 334. Hale M. N. Volumetric detmn. of aluminium in silica-alumina catalysts 595. Hall A. J. et al. Detmng. cobalt in high-cobalt products. Separation from iron by phospliate. Colorimetric detmn. of cobalt with ammonium thiocyanate 337. *- Separating cobalt from nickel and colorimetric detmn.of nickel 479. Haller H. L. et al. ljetmng. l-trichloro-2 2-bis (P-chlorophenyl) ethane in technical DDT 46. *Hameme J. H. Detmng. auxins in soils with note on synthetic growth substances 11 1. - Review of Organic Heagents for Organic Analysis, 503. *Hamer A. et al. Detmng. pyridine content of technical pyridine 419. Hamilton G. 1. ,%nalysing cable sheathing alloys, 449. Hamilton P. B. e f al. Effects of volatile aldehydes formed on accuracy of manometric ninhydrin-carbon dioxide method in analysing cc-amino acids 388. Hamilton T. S. et al. Micro-detmn. of iodine in biological materials especially combustion of samples in the Parr oxygen bomb 245. Hamoir G. C. M. Chromatography in aqueous soln. with mineral ppts. insoluble in water.Separation of amino acids by adsorption on silver sulphide 246. *Harrington T. ef al. Detmng. chloral in technical chloral 97. Harris R. A. et al. Prepng. silica gel for chroniato-graphy 501. Harris W. E. et al. Amperometric titration of mercaptans with silver nitrate 342. - Polarography of uranium. I. Reduction in moderately acid solns. 91. Harrison D. C. et al. Artificial standard in estmng. haemoglobin 293. "Haslam J. et al. Detmng. sodium in 50 per cent. potassium hydroxide liquor 50 per cent. potas-sium carbonate liquor and solid potassium car-bonate 223. Hatch L. F. et al. Detmng. cuprous chloride 294. Hauge S. M. et al. Chemical detmn. of vitamin A in dried whole eggs 385. Hawkins E. S. Appointment as Additional Public Analyst for Boroughs of Dover and Kanisgate, 586.Hayes R. A. et al. Detmng. l-trichloro-2 2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane in technical DDT 46. VOLUME 71 vii *Haynes H. G. et al. Detmng. citrate and tar-trate 141. *Haywood P. J. C. et al. Detmng. theobromine in cocoa residues-Wadsworth method 162. Hehman P. L. e f al. Colorimetric detmn. of molyb-denum in iron and steel 194. Heinzelman D. C. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of cc-elaeostearic acid in freshly extracted tung oil. Detmng. extinction coeficients in oil solvents 46. Herd M. Appointment as Additional Public Analyst to City of Glasgow 492. Hered 6. R. et al. Detmng. lead in smelter pro-ducts 248. Hered W. et al. "Heron A. E. et al. Detmng. small amounts of arsenic 414. Heron N. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to City of Portsmouth 492.Herriott R. M. Spectrophotometric estmn. of penicillin 687. Heuser E. Chemistry of Cellulose. (Review) 198. Heywood A. D. Hier S. W. et al. Microbiological detmn. of free amino acids in human and dog plasma 390. - Microbiological detmn. of free leucine isoleucine, valine and threonine in dog plasma 292. - Microbiological estmn. of amino acids in animal proteins 292. *Higgs D. G. et al. Detmng. phosphorus in steel containing titanium and arsenic 316. - Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in aluniinium- and magnesiuni-base alloys 464. Hill U. T. Colorimetric detnin. of fatty acids and esters 547. Hills C. H. ef al. Detmng. methyl ester content of pectin 45. Himes H. W. et al. Multiple nature of vitamin B,.Critique of methods for detmng. complex and its components 86. Hinegardner W. S. et al. Peroxide bleaching of mechanical pulps. Influence of bacteria and enzymes. 11. Detmn. of catalase activity 446. finks E. Obituary 251 347. Hirschman A. et al. Micro-titration estmn. of amino acids 243. Hirst F. Review of Canned Foods Introduction to their Microbiology 502. Hochberg M. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of aneurine in cereal products 146. - Multiple nature of vitamin B,. Critique of methods for detmng. complex and its compo-nents 86. Hoefer J. A. et al. Detmng. vitamin A in liver, 441. Hofmann K. et al. Estmng. oxybiotin in pre-sence of biotin 243. "Holness H. et al. Gravimetric detmn. of tin in alloys by tannin method 217.*- l'ptng. tin with tannin 70. Hoover R. D. et al. Quant. detmn. of thyroxine in iodinated casein having thyroidal activity 246. Horecker B. L. Primary standard for colori-metric detmn. of haemoglobin 443. *Horsley T. E. V. Detmng. leptazol in s o h 308. Houlbrooke A. Appointment as Public Analyst to County of Stafford City of Stoke-on-Trent, Boroughs of Newcastle-under-Lyme and Rowley RegiS and Urban District of Brierley Hill and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Stafford and County Borough of Stoke-on-Trent, 492 493. Polarographic estmn. of anti-mony in cable sheathing alloy B (B.S. Sol) 524. Ditto ditto 248. Obituary 97 251. *Hourigan H. F INDEX TO VOLUME 71 . 1'111 Houston D. F. et al. Analysing binary mixtures of normal aliphatic dibasic acids and esters.Use of composition - melting point relations of acids, 591. - Ditto ditto. Use of refractive indices of dimethyl esters 592. Hughes W. J. et al. Detmng. reducing sugars. Mathematical expression of reducing action in Lane and Eynon and ferricyanide methods 438. Hunter A. S. ef al. Detmng. nitrogen phosphorus, potassium calcium and magnesium in plant tissue. Semimicro wet digestion for large numbers of samples 449. Hurley G. et al. Dilution factor in spectro-chemical analysis 153. I I b g E. T. Appointment as Public Analyst for Somerset County Council 586. *- et al. Colorimetric detcn. and detmn. of DUT 310. aver K. et al. Orienting investigations on mor-phine content of Papaver somni ferum during growth 387. *Ingleson H.et al. Detmng. carbonate in solid materials 328. Isbell H. Charcoal-treated peptone in micro-biological assays 292. Ives 1. et al. Prepng. samples for microbiological assay of pantothenic acid 441. Iyer R. R. et al. Chemical examination of Amaranthus Gangeticus seeds. Fatty oil from the seeds 291. J Jacobs B. R. et al. Differentiating egg lecithin and soya bean lecithin in macaroni and noodle products 81. Jamieson A. R. Appointment as Public Analyst to City of Glasgow and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County Burgh of Glasgow 492 493. Jelinek V. C. et al. Iiapid micro-fluorometric detmn. of penicillin 543. Jenkins D. C. Appointment as Public Analyst and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Rurnley 492 493. Jennings W.P. et al. Amperometric titration of chloride bromide and iodide and of halide mix-tures using rotating platinum electrode 500. Johnson C. M. et al. Factors influencing estmn. of free fatty acids in dried egg powders 289. Johnson C. R. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of calcium 151. Johnson G. et al. Detmng. sulphur dioxide in fruits 290. *Johnson H. W. Colorimetric detmn. of +hy-droxybenzoic acid and its esters 77. *Johnson W. C. et al. 1 S-cyclo-hexanedione-dioxime (Nioxime) as reagent for nickel 554. Johnson W. W. et al. Routine analysis of man-ganese bronze 498. Jones A. 0. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to City ol Sheffield and County Boroughs of Rotherham and Grimsby and as Official -Agricultural Analyst to County Boroughs of Grimsby Rotherham and Sheffield 493.Appointment as Public Analyst to County of Glamorgan Borough of Port Talbot and Urban Districts of Aberdare Pontypridd and Rhondda and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Glamorgan 493. Jones D. E. Jones E. G. Obituary 157 158. Jones E. R. H. Review of Qualitative Organic Microanalysis 55 1, Jones F. V. et al. Detmng. acetone; U.V. spectro-photometric method 546. Jones J. I. M. Biological vitamin D assay. Effect of calcium and phosphorus content of diet, 189. Jones J. S. et al. Detmng. menthol in peppermint oil. Acetic anhydride and pyridine as reagent, 386. Jones P. H. Obituary 251. Jones P. J. et al. Estmng. copper in blood serum, 245. *Jones R. H. Applying polarographic analysis to examining high purity selenium nickel and cobalt compounds 60.Jsrgensen H. Studies on the Nature of the Bromate Effect. (Review) 94. K Kapron M. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of molyb-Karplus R. et at. Detmng. manganese 335. Kaufman I. P. et al. Detmng. fat in meat pro-ducts 587. *Kay J. et al. Detmng. theobromine in cocoa residues-Wadsworth method 162. Kelley 0. J. et al. Detmng. nitrogen phosphorus, potassium calcium and magnesium in plant tissue. Semimicro wet digestion for large numbers of samples 449. Kenney R. A. et al. Micro-methods of estmng. diodone (3 5-di-iodo-pyridone-N-acetic acid) 191. Kent-Jones D. W. Review of Enzymes and their Hole in Wheat Technology 550. - Review of Studies on the Nature of the Bromats Effect 94. King E. J. Micro-analysis in Medical Biochemistry.(Review) 299. Kinsey V. E. et al. Kirschman H. D. et al. Detinng. dissolved oxy-gen. Modified Winkler method 340. Kissin G. H. et al. Potentiometric titration of chlorides 296. Klein D. et al. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids in animal proteins 292. Kline L. et al. Factors influencing estmn. of free fatty acids in dried egg powders 289. Kline 0. L. et al. Modified microbiological assay for riboflavine 331. Kling R. Measuring degree of polymerisation for works control in bleaching house and sampling for ascertaining damage due to bleaching 446. Knanishu J. et al. Polarographic detmn. of iron and zinc in phosphate coatings 93. Kofoed H. et al Critical investigations on detmng. nicotine by picrate method 386.Kohler G. O. et al. Quant. detmn. of thyroxine in iodinated casein having thyroidal activity 246. Kolthoff I. M. et al. Ainperometric micro-titra-tion of very dilute chromate solns. 343. - Amperometric titration of mercaptans with silver nitrate 342. - Polarographic analysis of aluminium alloys 297. - Polarography of uranium. I. Reduction in Krampitz L. O. et al. Direct detmn. of diacetyl in Krantz J. C. Jr. et al. Chemical evaluation of Kreider M. R. 2-Phenylazo-$-cresol photometric denum in iron and steel 194. Micro-detmn. of urea 341. moderately acid solns. 91. tissue and bacterial filtrates 442. digitalis 42. standard for vitamin A 241 INDEX TO VOLUME 71 ix L Amperometric titration of chloride bromide and iodide and of halide mix-tures using rotating platinum electrode 500.- Molecular weight and mercaptan content of mixtures of primary mercaptans. Gravimetric detmn. 545. *Lambie D. A. Fleck and Ward method of detmng. elemental sulphur 140. Landwehr G. et al. Specific micro colorimetric estmn. of glycine in blood and urine 86. Lane W. H. et al. Detmng. small amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous solns. 443. *Lea C. H. Heat-labile sulphur in milk powder made from milk preheated a t high temp. (190' to 200" F.) 227. Rapid detmn. of p- and y-cellulose 248. Appointment as Public Analyst to City of Salford and Boroughs of Eccles and Stretford and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Salford 493. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to County Borough of Preston Boroughs cf Leigh (Lancs.) and Morecambe & Heysham and Urban District of Newton-le-Willows and as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Lancashire and County Borough of Preston 493.*Leibowitz A. et al. Detmng. lead in copper, nickel and cobalt by dithizone 477. *- Detmng. small quantities of nickel with dithizone 474. Lerner E. et al. Use of enzyme in riboflavine detmn. Lewy G. A. Cerimetric detmn. of glucuronic acid, using Conway burette 495. - Iodimetric micro-detmn. of arsenic in biological material 590. - ef al. Quant. separation of tervalent from quinquevalent arsenic derivatives on the micro scale 598. Levy R. M. et al. Ink-line test for detmng. degree of sizing in writing paper 394. Linde N. J. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn.of traces of nickel 394. Lindsay F. K. et al. Nephelometric detmn. of small amounts of sodium 294. Lingane J. J. - Electrogravimetric detmn. of copper in copper-base and tin-base alloys by controlled potential electrolysis 195. - Systematic polarographic metal analysis. Detmg. tin lead nickel and zinc in copper-base alloys 548. - et al. Detmng. manganese 335. Liverseege J. F. Obituary 157. Logan M. A, et al. Estmng. free formaldehyde by diffusion 247. Long C. Stabilising and estrnng. lactic acid in blood samples 387. Longenecker H. E. et al. Fatty acid analyses of known mixtures of purified methyl esters 592. *Longman G. F. et al. Photoelectric photometer for estmng. vitamin A in margarine 20. Lopez J. A. et al. Detmng. inorganic phosphate in presence of labile phosphate esters 388.- Estmng. ascorbic acid in small amounts of blood serum 242. Love M. M. Appointment as Public Analyst to County and City of Worcester and Boroughs of Kidderminster and Oldbury and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County and County Borough of Worcester 493. Love R. F. et al. Detmng. caramel in wine, spirits vinegar and vanilla extract 186. Laitinen H. A. et al. Lea N. S. Leather A. N. Lees A. Free and combined riboflavine 188. Coulometric analysis 91. Lowry 0. H. ef al. Detmng. inorganic phosphate - Estmng. ascorbic acid in small amounts of blood Loy H. W. et al. Modified microbiological assay Lucas A. Forensic Chemistry and Scientific - Obituary 49 157 158. Luce E. N. et at. Detmng.1 :2-propylene glycol in ethylene glycol 406. Lukasiewicz S. J. et al. Detmng. ethylene 247. Lundberg W. O. et at. Chemical detmn. of toco-pherols in animal fats 87. Lykken L. et al. Analysing oil-soluble petroleum sulphonates. Extraction-absorption method 593. - Colorimetric detrnn. of phenols. Application to petroleum and allied products 333, Lyne F. A. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst and as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Berkshire and County Borough of Reading 493. in presence of labile phosphate esters 388. serum 242. for riboflavine 331. Criminal Investigation. (Review) 250. *- et al. Selective oxidation of vinegar 203. M *McClelland J. A. C. McCormick W. E. et al. McCready R. M. et al. McCue A. P. et al. McGrath T.Obituary 505. McHugo C. W. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to County of Middlesex 493. *Macinnes C. A. et al. Vol. detmn. of nitro-guanidine 207. McKean J. B. Appointment as Public Analyst to County of Lanark and Burghs of Dumbarton and Paisley 493. *McLachlan T. et al. Selective oxidation of vine-gar 203. Maclay W. D. et al. Detmng. uronic acids 444. McVeigh I. et al. Vitamin B produced by micro-organisms 44. Majumd? A. K. Estmng. bismuth. Gravimetric analysis with phenyl-arsonic acid 334. Mallory G. E. et al. Detmng. caramel in wine, spirits vinegar and vanilla extract 186. *Malowan L. S. Detcng. manganese with aurin-tricarboxylic acid 232. Mann H. D. et al. Detmng. bases by means of calomel. Application to lime in commercial calcium arsenate 193.*Mann T. B. Fluorimetric estmn. of riboflavine in egg white and egg yolk 166. Mapstone G. E. Detcng. elemental sulph& in gasoline by Sommer test 544. Marcali K. et al. Micro-detmn. of saponification number of fats and oils. Decigram centigram and milligram procedures 393. Scientific Progress in the Field of Rubber and Synthetic Elastomers. Vol. I1 of Advances in Colloid Science. Detmng. bases by means of calomel. Application to lime in commercial calcium arsenate 193. Direct vol. detmn. of organic sulphonate content of synthetic detergents 391. Introduction to the Chemistry of Cellulose. (Review) 298. Colorimetric estmn. of cin-chona alkaloids in blood 41. Intermittent A.C. arc tech-Detmng. nicotine in air, Detmng.uronic acids 444. Detmng. manganese in caustic nique of spectrographic analysis 129. 542. soda 597. Mark H. et al. (Review) 451. Markwood L. N. et al. Marron T. U. et al. Marsh J. T. et al. Marshall P. B. et al x INDEX TO Martin A. J. P. e f al. Identifying amino acids derived from cystine in chemically modified wool 595. *Martin C. M. e f al. Composition of commercial methylene blue 29. Martin R. L. et al. Detmng. methyl chloride in air 499. Marvin G. G. et al. Detmng. sodium and potas-sium in silicates 90. 'lather .K. Genetical requirements of bio-assays with higher organisms 407 535. Matsuyama G. et al. Polarographic analysis of aluminium alloys 297. May D. R.? et al. Amperometric micro-titration of very dilute chromate solns.343. Mellon M. G. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of nitrites 341. Melnick D. et al. Colcrimetric detmn. of aneurine in cereal products 146. - Multiple nature of vitamin B,. Critique of methods of detmng. complex and its components, 86. Meloche C C. et al. Detmng. ether vapour in gaseous mixtures containing ethylene and detmng. dissolved ethylene in ethyl ether 196. Metler A. V. et al. Detmng. acetone; U.V. spectrophotometric method 546. Michels M. Militzer W. E. - Orcinol reagent 247. Miller P. S. et al. Differential reduction of iron and tin 597. Mills R. T. e f al. Peroxide bleaching of mechani-cal pulps. Influence of bacteria and enzymes. 11. Detmng. catalase activity 446. Milner 0. L. Absorptiometric detmn. of copper in corrosion-resistant steel 296.Minor R. G. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of Southwark 493. *Minster J. T. Detmng. magnesium in nickel alloys 74. *- Detmng. nickel by pptn. with dimethylgly-oxime 424. *- Detmng. silicon in nickel alloys 428. Mitchell C. A. A Scientist in the Criminal Courts. (Review) 156. - Review of Forensic Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investigation 250. *Mitchell R. L. Applying spectrographic analysis to soil investigations 361. Moir D. D. Appointment as Public Analyst for Borough of Surbiton 586. - Appointment as Public Analyst to County of Surrey County 13orough of Croydon Boroughs of Barnes Esher Guildford Kingston-upon-Thames, Malden & Coombe Mitcham Reigate Sutton & Cheam and Wimbledon and Urban Districts of Carshalton and Merton & Morden and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Surrey and County Borough of Croydon 493.Appointment as Public Analyst to County of Kent Boroughs of Beckenham Bexley, Bromley Chatham Dartford Erith and Gilling-ham and Urban Districts of Chislehurst & Sidcup and Orpington and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Kent 493. Chemical estmn. of vitamin E in vegetable oils 29 1. Detrnng. manganese in caustic soda 597. Microbiological assay of amino acids. Distribution of amino acids in wheat Test for washing value of soap 249. Kiliani reaction as direct measure of reducing groups 247. Monk H. E. Moore T. et al. Moran R. F. et al. *Moran T. et al. VOLUME 71 Morris H. E. et al.Detmng. small amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous solns. 443. *Morrison R. I. et al. Detmng. products of sugar and molasses fermentations 61 1. Morton R. A. Review of Physical Methods o j Organic Chemistry. - et al. Detmng. carotene and vitamin A in butter and margarine 15. *- Photoelectric spectrophotometry applied t o analysis of mixtures and vitamin A oils 348. Moyer H. V. et al. Conductometric titrations with organic reagents. Detmng. copper and iron 500. Miiller 0. H. et al. Polarographic studies of proteins and their degradation products. Pro-tein index 43. Miiller P. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin A and the conversion factor 442. Munay L. M. Appointment as Public Analyst and as Official Agricultural Analyst to Counties of -4yr and Renfrew and Burghs of Ayr and Kil-marnock 493.Murphy M. et al. Chlorite holocellulose frac-tionation and bearing on summative wood analysis and studies of hemicelluloses 192. Vols. I and 11 451. N Nahstoll G. A. et al. Applying multiplier photo-tubes t o spectrochemical analysis of magnesium alloys 153. Narain P. e f al. Component fatty acids of melon (Cucumis melo Linn.) seed oil 291. Needs F. E. Obituary 505. Nelson J. S. et al. Molecular weight and mer-captan content of mixtures of primary mercap-tans. Gravimetric detmn. 545. Nelson W. L. et al. Detmng. ascorbic acid. Applying indophenol-xylene extraction method to large numbers of tomato and tomato juice samples 187. "Neuhaus J. W. G. e f al. Composition of com-mercial methylene blue 29.Newberger S. H. Estmng. FD and C Yellow Nos. 3 and 4 in cottonseed and other vegetable oils 80. Newington F. H. Nicholls J. R. Appointment as Deputy Govern-- Review of Kingzett's Chemical Encyclopaedia 197. - Review of Methods of Analysis of the Associatton of Ojicial Agricultural Chemists 395. *Nickelson A. S. Inorganic applications of polaro-graphic analysis especially of aluminium mag-nesium and zinc 58. Nierenstein M. Obituary 97. Nimmo-Smith R. H. Cerimetric detmn. of blood glucose 495. *Nisbet H. B. et al. Evaluating unsaturation in mixtures of hydrocarbons (motor spirits) by pyridine sulphate bromide 183. Nozaki K. Iodinietric analysis for organic per-oxides 594. Nygren C. A. e f al. Detmng. reducing sugars. Rlathematical expression of reducihg action in Lane and Eynon and ferricyanide methods 498.Nymon M. C. et al. Culture studies on Lacto-bacillus ar ',inosus and L . helveticus 390. 0 Obituary 157 158. ment Chemist 492. O'Brien A. S. et al. Molecular weight and mer-captan content of mixtures of primary niercap-tans. Gravimetric detmn. 545. Spectrophotometric detmn. of a-elaeostearic acid in freshly extracted tung oil. Detmng. extinction coefficients in oil solvents 46. Detmng. fat in meat pro-O'Connor R. T. et al. Oesting R. B. et al. grain 278. ducts 587 INDEX TO VOLUME 71 xi Ogg C. L. et aI. Detmng. methyl ester content of pectin 45. Okell F. L. Review of Modern Chemistry Sketches of its Historical Development 504. Olliver M. Review of Cooking and Nutritive Value, 93.Oser B. L. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of aneurine in cereal products 146. - Multiple nature of vitamin B,. Critique of methods for detmng. complex and its components, 86. *Ovenston T. C. J. et al. A4bsorptiometric detmn. of inorganic fluorides in organic products 17 1. *Owen E. C. Detmng. boron by use of quin-alizarin 210. P Pack F. C. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of a-elaeostearic acid in freshly extracted tung oil. Detmng. extinction coefficients in oil solvents 46. *Page J. E. Biochemical applications of polaro-graphic analysis 52. *- et al. Polarographic studies. IV. Detmng. ascorbic acid 65. Palache C. ef al. System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Vol. I. Elements Sulphides Sulphosalts and Oxides.7th Edn. (Review) 343. Palit S. R. Estmng. weak acids by direct titration in mixed solvent 496. *Parker C. A, et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of inorganic fluorides in organic products 17 1. *Parker H. W. Test of local thickening of zinc plating 39. Parkes C. R. et al. Semimicro-Kjeldahl pro-cedure for control laboratories 332. *Parkes E. B. Parks T. D. ef al. Amperometric detmn. of chloride bromide and iodide and of halide mix-tures using rotating platinum electrode 500. Pascoe T. A. et al. Potentiometric detmn. of sodium sulphide in sulphate pulp black liquor, 343. Paterson A. B. Diagnostic value of Rothera’s test on milk 41. Patridge R. F. Colorimetric detmn. of copper in aluminium alloys 152. *Patterson E. M. et al. Vol. detmn.of nitro-guanidine 207. Patterson W. I. et al. Separating and identifying volatile saturated fatty acids (C to C4) 89. Penney J. R. et al. Interfering substances in Roe and Keuther estmn. of ascorbic acid 242. Pepi M. S. Rapid detmn. of iron in aluminium alloys 396. Pepkowitz L. P. Detmng. ascorbic acid by adap-tation of Stotz’s method to plant materials 590. Pereira R. S. Photometric estmn. of potassium in biological materials 245. Pershad K. et al. Component fatty acids of Kahu (Lactuca scariola Linn.) seed oil 330. Peters E. W. et al. Analysing oil-soluble petro-leum sulphonates. Extraction-absorption method, 593. Review of Chemistry of Cellulose, 198. Manometric detmn. of -formic acid, 387. Gutzeit test-paper holder 287. Pickard R. H.Pirie N. W. Platt A. P. *Pollard W. B. Detmng. selenium in copper Pomeroy R. et al. Detmng. dissolved oxygen. Obituary 157 158. mattes 221. Modified Winkler method 340. *Pornfret R. et al. Detmng. pyridine content of technical pyridine 419. Pons W. A. Jr. et al. Detmng. inorganic phos-phorus in plant materials 392. *Pontecorvo G. Genetical aspects of bio-assays with micro-organisms 411 535. Ponting J. D. et al. Detmng. sulphur dioxide in fruits 290. Post C. B. et al. Dilution factor in spectrochemi-cal analysis 153. Potter L. F. Prescott B. A. et al. Microdetmn. of glutarnic acid and its application to protein analysis 588. Prescott F. ef al. Vitamins in Medicine. 2nd Edn. (Review) 551. Price J. W. Applying vacuum distillation to analysis of alloys 151.*Pringle W. J. S. Proctor K. L. ef al. Detmng. zinc in corrosion-Powell W. N. Photo-electric detmn. of blood thio-Pugh W. Mercurous perchlorate as vol. reagent Extracting cholesterol 43. Detmng. iron in cereals 490. resistant steels 195. cyanates without pptn. of proteins 192. for iron 151. Q Quackenbush F. W. et al. Chemical detmn. of Quaife M. L. et al. Hydrogenation technique for vitamin A in dried whole eggs 385. estmng. blood plasma tocopherols 88. R Rainbow C. Detmng. small quantities of phos-phorus in steel 196. Ramsdell G. A. Detmng. glucose galactose and lactose in their mixtures 150. Rasmussen H. B. et al. Critical investigations on detmng. nicotine by picrate method 386. - Orienting investigations on morphine content of Papaver somnzferum during growth 387.Rawsey L. L. et al. Separating and identifying volatile saturated fatty acids (C to CJ 89. Raybin H. W. Identifying sulphapyrazine through U.V. fluorescence of 2-amino-pyrazine 42. Redmond J. C. et al. Detmng. nitrogen in re-fractory metal carbides and their compositions, 391. Reed J. F. et al. Detmng. copper in plant materials 92. *Rees A. et al. Detmng. lead in Creta praeparata, 417. Reineke E. P. et al. Quant. detmn. of thyroxine in iodinated casein having thyroidal activity 246. Reinert M. ef al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin A and the conversion factor 442. Reinke R. C. et al. Detmng. 1 :2-propylene glycol in ethylene glycol 496. ‘Reuter F. H. et al. Composition of commercial methylene blue 29.Reutter H. et al. Recognition of damage on wool, 249. Rice T. et al. Polarographic detmn. of iron and zinc in phosphate coatings 93. Richardson R. W. Obituary 157. Rider B. F. et al. Rieman W. III et al. Colorimetric detmn. of nitrites, 341. Micro-detmn. of saponi-fication number oi fats and oils. Decigram, centigram and milligram procedures 393. Appointment as Joint Public Analyst and as Joint Official Agricultural Analyst to Counties of Aberdeen Banff Caithness Kin-cardine Ross & Cromarty and (interim) Inver-ness and Sutherland 493. Ritchie J. E xii INDEX TO Robb 1. J. Appointment as Joint Public Analyst and as Joint Official Agricultural Analyst to Counties of Aberdeen Banff Caithness Kin-cardine Ross & Cromarty and (interim) Inver-ness and Sutherland 493.Roberts E. C. et al. Medium for microbiological assays with Lactobacillus helveticus 440. Roberts M. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of Widnes 493. Roberts W. H. Obituary 553. *Robinson A. M. et al. Absorptiometric method for magnesium in zinc-base die-casting alloys 379. *Robinson F. A. Chromatographic analysis 251. - Review of Introduction to Chromatography 598. Robinson W. B. et al. Indophenol-xylene extrac-tion method for ascorbic acid and modifications for interfering substances 88. Robison P. et al. Rockland L. B. et al. Micro-detmn. of urea 341. Estmng. histidine in pro-tein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides Rodkey F. L. ef al. Rapid test for distinguishing human from cow’s milk based on difference in xanthine oxiclase content 290.“Rogers D. et al. Detmng. small amounts of arsenic 414. Rogers E. W. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of cinchona alkaloids in blood 41. Root W. S. et al. Estmng. small amounts of carbon monoxide in air 149. - Estmng. small amounts of carbon monoxide in blood 148. Rosenberg L. ef al. Gutinan estmn. of “acid” phosphatase activity 294. Rosner L. et a f . Use of enzyme in riboflavine detmn. Free and combined riboflavine 188. Roughton F. J. W. et at. Estmng. small amounts of carbon monoxide in air 149. - Estmng. small amounts of carbon monoxide in blood 148. “Rudra M. R. Estmng. bilirubin in blood plasma and serum 326. Rutner E. et al. Polarographic detmn. of acetal-dehyde 342. P-60 42.S Sager 0. S. et at. Phosphatase test applicable to Cheddar cheese 82. Saltzman A. H. et al. Colorimetric assay of uri-nary corticosteroid-like substances 292. Sanbprn J. R. Sanitary code for paper and paper-board food wrappings 542. Sandell E. B. Detmng. tungsten in silicate rocks, 335. Sanders G. P. et al. Phosphatase test applicable to Cheddar cheese 82. ‘%andiford M. et aZ. Micro-diffusion estmn. of carbon monoxide in blood 107. Sager F. *Saunders J. A. Micro-burette 528. Schseffer 0. A. et al. Schales O. et al. Schales S. S. et al. Detmng. glucose in blood 86. Schifferli J. et al. Direct vol. detmn. of organic sulphonate content of synthetic detergents 391. Schmidt G. et al. Detmng. desoxyribonucleic acid ribonucleic acid and phosphoproteins in animal tissues 244.Schneider F. Qualitative Organic Microanalysis. (Review) 561. Schneider W. C. Phosphorus compounds in animal tissues. Extracting and estmng. desoxyribo-Free amino groups of insulin 242. Absorptiometric detmn. of iron and copper in red phosphorus 596. Detmng. glucose in blood 86. VOLUME 71 *Schoeller W. R. et al. in alloys by tannin method 217. *- Pptng. tin with tannin 70. Schoffstall D. G. et al. Dilution factor in spectro-chemical analysis 153. Schroeder C. H. et al. Chromatographic estmn. of vitamin A in mixed feeds 240. Schur M. O. et al. Ink-line test for detmng. degree of sizing in writing paper 394. Schweigert B. S. et al. Amino acid requirements of Streptococcus faecalas and use of this organism for estmng.threonine in natural products 331. Sciver A. Appointment as Analyst to Thames Conservancy 492. Scott R. E. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of calcium 151. Scott-Dodd A. Appointment as Public Analyst for Countv of Inverness 586. Scudi J. V. Colorimetric estmn. of penicillin, 542. - et al. Rapid micro-fluorometric detmn. of penicillin 543. Seligman A. M. ef al. Specific niicro-colorimetric estmn. of glycine in blood and urine 86. Sen S. Detmng. zinc 598. Shankman S. et at. Amino acid requirements of Lactobacillus fermenti 36 241. - Estmng. histidine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermenti 36 241. - Estmng. histidine in protein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 42. - Estmng. methionine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus ferntenti 36 589.- Estmng. phenylalanine in protein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 and Lacto-bacillus helveticus 241. - Estmng. threonine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillxs fermenti 36 589. Shaptz .E. M. Antimony trichloride reaction for vitamin D 591. *Sherrington L. G. et al. Direct photometric detmn. of aluminium with 8-hydroxyquinoline. 432. *- Separating and detmng. lead as iodate and application to glass analysis 31. *Simmons M. et al. 1 2-cyclohexane-dione-diox-ime (Nioxime) as reagent for nickel 554. Simon A. C. ef al. Differential reduction of iron and tin 597. Simonsen D. H. et al. Micro-detmn. of glycogen in tissue slices 388. Simpson,. G. K. et al. Polarographic detmn. of thyroxine and 3 :5-di-iodo-tyrosine 390.Skavinski E. R. et al. Quant. absorption of oxy-gen by chromous salt 46. Small J. PH and Plants. Introduction for Be-ginners. (Review) 549. Smith D. et al. Rapid-filling capillary polari-meter tube 501. Smith D. M. Collected Papers on Metallurgical Analysis by the Spectrograph. *- Spectrographic analysis of rare and high purity materials 368. Smith F. H. Estmng. gossypol in cottonseed meal and cottonseed meats 339. - Spectrophotometric estmn. of gossypol in crude cottonseed oil 338. Smith M. et al. Snell E. E. et al. Medium for microbiological Sobel A. E. et al. Micro-titration estmn. of amino - Spectrophotometric study of new colorimetric Gravimetric detmn. of tin (Review) 47. Detmng. nicotine in air 542. assays with Lactobacillus helveticus 440.acids 243. nucleic acid and ri6onucleic acid 244. reaction bf vitamin A 43. INDEX TO VOLUME 71 xiii Somers G. F. et al. Detmng. ascorbic acid. Applying indophenol-xylene extraction method to large numbers of tomato and tomato juice Samples 187. Somogyi M. Detmng. blood sugar 85. - New reagent for detmng. sugars 85. Spector H. et af. Micro-detmn. of iodine in bio-logical materials especially combustion of sam-ples in the Parr oxygen bomb 245. Speisth R. et af. Detmng. methyl ester content of pectin 45. *Stagg H. E. Stamberg 0. E. et af. Frozen vitamin standards, 189. Stauffer W. O. et af. Peroxide bleaching of mechanical pulps. Influence of bacteria and enzymes. 1 I. Uetmng. catalase activity 446. *Stephenson W.H. et af. Colorimetric detcn. and detmn. of DDT 310. Sterges A. J. et al. Detnmg. nitrogen phosphorus, potassium calcium and magnesium in plant tissue. Semimicro wet digestion for large numbers of samples 449. Stiff H. A. et al. Field surface test for DDT 450. Stiles R. B. et al. Detmng. small amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous solns. 443. Stimmel B. F. Fractionation and photometric estmn. of oestrogens in human pregnancy urine, 332. *Stock J. T. Micro cell for polarography and am-perometric titration 583. *- Polarising unit for amperometric titration 585. *- et af. Continuous production of doubly dis-*- Control of delivery from burettes 142. *- Thermostatically-controlled low temp. bath, *- Universal micro-stirrer with remote operation, *- Vacuum-operated circulating pump 144.Stokes J. L. et al. Microbiological estmn. of tyro-sine 390. Stone H. W. et af. Quant. absorption of oxygen by chromous salt 46. Stotz E. et al. Indophenol-xylene extraction method for ascorbic acid and modifications for interfering substances 88. "Strickland E. H. et af. Detmng. small quantities of nickel with dithizone 474. Strong F. M. et al. Prepng. samples for micro-biological assay of pantothenic acid 441. Strong R. K. Kingzett's Chemical Encyclopaedia. (Review) 197. *Stubbings W. V. et al. Detmng. pyridine con-tent of technical pyridine 419. *Stubbs A. L. et af. Photoelectric spectrophoto-metry applied to analysis of mixtures and vita-min A oils 348. Swenson H. A. et af. Detmng. uronic acids 444."Synge R. L. M. Partition chromatography 256. Detmng. isocyanates 557. tilled water 237. 238. 536. T *Taha El-Katib M. M. Adulteration of wheat flour with maize and rice flours. Chemical method for detcn. and quant. detmn. 559. Talbot N. B. et af. Colorimetric assay of urinary corticosteroid-like substances 292. Tanner E. M. et af. Detmng. organic peroxides in hydrocarbons 444. Tarrant B. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of nickel in bronzes 334. Taurog A, et af. Detmng. plasma iodine 389. - Detmng. thyroxine in thyroid gland of rat 389. Taylor G. Review of Chemical Analysis of Foods, 345. - Review of PH and Plants. Introduction for Beginners 549. Taylor R. G. ef af. Detmng. magnesium in alu-minium alloys 295. *Taylor R. J. Abridged spectrophotometry with special reference to carotene-containing materials, 566.Taylor W. W. Appointment as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Nottingham and additional Public Analyst to Lindsey Division of Lincolnshire 493. Thannhauser S. J. et af. Detmng. desoxy-ribonucleic acid ribonucleic acid and phospho-proteins in animal tissues 244. Thomas J. M. et af. Nicotinic acid values by chemical and microbiological methods. Effect of hydrogen peroxide and I.R. rays on nicotinic acid 331. Thompson C. R. et af. Chemical detmn. of vita-min A in dried whole eggs 385. Thompson J. S. ef af. Ion-exchange resin in detmng. traces of copper with special reference to powdered and fluid milk 439. Obituary 157 168 202. Tocher J. F."Tompsett S. L. Cupferron for estmng. large quantities of iron in faeces 231. TOW J. et af. Chemical estmn. of vitamin E in vegetable oils 291. Touhey W. O. et af. 1)etmng. nitrogen in refrac-tory metal carbides and their compositions 391. Traill D. et af. Polarographic detmn. of thy-roxine and 3 :5-di-iodotyrosine 390. Treseder R. S. et af. Colorimetric detmn. of phenols. Application to petroleum and allied products 333. *Trinder N. Estmng. phosphoric acid in citric acid soil extracts 314. Truchan A. et af. Absorptiometric detmn. of iron and copper in red phosphorus 596. *Tucker P. A. Electrolytic separation of lead as dioxide from manganese 319. Turner C. W. et al. Quant. detmn. of thyroxine in iodinatecl casein having thyroidal activity 246.U *Unger P. et al. 141. Urig K. Detmng. citrate and tartrate, 1)etmng. ethylene chlorohydrin 546. V Analysing binary mixtures of normal aliphatic dibasic acids and esters. Use of composition - melting point relations of the acids 591. Effects of volatile alde-hydes formed on accuracy of manometric ninhy-drin - carbon dioxide method in analysing a-amino acids 688. van Wagtendonk W. J. et af. Micro-detmn. of glycogen in tissue slices 388. Varier N. S. Fixed oil from 4rtocarfius hirsuta, Lamk. seeds 330. Voelcker E. Appointment as Public Analyst to County of Middlesex and Borough of Slough 493. Vos B. J. Jr. et af. Chemical assay for ergonovine (ergometrine) in ergot compared with biologic assay 83. Vakil K. H. Obituary 97. Van Sandt W.A. et af. Van Slyke D. D. et af. W Waelsch H. e.f af Micro-detmn. of glutamic acid and its application t o protein analysis 588 xiv INDEX TO *Wake W. C. ef al. Direct estmn. of polymer and carbon black in vulcanised butyl rubber (GR-I), 505. Walker G. H. Appointment as Public Analyst to County of Lancashire County Borough of Pres-ton Boroughs of Chorley Danven Leigh (Lancs.) and Morecambe & Heysham and Urban District of Newton-le-Willows and as Official Agricul-tural Analyst to County of Lancashire and County Borough of Preston 493. Wallace E. L. et al. Detmng. carbon disulphide, 192. *Waller J. G. et al. Polarographic studies. IV. Uetmng. ascorbic acid 65. Warburton G. H. Obituary 157. Ward A. G. Colloids their Properties and Applica-Warshowsky B.et al. Simultaneous detmn. of Watkinson S. Obituary 505. Watridge R. W. tions. (Review) 154. ethylene and 1 :2-propylene glycols 497. Appointment as Public Analyst to Southampton anti Isle of Wight and City of Winchester and Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Southampton and Isle of Wight 493. Weinberg S. et al. Detmng. zinc in corrosion-resistant steels 195. Weissberger A. Physical Methods of Organic Chemistry. Vols. I and 11. (Feview) 451. Weissler A. et al. Fluorimetric detmn. of alu-minium in steels bronzes and minerals 695. Werbin H. et al. Spectrophotometric study of new colorimetric reaction of vitamin A 43. Werkman C. H. ef al. Direct detmn. of diacetyl in tissue and bacterial filtrates 442. West P. W.et al. Polarographic detmn. of nickel in steel and nickel ore 297. Westerfeld W. W. Colorimetric estrnn. of blood acetoin 243. Westfield W. W. Colorimetric detmn. of paralde-hyde 191. Whidbourne J. et al. Van der Bergh reaction [for obstructive jaundice] 389. Whitby G. S. et al. Scientific Progress in the Field of Rubber and Synthetic Elastomers. Vol. I1 of Advances in Colloid Science. (Review) 451. White A. G. C. et at. Direct detmn. of diacetyl in tissue and bacterial filtrates 442. White C. E. et al. Fluorimetric detmn. of alu-minium in steels bronzes and minerals 595. Whittle E. G. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to City of Rristol and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Bristol 493. Wick A. N. et al. Prepng. silica gel for chromato-graphy 501.Wilkie J. B. et al. Spectrophotometric estnin. of vitamin A in oleomargarine 187. Williams A. L. Appointment as Public Analyst to City of Portsmouth 493. *Williams H. A. Titrating microgram quantities of fluorides 175. "Williams K. A. Chromatography in analysis of fatty oils 259. - Review of Measurement of Colour 47. Williams L. R. Vol. detmn. of magnesium in magnesium carbonate ores 597. Williams T. I. Introduction to Chromatography. (Review) 598. *When C. L. Physicochemical methods in micro-chemistry viscosity surface tension and refrac-tive index 117. - et al. Qualitative Inorganic Microanalysis. (Review) 452. VOLUME 71 *Wilson G. E. *- et al. Micro filter stick for spectrographic analysis 376. Evaluating unsaturation in mixtures of hydrocarbons (motor spirits) by pyridine sulphate bromide 183.Wilson J. B. Persistence of monochloroacetic acid in wine 80. Wilson K. et al. Vitamin Be produced by micro-organisms 44. Winnick T. ef al. Estmng. oxybiotin in presence of biotin 243. Winston J. J. et al. Differentiating egg lecithin and soya bean lecithin in macaroni and noodle products 81. Wintrobe M. M. et al. Estmng. copper in blood serum 245. Wise L. E. et al. Chlorite holocellulose fractiona-tion and bearing on summative wood analysis and studies of heniicelluloses 192. With T. K. Micro-estmn. of vitamin A in liver biopsies in man and larger animals 442. Wixom R. L. et al. Colorimetric assay of urinary corticosteroid-like substances 292.Wolfe J. I<. et al. Colorimetric assay of urinary corticosteroid-like substances 292. Wood E. C. Review of Industrial Experimenta-tion 599. - Review of Micro-analjisis in Medical Bio-chemistry 29'3. *- Theory of analytical procedures particularly microbiological assays 1. Wood F. C. et al. Introduction to the Chemistry of Cellulose. (Review) 298. Woolaver L. B. et al. Detmng. sodiuin and potas-sium in silicates 90. Wordsworth C. H. Appointment as Public Analyst to Borough of Bedford and Metropolitan Boroughs of Finsbury Holborn and St. Pancras 493. Wright R. F. Appointment as Public Analyst to County Borough of Hastings 493. Wright W. D. Measurement of Colour. (Review), 47. *Wyatt G. H. Micro-filtration 122. - Review of Plastics-Scientific and Techno-logical 503.- Review of Qualitative Inorganic Micro-analysis, 452. - Review of Quantitative Organic Micro-analysis based on the Methods of Fritz Pregl 199. - Review of Scientific Progress in the Field of Rttbber and Synthetic Elastomers 451. Y Ye& R. P. et al. Potentionietric titration of chlorides 296. Young R. S. et al. Detmng. cobalt in high-cobalt products. Separation from iron by phosphate. Colorimetric detmn. of cobalt with ammonium thiocyanate 337. *- Detmng. lead in copper nickel and cobalt by dithizone 477. *- Detmng. small quantities of nickel with dithizone 474. *- Separating cobalt from nickel and colorimetric detmn. of nickel 479. 21 Zahn V. ef al. Zerban F. W. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of phenols. Application to petroleum and allied products 333.Detmng. reducing sugars. Mathematical expression of reducing action in Lane and Eynon and ferricyanide methods 498. Interfering substances in Roe and Keuther estmn. of ascorbic acid 242. Zilva S. S. et al INDEX TO VOLUME 71 XV INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes published in The Analyst. A *Absorptiometric detmn. of inorganic fluorides in organic products. Ovenston and Parker 171. *A.C. Arc Intermittent - technique of spectro-graphic analysis. McClelland 129. Acetaldehyde Polarographic detmn. of -. Elving and Rutner 342. Acetic anhydride Detmng. menthol in peppermint oil. - and pyridine as reagent. Jones and Fang 386. Acetoin Colorimetric estmn. of blood -. Wester-feld 213. Acetone Detmng.- U.V. spectrophotometric method. Notes on tests for - and ethyl alcohol with special reference to methyl alcohol. Ferrey, 148. Acid(s). Analysing binary mixtures of normal aliphatic dibasic - and esters. Use of composition - melting point relations of -. Houston and Van Sandt 591. Analysing binary mixtures of normal dibasic -and esters. Use of refractive indices of dimethyl esters. Applying silica-gel partition chromatogram to estmg. volatile fatty -. Colorimetric detmn. of fatty - and esters. Hill 547. Component fatty - of Kahu (Lactucu scu~iolu, Linn.) seed oil. Component fatty - of melon (Cucumis melo, Linn.) seed oil. Component fatty - of oil of Citrullus vulgaris Schrad (water melon) seeds. Dhingra and Biswas 291.Estmng. weak - by direct titration in mixed solvent. Palit 496. Factors influencing estmn. of free fatty - in dried egg powders. Kline and Johnson 289. Fatty analyses of known mixtures of puri-fied methyl esters. Baldwin and Longenecker, 692. Separating and identifying volatile saturated fatty - (C to C4). Rawsey and Patterson 89. Acid phosphatase activity Modified Gutman method of estinng. - . Benotti Rosenberg and Dewey 294. *Adulteration of wheat flour with maize and rice flour. New chemical detcn. and quantitative detmn. Taha El-Katib 559. Advances in Colloid Science Scientific Progress in the Field of Rubber and Synthetic Elastomers. Vol. I1 of -. Mark and Whitby. (Review), 451. Franklin, Gunn and Martin 499. Detmng. nicotine in - .McCormick and Smith 542. Estmng. small amounts of carbon monoxide in -. Roughton and Root 149. resistance Detmng. - of paper. Alcohol Notes on tests for acetone and ethyl -, with special reference to methyl -. Ferrey, 148. Barthauer Jones and Metler 546. Houston and Furlow 592. Elsden 547. Dhingra and Pershad 330. Dhingra and Narain 291. Air Detmng. methyl chloride in -. 197. Aldehydes Effects of volatile - formed on accuracy of manometric ninhydrin - carbon di-oxide method in analysing ct-amino acids. Hamilton and Van Slyke 588. Alkalis Rapid detmn. of __ in Portland cement. Cornes 90. Alkaloidal galenicals Assay of - with chromato-graph. Liquid extract of ergot B.P. and extract of ergot B.P.C. Prepns. of belladonna stramonium and nux vomica.Brcwnlee 84. Alkaloids Colorimetric estmn. of cinchona - in blood. Marshall and Rogers 41. Alloxan Estmng. -. Archibald 189. *Alloy(s) Absorptiometric method for magnesium in zinc-base die-casting -. Edwards and Robinson 379. I Analysing cable sheathing -. Hamilton 449. Applying multiplier photo-tubes to spectro-Nahstoll Applying vacuum distillation to analysing -. Colorimetric detmn. of copper in aluminium -. Detmng. magnesium in aluminium -. De-"Detmng. magnesium in nickel -. Minster, *Detmng. silicon in nickel -. Minster 428. "Detmng. zinc in copper - and separating zinc from cadmium. Evans 460. Electrcgravimetric detmn. of copper in copper-base and tin-base - by controlled potential electrolysis. Lingane 195. *Gravimetric detmn.of tin in - by tannin method. Schoeller and Holness 21 7. *New absorptiometric detmn. of chromium in low ___ steels by oxidation with potassium bromate. De Lippa 34. Polarographic analysis of aluminium -. Kolthoff and Matsuyama 297. *Polarographic estmn. of antimony in cable sheathing - (B.S. 801). Rapid detmn. of iron in aluminium -. Pepi, 296. *Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in aluminium- and magnesium-base -. Evans and Higgs 464. Systematic polarographic metal analysis. Detmng. tin lead nickel and zinc in copper-base -. Lingane 548. *Alloying elements Spot-tests for detcng. - in aluminium- and magnesium-base alloys. Evans and Higgs 464. Alumina Volumetric detmn. of aluminium in silica-- catalysts. Hale 595. *Aluminium Detmng.small amounts of - in steel. Box 317. *Direct photometric detmn. of - with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Gentry and Sherrington, 432. Fluorimetric detmn. of - in steels bronzes and minerals. Weissler and White 595. Brownlee 85. Assay of - with chromatograph. chemical analysis of magnesium -. and Bryan 153. Price 151. Patridge 152. terding and Taylor 295. 74. Hourigan 521 xvi INDEX TO * Aluminium-continued Gravimetric detmn. of - in Pharmaceutical prepns. Bandelin 83. *Inorganic applications of polarographic analysis, especially of - magnesium and zinc. Nickelson 58. Volumetric detmn. of - in silica - alumina catalysts. Hale 595. Aluminium alloys Colorimetric detmn. of copper in -. Patridge 152. Detmng. magnesium in -. Deterding and Taylor 295.Polarographic analysis of -. Kolthoff and Matsuyama 297. Rapid detmn. of iron in -. *Aluminium-base alloys Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in - and magnesium-base alloys. Evans and Higgs 464. Amaranfhus Gangeticus Chemical examination of seeds of 2. Fatty oil from the seeds. Chidambaram and Iyer 291. American Association of Cereal Chemists. En-zymes and their Role in Wheat Technology. (Review) 550. *Amidme-pentacyanoferrate reaction test for guanidines urea and thiourea. Amino acids Chromatography in aqueous soh. with mineral ppts. insoluble in water. Applica-tion to separating amino acids by adsorption on silver sulphide. Hamoir 246. Effects of volatile aldehydes formed on accuracy of manometric ninhydrin-carbon dioxide method in analysing ci- -.Hamilton and Van Slyke 588. Identifying __ derived from cystine in chemi-cally modified wool. Consden Gordon and Martin 595. lnvestigations of - peptides and proteins. - requirements of Lactobacillus fermeizti 36. Dunn Camien and Shankman 241. Assay of trypto-phan leucine zsoleucine valine cystine, methionine lysine phenylalanine histidine, arginine and threonine. Barton-Wright, 267. Distribution oi - in wheat grain. Barton-Wright and Moran 278. Microbiological detmn. of free - in human and dog plasma. Hier and Bergeim 390. Microbiological estmn. of - in animal pro-teins. Hier Graham Freides and Klein 292. Microtitration estmn. of -. Sobel Hirschman and Besman 243. requirements of Streptococcus faecalis and use of this organism for estmng.threonine in natural products. Greenhut Schweigert and Elveh-jem 331. Amino gronps Free - of insulin. Sanger 242. 2-Aminopyrazine Identifying sulphapyrazine through U.V. fluorescence of -. Raybin, 42. Ammonium thiocyanate Colorimetric detmn. of cobalt with -. *Amperometric titration Micro cell for polarography and -. Stock 583. "Polarising unit for -. Amy1 acetate Draft specn. revised for -. British Standards Inst. 541. Analyse Qualitative Minerale Reactifs pour -. Deuxieme Rapport de la Commission Inter-nationale des Reactions et RCactifs analytiques nouveaux de 1'Union Internationale de Chimie. (Review) 153. Pepi 296. Fearon 562. *Microbiological assay of -. *Microbiological assay of -. Young and Hall 337.Stock 585. VOLUME 71 *Analysis Applications of chromatographic - in industry. Cropper 263. *Applications of spectrographic - to soil in-vestigations. Mitchell 361. "Applying polarographic - to examining high purity selenium nickel and cobalt compounds. Jones 60. *Biochemical applications of polarographic -. Page 52. Chemical - of Foods. Cox. 3rd Edn. (Review) 345. *Chromatography in - of fatty oils. Williams, 259. Collected Papers on Metallurgical __ by the Spectrograph. Smith. (Review) 47. Compilation of bibliography of published ap-proved and standard methods of -. Society of Public Analysts 300. Coulometric -. Lingane 9 1. Dilution factor in spectrochemical -. Post, Schoffstall and Hurley 153. *General principles of chromatographic -.Robinson 25 1. *General principles of polarographic -. Davies 49. *Inorganic applications of polarographic -, especially of aluminium magnesium and zinc. Nickelson 58. *Intermittent A.C. arc technique of spectro-graphic -. McClelland 129. Methods of - of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 6th Edn. (Review), 395. *Micro filter stick for spectrographic -. Wilson 375. "Modern aids to spectrochemical - Cooper, 356. Organic Reagents for Organic -. Hopkin and Williams Ltd. (Review) 503. Qual. Inorganic Micro -. Belcher and Wilson. (Review) 452. Qual. Organic Micro -. Schneider. (Review), 551. Semimicro qual. - for cations without hydro-gen sulphide. Dobbins and Gilreath 447. "Spectrographic - of rare and high purity materials.Smith 368. Sub-committee on Methods of Soap -. Detmng. phenols in soaps. 301. *Symposium on spectroscopic -. 348. Systematic polarographic metal -. Detmng. tin lead nickel and zinc in copper-base alloys. Lingane 548. *Analytical procedures Theory of certain -, particularly microbiological assays. Wood 1. Aneurine Simplified colorimetric detmn. of - in cereal products. Hochberg Melnick and Oser, 146. Animal(s) fatr Chemical detmn. of tocopherols in -. material Estmng. cystine and methionine con-tent of plant and __ by differential oxidation. Evans 43. Micro-estmn. of vitamin A in liver biopsies in man and larger -. With 442. proteins Microbiological estmn. of amino acids in -. Hier Graham Freides and Klein, 292. tissues Detmng.desoxyribonucleic acid ribo-nucleic acid and phosphoproteins in -. Schmidt and Thannhauser 244. tissues Phosphorus compounds in -. Ex-tracting and. estmng. desoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acid. Schneider 244. Chipault Lundberg and Burr 87 INDEX TO VOLUME 71 xvii * Anti-fouling compositions Detmng. mercury and copper in -. Potassium cobalticyanide as complex-forming agent in dithizone technique. Barnes 578. Annual Report of the Council Society of Public Analysts 157. *Antimony Polarographic estmn. of - in cable sheathing alloy (B.S. 801). Hourigan 524. Antimony trichloride reaction for vitamin D. Shantz 591. &Apparatus Carbonate estmn. -. Bowden 234. *Some useful microchemical -. Colson 322. Applied Chemistry Thorpe's Dictionary of -.4th Edn. Vol. VII IO-METE. (Review), 395. Appointments Official. * Arginiae Microbiological assay of amino acids. Assay of tryptophan leucine isoleucine, valine cystine methionine lysine phenyl-alanine histidine - and threonine. Barton-Wright 267. Aromatic hydrocarbons Detmng. small amounts of - in aqueous solns. Morris Stiles and Lane 443. Arsenic derivatives Quantitative separation of tervalent from quinquevalent - on micro scale. Crawford and Levvy 598. "Detmng. phosphorus in steel containing titan-ium and -. *Detmng. small amounts of -. Rogers and Heron 414. Iodimetric micro-detmn. of - in biological material. Levvy 590. Xew Gutzeit test-paper holder [for - estmn.] Parkes 287. Artificial standard for estmng. haemoglobin.Gibson and Harrison 293. Artocarpus hirsuta Lamk. Fixed oil from seeds of -. Varier 330. Ascorbic acid Detmng. - . Applying indo-phenol-xylene extraction to large numbers of tomato and tomato juice samples. Nelson and Somers 187. Estmng. - in small amounts of blood serum. Lowry Lopez and Bessey 242. Indophenol-xylene extraction method for -and modificatiohs for interfering substances. Robinson and Stotz 88. Interfering substances in Roe and Kuether estmn. of -. Penney and Zilva 242. "Polarographic studies. Detmng. - Page and Waller 65. Rapid detmn. of - by adaptation of Stotz's method to plant materials. Pepkowitz 590. Ashes Improved semimicro quantitative analysis of some paper - and similar materials. Bradley 573. Assay(s) Charcoal-treated peptone in rnicro-biological -.Isbell 292. *Genetical aspects of bio- ~ with micro-organisms. Pontecorvo 411 535. *Genetical requirements of bio- - with higher organisms. Mather 407 535. Improved medium for microbiological - with Lactobacillus helveticus. Roberts and Snell 440. - of tryptophan leucine isoleucine valine cystine, methionine lysine phenylalanine histidine, arginine and threonine. Barton-Wright 267. Distribu-tion of amino acids in wheat grain. Barton-Wright and Moran 278. pantothenic acid. 492 493 586 587. Etheridge and Higgs 316. "Microbiological - of amino acids. *Microbiological - of amino acids. Prepng. samples for micro-biological - of Ives and Strong 441. Assay (s)-continued Report on microbiological - of riboflavine and nicotinic acid.SOC. of Public Analysts Sub-committee on Vitamin Estmns. 397. Suggested modifications of microbiological -for riboflavine. Loy and Kline 331. *Theory of certain analytical procedures particu-larly microbiological -. Wood 1. *Transformation of biological responses with speci;tl reference to vitamin D -. Gridge-man 376. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists : Methods of Analysis of - . 6th Edn. (.Review) 395. *Amtricarboxylic acid Detcng. manganese with -. Malowan 232. *Auxins Detmng. - in soils including note on synthetic growth substances. Hamence 11 1. B Bacteria Peroxide bleaching of mechanical pulps. Influence of - and enzymes Detmng. catalase activity. Mills Hinegardner and Stauffer 446. Bacterial filtrates Direct detmn.of diacetyl in tissue and -. White Krampitz and Werkman, 442. *Barium carbide Analysing -. Edwards 521. Bases Detmng. - with calomel. Application to lime in commercial calcium arsenate. hlark-wood Mann and Carter 193. *Bath Thermostatically-controlled low temp. -. Stock and Fill 238. Belladonna Assay of alkaloidal galenicals with chromatograph. Prepns. of - stramonium and nux vomica. Brownlee 84. Bibliography of published approved and standard methods of analysis. Compilation of -. Society of Public Analysts 300. "Bilirubin Estmng. - in blood plasma and serum. Rudra 326. Binary mixtures Analysing - of normal ali-phatic dibasic acids and esters. Use of com-position - melting point relations of the acids. Houston and Van Sandt 591.Analysing - of normal aliphatic dibasic acids and esters. Use of refractive indices of dimethyl esters. *Bio-assays Genetical aspects of - with micro-organisms. Pontecorvo 411 535. "Genetical requirements of ___ with higher or-ganisms. Mather 407 535. Biochemistry Introduction to -. Fearon. 3rd Edn. (Review) 501. Micro-analysis in Medical -. King. (Keview), 299. Biological assay of vitamin D,. Effect of calcium and phosphorus content of diet. Biological. material(s) Iodimetric microdetmn. of arsenic in -. Levvy 590. Microdetmn. of iodine in -; combustion of samples in P rr oxygen bomb. Spector and Hamilton 2 4 f Photometric estmn. of potassium in -. Pereira 245. *Biological responses Transformation of - with special reference to vitamin D assays.Gridge-man 376. Biopsies Micro-estmn. of vitamin A in liver -in man and larger animals. Biotin Estmng. oxybiotin in presence of -. Hofmann and Winnick 243. Houston and Furlow 592. Jones 189. With 442 xviii INDEX TO Bismuth Estmng. -. VII. Gravimetric analy-sis with phenyl-arsonic acid. Majumdar 334. Black liquor Potentiometric detmn. of sodium sul-phide in sulphate pulp -. Borlew and Pascoe 343. Bleaching Measuring degree of polymerisation for works control in - house and sampling for ascertaining damage due to -. Kling 446. Peroxide - of mechanical pulps Influence of bacteria and enzymes. Detmng. catalase ac-tivity. Mills Hinegardner and Stauffer, 446. Blood Colorimetric estmn. of - acetoin. Westerfeld 243. Colorimetric estmn.of cinchona alkaloids in -. Marshall and Rogers 41. Detmng. glucose in -. Schales and Schales, 86. Estmng. ascorbic acid in small amounts of __ serum. Estmng. copper in - serum. Cartwright, Jones and Wintrobe 245. Estmng. small amounts of carbon monoxide in -. Roughton and Root 148. glucose Cerimetric detmn. of -. Nimmo-Smith 495. *Micro-diffusion estmn. of carbon monoxide in - . Photoelectric detmn. of - thiocyanates with-out pptn. of proteins. *plasma Estmng. bilirubin in - and serum, Rudra 326. plasma Simplified hydrogenation technique for estmng. - tocopherols. Quaife and Biehler, 88. Specific micro-colorimetric estmn. of glycine in - and urine. Alexander Landwehr and Seligman 86. Stabilising and estmng. lactic acid in - samples.Lcng 387. sugar Detmng. -. Somogyi 85. Book Reviews: Anderson. Bacharach. Science and Nutrition. 155. Baumgartner. Canned Foods Introduction to Belcher and Wilson. Qualitative Inorganic Berry. Modern Chemistry Some Sketches of its Bicknell and Prescott. Vitamins in Medicine. Brownlee. lndustrial Experimentation. -599. Burk and Grummitt. Major Instruments in Science and their Applications to Chemistry. Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. IV. 344. Callow. Cooking and Nutritive Value. 93. Cox. Chemical Analysis of Foods. 345. Fearon. Introduction to Biochemistry. 601. Fleck. Plastics-Scientific and Technological. Grant. Quantitative Organic Microanalysis 199. Heuser. Chemistry of Cellulose. 198. Hopkin and %'illiams Ltd. Organic Reagents for Organic Analysis.503. Jorgensen. Studies on the Nature of the Bromate Effect. 94. King. hlicro-analysis in Medical Biochemistry. 299. Lucas. Forensic Chemistry and Scientific Crimi-nal Investigation. 250. Lowry Lopez and Bessey 242. Gray and Sandiford 107. Powell 192. Enzymes and their Role in Wheat Technology. 550. their Microbiology. 502. Microanalysis. 462. Historical Development. 504. 551. 503. based on Methods of Fritz Pregl. VOLUME 71 Book Reviews-continued Mark and Whitby. Scientific Progress in the Field of Rubber and Synthetic Elastomers. 451. Marsh and Wood. Introduction to the Chemis-try of Cellulose. 298. Mitchell. Scientist in the Criminal Courts. 156. Palac.he Berman and Frondel. System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana.343. Schneider. Qual. Organic Microanalysis. 55 1. Small. pH and Plants. 549. Smith. Collected Papers on Metallurgical Rna-Strong. Kingzett's Chemical Encyclopaedia. 197. 1'Union Internationale de Chimie. Reactifs pour Ward. Colloids Properties and Applications, Weissberger. Physical Methods of Or ganic Williams. Introduction to Chromatogra phy. Wright. Measurement of Colour. 47. British Pharmaceutical Codex. Supplts. I-VII . Manual of Nutrition 1945. 93. Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 395. Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Vol. VII. IO-METE. 395. *Boron Detmng. - with quinalizarin. Owen, 210. Bread (Control and Max. Prices) (No. 2) Order 1943. Amendment 381."British Chemical Standards Note on tin assay of -. Dunbar-Poole 538. British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Assn. Col-lected Papers on Metallurgical Analysis by the Spectrograph. Smith. (Review) 47. British Pharmaceutical Codex 1934. Supplts. I-VIX. (Review) 249. British Pharmacopoeia. Alterations and amend-ments. 439. British Standards Institution Specifications : Density hydrometers for use in milk. Amendment No. 1. 185. Bromate Effect Studies on Nature of -. J~rgensen. (Review) 94. Bromide Ainperometric titration of chloride -and iodide and of halide mixtures using the rotating platinum electrode. Laitinen Jennings and Parks 500. Bronze(s) Colorimetric detmn. of nickel in --. Haim and Tarrant 334. Fluorimetric detmn. of aluminium in steels -and minerals.Routine analysis of manganese -. Babson and Johnson 498. Buffers Use of - in detmng. colour by means of titanium trichloride. Evenson 80. *Burette(s) Control of delivery from -. Stock and Fill 142. lysis by the Spectrograph. 47. 1'Analyse Qualitative Minerale. 153. 154. Chemistry. 451. 598. 249. No. 734. Weissler and White 595. *New type of micro- -. Saunders 528. *Butter Detmng. carotene and vitamin A in -Detmng. salt in - by mercurimetric method. *Butyl rubber Direct estmn. of polymer and and margarine. Arbuckle 81. Goodwin and Morton 15. carbon black in vulcanised - (GK-I). Galloway and Wake 505 INDEX TO VOLUME 71 xix C Cable sheathing alloy(s) Analysing -. Hamil-ton 449. *Polarographic estmn.of antimony in -(B.S. 801). Hourigan 524. *Cadmium Detmng. zinc in copper alloys and separating zinc from -. Caesium Chemistry of rare earths. 11. Macro-and micro-estmn. of - in presence of potas-sium and rubidium with help of rare earths. Dutt 338. Effect of -and phosphorus content of diet. Jones 189. Detmng. nitrogen phosphorus potassium -and magnesium in plant tissue. Semimicro wet digestion method for large numbers of samples. Spectrophotometric detmn. of -. Scott and Johnson 15 1. Calcium acid phosphate Fluorine in -. Report of Inter-departmental Committee on Food Standards to Ministry of Food. 382. Proposed maximum limits for fluorine content of - used in foods and of specified foods. Ministry of Food 382. Calcium arsenate Detmng. bases with calomel.Application to lime in commercial -. Markwood Mann and Carter 193. Calcium carbonate Addition of - to National flour. Ministry of Food 382. Calomel Detmng. bases with -. Application to lime in commercial ‘calcium arsenate. Markwood Mann and Carter 193. Canned foods Detmng. tin in -. Dickinson 41. Introduction to their Microbiology. Baum-gartner. 2nd Edn. (Review) 502. Canned Fruit and Vegetables Order 1946. 145. Canned Meat Meat Products Canned Soup and -(Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. Amend-ment 330. Meat Products Canned Soup and - (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1946. 382. Canned Soup Meat Products - and Canned Meat (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. Amendment 330. Meat Products - and Canned Meat (Control and Max.Prices) Order 1946. Canned Vegetables Canned Fruit and - Order, 1946. 145. Capillary polarimeter tube Rapid-filling -. Smith and Ehrhardt 501. Caramel Detmng. - in wine spirits vinegar and vanilla extract. Carbides Detmng. nitrogen in refractory metal -and their compositions. Redmond Gerst and Touhey 391. Carbohydrate Qual. test for - material. Dreywood 544. *Carbon black Direct estmn of polymer and -in vulcanised butyl rubber (GR-I) . Galloway and Wake 505. Carbon dioxide Effects of volatile aldehydes formed on accuracy of manometric ninhydrin- -method in analysing a-amino acids. Hamilton and Van Slyke 588. Carbon disulphide Detmng. - . Bishop and Wallace 192. Carbon monoxide Estmng. small amounts of -in air. Roughton and Root 149.Estmng. small amounts of - in blood. Roughton and Root 148. *Micro-diffusion estmn. of - in blood.- Gray and Sandiford 107. Evans 460. Calcium Biological assay of vitamin D,. Kelley Hunter and Sterges 449. 382. Mallory and Love 186. *Carbonate Detmng. - in solid materials. Ingleson and Bentley 329. “Carotene Abridged spectrophotometry with special reference to - -containing materials. Taylor, 566. *Detmng. - and vitamin A in butter and margarine. Goodwin and Morton 15. Catalase Peroxide bleaching of mechanical pulps. Influence of bacteria and enzymes Detmng. - activity. Mills Hinegardner and Stauffer, 446. Catalysts Volumetric detmn. of aluminium in silica-alumina -. Hale 595. Cations Semimicro qual. analysis for - without hydrogen sulphide.Dobbins and Gilreath, 447. Caustic soda Detmng. manganese in -. Moran and McCue 597. Cellulose Chemistry of -. Heuser. (Review), 198. Marsh and Wood. 3rd Edn. (Review) 298. Cornes 90. *estmn. apparatus. Bowden 234. Introduction to the Chemistry of -. Rapid detmn. of 8- and y- -. Lea 248. Cement Rapid detmn. of alkalis in Portland -. *Cereal(s) Detmng. iron in -. Products Simplified colorimetric detmn. of aneurine in - . Hochberg Melnick and Oser 146. Charcoal-treated peptone in microbiological assays. Isbell 292. Cheddar cheese Phosphatase test applicable to -. Sanders and Sager 82. Cheese (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1943. Amendments 288 539. Phosphatase test applicable to Cheddar -. Sanders and Sager 82. Chemical Encyclopaedia Kingzett’s - .7th Edn. Strong. (Review) 197. Chemical methods Nicotinic acid values by __ and microbiological methods. Effect of hy-drogen peroxide and infra-red rays on nicotinic acid. Chemistry Major Instruments of Science and their Applications to -. Frontiers in -, Vol. IV. Burk and Grummitt. (Review), 344. Modern - Some Sketches of its Historical Development. Berry. (Review) 504. Physical Methods of Organic -. Vols. I and 11. Weissberger. (Review) 451. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied -. 4th Edn. Vol. VII IO-METE. (Review) 395. *Chloral Detmng. - in technical -. Har-rington Boyd and Cherry 97. Chloride(s) Amperometric titration of - bromide and iodide and of halide mixtures using rotat-ing platinum electrode. Laitinen Jennings and Parks 500.Potentiometric titration of - . Yeck and Kissin 296. Chlorite holocellulose its fractionation and bearing on summative wood analysis and on studies of hemicelluloses. Wise Murphy and D’ Addieco 192. Chlorohydrin Detmng. ethylene -. Urig 546. Chocolate flavoured flour mixtures Circular FSL/ 18/45. Ministry of Food 40. Sugar Confectionery and Cocoa Products (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. Amendment, 539. Potter, 43. Pringle 490. Brown Thomas and Bina 331. Cholesterol Modified extraction of -xx INDEX TO VOLUME 71 Choline Estmng. - in liver and plasma of dog. Chromate Amperometric micro-titration of very Chromatogram Applying silica gel partition -Elsden 547. Chromatograph Assay of alkaloidal galenicals with Prepns.of belladonna stramonium and Liquid extract of ergot B.P. and *Chromatographic analysis Applications of - in Chromatographic estmn. of vitamin A in mixed feeds. Cooley Christiansen and Schroeder, 240. *Chromatography in analysis of fatty oils. Williams, 259. in aqueous soh. with mineral ppts. insoluble in water. Application t o separating amino acids by adsorption on silver sulphide. Hamoir 246. Introduction to -. Williams. (Review) 598. *Partition -. Synge 256. Prepng. silica gel for -. Harris and Wick 501. *Symposium on -. 251. *Chromium New absorptiometric detmn. of - in low alloy steels by oxidation with potassium bromate. De Lippa 34. Chromous salt Quant. absorption of oxygen by -. Stone and Skavinski 46. Cinchona alkaloids Colorimetric estmn.of - in blood. Marshall and Rogers 41. *Citrate Detmng. - and tartrate. Unger and Haynes 141. *Citric acid Rapid estmn. of phosphoric acid in - soil extracts. Trinder 314. Citrullus vulgaris Component fatty acids of oil of - Schrad (water melon) seeds. Dhingra and Biswas 291. *Cobalt Applying polarographic analysis to ex-amining high purity selenium nickel and -compounds. Jones 60. Colorimetric detmn. of with ammonium thiocyanate. Young and Hall 337. *complex Separating __ of /3-nitroso cr-naph-tho1 from other coloured metallic complexes. Boyland 230. Detmng. -in high- _I_ products. Separation from iron by phosphate. Young and Hall 337. "Detmng. lead in copper nickel and - by dithizone. Young and Leibowitz 477. *Separating - from nickel and colorimetric detmn.of nickel. Cocoa Chocolate Sugar Confectionery and -Products (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1944. Amendment 639. "residues Detmng. theobromine in -; examina-tion of Wadsworth method. Kay and Hay-wood 162. *Codeine Estmng. - in presence of creosote. Chandler 140. Colloids Properties and Applications. Ward. (Re-view) 154. Colloid Science Scientific Progress in the Field of Rubber and Synthetic Elastomers. Mark and Whitby. Vol. I1 of Advances in -. (Ke-view) 451. Colour Buffers in detmng. __ by means of titan-ium trichloride. Evenson 80. Measurement of - Wright. (Review) 47. Compression resistance of paperboard (ring crush TAPPI Tentative Standard T472 m-46. Entenman and Chaikoff 243. dilute - solns.to estmng. volatile fatty acids. -. nux vomica. extract of ergot B.P.C. industry. Cropper 263. *General principles of -. Kolthoff and May 343. Brownlee 84 85. Robinson 251. Hall and Young 479. test). 394. test of fibreboard shipping containers 249. Confectionery Chocolate Sugar - and Cocoa Products (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1944. Amendment 539. Containers Compression test of fibreboard shipping Control laboratories Semimicro Kj eldahl pro-cedure for -. *of delivery from burettes. Stock and Fill, 142. Conway burette Cerimetric detmn. of glucuronic acid using -. Levvy 496. Cooking and Xutritive Value. Callow. (Review) 93. Copper Absorptiometric detmn. of -in corrosion-resistant steel. Milner 296. Absorptiometric detmn. of iron and - in red phosphorus.Brabson Schaeffer Truchan and Deal 596. Colorimetric detmn. of - in aluminium alloys. Patridge 152. Colorimetric detmn. of iron in presence G f -and nickel. Greenburg 336. Conductometric titrations with organic reagents. Detmng. - and iron. Convin and Moyer, 500. Detmng. - in - proteins. Ames and Dawson 92. Detmng. - in plant materials. Reed and Cummings 92. *Detmng. lead in - nickel and cobalt by dithizone. Young and Leibowitz 477. *Detmng. mercury and - in anti-fouling com-positions. Potassium cobalticyanide as com-plex-forming agent in dithizone technique. Barnes 578. Electrogravimetric detmn. of - in - -base and tin-base alloys by controlled potential electrolysis. Lingane 195. Estmng. - in blood serum.Cartwright Jones and Wintrobe 245. Ion-exchange resin in detmng. traces of - with special reference to powdered and fluid milk. Cranston and Thompson 439. *mattes Detmng. selenium in -. Pollard, 221. Systematic polarographic metal analysis. Detmng. tin lead nickel and zinc in - -base alloys. Lingane 548. 'Copper alloys Detmng. zinc in -. and separating zinc from cadmium. Evans 460. Corrosion-resistant steels Detmng. zinc in -. Bricker Weinberg and Proctor 195. Corticosteroid-like substances Colorimetric assay of urinary -. Talbot Saltzman Wixom and Wolfe 292. Cottonseed Estmng. F D & C Yellow Nos. 3 and 4 in - oil and other vegetable oils. New-berger 80. Estmng. gossypol in - meal and __ meats. Smith 339. Spectrophotometric estmn.of gossypol in crude - oil. Smith 338. -. 249. Water resistance of shipping -. 197. Cole and Parkes 332. Coulometric analysis. Lingane 91. Courts Scientist in the Criminal --. Mitchell. (Review) 156. Cow's milk Rapid test for distinguishing human from - based on difference in xanthine oxidase content. *Creosote Estmng. codeine in presence of -. Chandler 140. *Greta praeparata Detmng. lead in -. Dawson and Rees 417. Criminal Courts Scientist in the -. Mitchell. (Review) 156. Rodkey and Ball 290 INDEX TO VOLUME 71 xxi Criminal Investigation Forensic Chemistry and Scientific -. Lucas. 4th Edn. (Review), 250. Cucumis melo Linn. Component fatty acids of melon (-) seed oil. Dhingra and Narain, 291. “Cupferron for estmng. large quantities of iron in faeces.Tompsett 231. Cuprous chloride Detmng. - . Hatch and Estes 294. *1 2-Cyclohexanedione-dioxime (“Nioxime”) as re-agent for nickel. Johnson and Simmons 554. Cystine Estmng. - and methionine content of plant and animal material by differential oxi-dation. Evans 43. Identifying amino acids derived from - in chemically modified wool. Consden Gordon and Martin 595. Assay of tryptophan leucine isoleucink valine -, methionine lysine phenylalanine histidine, arginine and threonine. Barton-Wright 267. ”Microbiological assay of amino acids. D Damage Measuring degree of polymerisation for works control in bleaching house and sampling for ascertaining - due to bleaching. Kling, 446. Elod and Keutter 249. Dana System of Mineralogy of James Dwight -and Edward Salisbury -.Vol. I . Ele-ments Sulphides Sulphosalts and Oxides. Palache Berman and Frondel. 7th Ed. (Review) 343. *DDT Colorimetric detcn. and detmn. of -. Illing and Stephenson 310. Detmng. 1 - trichloro - 2 2 - bis - (;b - chlorophenyl) ethane in technical -. Cristol Hayes and Haller 46. Field surface test for -. Stiff and Castillo, 450. Degradation products Polarographic studies of proteins and their - . Protein index. Miiller and Davis 43. Density hydrometers for use in milk. British Standards Inst. 185. *Desiccants Efficiency of -. Desoxyribonucleic acid Detmng. - ‘ribonucleic acid and phosphoproteins in animal tissues. Schmidt and Thannhauser 244. Ex-tracting and estmng. __ and ribonucleic acid.Schneider 244. Detergents Direct volumetric detmn. of organic sulphonate content of synthetic -. Marron and Schifferli 391. Diacetyl Direct detmn. of - in tissue and bac-terial filtrates. White Krampitz and Werk-man 442. Diagnostic value of Rothera’s test on milk. Pater-son 41. *2 7- Diamino - 9 - phenyl-lo-methyl-phenanthridin-ium Bromide Note on assay of -. Foster and Grove 287. Dichloroacetic acid Detmng. and detcng. - in food products. Rruening 79. Dictionary Thorpe’s __ of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn. Vol. VII IO-METE. (Review), 395. Simplified recognition of - on wool. Belcher 236. Phosphorus compounds in animal tissues. *Die-casting alloys Absorptiometric method for magnesium in zinc-base -. Edwards and Robinson 379. Diet Biological assay of vitamin D,.Effect of calcium and phosphorus content of -. Jones 189. Digitalis Chemical evaluation of -. Bell and Krantz 42. 3 5-di-iodopyridone-N-acetic acid Modification of current micro-methods of estmng. diodone (-). Barclay and Kenney 191. 3 5-Di-iodotyrosine Polarographic detmn. of thyroxine and -. Simpson and Traill 390. Dilution factor in spectrochemical analysis. Post, Schoffstall and Hurley 153. Dimethyl esters Analysing binary mixtures of normal aliphatic dibasic acids and esters. Use of refractive indices of -. Houston and Furlow 592. *Dimethylglyoxime Detmng. nickel by pptn. with -. Minster 424. Diodone Modification of current micro-methods for estmng. - (3 :5-di-iodopyridone-N-acetic acid). Barclay and Kenney 191.*Diphenylamine Improved volumetric detmn. of - in nitrocellulose powders. Ellington 305. *Diphenylcarbazone Accurate vol. detmn. of zinc and nickel using __ as indicator. Evans, 455. Distillation Applying vacuum - to analysing alloys. Price 151. *Distilled water Continuous production of doubly -. Stock and Fill 237. *Dithizone Detmng. lead in copper nickel and cobalt by -. *Rapid detmn. of small quantities of nickel with I_ . Young Strickland and Leibowitz 474. *technique Detmng. mercury and copper in anti-fouling compositions. Potassium cobalti-cyanide as complex-forming agent in -. Barnes 578. Dog Estmng. choline in liver and plasma of -. Entenman and Chaikoff 243. plasma Microbiological detmn. of free amino acids in human ancl --.Hier and Bergeim, 390. plasma Microbiological detmn. of free leucine, isoleucine valine and threonine in -. Hier and Bergeim 292. Dried egg powders Factors influencing estmn. of free fatty acids in Kline and Johnson, ‘89. Dried whole eggs Chemical detmn. of vitamin A in ._.__ . Thompson Ewan Hrtuge Bohren and Quackenbush 385. Young and Leibowitz 477. Drinks Soft - Order 1946. 381. E Edible Oils and Fats (Control of Sales) Order 1944. Amendment 288. Egg(s) Chemical detmn. of vitamin A in dried whole -. Thompson Ewan Hauge Bohren and Quackenbush 385. “Fluorimetric estmn. of riboflavine in - white and - yolk. hilann 166. lecithin Differentiating __ and soya bean lecithin in macaroni and noodle products. Winston and Jacobs 81. powders Factors influencing estmn.of free fatty acids in dried --. Kline and Johnson 289, Products (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1943. 4mendment 39 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 71 a-Elaeostearic acid Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in freshly extracted tung oil. Detmng. extinction coefficients in oil solvents. O’Con-nor Heinzelman Freeman and Pack 46. Elastomers Scientific Progress in the Field of Rubber and Synthetic - . Mark and Whitby. Vol. I1 of Advances in Colloid Science. (Review) 45 1. Electrogravimetric detmn. of copper in copper-base and tin-base alloys by controlled potential electrolysis. Lingane 195. Electrolysis Electrogravimetric detmn. of copper in copper-base and tin-base alloys by controlled potential -. Lingane 195. *Electrolytic separation of lead as dioxide from manganese.Tucker 319. Elements System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Vol. I. - Sulphides Sulphosalts and Oxides. Palache Rerman and Frondel. 7th Edn. (Review) 343. Encyclopaedia Kingzett’s Chemical - . 7th Ecln. Strong. (Review) 197. Enzyme(s) and their Role in Wheat Technology. Anderson. (Review) 560. in riboflavine detmn. Free and combined riboflavine. Rosner Lerner and Cannon, 188. Peroxide bleaching of mechanical pulps. In-fluence of bacteria and -. Ijetmng. cata-lase activity. Mills Hinegardner and Stauffer, 446. Ergometrine Chemical assay for ergonovine (-) in ergot compared with biologic assay. Grove and Vos 83. Ergonovine Ditto ditto 83. Ergot Assay of alkaloidal galenicals with chromato-graph.Liquid extract of - B.P. and ex-tract of - B.P.C. Brownlee 85. Chemical assay for ergonovine (ergometrine) in - compared with biologic assay. Grove and Vos 83. 13-Erythroidine Colorimetric detmn. of -. Diet2 and Folkers 440. Esters Analysing binary mixtures of normal dibasic acids and -. Use of composition-melting point relations of acids. Houston and Van Sandt 591. Analysing binary mixtures of normal aliphatic dibasic acids and -. Use of refractive in-dices of dimethyl -. Houston and Furlow, 592. Colorimetric detmn. of fatty acids and -. Hill 547. *Colorimetric detmn. of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its -. Johnson 77. Detmng. inorganic phosphate in presence of labile phosphate -. Lowry and Lopez, 388. Fatty acid analyses of known mixtures of purified methyl -.Baldwin and Longenecker, 692. Ether Uetmng. - vapour in gaseous mixtures containing ethylene and detmng. dissolved ethylene in ethyl -. Meloche and Frederick, 196. Ethyl alcohol Notes on tests for acetone and -, with special reference to methvl alcohol. Ferrey 148. Ethyl ether Detmng. ether vapour in gaseous mix-tures containing ethylene and detmng. dis-solved ethylene in -. Meloche and Freder-ick 196. Ethylene Detmng. ether vapour in gaseous mixtures containing - and detmng. dissolved - in ethyl ether. Detmng. -. Ethylene chlorohydrin Detmng. -. Urig 546. Ethylene glycol Estmng. 1 :2-propylene glycol in -. Reinke and Luce 496. Simultaneous detmn. of - and 1 :2-propylene glycol. Warshowsky and Elving 497, Experimentation Industrial -.Brownlee . (lie-view) 599. *Explosives Estmng. volatile matter content of propellant -. I. Estmng. water by improved Pischer method. Bonner 483. Meloche and Frederick 196. Francis and Lukasiewicz 247. P *Faeces Cupferron in estmng. large quantities of iron in -. Tompsett 231. Fat(s) Chemical detmn. of tocopherols in animal -. Chipault Lundberg and Burr 87. Edible Oils and ~ (Control of Sales) Order, 1944. Amendment 288. Microdetmn. of saponification number of __ and oils. Decigram centigram and milligram procedures. Marcali and Rieman 393. Oesting and Kaufman 587. Fattg acid(s) analyses of known mixtures of purified methyl esters. Baldwin and Longenecker 592. Applying silica gel partition chromatogram to estmng.volatile -. Elsden 547. Colorimetric detmn. of - and esters. Hill 647. Component - of Kahu (Lactuca scariola Linn.) seed oil. Component - of melon (Cucumis melo Linn.) seed oil. Component __ of oil of Citrullus vulgaris Schrad (water melon) seeds. Dhingra and Biswas 291. Factors influencing estmn. of free - in dried egg powders. Separating and identifying volatile saturated __-(C to CJ. Fatty oil(s) Chemical examination of seeds of Amatanthus Gangeticus. -from the seeds. Chidambaram and Iyer 291. Williams, 259. FD & C Yellow Nos. 3 and 4 Estmng. - in cottonseed and other vegetable oils. pu’cw-berger 80. Rapid detmn. of - in meat products. Dhingra and Pershad 330. Dhingra and Narain 291. Kline and Johnson 289.Rawsey and Patterson 89. *Chromatography in analysis of -. Feeding Stuffs (Max. Prices) Order 1946. 494. (Regulation of Manufacture) Order 1944. Amend-Feeds Chromatographic estmn. of vitamin A in Cooley Christiansen and Schroe-*Fermate Detmng. -. Dickinson 327. *Fermentations Detmng. some products of sugar and molasses -. I;reeman and Morrison, 511. *Ferric dimethyldithiocarbamate Detmng. Ferniate (-). Dickinson 327. Ferricyanide method Detmng. reducing sugars. Mathematical expression of reducing action in the Lane and Eynon and - s. Zerban, Hughes and Nygren 498. Fibreboard shipping containers Compression test Filter papers Testing analytical -. T.A.P.P.I. “Filter stick Micro - for $pectrographic analysis. ments 40 288 330 381 494.mixed -. der 240. Of -. 249. suggested method T 471 sm-46. Wilson 375. 446 INDEX TO VOLUME 71 xxiii *Fischer method Estmng. volatile matter content of propellant explosives. I. Estmng. water by im-proved -. Bonner 483. Fish (Max. Prices) (No. 2) Order 1944. Amend-ment 40. Fixed oil from seeds of Artacarpus hirsuta Lamk. Varier 330. *Fleck and Ward method of detmng. elemental sulphur. Lambie 140. Flour Addition of calcium carbonate to National -. Ministry of Food 382. *Adulteration of wheat - with maize and rice - . New chemical detcn. and quantitative detmn. Taha El-Katib 559. Food Standards (Self-raising -) Order 1946. 145. mixtures Chocolate flavoured -. Circular FSL/18/45. Ministry of Food 40. Order 1945. Amendments 145 184 289 639.*Fluorides Absorptiometric detmn. of inorganic - in organic products. Ovenston and Parker 171. *Titration of microgram quantities of -. Williams 175. *Fluonmetric estmn. of riboflavine in egg white and egg yolk. Mann 166. Fluorine in calcium acid phosphate. Report of Inter-departmental Committee on Food Stan-dards to Ministry of Food. Proposed maximum limits for - content of calcium acid phosphate used in food and of specified foods. Food(s) Canned; Introduction to their Micro-biology. Baumgartner. 2nd Edn. (Review), 502. Chemical Analysis of - Cox. 3rd Edn. (Review) 345. Detmng. tin in canned -Labelling of - (No. 2) Order 1944. Amend-ment 40. Labelling of - (No. 2) Order 1944 General Licence 1946. 185 Nanufactured and Pre-packed - (Control) Order 1942.Amendment to general licence. 382. Methionine detmn. in proteins and -. Csonka and Denton 443. Products Detmng. and detcng. dichloroacetic acid in -. Bruening 79. Proposed maximum limits for fluorine content of calcium acid phosphate used in - and of specified -. Regulation 3 of the Defence (Sale of -) Regu-lations 1943. Order amending - 1945. 39. Standards Fluorine in calcium acid phosphate. Report of Inter-departmental Committee on - to Ministry of Food. Standards (Preserves) Order 1944 Amendment, 382. Standards (Self-raising Flour) Order 1946. 145. wrappings Sanitary code for paper and paper-board -. Sanborn 542. *Foodstuffs Detmng. nitrogen in - by Kjeldahl method ; digestion conditions. Alcock 233. Forensic Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investi-gation.Lucas. 4th Edn. (Review) 250. Formaldehyde Estmng. free - by diffusion. Boyd and Logan 247. Formic acid Manometric detmn. of -. Pirie, 387. Frontiers in Chemistry Vol. IV Major Instruments in Science and their ADdications to Chemistrv. 382. Ministry of Food 382. Dickinson 41. Ministry of Food 382. 382. Frozen vitamin standards. Stamberg and Bolin, Fruit(s) Canned - and Vegetables Order 1946. Ponting and Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Research Station, 189. 145. Johnson 290. Campden. Annual Report 1944. 78. Detmng. sulphur dioxide in -. Annual Report 1945. 540. G Galactose Detmng. glucose - and lactose in their mixtures. Ramsdell 1.50. Galenicals Assay of alkaloidal - with chromato-graph.Liquid extract of ergot B.P. and ex-tract of ergot B.P.C. _Assay of alkaloidal - with chromatograph. Prepns. of belladonna stramonium and nux vomica. Brownlee 84. Gallotannin Sensitive and selective test for ___ (tannic acid) and other tannins. Feigl and Feigl 390. Gasoline Detcng. elemental sulphur in - by Sommer test. Mapstone 544. "Genetical aspects of bio-assays with micro-organ-isms. Pontecorvo 41 1 535. *Genetical. requirements of bio-assays with higher organisms. Mather 407 535. *Glass Separating and detmng. lead as iodate and application to - analysis. Gentry and Sherrington 31. Glucose Cerimetric detmn. of blood -. Nimmo-Smith 495. Detmng. - in blood. Schales and Schales 86. Detmng. - galactose and lactose in their mixtures.Ramsdell 150. Glucuronic acid Cerimetric detmn. of - using Conway burette. Levvy 495. Spectrophotometric estmn. of hexuronates (ex-pressed as -) in plasma or serum. Deich-mann and Dierker 587. Glutamic acid Microdetmn. of - and its applica-tion to protein analysis. Prescott and Waelsch, 588. Glycerophosphates Microdetmn. of a- and /3- -. Burmaster 588. Glycine Specific micro-colorimetric estmn. of -in blood and urine. Alexander Landwehr and Seligman 86. Glycogen Rapid microdetmn. of - in tissue slices. van Wagtendonk Simonsen and Hackett 388. Glycol(s) Estmng. 1 :2-propylene - in ethylene - . Simultaneous detmn. of ethylene and 1 :2-propy-lene -. Gossypol Estmng. - in cottonseed meal and cottonseed meats. Smith 339. Spectrophotometric estmn.of - in crude cottonseed oil. Smith 338. Dis-tribution of amino acids in wheat -. Barton-Wright and Moran 278. *GR-I Direct estmn. of polymer and carbon black in vulcanised butyl rubber (-). Galloway and Wake 505. 'Growth substances Detmng. auxins in soils in-cluding note on synthetic -. Hamence 11 1. *Gutmidines Amidine-pentacyanoferrate reaction ; test for - urea and thiourea. Fearon 562. Gum tragacanth Appointment of Sub-committee on Standardisation of Methods of Examining Brownlee 85. Reinke and Luce 496. Warshowsky and Elving 497. *Grain Microbiological assay of amino acids. I I Burk and Grummitt. (Review) 344. -. 301 Gutman method Modified - of estmng. “acid” phosphatase activity. Benotti Rosenberg and Dewey 294.*Gutzeit test-paper holder Note on a new -. Parkes 287. H Haemoglobin Artificial standard for estmng. -. Gibson and Harrison 293. Primary standard for colorimetric detmn. of -. Horecker 443. Halide mixtures Amperometric titration of chloride, bromide and iodide and of - using rotating platinum electrode. Laitinen Jennings and l’arks 500. Hemicelluloses Chlorite holocellulose fractionation and bearing on summative wood analysis and on studies of the -. Wise Murphy and D’hddieco 192. Hexuronates Spectrophotometric estmn. of -(expressed as glucuronic acid) in plasma or serum. Deichmann and Dierker 587. “Higher organisms Genetical requirements of bio-assays with --. Histidine Estmng. ___ in protein hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60.Dunn, Camien Shankman and lioclrland 42. Investigations of amino acids peptides and pro-teins. Estmng. - in protein hydi-olysates with Lactobacillus ferment; 36. Dunn Shank-man and Camien 241. Assay of tryptophan leucine isoleucine valine cystine, methionine lysine phenylalanine - ar-ginine and threonine. Barton-Wright 267. Holocellulose Chlorite -- fractionation and bearing on summative wood analysis and on studies of hemicelluloses. Wise Murphy and D’Addieco 192. Hopkin and Williams Ltd. Organic Reagents for Organic Analysis. (Keview) 503. Human milk Rapid test for distinguishing- from cow’s milk based on difference in xanthine oxidase content. Human plasma Detmng. nitrogen and protein in pooled samples of --. Xicrobiological detmn.of free amino acids in -and dog plasma. Human pregnancy urine Fractionation and photo-metric estmn. of oestrogens in -. Stimmel, 332. Hydrocarbons Detmng. organic peroxides in -. Tanner and Brown 444. Detmng. small amounts of aromatic - in aqueous solns. Morris Stiles and Lane 443. *Evaluating unsaturation in __ mixtures (motor spirits) with pyridine sulphate bromide. Wilson and Nisbet 183. Hydrogen peroxide Nicotinic acid values by chemical and microbiological methods. Effect of ___ and infra-red rays on nicotinic acid. Brown Tho-mas and Bina 331. Hydrogen sulphide Semimicro qual. analysis for cations without -. Dobbins and Gilreath, 447. Hydrogenation technique Simplified - for estmng. blood plasma tocopherols. Quaife and Biehler 88.Hydrometers Density - for use in milk. British Standards Inst. 185. *p-Hydroxybenzoic acid Colorimetric detmn. of - and its esters. Mather 407 535. *Microbiological assay of amino acids. Rodkey and Ball 290. Cook 388. Hier and Bergeim 390. Johnson 77. VULUMb 7 1 *&Hydroxyquinoline Direct photometric detmn. of aluminium with -. Gentry and Sherrington, 432. I Ice cream Ministry of Food. *Indicator Accurate vol. detmn. of zinc and nickel using diphenylcarbazone as -. Evans 455. Indophenol Detmng. ascorbic acid. Applying ~ -xylene extraction to large numbers of tomato and tomato juice samples. Nelson and Somers, 187. -xylene extraction method for ascorbic acid and modifications for interfering substances. liobinson and Stotz 88.Industrial Experimentation. Rrownlee. (Review), 599. “Industry Applications of chromatographic analysis in -. Cropper 263. *Inflammable magnesium dust Detmng. metallics in spontaneously -. Anderson 282. Infra-red rays Nicotinic acid values by chemical and microbiological methods. Effect of hydro-gen peroxide and - on nicotinic acid. Brown, Thomas and Bina 331. Ink-line test for detmng. degree of sizing in writing paper. Schur and Levy 394. Inorganic Microanalysis Qual. -. Belcher and Wilson. (Review) 452. Institute of Paper Chemistry Instrumentation studies. LII. Penetration of papers by water vapour. VI. -. 197. Instrumentation studies. LIV. Penetration of papers by water vapour. VIII. Controlled relative humidity cabinet in which specimens may be weighed without removal from the con-Institute of Petroleum Standard Methods of Testing Petroleum and its Products 330.Instrumentation studies. LII. Penetration of papers by water vapour. VI. Inst. of Paper Chemistry. 197. Penetration of papers by water vapour. VIII. Controlled relative humidity cabinet in which specimens may be weighed without removal from the conditioned atmosphere. Inst. of Paper Chemistry 394. Instruments Major - of Science and their Applications to Chemistry. Frontiers in Chem-istry Vol. IV. Burk and Grummitt. (Review), 344. Insulin Free amino groups of -. Sanger 242. *Intermittent A.C. arc technique of spectrographic analysis. McClelland 129. *Iodate Separating and detmng. lead as - and application to glass analysis.Gentry and Sherrington 31. Iodide Amperometric titration of chloride bromide and __ and of halide mixtures using rotating platinum electrode. Laitinen Jennings and Parks 500. Iodinated casein Quant. detmn. of thyroxine in - having thyroidal activity. Reineke, Turner Kohler Hoover and Beezley 246. Iodine Detmng. plasma __ . Taurog and Chaikoff 389. Microdetmn. of - in biological materials, especially combustion of samples in the I’arr oxygen bomb. Ion-exchange resin in detmng. traces of copper with special reference to powdered and fluid milk. Cranston and Thompson 439. 539. ditioned atmosphere. - 394. LIV. Spector and Hamilton 245 INDEX TO VOLUME 71 xxv Iron Absorptiometric detmn. of - and copper in red phosphorus.Brabson Schaeff er Truchan and Deal 596. Colorimetric detmn. of - in presence of copper and nickel. Greenburg 336. Co1orimet;ic detmn. of molybdenum in - and steel. Kapron and Hehman 194. Conductometric titrations with organic reagents. Detmng. copper and -. Convin and Moyer. 500. *Cupferron for estmng. large quantities of - in faeces. Tompsett 231. Detmng. cobalt in high-cobalt products. Separa-tion from - by phosphate. Young and Hall 337. "Detmng. - in cereals. Differential reduction of - and tin. Simon, Miller Edwards and Clardy 597. Mercurous perchlorate as vol. reagent for -. Pugh 151. Polarographic detmn. of - and zinc in phos-phate coatings. Rapid detmn. of - in aluminium alloys. Pepi 296. *Isocyanates Detmng. -. 'Isoleucine Microbiological assay of amino acids.Assay of tryptophan leucine - valine, cystine methionine lysine phenylalanine, histidine arginine and threonine. Barton-Wright 267. Microbiological detmn. of free leucine -, valine and threonine in dog plasma. Hier and Bergeim 292. Pringle 490. Knanishu and Rice 93. Stagg 557. J Jellies Table - (Max. Prices) Order 1946. 184. K Kahu Component fatty acids of - (Lactuca Dhingra and Pershad, Kiliani reaction as direct measure of reducing Kingzett's Chemical Encyclopaedia. 7th Edn. Kjeldahl method Detmng. nitrogen in foodstuffs Semimicro - for control labora-scarioZa Linn.) seed oil. 330. groups. Militzer 247. Strong. (Review) 197. by -; digestion conditions. tories. Cole and Parkes 332. Alcock 233.procedure : L Labelling of Food (No. 2) Order 1944. Amendment, 185. Lactic acid Stabilising and estmng. - in blood samples. Long 387. Lactobacillus arabinosus Culture studies on -and L . helveticus. Nymon and Gortner 390. Lactobacitlus fermenti 36 Estmng. methionine in protein hydrolysates with -. Dunn Camien, Shankman and Block 589. Estmng. threonine in protein hyd rolysates with -. Dunn Shankman Camien and Block, 589. Investigations of amino acids peptides and Droteins. Amino acid reauirements of -. 40. (Np. 2) Order 1944 General Licence 1046. Lactobacillus helveficus Culture studies on L. arabinosus and -. Nymon and Gortner, 390. Estmng. phenylalanine in protein hydrolysates with Leuconoktoc mesenteroides P-60 and -. Dunn Shankman and Camien 241.Improved medium for microbiological assays with -. Roberts and Shell 440. Lactose Detmng. glucose galactose and - in their mixtures. Ramsdell 150. Lactuca scariola Linn. Component fatty acids of kahu (-) seed oil. Dhingra and Pershad, 330. Lane and Eynon method Detmng. reducing sugars. Mathematical expression of reducing action in the - and ferricyanide method. Zerban, Hughes and Nygren 498. *Lead Detmng. - in copper nickel and cobalt by dithizone. Young and Leibowitz 477. Dawson and Rees 417. Detmng. - in smelter products. Hered and Hered 248. *Electrolytic separation of - as dioxide from manganese. Tucker 319. *Separating and detmng. lead as iodate and application to glass analysis. Gentry and Sherrington 31. soap Reaction of ~ with sodium iodide.Barnett 445. Systematic polarographic metal analysis. Detmng. tin - nickel and zinc in copper-base alloys. Lingane 548. *Lead Dioxide Electrolytic separation of lead as -- from manganese. Tucker 319. League of Nations Unification of Pharmacopoeias. Interim Report of the Technical Commission of Pharmacopoeia1 Experts appointed in 1937 by the Health Organisation of the -. Lecithin Differentiating egg - and soya bean - in macaroni and noodle products. Win-ston and Jacobs 81. *Leptazol Detmng. __ in soln. *Leucine Microbiological assay of amino acids. Assay of tryptophan - zso- - valine cys. tine methionine lysine phenylalanine histidine, arginine and threonine. Barton-Wright, 267. Microbiological detmn. of free - iso- -, valine and threonine in dog plasma.Hier and Bergeim 292. Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 Estmng. histidine in protein hydrolysates with -. Dunn Camien Shankman and Rockland 42. Estmng. phenylalanine in protein hydrolysates with ~ and Lactobacillus helvzticus. Dunn, Shankman and Gamien 241. Lime Detmng. bases with calomel. Application to - in commercial calcium arsenate. Mark-wood Mann and Carter 193. *Detmng. -__ in refractory dead-burned mag-nesia. Gilbert and Gilpin 235. *Works test for excess ~ in water treatment. Dunn 38. Lipase Detmng. - in pancreatin with report on commercial pancreatins. Bullock 147. Liver biopsies Micro-estmn. of vitamin A in - in man and larger animals. . Gallup and Detmng. vitamin A in -Hoefer 441. Estmng.choline in - and plasma of dog. Entenman and Chaikoff 243. "Detinng. - in Creta praeparata. 494. Horsley 308. With 442. kstmng. histidine in protein hydrolysates with -. Dunn Shankman and Camien 241. -. Stock and Fill. 238. *Low temperature bath Thermostatically-controlle xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 71 Lysine Bioassay of - by use of a mutant of Neurospora. Doerniann 87. Assay of tryptophan leucine isoleucine valine cystine, methionine - phenylalanine histidine, arginine and threonine. Barton-Wright 267. *Microbiological assay of amino acids. M Macaroni Differentiating egg lecithin and soya bean lecithin in ___ and noodle products. Wnston and Jacobs 81. $'Nagnesia Detmng. lime in refractory dead-burned -. Gilbert and Gilpin 235. *Magnesium Absorptionietric method for __ in zinc-base die-casting alloys.Edwards and Robinson 379. Detmng. - in aluminium alloys. Deterding and Taylor 295. "Detmng. - in nickel alloys. Detmng. nitrogen phosphorus potassium cal-cium and - in plant tissue. Semimicro wet digestion method for large numbers of samples. "dust Detmng. metallics in spontaneously in-flammable -. i\nderson 282. "Inorganic applications of polarographic analysis, especially of aluminium - and zinc, Nickelson 58. Volumetric detmn. of ~ in __ carbonate ores. Williams 597. Magnesium alloys Applying multiplier photo-tubes to spectrochemical analysis of -. Nahstoll and Hryan 153. "Magnesium-base alloys Spot-tests for cletcng. alloying elements in aluminium- and -. Evans and Higgs 464."Maize flour Adulteration of wheat flour with -and rice flour. New chemical detcn. and quantitative detmn. Taha El-Katib 559. *Manganese Detcng. __- with aurintricarboxylic acid. Malowan 232. Detmng. - in caustic soda. Moran and McCue 597. *Electrolytic separation of lead as dioxide from __ . Tucker 319. New detmn. of -. Lingane and Karplus 335. Manganese bronze Routine analysis of -. Habson and Johnson 498. *Margarine Detmng. carotene and vitamin A in butter and -. Goodwin and Morton 15. *Photoelectric photometer for estmng. vitamin A in -. Bowen Gridgeman and Longman 20. Meat Products Canned Soup and Canned -(Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. Amend-ment 330. Canned Soup and Canned - (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1946. 382.Rapid detmn. of fat in - . Oesting and Kaufman 587. Medical Biochemistry hlicro-analysis in -. King. (Review) 299. Medicine Vitamins in --. Bicknell and Prescott. (Review) 55 1. Medium Improved - for microbiological assays with Lactobacillus helveticus. Roberts and Snell 440. Melon Component fattj- acids of - (Cucumis melo Linn.) seed oil. Dhingra and Narain 291. Component fatty acids of oil of Citrullus vulgaris Schrad (water -) seeds. Dhingra and Biswas 291. Minster 74. Kelley Hunter and Sterges 449. Melting point Analysing binary mixtures of normal aliphatic dibasic acids and esters. Use of composition - relations of acids. Houston and Van Sandt 591. Menthol Detmng. - in peppermint oil. Acetic anhydride and pyridine as reagent. Jones and Fang 386.Mercaptan(s) Amperometric titration of - with silver nitrate. Molecular weight and - content of mixtures of primary -. Gravimetric detmn. Laitinen, O'Brien and Nelson 545. Mercurous perchlorate as vol. reagent for iron. Pugh 151. "Mercury Detmng. __. and copper in antifouling compositions. Z'otassium cobalticyanide as complex-forming agent in dithizone technique. Barnes 578. Metal carbides Detmng. nitrogen in refractory -and their compositions. Hedmond Gerst and Touhey 391. *Metallic complexes Separating cobalt complex of p-nitroso cc-naphthol from other coloured -Boyland 230. *Metallics Dctmng. - in spontaneously in-flammable magnesium dust. Anderson 282. Metallurgical Analysis Collected I'apers on __ by the Spectrograph.Smith. (Review) 47. Methanol See Methyl alcohol. Methionine detmn. in proteins and foods. Csonka and Denton 443. Estmng. cystine and - content of plant and animal material by differential oxidation. Evans 43. Estmng. - in protein liydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermentt 36. Dunn Camien, Shankman and Block 589. Assay of tryptophan leucine isoleucine valine cystine, - lysine phenylalanine histidine arginine and threonine. Rarton-Wright 267. Methods Physical __ of Organic Chemistry. Vols. I and 11. Weissberger. (Review) 451 Methyl alcohol Notes on tests for acetone and ethyl alcohol with special reference to -. Ferrey 148. Methyl chloride Detmng. in air. Franklin, Gunn and Martin 409. Methyl ester(s) Detmng. __ content of pectin. Hills Ogg and Speiser 45.Fatty acid analyses of known mixtures of purified -. Baldwin and Longenecker 592. "Methylene blue Composition of commercial -. Martin Neuhaus and Reuter 29. Micro-analysis in Medical Biochemistry. King. (Review) 299. Qualitative Inorganic -. Belcher and Wilson. (Review) 452. Qualitative Organic -. Schneider. (Review), 551. Quantitative Organic - based on Methods of Fritz Pregl. 4th English Edn. Grant. (Re-view) 199. Microbiological assay(s) Charcoal-treated peptone in -. Isbell 292. Improved medium for - with Lactobacillzrs helveticus. Roberts and Snell 440. *of amino acids. Assay of tryptophan leucine, isoleucine valine cystine methionine lysine, phenylalanine histidine arginine and threo-nine. Barton-Wright 267. Distribution of amino acids in wheat grain.Barton-Wright and Moran, 278. Kolthoff and Harris 342. *Microbiological assay of a mino acids. *of amino acids INDEX TO VOLUME 71 xxvii Microbiological assay (s)-continued Prepng. samples for - of pantothenic acid. IWS and Strong 441. Report on - of riboflavine and nicotinic acid. SOC. of Public Analysts Sub-committee on Vitamin Estmns. 397. Suggested modifications of - for riboflavine. Loy and Nine 331. *Technique for ~ of vitamins by methods in-volving mould growth. Bradford 228. *Theory of certain analytical procedures particu-larly -. Wood 1. Microbiological methods Nicotinic acid values by chemical and -. Effect of hydrogen per-oxide and infra-red rays on nicotinic acid. Brown Thomas and Bina 331.Microbiology Canned Foods Introduction to their -. Baumgartner. 2nd Edn. (Review) 502. *Micro-burette New type of -. Saunders 528. *Micro-cell for polarography and amperometric titration. Stock 583. *Microchemical apparatus Some useful -. Colson 322. *Microchemistry Physicochemical methods in -: viscosity surface tension and refractive index. Wilson 117. “Micro-diffusion method for estmng. carbon mon-oxide in blood. Gray and Sandiford 107. “Micro-Filtration a review. Wyatt 122. *Micro-organisms Genetical aspects of bio-assays with -. Pontecorvo 411 535. Burk-holder McVeigh and Wilson 44. *Micro-stirrer Universal ___ with remote opera-tion. Stock and Fill 536. Micro titration estmn. of amino acids. Sobel, Hirschman and Besman 243.Milk Circular l0/46. Ministry of Food. 146. Studies on vitamin B produced by -. Density hydrometers for use in -. British Standards Inst. 185. Diagnostic value of Rothera’s test on -. Paterson 41. Ion-exchange resin in detmng. traces of copper with special reference to powdered and fluid -. Cranston and Thompson 439. *Presence of heat-labile sulphur in - powder made from __ pre-heated a t high temp. (190-200” I?.). Lea 227. Rapid test for distinguishing human from cow’s - based on difference in xanthine oxidase content. Kodkey and Ball 290. (Special Designations) Regulations 1946. 146. Mineral precipitates Chromatography in aqueous soh. with - insoluble in water. Applica-tion to separating amino acids by adsorption on silver sulphide. Hamoir 246.Mineralogy System of - of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Vol. I. Ele-ments Sulphides Sulphosalts and Oxides. Palache Berman and Frondel. 7th Edn. (Review) 343. Minerals Fluorimetric detmn. of aluminium in steels bronzes and -. Weissler and White, 595. Ministry of Food Fluorine in calcium acid phos-phate. Report of Inter-Departmental Com-mittee on Food Standards to -. Manual of Nutrition 1945. - Scientific Adviser’s Divn. (Review) 93. Ministry of Food Orders Circulars etc. : 382. Bread 381. Calcium acid phosphate fluorine content 382. Cheese 288 539. Chocolate 539. Ministry of Food Orders Circulars etc.:-continued Cocoa products 539. Egg products 39. Fats edible 288. Feeding stuffs 40 288 330 381 494. Fish 40. Flour 145 184 289 382 539.Flour mixtures chocolate flavoured 40. Flour self-raising 145. Food standards 382. Foods fluorine content 382. Foods manufactured and pre-packed 382. Fruit canned 145. Ice cream 539. Labelling of food 40 185. Meat canned 330 382. Meat products 330 382. Milk 146. Oils edible 288. Preserves 382. Soap 330. Soft drinks 381. Soup canned 330 382. Sugar confectionery 539. Table jellies 184. Vegetables canned 145. “Mixtures Photoelectric spectrophotometry ap-plied to analysis of - and vitamin A oils. Morton and Stubbs 348. Modern Chemistry Some Sketches of its Historical Development. Berry. (Review) 504. *Molasses fermentations Detmng. some products of sugar and -. Freeman and Morrison 51 1. Molecular weight and mercaptan content of mixtures of primary mercaptans.Gravimetric detmn. Laitinen O’Brien and Nelson 545. Molybdenum Colorimetric detmn. of - in iron and steel. Monochloroacetic acid Persistence of __ in wine. Wilson 80. Morphine Orienting investigations on - content of Papaver somniferum during growth of plant. Rasmussen and Ilver 387. *Motor spirits Evaluating unsaturation in hydro-carbon mixtures (-) with pyridine sulphate bromide. Wilson and Nisbet 183. *Mould growth Technique for microbiological assay of vitamins by methods involving -. Bradford 228. Multiplier photo-tubes Applying - to spectro-chemical analysis of magnesium alloys. Nah-stoll and Bryan 153. Kapron and Hehman 194. N National flour Addition of calcium carbonate to -.Ministry of Food 382. Neurospora Bioassay of lysine by use of a mutant of -. Doermann 87. *Nickel Accurate vol. detmn. of zinc and - using diphenylcarbazone as indicator. Evans 455. *Applying polarographic analysis to examining high purity selenium - and cobalt com-pounds. Jones 60. Colorimetric detmn. of iron in presence of copper and -. Greenburg 336. Colorimetric detmn. of - in bronzes. Haim and Tarrant 334. * 1 :2-cyclohexanedione-dioxime (“Nioxime”) as reagent for -. Johnson and Simmons 554. “Detmng. lead in copper - and cobalt by dithizone. Young and Leibowitz 477. *Detmng. - by pptn. with dimethylglyoxime. Minster 424 VOLUME 71 . T.T-n-7 m- SXVlll 1illJJLA 1u Nickel-continued Polarographic detmn. of nickel in steel and ~ ore.West and Dean 297. "Rapid detmn. of small quantities of - with dithizone. Young Strickland and Leibowitz, 474. *Separating cobalt from - and colorimetric detmn. of -. Spectrophotometric detmn. of traces of -. -4lexander Godar and Linde 394. Systematic polarographic metal analysis. Detmng. tin lead - and zinc in copper-base alloys. Lingane 548. "Nickel alloys Detmng. magnesium in -. Minster. 74. Nicotine Critical investigations on detmng. -Rasmussen and Kofoed, McCormick and Smith 542. Nicotinic acid Report on microbiological assay of riboflavine and -. SOC. of Public Analysts, Sub-committee on Vitamin Estmns. 397. values by chemical and microbiological methods. Effect of hydrogen peroxide and infra-red rays on -. Ninhydrin Effects of volatile aldehydes formed on accuracy of manometric - -carbon dioxide method in analysing a-amino acids.Hamilton arid Van Slyke 588. *Nioxime 1 :2-cyclohexanedione-dioxime (-) as reagent for nickel. Johnson and Simmons, 554. Nitrites Colorimetric detmn. of -. Rider and Mellon 341. *Nitrocellulose Improved volumetric detmn. of diphenylamine in - powders. Ellington, 305. Nitrogen Detmng. ~ and protein in pooled samples of human plasma. "Detmng. - in foodstuffs by Kjeldahl method; digestion conditions. Alcock 233. Detmng. - in refractory metal carbides and their compositions. Kedmond Gerst and Touhey 391. Detmng. - phosphorus potassium calcium and magnesium in plant tissue. Semimicro wet digestion method for large numbers of samples. "Nitroguanidine Vol.detmn. of -. Cottrell, MacInnes and Patterson 207. * B-Nitroso a-naphthol Separating cobalt complex of - from other coloured metallic complexes. Boyland 230. Noodle products Differentiating egg lecithin and soya bean lecithin in macaroni and -. Winston and Jacobs 81. Nutrition Manual of -. 1945. (Review) 93. Science and -. Bacharach. 2nd Edn. (Iie-view) 155. Nutritive Value Cooking and -. Callow. (Re-view) 93. Nux vomica Assay of alkaloidal galenicals with chromatograph. Prepns. of belladonna stra-monium and -. Brownlee 84. Hall and Young 479. *Detmng. silicon in -. Minster 428. by picrate method. 386. Detmng. - in air. Brown Thomas and Bina 331. Cook 388. Kelley Hunter and Sterges 449. 0 Obituaries : Boizot C;.E. 251. Bruce A. 251. Buchanan J. L. 251. Hutterfield W. J . A. 201. Clayton Sir G. C. 167. Colwell J. K. 157. Obituaries :-continued Corfield C. E. 157 158. Dracass W. R. 397. Edwards G. W. 97. Evans John 157 158. Firth H. 157 201. Foster J. A. 251. Foster Sir M. O. 157 158. Frankland P. F. 505. Heywood A. D. 97 251. Hinks E. 251 347. Jones E. G. 157 158. Jones P. H. 251. Liverseege J. F. 157. Lucas A. 49 157 158. McGrath T. 505. Needs F. E. 505. Newington F. H. 157 158. Nierenstein M. 97. I'latt A. P. 157 158 Richardson R. W. 157. Roberts W. H. 553. Tocher J . F. 157 158 202. Vakil K. H. 97. Warburton G. H. 157. Watkinson S. 505. Oestrogens Fractionation and photometric estmn. of - in human pregnancy urine. Stimmel, 332.Oil@) Chemical estmn. of vitamin E in vegetable -. ToBiC and Moore 291. Chemical examination of seeds of A maranthus Gangeticus. Fatty - from the seeds. Chidambaram and Iyer 291. *Chromatography in analysis of fatty -. Williams 259. Component fatty acids of Kahu (Lactuca scariola, Linn.) seed -. Dhingra and Pershad, 330. Component fatty acids of melon (Cucumis melo, Linn.) seed -. Dhingra and Narain 291. t~ulgaris Schrad (water melon) seeds. Dhingra and Biswas 291. Edible - and Fats (Control of Sales) Order, 1944. Amendment 288. Estmng. FD and C Yellow Nos. 3 and 4 in cotton-seed and other vegetable -. Newberger 80. Fixed - from seeds of Artocarpus hirsuta Lamk. Varier 330. Microdetmn. of saponification number of fats and -. Decigram centigram and milligram procedures.Marcali and Rieman 393. Spectrophotometric estmn. of gossypol in crude cottonseed -. Smith 338. Oleomargarine Spectrophotometric estmn. of vita-min A in -. Orcinol reagent Note on -. Ore Polarographic detmn. of nickel in steel and nickel -. West and Dean 297. Organic Chemistry Physical Methods of -. Vols. I and 11. Weissberger. (Review) 451. Organic Microanalysis Quantitative ___ based on Methods of Fritz Pregl. 4th English Edn. Grant. (Review) 195. Organic peroxides Iodimetric analysis of -. Nozaki 594. *Organic products Rbsorptiometric detmn. of in-organic fluorides in - . Ovenston and Parker 171. Organic reagents Conductometric titrations with -. Detmng. copper and iron. Corwin and Moyer 500.for Organic Analysis. Hopkin and Williams, Ltd. (Review) 503. Component fatty acids of __ of Citrullus Wilkie and de Witt 187. Militzer 247 INDEX TO Oxidation Estmng. cystine and methionine content of plant and animal material by differential -. Evans 43. Lyne and McLachlan, 203. Better and David-sohn 193. Oxides System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Vol. I. Elements Sulphides Sulphosalts and -. Palache Berman and Frondel. 7th Edn. (Review) 343. Oxybiotin Estmng. - in presence of biotin. Hofmann and Winnick 243. Oxygen bomb Microdetmn. of iodine in biological materials especially combustion of samples in Parr -. Detmng. dissolved --. Proposed modification of Winkler method. Pomeroy and Kirschman, 340.Quant. absorption of - by chromous salt. Stone and Skavinski 46. *Selective - of vinegar. tests Direct - on soap. Spector and Hamilton 245. P Pancreatin(s) Detmng. lipase in - with report on commercial -. Bullock 147. Pantothenic acid Prepng. samples for micro-biological assay of -. Ives and Strong 441. Papaver somniferum Orienting investigations on morphine content of - during growth of the plant. Rasmussen and Ilver 387. *Papaverhe Note on commercial -. Poster, 139. *Paper(s) ashes Improved semimicro quantitative analysis of some - and similar materials. Bradley 573. Detcng. and detmng. rosin in - and paper-board. 446. Detmng. air resistance of -. Ink-line test for detmng. degree of sizing in writing -. lnstrumentation studies.LII. Penetration of - by water vapour. VI. Inst. of -Chemistry 197. Instrumentation studies. LIV. Penetration of - by water vapour. VIII. Controlled relative humidity cabinet in which specimens may be weighed without removal from the con-ditioned atmosphere. Inst. of - Chemistry, 394. Sanitary code for - and paperboard food wrappings. Sanborn 542. Testing analytical filter -. TAl’I’I sug-gested method T471 sm-46. 446. Paperboard Compression resistance of - (ring crush test). TAPPI Tentative Standard T472 m-46. 394. Detcng. and detmng. rosin in paper and -. 446. Sanitary code for paper and - food wrappings. Sanborn 542. Paraldehyde Colorimetric detmn. of -. West-field 191. Parr oxygen bomb Microdetmn. of iodine in bio-logical materials especially combustion of samples in -.Spector and Hamilton 245. “Partition chromatography. Synge 256. Pectin Detmng. methyl ester content of -. Hills Ogg and Speiser 45. Penetration Instrumentation studies. LII. -of papers by water vapour. VI. Inst. of Paper Chemistry. 197. 197. Schur and Levy 394. VOLUME 71 xxix Instrumentation studies. LIV. - of papers by water vapour. VIII. Controlled relative humidity cabinet in which specimens may be weighed without removal from the conditioned atmosphere. Scudi 542. Rapid micro fluorometric detmn. of -. Scudi and Jelinek 543. Spectrophotometric estmn. of -. Herriott, 587. Peppermint oil Detmng. menthol in -. Acetic anhydride and pyridine as reagent. Jones and Fang 386. Peptides Investigations of amino acids - and proteins.Amino acid requirements of Lacto-bacillus fermenti 36. Estmng. histidine in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermenti 36. Dunn Shankman and Camien 241. Peptone Charcoal-treated - in micro-biological assays. Isbell 292. Peroxide(s) bleaching of mechanical pulps. In-fluence of bacteria and enzymes. Detmng. catalase activity. Mills Hinegardner and Stauffer 446. Tanner and Brown 444. Nozaki 594. Petrol See gasoline. Petroleum Colorimetric detmn. of phenols. Ap-plication to - and allied products. Lykken, Treseder and Zahn 333. Standard Methods for Testing - and its Pro-ducts. Inst. of Petroleum 330. sulphonates Analysing oil-soluble -. Ex-traction-absorption method. Brooks Peters and Lykken 593. pH and Plants.Introduction for Beginners. Small. (Review) 549. Pharmaceutical preparations Gravimetric detmn. of aluminium in -. Pharmacopoeias Unification of -. Interim Report of the Technical Commission of Pharma-copoeial Experts appointed in 1937 by the Health Organisation of the League of Nations, 494. Phenol(s) Colorimetric detmn. of -. Applica-tion to petroleum and allied products. Lykken, Treseder and Zahn 333. Detmng. - in soaps. Sub-committee on Methods of Soap Analysis 301. Phenylalanine Estmng. - in protein hydroly-sates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 and Lactobacillus helveticus. Dunn Shankman and Camien 241. Assay of tryptophan leucine isoleucine valine cystine, methionine lysine ~ histidine arginine and threonine. Barton-Wright 267.Phenyl-arsonic acid Estmng. bismuth. VII. Gravimetric analysis with --. Majumdar, 334. 2-Phenylazo-p-cresol a photometric standard for \,itamin a. Kreider 241. Phosphatase activity Modified Gutman method of estmng. “acid” __ . Renotti Rosenberg and Dewey 294. Sanders and Sager 82. Phosphate coatings Polarographic detmn. of iron and zinc in -. Detmng. cobalt in high-cobalt products. Separa-tion from iron by -. Young and Hall 337. Detmng. inorganic - in presence of labile -esters. Lowry and Lopez 388. Penetration-continued Inst. of Paper Chemistry 394. Penicillin Colorimetric estmn. of -. Detmng. organic - in hydrocarbons. Iodimetric analysis of organic -. Bandelin 83. *Microbiological apay of amino acids. test applicable to Cheddar cheese.Knanishu and Rice 93 *Phosphoric acid Rapid estmn. of - in citric acid soil extracts. Trinder 314. Phosphorus Absorptiometric detmn. of iron and copper in red - . Brabson Schaeff er, Truchan and Deal 596. Biological assay of vitamin D,. Effect of cal-cium and - content of diet. Jones 189. compounds in animal tissues. Extracting and estmng. desoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid. Schneider 244. Detmng. inorganic - in plant materials. Pons and Guthrie 392. Detmng. nitrogen - potassium calcium and magnesium in plant tissue. Semimicro wet digestion method for large numbers of samples. Kelley Hunter and Sterges 449. *Detmng. __ in steel containing titanium and arsenic. Etheridge and Higgs 316. Detmng. small quantities of __ in steel.Rain-bow 196. Phosphoproteins Detmng. desoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid and - in animal tissues. Schmidt and Thannhauser 244. "Photoelectric photometer for estmng. vitamin A in margarine. Bowen Gridgeman and Longman, 20. *Photoelectric spectrophotometry applied to analysis of mixtures and vitamin A oils. Morton and Stubbs 348. *Photometer Photoelectric - for estmng. vitamin A in margarine. Bowen Gridgeman and Longman 20. Photometric standard 2-Phenylazo-p-cresol a -for vitamin A. Kreider 241. Photo-tubes Applying multiplier __ to spectro-chemical analysis of magnesium alloys. Nahstoll and Bryan 1.53. Physical Methods of Organic Chemistry. Vols. I and I I. W'eissberger (Review) 45 1. "Physicochemical methods in microchemistry ; vis-cosity surface tension and refractive index.Wilson 117. Picrate method Critical investigations on detmng. nicotine by - . Rasmussen and Kofoed, 386. Reed and Cummings 92. materials Detmng. inorganic phosphorus in -. Pons and Guthrie 392. material Estmng. cystine and methionine content of - and animal material by differential oxidation. Evans 43. materials Rapid detmn. of ascorbic acid by adaptation of Stotz's method to -. Pep-kowitz 590. pH and __ . Introduction for Beginners. Small. (Review) 549. tissue Detmng. nitrogen phosphorus potassium, calcium and magnesium in -. Semimicro wet digestion method for large numbers of samples. Plasma Detmng. nitrogen and protein in pooled samples of human -. Detmng. - iodine. Taurog and Chaikoff 389.*Estmng. bilirubin in blood - and serum. Rudra 326. Estmng. choline in liver and - of dog. Enten-man and Chaikoff 243. Microbiological detmn. of free amino acids in human and dog -. Hier and Bergeim 390. Microbiological detmn. of free leucine isoleucine, valine and threonine in dog -. Hier and Bergeim 292. Simplified hydrogenation technique for estmng. blood -tocopherols. Quaife and Biehler 88. Plant(s) materials Detmng. copper in -. Kelley Hunter and Sterges 449. Cook 388. v V L U M L 'I 1 Plasma- con timed Spectrophotometric estinn. of hexuronates (es-pressed as glucuronic acid) in - or serum. Deichmann and Dierker 587. Plastics Scientific and Technological. Fleck. 2nd Edn. (Review) 503. *Plating Test of local thickness of zinc -.Parker 39. Platinum electrode Xmperometric titration of chloride bromide and iodide and of halide mixtures using rotating - . Laitinen, Jennings and Parks 500. Polarimeter tube Rapid-filling capillary -. Smith and Ehrhardt 501. "Polarising unit for amperometric titration. Stock, 585. *Polarographic analysis -Applying - to examin-ing high purity selenium nickel and cobalt compounds. Jones 60. *Biochemical applications of -. "General principles of -. *Inorganic applications of - especially of aluminium magnesium and zinc. Nickelson 58. of aluminium alloys. Kolthoff and Matsuyania, 297. Page 32. Davies 49. Polarographic cell Simple -. Polarographic Discqssion Panel Formation of -. Society of Public Analysts 504. Polarographic metal analysis Systematic --.Detmng. tin lead nickel and zinc in copper-base alloys. Lingane 548. *Polarographic studies. Note on detmng. ascorbic acid. Page and Waller 65. "Polarography Micro cell for - and ampero-metric titration. Stock 583. of uranium Reduction in moderately acid solns. Harris and Kolthoff 91. *Polymer Direct estmn. of __ and carbon black in vulcanised butyl rubber (GR-I). Gallows!-and Wake 505. Polymerisation Measuring degree of - for works control in bleaching house and sampling for ascertaining damage clue to bleaching. Kling, 446. Portland cement Rapid detmn. of alkalis in -. Cornes 90. Potassium Chemistry of rare earths. 11. Macro-and micro-estmn. of caesium in presence of __ and rubidium with help of rare earths.Dutt, 338. Detmng. nitrogen phosphorus -- calcium and magnesium in plant tissue. Semimicro wet digestion method for large numbers of samples. Kelley Hunter and Sterges 449. Detmng. sodium and ~ in silicates. Marvin and Woolaver 90. Photometric estmn. of - in biological materials. Pereira 245. *Potassium bromate New absorptiometric detmn , of chromium in low alloy steels by oxidation with -. De Lippa 34. *Potassium carbonate Kapid detmn. oi sodium in 50 per cent. potassium hydroxide liquor 50 per cent. ~ liquor and solid -. Haslam and Beeley 223. *Potassium cobalticyanide Detmng. mercury and copper in anti-fouling compositions. __ as complex-forming agent in dithizone technique. Barnes 578. *Potassium hydroxide Rapid tletmn. of sodium in 50 per cent.- liquor 50 per cent. potas-sium carbonate liquor and solid potassium carbonate. Haslam and Beeley 223. Potentiometric titration of chlorides. Yeck and Kissin 296. Gisclard 598 INDEX TO Powdered milk Ion-exchange resin in detmng. traces of copper with special reference t o -and fluid milk. Cranston and Thompson 439. Pregl Quantitative Organic Microanalysis based on LMethods of Fritz -. 4th English Edn. Grant. (Review) 199. Pregnancy urine Fractionation and photometric estmn. of oestrogens in human -. Stimmel, 332. Preserves Food Standards (-) Order 1944. Amendment 382. "Propellant explosives Estmng. volatile matter content of -. I. Estmng. water by improved Fischer method. Bonner 483. 1 2-Propylene glycol Detmng.- in ethylene glycol. Keinke and Luce 496. Simultaneous detmn. of ethylene glycol and -. UJarshowsky and Elving 497. Ames and Dawson 92. Detmng. nitrogen and - in pooled samples of human plasma. Cook 388. Estmng. histidine in __. hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides 1'40. Dunn Camien, Shankman and Rockland 42. Estmng. methionine in - hydrolysates with Lactobacillus fermenti 36. Dunn Camien, Shankman and Block 589. Estmng. phenylalanine in - hydrolysates with Leuconostoc mesenteroides P-60 and Lacto-bacillus helveticus. Dunn Shankman and Camien 241. Estmng. threonine in ~ hydrolysates .with Lactobacillus fernzenti 36. Dunn Shankman, Camien and Block 589. Investigations of amino acids peptides and -. Amino acid requirements of Lactobacillus fermenti 36.Estmng. histidine in - hydro-lysates with L. fernzenti 36. Dunn Shankman and Camien 241. hlethionine detmn. in - and foods. Csonka and Ilenton 443. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids in animal -. Hier Graham Freides and Klein 292. Microdetmn. of glutamic acid and its application t o ~ analysis. Prescott and Waelsch 588. Photoelectric detmn. of blood thiocyanates without pptn. of -. Polarographic studies of - and thcir degrada-tion products. - index. Miiller and Davis, 43. In-fluence of bacteria and enzymes. Detmng. catalase activity. Mills Hinegardner and Stauffer 446. "Pump Vacuum-operated circulating -. Stock and Fill 144. Pyridine Detmng. menthol in peppermint oil. Acetic anhydride and - as reagent. Jones and Fang 386."Detmng. ~ content of technical -. Hamer Pomfret and Stubbings 419. "Pyridine sulphate bromide Evaluating unsatura-tion in hydrocarbon mixtures (motor spirits) with -. Wilson and Nisbet 183. Protein(s) Detmng. copper in copper -. Powell 192. Pulps Peroxide bleaching of mechanical -. Q Qualitative analysis Semimicro - for cations without hydrogen sulphide. Dobbins and Gilreath 447. Qualitative Inorganic Micro-analysis. Belcher and Wilson. (Review) 452. VOLUME 71 XXXi Qualitative Organic Micro-analysis. Schneider. (Re-view) 551. Quantitative Organic Micro-analysis based on Methods of Fritz Pregl. 4th English Edn. Grant. (Review) 199. "Quinalizarin Detmng. boron with -. Owen, 210. R Rare earths Chemistry of -. 111. Estmng.___ in uranium minerals. Chemistry of -. 11. Macro- and micro-estrnn. of caesium in presence of potassium and rubidium with help of -. *Rare materials Spectrographic analysis of -and high purity materials. Rat Detmng. thyroxine in thyroid gland of the - . Taurog and Chaikoff 389. RBactifs pour 1'Analyse Qualitative Minerale. Deuxieme Rapport de la Commission Inter-nationale des Rkactions et Reactifs analytiques nouveaux de 1'Union Internationale de Chimie. (Review) 153. Reagent(s) Kew - for detmng. sugars. Somogyi, 85. Organic -~ for Organic .-\nalysis. Hopkin and Williams Ltd. (Review) 503. Reducing groups Kiliani reaction as direct ifleasure of -. Militzer 247. Reducing sugars Detmng. - . Mathematical expression of reducing action in the Lane and Eynon and ferricyanide methods.Zerban, Hughes and Nygren 498. Reduction Differential - of iron and tin. Simon RIiller Edwards and Clardy 597. Refractive index (indices) Analysing binary mix-tures of normal aliphatic dibasic acids and esters. Use of ~ of dimethyl esters. Houston and Furlow 592. "Physicochemical methods in microcheniistry; viscosity surface tension and -. Wilson, 117. Refractory metal carbides Detmng. nitrogen in -and their compositions. Redmond Gerst and Touhey 391. Relative humidity cabinet Instrumentation studies. LIV. Penetration of papers by water vapour. VIII. Controlled ~ in which specimens may be weighed without removal from the con-ditioned atmosphere. Inst. of Paper Chemis-try 394. Resin(s) Ion-exchange __ in detmng.traces of copper with special reference to powdered and fluid milk. Graff 248. Riboflavine Enzyme in - detmn. Free and combined -. Rosner Lerner and Cannon, 188. *Fluorimetric estmn. of - in egg white and egg yolk. Mann 166. Report on the microbiological assay of - and nicotinic acid. SOC. of Public Analysts Sub-committee on Vitamin Estmns. 397. Suggested modifications of microbiological assay for --. Loy and Kline 331. Ribonucleic acid Detmng. desoxyribonucleic acid, __ and phosphoproteins in animal tissues. Schmidt and Thannhauser 244. Ex-tracting and estmng. desoxyribonucleic acid and -. Schneider 244. *Rice flour Adulteration of wheat flour with maize and -. New chemical detcn. and quantita-tive detmn. Taha El-Katib 559.Ilutt 338. Dutt 338. Smith 368. Cranston and Thompson 439. Qual. identification of synthetic -. Phosphorus compounds in animal tissues xxxii INDEX TO Ring crush test Compression resistance of paper-board (-). TAPPI Tentative Standard T472 m-46. 394. Rocks Detmng. tungsten in silicate -. Sandell, 335. Roe and Kuether estmn Interfering substances in - of ascorbic acid. Penney and Zilva 242. Rosin Detcng. and detmng. - in paper and paperboard. 446. Rotating platinum electrode Amperometric titra-tion of chloride bromide and iodide and of halide mixtures using -. Laitinen Jen-nings and Parks 500. Rothera’s test Diagnostic value of - on milk. Paterson 41. Rubber Scientific Progress in the Field of - and Synthetic Elastomers. Mark and Whitby.Vol. I1 of Advances in Colloid Science. (Re-view) 451. Rubidium Chemistry of rare earths. 11. Macro-and micro-estmn. of caesium in presence of potassium and - with help of rare earths. Dutt 338. S Salt Detmng. - in butter by mercurimetric method. Arbuckle 81. Sanitary Code for paper and paperboard food wrappings. Sanborn 542. Saponification number Microdetmn. of - of fats and oils. Decigram centigram and milligram procedures. Marcali and Rieman 393. Science and Nutrition. Bacharach. 2nd Edn. (Review) 155. Major Instruments of - and their Applications to Chemistry. Frontiers in Chemistry Vol. IV. Burk and Grummitt. (Review) 344. Scientific Progress in the Field of Rubber and Syn-thetic Elastomers. Mark and Whitby. Vol, I1 of Advances in Colloid Science.(Review), 451. Scientist in the Criminal Courts. Mitchell. (Review), 156. Seed(s) Chemical examination of - of Amaran-thus Gangetzcus. Fatty oil from the -. Chidambaram and Iyer 291. Component fatty acids of Kahu (Lactuca scariola, Linn.) - oil. Component fatty acids of melon (Cucurnis mplo, Linn.) - oil. Fixed oil from ~ of Artocarpus hzrsuta Lamk. Varier 330. *Selenium Applying polarographic analysis to examining high purity - nickel and cobalt compounds. Jones 60. *Detmng. - in copper mattes. Pollard 221. *Detmng. - in steels with notes on detmng. sulphur. Evans 68. Self-raising Flour Food Standards (-) Order, 1946. 145. Serum Estmng. ascorbic acid in small amounts of blood -. *Estmng. bilirubin in blood plasma and -.Rudra 326. Estmng. copper in blood -. Cartwright Jones and Wintrobe 245. Spectrophotometric estmn. of hexuronates (ex-pressed as glucuronic acid) in plasma or -, Deickmann and Dierker 587. Sheathing alloy(s) Analysing cable -. Hamilton, 449. *Polarographic estmn. of antimony in cable -(B.S. 801). Hourigan 524. Dhingra and Pershad 330. Dhingra and Narain 291. Lowry Lopez and Bessey 242. VOLUME 71 Shipping containers Compression test of fibre-Silica Detmng. small amounts of -. board -. 249. Water resistance of -. 197. Adams, gel partition chromatogram Applying - to gel Prepng. - for chromatography. Harris Volumetric detmn. of aluminium in - -alu-Silicate(s) Detmng. sodium and potassium in -. Sandell 335. *Silicon Detmng.- in nickel alloys. Minster, 428. Silver nitrate Amperometric titration of mer-captans with -. Kolthoff and Harris 342. Silver sulphide Chromatography in aqueous soln. with mineral ppts. insoluble in water. Ap-plication to separating amino acids by ad-sorption on -. Hamoir 246. Sizing Ink-line test for detmng. degree of ~ in writing paper. Smelter products Detmng. lead in -. Hered and Hered 248. Soap Detmng. phenols in -. Sub-committee on Methods of - Analysis Society of Public Analysts 301. Direct oxidation tests on __ . Better and Davidsohn 193. (Licensing of Manufacturers and Rationing) (No. 2) Order 1945. Reaction of lead - with sodium iodide. Barnett 445. Test for washing value of -. 193. estmng. volatile fatty acids. Elsden 547.and Wick 501. mina catalysts. Hale 595. Marvin and Woolaver 90. rocks Detmng. tungsten in -. Schur and Levy 394. Amendment 330. Michels 249. Society of Public Analysts Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting of Microchemistry Annual General Meeting of North of England Annual General Meeting of Physical Methods Annual Report of the Couucil March 1946. 157. Appointment of Sub-committee on Standardisa-tion of Methods of Examining Gum Tragacanth, 301. Compilation of bibliography of published approved and standard methods of analysis. Physical Methods Group formation of Polaro-graphic Discussion Panel. 504. Reconstitution of Sub-committee on Detmn. 01 Metallic Impurities in Foodstuffs. 397. Report on the microbiological assay of ribo-flavine and nicotinic acid.Sub-committee on Vitamin Estmns. 397. Sub-committee on Methods of Soap Analysis, Report No. 6 . Detmng. phenols in soaps. 301. Sodium Detmng. ~ and potassium in silicates. Marvin and Woolaver 90. Nephelometric detmn. of small amounts of -. Lindsay Braithwaite and D’Amico 294. *Rapid detmn. of - in 50 per cent. potassium hydroxide liquor 50 per cent. potassium car-bonate liquor and solid potassium carbonate. Haslam and Beeley 223. Sodium iodide Reaction of lead soap with -, Barnett 445. Sodium sulphide Potentiometric detmn. of - in sulphate pulp black liquor. Borlew and Pascoe 343. of Biological Methods Group. 201. Group. 201. Section. 202. Group. 201. 300. Soft Drinks Order 1946. 381. *Soil(s) Applications of spectrographic analysis t o - investigations.Mitchell 361 INDEX TO *Soil(@ :-continued Detning. auxins in - including note on syn-thetic growth substances. Hamence 1 11. *Rapid estmn. of phosphoric acid in citric acid - extracts. Trinder 314. *Solid materials Detmng. carbonate in -. Ingleson and Bentley 329. Sommer test Detcng. elemental sulphur in gasoline by -. Mapstone 544. Soup Meat Products Canned - and Canned Meat (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1944. Amendment 330. Meat Products Canned - and Canned Meat (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1946. 382. Soya bean lecithin Differentiating egg lecithin and - in macaroni and noodle products. Winston and Jacobs 81. Spectrochemical analysis Applying multiplier photo-tubes to - of magnesium alloys.Nahstoll and Bryan 153. Dilution factor in -. Post Schoffstall and Hurley 153. *Modern aids to -. Cooper 356. Spectrograph Collected Papers on Metallurgical Analysis by the -. Smith. (Review) 47. *Spectrographic analysis Applications of - to soil investigations. Mitchell 361. *Intermittent A.C. arc technique of -. McClelland 129. *Micro filter stick for -. *of rare and high purity materials. Smith 368. Spectrophotometric detmn. of calcium. Scott and J ohnson 15 1. Spectrophotometric estmn. of vitamin A in oleo-margarine. *Spectrophotometry Abridged - with special reference to carotene-containing materials. Taylor 566. *Photoelectric ~ applied to analysis of mix-tures and vitamin A oils. Morton and Stubbs 348. *Spectroscopic analysis Symposium on -.348. Spilanthes acmella Chemical investigation of -. Gokhale and Bhide 440. Spirits Detmng. caramel in wine - vinegar and vanilla extract. Mallory and Love 186. *Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in alu-minium- and magnesium-base alloys. Evans and Higgs 464. Standard(s) Artificial - for estmng. haemoglobin. Gibson and Harrison 293. Report of Interdepartmental Committee on Food - to Ministry of Food. 382. Food - (Preserves) Order 1944. Amend-ment 382. Frozen vitamin -. Stamberg and Bolin 189. *Note on tin assay of British Chemical -. Dunbar-Poole 588. 2-Phcnylazo-p-cresol a photometric - for vitamin A. Kreider 241. Primary - for colorimetric detmn of haemo-globin. Horecker 443. Statutory Rules and Orders Order in Council amending Regulation 3 of the Defence (Sale of Food) Regulations 1943.No. 1454 1945. 39. Steel(s) Absorptiometric detmn. of copper in corrosion-resistant -. Milner 296. Colorimetric detmn. of molybdenum in iron and -. Kapron and Hehman 194. *Detmng. phosphorus in - containing titanium and arsenic. *Detmng. selenium in - with notes on detmng. sulphur. Evans 68. *Detmng. small amounts of aluminium in -. Box 317. Wilson 375. Wilkie and de Witt 187. Fluorine in calcium acid phosphate. Etheridge and Higgs 316. VOLUME 71 xxxiii Steel(s) -continued Detmng. small quantities of phosphorus in -. Rainbow 196. Detmng. zinc in corrosion-resistant -. Bricker, Weinberg and Proctor 195. Fluorimetric detmn. of aluminium in -, bronzes and minerals.Weissler and White, 595. *New absorptiometric detrnn. of chromium in low alloy - by oxidation with potassium bromate. De Lippa 34. Polarographic detmn. of nickel in - and nickel ore. West and Dean 297. Steroid-like substances Colorimetric assay of cortico- -. Talbot Saltzman Wixom and Wolfe 292. *Stilboestrol Colour reactions of -. Cocking 66. *Stirrer Universal micro- - with remote opera-tion. Stock and Fill 536. Stotz's method Rapid detmn. of ascorbic acid by adaptation of - to plant materials. Pep-kowitz 590. Stramonium Assay of alkaloidal galenicals with chromatograph. Prepns. of belladonna I_ and nux vomica. Brownlee 84. Streptococcus faecalis Amino acid requirements of - and use of - for estmng. threonine in natural products.Greenhut Schweigert and Elvehjem 331. Detmng. reducing -. Mathematical expres-sion of reducing action in the Lane and Eynon and ferricyanide methods. Zerban Hughes and Nygren 498. *fermentations Detmng. some products of -and molasses fermentations. Freeman and Morrison 5 1 1. New reagent for detmng. -. Sngar(s) Detmng. blood -. Somogyi S5. Somogyi 85. Sugar Confectionery Chocolate - and Cocoa Products (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1944. Amendment 539. through U.V. Sulphapyrazine Identifying -fluorescence of 2-aminopyrazine. Raybin 42. Sulphate pulp black liquor Potentiometric detmn. of sodium sulphide in -. Borlew and Pascoe 343. Sulphides System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Vol. I . Elements - Sulphosalts and Oxides.Palache Berman and Frondel. 7th Edn. (Review) 343. Sulphonamides Detmng. - in tablets. Conway, 82. Sulphonate(s) Analysing oil-soluble petroleum -, Extraction-absorption method. Brooks Peters and Lykken 593. Direct volumetric detmn. of organic - content of synthetic detergents. Marron and Schifferli, 391. Sulphosalts System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana. Vol. I. Elements Sulphides - and Oxides. Palache Berman and Frondel. 7th Edn. (Review) 343. Sulphur Detcng. elemental - in gasoline by Sommer test. Mapstone 544. *Detmng. selenium in steels with notes on detmng. -. Evans 68. *Fleck and Ward method of detmng. elemental -. Lambie 140. *Presence of heat-labile - in milk powder made from milk pre-heated a t high temp.(190-200" F.). Lea 227. Ponting and Johnson 290. Sulphur dioxide Detmng. - in fruits xxxiv INDEX To VOLUME 71 *Surface Tension Physicochemical methods in microchemistry ; viscosity - and refractive index. Wilson 117. Synthetic Elastomers Scientific Progress in the Field of Rubber and -. Mark and Whitby. Vol. 11. of Advances in Colloid Science. (Re-view) 451. Synthetic resins Qual. identification of -. Graff 248. T Table jellies (Max. Prices) Order 1946. 184. Tablets Detmng. sulphonamides in -. Conway, 82. Tannic acid Sensitive and selective test for gallo-tannin (-) and other tannins. Feigl and Feigl 390. *Tannin(s) Gravimetric detmn. of tin in alloys by - method. *Pptng. tin by -. Holness and Schoeller 70.Sensitive and selective test for gallotannin (tannic acid) and other __ . Feigl and Feigl 390. TAPPI Suggested Method. Testing analytical filter papers. 446. Tentative Standard. Compression resistance of paperboard (ring crush test). 394. *Tartrate Detmng. citrate and -. Unger and Haynes 141. 'Theobromine Detmng. - in cocoa residues-examination of Wadsworth method. Kay and Haywood 162. *Theory of certain analytical procedures particu-larly microbiological assays. Wood 1, *Thickness Test of local - of zinc plating. Parker 39. Thiocyanates Photoelectric detmn. of blood -without pptn. of proteins. *Thiourea Amidine-pentacyano€errate reaction ; test for guanidines urea and -. Fearon, 562. Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn.Vol. VII IO-METE. (lieview) 395. Threonine Amino acid requirements of Strepto-coccus faecalis and use of this organism for estmng. ___ in natural products. Greenhut, Schweigert and Elvehjem 331. Estmng. - in protein hydrolysates with Lactobacillus ferment2 36. Dunn Shankman, Camien and Block 589. Assay of tryptophan leucine isoleucine valine cystine, methionine lysine phenylalanine histidine, arginine and -. Barton-Wright 267. Xicrobiological detmn. of free leucine soleucine, valine and - in dog plasma. Hier and Bergeim 292. Thyroid gland Detmng. thyroxine in __ of the rat. Taurog and Chaikoff 389. -inhibiting compounds Estmng. -. Christen-sen 332. Thyroidal activity Quant. detmn. of thyroxine in iodinated casein having -. Reineke Turner, Kohler Hoover and Beezley 246.Thyroxine Detmng. - in thyroid gland of the rat. Taurog and Chaikoff 389. Polarographic detmn. of - and 3 :5-di-iodo-tyrosine. Simpson and Traill 390. Quant. detmn. of - in iodinated casein having thyroidal activity. Reineke Turner Kohler, Hoover and Beezley 246. Tin Detmng. - in canned foods. Dickinson 41. Simon, Miller Edwards and Clardy 597. Schoeller and Holness 217. Powell 192. :K?vlicrobiological assap of amino acids. Differential reduction of iron and -. Tin-continued Electrogravimetric detmn. of copper in copper-base and - -base alloys by controlled poten-tial electrolysis. Lingane 195. "Gravimetric detmn. of - in alloys by tannin method. Schoeller and Holness 217. *Note on - assay of British Chemical Stan-dards.Dunbar-Poole 638. *Pptng. - by tannin. Holness and Schoeller, 70. Systematic polarographic metal analysis. De-tmng. - lead nickel and zinc in copper-base alloys. Lingane 548. Tissue(s) Detmng. desoxyribonucleic acid ribo-nucleic acid and phosphoproteins in animal -. Schmidt and Thannhauser 244. filtrates Direct detmn. of diacetyl in - and bacterial filtrates. White Krampitz and Werkman 442. Phosphorus compounds in animal -. Extract-ing and estmng. desoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid. Schneider 244. slices Rapid microdetmn. of glycogen in -. van Wagtendonk Simonseh and Hackett 388. *Titanium Detmng phosphorus in steel containing ~ and arsenic. Etheridge and Higgs 316. Titanium trichloride Buffers in detmng. colour by means of -.Evenson 80. Tocopherols Chemical detmn. of - in animal fats. Simplified hydrogenation technique for estmng. blood plasma -. Tomato Detmng. ascorbic acid. Applying indo-plienol-xylene extraction to large numbers of - and ~ juice samples. Nelson and Somers 187. l-Trichloro-2:2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) etlaane Detmng-- in technical DUT. Cristol Hayes and Haller 46. *Tryptophan Microbiological assay of amino acids. Assay of - leucine isoleucine valine, cystine methionine lysine phenylalanine, histidine arginine and threonine. Barton-Wright 267. T u g oil Spectrophotonietric detmn. of a-elaeo-stearic acid in freshly extracted --. Detmng. extinction coefficients in oil solvents. O'Con-nor Heinzelman Freeman and Pack 46. Sandell, 335.Gunness, Dwyer and Stokes 390. Chipault Lundberg and Burr 87. Quaife and Biehler 88. Tungsten Detmng. ~ in silicate rocks. Tyrosine Microbiological estmn. of -. U Ultra-violet fluorescence Identifying sulphapyra-zine through - of 2-amino-pyrazine. Kay-bin 42. Union Internationale de Chimie RBactifs pour 1'Analyse Qualitative Minerale. Deuxibme Rapport de la Commission Internationale des Reactions et Kbactifs analytiques nouveaux de 1' -. (Review) 153. *Unsaturation Evaluating ~ in hydrocarbon mixtures (motor spirits) with pyridine sulphate bromide. Wilson and Kisbet 183. Uranium Chemistry of rare earths. 111. Estmng. rare earths in - minerals. Polarography of -. Reduction in moderately acid solns. Harris and Kolthoff 91. *Urea Amidine-pentacyanoferrate reaction ; test for guanidines - and thiourea.Fearon 562. Kinsey and Robison 341. Dutt 338. Micro-detmn. of -INDEX TO VOLUME 71 XXXV Urinary corticosteroid-like substances Colorimetric assay of -. Talbot Saltzman Wixom and Wolfe 292. Urine Fractionation and photometric estmn. of oestrogens in human pregnancy -. Stim-mel 332. Specific micro-colorimetric estmn. of glycine in blood and -. Alexander Landwehr and Seligman 86. Uronic acids Detmng. -. McCready Swenson and Maclay 444. V Vacuum distillation Applying - to analysing alloys. Price. 151. *-operated circulating pump. Stock and Fill, 144. *Valine Microbiological assay of amino acids. Assay of tryptophan leucine isoleucine -, cystine methionine lysine phenylalanine, histidine argiiiine and threonine.Barton-Wright 267. Microbiological detmn. of free leucine isoleucine, __ and threonine in dog plasma. Hier and Bergeim 292. Van den Bergh reaction Studies of - [in obstructive jaundice]. Gray and Whidbourne, 389. Vanilla Extract Detmng. caramel in wine spirits, vinegar and -. Vegetable(s) Canned Fruit and - Order 1946, 145. oils Chemical estmn. of vitamin E in -. Tosic and Moore 291. oils Estmng. FD & C Yellow Nos. 3 and 4 in cottonseed and other - Newberger 80. Vinegar Detmng. caramel in wine spirits - and \~anilla extract. Lyne and McLach-lan 203. *Viscosity Physicochemical methods in micro-chemistry ; - surface tension and refractive index. Wilson 117. Stamberg and Bolin 189.in Medicine. Bicknell and Prescott. (Review), 551. *Technique for microbiological assay of - by methods involving mould growth. Bradford, 228. Vitamin A Chemical detmn. of - in dried whole eggs. Thompson Ewan Hauge Bohren and Quackenbush 385. Chromatographic estmn. of - in mixed f:eds. Cooley Christiansen and Schroeder 240. "Detmng. carotene and - in butter and mar-garine. Goodwin and Morton 15. Detmng. ___ in liver. Gallup and Hoefer 441. Micro-estmn. of -'in liver biopsies in man and larger animals. With 442. 2-Phenylazo-p-cresol a photometric standard for -. Kreider 241. *Photoelectric photometer for estmng. - in margarine. Bowen Gridgeman and Longman, 20. *Photoelectric spectrophotometry applied to analysis of mixtures and - oils.Morton and Stubbs 348 Spectrophotometric detmn. of - and the conversion factor. Spectrophotometric estmn. of - in oleo-margarine. Spectrophotometric study of new colorimetric reaction of -. Mallory and Love 186. Mallory and Love 186. "Selective oxidation of -. Vitamin(s) Frozen - standards. Miiller and Reinert 442. Wilkie and de Witt 187. Sobel and Werbin 43. Vitamin B, Multiple nature of -. Critique of methods for detmng. the complex and its com-ponents. Melnick Hochberg Himes and Oser, 86. Vitamin B conjugate Microbiological assay of -. Bird Bressler Brown Campbell and Emmett, 44. Studies on - produced by inicro-organisms. Burkholder McVeigh and Wilson 44. Vitamin D Antimony trichloride reaction for -. Shantz 591. "Transformation of biological responses with special reference to - assays.Gridgeman, 376. Vitamin D, Biological assay of -. Effect of calcium and phosphorus content of diet. Jones 189. Vitamin E Chemical estmn. of - in vegetable oils. ToSiC and Moore 291. W "Wadsworth method Detmng. theobromine in cocoa residues ; examination of -. Kay and Haywood 162. Washing value Test for - of soap. Michels, 249. *Water Continuous production of doubly distilled -. Stock and Fill 237. *Estmng. volatile matter content of propellant explosives. I. Estmng. - by improved Fischer method. Bonner 483. resistance of shipping containers. 197. vapour Instrumentation studies. LII. Pene-tration of papers by -. VI. Inst. of Paper Chemistry. 197. vapour Instrumentation studies.LIV. Pene- . VIII. Con- tration of papers by -trolled relative humidity cabinet in which specimens may be weighed without removal from the conditioned atmosphere. Inst. of Paper Chemistry 394. *Works test for excess lime in - treatment. Dunn 38. Water melon Component fatty acids of oil of Citrullus vulgaris Schrad (-) seeds. Dhingra and Biswas 291, Wet digestion Detmng. nitrogen phosphorus, potassium calcium and magnesium in plant tissue. Semimicro - method for large numbers of samples. Kelley Hunter and Sterges 449. Wheat Enzymes and their Role in - Technology. Anderson. (Review) 650. *flour Adulteration of - with maize and rice flour. New chemical detcn. and quantitative detmn. Taha El-Katib 559. *grain Microbiological assay of amino acids. Distribution of amino acids in -. Barton-Wright and Moran 278. Wine Detmng. caramel in - spirits vinegar and vanilla extract. Persistence of monochloroacetic acid in -. Vi7ilson SO. Winkler method Detmng. dissolved oxygen. Proposed modification of -. Ponieroy and Kirschman 340. Wood analysis Chlorite holocellulose fractionation and bearing on summative - and on studies of the hemicelluloses. Wise Murphv and D'Addieco 192. Wool Identifying amino acids derived from cystine in chemically modified -. Consden Gordon and Martin 595. Mallory and Love 186 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 71 Wool-continued Simplified recognition of damage on -. Elod Wrappings Sanitary code for paper and paper-Writing paper Ink-line test for detmng. degree of and Keutter 249. board food -. Sanborn 542. sizing in -. Schur and Levy 394. X Xanthine oxidase Rapid test for distinguishing human from cow’s milk based on difference in - content. Xylene Detmng. ascorbic acid. Applying indo-phenol- - extraction to large numbers of tomato and tomato juice samples. Nelson and Somers 187. Indophenol- - extraction method for ascorbic acid and modifications for interfering sub-stances. Robinson and Stotz 88. Rodkey and Ball 290. Z *Zinc Absorptiometric method for magnesium in - -base die-casting alloys. Edwards and Robinson 379. *Accurate vol. detmn. of - and nickel using diphenylcarbazone as indicator. Evans 455. *Detmng. - in copper alloys and separating - from cadmium. Evans 460. Detmng. - in corrosion-resistant steels. Bricker Weinberg and Proctor 195. *Inorganic applications of polarographic analysis, especially of aluminium magnesium and -. Nickelson 58. Notes on detmng. -. Polarographic detmn. of iron and - in phos-phate coatings. Systematic polarographic metal analysis. Detmng. tin lead nickel and - in copper-base alloys. Lingane 548. *Test of local thickness of - plating. Parker, 39. Sen 598. Knanishu and Rice 93. PRINTED B Y W. 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