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Volume 46,
Issue 1,
Page 001-092
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THE ANALYST: L. AIICHBUTT F.I.C. JULIAN L. BAKER F.I.C. E. RICHARDS BOLTON F.I.C. A. CHASTON CHAPMAN F.I.C. F.R.S. CECIL H. CRIBB B.Sc F.I.C. THE ORGAN Ol? THE OTTO HEHNER F.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. C. A. KEANE PH.D. D.Sc. F.I.C. P. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCICER PH.D., Society of Public Analysts and other COX M.Sc. PH.~). F.I.C. PELLY F.I,C. Analytical Chemists W. I<. SCHOELLER PH.D. A.I.C. W. P. SKERTCHLY F.I.C. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Sbftot C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. F.I.C. H. E. R. G. T. H. VOL. XLVI. 1921 TRADE AGENTS : SIMPKIN MARSHALL HAMILTON KENT & CO. LTD. 192 I 2 4 6 8 ORANGE STREET LONDON S.W FOY Errata in 1920 artd 1921 see p. xlvi.] INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI.INDEX TO NAMES, Abrams A. Effects of chemical reagents on the microstructure of wood 468. Achard C. and Feuillee E. Detection of albumoses 204. Adriano F. T. Volumetric method for the estimation of lactose by alkaline potassium permanganate 137. Ajon G. Laboratory apparatus 218. Albrecht P. G. Study of molluscs of the Pacific coast 145. Allen A. W. Allport N. L. See Chappel E. J. and Allport N. L. Almy L.H. and Field E. tion of salt 503. Alsberg C. L. See Woodward H. E. and Alsberg C. L. Ambler J. A. Qualitative detection of certain naphthalene disulphonic acids 107. Andelin E. A. Check valve for water vacuum pumps 303. Andrade C. D. Composition of Chicha 136. Andre E. Composition of grape-seed oil 331. Andr6 E. Determination of the acetyl value of fatty substances 251.Andrh E. Grape-seed oils 288. Andress K. See Berl E. Andress K. and Miiller W. Andrew R. E. and Bailey E. M. Estimation of caffeine in tea and coffee 405. Andrews A. B. Gold cathodes for electrolytic work 386. Ardoyer G. Arenson S. B. See Felsing W. A. Arenson S. B. and Kopp F. L. Ariano R. Separation of the phosphorus from the other components of steel 212. Arnold R. See Bridel M. and Arnold R. Arreguine V. Determination of boiling-point of minute quantities of sub-Artmann P. Identification of mercury as cuprous mercuric iodide 254. Asahina Ye and Motigase S. Alkaloids of Japanese corydalis 143. Atack F. W. The Chemist’s Year-Book 1921 (Review) 431. Aten A. H. W. Determination of the conductivity of electrolytes 109.Atkinson E. L. and Frederick R. C. Atkinson H. Atsumi K. See Kariyone T. and Atsumi K. d’Aymeric A. M. Analysis of South Tunisian palm wine 243. Recovery of Nitrate from Chilean Caliche (Review) 224. Preservation of fish frozen in chilled brine. Penetra-Apparatus for the industrial analysis of gases 424. stances 218. Influence of minute quantities of metallic Estimation of potassium in presence of sodium magnesium sul-salts on the bacteriological content of water 247. phates and phosphates 354. Bach A. and Zoubkoff S. Estimation of catalase peroxydase and etherase Back S. See Harvey T. F. and Back S. Badreau M. J. Polarimetric estimation of mannitol 368. in a drop of blood 15 iv INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Bailey C. H. and Collatz F. A. Electrical conductivity of water extracts of Bailey E.M. See Andrew R. E. and Bailey E. M. Bailey H. Repair of crystallised glass apparatus 475. Bailey H. and Baldsiefen W. D. Detection of oils other than linseed oil in .Baker J C. and Breed R. S. Reaction of milk in relation to the presence of Baker J. C. Drew J. I). and Conn H. J. Relation between lactic acid Baker J. L. and Hulton H. F. E. Amylases of the cereal grains-Rye 329. Baker J L. and Hulton H. F. E. Iodimetric determination of the diastatic Baldi P. Gas-volumetric estimation of ammoniacal nitric and organic nitrogen Baldsiefen W. D, Bancroft W. D. Applied Colloid Chemistry-General Theory (Review) 310. Barishac -. Barlot -. Barlot J. and Pernot J. Compounds of halogenated derivatives of mercury Bartlot M.J. See Mouret M. and Barlot M. J. Barrowcliff M. and Carr F. H. Organic Medicinal Chemicals (Review) 115. Bartlett H. H. See Sando C. E. and Bartlett H. H. Baru R. See Margosches B. M. and Baru R. Bateman E. See Humphrey C. J. Flemming R. M. and Bateman E. Baughmann W. F. Brauns D. and Jamieson G. S . Cantaloup seed oil 51. Baughman W. F. Jgmieson G. S. and Brauns D. H. Analysis of Otoba butter 138. Baughman W. F. See Jamieson G. S. Baughman W. F. and Brauns D. H. Baxter G. P. Beach F. F. Needs F. E. and Russell E. The composition of egg powder, Beckley V. A. The formation of humus 151. Beckley V. A. The preparation and fractionation of humic acid 151. Beedle F. C. and Bolam T. R. Hydrolytic alkalinity of pure and commercial soaps 209. Behre A. Estimation of dextrose laevulose sucrose and dextrin in admixture, 368.Behre A. Methods for the analysis of artificial honey 499. Bell R. D. and Doisy E. A. Colorimetric methods for estimation of phosphorus in urine and blood 13. Bell R. D. and Doisy E. A. Estimation of chlorine in tissues 146. Bell R. D. See Doisy A. E. and Bell R. D. Benedict S. R. and Osterberg E. Estimation of sugar in normal urine 508. Bennett H. C. Estimation of sodium chloride in soap 467. Bennett H. G. Animal Proteins (Review) 479. Bergquist C. See Herschel W. H. and Bergquist C. Berl E. Andress I(. and Muller W. Estimation of benzene hydrocarbons in Berry R. A. Wet and dry feeding of concentrates to dairy cows 195. Berry R. M. Analysis of light aluminium casting alloys 21. wheat flour 242.paints by means of the hexabromide test 104. blood-cells and of specific bacterial infections of the udder 16. production and bacterial growth in the souring of milk 248. power of malt 90. in mixed fertilisers 64. See Bailey H. and Baldsiefen W. D. Presence of hydrocyanic acid in linseed cakes 56. New reagent for bitter Lactarius and Russula species 96. and thallium [Separation of mercury from thallium] 421. Rapid method of determining the density of air 474, 279. Coal-gas 253 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. V Bertrand G. and Rosenblatt M Occurrence of manganese throughout the vegetable kingdom 409. Bertrand G. and Vladesco R. Variation in the zinc content of vertebrate animals 244. Beythien A. Artificial “honey,” 500. Bezssnoff -. Bezssonoff M. Colour reaction common to antiscorbutic extracts and hydro-quinone 462.Biddulph-Smith T. Coke Oven and By-product Works Chemistry (Review), 389. Biilmann E. and Thaulow K. Volumetric estimation of mercury 382. Blake J. C. The individuality of erythrodextrin 59. Blanco G. W. See Sherrard E. C. and Blanco G. W. Blau N. F. Estimation of creatinine in the presence of acetone and diacetic Blichfeldt S . H. and Thornby T. Apparatus for the routine determination Bodansky M Estimation of small quantities of zinc 518. Boeree A. R. See Tizard H. T. and Boeree A. R. Bohn R. T. See Kelley G. L. Wiley J. A. Bohn R. T. and Wright W. C. Bohrmann A. See Tillmans J. and Bohrmann A. Bolam T. R. See Beedle F. C. and Bolam T. R. Bolland A. Microchemical reactions of iodic acid 24.Bomer A. Glycerides of goose-fat 500. Bone W. A.9 and Silver L. New method for estimating the volatile matter yielded by coals up to various temperatures 416. Bordas F. Petrols containing dissolved gases 59. Bosart L. W. Need of a new table for specific gravity and percentage of glycerol, 513. Bossuet R. See Jolibois P. Bossuet R. and Chevry -. Bourquelot E. and Bridel M. Investigation of the products of the enzymic hydrolysis of inulin by the biological method for the detection of dextrose 408. Boutwell P. W. See Steenbock H. Sell M. T. and Boutwell P. W. Braley S. A. and Hobart F. B. Detection and estimation of cobalt 300. Brawns D. See Baughmann W. F. Brauns D. and Jamieson G. S. Brawns D. H. and MacLaughlin J. A. Estimation of phosphatides 55 Brauns D.H. Bray G. T. Gemsbok Beans (Bauhhia escde&a Burch.) 401. Bray G. T. and Islip H. T. A further contribution to the study of South American oilseeds 325. Breed R. S See Baker J. C. and Breed R. S. Brewster J. F. Use of edestin in determining the proteolytic activity of pepsin, 245. Bridel Me and Arnold R. Detection of dextrose in plants 378. Bridel M. See Bourquelot E. and Bridel M. Brinsmaid W. Test for annatto in fats and oils 198. Brioux C. and Guerbet M. Detection of castor oil seeds in feeding cake 100 Britton H. T. S . The separation of aluminium from beryllium Part l. 359. Britton H. T. S . The separation of aluminium from beryllium Part II. 437. Bronfenbenner J. and Schlesinger M. J. Serological method for detection Brooks F. T. and Kidd M.N. “Black spot” of chilled and frozen meat 292. Anti-Scorbutic principle of potato juice 41 1 acid 510. of melting-points of fats and fatty acids 180. See Jamieson G. S. Baughman W. F. and Brauns D. H. of infected foods 462 Vi INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Browne C. A, and Gamble C. A. Revision of the optical method for analysing Browning G. See Moore W. A. and Browning G. Browning P. E. Qualitative separation and detection of uranium vanadium, Browning P. E. and Porter L. E. Separation of gallium from indium and Browning P. E. Bruhns G. Estimation of copper in sugar analysis by means of potassium Bruhns G. Estimation of the hardness of water 337. Bruhns G. Table for the estimation of dextrose invert sugar and Iaevulose by Bruni G . Solubility of crystalline substances in rubber 211.Bruno A. Sheep-foot and ox-foot oils 371. Buell M. V. See Steenbock H. Sell M. T. and Buell M. V. Bullis D. E. See Jones J. S. and Bullis D. E. Bunyea H. Souring of beef caused by Bacillus Megatherium 461. Burton E. F. The Physical Properties of Colloidal Solutions (Review) 525. Buttenberg P. mixtures of sucrose and raffinose 456. and chromium when present together 158. zinc by fractional crystallisation of the caesium gallium alum 168. thiocyanate and potassium iodide 23. the thiocyanate-potassium iodide method 330. See Porter L. E. and Browning P. E. Caviare and caviare substitutes 498. Caines C. M. See Evers N. and Caines C. M. Cake W. E. See Willard H. H. and Cake W. E. Camp J. R. and Marden J. W. Analysis of aluminium cobalt and chromium Canals E.Estimation of calcium and magnesium in various salt mixtures 384. Canals E. The quantitative estimation of calcium and magnesium in various Canneri G. See Cuttica V. and Canneri G. Capps J. €3. Estimation of aluminium and of aluminium oxide in commercial Cam R. H. Method of measuring soil toxicity acidity and basicity 511. Carr F. H. See Barrowcliff M. and Carr F. H. Carter C. L. Chemical investigation of mutton-bird oil 1 458. Chandler L. R. See Schultz E. W. and Chandler L. R. Chapin R. M. Denig2s’ test for the detection and estimation of methyl alcohol Chapin R. M. Estimation of cresol by the phenol reagent of Folin and Denis, Chapman J. E. Chappel E. J. and Allport N. L. Method for the assay of aconite prepara-tions 98. Charpy G.and Durand J. Melting-point of coal 59. Chatterji N. G. Volumetric analysis of mixtures of permanganate dichromate, and chromic salts 620. Chaudun A. See Colin H. and Chaudun A. Chercheffsky N. Critical temperature of solution and turbidity-temperature of hydrocarbons etc. 162. Chevry -. See Jolibois P. Bossuet R. and Chevry -. Churchill H. See Peterson W. H, and Churchill H. Clark R. H. and Gillie IC. B. alloys 22. salt mixtures 216. aluminium 47 1. in the presence of ethyl alcohol 375. 419. See Thornton W. M. jun. and Chapman J. E. Salicin content of British Columbian willows and poplars 502 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. vii Clark W. M. The Determination of Hydrogen Ions (Review) 70. Clawson A. B. See Marsh C. D. and Clawson A. B. Clayton W.Margarine (Review) 71 Clevenger J. F. Clifford C. W. Calcium chloride method for the estimation of water in gasoline Clifford W. M. Colorimetric estimation of carnosine 507. Clostre J. See Kengade E. and Clostre J. Clot G. Composition of palm kernels from Madagascar 138. Coffey S. Linolenic and hexabromostearic acids 418. Coffey S. True oxygen absorption of drying oils 418. Coffey S . True oxygen absorption of oils. Coffignier C. See Nicolardot P. and Coffignier C. Cohn R. New test for formaldehyde with resorcinol and sulphuric acid 502. Cole S . W. Coles A. C. Colin H. and Chaudun A. Application of the law of hydrolysis to the determi-nation of molecular weights 153. Collatz F. A. See Bailey C. H. and Collatz F. A. Colombo G. Laboratory apparatus for measuring the permeability and heat-insulating capacity of textiles 68.Compagno I. Estimation of arsenic and phosphorus in metallurgical products 66. Compagno I. Rapid method of disintegrating metal alloys not attacked by acids 85. Conn H. J. Rose Bengal as a general bacterial stain 461. Conn H. J. See Baker J. C. Drew J. D. and Conn H. J. Connell V. B. Apparatus for generating hydrogen sulphide 113. Cook F. C. Composition of tubers skins and sprouts of three varieties of Copaux H. Rapid method for the estimation of phosphoric acid 521. Cordebard H. Estimation of organic compounds by oxidation with chromic Costa J. See Little E. and Costa J. Coward K. H. See Drummond J. C. Coward K. H. and Watson A. F. Coward H. €3. See also Drummond J. C. Golding J. Zilva S.S. and Coward, K. H. Craven M. B. See Sinnatt F. S. and Craven M. B. Cribier J. New method for the estimation of arsenic 517. Crocker E. C. Significance of " lignin " colour reactions 419. Croll H. M. Gsanyi W. Indicator properties of two new phthaleins 260. Cuisick J. T. Phosphorus in butter 50. Curtman J. L. and Hecht N. H. Approximate estimation of iron and mangan-Curzio A. See Piutti A. and Curzio A. Cwttica V. and Canneri G. Thdlous ferricyaqide. Estimation of thallium 264. See Viehoever A, Clevenger J. F. and Ewing C. 0. and in certain other substances 417. I. Linolenic and linolic acids 467. Practical Physiological Chemistry (Review) 116. Critical Microscopy (Review) 390. potatoes 203. acid 151. See Myers V. C. and Croll H. M. ese 299.Dahle C. D. See Dutcher R. A. Eckles C. H. Dahle C. D. Mead S. W. and Damiens A. Estimation of traces of bromine in organic substances 22. Damiens A. Toxicological detection of poisons containing bromine 14. Dart A. E. See Schmidt C. L. A, and Dart A. E. Schaefer 0. G viii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Davidson T. A. The ‘‘ Oil Bromide” test of linseed oil 466. Davis C. W. Detection and estimation of platinum in ores 618. Dean A. L. and Wrenshall R. Fractionation of Chaulmoogra oil 52. DBbourdeaux L. Use of sodium persulphate in analysis 516. Deckert W. See Thoms H. and Deckert W. Demolson A. Analysis of wool waste or refuse 420. Denham W. S. Methylation of cellulose. III. Homogeneity of product and limit of methvlation. 164. Denigbs G. Estimation of small quantities of phosphates in biological products, 460.Denigbs G. Microchemical identification of hydrocyanic acid by means of alloxan Denigks -. Microchemical tests for saccharin and its salts 459. Denigks G. Sensitive colour reaction of phosphates and arsenates 24. Deniges G. Zinc purpurate as a reagent for mercury salts 421. Dentler M. L. See Wang C . C. and Dentler M. L. Depew H. A. and Ruby I. R. Micro-sections cut from vulcanised rubber Dervieux -. Deschiens M. Viscosity of cellulose ester solutions 19. Desvergnes L. Detection of manioc and rice flours 367. Deuel H. J. See Holmes A. D. and Deuel H. J. Dieckmann R. Estimation of sulphur dioxide and trioxide in sulphur burner Dijk J. C. Van. See Kolthoff I. M. and Dijk J. C. Van. Dill D. B. Chemical study of certain Pacific Coast fishes 503.Dill D. B. Chemical study of the California sardine (Sardinia caerdea), 503. Dodd A. H. Guanidine carbonate as a standard alkali 250. Dohme A. R. L. Assay of aconite 374. Doisy E. A. and Bell R. D. Estimation of sodium in blood 147. Doisy E. A. See Bell R. D. and Doisy E. A. Dolt D. B. Decomposition of atropine 502. Dorsch H. Non-return arrangement for water pumps 163. Dott D. B. Apomorphine hydrochloride 373. Drew J. D. See Baker J. C. Drew J. D. and Conn H. J. Drummond J. C. Factors influencing the nutritive value of lard and lard substi-tutes 245. Drurnmond J. C. Coward K. H. and Watson A. F. Factors influencing the value of milk and butter as sources of vitamin A. 506. ~ Drummond J. C. Golding J. Zilva S. S.and Coward K. H. Nutritive value of lard 244. Dubosc A. Estimation of thiocyanates in the presence of salts precipitated by silver nitrate 522. Duclaux J. See Lanzenberg A, and Duclaux J. Dupr& F. H. and Dupr6 P. V. Notes on the reactions of fulminate of mercury with sodium thiosulphate 42. Duprk P. V. See Duprh F. H. and Duprk P. V. Durand J. See Charpy G. and Durand J. Dutcher R. A. Eckles C. H. Dahle C.D. Mead S. W. and Schaefer 0. G. Influence of the diet of the cow upon the nutritive and antiscorbutic properties of the cow’s milk 99. reagent 334. articles 108. Diagnosis of individual blood and sperm 336. gases 517 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. ix Dutcher R. A. Harshaw H. M. and Hall J. S . Effect of heat and oxidation Duyk -.Analysis of fabrics composed of a mixture of cotton and wool 20.Dybowsky J. and Millia E. Detection of tea-seed oil in olive oil 458. upon the anti-scorbutic vitamin 411. Eckles C. H. See Dutcher R. A. Eckles C. H Dahle C. D. Meed S. W. and Schaefer 0. G . Eddy W. H. and Stevenson H. G. The “ Bachman Test ” for water-soluble vitamin B, 507. Eddy W. H. Heft H. L. Stevenson H. C. and Johnson R. Yeast test as a measure of vitamin B. 410. Edwards K. B. and Freak G. A. Estimation of phenols in sheep dips 60. Effront J. Biochemical Catalysts in Life and Industry Proteolytic Enzymes (Review) 72. Elliott F. A. and Sheppard S . E. The gold number of commercial gelatins 470. Ellis N. R. See Hart E. B. Steenbock H. and Ellis N. R. Elsdon G. D. Borough Analyst’s Report to the Borough of Salford for the Emery W.P. Estimation of salicylates and phenol 376. Englert F. See Heiduschka A. and Englert F. English F. L. Analysis of aromatic nitro compounds by means of titanium Ensoll R. Technical Chemists’ Pocket Book (Review) 227. Euler H. Von and Svanberg 0. Characterisation of amylase solutions 419. Evans B. S. A new process for the estimation of small quantities of chromium Evans B. So The estimation of small amounts of chromium in steels (Notes) 285. Evans E. A. Lubricating and Allied Oils (Review) 311. Evers N. The colorimetric method of determining hydrogen ion concentration : Evers N. and Cainea C. M. Estimation of formaldehyde and paraformalde-Ewing C. 0. Year 1920 403. trichloride 19. in steels 38. Some applications in the analytical laboratory 393.hyde in tablets 374. See Viehoever A. Clevenger J. F. and Ewing C. 0. Fahrion W. Analysis of partly hydrolysed fats 297. Fairchild J. G. Analysis of mineral sulphide waters 205. Faldola P. Sensitive reaction for copper 471. Farr H. V. See Stearn A. E. Farr H. V. and Knowlton N. f. Fazi R. De. New reaction of aldehydes 376. Fechner P. P. Use of dyes in the microscopical examination of bread flour, Feigl F. and Stern R. Use of spot reactions in qualitative analysis 212. Feldstein L. See Hiltner R. S. and Feldstein L. Fellenberg T. Von. Poisonous haricot beans 196. Fellers C. R. Soya-bean oil 458. Felsing W. A. Arenson S. B. and Kopp F. L. Determination of sulphur mono-chloride in mustard gas mixtures 20. Felton L. D. Colorimetric method for the estimation of hydrogen-ion concentra-tion in small volumes of liquid 297.Ferni A. and Malaguti P. Ferrari F. Estimation of titanium and iron in rocks 66. Feuillee E. See Achard C. and Feuillee E. feeding stuffs etc. 287. Detection and estimation of chromium in steel 66 X INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Field E. See Almy L. H. and Field E. Fiem-David H. E. The Fundamental Processes of Dye Chemistry (Review) 263. Fiorentino G. Estimation of tungsten 214. Fisher E. A. Studies on soil reaction 149. Fisher H. L. Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry (Review) 166. Fiske C. H. Estimation of inorganic phosphate in urine by alkalimetric titra-tion 294. Fleischer K. Rapid method for the estimation of fermentation glycerol 614. Flemming R. M. See Humphrey C. J.Flemming R. M. and Bateman E. Fleury P. Catalytic decomposition of alkaline sodium hypobromite solution by Florentin D. Estimation of phosphates in water 511. Florentin D. and Vandenberghe H Estimation of small proportions of carbon Foerster F. Constitution of sodium perborate 385. Folkstad C. W. Formhals R. Volumetric estimation of hydrosulphite 24. Forster A. See Frederick R. C. and Forster A. Fosse R. Syntheses of cyanic acid by oxidation of organic substances. New methods of analysis of this substance 207. Fox F. W. See Gardner J. A, and Fox F. W. Frangois M. and Lormand C. Apparatus for microscopic examination of opaque objects 345. Frankel S. and Schwam E. Estimation of a substance from yeast and rice polishings which accelerates fermentation 202.Fraser C. G. Action of methylene blue and other dyes on living and dead yeast, 247. Frazer D. R. A simple method for testing glue (Notes) 284. Freak G. A. See Edwards K. B. and Freak G. A. Frederick R. C. and Forster A. Public Health Chemical Analysis (Review), 221. Frederick R. C See Atkinson E. L. and Frederick R. C. Fresenius T. W. Introduction to Qualitative Chemical Analysis (Review) 309. Fresenius W. and Griinhut L. Detection of saccharin in wine 501. Fresenins W. and Griinhut L. Estimation of sugar in wine 136. Frieden A. See Thomas A. W. and Frieden A. Friedrichs F. Melting-point apparatus 218. Froboese V. Volumetric method for the estimation of total sulphurous acid in Fry H. S. The Electronic Conception of Valence and the Constitution of Benzene Fry W.H. See Moore C. J. Fry W. H. and Middleton H. E. Fryer P. J. The time factor in saponification 87. Fuller H. C. The Chemistry and Analysis of Drugs and Medicines {Review) 348. Fulmer E. I. Nelson V. E. and Sherwood F. F. Nutritional requirements of yeast. Furth O. and Lieben F. Colorimetric estimation of tryptophane 100. Furth O. and Nobel E. Estimation of tryptophane in blood-serum and milk 293. Furukawa S. and Tomizawa 2. Essential oil from Perilla Nankimnsis 290. copper sulphate 23. monoxide in air and in flue gases 153. See Newcombe E. L. Rogers C . H. and Folkstad C. W. organic substances 205. (Review) 307. I. Rdle of vitamins in the growth of yeast 146. Gadre S. T. Clove oil from clove stems 201. Gamble C. A. See Browne C . A. and Gamble C.A INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xi Gangolli D. M. and Meldrum A. N. Proportion of fat in casein 455. Gardner H. A. Chia oil 20. Gardner H. C. T. The spectrometric examination of certain fixed oils as a means of identification 356. Cardner J. A. and Fox F. W. Source of error in the colorimetric estimation of cholesterol in tissue fats 508. Gardner J. A. and Williams M. Methods for the estimation of cholesterol and allied substances 508. Garner W. E. Metal-glass tap 68. Germann A. F. 0. Cerritzen S. C. L. Gersdorff C. E. F. Gershenfeld L. Gerum J. Prcserved edible fungi 243. Gibbs W. L'Equilibre des Substances H&t&rog&nes (Review) 220. Gildemeister -. and Hoffmann -. The Volatile Oils (Review) 118. Gillie K. B. Gilmour G. Van B. Reactions of sugars and polyatomic alcohols'in boric acid Gilmour G.Van B. The detection of adulteration in butter by means of the Giung N. T. Structure of foreign haricot beans 329. Glaze F. W. Estimation of small amounts of lead in brass 382. Goad A. K. and Rideal E. K. Analysis of a South American copper axe-head, (Notes) 490. Golding J. See Drummond J. C. Golding J. Zilva S. S. and Coward K. H. Gorini C. Sudden physiological mutations caused by individual divergences of lactic organisms 336. Goris A. and Vischniac C. Alkaloids of valerian 2 4 . Goujon -. See Marchadier - and Goujon -. Goy P. Growth promoting factors in lower vegetable organisms 99. Gramont A. De. Table of highly sensitive rays of the elements applicable to Graustein A. Use of phosphoric acid instead of sulphuric acid in melting-point Gray T.and King J. G. Assay of coal for carbonisation purposes 209. Greenwood G. Estimation of phosphorus in phosphor-bronze 301. Greenwood H. C. Industrial Gases (Review) 27. Gregg R. See Owen R. G. and Gregg R. Griebel C. and Rothe W. Coffee substitutes from narcissus bulbs and seaweed, 195. Griffin R. C. Solubility of metals in acids containing formaldehyde 110. Grimme C. Cassava flour 287. Grimme C. The alkaloid and oil content of meadow saffron seeds 200. Grotlisch V. E. Estimation of acetic acid in pyroligneous .acid 96. Grotlisch V. E. and Smith W. C. Grunhut L. Detection and estimation of laevulinic acid in foods 406. Grunhut L. See Fresenius W. and Grunhut L. Grus J. Guerbet M. Reaction of benzoic acid and its application to the detection of Repair of crystallised glass apparatus 164.See Schoorl N. and Gerritzen S. C. L. See Johns C. O. and Gersdorff C. E. F. Bacteria in non-alcoholic drinks 102. See Clark R. H. and Gillie K. B. and borate solutions with some analytical applications 3. melting-point of the insoluble volatile acids 183. analytical investigations 64. determinations 161. Detection and estimation of coal tar oils in turpentine 469. Reagent for wood and vanillin 253. atropine cocaine and stovaine 11 xii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Guerbet M. See Brioux C. and Guerbet M. Guillaumin 0. Estimation of reducing sugars in blood etc. 14. Guilliermond A. The Yeasts (Review) 170. Guyot R. New biological reaction for blood 101. Haas P. and Hill T.G. An Introduction to the Chemistry of Plant Products, Vol. I. (Review) 169. Hagen 0. Improved Soxhlet apparatus 164. Hainsworth W. R. and Titus E. Y. Absorption of carbon monoxide by cuprous ammonium carbonate solutions 152. Hall J. S . See Dutcher R. A, Harshaw H. M. and Hall J. S. Hamilton H. C. Chemistry of digitalis 98. Hampshire C. H. Volumetric Analysis (Review) 263. Hannum E. See Huntoon F. M. Masucci P. and Hannum E. Harden A. Vitamins and the food supply 201. Harding H. A. and Prucha M. J. An epidemic of ropy milk 99. Hardy F. Investigation into the occurrence of different kinds of carbonates in certain soils 148. Harker G. Decomposition of potassium cyanide and estimation of formic acid in the presence of hydrocyanic acid 415. Harris J. B. Estimation of reducing sugars in lead-preserved sugar-cane juices, 499.Harrison A. P. Comparison of Scales’ method and the use of Devarda’s alloy for the reduction of nitric nitrogen 257. Harrison W. Harshaw H. M. See Dutcher R. A. Harshaw H. M. and Hall J. S. Hart E. B. Steenbock H. and Ellis N. R. Antiscorbutic capacity of milk powders 292. Hart W. B. Origin development and value of the thalleioquin reaction 263. Harter L. L. Amylase of iTuzizopus Tritici 203. Hartwig L. and Saar R. Detection of lactic acid 243. Harvey T. F. and Back S . The estimation of strychnine in scale preparations Hatcher W. €3. See Maass O. and Hatcher W. H. Hatschek E. A Laboratory Manual of Elementary Colloid Chemistry (Review), Hatschek E. An Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Colloids Hawkes W.H. Haworth W. N. and Hirst E. L. Constitution of cellobiose (cellose) 210. Hedley T. J. Heft H. L. See Eddy W. H. Heft H. L. Stevenson H. C. and Johnson R. Heldring A. Conductimetric titration 162. Hecht N. H. Heide C. Von Der and Lohmann W. Detection of saccharin in wine 370. Heiduschka A. and Englert F. Estimation of glycerol in wine by conversion Hendrick J. Bracken rhizomes 96. Hendrixson W. S. Electrometric estimation of bromate dichromate mtrite, Hendrixson W. S. Electrometric titration of hydriodic acid and its use as a See Sinnatt F. S. and Harrison W. containing quinine and other cinchona alkaloids 188. 28. (Review) 28. Factory Chemistry (Review) 525. Improved gas combustion furnace for use in organic analysis 473.See Curtman L. J. and Hecht N. H. into acrolein 332. and chloride ions 472. standard in oxidimetry 211 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xiii H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H :endrixson W. S. Estimation of iodic acid and silver by electrometric titration, ieriot T. H. P. The Manufacture of Sugar from the Cane and Beet (Review) 29. [ermans P. H. :erschel W. H. and Bergquist C. Consistence of starch and dextrin pastes, iess A. F. Unger L. J. and Supplee G. C. Relation of fodder to the anti-[ill T. G. iillebrand W. F. and Lundell G. E. F. Loss of phosphoric acid on heating [iltner R. S. and Feldstein L. Composition of hollyhock seed and oil 407. Erst E. L. See Haworth W.N. and Hirst E. L. ;oagland D. R. Martin J. C. and Stewart G. R. [obart F. B. [odgson T. R. The composition of locust bean seeds (Notes) 366. ;odsman H. J. Apparatus for sodium peroxide fusions 260. ;offmann J. I. See Lundell G. E. F. and Hoffmann J. I. ioffman K. A. Separation and detection of lactic acid as sodium ferric lactate, [offrnann -. [olde D. and Tacke I. Anhydrides of higher aliphatic fatty acids as food 245. [olieman A. F. A Text-book of Organic Chemistry (Review) 117. [olmes A. D. and Deuel H. J. Digestibility of some hydrogenated oils 603. ioover C. R. [orst F. W. Detection and estimation of traces of hydrogen peroxide 341. [orton E. Estimation of starch by means of taka-diastase 456. [oton L. Detection of methyl alcohol in liqueurs and spirits 53.louseman P. A. Estimation of glycyrrhizin in liquorice root 372. :owie L. See Ponder E. and Howie L. ;owland J. [ubbard R. S. Estimation of acetone in expired air 18. iubbard R. S. Titrimetric determination of minute amounts of acetone 18. iuerre R. Action of halogen acids on oil of juniper 140. [ulot P. [ulton H. F. E. See Baker J. L. and Hulton H. F. E. [umphrey C. J. Flemming R. M. and Bateman E. Toxicity of wood iuntoon F. M. Masucci P. and Hannum E. The chemical nature of 255. Iodimetric estimation of acetone 338. 468. scorbutic power and salt-content of milk 99. See Haas P. and Hill T. G. with sulphuric acid or fusion with pyrosulphate 67. Relation of soil solution to the soil extract 109. See Braley S. A. and Hobart F. B. 296.See Gildemeister - and Hoffmann -. Detection of carbon monoxide 470. See Kramer B. and Howland J. Rapid estimation of copper and iron in aluminium alloys 471. preservatives 410. bacterial anti-bodies 57. Islip H. T. See Bray G. T. and Islip H. T. Itallie L. Van. Examination of neo-salvarsan 144. Itallie L. Van. Peru balsam and its adulteration 141. Itallie L. Van and Steenhauer A. J. Estimation of veronal 413. Jackson J. S. and Richardson A. W. Lamp method of estimating sulphur in Jamieson G. S. Baughman W. F. and Brauns D. H. Chemical composition Jamieson G. S. petroleum spirits 156. of arachis oil 457. See Baughmann W. F. Brauns D. and Jamieson G . S xiv INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Janet M. P. See Mestrezat W. and Janet M. P. Jermsted A. Estimation of morphine in opium 53.Johns C. O. and Gersdorff C. E. F. Globulin from the Cohune nut 100. Johns C. 0. See Waterman H. C. and Johns C. 0. Johnson A. E. Formulae for diluting acids etc. to a desired strength (Notes), 488. Johnson A. E. The Analyst’s Laboratory Companion (Review) 73. Johnson C. M. Rapid Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Special Steels, Johnson E. Estimation of dicyanodiamide and of urea in fertilisers 380. Johnson E. B. Direct estimation of dicyanodiamide 339. Johnson E. B. Estimation of urea in fertilisers 338. Johnson R. See Eddy W. H. Heft H. L. Stevenson H. C. and Johnson R. Jolibois P. Bossuet R. and Chevry -. Fractional precipitation 162. Jolles A. Detection of indican as a criterion of the purity of water 103. Jones D. B. See Waterman H.C. and Jones D. €3. Jones J. S. and Bullis D. E. Jones W. Nucleic Acids Their Chemical Properties and Physiological Conduct (Review) 168. Jonescu A. Separation of ptomaines and alkaloids in toxicological analysis 102. Jonescu A. and Varcolici V. New method for the volumetric estimation of reducing sugars 405. Jonescu A. and Vargolici V. Volumetric method of estimating reducing sugars in blood and pathological fluids 101. Jonescu A. See Minovici S. and Jonescu A. Jordan C. J. and Southerden F. Approximate estimation of commercial cresol in lysol 375. Joseph A. F. and Martin F. J. Estimation of clay in heavy soils 463. Jungkunz R. Steel-Making Alloys their Ores and Graphites (Review) 223. Manganese in commonly grown legumes 377. See Pritzker J.and Jungkunz R. Kamio M. See Yanagisawa H. and Kamio M. Hanthack R. Tables of Refractive Indices. Vol. 11. Oils Fats and Waxes Kariyone T. and Atsumi K. Estimation of thymol in the volatile oil of Mosla Kariyone T. and Kimura Y. Estimation of santonin in wormseeds 200. Kaye G. W. C. and Laby T. H. Physical and Chemical Constants (Review) 347. Keimatsu S . “ Taifushi” oil 52. Kelley G. L. Wiley J. A. Bohn R. T. and Wright W. C. Estimation of vanadium and chromium in ferrovanadium by electrometrik titration 519. Kendall E. C. and Richardson F. S. Estimation of iodine in blood and animal tissues 13. Kidd M. N. Kimball J. W. Kramer R. L. and Reid E. E. Iodimetric estimation of Kimura Y. See Kariyone T. and Kimura Y. King H. Derivatives of sulphur in commercial salvarsan 407 459.King J. G. See Gray T. and King J. G. Kingsbury F. Be and Swanson W. W. Xinkead R. W. A new indicator 109. Kittl T. See Moser L. and Kittl T. (Review) 347. jafionica 140. See Brooks F. T. and Kidd M. N. mercaptans 338. Rapid method for the estimation of hippuric acid in urine 509 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. XV Klinger E. Klooster H. S. Van. Nitroso R-salt a reagent for the detection of cobalt 254. Knowlton N. P. See Stearn A. E. Farr H. V. and Knowlton N. P. Kobayashi S. See Tsujimoto M. and Kobayashi S. Koers C. H. Estimation of methyl alcohol in cacao-beans and husks 52. Koestler G. Detection of secretion disturbances in milk 460. Kohman E. F. Discoloration of sweet potatoes in tins 404. Kohn-Abrest -. General method for the detection and estimation of arsenic 66.Kohn-Abrest E. Presence of hydrocyanic acid in linseed cakes 57. Kohn-Abrest - Sicard - and Paraf -. Elimination and fixation of Kollo C. New method for the separation and estimation of iron and manganese, Kd10 C. and Teodossiu V. Micro-chemical identification of gaseous ammonia Kolthoff I. M. Adsorbent properties of glass-wool 259. Kolthoff I. M. Adsorption by asbestos 258. Kolthof€ I. M. Adsorption of alkalis by cellulose 257. Kolthoff I. M. Adsorption of lead and copper by cellulose 258. Kolthoff I. M. Bromometric estimation of salicylic acid 290. Kolthoff I. M. Colorimetric method for the estimation of hydrogen-ion concen-Kolthoff I. M. Estimation and significance of the hydrogen-ion concentration Kolthoff I. M.Estimation of active carbon dioxide in water 249. Kolthoff I. M. Preparation of standard alkali solutions free from carbonate 516. Kolthoff I. M. Volumetric estimation of ammonium salts by means of formalde-hyde 520. Kolthoff I. M. and Van Dijk J. C. Kolthoff J. M. Conductimetric titration 63. Kolthoff J. M. Estimation of hydrogen-ion concentration in small volumes of Kolthoff J. M. Iodimetric titration of chromium 160. Kopeloff L. See Kopeloff N. and L. and Welcome C. J. Kopeloff N. and L. and Welcome C. J. Kopp F. L. See Felsing W. A. Arenson S. B. and Kopp E. L. Koser S A. Kramer B. and Howland J. Estimation of calcium in blood-serum 12. Kramer B. and Tisdall F. F. serum 294. Kramer R. L. Krauss F. and Tampke H. Detection of oxalic tartaric and formic acids in Kreis H.and Studinger J. Calcium content of white-of-egg 372 498. Krieger A. Grape seed oil 138. therapeutic novarsenicals 147. 111. as hexamethylenetetramine picrate 11 1. tration in water 379. in the examination of drinking water 249. Volumetric estimation of zinc 299. liquid by means of indicator papers 381. Formation of gum levan by mould spores 15. Bacteriology of canned olives 103. Estimation of sodium in small volumes of See Kimball J. W, Kramer R. L. and Reid E. E. presence of each other 296. Soap solution for use in estimating hardness of water 337. Laby T. H. See Kaye G. W. C. and Laby T. H. Lambert P. Use of polarised light for the examination of old pictures 345. Lange W. and Reif G. Estimation of methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol in spirits medicines cosmetics etc.by means of the Zeiss immersion refracto-meter 369 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Langhans A. Characteristic reaction of mercury fulminate 253. Langhans A. Examination of detonators and percussion caps 344. Lamenberg A. and Duclaux J. A method of purification of methyl alcohol, 206. Larbaud -. New technique for microscopical preparations of vegetable and animal tissues 303. Laroquette F. Miramond De and Millot S. Experimental data and balance for fixing the exposure to X-rays in radiography and radiotherapy 220. Lawall C. H. Review of tests for methyl salicylate in Gadtheria and birch oils 97. Lebeau P. and Picon M. Estimation of bromine in saline waters 423. Lee H. A. Black spot of Citrus fruits 336. Legrand -.Estimation of maltose or lactose in presence of other reducing sugars Use of Barfoed's solution 198. Le Grand L. Estimation of maltose and lactose in the presence of other reducing sugars by Barfoed's reagent 406. Lemarchands M. and Lemarchands M. New method for separating ferric, chromium and aluminium hydroxides 215. Lemarchands M. See Lemarchands M. and Lemarchands M. Lenher V. Leme F. Pleus B. and Muller J. Examination of wood cellulose 106. Lepkousky S. See Tottingham W. E. Roberts R. H. and Lepkousky S. Lessing R. Fractional distillation with contact-ring stillheads 386. Levene P. A. and Roaf I. P. Fatty acids of egg-yolk lecithin 242. Lev4 G. R. Volumetric estimation of amino-naphthol-mono- and di-sulphonic acids 420. Levine M. Notes on BaciWNs Coli and Bacillus aerogertes 461.Lewis W. C. McC. A System of Physical Chemistry. Vol. IT. Thermodynamics (Review) 164. Lichthardt G. H. P. Cold test apparatus for oils 218. Lieben F. Liempt J. A. M. v. Acidimetry of boric acid 160. Lindh A. E. See Siegbahn M. Lindh A. E. and Stensson N. Ling A. R. and Nanji D. R. Polarimetric estimation of tannin in hops 322. Ling A. R. and Nanji D. R. Volumetric estimation of phenylhydrazine and its application to the estimation of pentosans and pentoses 512. Little E. and Costa J. Iodimetric method for the estimation of chromium in chromite 216. Liverseege J. F. and Singleton W. Zeiss butyro-refractometer-setting of scale (Notes) 93. Liverseege J. S. Sugar calculations 446. Livingston G. S . Vitality and viability of haemolytic Streptococci in water 247.Lizius J. L. -4 method for the determination of the acidity of coloured solu-tions 194. Lizius J. L. The joint use of two indicators in the titration of acids and bases 355. Lohmann W. Loisel P. Rapid method for measuring the auto-discharge of an electroscope Lomanitz S . Prickly pear seed oil 94. Lomax E. L. and Remfrey F. G. P. Laboratory testing of oil shale for oil and Lombard M. Detection of fluorescefn in very dilute solution 337. Properties of selenium oxychloride 157. See Fiirth O. and Lieben F. See Von der Heide C. and Lohmann W. in the estimation of radium emanation 346. ammonia yield 156 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xvii Loon C. Van. Preparation of anhydrous stannic chloride 110. Lormand C. See FranCois M.and Lormand C. Losana L. Gas volumetric method of estimating aluminium 383. Lowe H. M. Modified iodine solution for the Reich test 341. Lowson W. Composition of the Harrogate mineral waters 125. Lucas G. A. Forensic Chemistry (Review) 529. Ludwig E. and Spirescu H. Micro-chemical identification of potassium and Luff G. Estimation of zinc as ammonium zinc phosphate 383. Luff G. Separation of tin and antimony in hydrochloric acid solution by means Lundell G. E. F. Estimation of iron by the cupferron method 254. Lundell G. E. F.? and Hoffmann J. I. Estimation of cobalt and nickel in Lundell G. E. F. See Hillebrand W. F. and Lundell G. E. F. Luning 0. Occurrence of hydrogen sulphide in waters at great depths 148. Luther J. B. The Turner reaction for Gurjun balsam 332.Lutri C. Detection of nitroso compounds and estimation of nitro derivatives in Lutri C. Estimation of mineral residue in smokeless powders 61. sodium in presence of magnesium 112. of hydrogen sulphide 213. cobalt steels 384. smokeless powder 61. Maass 0. Sulphuric acid concentrator and vacuum pump 68. Maass O. and Hatcher W. H. Properties of pure hydrogen peroxide 110. Macbeth A. K. Gasornetric estimation of hypochlorites 344. Macbeth A. K. Organic Chemistry for Medical Intermediate Science and Phar-Macdougall I?. H. Thermodynamics and Chemistry (Review) 308. MacLaughlin J. A. Maeri V. Malaguti P. See Ferni A. and Malaguti P. Mallanneh S. A colour reaction for aconite 193. Mafmy .Me Malvezin - and Rivilland C. Estimation of small quantities of iron in organic Mangels C.E. Mango A. See Piutti A. and Mango ,4. Mann H. Apparatus for continuous dialysis or extraction 25. Marchadier - and Goujon -. Marck J. L. B. Van Der. Estimation of lecithin 372. Marden J. W. See Camp J. R. and Marden J. W. Margosches B. M. and Baru R. Aschmann’s method of determining the iodine value 465. Marie C. and Noyeg W. A. junr. New method of measuring electrolytic con ductan ce 346. Marion -. Marsh C. D. and Clawson A. B. Coffee bean (Dautberttonia Zongifolia) as a Marshall A. G. Martin F. J. Distribution of enzymes and proteins in the endosperm of the Martin F. J. See Joseph A. F. and Martin F. J. maceutical Students (Review) 74. See Brauns D. H. and MacLaughlin J. A. Reaction of manganese salts 159. Identification of theobrornine and caffeine 143.liquids especially in wines 206. Mineral constituents of potatoes and potato flour 328. Hydrocyanic acid as a sterilising agent for flour 287. Action of hydrogen peroxide on flours 11. poisonous plant 145. wheat berry 56. See also Tizard €3. T. and Narshall A. G xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Martin G. Perfumes Essential Oils and Fruit Essences Used for Soap and Other Toilet Articles (Review) 527. Martin G. F. W. Approximate estimation of commercial cresol in lysol (Notes), 451, Martin J. C. Martindale W. H. and Westcott W. W. The Extra Pharmacopoeia Vol. II., Massink A. Masson I. and McEwan T. L. Analysis of gaseous mixtures of ether alcohol, Mastbaum H. Estimation of thymol Spanish oil of thyme 140. Masucci P.See Huntoon F. M. Masucci P. and Hannum E. Mathieu L. Detection of tartaric acid in wines 370 457. Matignon C. detection of the presence of chlorine in the atmosphere 211. Matthews C. G. Matthews R. R. McCabe E. H. See O’Reilly L. and McCabe E. H. May P. The Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs (Review) 348. McEwan T. L. See Masson I. and McEwan T. L. McInerney T. J, and Troy H. C. Comparison of methods for the estimation of the fat content of skimmed milk 50. McKie P. V. Examination of some methods of ascertaining the purity of sac-charin 335. McLachlan T. Estimation of nitrates in bismuth salts by means of titanium trichloride and Devarda’s alloy 383. McLeod J. W. and Wyon G. A. Supposed importance of vitamins in promoting bacterial growth 505. McNair J.B. Lobinol a derrnitatant from Rhas diversiloba (poison oak) 143. McNicoll D. Estimation of resin acids in fatty mixtures 340. Mead S. W. See Dutcher R. A, Eckles C. H. Dahle C . D. Mead S. W. and Meade G. P. Meerburg P. A. Estimation of nitrite in water (35. Mees C. E. K. Measurement of colour 474. Meldrum A. N. See Gangolli D. M. and Meldrum A. N. Mestrezal W. Estimation of amino-acids in urine 204. Mestrezat W. Poirrier blue as an indicator 341. Mestrezat W. and Janet M. P. Estimation of total nitrogen in urine by the Dumas and Kjeldahl methods 17. Mestrezat W. and Janet M. P. Estimation of urea in sera and secretions 16. Meunier J. Analysis by means of reducing flames; detection of traces of mangan-ese in presence of iron or other substances 259.Meurice R. Volumetric estimation of arsenious compounds by means of potas-sium dichromate 213. Meysenbug L. v. Pappenheimer A. M. Zucker T. F. and Murray M. F. Estimation of the diffusible calcium of blood serum 412. Middleton H. E. See Moore C. J. Fry W. H. and Middleton H. E. Millia E. See Dybowsky J. and Millia E. Millot S. See Laroquette F. Miramond de and Millot S. Minovici S. and Jonescu A. See Hoagland D. R. Martin J. C. and Stewart G. R. Seventeenth Edition (Review) 262. and water 250. Phenol red as indicator of acidity 470. Action of iodine on different metals in the cold Process for the Estimation of the extract of coloured malts 95. Estimation of chlorides in petroleum 252. Schaefer 0. G. Examination of sugar crystals by projection 456.Detection and estimation of potassium as picrate, 423 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xix Miramond de Laroquette F. and Millot S. Experimental data and balance for fixing the exposure to X-rays in radiography and radiotherapy 220. Mirande M. Lathyrism or poisoning caused by vetch seeds 291, Mirande M. Substance yielding hydrogen sulphide contained in the seeds & certain Papilionaceae 408. Mitchell C. A. The acidity of ink and the influence of bottle glass upon ink, 129. Miura M. See Zilva S. S. and Miura M. Moerk F. 2. Methyl orange as an indicator in presence of indigo carmine 515. Moir J. Estimatian of nitrous fumes in air 517. Monier-Williams G. W. Notes on the measurement of hydrogen ion concentra-tion 315. Moore C. J. Fry W. H. and Middleton H. E. Methods of estimating the amount of colloidal material in soils 379.Moore W. A. and Browning G. Substances dissolved in rain and snow 104. Morel J. Morel M. A. Detection of neosalvarsan in a complex mixture 408. Morris R. L. Estimation of hydrocyanic acid 97. MBser L. and Kittl T. Estimation of silver and its separation from lead and other metals by means of hypophosphorous acid 381. Moser L. and Kittl T. Estimation of silver by precipitation with hypopho-phorous acid 342. Moser L. and Schattner A. Estimation of metals as sulphides 421. Motigase S. See Asahina Y. and Motigase S. Mouret M. and Barlot M. J. 422. Muller J. See Lenze F. Pleus B. and Miiller J. Maler W. Murray M. F. See Meysenbug L. v. Pappenheimer A. M. Zucker T. F. and Muttelet 6. F. Myers V.C. and Croll H. M. Estimation of carbohydrates in vegetable foods, Mygrs V. C. and Short J. J. Estimation of chlorides in blood 12, See Wenger P. and Morel J. Quantitative separation of tin and antimony, See Berl E. Andress K. and Miiller W. Murray M. F. 287. See Vitoux - and Muttelet C . F. Nakao M Constituents of " She-chuang-tzu " (SeZimm Mmwieri L.) 141. Nanji D. R. See Ling A. R. and Nanji D. R. Needs F. E. See Beach F. F. Needs F. E. and Russell E. Nelson V. E. See Fulmer E. I. Nelson V. E. and Shenvood F. F. Newcombe E. L. Rogers C. H. and Folkstad C. W. Podophyllum ash Newhall C. A. Nicolardot P. and Coffignier C. Characters of resins used for making Nicolet B. H. Non-identity of elaeostearic acid tetrabromide from tung oil with Niesemann H.See Sabalitschka T. and Niesemann H. Nobel E. Noyes W. A* junr. See Marie C. and Noyes W. A. junr. Nuti M. standards 374. Identification of Soya bean oil 94. varnishes 208. ordinary linolic acid tetrabromide 251. See Furth O. and Nobel E. See Rolla L. and Nuti M. Oertel H Estimation of water in fats and oils 12 xx INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Okuda Y. and Zoller H. I?. Use of indicators to determine the reaction of Oliveri-Mandalh E. Decomposition of nitrous acid 257. Olivier E. Estimation of zinc by the ferrocyanide method 299. Onslow H. Substances precipitated by mercuric sulphate from hydrolysed caseinogen and the isolation of tryptophane 504. Onslow M. W. Oxidising enzymes of fruits 292. Oppenheimer E. Estimation of minute amounts of bromine 516.Q’Reilly L. and McCabe E. H. Available carbohydrate in thrice-boiled vege-ables 242. Orla-Jensen -. Dairy Bacteriology (Review) 433. Osterberg E. See Benedict S. R. and Osterberg E. Owen R. G. and Gregg R. Colorimetric estimation of lactose in milk 286. whey 368. Palma J. R. See Ponce G. S. and Palma J.R. Panisset L. See Porchet C. and Panisset L. Pappenheimer A M. See Meysenbug L. v. Pappenheimer A. M. Zricker, Paraf -. See Kohn-Abrest - Sicard - and Paraf -. Parkes A. E. A routine test for the presence of sulphites (Notes) 402. Parkes A. E. The detection of agar-agar (Notes) 239. Partridge W. Aids to Chemistry (Review) 477. Partridge W. The identification of peculiar constituents of faeces (Notes) 489. Patterson A. M. A French-English Dictionary for Chemists (Review) 392.Patterson T. S. Modification of Victor Meyer’s density apparatus 113. Paul E. A note on the “oil” of oats 238. Pavon -. See Ruiz - and Pavon -. Pecover P. C. Pegurier G. Perrier -. Estimation of small quantities of dextrose 11. Pernot J. Peterson W. H. and Churchill H. Carbohydrate content of the Navy bean Pezzi C. Philibert M. J. Estimation of urea ammonia and amino-acids in urine after Phillips R. J. Picon M See Lebeau P. and Picon M. Piutti A. and Curzio A. Action of phosgene on ricinolein 371. Piutti A. and Mango A. Use of chloropicrin in the disinfection of cereals 145. Pleus B. See Lenze F. Pleus B. and Muller J. Ponce G S. and Palma J. R. Plimmer R. H. A. Analyses and Energy Values of Foods (Review) 478. Phmmer S. B.Polonovski -. Detection of oxalic and citric acids 464. Ponder E. and Howie L. Estimation of sugar in blood 293. Pooley J. W. Poore H. D. Orange vinegar Its manufacture and composition 95. Porchet C. and Panisset L. Porter C. W. and Steel C. Oxidation of the Grignard reagent 60. Porter L. E. and Browning P. E. Porter L. E. T. F. and Murray M. F. See Smart B. J. and Pecover P. C. Gravimetric estimation of albumin in urine 17. See Barlot J. and Pernot J. and peas 329. precipitation of the ammonia 378. Volumetric estimation of sulphuric acid 256. Note on colouring of the microscope field (Notes) 367. Coffee extracts 136. See Wallace D. A. and Plummer S. B. See Tate F. G. H, and Pooley J. W. Colostrum 98. Use of gallium ferrocyanide in analysis 158.See Browning P. E. and Porter L. E INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xxi Post P. Mustard oil as a milk preservative 136. Powell A. R. Estimation of sulphide sulphate and organic sulphur in coal 514. Pring J. N. The Electric Furnace (Review) 526. Pritzker J. and Jungkunz R. Analyses of chicory and other coffee substi-tutes 289. Prucha M. J. See Harding H. A. and Prucha M. J. Puxeddu E. and Vodret F. Essential oil from the berries of Jzmiperus Phoenicea from Sardinia 53. Quisumbing F. A. Estimation of dextrose and starch 58. Rabak IF. Grape-seed oil 500. Rakshit Jitendra Nath. Morphine codeine and narcotine in Indian opium 481. Read J. W. Rapid combustion method for the estimation of organic matter and organic carbon in soil 295. Read J. W. See Sure B. and Read J.W. Reid E. E. See Kimball J. W. Kramer R. L. and Reid E. E. Reif G. Reinders W. Determination of the flash points of mixtures of air and benzine, 219. Reiss F. Iron as the cause of the formaldehyde and diphenylamine reaction of milk 136. Remfrey F. G. P. Rengade E. and Clostre J. Estimation of water in transformer oils 417. Richardson A. W. See Jackson J. S. and Richardson A. W. Richardson F. S. Richaud A. Content of aconitine in some samples of tincture of aconite leaves 97. Richaud A. Richmond H. D. Dairy Chemistry A Practical Handbook for Dairy Chemists Rideal E. K. Rivilland C. Roaf I. P. Roberts H. F. Relation of hardness to protein content of wheat 414. Roberts J. G. Volatilisation of ethyl nitrite from sweet spirit of nitre 334. Roberts 0.D. Volatile oil from the leaves of Oczmzmzgratissimtmz Linn. 372. Roberts 0. D. Volatile oil from the leaves of the “wild Pimento” of Jamaica, Roberts R. H. See Tottingham W. E. Roberts R. H. and Lepkousky S. Robertson G. R. Rodillon G. Roff E. A. Rogers C. H. See Newcombe E. L. Rogers C. H. and Folkstad C. W. Rojahn C. A. Remijin an inferior Japanese substitute for Optochin (ethyl-hydrocupreine) 142. Rolla L. and Nuti M. Estimation of vanadium in steels and iron alloys 422. Rose A. R. Inversion and estimation of cane sugar 288. Rosenblatt N. See Bertrand G. and Rosenblatt M. Rossiter E. C. and Sanders P. H. Preparation of zirconia from Brazilian ore, Rothe W. Ruby I. R. See Lange W. and Reif G. See Lomax E. L. and Remfrey F. G. P. See Kendall E.C. and Richardson F. S. Identification of ouabain and strophanthin 459. and Others having Control of Dairies (Review) 222. See Levene P. A. and Roaf I. P. See Goad A. K. and Rideal E. K. See Malvezin - and Rivilland C. 289. Estimation of arsenic in organic compounds 152. New specific test for phenol 157. New apparatus for steam distillation 386. and a new method of estimation 255. See Griebel C. and Rothe W. See Depew H. A. and Ruby I. R xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Ruff 0. Reduction of arsenic halogen compounds 298. Rub - and Pavon -. Pdygomm bistorta as a substitute for Kramerk Russell E. See Beach F. F. Needs F. E. and Russell E. triandra 141. Sam R. An improved pyknometer 163. Saar R. See Hartwig L. and Saw R. Sabalitschka T. and Niesemann €I.Interference of phosphates with detec-Sage C. E. Sweet fennel oil 485. Salter R. C. Haemolytic Streptococci from milk and from human lesions 248. Salvaterra H. Estimation of oil of turpentine 155. Sanders P. H. See Rossiter E. C. and Sanders P. H. Sando C. E. and Bartlett H. H. Occurrence of quercetin in brown-husked maize. 502. tion of manganese 159. Sasaki T Colour reaction of glycine anhydride and of its dipeptide compounds, 514. Scarlata G. Manna and the extraction of mannitol 369. Schaal R. B. Estimation of vanadium in ores and metallurgical products 472. Schaefer 0. G. See Dutcher R. A. Eckles C. H. Dahle C. D. Mead S. W., Schattner A. See Moser L. and Schattner A. Scheringa I(. The effect of denitrifying bacteria in water 205. Schlesinger M.J. See Bronfenbenner J. and Schlesinger M. J. Schmidt C. L. A. and Dart A. E. Estimation of bile acids 146. Schmidt -. Glass autoclave 163. Schmitz H. and Zeller S . M. Toxicity of various fractions and combinations of fractions of coal tar creosote to wood-destroying fungi 409. Schneidewind R. Removal of nitrates by means of alcohol 217. Schoeller W. R. Production and testing of zirconia 344. Schomer A. Estimation of Yohimbine in Yohimba bark 373. Schoorl N. lodoform reaction 154. Schoorl N. and Gerritzen S. C . L. Estimation of moisture in milk-powder 241. Schrader H. Apparatus for estimating the yield of tar from coal 340. Schultz E. W. and Chandler L. R. Comparison of the acidity of goat’s cow’s, Schultz E. W. and Chandler L. R. The size of fat globules in goat’s milk 241.Schwam E. See Friinkel S. and Schwarz E. Schwedhelm H. Temperature as a function of the absolute viscosity of oils and other liquids 161. Scott J. W. Junr. See Sheppard S. E. Sweet S. S, and Scott J. W. Junr. Scott R. Slide rule for calculation of “ wet ” and ‘‘ dry ” weights of damp material, 303. Scott R. D. Sears G. W. Separation and detection of arsenate and arsenite 302, Segnitz P. H. Catalysis in permanganate titrations 109. Seidell A. Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Substances (Review) 27. Seidenberg A. Quantitative separation of the lead salts of saturated and of less Sell M. T. See Steenbock H. Sell M. T. and Boutwell P. W. Sell M. T. See also Steenbock H. Sell M. T. and Buell M. V. Sernagiotto E. Estimation of the organic carbon in bituminous limestones 296.and Schaefer 0. G. and human milk 241. Detection of phenols in water 337. saturated fatty acids 465 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xxiii Sbaw R. H. Analysis of commercial casein 107. Sheppard S. E. and Sweet S . The setting and melting points of gelatins 341. Sbeppard S . E. Sweet S. S. and Scott J. W. Junr. Jelly strength of gelatins Sheppard S E. See Elliott F. A. and Sheppard S. E. Sherk D. C. L. Extraction of thymol and carvacrol from alkaline solutions 140. Sherrard E. C. and Blanco G. W. Cattle food prepared from hydrolysed Sberwood F. F. See Fulmer E. I. Nelson V. E. and Sherwaod F. F. Shinn 0. L. Estimation of volatile matter in graphite 416. Short J. J. See Myers V. C. and Short J. J. Sicard -. See Kohn-Abrest - Sicard - and Paraf -.Siegbahn M. Lindh A. E. and Stensson N. Spectrum analysis by means of Silver L. See Bone W. A. and Silver L. Simms H. S. Determination of refractive indices of oils 385. Simonsen J. L. Essential oil from leaves of Skiwmia ZazcrwEa 333. Singleton W. See Liverseege J. F. and Singleton W. Sinnatt F. S . Smokeless fuels 468. Sinnatt F. S. and Craven M. B. Sinnatt F. S. and Harrison W, Smart B. J. and Pecover P. C. Analysis of fibro-cement 424. Smart R. C. Recent Practice in the Use of Self-contained Breathing Apparatus Smith J. H. Estimation of sodium hyposulphite 473. Smith F. W. Liquid extract of red squill (Scilla maritima) as a rat poison 178. Smith W. C. See Grotlisch V. E. and Smith W. C. Soep L. Soxhlet apparatus 163. Sotheran H.C. See Zeitlinger H. and Sotheran H. C. Southerden F. See Jordan C. J. and Southerden F. Spencer G. L. Electric oven for rapid moisture estimations 217. Spirescu H. See Ludwig E. and Spirescu H. Spurge G. Colorimetric estimation of bismuth in high-grade ores 298. Stabler H. Fluorescein as an aid to tracing underground water 511. Stanley G. H. Cyanometric assay of nickel 519. Stearn A. E. Farr H. V. and Knowlton N. P. The United States Pharmaco-poeia method for the estimation of phosphoric acid and soluble phosphates, 200. Steel C. See Porter C. W. and Steel C. Steenbock H. Sell M. T. and Boutwell P. W. Fat-soluble vitamin content Steenbock H. Sell M. T. and Buell M. V. Fat-soluble vitamin and yellow Steenbock H. See Hart E. B. Steenbock H. and Ellis N.R. Steenhauer A. J. See Van Itallie L. and Steenhauer A. J. Stehle R. L. Gasometric estimation of nitrogen 110. Stehle R. L. Gasometric estimation of urea in urine 412. Stehle R. L. Note on the gasometric determination of nitrogen 421. Stensson N. See Siegbahn M. Lindh A. E. and Stensson N. Stephenson M. Differentiation of yellow plant pigments from the fat-soluble and glues 20. sawdust 199, Roentgen rays 303. Determination of the calorific value of coal, 524. Estimation of carbon dioxide in coal 104. (Review) 265. of peas in relation to their pigmentation 411. pigmentation in animal fats 411. vitamin 246 XXiV INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Stern R. See Feigl F. and Stern R. Stevenson H. C. See Eddy W. H. and Stevenson H. C. Stevenson H. C. See also Eddy W.H. Heft H. L. Stevenson H. C. and Johnson R. Stewart A. W. Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry (Review) 167. Stewart G. R. See Hoagland D. R. Martin J. C. and Stewart G. R. Stockstad P. C. Occurrence of catalase in fish 291. Stokoe W. N. Estimation of coconut and palm kernel oils in fat mixtures in Stokoe W. N. Investigations on the rancidity of butter and margarine fats 335. Studinger J. See Kreis H. and Studinger J. Sugden S. Determination of surface tension from the rise in capillary tubes 523. Sumner J. B. Dinitrosalicylic acid as a reagent for the estimation of sugar in urine 413. Supplee G. C. Lecithin content of butter and its possible relationship to fishy flavour 50. Supplee G. C. See Hess A. F. Unger L. J. and Supplee G. C. Sure B. and Read J.W. Seed of the Georgia Velvet Bean 506. Sutermeister E. Chemistry of Pulp and Paper-Making (Review) 433. Svanberg 0. See Euler H. von and Svanberg 0. Svedberg T. The Formation of Colloids (Review) 388. Swanson W. W. See Kingsbury F. B. and Swanson W. W. Sweet S. See Sheppard S. E. and Sweet S. Sweet S. S . See Sheppard S. E. Sweet S. S. and Scott J. W. Junr. Swoboda F. R. Quantitative method for the determination of vitamine in connection with determinations of vitamine in glandular and other tissues 17. which both oils may be present 196. Tacke I. Tague E. L. Changes produced in wheat by tempering 139. Taliani M. Quantitative test of the stability towards heat of nitroglycerin explosives 377. Tampke H. See Krauss F. and Tampke H. Tanret G. Influence of ammonium molybdate on the rotatory power of mannitol,.330. Tanret G. Influence of ammonium molybdate on the rotatory powers of certain sugars 330. Tate F. G. H. and Pooley J. W. Detection and estimation of Illip6 butter used as substitute for cacao butter 229. Teodossiu V. See Kollo C. and Teodossiu V. Thaulow K. See Biilmann E. and Thaulow K. Thevenon L. Adulteration of gum tragacanth with gum arabic 55. Thevenon L. New reaction of saccharin 54. Thevenon L. Reaction of saccharin (a correction) 201. Thidry,. -. Zinc-Potassium ferrocyanide as a reagent in urine analysis 412. Thomann W. Digestion of vegetable fibres 203. Thomas A. W. and Frieden A. Estimation of hydrochloric acid and neutral chlorides in leather 107. Thompson G. R. Chilian honey (Notes) 328.Thompson L. Preparation of hydrazines 105. Thorns H. and Deckert W. New hydroxystearic acid from hardened castor oil 139. Thomsen T. C. See Holde D. and Tacke I. Michell's cup and bail viscosimeter 114 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xxv Thomson L. J. Quantity of ammonium salts in various opiums 64. Thornley T. See Blichfeldt S. H. and Thornley T. Thornton W. M. Junr. and Chapman J. E. Volumetric determination of iron Thorpe E. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Volume I. A to Calcium (Re-Thorpe E. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Volume II. Calculi to Explo-Thresh J. C. Notes on the so-called action of water on lead 270. Tickle T. Tiebe E. Tiffeneau M. Necessity for the physiological control of adrenaline and supra-Tilden W. A. Famous Chemists The Men and their Work (Review) 313.Tilley F. W. Germicidal value of some chlorine disinfectants 103. Tillmans J. and Bohrmann A. Estimation of the alkalinity and phosphate Tingle A. Volumetric estimation of aluminium in its salts 343. Tisdall F. P. Titus E. Y. Tizard €3. T. and Boeree A. R. Volumetric estimation of mixtures of acids and of bases and of polybasic acids or bases 154. . Tizard H. T. and Marshall A. G. Estimation of aromatic hydrocarbons in mixtures with petrol 155. Tomizawa 2. See Furukawa S. and Tomizawa 2. Toporescu E. Entanglement of lime and magnesia by chromic acid precipi-tates 216. Torossian G. Action of anhydrous stannic chloride on petroleum and petroleum distillates 51 3. Tottingham W. E. Robetts R. H. and Lepkousky S. Hemicellulose of apple wood 204.Toussaint H. Estimation of nitrous acid in mixed and waste acids 217. Trampler A. See also Wenger P. and Trampler A. Travers -. New method for the estimation of silica 522. Treadwell W. D. Electrolytic estimation of gold and its separation from Treadwell W. D. Electrometric titration of hypochlorous acid 301. Treadwell W. D. Reductions with zinc and cadmium in volumetric work 342. Troeger J. and Tiebe E. Volumetric estimation of the methoxy group 414. Troy H. C. Comparison of fat tests in milk as determined by a milk-testing association and by a creamery 49. Troy H C See McInerney T. J. and Troy H. C. Tschudy E. A. Effect of variation in the analytical constants of linseed oil and soya bean oil on the estimation of these oils by means of the hexabromide and iodine values 513.Tsujimoto M. Composition of the head oil of the sperm whale 197. Tsujimoto M. New method for the separation of highly unsaturated fatty acids in fish oils 57. Tsujimoto M. and Kobayashi S . Fatty oils from Reptilia 198. Tutin F. Action of alkalis and of pectase upon pectin 505. Twitchell E. Precipitation of solid fatty acids with lead acetate in dcoholic by means of titanous salts 159. view) 22-5. sion (Review) 430. Lead in peaty waters (Notes) 240. See Troeger J. and Tiebe E. renal preparations 291. content of the ash of foods 199. See Kramer B. and Tisdall F. F. See Hainsworth W. R. and Titus E. Y . copper palladium and platinum 298. solution 466 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Ugarte T. New rapid method for the estimation of morphine in opium and its Unger L.J. See Hess A. F. Unger L. J. and Supplee G. C. Urk H. W. Van. Active constituents of Cu@sdZu Bacrsa-Pastoris 244. Urk H. W. Van. Estimation of alcohols and phenols in essential oils by esterifica-Uyeda Y. Estimation of cellulose in bast fibres 209. preparations 142. tion with pyridine 512. Van Der Marck J. L. B. Estimation of lecithin 372. Van Dijk J. C. See Kolthoff I. M. and Van Dijk J. C. Van Itallie L. Examination of neo-salvarsan 144. Van Itallie L. Peru balsam and its adulteration 141. Van Itallie L. and Steenhauer A. J. Estimation of veronal 413. Van Klooster H. S. Nitroso R-salt a reagent for the detection of cobalt 254. Van Loon C. Preparation of anhydrous stannic chloride 110. Van Urk H.W. Active constituents of CaPselZa Bzcrsa-Pastoris 244. Van Urk H. W. Estimation of alcohols and phenols in essential oils by esterifica-tion with pyridine 512. Van Zijp C. Sodium salicylate as reagent for detecting aluminium and mangan-ese 300. Vandenberghe €I. See Florentin D. and Vandenberghe H. Vandevelde A. J. J. Critical temperature of solution of fats in mixtures of ethyl alcohol and amyl alcohol 243. Varcolici V. See Jonescu A. and Varcolici V. Vaubel W. The dimethylglyoxime reactions of iron and cobalt 422. Vkzes M. Composition of French oil of turpentine 252. Viehoever A. Clevenger J. F. and Ewing C. 0. Oils from Chinese colza Violle H. A Streptococcus which produces ropiness in milk 248. Violle H. Viscous lactic Streptococcus in milk 409. Vischniac C.See Goris A. and Vischniac C. Vitoux - and Muttelet C. F. 371. Vitoux - and Muttelet C. F. Vladesco R. See Bertrand G. and Vladesco R. Vodret F. See Puxeddu E. and Vodret F. Viirtheim A. Composition of potassium platinochloride 67. Wadsworth R. V. The estimation of the obromine in cocoa and products. Wallace D. A. and Plummer S. B. Estimation of camphor in camphorated Walton C. F. Junr. Wang C. C. and Dentler M. L. Waterman H. C. and Johns C. 0. phaseolin 246. Waterman €3. C. and Jones D. B. tions of proteins from beans 409. Watson A. F. See Drummond J. C. Coward K. H, and Watson A. F. Wattiez N. Estimation of hydrastine in Hydrastis Canadensis 143. Weinzirl J. Detection of manurial pollution in milk by the anaerobic spore test, seed 94.Detection of beef fat in lard by Bomer’s method, Detection of beef fat in lard 94. oils 501. Preparation of rhamnose 137. Creatinine and creatine in the blood 100. Effect of cooking on the digestibility of Relative digestibility of various prepara-461. Welcome C. J. See Kopeloff N. and L. and Welcome C. J INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xxvii Wenger P. and Morel J. Separation of silicon tin titanium and zirconium Wenger P. and Trampler A. Estimation of total carbon and new method for Werder J Estimation of chlorine in milk without calcination 498. Westcott W. W. See Martindale W H. and Westcott W. W. Wester D. H. The use of phenolphthalein and diphenylamine in the estimation Wetmore A. S. Estimation of chlorides in blood 101. Whitby G. S. Plantation Rubber and the Testing of Rubber (Review) 69.Whymper R. Cocoa and Chocolate their Chemistry and Manufacture (Review) , 261. Wichmann H. J. New lead number estimation in vanilla extracts 333. Wiegner G. Colloid chemistry of indicators 205. Wilczek E. Impurities of cacao 499. Wiley J. A. See Kelley G. L. Wiley J. A. Bohn R. T. and Wright W. C. Willard H. H. and Cake W. E. Willard H. H. and Cake W. E. Williams M. See Gardner J. A, and Williams M. Williams 0. E See Zoller H. F. and Williams 0. E. Williams R. J. Vitamins and yeast growth 246. Windisch R. Adulteration of ground cinnamon with ochre 196. Winkler L. W. Estimation of sulphuric acid in water 148. Witzemann E. J. Disodium hydrogen phosphate as a catalyst for the oxidation of dextrose with hydrogen peroxide 105.Woodman H. E. Examination of proteins in cow and ox serum colostrum and milk by racemisation 504. Woodward H. E. and Alsberg G. L. Detection of volatile alkamines in the presence of ammonia and of tertiary alkamines in the presence of primary and secondary alkamines 256. Woo& P. Greasiness of fatty substances 464. woo& P. Oil-film measurement of fatty oils and certain phenomena of molecular solutions 465. Woytacek C. Wrenshall R. See Dean A. L. and Wrenshal1,'R. Wright C. R. A. Animal and Vegetable Fixed Oils Fats Butters and Waxes Wright W. C. See Kelley G. L. Wiley J. A, Bohn R. T. and Wright W. C . Wu H. Phosphomolybdic and phosphotungstic acids 24. Wyon G. A See McLeod J. W. and Wyon G. A. by means of sodium carbonate 342. graphitic carbon in ferro-alloys 343.of manganese by the persulphate method 112. Iodimetric estimation of amino nitrogen 64. Perchloric acid as a dehydrating agent in the estimation of silica 67. Distillation apparatus for small quantities 163. (Review) 350. Yanagisawa H. and Kamio M. Youngberg G. E. Estimation of aceto-acetic ester 512. Removal of ammonia from urine 146. Zeitlinger H. and Sotheran H. C. Zeller S. M. Zenghelis C. D. Zenghelis C. D. Zijp C. Van. ese 300. Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathematica Vols I. and 11. (Review) 171. See Schmitz H. and Zeller S. M. Sodium salicylate as reagent for detecting aluminium and mangan-Detection of nitrogen in organic compounds 415. New reagent for ammonia 381 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Zilva S. S.and Miura M. Differential dialysis of vitamins 506. Zilva S. S. See Drummond J. C. Golding J. Zilva S. S. and Coward K. H. Zoller H. F. Standardisation of the borax solubility test for commercial caseins, 108. Zoller H. F. and Williams 0. E. Separation and identification of “sandy” crystals in ice cream 465. Zofler H. F. See Okuda Y. and Zoller H. F. Zoubkoff S. See Bach A. and Zoubkoff S. Zucker T. F See Meysenbug L. v. Pappenheimer A. M. Zucker T. F. and Zwicknagl K. Arsenic reduction tube with electrical heating 260. Murray M. F INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xxix INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Abstracts of Papers Published in Other Journals 1921 11 49 94 136 195,-241 286 328 367 404 455 498. Acetic Acid Pyroligneous acid; Estimation of - in. V. E. Grotlisch 96. Aceto-Acetic Ester :- ; Estimation of H.Yanagisawa and M. Kamio 512 Acetone - ; Iodimetric estimation of. P. H. Hermans 338. Acetone Creatinine in the presence of - and diacetic acid; Estimation of.-Acetone Expired air; Estimation of - in. Acetone Minute amounts of -; Titrimetric determination of. R. S. Hubbard,. Acetyl Value Fatty substances; Determination of the - of. E. Andr6 251.-Acidimetry Boric acid; - of. J. A. M. v. Liempt 160. Acidity Goat’s cow’s and human milk; Comparison of the - of. E. W. Acidity Indicator of -; Phenol red as. A. Massink 470. Acidity Soil toxicity - and basicity; Method of measuring. R. H. Carr 511,. Acids Diluting - etc. to a desired strength; Formulae for (Notes). A. E, Acids Formaldehyde Solubility of metals in - containing.R. C. Griffin 110. Acids Metal alloys not attacked by -; Rapid method of disintegrating. I. Acids Mixtures of - and of bases and of polybasic - or bases; Volumetric-H. T. Tizard and A. R. Boeree 154. Acids\ Titration of - and bases; The joint use of two indicators in the. J. L. Aconite - ; Assay of. A. R. L. Dohme 374. Aconite Colour Reaction for -; A. S. Mallanneh 193. Aconite Leaves Aconitine in some samples of tincture of -; Content of. A,? Richaud 97. Aconite Preparations Assay of -; Method for the. E. J. Chappel and-N. L. Allport 98. Aconitine Tincture of aconite leaves; Content of - in some samples of. A,-Richaud 97. Acrolein Glycerol in wine by conversion into -; Estimation of. A. Heiduschka and F. Englert 332. Act Dangerous Drugs -. Revised Regulations 304.Act Safeguarding of Industries - 1921. The List of Articles Chargeable with-Duty under Part I. of the -. 475. Address President; Annual - of the. 81. Adrenaline and Suprenal Preparations Physiological control of - ; Neces--sity for the. M. Tiffeneau 291. N. F. Blau 510. R. S. Hubbard 18. 18. Acidity Coloured solutions; A method for the determination of the - of . J. L. Lizius 194. Schultz and L. R. Chandler 241. Johnson 488. Compagno 65. estimation of. Lizius 355 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI, Adulteration - in butter by means of the melting-point of the insoluble Adulteration Gum arabic; - of gum tragacanth with. L. Thevenon 55. Agar-Agar - ; The detection of (Notes). A. E. Parkes 239. Agricultural Analysis Abstracts 1921 148 205 295 338 379 414 46S 511.Agricultural Experiment Station Superphosphates ; Estimation of citrate-Agriculture United States Department of -. Food Inspection Decision. Air Acetone in expired -; Estimation of. Air Carbon monoxide in - and in flue gases; Estimation of small proportions Air Density of -; Rapid method of determining the. G. P. Baxter 474. Air Flash points of mixtures of - and benzine; Determination of the. W. Air Nitrous fumes in -; Estimation of. J. Moir 517. Albumin Urine; Gravimetric estimation of - in. AIbumoses - ; Detection of. C. Achard and E. Feuillee 204. Alcohol Ether - and water; Analysis of liquid and gaseous mixtures of I. Alcohol Methyl - ; A method of purification of. A. Lanzenberg and J. Alcohol Methyl - and ethyl - in spirits medicines cosmetics etc.by W. Lange and Alcohol Methyl - in cacao-beans and husks; Estimation of. C. H. Koers 52. Alcohol Methyl - in liqueurs and spirits; Detection of. Alcohol Methyl - in the presence of ethyl -; Deniges’ test for the detection Alcohol Mixtures of ethyl - and amyl -; Critical temperature of solution Alcohol Nitrates by means of -; Removal of. Alcoholic Solution Lead acetate in -; Precipitation of solid fatty acids with. Alcohols - and phenols in essential oils by esterification with pyridine ; Alcohols Sugars and Polyatomic - in boric acid and borate solutions with Aldehydes Reaction of -; New. Aliphatic Fatty Acids Food; Anhydrides of higher - as. D. Holde and I. Alkali Solutions Standard - free from carbonate; Preparation of.I. M. Alkali Standard -; Guanidine carbonate as a. Alkalimetric Titration Inorganic phosphate in urine by -; Estimation of. AIkaline Sodium Hypobromite Solution Copper sulphate ; Catalytic decompo-Alkaline Potassium Permanganate Lactose by -; Volumetric method for Alkaline Solutions Thymol and carvacrol from -; Extraction of. D. C. L. volatile acids; The detection of. G. van B. GiImour 183. soluble phosphoric acid in. 182 497. Official method of the German -. 295. R. S. Hubbard 18. of. D. Florentin and H. Vandenberghe 153. Reinders 219. G. Pegurier 17. Masson and T. L. McEwan 250. Duclaux 206. means of the Zeiss immersion refractometer; Estimation of. G. Reif 369. L. Hoton 53. . and estimation of. of fats in. R. M. Chapin 375.A. J. J. Vandevelde 243. R. Schneidewind,’ 217. E. Twitchell 466. Estimation of. some analytical applications; Reactions of. Tacke 245. Kolthoff 516. C. H. Fiske 294. sition of - by. the estimation of. Sherk 140. H. W. Van Urk 512. G. Van B. Gilmour 3. R. de Fazi 376. A. H. Dodd 250. P. Fleury 23. F. T. Adriano 137 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xxxi Alkalinity Foods; Estimation of the - and phosphate content of the ash of. Alkalinity Pure and commercial soaps; Hydrolytic - of. F. C. Beedle and Alkalis Pectin; Action of - and of pectase upon. F. Tutin 505. Alkaloid and Oil Content Meadow saffron seeds; The - of. C. Grimme 200. Alkaloids Japanese corydalis; - of. Y. Asahina and S. Motigase 143. Alkaloids Quinine and other cinchona -; The estimation of strychnine in Alkaloids Ptomaines and - in toxicological analysis; Separation of.A. Alkaloids Valerian; - of. A. Goris and C. Vischniac 244. Alkamines Volatile - in the presence of ammonia and of tertiary - in the H. E. Woodward and Alkalis Cellulose; Adsorption of - by. Alloxan Reagent Hydrocyanic acid by means of -; Microchemical identifica-Alloy Nitric nitrogen ; Comparison of Scales’ method and the use of Devarda’s -Alloys Aluminium cobalt and chromium -; Analysis of. J. R. Camp and Alloys Copper and iron in aluminium -; Rapid estimation of. P. Hulot 471. Alloys Light aluminium casting -; Analysis of. Alloys Metal - not attacked by acids; Rapid method ot disintegrating. I. Alloys Steels and iron -; Estimation of vanadium in. L. Rolla and M.Nuti, Alum Fractional crystallisation of the caesium gallium -; Separation of gallium Aluminium Alloys Copper and iron in -; Rapid estimation of. P. Hulot 47 1. Aluminium - and of - oxide in commerical -; Estimation of. J. H. Aluminium Beryllium; The separation of - from. Part I. H. T. S. Britton, Aluminium Beryllium; The separation of - from. Part 11. H. T. S. Britton, Aluminium Casting Alloys Light -; AnaIysis of. 33. M. Berry 21. Aluminium Cobalt and Chromium Alloys - ; Analysis of. J. R. Camp Aluminium Estimating -; Gas volumetric method of. L. Losana 383. Aluminium Ferric and Chromium Hydroxides Separating -; New method Aluminium Oxide Aluminium and of - in commercial aluminium; Estima-Aluminium Reagent for detecting - and manganese; Sodium salicylate as.Aluminium Salts; Volumetric estimation of - in its. American Turpentine. 206. Amino-Acids Urea ammonia and - in urine after precipitation of the Amino-Acids Urine; Estimation of - in. W. MestrCzal 204. J. Tillmans and A. Bohrmann 199. T. R. Bolam 209. scale preparations containing. Jonescu 102. presence of primary and secondary -; Detection of. C. L. Alsberg 256. tion of. G. DenigGs 334. for the reduction of. A. P. Harrison 257. J. W. Marden 22. T. F. Harvey and S. Back 188. I. M. Kolthoff 257. R. M. Berry 21. Compagno 65. 422. from indium and zinc by. Capps 471. 359. 437. P. E. Browning and L. E. Porter 158. and J. W. Marden 22. (SeeErrata p. xlvi.) for. tion of. J. H. Capps 471. C. van Zijp 300. M. and M.Lemarchands 216. A. Tingle 343. ammonia; Estimation of. M. J. Philibert 378 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Aminonaphthol-Mono- and Di-Sulphonic Acids - Volumetric estima-Amino Nitrogen - ; Iodimetric estimation of. H. H. Willard and W. E. Ammonia Gaseous - as hexamethylenetetramine picrate ; Microchemical Ammonia Reagent for -; New. Ammonia Urea - and amino-acids in urine after precipitation of the -; Ammonia Urine; Removal of - from. Ammonia Volatile alkamines in the-presence of - and of tertiary alkamines H. E. Ammonia Yield Oil shale for oil and -; Laboratory testing of. E. L. Lomax Ammoniacal Nitric and Organic Nitrogen Mixed fertilisers ; Gas-Volumetric Ammonium Carbonate Solutions Carbon monoxide by cuprous -; Absorp-Ammonium Molybdate Mannitol; Influence of - on the rotatory power of.Ammonium Salts Formaldehyde; Volumetric estimation of - by means of. Ammonium Molybdate Sugars; Influence of - on the rotatory powers or Ammonium Salts Opiums; Quantity of - in various. L. J. Thomson 54. Ammonium Zinc Phosphate Zinc as -; Estimation of. G. Luff 383. Amy1 Alcohol Fats in mixtures of ethyl alcohol and -; Critical temperature Amylase Rhixo#zls Tritici ; - of. L. L. Harter 203. Amylase Solutions Characterisation of -. H. v. Euler and 0. Svanberg 419. Anaerobic Spore Test Manurial pollution in milk by the -; Detection of. tion of. Cake 64. identification of. G. R. Levi 420. C. Kollo and V. Teodossiu 111. C. D. Zenghelis 381. Estimation of. M. J. Philibert 378. G. E. Youngberg 146. in the presence of primary and secondary alkamines; Detection of.Woodward and C. L. Alsberg 256. and F. G. P. Remfrey 156. estimation of - in. P. Baldi 64. tion of. W. R. Hainsworth and E. Y. Titus 152. G. Tanret 330. I. M. Kolthoff 250. certain. G. Tanret 330. of solution of. A. J. J. Vandevelde 243. -1. Weinzirl 461. Anaiysis Gallium ferrocyanide in -; Use of. L. E. Porter and P. E. Browning, 158. Analytical Constants Linseed oil and soya bean oil on the estimation of these oils by means of the hexabromide and iodine values; Effect of variation in the -of. E. A. Tschudy 513. Analytical Investigations Highly sensitive rays of the elements applicable to Anhydrides Food; - of higher aliphatic fatty acids as. D. Holde and I. Anhydrous Stannic Chloride - ; Preparation of.Anhydrous Stannic Chloride Petroleum and petroleum distillates ; Action of Animal Tissues Iodine in blood and -; Estimation of. E. C. KendaU and Animal Tissues Vegetable and -; New technique for microscopical prepara-Animals Zinc content of vertebrate -; Variation in the. G. Bertrand and R. Annatto Fats and oils; Test for - in. ; Table of. A. de Gramont 64. Tacke 245. C. Van Loon 110. on. G. Torossian 513. F. S. Richardson 13. tions of. Laxbaud 303. Vladesco 244. W. Brinsmaid 198 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xxxiii Annual Report Birmingham City Analyst 1920; - of the. 451. Annual Report Borough Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Stepney for the Year 1920; - of the. Anti-Bodies Bacterial -; The chemical nature of. F. M.Huntoon P. Masucci and E. Hannum 57. Antimony Tin and - in hydrochloric acid solution by means of hydrogen sulphide; Separation of. Antimony Tin and -; Quantitative separation of. M. Mouret and M. J. Barlot 422. Antiscorbutic Capacity Milk powders ; - of. E. B. Hart H. Steenbock and N. R. Ellis 292. Antiscorbutic Extracts Hydroquinone ; Colour reaction common to - and. M. Bezssonoff 462. Antiscorbutic Power Milk; Relation of fodder to the - and salt-content of. A. F. Hess L. J. Unger and G. C. Supplee 99. Anti-Scorbutic Principle Potato juice; - of. Anti-Scorbutic Properties Cow’s milk; Influence of the diet of the cow upon the nutritive and - of the. R. A. Dutcher C. H. Eckles C. D. Dahle, S. W. Mead and 0. G. Schaefer 99. Anti-Scorbutic Vitamin Heat and oxidation upon the -; Effect of.R. A. Dutcher H. M. Harshaw and J. S Hall 411. Apomorphine Hydrochloride. D. B. Dott 373. Apparatus Continuous dialysis or extraction; H. Mann 25. Apparatus Crystallised glass -; Repair of. Apparatus Crystallised glass -; Repair of. Apparatus etc. Abstracts 1921 25 68 113. Apparatus Hydrogen sulphide; - for generating. Apparatus Industrial analysis of gases; - €or the. Apparatus Laboratory -. Apparatus Melting-point -. F. Friedrichs 218. Apparatus Melting-points of fats and fatty acids; - for the routine determina-S. H. Blichfeldt and T. Thornley 180. Apparatus Oil-testing -; Deeley’s 114. Apparatus Small quantities; Distillation - for. Apparatus Steam distillation; New - for. E. A. Roff 386. Apparatus Victor Meyer’s vapour density -; Modification of.T. S. Patter-Apple Wood Heinicellulose of -. W. E. Tottingham R. H. Roberts and Approximate Estimation Commercial cresol in lysol; - of. C. J. Jordan Approximate Estimation Iron and manganese; - of. L. J. Curtman and Arachis Oil - ; Chemical composition of. G. S. Jamieson W. F. Baughman, Aromatic Hydrocarbons Petrol; Estimation of - in mixtures with. H. T. Aromatic Nitro Compounds Titanium trichloride; Analysis of - by means Arsenate Arsenite; Separation and detection of - and. Arsenates Phosphates and - Sensitive colour reaction of. G. Deniges, H. Hawley 452. G. Luff 213. Bezssonoff 411. - for. A. F. 0. Germann 164. H. Bailey 475. V. B. Connell 113. G. Ardoyer 424. G. Ajon 218. tion of.C. Woytacek 163. son 113. S. Lepkousky 204. and F. Southerden 375. N. H. Hecht 299. and D. H. Brauns 457. Tizard and A. G. Marshall 155. of. F. L. English 19. 24. G. W. Sears 302 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Araenic Detection and estimation of -; General method for the. Kohn-Arsenic Estimation of -; New method for the. J. Cribier 617. Arsenic Halogen Compounds - ; Reduction of. 0. Ruff 298. Arsenic Metallurgical products; Estimation of - and phosphorus in. Araenic Organic compounds; Estimation of - in. G. R. Robertson 162. Arsenic Reduction Tube Electrical heating; - with. K. Zwicknagl 260. Arsenious Compounds Potassium dichromate ; Volumetric estimation of - by Arsenite Arsenate and -; Separation and detection of. G. W. Sears 302. Artificial “ Honey.’’ Artificial Honey Analysis of -; Methods for the.A. Behre 499. Asbestos Adsorption by -. I. M. Kolthoff 258. Aschmann’s Method Todine value; - of determining the. B. M. Margosches and R. Ram 465. Ash Alkalinity and phosphate content of the - of foods; Estimation of the. J. Tillmans and A. Bohrmann 199. Atmosphere Iodine on different metals in the cold; Action of Process for the detection of the presence of chlorine in the -. C. Matignon 211. Atropine - ; Decomposition of. D. B. Dolt 502. Atropine Benzoic acid and its application to the detection of - cocaine and stovaine; Reaction of. Autoclave Glass - . Auto-Discharge Radium emanation; Rapid method measuring the - of an electroscope in the estimation of. P. Loisel 346. Abrest 66.I. Compagno 66. means of. R. Meurice 213. A. Beythien 500. M. Guerbet 11. Schmidt 163. “ Bachman Test ” Water-soluble vitamin B. ; The - for. W. H. Eddy and Bacillus aerogenes Bacillus coli and -; Notes on. Bucillus coli - and BaciZZw aerogenes; Notes on. Bacillus megatherium Souring of beef caused by -. H. Bunyea 461. Bacteria Denitnfying - in water; The effect of. Bacteria Non-alcoholic drinks; - in. Bacterial Anti-Bodies Chemical nature of - ; The. F. M. Huntoon P. Masucci and E. Hannum 57. Bacterial Growth Vitamins in promoting - ; Supposed importance of. J. W. McLeod and G. A. Wyon 505. Bacterial Infections Udder; Reaction of milk in relation to the presence of blood-cells and of specific - of the. Bacterial Stain Rose Bengal as a general -.H. J. Conn 461. Bacteriological Content Water ; Influence of minute quantities of metallic salts on the - of. E. L. Atkinson and R. C. Frederick 247. Bacteriological Physiological etc. Abstracts 1921 12 66 98 145 201 244, 291 335 377 408 460 502. Bacteriology Canned olives; - of. S. A. Koser 103. Balsam Gurjun -; The Turner reaction for. J. B. Luther 332. Balsam Peru - and its adulteration. L. Van Itallie 141. Barfoed’s Reagent Maltose and lactose in the presence of other reducing sugm by -; Estimation of. L. Le Grand 406. Barfoed’s Solution Maltose or lactose in presence of other reducing sugars; Estimation of Use of -. Legrand 198. H. C. Stevenson 607. M. Levine 461. M. Levine 461. K. Scheringa 205. L. Gershenfeld 102. J. C .Baker and R. S. Breed 16 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xxxv Bark Yohimba -; Estimation of yohimbine in. Bases Mixtures of acids and of - and of polybasic acids or -; Volumetric Bases Two indicators in the titration of acids and -; The joint use of. J. L. Basicity Soil toxicity acidity and -; Method of measuring. R. H. Carr 511. Bast Fibres Cellulose in -; Estimation of. Y. Uyeda 209. (Bauhinia esculentu Burch.) Gemsbok beans - G. T. Bray 401. Bean Georgia Velvet -; Seed of the. B. Sure and J. W. Read 606. Bean Navy - and peas; Carbohydrate content of. W. H. Peterson and H. Beans Foreign haricot -; Structure of. Beans Gemsbok - (Bauhinia escuZmta). Beans Haricot -; Poisonous. T. v. Fellenberg 196. Beans Proteins from - ; Relative digestibility of various preparations of.H. C . Waterman and D. B. Jones 409. Beans “ Rice ” - (Phaseolus calcaratas) 286. Beef l3aciZZzr.s Megatherium; Souring of -- caused by. Beef Fat Lard by Bomer’s method; Detection of - in. Vitoux and C. F. Beef Fat Lard; Detection of - in. Vitoux and C. F. Muttelet 94. Belgian Bureau Pure and Applied Chemistry; International Union of -. Benzene Hydrocarbons Coal-gas; Estimation of - in. E. Berl K. Andress, Benzine Air and -; Determination of the flash points of mixtures of. W. Benzoic Acid Atropine cocaine and stovaine; Reaction of - and its applica-Essential oil from the - of. Beryllium Aluminium from -; The separation of. H. T. S. Britton, Beryllium Aluminium from - The separation of. H. T. S. Britton, Bile Acids - ; Estimation of. Biological Method Dextrose; Investigation of the products of the enzymic E.Bourquelot and M. Biological Products Phosphates in -; Estimation of small quantities of. Biological Reaction Blood; New - for. R. Guyot 101. Birch and Gaultheria Oils Methyl salicylate in -; Review of tests for. Birmingham City Analyst Report of the - 1920; Annual. Bismuth High-grade ores; Colorimetric estimation of - in. G. Spurge 298. Bismuth Salts Titanium trichloride and Devarda’s alloy; Estimation of nitrates Bituminous Limestones Organic carbon in - ; Estimation of the. E. ‘‘ Black Spot ’’ Chilled and frozen meat; - of. F. T. Brooks and M. N. Kidd, A. Schomer 373. estimation of. Lizius 355. H. T. Tizard and A. R. Boeree 154. Churchill 329. N. T. Giung 329. G. T.Bray 401. H. Bunyea 461. Mutielet 371. - of Chemical Standards. 266. and W. Muller 253. Reinders 219. tion to the detection of. E. Puxeddu and F. Vodret 53. 437. 359. M. Guerbet 11. Berries Jufiiperus Phoefiicea from Sardinia; Part 11. Part I. C. L. A. Schmidt and A. E. Dart 146. hydrolysis of inulin by the - for the detection of. Bridel 408. G. Denighs 460. C. H. LaWall 97. 451. in - by means of. Sernagiotto 296. 292. T. McLachlan 383 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. " Black Spot " Citrus fruits; - of. H. A. Lee 336. Bleached Flour U.S.A.; - in. 139. Blood Biological reaction for -; New. Blood Catalese peroxydase and etherase in a drop of -; Estimation of. A. Bach and S. Zoubkoff 15. Blood-Cells Milk in relation to the presence of - and of specific bacterial infections of the udder; Reaction of.J. C. Baker and R. S. Breed 16. Blood Chlorides in -; Estimation of. A. S. Wetmore 101. Blood Chlorides in -; Estimation of. V. C. Myers and J. J. Short 12. Blood Creatinine and creatine in the -. C . C . Wang and M. L. Dentler 100. Blood Iodine in - and animal tissues; Estimation of. E. C. Kendall and Blood Phosphorus in urine and -; Colorimetric methods for estimation of. Blood- Reducing sugars in - and pathological fluids; Volumetric method of Blood Reducing sugars in - ; Estimation of. 0. Guillaumin 14. Blood-Serum Calcium in -; Estimation of. B. Kramer and J. Howland 12. Blood-Serum Diffusible calchm of -; Estimation of the. L. v. Meysenbug, Blood-Serum Milk; Estimation of tryptophane in - and.0. Furth and E. Blood Sodium in -; Estimation of. E. A. Doisy and R. D. Bell 147. Blood Sperm; Diagnosis of individual - and. Blood Sugar in -; Estimation of. E. Ponder and L. Howie 293. Bombay Mace 139. Borate Solutions Sugars and polyatomic alcohols in boric acid and - with Borax Solubility Test Commercial caseins; Standardisation of the - for. Boric Acid Acidimetry of -. Boric Acid Sugars and polyatomic alcohols in - and borate solutions with some analytical applications; Reactions of. Bottle Giass Ink; the acidity of ink and the influence of - upon. C. A. Mitchell 129. Bracken Rhizomes. Bran Rice - ; Adulteration of. 286. Brass Lead in -; Estimation of small amounts of. Brazilian Ore Zirconia from - and a new method of estimation; Preparation E.C. Rossiter and P. H. Sanders 255. Bread Dyes in the microscopical examination of -; flour feeding stuffs etc.; Brighton Public Analyst for the County Borough of -; Correspondence on Brine Fish frozen in chilled -; Preservation of Penetration of salt. L. H. British Columbian Willows and Poplars Salicin content of -. R. H. Clark Bromate - dichromate nitrite and chloride ions; Electrometric estimation R. Guyot 101. F. S. Richardson 13. R. D. Bell and E. A. Doisy 13. estimating. A. Jonescu and V. Vargolici 101. A. M. Pappenheimer T. F. Zucker and M. F. Murray 412. Nobel 293. Dervieux 336. Boiling-Point Minute quantities of substances; Determination of - of. v. Arreguine 218. some analytical applications; Reactions of. H. F.Zoller 108. G. Van B. Gilmour 3. J. A. M. v. Liempt 160. G. Van B. Gilrnour 3. J. Hendrick 96. F. W. Glaze 382. of. Use of. appointment of. 76. Almy and E. Field 503. and K. B. Gillie 602. of. W. S. Hendrixson 472. P. P. Fechner 287 xxxvii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Bromine Minute amounts of -; Estimation of. E. Oppenheimer 516. Bromine Organic substances; Estimation of traces of - in. A. Damiens 22. Bromine Poisons containing -; Toxocological detection of. A. Damiens 14. Bromine Saline waters; Estimation of - in. P. Lebeau and M. Picon 423. Bromometric Estimation Salicylic acid; - of. I. M. Kolthoff 290. Brown-Husked Maize Quercitin in -; Occurrence of. C. E. Sando and Bulbs Narcissus - and seaweed; Coffee substitutes from. C . Griebel and W.Butter and Margarine Fats Rancidity of -; Investigations on the. W. N. Butter Illip6 - used as substitute for cacao -; Detection and estimation Butter F Lecithin content of - and its possible relationship to fishy flavour 50. Butter Melting-point of the insoluble volatile acids; The detection of adultera-tion in - by means of the. G. Van B. Gilmour 183. Butter Milk and - as sources of vitamin A,; Factors influencing the value of. J. C. Drummond K. H. Coward and A. F. Watson 506. Butter Otoba -; Analysis of. W. F. Baughman G. S. Jamieson and D. H. Brauns 138. Butter Phosphorus in -. J. T. Cuisick 60. Butyro-Refractometer Zeiss - setting of scale (Notes). J. F. Liverseege H. H. Bartlett 502. Rothe 195. Stokoe 335. of. F. G. H. Tate and J. W. Pooley 229.and W. Singleton 93. Cacao-Beans Methyl alcohol in - and husks; Estimation of. C. H. Koers 52. Cacao Butter IllipC butter used as substitute for -; Detection and estimation Cacao - ; Impurities of. Cadmium Zinc and - in volumetric work; Reductions with. W. D. Tread-Caesium Gallium Alum Gallium from indium and zinc by fractional crystallisa-Caffeine Tea and coffee Estimation of - in. R. E. Andrew and E. M. Bailey, Caffeine The obromine and -; Identification of. M. Malmy 143. Cakes Hydrocyanic acid in linseed -; Presence of. Barishac 56. Cakes Hydrocyanic acid in linseed -; Presence of. E. Kohn-Abrest 57. Calcination Chlorine in milk without -; Estimation of. J. Werder 498. Calcium Blood serum ; Estimation of - in. B. Kramer and J. Hawland 12. Calcium Blood serum; Estimation of the diffusible - of.L. v. Meysenbug, Calcium Chloride Method , Water in gasoline and in certain other substances; for the estimation of. Calcium Content White-of-egg; - of. H. Kreis and J. Studinger 372 498. Calcium Salt mixtures; Estimation of - and magnesium in various. E. Calcium Salt mixtures; The quantitative estimation of - and magnesium in California Sardine - (SardiMia caeruleu); Chemical study of the. D. B. Calorific Value Coal; Determination of the - of. F. S. Sinnatt and M. B. of. F. G. H. Tate and J. W. Pooley 229. E. Wilczek 499. well 342. tion of the -; Separation of. 405. P. E. Browning and L. E. Porter 158. A. M. Pappenheimer T. F. Zucker and M. F. Murray 412. C. W. Clifford 417. Canals 384. various.E. Canals 216. Dill 503. Craven 524 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Camphor Camphorated oils; Estimation of - in. Camphorated Oils Camphor in -; Estimation of. Cane Sugar - ; Inversion and estimation of. Canned Herrings Maturing of -. Canned Olives - ; Bacteriology of. S. A. Koser 103. Cantaloup Seed Oil. W. F. Baughman D. Brauns and G. S. Jamieson 51. Capillary Tubes Surface tension from the rise in -; Determination of. Sugden 523. Caps Detonators and percussion -; Examination of. A. Langhans 344. Capsellu Bursa Pastoris .-; Active constituents of. H. W. van Urk 244. Carbohydrate Content Navy bean and peas; - of the. W. H. Peterson and Carbohydrate Thrice-boiled vegetables ; Available - in. L. O’Reilly and Carbohydrates Vegetable foods; Estimation of - in.V. C . Myers and H. M. Carbon Bituminous limestones ; Estimation of the organic - in. E. Serna-Carbon Dioxide Coal; Estimation of - in. F. S. Sinnatt and W. Harrison, Carbon Dioxide Water; Estimation of active - in. Carbon Monoxide Air and in flue gases; Estimation of small proportions of -Carbon Monoxide Cuprous ammonium carbonate solutions ; Absorption of -Carbon Monoxide - ; Detection of. Carbon Organic matter and organic - in soil; Rapid combustion method for Carbon Total - and new method for graphitic - in ferro-alloys; Estimation Carbonate Standard alkali solutions free from - ; Preparation of. I. M. Carbonates Certain soils; Investigation into the occurrence of different kinds of Carbonisation Purposes Coal for -; Assay of.T. Gray and J. G. King 209. Carnosine - ; Colorimetric estimation of. Carvacrol Thymol and - from alkaline solutions; Extraction of. D. C. L. Casein Commercial -; Analysis of. R. H. Shaw 107. Casein Fat in -; Proportion of. Caseinogen Hydrolysed - and the isolation of tryptophane ; Substances Caseins Borax solubility test for commercial - ; Standardisation of the. Cassava Flour. C. Grimme 287. Castor Oil Hydroxystearic acid from hardened -; New. H. Thorns and W. Castor Oil Seeds Feeding cake; Detection of - in. C. Brioux and M. Guerbet, D. A. Wallace and S. B D. A. Wallace and S. B; Plummer 501. Plummer 501. for the Year 1920). 453. A. R. Rose 288. (Report of the Food Investigation Board S . H. Churchill 329. E. H. McCabe 242. * Croll 287.giotto 296. 104. I. M. Kolthoff 249. in. D. Florentin and H. Vandenberghe 153. by. W. R. Hainsworth and E. Y. Titus 152. the estimation of. J. W. Read 295. of. Kolthoff 516. C. R. Hoover 470. P. Wenger and A. Trampler 343. in. F. Hardy 148. W. M. Clifford 507. Sherk 140. D. M. Gangolli and A. N. Meldrum 456. precipitated by mercuric sulphate from. H. F. Zoller 108. Deckert 139. 100. H. Onslow 504 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. XXXiX Catalase Blood; Estimation of - peroxydase and etherase in a drop of. A. Catalase Fish; Occurrence of - in. P. C. Stockstad 291. Catalysis Permanganate titrations ; - in. P. H. Segnitz 109. Catalyst Oxidation of dextrose with hydrogen peroxide ; Disodium hydrogen Catalytic Decomposition Alkaline sodium hypobromite solution by copper Cathodes Electrolytic work; Gold - for.Cattle Food ‘Hydrolysed sawdust; - prepared from. E. C . Sherrard and Caviare - and - substitutes. P. Buttenberg 498. Caviare Substitutes Caviare and -. P. Buttenberg 498. Cellobiose - (cellose) ; Constitution of. W. N. Haworth and E. L. Hirst 210. (Cellose) Cellobiose -; Constitution of. W. N. Haworth and E. L. Hirst 210. Cellulose Alkalis by -; Adsorption of. I. M. Kolthoff 267. Cellulose Bast fibres; Estimation of - in. Y. Uyeda 209. Cellulose - ; Methylation of. 111. - Homogeneity of product and limit Cellulose Ester Solutions Viscosity of -. M. Deschiens 19. Cellulose Lead and copper by -; Adsorption of. Cellulose Wood -; Examination of. Cement fibro- - ; Analysis of. Cereal Egg-powder with -; Adulteration of.404. Cereal Grains - Rye; Amylases of the. Cereals Chloropicrin in the disinfection of -; Use of. Characteristic Reaction Mercury fulminate; - of. A. Langhans 253. Chaulmoogra Oil - ; Fractionation of. A. L. Dean and R. Wrenshall 62. Check Valve Water vacuum pumps; - for. E. A. Andelin 303. Chemical Composition Arachis oil; - of. G. S. Jamieson W. F. Baughman, Chemical Conference International -; First. Chemical Nature Bacterial anti-bodies; The - of. F. M. Huntoon P. Chemical Reagents Wood ; Effects of - on the microstructure of. A. Abrams, Chemical Standards New -. (Analytically standardised samples). 477. Chemical Standards Pure and Applied Chemistry ; International Union d. Belgian Bureau of - 266. Chemistry Pure and Applied -; International Union of.Belgian Bureau of Chemical Standards. 266. Chia Oil. H. A. Gardner 20. Chicha - ; Composition of. Chicory Coffee substitutes; Analyses of - and other. J. Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 289. Chilian Honey (Notes). Chilled and Frozen Meat “ Black spot ” of -. F. T. Brooks and M. N. Kidd, 292. Chinese Colza Seed Oils from - ( Brassica cam?estris chhtoleifera). A. Viehoever J. F. Clevenger and C. 0. Ewing 94. Bach and S. Zoubkoff 15. phosphate as a - for the. sulphate; - of. G. W. Blanco 199. E. J. Witzemann 105. P. Fleury 23. A. B. Andrews 386. of methylation. W. S. Denham 154. I. M. Kolthoff 258. F. Lenze B. Pleus and J. Miiller 106. J. L. Baker and H. F. E. Hulton, A. Piutti and A. B. J.Smart and P. C Pecover 424. 329. Mango 145. and D. H. Brauns 457. Masucci and E. Hannum 57. 468. 120. D. C. Andrade 136. G. R. Thompson 328 xl INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Chlorides Blood; Estimation of - in. A. S. Wetmore 101. Chlorides Blood; Estimation of - in. V. C. Myers and J. J. Short 12. Chloride Ions Bromate &chromate nitrite and - ; Electrometric estimation Chlorides Leather; Estimation of hydrochloric acid and neutral - in. A. W. Chlorides Petroleum; Estimation of - in. Chlorine Calcination; Estimation of - in milk without. J. Werder 498. Chlorine Disinfectants Germicidal value of some -. Chlorine Iodine on different metals in the cold; Action of Process for the detec-tion of the presence of - in the atmosphere. Chlorine Tissues; Estimation of - in.Chloropicrin Cereals; Use of - in the disinfection of. A. Piutti and A. Mango, 145. Cholesterol Allied substances; Methods for the estimation of - and. J. A. Gardner and M. Williams 508. Chromic Acid Oxidation with - ; Estimation of organic compounds by. H. Cordebard 151. Chromic Oxide Precipitates Lime and magnesia by -; Entanglement of. E. Toporescu 216. Chromic Salts Permanganate &chromate and -; Volumetric analysis of mixtures of. N. G. Chatterji 520. Chromite Chromium in -; Iodimetric method for the estimation of. E. Little and J. Costa 216. Chromium Aluminium and Cobalt Alloys - ; Analysis of. J. R. Camp and J. W. Marden 22. Chromium Chromite; Iodimetric method for the estimation of - in. E. Little and J. Costa 216.Chromium - ; Iodimetric titration of. Chromium Ferric and Aluminium Hydroxides Separating - ; New method for. Chromium Steel; Detection and estimation of - in. A. Ferni and P. Malaguti 66. Chromium Steels; A new process for the estimation of small quantities of - in. B. S. Evans 38. Chromium Steels; The estimation of small amounts of - in (Notes). B S. Evans 285. Chromium Uranium vanadium and - when present together; Qualitative separation and detection of. Chromium Vanadium and - in ferrovanadium by electrometric titration ; Estimationof. G. L. Kelley J. A. Wiley R. T. Bohn and W. C. Wright, 519. Cinchona Alkaloids Strychnine in scale preparations containing quinine and other -; The estimation of. Cinnamon Ochre; Adulteration of ground - with.R. Windisch 196. Citrate -Soluble Phosphoric Acid Superphosphates ; Estimation of - in, Citric and Oxalic Acids -; Detection of. Citrus Fruits Black spot of -. Clay Heavy soils; Estimation of - in. A. F. Joseph and F. J. Martin 463. Clove Oil Clove stems; - from. Clove Stems Clove oil from -. of. W S. Hendrixson 472. Thomas and A. Frieden 107. R. R. Matthews 262. F. W. Tilley 103. C. Matignon 211. R. D. Bell and B. A. Doisy 146, J. M. Kolthoff 160. M. and M. Lemarchands 216. P. E. Browning 158. T. F. Harvey and S. Back 188. Official method of the German Agricultural Experiment Station. 295. Polonovski 464. H. A. Lee 336. S. T. Gadre 201. S. T. Gadre 201 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVl. xli Coal Calorific value of -; Determination of the.F. S. Sinnatt and M. B. Coal Carbon dioxide in -; Estimation of. F S. Sinnatt and W. Harrison 104. Coal Carbonisation purposes; Assay of - for. T. Gray and J. G. King 209. Coal-Gas Benzene hydrocarbons in -; Estimation of. E. BerZ K. Andress, and W. Muller 253. Coal Melting-point of -. Coal Sulphide sulphate and organic sulphur in -; Estimation of. A. R. Coal Tar Creosote Wood-destroying fungi ; Toxicity of various fractions and Coal Tar Dyes - ; Classification and identification of. Circulaire du Chef du Coal Tar from -; Apparatus for estimating the yield of. H. Schrader 340. Coal Tar Oils Turpentine; Detection and estimation of - in. V. E. Grot-Coals Volatile matter yielded by - up to various temperatures; New method W. A. Bone and L. Silver 415.Cobalt Aluminium and Chromium Alloys ~ ; Analysis of. J. R. Camp Cobalt - and nickel in - steels; Estimation of. G. E. F. Lundell and J. I, Cobalt - ; Detection and estimation of. S. A. Braley and F. B. Hobart, Cobalt Iron and -; The dimethyl-glyoxime reactions of. W. Vaubel 422. Cobalt Nitroso R-salt a reagent for the detection of -. H. S. van Klooster, Cobalt Steels Cobalt and nickel in -; Estimation of. G. E. F. Lundell and Cocaine Atropine - and stovaine; Reaction of benzoic acid and its applica-Cocoa Theobromine in - and its products; The estimation of. R.' V. Wads-Coconut and Palm Kernel Oils Fat mixtures in which both oils may be present ; Codeine Indian opium; Morphine - and narcotine in. Jitendra Nath Coffee Bean (Daubentonia longifolia) Poisonous plant ; - as a.C. D. Coffee Extracts. G. S. Ponce and J. R. Palma 136. Coffee Substitutes Chicory and other -; Analyses of. J. Pritzker and R. Coffee Substitutes Narcissus bulbs and seaweed; - from. C. Griebel and Coffee Tea and - Estimation of caffeine in. R. E. Andrew and E. M. Bailey, Cohune Nut Globulin from the -. C. 0. Johns and C. E. F. Gersdorff 100. Cold Test Apparatus Oils; - for. G. H. P. Lichthardt 218. Colloid Chemistry Indicators ; - of. Colloidal Matter Soils; Methods of estimating the amount of - in. C. J. Moore W. H. Fry and H. E. Middleton 379. Colorimetric Estimation - Tryptophane ; - of. 0. Furth and F. Lieben 100, Craven 524. G. Charpy and J. Durand 59. Powell 514. combinations of fractions of ~ to. Service des Finances et MM.les Chimistes en Chef des Laboratoires. H. Schmitz and S. M. Zeller 409. 63. lisch and W. C. Smith 469. for estimating the, and J. W. Marden 22. Hoff mann 384. 300. 254. J. I. Hoffmann 384. tion to the detection of. worth 32. Estimation of - in. Rakshit 481. Marsh and A. B. Clawson 145. M. Guerbet 11. W. N. Stokoe 196. Jungkunz 289. W. Rothe 195. 405. G. Wiegner 205 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI, Colorimetric Method Hydrogen-ion concentration in small volumes of liquid ; Colorimetric Method Hydrogen-ion concentration in water ; - for the esti-Colorimetric Method Hydrogen-ion concentration ; The - of determining : Colorimetric Methods Phosphorus in urine and blood; - for estimation of. Colostrum - . Colostrum Proteins in cow and ox serum - and milk by racemisation; Colour Measurement of -, Colour Reaction Aconite; A - for.Colour Reaction Antiscorbutic extracts and hydroquinone ; - common to. for the estimation of. L. D. Felton 297. mation of. I. M. Kolthoff 379. Some applications in the analytical laboratory. R. D. Bell and E. A. Doisy 13. C. Porchet and L. Panisset 98. Examination of. N. Evers 393. H. E. Woodman 504. C. E. K. Mees 474. S. Malfanneh 193. M. Bezssonoff 462. T. Sasaki 514. Colour Reaction Glycine anhydride and of its dipeptide compounds ; - of. Colour Reaction Phosphates and arsenates; Sensitive - of. G. Den@& 24. Colour Reactions ‘ r Lignin ” - ; Significance of. Coloured Malts Extract of -; Estimation of the. C. G. Matthews 95. Coloured Solutions Acidity of -; A method for the determination of the.J. L. Lizius 194. Colouring Microscope field; Note on - of the (Notes). Colza Seed Chinese - (Brassica caml5estris chinoleifera) ; Oils from. A. Viehoever J. F. Clevenger and C. 0. Ewing 94. Combustion Method Organic matter and organic carbon in soil; Rapid -for the estimation of. J. W. Read 295. Complex Mixture Neovalvarsan in a -; Detection of. Concentrates Dairy cows; Wet and dry feeding of - to. R. A. Berry 195. Concentrator Vacuum pump; Sulphuric acid - and. Conductance Electrolytic - ; New method of measuring. C. Marie and Conductimetric Titration. A. Heldring 162. Conductimetric Titration. J. M. Kolthoff 63. Conductivity Electrolytes; Determination of the - of. A. H. W. Aten 109.Conference International Chemical -; First. Constants and Numerical Data - Chemical Physical and Technological ; Contact-Ring Stillheads Fractional distillation with -. R. Lessing 386. Copper Aluminium alloys; Rapid estimation of - and iron in. P. Hulot 471. Copper Gold and its separation from - palladium and platinum; Electro-Copper Lead and - by cellulose; Adsorption of. Copper Sensitive reaction for -. Copper Sugar analysis by means of potassium thiocyanate and potassium iodide; Estimation of - in. Copper Sulphate Alkaline sodium hypobromite solution by - ; Catalytic decomposition of. P. Fleury 23. Corydalis Japanese - ; Alkaloids of. Cosmetics Spirits medicines - etc. by means of the Zeiss immersion re-fractometer ; Estimation of methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol in.W. Lange and G. Reif 369 E. C. Crocker 419. R. J. Phillips 367. M. A. Morel 408. 0. Maass 68. W. A. Noyes Junr. 346. 120. Annual Tables of. 388. lytic estimation of. W. D. Treadwell 298. I. M. Kolthoff 258. P. Falciola 471. G. Bruhns 23. Y. Asahina and S. Motigase 143 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. xliii Cotton Fabrics composed of a mixture of - and wool; Analysis of. Duyk 20. Cow and Ox Serum Proteins in - colostrum and milk by racemisation; Examination of. H. E. Woodman 604. Cow Nutritive and anti-scorbutic properties of the cow’s milk; Influence of the diet of the - upon the. R. A. Dutcher C. H. Eckles C. D. Dahle S. W. Mead and 0. G. Schaefer 99. Cow’s and Human Milk Acidity of goat’s - ; Comparison of the. E. W.Schultz and L. R. Chandler 241. Cows Concentrates to dairy -; Wet and dry feeding of. Creamery Fat tests in milk as determined by a milk-testing association and by a - ; Comparison of. Creatine Blood; Creatinine and - in the. C. C. Wang and M. L. Dentler 100. Creatinine Acetone and diacetic acid; Estimation of - in the presence of. N. F. Blau 510. Creatinine Blood ; - and creatine in the. C. C. Wang and M. L. Dentler, 100. Creosote Wood-destroying fungi ; Toxicity of various fractions and combinations of fractions of coal tar - to. Cresol Lysol; Approximate estimation of commercial - in. C. J. Jordan and F. Southerden 375. Cresol Lysol; Approximate estimation of commercial - in (Notes). G. F. W. Martin 451. Cresol Phenol reagent of Folin and Denis; Estimation of - by the.R. M. Chapin 419. Critical Temperature Fats in mixtures of ethyl alcohol and amyl alcohol; - of solution of. A. J. J. Vandevelde 243. Critical Temperature Hydrocarbons etc. ; - of solution and turbidity-temperature of. N. Chercheffsky 162. Crystaline Substances Rubber; Solubility of - in. G. Bruni 211. Crystallised Glass Apparatus Repair of -. A. F. 0. Germann 164. Crystallised Glass Apparatus Repair of -. H. Bailey 476. Crystals Ice cream ; Separation and identification of “sandy” - in. H. F. Cubebs Fruits of Pi@r ribesioides for -; Substitution of the. Cup and Ball Viscosimeter - ; Michell’s. Cupferron Method Iron by the -; Estimation of. Cuprous Ammonium Carbonate Solutions Carbon monoxide by -; Absorption of. W.R. Hainsworth and E. Y. Titus 152. Cuprous Mercuric Iodide Mercury as -; Identification of. I? Artmann 254. Curua Palm oil 50. Cyanic Acid Oxidation of organic substances; Syntheses of - by. New Cyanometric Assay Nickel ; - of. Cyprus Perilla seed from -. 289. R. A. Berry 195. H. C. Troy 49. H. Schmitz and S. M. Zeller 409. Zoller and 0. E. Williams 455. 144. T. C. Thomsen 114. G. E. F. Lundell ,254. methods of analysis of this substance. R. Fosse 207. G. H. Stanley 519. Dairy Cows Wet and dry feeding of concentrates to -. Damp Material “Wet ” and “dry” weights of -; Slide rule for calculation of. Dangerous Drugs Act. Revised Regulations. 304. (Duubentoniu longifolia) Coffee bean - as a poisonous plant. C. D. Deeley’s Oil-Testing Apparatus - .R. A. Berry 196. R. Scott 303. Marsh and A. B. Clawson. 145. 114 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Dehydrating Agent Silica; Perchloric acid as a - in the estimation of. H. H. Denighs’ Test Methyl alcohol in the presence of ethyl alcohol; - for the Denitrifying Bacteria Water; The effect of - in. Density Air; Rapid method of determining the - of. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Report of the Food In-Derivatives Commercial salvarsan ; - of sulphur in. Derivatives Sulphur in commercial salvarsan ; - of. - 11. H. King 459. Dermatitant Rh.m diversiloba (poison oak) ; Lobinol a - from. J. B. Detonators Percussion caps; Examination of - and. Devarda’s Alloy Nitrates in bismuth salts by means of titanium trichloride and Devarda’s Alloy Nitric nitrogen; Comparison of Scales’ method and the use of Dextrin Dextrose laevulose sucrose and - in admixture ; Estimation of.Dextrin Pastes Starch and -; Consistence of. W. H. Herschel and C. Berg-Dextrose - laevulose sucrose and dextrin in admixture; Estimation of. Dextrose Enzymic hydrolysis of inulin by the biological method for the detection’ E. Bourquelot and M. Bridel, Dextrose Hydrogen peroxide; Disodium hydrogen phosphate as a catalyst for Dextrose Plants; Detection of - in. Dextrose Small quantities of -; Estimation of. Dextrose Starch; Estimation of - and, Dextrose Thiocyanate-potassium iodide method ; Table for the estimation of Diacetic Acid Creatinine in the presence of acetone and -; Estimation of. Dialysis Continuous - or extraction; Apparatus for.Diastatic Power Malts; Iodimetric determination of the - of. J. L. Baker Dichromate -Bromate - nitrite and chloride ions ; Electrometric estimation Dichromate Mixtures of permanganate - and chromic salts; Volumetric Dicyanodiamide - ; Direct estimation of. Dicyanodiamide Fertilisers; Estimation of - and of urea in. E. Johnson 380. Diet Cow’s milk; Influence of the - of the cow upon the nutritive and anti-R. A. Dutcher C. H. Eckles C. D. Dahle S. W. Differential Dialysis Vitamins ; - of. Digestibility Hydrogenated oils; - of some. A. D. Holmes and H. J. Deuel, Digestibility Phaseolin; Effect of cooking on the - of. H. C. Waterman and Willard and W. E. Cake 67. detection and estimation of. R. M. Chapin 375. K. Scheringa 205.G. P. Baxter 474. H. King 407. vestigation Board for the Year 1920. 453. McNair 143. A. Langhans 344. ; Estimation of. T. McLachlan 383. -.- for the reduction of. A. Behre 368. quist 468. A. Behre 368. of -; Investigation of the products of the. 408. the oxidation of - with. A. P. Harrison 257. E. J. Witzemann 105. M. Bridel and R. Arnold 378. Perrier 11. F. A. Quisumbing 58. invert sugar and laevulose by the. G. Bruhns 330. N. F. Blau 510. and H. F. E. Hulton 90. of. W. S. Hendrixson 472. analysis of. H. Mann 25. N. G. Chatterji 520. E B. Johnson 338. scorbutic properties of the, Mead and 0. G. Schaefer 99. S. S. Zilva and M. Miura 506. 503. C. 0. Johns 246 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. XlV Digestibility Various preparations of proteins from beans ; Relative - of, H.C. Waterman and D. B. Jones 409. Digitalis - ; Chemistry of. Dimethylglyoxime Reactions Iron and cobalt ; The - of. W. Vaubel, Dinitrosalicylic Acid Sugar in urine; - as a reagent for the estimation of, Dipeptide Compounds Glycine anhydride and of its -; Colour reaction of. Diphenylamine and Formaldehyde Reaction Milk; Iron as the cause of the Diphenylamine Phenolphthalein and - in the estimation of manganese by Dips Phenols in sheep -; Estimation of. K. B. Edwards and G. A. Freak 60. Discoloration Sweet potatoes in tins; - of. Disinfectants Chlorine -; Germicidal value of some. Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dextrose with hydrogen peroxide; - as a Dissolved Gases Petrols containing -. F. Bordas 59, Distillation Apparatus Small quantities ; - for.Distillation Contact-ring stillheads ; Fractional - with. Distillation Steam -; New apparatus for. Di -Sulphonic Acids Aminonaphthol mono- and -; Volumetric estimation Disulphonic Acids Naphthalene -; Qualitative detection of certain. J. A. Drinking Water Hydrogen ion concentration in the examination of --; Esti-Drinks Non-alcoholic -; Bacteria in. L. Gershenfeld 102. Drugs Act; Dangerous -. Revised Regulations. 304. Drying Oils Oxygen absorption of -; True. S. Coffey 418. Dumas and Kjeldahl Methods Total nitrogen in urine by the -; Estimation of. Dyes Bread flour feeding stuffs etc. ; Use of - in the microscopical examina-tion of. Dyes Coal tar -; Classification and identification of. Circulaire du Chef du Service des Finances et MM.les Chimistes en Chef des Laboratoires. 63. Dyes Living and dead yeast; Action of methylene blue and other ~ on. C. G. Fraser 247, H. C. Hamilton 98. 422. J. B. Sumner 413. T. Sasaki 514. - of. F. Reiss 136. the persulphate method; The use of. D. H. Wester 112. E. F. Kohman 404. F. W. Tilley 103. catalyst for the oxidation of. E. J. Witzemann 105. C. Woytacek 163. R. Lessing 386. E. A. Roff 386. of. G. R. Levi 420. Ambler 107. mation and significance of the. I. M. Kolthoff 249. W. Mestrezat and M. P. Janet 17. P. P. Fechner 287. Edestin Pepsin; Use of - in determining the proteolytic activity of. J. F, Edible Fungi Preserved -. J. Gerum 243. Egg-Powder Cereal; Adulteration of - with. 404. Egg-Powder Composition of -; The.Egg Products Eggs and -. Egg Substitute U.S.A. Service and Regulatory Announcements. Egg White-of- - ; Calcium content of. Egg-Yolk Lecithin Fatty acids of -. Eggs Egg products; - and. 404. Brewster 245. F. F. Beach F. E. Needs and E. Misbranding H. Kreis and J. Studinger 372 498-P. A. Levene and I. P. Roaf 242. Russell 279. 404. of -. 466 -xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Elaeostearic Acid Tetrabromide Tung oil with ordinary linolic acid tetrabro-Electric Oven Rapid moisture estimations; - for. Electrical Conductivity Water extracts of wheat flour; - of. C. H. Bailey Electrical Heating Arsenic reduction tube with -. Electrolytes Conductivity of -; Determination of the. A. H. W. Aten 109. Electrolytic Conductance Measuring -; New method of.C. Marie and W. A. Electrolytic Estimation Gold; - of and its separation from copper palladium Electrolytic Work Gold cathodes for -. Electrometric Estimation Bromate dichromate nitrite and chloride ions; Electrometric Titration Hydriodic acid and its use as a standard in oxidimetry; Electrometric Titration Hypochlorous acid ; - of W. D. Treadwell 301. Electrometric Titration Iodic acid and silver by -; Estimation of. W. S. Hendrixson 255. Electrometric Titration Vanadium and chromium in ferrovanadium by -; Estimation of. G. L. Kelley J. A. Wiley R. T. Bohn and W. C. Wright 519. Electroscope Radium emanation ; Rapid method for measuring the auto-discharge of an - in the estimation of. Elements Highly sensitive rays of the - applicable to analytical investiga-tions; Table of.Endosperm Wheat berry; Distribution of enzymes and proteinsin the - of the. F. J. Martin 56. Enzymes Endosperm of the wheat berry; Distribution of - and proteins in the. F. J. Martin 56. Enzymes Fruits; Oxidising - of. Enzymic Hydrolysis Products of the - of inulin by the biological method for the detection of dextrose; Investigation of the. E. Bourquelot and M. Bridel, 408. Epidemic Ropy milk; An - of. .Errata 1920: mide; Non-Identity of - from. B. H. Nicolet 251. G. L. Spencer 217. K. Zwicknagl 260. and F. A. Collatz 242. Noyes Junr. 346. and platinum. W. D. Treadwell 298. A. B. Andrews 386. - of. W. S. Hendrixson 472. - of. W. S. Hendrixson 211. P. Loisel 346. A. de Gramont 64. M.W. Onslow 292. H. A. Harding and M. J. Prucha 99. Page H O line 11 from top for “2549” read “2849”. Page 218 bottom line for “69” read ‘‘ 169”. Page 262 line 24 delete “with.” Page 284 top line for “ saponifiable ” substitute “ unsaponifiable.” Page 339 line 4 for “1895 19 14” read “1894 19 141.” Page 450 line 9 add “ANALYST 1920 45 139.” Pare 22 lines for #‘ Aluminium ” read ‘‘ Molybdenum.” Page 33 line 15 for ‘‘ 11 ” read ‘‘ 9.’’ Page 110 last line for “ 1920’’ read “ 1921.” Page 111 line 10 for “1896” read “1895.” Page 131 line 21 delete “1909 30.” Page 144 for “ Onoperdon ’’ substitute Outo~ordolz. Pages 143 and 374 for “ acid-soluble ” read “ acid-insoluble.” Page 332 line 29 for “ANALYST” read “ J . I&. Br.” Page 344 line 19 for “ sulphite ” read “ sulphur trioxide.” Page 424 line 24 for “ arsenious acid” read ‘‘ arsenic.” Page 502 for “ Dolt ” read ‘‘ Dott.” Errata 1921 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI.xlvii Erythrodextrin Individuality of -; The. J. C . Blake 59. Essential Oil Berries of Jztrnifierzss +homicea from Sardinia; - from the. Essential Oil Perilla Nautkiutemis ; - from. S. Furukawa and 2. Tomi-Essential Oil Skimmia kaureola; - from leaves of. J. L. Simonsen 333. Essential Oils Alcohols and phenols in - by esterification with py-ridine ; H. W. Van Urk 512. Ester Aceto-acetic -; Estimation of. H. Yanagisawa and M. Kamio 512. Esterification Pyridine j Estimation of alcohols and phenols in essential oils by Ether Liquid and gaseous mixtures of - alcohol and water; Analysis of. I. Etherase Catalase peroxydase and - in a drop of blood; Estimation of.A. Ethyl Alcohol Fats in mixtures of - and amyl alcohol; Critical temperature of Ethyl Alcohol Methyl alcohol and - in spirits medicines cosmetics etc. by W. Lange and Ethyl Alcohol Methyl alcohol in the presence of -; DenigW test for the (Ethylhydrocuprehe) Optochin - ; Remijin an inferior Japanese substitute Ethyl Nitrite Sweet spirit of nitre; Volatilisation of - from. J. G. Roberts, Explosives Nitroglycerin -; Quantitative test of the stability towards heat Extract Coloured malts; Estimation of the - of. Extract Soil - ; Relation of soil solution to the. D. R. Hoagland J. C. Extraction Continuous dialysis or -; Apparatus for. Extracts Antiscorbutic - and hydroquinone ; Colour reaction common to.M. Bezssonoff 462. Extracts Coffee -. Extracts Vanilla -; New lead number estimation in. H. J. Wichmann 333. Extracts Wheat Aour ; Electrical conductivity of water - of. C. H. Bailey E. Puxeddu and F. Vodret 53. zawa 290. Essential Oil Spearmint from South Africa; - of. 201. Estimation of. - with. Masson and T. L. McEwan 250. Bach and S. Zoubkoff 15. solution of. A. J. J. Vandevelde 243. means of the Zeiss immersion refractometer; Estimation of. G. Reif 369. detection and estimation of. for. C. A. Rojahn 142. 334, of. M. Taliani 377. H. W. Van Urk 512. R. M. Chapin 375. C. G. Matthews 95. Martin and G. R. Stewart 109. H. Mann 25. G. S. Ponce and J. R. Palma 136. and F. A. Collatz 242. Fabrics Cotton and wool; Analysis of - composed of a mixture of.Faeces Peculiar constituents of -; The identification of (Notes). Fat Casein; Proportion of - in. Fat Content Skimmed milk; Comparison of methods for the estimation of the -Fat Globules Goat’s milk; The size of - in. E. W. Schultz and L. R. Chandler, Fat-Soluble Vitamin Content Pigmentation; - of peas in relation to their. Fat-Soluble Vitamin Yellow plant pigments from the -; Differentiation of Duyk 20. W. Part-ridge 489, of. 241. H. Steenbock M. T. Sell and P. W. Boutwell 411. M. Stephenson 246. D. M. Gangolli and A. N. Meldrum 455. T. J. McInerney and H. C. Troy 50 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Fat Tests Milk-testing association and by a creamery; Comparison of - in milk as determined by a. H. C. Troy 49.Fats Cholesterol in tissue -; Source of error in the colorimetric estimation of. J. A. Gardner and F. W. Fox 508. Fats Ethyl alcohol and amyl alcohol; Critical temperature of solution of - in mixtures of. A. J. J. Vandevelde 243. Fats - and oils; Test for annatto in. W. Brinsmaid 198. Fats Melting-points of - and fatty acids; Apparatus for the routine determina-Fats Partly hydrolysed -; Analysis of. W. Fahrion 297. Fats Water in - and oils; Estimation of. H. Oertel 12. Fatty Acids Anhydrides of higher aliphatic - as food. D. Holde and I. Fatty Acids Egg-yolk lecithin; - of. Fatty Acids Fish oils; New method for the separation of highly unsaturated -Fatty Acids Lead salts of saturated and of less saturated -; Quantitative Fatty Acids Melting-points of fats and -; Apparatus for the routine determina-Fatty Acids Solid - with lead acetate in alcoholic solution; Precipitation of.Fatty Acids Turkey-red oil; Estimation of - in. 339. Fatty Mixtures Resin acids in -; Estimation of. D. McNicoll 340. Fatty Oils Molecular solutions; Oil-Film measurement of - and certain phenomena of. P. Woog 465. Fatty Oils Reptilia; - from. Fatty Substances Acetyl value of -; Determination of the. E. Andr6 251. Fatty Substances Greasiness of -. Feeding Cake Castor oil seeds in -; Detection of. C. Brioux and M. Guerbet, Feeding Stuffs Bread flour - etc.; Use of dyes in the microscopical exami-Fennel Oil Sweet -. C. E. Sage 458. Fermentation Glycerol Estimation of -; Rapid method for the. K. Fleischer, Fermentation Substance from yeast and rice polishings which accelerates -; S.Frankel and E. Schwarz 202. Ferric Chromium and Aluminium Hydroxides Separating - ; New Ferro-Alloys Graphitic carbon in -; Estimation of total carbon and new Ferrocyanide Method Zinc by the -; Estimation of. Ferrovanadium Vanadiuq and chromium in - by electrometric titration ; G. L. Kelley J. A. Wiley R. T. Bohn and W. C. Wright 519. Fertilisers Dicyanodiamide and of urea in -; Estimation of. E. Johnson, Fertilisers Urea in -; Estimation of. Fibres Cellulose in bast -; Estimation of. Fibres Vegetable - ; Digestion of. Fibro-Cement - ; Analysis of. Fine Chemicals Industry - ; The. tion of. S. H. Blichfeldt and T. Thornley 180. Tacke 245. in. M. Tsujimoto 57. separation of the. A.Seidenberg 465. tion of. S. H. Blichfeldt and T. Thornley 180. E. Twitchell 466. P. A. Levene and I. P. Roaf 242. M. Tsujimoto and S. Kobayashi 198. P. Woog 464. 100. nation of. P. P. Fechner 287. 514. Estimation of a. method for. . M. and M. Lemarchands 215. method for. P. Wenger and A. Trampler 343. E. Olivier 299. Estimation of. 380. E. B. Johnson 338. Y. Uyeda 209. B. J. Smart and P. C. Pecover 424. W. Thomann 203. 174 INDEX TO VOLUME xLvr. xllx Fish Catalase in -; Occurrence of. P. C. Stockstad 291. Fish Chilled brine; Preservation of - frozen in. Penetration of salt. L. H. Almy and E. Field 503. Fish Oils Highly unsaturated fatty acids in -; New method for the separation of. M. Tsujimoto 57. Fish Preservation Committee. (Report of the Food Investigation Board for the Year 1920.) 453.Fishes Pacific Coast -; Chemical study of certain. Fishy Flavour Lecithin content of butter and its possible relationship to -. G. C. Supplee 50. Fixed Oils Identification; The spectrometric examination of certain - asa means of. Flames Reducing -; Analysis by means of; detectiop of traces of manganese in presence of iron or other substances. Plash Points Air and benzine; Determination of the - of mixtures of. W. Reinders 219. Flour Bread - feeding stuffs etc. ; Use of dyes in the microscopical examina-tion of. Flour Cassava -. Flour Potatoes and potato -; Mineral constituents of. C. E. Mangels 328. Flour Sterilising agent for - ; Hydrocyanic acid as a. Marchadier and Flour U.S.A.; Bleached - in.Flour Water extracts of wheat -; Electrical conductivity of. C. H. Bailey Flours Hydrogen peroxide on -; Action of. Flours Manioc and rice -; Detection of. Flowers Saffron; Substitution of - of Oqbordmt species for. Flue Gases Carbon monoxide in air and in -; Estimation of small proportions D. Florentin and H. Vandenberghe 153. Fluidity Oils at low temperatures; Apparatus for determining the. - of. 69. Fluorescein Underground water ; - as an aid to tracing. Fluoresce'in Very dilute solutions; Detection of - in. Fodder Milk; Relation of - to the anti-scorbutic power and salt-content of. A. F. Hess L. J. Unger and G. C. Supplee 99. Food and Drugs Analysis Abstracts 1921 11 49 94 136 195 241 286 328, 367 404 455 498. Food Control -.Nos. 350 and 379 1921. 305. Food Control (Statutory Rules and Orders 1921 No. 1305.) The Sale of Food Order 1921 dated August 16 1921. Made by the Board of Trade under the Ministry of Food (Continuance) Act 1920 (10 and 11 Geo. V. c.-47 and the Ministry of Food (Cessation) Order 1921. 426. Food Control - ; Statutory Rules and Orders No. 1056 1921: Food Higher aliphatic acids as -; Anhydrides of. D. Holde and I. Tacke, 245, Food Inspection Agriculture; United States Department of. - Decision. 182 497. Food Investigation Board Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Report of the - for the Year 1920. 463. Food Supply Vitamins and the -. A. Harden 201. Foods Ash of -; Estimation of the alkalinity and phosphate content of the J. Tillmans and A.Bohrmann 199. D. B. Dill 503. H. C. T. Gardner 356. J. Meunier 259. P. P. Fechner 287. C. Grimme 287. Goujon 287. and F. A. Collatz 242. 139. Marion 11. L. Desvergnes 367. 144. of. H. Stabler 511. M. Lombard 337. Statutory Rules and Orders. 388 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI, Foods Carbohydrates in vegetable -; Estimation of. V. C. Myers and H. M. Foods Infected -; Serological method for detection of. J. Bronfenbenner and Foods Laevulinic acid in -; Detection and estimation of. Foreign Haricot Beans Structure of -. N. T. Giung 329. Formaldehyde Ammonium salts by means of -; Volumetric estimation of. Formaldehyde and Diphenylamine Reaction Milk; Iron as the cause of the Formaldehyde - and paraformaldehyde in tablets; Estimation of. N. Formaldehyde Metals in acids containing -; Solubility of.R. C. Griffin 110. Formaldehyde Resorcinol and sulphuric acid; New test for - with. R. Formic Acid Potassium cyanide; Decomposition of and estimation of - in the Formic Oxalic and Tartaric Acids - in presence of each other; Detection Formulae Diluting acids etc. to a desired strength; - for (Notes). A. E. ‘‘ Fornitral ” Nitric acid; Use of - for the detection and estimation of. 386. Fractional Crystallisation Gallium from indium and zinc by - of the caesium Fractional Distillation Contact-ring stillheads ; - with. R. Lessing. 386. Fractional Precipitation. Fractionation Humic acid; The preparation and - of. V. A. Beckley 151. French Oil of Turpentine - ; Composition of. Frozen Meat Chilled and -; “Black spot” of.F. T. Brooks and M. N. Kidd, Fruit Rectin in -. (Report of the Food Investigation Board for the Year Fruits Citrus -; Black spot of. Fruits Cubebs; Substitution of the - of Piper ribesioides for. 144. Fruits Oxidising enzymes of -. Fuels Smokeless -. Fulminate of Mercury Sodium thiosulphate; Notes on the reactions of -Fumes Air; Estimation of nitrous - in. Fungi Coal tar creosote to wood-destroying -; Toxicity of various fractions H. Schmitz and S. M. Zeller 409. Fungi Edible -; Preserved. J. Gerum 243. Furnace Gas combustion - for use in organic analysis; Improved. T. J. Fusions Sodium peroxide -; Apparatus for. H. J. Hodsman 260. . Croll 287. M. J. Schlesinger 462. L. Griinhut 406. I. M. Kolthoff 520. of. F. Reiss 136. Evers and C.11. Caines 374. Cohn 502. presence of hydrocyanic acid. of. Johnson 488. gallium alum; Separation of. P. E. Browning and L. E. Porter 158. G. Harker 415. F. Krauss and H. Tampke 296. P. Jolibois R. Bossuet and Chevry 162. M. V&zes 252. 292. 1920.) 453. H. A. Lee 336. M. W. Onslow 292. F. S. Sinnatt 468. with. F. H. DuprC and P. V. DuprC 42. J. Moir 517. and combinations of fractions of. Hedley 473. Gallium Caesium - alum; Separation of - from indium and zinc by frac-P. E. Browning and L. E. Porter 158. Gallium Ferrocyanide Analysis; Use of - in. ‘L. E. Porter and P. E. Gas Combustion Furnace Organic analysis; Improved - for use in. T. J. tional crystallisation of the. Browning 158. Hedley 473 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI.li Gases Sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide in sulphur burner -; Estimation of. R Dieckmann 517. Gas -Volumetric Estimation Ammoniacal nitric and organic nitrogen in mixed fertilisers; - of. P. Baldi 64. Gas Volumetric Method Aluminium; - of estimating. L. Losana 383. Gaseous Ammonia Hexamethylenetetramine picrate ; Micro-Chemical identifi-cation of - as. C. Kollo and V. Teodossiu 111. I. Masson and T. L. McEwan 250. Gases Carbon monoxide in air and in flue -; Estimation of small proportions of. D. Florentin and H. Vandenberghe 153. Gases Dissolved -; Petrols containing. F. Bordas 59. Gases Industrial analysis of -; Apparatus for the. G. Ardoyer 424. Gasoline Water in - and in certain other substances; Calcium chloride Gasometric Determination Nitrogen; Note on the - of.R. L. Stehle, Gasometric Estimation Hypochlorites ; - of. A. K. Macbeth 344. Gasometric Estimation Nitrogen; - of. R. L. Stehle 110. Gasometric Estimation Urea in urine; - of. R. L. Stehle 412. Gaultheria and Birch Oils Methyl salicylate in -; Review of tests for. C. H. Gelatins Commercial -; The gold number of. F. A. Elliott and S. E. Shep-Gelatins Glues; Jelly strength of - and. S. E. Sheppard S. S. Sweet and Gelatins Setting and melting points of -; The. S. E. Sheppard and S. Sweet, Gemsbok Beans - (Bauhi9zia escde&a Burch.) . G. T. Bray 401. Georgia Velvet Bean Seed of the -. B. Sure and J. W. Read 506. German Agricultural Experiment Station Citrate-soluble phosphoric acid 295. Germicidal Properties Milk; - of. 293.Germicidal Value Chlorine disinfectants; - of some. F. W. Tilley 103. Glandular and Other Tissues Vitarnine in connection with determinations of F. K-Glass Apparatus Crystallised -; Repair of. A. E. 0. Germann 164. Glass Apparatus Crystallised -; Repair of. N. Bailey 475, Glass Autoclave. Schmidt 163. Glass Bottle - upon ink; The acidity of ink and the influence of. Glass -Wool - ; Adsorbent properties of. I. M. Kolthoff 259. Globulin Cohune nut; - from the. Glue Testing -; A simple method for (Notes). Glues Gelatins and -; Jelly strength of. J. W. Scott Junr. 20. Glycerides Goose-fat ; - of. A. Bomer 500. Glycerol Acrolein ; Estimation of -in wine by conversion into. and F. Englert 332. Glycerol Fermentation -; Rapid method for the estimation of.51 4. Gaseous Mixtures Ether alcohol and water; Analysis of liquid and - of. method for the estimation of. C. W. Clifford 417. 421. LaWall 97. pard 470. J. W. Scott Junr. 20. 341. in superphosphates; Estimation of. Official method of the - . vitamine in - ; Quantitative method for the determination of. Swoboda 17. C . A. Mitchell 129. C. 0. Johns and C. E. F. Gersdorff 100. D. R. Fraeer 284. S. E. Sheppard S. S. Sweet and A. Heiduschka K. Fleischer lii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI, Glycerol Specific gravity and percentage of -; Need of a new table for. L. W-. Glycine Anhydride Dipeptide compounds; Colour reaction of - and of its. Glycyrrhizin Liquorice root; Estimation of - in. Goat’s Cow’s and Human Milk Acidity of -; Comparison of the.E. W. Goat’s Milk Fat globules in -; The size of. E. W. Schultz and L. R. Chandler, Gold Cathodes Electrolytic work; - for. A. B. Andrews 386. Gold Copper palladium and platinum; Electrolytic estimation of - and its Gold Number Commercial gelatins; The - of F. A. Elliott and S. E. Shep-(Golden Seal) Hydrastis -. 374. Goldenseal (Hy&.a~tis) Root Standard for -; Proposed. 143. Goose-Fat Glycerides of -. A. Bomer 500. Government Chemist Work of the Government Laboratory; Report of the -upon the (For the year ended Mpch 31 1921). 493. Government Laboratory Government Chemist upon the Work of the -; Report of the. (For the year ended March 31 1921.) Grains Cereal - rye; Amylases of the. J. L. Baker and H. F. E. Hulton 329. Grape Seed Oil. E. Klinger 138.Grape-Seed Oil. F. Rabak 500. Grape-Seed Oil - ; Composition of. Grape-Seed Oils. E. Andre 288. Graphite Volatile matter in -; Estimation of. Graphitic Carbon Ferro-alloys; Estimation of total carbon and new method for P. Wenger and A. Trampler 343. . Grignard Reagent Oxidation of the -. C. W. Porter and C. Steel 60. Growth-Promoting Factors Lower vegetable organisms ; - in. Guanidine Carbonate Standard alkali; - as a. Gum Arabic Gum tragacanth with -; Adulteration of. Gum Levan Mould spores; Formation of - by. G u m Tragacanth Gum arabic; Adulteration of - with. Gum Yacca -. 54. Gurjun Balsam Turner reaction for -; The. Bosart 513. T. Sasaki 514. P. A. Houseman 372 Schultz and L. R. Chandler 241. 241. separation from. W. D.Treadwell 298. pard 470. 493. E. Andrk 331. 0. L. Shinn 416. - in. Greasiness Fatty substances ; - of. P. woog 464. P. Goy 99. L. Thevenon 55. N. and L. Kopeloff and C. J. L. Thevenon 55. A. H. Dodd 250. Welcome 15. J. B. Luther 332. Haemolytic Streptococci Milk and from human lesions; - from. Haemolytic Streptococci Water ; Vitality and viability of - in. Halogen Acids Oil of juniper; Action of - on. Halogen Compounds Arsenic -; Reduction of. Halogenated Derivatives Mercury and thallium; Compounds of -. [Sepa-Hardened Castor Oil Hydroxystearic acid from -; New. H. Thorns and Hardness Water; Estimation of the - of. Hardness Water Soap solution for use in estimating - of. R. C. G. S. Salter 248. Livingston 247. R. Huerre 140.0. Ruff 298. ration of mercury from thallium.] W. Deckert 139. J. Barlot and J. Pernot 421. G. Bruhns 337. A. Krieger 337 IKDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. liii Haricot Beans Foreign -; Structure of. Haricot Beans - ; Poisonous. Harrogate Mineral Waters - ; Composition of the. Head Oil Sperm whale; Composition of the - of the. Heat Anti-scorbutic vitamin; Effect of - and oxidation upon the. R. A. Dutcher H. M. Harshaw and J. S. Hall 411. Heat - Insulating Capacity Textiles ; Laboratory apparatus for measuring the permeability and - of. G. Colombo 68. Heavy Soils Clay in -; Estimation of. A. F. Joseph and F. J. Martin 463. Hemicellulose Apple wood ; - of. W. E. Tottingham R. H. Roberts and S. Lepkousky 204. Herrings Canned -; Maturing of. (Report of the Food Investigation Board for the Year 1920.).453. Hexabrornide and Iodine Values Linseed oil and soya bean oil on the estimation of these oils by means of the -; Effect of variation in the analytical con-stants of. Hexabromide Test Oils other than linseed oil in paints by means of the -; Detection of. Hexabrornostearic Adds Linolenic and -. S. Coffey 418. Hexamethylenetetramine Picrate Gaseous ammonia as -; Micro-Chemical High-Grade Ores Bismuth in -; Colorimetric estimation of. G. Spurge 298. Hippuric Acid Urine; Rapid method for the estimation of - in. F. B. Kings-Hollyhock Seed - and oil; Composition of. R. S. Hiltner and L. Feldstein, “ Honey ” Artificial - . A. Beythien 500. Honey Artificial -; Methods for the analysis of. A. Behre 499.Honey Chilian - (Notes). G. R. Thompson 328. Hops Tannin in -; Polarimetric estimation of. Human Lesions Milk and from - ; Haemolytic Streptococci from. Human Milk Goat’s cow’s and -; Comparison of the acidity of. Humic Acid - ; The preparation and fractionation of. Humus - ; The formation of. V. A. Beckley 151. Husks Cacao-beans and -; Estimation of methyl alcohol in. Hydrastine Hydsmtis cawihsis; Estimation of - in. Hydrastis - (Golden Seal). 374. Hydrastis Canadensis Hydrastine in - ; Estimation of. N. Wattiez, Hydrastis Goldenseal - root; Proposed standard for. Hydrazines - ; Preparation of. Hydriodic Acid Oxidimetry ; Electrometric titration of - and its use as a Hydrocarbons Benzene - in coaI-gas; Estimation of. E. Berl K. Andress, Hydrocarbons Petrol ; Estimation of aromatic - in mixtures with.H. T. Hydrocarbons Solution and turbidity-temperature of - etc. ; Critical tem-N. T. Giung 329. T. V. Fellenberg 196. W. Lowson 125. M. Tsujimoto 197. E. A. Tschudy 513. H. Bailey and W. D. Baldsiefen 104. C. Kollo and V. Teodossiu 111. identification of. bury and W. W. Swanson 509. 407. A. R. Ling and D. R. Nanji, R. C. E. W. V. A. Beckley 151. C. H. Koers 52. 332. Salter 248. Schultz and L. R. Chandler 241. N. Wattiez 143. 143. 143. L. Thompson 105. standard in. W. S. Hendrixson 211. and W. Muller 253. Tizard and A. G. Marshall 156 perature of. N. Chercheffsky 162 liv INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Hydrochloric Acid Leather; Estimation of - and neutral chlorides in. A. W.Thomas and A. Frieden 107. Hydrochloric Acid Solution Tin and antimony in - by means of hydrogen sulphide; Separation of. G. Luff 213. Hydrochloride Apomorphine -. D. B. Dott 373. Hydrocyanic Acid Alloxan reagent ; Microchemical identification of - by means of. G. Denig&s 334. Hydrocyanic Acid Flour; - as a sterilising agent for. Marchadier and Goujon 287. Hydrocyanic Acid - ; Estimation of. Hydrocyanic Acid Linseed cakes; Presence of - in. Barishac 66. Hydrocyanic Acid Linseed cakes; Presence of - in. E. Kohn-Abrest, Hydrocyanic Acid Potassium cyanide; Decomposition of and estimation of Hydrogen-Ion Concentration Colorimetric method of determining -; The : Hydrogen- Ion Concentration Drinking water ; Estimation and significance of Hydrogen don Concentration Indicator papers; Estimation of - in small Hydrogen- Ion Concentration Measurement of - ; Notes on the.G. W. Hydrogen- Ion Concentration Small volumes of liquid; Colorimetric method Hydrogen- Ion Concentration Water ; Colorimetric method for the estimation Hydrogen Peroxide Catalyst for the oxidation of dextrose with -; Disodium Hydrogen Peroxide Flours; Action of - on. Marion 11. Hydrogen Peroxide Pure -; Properties of. 0. Maass and W. H. Hatcher, Hydrogen Peroxide Traces of -; Detection and estimation of. F. W. Horst, Hydrogen Sulphide Generating -; Apparatus for. V. B. Connell 113. Hydrogen Sulphide Seeds of certain Papilionaceae ; Substance yielding -Hydrogen Sulphide Tin and antimony in hydrochloric acid solution by means Hydrogen Sulphide Waters at great depths; Occurrence of - in.0. Luning, Hydrogenated Oils Digestibility of some -. A. D. Holmes and H. J. Deuel, Hydrolysed Caseinogen Substa,nces precipitated by mercuric sulphate from -Hydrolysed Fats Partly -; Analysis of. W. Fahrion 297. Hydrolysed Sawdust Cattle food prepared from -. E. C. Sherrard and Hydrolysis Molecular weights; Application of the law of - to the determina-H. Colin and A. Chaudun 153. Hydrolytic Alkalinity Soaps; - of pure and commercial. F. C. Beedle and R. L. Morris 97. 37. formic acid in the presence of -. Some applications in the analytical laboratory. the - in the examination of. I. M. Kolthoff 249. volumes of liquid by means of. J. M. Kolthoff 381. Monier- Williams 315. for the estimation of - in.of - in. I. M. Kolthoff 379. hydrogen phosphate as a E. J. Witzemann 105. 110. 341. G. Harker 415. N. Evers 393. L. D. Felton 297. contained in the. M. Mirande 408. of -; Separation of. 148. 503. and the isolation of tryptophane. G. W. Blanco 199. tion of. T. R. Bolam 209. G. Luff 213. H. Onslow 504 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. lv Hydroquinone Antiscorbutic extracts and - ; Colour reaction common to. Hydrosulphite - ; Volumetric estimation of. Hydroxides Ferric chromium and aluminium -; New method for separating. Hydroxystearic Acid Hardened castor oil; New - from. H. Thorns and W. Hypochlorites Gasometric estimation of -. Hypochlorous Acid - ; Electrometric titration of. W. D. Treadwell 301. Hypophosphorous Acid Silver and its separation from lead and other metals by Hypophosphorous Acid Silver by precipitation with -; Estimation of.L. M. Bezssonoff 462. M. and M. Lemarchands 215. Deckert 139. R. Formhals 24. A. K. Macbeth 344. means of -; Estimation of. Moser and T. Kittl 342. L. Moser and T. Kittl 381. Ice Cream. 405. Ice Cream “Sandy” crystals in -; Separation and identification of. H. F. Illipe Butter Cacao butter; Detection and estimation of ~ used as substitute Indian Kapok seed. 196. Indian Opium Morphine codeine and narcotine in - . Jitendra Nath Indican Purity of water; Detection of - as a criterion of the. A. Jolles 103. Indicator Indigo carmine; Methyl *orange as an - in presence of. F. X. Indicator New -; A. R. W. Kinkead 109. fndicator Papers Hydrogen-ion concentration in small volumes of liquid by Indicator Phenol red as - of acidity.A. Massink 470. Indicator Poirrier blue as.an -. W. Mestrezat 341. Indicator Properties Phthaleins ; - of two new. W. Csanyi 250. lndicators Colloid chemistry of -. G. Wiegner 205. Indicators Titration of acids and bases; The joint use of two - in the J. L. Indicators Whey; Use of - to determine the reaction of. Y . Okuda and Indigo Carmine Indicator in presence of -; Methyl orange as an. F. X . Indium Gallium from - and zinc by fractional crystallisation of the caesium P. E. Browning and L. E. Porter 158. ’Industrial Analysis Gases; Apparatus for the - of. Infected Foods Detection of -; Serological method for. J. Bronfenbenner lnfections Specific bacterial - of the udder; Reaction of milk in relation to J.C. Baker and R. S. Breed 16. Ink Acidity of - and the influence of bottle glass upon -; The. C. A. Inks - Their composition manufacture and methods of testing. Inorganic Analysis Abstracts 1921 21 63 109 157 211 254 297 341 381, lnorganic Phosphate Alkalimetric titration ; Estimation of - in urine by. Zoller and 0. E. Williams 455. for. F. G. H. Tatc! and J. W. Pooley 229. Rakshi t 48 I. Moerk 515. means of -; Estimation of. J. M. Kolthoff 381. Lizius 355. H. F. Zoller 368. Moerk 515. gallium alum; Separation of. and M. J. Schlesinger 462. the presence of blood-cells and of. Mitchell 129. G. Ardoyer 424. 61. 421 470 515. C. H. Fiske 294 h i INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Insoluble Volatile Acids Adulteration in butter by means of the melting-point Institute of Brewing Research Scheme; The -.425. Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland 1921 76 173 267 387. Institute of Metals - ; The. 266. Intermediate Products Organic -; Importation of. International Normal Weight Saccharimeter; The - for the. 268. International Physico-Chemical Symbols. 121. International Union. Pure and Applied Chemistry; - of. Belgian Bureau of Chemical Standards. 266. Inulin Biological method for the detection of dextrose; Investigation of the products of the enzymic hydrolysis of - by the. E. Bourquelot and M. Bridel 408. Invert Sugar Dextrose - and laevulose by the thiocyanate-potassium iodide method; Table for the estimation of. Iodic Acid - and silver by electrometric titration; Estimation of.W. S. Hendrixson 255. Iodic Acid Microchemical reactions of - . Iodimetric Determination Diastatic power of malts; - of the. J. L. Baker Iodimetric Estimation Acetone;- of. P. H. Hermans 338. Iodimetric Estimation Amino nitrogen ; - of. H. H. Willard and W. E. Cake 64. Iodimetric Estimation Mercaptans ; - of. J. W. Kimball R. L. Kramer,. and E. E. Reid 338. Iodimetric Method Chromium in chromite; - for the estimation of. E, Little and J. Costa 216. Iodimetric Titration Chromium ; - of. Iodine and Hexabromide Values Linseed oil and soya bean oil on the estirna-tion of these oils by means of the -; Effect of variation in the analytical constants of. Iodine Blood and animal tissues; Estimation of - in.E. C. Kendall and. F. S. Richardson 13. Iodine Different metals in the cold; Action of - on Process for the detection of the presence of chlorine in the atmosphere. Iodine Solution Reich test; Modified - for the. Iodine Value Aschmann’s method of determining the -. B. M. Margosches. and R. Baru 465. Iodine Value Sterols and the -. (Report of the Food Investigation Board for the Year 1920.) 453. Iodoform Reaction. N. Schoorl 154. Ions Bromate dichromate nitrite and chloride -; Electrometric estimation of. W. S. Hendrixson 472. Iron Alloys Vanadium in steels and -; Estimation of. L. Rolla and M. Nuti 422. Iron Cobalt ; The dimethylglyoxime reactions of - and. W. Vaubel 422. Iron Copper and - in aluminium alloys ; Rapid estimation of. P. Hulot 471.Iron Cupferron method; Estimation of - by the. G. E. F. Lundell 254. Iron Formaldehyde and diphenylamine reaction of milk; - as the cause of Iron Manganese; Approximate estimation of - and. L. J. Curtman and of the -; The detection of. G. Van B. Gilmour 183. 122. G. Bruhns 330. A. Bolland 24. and H. F. E. Hulton 90. J. M. Kolthoff 160. E. A. Tschudy 513. C. Matignon 211. H. M. Lowe 341. the. F. Reiss 136. N. H. Hecht 299 lvii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Iron Manganese; New method for the separation and estimation of - and. C. Kollo 111. Iron Organic liquids especially in wines; Estimation of small quantities of - in, Malvezin and C. Rivilland 206. Iron Reducing flames; Analysis by means of; detection of traces of manganese in presence of - or other substances.J. Meunier 259. Iron Titanium and - in rocks; Estimation of. F. Ferrari 66. Iron Titanous salts; Volumetric determination of - by means of. W. M, Thornton Junr. and J. E. Chapman 159. Jamaica Leaves of the “wild pimento’’ of -; Volatile oil from the. 0. D. Japanese Corydalis Alkaloids of -. Japanese Substitute Optochin (ethylhydrocupreine) ; Remijin an inferior -Jelly Strength Gelatins and glues; - of. S. E. Sheppard S. S. Sweet and Juices Lead-preserved sugar-cane -; Estimation of reducing sugars in. J. B , Juniper Halogen acids on oil of -; Action of. Juniperus Phoenicea Berries of - from Sardinia; Essential oil from the. Roberts 289. for. C. A. Rojahn 142. J. W. Scott Junr. 20. Harris 499. Y. Asahina and S. Motigase 143. R.Huerre 140. E. Puxeddu and F. Vodret 53. Kapok Seed Indian -. Kernels Palm - from Madagascar; Composition of. G. Clot 138. Kjeldahl and Dumas Methods Total nitrogen in urine by the -; Estimation Kr-mia triandra Polygunmz bistorhz as a substitute for -. Ruiz and 196. of. W. Mestrezat and M. P. Janet 17. Pavon 141. Laboratory Apparatus. G. Ajon 218. Laboratory Apparatus Textiles; - for measuring the permeability and Lactarius and Russula Species Bitter -; New reagent for. Barlot 96. Lactate Lactic acid as sodium ferric -; Separation and detection of. K. A, Lactic Acid - ; Detection of. L. Hartwig and R. Saar 243. Lactic Acid Sodium ferric lactate; Separation and detection of - as. K. A. Lactic Organisms t Individual divergences of - ; Sudden physiological muta: Lactic Streptoccus Milk; Viscous - in.H. Violle 409. Lactose Alkaline potassium permanganate ; Volumetric method for the estima-Lactose Maltose and - in the presence of other reducing sugars by Barfoed’s Lactose Maltose or - in presence of other reducing sugars; Estimation of: Lactose Milk ; Colorimetric estimation of - in. R. G. Owen and R. Gregg 286. Laevulinic Acid Foods; Detection and estimation of - in. L. Grunhut 406. Laevulose Dextrose invert sugar and - by the thiocyanate-potassium iodide heat insulating capacity of. G. Colombo 68. Hoffmann 296. Hoffmann 296. tions caused by. C. Gorini 336. tion of - by. reagent; Estimation of. Use of Barfoed’s solution. F. T. Adriano 137. L. Le Grand 408. Legrand 198. method; Table for the estimation of.G. Bruhns 330 lviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Laevulose Dextrose - sucrose and dextrin in admixture; Estimation of. A. Behre 368. Lamp Method Sulphur in petroleum spirits; - of estimating. J. S. Jackson and A. W. Richardson 166. Lard Beef fat in - by BomerJs method; Detection of. Vitoux and C. F. Muttelet 371. Lard Beef fat in -; Detection of. Vitoux and C. F. Muttelet 94. Lard Nutritive value of - and - substitutes; Factors influencing the. J. C, Drummond 245. Lard Nutritive value of -. J. C. Dmmmond J. Golding S. S. Zilva and K. H. Coward 244. Lard Substitutes Lard and -; Factors influencing the nutritive value of. J. C. Drummond 245. Lathyrism Vetch seeds; - or poisoning caused by. Lead Acetate Solid fatty acids with - in alcoholic solution; Precipitation of.E. Twitchell 466. Lead Brass; Estimation of small amounts of - in. Lead Cellulose; Adsorption of - and copper by. Lead Number Estimation VanilIa extracts; New - in. H. J. Wichmann, Lead Peaty waters; - in (Notes). T. Tickle 240. Lead-Preserved Sugar-Cane Juices Reducing sugars in -; Estimation of. Lead Salts Saturated and of less saturated fatty acids; Quantitative separation of Lead Silver and its separation from - and other metals by means of hypo-M. Mirande 291. F. W. Glaze 382. I. M. Kolthoff 258. 333. J. B. Harris 499. the - of. A. Sedienberg 465. phosphorous acid; Estimation of. L. Moser and T. Kittl 381. Lead Water on -; Notes on the so-called action of. J. 6. Thesh 270. Leather Hydrochloric acid and neutral chlorides in -; Estimation of.A. Volatile oil from the - of. 0. Thomas and A. Frieden 107. Roberts 372. Richaud 97. Roberts 289. G. C. Sumlee. 50. Leaves Ocimwm gratissimwm Linn.; Leaves Skim& lazlreola; Essential oil from - of. J. L. Simonsen 333. Leaves Tincture of aconite -; Content of aconitine in some samples of. Leaves “Wild pimento” of Jamaica; VoIatile oil from the - of the. 0. Lecithin Content Fishy flavour; - of butter and its possible relationship W. D. A. D. t 0. Lecithin E&-yolk -; Fatty acids of. P. A. Levene and I. P. Roaf 242. Lecithin - ; Estimationaf. J. L. €3. van der Marck 372. Legumes Manganese in commonlygrown -. Lesions Mi& and from human - ; Haemolytic Streptococci from. ‘‘ Lignin ’’ Colour Reactions - ; Significance of.Lime Chromic oxide precipitates; Entanglement of - and magnesia by. E. Limestones Organic carbon in bituminous -; Estimation of the. J. S. Jones and D. E. Bullis, R. C. 377. Salter 248. E. C. Crocker 419. Toporescu 216. giotto 296. Coffey 467. E. Serna-Linolenic and Linolic Acids Oxygen absorption of oils; True. 11. - . s INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. lix Linolenic Acids Hexabrornostearic and -. S. Coffey 418. Linolic Acid Tetrabromide Elaeostearic acid tetrabromide from tung oil with ordinary -; Non-Identity of. B. H. Nicolet 251. 11. - . s. Coffey 467. Linseed Cakes Hydrocyanic acid in -; Presence of. Barishac 56. Linseed Cakes Hydrocyanic acid in -; Presence of. E. Kohn-Abrest 57. Linseed Oil Hexabromide and iodine values; Effect of variation in the analytical constants of - and soya bean oil on the estimation of these oils by means of the.E. A. Tschudy 513. Linseed Oil “ Oil bromide ” test of -; The. T. A. Davidson 466. Linseed Oil Paints by means of the hexabromide test; Detection of oils other Liqueurs Methyl alcohol in - and spirits; Detection of. Liquid and Gaseous Mixtures Ether alcohol and water; Analysis of - of. Liquid Hydrogen-ion concentration in small volumes of - by means of indi-Ciquid Hydrogen-ion concentration in small volumes of - ; Colorimetric Liquids Iron in organic - especially in wines; Estimation of small quantities Liquorice Root Glycyrrhizin in -; Estimation of. P. A. Houseman 372. Lobinol Rhus diversiloba (poison oak) ; - a dermatitant from.J. B. Lubricants - ; Solid. 161. Locust Bean Seeds .- ; The composition of (Notes). T. R. Hodgson 366. Lysol Commercial cresol in -; Approximate estimation of. C. J Jordan and Lysol Commercial cresol in -; Approximate estimation of (Notes). G. F. W. Liaolic and Linolenic Acids Oils; True oxygen absorption of. than - in. H. Bailey and W. D. Baldsiefen 104. L. Hoton 53. I. Masson and T. L. McEwan 250. cator papers; Estimation of. J. M. Kolthoff 381. method for the estimation of. L. D. Felton 297. of. Malvezin and C. Rivilland 206. McNair 143. F. Southerden 376. Martin 451. Mace Bombay -. 139. Madagascar Palm kernels from -; Composition of. Magnesia Lime and - by chromic oxide precipitates; Entanglement of. E. Toporescu 216.Magnesium Calcium and - in various salt mixtures; Estimation of. E. Canals 384. Magnesium Calcium and - in various salt mixtures; The quantitative estimation of. E. Canals 216. Magnesium Potassium and sodium in presence of -; Micro-Chemical identifi-cation of. Magnesium Sodium - sulphates and phosphates; Estimation of potassium in presence of. Maize Quercitin in brown-husked -; Occurrence of. C. E. Sando and H. H. Bartlett 502. Maltose Barfoed’s reagent; Estimation of - and lactose in the presence of other reducing sugars by. L. Le Grand 406. Maltose Reducing sugars; Estimation of - or lactose in presence of other: Use of Barfoed’s solution. Legrand 198. Malts Diastatic power of -; Iodimetric determination of the. J. L. Baker and H. F. E. Hulton 90.G. Clot 138. E. Ludwig and H. Spirescu 112. H. Atkinson 364 lx INDEX TO VOLUME XLVr. Malts Extract of coloured -; Estimation of the. Manganese Aluminium and -; Sodium salicylate as reagent for detecting. Manganese Commonly grown legumes; - in. J. S. Jones and D. E. Bullis, Manganese Detection of - ; Interference of phosphates with. T. Sabalitschka Manganese Iron and - ; Approximate estimation of. L. J. Curtman and Manganese Iron and -; New method for the separation and estimation of. Manganese Phenolphthalein and diphenylamine in the estimation of - by the Manganese Reducing flames ; Analysis by means of; detection of traces of -Manganese Salts - ; Reaction of. V. Maeri 159. Manganese Vegetable kingdom ; Occurrence of - throughout the. G , Manioc and Rice Flours - ; Detec.tion of.L. Desvergnes 367. Manna Mannitol; - and the extraction of. G. Scarlata 369. Mannitol Manna and the extraction of -. G. Scarlata 369. Mannitol - ; Polarimetric estimation of. M. J. Badreau 368. Mannitol Rotatory power of -; Influence of ammonium molybdate on the. Manurial Pollution Anaerobic spore test ; Detection of - in milk by the, Margarine and Butter Fats Rancidity of -; Investigations on the. W. N-‘‘ Maroola ” Nuts - (Sclerocaryu Cafiu); Oil of. Meadow Saffron Seeds Alkaloid and oil content of -; The. C. Grimme ZOO. Meat Chilled and frozen -; “Black spot” of. F. T. Brooks and M. N. Kidd, 292. Meat Storage; Changes in - on. (Report of the Food Investigation Board for the Year 1920.) 453. Medicines Spirits - cosmetics etc.by means of the Zeiss immersion refracto-meter; Estimation of methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol in. W. Lange and G. Reif 369. Melting-Point Apparatus. F. Friedrichs 218. Melting-Point Coal; - of. G. Charpy and J. Durand 59. Melting -Point Determinations Phosphoric acid instead of sulphuric acid in ; Use of. A. Graustein 161. Melting-Point Insoluble volatile acids; The detection of adulteration in butter by Melting-Points Fats and fatty acids ; Apparatus for the routine determination Melting-Points Gelatins; The setting and - of. S. E. Sheppard and S. Mercaptans - ; Iodimetric estimation of. J. W. Kimball R. L. Kramer and Mercuric Sulphate Tryptophane ; Substances precipitated by - from Mercury - ; Volumetric estimation of. E. Biilmann and K.Thaulow 382-C. G. Matthews 96. C. Van Zijp 300. 377. and H. Niesemann 159. N. H. Hecht 299. C. Kollo 111. persulphate method; The use of. in presence of iron or other substances. Bertrand and M. Rosenblatt 409. D. H. Wester 112. J. Meunier 259. G. Tanret 330. J . Weinzirl 46 1. Stokoe 335. 289. means of the - of the. G Van B. Gilmour 183. of - of. S. H. Blichfeldt and T. Thornley 180. Sweet 341. E. E. Reid 338. hydrolysed caseinogen and the isolation of. H. Onslow 504 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. lxi Mercury Cuprous mercuric iodide; Identification of - as. P. Artmann 254. Mercury Fulminate Characteristic reaction of -. A. Langhans 253. Mercury Halogenated derivatives of - and thallium; Compounds of. [Sepa-ration of - from thallium.] Mercury Salts Reagent for -; Zinc purpurate as a.G. DenigGs 421. Metal Alloys Acids; Rapid method of disintegrating - not attacked by. I, Compagno 65. Metal-Glass Tap. Metallic Salts Water; Influence of minute quantities of - on the bacterio-logical content of. Metallurgical Products Arsenic and phosphorus in -; Estimation of. I, Compagno 66. Metallurgical Products Ores and - ; Estimation of vanadium in. R. B, Schad 472. Metals Acids containing formaldehyde; Solubility of - in. R. C. Griffin 110. Metals Institute of -; The. Metals Iodine on different - in the cold; Action of Process for the detection C. Matignon 211. Metals Silver; Estimation of and its separation from lead and other - by Metals Sulphides; Estimation of - as. L. Moser and A.Schattner 421. Methoxy Group - ; Volumetric estimation of the. J’. Troeger and EP Tiebe, Methyl Alcohol Cacao-beans and husks; Estimation of - in. C. H. Koers 52. Methyl Alcohol Ethyl alcohol; Denigb’ test for the detection and estimation of - in the presence of. Methyl Alcohol Liqueurs and spirits; Detection of - in. L. Hoton 53. Methyl Alcohol Purification of - ; A method of. A. Lanzenberg and J-Duclaux 206. Methyl Alcohol Spirits medicines cosmetics etc. by means of the Zeiss im-mersion refractometer ; Estimation of - and ethyl alcohol in. W. Lange and G. Reif 369. Methyl Orange Indigo carmine; - as an indicator in presence of. F. X. Moerk 515. Methyl Salicylate Gaultheria and birch oils; Review of tests for - in. C. H, LaWdl 97. Methylation Cellulose ; - of.111. - Homogeneity of product and limit of -. Methylene Blue Living and dead yeast; Action of - and other dyes on. C. G. Fraser 247. Metropolitan Borough of Stepney Report of the Borough Analyst for the -for the Year 1920; Annual. Michell’s Cup and Ball Viscosimeter. Micro -Chemical Identification Gaseous ammonia as hexamethylenetetramine Microchemical Identification Hydrocyanic acid by mems of alloxan reagent ; Micro -Chemical Identification Potassium and sodium in presence of magne-Microchemical Reactions Iodic acid; - of. A. Bolland 24. Microchemical Tests Saccharin and its salts; - for. Microscope Field Colouring of the -; Note on (Notes). J. Barlot and J. Pernot 421. W. E. Garner 68. E. L. Atkinson and R. C. Frederick 247.266. of the presence of chlorine in the atmosphere. means of hypophosphorous acid. L. Moser and T. Kittl 381. 414. R. M. Chapin 375. W. S. Denham 154. H. Hawley 452. T. C. Thomsen 114. picrate; - of. C. Kollo and V. Teodossiu 111. , - of. G. Den@ 334. sium; - of. E. Ludwig and H. Spirescu 112. DenigGs 459. R. J. Phillips 367 lXi1 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Microscopical Examination Dyes in the - of bread flour feeding stuffs, Microscopic Examination Opaque objects; Apparatus for - of. M. FranGois Microscopical Preparations Vegetable and animal tissues ; New technique for Micro-Sections Vulcanised rubber articles; - cut from. H. A. Depew and Microstructure Wood; Effects of chemical reagents on the - of. A. Abrams, Milk Anti-scorbutic power and salt-content of -; Relation of fodder to the.Milk Fat content of skimmed -; Comparison of methods for the estimation Milk Chlorine in - without calcination; Estimation of. J. Werder 498. Milk Cow and ox serum colostrum and - by racemisation; Examination of proteins in. Milk Fat globules in goat’s -; The size of. E. W. Schultz and L. R. Chandler, 241. Milk Fat tests in - as determined by a - -testing association and by a creamery; Comparison of. H. C. Troy 49. Milk b’ormaldehyde and diphenylamine reaction of -; Iron as the cause of the. F. Reiss 136. Milk Germicidal properties of -. Milk Goat’s cow’s and human - ; Comparison of the acidity of. E. W. Schultz and L. R. Chandler 241. Milk Human lesions; Haemolytic Streptococci from - and from.R. C. Salter, 248. Milk Lactose in -; Colorimetric estimation of. R. G. Owen and R. Gregg 286. Milk Manurial pollution in - by the anaerobic spore test; Detection of. J. Weinzirl 461. Milk Nutritive and anti-scorbutic properties of the cow’s -; Influence of the diet of the cow upon the. R. A. Dutcher C. H. Eckles C . D. Dahle S. W. Mead and 0. G. Schaefer 99. Milk-Powder Moisture in -; Estimation of. N. Schoorl and S. C. L. Ger-ritzen 241. Milk Powders Antiscorbutic capacity of -. E. B. Hart H. Steenbock and N. R. Ellis 292. Milk Presence of blood-cells and of specific bacterial infections of the udder; Reaction of - in relation to the. J. C. Baker and R. S. Breed 16. Milk Preservative Mustard oil as a -. P. Post 136. Milk Ropiness in -; A Streptococcus which produces.H. Violle 248. Milk Ropy -; An epidemic of. Milk Secretion disturbances in Detection of. G. Koestler 460. Milk Streptococcus in -; Viscous lactic. Milk-Testing Association Fat tests in milk as determined by a - and by a creamery; Comparison of. H. C. Troy 49. Milk Tryptophane in blood-serum and -; Estimation of. 0. Furth and E. Nobel 293. Milk Vitamin A. ; Factors influencing the value of - and butter as sources of. J. C. Drurnmond K. H. Coward and A. F. Watson 506. Mineral Constituents Potatoes and potato flour; - of. C. E. Mangels 328. etc.; Use of. P. P. Fechner 287. and P. Lormand 345. of. Larbaud 303. I. R. Ruby 108. 468. A. F. Hess L. J. Unger and G. C. Supplee 99. of the. T. J. McInerney and H. C . Troy 50. H. E.Woodman 504. 293. H. A. Harding and M. J. Prucha 99. H. Violle 409 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. lmii Mineral Residue Smokeless powders; Estimation of - in. G. Lutri 61. Mineral Sulphide Waters - ; Analysis of. Mineral Waters Harrogate -; Composition of the. W. Lowson 125. Ministry of Food - ; The. 80. Ministry of Health Therapeutic Substances; Report of the Departmental Com-mittee on the control of certain 1921 (Cmd. 1156). 227. Minute Quantities Boiling-point of - of substances; Determination of. V. Arreguine 218. Mixed and Waste d4cids Nitrous acid in -; Estimation of. H. Toussaint 217. Moisture Estimations Rapid -; Electric oven for. G . L. Spencer 217. Moisture Milk-powder; Estimation of - in. N. Schoorl and S. C. L. Ger-Molecular Solutions Fatty oils; Oil-Film measurement of and certain phena-Molecular Weights Hydrolysis to the determination of -; Application of the H.Colin and A. Chaudun 153. Molluscs Pacific coast; Study of - of the. Mono- and Di-Sulphonic Acids Aminonaphthol- - ; Volumetric estimation of. G. R. Levi 420. Morphine Indian opium; - codeine and narcotine in. Jitendra Nath Rakshit 481. Morphine Opium and its preparations; New rapid method for the estimation of - in. Ti Ugarte 142. Morphine Opium; Estimation of - in. A. Jermsted 53. Mosla j'aponica Thymol in the volatile oil of - ; Estimation of. T. Kariyone and K. Atsumi 140. Mould Spores Gum levan by -; Formation of. N. and L. Kopeloff and C. J. Welcome 15. Mustard Gas Mixtures Sulphur monochloride in -; Determination of.W. A. Felsing S. B. Arenson and F. J. Kopp 20. Mustard Oil Milk preservative; - as a. Mutations Individual divergences of lactic organisms ; Sudden physiological -caused by. C. Gorini 336. Mutton-Bird Oil - ; Chemical investigation of. I. C. L. Carter 458. J. G. Fairchild 205. ritzen 241. mena of -. law of. P. Woog 465. P. G. Albrecht 145. P. Post 136. Naphthalene Disulphonic Acids Certain -; Qualitative detection of. J. A. Narcissus Bulbs Seaweed; Coffee substitutes from - and. C. Griebel and Narcotine Morphine Codeine and - in Indian opium. Jitendra Nath National Physical Laboratory Report for the Year 1920. 490. Navy Bean Peas; Carbohydrate content of the - and. W. H. Peterson and Neosalvarsan Complex mixture; Detection of - in a. M.A. Morel 408. Neo-Salvarsan - ; Examination of. Neutral Chlorides Hydrochloric acid and - in leather; Estimation of. A. W. Nickel Cobalt and - in cobalt steels; Estimation of. G. E. F. Lundell and J. I. Nickel Cvanoinetric assay of -. Nitrates Alcohol; Removal of - by means of. Ambler 107. W. Rothe 195. Rdtshit 481. H. Churchill 329. L. Van ItaIlie 144. Thomas and A. Frieden 107. Hoffrnsnn 384. G. H. Stanley 519. R. Schneidewind 217 lxiv Ih’DEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Nitrates Bismuth salts by means of titanium trichloride and Devarda’s alloy ; Nitre Ethyl nitrite from sweet spirit of -; Volatilisation of. J. G. Roberts 334 Nitric Acid “ Fornitral ” for the detection and estimation of -; Use of. 385. Nitric and Organic Nitrogen Mixed fertilisers ; Gas-Volumetric estimation of Nitric Nitrogen Scales’ method and the use of Devarda’s alloy for the reduction A.P. Harrison 257. Nitrite Bromate dichromate - and chloride ions ; Electrometric estimation Nitrite Water; Estimation of - in. Nitro Compounds Titanium trichloride; Analysis of aromatic ~ by means of. Nitro Derivatives Smokeless powder; Detection of nitroso compounds and Nitrogen Amino -; Iodimetric estimation of. H. H. Willard and W. E. Cake, Nitrogen Gasometric determination of -; Note on the. Nitrogen Mixed fertilisers ; Gas-volumetric estimation of ammoniacal nitric, Nitrogen - ; Gasometric estimation of. Nitrogen Organic compounds; Detection of - in. Nitrogen Urine by the Dumas and Kjeldahl methods; Estimation of total -in. W. Mestrezat and M.P. Janet 17. Nitroglycerin Explosives Stability towards heat of -; Quantitative test of the. M. Taliani 377. Nitroso Compounds Nitro derivatives in smokeless powder; Detection of -and estimation of. Nitroso R-Salt Cobalt; - a reagent for the detection of. H. S. van Klooster, 254. Nitrous Acid Mixed and waste acids; Estimation of - in. H. Toussaint 217. Nitrous Acid - ; Decomposition of. E. Oliveri-Mandalk 257. Nitrous Fumes Air; Estimation of - in. J. Moir 517. Non-Alcoho~ic Drinks Bacteria in -. L. Gershenfeld 102. Non-Return Arrangement Water pumps; - for. Normal Weight Saccharimeter ; The International - for the. Notes from Reports of Public Analysts 1921 403 451. Notes 1921 93 239 284 328 366 402 451. 488. Novarsenicals Therapeutic - ; Elimination and fixation of.Kohn- Abrest , Sicard and Paraf 147. Nut Cohune -; Globulin from the. C. 0. Johns and C. E. F. Gersdorff 100. Nutmeg Otoba -; The. 51. Nutritional Requirements Yeast ; - of I. R81e of vitamins in the growth of Nutritive and Anti-Scorbutic Properties Cow’s milk; Influence of the diet of R. A. Dutcher C. H. Eckles C . D. Dahle S. W. Estimation of - in. T. McLachlan 383. ammoniacal - in. of -; Comparison of. of. W. S. Hendrixm 472. F. L. English 19. estimation of - in. 64. P. Baldi 64. P. A. Meerburg 65. ‘ C. Lutri 61. R. L. Stehle 421. and organic - in. P. Baldi 64. R. L. Stehle 110. C. D. Zenghelis 415. C. Lutri 61. H. Dorsch 163. 268. yeast. the cow upon the - of the. Mead and 0. G. Schaefer 99.J. C. Drummond 245. Nutritive Value Lard; - of. K. H. Coward 244. Nuts “ Maroola ” - (ScEerocarya &fa) ; Oil of. 289. E. I. Fulmer V. E. Nelson and F. F. Sherwood 146. Nutritive Value Lard and lard substitutes; Factors influencing the - of. J. C. Drummond J. Golding S. S. Zflva an IXDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Ixv Oats bb Oil ” of -; A note on the. E. PauI 238. Obituary Notices : Bevan Edward John 435. Blichfeldt Soren Hoy 178. Blount Bertram 269. Blyth Alexander Wynter 177. Bourquelot Emile 123. Cain John Cannell 124. Cameron Charles Alexander 175. Gatehouse J. W. F.I.C. Hughes John 353. Odling William 124. Ruffle John F.I.C. Ochre Ground cinnamon with -; Adulteration of. Ocimrrm gratissimum Leaves of - Linn.; Volatile oil from the.0. D. Oil and Ammonia Yield Oil shale for --; Laboratory testing of. E. L. Lomax ‘‘ Oil Bromide ’’ Test Linseed oil; The - of. Oil Content Meadow saffron seeds; The alkaloid and - of. C. Grimme 200. Oil-Film Measurement Fatty oils; - of and certain phenomena of molecular “ Oil ” Oats; A note on the - of. E. Paul 238. Oil of Juniper Halogen acids on -; Action of. Oil of Mosla japonica Thymol in the volatile - ; Estimatlon of. T. Kariyone and K. Atsumi 140. Oil of Thyme Thymol; Estimation of Spanish -. Oil of Turpentine French -; Composition of. Oil of Turpentine - ,; Estimation of. H. Salvaterra 155. Oil Shale Oil and ammonia yield; Laboratory testing of - for. and F. G. P. Remfrey 156. Oil-Testing Apparatus - Deeley’s 114. Oils Absolute viscosity of - and other liquids; Temperature as a function of the.H. Schwedhelm 161. Oils Certain fixed - as a means of identification; The spectrometric examina-tion of. H. C . T. Gardner 356. Oils Cold test apparatus for -. G. H. P. Lichthardt 218. Oils Fats and -; Estimation of water in. H. Oertel 12. Oils Fats and -; Test for annatto in. W. Brinsrnaid 198. Oils Fluidity of - at low temperatures; Apparatus for determining the. 69. Oils Hexabromide test ; Detection of - other than linseed oil in paints by means of the. H. Bailey and W. D. Baldsiefen 104. Oils Oxygen absorption of -; True. S. Coffey, 467. OiIs Refractive indices of -; Determination of. Oilseeds South American -; A further contribution to the study of. G. T. Olive Oil Tea-seed oil in -; Detection of.J. Dybowsky and E. Millia 458. Olives Canned -; Bacteriology of. S. A. Koser 103. Onopotdon Species Saffron; Substitution of flowers of - for. Opaque Objects Microscopic examination of -; Apparatus for. M. Francois R. Windisch 196. Roberts 372. and F. G. Y. Remfrey 166. T. A. Davidson 466. solutions. P. Woog 465. R. Huerre 140. €3. Mastbaum 140. M. Vezes 262. E. L. Lomax 11. Linolenic and linolic acids. €3. S. Simms 385. Bray and H. T. Islip 325. 144. and C. Lorrnand 345 lsvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Opium Indian - ; Morphine codeine and narcotine in. Jitendra Nath Opium Morphine in - and its preparations; New rapid-method for the estima-Opium Morphine in -; Estimation of. A. Jermsted 53. Opiums Ammonium salts in various -; Quantity of.L. J. Thomson 54. Optical Method Mixtures of sucrose and raffinose; Revision of the - for Optochin (Ethylhydrocupreine) Japanese substitute for -; Remijin an Orange Vinegar - Its manufacture and composition. H. D Poore 96. Ore Zirconia from Brazilian - and a new method of estimation; Preparation Rakshit 481. tion of. T. Ugarte 142. analysing. C. A. Browne and C. A. Gamble 456. inferior. C. A. Rojahn 142. of. E. C . Rossiter and P. H. Sanders 255. Ores Bismuth in high-grade -; Colorimetric estimation of. G. Spurge, 298. Ores Platinum in -; Detection and estimation of. C. W Davis 518. Ores Vanadium in - and metallurgical products; Estimation of. R. B. Organic Analysis Abstracts 1921 18,57 104,151,205,250,296,338,375,414, Organic Analysis Gas combustion furnace for use in -; Improved.T. J. Organic Carbon Bituminous limestones; Estimation of the - in. E. Serna-Organic Carbon Soil; Rapid combustion method for the estimation of organic Organic Compounds Arsenic in -; Estimation of. G. R. Robertson 152. Organic Compounds Oxidation with chromic acid; Estimation of - by. H. Organic Cornpounds Nitrogen in -; Detection of. C. D. Zenghelis 416. Organic Intermediate Products - ; Importation of. Organic Liquids Wines ; Estimation of small quantities of iron in - especially in. Malvezin and C. Rivilland 206. Organic Matter Soil; Rapid combustion method for the estimation of - and organic carbon in. J. W. Read 295. Organic Nitrogen Ammoniacal nitric and - in mixed fertilisers; Gas-volumetric estimation of.P. Baldi 64. Organic Substances Bromine in -; Estimation of traces of. A. Damiens 22. Organic Substances Cyanic acid by oxidation of -; Synthesis of. New methods of analysis of this substance. R. Fosse 207. Organic Substances Total sulphurous acid in -; Volumetric method for the estimation of. V. Froboese 205. Organisms Lower vegetable -; Growth-promoting factors in. P. Goy 99. Otoba Butter - ; Analysis of. W. F. Baughman G . S. Jamieson and D. H. Brauns 138. Otoba Nutmeg - ; The. 51. Ouabain Strophanthin; Identification of - and. Oven Rapid moisture estimations; Electric - for. Ox-Foot Oils Sheep-foot and -. Ox Serum Proteins in COW and - colostrum and milk by racemisation; Oxalic and Citric Acids - ; Detection of. Schaal 472.464 512. Hedley 473. giotto 296. matter and - in. J. W. Read 295. Cordebard 151. 122. A. Richaud 459. G. L. Spencer 217. A. Bruno 371. Examination of. H. E. Woodman 504. Polonovski 464 INDEX TO VOLUIIE SLT'I. lsvii Oxalic Tartaric and Formic Acids - in presence of each other; Detection of. Oxidation Anti-scorbutic vitamin; Effect of heat and - upon the. R. A. Dtitcher H. M. Harshaw and J. S. Hall 411. Oxidation Cyanic acid by - of organic substances; Syntheses of. New methods of analysis of this substance. R. Fosse 207. Oxidation Grignard reagent ; - of the. C. W. Porter and C. Steel 60. Oxidation Organic compounds by - with chromic acid; Estimation of. H. Cordebard 151. Oxidimetry Hydriodic acid and its use as a standard in -; Electrometric titration of.W. S. Hendrixson 211. Oxidising Enzymes Fruits; - of. Oxygen Absorption Drying oils; True - of. Oxygen Absorption Oils; True - of. Pacific Coast Fishes Certain -; Chemical study of. D. B. Dill 503. Pacific Coast Molluscs of the -; Study of. P. G. Albrecht 146. ' Paints Oils other than linseed oil in - by means of the hexabromide test; H. Bailey and W. D. Baldsiefen 104. Palladium Gold and its separation from copper - and platinum; Electro-Palm Kernel and Coconut Oils Fat mixtures in which both oils may be present ; W. N. Stokoe 196. Palm Kernels Madagascar; Composition of - from. Palm Oil Curua --. 50. Palm Wine South Tunisian -; Analysis of. Papets Indicator - ; Estimation of hydrogen-ion concentration in small Papilionaceae Seeds of certain --; Substance yielding hydrogen stzlphide Paraformaldehyde Formaldehyde and - in tablets; Estimation of.N. Pastes Starch and dextrin --; Consistence of. W. H. Herschel and C. Berg-Pathological Fluids 13lood and - ; Volunietric method of estimating reducing Peas Navy bean and ---; Carbohydrate content of. W. H. Peterson and H. Peas Pigmentation; Fat-soluble vitamin content of - in relation to their. Peaty Waters Lead in - (Notes). Pectase Pectin; Action of alkalis and of - upon. Pectin Alkalis and of pectase upon -; Action of. Pectin Fruit; (Report of the Food Investigation Board for the 'Year Pentosans Phenylhyclrazine ; Volumetric estimation of and its application to Pentoses Phenylhydrazine ; Volumetric estimation of and its application to the A.K. Ling and D. R. Nanji 512. Pepsin Proteolytic activity of -; Use of edestin in determining the. J. F. F. Krauss and H. Tampke 296. M. W. Onslow 292. S. Coffey 418. 11. Linolenic and linolic acids. S. Coffey 467. Detection of. lytic estimation of. Estimation of -- in. W. D. Treadwell 298. G. Clot 138. A. &I. d'Aymeric 243. volumes of liquid by means of. contained in the. Evers and C . M. Caines 374, quist 468, sugars in. Churchill 329. H. Steenbock M. T. Sell and P. W. Boutwell 411. J. M. Kolthoff 381. M. Mirande 408. A. Jonescu and V. Vargolici 101. T. Tickle 240. F. Tutin 506. I?. Tutin 505. in. 1920.) 483. the estimation of - and yentoses. estimation of pentosans and -. Brewster 246. A.R. Ling and D. R. Nanji 512 lxviii ISDEX TO vor,wim XLVI. Perchloric Acid Silica; - as a dehydrating agent in the estimation of. Percussion Caps Detonators and -; Examination oi. P erilla Nankinensis Essential oil from - . S. Furukawa and 2. Tomi-Perilla Seed Cyprus; - from. Permanganate Mixtures of - dichromate and chromic salts Volunietric Permanganate Titrations Catalysis in -. Permeability Textiles; Laboratory apparatus for measuring the - and heat-Peroxide Dextrose with hydrogen -; Disodium hydrogen phosphate as a Peroxide Hydrogen --; Detection and estimation of traces of. F. W. Horst, Peroxide Pure hydrogen -; Properties of. 0. Maass and W. H. Thatcher, Peroxydase Blood; Estimation of catalase -- and etherase in a drpp of. A. Persulphate Method Manganese by the --; The Use of phenolphthalein and Peru Balsam Adulteration; - and its.Petrol Aromatic hydrocarbons in mixtures with - ; Estimation of. H. T. Petroleum Anhydrous stannic chloride on - and - distillates; Action of. Petroleum Chlorides in -; Estimation of. Petroleum Distillates Petroleum and - ; Action of anhydrous stannic chloride Petroleum Spirits Sulphur in -; Lamp method of estimating. J. S. Jackson Petrols Dissolved gases; - containing. Pharmacopda Method Phosphoric acid and soluble phosphates; The United States - for the estimation of A. E. Stearn H. V. Farr and N. P. Knowlton 200. Phaseolin Digestibility of -; Effect of cooking on the. H. C. Waterman and C. 0. Johns 246. (Phaseolus calcaratus) " Rice '' beans - . Phenol Reagent of Folin and Denis Cresol by the -; Estimation of.Chapin 419. Phenol Red Indicator of acidity; - as. Phenol Salicylates and -; Estimation of. Phenol Specific test for -; New. Phenolphthalein Manganese by the persulphate method; The use of ~ and diphenylamine in the estimation of. Phenols Alcohols and - in essential oils by esterification with pyridine; Estimation of. H. W. Van Urk 512. Phenols Sheep dips; Estimation of - in. K. €3. Edwards and G. A. Freak 60. Phenols Water ; Detection of - in. Phenylhydrazine Pentosans and pentoses ; Volumetric estimation of - and its application to the estimation of. A. R. Ling and D. R. Nanji 612. Phosgene Ricinolein; Action of - on A Piutti and A Curzio 371, H. H. Willard and W. E. Cake 67. zawa 290.analysis of. N. G. Chatterji 520. insulating capacity of. catalyst for the oxidation of, 341. 110. Bach and S. Zoubkoff 15. diphenylamine in the estimation of. Tizard and A. G. Marshall 155. G. Torossian 513. A. Langhans 344. 289. P. H. Segnitz 109. G. Colombo 68. E. J. Witzemann 105. D. H. Wester 112. L. Van Itallie 141, R. R. Matthews 262. on. G Torossian 513. and A. W. Richardson 156. F. Bordas 59. 286. R. M. A. Massink 470. W. P. Emery 376. G. Rodillon 157. D. H. Wester 112. R. D. Scott 337 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. lxix Phosphate Content Ash of foods; Estimation of the alkalinity and - of the. Phosphate Inorganic in urine by alkalimetric titration; Estimation of. Phosphates Arsenates; Sensitive colour reaction of and.G. Denigh 24. Phosphates Biological products; Estimation of small quantities of - in. G. Phosphates Manganese ; Interference of - with detection of. T. Sabalitschka Phosphates Phosphoric acid and soluble - ; The United States Pharmacopoeia A. E. Stearn H. V. Farr and N. P. Knowlton, Phosphates Potassium in presence of sodium magnesium sulphates and -; Phosphates Water; Estimation of - in. Phosphatides - ; Estimation of. Phosphomolybdic and Phosphotungstic Acids. Phosphor-Bronze Phosphorus in -; Estimation of. Phosphoric Acid Citrate-soluble - in superphosphates ; Estimation of. Phosphoric Acid Estimation of - ; Rapid method Tor the. H. Copaux, Phosphoric Acid Heating with sulphuric acid or fusion with pyrosulphate; Loss Phosphoric Acid Melting-point determinations; Use of - instead of sulphuric Phosphoric Acid - and soluble phosphates; The United States Pharmacopoeia A.E. Stearn H. V. Farr and N. P. Knowlton, Phosphorus Arsenic and - in metallurgical products; Estimation of. I. Phosphorous hitter; -- in. Phosphorus I'liosphor-bronzc ; Estimation oE - in. Phosphorus Stcd; Separation of the - from the other components of. Phosphorus lJriiie and blood; Coloriiiietric methods for estimation of - in. Phosphotungstic and Phosphomolybdic Acids. PhthaEins 'L'wo iiew - ; Indicator properties of. Physical Methods Apparatus etc. Abstracts 1921 161 217 257 303 346, Physic0 -Chemical Symbols ---- ; Iiiternational. Physiological Control Adretialiiic and suprarenal preparations ; Necessity for Physiological Mutations Lactic organisnis ; Sudden - caused by individual Picrate Potassium as - ; Detection and estimation o€.S. Minovici 'and A. Pictures l'olariscti liglit for the examination of old -; Use of. P. Lainbert, Pigments Yellow plant - from the fat-soluble vitamin; Differentiation of. J. Tillmans and A. Bohrmann 199. C. H. Pislie 294. Deniges 460. and H. Niesemann 159. method for the estimation of. 200. Estimation of. H. Atkinson 354. D. Florentin 511. H. Wu 24. D. H. Brauns and J. A. MacLaughlin 55. G. Greenwood 301. Official method of the German Agricultural Experiment Station. 521. of - on. acid in. A. Graustein 161. method for the estimation of. 200. 296. W. 17. Hillebrand and G. E. F. Lundell 67. Compagno 67. I L J .T. Cuisick 50. G. Greeliwoocl 301. I<. R. Ariano 2 12. D; Hell and E. A. Doisy 13. H. Wu 24. W. Csanyi 250, 121. 386 424 4'73 523. the - d'. &I. 'J'ifhieau 291. divergences of. C. Gorini 336. J wicscu 423. 345. M. Stephenson 246 1XX INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Pigmentation Yeas in relation to their -; Fat-soluble vitamin content of, Pimento “Wild - ” of Jamaica; Volatile oil from the leaves of the. 0. I>. Piper ribesioides Cubebs; Substitution of the fruits of - for. Plant Pigments Fat-soluble vitamin ; Differentiation of yellow - froni the. Plants Dextrose in -; Detection of. Platinum Copper palladium and -; ElectroIytic estimation of gold and its - separation from. W. D. Treadwell 298. Platinum Ores; Detection and cstiniation of - in.C. W. Davis 518. Podophyllum Ash Standards. E. L. Newcombe C. H. Rogers and C. W. Poirrier Blue Indicator; - as an. (Poison Oak) Rkus divmiloba --; Lobinol a dermatitant from. J. B Poison Red squill (Scillti vinriiimu) as a rat -; Liquid extract of. I?. W Poisoning Vetch seeds; Lathyrisin or - caused by. Poisonous Haricot beans. Poisonous Plant Coffee bean (Dnzcbentonia lwgifolia) as a -. C. D. Marsh Poisons Bromine ; Toxocological detection of - containing. A. Damiens, Polarimetric Estimation Mannitol ; - of. Polarimetric Estimation Tannin in hops; - of. A. R. Ling and D. K. Polarised Light Old pictures; Use of - for the examination of. P. Lambert, Pollution ; Mamirial - in inilk by the anaerobic spore test; Detection of. Polyatomic Alcohols Sugars aid - in boric acid and borate solutions with Polybasic Acids Mixtures of acids and of bases and of - or bases; Volunictric Polygonurn bistorta Krameria triandra ; - as a substitute for.Kuiz and Poplars Hritish Coluinbian willows and -; Salicin content of. 13. H. Clark Potassium Cyrdnide Foniiic acid in the presencc of liydrocyaiiic acid ; Decornpo-Potassium Dichromate ,lrsenious compounds by iiieaiis of -- ; Volumetric Potassium Iodide Copper in sugar analysis by means of potassium thiocyanate Potassium Magnesium ; Micro-cheiiiical identification of - and soiium iu Potassium Permanganate Lactose by alkaline - ; Volumetric method for Potassium Picrate; Dctectioii and estimation of - its. S. Minovici and A. Potassium Platinochloride -- ; Coniyositioii of.H. Steenbock M. T. Sell and P. W. Boutwell 411. Roberts 289. 144. M. Stephenson 246. M. Bride1 and R. Arnold 378. Folkstad 374. McKair 143. Smith 178. W. Mestrezat 341. M. Mirandc 291. T. v. Fellenberg 196. and A. B. Clawson 145. 14. M. J. Badreau 368. Nanji 332. 345. J. Weiiizirl 461. sonic analytical iqqdicatioiis ; Reactioiis of. estimation of. Pavon 141. and K. R. Gillie 502. sition of and estiniation of. G. Harker 415. estimation of. R Meurice 213. and Estimation of. G. Bruhns 83. presence of. the estimation of. Jonescu 423. G. Van 13. Gilmour 3. H. T. ’ h a r d and A. R. Boeree 154. E. Ludwig and H. Spirescu 112. F. T. Xdriano 137. A. Viirtheini 67 INDEX TO VOLUME XWI. lXXi Potassium Sodium magnesium sulphates and phosphates ; Estimation of -in presence of.H. Atkinson 354. Potassium Thiocyanate Copper in sugar analysis by means of - and potas-sium iodide; Estimation of. G. Bruhns 23. Potato Flour Potatoes and -; Mineral constituents of. C. E. Mangels 328, Potato Juice Anti-scorbutic principle of -. Bezssonoff 411. Potatoes Potato flour; Mineral constituents of - and. C. E. Mangels 328. Potatoes Sweet - in tins; Discoloration of. E. F. Kohman 404. Potatoes Tubers skins and sprouts of three varieties of -. F. C . Cook, 203. Powder Egg -; The composition of. F. F. Beach F. E. Needs and E, Russell 279. Powders Milk -; Anti-scorbutic capacity of. E. B. Hart H. Steenbock and N. R. Ellis 292. Precipitation - ; Fractional. P. Jolibois R.Boussuet and Chevry 162. Preservation Fish frozen in chilled brine; - of. Penetration of salt. L. H, Almy and E. Field 503. Preservative Milk -; Mustard oil as a. Preservatives Wood -; Toxicity of. C. J. Humphrey R. M. Flemming and E. Bateman 410. Preserved Edible fungi. President Annual address of the -. 81. Prickly Pear Seed oil; - . S. Lomanitz 94. Primary Alkamines Volatile alkamines in the presence of ammonia and of tertiary alkamines in the presence of secondary and -; Detection of. W. E. Woodward and C. L. Alsberg 256. Projection Sugar crystals by -; Examination of. Protein Content Wheat; Relation of hardness to - of. H. F. Roberts 414. Proteins Beans ; Relative digestibility of various preparations of - from. Proteins Cow and ox serum colostrum and milk by racemisation; Examination Proteins Wheat berry; Distribution of enzymes and - in the endosperm of the.Proteolytic Activity Pepsin Use of edestin in determining the - of. J. F. Ptomaines Toxicological analysis ; Separation of - and alkaloids in. A. Public Analyst Brighton; Correspondence on appointment of - for the Public Analysts Reports of -; Notes from the. 451. Pump Vacuum -; Sulphuric acid concentrator and. 0. Maass 68. Pumps Water -; Non-return arrangement for. H. Dorsch 163. Pumps Water vacuum -; Check valve for. E. A. Andelin 303. Pure and Applied Chemistry International Union of -. Belgian Bureau of Chemical Standards. 266. Pyknometer Improved -; An. Pyridine Alcohols and phenols in essential oils by esterification with -; Pyroligneous Acid Acetic acid in -; Estimation of.V. E. Grotlisch 96. Pyrosulphate Heating with sulphuric acid or fusion with -; Loss of phos-P. Post 136. J. Gerum 243. G. P. Meade 456. H. C. vaterman and D. B. Jones 409. of - in. F. J. Martin 56. Brewster 245. Jonescu 102. County Borough of. 76. H. E. Woodman 504. R. Saar 163. Estimation of. H. W. Van Urk 512. W. F. Hillebrand and G. E. F. Lundell 67. phoric acid on lxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVi. Qualitative Analysis Spot reactions in - Use of. F. Feigl and R. Stern 212. Quantitative- Test Stability towards heat of nitroglycerin explosives; - of the. Quercitin Brown-husked maize ; Occurrence of - in. C. E. Sand0 and H. Quinine Scale preparations containing - and other cinchona. alkaloids ; The M.Taliani 377, H. Bartlett 502. estimation of strychnine in. T. F. Harvey and S. Back 188. Racemisation Proteins in cow and ox serum colostrum and milk by -; Examination of. Radium Emanation Auto-discharge of an electroscope in the estimation of - ; Rapid method for measuring the. P. Loisel 346. Raffinose Sucrose and -; Revision of the optical method for analysing mix-tures of. Rain Snow; Substances dissolved in - and. W. A. Moore and G. Browning, 104. Rancidity Butter and margarine fats; Investigations on the - of. W. N. Stokoe 335. Rat Poison Liquid extract of red squill (SciZZa maritima) as a -. F. W: Smith 178. Rays Highly sensitive - of the elements applicable to analytical investiga-tions; Table of. Rays Roentgen -; Spectnurf analysis by means of.M. Siegbahn A. E. Lindh and N. Stensson 303. Reagent Aluminium and manganese; Sodium salicylate as - for detecting. C. Van Zijp 300. Reagent Ammonia; New - for. C. D. Zenghelis 381. Reagent Bitter Lactarius and Russula species; New - for. Barlot 96. Reagent Cobalt; Nitroso R-salt a - for the detection of. H. S. van Klooster, Reagent Grignard -; Oxidation of the. C. W Porter and C. Steel 60. Reagent Hydrocyanic acid by means of alloxan -; Microchemical identifica-tion of. G. Denigh 334. Reagent of F o h and Denis Phenol -; Estimation of cresol by the R. M. Chapin 419. Reagents Microstructure of wood; Effects of chemical - on the. A. Abrams, 468. Red Squill Rat poison; Liquid extract of - (SciZZa maritima) as a. F . W. Smith 178.Reducing Flames Analysis by means of -; detection of traces of manganese in presence of iron or other substances. Reducing Sugars Blood and pathological fluids; Volumetric method of estima-ting - in. A. Jonescu and V. Vargolici 101. Reducing Sugars Blood; Estimation of - in. Reducing Sugars Lead-preserved sugar-cane juices ; Estimation of - in. J. B. Harris 499. Reducing Sugars Maltose and lactose in the presence of other - by Barfoeds reagent; Estimation of. L. Le Grand 406. Reducing Sugars Maltose or lactose in presence of other -; Estimation of: Use of Barfoed's solution. Legrand 198. Reducing Sugars Volumetric estimation of -; New method for the. A. Jonescu and V. Varcolici 405. H. E. Woodman 504. C. A. Browne and C. A. Gamble 456. A. de Gramont 64.254. . J. Meunier 259. 0. Guillaumin 14 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. lxxiii Refractive Indices Oils; Determination of - of. Refractometer Zeiss immersion - ; Estimation of methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol in spirits medicines cosmetics etc. by means of the. W. Lange and G. Reif 369. Reich Test Iodine solution for the -; Modified. H. M. Lowe 341. Remijin Optochin (ethylhydrocupreine) ; - an inferior Japanese substitute for. C. A. Rojahn 142. Report Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. - of the Food Investigation Board for the Year 1920. 453. Report Government Chemist upon the Work of the Government Laboratory; -- of the. (For the year ended March 31 1921.) Report Ministry of Health. - of the Departmental Committee on the control of certain therapeutic substances 1921 (Cmd.1156). Report The National Physical Laboratory. - for the Year 1920. Reports Public Analysts; Notes from the - of. 451. Reptilia Fatty oils from -. M. Tsujimoto and S. Kobayashi 198. Research Department - ; Scientific and Industrial. Research Scheme Institute of Brewing -; The. 425. Residue Smokeless powders; Estimation of mineral - in. G. Lutri 61. Resin Acids Fatty mixtures; Estimation of - in. D. McNicoll 340. Resins Varnishes; Characters of - used for making. P. Nicolardot and Resorcinol Formaldehyde with - and sulphuric acid; New test for. R. Cob, Reviews of Books : Alloys Special Steels Steel-Making - their Ores and Graphites; Rapid Analysis Volumetric -. C. H. Hampshire 263. Analyst’s Laboratory Companion; The.A. E. Johnson 73. Animal and Vegetable Fixed Oils - Fats Butters and Waxes. Animal Proteins. H. G. Bennett 479. Applied Chemistry Dictionary of -; A. Volume I. A to Calcium. E. Applied Chemistry Dictionary of -; A. Volume 11. Calculi to Explosion. Applied Chemistry Progress of -; Reports of the Progress of. Volume V., Applied Colloid Chemistry - General Theory. Bacteriology Dairy -. Orla- Jensen 433. Beet Sugar from the Cane and -; The Manufacture of. T. H. P. Heriot 29. Benzene Valence; The electronic Conception of and the Constitution of -. Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathernatica. H. Zeitlinger and H. C. Sotheran 171. Biochemical Catalysts Life and Industry; - in Proteolytic Enzymes. Breathing Apparatus Self-contained -; Recent Practice in the Use of.Butters Animal and Vegetable Fixed Oils Fats - and Waxes. C. R. A By-product Works Chemistry Coke Oven and -. T. Biddulph-Smith, H. S. Simms 385. 493. 227. 490. 174. C. Coffignier 208. 502. Methods for the Chemical Analysis of C. M. Johnson 223. C. R. A. Wright 350. Thorpe 225. E. Thorpe 430. 1920. 352. W. D. Bancroft 310. H. S. Fry 307. J. Effront 72. R. C. Smart 265. Wright 350. 389 lx&v INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Reviews of Books-contimed : Caliche Nitrate from Chilean -; Recovery of. A. W. Allen 224. Cane Sugar from the - and Beet; The Manufacture of. T. H. P. Heriot 29. Catalysts Biochemical - in Life and Industry Proteolytic Enzymes. J. Centenary Volume Charles Griffin and Company Ltd. Publishers 1820-1920; Chemical Analysis Public Health -.R. C. Frederick and A. Forster 221. Chemical Analysis Qualitative -; Introduction to. T. W. Fresenius 309. Chemical Analysis Special Steels Steel-Making Alloys their Ores and Grad phites; Rapid Methods for the - of. C. M. Johnson 223. Chemical Constants Physical and -. G. W C. Kaye and T. H. Laby, Chemicals Medicinal -; Organic. M. Barrowcliff and F. H. Carr 115. Chemistry Aids to -. W. Partridge 477. Chemistry Applied -; A Dictionary of. Volume I. A to Calcium. E. Chemistry Applied -; A Dictionary of. Volume 11. Calculi to Explosion. Chemistry Applied -; Reports of the Progress of. Volume V. 1920. 362, Chemistry Coke Oven and By-products Works -. T. Biddulph-Smith, Chemistry Dairy - A Practical Handbook for Dairy Chemists and Others Chemistry Elementary Colloid -; A Laboratory Manual of.E. Hatschek, Chemistry Factory -. W. H. Hawkes 525. Chemistry Forensic -. G. A. Lucas 529. Chemistry Medical Intermediate Science and Pharmaceutical Students; Organic - for. Chemistry Organic -; A Textbook of. A. F. Holleman 117. Chemistry Organic -; Laboratory= Manual of. Chemistry Organic -; Recent Advances in. A. W. Stewart 167. Chemistry Physid -; A System of. Vol. 11. Thermodynamics. Chemistry Physiological -; Practical. S. W. Cole 116. Chemistry Plant Products; An Introduction to the - of. Vol. I. P. Haas chemistry Thermodynamics and - F. H. Macdougall 308. Chemist’s Year-Book - 1921 The. F. W. Atack 431. Chemists Famous - The Men and their Work. W. A. Tilden 313.Chilean Caliche Nitrate from -; Recovery of. A. W. Allen 224. Chocolate Cocoa and - their Chemistry and Manufacture. R. Whymper, Cocoa - and Chocolate their Chemistry and Manufacture. R. Whymper, Coke Oven and By-Product Works Chemistry. T. Biddulph-Smith 389. Colloid Chemistry Applied - General Theory. W. D. Bancroft 310. Colloid Chemistry Elementary -; A Laboratory Manual of. E. Hatschek, Colloidal Solutions Physid Properties of -; The. E. F. Burton 525. Colloids Formation of -; The. T. Svedberg 388. Effront 72. The - of. 74. 347. Thorpe 225. E. Thorpe 430. 389. having Control of Dairies. H. D. Richmond 222. 28. A. K. Macbeth 74. H. L. Fisher 166. W. C. McC. Lewis 164. and T. G. Hill 169. 261. 261. 28 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI.lxxv Reviews of Books-continwd : Colloids Physics and Chemistry of -; An Introduction to the. E. Hatschek, Constants Physical and Chemical -. G. W. C. Kaye and T. H. Laby 347. Control and Research Laboratories Optical Methods in -. 165. Critical Microscopy. A. C. Coles 390. Dairies Dairy Chemistry A Practical Handbook for Dairy Chemists and Others having Control of -. Dairy Bacteriology. Orla- Jensen 433. Dairy Chemistry Dairy Chemists and Others having Control of Dairies; -: A Practical Handbook for. Dairy Chemists Dairy Chemistry A Practical Handbook for - and Others having Control of Dairies. Dictionary Applied Chemistry; A - of. Vol. I. A to Calcium. E. Thorpe, 28. H. D. Richmond 222. H. D. Richmond 222. H. D. Richmond 222. onc LLU .Dictionary Applied Chemistry; A - of. Vol. 11. Calculi to Explosion. Dictionary Chemists ; A French-English - for. A. M. Patterson 392. Drugs - and Medicines; The Chemistry and Analysis of. H. C. Fuller 348. Drugs Synthetic -; The Chemistry of. P. May 348. Dye Chemistry Fundamental Processes of -; The. H. Fierz-David 264. Electric Furnace - ; The. J. N. Pring 526. Electronic Conception Benzene; The - of Valence and the Constitution of. Energy Values Foods; Analyses and - of. R. H. A. Plimmer 478. Enzymes Biochemical Catalysts in Life and Industry Proteolytic -. Equilibre Substances HMrogthes; L’ - des. W. Gibbs 220. Essences Soap and other Toilet Articles; Perfumes Essential Oils and G. Martin 527. Essential Oils Soap and other Toilet Articles; Perfumes - and Fruit Factory Chemistry.W. H. Hawkes 525. Fats and Waxes Refractive Indices; Tables of. Vol. 11. Oils - . R. Kanthack 347. Fats Animal and Vegetable Fixed Oils - Butters and Waxes. C. R A. Wright 350. Fixed Oils Animal and Vegetable - Fats Butters and Waxes. C . R. A. Wright 360. Foods Analyses and Energy Values of -. R. H. A. Plimmer 478. Forensic Chemistry. G. A. Lucas 529. French -English Dictionary Chemists ; A - for. A. M. Pzttmon 392. Fruit Essences Soap and other Toilet Articles; Perfumes Essential Oils and Fundamental Processes Dye Chemist-ry; The - of. H. Fierz-David 264. Furnace Electric -; The. Gases Industrial -. Charles Griffin and Company Ltd. Centenary Volume of - Publishers, 1820-1920; The. 74. Graphite8 Special Steels Steel-Making Alloys their Ores and -; Rapid Methods for the Chemical Analysis of.Hydrogen Ions - ; The Determination of. E. Thorpe 430. H. S. Fry 307. J. Effront 72. Fruit - Used for. essences used for. G. Martin 527. Used for. G. Martin 527. J. N. Pring 526. H. C. Greenwood 27. C. M. Johnson 223. W. M. Clark 70 l2KXVi INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Reviews of Books-continued : Industrial Gases. H. C. Greenwood 27. Inorganic and Organic Substances - ; Solubilities of. A. Seidell 27. Ions Hydrogen -; The Determination of. W. M. Clark 70. Laboratories Control and Research -; Optical methods in. 165. Laboratory Companion Analyst’s -; The. A. E. Johnson 73. Laboratory Manual Elementary Colloid Chemistry ; A - of. E. Ratschek, Laboratory Manual Organic Chemistry; - of.Lubricating and Allied Oils - . E. A. Evans 311. Margarine - . W. Clayton 71. Medicinal Chemicals Organic -. Medicines Drugs and -; The Chemistry and Analysis of. H. C. Fuller 348. Microscopy Critical -. A. C. Coles 390. Nitrate Chilean Caliche; Recovery of - from. A. W. Allen 224. Nucleic Acids - Their Chemical Properties and Physiological Conduct. Oils Fats and Waxes Refractive Indices; Tables of. Vol. 11. - . R. Oils Lubricating and Allied -. Optical Methods Control and Research Laboratories; - in. Ores Special Steels Steel-Making Alloys their - and Graphites; Rapid Methods for the Chemical Analysis of. C. M. Johnson 223. Organic Chemistry Advances in -; Recent. A. W. Stewart 167. Organic Chemistry Medical Intermediate Science and Pharmaceutical Students; - for.A. K. Macbeth 74. Organic Chenistry - ; Laboratory Manual of. H. L. Fisher 166. Organic Chemistry Textbook of -; A. A. F. Holleman 117. Organic Medicinal Chemicals. M. Barrowcliff and F. H. Can 115. Organic Substances Inorganic and -; Solubilities of. A. Seidell 27. Paper-Making Pulp and -; Chemistry of. E. Sutermeister 433. Perfumes Soap and other Toilet Articles; - Essential Oils and Fruit Pharmacopoeia Extra - Vol. II. Seventeenth Edition. W. H. Martindale Pharmacy Year-Book of -; The. Physical Chemistry System of -; A. Vol. II. Thermodynamics. W. C. Physical Constants Chemical and -. G. W. C . Kaye and T. H. Laby 347. Physical Properties Colloidal Solutions; The - of. Physiological Chemistry - ; Practical.Physiological Conduct Nucleic Acids ; Their Chemical Properties and -. W. Jones 168. Plant Products Chemistry of -; An Introduction to the. Vol. I. P. Haas and T. G . Hill 169. Plantation Rubber Rubber ; - and the Testing of. Pocket Book Technical Chemists’ - . Proteins Animal -. Proteolytic Enzymes Life and Industry; Biochemical Catalysts in -J. Effront 72. Public Health Chemical Analysis. Pulp Paper-Making; Chemistry of - and. 28. H. L. Fisher 166. M. Barrowcliff and F. H. Carr 115. W. Jones 168. Kanthack 347. E. A. Evans 311. 165. Essences Used for. and W. W. Westcott 262. G. Martin 527. 116. McC. Lewis 164. E. F. Burton 525. S. W. Cole 116. G. S. Whitby 69. R. Ensoll 226. H. G. Bennett 478. R.C . Frederick and A. Forster 221. E. Sutermeister 433 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Ixxvii Reviews of Books-cofitinwd : Qualitative Chemical Analysis Introduction to -. T. WI Fresenius 309. Refractive Indices - ; Tables of. Vol. II. Oils Fats and Waxes. R. Reports Applied Chemistry - of the Progress of. Vol. V. 1920. 352. Research Laboratories Control and -; Optical Methods in. 165. Rubber Plantation - and the Testing of -. G. S. Whitby 69. Scientific and Learned Societies Great Britain and Ireland; Official Pear-Self-contained Breathing Apparatus Use of -; Recent Practice in the. Soap Perfumes Essential Oils and Fruit Essences Used for - and other Societies Scientific and Learned - of Great Britain and Ireland; Official Solubilities Inorganic and Organic Substances; - of.A. Seidell 27. Steel-Making Alloys Chemical Analysis of Special Steels - their Ores and Steels Special - Steel-Making Alloys their Ores and Graphites ; Rapid Students Medical Intermediate Science and Pharmaceutical -; Organic Substances H6terogBnes L‘fiquilibre des -. W. Gibbs 220. Sugar Cane and Beet The Manufacture of - from the. T. H. P. Heriot 29. Synthetic Drugs - ; The Chemistry of. I?. May 348. Technical Chemists’ Pocket Book. R. Ensoll 226. Thermodynamics Chemktry ; - and. F. H. Macdougall 308. Thermodynamics Physical Chemistry; A System of. Vol. 11. -. Toilet Articles Soap and other -; Perfumes Essential Oils and Fruit Valence Benzene; The Electronic Conception of - and the constitution of. Vegetable Fixed Oils Animal and - Fats Butters and Waxes C.R. A. Volatile Oils - ; The. Volumetric Analysis. C. H. Hampshire 263. Waxes Animal and Vegetable Fixed Oils Fats Butters and Waxes& C. R. A. Wright 350. Waxes Refractive Indices; Tables of. R. Kanthack 347. Year-Book Pharmacy; The - of. 116. Year-Book Chemist’s - 1921; The. Year-Book Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland; Yeasts - ; The. Kanthack 347. Book of the - of. R. C. Smart 265. Toilet Articles. G. Martin 527. Year-Book of the. 261. 261. Graphites; Rapid Methods for the. Methods for the Chemical Analysis of. Chemistry for. C. M. Johnson 223. C. M. Johnson 223. A. K. Macbeth 74. W. C. McC. Lewis 164. Essences Used for. H. S. Fry 307. Wright 350. G. Martin 527. Gildemeister and Hoffmann 118.Vol. 11. Oils Fats and -. F. W. Atack 431. Official - of the. 261. A. Guilliermond 170. Rhamnose - ; Preparation of. Rhizomes Bracken -. J. Hendrick 96. Rhizopus Tritici Amylase of -. Rkus diuersiloba (Poison Oak) Lobinol a dermatitant from -. Rice and Manioc Flours - ; Detection of. C. F. Walton Junr. 137. L. L. Harter 203. J. B. McNair 143. L. Desvergnes 367 lxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. " Rice " Beans - (Phaseolw calcaratus). 286. Rice Bran - ; Adulteration of. 286. &e Polishings Substance from yeast and - which accelerates fermentation; Estimation of a. S. Frankel and E. Schwarz 202. Ricinolein Phosgene on -; Action of. Rocks Titanium and iron in -; Estimation of. Roentgen Rays Spectrum analysis by means of -.Ropiness Milk; A Streptococcus which produces - in. Ropy Milk Epidemic of -; An. Rose Bengal General bacterial stain; - as a. A. Piutti and A. Curzio 371. F. Ferrari 66. M. Siegbahn A. E. H. Violle 247. H. A. Harding and M. J. Prucha 99. Lindh and N. Stensson 303. H. J. Conn 461. Rotatory Power Mannitol; Influence of ammonium molybdate on the - of. Rotatory Powers Sugars; Influence of ammonium molybdate on the - of G. Tanret 330. certain. C. Tanret 330. points of. I. R. Ruby 108. Routine Determination Fats and fatty acids; Apparatus for the - of melting-Routine Test Sulphites; A - for the presence of (Notes). Rubber Articles Vulcanised -; Micro-Sections cut from. H. A. Depew and Rubber Crystalline substances in -; Solubility of.Russula and Lactarius Species Bitter -; New reagent for. Rye Cereal Grains -; Amylases of the. S. H. Blichfeldt and T. Thornley 180. A. E. Parkes 402. G. Bruni 211. Barlot 96. J. L. Baker and H. F. E. Hulton 329. Saccharimeter International Normal Weight for the -; The. Saccharin Purity of -; Examination of some methods of ascertaining the. Saccharin Reaction of -; New. Saccharin - ; Reaction of (A correction). Saccharin Salts; Microchemical tests for - and its. Saccharin Wine; Detection of - in. C. von der Heide and W. Lohmann 370. Saccharin Wine; Detection of - in. W. Fresenius and L. Griinhut 501. Safeguarding of Industries Act 1921 Articles Chargeable with Duty under Saffron Flowers of OfinOpordort species for -; Substitution of. Saffron Seeds Meadow -; The alkaloid and oil content of.C. Grimme 200. Salicin Content British Columbian willows and poplars; - of. R. H Clark Salicylates Phenol; Estimation of - and. W. P. Emery 376. Salicylic Acid - ; Bromometric estimation of. Saline Waters Bromine in -; Estimatioh of. P. Lebeau and M. Picon 423. Salt-Content Anti-scorbutic power and - of milk; Relation of fodder to the. A. F. Hess L. J. Unger and G. C. Supplee 99. Salt Fish frozen in chilled brine; Preservation of. Penetration of -. L H. Almy and E. Field 503. Salt Mixtures Calcium and magnesium in various -; Estimation of. E. Canals 384. Salt Mixtures Calcium and magnesium in various -; The quantitative estima-tion of. E. Canals 216. Salts Aluminium in its -; Volumetric estimation of A.Tingle 343. Salts Ammonium - by means of formaldehyde; Volumetric estimation of. I. M. Kolthoff 520. 268. P. V. McKie 335. L. Thevenon 54. L. Thevenon 201. Denighs 459. Part I. of the Act. 475. 144. and K. B. Gillie 602. I. M. Kolthoff 290 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. lxxix Salts Bacteriological content of water; Influence of minute quantities of metallie E. L. Atkinson and R. C. Frederick 247. Salts Iron by means of titanous -; Volumetric determination of. W. M. Salts Lead - of saturated and of less saturated fatty acids; Quantitative Salts Manganese -; Reaction of. V. Maeri 159. Salts Opiums; Quantity of ammonium - in various. Salts Permanganate dichromate and chromic -; Volumetric Analysis of Salts Saccharin and its --; Microchemical tests for.Salts Thiocyanates in the presence of - precipitated by silver nitrate; Estima-Salvarsan Sulphur in commercial -; Derivatives of. *‘ Sandy ” Crystals Ice cream; Separation and identification of - in. H. F. Santonin Wormseeds; Estimation of - in. T. Kariyone and Y. Kimura, Saponification Time factor in -; The. Sardine California - (Sardifii caerzclea); Chemical study of the. D. B. (Sardinia caerulea) California sardine - ; Chemical study of the. D. B. Sardinia J%n$erw jhoeuticea from - ; Essential oil from the berries of. Saturated and of Less Saturated Fatty Acids Lead salts of -; Quantitative Sawdust Hydrolysed -; Cattle food prepared from. E. C. Sherrard and Scale Preparations Strychnine in - containing quinine and other cinchona Scales’ Method Nitric nitrogen; Comparison of - and the use of Devarda’s Scientific and Industrial Research Department of -.Report of the Food (Scilla muritimu) Rat poison; Liquid extract of red squill -as a. F. W. (S&=ocmya Cuff=) “Maroola” nuts -; Oil of. 289. Seaweed Narcissus bulbs and -; Coffee substitutes from. C. Griebel and Secondary Alkamines Volatile alkamines in the presence of ammonia and of H. E. Secretion Disturbances Milk; Detection of - in. G. Koestler 460. Secretions Sera and -; Estimation of urea in. W. Mestrezat and M. P. Janet, Seed Georgia Velvet Bean; - of the. Seed Hollyhock - and oil; Composition of. R. S. Hiltner and L Feldstein, Seed Kapok -; Indian. Seed Oil Prickly pear -. S. Lomanitz 94. Seed Perilla - from Cyprus. 289.on the. Thornton Junr. and J. E. Chapman 169. separation of the. A. Seidenberg 465. L. J. Thornson 54. Denig&s 469. H. King 407 459. mixtures of. N. G. Chatterji 520. tion of. A. Dubosc 522. Zoller and 0. E. Williams 455. 200. P. J. Fryer 87. Dill 503. Dill 503. E. Puxeddu and F. Vodret 53. separation of the. G . W. Blanco 199. alkaloids; The estimation of. alloy for the reduction of. Investigation Board for the Year 1920. Smith 178. W. Rothe 195. tertiary alkamines in the presence of primary and -; Detection of. Woodward and C. L. Alsberg 256. 16. A. Seidenberg 465. T. F. Harvey and S. Back 188. A. P. Harrison 257. 453. B. Sure and J. W. Read 506. 407. 196 lxxx INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Seeds Hydrogen sulphide contained in the - of certain Papilionaceae ; Sub-Seeds Locust bean -; The composition of (Notes).T. R. Hodgson 366. Seeds Vetch -; Lathyrism or poisoning caused by. M. Mirande 291. Selenium Oxychloride - ; Properties of. (Selinurn Monnieri L.) (‘ Shbchuang-tzu” - ; Constituents of. M. Nakao, Sensitive Colour Reaction Phosphates and arsenates; - of. G. Denighs 24. Sensitive Reaction Copper ; - for. Sera Urea in - and secretions; Estimation of. W. Mestrezat and M. P. Janet, Serological Method Infected foods; - for detection of. J. Bronfenbenner Serum Cow and ox - colostrum and milk by racemisation; Examination of H. E. Woodman 504. Serum Diffusible calcium of blood -; Estimation of the. L. v. Meysenbug, Serum Sodium in small volumes of -; Estimation of.B. Kramer and F. F. Serum Tryptophane in blood- - and milk; Estimation of. 0. Furth and E. Setting and Melting Points Gelatins; The - of. S. E. Sheppard and S. Shale Oil - for oil and ammonia yield; Laboratory testing of. E. L. Lomax “ Shg-Chwang-Tzu ” (Selinum Monnieri L.) - ; Constituents of. M. Sheep Dips Phenols in -; Estimation of. K. B. Edwards and G. A. Freak 60. Sheep-Foot and Ox-Foot Oils. A. Bruno 371. Silica Dehydrating agent in the estimation of -; Perchloric acid as a. H. H. Willard and W. E. Cake 67. Silica Estimation of -; New method for the. Travers 522. Silicon - tin titanium and zirconium by means of sodium carbonate; Separation of. Silver Hypophosphorous acid Estimation of - by precipitation with. L. Moser and T. Kittl 342. Silver Iodic acid and - by electrometric titration; Estimation of.w. S. Hendrixson 255. Silver Lead and other metals by means of hypophosphorous acid; Estimation of - and its separation from. Silver Nitrate Thiocyanates in the presence of salts precipitated by -; Esti-mation of. A. Dubosc 522. Skimmed Milk Fat content of -; Comparison of methods for the estimation of the. Skimmia Zuureolu Leaves of -; Essential oil from. J. L. Simonsen 333. Skins Potatoes; Composition of tubers - and sprouts of three varieties of. Slide Rule (‘Wet” and “dry” weights of damp material; - for calculation of. Smokeless Fuels. F. S. Sinnatt 468. Smokeless Powder Nitroso compounds and estimation of nitro derivatives in C. Lutri 61. stance yielding. M. Mirande 408. V. Lenher 157.141. P. Falciola 471. 16. and M. J. Schlesinger 462. proteins in. A. M. Pappenheimer T. F. Zucker and M. F. Murray 412. Tisdall 294. Nobel 293. Sweet 341. and F. G. P. Remfrey 156. Nakao 141. P. Wenger and J. Morel 342. L. Moser and T. Kittl 381. T. J. McInerney and H. C. Troy 50. I?. C. Cook 203. R. Scott 303. ; Detection of INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. lXXXi Smokeless Powders Mineral residue in -; Estimation of. G . Lutri 61. Snow Rain and -; Substances dissolved in. W. A. Moore and G. Browning, Soap Sodium chloride in -; Estimation of. H. C. Bennett 467. Soap Solution Hardness of water; - for use in estimating. A. Krieger 337. Soaps Pure and commercial -; Hydrolytic alkalinity of. F. C. Beedle and Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists Proceedings of Sodium Blood; Estimation of - in.E. A. Doisy and R. D. Bell 147. Sodium Carbonate Silicon tin titanium and zirconium by means of -; P. Wenger and J. Morel 342. Sodium Chloride Soap; Estimation of - in. Sodium Ferric Lactate Lactic acid as -; Separation and detection of. K. A. Sodium Hypobromite Solution Copper sulphate ; Catalytic decomposition of Sodium Hyposulphite - ; Estimation of. Sodium Perborate - ; Constitution of. Sodium Peroxide Fusions Apparatus for -. Sodium Persulphate Analysis; Use of - in. Sodium Potassium and - in presence of magnesium ; Micro-Chemical identifi-cation of. E. Ludwig and H. Spirescu 112. Sodium Potassium in presence of - magnesium sulphates and phosphates; Estimation of. H.Atkinson 354. Sodium Salicylate Aluminium and manganese; - as reagent for detecting. C. Van Zijp 300. Sodium Serum; Estimation of - in small volumes of. B. Kramer and F. F. Tisdall 294. Sodium Thiosulphate Fulminate of mercury with -; Notes on the reactions of. Soil Extract Soil solution to the -; Relation of. D. R. Hoagland J. C . Martin and G. R. Stewart 109. Soil Organic matter and organic camon in -; Rapid combustion method for the estimation of. Soil Reaction - ; Studies on. Soil Solution Soil extract; Relation of - to the. D. R. Hoagland J. C. Martin and G. R. Stewart 109. Soil Toxicity Acidity and Basicity Measuring - ; Method of. R. H. Cam 511. Soils Carbonates in certain -; Investigation into the occurrence of different kinds of.F. Hardy 148. Soils Clay in heavy -; Estimation of. Soils Colloidal matter in - ; Methods of estimating the amount of. C . J. Moore W. H. Fry and H. E. Middleton 379. Solid Fatty Acids Lead acetate in alcoholic solution; Precipitation of - with. E. Twitchell 466. Solid Lubricants. 161. Solubility Crystalline substances in rubber ; - of. Soluble Phosphates Phosphoric acid and -; The United States Pharma-A. E. Stearn H. V. Fan and N. P. 104. T. R. Bolam 209. the 1921 1 32 79 123 175 229 269 315 353 393 435 481. Separation of. Hoffmann 296. alkaline - by. H. C. Bennett 467. P. Fleury 23. J. H. Smith 473. F. Foerster 385. H. J. 'Hodsman 260. L. Dhbourdeaux 516. F. H. Duprh and P. V. Dupr6 42. J. W. Read 295. E. A. Fisher 149. A. F.Joseph and F. J. Martin 463. G. Bruni 211. copoeia method for the estimation of. Knowlton 200 lxxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Solution and Turbidity -Temperature Hydrocarbons etc. ; Critical tempera-Solutions Amylase -; Characterisation of. H. v. Euler and 0. Svanberg 419. Solutions Cellulose ester -; Viscosity of. M. Deschiens 19. Solutions Fluorescein in very dilute -; Detection of. M. Lombard 337. Souring Bacillus Megatherium; - of beef caused by. N. Bunyea, 461. South Africa Spearmint from -; Essential oil of. 201. South American Oilseeds Study of -; A further contribution to the. Soxhiet Apparatus. Soxhlet Apparatus - ; Improved. Soya-Bean Oil. Soya-Bean Oil Linseed oil and - on the estimation of these oils by means of the hexabromide and iodine values; Effect of variation in the analytical constants of.Soya-Bean Oil - ; Identification of, Spanish Oil of Thyme Thymol; Estimation of - . Spearmint South Africa; Essential oil of - from. 201. Specific Gravity Glycerol; Need of a new table for - and percentage of. Specific Test Phenol; New - for. Spectrometric Examination Certain fixed oils as a means of identification ; The H. C. T. Gardner 356, .Spectrum Analysis Roentgen rays; - by means of. M. Siegbahn A. E. Sperm Individual blood and -; Diagnosis of. Dervieux 336. Sperm Whale Head oil of the -; Composition of the. Spirits Liqueurs and -; Detection of methyl alcohol in. Spirits Methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol in - medicines cosmetics etc. by means of- the Zeiss immersion refractometer ; Estimation of.W. Lange and G. Reif 369. Spirits Sulphur in petroleum -; Lamp method of estimating. J. S. Jackson and A. W. Richardson 156. Spores Mould - ; Formation of gum levan by. N. and L. Kopeloff and C. J. Welcome 15. ture of - of. N. Chercheffsky 162. G. T. Bray and H. T. Islip 325. L. Soep 163. 0. Hagen 164. C. R. Fellers 458. E. A. Tschudy 513. C. A. Newhall 94. H. Mastbaum 140. L. W. Bosart 513. - of. Lindh and N. Stensson 303. G. RodiUon 167. M. Tsujimoto 197. L. Hoton 63. Spot Reactions Qualitative analysis; Use of - in. F. Feigl and R. Stern, 212. Sprouts Potatoes; Composition of tubers skins and - of three varieties of. Squill Rat poison; Liquid extract of red - (Scilla maritima) as a. F. W, .Stability Nitroglycerin explosives; Quantitative test of the - towards heat of.Stain Bacterial -; Rose Bengal as a general. Standard Alkali Guanidine carbonate as a -. A. H. Dodd 250. Standard Alkali Solutions Carbonate; Preparation of - free from. I. M. Standard Goldenseal (Hydrastis) root ; Proposed - for. Standard Hydriodic acid and its use as a - in oxidimetry ; Electrometric W. S. Hendrixson 211, Standard Steels British Chemical -; New (Analytically standardised turn-F. C. Cook 203. Smith 178. M Taliani 377. H. J . Conn 461. Kolthoff 516. titration of. ings). 347. 143 INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. lxxxiii Standardisation Commercial caseins ; - of the borax solubility test for. Standards Chemical - ; New. (Analytically standardised samples.) Standards Podophyllum ash -.E. L. Newcombe C. H. Rogers and C. W, Stannic Chloride Anhydrous -; Preparation of. Stannic Chloride Petroleum and petroleum distillates ; Action of anhydrous -Starch and Dextrin Pastes - ; Consistence of. W. H. Herschel and C. Starch Taka-diastase; Estimation of - by means of. E. Horton 456. Starch Dextrose and -; Estimation of. Statutory Rules and Orders 1921 No. 1306 Food Control. The Sale of Food Order 1921 Dated August 16 1921 Made by the Board of Trade under the Ministry of Food (Continuance) Act 1920 (10 and 11 Geo. V. c. 47 and the Ministry of Food (Cessation) Order 1921. 426. Steam Distillation Apparatus for -; New. E. A. Roff 386. Steel Chromium in -; Detection and estimation of. A. Ferni and P. Malaguti, 66. Steel Phosphorus from the other components of -; Separation of the.R. Ariano 212. Steels Chromium in -; A new process for the estimation of small quantities of. B. S. Evans 38. Steels Chromium in -; The estimation of small amounts of (Notes). B. S. Evans 285. Steels Cobalt and nickel in cobalt -; Estimation of. G. E. F. Lundell and J. I. Hoffmann 384. Steels Standard - ; New British Chemical (Analytically standardised turnings). 347. Steels Vanadium in - and iron alloys; Estimation of. L. Rolla and M. Nuti, 422. Sterilising Agent Flour; Hydrocyanic acid as a - for. Marchadier and Goujon 287. Sterols Iodine value; - and the. (Report of the Food Investigation Board for the Year 1920.) 453. Stillheads Contact-ring - ; Fractional distillation with. Stovaine Atropine cocaine and -; Reaction of benzoic acid and its applica-tion to the detection of.Streptococci Haemolytic - in water; Vitality and viability of. G. S. Living-ston 247. Streptococci Milk and from human lesions; Haemolytic - from. R. C. Salter 248. Streptococcus Milk Viscous lactic - in. H. Violle 409. Streptococcus Ropiness in milk; A - which produces. Strophanthin Ouabain and -; Identification of. A. Richaud 459. Strychnine Scale preparations containing quinine and other cinchona alkaloids ; Substances Boiling-point of minute quantities of -; Determination of V. Substances Hydrolysed caseinogen ; - precipitated by mercuric sulphate from, H. F. Zoller 108. 477. Folkstad 374. C. Van Loon 110. on. G. Torossian 513. Bergquist 468. F.A. Quisumbing 58. R. Lessing 386. M. Guerbet 11. H. Violle 248. The estimation of - in. T. F. Harvey and S. Back 188. Arreguine 218. and the isolation of tryptophane. H. Onslow 504 lxxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Substances Oxidation of organic -; Syntheses of cyanic acid by. New methods of analysis of this substance. Substances Rain and snow ; - dissolved in. W. A. Moore and G. Browning, 104. Substances Total sulphurous acid in organic -; Volumetric method for the estimation of. V. Froboese 205. Sucrose Dextrose laevulose - and dextrin in admixture; Estimation of. A. Behre 368. Sucrose Mixtures of - and raffinose; Revision of the optical method for analysing. C . A. Browne and C. A. Gamble 456. Sugar Analysis Potassium thiocyanate and potassium iodide ; Estimation of copper in - by means of.Sugar Blood; Estimation of - in. Sugar Calculations. J. F. Liverseege 446. Sugar-cane Juices Reducing sugars in lead-preserved -; Estimation of. Sugar Cane -; Inversion and estimation of. Sugar Crystals Projection; Examination of - by. Sugar Dextrose invert - and laevulose by the thiocyanate-potassium iodide method; Table for the estimation of. Sugar Normal urine; Estimation of - in. S. R. Benedict and E. Osterberg, 508. Sugar Urine; Dinitrosalicylic acid as a reagent for the estimation of - in. J. B. Sumner 413. Sugar Wine; Estimation of - in. W. Fresenius and L. Grunhut 136. Sugars Boric acid and borate solutions with some analytical applications ; Reactions of - and polyatomic alcohols in. G. Van B.Gilmour 3. Sugars Maltose and lactose in the presence of other reducing - by Barfoed's s reagent; Estimation of. L. Le Grand 406. Sugars Maltose or lactose in presence of other reducing -; Estimation of Use of Barfoed's solution. Legrand 198. Sugars Reducing - in blood and pathological fluids; Volumetric method of estimating. A. Jonescu and V. Vargolici 101. Sugars Reducing - in blood; Estimation of. Sugars Reducing - in lead-preserved sugar-cane juices ; Estimation of. J. B. Harris 499. Sugars Reducing -; New method for the volumetric estimation of. A. Jo'nescu and V. Varcolici 405. Sugars Rotatory powers of certain -; Influence of ammonium molybdate on the. G. Tanret 330. Sulphate Sulphide - and organic sulphur in coal; Estimation of. A. R. Powell 514.Sufphates Potassium in presence of sodium magnesium - and phosphates; Estimation of. H. Atkinson 354. Sulphide Cod; Estimation of - sdphate and organic sulphur in. A. R. Powell 514. Sulphide Waters Mineral -; Analysis of. Sulphides Metals as -; Estimation of. L. Moser and A. Schattner 421, Sulphites Presence of -; A routine test for the (Notes). A. E. Parkes 402. Sulphur Burner Gases Sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide in -; Estima-Sulphur Commercial salvarsan ; Derivatives of - in, R. Fosse 207. G. Bruhns 23. E. Ponder and L. Howie 293. J. B. Harris 499. A. R. Rose 288. G. P. Meade 456. G. Bruhns 330. 0. Guillaumin 14. J. G. Fairchild 205. tion ofL R. Dieckmann 517. H. King 407 459 lxxxv INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Sulphur Dioxide and Trioxide Sulphur burner gases; Estimation of - in.Sulphur Monochloride Mustard gas mixtures; Determination of - in. W. A. Sulphur Petroleum spirits; Lamp method of estimating - in. J. S. Jackson Sulphur Sulphide sulphate and organic - in coal; Estimation of. A. R. Sulphwric Acid Concentrator Vacuum pump; - and. 0. Naass 68. Sulphuric Acid Formaldehyde with resorcinol and -; New test for. R. Cohn, Sulphuric Acid Phosphoric acid instead of - in melting-point determinations; Sulphuric Acid Phosphoric acid on heating with - or fusion with pyrosul-W. F. Hillebrand and G. E. F. Lundell 67. Sulphuric Acid Volumetric estimation of -. C. Pezzi 256. Sulphuric Acid Water; Estimation of - in. L. W. Winkler 148. Sulphurous Acid Organic substances; Volumetric method for the estimation of Superphosphates Citrate-soluble phosphoric acid in - ; Estimation of.Suprarenal Preparations Adrenaline and - ; Necessity for the physio-Surface Tension Rise in capillary tubes; Determination of - from the. S. Sweet Fennel Oil. Sweet Potatoes Tins; Discoloration of - in. E. F. Kohman 404. Sweet Spirit of Nitre Ethyl nitrite from -; Volatilisation of. J. G. Roberts, Symbols Physico-Chemical -; International. 121. R. Dieckmann 517. Felsing S. B. Arenson and F. J. Kopp 20. and A. W. Richardson 156. Powell 514. 502. Use of. A. Graustein 161. phate; Loss of. total - in. Official method of the German Agricultural Experiment Station. 295. logical control of. Sugden 523. V. Froboese 205. M. Tiffeneau 291. C. E.Sage 458. 334. Synthetic Fats. (Report of the Food Investigation Board for the Year 1920.) 453. Table New - for specific gravity and percentage of glycerol; Need of a L. W. Tables Constants and Numerical Data; Annual - of Chemical Physical and Tablets Formaldehyde and paraformaldehyde in - ; Estimation of. N. ‘‘ Taifushi ” Oil. S. Keimatsu 52. Taka-Diastase Starch by means of -; Estimation of. Tannin Hops; Polarimetric estimation of - in. Tap Metal-Glass -. Tar Coal; Apparatus for estimating the yield of - from. Tar Oils Coal - in turpentine; Detection and estimation of. V. E. Grotlisch Tartaric Acid Wines; Detection of - in. L. Mathieu 370 467. Tartaric and Formic Acids Oxalic - in presence of each other; Detetion of. Tea Caffeine in - and coffee; Estimation of.R. E. Andrew and E. M. Bailey, Bosart 513. Technological. 388. Evers and C. M. Caines 374. E. Horton 456. A. R. Ling and D. R. Namji, 332. W. E. Garner 68. H. Schrader 340. and W. C. Smith 469. F. Krauss and H. Tampke 296. 405 lxxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Tea-seed Oil Olive oil; Detection of - in. J. Dybowsky and E. Millia 458. Temperature Absolute viscosity of oils and other liquids; - as a function of the. H. Schwedhelm 161. Temperature Solution and turbidity- - of hydrocarbons etc.; Critical -of. N. Chercheffsky 162. Temperatures Oils at low -; Apparatus for determining the fluidity of. 69. Temperatures Volatile matter yielded by coals up to various -; New inethod for estimating the. W. A. Bone and L. Silver 416.Tempering Changes produced in wheat by -. E. Id. Tague 139. Tension Capillary tubes; Determination of surface - from the rise in. S. Sugden 523. Tertiary Alkamtnes Volatile alkamines in the presence of ammonia and of -in the presence of primary and secondary alkamines; Detection of. H. E. Woodward and C. L. Alsberg 286. Tetrabromide Elaeostearic acid - from tung oil with ordinary linolic acid - ; Non-Identity of. B. H. Nicolet 261. Textiles Permeability and heat-insulating capacity of -; Laboratory apparatus for measuring the. Thalleioquin Reaction - ; Origin development and value of the. W. B. Hart 253. Thaliium Mercury and -; Compounds of halogenated derivatives of. [Sepa-ration of mercury from -.] Thallium Thallous ferricyanide. Estimation of - .V. Cuttica and G. Canneri 264. Thallous Ferricyanide - . Estimation of thallium. V. Cuttica and G. Canneri 254. Theobromine Caffeine ; Identification of - and. Theobromine Cocoa and its products; The estimation of - in. R. V. Wads-worth 32. Therapeutic Novarsenicals - ; Elimination and fixation of. Kohn-Abrest, Sicard and Paraf 147. Therapeutic Substances Ministry of Health. - Report of the Departmental Committee on the control of certain - 1921 (Cmd. 1166). 227. Thiocyanate-Potassium Iodide Method Dextrose invert sugar and laevulose by the -; Table for the estimation of. G. Bruhns 330. Thiocyanates Salts precipitated by silver nitrate; Estimation of - in the presence of. A. Dubosc 522. Thyme Thymol; Estimation of; Spanish oil of -. H. Mastbaum 140.Thymol Alkaline solutions ; Extraction of - and carvacrol from. D. C. L. Sherk 140. Thymol - ; Estimation of Spanish oil of Thyme. H. Mastbaum 140. Thymol Volatile oil of Mosla jaeonica; Estimation of - in the. T. Kariyone and K. Atsumi 140. Time Factor Saponifrcation; The - in. P. J. Fryer 87. Tin Antimony; Quantitative separation of - and. M. Mouret and M. 3. Barlot 422. Tin Hydrogen sulphide; Separation of - and antimony in hydrochlork acid solution by means of. G. Luff 213. Tin Silicon - titanium and zirconium by means of sodium carbonate; Separation of. P. Wenger and J. Morel 342. Tincture Aconitine in some samples of - of aconite leaves; Content of. A. Richaud 97. G. Colombo 68. J. Barlot and J. Pernot 421, M. Malmy 143 IWDEX TO VOLUME XLVI.lxxxvii Tissue Fats Cholesterol in -; Source of error in the colorimetric estimation of. J. A. Gardner and F. W. Fox 508. Tissues Chlorine in -; Estimation of. R I). Bell and E. A. Doisy 146. Tissues Iodine in blood and animal -; Estimation of. E. C. Kendall and I;. S. Richardson 13. Tissues Microscopical preparations of vegetable and animal -; New technique for. Larbaud 303. Tissues Vitamine in glandular and other -; Quantitative method for the determination of vitamine in connection with determinations of. F. K. Swoboda 17. Titanium rocks; Jzstimation of -- and iron in. Titanium Silicon tin -- and zirconium by means of sodium carbonate; Separation of. Titanium Trichloride Aromatic nitro compounds by means of -; Analysis of. 1;.L. English 19. Titanium Trichloride Nitrates in bismuth salts by means of - and Devarda's alloy ; Estimation of. T. McLachlan 383. Titanous Salts Iron by means of -; Volumetric determination of. W. M Thornton Junr. and J. E. Chapman 159. Titration - ; Conductimetric. Titrimetric Determination Acetone ; - of minute amounts of. R. S. Hubbard 18. Toxicity Soil - acidity and basicity; Method of measuring. R. H. Carr 511. Toxicity Wood-destroying fungi ; - of various fractions and combinations of fractions of coal tar creosote to. Toxicity Wood preservatives; - of. C. J. Humphrey R. M. Flemming and E. Bateman 420. Toxicological Analysis Ptomaines and alkaloids in - ; Separation of. A. Jonescu 102. Toxicological Detection Poisons containing bromine ; - of.A. Daniiens 14. Transformer Oils Water in -; Estimation of. E. Rengade and J. Clostre, 41 7. Tryptophane IJloocl-seruni and iiiilk ; Estiniation of - in. 0. IGirth and E. Nobel 293. Tryptophane Hydrolysed caseinogen ; Substances precipitated by mercuric salphatc froni and the isolation of -. Tryptophane - ; Colorimetric estimation of. 0. Fiirth and F. Lieben 100. Tube 1Slcctrical heating ; Arscnic rcduction - with. Tubers Potat ocs ; (.'oinposition ol --- skins and sprouts of three varieties of. 'iung Oil Elaeostearic acid t etralmmiide irom - with ordinary liiiolic acid 'l'ungsten ; Esiimation (if. G. Ficmntino 214. Tunisian Palm Wine South --; Analysis of. Turbidity -Temperature Hydrocarbons etc. ; Critical temperature of solution Turkey-Red Oil Fatty acids in -; Estimation of.Turner Reaction Gurjun balsam; The - for. Turpentine Coal tar oils in -; Detection and estimation of. Turpentine I;rc.nclr oil oE Coiiipositiw of. M. VCzes 252. 'I'urpentinc Oil 01 - - - . ; 13stimatioir of. F. Ferrari 66. Y. Wenger and J. Morel 342. J. M. Kolthoff 63. H. Schmitz and S. M. Zeller 409. H. Onslow 504. IC. Zwicknagl 260. 1;. t:. Cook 203. tetrabromide; Non-ldentity o f . B. H. Nicolet 251. A. M. d'Ayrneric 243. and - of. N. Chercheffsky 162. 339. J. B. Luther 332. V. E. Grotlisch aud W. C. Smith 469. li. Salvaterra 155 lsssviii TNPEX TO VOLUME XLVl. Turpentine - ; -4merican. 206. Udder Milk in relation to the presence of blood-cells and of specific bacterial Underground Water Tracing -; Fluorescein as an aid to.H. Stabler 511. U.S.A. Service and Regulatory Announcements Egg substitute ; Misbranding United States Department of Agriculture. Food Inspection Decision 182. 497. United States Pharmacopoeia Method Phosphoric acid and soluble phos-phates; The - for the estimation of. A. E. Stearn H. V. Farr and N. P. Knowlton 200. Unsaturated Fatty Acids Fish oils; New method for the separation of highly Uranium __ vanadium and chromium when present together ; Qualitative Urea Dicyanodiamide and of - in fertilisers; Estimation of. E. Johnson 380 Urea Fertilisers; Estimation of - in. Urea Sera and secretions; Estimation of - in. W. Mestrezat and M. P. Urea - ammonia and amino-acids in urine after precipitation of the ani-Urea Urine; Gasometric estimation of - in.Urine Albumin in -; Gravimetric estimation of. Urine Alkalimetric titration; Estimation of inorganic phosphate in - by. Urine Amino-acids in -; Estimation of. W. Mestrkzal 204. Urine Ammonia from -; Removal of. G. E. Youngberg 146. Urine Analysis Reagent in -; Zinc-potassium ferrocyanide as a. Thihry 412. Urine Hippuric acid in -; Rapid method for the estimation of. F. B. Kings-bury and W. W. Swanson 609. Urine Phosphorus in - and blood; Colorinietric methods for estimation of. 13. L). Bell and E. A. Doisy 13. Urine Reagent €or the estimation of sugar in -; Dinitrosalicylic acid as a. J. B. Suinner 413. Urine Sugar in normal ---; Estiinatioii of. S. li. Benedict and E. Osterberg, 508. Urine Total nitrogen in ~ by the Dumas and Kjeldahl methods; Estimation of.W. Mestrezat and M. 1’. Janet 17. Urine Urea amnoilia aiid amino-acids iii after precipitation of the mi-inonia ; Estimation of. M. J . Pliiliber l 378. Urine Urea in -; Gasoiuetric estimatioii of. It. L. Sjtehle 412. infections of the -; Reaction of. of. 456. J. C. Baker and R. S. Breed 16. in. M. Tsujimoto 57. separation and detection of. P. E. Browning 158. E. B. Johnson 338. Janet 16. monia; Estimation of. M. J. Philibert 378. R. L. Stehle 412. G. Pegurier 17. C. H. Fiske 294. Vacuum Pump Sulphuric acid concentrator axid -. Vacuum Pumps Water -; Check valve for. Valerian Alkaloids of -. A. Goris and C. Vischniac 244. Valve Water vacuuin pumps; Check __ for. Vanadium Ores aiid inetallurgical products; Estimation of -in.Vanadium Steels and iron alloys; Estiriiatioii of - in. 0. Maass 63. E. A. Andelin 303. E. A. Andelin 503. Vanadium Ferrovanltdiuni by electroinetric titration ; Estiniation of - and chromium in. 412. 422. G. L. ICelley J. A. Wiley R. T. Bohn and W. C. Wright 519, 13. B. Schaal, L. Rolla aiid M. Nuti INDEX TO VOLUME XT.VI. lxxxix Vanadium Uranium - and chromium when present together; Qualitative Vanilla Extracts Lead number estimation in-; New. H. J. Wichmann, Vanilla Paste. 407. Vanillin Wood and -; Reagent for. Vapour Density Apparatus Victor Meyer’s -; Modification of. T. S. Patter-Varnishes Resins used for making -; Characters of. P. Nicolardot and C. Vegetable and Animal Tissues Microscopical preparations of -; New tech-Vegetable Fibres - ; Digestion of.Vegetable Foods Carbohydrates in -; Estimation of. Vegetable Kingdom Manganese throughout the -; Occurrence of. Vegetable Organisms Lower --; Growth-promoting factors in. Vegetables Carbohydrate in thrice-boiled -; Available. Veronal - ; Estimation oi. Vertebrate Animals Zinc content of -; Variation in the. Vetch Seeds Lathyrism or poisoning caused by -. M. Mirande 291. Victor Meyer’s Vapour Density Apparatus - ; Modification of. T. S. Vinegar Orange - Its manufacture and composition. Viscosimeter Cup and ball -; Michell’s. Viscosity Cellulose ester solutions; - of. Viscosity Oils and other liquids; Temperature as a function of the absolute -Vitamin A. Milk and butter as sources of -; Factors influencing the value of.Vitamin Anti-scorbutic -; Effect of heat and oxidation upon the. R. A. Vitamin-B. Measure of -; Yeast test as a. W. H. Eddy H. L. Heft H. C. Vitamin-B. Water-soluble -; The “Bachman test’’ for. W. H. Eddy and separation and detection oi. 333. P. E. Browning 158. J. Grus 253. son 113. Coffignier 208. nique for. Larbaud 303. Croll 287. rand and M. Rosenblatt 409. W. Thomann 203. V. C. Myers and H. M. G. Bert-P. Goy 99. L. O’Reilly and G. Bertrand and E. €3. McCabe 242. L. Van Itallie and A. J. Steenhauer 413. K. Vladesco 244. Patterson 113. H. D. Poore 95. T. C. Thomsen 114. M. Deschiens 19. of. H. Schwedhelm 161. J. C. Drummond K. H. Coward and A. F. Watson 506. Dutcher H. M. Harshaw and J. S. Hall 411.Stevenson and R. Johnson 410. H. C. Stevenson 607. H. Steenbocli. M. T. Sell and P. W. Boutwell 411. Vitamin Yellow plant pigments from the fat-soluble --; Differentiation of. M. Stephenson 246. Vitamine Glandular and other tissues; Quantitative method for the determination of -- in connection with determinations of - in. F. K. Swoboda 17. Vitamins Bacterial growth; Supposed importance of - in promoting. J. W. McLeod and G. A. Wyon 505. Vitamins Food supply; - and the. Vitamins - ; Differential dialysis of. S. S. Zilva and M. Miura 506. Vitamins Ycast growth; - and. Vitamins Yeast; Nutritional requirements of. Vitamin Content Peas in relation to their pigmentation; Fat-Soluble - of. A. Harden 201. R. J. Williams 246. I. Rdle of - in the growth of yeast E I Fixlmer V E Nelson and F F Sherwood 146 XC INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI Volatile Acids Adulteration in butter by means of the melting-point of the insoluble -; The detection of.Volatile Alkaminee Ammonia; Detection of - in the presence of and of tertiary alkamines in the presence of primary and secondary alkamines. H. E. Woodward and C. L. Alsberg 256. Volatile Matter Coals up to various temperatures; New method for estimating the - yielded by. W. A. Bone and L. Silver 416. Volatile Matter Graphite; Estimation of - in. Volatile Oil Ocimum gratissimwn Linn. ; - from the leaves of. 0. D. Roberts 372. Volatile Oil “Wild pimento” of Jamaica; - from the leaves of the. 0. D. Roberts 289. Volumetric Work Zinc and cadmium in -; Reductions with.W. D. Tread-well 342. Vulcanised Rubber Articles Micro-sections cut from -. H. A. Depew and I. R. Ruby 108. G. Van B. Gilmour 183. 0. L. Shinn 416. Waste Acids Nitrous acid in mixed and -; Estimation of. H. Toussaint 217. Water Active carbon dioxide in -; Estimation of. Water Analysis Abstracts 103 148 205 249 337 379 511. Water Bacteriological content of -; Influence of minute quantities of metallic E. L. Atkinson and R. C. Frederick 247. Water Denitrifying bacteria in -; The effect of. Water Ether alcohol and -; Analysis of liquid and gaseous mixtures of. I. Water Extracts Wheat flour; Electrical conductivity of - of. C. H. Bailey Water Fats and oils; Estimation of - in. Water Gasoline and in certain other substances; Calcium chloride method for the Water Haemolytic Streptococci in -; Vitality and viability of.G. S. Living-Water Hardness of -; Estimation of the. Water Hardness of -; Soap solution for use in estimating. A. Krieger 337. Water Hydrogen ion concentration in the examination of drinking -; Estima-Water Hydrogen-ion concentration in ; Colorimetric method for the estima-Water Indican as a criterion of the purity of --; Detection of. A. Jolles 103. Water Lead; Notes on the so-called action of - on. Water Nitrite in -; Estimation of. Water Phenols in -; Detection of. Water Phosphates in -; Estimation of. Water Pumps Non-return arrangement for. Water-Soluble Vitamin B. “ Bachman test” for - ; The. and H. C. Stevenson 507, Water Sulphuric acid in -; Estimation of. L. W. Winkler 148.Water Transformer oils; Estimation of - in. E. Rengade and J. Clostre 417. Water Underground -; Fluorescein as an aid to tracing. Water Vacuum Pumps Check valve for -. E. A. Andelin 303. Waters Bromine in saline -; Estimation of. P. Lebeau and M. Picon 423. Waters Harrogate mineral -; Composition of the. W Lowson 125. I. M. Kolthoff 249. salts on the. K. Scheringa 205. Masson and T. L. McEwan 250. and F. A. Collatz 242. H. Oertel 12. estimation of - in. ston 247. C. W. Clifford 417. G. Bruhns 337. tion and significance of the. tion of. 1. M. Kolthoff 249. I. M. Kolthoff 379. J. C. Thresh 270. P. A. Meerburg 65. R. D. Scott 337. D. Florentin 511. H. Dorsch 163. W. H. Eddy H. Stabler fill xci INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Waters Hydrogen sulphide in - at great depths; Occurrence of.0. Luning, 148. Waters Mineral sulphide -; Analysis of. J. G. Fairchild 205. Waters Peaty --; Lead in (Notes). T. Tickle 240. Weights Molecular -; Application of the law of hydrolysis to the determina-H. Colin and A. Chaudun 153. Weights " Wet " and " dry" - of damp material; Slide rule for calculation of. " Wet " and " Dry " Weights Damp material; Slide rule for calculation of -Whale Head oil of the sperm -; Composition of the. Wheat Berry Enzymes and proteins in the endosperm of the -; Distribution of. Wheat Flour Water extracts of -; Electrical conductivity of. C. H. Bailey Wheat Protein content of -; Relation of hardness to. H. F. Roberts 414. Wheat Tempering; Changes produced in - by. E.L. Tague 139. Whey Indicators to determine the reaction of -; Use of. White-of-Egg Calcium content of -. '' Wild Pimento '' Leaves of the - of Jamaica; Volatile oil from the. Willows British Colunibian - and poplars; Salicin content of. Wine Glycerol in - by conversion into acrolein; Estimation of. Wine Palm -; Analysis of South Tunisian. A. M. d'Aymeric 243. Wine Saccharin in - ; Detection of. C. von der Heide and W. Lohmann, Wine Saccharin in -; Detection of. W. Fresenius and L. Grunhut 501. Wine Sugar in -; Estimation of. Wines Iron in organic liquids especially in -; Estimation of small quantities Wines Tartaric acid in -; Detection of. Wood Apple -; Hemicellulose of. W. E. Tottingham R. H. Roberts and S. Lepkousky 204. Wood Cellulose - ; Examination of.F. Lenze B. Pleus and J. Mdler 106. Wood' Chemical reagents on the microstructure of -; Effects of. A. Abrams, 468. Wood-Destroying Fungi Coal tar creosote to -; Toxicity of various fractions and combinations of fractions of. Wood Preservatives Toxicity of -. C. J. Humphrey R. M. Fleming and E. Bateman 410. Wool Cotton and -; Analysis of fabrics composed 0f.a mixture of. Duyk 20. Wool Waste - or refuse; Analysis of. Wormseeds Santonin in -; Estimation of. T. Kariyone and Y. Kirnura 200. tion of. R. Scott 303. of. R. Scott 303. F. J. Martin 56. and F. A. Collatz 242. M. Tsujimoto 197. Y. Okuda and H. F. €3. Kreis and J. Studinger 372 498. 0. D. R. H. Clark A. Heiduschka Zoller 368. Roberts 289. and K. B. Gillie 502. and F.Englert 332. 370. W. Fresenius and L. Griinhut 136. of. Malvezin and C. Rivilland 206. L. Mathieu 370 457. H. Schmitz and S. M. Zeller 409. Wood Vanillin; Reagent for - and. J. GriiS 263. A. Demolon 420. Yacca Gum. 54. Yeast Growth Vitamins and -. Yeast Living and dead -; Action of methylene blue and other dyes on. R. J. Williams 246. C. G. Fraser 247 xcii INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI. Yeast Substance from - and rice polishings which accelerates fermentation ; Estimation of a. S. Frankel and E. Schwarz 202. Yeast Test Vitamin-B; - as a measure of. W. H. Eddy H. L. Heft H. C. Stevenson and R. Johnson 410. Yeast - ; Nutritional requirements of. I. Rble of vitamins in the growth of - . E. I. Fulmer V. E. Nelson and F. F. Sherwood 146. Yellow Plant Pigments Fat-soluble vitamin ; Differentiation of - from the.M. Stephenson 246. Yohimba Bark Yohimbine in -; Estimation of. Yohimbine Yohimba bark; Estimation of - in. A. Schorner 373. A. Schomer 373. Zeiss Butyro-Refractometer - setting of scale (Notes). J. F. Liverseege Zeiss Immersion Refractometer Methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol in spirits, W. Lange Zinc Ammonium - phosphate; Estimation of - as. Zinc Content Vertebrate animals; Variation in the - of. G. Bertrand and Zinc Ferrocyanide method; Estimation of - by the. Zinc Gallium from indium and - by fractional crystallisation of the caesium Zinc-Potassium Ferrocyanide Urine analysis ; - as a reagent in. Thikry 412. Zinc Small quantities of -; Estimation of. Zinc Purpurate Mercury salts; - as a reagent for.Zinc Volumetric work; Reductions with - and cadmium in. W. D. Tread-Zinc - ; Volumetric estimation of. I. M. Kolthoff and J. C. Van Dijk 299. Zirconia Brazilian ore; Preparation of - from and a new method of estima-Zirconia - ; Production and testing of. Zirconium Silicon tin titanium and - by means of sodium carbonate; and W. Singleton 93. medicines cosmetics etc. by means of the -; Estimation of. and G. Reif 369. R. Vladesco 244. G. Luff 383. E. Olivier 299. P. E. Browning and L. E. Porter 158. gallium alum; Separation of. M. Bodansky 518. G. Denigss 421. well 342. tion. E. C. Rossiter and P. H. Sanders 255. W. R. Schoeller 344 Separation of. P. Wenger and J. Morel 342. ~ ~~ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD.CAYBRIDGE ENGLAND
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